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5 Itinerari Wajib Saat Pelesiran ke Wakatobi

Kompas.com travel jalan jalan, traveling di indonesia aja, hotria mariana,, agung dwi e.

Tim Redaksi

Hotria Mariana

Penulis agung dwi e.

Sebagai Taman Laut Nasional, laut Wakatobi punya beragam aneka biota laut. Salah satunya, lumba-lumba. Mamalia ini bisa kamu temukan di perairan Pulau Kapota yang berada di timur Pulau Wangi-Wangi.

Adapun perjalanan dari Pulau Wangi-Wangi ke Pulau Kapota bisa menggunakan kapal dengan waktu tempuh hanya 15 menit.

Sesampai di Pulau Kapota, kamu akan langsung melihat formasi lumba-lumba bertingkah dengan lucu dan menari bebas di lautan lepas. Atraksi lumba-lumba di pulau ini mirip dengan atraksi lumba-lumba yang ada di Pantai Lovina, Bali.

Momen istimewa tersebut bisa dinikmati setiap hari, mulai dari pukul 6.00 hingga 7.30 waktu setempat.

Baca juga: Menyingkap Pesona Mandalika, Surga Tersembunyi di Pulau Lombok

Kampung Bajo Mola, rumah suku Bajo.

2. Menyambangi Bajo Mola kampung suku Bajo

Destinasi berikutnya yang tidak boleh dilewatkan saat pelesiran ke Wakatobi adalah Kampung Bajo Mola di Pulau Wangi-Wangi. Sebagai informasi, kampung ini merupakan rumah suku Bajo yang terkenal dengan sebutan “Si Pengembara Lautan”.

Keunikan kampung itu terletak pada topografi kawasannya. Pasalnya, pekarangan rumah penduduk di kampung ini bukanlah tanah layaknya kampung pada umumnya, melainkan hamparan air laut jernih. Jadi, saat memandang ke bawah, kamu bisa menyaksikan aneka biota laut.

Selain bisa menikmati pemandangan laut yang mengesankan, kamu juga bisa mengenal lebih dekat kehidupan suku Bajo yang hingga saat ini masih pandai membaca alam laut dan rasi bintang.

Baca juga: Upacara Bendera Sambil Menyelam Menikmati Keindahan Bawah Laut Wakatobi

Danau Sombano yang menjadi habitat udang merah darah.

3. Mengintip habitat udang merah darah di Danau Sombano

Usai menikmati pemandangan laut dan mengenal kehidupan suku Bajo di Kampung Bajo Mola, melipirlah ke Pulau Kaledupa yang berjarak 43 kilometer (km) dari Pulau Wangi-Wangi.

Di Pulau Kaledupa, kamu akan menemukan Danau Sombano yang terkenal akan keelokan alamnya, baik darat maupun air. Posisi danau ini membentang sepanjang 700 meter dari garis pantai.

Hal menarik lainnya, Danau Sombano merupakan habitat bagi udang merah darah. Kehidupan hewan ini bisa kamu saksikan dari atas kano.

Menaiki kano juga mempermudah kamu berkeliling danau untuk menikmati keindahan alam dan kesejukan udaranya.

Baca juga: Wakatobi Akan Terima Kembali Kunjungan Wisatawan pada Juli 2020

Desa Liya Togo, Kecamatan Wangi-Wangi Selatan, Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara.

4. Melihat rumah adat orang Buton

Keseruan berlibur ke Wakatobi juga bisa didapat dengan berkunjung ke Desa Liya Togo di Pulau Wangi-Wangi. Sebagai informasi, wilayah ini merupakan bagian dari Kesultanan Buton.

Keunikan Desa Liya Togo terletak pada rumah masyarakat Buton yang masih terjaga keasliannya. Rumah adat ini bernama Banua Tada. Bentuknya seperti rumah panggung dengan atap rumbia.

Untuk mengenal lebih dalam budaya dan sejarah masyarakat setempat, kamu juga bisa mengunjungi Baruga. Bangunan kayu ini merupakan situs budaya. Dulu, Baruga biasa dijadikan sebagai tempat bermusyawarah oleh masyarakat setempat.

Baca juga: Pulau Kaledupa Wakatobi Jaga Mangrove Alami dengan Kearifan Lokal

Gua Kontamale.

5. Cari jodoh di Gua Kontamale

Destinasi selanjutnya yang wajib masuk itinerari adalah Gua Kontamale di Pulau Wangi-Wangi. Perjalanan menuju Goa bisa ditempuh menggunakan kendaraan bermotor dengan waktu 10-15 menit dari pusat kota.

Posisi gua tersebut pun berada 100 meter dari jalan raya. Dengan begitu, kamu tak perlu melakukan perjalanan jauh.

Gua kapur tersebut memiliki kolam pemandian dengan air jernih kebiruan. Pemandangan di sekitar gua pun terlihat begitu asri.

Menurut mitos masyarakat setempat, Gua Kontamale dipercaya mempermudah seseorang mendapatkan jodoh. Masyarakat meyakini bahwa pada zaman dahulu, ada sepasang kekasih yang sulit untuk menikah lantaran salah satu pihak tidak siap.

Akhirnya, salah satu dari pasangan tersebut mendatangi gua dan mandi. Tak lama, keduanya saling setuju untuk menikah dan direstui oleh keluarga masing-masing.

Selain mitos yang kental, keunikan lain Gua Kontamale terletak pada kondisi airnya. Warga sekitar kerap mandi dan mencuci di kolam pemandian. Meski begitu, air di sana terlihat tetap jernih dan tak pernah kotor.

Baca juga: 4 Tradisi Adat Wakatobi yang Menarik untuk Diketahui

Sebagai informasi, saat berkunjung ke Gua Kontamale, kamu diharuskan menggunakan sarung kain tenun khas masyarakat Liya Togo. Untuk laki-laki, kain ini biasanya dililitkan pada pinggang dengan panjang di bawah lutut. Sementara, untuk perempuan, dipakai dengan mengikatkan sarung ke salah satu pundak saja.

Itulah lima destinasi wajib yang bisa kamu masukkan ke dalam rencana pelesiran ke Kepulauan Wakatobi nanti. Jangan lupa selalu patuhi protokol kesehatan (prokes) 6M yang berlaku, ya.

Adapun prokes 6M terdiri dari memakai masker, mencuci tangan dengan sabun di air mengalir, menjaga jarak, menjauhi kerumunan, mengurangi mobilitas, dan menghindari makan bersama.

Selain itu, pastikan juga kamu sudah divaksin . Di samping dapat melindungi diri dan orang terdekat dari Covid-19, vaksinasi juga menjadi syarat utama untuk bepergian di Indonesia. Wakatobi tak hanya punya pemandangan menakjubkan, tapi juga kaya akan kerajinan ekonomi kreatif (ekraf) berkualitas, mulai dari kriya, fesyen, hingga kuliner.

Produk ekraf khas Wakatobi bisa dibeli secara daring melalui platform #BeliKreatifLokal milik Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) lewat tautan ini .

Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno mengatakan, Sulawesi Tenggara menyimpan potensi wisata yang besar dan bisa dikembangkan. Tak terkecuali Wakatobi.

Baca juga: 4 Obyek Wisata yang Wajib Dikunjungi saat Liburan ke Wakatobi

Karena itu, Sandi berharap, pemerintah kabupaten dan kota setempat untuk memperkuat program kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak agar sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif (parekraf) di sana semakin maju.

“Bentuk kolaborasi tersebut dapat berupa pelaksanaan event-event yang mengedepankan tradisi dan budaya setempat. Selain itu, event-event tersebut juga harus dikemas dengan semenarik mungkin dan meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam bagi para wisatawan yang berkunjung,” kata Sandi.

Sebagai informasi, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) tengah menggelar program berhadiah Pesona Punya Kuis (PUKIS) dengan total hadiah senilai jutaan rupiah.

Adapun peserta yang ingin mengikuti kuis tersebut harus memenuhi persyaratan, yaitu menjawab satu pertanyaan yang diberikan melalui akun Instagram @pesonaid_travel dan tag tiga orang teman.

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wangi wangi island wakatobi

Wakatobi Islands Travel Guide: Itinerary, Boat Schedule, and Tips

Wakatobi is a paradise consists of four big islands: Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko.

A marine national park in Southeast Sulawesi, Wakatobi is exceptionally rich in coral diversity and marine life. I would say it is one of the best islands I’ve visited, comparable to Raja Ampat or Derawan Islands .

The Wakatobi marine park boasts more than 750 coral species and around 942 species of fish, surpassing the Caribbean Sea (50 species) and the Red Sea (300 species).

Furthermore, Wakatobi has the second-largest barrier reef after Australia and the world’s longest atoll (48 km). It is part of Operation Wallacea, an organization dedicated to researching and conserving wildlife in remote locations around the world.

While information on public boat schedules is still not widely available on websites or in books, I encountered difficulties when researching travel in Wakatobi, specifically in obtaining exact information about boat schedules.

A trip to Wakatobi is not as distressing as it may seem. Based on my experience, if you can’t find a boat or if the original plan isn’t working as expected, simply take another boat. Regardless of the route you choose, it’s still possible to arrive on time.

Free Diving in Wakatobi

How to get to Wakatobi Islands?

Via kendari.

This is the fastest and most convenient way to get to the Wakatobi Islands. First, you’ll need to find a flight to Kendari . From Kendari, take a flight to Matahora Airport, located on Wangi Wangi Island (Airport code: WNI).

Currently, there is only one flight operated by Wings Air (Kendari – Wakatobi) with a departure scheduled at 10:50 WITA and a travel time of around 45 minutes. The ticket price is approximately IDR 1 million.

From Kendari, you can also opt for the KFC Jetliner , which departs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 17:00 WITA. The journey takes 13 hours, and prices for economy class start from IDR 98,000.

You can check the official website https://www.pelni.co.id/ to make ticket reservations online.

It’s the more budget-friendly option but takes longer. I actually visited through this route and had a fun time exploring Baubau. Here’s the boat schedule from Baubau to the Wakatobi Islands; hopefully, it hasn’t changed much.

BauBau – Wangi Wangi

  • Public/Wooden Boat: Bau Bau (Murhum Port)- Wangi Wangi (Wanci Port) : Everyday 9 p.m.  Price Rp 105,000 Wangi- Wangi (Wanci Port) – Bau Bau (Murhum Port) : Everyday 9 p.m. Price Rp 105,000 ( duration: more or less 10 hours depends on the waves )
  • Speed Boat: Bau-Bau (Murhum Port) – Wangi Wangi (Wanci Port): Mostly every day but check out the schedule on the port 1 p.m.  Rp 180,000 Wangi Wangi (Wanci Port) -Bau-Bau (Murhum Port): Mostly everyday but check out the schedule on the port 8 a.m  Rp 180,000 ( duration: 3-4 hours )

BauBau – Tomia

  • Public/Wooden Boat Bau Bau (Murhum Port)-Tomia (Waha Port) : Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Monday 9 p.m. Rp 130,000 Tomia (Waha Port)-Bau Bau (Murhum Port) : Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 a.m. Rp 130,000 ( duration: more or less 12 hours depends on the waves )

BauBau – Kaledupa

  • Public/Wooden Boat Bau Bau (Murhum Port)-Kaledupa (Buranga Port) : Day need to be confirmed at the port 9 p.m. Rp 55,000 ( duration around 14 hours )

Boat Schedule to Wakatobi

Once you’ve arrived on one of the larger islands, it’s easier for you to get around. The route can either start from Wangi Wangi – Kaledupa – Tomia or the other way around.

Let’s say the boat departs from Wangi Wangi at 9 a.m. It will reach Kaledupa (Taw Harbor) at 11 a.m., where you need to pay Rp 10,000 for the transfer by a small boat because the boat will not dock at the port. Then the boat continues to Tomia and arrives around 2 or 3 p.m.

Similarly, if the boat starts from Tomia at 9 a.m., it will stop in Kaledupa around 11 a.m. and continue to Wangi-Wangi around 2 p.m. The boat price is Rp 50,000 until Kaledupa, Rp 100,000 from Wangi Wangi to Tomia or Tomia to Wangi Wangi.

A fast boat costs Rp 80,000 to Kaledupa and Rp 120,000 to Tomia/Wangi Wangi. The boat departs around 8 a.m. from Wangi Wangi or Tomia.

However, I suggest you take the normal boat because if you use the fast boat, they’ll drop you at Usuku Port (Tomia) while all the main diving centers are in Waha Port. It’s better to take the regular boat.

Where to stay in Wakatobi Islands?

Wakatobi dive resort.

Wakatobi Dive Resort is a luxury eco-friendly resort located in Tomia, the accommodation choices at the resort are diverse, featuring bungalows and villas meticulously designed to provide a comfortable and luxurious stay.

Additionally, the resort is well-equipped with cutting-edge dive facilities, hosting a PADI 5-star dive center.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced diver, Wakatobi offers a variety of diving programs and courses to cater to different skill levels.

They deeply involved in marine conservation initiatives, actively participating in research, coral restoration projects, and community efforts to safeguard the local marine ecosystem.

Patuno Dive Resort

Located in Wanci, Patuno Dive Resort is another higher-end accommodation that you can find in Wakatobi Island, also offering diving center for the guests.

There are some homestays located in each island, will share more about it below.

Sea Fan at Wakatobi

The Islands

These are some islands to visit in Wakatobi:

Hoga Island, Kaledupa

Actually, Kaledupa was not our first destination. Typically, people will start by visiting Wangi-Wangi, then Kaledupa, and finally Tomia, or vice versa. After considering our circumstances and timing, we opted to go to Kaledupa first.

Our ultimate destination was Hoga Island. The boat departed at 9 p.m., and all boats to the Wakatobi Islands are equipped with simple mats on the deck.

The journey to Kaledupa took 14 hours on a wooden boat.

Hoga Island Kaledupa Wakatobi

There are four piers on Kaledupa Island. We arrived at Buranga Pier, were picked up and transported to Hoga Island by a small boat, and then headed to Hoga Island, about a 30-minute ride.

It was cloudy and rainy at that time, but it didn’t stop us from experiencing the underwater beauty of Hoga Island.

We went snorkeling in front of the pier. Visibility wasn’t too good due to the rain, but we could still enjoy the corals. Many fish swam around, creating the feeling of being in a huge aquarium!

It was the first time I saw such a vast array of fish. As a freediver, I truly enjoyed exploring the wall and diving down to appreciate the corals.

There are about 22 diving spots around Hoga Island.

Corals in Hoga Island Kaledupa

Tips in Hoga Island

  • Avoid coming to Hoga Island from June-August because students overseas especially from Europe are coming to Hoga Island for research.
  • There are 200 bungalows cost Rp 400,000/night where you can stay. You’ll also have to pay for the food but you will very satisfy because they serve delicious fish, crab, vegetable, and other sea food.
  • Contact Mr. Jufry (085395303993), he’s the coordinator of the island. He will arrange the boat from Kaledupa-Hoga, homestay, food, diving everything.
  • Normal prices to dive in Wakatobi is Rp 350,000 (license) Rp 450,000 (no license). Price for boat transfer from Kaledupa-Hoga : Rp 50,000 (one way).

Bajo Sampela

Suku Bajo Sampela

Not far from Kaledupa Island, wooden houses on stilts where Bajo people live are commonly seen. The Bajo people, also known as sea gypsies, still adhere to their traditional way of living by adapting their lifestyle above the sea rather than on the land.

Most Bajo people are fishermen, residing in the islands of Sulawesi, such as here in Wakatobi and the Togean Islands .

Instead of using fishing poles or nets, they use spears to catch fish. They are capable of free-diving and holding their breath for extended periods.

Growing up at sea has endowed them with exceptional abilities, enabling them to see better underwater and hold their breath for longer durations.

Some Bajo intentionally rupture their eardrums when they are young to facilitate diving and hunting in the sea.

Tomia Island

After having enough fun in Kaledupa, we were taken to Ambeua Pier. To get to Tomia, we needed to go to Tau Pier, which is around 30 minutes from Ambeua Pier.

Our options included catching an ojek (Rp 15,000-20,000). Instead, we decided to walk on the street and find a pickup to take us to the pier, allowing us to pay only Rp 35,000 for the three of us (after bargaining).

Tau Pier had a unique setup. We had to take a small boat to the middle of the sea and jump onto the boat coming from Wangi-Wangi, heading to Tomia. The transfer cost was Rp 10,000 per person.

Tomia Island is unbelievable! That’s all I can say. The underwater experience, oh gosh! I’m speechless right now. It was a very wise decision to spend two days on Tomia Island, and fortunately, the weather was good.

On our first day, we did a discovery dive, which was a first for me. I was so nervous that it took me around 10 minutes to adapt to the regulator.

Some favorite dive spots in Tomia include Marimabuk, Fan Garden, Roma, Teluk Waiti, Table Coral City, and many more.

Most of the spots are covered by soft corals. Visibility was perfect, and again, I love snorkeling by the wall. I’ll just show you guys the pictures.

We did a visit to a Puncak Kahianga and Benteng Patuha as well. View from Puncak Kahianga is beautiful. Nothing much to see at Benteng Patuha.

Corals at Tomia Island Wakatobi

Tips in Tomia Island

  • There are two diving centers in Tomia. I contacted Pak Ade (081234767854 / 085341300675) as our coordinator in Tomia. He is a very nice and humble guy.
  • There are some homestays in Tomia. We stayed at Pak Ade’s family homestay. If you can afford a luxurious diving resort, particularly on Onemobaa Island, try Wakatobi Dive Resort.
  • The discovery dive costs Rp 450,000. If you have a license, you can dive for only Rp 350,000 per dive or ask for more information about diving packages from Pak Ade.
  • Car rentals for a city tour start from Rp 300,000, and motorbike rental is Rp 100,000. We asked for Pak Ade’s help to get us the cheapest pick-up, and his neighbor agreed to take us around the city for only Rp 150,000

Wangi Wangi

Our last destination in Wakatobi Islands was Wangi-Wangi. We only spent one day because we needed to leave for Bau Bau at night. Wangi-Wangi is the capital region of Wakatobi Islands.

Our boat from Tomia took us to Mola Pier for about 2 and a half hours.

There are Bajo people who live in Mola. We took a walk to the station, not too far, and took an angkot (public car) to Waha Beach.

I didn’t expect too much from Wangi-Wangi island in Wakatobi because from most sources I read, the best places to dive are Tomia and Hoga, with not much mention of Wangi-Wangi.

I was disappointed at first when I jumped into the water because there was nothing to be seen. As we swam further and further, the closer we got to the wall, and believe it or not, it was totally amazing.

I would say that this spot is my favorite so far! I like it more than Hoga and Tomia. The wall is so deep that you can’t see what’s underneath. The corals are breathtaking, and the fish, thousands!

More groups of fish swim here. I got more beautiful pictures here on Wangi-Wangi island in Wakatobi.

I still couldn’t forget how we were free-diving until 10 meters and took photos with the sea fan and also sponges. So far, it’s the best experience.

Not far from Wanci Harbor, there’s a night market where you can find local foods and fruits.

Both raw fish and grilled fish are sold in the market. Beautiful decorations of tomatoes and chilies on the stall. Try to visit if you have time.

corals in wangi wangi island wakatobi

Tips in Wangi Wangi Island

  • Contact Pak Sudirman (085241857674) He’s the one who in charge taking care of Waha Beach .
  • Snorkeling package is only Rp 50,000/person/90 minutes minimun 4 persons including: Guide, Snorkeling set (fin, mask, snorkel, life jacket, swimsuit), if you only want to rent snorkeling gear it only cost Rp 10,000/item/90 minutes.
  • Last public transportation from Waha Beach to the town or the Wanci Harbor is at 4 p.m. If you snorkeled to long and passed 4 p.m. like what we did, walked out to the main road and hopefully there are cars willing to take you to the harbor, or else, ask Pak Sudirman, maybe he can ask some guys with motorbikes taking you to the harbor or wherever you want.

Some tips to visit Wakatobi Islands

  • Ask and ask. The boat schedule can be changed anytime and not fixed. Spare your time to ask people around about the schedule.
  • Use the regular boat. Using the regular boat is a challenging thing, not only the long journey but the wave can be so rough sometimes. Don’t expect too much on regular boat. It is the cheapest so the condition is average. There’s mat where you can sleep, it’s better to put some of your belongings to mark your place few hours before so you have mat to sleep. It’s quiet safe, just put everything except valuable things.
  • Price for diving is about Rp 350,000/dive (license) and Rp 450,000/dive (non license) contact the person I mentioned above.
  • Contact Person for diving/snorkeling: Wangi-Wangi (Waha Beach): Pak Sudirman (085241857674) Kaledupa (Hoga Island): Pak Jufry (085395303993) Tomia: Pak Ade (081234767854 / 085341300675)
  • You’ll spot snakes in Wakatobi sometimes. Don’t worry they won’t attack you unless you threatened them.
  • Extra time and energy. You need extra time and energy but believe me, it’s way too beautiful to be missed. So it’s totally worthy.

tour ke wakatobi

We try to provide the most accurate information; however, conditions and prices might have changed. Do let us know so we can update this article, thanks for contributing to help other travelers as well! 

Velysia Zhang

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8 responses to “Wakatobi Islands Travel Guide: Itinerary, Boat Schedule, and Tips”

Frenky Man Avatar

Nice artikel dan tips buat gw yang belum kesampaian kesana 😐

Kalau mau kesana pake jasa trip organizer punya lu aja kali ya :))

Cheers (n_n)/

Treasured Odyssey Avatar

Thanks for the info yah! bermanfaat banget buat nanti ngetrip kesana 🙂


Thank you for info!!

Monique Picaud Avatar

Thank’s for the infos but there is somethong strange with the schedule of the Tomia-Kaledupa-WangiWangi boat: yous say it starts from Tomia at 9a.m. (OK) stops at Kaledupa around 11 p.m. then continues to Wangi Wangi to arrive at 2 p.m. How is it possible? 11 p.m. is later than 2 p.m., maybe you did a mistake and wrote 11 p.m. instead of 11 a.m. ? Can you confirm that? And the fact there is such a boat, because I didn’t find it on the official tourism website of Wakatobi they just talk about a Tomia-WangiWangi boat and don’t mention the possible stop in Kaledupa. Thank’s for all the answers, regards, Moniqe

Velysia Zhang Avatar

Hi Monique,

Yes sorry, I made a mistake, it should be 11 a.m. 🙂 Hope you had great time in Wakatobi.

Regards, Velysia

monique Picaud Avatar

Thank’s a lot. I can’t find the telephone number of “hoga island resort” (different of the hoga dive resort) do you have it because they don’t answer to their email?

Not really sorry, I just know the number of Pak Jufry the one that manage accommodation in Hoga Island.

Jussa Avatar

Information about Hoga island is not valid anymore. Just called the number given and Mr. Jufry told that stay in Hoga costs IDR 400,000 per person.

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Guide to The Best of Wakatobi Islands in Indonesia

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Welcome to Paradise! Our Mini Guide to The Best of Wakatobi Islands in Indonesia.

Leave your window open! This is the first advice I can give you when traveling to Wakatobi islands. When the plane approaches the airport the view you get from above is stunning. A green island surrounded by all shades of blue. You can see the reefs, shallow warm beaches, and the boats floating on crystal clear water. If you are dreaming of traveling to paradise, here is your fix: book a trip to Wakatobi – Indonesia, follow our mini guide and be happy!

Wakatobi is a group of four islands [Wangi-Wangi (WA), Kaledupa (KA), Tomia (TO) and Binongko (BI)] located in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. It’s also a Marine National Park, the second largest coral reef in the world, with more than 750 species of fish, 850 known types of coral, and 50 spectacular dive spots. The natural features make Wakatobi islands one of the world’s best place to dive and snorkel.

This underwater paradise is still an unknown destination in Southeast, and It’s not easy to travel there, but totally worth it. There are plenty of things to do in Wakatobi, and if like me, you are an average swimmer without a diving certification, no worries  you can enjoy the island too. I stayed in Wakatobi 3 days, time enough to explore some islands, enjoy nature, learn about their culture and fall in love.

Wakatobi Islands in Indonesia is the perfect travel destination for beach lovers and divers.

Travel Guide to Wakatobi Islands

Divers and non-divers, beach bums, sailors, nature lovers… Wakatobi Islands must be on your travel bucket list! Book a flight to this little paradise , enjoy the sun on your skin, the gentle breeze in your hair, taste fresh fish and sweet coconut water… To help you plan a trip to Wakatobi Islands we put together a mini guide: how to get to the islands, hotels to stay and things to do in Wakatobi. Travel tips to enjoy the best of these tropical islands.

 What to do in Wakatobi, Indonesia

Water activities are the top things to in Wakatobi, you can book a tour based on your swimming skills and how comfortable you feel in and under the water.

Wakatobi Diving:

Diving is the big thing in Wakatobi, the resorts and the dive agencies have daily trips to some amazing spots in the Marine National Park. Doesn’t matter which level you are, if you have the equipment or not, those guys know how to organize everything and you only need to bring your underwater camera.

Wangi-Wangi is the biggest island in Wakatobi, where you can find a bigger range of diving companies and hotels, and from there explore the whole park. Around Wakatobi Islands there are some  dive resorts , from simple beach bungalows to 5-star villas and luxurious liveaboard cruises.

The Wakatobi Islands and the National Park are world famous for the underwater activities as snorkeling and diving.

Wakatobi Snorkeling:

I had a blast snorkeling in Wakatobi. The shallow bays with coral gardens and the underwater cliffs give you an outstanding snorkeling experience. You don’t get bored of being in the water.

During my trip in Wakatobi I had two afternoons of snorkeling, on the first day we jumped at the Sombu dive spot, at Wangi-Wangi Island. The water was warm, nice corals, colored fishes and easy to swimming. Our second snorkel was at Hoga Island [2 hours by boat from Wangi-Wangi], and it was superb. Yellow corals, blue starfishes, and crystal clear water. Brilliant!

Our snorkeling tour was organized by Wakatobi Dive Trip , they took us on a boat trip around the islands and provided all the equipment. The price of the tours can vary a lot, depending on the type of activities, if you book only the tours, or if you choose a package with accommodation. They do the snorkeling and diving in Wakatobi

In Wakatobi Islands there are over 50 spots for scuba diving, a truly underwater paradise.

Dolphin Watch

If you are a morning person you can see the dolphins swimming around the Wakatobi Marine Park. The guides and the local people know how to predict when they are coming, and most of the time they will be swimming close to the islands between 6AM to 7 AM.

Kayaking, Sailing and Kite Surfing in Wakatobi

Depending on which islands you are, you can do many water activities. From kayaking, sailing, stand up paddle, kite surfing to swimming. You can choose your favorite activity, or maybe try them all and have an overdose of “vitamin sea”. All the equipment can be rented. Don’t be shy, ask the hotel staff about the water activities and enjoy every second at the Wakatobi Islands.

Hoga Islands is one of the hidden gems in Wakatobi Islands Marine Park, Indonesia.

Visit Hoga Island

White sand beach, warm water and palm trees, Hoga Island is the ultimate paradise in Wakatobi Islands. The 2 hours on the boat from Wangi-Wangi till there were totally worth it. Despite its beauty, the island remains undeveloped, with a few resorts and a handful of dive shops. You can go there for swimming, enjoy the day by the beach, or have lunch in one of the hotels. Don’t forget to bring your sunglasses, the sand there is so white that hurts when you look at it.

Beach Dream! In Wakatobi Islands you can find the perfect beach and enjoy it all by yourself.

Relax by the Beach

Wakatobi is an adventure travel destination, with a bunch of water activities and endless hours on the boat. However, if you want to be a beach bum and spend your day under the sun, do it! Appreciate nature and relax are the top things to in Wakatobi. Hoga Island is perfect for lazy days and Pantai Cemara in Wangi-Wangi is a great option for those who want a coconut water and food without leaving the beach.

Catch Sunsets in Wakatobi Islands

The days in Wakatobi are packed with stunning nature but for me, nothing beats a golden sunset. When planning your boat tour in Wakatobi Islands ask the captain to stop the boat so you can watch the sunset in the middle of the sea. It’s stunning!

Don’t book any activity between 5PM to 6PM, catch the sunsets are a must in Wakatobi, believe me! From the beach, while sailing, or from your hotel room, celebrate the moment! Enjoy the sunset and be grateful for one more day in paradise.

One of the top things to do in Wakatobi Islands is to catch the sunsets!

Life & Culture in Wakatobi, Indonesia

It’s not only nature that surprised me in Wakatobi, the people there and their culture are peculiar too. The food, the dance, their believes, everything is linked with nature and the challenge of living surrounded by water.

When I arrived in Wakatobi we were greeted with a traditional dance at Pantai Cemara Beach. The contrast of the pink clothes, the smile of the kids and the blue sea in the background were amazing. The cultural performance and the lovely smile from the locals set the mood of the trip. From that moment I knew I was going to have a wonderful time in the islands.

Another amazing thing to do in Wakatobi is learn about their culture, dances and traditional food.

The culture in Indonesia is diverse, and in Wakatobi you have the chance to meet the Bajo People, the sea gypsies of Indonesia. This tribe has been living in the sea for centuries. I visited one of the Bajo villages and it was an unforgettable encounter. Such a deep experience that made me wrote a post about the lesson I learned from the Bajo People .

And don't forget to visit the Bajo Tribe, a village of sea gypsies that live in the Wakatobi Islands in Indonesia.

How to get to Wakatobi Islands and Marine National Park

Wakatobi is not an easy destination to reach, you will need to fly to Jakarta, Bali or Makassar, and from there take another flight to Matahora Airport in Wangi-Wangi island or to Tomia island. The transportation between the four islands is by ferry or a private boat. Some diving resorts in Wakatobi Islands offer free transfer from the airport to the hotel, don’t forget to ask them when doing your booking.

The best website to search and book your flights to Wakatobi is Skyscanner . They have all the local airlines listed and you can compare price and connections.

There are not many hotel in Wakatobi Islands. We stayed at Patuno resort.

Where to Stay in Wakatobi, Indonesia

During my trip to Wakatobi, I stayed at Patuno Hotel & Resort in Wangi-Wangi island. The location is superb, right in front of the sea, easy reach the beaches on the island and the diving spots. The hotel is simple but has all you need to relax after a long day exploring the park. It’s a good value for money, the staff is lovely, but don’t expect 5-star service, either internet connection.

If you are looking for something more glamorous, Wakatobi Dive Resort is a perfect choice. Located in Tomia Islands it combines luxury experience, diving, and dining.

 Extra Tips for a Perfect Wakatobi Trip

  • March to November is the best time to travel to Wakatobi in Indonesia.  The peak season is between April -May and September – November. The water is warm all year long. January and February are the rainy months.
  • It’s a tropical island, mosquitoes, spiders, and geckos are locals there. So bring a good mosquito repellent and sunscreen.
  • The food in Wakatobi is based on fish and seafood, enjoy fresh dishes and don’t be afraid, try everything.
  • Muslim is the predominant religion in Wakatobi Islands. When visiting the town try to dress respectfully. By the beach and at the resorts you can wear your swimming suit without a problem.

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Mini Guide to The Best of Wakatobi Islands in Indonesia! How to travel to Wakatobi Marine Park, what to do and where to stay. A guide for nature lovers and water activities enthusiasts.

Now you know everything about this little paradise. The best things to do in Wakatobi Islands, where to stay, how to get there and practical tips to make the most of your travel experience. Start planning your trip to Indonesia now!

Need more Indonesia Travel Tips? Check out our blog posts and adventures on this wonderful country:

>  Cruising & Trekking in the Borneo Jungle: Tanjung Puting National Park and the Wild Orangutans 

> The Best of Bali: Things To Do And See in The Island of Gods

> How to Plan a Trip to Komodo Islands: Dragons, Dive & Trekking

>  Bajo Tribe, the Sea Gypsies of Indonesia

Travelling to Wakatobi Islands? Have you been there already? Share your experiences with us!

PS: This trip was organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism . As usual, doesn’t matter who pays the bill, you receive my honest opinion and impression. Thanks Indonesia for this great experience!

tour ke wakatobi

40 thoughts on “Guide to The Best of Wakatobi Islands in Indonesia”

Hi Natalie,

Awesome! I’ve not been there but intend to visit one day. Bookmarked in mind.

Thanks for sharing 🙂

Hey Ryan! You must travel to Wakatobi. You have already visited so many places in Indonesia, it’s time to discover a little bit more! Cheers,

Gorgeous, and great photos! I haven’t made it to Indonesia yet unfortunately, but it looks like there are so many amazing spots to explore.

Tamara, if you have the chance to travel to Indonesia, do it! It’s a beautiful country, and if go out of the beaten path you get to know outstanding places with great people. Cheers,

Jumping on the next flight! But seriously, this is gorgeous! It looks like you were able to experience so much during your time there. I especially love the snorkeling/diving. Anytime we can my husband and I are looking for new underwater experiences. Also love that you connected with the locals and the culture there! One of the best parts of travel!

Hi Kallsy, If you guys like water activities and local experiences, please, book a flight to Wakatobi! You gonna love it! And do it now, those islands are still preserved and almost no tourist around. It’s famous among divers, but they are all underwater, so you can have the whole beach only for you!! All the best, Nat

Beautiful pictures. I tried snorkeling for the first time this year when I was in the Galapagos Islands and what an experience that was! Would love to go to Indonesia one day. Great post :). Cristina

Congrats Cristina! Snorkel is an amazing experience! I learned it two years ago, and now everywhere I go I look for a place to rent the equipment. It is such a unique way to discover a new destination. If you have the chance go to Indonesia, the snorkel there is outstanding. Cheers,

It looks like a small paradise! Thank you for putting up this guide with tips. I would love to visit Wakatobi one day))

Natalie, if you have the chance go to Wakatobi!! I’m sure you will love it. All the best,

I’m glad you included ways to respect the modest dress code for people visiting the towns. That’s interesting that it is much looser on the beaches – which are just beautiful, and look like places you could spend lots of time relaxing, reading, exploring the water.

Hi Sarah! I found that Indonesia, even been a Muslim country, has a great tolerance with tourists and our “naked” habits by the beach. It’s always good and important to respect their culture and religion, but they are so used with travellers, surfers, and divers that I guess it’s more important to show respect and appreciation for their beliefs than actually cover your body.

Thanks for your comment,

I loved being in Sulawesi for diving but we were in Lembeh Straits. The waters are so wonderful. Glad to see your cool snorkeling shots too.

Hi Elaine! Indonesia is such a paradise for diving! We didn’t go to Lembeh Straits, but I bet it was an amazing dive too! Cheers,

Big on snorkeling and diving and it looks fantastic there! Stunning photos!

Hey Cameron! If you like diving and snorkeling, than you must go to Wakatobi, one of the best spots in Indonesia and still a secret spot. Cheers and happy travels!

Indonesia has so much to offer! I love their beautiful beaches as well as their diverse culture that thrives on it. It makes Indonesia such a lovable places because of these.

Hi Mai, To be honest, I travelled to Indonesia because of nature and beaches, but once I was there I realized how rich and diverse their culture and people are… Now I understand that their beauty goes beyond nature, their way of living that makes the country so special! Happy travels,

Wakatobi really does look like an island paradise. Loved your photos, this sounds like such a lively and colorful place to discover.

Hi Alina! Wakatobi really surprised me, not only for the natural beauty but the people and the amazing vibe you feel there. Cheers, Nat

OMG this looks like heaven! Take me there now!

If I could come back I would take you with me, for sure… It’s unbelievably beautiful there!! Cheers, Nat

It’s like the Bahamas but it’s not (and I do hope not as expensive) I love the Coral Reef pictures, you can see how beautiful the marine life is! Do they do diving sessions too? I’d love to try!

Hi Ronemaries, They do dive session too, it’s one of the best spots for diving in Indonesia!! I have never been to The Bahamas, so I can’t compare the prices, but I believe Wakatobi is way cheaper… Happy Travel,

I’m heading to Southeast Asia in January, and this terrific post may have changed my itinerary. Thanks for the inspiration.

Hi Jeff!! So good to hear that!! Please, go to Wakatobi, is such a special place, still hidden with empty beach and lovely people! If you need more info let me know!

Happy Travel, Nat

Amazing photos Natalie! Can’t wait to visit Wakatobi (and I hope I’ll visit it before it comes overcrowded).

Wakatobi is amazing Mark! I’m sure you gonna love it! Cheers, Nat

Wow, what an absolutely stunning piece of paradise! It’s so wonderful to discover these new out of the way destinations that one would never know about. We do plan to travel to Bali soon, so will definitely book mark this for later reference. 🙂 Glad I found this on Pinterest!

HI Robert! I’m so glad you found it too and liked it! 🙂 Wakatobi is a surreal place, and if you are traveling to Indonesia you must visit it. It’s still a hidden gem, I love it! Enjoy Bali!! Nat

hi.. this is such a nice post. I am Indonesian and will go to Wakatobi probably in October. This post helps.. It is good that you were having a great time in Indonesia. Have you tried traveling to Maluku province? Many places in Maluku you will love..

Hi Bona!! Really happy to know that you found our post useful! Tks!!! Enjoy Wakatobi, such a beautiful place. I’ve never heard about Maluku, gonna check it out! Happy travels,

Hi Natalie, I did not see a reference for the fast boat from Baubau. Does it still go to Wanci?

Hi Martin, Not sure if the boat is still working or if it works only on high season. We flew from Makassar to Matahora Airport in Wangi-Wangi island and it was an easy way to get to the archipelago. Cheers, Rob

Do you fly to Wakatobi!? And what was the place were you fly to!?

Hi Stefanie, We flew from Makassar to Matahora Airport in Wangi-Wangi island (one of the islands in the Wakatobi archipelago). You can search for flights to Wakatobi here . Cheers,

Great post, thanks for all the information. I had some questions about it: – I’m travelling to Indonesia 16 days in august 2018. Do you think is worth it to spend 3 days in Wakatobi Islands? – You said there’s no problem if you have any diving certificate. Do you know if there’s the posibility to get the title there? – And the last one, which tour did you choose and where to visit the Bajo tribes?

Thanks in advanced and congrats again for your nice post 🙂

Hi Berta, Nature there is stunning, although you need to consider that to get to Wakatobi it will take 1 day. The resorts we mention in the article do offer diving courses. The tour to the Bajo tribe can be arranged by the hotel as well. Enjoy Indonesia!

In October 2019, my girlfriend and I will visit the Wakatobi area in Sulawesi. More specifically, we have as options to visit Buton island, Wangi Wangi and Hoga Island, but these are just ideas now still.

Next to diving and snorkeling, we are thinking about doing jungle walks in Lambusango Rainforest Reserve and visit the Bajo culture.

In total, our max time in the Wakatobi area is about 6-10 days (dependent of other activities elsewhere in Sulawesi).

Now, my 2 questions are:

1. Do you have any other recommendations what to do around Wakatobi?

2. We’d like to contact a local tour guide. Do you know any?

You said something about spiders. Are they living also in the hotels or only in the junlge? Thank you in advance!

Hi Joyce, It sounds like you are planning an awesome itinerary.

About your questions: 1. I only stayed two days there so all the activities I did are on the guide. Apart from snorkeling and diving, I loved our visit to Hoga Island and recommend it.

2. All our tours and activities were organized with the help of the hotel staff from Patuno Hotel .

3. Spiders, well I didn’t see any in the room but quiet a few while exploring the island, especially on the trees.

Enjoy your trip!! Nat

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tour ke wakatobi

Dengan 50 titik selam, 750 spesies terumbu karang dari total 850 yang ada di bumi, dan nyaris 1000 jenis ikan, kepulauan yang terletak di bagian tenggara Sulawesi ini menyuguhkan kekayaan bawah laut tak terbantahkan. Luasnya tidak main-main: 1,39 juta hektar. Tak heran, pemerintah menetapkan kawasan ini sebagai taman nasional pada 1996. Wakatobi pun menjadi destinasi incaran bagi orang-orang yang gemar menyelam. Ditambah lagi, ada berbagai aktivitas di pulau-pulau utama Wakatobi yang dapat dinikmati bila Anda hendak mengambil napas sejenak dari penyelaman bahari, baik itu Pulau Wangi-wangi untuk melihat matahari terbenam, Pulau Tomia yang menyimpan perbukitan sabana luas dengan panorama laut biru, maupun pemandian alami Hendaopa yang ada di tengah hijaunya hutan bakau.

tour ke wakatobi

Kenali Wakatobi

Kenali daya tariknya yang tak boleh terlewat

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tour ke wakatobi

Tips Perjalanan ke Wakatobi

Yang wajib Anda ketahui sebelum berkunjung

Cara bepergian di wakatobi, panduan berkeliling dengan transportasi setempat.

Perahu kayu adalah transportasi penghubung antar pulau di Wakatobi yang paling mudah ditemukan. Perahu kayu hanya menghubungkan pulau-pulau besar yang ada di Wakatobi seperti Pulau Wangiwangi, Tomis, Binongko, dan Keledupa. Biasanya, perahu kayu di Wakatobi berangkat hanya 1 kali setiap hari untuk setiap pulau. Tarif perahu kayu di Wakatobi mulai dari Rp50.000.

Yang Sering Ditanyakan

Hal yang perlu disiapkan hingga cara terbaik berkunjung.

Tidak ada rute penerbangan langsung ke Bandar Udara Matahora di Wakatobi. Jika terbang dari Jakarta, kamu harus terlebih dahulu transit di Bandar Udara Ujung Pandang, Makassar atau Bandar Udara Haluoleo, Kendari. Penerbangan ke Wakatobi dengan rute transit ini bisa mencapai 8 jam bahkan ada yang 12 jam lebih. Jadi, pastikan kamu berangkat dengan stamina fit karena perjalanan ke Wakatobi akan sangat panjang.

Waktu terbaik ke Wakatobi jatuh pada bulan April-Juni dan Oktober-Desember. Pada bulan-bulan ini, cuaca di Wakatobi sangat bersahabat dan cocok untuk menyelam hingga menjelajahi pulau. Hindari mengunjungi Wakatobi pada bulan Januari dan Februari, pada bulan-bulan ini, Wakatobi sedang mengalami musim hujan dan angin kencang. Jadi, perhatikanlah waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Wakatobi sebelum keberangkatanmu.

Liburanmu di Wakatobi akan dipenuhi dengan wisata air. Jadi, pastikan kamu membawa baju untuk berenang yang nyaman. Bawalah lebih dari satu karena kamu pasti akan lebih banyak menghabiskan waktumu di air, dibandingkan di darat. Jagalah kulitmu dari bahaya sinar UV yang merusak kulit dengan membawa sunblock. Di Wakatobi, nyamuk dan serangga bisa menjadi gangguan, jadi bawalah juga obat pengusir serangga bersamamu. Selain kamera handphone dan kamera digital, kamu juga bisa membawa underwater camera untuk memotret keindahan bawah laut Wakatobi.

Saat musim panas, temperatur di Wakatobi bisa mencapai 32°C. Di siang hari, udara bisa terasa sangat panas. Jadi, pastikan kamu membawa pakaian dengan bahan tipis dan nyaman. Pakaian nyaman yang cepat kering ideal untuk aktivitas pantai dan air. Selalu pakai topi dan kacamata di siang hari karena matahari bisa menjadi sangat terik di Wakatobi. Meski begitu, pastikan kamu tetap membawa pakaian lengan panjang dan atau jaket, karena pada malam hari angin laut bisa terasa sangat dingin.

Diving adalah hal yang wajib kamu lakukan jika di Wakatobi. Rasanya, belum ke Wakatobi kalau kamu belum menyelami keindahan bawah laut Wakatobi. Harga diving di Wakatobi cukup bervariasi. Harga diving di Pulau Wakatobi dimulai dari Rp450.000 untuk penyelam berlisensi dan Rp500.000 untuk penyelam pemula karena membutuhkan pendampingan ekstra.

See All Practical Tips for Wakatobi

tour ke wakatobi

Jelajahi Wakatobi

Susun rencana liburan Anda dengan ide pilihan berikut

Penginapan terbaik di wakatobi.

Hotel Terapung , Rp 200.000

Hotel Terapung

Wisma Maharani, Rp 333.333

Wisma Maharani

Wakatobi Patuno Diving & Beach Resort, Rp 1.093.482

Wakatobi Patuno Diving & Beach Resort

Rp 1.000.920.

Hotel Terapung Tomia, Rp 240.000

Hotel Terapung Tomia

Naya Matahora Island Resort, Rp 1.334.666

Naya Matahora Island Resort

Rp 1.001.000, selalu ada diskon untukmu.

tour ke wakatobi

Mulai rencana Anda ke Wakatobi

Pesan keperluan wisata dengan praktis & lebih hemat gunakan kode kupon bisayuk untuk diskon khusus.

tour ke wakatobi

Travel Insurance

tour ke wakatobi

Destinasi Terdekat dari Wakatobi


Banggai Kepulauan

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Exploring Kaledupa Island in Wakatobi Indonesia

Img Large Sea Fan Wakatobi National Park

The popular destination in Sulawesi, Indonesia, is Wakatobi Regency , covering four main islands of Wangi-Wangi Island (as the capital of this regency), Kaledupa Island, Tomia Island, Binongko Island – which all form the acronym for Wakatobi itself. Kaledupa Island is the second island after Wangi-Wangi Island or Wanci, where the population is less, but you can see more of the local traditions here, including the traditional wooden stilt houses of Bajo people.

Overview of Kaledupa Island in Wakatobi Indonesia

Kaledupa Island is surrounded by the greenery landscape, including the mangrove forests and palm trees, where you can also find old fortresses, some old mosques, and lots of stilt house settlements. You can reach Kaledupa Island from the capital of Wakatobi Regency, Wangi-Wangi Island, by taking a public boat for about 1.5-2 hours trip duration to Ambeua Harbor in Kaledupa Island.

In the past, before the arrival of Butonese in Wakatobi, Kaledupa Island was the home for the royal kingdom. When you see this island in person, you would realize the reason: the island will greet you with the white sand shoreline filled coconut trees, while the fertile land lays on the back of the island, giving a perfect home for a living.

Kaledupa Island has some homestays to stay, which mostly offer the service for scuba diving. However, there is no ATM or hotels on this island, so make sure to bring enough cash from the ATM in Wangi-Wangi island. You can get around this island by hiring a motorbike or bicycle to explore the seafood farms, limestone cliffs, mangrove forests, authentic villages, and some traditional houses. You can also find useful information or arrange the trip by booking at the Visitor Information Center in Ambuea.

Best things to do in Kaledupa Island in Wakatobi

There are several activities and things to do in Kaledupa Island Wakatobi, including:

  • Visiting Hoga Island with long empty beach and offshore coral reefs nearby Kaledupa Island, where you can find two resorts: Hoga Island Dive Resort and Hoga Dive Resort. Besides diving, this small island is popular among researchers, also for those who are looking for laid back island life. To get here, you can ask the local people in Ambeua Harbor about the boat to Hoga Island – it is as short as 15 minutes ride with affordable cost.
  • Visiting Kampung or Bajo Sampela, a traditional village where the Bajo tribe lives in Kaledupa Island. It can be reached within 10 minutes from Kaledupa Island or 20 minutes from Hoga Island, and you can see many traditional wooden stilt houses built on the coral stone base. You can also stay in the homestays to experience unique local lives.
  • Visiting Mantigola Village, the oldest Bajo village in the area. It is actually located in the Kaledupa Island, but the path from the jetty on the main island was destroyed, so the only way to get there is by hiring a small boat – in this way, the spirits of the mainland are believed to be kept away. This village can be reached by a small boat at the end of the wooden pier in Horuo Village in Kaledupa Island, which is located within 15 minutes by motorbike from Ambeua Harbor.
  • Visiting One Mbiha Beach, located 5 minutes away from the Darawa Village, is offering a perfect spot to enjoy the sunrise and sunset.
  • Paying a visit to Sombano Village, the largest traditional village on Kaledupa Island, is surrounded by tamarind, lime trees, and coconut trees, which is important for traditional medicine and offerings. The people depend
  • Swimming in a mystical and sacred Sombano Lake, or called as Akku’a Nu-lumu by the locals, among hundreds of little red shrimps which are very contrasted with the green algae growing evenly at the bottom of the lake. However, only some villagers dare to swim there, because there is a myth that a black crocodile might appear when you swim there. Located in the middle of the mangrove forest, about 8km from the Sombano Village, Sombano Lake can be reached on foot from Sombano Beach, or by motorbike from the village.
  • Sun-bathing on Taduno Beach, a white sandy beach in Kaledupa Island, can be reached within 15 minutes ride by motorbike. It is located in Sombano Village.
  • Exploring the mangrove forest situated 2km from Sombano Village. This forest is protected by the local culture law of Kaledupa people, so it has not been affected by environmental degradation since thousands of years ago. It is best to hire a local guide in Kaledupa Island Tourism Group (KITG) to tell you more about flora and fauna in this forest and guide you through the forest.
  • Witnessing the Lariangi Dance originating from Kaledupa Island, the national dance of Wakatobi Regency, performing 12 girls representing 12 nations. If you cannot find the event performing this dance, you can contact the local tourism group of Kaledupa Island Tourism Group (KITG) about bookings.

Dive sites around Kaledupa Island in Wakatobi National Park

Kaledupa Island and Hoga Island are surrounded by around 22 dive sites, which all can be reached by 30 minutes by boat. Some of the most popular dive sites are the Kaledupa Double Spurs, Channel Drop Off, Coral Garden, Kaledupa Double Spur, North Wall, Outer Pinnacle, Pak Kasim’s, The Ridge, North Wall, and Baby Batfish.

The unique traditional cooking in Kaledupa Island

On most occasions, the people of Kaledupa Island still cook with a traditional method called Tombole or Tombole’a. It is a local term for a way of cooking using stones heated with fire. The food is wrapped in the banana leaves, and placed in the hot stones before covered with the sand.

  • Adventure & Outdoors
  • Beaches & Islands
  • Indonesia diving
  • Wakatobi diving
  • Wakatobi facts

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Paket Wisata Tour Wakatobi

Paket Wisata Tour Wakatobi

Nikmati Paket Wisata Tour Wakatobi bersama Pesona Indonesia Tour & Travel. Temukan indahnya pesona Taman Nasional Kepulauan Wakatobi salah satu dari 50 taman nasoinal di Indonesia, yang terletak di kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Temukan pengalaman serta teman yang baru, nikmati indah dan eksonisnya wisata di taman nasional kepulauan wakatobi dengan berbagai pesona wisata yang ada  di Sulawesi Tenggara Indonesia.

Jika berkunjung ke Sulawesi Tenggara maka Anda wajib untuk mengunjungi Taman Nasional Kepulauan Wakatobi. Taman nasional ini ditetapkan pada tahun 2002, dengan total area 1,39 juta ha, menyangkut keanekaragaman hayati laut, skala dan kondisi karang; yang menempati salah satu posisi prioritas tertinggi dari konservasi laut di Indonesia. Kedalaman air di taman nasional ini bervariasi, bagian terdalam mencapai 1.044 meter di bawah permukaan air laut. Tour Wakatobi akan memberikan pesona wisata yang tak akan terlupakan oleh Anda. Bagaimana, Anda tertarik mengikuti Paket Wisata Tour Wakatobi? Bagi Anda yang tertarik dengan Paket Wisata Tour Wakatobi, kami membuka Open Trip khusus untuk Anda. Berikut rangkaian perjalanan yang kami tawarkan

Taman Nasional Wakatobi yg terletak di Kab Wakatobi, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, adalah maksud wisata menyelam yg amat sangat memukau & jadi idaman dari tidak sedikit pencinta bawah laut didunia.

Wangi-Wangi merupakan Ibu kota Wakatobi jadi gerbang ke surga bawah laut ini. Kab Wakatobi terdiri dari empat pulau penting, adalah Wangiwangi, Kalidupa, Tomia, & Binongko. Menjadi, Wakatobi merupakan singkatan nama dari keempat pulau mutlak tersebut. Sebelum 18 Desember 2003, kepulauan ini dinamakan Kepulauan Tukang Besi & masihlah yaitu bidang dari Kab Buton.

Terbentuknya Kepulauan Wakatobi dimulai sejak era tersier sampai akhir era miosen akibat adanya proses geologi berupa sesar geser maka tak akan dipisahkan dari bekerjanya gaya tektonik. Dengan Cara total kepulauan ini terdiri dari 39 pulau, 3 gosong & 5 atol. Dari proses pembentukannya, atol di Wakatobi tidak sama dgn atol-atol yg terdapat di daerah lain. Atol di daerah ini terbentuk oleh adanya penenggelaman dari lempeng basic. Sekian Banyak atol yg tampak saat ini, antara lain Atol Kaledupa, Atol Kapota, & Atol Tomia.

Perairan Wakatobi berada kepada wilayah “Coral Tri-Angle” atau wilayah segitiga terumbu karang, merupakan wilayah yg mempunyai keanekaragaman terumbu karang & keanekaragaman hayati laut yang lain paling atas didunia, yg meliputi Filipina, Indonesia hingga Kepulauan Solomon. Keberadaan 25 buah gugusan terumbu karang & kedalaman yg ideal menjadikan perairan di Taman Nasional Kepulauan Wakatobi ruangan yg ideal bagi bermacam kategori biota laut buat tinggal, menjadikan penghuni laut di sini mempunyai nilai estetika & konservasi yg tinggi.

Dengan Cara spesifik Taman Nasional Kepulauan Wakatobi dikelilingi pantai dari pulau-pulau karang sepanjang 600 kilometer pun maksud wisata pantai yg amat potensial utk dikelola, menyebar di seluruhnya wilayah Wakatobi. Menjadi bukan tidak dengan argumen seandainya kawasan pantai di Wakatobi amat sangat sesuai buat wisata seperti diving, snorkeling, berenang & memancing.

HIGHLIGHT Wangi Wangi City Tour, Snorkeling di Wangi Wangi, Tomia Land tour, Snorkeling Pulau Hoga, Desa Bajo Sampela

Note: Untuk program 5 Hari, 6 Hari dan Diving. Silahkan hubungi kami

Paket wisata Wakatobi

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Indonesia memiliki banyak kekayaan alam serta sebagian besar wilayahnya merupakan perairan. Maka dari itu tak heran bila hasil laut Indonesia sangatlah melimpah serta ditunjang pula oleh sektor pariwisata bahari yang tak kalah menkajubkan. Dari sekian banyak potensi wisata bahari yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia, Wakatobi adalah salah satunya. Wakatobi merupakan Taman Nasional yang memiliki beragam kekayaan alam Nusantara yang tak perlu anda ragukan lagi. Keindahan alam bawah laut Wakatobi juga sudah populer hingga Mancanegara sehingga tak heran bila kawasan ini selalu ramai wisatawan. Bagi anda yang penasaran dengan Wakatobi maka silakan datang ke Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Taman Nasional Wakatobi telah diresmikan tahun 1996 dan menjadi Taman Nasional Laut yang terluas kedua di Indonesia. Berdasarkan informasi yang disampaikan oleh pemerintah setempat, Wakatobi kini menjadi habitat setidaknya untuk 90% jenis karang di dunia serta habitat bagi ikan dengan jumlah lebih dari 942 spesies . Dengan kekayaan alam bawah laut tersebut maka tak heran bila Wakatobi sangat cocok dijadikan sebagai lokasi snorkeling maupun diving . Namun untuk anda yang kurang menyukai snorkeling atau diving maka bisa melihat tari tradisional Wakatobi serta melihat berbagai hiburan seru lainnya. Bagi anda yang berenacana ingin mengeksplor keindahan Wakatobi maka silakan bergabung dengan Campa Tour. Sebab Campa Tour membuka kesempatan tour 3D2N di Wakatobi. Dalam perjalanan wisata tersebut nantinya wisatawan akan diajak ke berbagai tempat wisata terbaik di Wakatobi diantaranya Kampung Suku Bajo Mola atau Suku Laut Wakatobi, Desa Budi Daya Laut sekaligus berkunjung ke tempat pembuatan sarung tenun. Berkunjung ke Wakatobi memang terasa kurang lengkap bila anda tidak mampir ke Pantai Waha, Mata Air Suci, Goa Kontamale, Dolphin tour di Wakatobi, Pulau Kombode dan Puncak Kahiangan untuk menyaksikan sunset. Perjalanan wisata tidak berhenti sampai disitu sebab masih akan terus dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi Pulau Kaledupa, Hopping Island untuk bersnorkeling , Pulau Pasir, dan kembali lagi ke Pulau Wangi-Wangi. Pastinya dalam perjalanan wisata bersama Campa Tour, anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi berbagai tempat terbaik di Wakatobi yang akan membuat anda berkesan.

Additional information

  • Penjemputan di Bandara Matahora kota Wangi Wangi Wakatobi
  • Kemudian makan siang
  • Visit Goa Kontamale
  • Visit Pantai Waha
  • Kembali ke hotel
  • Makan malam
  • Sarapan pagi
  • Dolphin Tour di sekitar perairan wakatobi
  • Visit Pulau Kapota/Pulau Kombode
  • Makan siang di pulau
  • Visit Puncak kahiangan untuk menikmati indahnya matahari terbenan
  • Kembali & makan malam
  • Acara bebas, sampai pada waktunya anda di transfer airport
  • Menuju Airport untuk keberangkatan menuju kota asal

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October 14, 2018 Elliot South-East Sulawesi 7

Wakatobi is a group of islands located off the south-east tip of Sulawesi island. Their old name ( Tukan Besi ‘blacksmith’ islands) seems to have fallen in disregard.

Local life on Tomia

Things to see in wangi-wangi.

The name “Wakatobi” has been crafted based on the names of the four main islands : WAngi-Wangi, KAledupa, TOmia and BInongko.

The main draw here are the absolutely stunning coral gardens. It is also part of the Indonesian government plan to create “10 new Bali” to boost tourism revenue, even though for the moment most of the efforts are poured elsewhere ( update 2019 : Wakatobi is still as empty as before, actually tourism has probably even dropped due to rising air fares).

Diving around Tomia island

For me Tomia is the highlight of Wakatobi. The dive spots immediately around Tomia (like Ali Reef, Ridge 01 or Roma) have the nicest shallow coral garden I’ve ever seen.

The walls around Sawa islands are also the most beautiful walls I’ve dived in Indonesia. When it comes to coral Tomia is even better than Raja Ampat or Komodo in my opinion. And there is almost no one underwater.

If you want to go diving, you have different local alternatives besides the expensive Wakatobi Dive Resort on Tolandona island (immediately off Tomia).

I was twice very satisfied by the services of Ahmad from Wakatobi Marine Dive (WA : +62 853 4085 3831). He charges 1’200’000Rp for 3 dives a day, including the gear (a bit outdated but in fair condition).

The dive boat is quite simple and his partner captain looks like an Indonesian version of the Hound in Game of Thrones. It’s not fancy but the price/service ratio is great in my opinion.

Otherwise Fahmi from Labore Homestay also offers diving, at a slightly higher price if I’m not mistaken.

The whole area is protected under a marine national park status. Accordingly, a 150’000Rp daily fee should be collected from visitors going diving or snorkeling but as of 2019 nothing seems to have been implemented. Things will probably change in the future.

If you just want to snorkel, gear can easily be rented in town. I guess the coral barrier surrounding Tomia can be reached and explored by swimming.

It’s definitely worth renting a boat for a day and go see the stunning island of Sawa (boats can get there, but check for the tide though).

There is a very large barrier reef surrounding Sawa that can be dived all along the way. The most remote spots are the only ones where you have good chances to see sharks in Wakatobi. Ahmad usually takes guests there if they are at least 4 on the boats to dive.

Otherwise, another offshore island has become popular on social media, it’s called Pulau Nda’a. It’s about one hour by boat from Kulati.

Tomia’s inhabitants are very friendly and welcoming. The atmosphere is very laid back and the sky full of stars at night.

Yet I always struggle to get some food in Tomia. The warung near the harbour is reliable but its menu is very limited. There is also the night market near Lakota beach but I always found it half empty. Recently someone explained to me that you must go there very early to get some choice.

Kaledupa is mostly known for Hoga island. After you arrive in Ambuea in Kaledupa, you have to make the crossing to Hoga. It looks close but the boat has to navigate shallow waters and it actually takes 45 minutes. I did the trip with the school kids from Furaku.

The situation can be a bit confusing on Hoga so here is the big picture (as of my visit in 2017) :

  • Year round you have only one inhabited village called Furaku, about 30 min away from the main jetty.
  • You have a couple of middle price resorts (+ more in construction) like Hoga Dive Resort.
  • Near the jetty you have a lady running a small warung, she can sell you instant noodles, snacks and if you buy fish in Furaku she will cook it for you.
  • You have Operation Wallacea (OpWal)

Operation Wallacea is a an organisation that sells kind of science bootcamps. I feel that there is a lots of marketing involved and few actual research coming out of it but anyway they have like 200 guests during the summer months doing surveys on corals and birds.

So there are dozens of bungalows virtually empty for most part of the year. The local operational manager is a great guy called Jeffrey and the dive center is run by a South-African instructor called Rowan. By the time of my visit (October 2017) the diving operation was on track to be separated from OpWal, so the plan was to act like a regular dive center and to use OpWal logistics (the dining room and the bungalows) to accomodate guests.

It’s best that you get in touch with Jeffrey before arriving (Whatsapp +62 853-9530-3993) because the bungalows are owned by different people on Kaledupa and they keep the keys there. If you want to eat at OpWal it’s possible but they have to be told ahead.

I arrived on Hoga without telling OpWall ahead and I had to spend the first night at Furaku (because all the bungalows were locked up). I would not recommend to do that without good commands of Indonesian, some of the villagers are very poor (as well as lazy and inclined to petty thiefs according to Kaledupa’s people) and get quite drunk at night.

I remember there was a young girl who was so sorry because of that, she was very startled when I told her we have our own share of drunkyard at home. Nothing dangerous though but there could be some misunderstanding.

I did a couple of good dives with OpWal (400’000Rp each), some of them with Rowan some of them with Jeffrey (who is a master in finding pygmee searhorses). The spot Ridge 01 was very nice with great coral (but I think Tomia is even better).

I spent 2 night at Jeffrey’s house in Kaledupa. He left me his motorbike and his wife cooked me great food. Such a cool guy. There are a couple of beaches around Kaledupa but unfortunately the weather wasn’t really good.

If I remember well I saw only one car during the whole afternoon I spent exploring Kaledupa.

On my way back from Tomia I stopped again in Kaledupa. I stayed at a simple wooden homestay not far from Ambuea market, called Wisma or Penginapan Madya Siru. 50’000Rp for a simple room, bathroom outside. Right in front you have the small warung Elfian without many choices but you can buy seafood at the market and they will cook it for a small fee.

Near Sombano you have a small saltwater lake that is inhabited by huge and flashy red shrimps that come out at the end of the afternoon to feed.

There are three Bajo settlements around Kaledupa, the most accessible is Sampela, but you have also Mantigola and Lohoa. Those are the Indonesian names ; Sampela is called Sama Bahari by its inhabitants. In case you don’t know, the Bajo refer to themselves as Sama and call their language bahasa sama .

To get there, ask a women who has finished to sell her fish at the market to give you a ride. Give her 10’000Rp.

If you want to bring a souvenir, they sell makeshift swimming googles. Again very friendly people, I even got a lesson in Bahasa Sama.

Wangi-Wangi island

Wangi-Wangi island is the main island of the archipelago with Wanci as its main town. There you have the airport, the main harbor (with a few Pelni ferries stopping by, even though most of them are only stopping at Baubau), ATM as well as an immigration office.

Most visitors are (understandingly) eager to rush their way to the islands of Tomia and Hoga and will be annoyed by the conflicting schedules of boats and planes, almost forcing to you to spend a night on the island.

That was what I felt and later someone explained to me on Kaledupa that the regent of Wakatobi did this on purpose to boost hotel business in Wangi-Wangi. But it turns out that Wangi-Wangi deserves some time.

There is not much remaining from the old fort of Liya but the lagoon right behind is stunning. I think that it would be very rewarding to get to Liya village, hire a local boat there (I would expect to pay 400-500’000Rp for the full day) and explore the lagoon.

Otherwise you could do as the locals and go for a swim or a shampoo in Kontamale cave ( Goa Kontamale ) :

While wandering in Wanci I came across a very nice procession. If I’m not mistaken it’s called Karia’a, it’s a life-cycle ceremony for young girls who are paraded in the streets wearing stunning outfit right before they reach their teenage years.

Before you take the boat to others islands, you can also spend some time in the Bajo village of Mola.

Practical tips

Coming to wakatobi from kendari.

The only public flights to Wakatobi is between Kendari and Wanci. Daily flights are operated by Wings Air and 4 flights a week operated by Garuda.

An ojek from Wanci to the airport is about 50’000Rp. It’s rather far from town (maybe 30 minutes).

Beware because until today (2019), the plane schedule forces you to stay one night in Wanci to get the boats to Kaledupa or Tomia the next morning.

I went from Kendari to Wanci by boat in 2017. By then, there were 4 ferries a week. Price is 191’000Rp, we left at 11:30AM and arrive at 9PM. The ferry stops at Ereke in Buton on the way.

Back then, there was no ferry on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. It’s worth checking Wakatobi tourism board’s official website to check for an eventual updated schedule.

Other cheaper solutions exists. Pelni operates a larger ferry called Jetliner that goes from Kendari to Baubau and then Wanci. You can find schedules for the departure from Baubau in the article on Buton .

An even cheaper option would be the KM Sabuk Nusantara 44 operated by Perintis who allegedly costs only 50’000Rp from Kendari to Wanci (goes to Tomia and other islands afterwards). Someone gave me a contact of a guy called Firman that was able to send me the schedule in 2019. You can have a look on the schedule here. Try to contact him in Indonesian on WA : +62 822-9644-4948.

How to come from Tana Toraja ?

I did it once in 2017. Here is what I did but retrospectively it was probably not the best solution :

  • From Rantepao , take a minibus to Bolu terminal (5’000Rp). I got to Bolu at 7h30, got a shared taxi to Palopo who left at 9h20.
  • At 11h20 we arrived in Palopo (40’000Rp for this ride), I took another shared taxi going to Watambone at 11h40 and I got dropped at 13h40 in Siwa harbour (50’000Rp). So I missed the ferry.
  • Everyday the ship docks at 7PM and leaves in theory at 11AM on the next day (45’000), but it’s often more like 1PM, . You can sleep for free in the ferry after it has docked at 7PM.
  • From Tobaku, take a travel to Kolaka (100), then to Kendari (100, the driver asked for 20 more to get dropped near the harbor). Prices were a bit inflated because it was already late at night.
  • Got an hotel not far from the harbor for 80’000Rp a night.
  • The next day, 15’000Rp ojek to the harbor.
  • Check the section above for details about ferry from Kendari to Wanci.

In my case it would have been smarter to go from Palopo to Watambone and take the ferry at Bajoe harbor because it leaves at night and gets you directly to Kolaka instead of Tobaku. According to ASDP website it leaves 3 times a day at 5PM, 8PM and 11PM. The trip takes 9 hours and costs 73’000Rp.

Coming to Wakatobi from Buton

You have daily public boat connections from Buton islands to Wangi-Wangi and Tomia.

  • From Kemaru harbor (3 hours driving from Bau-Bau) you have a daily ferry leaving to Wanci in Wangi-Wangi. ASDP website says departure at 7AM, Wakatobi Tourism office at 1PM. I never took it so I cannot confirm anything but only trust informations coming from ASDP office, the website is not up to date based on my experience. Return boats leave in the morning from Wanci from what I understand.
  • From Murhum harbor in Bau-Bau you have boats leaving almost everyday night Tomia. It costs 215’000Rp and takes bewteen 8 and 14 hours. If the tide is low when you arrive, local boatmen charge 15’000Rp per person to transport you to the island. Returns from Tomia at night.

Pelni ships calling in Wanci

Pelni are cross-provinces public ferries. A few lines make a stop in Wangi-Wangi before continuing their way towards eastern Indonesia : the monthly Leuser gets you to the Banda islands in 3 days for instance.

You may be interested by the fact that if few Pelni ferries stop in Wakatobi, many of them stop in Bau-Bau in nearby Buton.

Please read my guide to boat travel in Indonesia to get all the information.

Boats within the archipelago

The Wakatobi Tourism office has made a lots of information available online . Here is my personal experience :

  • To return to Wanci, the boat leaves everyday at 5AM from and to the same harbors.
  • On the boat from Wanci, I got told that it would stop directly at Hoga if there are enough passengers going there. It’s worth asking the captain, you never know.
  • The boat returns from Ambuea in Kaledupa to Wanci in Wangi-Wangi at 5AM everyday. I left at 5:30AM.
  • From Ambuea get an ojek to Taou harbor near Tampara village (30’000Rp). The boat passes around noon.
  • From Taou harbor, take a taxi boat to catch the boat from Wanci directly in the sea (the boat doesn’t stop at the pier) for 10’000Rp.
  • Pay 50’000Rp on board, it’s a 2 hours trip to Tomia.
  • The boat returns to Wanci everyday at 6AM (the full trip is like 4-6h). You can also get dropped near Taou harbour in Kaledupa on the way (you pay the taxi boat and the ojek like above).

There are different kind of boats available either wooden traditional boat ( kayu ) and speedboats. I always took what was readily available, I think I took the speedboat once. What I’m sure of is that I always paid 50’000Rp between each island.

For boats to Binongko from Wanci, check the website of the tourism office (link posted at the beginning of the section), the boat stops over in Tomia.


  • In Wanci-Wanci, Penginapan Jelly starts at 80’000Rp for a single room with fans. Motorbike rental available.
  • In Hoga I stayed at Operation Wallacea bungalows. 50’000Rp per night.
  • In Kaledupa you can stay in Wisma/Penginapan Madya Siru (50’000Rp, single room, bathroom outside).
  • In Tomia I stayed at Penginapan Bantea if I’m not mistaken (from the pier, you walk straight, it’s like 20 meters after the crossroads). I don’t think they speak much English, I had the room for 100’000Rp by promising I would not use AC, cold shower, breakfast. Penginapan Terapung also starts at 100’000Rp.

As usual I put most of the places quoted in this article in a Google Map. For detailed maps of the villages, please read this great document .

All the articles about Southeast Sulawesi

A guide to buton island, labengki & sombori islands travel guide, a few days on muna island.

  • home_travel

Hi Elliot !! Wow, what blog, what information. Great, really the best blog until yet of information about Sulawesi. I am thinking the same kind of you. Travelling will get interesting outside the tourism path. You have to enter in the culture of the people.

I will go to Sulawesi in November and to Wakatobi free diving. I will stay on Hoga Island. The boss told me to arrive on Hogo I should take the ferry on Numana Harbour. It´s a little bit confusing because on the map of Wanci I could not find this harbour.

Do you ever heard from this “Numana Harbour”. The Boss of the Resord told me by email that this ferry goes to Hoga Island at 07am and 01pm.

Okay. I enjoyed really your blog. And haven´t still finished read all of your information.

BYE Manfred, an Austrian living in Brazil

Hi Manfred,

Hoga is a small island off Kaledupa. There is only one village called Furaku. The kids of Furaku attends school on Kaledupa. So there is a small wooden boat everyday taking them to Kaledupa in the morning and bringing them back in the afternoon. I guess the 7AM and 1PM boat you mention is this one. When I took it, it left from the same jetty used by the boat from Wanci (so Ambeua or somewhere near).

I don’t think there is a ferry leaving from Wanci to Hoga. But I heard the boatmen that it was possible to drop passengers directely on Hoga depending on the weather and their number.

Never heard of this Numana Harbour sorry.

Thanks for the nice words.

Thank you very much for this in depth post – very colourful and vivid. It really draws you in and wants us to go and experience Wakatobi once more. Hopefully it has exactly the same effect on many more travellers. We spend the most of our time underwater and would like to inspire you to do the same. Wakatobi has the healthiest and most diverse reefs (corals and overall marine species) we have seen so far and my husband travels the underwater world for 25 years now. The shallow reef tops are also good for snorkelling. Best to just see for ourselves and plan your next trip while we are all still restricted to travel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D41cgHa_Iq4&list=PLFZloRSBXy8yfHoNTNki53UtcU3rqCtG1&index=1 Keep on exploring and safe our oceans!

SelamapPagi. Thank you for all the info from the wakatobi islands. The best we found so far!. We have flights booked sofat from makssar to Kendiri. Will try to find connection flights to Wanci. We are snorkling only. Have been a few times to Raja Ampat and loved it. This time 2 months Sulawesi. Hoga island dive resort has a housereef. ?. Do you know of any house reefs on the Wakatobi islands. We normally stay in homestays if possible with a housereef and go on snorkle trip with lical boats. Thks in advance for all your info!!

Hi Johanna, I’m a diver more than a snorkeler. I’m a big fan of the diving out of Tomia island but I always took a boat to access the reef. Never dived or snorkeled right in front of the beach.

Dear Eliot. Thank you for your reply. We are very pleased with all your info about Sulawesi in general. I have one more question. Are the bungalows at Wallup oke to stay. I have sent a message to Jeffrey to see if he has 2 bungalows available. Hoga dive resort all in ask 600.000 ro per person per bungalow. A big difference with Wallup. If we can order our meals there, would be great. You know of anybody thatcan take us on a boat to snorkle out there? Thanks again very much for all your info. !!!Johanna

Hi Johanna,

Sorry for the late reply.

Bungalows at Wallup are simple : a bed, a cold shower, that’s it. But if you’re just looking for a place to stay that’s alright.

All the contacts I have are in the article !

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Wakatobi Dive Resort

tour ke wakatobi

Destination: Indonesia

Lamanggau, tomia, wakatobi regency, south east sulawesi | full-board + 3 dives from $454++/ppn.

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Wakatobi Dive Resort Quick Pitch

Wakatobi, located in southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia, is a dive resort offering a peaceful island escape free from crowds and urbanization. With five-star facilities and a pristine environment, it's renowned as a premier destination for diving and snorkeling.

Quick Information 

  • No of Rooms: 34
  • Dive Center: On-site
  • Amenities: AC, Wifi, jetty bar, spa services, boutique, VIP services, diving "taxi-boat" service, Nitrox (fee)
  • WiFi: Yes, free
  • Nearest Airport: Matahora Airport (accessed by a 2.5hr private guest flight from Bali)
  • Airport shuttle: Yes

Accommodations - Resort Facilities - Package & Rates

Dive Information - Dive Center Facilities

Other Information - Underwater Gallery

How to Get There

The resort is located on Tomia Island in Wakatobi Marine National Park. Guests are served by a direct private charter flight from Bali which takes less than three hours to arrive at the purpose-built airstrip. Afterward, a brief boat ride awaits to commence your vacation at our Wakatobi Dive Resort.

Dive Overview

Scuba diving in Wakatobi is a unique and remarkable experience due to its thriving marine ecosystem and diverse array of sea life. The area is known for its crystal clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and an abundance of marine species, including sea turtles, manta rays, and numerous species of fish. Wakatobi's remote location and conservation efforts have helped preserve the marine environment, creating an ideal destination for scuba diving enthusiasts seeking a pristine and immersive underwater adventure.

[Read More: Wakatobi Dive Travel Guide ]

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Types of rooms, amenities and photos, wakatobi dive resort accommodation overview.

The villas and bungalows at Wakatobi offer spacious and comfortable accommodation a few steps away from the ocean. They come with air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and all-inclusive meals and snacks. Wakatobi provides a relaxing environment with personalized service, appetizing food, and excellent diving opportunities. A variety of accommodations are offered at our resort to cater to your personal preferences, including Two-Bedroom Pool Villas, One-Bedroom Villas, Turtle Beach Bungalows, Ocean Bungalows, and Palm Bungalows.

Wakatobi Two-Bedroom Pool Villa 

At the northernmost part of the resort, the two-bedroom pool villas provide a breathtaking panoramic view of the ocean and reef. These villas offer luxury features like sculpted stonework and indoor/outdoor spaces, including two large bedrooms, each with a full bath, an outdoor spa shower, and a private pool surrounded by a spacious deck area with access to the House Reef's clear waters. Villa number two also includes an ocean-view bathtub. These stunning villas come with a private dive guide for customized experiences.    See rates, packages, & inclusions.

Wakatobi Dive Resort


Situated at the northernmost point of Wakatobi's beach, our One-bedroom Villas provide privacy and comfort with unobstructed views of the ocean and breathtaking sunsets. These villas are set on a low ledge overlooking the beach and House Reef and include full baths, an outdoor spa shower, and expansive decks with direct access to the ocean. These stunning villas come with a private dive guide for customized experiences.   See rates, packages, & inclusions.

Wakatobi Dive Resort


Wakatobi Dive Resort


Palm bungalow.

Wakatobi Dive Resort

Resort Facilities

Wakatobi Dive Resort

Restaurant & Bar

Wakatobi Dive Resort

Longhouse & Aerial View

Wakatobi Dive Resort Features 

  • Beachside restaurant
  • Boutique and gift shop
  • Longhouse lounge

Wakatobi Dive Resort Food & Drinks 

Guests are often pleasantly surprised by the refined cuisine offered in this remote location. All meals and snacks are included in the price, featuring a diverse selection of Indonesian, Asian, and international dishes. Mealtimes at the Beach Restaurant are a culinary adventure, and the Jetty bar is the perfect spot to enjoy a drink while watching the stunning Wakatobi sunset and stars come out.

Meals are served buffet-style, but this is no ordinary buffet. It is always restocked, kept fresh and hot, and features a variety of dishes. In addition to the buffet, dinner also includes stations for the day's roast and soup, as well as a selection of desserts. Friendly wait staff are always available to serve drinks, including soda, fresh fruit juice, beer, and imported wines, as well as gourmet cappuccino, espresso, and a variety of teas.

Wakatobi Dive Resort Activities 

  • Kitesurfing
  • Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP)

Package & Rates

Wakatobi dive resort rates,  jump to:.

Accommodation - Activity Packages

Accommodation Rates 2023/24

All prices are per person per night in US Dollars.

2023 Holiday Season Dates (Apr 3 - 17, Sept 18 - Nov 20, Dec 18 - Jan 1 2024)

2024 Holiday Season Dates (Mar 25 - Apr 8, Sept 16 - Nov 18, Dec 16 - Jan 6 2025)

*Twin share price is per person per night for each of the first two guests in bedroom one. Additional guests (i.e. in the second bedroom) pay the additional adult rate.


  • VIP greeting and assistance upon your arrival in Bali
  • Your resort accommodation
  • Free WiFi internet access via satellite
  • In-room amenities such as minibar, coffee pot, towels, hair dryer & safe
  • Delicious & varied gourmet meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) & care to cater to special diets
  • 24 hours tea / brewed coffee / hot chocolate / drinking water, and daily snacks
  • Daily turndown service
  • Aromatherapy bath products in all rooms
  • Optional Village Tour on last day
  • No fuel surcharges / park fees  


  • Butler (Private Resort Experience Manager)
  • Daily private boat
  • One daily spa treatment per guest
  • Two PDEMs (Private Dive Experience Manager) for the first two guests; a third is added for two additional adult guests
  • One Fluo experience or test drive of Seacam/Canon 5D UW setup for two dives

Two-bedroom Pool Villa – package Inclusions

  • One PDEM (Private Dive Experience Manager) for the first two guests; a second is added for additional guests.

One-bedroom Villa – PACKAGE INCLUSIONS

  • One PDEM (Private Dive Experience Manager)
  • One Fluo experience or test drive of Seacam/Canon 5D UW setup for two dives 

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Activity Packages

All prices are per person per day in US Dollars.

Can't find the information you need?

Drop us an email at [email protected] or call us at 310-915-6677 and we will gladly help you plan your dream dive vacation!

Dive Information

Nowhere else can you access miles of pristine reefs with such ease, featuring diverse topography, life, and highlights like at Wakatobi. In other locations, good dive sites may be scattered over large areas, requiring long and arduous boat journeys. But at Wakatobi, you can find all of these sites right at your doorstep.

The world-famous house reef is a diver's paradise, and some guests never leave it, finding enough territory and diversity to explore for several days. Wakatobi offers "taxi-boat" services to transport you to and from different parts of the house reef.

Experience a new dimension in diving with fluorescence, where fish suddenly speak and coral communicates in a totally new light. Night diving at Wakatobi is fantastic, with one or two night dives offered from the boats (depending on trip length and weather). You can also dive any night on the house reef in front of the resort with an unguided buddy team.

Wakatobi has over 40 sites regularly dived, all accessible by day boats ranging from 10 minutes to an hour for the farthest sites. Their Private Dive Experience Manager program offers personalized resort diving tailored to your individual needs.

The entire Wakatobi region is now a sustainable protected marine park, with the local village and surrounding communities enthusiastically adopting conservation plans. Your payment for staying and diving at Wakatobi goes back to the community to sustain and support this new way of living, in harmony with and respect for the coral reef ecosystem.

Wakatobi Dive Sites

Marine Life 

Wakatobi is located at the world’s epicenter of coral reef biodiversity and is designated a UNESCO Marine Biosphere Reserve. This means that while diving at Wakatobi you can see the greatest variety and diversity of marine life. You’ll not only see beautiful vistas or pristine coral reefs, but also abundant colorful reef fish and rare and unusual cryptic ‘critters’. New and undocumented species continue to be discovered at Wakatobi.

There are other locations where you can see larger schools of fish, bigger animals and experience more adrenaline-filled underwater ‘rides’, but for sheer reef scenery and marine life variety, you won’t be disappointed with a diving holiday at Wakatobi.

Dive Center Information

Wakatobi Dive Resort

Dive Center & Dive Boats

Wakatobi Dive Resort

Dive Guides & Aerial Reef View

Wakatobi Dive Resort Dive Center Overview

Remote doesn’t mean Spartan. They cater to air, Nitrox, and rebreather users as well as snorkelers and freedivers with comprehensive support facilities. And if you like to travel light, they offer a full range of premium quality gear for rental including regulators, masks, fins, dive computers, BCDs and torches. 

Wakatobi Dive Resort Dive Center Features 

  • Dedicated Professional Dive Staff
  • Private Dive or Snorkel Experience
  • First class facilities in the dive center
  • Comfortable and spacious day boats
  • Access to the resort’s near vicinity by tender
  • Support for Nitrox divers
  • Dive courses including nitrox certification
  • Wakatobi Resort is associated with PADI, SDI & TDI
  • Technical Diving Services

Other Information

Practical information .

  • Electricity: 220 V
  • Time zone: UTC+8
  • Languages: Indonesian & English

Got Questions? Ready to Book?

Call us today at 310-915-6677 or email us [email protected]

And let us book your dream vacation!

Underwater Gallery

Snorkeling on the house reef in front of bungalows – photo Walt Stearns

Reviews (6)

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The Wakatobi Dive Resort operations are tuned like a Swiss watch. Their rep was able to locate us before we got our luggage upon arrival to Bali. He assisted with checking into the hotel, which I booked. The Novotel hotel is right between the international and the domestic terminals on the short walk distance. It is a nice hotel and it is great for the short stay due to its proximity to airport terminals. There is a good restaurant in the hotel, if you don’t want to go out, but as soon as you step out of the hotel you will be swarmed by locals offering a taxi to a restaurant somewhere. We were told that it is pretty safe crime wise in Bali, so it is okay to walk around on your own and use taxi, but we were too tired after flights and stayed on the hotel grounds. The Wakatobi rep explained what we should expect the next day. The next morning he greeted us again at the domestic terminal and introduced us to few more Wakatobi people. They provided our boarding passes and took care of our luggage. Then we were escorted to the lounge reserved for Wakatobi guests, where we could have breakfast and wait for boarding. The Bali airport domestic terminal looks very nice and comfortable. There are many typical Indonesian installations and colorful indoor gardens. It is worth of short walk around, so it is better to come earlier, not at the last moment.

One suggestion for future divers going to Wakatobi is if there is a piece of luggage that they won't need at the resort (personal belongings, etc. that are for other parts of the trip), they can leave it in Bali. Wakatobi personnel will take care of it until their return to Bali. So, you may pack accordingly. We didn't pack that way; we had 4 pieces of checked luggage and three pieces of hand luggage and it was not a problem for them anyway.

The charter flight to Wakatobi is serviced by Garuda Indonesia, which is definitely the best Indonesian airline. The ATR-72 plane was half full and it was a comfortable 2+ hour flight.

Upon arrival to Tomea Island we were promptly transferred by a bunch of SUVs to the boats, which took us to the resort, which is located on another smaller island. Each couple or group was met and escorted individually to their preassigned bungalow by one of the Wakatobi personnel, which for us happened to be the dive master with whom we would dive the whole week. Our luggage was delivered soon. We did a checkup dive in the afternoon on the arrival day.

The resort is well maintained; nice bungalows, restaurant and dive center, which they call the Long House. A very well organized camera room in the Long House, with the helpful photo guru host, Marco, who was knowledgeable and was always able to suggest the right lens choice for the next dive; you don't have to guess. There is more personnel than guests at the Wakatobi. All staff is very friendly and well trained to make guests comfortable. It was very pleasant stay. Food and snack was very good to delicious and plenty.

Free WiFi with internet access is in each bungalow and around the resort. However it is satellite based; it is not fast and Internet access is intermittent.

You may not need to bring shoes or slippers to the resort. You can have shoeless vacation. They do ask to remove shoes to enter the restaurant. There are salt water taps to wash off send from your feet before you enter the restaurant, your bungalow or the long house. The only time you may want to put something on your feet is if you cannot tolerate hot sand at midday, though most of paths around the resort are shaded by palm trees.

There is no source of fresh water on the island. The resort desalinates ocean water for all their needs. They do have different levels of desalination for water used in a toilet, a shower and drinking water. Don’t be surprised to find salt water in a shower and wetsuit washing tanks in diving equipment storage area. Camera tanks are filled with fresh water of course. They will wash all your diving equipment with fresh water after you complete your last dive. Drinking water is available in a jug in your bungalow and basically everywhere, on the dive boat, at the long house and in the restaurant. Drinking water was no problem. There is also bottled water in the minibar in your bungalow, but that’s for a fee.

Diving at Wakatobi is great, pristine reefs with great diversity of dive sites. In my opinion, it is suitable for all diver experience levels, from beginners to seasoned divers. September is probably the best time to dive in Wakatobi. It is the driest month of the year; there was no rain at all. Weather was mostly sunny with few clowds. Water was quiet and clear; we only had a day or two of somewhat choppy sea while 10-minute crossing the channel. Calm sea at dive sites. Visibility was great; more than 100' for most dive sites. Dives are usually calm and easy. Currents depend on tides of course. Mostly minimal current, and if there is current there is no need to go against - it would be converted into a drift dive. Currents are being checked before each dive and discussed during the dive briefing. On one or two occasions the boat changed the drop point because current was going the opposite to expected direction; we simply started the dive from the other end of the same dive site. We did experience some moderate (it could probably be considered somewhat strong for some less experienced divers, but we have seen much worse) current on couple dives. In those cases we would go with the current and stop to explore areas behind corners, where was no current. Reef hooks are not allowed and probably not useful in there. All dives were great with no exception. Marine life is rich. Sure it is not comparable to let's say diving at Raja Ampat, which to me is like a benchmark; I haven’t seen anything better. Marine life diversity at Wakatobi is great, but not as great as Raja Ampat. We have seen a lot of stuff: pygmy seahorse, pygmy pipehorse, nudibranchs, stargazers, various shrimps, ribbon eels, giant turtles with remoras, giant bumphead parrotfishes, unicorn fishes, crocodile fishes were frequent and sometimes in bunches up to 3 species next to/on top of each other, plenty of various colorful reef fishes, schooling jacks, etc., etc. It is not possible to mention all. There is not much big stuff around though and that was what we expected anyway. We didn't see any sharks or much of other pelagic. Coral formations are great: soft corals, hard corals, giant sea fans, etc. ... healthy and colorful. The resort house reef is great, healthy and full of marine life. We dove the house reef every day in the afternoon, on sunset or at night. Every time there was something new to see. We found a gorgeous big basket star right next to the entrance galley on the night dive. The resort provides free taxi-boat, if you wish or if there is current, to drop you off at the far end of the reef for you to drift back to the pier. They would check the tide phase, the current direction and its strength for you before the dive. There is always someone watching divers on the house reef. If you finish the dive far from the pier either the taxi will pick you up or you swim to the shore, which is close and couple guys will assist you out of the water and will take care of your gear. Night dives must be finished before 10pm. You don’t need to worry about your diving equipment. There is many assistants taking care of it, who would bring it to the boat or to the pier and take it back to the storage area. They would put it together and help you putting on and off. You only required to analyze nitrox for your next dives.

Diving was in small groups - 4 to 6 divers per a dive guide. They take good intervals between dropping groups to avoid crowds, so you almost never see another group underwater. The resort wasn't filled to the capacity, which was a surprise because it was really good season for diving. Except of one day we were only 4 with our dive guide. We dove with Yono for the whole week and were very happy to have him as a divemaster. I think other divemasters are good as well. Dives are typically not deep and scheduled to be 70 minutes. We were not forced out as soon as the first diver got low on air. Yono wasn't strict but was attentive. He would escort to the boat the diver low on air and return to the group. He knows all the marine life and the way to find it. He also was good at suggesting the right lens choice for the next dive. He knows what is expected to see on the next dive and does understand photographer’s needs.

A week of diving passed quickly … too soon. We booked 5 days of unlimited diving, the sixth day, the last one was supposed to be light diving with two morning boat dives. We were surprised to learn that we will only do one dive on the last day because they consider the checkup dive which we did on the day of arrival to be part of the last light dive day package. Well, the checkup dive was indeed the complete guided dive on the house reef. We didn’t argue that; we paid $70 or $75 pp to upgrade from the light dive to the unlimited dive day. So, if you want to maximize your diving experience, you should book the unlimited diving on the last day too. It will cost you less, if booked in advance.

The trip back to Bali was equally comfortable. We had over 8 hours between flights in Bali. When we mentioned that to a guy who greeted us at the Bali airport on the day of arrival, he suggested to take a half day cab tour around Bali instead of just sitting at the airport. We booked the tour from the Wakatobi resort. The cab was a comfortable SUV type with the spacious trunk for our luggage. We were free to choose where to go. We visited the Uluwatu Temple and had a chance to see the part of Bali. We stopped at the place that serve and sell an authentic wild Luwak coffee. Unfortunately we had no time to see the traditional Indonesian dance performed at the Uluwatu temple every night at sunset. They just started the dance, when we had to leave for the airport. I have to say that that place was very busy with tourists. Our guide in Bali, Suka was great. I understood that he doesn't work for Wakatobi Dive Resort directly, but they often contract him to entertain resort's guests. If time allows I do recommend taking trip around Bali.

Once again the trip was great; we were happy at every part. Thank you Blue Water Travel for arranging that.

Each bungalow has its own open shower restroom. Its a good size room with a shower in one corner and the other facilities in the other corner. It was actually very nice and very clean. Bungalows are double occupancy or triple occupancy with 1 double bed and a twin bed. The beds were comfortable.

Bed assignment if sharing with someone you do not know is on a first come first serve basis, which was a bummer because your arrival is dictated by the plane. Shoes were not allowed in any of the buildings. You were required to take your shoes off at the entry way including the open aired eating pavilion, which has no walls.

The food variety was fantastic as where the other amenities. The food was served buffet style with two or three main island themes to chose from. Grilled dishes required line waits. Desserts were served as petite fours, which often ran out.

Internet access was throttled and intermittent.

With respect to marine life, I wished I had known before I went that the subjects were going to be SUPER MACRO as opposed to MACRO. If you are into photography, then plan accordingly. I ended up buying a magnifying glass at the resort's dive shop just to see what was being pointed out to us. It was very expensive for a plastic handled magnifying glass.

On one particular dive, the checkout dive, we went to a spot where the coral was dead. We were told it was a result of being poisoned to capture the fish for the aquarium market. All of the other dive sites were pristine but not close to the resort. There would be lengthy boat rides to the other sites. The boat captain looked for sites that would be sheltered from the currents for the time period we would be diving. On one dive we all got separated. There were local fishermen out calling in the locations if they saw us. My dive buddy and I waited a long time for a pickup while drifting.

The week that we went there were high currents with a lot of haze in the water. Although advertised as unlimited shore diving available, diving off the resort reef wasn't allowed as an option.

They have a dedicated camera room for all of the photographers. Places to charge your batteries and set the camera up. This room is protected and kept locked. They do not want you to do your camera gear in the rooms.

The dive boats were open boats, and they were kept very clean. The crew helped carry your gear through the water to load on and off the boats. The boats had more than ample room for anything and everything related to your dive. Not crowded at all. In fact very comfortable. The crews were very friendly and helpful.

The crew is very aggressive about keeping people from touching the reef. The most diligent that I've ever seen. Which means these reef's will stay in great shape for a long time to come. They are also very diligent about keeping people to under 60 minute dives.

The most disappointing thing about the trip was the limited diving and the lack of shore diving. Shore time / downtime becomes boring if your into diving and it isn't an option. So plan on taking reading material of a set of movies that you haven't seen yet to help pass the time.

tour ke wakatobi

November of 2013 my husband and I headed to Wakatobi for a 11 night stay in a ocean front bungalow, food included in our stay. The journey to the resort from Bali is on their private jet at $675.00 each roundtrip. A light lunch was provided and a short 2 hour flight, a short car ride and a short boat ride, we arrived at Wakatobi. My husbands first impressions was, wow. First timer to Indonesia he has decided he needs to see more of this wonderful Country.

After check in, you unload all your land items to your room then dive equipment to your area by the reception area. Camera room is amazing and has everything you need to charge your batteries. It is air conditioned so be careful not to open your housing when you get outside because your camera will be fogged up for 1/2 a day, seen a few unlucky people have this happen to them.

Check out time in the ocean, wakatobi requires you to flood your mask, exchange air supply as they observe you doing this. I found this to be unnecessary since you have a divers certificate, but you have no choice if you want to dive. The check out dive is on the house reef, and that does give you an introduction to the reef so you can go on your own. We did this several times during our stay and I even found dwarf seahorses on the house reef.

Boat Dives are 3 a day, 70 minute limit and a 4 to 1 ratio is now being used. The guides do a great job finding critters you are looking for, I was interested in pipe fish and we found all kinds. This area is very good for wide angle and some macro. I came home with some very beautiful wide angle pictures and many had turtles in them, the house reef has at least 3 I found. All the diving I did was wall diving, and the boat most times locates you at the end for pick up, your dive guide will release a dive buoy for the boat to find you. Works well! The captains of the boats are very safety minded and have spotters on the boat to help keep an eye on divers and snorkelers.

Underwater life: Turtles, cuttlefish, Crocodilfish, Blennies, Anemonefish just to name a few. Dwarf seahorses, Nudibranches and Eels. I didn't see any frog fish or large fish but I might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Rooms: Ocean view room has an outdoor shower, fridge and coffee maker. We were abit far from the ocean to have a view but we just walked to the shore and enjoyed it. A garden view room would be a better money saving alternative, and you can still spend time on the beach to enjoy the ocean. The food was outstanding and many different choices at each meal.

flight to the resort 675.00 each

soft drinks, wine, beer and everything but ice tea, some juices and coffee is extra.

If you are offered a soft drink on the dive boat you are charged for it.

tour ke wakatobi

My time last year at Wakatobi's resort was amazing. The resort made me fill out a questionaire prior to my arrival, ranging from size of tanks I would like, to food preference, to what kind of diving I enjoyed and even the pace that I like to dive at. Once at the resort they had then split up divers into groups based on preference, catered to each individuals dive profiles. The resort was also extremely helpful with arriving in Bali, having already set up a driver for me for the few days we were staying in Bali before flying out to Wakatobi. I also got to bypass the customs line coming in to Indonesia because they had already made arrangements, which saved me at least an hour of waiting. Upon arriving, every person I talked to already knew my name, and was extremely welcoming. The atmosphere itself was quite laid back, as if everyone was already friends with one another. Another instance of showing how laid back the place was, when I first arrived they told the guests that while you could wear shoes, it was more likely we would be walking around barefoot. This is because in front of every room is a small water pool that you would step in to easily wash off the sand off your feet. And looking back, I don't think I saw one person wearing shoes while on the island. The food was also outstanding; I think I would go back simply to have more of their wahoo sashimi.

Now for the diving! The sites were fantastic, the hardest part of each dive was trying to figure out if I wanted to shoot macro or wide angle. The pristine coral life is jaw dropping, but once you start looking closer you will see that there is in fact growth on growth on growth. While the whole reef scenes are astounding, I think the macro stuff is where this resort really shines. They have so many endemic species here, and there's so much of it, that it will blow your mind. You could do an hour long dive and move 10 ft and not have seen everything there. And while I'm sure I missed seeing many things, the dive guides did a fantastic job finding stuff. I don't know how they do it. The only thing I wish I could have done, was spend more time on the house reef. I did one dive there, and wished I had spent more time. The problem is that you are diving at all these other great locations constantly, so I didn't give myself any down time to explore more of the reef right in front of the resort. I guess this just gives me a reason to go back again :)

Part of the wall at the dive site Blade

I had high expectations going to Wakatobi, and it certainly did not fail to impress. We stayed in an Oceanside bungalow, which had a great view of the water and was perfect for my girlfriend and me. It wasn't too fancy, yet it was extremely comfortable. The staff was also a highlight of Wakatobi. Everyone was extremely friendly from the kitchen staff to the divemasters. Then there is the food, which was excellent in my opinion. It is buffet style, but there are plenty of delicious options, and also plenty of food for those with big appetites.

Now let's talk about the diving. I was absolutely blown away by the reefs. Most of the dives are sloping to steep walls with incredibly healthy reefs. The coral thrives, and with it so do the reef creatures. Highlights included frogfish, cuttlefish, ornate ghost pipefish, turtles, nudibranchs and a bunch of pygmy sea horses. Macro life was solid (but not fantastic), and larger pelagics were not around (no sharks and only a few larger fish); to me, however, this didn't matter given the incredible reefs. The divemasters were very adept at finding the creatures that we wanted to see and gave extremely thorough dive briefings. Finally, Wakatobi is well set up for photographers. It has a great photo room, and dives are ideal for the photographer (usually 70 minutes at a very slow pace).

Overall, Wakatobi will cost a pretty penny, but I definitely thought it was worth the money.

best diving spots in southeast asia

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Paket Wisata Wakatobi 3 Hari 2 Malam

  • Tujuan Wisata: Wakatobi
  • Durasi: 3 days

Kabupaten Wakatobi menyimpan tempat wisata indah yang sangat layak untuk dikunjungi. Bukan hanya menawarkan sunset dan ketenangan di pinggir pantai, Anda juga bisa menyelam dan melihat pemandangan bawah laut. Bukan hal yang mengherankan jika kami selaku agen perjalanan kemudian menawarkan paket wisata Wakatobi 3 hari 2 malam.

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Jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan, silakan tulis pesan di bawah ini

Itinerary Paket Wisata Wakatobi 3 Hari 2 Malam

Hari 1: Penjemputan Di Airport

Jadwal perjalanan di hari pertama tidaklah padat, karena setelah dijemput di gerbang kedatangan. Salah satu staf kami akan segera mengantarkan Anda ke tempat penginapan untuk makan dilanjutkan dengan istirahat.

Hari 2: Jembatan Sombu-Kaledupa

Tepat di hari kedua ini, jadwal sudah mulai kita buat lebih padat. Di mana setelah Anda check out dari hotel, touring akan kita lakukan di Jembatan Sombu. Sebagian besar orang yang datang ke Jembatan Sombu sebenarnya bukan bermaksud untuk sekedar menikmati pemandangan saja namun juga berencana untuk melakukan snorkeling.

Kedalaman airnya sekitar 20-40 meter dan bila merasa lelah menyelam bisa langsung istirahat di jembatan.

Tempat tujuan wisata kita berikutnya setelah melakukan aktivitas cukup lama di Jembatan Sombu adalah Pantai Cemara. Tempat wisata ini termasuk satu dari sekian banyak pantai terbaik dan eksotik di Wakatobi.

Jangan heran jika menemui banyak wisatawan domestic yang memilih Pantai Cemara sebagai tujuan wisata dibandingkan dengan pantai lainnya. Aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan di Pantai Cemara sangat beragam, Anda bisa berenang, sekedar bermain pasir putih atau justru memilih untuk diving dan snorkeling.

Wisata diving dan snorkeling di tempat ini tidak pernah mengecewakan. Fasilitas yang diberikan oleh pihak pengelola pun sangat lengkap. Anda hanya perlu menyewa peralatan yang Anda butuhkan saja.

Selesai menelusuri keindahan biota laut Pantai Cemara kita akan break makan siang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan istirahat. Selesai istirahat, perjalanan akan kita teruskan ke Pulau Kaledupa. Pulau ini memiliki banyak daya tarik yang wajib Anda nikmati selama berlibur di Wakatobi.

Tiba di Pulau Kaledupa kita pergi ke penginapan untuk istirahat dilanjutkan dengan makan lantas free time. Anda bisa melakukan kegiatan yang Anda inginkan, entah berjalan-jalan di sekitar pulau atau bahkan mencoba atraksi lainnya.

Hari 3: Pulau Hoga-Kepulangan Dari Wakatobi

Setelah check out dari penginapan dan dilanjutkan dengan menyelesaikan sarapan kita langsung ke Pantai Hoga. Di Wakatobi, pantai ini seringkali menjadi langganan wisata keluarga terutama untuk wisata bahari.

Bila diakses menggunakan perahu motor dari Pulau Kaledupa, perjalanan ke tempat ini hanya memakan waktu 15 menit saja. Cukup singkat sehingga Anda bisa melakukan snorkeling atau aktivitas lainnya lebih lama.

Hamparan pasir putih dan beningnya air laut merupakan daya tarik utama Pantai Hoga. Setelah puas menikmati keindahan alam tersebut, Anda bisa menikmati pemandangan indah dari pantainya melalui bidikan kamera.

Manfaatkan kamera Anda untuk menghasilkan berbagai foto yang bagus dan menarik. Uniknya lagi, Pantai Hoga juga memiliki laboratorium bawah laut yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh pengunjung yang ingin melakukan snorkeling maupun diving.

Selain dikenal karena mempunyai pantai yang masih alami dan terawat, Pantai Hoga juga dikenal karena memiliki pemandangan pohon nan rindang. Anda tidak akan merasa panas selama bersantai di pantai atau berjemur.

Setelah melakukan berbagai acara termasuk sesi foto dan snorkeling di Pulau Hoga, kita akan kembali ke pusat kota. Setibanya di pusat kota, Anda akan kami antarkan ke bandara.

Dan itulah ringkasan paket wisata Wakatobi 3 hari 2 malam yang kami tawarkan. Untuk penawaran paket perjalanan lainnya bisa Anda browsing di situs kami atau tanyakan langsung pada CS.

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Paket Wisata Wakatobi 4 Hari 3 Malam

Paket Wisata Wakatobi 4 Hari 3 Malam

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tour ke wakatobi

Explore Sulawesi: Your Wakatobi Travel Guide

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Wakatobi is officially a part of Sulawesi . The islands, more about that in a sec, are off the north-eastern coast of the mainland. They offer everything you’d expect from an island paradise. Jaques Cousteau allegedly said Wakatobi was one of the finest dive sites in the world and the local dive centres have been living off the quote ever since.

There are four main islands in the chain; Wangi Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia and Binongko. The name Wakatobi comes from the first two letters of the islands;  Wa ngi Wangi, Ka ledupa, To mia and Bi nongko. It’s catchy and better than Gipaiako , which you’d get if you use the last two letters from the name of each island.

Where to Go in Wakatobi

While there are public boats that operate between the islands, the service is not frequent. It’s also difficult to find information about where to stay (though there are local home stays on most islands). So one of the first thing you will need to do before going to Wakatobi is decide which island(s) you want to go to. To help you make your choice we’ve given you a quick overview of the islands.

Wangi Wangi Island

Wangi Wangi is  one of the busiest islands. It hosts the administrative capital, Wanci. There’s an airport with flights to Makassar and other parts of Indonesia. Wanci also has plenty of restaurants, ATMs and hotels, which you can’t find on the other islands. All of this makes Wangi Wangi a good starting point for your holiday.

There are plenty of small local hotels and homestays around Wanci where you can stay, but most of them only offer basic accommodation. The nicest resort on Wangi Wangi is the Patuno Dive Resort . It’s a bit outside of town, which means you’ll be stuck on the resort unless you have arranged transport. However, the rooms at the resort are nice and the food is good, if slightly overpriced.

Kaledupa Island

Kaledupa is the most fertile of the main islands. The islands name is a bastardisation of “Kauhedupa,” which means incense wood in the local language. Kaledupa is surrounded by mangrove forest and edged by palm trees. It’s been settled for some time. There’s an old fortress, some old mosques and lots of stilt house settlements, which look nice from a distance.

Just across the strait from Kaledupa is Hoga Island. It’s a relaxed under developed island with long empty beaches and offshore coral reefs. I decided to stay here the last time I visited Wakatobi (and it was very relaxing with delicious fresh seafood) and recommend it to other travellers.

You’ll find local homestays on Kaledupa, most of which offer diving. As I stated above, I’d recommend staying on Hoga, which is less developed and more beautiful. The main dive resort on the island is Hoga Dive Resort , which offer comfortable wooden cabins.

Tomia Island

Tomia is the third island in the chain. It’s a 3-4 hour ride from Wangi Wangi by public boat. The island is inhabited by three different tribes, known locally as Kawati. The settlements on the island linked together by a single road that you can drive around.   It’s easy to explore the island and there’s enough to see to make it an interesting diversion for a day.

Tomia is the base of the famous  Wakatobi dive resort . It’s Wakatobi’s one and only 5-star quality resort. They run direct flights from Bali to Wakatobi for guests. As a result of all of this Tomia is also the most developed island for diving. There are several dive resorts on the island catering to travellers on a lower budget. You’ll also find simple homestays like Labore Stay.

Binongko Island

Years ago Binongko Island was famous for its blacksmiths. In fact the whole of the Wakatobi was known as the Tukang Besi Archipelago (which is a good example of positive rebranding).  The island well known locally for the quality of their machetes and other farming instruments. Yet that’s not the only attraction on Binongko.

Binongko is an island of steep cliffs, rocky hills, coconut coves and beautiful beaches. Small fishing villages dot the island and farmers struggle to make a living from the dry rocky soil (the climate of Binongko is a lot drier and more humid than the other islands of Wakatobi).

Unfortunately you won’t find much information about accommodation on Binongko online. There are dozens of basic homestays and hotels on the island, though you’ll need to ask around once you’re there for recommendations.

How to get to Wakatobi

To get to Wakatobi you can either fly to Makassar (Ujung Pandang) or Kendari and get a connecting flight to Wangi Wangi directly, or fly to Bau Bau (Buton Island) and find a boat to one of wakatobi’s big island. If you are in the mood for going to a very fancy resort, there is a direct flight from Bali (Denpasar) to Tomia, which is dedicated to visitors of Wakatobi dive resort.

There are also direct flights from local airlines (Wings air/Lion air and Merpati) that serve the route from Makassar and Kendari to Wangi Wangi (Wanci). The price of a round trip plane ticket (Makassar-Wangi Wangi) is around $200 and from Kendari-Wangi Wangi is around $100.

Another option is to fly from Bau Bau (Buton Island) and continue with a public boat to Wanci/Kaledupa/Tomia. The plane ticket to Bau Bau from Makassar is around $100 for a round trip. There are two types of public boats from Bau Bau to Wakatobi.

Taking the Ferry to Wakatobi

If you plan to visit Wakatobi and want to take the ferry I’d recommend taking the express service from Bau Bau. The ferry usually departs from Pelabuhan Murhum to Wanci at 1 pm on even dates (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.); or from Wanci to Bau Bau at 9 am on odd dates. The ticket price for a one way ticket is Rp 155,000 = $16. The journey with a speed boat takes around 3 hours from Bau Bau to Wanci.

The wooden boat (overnight boat) departs everyday at 9 pm from the same port. You arrive at 6-7 am the next morning at Wanci. The ticket for the overnight boat is Rp 105,000 = $11. You can get the same boat to bring you to Kaledupa or to Tomia, but the ferry goes to Wanci (Wangi Wangi) first.

From Wanci, there is a boat that can bring you to Kaledupa island from Mola Port. A one way ticket costs Rp 50,000 ($5.20). And if you specifically want to visit Hoga Island (like I did), you need to take a boat taxi from Kaledupa to Hoga. It costs Rp 25,000  ($2.60) per person for a one way ticket. However, almost all the islands in Wakatobi are reachable, it’s just that some of them don’t have a boat running to them everyday.

Final Thoughts

There are many beautiful places to visit in Wakatobi. Unfortunately with the islands being so far apart and transport being a pain it’s difficult to get around. I’d recommend choosing one or two islands when you visit. Make sure to set aside a bit of time to plan your holiday so that you can make the most of your time in Wakatobi. Also plan for delays (like arriving on Wangi Wangi the day before you want to leave Wakatobi if you’re not staying at the Wakatobi Dive Resort).

Have you ever visited Wakatobi? Do you have any tips for other travellers visiting Wakatobi? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Next post Interview with Asri Zefanya: The Secret Life of an Au pair

Previous post explore sulawesi: an introduction to tana toraja.


About the Author Firsta


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Can I correct your statement? Wakatobi is consist of wangi – wangi, kaledupa, tomiya and binongko. thank you

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Hi Eric, Thank you! I’ve changed it. 🙂

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Dear Firsta,

Because of your help we will visit Wakatobi.

Terima kasih!

Hi Dario, I am glad that you found it useful. Hope you will enjoy Wakatobi! Safe travel!

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Hey firsta, did you spend all of your nights in Wakatobi on Hoga or did you move around at all? Thanks for the info 🙂

Hi Steven, I stayed 3 nights in Hoga island and 2 nights in Wangi wangi island. My pleasure! When you are planning to visit Wakatobi? I hope you will have a great time there!

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hi… yaa i wanna know, do i really need to have two weeks to explore Wakatobi ? and i want to know about the Explore Tomia best spot to visit. im kind of do some research now before i go there next Spring time on April or May 2014. Thanks your info help a lot

Hi Ben, It depends on what do you want to do and which island(s) that you want to explore. I stayed 3 days in Hoga and 2 days in Wangi-wangi island, so I never been to Tomia 🙂

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Hello.. i plan to go to wakatobi in may. Are the informations about the ferry still the same? Thank you

Hi Sabrina!

I recommend checking the schedule directly with the national ferry company. Here are their details: Site: pelni.co.id/en WhatsApp: +628111621162 Email: [email protected] Instagram: @pelni162 They have the most up-to-date information. All the best for your travels!

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Hi Firsta, Mau tau dong, waktu di wangi2 n hoga nginepnya dmn? Bersih ga tempatnya? Tenk u

Waktu di Wangi-wangi saya menginap di Patuno resort yang jelas bersih 🙂 di Hoga, menginap di Hoga Island Resort, contact Ibu Wiya: 0852 41628287. Waktu itu hanya ada dua pilihan penginapan di Hoga, dan Hoga Island Resort meurut saya lebih bersih dari yang satu-nya lagi.

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I hope this is still active. We want to go to Hoga island in early March, hoping the seas are not to rough then. We plan on staying a week for diving and snorkeling. Your blog was very usefull, but we still need some more infos: how do we make a reservation on Hoga? What time does it take from Wanci to Hoga (via Kaledupa?) And when do the boats leave (daily?) from Wanci and Kaledupa respectively? Can the round trip from Makassar to Hoga be done safely in 9-10 days? We would be most grateful for any tips, contacts, and firther infos. hope this reaches you! Terima kassi banyak – W

Hi Wolfgang,

You can call Ms. Wiya: +62852 41628287 for reservation on Hoga Island Resort. It was cost me Idr. 250,000/day/person (include 3 times meals, they provide great food!). You need to go to Mola port on Wanci to get to Kaledupa. If I am not wrong, the boat leaves at 9 am, but it left at 11 am (there was a town celebration or something like an art exhibition around the Mola port). As from Kaledupa back to Wanci, the boat leaves very early (probably 7 am). Ms. Wiya can arrange to send a boat to pick you up at Kaledupa and bring you to Hoga (Idr. 50,000/person/one way). It was a small boat (private boat) so it doesn’t really have schedule. Yes, that should be doable Makassar – Hoga in 9-10 days with a note: You fly from Makassar to Bau-bau (Buton). I hope this helps! Cheers, Firsta

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Hi Firsta, I did a quick visit to Wakatobi last month. Wangi-Wangi – Kaledupa – Hoga – Tomia. Some prices has changed, overnight boat from Bau-Bau to Wangi-Wangi now Rp.125.000. Inter-island boat from Wangi-Wangi to Kaledupa and so on to another islands is Rp.60.000. Hope this info it helps people who read your post. I stayed in Hoga–at the one you said worst than Hoga Island Resort. I can assume it, as it owned by local, so they don’t manage it really well. Did you diving in Hoga?

Hi Fiqy, Thanks for the additional info. Appreciate it! Guess what? Hoga Island Resort own and manage by local people. 🙂 Yes, I dive 2 times around Hoga island.

[…] used had no signal at all on the island, and locals said that it would get worst when I reached Wakatobi. Oh by the way, the service that works best in Bau Bau and Wakatobi is Telkomsel. Walking around […]

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Hi , I am sharo and I was looking around wakatobi informations. I have few questions 1. Can a beginner do scuba diving there ? 2. Is August mid is a good time to visit ?

Hi Sharo, Yes, they do have a scuba discovery option if you don’t have any license. I think travel to Wakatobi on August is ok.

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Hi, I have read your lovely comments about wakatobi, so I booked my flights. The cheapest flight was to kendari, do you know how to get there from kendari is it possible by boat? Do I have to go to bau bau Its my last week in indonesia starting from 27/7 and leave 3/7 thats also my flight dates from and goeing to jakarta. We arrive in kendari at 19:00 from jakarta. What would you recommend to do? Also I want to do an padi advence dive cource is there a street where i can find manny dive companies? Thank you in advance grtz dennis!

Hi Dennis, yes it is possible to get the boat from Kendari, but unfortunately I dont have the schedule. The journey is longer from Kendari to Wanci rather than Bau-Bau to Wanci. I think they have two types of boat as well (fiber/fast one and wooden boat/overnight journey). Try to go to Tomia or Wangi Wangi if you want to get a dive certificate. The famous and reliable one is Wakatobi Dive resort in Tomia, but it is no secret that they are expensive. I think there is no certain street in Wakatobi where you can find many dive companies. Streets like that can be found in Bali or Lombok. I hope you enjoy your journey!

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marvellous islands they seem, just a question Firsta, why have you chosen Hoga island? Have you done other excursions? Will October, second half of october, be a good period? An Indo friend adviced me against the risk to be stuck on the island. Have you also been to karimunjawa? Thanks a lot

Hi Flavio. I chose to go to Hoga Island because it is not as busy as the four main islands in Wakatobi. It is relatively easy to access from Kaledupa. I went there in June last year and it was fine. I think the bad season is between November – March, but can’t guarantee anything since weather is weird nowadays. Speaking about getting stuck on the island, Karimun Jawa is the one that people often get stuck on! I went to Karimun Jawa in 2009.

Hi, I’ve bookes my flight from jakarta to kendari leaving 27/7 we arrive pretty late at 19:00.. What should you do? Is there a boat from kendari to wakatobi? Are there busses to ho to bau bau? Or do you suggest to stay yje night in kendari en tale the early flight? I also want to take an advanced open water cource in wakatobi do you or annybody else has some suggestions? Thank you in advance!

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Great blog, Will visit Sulawesi for the 4th time soon, first time in Wakatobi 🙂 Very excited

Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great time in Wakatobi!

Thank you. I had a great time. Visited the sea nomads there, if you are interested I have written a story about this amazing people http://hspalladino.com/en/orang-laut-people-of-the-sea/

Hello, Glad to know that you enjoyed your time in Wakatobi. What an interesting story about Orang laut! I never had a chance to explore the life of sea gypsies, but I heard about their landsickness and their nomadic lifestyle. Lucky you 🙂

Yes, it was really amazing! Hope to be able to go back soon.

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halo kak, could i share ur information to my blog please? i hv an assignment to promote kepulauan wakatobi..

Hi Riski, Iya silahkan, tapi mohon dicantumkan sumbernya dan diberikan link aktif ke halaman yang bersangkutan ya. Terima kasih 🙂

halo kak, if you wanna visit my blog, here it is kak… mywakatobiindonesia.wordpress.com ^^ could you help me please…

[…] – Tana Toraja, Wakatobi and Bunaken […]

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How did you get the connecting flight from Makassar to Pulau Wangi wangi?

Hi Grace, You can fly with Lion Air (perhaps there are other airlines that I am not aware of). Normally you won’t find Makassar by the way as it is often called Ujung Pandang (Makassar formerly called Ujung Pandang). Ujung Pandang to Wakatobi (Airport is at Wangi-wangi and Tomia, but when it is stated as Wakatobi, it usually means the one in Wangi-wangi). Hope that helps.

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Hi Firsta! We wnat to go diving in Indonesia. Do you know where should we go in Wakatobi? We usually rather explore as many as we can, so being 2 weeks there is impossible for us. We would have around 6 days here. Thanks!

Hi Filipa, Tomia is the best one for diving in Wakatobi. 🙂 Have a great fun in Indonesia.

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Hi you, thanks for sharing your experience in Wakatobi. Keep up the good work! ☺ By the way, can I use this post for my assignment? Hihi

Hi Rizky, Thanks and glad to hear that this post is useful for you. Sure, I don’t mind as long as you put the source information. 🙂

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hi firsta, is hoga dive resort the same as hoga island resort ? i have heard there are just two possibilities of accommodation. do you know the name of the second one ? regards alba

Hi Alba, Hoga dive resort is Hoga island resort. I think the second one name is Wallacea.

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How long get there

Hi Josephine, From where?

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Hi firsta, How many boat hours from kendari to wanci or hoga? U dont know the scheduled right? Congrats for the blog. Felix

Apologies I don’t have the info for that 🙁 I looked online, there is a flight from Kendari to Wangi-wangi (45 minutes journey) by Wings Air. Ticket one way around Rp 500,000. Boat ticket one way is Rp 130,000 and it is 10-14 hours journey. Hope it helps. Thanks for visiting my blog.

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What a wonderful blog! I am thinking to go to Wakatobi this summer. Is it kid friendly place?

Hi Amalia. Wakatobi is a kid friendly place. It’s a beautify destination for a family holiday.

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Which dive center did you dive with in Tomia. Cheers.

It was organised through a friend, so it wasn’t an official dive centre.

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Hello, Like to visit Tomia next week. How is de accomodation on Tomia and Wangi Wangi? Is the weather still OK? We heard there are no beaches on Tomia, but maybe in Wangi Wangi? Love to hear some latest information. Greetz Tinne and Peter

Hi. Sounds like you will have a lot of fun. I’m not sure about the weather next week. I’d recommend Wangi Wangi over Tomia. Truth is though Wakatobi is really about the diving. The water off the beaches is generally very shallow.

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hi, really enjoyed reading your blog,i arrive in wangi wangi on dec 7 for a month,and i can’t wait!! Looking forward to endless snorkelling/diving amongst the beautiful marine life.Thanks for making me more excited than i was already was.

Have a great time in Wakatobi 🙂

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Halo Firsta,

Nice article Dear. Allow me to inform that Garuda Indonesia operate new service Kendari to Wangi Wangi Island.

Regards Denis

Hi Denis, Thanks for the info. I shall check it out and update the article. Have a good day Denis!

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Hi I have to correct something, boats don’t operate daily to wanci nor tomia the only boat I found is to kaledupa … speedboat don’t operate at all and there is a pelni twice a week

Hi Karim, Thanks for the update. That is a new thing. I’ll do some researches and update the article. Thank you!

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Firsta, am coming to Wakatobi in December-what is the best flight route into Wangi Wangi?

Dear Michael,

I think there is only one airline for Makassar/Ujung Pandang to Matahora airport (Wangi-Wangi) route. It is by Lion Air (Wings Air).

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I just wanna thank you. Gpd bless

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Hello Firsta, Thank you for this informative post and great ideas how to spend some time in this stunning part of Indonesia. We had the pleasure to live for three years in Wakatobi Dive Resort and have to confirm the reefs are amongst the most spectacuar that’s still existing on this planet (in terms of healthy coral reefs and overall diversity of marine life). I really hope you get the chance to explore that part of Wakatobi too one day. As a little incentive, I’d like to show you all the beauty that is awaiting (filmed in Wakatobi as well as Lembeh): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D41cgHa_Iq4&list=PLFZloRSBXy8yfHoNTNki53UtcU3rqCtG1&index=1 Keep exploring and sharing your experiences! It is a true inspiration. Thank you!

Hi Nicole, what a nice video. It made me want to dive! Yes, I hope I can go to that side of Wakatobi one day. Thanks.

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Travel Blogger Indonesia

Pulau Wakatobi: Panduan Lengkap, Tips, dan Cara Ke Sana

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Saya sudah pernah traveling ke banyak pulau indah di Indonesia seperti Pulau Togean , Pulau Derawan , atau Raja Ampat .

Menurut saya, Pulau Wakatobi merupakan destinasi yang paling berkesan karena terumbu karang bawah lautnya sangat indah.

Memang, akses menuju pulau ini tidaklah gampang – apalagi informasi tentang tentang cara menuju Pulau Wakatobi sangatlah minim.

Awalnya saya cukup khawatir, bagaimana kalau jadwal kapal tidak cocok sehingga mengganggu rencana perjalanan? Ternyata, pas udah di sana lancar-lancar aja.

Baca terus ya artikel ini karena saya akan berbagai tips dan pengalaman berwisata ke Pulau Wakatobi.

Snorkeling di Pulau Tomia

Sekilas tentang Pulau Wakatobi

Wakatobi merupakan gugusan kepulauan yang terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dan terdiri dari 4 pulau utama yaitu Wangi Wangi , Kaledupa , Tomia , dan Binongko .

Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa pulau ini memiliki surga bawah laut yang menakjubkan dengan keanekaragaman hayati lautnya.

Pulau Wakatobi menyandang status taman nasional yang memiliki ciri khas unik yaitu:

  • Keberagaman hayati laut lebih dari 750 spesies terumbu karang dan sekitar 942 spesies ikan, jumlah ini melebihi Laut Karibia (50 spesies) dan juga Laut Merah (300 spesies).
  • Dinding karang terbesar kedua di dunia setelah Australia dan juga karang atoll terpanjang di dunia (48 km).
  • Bagian dari Operation Wallacea, sebuah organisasi yang melakukan riset dan pelestarian margasatwa di berbagai lokasi.

Nah, selain keindahan bawah lautnya, kamu bisa berbaur dengan masyarakat Bajo untuk melihat dan merasakan langsung kebudayaan serta kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.

Pulau Wakatobi

Cara ke Pulau Wakatobi

e-book jalan jalan terus

Ada dua cara yang paling umum untuk menuju ke Pulau Wakatobi yaitu melalui Baubau atau Kendari – setelah itu baru dilanjutkan menggunakan kapal menuju salah satu pulau yang ada.

Berikut adalah beberapa pilihan mode transportasi jika ingin mengunjungi Pulau Wakatobi:

Pesawat terbang 

Dari kota asal, kamu bisa mencari penerbangan ke Kendari terlebih dahulu, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penerbangan ke Bandara Matahora yang terletak di Wangi Wangi .

Untuk saat ini, hanya ada 1 penerbangan saja yang dioperasikan oleh Wings Air dengan jadwal keberangkatan pukul 10.50 WITA dan lama perjalanan sekitar 45 menit, harga tiket sekitar Rp 1 juta. 

Kapal KFC Jetliner dari Kendari ke Wakatobi

Dari Kendari, kamu juga bisa naik kapal KFC Jetliner yang berangkat setiap hari Senin, Rabu, Jumat pukul 17.00 WITA dan lama perjalanan 13 jam , harga untuk kelas ekonomi mulai dari Rp 98,000 .

Kamu bisa cek situs resmi https://www.pelni.co.id/ untuk melakukan reservasi tiket secara online .

Kapal dari Bau Bau ke Wakatobi

Sebenarnya ada kapal pelni yang berangkat dari Baubau ke Wangi Wangi (KM Leuser dan KM Sirimau) , hanya saja jadwal keberangkatannya tidak setiap hari. Kamu bisa cek situs pelni.co.id untuk melihat jadwal pelayaran.

Pilihan lainnya adalah menggunakan kapal kayu. Dari pengalaman saya, naik kapal yang mana aja tetap bisa kekejar kok.

Contohnya, rencana rute awal saya yaitu Baubau – Tomia – Kaledupa – Wangi Wangi – Bau Bau .

Namun ketika saya sampai di Baubau, tidak ada kapal yang berangkat ke Tomia pada hari itu, yang ada malah ke Kaledupa .

Akhirnya rute perjalanan saya menjadi Baubau – Kaledupa – Tomia – Wangi Wangi.

Intinya, tidak perlu khawatir dengan jadwal kapal karena naik kapal ke pulau mana aja masih bisa disesuaikan rutenya.

Berikut adalah jadwal kapal yang melayani rute Baubau ke Pulau Wakatobi, mudah-mudahan tidak ada perubahan:

Baubau – Wangi Wangi

  • Kapal umum/kayu: Baubau (Pelabuhan Murhum) – Wangi Wangi (Pelabuhan Wanci): Setiap hari jam 9 malam dengan biaya Rp 105,000 Wangi Wangi – Baubau: Setiap hari jam 9 malam dengan biaya Rp 105,000. (Lama perjalanan kurang lebih 10 jam tergantung kondisi ombak.)
  • Speedboat/kapal cepat: Baubau – Wangi Wangi: Hampir setiap hari ( cek lagi di pelabuhan ) jam 1 siang dengan biaya Rp 180,000. Wangi Wangi – Baubau: Hampir setiap hari ( cek lagi di pelabuhan ) jam 8 pagi dengan biaya Rp 180,000. (Lama perjalanan 3-4 jam).

Baubau – Tomia

  • Kapal umum/kayu: Baubau (Pelabuhan Murhum) – Tomia (Pelabuhan Waha): Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Sabtu jam 9 malam dengan biaya Rp 130,000. Tomia – Baubau: Sabtu, Minggu, Selasa, Kamis jam  9 pagi dengan biaya Rp 130,000. ( Lama perjalanan kurang lebih 12 jam tergantung kondisi ombak ).

Baubau – Kaledupa

  • Kapal umum/kayu: Baubau (Pelabuhan Murhum) – Kaledupa (Pelabuhan Buranga). Harinya perlu dikonfirmasi lagi, jam 9 malam dengan biaya Rp 55,000. (Lama perjalanan sekitar 14 jam).

jadwal kapal wakatobi

Setelah sampai di salah satu pulau di Wakatobi, lebih gampang lagi untuk ke pulau sekitarnya. Jarak antara satu pulau ke pulau lain kurang lebih 2 jam .

Misalnya, kapal dari Wangi Wangi berangkat jam 9 pagi , sampai di Kaledupa (Pelabuhan Taw) jam 11 siang, kemudian kapal ini akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Tomia dan sampai jam 2 atau 3 sore .

Biasanya kapal tidak akan berlabuh di Pelabuhan Taw, Kaledupa sehingga harus naik sampan kecil seharga Rp 10,000 untuk turun di Pelabuhan Taw .

Sama juga dengan arah sebaliknya, kalau kapal berangkat dari Tomia jam 9 pagi, sampai di Kaledupa jam 11 pagi, kemudian sampai di Wangi Wangi sekitar jam 2.

Harga kapal untuk satu pemberhentian adalah Rp 50,000 , harga untuk dua pemberhentian adalah Rp 100,000 .

Ada juga kapal cepat dari Wangi Wangi – Kaledupa seharga Rp 80,000 dan juga dari Wangi Wangi – Tomia seharga Rp 120,000.

Sebaiknya naik kapal lambat saja karena kalau naik kapal cepat sampai Tomia berhentinya di Pelabuhan Usuku, sedangkan umumnya untuk diving atau snorkeling ada di dekat Pelabuhan Waha.

Pengalaman liburan ke Pulau Wakatobi

Saya akan membagikan itinerary liburan ke Pulau Wakatobi dengan total perjalanan selama 7 hari, dimulai dari Baubau lengkap dengan kisaran pengeluaran.

Day 1: Makassar – Baubau 

Saya dan teman-teman memutuskan untuk mulai daru Baubau karena kebetulan kami berangkat dari Makassar, sekalian mau eksplor Baubau juga.

Setelah bertanya-tanya di sekitar pelabuhan, adanya kapal ke Pulau Kaledupa yang berangkat besok malam.

Day 2: Eksplor Baubau 

Dengan bantuan awak kapal, kami dapat angkot sewaan bersama supir untuk eksplor Baubau.

Spot-spot menarik yang bisa didatangi di Baubau ada:

  • Pantai Nirwana
  • Benteng Keraton Buton
  • Air terjun Tirta Rimba

Dari jam 9 pagi kami mulai keliling, jam 1 siang udah selesai. Ga tau mau ngapain lagi, akhirnya kami santai-santai aja di KFC dekat Pantai Kamali sambil menunggu kapal ke Kaledupa yang berangkat jam 9 malam.

Semua kapal kayu memiliki fasilitas yang sangat minim, hanya ada matras di deck kapal. Wah, kalau gampang mabuk kayaknya bakal sengsara deh, soalnya benar-benar goyang kapalnya, haha. Harus bisa tahan 12 jam di kapal!

Pengeluaran: Sewa angkot (Rp 180,000), tiket masuk Pantai Nirwana (Rp 5,000/orang), tiket kapal ke Kaledupa (Rp 55,000/orang).

Day 3: Pulau Hoga, Kaledupa

Sebenarnya, Kaledupa bukan tujuan pertama dalam rencana perjalanan kami.

Biasanya, orang-orang memulai perjalanan dari Wangi Wangi – Kaledupa – Tomia, atau sebaliknya. Namun, karena kondisi dan masalah waktu, kami memutuskan untuk berangkat ke Kaledupa terlebih dahulu, lebih tepatnya Pulau Hoga .

Jam 11 pagi kami sampai di Kaledupa, setelah itu naik kapal kecil menuju Pulau Hoga sekitar 30 menit karena airnya lagi surut.

pulau hoga wakatobi

Sampai di Pulau Hoga kami check in ke penginapan dan snorkeling seharian di dekat area dermaga.

Sayangnya cuaca mendung dan hujan, jadi  v isibility- nya kurang bagus. 

Namun, saya masih bisa menikmati keindahan terumbu karang dan berenang bersama ikan warna warni – rasanya seperti berenang di akuarium raksasa! 

Di sini juga ada wall atau tebing, jadi cocok banget buat saya yang senang freediving .

Kalau kamu hobi diving , di Pulau Hoga ada 22 spot diving yang bisa dicoba, loh!

Pengeluaran: Kapal Kaledupa – Pulau Hoga (Rp 50,000), penginapan + makan malam di Pulau Hoga (Rp 200,000).

terumbu karang pulau hoga

Day 4: Desa Bajo Sampela – Tomia

Kami menyempatkan diri untuk berkunjung ke Desa Bajo Sampela yang terletak tidak jauh dari Pulau Kaledupa, Wakatobi.

Terlihat rumah-rumah kayu di atas air milik penduduk asli Bajo.

Orang Bajo dikenal dengan cara hidup yang mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan perairan.

Sebagian besar dari mereka merupakan nelayan, tapi mereka tidak menangkap ikan dengan menggunakan jaring, melainkan menggunakan tombak sambil menyelam dan menahan nafas panjang karena sudah terbiasa hidup di laut.

Bahkan beberapa orang Bajo sengaja memecahkan gendang telinga ketika masih muda agar lebih mudah menyelam dan juga berburu ikan di dalam laut.

bajo sampela pulau wakatobi

Kembali ke Kaledupa, kami harus naik mobil pickup menuju Pelabuhan Taw (30 menit) untuk mengejar kapal ke Pulau Tomia .

Kapal ke Tomia tiba jam 12.30 siang, perjalanan kurang lebih memakan waktu sekitar 2 jam.

Sampai di Tomia, kami bertemu dengan Pak Agus (pemilik homestay dan juga operator diving di Tomia), makan siang, dan mencoba discovery dive.

Ini pertama kalinya saya nyobain diving, s aking gugupnya sampai harus menyesuaikan diri hampir 10 menit sebelum akhirnya turun ke bawah.

Satu kata untuk Pulau Tomia, WOW! Sejauh mata memandang isinya penuh terumbu karang semua, dari soft coral sampai hard coral .

Spot favorit saya ada Marimabuk, Fan Garden, Roma, Teluk Waitu , dan masih banyak lagi.

Visibility -nya oke banget dan lagi-lagi bagian yang paling berkesan adalah snorkeling di bagian wall .

Pengeluaran: Kapal Pulau Hoga – Kaledupa (Rp 50,000), pickup sampai Pelabuhan Taw (Rp 35,000), kapal kecil untuk naik kapal ke Tomia (Rp 10,000/orang), kapal Kaledupa – Tomia (Rp 50,000/orang), discovery dive (Rp 400,000/orang).

marimabuk pulau wakatobi

Day 5 : Eksplor Tomia

Hari ini kamu eksplor spot-spot wisata yang ada di Tomia, Wakatobi, seperti:

  • Pantai Huntete
  • Puncak Kahianga
  • Benteng Patuha

Pemandangan dari atas Puncak Kahianga cukup bagus, sedangkan di Benteng Patuha menurut saya biasa saja.

Setelah itu saya dan teman-teman lanjut snorkeling lagi sampai sore, benar-benar ketagihan deh!

Pengeluaran: Sewa mobil dan supir untuk jelajah Tomia (Rp 150,000), sewa kapal untuk hopping island (Rp 300,000), homestay di Tomia (Rp 150,000 untuk 2 malam).

puncak kahianga

Day 6: Tomia – Wangi Wangi – Baubau

Tujuan terakhir dalam itinerary kami adalah Wangi Wangi , pusat dari Kepulauan Wakatobi.

Dari Tomia kami berangkat jam 9 pagi dan sampai di Pelabuhan Mola (Wangi Wangi) jam 1.30 siang.

Sayangnya, waktu kami terbatas karena karena malamnya harus naik kapal untuk kembali ke Baubau.

Tidak mau menyia-nyiakan waktu, langsung saja kami nyari angkot menuju Pantai Waha .

Jujur, saya tidak memiliki ekspektasi banyak terhadap Wangi Wangi. Dari berbagai sumber yang saya baca, spot snorkeling paling oke katanya ada di Pulau Hoga dan Tomia, ga banyak yang menyebutkan tentang Wangi Wangi.

Dari tepi Pantai Waha kami langsung nyemplung dan mencari spot yang bagus.

Awalnya saya kecewa karena kondisi bawah laut yang tidak bagus sama sekali, tapi setelah semakin jauh berenang, akhirnya ketemu wall, sumpah deh, terumbu karangnya cakep banget!

spot snorkeling wangi wangi

Bisa dibilang spot ini merupakan spot favorit saya, lebih dari Hoga maupun Tomia.

Wall -nya dalam, sampai tidak kelihatan ujungnya, terus penuh dengan terumbu karang! Mungkin ada kali ribuan ikan yang berenang di sini.

Saya tidak akan lupa dengan perasaan saya saat freediving menuruni wall sampai kedalaman 10 meter dan berfoto bersama seafan , sponges.

Terlihat ular laut yang berkeliaran di perairan Wakatobi.

Ular laut ini sangat beracun, tapi kalau tidak diganggu mereka ga bakal ganggu kamu juga.

Kami snorkeling sampai sore kemudian kembali ke Pelabuhan Wanci dan mengunjungi pasar malam yang menjual makanan lokal dan juga buah-buahan sambil menunggu kapal berangkat kembali ke Baubau.

Pengeluaran: Tomia – Wangi Wangi (Rp 100,000/orang), angkot ke Pantai Waha (Rp 5,000/orang), sewa angkot ke Pelabuhan Wanci (Rp 25,000). Kapal Wangi-Wangi – Baubau (Rp 105,000/orang).

Wangi Wangi

Day 7: Kembali ke Makassar

Jam 6 pagi kami tiba di Baubau, kemudian lanjut lagi naik kapal PELNI yang berangkat jam 8 pagi dan tiba di Makassar jam 10 malam.

Sampai jumpa Baubau!

Saya menghabiskan sekitar Rp 1.5juta untuk semuanya termasuk makan, snorkeling , dan biaya pribadi lain.

Karena perginya bertiga jadi beberapa biaya bisa dibagi. Ga perlu habisin uang yang banyak kan untuk jalan-jalan ke Pulau Wakatobi?

Tips liburan ke Pulau Wakatobi

Saya rangkum ya beberapa tips lengkap dengan rekomendasi penginapan, kira-kira berapa pengeluaran biayanya:

  • Selalu bertanya untuk jadwal keberangkatan kapal karena terkadang bisa berubah.
  • Sediakan waktu dan energi yang cukup, perjalanan ke Pulau Wakatobi memang melelahkan tapi akan terbayar dengan keindahannya.
  • Hindari berkunjung ke Pulau Hoga di bulan Juni – Agustus karena pulau ini didatangi pelajar dari Eropa untuk melakukan riset.
  • Ada sekitar 200 bungalow di Pulau Hoga yang disewakan sebagai penginapan, harganya Rp 400,000/malam. Untuk makanan harus bayar lagi. Hidangannya sangat memuaskan, ada ikan, kepiting, sayur, atau hidangan laut lainnya.
  • Bisa menghubungi Pak Jufry (085395303993), koordinator Pulau Hoga. Pak Jufry bisa mengurus kapal dari Kaledupa – Pulau Hoga, makan, diving, dan lainnya.
  • Standar harga diving di Pulau Wakatobi; Rp 350,000/dive (license) dan Rp 450,000/dive (non-license).
  • Di Pulau Tomia bisa mengubungi Pak Ade (085341300675).
  • Di Pantai Waha bisa menghubungi Pak Sudirman (085241857674).
  • Harga paket snorkeling di Pantai Waha Rp 50,000/orang/90 menit dengan minimum 4 orang. Harga termasuk guide dan snorkeling set .
  • Klik disini untuk penginapan di dekat Pantai Waha

Itulah cerita pengalaman saya liburan ke Pulau Wakatobi, mulai dari cara ke sana, budget, dan juga spot wisata mana aja yang menarik.

Semoga informasinya bisa bermanfaat buat kamu. Kalau ada yang mau ditanyakan bisa langsung di kolom komentar, bisa juga share pengalaman kamu ya!

Baca juga artikel ini:

  • Panduan Liburan ke Pulau Karimunjawa, Pake Tour atau Sendiri?
  • Panduan Wisata Pulau Komodo, Labuan Bajo
  • 11 Pantai Terbaik di Bali, Beberapa Masih Tersembunyi!
  • Itinerary Liburan ke Makassar dan Tempat Wisata Yang Bisa Dikunjungi
  • Panduan Liburan Sendiri ke Belitung Tanpa Ikutan Tur

Velysia Zhang

Blogger dan juga creator yang senang berbagi tips seputar traveling, blogging/digital marketing, dan pengalamannya tinggal di luar negeri. Style traveling  lebih ke slow-traveling, hobi naik gunung juga. Yuk, kenalan lebih lanjut ! Ikuti juga perjalanannya di media sosial dengan klik icon yang ada di bawah ini. Semoga menginspirasi!

18 Replies to “Pulau Wakatobi: Panduan Lengkap, Tips, dan Cara Ke Sana”

Noted dulu, makasih udh share tips nya kak. Kebetulan lgi nyari tempat wisata ni.

Mudah-mudahan berguna 🙂

thanks banget… infonya. Huhu akan solo traveling ke wakatobi. Dan blog kakak yg paling rapi dan lengkap🙈 Tapi masih ada yg mau aku tanyakan: 1. Atm di baubau dan wakatobi banyak dan lancarkah? soalnya takut kalo perjalanan jauh dan lama bawa cash banyak. 2. Penginapan di tiap2 pulau, pesan dulu atau on the spot? pengen nginep di hoga dan desa suku bajo 3. Apakah ada opsi open trip ketika sudah sampai wakatobi? pengen island hopping tapi solo traveler😔 4. Aku belum pernah dan g punya diving licence. Apakah bisa coba diving di sana? deal2an on the spot kah?

Terima kasih.. semoga pesan ini sampai dan bisa dijawab kak.🙏

1. Di Bau Bau ada lumayan banyak ATM. Kalau di pulau wakatobi pas aku cek di Gmap adanya 1 atm aja 2. Kalau wangi-wangi dan tomia bisa on the spot, cuma hoga kayaknya bagusan contact dulu koordinatornya Pak Juffry, cuma aku kurang tau nomornya masih aktif atau engga (bisa cek bagian terakhir blog) 3. Kayaknya engga sih, soalnya ga terlalu rame. Antar pulau bisa pake kapal umum. Palingan untuk hopping ke spot-spot snorkeling itu di Tomia. Wangi-Wangi sama Hoga bisa snorkeling dekat pantai 4. Di Tomia bisa discovery dive non license, langsung on the spot aja.

wah kapan ke wakatobi kak?

Kak Ika Istiana, rencana ke Wakatobi kapan Kak? Saya rencana solo travelling kesana bln ini. Mungkin kita bs barengan

cuma bisa mupeng aja.. di perjalanan tahun lalu awalnya masukin wakatobi ke itinerary,, tapi berkejaran dg waktu dan rute yg belok cukup jauh, akhirnya ngga jadi,, 🙁 lengkap bgt infonya nona,, bakal jadi pedoman ketika nanti bisa mewujudkan mimpi ke sini..

-traveler paruh waktu

Wah, sayang. Next deh, mungkin bisa sampai ke Wakatobi hehe. Memang harus sisihin waktu yang cukup banyak kalau mau kesini.

Indaaaah bangeeet uhuhu. Bayangin snorkeling smpe sore duh yaa tp agak ngeri juga kl banyak ular laut yaa.. Btw noted buat informasi kontak2 di atas kak, siapa tahu ada waktu dan kesempatan buat main ke Wakatobi 🙂

Hallo Ella, yes. Mudah-mudahan bisa kesampaian ke Wakatobi. Terumbu karangnya cakep banget. Ularnya sih engga ganggu kok haha. Tapi iya sih rada serem.

Wah terima kasih tulisannya lengkap sekali. Wakatobi sudah masuk dalam bucket list saya sejak lama dan pengen sekali ke sana. Mau tanya, ini trip nya apakah dilakukan setelah masa pandemi? Di Wangi-Wangi kira-kira ada tempat untuk tes antigen ga ya? Terima kasih sebelumnya.

Waahh Thanks banyak2 udah share infox, sangat2 bermanfaat.

Terima kasih informasinya…

Saya paling takut kalau lihat wall. karena seperti curam dalam tak terlihat dasar nya

huahhh kakak hebat!

Tks banyak infonya sangat bermanfaat. Pertanyaan saya, apakah saat ini thaun 2023 kapal feri jetliner sdh jalan normal. Apakah bisa booking melalui online di laman Pelni. Tks banyak

Untuk Jadwal Terbaru Kapal pelni KFC Jetliner Bulan September 2023 Dan Harga Tiketnya, telah kembali beroperasi dan disesuaikan dengan era new normal yang sesuai standar protokol yang berlaku. catatan : jadwal, harga tiket resminya belum keluar, karena informasi terbaru pelayaran pertama akan dimulai tanggal 21 September 2023 ini.

Kak, terima kasih utk infonya. Kebetulan saya pengen solo travelling kesana. Kalau kakak tdk infokan per orang spt kapal hoga – kaledupa, itu artinya harga per kapal ya kak? Untuk penginapan di Hoga dan Tomia, blh info nama penginapan dan nomor yg bs dihubungi kak? Saya rencana ksm minggu dpn kak. Terima kasih sebelumnya.

Halo kak, harganya per orangt kak. Untuk nomor yang bisa dihubungi bisa cek dibagian terakhir ya di bagian tips ada aku sertakan nomor contact yang bisa coba dihubungi

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Wakatobi National Marine Park, Underwater Paradise in The Heart of Asia-Pacific Coral Triangle

Wakatobi is widely recognized as having the highest number of reef and fish species in the world. The islands are also famous as the largest barrier reef in Indonesia, second only to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Here can be found fringing, atolls and barrier reefs and offer more than 50 spectacular dive sites easily accessible from the major islands. This is the habitat of large and small fish species, the playground of dolphins, turtles and even whales.Wakatobi alone is said to have 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from a total of 850 of world's collection, which comparing with the two world's famous diving centers, the Caribbean Sea owns only 50 species with 300 coral reef species in the Red Sea, in Egypt.

Due to its magnificent underwater life, Wakatobi is fast gaining worldwide attention for its quality dives that can be made by beginners to professionals. Aside from its dive sites, Wakatobi has many superb beaches. The conservation group “Operation Wallacea” is very active in this marine park, conducting underwater research and conservation. During the Sail Wakatobi 2011 in August, the Marine Laboratory on Hoga Beach by Kaledupa is to be officially inaugurated. The District capital of Wakatobi is Wanci on Wangi-Wangi. Since the opening of the Matohara Airport on Wangi-Wangi, these remote islands are now more accessible and can be reached by flights from Jakarta or Makassar. There is also another landing strip on Tomia island, which receives charters from Bali.

Xpress Air is the only regular airline that flies from Jakarta to Bau-Bau, in Southeast Sulawesi, and continues to land on Wakatobi’s Matohara Airport on Wangi-Wangi.  From here you must take a boat to Wakatobi.  The Wakatobi Dive Resort operates Charter flights so they can pick up passengers from  Bali  arriving direct on the island of Tomia.

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Wakatobi National Marine Park, Underwater Paradise in The Heart of Asia-Pacific Coral Triangle

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Experience the 4 Unforgettable Islands of Wakatobi

What They Say

Romantic bandung - the paris of java.

Well, I just love Bali so much, and we fell in love with the culture, people, the food. Everything was just amazing. I feel like in Bali, you can find serenity anywhere, literally. It's our favorite place that we've been to on our entire trip.

Romantic Bandung - The Paris Of Java!

by Jack Morris Influencer


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A birds eye view of Wakatobi Dive Resort in Indonesia.

Relaxed Luxury

Wakatobi is a dive resort in southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. In a tranquil island setting far from crowds and cities, with no other divers for at least 100 miles, Wakatobi seamlessly blends five-star amenities and civilized comforts with a pristine natural environment; a pairing that has secured its reputation as one of the world’s finest diving and snorkeling destinations. MORE

Wakatobi reef, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Mind Blowing Diving

World-class diving is at your doorstep. From shore or by boat, you have exclusive access to miles of pristine reefs, where diverse and dramatic undersea landscapes harbor the highest level of marine biodiversity on the planet. MORE

Scuba divers exploring a wall at Wakatobi in Indonesia.

5-Star Dive Services

Our reefs set the stage for some of the best marine life encounters imaginable. But that’s only partially why we have earned a reputation for having some of the world’s best diving. The other half of the equation is service. MORE

“ Wakatobi’s attention to detail and the staff attitude in doing everything they can to make things perfect for us really shows. We appreciated the combination of world-class diving and unpretentious luxury. ”

David & Alison Karlin – Guests

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Spacious & Comfortable Accommodation

You’ll quickly discover that, despite its remote location, Wakatobi offers a setting well beyond what you would expect of the world’s finest beachfront resorts. Our villas and bungalows are luxurious, spacious, quiet, and just a few steps from the ocean.  MORE

Fine dining comes standard at Wakatobi. Guests often express surprise at the excellent cuisine in such a remote locale.

Fine Dining Comes Standard

Fine dining and remote locations don’t always go together, but Wakatobi provides a spectacular and delicious exception to this rule. Our guests often express surprise at finding refined cuisine in such a remote locale. Equally important, it is all included in your price.  MORE

“ The direct flight certainly influenced our decision to go to Wakatobi. The ease and speed of getting to the resort is superb, as is the reassurance that all your luggage will arrive at the same time as you do! ”

Kathy Beech – Guest

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Service & Personalization

Wakatobi offers you the opportunity to create your dream holiday, both for dive and snorkel-focused activities and for your non-diving activities. We take pride in anticipating and exceeding guest expectations. MORE

Plane at the Wakatobi Airstrip

Arrive & Dive the Same Day

Getting here is quick and hassle-free. You, and all of your belongings, arrive in time for afternoon diving. Our guests are served by direct two-and-a-half-hour private charter flights from Bali to the resort’s own airstrip. MORE

“ What a week on Pelagian! This is muck heaven, a window to a new world. But don’t let that fool you, the reefs and corals are amazing! Your enthusiasm for the big and tiny have brought us to a new level of appreciation for diving. ”

Brian and Deena Jones – Guests

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While our underwater realm is magnificent, there are equally memorable experiences awaiting you above the waves. We offer engaging non-diving activities, from kayaking and paddle boarding to village tours, nature walks, culture workshops, bird watching and even kitesurfing. MORE

Pelagian Dive Yacht

Liveaboard Diving

Explore remote, seldom-visited corners of the Wakatobi Regency aboard the luxury dive yacht Pelagian. Taking just ten guests with a crew of 12 attending to all the details, Pelagian provides an unequaled level of spaciousness, comfort, and service. MORE





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    tour ke wakatobi

  2. Wakatobi, Indonesia in 2022

    tour ke wakatobi

  3. Taman Nasional Wakatobi yang Menyimpan Keindahan Bawah Laut

    tour ke wakatobi

  4. Tour Wakatobi 3D2N

    tour ke wakatobi

  5. Wakatobi, Indonesia

    tour ke wakatobi

  6. Tour Wakatobi 3D2N

    tour ke wakatobi




  1. 5 Itinerari Wajib Saat Pelesiran ke Wakatobi

    2. Menyambangi Bajo Mola kampung suku Bajo. Destinasi berikutnya yang tidak boleh dilewatkan saat pelesiran ke Wakatobi adalah Kampung Bajo Mola di Pulau Wangi-Wangi. Sebagai informasi, kampung ini merupakan rumah suku Bajo yang terkenal dengan sebutan "Si Pengembara Lautan".

  2. 10 Amazing Places You Need Visit in Wakatobi

    1 | Snorkelling and Scuba Diving. The amazing marine diversity and reefs of Wakatobi have attracted scuba divers and snorkel enthusiasts from all over the world. With over 750 different species of coral and 942 species of fish, Wakatobi has the highest number of reef and fish species ever recorded. It is the second-largest barrier reef in the ...

  3. Wakatobi Islands Travel Guide: Itinerary, Boat Schedule, and Tips

    Wakatobi is a paradise consists of four big islands: Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. ... Car rentals for a city tour start from Rp 300,000, and motorbike rental is Rp 100,000. We asked for Pak Ade's help to get us the cheapest pick-up, and his neighbor agreed to take us around the city for only Rp 150,000 ...

  4. Experience the 4 Unforgettable Islands of Wakatobi

    There are two resorts on this small island: Hoga Dive Resort and Hoga Island Dive Resort. Electricity is available only from 6.00 pm to 12.00 pm, but then again it's a small price to pay for such an exquisite natural luxury. Hoga Channel and 'The ridge' near Hog are also among some of the best diving spots in Wakatobi.

  5. Essential Guide to Wangi-Wangi Island in Wakatobi Indonesia

    Visiting Kapota Island, the white sand ringed island on the west side of Wangi-Wangi Island. This island is blessed with unspoiled white sandy beaches, together with the lining pine and coconut trees along the beach. It also has the mangrove forests with the built-in roads, Tailaro Nto'oge Lake, which is great for a bird watching, and a bat ...

  6. Panduan wisata ke Wakatobi, surga liburan yang lengkap (selain diving

    Lokasi: Poassanuhada Kullati Village, Tomia Timur, Pulau Tomia, Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Telepon: 0853 4394 4476 (Nyong Tomia) E-mail: [email protected]. Cara ke Sana: Desa ini terletak di Pulau Tomia (3,5 jam menggunakan kapal dari Pulau Wangi-Wangi).

  7. Guide to The Best of Wakatobi Islands in Indonesia

    Wakatobi is a group of four islands [Wangi-Wangi (WA), Kaledupa (KA), Tomia (TO) and Binongko (BI)] located in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. It's also a Marine National Park, the second largest coral reef in the world, with more than 750 species of fish, 850 known types of coral, and 50 spectacular dive spots.

  8. Panduan ke Wakatobi, Indonesia 2024: Lokasi, Tempat Wisata & Atraksi

    Diving adalah hal yang wajib kamu lakukan jika di Wakatobi. Rasanya, belum ke Wakatobi kalau kamu belum menyelami keindahan bawah laut Wakatobi. Harga diving di Wakatobi cukup bervariasi. Harga diving di Pulau Wakatobi dimulai dari Rp450.000 untuk penyelam berlisensi dan Rp500.000 untuk penyelam pemula karena membutuhkan pendampingan ekstra.

  9. 10 Aktivitas Wajib Saat Berkunjung ke Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara

    10 Aktivitas Wajib Saat Berkunjung ke Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Sobat Pesona, sudah pernah berkunjung ke Sulawesi Tenggara belum? Kalau belum, kamu wajib mampir ke salah satu destinasi wisata unggulannya, yaitu Wakatobi! Wakatobi atau surga wisata bahari kebanggaan Sulawesi ini dikenal sebagai kepingan surga nyata yang eksistensinya telah ...

  10. Exploring Kaledupa Island in Wakatobi Indonesia

    The popular destination in Sulawesi, Indonesia, is Wakatobi Regency, covering four main islands of Wangi-Wangi Island (as the capital of this regency), Kaledupa Island, Tomia Island, Binongko Island - which all form the acronym for Wakatobi itself. Kaledupa Island is the second island after Wangi-Wangi Island or Wanci, where the population is less, but you can see more of the local ...

  11. Wakatobi tour in 5 days

    Makan selama tour berlangsung. Mineral water. Regular boat antar pulau. Diving equipments (Weight and Tank) for those who take diving package. Snorkeling equipments for Non Diver. Boat for diving and snorkeling. Dive master pendamping. Tiket masuk kawasan Wakatobi. Discovery dive 1x.

  12. 11 things to do in Wakatobi that prove it is more than just a diver's

    Address: Mandati II, Wangi-Wangi Island, Wakatobi Regency, South East Sulawesi, IndonesiaContact: (+62) 852 4013 7888. 2. Unbelievable views of the Milky Way: Kulati Village, Tomia. Kulati Village is a small village in the eastern part of Tomia Island. When you first step in, you may not see anything special about it.

  13. Paket Wisata Tour Wakatobi Sulawesi Tenggara Pesona Indonesia

    Nikmati Paket Wisata Tour Wakatobi Sulawesi Tenggara bersama Pesona Indonesia. Temukan indahnya pesona wisata Tour Wakatobi Sulawesi Tenggara +62 813-1199-1040 (Whatsapp/SMS) | +62 813-2922-8505 (Call Only) ... Wangi-Wangi merupakan Ibu kota Wakatobi jadi gerbang ke surga bawah laut ini. Kab Wakatobi terdiri dari empat pulau penting, adalah ...

  14. Paket Tour Wakatobi 3D2N

    Sebab Campa Tour membuka kesempatan tour 3D2N di Wakatobi. Dalam perjalanan wisata tersebut nantinya wisatawan akan diajak ke berbagai tempat wisata terbaik di Wakatobi diantaranya Kampung Suku Bajo Mola atau Suku Laut Wakatobi, Desa Budi Daya Laut sekaligus berkunjung ke tempat pembuatan sarung tenun. Berkunjung ke Wakatobi memang terasa ...

  15. 12 Destinasi Wisata Wakatobi Yang Luar Biasa Indahnya

    Wakatobi merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang beribukota di Wangi-Wangi. Sejak tahun 1996, Wakatobi telah ditetapkan sebagai taman nasional Indonesia dan cagar alam dunia untuk biosfer laut oleh UNESCO. Nama Wakatobi merupakan akronim dari empat pulau utamanya yaitu WAngi-Wangi, KA ledupa, TO mia, dan BI nongko ...

  16. Wakatobi: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    Warung Makan D'Bantea. 18. $ • African, Asian, Indonesian. Wakatobi Tourism: Tripadvisor has 971 reviews of Wakatobi Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Wakatobi resource.

  17. A Guide to Wakatobi, Indonesia

    If you want to go diving, you have different local alternatives besides the expensive Wakatobi Dive Resort on Tolandona island (immediately off Tomia). I was twice very satisfied by the services of Ahmad from Wakatobi Marine Dive (WA : +62 853 4085 3831). He charges 1'200'000Rp for 3 dives a day, including the gear (a bit outdated but in ...

  18. Wakatobi Dive Resort, Wakatobi, Indonesia

    Wakatobi Dive Resort Quick Pitch. Wakatobi, located in southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia, is a dive resort offering a peaceful island escape free from crowds and urbanization. With five-star facilities and a pristine environment, it's renowned as a premier destination for diving and snorkeling.

  19. Paket Wisata Wakatobi 3 Hari 2 Malam

    Itinerary Paket Wisata Wakatobi 3 Hari 2 Malam. Hari 1: Penjemputan Di Airport. Jadwal perjalanan di hari pertama tidaklah padat, karena setelah dijemput di gerbang kedatangan. Salah satu staf kami akan segera mengantarkan Anda ke tempat penginapan untuk makan dilanjutkan dengan istirahat. Hari 2: Jembatan Sombu-Kaledupa.

  20. Explore Sulawesi: Your Wakatobi Travel Guide

    The ticket price for a one way ticket is Rp 155,000 = $16. The journey with a speed boat takes around 3 hours from Bau Bau to Wanci. The wooden boat (overnight boat) departs everyday at 9 pm from the same port. You arrive at 6-7 am the next morning at Wanci. The ticket for the overnight boat is Rp 105,000 = $11.

  21. Pulau Wakatobi: Panduan Lengkap, Tips, dan Cara Ke Sana

    Pengalaman liburan ke Pulau Wakatobi. Saya akan membagikan itinerary liburan ke Pulau Wakatobi dengan total perjalanan selama 7 hari, dimulai dari Baubau lengkap dengan kisaran pengeluaran. Day 1: Makassar - Baubau . Saya dan teman-teman memutuskan untuk mulai daru Baubau karena kebetulan kami berangkat dari Makassar, sekalian mau eksplor ...

  22. Wakatobi National Marine Park

    Wakatobi National Marine Park, Underwater Paradise in The Heart of Asia-Pacific Coral Triangle. Wakatobi is widely recognized as having the highest number of reef and fish species in the world. The islands are also famous as the largest barrier reef in Indonesia, second only to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

  23. Wakatobi : Luxury Dive Resort

    Relaxed Luxury. Wakatobi is a dive resort in southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. In a tranquil island setting far from crowds and cities, with no other divers for at least 100 miles, Wakatobi seamlessly blends five-star amenities and civilized comforts with a pristine natural environment; a pairing that has secured its reputation as one of the world's finest diving and snorkeling destinations.

  24. Oasis artwork creator says reunion tour news is a 'surprise'

    An artist who worked with Oasis says the music industry "owes them a big thank you" upon the announcement of their reunion tour. James Wilkinson, an artist and curator from Sudbury, Suffolk ...