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à partir de  37 €

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Loriane L. le 04/12/2023

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Moscow Muled

Moscow Muled

7 best moscow moose recipes.

7 Best Moscow Moose Recipes

Nov 30, 2019

In this post, we reveal the best recipes on the internet for the Moscow Moose, one of the most legendary variations of the classic Moscow Mule. This great variation packs a punch and will be sure to impress your friends. Let's get started!


The Moscow Moose cocktail is one of the most notable spin-offs of the traditional Moscow Mule drink. It melds the fresh flavors of the warmer months with the dark flavors of the cold ones. If you're wondering, "what is a Moscow Moose?", the answer is that it's a simple cocktail with a classic mix of ginger beer, lime, vodka, and rye. Rye is a popular cocktail ingredient that brings a sharp spiciness to the mix. This cocktail is super easy to make at home and ridiculously refreshing.

selective focus close up of wheat field with slight vignette

The Moscow Moose itself has several varieties, all of which pack a punch. Some use rye as an addition to the original recipe, while others replace vodka with it. Whichever way you go, the cocktail gives you something new to try if you’re looking for a way to spice up your cocktail. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at the following: 

What’s in a Moscow Moose?

  • When is the best time for a Moscow Moose cocktail?
  • Moscow Moose cocktail recipes
  • The ginger beer in your Moscow Moose
  • Health benefits of ginger beer
  • Ginger beer recipe

This cocktail contains the basic ingredients of a Moscow Mule, which are ginger beer, vodka, and lime juice. What makes it a Moscow Moose is the addition of rye whiskey. The combination of ginger and rye makes a spicy and zesty drink. Rye has a peppery taste, one that’s a bit too strong and which is slightly balanced by the hint of sweetness found in ginger. Then there’s the bitterness in lime, which adds a citric twist to the cocktail. 

When is the Best Time for a Moscow Moose Cocktail?

Because of its flavor, a rye cocktail is great for cold weather days. You can also drink it on a hot sunny day or anytime you want a distinct flavor in your drink. Rye is savory enough, and you’ll always be able to taste it through the lime and ginger. 

Moscow Moose Cocktail Recipes

Here are some of the best Moose drink recipes which strike that elusive balance between strong, spicy, and sweet. Even better, they’re pretty easy to prepare and don’t require much in terms of ingredients. They are all utterly spectacular in their simplicity. 

The Classic Moscow Moose

Prep Time: 5 minutes Serves: 1


  • 2 oz. rye whiskey 
  • 4 oz. ginger beer 
  • ½ tbsp. lemon juice 
  • 1 tsp amaretto 
  • Lemon twist 


  • Place ice in a glass, then add whiskey, lemon juice, and amaretto. 
  • Top with ginger beer and give a quick stir. 
  • Garnish with the lemon twist and enjoy. 

Canadian Moscow Moose Cocktail 

Prep Time: 5 minutes Serves: 2

  • 3 oz. Canadian rye whiskey 
  • 1 oz. haskap liqueur 
  • 1 oz. fresh lime juice 
  • 0.5 0z. maple syrup 
  • 1 tsp ginger beer
  • 4 dashes apple bitters 
  • Put crushed ice in a mug, then add the rye whiskey, lime, haskap liqueur, and maple syrup. Top with ginger beer.
  • Add bitters. 
  • Garnish with ginger and serve.

Apple bitters give this Canadian drink a flavor profile different from all the other varieties of Moscow Moose cocktail. They also enhance the aromas in the cocktail, exposing hints of lime, whiskey, liqueur, and ginger. Apple bitters balance out the sourness in the rye whiskey and lime, which is suitable for you if you would love a cocktail that’s a little bit lightly flavored. This effect is further improved upon by the maple syrup, which gives the cocktail a sugary twist.

The haskap liqueur is made from haskap berries and has a sweetness you would find in a mix of raspberries, blackcurrants, and blueberries. This combination of ingredients makes the cocktail an excellent choice for anyone with a sweet tooth who would like to blunt the bitter taste of the moose drink. 

Whiskey Ginger Moscow Moose Cocktail 

  • 6 oz. ginger ale
  • 0.5 oz. lime juice
  • Put ice in a copper mug, then pour in the whiskey. 
  • Add the ginger ale and lime juice. 
  • Garnish with lime wedge.

Ginger ale is not as strong as ginger beer, but it has a refreshing citrusy taste. When mixed with whiskey and lime juice, a spicy-sweet flavor is created. 

Birch Beer Moscow Moose 

  • A sprig of mint 
  • 2 blueberries 
  • 1 lime wedge
  • 2 oz. vodka 
  • 2 tbsp. birch beer
  • Muddle the lime, mint, and blueberries together in a copper mug. 
  • Pour in the vodka and birch beer, then mix. 
  • Add ice and enjoy. 

Birch beer is a type of carbonated soft drink that usually includes birch bark and herbal extracts. So, if you love adding a bit of herbal spice to your drink, this is the cocktail for you. In this recipe, the red birch beer adds taste as well as color, making the drink all the more irresistible. The blueberries bring a sweet tartness into the mix and, the fresher they are, the more juice they produce. This makes for an even richer cocktail. 

Not only will you be making your Moscow Moose more flavorful with these berries, but you’ll also be reaping their health benefits. Blueberries are full of antioxidants that boost the body’s immunity by fighting free radicals, which cause cell damage. This mix is quite refreshing because of the mint. When mint is muddled, it releases an oil extract with a sweet, aromatic flavor. Freshness is vital when it comes to adding mint to your alcoholic drink, as it will release more of its juice and scent. 

Moscow Moose Drink with Soda Water

  • 2 oz. vodka
  • 1/8 oz. soda water
  • 1 oz. ginger beer 
  • 1 lime wedge 
  • 1 lemon wedge 
  • Sprig of mint 
  • Fill a mug with crushed ice. 
  • Stir vodka, lemon, ginger beer, and soda water then pour into the mug. 
  • Garnish with mint and lime wedge. 

Soda water has a slightly sour taste, with a note of citrus. It’s suitable for bringing subtle flavor changes to this cocktail, and also adds fizziness.

Amaretto Moscow Moose Cocktail

hand holding copper cup filled with crushed ice and mint leaves

  • 1 tsp. amaretto 
  • I tbsp. fresh lemon juice 
  • 2 oz. ginger beer
  • Pour ice in a glass, then add rye. 
  • Mix in lemon juice and amaretto. 
  • Top with ginger beer and stir to combine. 
  • Use lemon twist to garnish.

Amaretto is an Italian liqueur with a sweet taste. Traditionally, bitter almonds are used for flavoring, but there are varieties prepared using peach and apricot stones. Amaretto is used in mixed alcoholic drinks and adds an almond-like flavor. This liqueur blends exceptionally well with several flavorings, among them citrus. If you are interested in trying out Italian-based cocktails, this Amaretto Moscow Moose drink recipe is a good place to start. 

Other than being a suitable pairing for the amaretto, lemon juice makes its mark in this mixed drink by adding some sourness. In addition, freshly squeezed lemon juice will do more for your Moose than store-bought varieties, which are less delicious. Also, keep in mind that the longer the citric juice remains in your cocktail, the better-tasting it gets. Its aroma also becomes stronger. 

Peppermint Moscow Moose Cocktail 

Prep Time: 2 minutes Serves: 1

  • 2 oz. peppermint schnapps 
  • 1.25 oz. vodka
  • Pour the peppermint schnapps into a glass.
  • Add the vodka.
  • Serve and enjoy. 

If you don’t mind strong cocktails, then this combination of schnapps and vodka has got you covered. With such simple preparation, it's ideal when you're in a hurry or preparing drinks for a large group. The type of schnapps used here has a minty flavor that will take away a bit of edge from the vodka. Note that its minty flavor is more on the intense side, and it also contains a high percentage of alcohol. 

The Ginger Beer in Your Moscow Moose

Ginger beer remains an essential ingredient in any variation of the Moscow Mule , including the Moscow Moose drink. Since it’s a common ingredient in all of these recipes, let’s have a look at its benefits and how you can make your own at home. 

Health Benefits of Ginger Beer

copper cup filled with crushed ice and mint leaves beside pieces of ginger and sliced lime

These are some of the health benefits of ginger beer :

  • Relieves Nausea and Helps in Digestion – Ginger beer aids in the movement of food through the stomach, promoting smooth digestion. Gingerol and shogaol are the active compounds found in ginger, and they relieve stomach irritations. The compounds encourage the production of saliva and bile, both of which are useful in food digestion. Ginger beer also relieves nausea. 
  • Anti-bacterial – Ginger root contains anti-bacterial properties that are useful in flushing out fungi and bacteria from the body. When you make ginger beer an essential part of your cocktails, you decrease your need to depend on antibiotics to fight bacterial and fungal infections. 
  • Fights Inflammation – Gingerol has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking ginger beer can, therefore, help suppress inflammation associated with conditions such as hepatitis, arthritis, and gastritis.

Ginger Beer Recipe

Prep Time: 3 hours Ready In: 3 days

  • ¼ cup grated ginger root, peeled 
  • ½ tsp. cream of tartar 
  • ¼ cup lemon juice 
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast 
  • Combine the ginger, lemon juice, and cream of tartar in a large pot. Add 4 cups of water and bring the mixture to boil. 
  • Reduce heat, add sugar, then stir and simmer until it’s fully dissolved. Remove from the heat. 
  • Add 40 ounces (5 cups) of water to the pot. Leave it to cool down to 23°c. Add yeast and stir. 
  • Cover the pot with a clean cloth or towel, then store away from light in a warm place for 3 hours. 
  • Using a strainer to remove bits of ginger, transfer the mixture into a pitcher.
  • Fill into glass bottles, only 2/3 full to allow for fermentation. Leave to ferment for 3 days. 
  • Refrigerate to prevent further fermenting, or put in room temperature for more fermentation. 

Get Your Quick Fix

The Moscow Moose cocktail is a simple-to-make drink that takes very little time. Remember to use fresh limes, lemons, blueberries, and even homemade ginger beer if you can for the freshest taste and aroma. To perfect the presentation of your Mule drink, consider using some authentic copper mugs !

Did You Enjoy This Article?

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this article, you might also like the following article:  The Kombucha Mule: A Funky Alternative to the Traditional Moscow Mule and  Top 7 Orange Mule Recipes

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Moscow Mule Copper Mug

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For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to the world’s only floating nuclear cogeneration plant in the Arctic

The fuel was supplied to the northernmost town of Russia along the Northern Sea Route.

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The first in the history of the power plant refueling, that is, the replacement of spent nuclear fuel with fresh one, is planned to begin before 2024. The manufacturer of nuclear fuel for all Russian nuclear icebreakers, as well as the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, is Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC), a company of Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL that is based in Elektrostal, Moscow Region.

The FNPP includes two KLT-40S reactors of the icebreaking type. Unlike convenient ground-based large reactors (that require partial replacement of fuel rods once every 12-18 months), in the case of these reactors, the refueling takes place once every few years and includes unloading of the entire reactor core and loading of fresh fuel into the reactor.

The cores of KLT-40 reactors of the Akademik Lomonosov floating power unit have a number of advantages compared to the reference ones: a cassette core was used for the first time in the history of the unit, which made it possible to increase the fuel energy resource to 3-3.5 years between refuelings, and also reduce the fuel component of the electricity cost by one and a half times. The FNPP operating experience formed the basis for the designs of reactors for nuclear icebreakers of the newest series 22220. Three such icebreakers have been launched by now.

For the first time the power units of the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant were connected to the grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020. The supply of nuclear fuel from Elektrostal to Pevek and its loading into the second reactor is planned for 2024. The total power of the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, supplied to the coastal grid of Pevek without thermal energy consumption on shore, is about 76 MW, being about 44 MW in the maximum thermal power supply mode. The FNPP generated 194 million kWh according to the results of 2023. The population of Pevek is just a little more than 4 thousand, while the FNPP has a potential for supplying electricity to a city with a population of up to 100 thousand people. After the FNPP commissioning two goals were achieved. These include first of all the replacement of the retiring capacities of the Bilibino NPP, which has been operating since 1974, as well as the Chaunskaya TPP, which has already been operating for more than 70 years. Secondly, energy is supplied to the main mining companies in western Chukotka in the Chaun-Bilibino energy hub a large ore and metal cluster, including gold mining companies and projects related to the development of the Baimsk ore zone. In September 2023, a 110 kilovolt power transmission line with a length of 490 kilometers was put into operation, connecting the towns of Pevek and Bilibino. The line increased the reliability of energy supply from the FNPP to both Bilibino consumers and mining companies, the largest of which is the Baimsky GOK. The comprehensive development of the Russian Arctic is a national strategic priority. To increase the NSR traffic is of paramount importance for accomplishment of the tasks set in the field of cargo shipping. This logistics corridor is being developed due regular freight voyages, construction of new nuclear-powered icebreakers and modernization of the relevant infrastructure. Rosatom companies are actively involved in this work. Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL (Rosatom Fuel Division) includes companies fabricating nuclear fuel, converting and enriching uranium, manufacturing gas centrifuges, conducting researches and producing designs. As the only nuclear fuel supplier to Russian NPPs, TVEL supplies fuel for a total of 75 power reactors in 15 countries, for research reactors in nine countries, as well as for propulsion reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world runs on TVEL fuel. Rosatom Fuel Division is the world’s largest producer of enriched uranium and the leader on the global stable isotope market. The Fuel Division is actively developing new businesses in chemistry, metallurgy, energy storage technologies, 3D printing, digital products, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. TVEL also includes Rosatom integrators for additive technologies and electricity storage systems. Rosenergoatom, Joint-Stock Company is part of Rosatom Electric Power Division and one of the largest companies in the industry acting as an operator of nuclear power plants. It includes, as its branches, 11 operating NPPs, including the FNPP, the Scientific and Technical Center for Emergency Operations at NPPs, Design and Engineering as well as Technological companies. In total, 37 power units with a total installed capacity of over 29.5 GW are in operation at 11 nuclear power plants in Russia. Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC, Elektrostal) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of fuel for nuclear power plants. The company produces fuel assemblies for VVER-440, VVER-1000, RBMK-1000, BN-600,800, VK-50, EGP-6; powders and fuel pellets intended for supply to foreign customers. It also produces nuclear fuel for research reactors. The plant belongs to the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom.

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Rosatom obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia

On April 21, Rosenergoatom obtained a license issued by Rostekhnadzor to construct the Yakutsk land-based SMR in the Ust-Yansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

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ROSATOM and FEDC agree to cooperate in the construction of Russia's first onshore SNPP

ROSATOM and FEDC have signed a cooperation agreement to build Russia's first onshore SNPP in Yakutia.

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Rosatom develops nuclear fuel for modernized floating power units

Rosatom has completed the development of nuclear fuel for the RITM-200S small modular reactor designed for the upgraded floating power units.


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  2. Contact us by telephone

    Contact us on 03 80 11 29 29. Monday to Saturday, 7am to 8pm, price of a local call. TER Brittany. Toll-free number: 08 00 88 05 62. Monday to Friday, 6:15am to 8pm, and Saturday 10am to 5pm. TER Centre-Val de Loire. Toll-free number: 08 80 83 59 23. Monday to Saturday, 6am to 8pm.

  3. Service client et réclamations

    Quel est le numéro d'appel du service des recouvrements des procès verbaux SNCF ? Contactez nos centres de recouvrement par téléphone au 09 48 220 000 (prix d'un appel local) de 8h15 à 18h30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf jours fériés, ou déposez votre dossier via la plateforme prévue à cet effet. Elle est entièrement sécurisée et ...

  4. Contact

    Un conseiller revient vers vous dans la journée (7j/7, de 8:00 à 20:00) Fermé le 1er mai. Rendez-vous sur Whatsapp. Par formulaire. Envoyez-nous vos questions, réclamations ou suggestions. Envoyer votre demande. Par téléphone. Nos conseillers sont à votre écoute (7j/7, de 8:00 à 20:00) Fermé le 1er mai. Appeler un conseiller.

  5. SNCF Connect : Réservez vos billets SNCF, bus et covoiturage (

    SNCF Connect, le nouveau réflexe pour organiser et réserver petits trajets et grands voyages sur une seule et même appli ! ... SNCF Voyageurs, SA au capital social de 157 789 960 euros, inscrite au RCS de Bobigny sous le numéro 519 037 584 - 4, rue Campra - CS 20012 - 93212 Saint Denis Cedex. ... Préparez votre voyage sur SNCF Connect ...

  6. 10 à 60 personnes

    Voyagez en groupe en Europe. Vous souhaitez partir de 10 à 60 personnes en Europe ? Profitez de notre offre sur une sélection de destinations : en Allemagne (Fribourg, Mannheim, Francfort, Stuttgart, Munich), en Italie (Milan, Turin), en Suisse (Genève, Bâle), au Luxembourg, en Belgique (Bruxelles), en Espagne (Barcelone, Madrid, Séville ...

  7. Dossier voyageur

    Référence de dossier* Format attendu : 6 caractères alphanumériques. Où trouver ma référence de dossier ? Nom d'un des passagers*. Consultez vos billets. Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour l'import de votre dossier voyageur sur cette page, merci de nous en faire part par mail à l'adresse suivante : [email protected].

  8. Achat de billets

    Achetez vos billets, cartes et abonnements. Pour effectuer vos achats, vous serez redirigé sur le site Contactez-nous Une information, une question ? En France et en Europe, réservez facilement votre voyage en train (TER, Intercités et TGV INOUI) et achetez vos billets de train, cartes et abonnements.

  9. Recherche de train

    Optimisez votre expérience de voyage. Avant le départ, prenez connaissance de vos conditions de trajet en renseignant le numéro de votre train. Réservation obligatoire ou placement libre, prise électrique individuelle ou partagée ou encore accès au Wifi : anticipez les équipes et services dont vous avez besoin à bord. N° de train :

  10. SNCF

    SNCF - For all of us. At SNCF, we're fighting for sustainable mobility—for everyone, in every corner of France—with openness, efficiency and commitment. Your gateway to the latest offers and news from SNCF, a global leader in passenger mobility and freight logistics.

  11. Échanger ou annuler un billet de train

    Étape 1. Page d'accueil. Cliquez sur l'onglet Billet puis cliquez sur Importer sur l'application ou "Retrouver un titre" sur le site. Étape 2. Rechercher son voyage. Indiquez votre référence de dossier ainsi que le nom qui y est associé. Étape 3. Choix échange ou annulation. Procédez à l'échange ou l'annulation de votre billet.

  12. Horaires des trains SNCF et internationaux

    Avec SNCF Connect, trouvez en temps réel les horaires de vos trains SNCF et d'autres transporteurs affiliés en France et en Europe !

  13. Mon Espace TGV INOUI

    Mon Espace TGV INOUI | SNCF. Retrouvez vos e-billets, votre historique de trajets, vos infos personnelles. Découvrez-y aussi l'actu de votre programme et ses offres et avantages. ... Simplifiez vos voyages avec l'application TGV INOUI PRO. Il y aura toujours un sur lequel compter. Questions fréquentes; Pour vos achats : 3635 (service ...


    Réservez en ligne vos billets de train sur le site officiel de OUIGO, l'offre de TGV low cost de la SNCF. 19 destinations desservies. ... Réservez plusieurs mois à l'avance ou jusqu'à 10 min avant le départ, via l'appli voyages ou le site, et profitez de billets de train low cost.

  15. Groupe international

    A la SNCF, nous nous battons pour une mobilité durable, pour tous, dans tous les coins de France, avec ouverture, efficacité et engagement. Portail de présentation de l'offre et des actualités de SNCF, groupe international de mobilité de personnes et de logistique de marchandises.

  16. Programme de fidélité voyageur

    Les avantages du programme de fidélité. Les avantages pour les deux statuts Grand Voyageur et Grand Voyageur Le Club : Des Points Prime à échanger contre des billets de train ou des réductions, Des réductions sur les services TGV INOUI (bagages à domicile, Junior & Cie…), Le service Accès Express* dans les principales gares de France,

  17. Accueil

    Depuis plus de 45 ans, chaque année nous faisons voyager un grand nombre d'enfants, le sourire aux lèvres. En 2023 ils étaient plus de 280.000 à bénéficier d'un accompagnement avec Junior & Cie, service proposé par TGV INOUI. Et si cette année c'était au tour de votre enfant de profiter d'un voyage en toute sérénité ?

  18. Tour & Travel Agency in Moscow

    In addition to our standard services, Grand Russia offers tours packages to Moscow and St Petersburg. You cannot resist our Two Hearts of Russia (7 Days &6 Nights), Golden Moscow (4 Days &3 Nights), Sochi (3 Days & 2 Nights), Golden Ring (1 Day & 2 Days), and many more. As a leading travel agency specializing in the tour to Russia and Former ...

  19. Informations commande et dossier voyage SNCF

    Retrouvez vos billets depuis la page d'accueil du site SNCF Connect. 1. Naviguez vers la page "Billet". Sur la page " Billet ", cliquez sur le bouton " Retrouver un titre (billet, carte, option) ". 2. Renseignez les informations demandées. Renseignez la référence de votre commande et le nom utilisé à la commande.

  20. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  21. 7 Best Moscow Moose Recipes

    1 oz. fresh lime juice. 0.5 0z. maple syrup. 1 tsp ginger beer. 4 dashes apple bitters. Instructions: Put crushed ice in a mug, then add the rye whiskey, lime, haskap liqueur, and maple syrup. Top with ginger beer. Add bitters. Garnish with ginger and serve.

  22. For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to

    To increase the NSR traffic is of paramount importance for accomplishment of the tasks set in the field of cargo shipping. This logistics corridor is being developed due regular freight voyages, construction of new nuclear-powered icebreakers and modernization of the relevant infrastructure. Rosatom companies are actively involved in this work.