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Yoga Nidra structure: Journey through chakras

Yoga Nidra Structure for Sleep Dragon

The Power of Yoga Nidra: A Journey Through the Chakras and Body Visualization Ft. Sleep Dragon

For many, meditation can seem like an elusive practice, hard to grasp and even harder to maintain. Yet, there’s something all of us do naturally every night – sleep. Yoga Nidra, often referred to as “yogic sleep”, harnesses the biological process of sleep to guide us into a profound meditative state. Imagine going to sleep with a problem or thought every night that you want to work towards and when you wake up, you’re one step closer to finding a ” solution” or creating a path for yourself to follow. Giving your brain something to “chew on” when you sleep at night, can create learning, improve neuroplasticity and create habits and skills that you imbibe, all while you sleep! Imagine using ⅓ of your life that would otherwise be you just sleeping and turn it into a creative and  transformative inner space. Now that practice is worth researching!

What is Yoga Nidra? Is it Meditation?

Yoga Nidra translates to “sleep meditation. ” Instead of the traditional seated meditation posture that can sometimes feel uncomfortable, Yoga Nidra invites participants to lie down in a comfortable position, allowing them to drift into a state bordering on sleep. The beauty of Yoga Nidra lies in its simplicity: even if you do fall asleep, the benefits remain. You can’t do it wrong.

Yoga nidra’s original purpose was to find ‘Samadhi’ –  True self realization.  At Sleep Dragon we have gone slightly the Andrew Huberman way. We have used the knowledge of ancient Vedic practices taught in Eastern India and combined it with modern techniques researched in the West. Varuna first  started the practice of Yoga Nidra at the age of 3 and gradually learnt techniques from both classical schools of thought and gained an understanding from teachers all over the world. 

She found that the goal of Yoga Nidra was always the same- we can achieve deep rest, enhanced learning, and neuroplasticity through science-backed techniques. The practice fine-tunes your mind for problem solving and creates long term memory by (re) programming the subconscious.

Setting up for Yoga Nidra : Preparation

To begin, it’s always great if you can find a restful position, preferably on your back. Make sure your surroundings are quiet and that you won’t be disturbed in the middle of your practice. 

Use padding under your head to align your neck, head and shoulders in one straight line. 

preparation for Yoga Nidra

Elevate your knees slightly, ensuring no strain on your lower back. If lying on your back isn’t possible, opt for a side position or a comfortable seated posture. Your body needs to be comfortable.  (If possible) make sure the curtains are drawn in and the light doesn’t hit your eyes. A cozy warm room or the comfort of your bed can help you raise the bar with your Non sleep deep rest and yoga nidra practice. 

Entering the Deep Relaxation State : Phase 1

Once settled, Varuna advises to not fight against thoughts moving through the mind, in fact resist nothing- thoughts, feelings, emotions. Deep inhalations followed by releasing exhalations will usher in a sense of peace. To further deepen relaxation, participants are guided to tense and then release their muscles, cultivating a heightened awareness of the relaxation that ensues. There is an entire ocean of formats for Yoga nidra and it gets more interesting as you dive in and explore these diverse practices.

 So-Hum Meditation to cleansing the energy systems in the body  : Phase 2

Central to this session is the breathwork. Breathing is crucial to the entire process of inner cleansing . When the body pumps out more CO2 or carbon dioxide, there is a sudden flush of oxygen in the body and this sometimes can lead to a gentle tingling in the fingers and a rush of energy overall. Research has even shown that breathwork can create structural changes in the brain. 

“ Breathing is crucial to the entire process of inner cleansing “ Swami Vivekananda

Let’s get into the kinds of practices and Kriyas that can create subtle energy currents in the body and can help release emotion. The So-Hum meditation, which involves guiding the breath from the third eye down to the base of the spine and back up. With each inhalation, the sound “so” is felt, and with each exhalation, “hum.” This practice synchronizes sound, breath, and sensation, leading to profound absorption and oneness.


Before So-hum breathing the practitioner is generally taken through different pranayamas such as Bhastrika, mudras and other deeper practices. One must always do this under the guidance of a teacher.

Journey Through the Chakras : Phase 3 or Body Vizualisation – Entering Deep State

Varuna next leads participants on a journey through the body, drawing attention to various parts without judgment. This journey culminates in a deep exploration of the chakras, the energy centers of the body- Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, Manipura, Swadhisthana and Mooldhara. 

Cleansing, balancing and energizing the chakras through breathwork and Yoga Nidra can create release of many deep seated emotions and create healing. We allow the breath to move through the body, releasing any blockages in the energy channels or Nadis that bring an influx of Prana or life force. 

Next focusing on each chakra, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, is visualized, felt, and energized. This process helps in harmonizing and aligning energies, leading to a state of unity and oneness. 

The seven primary energy centers, known as chakras, are integral to various spiritual practices. Each chakra is associated with specific emotions and attributes:

  • Root Chakra (Red) : Safety, security, and belonging.
  • Sacral Chakra (Orange): Pleasure, sensuality, and creativity.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow): Self-esteem and personal power.
  • Heart Chakra (Green or Pink): Love, compassion, and forgiveness.
  • Throat Chakra (Blue): Self-expression and truth.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Indigo): Intuition and insight.
  • Crown Chakra (Violet or White) : Spirituality and enlightenment.

Balancing these chakras is believed to enhance overall well-being, using practices like meditation and yoga. Approach these concepts with an open mind, as they stem from ancient spiritual traditions and corresponding to the major glands in the body. Breathwork with visualization can help bring blood circulation through the glands and help in healthy functioning of the body.

The Visualization and Body Consciousness : Re-programming the sub-conscious

The Visualization and Body Consciousness varies from meditation to meditation and according to the person or group, the tools are applied. 

We go through a body scan while breathing mindfully. The science is basically to move into a state of rest and relaxation that automatically happens once you slow the heart rate. Body scans, healing body visualizations, focussing breathwork while sleeping, visualizing a certain body part and more can be undertaken under guidance.

Closing the Practice or the Awakening: Final Stage

As the session nears its end, participants are guided back to awareness of their physical bodies. They are reminded of the shifts that have occurred, both seen and unseen. With a collective sound of “OM”, a sense of peace and unity is sealed. If you’re not comfortable chanting Om, you can simply take a few deep breaths and focus on the sound of your breath before it is time to sit back up again.

Beeja Mantras or ancient sounds/ mental chants can also be used when one is completing their practice and each Chakra or energy center has one which is dedicated to them. These are usually done by the teacher themselves. In addition, the practitioner’s goal is also taken into note, mentally and visually to help them inculcate a clearer picture of what they want to achieve.

Yoga Nidra stage by stage in Sleep Dragon

Yoga Nidra is a transformative practice, accessible to everyone. As Varuna Shunglu illustrates, it’s an invitation to deep rest, heightened awareness, and a profound connection to the universe. Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, Yoga Nidra offers a unique path to inner peace.


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Journey through the Chakra’s

Vocal Mode: Spoken word, With music

Language: Dutch

Author: Richelle van Gerwen

This is a live recording of a 29 minute nidra delivered during my yoga class. The intention is to take you on a journey through the chakra’s. Connecting with every chakra and recharging energy during a special rotation of consciousness spreading colors through different parts of the body. My partner is playing sansula at the start of this nidra. Enjoy!

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We have chosen to offer these audio recordings freely. We do this because we know yoga nidra to be a valuable practice which we want to share widely. It does, however take a fair bit of time and effort to upload the recordings and maintain this site so you can use it.

If you feel you have benefitted from what you have heard or learnt from this site then please do consider making a contribution towards the maintenance and upkeep of the site. We’d appreciate that, and it would help to ensure we can continue to offer this services freely.

Thank You, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli, Co-Founders, Yoga Nidra Network

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Kamini Desai


Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep-based meditation technique that has the power to take you to the innermost, deepest levels of relaxation where your whole body and being is permeated by peace of mind and profound stillness.


Yoga nidra is very effective for addressing common stress-related health issues, and self-destructive behavior patterns..

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Relieve Stress & Burnout

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Improve Sleep Quality

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

 Release Anxiety & Depression

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Recover from Trauma, PTSD & Addiction

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Inflammation &

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

According to the Huffington Post, 75 percent of Doctor's visits are stress related. 

Yoga Nidra reverses the chronic fight or flight state in which most of us live, thereby reversing stress related illnesses at their root.

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Stressful days reduce alpha brainwave activity and make it difficult to fall asleep. Yoga Nidra increases alpha brainwave activity promoting deep and restful sleep.

Studies show that those who practice meditation and Yoga Nidra experience more sleep cycles at night indicating more restorative sleep.

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Anxiety and Depression are often the body’s response to extended pressures.

Yoga Nidra promotes the release of serotonin, which can play a key role in alleviating symptoms of depression.

The release of GABA calms the nervous system and quiets the over-agitated mind.

Of all its benefits, Yoga Nidra as meditation has been shown to be one of the most effective aids for anxiety and depression.


& depression.

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Following a trauma, the nervous system can get shocked out of its normal range of functioning. Yoga Nidra helps normalize the nervous system back to baseline levels.

Yoga Nidra is a great aid for relapse prevention. It helps an individual cope differently with stressors that trigger relapse.

It is also an excellent non-religious meditation practice which is a strong component of AA.

Recover from Trauma, PTSD

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Long-term stress increases the inflammatory processes in the body, serving as the basis of many diseases including Rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimers, allergies, inflammatory bowel diseases and more. There’s evidence that Yoga Nidra as meditation dampens the activity of genes associated with inflammation.

Yoga Nidra helps balance blood sugar and has been shown to be very helpful in the treatment of Type II Diabetes.

The Art of Transformational Sleep

Every night when we sleep, we must do one thing; let go of our thoughts. In Yoga Nidra we consciously enter the twilight zone between waking and sleeping, enabling us to rest more and more as the space of being beyond the mind, and less and less as the mind itself. This unlocks the mystical, integrative powers of the subconscious, as well as your higher centers of consciousness, to effortlessly erase your most tenacious, self-destructive habits and behavior patterns. It is said by yogis that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is as restorative as three hours of sleep.


In the integrative amrit method of yoga nidra™.

Ideal for those who want to explore the power of Yoga Nidra, immersion and certification provide in-depth information and personal experience of this transformative technique. Immersion is for anyone wanting to dive deeper into the understanding and practice of Yoga Nidra. It is required for those wanting to go on to certification as immersion hours count towards certification. 

Course Overview: Everything You Need to Know

Course Overview: Everything You Need to Know

What is Yoga Nidra?

The I AM Method and Lineage of Yoga Nidra-How We Differ.

The I AM Method and Lineage of Yoga Nidra-How We Differ.

I AM Yoga Nidra: Journey Through the Chakras led by Kamini Desai - NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)

I AM Yoga Nidra: Journey Through the Chakras led by Kamini Desai - NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)

Why Intentions Don't Work Without This Technique

Why Intentions Don't Work Without This Technique

Yoga nidra i: immersion, achieve better sleep, improve focus, and reduce stress, in as little as 5 days.

With Our Ancient Technology System of I AM Yoga Nidra™

This Immersion provides a unique and transformative map to life mastery where we lay out the ancient spiritual foundations of Yoga Nidra.


Improved focus and an easy way to reduce stress.

You’re not alone. Over 40% (106 million) of US adults constantly battle sleep disorders such as insomnia. And due to the current world affairs, in the last couple of years’ stress levels have risen to unprecedented numbers. So much so that the American Psychological Association has called it a “national mental crisis”…

But there’s a solution…

Whether you or a loved one is struggling with sleep, addictive habits, stress, weight, or worry, I AM Yoga Nidra™ sees all these conditions as visible manifestations of one invisible cause and offers a remedy that is accessible to anyone. No matter your age or physical abilities…

You see utilizing the practice offered in I AM Yoga Nidra™ Immersion will provide you with a unique and transformative map to life mastery where we lay out the ancient spiritual foundations and the science behind the brainwaves to help you understand how our lost connection to essential wholeness results in stress, living in unconscious repetitive karmic patterns and robs us of our health, vitality and fullest potential.

As a result of an anxious mind and tired body, conditions such as dis-ease, depression, stress, anxiety, and sleep problems set in. Here’s where I AM Yoga Nidra™ Immersion can help…

This ancient sleep-based meditation technique has the power to take you to the innermost, deepest levels of relaxation where your whole body and being is permeated by peace of mind and profound stillness.

It unlocks the mystical, integrative powers of the subconscious and your higher centers of consciousness to effortlessly erase your most persistent, self-destructive habits and behavior patterns.


This ancient technology is now backed by neuroscience and provides proven benefits including dopamine release, increased focus, improved learning & memory, greater sleep quality and anxiety management.  Yoga Nidra is used in addiction and trauma facilities as well as by therapists seeking alternatives beyond talk therapy. According to Yoga, just 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is as restorative as 3 hours of sleep, making your experience of guided mindfulness meditation extra rich and restorative even for the novice practitioner. This makes it ideal for those who have struggled with a busy mind in traditional meditation. 

Plus with our exclusive five-tool approach and in-depth practice of Yoga Nidra, you will also experientially empower yourself to reverse the attack of stress, and negative habits and shift these undesirable effects at the root…

You will be able to reshape your life and that of others with one of the simplest, most profound techniques ever created to promote lasting shifts at deeper energetic and cellular levels.

To work with each symptom singly you will be busy for a lifetime. But using I AM Yoga Nidra™ to work with the cause, the symptoms will simultaneously begin to erode - reshaping your life and health one session at a time…

Whether you want to dive deeper into Yoga Nidra for yourself or to be able to guide others through this transformational experience. Our Immersion is the first step. Your hours count towards Yoga Nidra II: Certification, should you decide to go on. 


This ancient system is The Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga Nidra (I AM Yoga Nidra), which is based on the teachings of Yogi Amrit Desai and crafted into a practical, modern training methodology by his daughter Kamini Desai, PhD.

Here ancient wisdom meets modern science. Giving you direct ancient yogic teachings fused with modern psychology and neuroscience. A combination that is not taught in any other Yoga Nidra training.

Our I AM Yoga Nidra™ training is considered one of the 5 major schools of Yoga Nidra. Offering in-depth, high-quality immersion training for the past 20 years. This training is facilitated by internationally recognized leaders and educators in the field of Yoga Nidra.


Direct Yoga Nidra experiences from Kamini Desai/Senior I AM Trainers

Comprehensive Course Manual

Deeply restorative personal retreat experience

50 Hours of CE with Yoga Alliance

21 Hours of CE (APD) with IAYT

Qualification to participate in Yoga Nidra II: Certification


Boost immunity to anxiety and depression

Improve sleep health

Reduce stress and inflammation

Change habitual thoughts and patterns

Process emotions and feelings in a healthy way

Authentic, in-depth, and universally applicable teachings 

Deepen your practice and transform your life!

"The most profound course I have ever taken in over 20 years of yogic studies."

– Jesse Applegarth ​

"Every module is a masterclass for life."

– Annie Reed

Yoga Nidra II: Certification Pre-requisite: Yoga Nidra I: Immersion

The art of sleeping meditation, that awakens your true nature.

Our Yoga Nidra training is the most in-depth, scientific, and authentic certification available. This continuing course of study deepens and enhances your understanding drawing on the scientific basis and modern applications of this healing practice. We will explore research verifying the benefits and measurable changes occurring in the brain during Yoga Nidra. As one of the 5 major teachers of Yoga Nidra for the past 20 years, we offer a wealth of expertise and have the tools and experience to help you become an Yoga Nidra Certified Facilitator of the highest quality. Yoga Nidra is not just something you lead others in – it is something you transmit. This can only be gained through personal practice and self-reflection, which is a cornerstone of our training.

Combining science with the ancient wisdom of yoga, you will be able to develop Yoga Nidra protocols to address such conditions as:

Habits and Addictions

Trauma and PTSD

Depression and Anxiety

This course of study not only provides you with the skills to guide others in yoga nidra, but is also the ideal tool for your own transformation. You will receive your own unique yoga nidra card deck system which will allow you to easily customize Yoga Nidra experiences.


Bring effortless emotional integration, relaxation and deep sleep to your clients. .

Yoga Nidra is Mindfulness made easy. This training is excellent for psychologists, mindfulness practitioners, bodyworkers, yoga teachers, healthcare workers, helping professionals, hypnotherapists and energy healers in search o new tools to serve their clients.

Yoga Nidra II: Certification is a continuation of the Yoga Nidra I: Immersion.​


Daily Yoga Nidra sessions

Comprehensive manual includes slides and research covered in the training

Unique Yoga Nidra Card deck system allows you to easily customize Yoga Nidra experiences such as chakra meditations, healing meditations, body scan meditations, meditations for anxiety, and more.

Scientifically validated benefits of regular Yoga Nidra practice

Workshops to develop your Presence and personal guidance to powerfully facilitate Yoga Nidra.

Healing benefits, applications and contraindications of the various techniques of Yoga Nidra.

Marketing strategies and how to articulate to various audiences

How to lead private sessions, group classes, and design a Yoga Nidra series.

Authentic, in-depth, and universally applicable teachings from caring, recognized and experienced leaders in the field of Yoga Nidra

Deepen your practice and transform your life while learning to help others!

Distinguish yourself as a Yoga Nidra Certified Facilitator from one of the premier teachers of Yoga Nidra

Walk away with personalized techniques you can begin using right away

Responsibly guide students into Yoga Nidra with a thorough understanding of the practice, and how to address commonly shared experiences

Intelligently speak about Yoga Nidra as it applies to various populations and conditions

Lead powerful Yoga Nidra sessions with Presence

Receive extensive materials and scientifically validated references

Gain a new appreciation and personal understanding of this ancient practice


“Every module is a master class for life.” – Annie Reed

“The most profound course I have ever taken in over 20 years of yogic studies.” – Jesse Applegarth

“This course gave me the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. A return to restful sleep.” -Tamara Metelka

“I searched for the best Yoga Nidra training on the market and found this one; but even still, it exceeded my expectations.”~  Georgiann

“This is the best training I have taken anywhere, ever.”~  G. Tonsobin

 “…the best instruction and curriculum I have experienced.  I have truly loved facilitating Yoga Nidra and offer it on a regular basis now.” ~  V. Lopez

 “An exceptional learning experience.”~  Ashley

“With Yoga Nidra, I have found a way to make a true difference in the lives of others.”~  M. van de Wiele

"The best course I have taken anywhere, ever."

– G. Ton sobin

32.25 Hours of CE with Yoga Alliance

"…the best instruction and curriculum I have experienced."

“I searched for the best Yoga Nidra training on the market and found this one; but even still, it exceeded my expectations.”

~  Georgiann

“With Yoga Nidra, I have found a way to make a true difference in the lives of others.”

~  M. van de Wiele

33.75 Hours of CE with Yoga Alliance (total 66 hrs for both immersion/certification courses)

45 APD (Advanced Professional Development) hours with IAYT (Intl. Assoc. of Yoga Therapists)

Gain a new appreciation and personal understanding of this ancient practice.

“This course gave me the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. A return to restful sleep.”

-T. Metelka


"I have truly loved facilitating Yoga Nidra and offer it on a regular basis now.”

~  V. Lopez



Option 1: Entirely Self-Paced 

You can join these courses anytime you like! The immersion is entirely self paced on an education platform. Tests and quizzes track your progress. The advantage of this format is that you can view the videos as much as you like within a three month (90 day) period, and you can study at your own pace. For the on-demand certification, a mentor will oversee your practice teaching and final certification exam only.

Immersion On Demand

Certification On Demand   

Option 2: Combined Instruction & self-paced 

The course is offered periodically and begins with an online welcome introduction to your cohort and is instructed by a senior teacher. You will have self-paced videos led by Kamini Desai to view, quizzes to complete, and you'll meet with your group on pre-designated dates/times online. Kamini joins the course for some of the live online portions of the course. This is a nice option if you like the flexibility of learning on your own, but appreciate the support and oversight of a teacher and practicing with others. Contact [email protected] for upcoming dates. 

Option 3: In-Person

Enjoy taking time away for an immersive experience with Kamini Desai or a senior teacher. In person courses are offered worldwide. Check our calendar for upcoming dates or contact us. 

Note: You can mix and match study of Yoga Nidra I and II among the different options above. For example, you can do the immersion in person and certification online or vise versa. 

Master the inner dimension of your life.

Program calendar.

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The 8 Stages of Yoga Nidra

by Staff Writer | Nov 9, 2022 | Nurturing Your Practice

Many people are familiar with the ancient art of meditation and the various ways that it can contribute to healthy minds. But there is a lesser-known practice that can produce equally profound benefits for mental and emotional well-being that even seasoned practitioners are not very familiar with, and it is known as yoga nidra.

Yoga nidra does its work in the mysterious realm lying between the conscious and dream states. Like meditation, the goals of yoga nidra are to achieve heightened relaxation and profound calmness but only deeper. This ancient art requires a structured eight-stage approach to reap its full benefits.

Often referred to as yogic sleep, yoga nidra seeks to achieve the highest form of relaxation, a rarefied mental state that can best be described as conscious dreaming but without the dreams. Master these eight stages of yoga nidra and profound, life-affirming relaxation awaits.

What Is Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is a relaxation practice that by some accounts is as old as the ancient art of yoga and dates back thousands of years. The term yoga nidra comes from Sanskrit origins and means “yogic sleep” or “psychic sleep”, which is an accurate description because it is performed from the corpse pose ( shavasana ) where practitioners lie down flat on their back.

A typical yoga nidra session lasts approximately 45 minutes and involves a very structured approach comprising 8 carefully sequenced stages (more on this later). Practicing yoga nidra can yield benefits that have profound effects on your mental well-being. These include:

  • Yoga nidra allows you to reach a profound trance-like state of relaxation
  • It produces a deepened sense of self-awareness
  • Yoga nidra stimulates the release of the stress-reducing hormone melatonin
  • Heightened immune system response to illness
  • Increased mental focus and improved cognitive function

Although it shares some attributes with meditation, such as emphasizing relaxation and breathing techniques, yoga nidra ventures deeper into the psyche in order to reach the realm of yogic sleep.

What Happens During Yoga Nidra?

Yoga nidra has been practiced for many centuries and countless practitioners have enjoyed its life-changing benefits. Now, research is starting to pull back the curtain on this mysterious art and explain what happens during yoga nidra and how regular sessions benefit your mental state. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Yoga nidra keeps the body’s sympathetic nervous system in check, suppressing the primal “fight or flight” instinct
  • It also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system , fostering calmness and self-assurance
  • Yoga nidra enables practitioners to harness the restorative power of delta brainwaves which are normally found when people fall into a deep, restful sleep
  • By stimulating the pineal gland yoga nidra can trigger the release of the hormone melatonin and help regulate the body’s sleep and wake cycles
  • Yoga nidra has been found to have a significant effect on reducing stress and anxiety

While research into the benefits of yoga nidra continues, there is mounting evidence that it may be even more beneficial to mental health than meditation.

What Are the 8 Stages of Yoga Nidra?

One of the keys to reaping the benefits of yoga nidra is to understand how it works and respect its ancient methodology. Each session of yoga nidra is a process that requires a very structured approach. Are you interested in learning yoga nidra? These are the 8 stages that you need to know.

1. Positioning

Prior to engaging in the mental exercises that comprise yoga nidra, it is important to properly position your body. This means getting into shavasana , otherwise known as the corpse pose. Lying down on your back in this manner will ensure that your body, and thus your mind, are fully relaxed.

2. Mental Affirmation – The Sankalpa

The next stage is performing a mental affirmation – known as a sankalpa – to provide a mechanism that is used to unlock the passive state through which your consciousness becomes detached from your surroundings. A sankalpa can be any type of personal mantra or decree that is repeated in your mind.

3. Bodily Visualization

The third stage of yoga nidra is a mental exercise by which each part of the body is visualized. You begin with the right side, starting from your fingers and ending at the toes. This exercise is repeated for the left side. The back of the body from head to toe is then visualized as is the front in the same manner, and in so doing, the practitioner becomes acutely aware of the entire body.

4. Breathwork

Proper breathing techniques are an important part of yoga nidra. Recommended practice is to count breaths and take note as they are drawn in and let out through the nostrils. Conscious breathwork should also involve the throat, chest, and abdomen.

5. Sensory Consciousness

The fifth stage of yoga nidra is an association exercise where sensory experiences are linked to mental or physical stimuli. A common approach to performing this sensory consciousness phase is to focus on extremes such as hot and cold, dry and wet, light and heavy, and so on.

6. Visualizing the Chidakasha

The next stage of yoga nidra is another visualization exercise, this time involving the chidakasha , which is the dark space that lies in front of your eyes when your eyelids are closed. Practitioners are encouraged to visualize a vibrant scene within the chidakasha .

7. Revisiting the Sankalpa

In the seventh stage of yoga nidra, practitioners are instructed to recall the sankalpa they recited in stage two and to repeat it three more times.

8. Returning to Your Surroundings

As the yoga nidra session comes to a close, the eighth and final stage is where practitioners are slowly reacclimated to their surroundings. Emerging from a yoga nidra session is much like awakening from a deep, restful slumber.

How Can I Learn More About Yoga Nidra

Learning yoga nidra is all about embracing a process. Aside from following the sequence of the eight stages outlined above, reaping the benefits of yoga nidra also requires having the right mindset. Centuries ago, the process of learning yoga nidra would have involved instructors and pupils put together in a face-to-face setting.

Fortunately, the digital age has brought about with it the opportunity to learn the intricacies of yoga nidra through online resources like My Vinyasa Practice’s Online Yoga Nidra Certification course. With an extensive library of on-demand digital resources like video lectures and study materials, this learn-at-your-own-pace program is perfectly suited for anybody who wants to learn more about this ancient art.

Yoga nidra is a complex practice that typically requires guided sessions, even for experienced practitioners, to fully appreciate its many benefits. The eight stages of this ancient relaxation exercise represent a journey into a realm where the subconscious and the dreamy state of deep sleep come together.

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Ally Boothroyd

By Ally | Spirit

This Full Length Hour Long Yoga Nidra is like a massage for the central nervous system and the energetic body. Sense & Cleanse each of the 7 main Chakras along the centre of the body. 

​ In this hour long Yoga Nidra, I will guide you through a relaxation of the whole body and visualization for the chakra systems, mainly the seven chakras:

The element of earth (prithvi): the muladhara (root/base chakra),

The element of water (jala): the svadisthana chakra (second/sacral chakra)

The fire (agni): manipura chakra (third/solar plexus chakra)

Air (vayu): the anahata chakra (fourth/heart chakra)

Space/sound (akasha): vishuddha chakra (fifth/throat chakra)

Space/light (akasha): ajna chakra (sixth chakra/mind's eye)

Space/consciousness/spirit (akasha): sahasrara chakra (seventh/crown chakra)

If you'd like to learn more about the chakras, there are many resources, ones that I love are "the subtle body" also this nidra is very inspired by one of my teacher's Anodea Judith and her book "wheels of life" ​

Close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided into deep relaxation.  Yoga Nidra is a state of receptivity and creativity, blissfully rejuvenating and restorative practice that will guide you into inner calm and a state of ease and relaxation.

I hope you enjoy this chakra cleansing Nidra. Please leave me a comment below if you do! I love hearing from and connecting with YOU 🙂 

About the Author

Ally Boothroyd is a yoga educator and meditation teacher with a passion for yoga nidra and the healing power of conscious rest. She is the founder of Sarovara Yoga, a yoga space and women's retreat centre in Ontario, Canada. A sanctuary on the water where she fosters local community and supports health, personal growth, emotional resiliency, authenticity, awareness, and awakening. Ally also leads Retreats and Yoga Teacher Trainings in Nosara, Costa Rica

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Journey Through the Chakras

yoga nidra journey through the chakras

Date: Friday, August 25, 2023 Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm Price: $30 Location:  Ocala Yoga Center 3620 NE 8th Pl #7, Ocala, FL 34470

What to Bring: yoga mat, pillow/blanket, water, wear comfy clothes

Save your space and register now!

Deanna and Curt Monkey temple India

Join Bhavaani Deanna Gray and Bhairav Curt Gibson for an experiential journey through the seven major energy centers along the spine, the chakras. Bhavaani will guide you through gentle Amrit Yoga postures that help release energy blocks while Bhairav sounds the crystal bowls. This will be followed by a guided I AM Yoga Nidra meditation.

Discover the relationship between the chakras, the heart, the mind, the body and soul. Through understanding the chakras there is an opportunity to deepen the understanding of ourselves.

Singing crystal bowls are known for promoting relaxation and healing through sound vibrations. The seven pure quartz crystal bowls are tuned to the energy frequency of each of the seven major chakras located along the spine. This practice balances the chakras and clears energy blocks that can lead to disease.  

This gentle yoga practice is great for all levels including beginners.  

We’ll follow the sound bath and yoga with I AM Yoga Nidra Meditation. Scientific studies have found Yoga Nidra reduces anxiety and stress. It brings the body’s brainwaves into the Delta sleep state where the bodies feel good hormones are activated. Yoga Nidra meditation unleashes the healer within.

Join Bhairav and Bhavaani on this journey toward bliss.

Curt with sound bath crystal bowls

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Journey Through the Chakras

Journey Through the Chakras

Embark on a transformative 6-week “Journey Through the Chakras” with our "Energetic Balance" yoga series.

Select date and time

  • Saturday April 27 9:00 AM
  • Saturday May 4 9:00 AM
  • Saturday May 11 9:00 AM
  • Saturday May 25 9:00 AM

Sage and Solace Farm

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About this event.

Combining the gentle practices of Yin Yoga, the dynamic flows of Vinyasa Yoga, the nurturing support of Restorative Yoga, and the healing power of sound and aromatherapy, this series offers a holistic approach to harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit.

Each week, we delve into a specific chakra, unraveling its significance and potential blockages through carefully curated practices designed to restore balance and vitality to mind, body, and spirit.

Where: 2768 256th Street Langley Township

Time: 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.

Dates: Saturdays April 13, 20, 27 and May 4, 11, 25.

Your ticket includes admission to 1 session

Week 1: Root Chakra - Foundation & Stability. Ground yourself in the present moment as we focus on the Root Chakra.

Week 2: Sacral Chakra - Creativity & Passion Ignite your creative fire with practices designed to stimulate the Sacral Chakra.

Week 3: Solar Plexus Chakra - Confidence & Personal Power Empower yourself as we activate the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Week 4: Heart Chakra - Love & Compassion Open your heart to love and compassion through heart-centered practices.

Week 5: Throat Chakra - Communication & Expression Honor your truth and express yourself authentically with practices for the Throat Chakra.

Week 6: Third Eye & Crown Chakras - Intuition & Spiritual Connection Awaken your intuition and connect with the divine in the final week of our series.

Carlee Costello is a counsellor, yoga teacher and sound healing practitioner. Her love of supporting others has inspired her 20+ years of work in the mental health field. Carlee has provided counselling and yoga to women, children, youth and families in non profit organizations, schools, communities, residential and private settings. Through personal and professional experience she understands the importance of each step in an individuals 'Soul Journey'. Her ongoing personal exploration and work with the breath, yoga, sound and plant medicine allows Carlee to truly understand the impact each of these profound practices have in supporting overall physical, mental and emotional health. She is living her Dharma as she shares these healing modalities with others in fun and unique ways while healing physically and emotionally herself.

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Yoga Nidra Journey To The Stars

by Mythological Goddess

This guided Yoga Nidra practice includes a starlight body scan and star chakra meditation. You are taken on a deeply grounded journey through the universe connecting to your ancient origins, experiencing sounds, movement, and sensations. You will emerge deeply restored and relaxed. Soothing Tibetan bowls will accompany you as you drift into endless space. Thanks to Jamen Moss of Life Illumined for the use of 'Sacred Bowl Practice.'

Meet your Teacher

Mythological Goddess

Dublin, Ireland

Known as Mythological Goddess, Niamh Devine is a spiritual guide and teacher working on empowering the individual by facilitating a pathway to connect with their higher self and their true nature. An Energy Intuitive and Spiritual Student, Niamh has traveled extensively around the world immersing herself in ancient traditions, wisdoms and healing techniques. Join Weekly Live Healing Energy Transmissions, as well as listen to her collection of meditations to deepen your connection to self. read more

Recent Reviews


March 5, 2023

Love it 🌟🙏🏼

December 7, 2021

We are stardust, we are golden...and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden. ~Joni Mitchell

June 6, 2021

A beautiful mystical journey through the starry cosmos! I am Light and I am free! Thank you for this powerful and blissful Yoga Nidra!✨🌟💫

April 29, 2021

I love Niamh voice, I find it soothing was asleep before it ended so I guess a good sign 😄❤️

March 12, 2021

You pour your radiant love and Light-filled soul into everything you do. Here, as always, your inner and outer smile shines through every word. Imaginative, inspiring, and positively mythological! ✨💕💫

June 17, 2020

Thank you 🙏 it was beautiful 🌞🌟

June 14, 2020

Thank you for taking me on this journey🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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  1. I AM Yoga Nidra: Journey Through the Chakras led by Kamini Desai

    yoga nidra journey through the chakras

  2. Yoga Nidra for Sleep: Journey Through The Chakras (With Delta Waves)

    yoga nidra journey through the chakras

  3. Yoga Nidra Journey Through the Chakras

    yoga nidra journey through the chakras

  4. Yoga Nidra

    yoga nidra journey through the chakras

  5. Yoga Nidra: Journey Through the Chakras led by Kamini Desai

    yoga nidra journey through the chakras

  6. Yoga Nidra

    yoga nidra journey through the chakras


  1. Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation for Chakras

  2. Yoga Nidra

  3. Part 2: iRest Yoga Nidra for Healing Trauma

  4. Based on Swami Rama Himalayan Tradition Yoga Nidra

  5. Full Length Chakra Yoga Nidra

  6. Yoga Nidra For Powerful Relaxation


  1. I AM Yoga Nidra: Journey Through the Chakras led by Kamini Desai

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  21. Journey Through the Chakras

    Eventbrite - Sage and Solace Farm presents Journey Through the Chakras - Saturday, April 20, 2024 at Sage and Solace Farm, Langley City, BC. Find event and ticket information. Embark on a transformative 6-week "Journey Through the Chakras" with our "Energetic Balance" yoga series.

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  24. Yoga Nidra Journey To The Stars

    This guided Yoga Nidra practice includes a starlight body scan and star chakra meditation. You are taken on a deeply grounded journey through the universe connecting to your ancient origins, experiencing sounds, movement, and sensations. You will emerge deeply restored and relaxed. Soothing Tibetan bowls will accompany you as you drift into endless space. Thanks to Jamen Moss of Life Illumined ...