
The Best French TV Shows to Explore France Like a Local

  • March 8, 2022

Are the TV shows that you’re watching actually giving you a clear and accurate picture of French culture, French life, and the modern French language? Perhaps you’ve noticed that, like a lot of French people, I am not a big fan of the Netflix series Emily in Paris, mostly because it’s very fictionalized and doesn’t show you the REAL Paris.

If you’re someone who wants to explore France like a local, I want to introduce you to some of my favorite French TV shows for doing exactly that. I’ll explain how these shows give you a local perspective, and as a bonus, we’ll learn the proper pronunciation for some cities and regions in France that are covered by these programs. C’est parti!

Summary: 1) French TV shows to discover France: Cuisine Ouverte 2) French TV shows to discover France: Le Tour de France 3) French TV shows to discover France: Le Journal Télévisé 4) French TV shows to discover France: Échappées Belles 5) French TV shows to discover France: Des Racines & des Ailes

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1) french tv shows to discover france: cuisine ouverte.

Watch Cuisine Ouverte online with TV5 Monde USA

Cuisine Ouverte is une émission de télé (= a TV program ) that started in 2020. The title literally means “open kitchen.” Because it’s both in open air, and open to world influences. Just like its host, chef Mory Sacko who cooks dishes inspired by different traditions – while still using local French ingredients.

In that YouTube extract from the show , Sacko invited a local small farmer to show his products from the area. They’re the kind of vegetables you’ll really find in local markets all across the country.

They’re en Ardèche , a beautiful region in the center of France. The farm is called “ Le Champ du Fort .”

Pronunciation time : “Ardèche”

French R : A r dèche → Learn more: French R French “è” : Ard è che → Learn more: French “e / é / è” sounds “Sh” sound: Ardè ch e

Regions (like “Ardèche”) are feminine nouns (…except for exceptions). Here it doesn’t matter, because both “ La ” (feminine) and “ Le ” (masculine) become “ L ’ ” before a vowel. “La Ardèche” → L’Ardèche.

When talking about a region (in the feminine), we use “ en .” And never “ à ” (that one is only for cities.) Je suis en Ardèche. Je vais en Ardèche. → I’m in Ardèche. I’m going to Ardèche. Je suis à Paris. Je vais à Paris. → I’m in Paris. I’m going to Paris.

Before a vowel, “ en ” gets a “liaison” and the final “n” is pronounced. → Learn more: French liaison

Pronunciation time: “Le Champ du Fort”

Click here to visit the official website of “Le Champ du Fort”

Silent “p”, silent “t” : Le Cham(p) du For(t) French nasal vowel: Le Ch am p du Fort → Learn more: French “en” sound

Also a French R in “Fort.”

Champ means “ field .” It sounds like “ chant ” (= song , with a silent “t”) Un fort means “a castle / stronghold.” We also say “ un château fort ” for these medieval strongholds (and not, say, the palace of “ Château de Versailles ”.) “ Fort ” is also an adjective: “ strong .”

Le Champ du Fort = “The field of the castle.”

best travel shows about france

Click here to visit chef Mory Sacko’s Instagram page

2) French TV shows to discover France: Le Tour de France

Le Tour de France – Official YouTube Channel (in French and in English) Watch Le Tour de France in the US (in English)

Le Tour de France is a very famous bike race all around the country. Even if you’re not a big fan of cycling, it can be a fun way to see real images of France, and of French people ! Unlike scripted TV shows, Le Tour doesn’t stay in Paris, and will show you stuff from all around France instead.

In that daily highlight for instance, they were were en Bretagne (= in Brittany) , entre Redon et Fougères (= between the towns of “Redon”, and “Fougères”) → Learn more: La Bretagne (Comme une Française)

Pronunciation time: “Entre Redon et Fougères”

  • Entre (= between) → Nasal vowel “ en ” + French “R” + light French “ e ” (“ uh ”) sound before a consonant, like here
  • Redon : French “R” + nasal vowel “ on ” + “uh” sound
  • Fougères : “g” with the vowel “e” or “i” right after → soft “g”, like “jjj.” Silent “s”. French “R” sound.

Une fougère also means “ a fern .”

3) French TV shows to discover France: Le Journal Télévisé

Click here to watch: TV5 Monde, the international French TV channel

Le journal télévisé / Le journal télé / le JT = the TV news broadcast

Watching the news from French TV can be a good way to hear real people talking.

Here’s an extract from French news, from public television station “France 2,” about a light topic: buying Christmas presents, à Bordeaux, en Gironde .

Click here to watch: Le journal télévisé de France 2 – À Bordeaux, la course aux cadeaux de Noël

This segment was filmed. Oh, let’s stop on that as well!

Pronunciation time: “à Bordeaux, en Gironde”

La Gironde is a river in South-Western France – it’s also the name of the area around it. Again: soft “g” before “i” + French R + nasal vowel “on.” → It’s a feminine noun, and an area, so we say “ en Gironde .”

Bordeaux is a city on the West coast, famous for its fine French wine, especially red wines. It looks scary to pronounce, but it’s not that hard:

  • “ Bord ” (= “ near, edge, shore ”) has an open “o” and a French R. The “d” is usually silent, but not here inside a word.
  • “ Eaux ” is the plural of “ eau ” (= water ) with a silent “x”. It simply sounds like “o” ! → Learn more: French vowel sounds

If you take it apart, it actually means “near the waters,” which is a fitting name for a port!

And keep in mind: we use “ à ” for cities, “ en ” for regions.

There’s one famous exception though: with say en Avignon (= in the city of Avignon.) For instance:

Je suis allée voir le Palais des Papes, en Avignon. (= I went to see the Palace of Popes in Avignon.)

Je suis en Avignon pour le célèbre festival de théâtre. (= I’m in the city of Avignon for the famous theater festival.)

4) French TV shows to discover France: Échappées Belles

Échappées Belles is a cultural travel program that will show you places to see and people to meet in different parts of France. They also travel to different countries in some episodes.

Click here to watch “Échappées Belles” on Youtube

Some examples: La Loire des jardins – Échappées belles – YouTube Faire du vélo en Champagne – Échappées belles – YouTube

In that last example, they’re à Reims, en Champagne.

Pronunciation time: “à Reims, en Champagne.”

Reims is a small French city. The words looks scary, but it’s easy! It’s: French R + French nasal vowel “ in ” + “s” sound not silent.

Here, “un” / “in” is spelled “eim” and it’s a rare spelling for that sound. It’s pronounced just like “ je rince” (= I rinse off.)

La Champagne is a feminine noun for the area, somewhere East of Paris. In the masculine, le champagne is the sparkling wine that’s made in the region. It’s pronounced: Champ (see above in “ Cuisine Ouverte ” !) + “ p ” sound + – agne (as in “ Bretagne ”)

Extra resource: ¨Reims¨ – Louis Garrel – from the movie “Les Bien-Aimes” (2011) from director Christophe Honoré. → Check out everything in there, I’m a big fan of all:

  • the (very French) actor Louis Garrel,
  • the movie “Les Bien-Aimés” (= The Well-Loved, the Beloved) , a musical drama,
  • the director Christophe Honoré: “Les Chansons d’Amour” , “Chambre 212” …

The title is a pun. “ Une échappée ” is a fancy word for “ an escapade ” – or for someone getting ahead of the pack in a race. So the title means literally “ beautiful escapades .” But it’s also a reminder of the expression l’avoir échappé belle (= making a narrow escape.) As in “Je l’ai échappé belle !” (= I barely avoided it / I made a narrow escape / I dodged a bullet.)

5) French TV shows to discover France: Des Racines & des Ailes

Click here to watch “Des Racines et des Ailes” on YouTube

Des Racines & des Ailes means “ Roots and wings ” – for the roots of tradition and history, and the wings of discovery and beautiful aerial shots.

Example of a show: Du Cotentin au Pays de Saint-Malo – Émission intégrale

In there, you can get beautiful French landscapes and meet real people for lunch, then travel to a coastal city and learn its history, and visit the villa of French designer Christian Dior. And get an inside look into a French restaurant serving oysters and other delicious dishes !

If you go just a bit further North, you’ll be: à Caen, en Normandie . → Learn more: Explore Normandy: Slowing Down Fast Spoken French – Comme une Française

Pronunciation time: “à Caen, en Normandie”

En Normandie is easy. It’s a feminine word, we use “en”, and there’s the nasal sound “an”. Caen is the capital city of the region. It looks weird, but don’t worry. It’s only a “ K ” sound + nasal “ an .” (It’s the only example I can think of where “ aen ” sound like “ an .”) Actually, it’s pronounced just like quand ( = when) !

Now you can explore the shows and the links in the lesson above!

Or you can learn more with me, about:

  • French Pronunciation Fundamentals Part 2 : Nasal Sounds
  • Explore Normandy: Slowing Down Fast Spoken French
  • French TV Shows to Boost Your Oral Comprehension

Click on the link to get to your next lesson, with video and full written transcripts. For free of course!

À tout de suite. I’ll see you in the next video!

French comic Raymond Devos has a famous routine where he’s having fun with a misunderstanding of “Caen / Quand” , and a lot more puns : À Caen les vacances

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Join the conversation!

Wow! Quelle belle liste. Je suis toujours à la recherche de nouvelles choses à regarder. Je vis à Sète maintenant et travaille sur l’apprentissage du français. Donc, ceux-ci aideront. Merci beaucoup! Bisous, Marie

Merci, Géraldine, une autre emission de télé pour la cuisine français est Les Carnets de Julie. Bonne journée.

Merci Géraldine cet leçon est très utile et intéressant. Bonnes journée Anne

Merci Anne.

J’adore la série L’agence sur Netflix (aux États-Unis,) Elle s’agit d’une famille d’agents immobiliers à Paris. Les vues de la ville sont incroyables!

Merci Geraldine pour les bonnes idées pour beaucoup des émissions Française a voir!

J’adore l’emission “Les Racines et des Ailes” que j’ai commencer a regarder il y a deux ans. Beaucoup de beaux endroits, un langage qui est facile de comprendre dans contexte, et pluseiur episodes sur YouTube. C’est super pour practiquer le francais.

Moi, aussi. J’adore toute assistance avec la prononciation ! Merci pour tout que tu fais pour nous! Priscilla

La prononciation, c’est pas facile !

Courage, Priscilla.

Je ne suis pas d’accord avec Nicole. J’adore ta précision de la prononciation. Merci!

Your videos are generally interesting, informative, enjoyable and much appreciated! But a bunch of us wish you’d give less time in getting your listeners to repeat pronunciation (“repeat after me”, “one more time”, “again”, and “one last time”) in your videos which are not specific to the topic of pronunciation. It takes up too much time which interrupts and distracts from the main topic of the video.

I disagree! The reason that I like to practice the pronunciation is to learn how to pronounce the words correctly. Not all of us have access to a native French speaker and Geraldine is the best. She covers many words you don’t hear anyplace else and you learn to say words by imitating what you hear. It’s good practice.

Glad you enjoy them, Tom!

A bunch of us really like that she has us practice and repeat. <3

Thank you for your feedback Nicole.

French pronunciation is difficult and many students like to be able to speak French with confidence. Lessons only on pronunciation are mostly boring so I try to mix a lovely subject with fun pronunciation tips.

If you’re not interested in those, the written version of the lesson might be more suited to your needs. Feel free to pick and choose what you enjoy best! It’s hard to suit all students’ requests with just 1 format so that’s why I offer a couple of options.

On MhZ channel in the US I can get “Meurtres..” which is a 90 minute show, each episode set in a different city in France/DOM-TOM. It features a murder, of course, and interesting information about local customs, legends, and a lot of insight into how police investigators work. The bonus is seeing the communities. I have just finished watching the last episode of Season 8 and I really hope there is a Season 9 in the works!

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The Best Travel Shows to Stream Right Now

Enjoy the thrill of the chase in paris, a stanley tucci tour of italy, and a puppet’s-eye view of global cuisine with these streaming tv shows..

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The Best Travel Shows to Stream Right Now

In “Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy,” the actor lives the dream by exploring the best of Italy’s food and wine.

Courtesy of CNN

While we wait for borders to open , these fuel-your-wanderlust shows will take you off the couch to Italy, England, Norway, France, and Peru (by magic shopping cart). Can you tell we’re excited about Michelle Obama’s fantastical new global food show, Waffles and Mochi ? It debuts next week on Netflix. Until then, explore the world from home by streaming any of these 26 travel shows and TV shows set in foreign countries.

Waffles and Mochi

Watch it : Netflix

A Sesame Street –style kids’ TV show for the budding chef, Waffles and Mochi follows the eponymous puppets—one a sweet little monster with waffles for ears, the other a sentient pink rice ball—around the world as they seek out fresh global ingredients and learn about healthy eating and cooking.

This show will appeal to adults as much as to toddlers. To start: Michelle Obama costars (this is part of the Obamas’ production deal with Netflix) as a grocery store owner who teaches Waffles and Mochi about the wide world beyond the Land of Frozen Food. Off on fabulous journeys they go—to Japan, Peru, Italy, where they have friendly encounters with famous chefs like Samin Nosrat and José Andrés, as well as special guests Rashida Jones, Queer Eye ’s Tan France, Zach Galifianakis, Sia, Common, and more (technically, Mandy Moore). Start streaming it on Netflix March 16. —Laura Dannen Redman

Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy

Watch it : CNN

Actor Stanley Tucci kept spirits afloat with his cocktail and cooking demos on Instagram during lockdown. When travel restrictions lifted in Europe last year, Tucci traveled to Italy—where he has deep roots—to film this six-episode series exploring food and culture through Italy’s people, cities, and regions: Sicily, Tuscany, Milan, Bologna, Rome, and Naples and the Amalfi Coast.

For those desperately missing Italy, Tucci is the perfect knowledgeable yet curious tour guide, introducing his friends—winemakers, chefs, and authors—who he pokes a little fun at, and taking you on tours, such as around Florence’s Renaissance-era wine windows, aka “little doors of paradise.”

If the show leaves you craving more, buy his two Italian cookbooks— The Tucci Table: Cooking with Family and Friends and The Tucci Cookbook— and preorder his memoir, Taste: My Life Through Food . The series has been renewed for season two. — Annie Fitzsimmons

Who is Lupin? He’s a gentleman thief, a master of disguise, a sort of French superhero at the heart of Maurice Leblanc’s short stories, “Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar.” These early 20th-century Sherlockian tales inspire the new Netflix show, Lupin , starring Omar Sy ( The Intouchables ) as a Senegalese immigrant in today’s Paris who follows Arsène’s escapades as a road map for revenge.

In the pilot episode Sy’s Arsène struts through the Louvre disguised as a janitor, plotting a jewelry heist like a cohort of Danny Ocean. Lupin is also full of lust-worthy shots of the city: a room with a view of Sacré-Cœur; the Eiffel Tower from every angle; the Jardin du Luxembourg in the rain; a bustling café. A heist thriller is only as good as its setting, and Lupin —and Paris—deliver. —L.D.R.

“Outlander” stars Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish take you on a spirited journey through Scotland.

“Outlander” stars Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish take you on a spirited journey through Scotland.

Courtesy of Starz

Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham

Watch it : Starz

If the popular period drama Outlander didn’t already have you craving a trip to Scotland, this travel show starring Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser in Outlander ) and Graham McTavish ( Outlander’s Dougal Mackenzie) will seal the deal. Even if you’re not an Outlander devotee, this Scottish duo, who are constantly making jabs at each other and themselves, are ideal guides for this literal campervan road trip through Scotland. Their banter is on point (you can tell they’re good pals IRL), and they transport viewers into the heart and soul of the country without taking themselves too seriously.

Each episode focuses on a different aspect of Scottish culture and history. For the food and drink episode, Heughan and McTavish visit one of Scotland’s oldest whisky distilleries and introduce viewers to Scottish seafood. For the sports episode, they try their hand at archaic Highland Games (aka throwing a massive hammer) and playing golf on Scotland’s most hallowed turf. And for the song and dance episode, viewers learn more about bagpipes and traditional Scottish dancing—Heughan and McTavish are game guinea pigs while also offering insights and knowledge into the theme at hand.

I’m not always big on traditional “travel shows,” but I absolutely love this one and am ready to book my first trip to Scotland ASAP after watching. — Michelle Baran

Watch it : Apple TV

West London’s Richmond upon Thames, with its distinctly British cobblestone shopping alleys, parks, and lively pubs, is the backdrop to the story of very American Ted Lasso, played by Jason Sudeikis.

Lasso is an American football coach hired to reboot a Premier League British football team, AFC Richmond. An eternal optimist, Ted is someone you wish you knew—warm and funny, with leadership skills that win over nearly everyone he meets in this fish-out-of-water story.

The Apple TV show isn’t really about sports, though there are plenty of soaring, heart-pumping soccer—football!—scenes. There are love triangles and mishaps, a delightful cast of characters, and the realization that you can do the impossible if you just “Believe,” Ted’s motto. The show has already been renewed for two more seasons. —A.F.

The head of government rides her bike to work: two clues this series isn’t set in the United States. In Copenhagen, everyone rides a bike. Maybe “Danish political drama” doesn’t sound compelling but this is, with a standout cast of well-developed characters. It follows the path of politician Birgitte Nyborg and how demands of her rise to power clash with her family life. Concerns about media news coverage are among the issues making this drama universal. The show, with an 8.5 IMDb rating, originally aired 2010–2013; Netflix plans a fourth season for 2022. — Pat Tompkins

If you’re one of the few who haven’t seen Bridgerton yet (apparently, it’s Netflix’s most successful series ever ), and you miss the U.K., it’s time to settle into Shonda Rhimes’s soapy, steamy Regency-era drama that reimagines the time as one when equality reigns: Black and white people coexist as equals, and the Queen is Black.

It centers on the romance between debutante Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset, reluctant Duke of Hastings. Scenic British locations include the Bridgerton family home, Ranger’s House in Greenwich, London; promenades in Bath’s green parks and Royal Crescent; and parties at Wilton House in Salisbury as the Duke’s country mansion. — A.F.

“Killing Eve” sets the codependent cop-and-killer chase in glamorous sites around Europe.

“Killing Eve” sets the codependent cop-and-killer chase in glamorous sites around Europe.

Courtesy of BBC

Killing Eve

Watch it : YouTube TV

When Eve, a British intelligence investigator, becomes obsessed by an assassin-for-hire, Villanelle, their cat-and-mouse chase leads the characters through Tuscany, Paris, London, and Romania. The glamorous destinations make this a bingeable spy thriller for travel lovers who crave dark humor, cliffhangers, and dreamy settings. —Ciera Velarde

Four Weddings and a Funeral

Watch it : Hulu

This 10-episode series from Mindy Kaling is nothing like the movie it takes its name from, except that there are four weddings and one funeral. London has never looked more magical as friends in their thirties fall in love, break up, and get married across rooftop parties in Trafalgar Square, conversations at the National Gallery and inside dreamy Notting Hill houses, and walks in Kew Gardens.

Like its cast, but unlike so many romantic comedies, it also showcases the diversity of the city through Indian family culture in Hounslow and the multicultural Southall Market. It’s completely addictive, and you might replay the final 10 minutes of the series (a wedding, of course!) over and over again. — A.F.

Un Village Francais/A French Village

Watch it : Amazon Prime

Over seven seasons, this series captures what German occupation of a fictional village, Villeneuve, meant for its inhabitants from 1940 to 1945. Instead of battles, we get the war’s impact on civilian life, an impact that affects everyone. It could have been a soap opera, but it’s not, thanks to complex characters and intriguing stories.

Among those in the first episode are Spanish refugees, a Jewish family, and the town doctor, all coping with the sudden upheaval of life in Occupied France. Travel to a different place and time in these 80+ episodes. — P.T.

Home for Christmas

The first Norwegian series from Netflix, Home for Christmas was filmed in Oslo and the small mining town of Røros, known for its colorful wooden buildings from the 1700s. We see the town and countryside dressed for the holidays, with snow, twinkle lights, and cider at Christmas markets aplenty.

But the festive season is just a vehicle for showcasing the complicated bonds of family. The show follows the up-and-down love life and quirky characters surrounding Johanne, a nurse in her thirties who feels pressure from her large, boisterous family to settle down. But what relationship can compete with her friendships? — A.F.

Call My Agent

Calling all francophiles. For those missing not just France but the language and people as well, this French-language Netflix show is génial . Call My Agent is a witty comedy about a Paris-based talent agency. The central cast of characters brings viewers along as they manage the many moods and demands of their high-maintenance actor clients. (They do everything from intervene when clients refuse to get intimate on a film set to help a client learn to drive for a movie role, plus attend ridiculous soirées to appease these high-strung celebs.)

As the series continues, deeper emotional themes around family, friendship, and love develop. I found myself tearing up (in a good way) by the end of the first season, something I wasn’t expecting at all at the start. The comic relief serves as a wonderful escape and there’s something oddly satisfying about seeing behind the scenes of France’s acting and filming world even if it is a fictional look. — M.B.

Indian Matchmaking

This is a reality show, with all its tropes and gimmicks, inviting us to be voyeurs of the Indian dating world. But Indian Matchmaking is also a fascinating glimpse into the culture of matchmaking and quasi-arranged marriages, for both the singles and families. It follows Mumbai-based matchmaker Sima Taparia as she tries to pair clients both in the U.S. and India; the scenes in India are most vibrant and really make the show worth a watch even if you’re skeptical about the premise.

You feel like you’re sitting right next to the characters in that Mumbai restaurant or Delhi bar as they chat with friends or go out on that first (slightly awkward) date with their match. — M.B.

Watch it : HBO Now , Hulu , YouTube TV

If your family is driving you up the wall, imagine self-quarantining with Succession ’s Roy family. This addictive dramedy centers on who will take over a global media and hospitality empire as the family patriarch faces health issues. Because this dysfunctional family is crazy rich, the series transports us to the most exclusive corners of New York City, a sprawling ranch in New Mexico, and even a castle in England. The juicy Season 2 finale takes place on a private yacht in Croatia, so pour yourself some prosecco and lose yourself in someone else’s family drama. —C.V.

Olivia Colman dazzles as Queen Elizabeth in the third season of “The Crown.”

Olivia Colman dazzles as Queen Elizabeth in the third season of “The Crown.”

Courtesy of Netflix

Pour yourself a cuppa and don your finest sweatpants, because we’re headed to Buckingham Palace, folks. Well, no filming was actually done in Buckingham Palace, but Lancaster House, Wilton House, and Waddesdon Manor serve as lavish, convincing stand-ins. Get ready to follow the trials and tribulations of the Windsors and get peeks at country-home castles, private train cars, African tree houses, and passels of corgis romping on the moors. —C.V.

Watch it : Hulu , HBO Now

Every time a local musician appears onscreen during this series (and they appear a lot), hearing the soulful jazz they play will transport you to New Orleans. Shot entirely on location in the city, Treme ’s storyline begins three months after Hurricane Katrina and follows its characters—musicians, bartenders, families—as they try to rebuild their lives. —C.V.

Sam Heughan stars in “Outlander,” a drama heavy on time travel and rolling Scottish countryside.

Sam Heughan stars in “Outlander,” a drama heavy on time travel and rolling Scottish countryside.

Watch it : Starz , Netflix , YouTube TV

After just one episode of Outlander, you’ll be eager to traverse the peaks of Scotland’s evergreen Highlands and drink a wee dram of whisky. This time-travel series, shot on location in Scotland, creates a fantasy world that feels rooted in a real place. —C.V.


Watch it : Amazon

South England’s Jurassic Coast is the real-life setting for this moody crime drama set in a fictional seaside town. Millions of years of coastal erosion have formed striking rock formations along the craggy cliffs and beaches of the region—the spectacular UNESCO World Heritage–recognized area even serves as an important plot device. —C.V.

Ugly Delicious

Watch it: Netflix

In each episode of this docuseries, the James Beard Foundation award–winning chef David Chang focuses on a specific food (one episode is about fried rice, another about barbecue) and then bounces from country to country to taste local iterations of the same dish. After the first episode (which involves pizza: lots and lots of pizza), you’ll learn not to watch on an empty stomach. —C.V.

Top of the Lake

Viewers will be instantly hooked by Elisabeth Moss’s performance as a detective investigating the disappearance of a pregnant 12-year-old girl. The show was filmed on the South Island of New Zealand, and the titular lake provides an eerie and dramatic background for the emotionally heavy show. —C.V.

The action of “The Night Manager” starts in Egypt, but the scenes were actually shot in Marrakesh, Morocco.

The action of “The Night Manager” starts in Egypt, but the scenes were actually shot in Marrakesh, Morocco.

Courtesy of Amazon

The Night Manager

Watch it : Amazon Prime Video

Great writing, fast-paced action, and an all-star cast (Tom Hiddleston, Olivia Colman, Hugh Laurie) make this drama unmissable. The story follows a hotel night manager recruited to infiltrate the inner circle of a corrupt businessman. The show is rumored to be the most expensive miniseries ever made by the BBC, and travel-hungry viewers will enjoy the gorgeous locations, like Majorca, Spain; Zermatt, Switzerland; and Marrakesh, Morocco.

Salt Fat Acid Heat

Chef Samin Nosrat visits culinary colleagues in Italy, Japan, Mexico, and Berkeley, California, to explain how—you guessed it—salt, fat, acid, and heat are the essential elements to master when cooking any meal. Samin’s passion for food radiates through the screen, and you’ll be left hungry and inspired to test out some of her cooking tips—with her cookbook by the same name —yourself. —C.V.

If you want to lean into the current news, Fortitude is one way to go. Set in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard (but filmed in Eastern Iceland), this drama is about a deadly virus that turns infected people into murderers. Winter-travel lovers: Get ready for sweeping icy landscapes, snow-capped mountains, and frigid, rocky beaches. —C.V.

“My Brilliant Friend” is a realistic portrayal of the gritty yet beautiful city of Naples.

“My Brilliant Friend” is a realistic portrayal of the gritty yet beautiful city of Naples.

Photo by Eduardo Castaldo/HBO

My Brilliant Friend

Although this show follows two childhood friends as they grow into women in postwar Italy, the true star is Naples , with its crowded sidewalks, lively piazzas, and ancient architecture. (In the sixth episode, viewers get to travel to the volcanic island of Ischia, to summer with the characters on beaches lapped by turquoise waters). —C.V.

The makers of Our Planet leave no corner of Earth untouched. This breathtaking nature docuseries allows you to swim with whales, swing from tree to tree with orangutans, and explore the Serengeti, all from your couch. The camerawork is remarkable: You’ll ask yourself “how did they even film that?!” at least four times per episode. —C.V.

Big Little Lies

Oh, what we’d give to be social distancing in one of the spacious seaside mansions on this show. The frothy mix of petty neighborhood squabbles, a mysterious death, and the sweeping shots of the Pacific Ocean makes watching Big Little Lies roughly 10 times better than watching the news. And if you’re inspired to plan a trip to Monterey after watching the show (and, of course, after virus concerns are lifted) , we’ve got you covered . —C.V.

>>Next: Around the World in International Films

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22 Best French TV Shows On Netflix You Should Watch

Looking for the best French TV shows on Netflix to watch to dive into French pop culture? This post will show you all the must-watch French Series on Netflix.

What’s better to help cheer you up or escape your mundane reality and be transported to France than a great French TV series?

I’ve been shamelessly on a binge-watching spree lately if you couldn’t tell by the title of this post so I decided to share some of my favorites with you.

french tv shows on netflix

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Whether you are in the mood for rom-coms, dramas, comedies, thrillers, politics, or mysteries, you’ll find something on this list of 22 Best French TV shows on Netflix to match your interest while bringing you closer to France.

So, close the blinds, get your laptop/TV/projector ready, grab some wine and popcorn and start binge-watching these French series on Netflix.

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Best French TV Shows on Netflix

If you’re looking for good French shows on Netflix to brush up on your French language skills, master it with subtitles, or simply dive into French culture, then look no further than this list.

You have probably already gone through the famous international (English) offerings by Netflix, so time to take up some French immersion.

1. Lupin (2021)

Genre: Mystery

IMDB Rating: 7.5/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 97%

Lupin is a brilliant and popular French TV series on Netflix that stars famous French actor Omar Sy in the titular character of Assane Diop.

It was watched by millions of people in its first 4 weeks of release and it bagged the title of the most-watched French show on Netflix.

The show is based on the literary character created by Maurice Leblanc named Arsène Lupin, who was also called the Gentleman burglar.

It has a Sherlock-esque feel, with Assane modeling his life on the early 1900s iconic character to avenge his father’s wrongful imprisonment and subsequent death.

You might find yourself empathizing with Assane or being in awe of the cinematic heists he pulls off with ease and suaveness.

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2. Call My Agent! (Dix pour cent) (2015)

Genre: Comedy Drama

IMDB Rating: 8.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 96%

A hilarious workplace comedy series, Call My Agent! or Dix pour cent , follows the lives of 4 agents at a fictional French talent agency.

It showcases the trials and tribulations in their professional lives and the ups and downs in their personal lives.

It is one of the most critically acclaimed Netflix French shows and features some real and well-known celebrities adding to the fun element.

3. Family Business (2019)

Genre: Comedy

IMDB Rating: 7.4/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 100%

Family Business is one of the best French TV shows on Netflix produced in-house. This lighthearted comedy series is about “businessman” Joseph Hazan and his dysfunctional family.

Joseph, who is 35 years old, is full of ideas but feels “tied down” since he has to manage and, one day, take over his dad’s kosher butcher shop.

When he learns from a reliable source that France is going to vote to legalize marijuana, he has a light bulb moment.

What follows is a heartwarming and funny sequence of events that has his family and friends turning the butcher shop into a weed-growing operation.

4. Versailles (2015)

Genre: Historical Biography

IMDB Rating: 7.9/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 84%

A highly rated and award-winning show, Versailles is one of the best French TV shows on Netflix if you love historical dramas, period pieces, and/or biographies.

The show takes place in 1667 and is based on the then king of France, Louis XIV . Louis XIV decides that he wants to build the greatest palace in the world – the Palace of Versailles.

Not everything goes according to his plan, though. Riddled with a depleting budget, political interferences, and his affairs, Louis XIV’s dream takes a complicated turn.

5. A Very Secret Service (Au service de la France) (2015)

IMDB Rating: 7.7/10

Set in 1960, A Very Secret Service is a comedy series about a fictional French spy agency that hires an intelligent and impressionable 23-year-old André Merlaux to learn their ways.

He has to navigate through government bureaucracy while using the diplomacy he has been taught by three officials of the intelligence service.

Since it is picturized around the Cold War period, it includes some actual historical events, so you get a run-through of French history while chuckling your way through this French Netflix series.

6. Lazy Company (2013)

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, War

IMDB Rating: 6.4/10

The genre of this Netflix French series might confuse you, but Lazy Company is a humorous show only based around the time of WWII with war-depicted scenes.

However, it does not follow any of the actual historical events. The show follows four incompetent American soldiers who have been parachuted into the heart of France, occupied by the Nazis.

They land in the Normandy countryside and have to do what it takes to stay alive. Their clumsy and cowardly ways will end up changing the course of history.

7. Black Spot (Zone Blanche) (2017)

Genre: Thriller Crime

Black Spot is a detective drama mixed with hints of supernatural feels. This Netflix French series has haunting landscapes and gives off eerie vibes.

It involves a police chief and a prosecutor investigating a series of horrid crimes in an isolated town at the edge of a forest.

And we all know no good can come when you combine “isolated town” and “forest” in the same sentence.

The award-winning show has undertones of horror in it too, so if this kind of genre appeals to you, then go for it.

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8. The Crimson Rivers (Les rivières pourpres) (2018)

Genre: Crime Mystery Thriller

IMDB Rating: 6.8/10

The 3-season crime thriller The Crimson Rivers is one of the best French TV series on Netflix.

The show is based on the age-old tale of a police commissioner and his/her sidekick solving crimes together.

This one has Commissioner Pierre Niemans, played by Olivier Marchal, teaming up with a former best-in-class student Camille Delaunay, portrayed by Erika Sainte.

The show follows this pseudo-father-daughter duo as they go around solving problematic investigations. It has won a couple of awards and nominations.

9. November 13: Attack on Paris (2018)

Genre: Investigative Docuseries

This French docu-series is based on the events that unfolded on the night of November 13, 2015.

Paris and its citizens were shocked by a coordinated series of Islamist terrorist attacks that shook the capital and its northern suburb of Saint-Denis.

The attacks spanned 6 locations and included 3 suicide bombers setting off bombs, and themselves, outside Stade de France during an international football match and a group at a rock concert in the Bataclan theatre carrying out a mass shooting and a hostage-taking.

This is on top of multiple shootings outside crowded eateries on Parisian streets . The show recounts the personal stories of survivors and first responders amidst the attacks.

Related post:  Famous French Love Songs You’ll Enjoy

10. Spotless (2015)

Genre: Crime Drama

IMDB Rating: 7.8/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 94%

A crime-scene cleaning service owner, Jean Bastière, is a law-abiding citizen and worker.

But thanks to his irresponsible brother Martin, he is now put in an unpleasant situation and forced to “handle” or “take care” of the affairs of a powerful mob boss.

Spotless follows the antics of the brothers and the mob boss and shows how the brothers navigate through unfamiliar and uncomfortable scenarios that they are put in.

11. Standing Up (Drôle) (2022)

Genre: Dramedy

IMDB Rating: 7.3/10

This is a relatively new show compared to the other French shows on Netflix.

Produced by the same producer as the French series “Call my agent!” (#2), Standing Up or Drôle in French is about 4 up and coming comedians trying to chase their dreams of making a name for themselves in the Parisian stand-up comedy scene.

Like all struggling artists, the protagonists, too, have to juggle their personal lives with the difficulties at work.

12. The Bonfire of Destiny (Le Bazar de la Charité) (2019)

Genre: Historical/Period Drama

IMDB Rating: 7.6/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 86%

This period drama, set in 1897, is based on an actual and devastating fire that broke out on 4 th May at an annual charity event for the French aristocracy and took the lives of 126 people, mostly women.

This fictionalized version follows the lives of 3 such women who attended the event but survived the fire.

The aftermath of the event has them reeling from shock, betrayal, and deception, sprinkled with some romance.

Besides the captivating story, this soap opera- esque period drama will wow you with its sets and costumes.

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13. The Forest (La forêt) (2017)

IMDB Rating: 7.2/10

La Forêt is a mini-series comprising only 6 episodes. It is based on the disappearance of a teenage girl from a small town in southeast Belgian that is surrounded by the Ardennes Forest.

The forest region has an extensive rugged terrain with rivers, valleys, and paths all meandering through it, which makes the hunt more difficult.

Add to the mix a mysterious woman, and you have a gripping show that will keep you hooked throughout. This is one of the best French series on Netflix if you love police dramas, suspense, and crime shows!

14. Ganglands (Braqueurs) (2021)

Genre: Crime Thriller

IMDB Rating: 7/10

Ganglands is a 6-episode French crime thriller series that has skilled professional thief Mehdi, portrayed by Sami Bouajila, doing whatever it takes to protect his family (where have we heard this one before?).

Also involved is Liana, a small-time thug played by Tracy Gotoas since their lives are connected through her girlfriend Shainez, who happens to be Mehdi’s niece.

What follows is a war between drug dealers and thieves. The show is fast-paced, with many action sequences.

15. Dealer (Caïd) (2021)

IMDB Rating: 6.1/10

Dealer is picturized in the French ghetto regions and showcases a side of France that is not usually shown.

The show is based on a music video director and cameraman who go to one of these suburbs to film a rap video for a drug gang leader trying to make it big in the rap scene, but they get caught in the middle of a gang war instead.

I recommend watching this Netflix show in French to pick up on some French slang.

Fun fact: The French version of this series is titled Caïd , a word of Arabic origin, which in French means leader of a gang.

16. The Hookup Plan (Plan Coeur) (2018)

Genre: Rom-com

Rotten Tomatoes: 60%

If you like and enjoy rom-coms, then this French Netflix series is right up your alley. Think Sex and the City , but less polished and classy, and make it French while you’re at it.

Elsa, an almost 30-year-old female, cannot forget her ex from 2 years ago (sounds familiar, doesn’t it?).

So, her friends hatch a plan to secretly hire a male escort to bring some fun and excitement back into her life.

What could go wrong, you ask? How about a turn of tables and a change of heart? I’ll let you watch the show to figure out the rest.

17. Marseille (2016)

Genre: Political Drama

Rotten Tomatoes: 68%

Marseille is a two-season political drama show based in (no points for guessing) the French port city of Marseille and was the first French show on Netflix to be produced by the streaming service itself.

The series stars popular actors Gérard Depardieu and Benoît Magimel. The former plays Robert Taro, who has been a mayor of Marseille for 2 decades, while Benoît plays his former protégé turned rival Lucas Barres.

Both are members of the same political party but get into a bitter war of succession involving power, corruption, betrayal, lies, deceit, and revenge.

How does all this end? Turn on your TV now to find out.

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18. Inhuman Resources (Dérapages) (2020)

Genre: Drama

Eric Cantona-starred Inhuman Resources is a French miniseries on Netflix based on the book Cadres Noirs by Pierre Lemaitre.

The show follows the journey of a laid-off employee, Alain Delambre, from receiving a job interview after 6 years of being unemployed to preparing for a hostage-taker role in a role-playing scenario set up by his potential employer, only to ultimately be told that his job was given to someone else.

Out of desperation and anger, Alain decides to put his skills to use to make it a real hostage-taking scenario.

Gripping and captivating, this is one of the best French tv shows on Netflix you have to watch.

19. Johnny Hallyday: Beyond Rock (2022)

Genre: Docuseries Music

Johnny Hallyday, born Jean-Philippe Léo Smet, was a famous French rock and roll singer known and credited to have brought rock and roll to France.

With a career spanning nearly 6 decades, Johnny’s life and career have been explored in this biographical docuseries.

Johnny Hallyday: Beyond Rock showcases archival footage and interviews involving his family and friends.

His life was nothing short of a roller coaster ride with many lows and highs, failures and successes, and this series captures it well.

20. Twice Upon A Time (Il était une seconde fois) (2019)

Genre: Romantic Drama

IMDB Rating: 6.2/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 56%

If you were given a chance to revisit and revive a past relationship with your ex, would you take it? Twice Upon A Time is a Netflix TV show in French that explores this idea.

The show is based on the lives of Vincent and Louise, who were once madly in love, but have since broken up in the past few months until one day Vincent chances upon a box that allows him to revisit time with his former flame.

Do you think they’ll reconcile? Or will his second chance go to waste? Sadly, this romantic sci-fi drama is only 4 episodes long.

21. Gone for Good (Disparu à jamais) (2021)

Genre: Crime Drama Mystery

IMDB Rating: 6.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 45%

Another mini-series, Gone for Good , is a French Netflix series that has Guillaume Lucchesi, played by Finnegan Oldfield, going through a bunch of tragedies that seem to be drawn to him.

He first loses 2 people very close to him, his first love Sonia and his brother Fred. A decade later, he loses his mother, and during her funeral, Judith, his current love, who brought him out of his misery and made life worth living again, goes missing.

Tragedies, losses, lies, and secrets just seem to surround Guillaume. I’ll let you watch the 5 episodes to know how it unfolds.

Related post: Best French Writers of all Time

22. Mortel (2019)

Genre: Fantasy Drama

IMDB Rating: 6.5/10

Mortel is a fantasy teen drama combined with paranormal elements. The show follows a group of high school teenagers who discover their magical/supernatural powers and how they hone the power to find one of the teens’ missing brother.

You get to see the roller coaster of emotions that teens go through and the dilemmas they face while making decisions.

All “superhero” shows need a supervillain: enter Obe and his peculiar eyewear. The show has a clichéd ending but is worth mindlessly binging on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

Final Thoughts on the Best French TV Series on Netflix

Whether you wanted to practice your French or immerse yourself in French culture through movies and shows, I hope that you found this list of the 22 best French TV shows on Netflix helpful.

Do you think I missed out on any good ones? If so, do share their names or links with me in the comments below. Also, let me know what are your thoughts on the ones included in this post?

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Check out these posts to help you plan your trip to Paris

  • Best Poems About Paris
  • Captivating Poems about France
  • Famous French love Poems
  • Interesting French Poems
  • Must-try Pastries in Paris
  • What to do in Paris at night
  • Best things to do in Paris in January
  • How to spend Christmas in Paris
  • Fun facts about Paris
  • Best things to do in Paris in Spring
  • Where to find the best views of Paris
  • Big mistakes to avoid in Paris
  • What to Pack for Paris
  • Skip the line tickets for Paris’ popular attractions
  • Interesting jokes about Paris
  • Paris captions for Instagram
  • Famous quotes on Paris

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Esther is the face and voice behind Dreams in Paris! She has always been obsessed with Paris even before she moved there. She has lived in Paris for a couple of years, and that obsession has not changed! That love for Paris, plus her passion for writing led to the birth of Dreams in Paris! She now shares all the practical tips and guides she’s picked along the way to help you plan a memorable trip to the city of love! You can learn more about her here !

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There is a series called “Les Jeux d’influence” – just starting no. 2 – which looks good . Any info on it?

I actually haven’t watched this one yet, but now that you mentioned it, I’ll check it out and see.

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The 8 Best Movies and Shows to Watch Before Going to Paris

N o matter where in the world you’re from originally, Paris probably tops your list of must-visit-at-least-once destinations. The City of Light welcomed more than 25 million people annually before the pandemic halted travel, according to the city’s tourism department . Movies and TV shows that take place in Paris and celebrate its architecture, music, artwork, fashion, and museums, reflect the city’s iconic stature. That means that even in times when international travel is restricted or prohibited, there’s still plenty of Parisian culture to soak in.

Some big and small screen depictions are accurate, others lean on cliche. All are worth a watch if you’re missing Paris. These are the best movies and shows to add to your viewing list, according to travel industry professionals and locals.

1. Cleo from 5 to 7


Photo: Janus Films

Released in 1962, Cleo from 5 to 7 is a classic French film about a woman waiting on cancer test results.

“It’s considered an early masterpiece of French New Wave cinema, alongside Francois Truffaut’s 400 Blows ,” says Courtney Traub, editor of Paris Unlocked . “It follows a young aspiring singer, Cléo, as she goes through the motions of a typical day in Paris, from a hat shop to her apartment, the streets of Montparnasse to a city park. Without wishing to spoil the plot, what starts out as a seemingly lighthearted portrait of a young woman with ‘diva-ish’ tendencies quickly transforms into a poignant meditation on mortality, personal fragility and human connection. Plus, the footage of Paris is haunting and beautiful.”

The movie touches on some cliches — Cleo seems to embody the superficial and self-indulgent Parisian “gamine,” Traub says, and there’s plenty of cafe scenes of people smoking — yet there’s depth to the film that makes it personable.

“Having lived in Paris for a long time, the film also struck me for its lush realism,” Traub says. “It’s a real love letter to the city, showing its diverse textures and complexity rather than portraying it in caricatural terms. I’m not even sure there’s a shot of the Eiffel Tower (though I may be misremembering). It doesn’t use the city as a prop, in other words. It’s really a co-starring character.”

Where to watch : HBO Max

2. Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris

Photo: Sony Pictures Classics

For Americans, few films are as synonymous with Paris as the 2011 movie Midnight in Paris . The romantic comedy follows a screenwriter played by Owen Wilson as he travels back in time to meet famous writers from history who decamped to the city in the 1920s, like Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Gertrude Stein.

“I watched Midnight in Paris before traveling there myself,” says Will Hatton, founder of the travel blog The Broke Backpacker . “I found it brilliant, especially when it comes to the history aspect of not only the city but the American culture and how much more elegant it was in the past.”

Midnight in Paris shows a city that’s perfect for walking in all weather — something that’s just as true in real life, says Laurence Norah, the travel blogger and photographer behind Finding the Universe . It also avoids the (often untrue) rude Parisian stereotype. “It was obviously created by someone who loves Paris, and it shows off the city without overtly romanticizing it,” Norah says. “It just makes you want to visit Paris and explore.”

However, it should be noted that not everyone is a fan. Karen Reb Rudel, who owns the walking tour company Sight Seekers Delight , says the city only matches the romance depicted in Midnight in Paris “if you have a lover or a partner who is romantic.” Traub adds that, while the movie is entertaining, it gives the impression of an all white city where everyone lives a glamorous life of wealth and comfort centered around touristy locations.

Jenna Lang, account executive at the travel-focused PR company Decker/Royal , put it best: “Definitely a bit of a cliche, but the best kind.”

Where to watch : Amazon, YouTube, Vudu

3. Dix Pour Cent (or, Call My Agent)

Call My Agent

Photo: Netflix

Dix Pour Cent , which runs under the English title Call My Agent , is a comedy about talent agents who are making it work in the French film industry.

“It manages to capture the true Parisian spirit, craziness and just irreverence of the capital,” says Sabrina Scholkowski , a podcast coach, host, and agency owner who has lived in Paris for eight years. Dix Pour Cent “really shows the true nature of Parisians, it doesn’t shy away from showing how they can be sometimes rude, cold, interested in image, very free spirited when it comes to sex and relationships, and paints an accurate picture of Parisians, especially the apartments and places it shows.”

Where to watch : Netflix

4. Paris, je t’aime (Paris, I Love You)

Paris Je Taime

Photo: First Look Pictures

Paris is known for its romance, and that reputation is highlighted in this film, a collection of vignettes made by multiple filmmakers. It stars Natalie Portman, Elijah Wood, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Willem Dafoe, and Steve Buscemi.

“This movie is based on an array of classical literary works that portray Paris through the eyes of lovers and takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions while also showing different sides of Paris, including many that I’ve personally explored,” says Kevin Mercier, the Paris-based founder of the travel blog Kevmrc . “Furthermore, this movie shows us the diversity of Paris by introducing us to relatable characters of all backgrounds.”

There is just one cliche in the movie, Mercier says, but it doesn’t have to do with the French. “The one cliche depicted in the movie was the introduction of an American character who is in stereotypical fashion depicted as overweight and annoying,” Mercier says.

Where you can watch : YouTube


Photo: Momentum Pictures

Amélie (which also goes by the longer title “Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain”) is a romantic comedy directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and starring Audrey Tautou as the titular character. At the center of the movie is a woman who’s goal in life is to make people happy — an emotion that you’ll feel as well when you watch it. Amélie was shot in Paris and released in 2001 to immediate acclaim, and is still well loved today.

The movie is a must-watch for anyone who loves Paris, says Roobens Fils, the Paris-based travel blogger behind Been Around The Globe and the author of Traveling While Black . Bonus points if you watch it in one of these iconic Paris Airbnbs .

“It depicts Parisians the way they are, with their qualities and faults,” Fils says. “In the movie, Paris is not too idealized nor too gloomy. You don’t see Parisians with a beret playing accordion in the street, going to the bakery to buy a baguette. It shows Paris how it really is.”

Where you can watch : Amazon

6. Alice in Paris

Alice in Paris

Photo: Tastemade

In Alice in Paris , the woman at the center of the show is searching the city for the best food. It’s been described by some as what would happen if you turned Amélie into a food-focused travel show.

The quirky series “follows a very loose fictional plot line while taking you around some of the city’s most incredible eateries, from bakeries to soup stations, and of course fine-dining,” says Viviane d’Adesky, a travel expert and the president of Plume Creative Consulting who has written for Matador . “The show has a child-like ease to it, beautiful cinematography and still manages to spotlight the history and noteworthy accomplishments of many Parisian chefs. It’s the antithesis to Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown but equally as entertaining and wanderlust inducing.”

Though the show is fiction, it features real restaurants. The producers even made a map of locations for fans to run down the checklist of Alice’s stops.

Where to watch : Amazon, Hulu, YouTube


Photo: United Artists

The 1981 film Diva , as well as the 1985 movie Subway , are classics that accurately depict the City of Lights, says Nicole LeBlanc of the travel agency monVOYAGE .

“Both of these films fall into the ‘cinéma du look’ category, reflecting a certain rebellious and new wave revival vibe,” LeBlanc says. “These two atmospheric films are linked together in my mind because they are prime examples of the same era of French filmmaking: both have plots with characters being hunted down by unsavory types, and both feature the metro quite prominently. It’s awfully fun to recall these films or imagine yourself in their metro scenes when you’re swooshing around the Parisian underground yourself.”

The movies avoid the cliche glamour of Paris that some movies about the city rely on, instead opting to feature locations tourists often miss. In other words, places that are “not picture postcards and yet they are still quintessentially Parisian,” LeBlanc says. Though there is one thing to note in Diva : “It’s not okay to ride your moped on the metro escalator, nor on the train itself.”

Where to watch : Diva can be found on YouTube, and Subway is on Vudu

8. Emily in Paris

Emily in Paris

If you’ve kept up with any Paris-related TV talk over the past year, then you’ve heard of the Netflix show Emily in Paris . If not, well, you’ve missed out on a whole lot of people describing their favorite show to hate watch. Emily in Paris is about a Chicago woman in marketing who goes to France to give her uninformed two cents on how a French marketing agency should operate (which is difficult considering she speaks no French).

Scholkowski took issue with how so many people speak English in the show and how French people are depicted as picking up on every stranger who passes. And then there’s the problem with Emily’s apartment: “It’s exaggerated, unrealistic, and never in a million years would anyone with her job be able to afford that palace of an apartment they paint her to live in,” Scholkowski says.

Still, there’s a reason why enough people watched the show for Netflix to greenlight a second season. Peter Kantzos, owner of France Travel Blog , is one of the show’s defenders.

“I recently started the show Emily In Paris on Netflix and I got to say I like it and the whole depiction of Paris and Parisians, although [it’s] a bit over the top in some cases for comedic purposes I suppose,” Kantzos says. He specifically points to all of the people who smoke for one, as well as the depiction of Parisians as rude and overly aggressive about hitting on strangers.

“These are the largest cliches that the show depicts that I know that many French people don’t agree with and they do not like the show for that reason,” Kantzos says, “but I still find them funny exactly because they are so much over the top. I might find them funny because I am not French but still. If you take the show and its depiction of Parisians too seriously and at face value then yes, I suppose that it could give off a wrong impression of the city and its residents but I believe most people will just laugh it off.”

best travel shows about france

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Best Travel Shows France Netflix

Best Travel Shows France Netflix

What Are the Best Travel Shows About France Available to Watch on Netflix? With the rise of streaming services and the increasingly diverse content available to watch on them, it is now possible to discover the world from the comfort of your own home. Netflix alone offers a vast array of travel shows taking viewers on journeys to new places, cultures, and experiences. Of the numerous travel shows available, we will focus today on some of the best shows about France available on Netflix.

France is as vast and varied as it is beautiful. From the majestic Alps to the breathtaking countryside of Provence, France is a nation teeming with culture, history, and unique locales. It is not surprising then that there a plethora of travel documentaries available on Netflix focused on the country.

Discovering France

The travel shows, “Discovering France” and “The Finest Hours in France” both offer unique perspectives on the culture, cuisine, and attractions of cities and regions throughout the country. The first season of “Discovering France” features Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Histoire, Aquitaine, Provence, Marseille, as well as other French cities. Each episode takes the viewer on a journey thoughout the different regions, and is accompanied by entertaining stories and interviews with experts local to the area. The series sheds light on the unique values and regional cultures that exist within the country, often exploring the lesser-known wines, wines, culinary traditions and regional customs.

“The Finest Hours in France” is another travel show that follows a similar concept. Rather than taking viewers on an exploration of different regions, the series explores a single city in detail. Hosted by presenter Alex James, the show takes the viewers on an in-depth tour of the city’s cultural, culinary, and historical attractions. Each episode focuses on a certain aspect of the location, be it it’s history, industry, archeology, art, literature, or even it’s cuisine. Various guest appearences and interviews with local experts add to the already in depth look into each visited city. Like “Discovering France”, the series is full of interesting stories and historical information, as well as intersting anecdotes about each visited city.

The Local Greats

Best Travel Shows France Netflix

Two Netflix shows that explore the local customs, music, and traditions of France are “Local Greats” and “France: Best of the Regions”. “Local Greats” takes viewers on a tour of the best restaurants, markets, farms, vineyards, and historical sites in each visited region. Through a combination of entertaining interviews and stories, as well as beautiful visuals, the show reveals insider information, local stories, and the unique culture of each location. The series features visits to the honey-producing villages of La Sainte-Victoire, the natural wine producers of Corbières, as well as to local cheese makers in the Basque Country.

The show, “France: Best of the Regions” features interviews with renowned French chefs, vintners, local politicians, historians, and other experts. It focuses on the local traditions and festivals of each area. The show travels to locations such as La Côte d’Azur, Château de Chenonceau, Les Arcs,the Old Town of Sarlat, and many other unique French locations. Each episode is full of interesting facts about the visited locations, as well as interviews with the chefs who are taking the field by storm. Each episode is accompanied by beautiful visuals and a delightful soundtack to truly capture the spirit of each region.

In summary, Netflix offers a variety of shows exploring the diverse cultures, customs, cuisine, and attractions of regions throughout France. There truly something for everyone in the selection, from the educational “Discovering France” and “The Finest Hours in France” to the engaging “Local Greats” and “France: Best of the Region”. There is no doubt that these shows will give viewers an insight into the beauty and complexity of travel in France.

Shirley Blanc

Shirley Blanc

Shirley J. Blanc is a French expat and a passionate Francophile. She has been living in France for over a decade, and loves to share her experiences and knowledge about the country with others. Shirley has written extensively on topics such as French culture, language, travel, and cuisine.

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The Cinemaholic

20 Best French TV Series on Netflix Right Now

 of 20 Best French TV Series on Netflix Right Now

One of the greatest changes that were brought in by Netflix and other streaming platforms is the wide range of foreign language shows and movies that they’ve made available on their websites. A few years ago, it was as difficult as deciphering a foreign language to watch a cult series from a non-English speaking region. Netflix has changed that and we now have an impressive lineup of foreign-language shows. Like in movies and food, the French keep their peculiar aesthetic temperament in their TV shows. With that said, here’s the list of really good French shows on Netflix that are available to stream right now:

20. Mythomaniac (2019-)

best travel shows about france

The series which is originally called ‘Mytho’ gets its name from the psychological condition of compulsive lying. The story revolves around a suburban woman, Elvira Giannini (Marina Hands), who feels underappreciated for her role in the family. What starts as a lie to get noticed once again and receive her family’s attention; snowballs into a troublesome burden. Her partner, Patrick (Mathieu Demy), who was cheating on her becomes attentive to her and her three kids become affectionate towards her. The problem begins as her youngest daughter’s blog about a mother battling cancer goes viral. Marina’s flawless performance has gathered a lot of praise.

19. Inhuman Resources (2020-)

best travel shows about france

One of the biggest pull factors for this gripping series is the lead actor and former professional footballer, Eric Cantona who plays Alain Delambre. Alain is a middle-aged man who gets thrown out of his job because of his age. He looks like he has hit rock bottom when he chances upon a job opportunity. As he goes on with the hiring process, things get curious since just when we think he is going to be rejected, he gets selected for the next round. The story unfolds when he is called for the interview and is made to go through a hostage situation that redefines Alain.

18. Vampires (2020-)

best travel shows about france

The story of a half-vampire half-human girl from Paris, Doina Radescu (Oulaya Amamra), who struggles to suppress the vampire instincts of hers is definitely an engaging storyline. She stays with her mother and three other siblings. What sets this show apart is the fact that it does not treat vampirism as supernatural but a result of a genetic mutation, rooting it closer to the real world. This explains the use of pills, that Doina is forced to take every day to protect her from the “side effects” of being a vampire, like scorching in the sun. There is no doubt that it will be compared to the many other successful vampire series but you might want to give this a try. This will definitely add to your repertoire of fictional trivia about the vampire universe.

17. Mortel (2019-)

best travel shows about france

The series is a bit of teen drama with elements of the supernatural. ‘Mortel’ in French means “deadly” or “mortal.” Two teenagers, Sofiane (Carl Malapa) and Victor (Nemo Schiffman) strike a deal with the god of voodoo, Obe (Corentin Fila) who gives them supernatural powers in order to solve and avenge the death of Sofiane’s brother. Sofiane can manipulate people’s actions whereas Victor can read their minds; but for them to be able to do this, they must be in the vicinity of each other. They take help from their friend, Luisa (Manon Bresch) to break the power Obe holds over them.

16. Marseille (2016-2018)

best travel shows about france

War for control over the French port city of Marseille breaks out, when the long-running mayor Robert Taro (Gerard Depardieu), clashes with his former protégé, Lucas Barret (Benoit Magimel). ‘Marseille’ is the story of corruption, lies, deceit, betrayal, and revenge that accompany the hunger for power. Interestingly, the show did not see as much success in France as much as it did outside of it. However, for those of you who enjoy political drama, this might just feel right. Created by Dan Franck, ‘Marseille’ is the first French-language original production for Netflix.

15. The Chalet (2018)

best travel shows about france

‘The Chalet’ is an intriguing tale of a group of friends who gather for a wedding. They pick up a remote chalet somewhere hidden in the French Alps for the occasion. But things soon take an ugly turn when they find themselves trapped in the chalet. Their shock intensifies when a cold-blooded murderer appears from the woods. Set in a largely abandoned French village called Valmoline, the series consists of six episodes. ‘The Chalet’ is a well-made thriller that builds up horror at a slow pace. The narrative allows the tension to grow exponentially as the desperate group realizes how helpless they are, with a killer looking for them.

14. Into the Night (2020- )

best travel shows about france

The apocalyptic sci-fi drama thriller, ‘Into the Night’ is the first Belgian Netflix Original series. A group of passengers onboard a night flight that is supposed to go from Brussels to Moscow and try to outrun a disaster that comes from being exposed to the sun’s rays. The story highlights the dynamics between these people and how each of them reacts in a situation of crisis; not everyone is a hero. This story of survival makes us revisit the fundamental nature to organize and have a social order even if it is a small group. In the face of crisis, everything demands change and reorganization. The series is apt for the global context of the pandemic as it gives us a glimmer of hope; when faced with a crisis, people focus on efficiency and figure out a way to contribute the best they can.

13. The Eddy (2020- )

best travel shows about france

The eight episodes limited series is centered around a jazz club in Paris, called ‘ The Eddy .’ Elliott (Andre Holland) is the owner of the jazz club and is trying to keep it running as he goes through a very rough patch. The show is a delight for music lovers as that is the constant thread that strings drama and the story of crime in the series. Interestingly, ‘The Eddy’ doesn’t show Paris in the romantic light that it is famous for. This introduces us to the grubbier or as somewhat call it, the “real” side of Paris which also houses immigrants and non-French speaking people from different corners of the world. The first two episodes of the series are filmed by Damien Chazelle , famous for ‘La La Land.’

12. Criminal: France (2019- )

best travel shows about france

Set in a police interview room in Paris, the interrogations take us everywhere in the world of crime. The series heavily relies on the procedure of interrogation and the mind games that detectives play with the suspects unravel uncountable mysteries. This demands tactful writing as well as acting, given the confined setting, which the series has delivered on. All episodes of the series have been shot at Ciudad de la Tele in Madrid.  This series has been made into four versions with teams of writers and directors from the U.K, Germany, Spain, and France which gives the show a wide outreach and autonomy to some extent as different teams from different countries can use their own style, cast, and stories.

11. The Hook Up Plan (2018 – )

best travel shows about france

‘The Hook Up Plan’ is an eight-episode French rom-com on Netflix. The series revolves around Elsa, played by Zita Hanrot, who is trying to move on after a painful break up that happened two years ago. Even though it’s been two years since the break up with Maxime, she is unable to forget the past and it continues to haunt her. Things go out of hand when her best friends Charlotte, played by Sabrina Ouazani, and the married and pregnant Emilie, played by Joséphine Draï‎, decide to hire an attractive and charming teacher named Jules, played by Marc Ruchmann, to seduce Elsa. Charlotte’s plan is to help her friend move on from the painful memories. But the scheme works more effectively than she expected and the escort changes Zita’s life forever. The cast members’ onscreen chemistry is the key factor of the show.

10. Family Business (2019- )

best travel shows about france

The comedy series directed and created by Igor Gotesman has recently been renewed for the third season. The story is about Joseph (Jonathan Cohen), a failed entrepreneur who decides to open the first marijuana coffeeshop in France when he finds out that marijuana is soon going to be legalized in the country. The genre is familiar as it borrows from the much loved American combination of stoner comedy and Jewish humor. Taking help from his traditional Jewish family, Joseph learns the ways of the “stoner” world, and the naive yet funny encounters of this family with the world new to them make it an easy watch.

9. Black Spot (2017 -)

best travel shows about france

‘Black Spot’ is a French-Belgian supernatural thriller show created and written by Mathieu Missoffe. The Suliane Brahim and Hubert Delattre-starer follow Prosecutor Franck Siriani, a public official who visits the mysterious town of Villefranche, which has become a law and order concern for the administration. Once there, he begins to investigate the high murder rate of the city and also looks at the suspicious past of Police-Major Laurène Weiss, who has been leading the law enforcement authorities in the region for quite some time. The series captures the mysteries of the fictional town of Villefranche and keeps viewers on edge with unexpected twists and turns.

8. A Very Secret Service (2015)

best travel shows about france

‘A Very Secret Service’ is a French spy comedy set against the backdrop of the Cold War in 1960. The series, which is touted as an absurd and unconventional spy drama, follows André Merlaux, played by Hugo Becker. He is summoned to train with the cadres of the French Secret Services. Merlaux struggles to cope up with the new world of secret people with a dubious look on their faces. They always look at him with suspicion, or he believes so. The plot shapes up around Merlaux’s stand-off with his foreign and bureaucratic nemesis. The series is an analysis of the emotional and psychological impacts of the Cold War on the people who serve on the war front. ‘A Very Secret Service’ is also a cultural and social commentary of France in the early ’60s, through deadpan comedy.

7. Marianne (2019)

best travel shows about france

The French Netflix Original is a horror series about a young novelist Emma Larsimon (Victoire de Bois) who is compelled to move back to her hometown. Things get bizarre when her dreams start to merge with reality with the common factor being the witch she “created,” Marriane who possesses Mrs. Daugeron (Mireille Herbstmeyer). Did Emma really “create” the character of Marianne? The dash of humor in this horror story has deeply been appreciated by the viewers and critics. With Halloween just around the corner, this will definitely be worth it.

6. Versailles (2015 – 2018)

best travel shows about france

Created by Simon Mirren and David Wolstencroft, ‘Versailles’ is a historical drama television series that stars George Blagden, Alexander Vlahos, Tygh Runyan, and Stuart Bowman. The show is centered upon the years of political instability in France following the series of civil wars in the mid-17-century after which the nobility increasingly began disobeying the monarchy. In the wake of such uncertainty, King Louis XIV decided to move the court, hoping that it would finally make the nobility submit to his desires. But does the monarchy manages to suppress the growing discontent in the privileged social classes? The show centers upon similar questions and recounts an intriguing story of great historical significance.

Read More: Best Cooking Shows on Netflix

5. The Bonfire of Destiny (2019)

best travel shows about france

The series which is also known as ‘Le Bazar de la Charite’ is inspired by true events of a fire at the building hosting Charity Bazar in 1897. The plot centers around three women and the dramatization of the aftermath of that fire in their lives. It is the fire that sets the story in motion as the series is about how each of them copes with the tragedy and what it means for them. The decisions they make hereafter have the potential to change their life. The miniseries is directed by Alexandre Laurent and the three lead characters are played by Audrey Fleurot as Adrienne de Lenverpre, Julie de Bona as Rose Riviere, and Camille Lou as Alice de Jeansin.

4. Call My Agent (2015 – )

best travel shows about france

‘Call My Agent’ is a comedic take on the lives and works of people working in the world of talent agencies in France. The plot follows a method actor who finds it difficult to get rid of a film character he played in his last movie. He even signs a new contract using the name of the character! His agent Andrea finds the contract and searches for the actor. She finds him in his home garden, still dressed in his character’s clothes. He refuses to listen to Andrea’s explanations. ‘Call My Agent’ evokes laughter using some genuinely hilarious situations and characterizations. At times, the series is a spoof that pokes fun at method actors, who disappear into their characters and are unable to come out. The series also depicts the daily lives of the agents along with some funny cameos of famous French actors in every episode. All three seasons of ‘ Call My Agent! ‘ are available for streaming on Netflix.

3. Spotless (2015 – )

best travel shows about france

‘Spotless’ is a crime drama set in London, which follows a troubled family man, Jean Bastiere. He leads a typical lower-middle-class life with his wife and two children. The mundane rhythm of his life is disrupted when Martin, his brother, arrives unexpectedly after so many years. Known as an outlaw, Martin’s arrival turns Jean’s life upside down. Jean finds himself in a difficult situation because Martin brings a number of painful memories from their childhood with him. To make things worse, Jean learns that his brother has arrived with a dead body of a woman in his van! All ten episodes of the first season of the show are available on the streaming giant.

Read More: Best Comedy Shows on Netflix

2. November 13: Attack on Paris (2018)

best travel shows about france

This documentary series is directed by brothers Gedeon and Jules Nadet who bring to you the testimonies of those who have lived through the terror of the November night in 2015. Coordinated shootings and explosions in Paris shook the city as the authorities and rescue workers scrambled to come to citizens’ aid. This documentary series captures the raw and real emotions as the various people ranging from survivors, politicians, and civil officers relive their experiences in the interview. The documentary deliberately omits the use of any theatrical enhancers which could sway the viewers towards any particular emotion. The idea was not to show the aftermath of the attack or vilify the people responsible for it but to shift the lens and help people understand which of the events were happening simultaneously and how did the government and law enforcement officials responded to it. This highly rated documentary series is a must-watch.

1. Osmosis (2019 – )

best travel shows about france

The French sci-fi drama ‘Osmosis’ is a Netflix original series in which humans live in a future controlled by algorithms. The plot centers on a new algorithm that matches a person with his/her soulmate. ‘Osmosis’ unfolds almost entirely in a sterile environment of the titular tech company which is a couple of weeks away from introducing its path-breaking matchmaking technology. Ahead of the official launch, Osmosis tests their beta version of the matchmaking app on a small group of subjects. However, an algorithm that can dig deep into your brain corridors comes with a price. The same revolutionary technology can be used to copy our innermost thoughts and buried secrets. Though a slow watch, ‘ Osmosis ‘ is full of thrills, twists, and love.

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50 of the Best Travel-ish Shows to Watch When You Can't Travel

Abbie Mood Lang

Abbie Mood Lang

August 8, 2023

We can only travel so much ( no matter how cheap the flights are ). So when you inevitably settle down onto the couch, check out one of these shows to transport you to a different place until you can get there in person.  

Here are 50 of our favorite travel tv shows. 

Traditional Travel Shows

Anthony Bourdain in the The Layover.

1. Rick Steves’ Europe

Rick Steves might be a bit bookish but that’s one of the things we love about him. The man knows Europe—and the continent’s history—like the back of his hand, and his love for the region is clear. Whether you already love the countries and cities he visits, too, or are dreaming of the day you finally make it there, don’t be surprised if you find yourself geeking out right along with him. Available on: Amazon, Hulu, YouTube

>> Get inspired with our list of 25 ideas for where to go in Europe.

2. passport to europe with samantha brown.

Sam Brown travels with a sense of curiosity and excitement that you can’t help but get caught up in. “Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown” is packed with history, popular landmarks, local restaurants, and shopping spots—literally everything you need to know about both major cities and smaller spots in Europe.  Available on: Amazon 

3. The Layover

This one is made for travelers who love to maximize every. single. second. when they travel, including the time in between flights (looking at you, Type As). In “The Layover,” the late Anthony Bourdain uses every travel trick in the book to do—and eat—as much as he can within 24-48 hours.  Available on: Hulu, YouTube, Sling, Amazon

>> Plan your own short adventure with our layover guides.

4. the national parks: america's best idea.

Most of us have hiked, backpacked, or at the very least, driven through one of the United States’ national parks. From lesser-visited spots like the Gates of the Arctic in Alaska to (maybe a little too) popular ones like Yellowstone, this documentary pays homage to these beautiful places, sharing the history of the national park system from the 1800s to the present time through breathtaking video footage, interviews, and untold stories.  Available on: Amazon, YouTube

5. Globe Trekker

Featuring a rotating cast of hosts, “Globe Trekker” is a real-life version of the Lonely Planet guidebooks. The first few seasons were filmed in the 90s so don’t expect high-def, but over two decades they cover just about everywhere that you could think of, from London to Northern India to the Australian Outback. Available on: Amazon 

Experiential Travel Shows

dark tourist.

6. Dark Tourist

If you are fascinated by all things unusual—and maybe even morbid—you’ll definitely get some ideas from this Netflix series. In “Dark Tourist,” journalist David Farrier explores destinations with a grim history, like witnessing an exorcism in Mexico, hiking through a haunted forest in Japan, or swimming in a lake formed by a nuclear blast in Kazakhstan. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you if you have trouble sleeping after! Available on: Netflix

7. Conan Without Borders

Team Coco, this one is for you. See a side of Conan you never knew you needed as your favorite late-night talk show host takes his antics on the road to experience pop culture in other countries firsthand. Always wanted to see Conan star in a telenovela? Check. Wonder if he could hack it as a K-pop star? Done. Curious to see what his, um, dance skills look like? Season 1, Episode 1.  Available on: Netflix

8. Tales by Light

There’s something about an amazing photo that makes the rest of us wonder how it even happened. While there’s a little bit of “right place, right time” to many great shots, the best photographers know exactly what to look for when it comes to lighting, angles, and capturing emotions and feelings. Not just a behind-the-scenes look at how the pictures are taken, “Tales by Light” also show us how powerful images can be when it comes to conservation. Available on: Netflix

9. Expedition Unknown

With a background in archaeology and a “passion for the unexplained,” Josh Gates investigates unsolved mysteries, lost cities, and buried treasure all around the world. He’s got a little bit of an Indiana Jones vibe going on, and actually does get himself in some hairy situations while tackling challenges like searching for Amelia Earhart’s remains in Fiji—but without the Nazis breathing down his neck or giant boulders barreling his way. Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV, Sling

10. The Moaning of Life

After “An Idiot Abroad” concluded and comedian Karl Pilkington turned 40, he had some big life questions, as one does. “The Moaning of Life” documents Pilkington’s mid-life crisis as he travels around the world to see how other cultures tackle big topics like marriage, having children (they’re not for him), the secret to happiness, and even death. Available on: Amazon 

11. Planet Earth

The BBC put some serious funding into the production of “Planet Earth” and it has paid off. The series has been awarded four Emmys and a Peabody Award from the Royal Television Society for its breathtaking episodes featuring a different biome or habitat each time. From the Arctic and Antarctica to the depths of the oceans, if this doesn’t inspire you to see more of our planet, nothing will. Available on: YouTube, Amazon

Road Trips 

Top Gear.

12. Long Way Round

Watch actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman hop on their BMW R1150GS Adventure motorcycles (hey, some people are interested in those kinds of details) and cruise from London to New York. They take an eastern route through Europe, Asia, and Alaska, then down to the contiguous US, usually off-road. The two have an obvious shared passion for riding, which is a definite requirement if you plan to sit on a bike seat for 19,000 miles! Available on: Amazon

13. Long Way Down

A sequel to their 2004 adventure, Long Way Down follows Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman again as they ride their trusty motorcycles from Scotland through Europe and down Africa to Cape Town, South Africa. This time the duo covers an impressive 15,000 miles—though as the episodes show, it’s not always easy. Available on: Tubi

14. Epic Drives

Come for the cars, stay for the conversations. Created in partnership with Motor Trend magazine, this show highlights fast cars, unique trucks (Ford Falcon XR6 Ute anyone?), and stories from locals in epic locations. Available on: YouTube

15. Top Gear

There’s a reason that there are nine (!) movies in the Fast & Furious franchise—people love watching drivers push their cars to the limit. "Top Gear" is part review, part road trip, and all adrenaline, and the celebrity guest drivers and absurd challenges add to the fun. Now that we think about it, maybe Rocket League® was inspired by the Top Gear Car Sports segment…? Available on: YouTube TV, Amazon 

16. The Grand Tour

Filled with bits of uniquely quirky (and questionable) advice like “looking good is more important than looking where you’re going,” "The Grand Tour" finds Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May (of “Top Gear” fame) driving unique automobiles in interesting places. The friends drive everything from an Aston Martin in South Africa to the Fiat Panda 4x4 in Colombia to beach buggies in Namibia. They talk, they eat, they race. Available on: Amazon 

Food & Drink

Ugly Delicious.

17. Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

“No Reservations” combines two of the best things about traveling: food and adventure. Throw in Anthony Bourdain and you’ve got a truly entertaining TV show. The chef gets down and dirty in each location, giving us a look at not just the food, but the people and a fun way to experience the culture. Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV, Sling, Amazon 

18. Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown

Bourdain once said, “You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.” “Parts Unknown” brings the table to you, as the chef learns about the history of often-complicated places (Detroit, Iran, Senegal) by sharing a traditional food or drink with the people who live there.  Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV, Amazon 

19. Gordon Ramsay's Uncharted

Chef Gordon Ramsay is probably best known for his strong personality on his reality TV shows, like “Hell’s Kitchen,” but in “Uncharted,” we see a more humble side of the Brit. He frequently finds himself thrown out of his comfort zone while learning about the cuisine or traditional cooking methods from a local and is then thrown into the fire by attempting to make a dish for the community himself. Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV, Sling, Disney+

20. Gordon's Great Escape

Imagine Gordon Ramsay in a white tank top, admitting that he has no idea what he’s doing and traveling around India (often on motorbike) to become versed on what “real” curry is like compared to the dish he loves in the UK. The show embodies the sights and sounds of India and Ramsay even experiences “travel sickness,” just like the rest of us. The last four episodes take place in Southeast Asia and Ramsay continues his role as the student, which isn’t a position we’re used to seeing him in. Available on: Amazon, Disney+

21. Ugly Delicious

Each episode revolves around a type of food and then James Beard Award-winning chef David Chang travels to different countries to explore how those places interpret it or make it. With close-up shots of the food as it’s being made, cooked, and consumed, you can almost smell the warm pizza crust and feel the heat of the hot chicken in your mouth. Available on: Netflix

22. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

If you like “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” you’ll love "Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner." David Chang travels the world to meet up with funny, food-loving celebrities like Seth Rogen and Chrissy Teigen as they embark on culinary adventures in various cities around the world. Available on: Netflix

23. Street Food

Street food is almost like a culture within a culture. Wherever you go, travelers can count on carts to have the most authentic food—and people—you’ll ever find. Capturing the vibrant colors and essence of each dish, this show manages to make even the most humble of street food look so beautiful; it's like a love letter to the food and the people who make it. Available on: Netflix

24. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Even if you consider yourself an adventurous eater, this one might make you a little squeamish. But hey, you’ve gotta give Zimmern credit for being up for anything, like lamb brains and duck tongue. Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV, Sling, Amazon 

25. Three Sheets

Comedian Zane Lamprey is living the dream—traveling the world to meet new people and drink alcohol with them. It’s essentially an international pub crawl, including the day-after hangover cures. Available on: Amazon 

26. I’ll Have What Phil’s Having

Phil Rosenthal is hilarious (he did create “Everybody Loves Raymond”) but in a very wholesome way. He had an admittedly bland diet as a child, so Rosenthal wants to experience as much as he can as an adult—even if that means stepping into the unknown. His friendly demeanor and childlike innocence make you feel like you are just tagging along with an uncle and experiencing a place for the first time. Available on: YouTube, Amazon 

27. Somebody Feed Phil

In “Somebody Feed Phil,” Rosenthal actually brings his friends and family along as he visits cities ranging from Tel Aviv to New Orleans. Phil’s excitement is contagious as he tastes the best pizza, egg cream—and even hot dog—of his life. Available on: Netflix

28. BuzzFeed's Worth It

BuzzFeed knows how to tap into popular culture, and “Worth It” offers a unique spin on your typical food review. Instead of just eating a meal somewhere and talking about it, hosts Steven Lim and Andrew Ilnyckyj eat three different dishes at three different price points (affordable, mid, luxury) and then decide if it’s worth it to spend more money. The guys bring an everyman attitude to the whole show, so they rarely pick the most expensive option. Available on: Hulu, BuzzFeed’s website

29. Booze Traveler

Host Jack Maxwell is the real deal. At a young age, he made money by shining shoes in local pubs and gin mills (seriously) and then became a bartender in South Boston. He found that you can learn a lot about a person when you take the time to sit down for a couple of drinks, so naturally, he hit the road to learn about what people are drinking and why they drink it. Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV, Sling

30. Chef's Table

Many cooking shows give you a look into the chef’s personality, but sometimes you want to go a little deeper, learn a little bit more. Enter Emmy-nominated series “Chef’s Table.” Each season dives into the lives and personal stories of six chefs, discussing their discipline and culinary talent while they prepare a dish. It’s the best of both worlds and a must watch for serious foodies. Available on: Netflix

Extreme Engagement.

31. Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father

If you’ve ever traveled with a parent, you will be hard-pressed to find a more relatable show. Comedian Jack Whitehall and his father, Michael, hit the road together to “strengthen their bond.” Dad is definitely out of his element in this one, as Jack wants to be in the thick of everything, while Michael would definitely prefer a bit more familiarity. Available on: Netflix

32. The Amazing Race

Featuring 11 teams of two that race around the world to make it to the final leg and take home the $1 million prize, contestants on “The Amazing Race” face everything from grueling heat to freezing temperatures, while having to complete physical and mental challenges on a limited budget. There are many reasons why this show is so popular, but perhaps the biggest is the relationships between the partners. Just traveling with another person on vacation can be stressful enough, but the competition adds another layer of complexity to the relationship as they try to navigate through completely foreign cities and countries. Available on: Hulu, YouTube, Sling, Amazon 

33. Survivorman

Canadian survival expert Les Stroud strands himself in the remote wilderness for 7-10 days with only his clothes, a one-man camera rig, his harmonica, a multi-tool, and often, items relevant to his survival situation or location. While it may not make you want to go off on your own in the middle of nowhere for days on end, it might motivate you to spend a little more time in nature in a place you hadn’t thought of before. Available on: Hulu, Amazon, YouTube

34. An Idiot Abroad

Poor Karl Pilkington is constantly pranked by British comics Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant in “An Idiot Abroad.” To be fair, it’s probably not possible for Pilkington to be that clueless, but he plays the part well and with quite a bit of humor as he’s repeatedly surprised and confused about the cultural customs of people around the world. Available on: YouTube, Amazon

35. Restaurants on the Edge

Love a good makeover show? Check out “Restaurants on the Edge,” a show in which three food and design experts revive restaurants that are on the edge of failing by re-connecting them with the local culture and food. The newly improved eateries offer a redesigned decor and unique menu, but the views throughout the show—filmed at restaurants in places like Malta, St. Lucia, and Hong Kong—give you a real idea of what the locale looks like. Available on: Netflix

36. Extreme Engagement

It’s your typical love story: man and woman meet, fall madly in love, get engaged, and then spend two years apart while man is filming another TV show. Okay, so that last part is not so typical, but when PJ Madam and Tim Noonan came back together, they decided to spend every waking second together and travel the world for an entire year to see if their relationship could cut it. Unlike most travel shows that visit the hotspots, the couple travels to remote villages and experiences life with tribespeople in their quest to “discover the secret to a perfect marriage,” giving viewers a real sense of place and a deep look at places many tourists never see. Available on: Netflix

37. House Hunters International

If you’ve ever dreamt of living abroad, “House Hunters International” is the best way to get a glimpse of life in another country—and where you could potentially live there. The buyers’ often-unrealistic expectations or lavish budgets have become the source for many a meme and with 115 seasons , you’ve got some catching up to do. Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV, Sling

38. Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost

“Vagabrothers” Marko and Alex Ayling vlog their 24-hour adventures in popular cities across the globe. Each episode starts with a little brotherly competition with a trivia question about the city to determine who will experience the destination on a shoestring budget and who will get to ball out. Whether you’re a penny-pinching backpacker or an all-out baller when you travel, you’ll get to see both sides of the coin. Available on: Hulu, YouTube TV

Scripted Shows Set Abroad

Midnight Diner.

39. Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories

The show takes place in a fictional small Japanese bar called Meshiya in Tokyo that is open from midnight to 7 a.m. While the menu technically only offers four things—sake, beer, shōchū, and tonjiru, a pork soup — the chef (known only as the Master) will create any dish that a customer may want using the ingredients that he has on-hand that night. The camera follows that night’s patrons out of the bar and into their lives to continue their stories, but still manages to capture the true feeling of the show—that food is about coming together but life is boring without a little joy every now and then. Available on: Netflix

Based on the lives of five single men and women in their 30s in Jerusalem, “Srugim” checks all the boxes for a binge-worthy show: controversial issues (in the Religious Zionist society), marriage problems, a character struggling with their sexuality, and a bonus for travel junkies—true cultural immersion. Available on: Amazon Prime, YouTube

Regularly ranked as one of the most popular TV shows of all-time in the US, “Lost” is about the survivors of a commercial jet airliner that crashed on a mysterious island in the South Pacific Ocean en route from Sydney to Los Angeles. The show was filmed at Mokulē'ia Beach, near the northwest tip of Oahu, making it easy to imagine spending a week on your very own deserted island. Available on: Hulu, YouTube, Amazon 

42. Outlander

With elements of romance, history, and science fiction, “Outlander” is filled with sweeping landscapes, historic castles, and elegant gardens. Filmed mostly in the Scottish Highlands, but also in Prague (to capture the spirit of 18th-century France in Season 2) and Cape Town, South Africa, you can visit many of the sites where Clare Randall lived her double lives. Available on: Netflix, Hulu, Sling, YouTube TV 

43. Downton Abbey

This series is set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey between 1912 and 1926 and depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants. If the show inspires a trip to the British countryside, be sure to add Highclere Castle to your list—it’s where the TV show was filmed. Available on: Amazon, YouTube

44. Grantchester

Taking place in a picturesque 1950s Cambridgeshire village named Grantchester, this detective drama will have you dreaming of spending your next vacation in a sleepy British town. You can actually visit the actual town of some 540 people and take a walk through the Grantchester Meadows, stop in the pub, and sit down for afternoon tea, just like Sidney Chambers and Geordie Keating. Available on: Amazon, YouTube 

45. Trapped

Though it’s been gaining in popularity as a tourist destination in the past few years, Iceland is still a country that feels quite wild and remote. “Trapped” captures that feeling in this crime drama taking place in as isolated Icelandic town, where the chief of police tries to solve the murder of a former townsperson after his mutilated corpse is found by fishermen. Available on: Amazon 

46. The Kettering Incident

The Australian drama is based on the mysterious disappearance of two young girls, but the dark and enchanting landscapes are a central part of the show. This one might not have a happy premise, but the filming locations in and around the town of Kettering and Bruny Island in Tasmania are sure to kick your wanderlust into overdrive.  Available on: Amazon, YouTube  

47. Top of the Lake

Set in a remote mountain town in New Zealand, "Top of the Lake" is a harrowing series about an inexperienced detective trying to figure out what happened to 12-year-old Tui, who disappeared while five months pregnant. The country’s South Island is home to some of the most stunning scenery in the world and the show gives you enough of a taste that you’ll want to book a trip to Glenorchy and experience its untouched beauty for yourself.  Available on: Hulu, YouTube, Amazon

When a group of eight strangers from around the world realize they are connected telepathically, they have to find a way to keep each other safe from those who find their powers threatening. The second season includes an astonishing 15 cities and 13 countries. From action shots in Seoul to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the creators of "The Matrix" and "Babylon 5” outdid themselves with this one. Available on: Netflix

49. Hawaii 5-0

Take a trip to Hawaii with this TV show featuring an elite state police task force set up to fight major crimes in the state. Originally airing from 1968 to 1980, there’s also a remake that premiered in 2010 and will end in 2020. Whether you watch the old school or modern version, the swaying palm trees and ocean views will bring back memories of a tropical vacation. Available on: CBS, YouTube TV

50. Marco Polo

Yes, this TV show is about that Marco Polo. Inspired by the creator’s own legendary trip through Central Asia, “Marco Polo” gives viewers an insight into the life of one of the world’s first explorers. We challenge you to somehow not imagine yourself riding a horse through the grassland of the Mongolian-Manchurian steppe after watching a few episodes of this one. Available on: Netflix, Amazon

Ready to get off the couch and back into the world? Join Going and get amazing cheap flights —up to 90% off—delivered right to your inbox.  

Abbie Mood Lang

Freelance Writer

Published August 8, 2023

Last updated January 9, 2024

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mobile app screen

The Best Travel Shows You Can Stream Right Now

By Meredith Carey

Image may contain Nature Ice Outdoors Mountain Snow and Iceberg

Most of us can't be on the road 365 days a year, but that doesn't mean we have to stop exploring. With some of the best travel shows streaming on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, we have the world at our fingertips, with episodes that take us from markets in Mexico to hawker stalls in Singapore to the farthest reaches of the Arctic, back home to BBQ joints in Charleston. Whether you'd rather follow the late Anthony Bourdain, Sir David Attenborough, David Chang, Samin Nosrat , Samantha Brown , Ewan McGregor, or the Fab Five along the way is up to you. Here, find some of our favorite travel shows available to stream right now (fictional and not), involving journeys by land, air, and sea—and lots and lots of eating.

This gallery was last published in March 2020. It has been updated with new information. All products featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Image may contain Human Person Food Culinary and Chef

Taste the Nation

With international travel largely on hold, there's no better time to explore our own backyard—which is exactly what host Padma Lakshmi did on her new Hulu show Taste the Nation . The show's first season, released in June, follows the Top Chef host and author as she quite literally tastes the nation , stopping at restaurants around the U.S. to sample the foods of a variety of Indigenous and immigrant groups. Expect to see some familiar faces, like comedian Ali Wong and spearfisher Kimi Werner , along the way. 

Watch now: Free with a Hulu subscription ( sign up for Hulu here )

Komodo dragon

Planet Earth and Planet Earth II

We had to wait 10 years between the debut of Planet Earth , a groundbreaking natural history show narrated by Sir David Attenborough, and its sequel Planet Earth II , but it was worth it. The first season, which focus on a specific biome and the flora and fauna that live there in each episode, spotlights smooth coated otters in Southeast Asia, Tibetan foxes, critically endangered Ethiopian ibex, and blue whales, among so many others. Our two favorite episodes, though, come from part II. In the sixth episode, the high-def cameras turn to cities to show how leopards in Mumbai, monkeys in Jodhpur, and catfish in southern France live alongside humans. And in what may be the most heart-racing episode of nature television, the islands episode of Planet Earth II follows a lone iguana racing against time—and a horde of snakes. 

Watch Planet Earth now: $3 per episode, $25 per season; amazon.com

Watch Planet Earth II now: $3 per episode, $20 per season; amazon.com

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Long Way Up

Believe it or not, actor Ewan McGregor has been in the travel show business for some 16 years. It all started with Long Way Round , a 2004 series that followed McGregor and his friend Charley Boorman on a motorcycle journey from London through Europe, Asia—and then after a flight to Alaska—Canada, and the U.S. all the way to New York City. The show was followed by 2007's Long Way Down, which took the duo from Scotland to South Africa, on motorcycles once again. Now, they've turned their bikes (electric this time) towards South and Central America, with the latest iteration following the duo some 13,000 miles from Ushuaia, Argentina, on the continent's southernmost tip, to L.A. As usual, hijinks, pitfalls, and stunning scenery are all on view. Neither of the earlier shows are available to stream in the U.S. currently (though you can find them on Apple TV+ in the U.K.), but Long Way Up is an Apple TV+ original and on view for all. 

Watch now: Free with an Apple TV+ subscription ( sign up for Apple TV+ here )

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Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat

Be sure to watch this show on a full stomach, or you'll be pausing to bake focaccia or cook tahdig along with affable host and Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat cookbook author Samin Nosrat. In the four-part show, Nosrat travels the world, making stops in Mexico, Japan, Italy, and her home in California, to discover the properties of each of the show's title elements. There's cheese. There's olive oil. There's miso. There are tortillas. There's salsa. And just like that we're hungry again. (FYI, she's as delightful in person as she is on screen—and joined us for a Women Who Travel podcast episode soon after the show premiered.) Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

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If you're familiar with Anthony Bourdian's The Layover, then the premise of British comedian Richard Ayoade's Travel Man will seem quite familiar. The goofy show follows the comic and primarily English celebrity friends as they galavant around cities like Helsinki, Miami, and Hong Kong over the course of 48 hours. If you're a Great British Bake Off fan, start with Ayoade's trip to Paris with original GBBO host Mel Giedroyc or the season two episode featuring current host Noel Fielding in Copenhagen . Other familiar faces include Paul Rudd in Helsinki and Bridesmaids' Chris O'Dowd in Vienna.

Image may contain Human Person Restaurant Food and Burger

Somebody Feed Phil

This Netflix original follows host Phil Rosenthal, the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond , as he eats his way through cities like Bangkok , Lisbon, Mexico City , New Orleans ,   Buenos Aires , Cape Town, and Dublin. The hyper-positive show was called "impossibly optimistic," by former Traveler editor Paul Brady, who spoke with Rosenthal before the first season's premiere in 2018. The fourth season, out October 30, takes Rosenthal from Rio de Janeiro to the Mississippi Delta and the islands of Hawaii to eat even more delicious grub.  Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Parts Unknown

Parts Unknown

You simply cannot have a list of the best travel shows and not feature the late Anthony Bourdain. In fact, he's on our list more than once. In Parts Unknown , the chef and travel personality circled the world many times over, in search of music, culture, humor, history, and—of course—really good food. Over 12 seasons (the last aired posthumously), Bourdain visited the indigenous Andes with Eric Ripert, the Sochi Winter Olympics, the Mississippi Delta, and, most famously, Hanoi with then-president Barack Obama. (That's season eight, episode two, if you want to jump right to it.) 

Watch now: $3 per episode, or $10 per season; amazon.com

Connected Season 1

Technically, Netflix's original show Connected is a science show, but that doesn't mean it isn't filled with travel. Plus, host Latif Nasser told us earlier this year that the show was built in the footsteps of Bourdain's Parts Unknown and No Reservations (with a dash of Bill Nye thrown inn). The show speaks to how the world is interconnected—like how Delaware's birds can offer clues about the Gulf's hurricane season or how sand from the Sahara impacts the Amazon. Throughout, you'll follow Nasser as he hopscotches around the world to speak with scientists to find out more. 

Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Street Food Asia

Street Food

Made by the same folks behind Chef's Table (spoiler: it's also on this list), this show moves away from formal restaurant kitchens and onto the streets, for a guide to some of the world's best curbside meals and snacks . The show's first season is all about Asia, traveling to nine different countries to meet the people behind the food, like Jay Fai from Bangkok's Raan Jay Fai , a Michelin-starred street stall serving up tom yum soup, and Truoc (pictured left), who serves a variety of snail dishes in Ho Chi Minh City . The second season, which hit Netflix in July, zeroes in on Latin America, with stops at Doña Vale's in Oaxaca for memelas and Las Chicas de las Tres food stall in Buenos Aires, run by chef Pato Rodriguez. 

Image may contain Human Person Slate Clothing Apparel Outdoors Transportation Vehicle Bicycle Bike and Garden

Lost Cities With Albert Lin

In this National Geographic –produced show, explorer and scientist Albert Lin tracks down some of the world's most famous lost cities. We're talking buried Knights Templar caves in Israel, El Dorado in the jungles of Colombia, and ancient, forgotten island cities in Micronesia. Along the way, he speaks with archaeologists, historians, and other experts to discover the origins of the legends and, in turn, the reality of those places today. 

Watch now: Free with a Disney+ subscription ( sign up for Disney+ here )

David Chang drinking pickle juice in Istanbul

Ugly Delicious

The second season of the David Chang –hosted Netflix series debuted in March 2020, taking viewers from Istanbul (pictured), to Tokyo , to Sydney , to… Outback Steakhouse? Along the way, he tackles balancing parenthood with restaurant life, cooks with Top Chef 's Padma Lakshmi , rubs elbows with comedians like Nick Kroll and Aziz Ansari, and gets a lesson in not calling all Indian food curries from Traveler contributor Priya Krishna . (If you want more Chang, try your hand at a recipe from his Momofuku cookbook, or watch Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner , also on Netlfix, where he joins one famous friend on a food tour of a city, like Chrissy Teigen in Marrakech.) 

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Suit Coat Overcoat Sleeve Long Sleeve Fashion and Robe

Produced by Vice , this show is about the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. In it, actor Elliot Page and their film director friend Ian Daniel travel to learn about what it's like to be LGBTQ+ around the world. They meet with two-spirit Native Americans, head to ballroom scenes in New York City, and visit the gay bars of Tokyo to dive deep into the vibrant gay and queer culture. But the duo also spends time in Rio de Janeiro, Jamaica, and Ukraine, speaking with LGBTQ+ locals to learn about the discrimination and threats they face just by existing. Expect tears, both happy and sad. 

Image may contain Human Person Outdoors Clothing Apparel Nature Countryside and Rural

Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

Gordon Ramsey is involved, so of course this cooking and travel show is extreme. In the National Geographic –produced series, the Hell's Kitchen chef goes out of his element—and out of the kitchen—to learn cooking tips and tricks from locals in unusual locales, culminating in a cook-off of sorts to show off what he's picked up. Here, he heads to Peru's Sacred Valley to learn high altitude cooking, cooks seal with a Tlingit elder in Alaska , and learns about Berber food culture in Morocco. 

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Carmen Sandiego

Many of us got our first lesson in geography from this trench coat–wearing master thief, and today's kids can too, thanks to the Netflix reboot of this animated series. This high-flying, Robin Hood–style caper takes kids (and parents) with Sandiego as she jet sets between Rio de Janeiro , Matsumoto in Japan, Amsterdam, Mumbai, and more. There are three seasons available and plenty of educational value here for mapheads—plus pretty stellar animation. This year, an interactive choose-you-own-adventure style show, called Carmen Sandiego: To Steal or Not to Steal, came to Netflix and provides endless entertainment as Sandiego fights off the Villains International League of Evil (V.I.L.E.), with your (kid's) help. Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Image may contain Nature Ice Outdoors Mountain Snow and Iceberg

If Planet Earth and Planet Earth II weren't enough Attenborough for your liking, get your fix on Netflix, thanks to Our Planet . This docuseries, made by the creators of Planet Earth in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund and narrated by Attenborough, is almost a mix of the two, taking armchair travelers from the North American grasslands and the Everglades to the Arctic tundra and deepest parts of our oceans. Once you're done with the nine 50-minute episodes, switch over to Our Planet: Behind the Scenes to see how the 600-person crew filmed the series. Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

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No Reservations

If you want even more Bourdain, Hulu has you covered with No Reservations and The Layover, two of his travel shows that preceded Parts Unknown . In No Reservations, Bourdain takes us to both familiar—Maine, Prague, the Philippines—and unfamiliar—Kurdistan, Mozambique, and deep into the Amazon—corners and kitchens of our world, introducing us to new foods, cultures, and personalities over nine seasons. The Layover takes that same premise, but shortens the time line drastically, knocking down Bourdain's time to explore to just 24 to 48 hours. Both are must-sees—it's Bourdain after all. 

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Chef's Table: BBQ

While you can watch some of world’s most extraordinary chefs (like Dominque Crenn ; Peruvian Virgilio Martínez , the owner of Lima's Central restaurant; and Swede Magnus Nilsson ) as they create impossibly complicated dishes in the original Chef's Table, we've become partial to its latest iteration, which is all about barbecue. The Netflix original docuseries follows pitmasters like Tootsie Tomanetz—the 85-year-old spitfire pictured above who minds the brisket and sausage at Snow's, outside of Austin—and Rodney Scott, known for his Low Country–style pulled pork and ribs. But the show doesn't stick to the American South. You'll head to Rosalia Chay Chuc's Yucatán home and visit the grills of Lennox Hastie in Sydney, too.  Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Image may contain Furniture Chair Human Person Wheel Machine Clothing Apparel Vehicle and Transportation

Travels with My Father

The first season of this Netflix original, which came out in 2017, follows British stand-up comedian Jack Whitehall and his father, Michael, across Southeast Asia, tracking the duo as they finish the gap year Jack never got to complete, just a few years late (eight, to be exact). It's everything you'd expect: a Thai full moon party and, of course, a trip to Cambodia's Angkor Wat, but the moments in between are what make the show really worth watching. Now, in the three seasons that have followed, the father-son pair have road tripped through Transylvania , visited Chernobyl , and gotten into drag with Sydney queens. Needless to say, it's a romp.  Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

This image may contain Kaoru Kobayashi Human Person Pub Bar Counter Worker Architecture Building and Tower

Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories

Set in a tiny Tokyo diner that's only open from midnight to 7 a.m., the fictional show follows the Midnight Diner's owner and clientele as they share their trials and joys, all while eating whatever the owner, called Master, dishes up. In the diner, pork miso soup is the go-to, but Master will cook visitors anything they order, as long as he's got the goods to make it. Episodes are a little over 20 minutes long, so it's the most bingeable of the bunch. Watch with subtitles and don't—seriously, don't—watch while hungry. Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Image may contain Human Person Sinan Albayrak Clothing Apparel Sitting Indoors and Interior Design

Get your international fix by watching Antoni , Karamo , Jonathan , Tan , and Bobby makeover the wardrobes and lives of everyday “heroes” in Yass, Australia , and Tokyo in their Queer Eye specials. That said, we're partial to the U.S.-based seasons, where the Fab Five hits up Atlanta, Kansas City, and, most recently, Philadelphia to give new life to regular folks. Whether they're making over the sisters behind Jones Bar-B-Q in Kansas City or the small town mayor of Clarkston, Georgia, we're on board. Have tissues on hand, as you're all but guaranteed to shed a tear (who are we kidding, you'll sob). Watch now: Free with a Netflix subscription ( sign up for Netflix here )

Image may contain Samantha Brown Human Person Wheel Machine Vehicle Transportation Bicycle and Bike

Places to Love

For many years, Samantha Brown was the only female host on travel TV , period. And while some, albeit small, growth has been made in this regard (Nosrat and Kellee Edwards are among the new faces), Brown is still one of the few women on the go on our screens. While she made her start on the Travel Channel with Passport to Europe, Passport to Latin America, and Passport to China , you should really be checking out her latest show, Places to Love. Now in its third season, the show sees Brown discovering off-the-beaten-path spots in some of the world's most loved destinations as far-flung as Seoul and Auckland, and right in our backyard, like Phoenix and Dallas . 

Watch Places to Love now: Free on PBS

Watch Passport to Europe now: $2 per episode, $35 per season; amazon.com

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The World According to Jeff Goldblum

Ok, so this isn't as much of a travel show as it is a “what is Jeff Goldblum curious about” show—but it doesn't mean they don't travel all over the U.S. With each episode focusing on the actor's ceaseless interest in the minutiae of one specific thing (like tattoos, or pools, or RVs, or ice cream—it really runs the gamut). Over the course of the show, Goldblum visits Hawaii , Las Vegas , NASA’s neutral buoyancy lab in Houston , and so much more. If you love Goldblum, you'll probably love this show. 

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Literary Voyage

Best French TV Series On Netflix: Based In or Filmed in France

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Are you looking for the best shows based in France on Netflix? I have you covered! In this article, you will find the best French TV series on Netflix to watch now.

When it comes to Netflix, many of us can sit and binge-watch and get addicted to a series. It can be the ultimate way to sit and relax. However, Netflix is such a broad platform and there are some incredible series that are filmed in different locations all over the world and feature in many different languages.

France is one of the more popular countries where a Netflix series can be based and I wanted to share with you some of the incredible ones, and where in France they were filmed.

From series in English to French and needing subtitles, I have got some of the best Netflix series based in or filmed in France.

So, whether you are looking for some travel inspiration or an introduction to French culture and the different areas of France, get ready for these ultimate binge-worthy French TV series!

(Please keep in mind that not all these French TV series may be available on Netflix in your location.)

french tv series

Best French TV series on Netflix

Emily in paris.

Emily in Paris is a romantic comedy series, that takes viewers to Paris through the eyes of the happy-go-lucky Emily Cooper. As Emily navigates her job, friends, and relationships in the city, the show highlights locations such as the Place de l’Estrapade, Jardin du Luxembourg, and the Panthéon.

This is one of those series that really captures your imagination. It might even be said to be a guilty pleasure.

Emily in Paris is filmed and based in Paris

Watch Emily in Paris on Netflix

Jardin du Luxembourg

This is a mystery thriller series that will keep you in suspense. It follows Assane, the son of an immigrant from Senegal. He is wanting to avenge his father as he takes on the persona of the gentleman thief, Lupin.

This is a tale of theft and showcases some of Paris’ most iconic locations. The Louvre specifically takes the spotlight.

Lupin is filmed and based in Paris

Watch Lupin on Netflix

louvre museum

The Parisian Agency: Exclusive Properties

This has all of the vibes of Selling Sunset but is based in Paris and showcases some of the other prestigious locations that France has to offer.

This program is all about real estate and showcases the most fabulous homes and properties in Paris. Highlighting luxurious homes across Paris and beyond, the Kretz family must balance business and family life.

Filmed in Paris and other regions in France

Watch The Parisian Agency: Exclusive Properties on Netflix

paris tv

Chef’s Table: France

This series is one for the ultimate foodie giving viewers the chance to explore the finest restaurants in Paris. It gives you an inside look into the making of luxurious Parisian dining.

Two episodes of the series are set in Paris and then you go to other regions. It really is a fascinating show and one to watch if you love your food.

Filmed in Paris and other regions in France.

Watch Chef’s Table: France on Netflix

Call My Agent

The French comedy-drama series follows the lives of three talent agents. There is always something going on and drama as they struggle to keep up with their clients who are particularly demanding.

The agents must navigate moments when their private and professional lives conflict and how they can keep going and their heads above water. A very funny series.

Filmed and based in Paris.

Watch Call My Agent on Netflix

A prominent French politician is found dead on the border between the U.K. and France, and two agents have to work together on behalf of their respective. This is a great one as it has some recognizable English actors as well as French talent. A great series that is filmed between the UK and France.

Filmed in Nord-Pas-De-Calais and the UK.

Watch on Amazon Prime

In this French series, a police commissioner turns to an imprisoned serial killer for help following a series of grisly murders. The killings are inspired by a serial killer (“The Mantis” ) from 25 years before. This is an intricate French thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Filmed in Paris

Watch La Mante on Netflix

Bonfire Of Destiny

After a devastating fire in Paris in 1897, three women find their lives upended by betrayals, deceptions, and romantic turmoil. This is a more period drama that will have you hooked as you follow the three women.

Watch Bonfire Of Destiny on Netflix

A bunch of friends meet up in a chalet in the French Alps but a secret from the past comes back to haunt them. When they are cut off from the outside world tensions rise and so does the death toll! This series will have you on the edge of your seat wondering who will be murdered next and by who!

Filmed in Chamonix

Watch The Chalet on Netflix


The Returned

The French do thrillers so well and this supernatural French TV show is one of our favorites. When several people return to the village years after they left the impact is huge.

Especially since they have all been dead for over 20 years. This zombie supernatural drama was a surprise hit and is one of our favorite French programs on Netflix.

Filmed in In the city of Annecy in Haute Savoie

Watch The Returned on Netflix

It is about Mehdi, an experienced leader of a crew of armed robbers who becomes drawn into a turf war with a drug lord after the heist leader’s teenage niece steals eight kilos of cocaine from the drug baron’s courier.

Filmed in France but the series is set in Brussels, Belgium

Watch Ganglands on Netflix

The Perfect Mother

Convinced of her daughter’s innocence in a homicide, a devoted mother soon uncovers unsettling truths as the line between victim and perpetrator blurs. This will have you on the edge of your seat. It is filmed between France and Germany but is ultimately a French series.

Filmed in France and Germany, specifically Paris

Watch The Perfect Mother on Netflix

7 Lives of Lea

After finding a young man’s remains, Léa wakes up in the 90s and body swaps seven times as she tries to solve the mystery of his death and attempts to prevent it. This is a gripping series that is a little different from some of the other thrillers you may have watched in the past.

Filmed Rocher de la Baume, Sisteron

Watch 7 Lives of Lea on Netflix

rocher de la baume sisteron

The Hookup Plan

Perpetually single Elsa can’t seem to figure out why she is so unlucky in love, and her friends want to rally around her. In a misguided attempt to build up Elsa’s confidence, they hire a male escort, who Elsa knows as schoolteacher Julies, to renew her faith in dating, relationships, and finding love.

Elsa comes unglued upon discovering that her friends have been hiding big news from her. Longtime friendships reach a boiling point as Elsa wrestles with growing doubts about Jules.

Watch The Hookup Plan on Netflix

November 13: Attack on Paris

Filmmakers Jules and Gédéon Naudet direct this three-part documentary that explores the human stories behind the Paris terrorist attacks of Nov. 13, 2015.

“November 13” follows the chronology of the events, sharing the testimony of people who were brought together by tragedy from survivors to first responders and the leaders of the French government.

Among the stories told are those of concertgoers at the packed Bataclan theatre who sought refuge when caught in a harrowing scene. Following the attacks, the city comes together.

Filmed in Paris and also shows historical footage of the attacks

Watch November 13: Attack on Paris on Netflix

A tale of power, corruption, and redemption set against the rich backdrop of the French port city of Marseille. Robert Taro, Marseille’s mayor of 25 years, is opposed by his young, ambitious former protégé.

Filmed in Marseille

Watch Marseille on Netflix

A famous horror writer who is lured back to her hometown discovers that the evil spirit who plagues her dreams is now wreaking havoc in the real world.

Filmed in Paris and Brittany

Watch Marianne on Netflix

Family Business

In this comedy series, a Paris family decides to turn its declining kosher butcher shop into the first French marijuana coffee shop. There are a lot of eyebrow-raising moments in this series but is perfect if you like that sort of humor.

Watch Family Business on Netflix

Empowered by a voodoo spirit, seemingly incompatible high school students Sofiane, Victor and Luisa join forces to flush out the person who killed Sofiane’s brother. A great thriller that will have you captivated from start to finish.

Filmed in Le Havre

Watch Mortel on Netflix

When a teenage girl disappears from a village near the Ardennes Forest, local police and a concerned teacher begin to uncover a web of unsettling secrets. Another great thriller that will have you binge-watching the next episode waiting to see what happens next.

Filmed in the Ardennes but mostly in Brussels

Watch The Forest on Netflix

I hope this has given you some inspiration for some of the best series to watch that was filmed and based in France.

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15 Best TV Shows set in Paris, France

Are you looking for the best TV shows set in Paris? We are here to help!

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it has been the backdrop for many famous TV shows and movies.

If you’re looking for a good TV series or movie to watch that takes place in Paris, look no further!

In this blog post, we will share our picks for the best TV shows set in Paris.

These shows are all about different aspects of life in Paris, and they are sure to give you a good idea of what it’s like to live there.

We’ve included a selection of French, American and British TV Shows.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy some of the best TV shows set in Paris, one of the most romantic cities on earth!

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TV Shows set in Paris France

Table of Contents

Call My Agent ! (10 Pour Cent)

  • Main actors: Camille Cottin, Thibault de Montalember, Fanny Sidney, Grégory Montel and Liliane Rovère
  • Available on Netflix

Call My Agent is definitely the number French TV show on Netflix set in Paris.

Though it was translated to Call My Agent, the original title actually is Dix Pour Cent which means 10%. It refers to the percentage of an actor’s income that an agent is taking.

As you might have guessed already, this show is about a talent agency in Paris.

Here you will follow the adventures of 4 agents: Gabriel, Mathias, Andréa and Arlette as well as their assistants.

They represent the most famous French actors and basically, their job is to find and negotiate contracts for their talents.

The thing is though, it’s not that simple since they also have to deal with demands and eccentric requests.

It’s a hilarious show that will have you laughing out loud and is a great opportunity to discover famous French actors and actresses.

Some of them are famous internationally like Jean Dujardin or Cécile de France but you will also see some actors that are pillars of the French culture.

Basically, if you are interested in learning more about the French culture while having fun, that’s the best show to watch!

Since Call My Agent! was filmed in Paris, you will also discover loads of beautiful filming locations around the city.

Emily in Paris

  • Main actors: Lily Collins, Lucas Bravo, Ashley Park, Camille Razat and Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu

If you’re looking for a fun and modern TV show about Paris, look no further!

Emily in Paris was initially released in 2020 and has since become one of the most popular shows on Netflix.

It was produced by Darren Star who also created Sex and the City. This should already give you a good idea of what to expect.

Though the show was heavily criticised for being too cliché, I personally think it’s a refreshing series that show off the best aspect of the French capital.

Of course, Paris is not all that pretty but it’s also that. It’s perfect if you are looking for a feel-good show.

Now, let’s discuss the plot for a bit!

Emily in Paris is a TV show about Emily, an American social media manager who moves from Chicago to Paris.

She goes there for a year to work in a French marketing agency.

As she gets there, she starts to work with a French team even though she doesn’t speak a word of French herself and start making friends.

While the marketing aspect is rather present, you will also get to see her and her love adventures with French men as well as her struggles.

Also, she is a bit of a fashionista so you’ll also see some very pretty (and sometimes odd) outfits.

The Hookup Plan (Plan Coeur)

  • Main actors: Zita Hanrot, Marc Ruchmann, Joséphine Draï and Sabrina Ouazani

The Hookup Plan is a French TV show that was released in 2018.

It’s a story about two friends, Emilie and Charlotte, who hire a male escort to help their friend, Elsa, get over her ex.

As you can imagine, things quickly become complicated and hilarious.

The show was a big hit in France and it’s not hard to see why.

It has all the necessary ingredients for a good TV show: romance, comedy and drama.

This is a much more realistic show compared to Emily in Paris. It’s down to Earth and it truly gives you an idea of what living in Paris is like.

The characters are middle class, late 20s – early 30s, and their life is much more similar to what most people experience in Paris.

Also, it’s a French show so it would be good for people who are learning French. There is a lot of slang though so that part might be difficult for beginners but definitely interesting for people with a higher language level.

  • Main actors: Omar Sy, Shirine Boutella and Ludivine Sagnier

Lupin is another massive Netflix hit. The first season was released in 2021 and it stars the incredibly talented Omar Sy, one of France’s favourite actors.

Omar Sy plays the role of Assane Diop who tries to get revenge for his dad using techniques from the famous gentleman thief, Arsène Lupin.

This is a TV show that you will want to binge watch. It’s much more serious than Emily in Paris or the Hook Up plan and definitely less girly.

In some sort of ways, it’s a bit of France’s take on Money Heist (La Casa de Papel).

Most of the series were filmed in Paris and you get to see incredible filming locations including Le Louvre Museum at night.

You will also see other locations in France such as the beautiful town of Etretat, famous for its white cliffs and Lupin festival.

Family Business

  • Main actors: Jonathan Cohen, Julia Piaton, Gérard Darmon and Liliane Rovère

Family Business is another French TV show on Netlfix that is worth watching. Here you will follow the adventure of a family who end up starting a marijuana business even though they have no previous experience of knowledge of the plant.

It stars pretty famous French actors such as Gérard Darmon but also Liliane Rovère who was in Call My Agent! as well.

It’s a very funny show and definitely something that will make you laugh out loud. It’s quite quirky.

Though it is set in Paris, it’s not the series that features the most iconic locations.

  • Main actors: André Holland, Leïla Bekhti and Adil Dehbi.

The Eddy is a French-American show available on Netflix. This is a bit darker than the series previously mentioned.

It was released in 2020 and is about a former jazz musician from New York who moves to Paris to run a club.

Dialogues are in both English and French so it’s quite an interesting watch for people who are learning French or are bilingual already.

The Bonfire of Destiny (Le Bazar de la Charité)

  • Main actors: Camille Lou, Audrey Fleurot and Victor Meutelet.

This is a French series that was released in 2019. It’s about a group of people who get stuck in an abandoned building during a fire.

The show is based on true events since the fire of the Bazar de la Charité really did happen in Paris in 1897.

It stars some very famous French actors such as Audrey Fleurot and Clotilde Courau.

Other TV shows filmed in Paris

Paris is a very popular filming location and a lot of famous TV shows were partially filmed in Paris.

Episodes featuring a trip to Paris are not rare on TV and here are a few series featuring scenes in Paris.

Gossip Girl

One of the best episodes of Gossip Girl was actually filmed in Paris! It’s the beginning of season 4 when Serena van der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf take a trip to Paris and end up meeting Chuck Bass.

In this episode, you get to see several cafés in the city, the Musée d’Orsay as well as the famous Galeries Lafayette.

Sex and the City

Two episodes of Sex and the City were actually filmed in Paris. They are named An American in Paris (Part Une) and An American in Paris (Part Deux).

They are the 19th and 20th episodes of the 6th season during which you can see Carrie Bradshaw on a trip with her boyfriend Aleksandr Petrovsky.

Some of the locations used for these episodes are: Hôtel Plaza Athénée, Square du Vert-Galant, Dior store on Avenue Montaigne, Place Dauphine and the famously romantic Pont des Arts.

The Bold Type

This one is another TV show that is mainly set in New York City however, you can see scenes filmed in Paris in the 10th episode of season 2.

Even more interestingly, you can also see a French-Canadian comedian that is very famous in France in that episode, Anthony Kavanagh.

The Good Place

The final episode of the Good Place is set in Paris and it showcases some iconic locations.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

In the 3rd season of the RHOB, the real housewives head to Paris for a girls trip.

Since it is still an episode of Real Housewives, you can expect quite a bit of drama here but you will also see many Paris landmarks.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

At the beginning of season 2, Mrs. Maisel travels with her dad to Paris to find her mum.

This is a great episode to watch if you want to see what Paris looked like during the 50s.

Killing Eve

The first time we see the character of Villanelle was in the first episode of the series. The scene features Jodie Comer in a pink dress in the Place Vendôme, one of the most iconic squares in Paris.

In the 14th episode of season 2, Fallon Carrington and Sam Jones take a trip to Paris.

This episode shows all the main landmarks in Paris including the Arc de Triomphe, The Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.

Now that you know everything about the best TV shows set in Paris, it’s time to start binge-watching!


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Top Rated French TV Shows

According to the IMDb rating, only shows with 500 votes or more will count.

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1. Kaamelott (2004–2009)

7 min | Short, Adventure, Comedy

In this off beat account of King Arthur's quest for the Grail, virtually every journey, battle or adventure, is stopped dead in its tracks by the knights of the round table's most worldly ... See full summary  »

Stars: Alexandre Astier , Lionnel Astier , Franck Pitiot , Jean-Christophe Hembert

Votes: 4,029

2. Spiral (2005–2020)

TV-PG | 52 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery

Follows criminal investigations in Paris from all the different points of view of those involved.

Stars: Caroline Proust , Audrey Fleurot , Thierry Godard , Philippe Duclos

Votes: 6,746

3. The Returned (2012–2015)

TV-MA | 418 min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror

In a small French mountain town where everyone knows each other, the dead begin to inexplicably return as if their death never happened. Forcing the townsfolk to confront their difficult past as they seek to understand this phenomenon.

Stars: Anne Consigny , Clotilde Hesme , Frédéric Pierrot , Céline Sallette

Votes: 21,319

4. The Adventures of Tintin (1991–1992)

TV-Y7 | 30 min | Animation, Action, Adventure

The adventures of the young reporter, his faithful dog and friends as they travel around the world on adventures.

Stars: Colin O'Meara , Thierry Wermuth , Christian Pelissier , Henri Labussière

Votes: 19,229

5. Il était une fois... la vie (1987–1988)

30 min | Animation, Family

The workings of the human body explained by animated characters.

Stars: Roger Carel , Marie-Laure Beneston , Alain Dorval , Gilles Laurent

Votes: 5,584

6. Braquo (2009–2016)

TV-14 | 52 min | Crime, Thriller

A dark realistic cop series follows a squad of Paris cops who exist in the blurred boundaries at the very edge of the law, often using violence and intimidation to get the job done.

Stars: Jean-Hugues Anglade , Joseph Malerba , Karole Rocher , Nicolas Duvauchelle

Votes: 4,109

7. Once Upon a Time... Man (1978–1981)

TV-PG | 25 min | Animation, Adventure, Drama

A comprehensive animated survey of the evolution of humanity and the history of predominately Western Civilization.

Stars: Patrick Préjean , Roger Carel , Albert Barillé , Yves Barsacq

Votes: 4,376

8. Galactik Football (2006–2011)

TV-PG | 26 min | Animation, Action, Comedy

A new generation of once great team is ready to regain old glory in the amazing space football tournament.

Stars: Gavin O'Connor , Jonathan Ryan , Michael Ford-FitzGerald , Dermot Magennis

Votes: 3,568

9. Spotless (2015)

TV-MA | 60 min | Crime, Drama

The law-abiding owner of a crime scene cleaning service is forced into business with a powerful mob boss thanks to his irresponsible older brother.

Stars: Marc-André Grondin , Denis Ménochet , Miranda Raison , Doug Allen

Votes: 3,979

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20 Beautiful Places to Visit in France — From Normandy to the French Riviera

The best places to visit in France range from iconic landmarks to charming villages.

Lindsay Cohn is a writer, editor, and avid traveler who has visited 45 countries across six continents — and counting. She contributes to Travel + Leisure, Hotels Above Par, InsideHook, Well+Good, The Zoe Report, and more.

best travel shows about france

Eduardo_oliveros/Getty Images

Many things entice travelers to visit France — food, wine, fashion, architecture, and natural beauty among them. There’s something wonderful to eat, drink, see, and do in every corner of this Western European nation. It’s hard not to fall in love with Paris . The glamorous beaches along the Côte d'Azur are legendary. Provence also packs a punch with fragrant lavender fields, the hilltop villages of the Luberon , and vineyards. Vines and grand chateaux mix in the Loire Valley . Truth be told, the number of dazzling places within the country is actually quite dizzying, but we’re more than happy to help point you in some of the most photogenic directions. Scroll on for 20 of the best places to visit in France.

Chiara Salvadori/Getty Images

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful small towns in the world , Gordes draws heaps of tourists who descend upon this idyllic Luberon village in the hopes of capturing the perfect shot of its cobbled lanes, time-worn churches, and 12th-century Sénanque Abbey framed by lavender fields.

Palace of Versailles

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Whether you’re a film buff, love history, or simply want to tick one of France’s most famous landmarks off your sightseeing list, the grandeur of Versailles never fails to impress. The palace is home to the Hall of Mirrors, the Royal Chapel, and many other opulent rooms. Outside are the magnificent gardens, fountains, and sprawling park.


Camargue doesn’t look or feel like anywhere else in southern France. This wild region between the Mediterranean Sea and the two branches of the Rhône River delta brims with the untamed natural beauty of salt marshes, reed beds, free-roaming white horses, and hundreds of bird species — most notably, pink flamingos.

Eiffel Tower

Built for the 1889 World's Fair, the Eiffel Tower is an enduring symbol of Paris. It’s one thing to see the famous landmark in films, television shows, and photographs, but it’s quite another to get a close-up look at this incredible feat of ingenuity in real life. The twinkly lights at night only add to the romance of it all.

Île Sainte-Marguerite

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Located about half a mile offshore from tourist-laden Cannes, Île Sainte-Marguerite reflects a more low-key side of the French Riviera with lovely scenery at every turn. The largest of the Lérins Islands has beautiful rocky beaches, turquoise waters, and a eucalyptus forest, plus an underwater sculpture museum.

Châteaux of the Loire Valley

boerescul/Getty Images

Part of the historical and architectural fabric of the country, the châteaux of the Loire Valley are an enduring reminder of Renaissance resplendence. Impressive from both a design and landscaping perspective, these regal landmarks range from palaces with sprawling gardens (like Château de Chambord) to smaller castles.


John Harper/Getty Images

Tucked on the eastern side of a forested peninsula, the exclusive commune of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat has long captivated artists such as Henri Matisse, writers, and well-heeled holiday-goers with its spellbinding beauty. Expect exquisite villas hidden by lush vegetation, breathtaking beaches with clear waters for snorkeling, hiking trails, and a yacht-filled harbor.

Milena Pigdanowicz-Fidera/Getty Images

Situated just south of Colmar in the Alsace region of France, Eguisheim looks like a medieval village you’d see on the cover of a storybook with a concentric plan of narrow streets, half-timbered houses, bubbling fountains, centuries-old castles, and wine caves.

Louvre Museum

Taylor McIntyre/Travel + Leisure

No list of the best places to visit in France would be complete without mentioning the Louvre. The most patronized museum in the world is a historic landmark in its own right with an eye-catching exterior and rooms filled with priceless works of art including the "Mona Lisa" and the Venus de Milo.

Strasbourg Cathedral

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Strasbourg Cathedral is widely regarded as one the most outstanding examples of Rayonnant Gothic architecture (though, for accuracy, the remaining parts of the original structure are Romanesque). It’s a beautiful landmark with heaps of history and visual appeal that’s well worth visiting while in the Alsace region.

Simon Koh/EyeEm/Getty Images

Straddling the French-Italian border and extending into Switzerland, Mont Blanc (which translates to “White Mountain”) rises 15,771 feet, making it the highest mountain in the Alps and the second most prominent peak in Europe. People come from near and far to go skiing, ride the Aiguille du Midi cable car, and even attempt to climb to the summit.

Valensole Plateau Lavender Fields

Paula Galindo Valle/Travel + Leisure

Lavender fields have come to define Provence. This purple-hued visual is splashed across the front of virtually every postcard in the region. Many of those photos were taken on the Valensole Plateau, which erupts in a fragrant and vibrant bloom each summer.

Jui-Chi Chan/Getty Images

The charming hilltop district of Montmartre in Paris’s 18th arrondissement feels more like a small village than a big city. Cobbled streets, sidewalk cafes, windmills, and performances from local musicians give it a quaint atmosphere. Its crown jewel, the iconic white-domed Sacré-Cœur commands attention.


LiliGraphie/Getty Images

Few places shine quite like Saint-Tropez. Celebrities, artists, and jet setters have been flocking to this cinematic holiday hotspot on the French Riveria since the 1960s. The glamorous beach clubs, mega yachts, and charming old fishing quarter keep the crowds thick every summer. 


jpchret/Getty Images

The largest of the islands off the coast of Brittany in northwest France, the aptly named Belle-Île-en-Mer is a beautiful destination with uncrowded beaches, enchanting villages, and rugged cliffs. The jagged rock formation known as Les Aiguilles de Port Coton even inspired Monet to pick up his paintbrush.


sam74100/Getty Images

While it’s impossible to pick a favorite spot along the French Riveria, there’s a lot to love about Porquerolles. The largest of the Îles d'Hyères offers peaceful beaches, calm waters, rolling vineyards, cycling paths through the countryside, old forts, and an off-the-beaten-path vibe.

Veuve Clicquot Champagne House

David Silverman/Getty Images

For fans of bubbly, few things are as fabulous as a trip to the Champagne region of France. Founded in 1772, Veuve Clicquot tops the list of the most significant and celebrated producers. A visit to this world-famous house in Reims entails touring the historic cellars and, of course, sipping the finest sparkling wine.

Arc De Triomphe

pawel.gaul/Getty Images

Everyone who visits France’s capital for the first time heads over to the Arc De Triomphe for that “I went to Paris" photo. It’s worth joining the masses in admiring this famous monument that stands tall at the western end of the Champs-Élysées.

Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc

Courtesy of Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc

Admittedly, an overnight stay at the luxurious Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc at the tip of Cap d’Antibes isn’t in the budget for most travelers. But that shouldn’t preclude you from visiting. Reserve a terrace table at the restaurant to savor Mediterranean cuisine alongside stunning views of the sea and the rock-framed infinity pool.

D-Day Landing Beaches

P A Thompson/Getty Images

Normandy is closely associated with WWII — specifically, the fateful day the Allied troops made landfall at the D-Day beaches, an operation that ultimately led to the liberation of France (and eventually Western Europe) from Nazi occupation. Today, travelers can visit the many museums and memorials along the 50-mile stretch of coastline.

50 Best Travel Shows Of All Time (& How To Watch Them)

Anthony Bourdain clip from "Roadrunner"

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Most of us can't reasonably travel all of the time. Thankfully, we can live vicariously through our screens when we cannot be globetrotting ourselves. Travel shows are a dime a dozen, mainly because many of us would rather explore than deal with our responsibilities. But how do you know which shows are worth your time? That depends mainly on your tastes and interests, but we can provide some solid starting points.

From celebrities heading their own adventurous docuseries to food-loving vagabonds visiting remote destinations, travel shows can show us scenes and cultures we would otherwise have no concept of. In fact, television often inspires travel, and watching world wanderers eat their way through exotic destinations is a great way to help plan your next trip. These 50 series are some of the best TV has to offer, and even if you don't make it through all of them, you may find a gem that piques your particular interest.

50. Nomad with Carlton McCoy

Classically trained chef and expert sommelier Carlton McCoy seeks out the best in international cuisine, music, and art in the CNN series "Nomad with Carlton McCoy." Premiering in May 2022, McCoy travels everywhere in the travel series, from the overlooked pleasures of Mississippi to the corners of Ghana. For McCoy, the show's focus lies in adventures and delights found away from the well-worn paths frequented by tourists. Instead, he enjoys savoring hometown favorites from local populations. What McCoy may lack in experience and poise, he and "Nomad" make up for with its premise to go behind the scenes of some of the world's most recognizable locales. 

The first "Nomad with Carlton McCoy" season is available to stream on  Prime Video with Discovery+.

49. Down to Earth with Zac Efron

The world is a beautiful place, and it's easy to showcase such on film. This is why a travel show has to be about more than just pretty scenery, and "Down to Earth with Zac Efron" delivers in a big way. The series puts a highly informative spin on the genre by taking viewers on whirlwind journeys worldwide in search of health secrets. We're not talking about avocado toast or juice cleanses, either.

Efron and wellness expert Darin Olien visit destinations to learn about topics like renewable energy, superfoods, and water quality. Have you ever heard of a water sommelier? The experts know a thing or two about what kind of water makes our bodies happy, and a "Down to Earth" episode in France consults one of the few professionals in existence. The series also has episodes on a seed bank stocked for the end of the world, Iceland's Blue Lagoon, and the Amazon rainforest.

Although "Down to Earth" earned Zac Efron a Daytime Emmy, lack of viewership caused the series to be canceled quickly. It had one season at Netflix and was picked up for another at The CW, only to be on the chopping block two episodes later. Lack of quantity does not mean lack of quality, though, and the "High School Musical" star's travel show is a solid viewing.

You can watch "Down to Earth with Zach Efron" on Netflix and The CW .

48. The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals

Sometimes, a typical hotel on vacation doesn't cut it, with intrepid travelers opting for more unique and luxurious digs during their stay abroad. The Netflix original series "The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals" explores everything from treehouses to alpaca farms to rent worldwide. Hosted by Megan Batoon, Jo Franco, and Luis D. Ortiz, the show reminds viewers that far more than cheap motels and chain hotels are available to make a vacation even more authentic and unique. While some of the rentals visited on the show run on the pricier side, these are balanced out with more cost-effective rentals for travelers not looking to shell out top dollar on accommodations.

"The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals" is available to stream on  Netflix .

47. Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy

Academy Award-nominated actor Stanley Tucci reconnects with his ancestral roots in the CNN travel series "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy." Premiering in 2021, the show has Tucci visit different regions in Italy to learn more about the local cuisine, culture, and history in a sun-soaked tour of the Mediterranean country. Though the major tourist centers of Italy are among the destinations in Tucci's tour, the host takes the time to explore restaurants and locations off the beaten track to reveal a more authentic Italian experience. Buoyed by Tucci's understated yet quietly charismatic presence, "Searching for Italy" has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards, winning two for its achievement in nonfiction television. 

Available to purchase and rent through most digital retailers, "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy" is also available to stream on Discovery+ .

46. Mysterious Islands

Accomplished pilot and explorer Kellee Edwards invites viewers to join her on his globe-trotting adventures with the Travel Channel series "Mysterious Islands." Edwards particularly takes an interest in some of the most remote islands on Earth, visiting them with her private seaplane to examine them from above and by foot. A refreshing contrast to the hustle-and-bustle of travel shows revolving around heavily populated locales, "Mysterious Islands" offers a more serene, nature-focused look at isolated getaways. Before hosting "Mysterious Islands," Edwards hosted and published a travel vlog through her website that catapulted her into the public eye.

"Mysterious Islands" is currently available to stream on  fuboTV and Philo .

45. Ride with Norman Reedus

"Cool" is the only way to describe "Ride with Norman Reedus." Cruising on a slew of bikes, "The Boondock Saints" and "The Walking Dead" actor meets up with a different travel partner in each episode to explore the open road of America and international destinations. With six seasons as of 2023, the series has become a lasting one on AMC.

Norman Reedus isn't the first to make a travel show centered on biker culture, so what makes it so unique? His vibe, for one. However, it's also the particular variety that his program offers viewers. Reedus does not stick to just one style or motorcycle manufacturer; he also has many celebrity guests. He has the bikers' seal of approval.

From Dave Chapelle to Keanu Reeves, you'll be surprised that some of your favorite celebrities ride and are just as captivating in an environment you don't usually see them in. Fans of Reedus' work will also be happy to see quite a few familiar faces as his "The Walking Dead" co-stars, including Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Steven Yeun, join in on the fun.

You can watch "Ride with Norman Reedus" on AMC+ .

44. Epic Drives

Car expert Arthur St. Antoine entered the pole position with the automobile travel series "Epic Drives," premiering in 2010. Backed with a whole fleet of cars, often with some of the world's coolest and fastest sports and luxury automobiles, St. Antoine opens the engine up and cuts loose on roads around the globe. From traversing the Pacific Coast Highway to showcasing winter driving tips on the frozen roads of Scandinavia, St. Antoine guides viewers through truly stunning international roadways. Though "Epic Rides" puts its slick automobiles in the forefront, the travel series is also keenly aware of how to capture the natural beauty of the gorgeous destinations visited. 

"Epic Drives" is available to stream on Roku and Prime Video  with a MotorTrend extension.

43. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Prolific chef, author, and television personality Andrew Zimmern delves into the off-kilter local cuisine from around the world that outsiders may view as strange in the Travel Channel series "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern." Running steadily since 2006, "Bizarre Foods" has become a large television franchise in and of itself, spawning spinoff series and specials, while the main series has undergone several rebrands. Later, carrying the subtitle "Delicious Destinations," Zimmern's unique perspective on local cuisine proved as engaging as ever. Traveling anywhere from remote settlements in the untamed wilderness to local gastronomy usually avoided by tourists, Zimmern doesn't just focus on the cuisine and preparation itself but where the key ingredients come from. 

A Travel Channel staple for over a decade, "Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern" is currently available to stream on Max and Discovery+ .

42. Samantha Brown's Places to Love

Prolific travel television personality Samantha Brown created the acclaimed PBS series "Samantha Brown's Places to Love," which premiered in 2018. Markedly different from her previous programming on the Travel Channel, Brown's PBS show offers ways for prospective travelers to blend in more naturally with places they visit rather than disrupt local scenes. Featuring a more subdued approach, Brown presents a more authentic, understated cultural experience in the destinations she showcases. "Places to Love" was widely praised for its approach to travel programming and won two Daytime Emmy Awards for its outstanding achievement.

"Samantha Brown's Places to Love" is available to watch through local PBS outlets.

41. A Cook's Tour

Chef and author Anthony Bourdain's first foray into travel television was on the Food Network series "A Cook's Tour," which was filmed while Bourdain was simultaneously writing a book about his experiences. Running for two seasons from 2002-2003, the show took Bourdain around the globe to sample local cuisine and culture, with Asia being a prominent recurring destination. In Variety's review of the first season, "A Cook's Tour" was praised for focusing on destinations less well-documented by other travel shows while providing a man-on-the-street perspective. The series offers a fascinating look at Bourdain discovering his voice as a television host while still possessing his acerbic wit.

"A Cook's Tour" is currently available to stream in full on Prime Video and Tubi .

40. America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston

Notable writer and commentator Baratunde Thurston expanded from his usual political fare to launch the PBS travel series "America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston." Thurston travels around the United States, from Death Valley to the Appalachian Mountains, to document America's distinct and immersive outdoor destinations. More than simply hiking and camping, Thurston engages in local activities, including trying his hand at collecting wild rice and surfing, to better appreciate local cultures. Thurston takes the premise behind "America Outdoors" more liberally than most travel shows with similar scopes, with an entire episode reframing outdoor culture in Los Angeles. 

An engaging look at the United States' relationship with its outdoor spaces, "America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston" is available to stream on Prime Video with PBS Living or PBS Documentaries and PBS with WOSU Passport.

39. Travel Man

Popular British actor and comedian Richard Ayoade launched the breakneck travel series "Travel Man," blending comedy with hectic itineraries. Paired with a celebrity guest, Ayoade and his travel companion have 48 hours to take in the sights and cuisine in different international cities. Starting with the show's tenth season, Ayoade was replaced by British comedian Joe Lycett, but the overall formula remains largely the same. Buoyed by Ayoade and Lycett's hilarious personalities and its limited-time premise, "Travel Man" is as freewheeling and fun as travelogs get.

"Travel Man: 48 Hours in..." is available to stream on Prime Video and  Peacock .

38. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Beloved chef and restauranteur David Chang covers all the most important meals of the day around the world in the original series "Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner." Joined by different celebrity guest stars in each episode, including Seth Rogen and Kate McKinnon, Chang learns what constitutes traditional daily meals in major cities from Marrakech to Phnom Penh. Elevated by thoughtful and entertaining discussions between Chang and his guests, the series offers a broader perspective on the meals we take for granted each day. As with Chang's other travel and cooking shows, the international cuisine-driven travel series focuses on authenticity and a society's connection to its defining food. 

"Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner" is available to stream on  Netflix  and  Prime Video with Fuse+.

37. No Passport Required

With a country as richly vast and varied as the United States, there are plenty of interesting travel spots without ever having to go abroad. This underlying truth provides the basic premise to the PBS travel series "No Passport Required," which is focused on exploring the legacy of immigrant traditions and cuisines within the country. Hosted by noted chef Marcus Samuelsson, six major American cities are showcased as Samuelsson examines the immigrant legacy and food that lovingly define each locale. Going beyond the typical fare that colors each city's perception, Samuelsson meets with everyone from the Armenian community in Los Angeles to the Chinese legacy behind Las Vegas, showcasing some of the cultures that help to make each city great.

"No Passport Required" is currently available to stream on Roku ,  Prime Video with PBS Living or PBS Documentaries, and PBS.

36. Big City, Little Budget

The prospect of living in or visiting major American cities isn't cheap, but host Oneika Raymond guides audiences through more cost-effective approaches to modern metropolises in "Big City, Little Budget." Produced by the Travel Channel, the web series has Raymond visiting cities from sea to shining sea while also providing tips on how to navigate each place without having a robust budget at one's disposal. From frugal dining tips to which neighborhoods won't break the bank, "Big City, Little Budget" offers invaluable advice. With its bite-sized episodes, Raymond offers clear and concise guidance through cities from Miami to New York as she leans into approaching each destination on a budget without compromising the fun.

"Big City, Little Budget" is available to stream through the Travel Channel's YouTube channel .

35. I'll Have What Phil's Having

After helming the long-running sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond," prolific television writer and producer Phil Rosenthal turned to travelog hosting, starting with the 2015 series "I'll Have What Phil Is Having." Running on PBS for six episodes, the show follows Rosenthal as he travels around the world to check out the local food scenes. Joined by celebrity guests like Martin Short and Ray Romano, Rosenthal's comedic perspective helps give the usual travel show proceedings a more engaging approach. Though short-lived, "I'll Have What Phil Is Having" provides an early look at the type of travel programming Rosenthal would host to greater success on Netflix.

"I'll Have What Phil's Having" is currently available to stream on Roku , Prime Video with PBS Living or PBS Documentaries, Pluto TV , and PBS.

34. Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost

Even the same iconic locales can offer vastly different experiences depending on the visitor's financial situation, and this dichotomy is explored in the travel series "Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost." Hosted by siblings Alex and Marko Ayling, the two showcase how to navigate major travel destinations on a budget or take advantage of the visit when flush with cash. Whether they're discussing different approaches to visiting Hong Kong or trying the varying cuisines of France, the Ayling brothers provide plenty of information and varying perspectives on the same destinations. One of the things that work in favor of "Basic Versus Baller" is that the show's premise isn't necessarily binary, as tourists can mix the frugal and luxurious options provided as they see fit. 

A dual-perspective on the travelog formula, "Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost" is currently available to stream on Hulu , Prime Video with Tastemade, and Peacock .

33. Ugly Delicious

Chef and author David Chang looks at the cultural history and deeper meaning behind popular cuisine in the Netflix original series "Ugly Delicious." Premiering in 2018, Chang and a group of celebrity guests explore the origins of different foods through extensive interviews and traveling to informative points from the cuisine's origins. A thoughtful discussion about food and its inextricable links to societal identity, "Ugly Delicious" blends serious insight with Chang's quick wit to great effect. Widely acclaimed for its approach to asking the hard questions about cuisine's impact on culture and cultural perception, the series was nominated for an Emmy Award.

"Ugly Delicious" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

32. United Shades of America

The United States is, like any nation, an incredibly complicated and occasionally contentious place to live, from sea to shining sea, across a variety of communities. Comedian W. Kamau Bell spotlights these communities, their traditions, and their struggles in the CNN documentary series "United Shades of America." From speaking with indigenous communities in South Dakota to the extensive Black populations in the Appalachians, Bell provides an all-encompassing tour of the modern American experience. Bell's thoughtful approach to admittedly somber subject matter paints a more complete look at the country and the many voices that bring it to life as he travels nationwide.

The winner of multiple Emmy Awards for its sweeping work, "United Shades of America" is available to stream on Discovery+  and  Max  and purchase and rent via online retailers.

31. Booze Traveler

A lot can be learned about a culture through its gastronomy, and host Jack Maxwell is determined to get to the bottom of this search for identity – and the bottom of many bottles – in the Travel Channel show "Booze Traveler." Exploring domestic and international destinations, Maxwell reveals how drinking culture informs daily life in places like Seoul and Dublin while partaking in local spirits himself. With Maxwell's easygoing personality at the forefront, "Booze Traveler" looks at how communities bond over their love of drink. As a former South Boston bartender, Maxwell lends an everyday perspective to his global travels. He is more interested in looking for a good time than asking the hard questions as the show breezily chugs along.

A fittingly rambunctious travelog, "Booze Traveler" is available to stream on Discovery+ and rent and purchase through most digital retailers.

30. Street Food

While acclaimed filmmaker and documentarian David Gelb focuses primarily on haute cuisine with his award-winning "Chef's Table" series, his other Netflix original show, "Street Food," takes a different perspective. Rather than spotlight a single cook per episode like his previous work, Gelb examines an entire city's street food scene, exploring the origins of the cuisine that defines it. From the robust marks of Singapore to hole-in-the-wall restaurants in New Orleans, "Street Food" and its rotating set of hosts provide an authentic culinary portrait of the show's destinations. Gelb's everyman approach and broader scope per episode, in contrast to "Chef's Table," is an effective change that "Street Food" takes full advantage of.

The first season of "Street Food" is set in Asia, the second in Latin America, and the third in the United States, with the series currently available to stream on Netflix .

29. The Kindness Diaries

Connecting with your fellow humans and experiencing people of different backgrounds and cultures is one of the enormous benefits of traveling; for some, it's their entire purpose. In a way, "The Kindness Diaries" encapsulates the spirit of travel, as host Leon Logothetis traverses the globe depending on the kindness of strangers.

Equipped only with a bright yellow motorbike swapped for an equally yellow vintage convertible in the second season, Leon Logothetis searches for kind-hearted people to supply his needs on his travels. This includes food, accommodations, and gasoline. You'll be pleasantly surprised how far one can get in the world just by simply asking — though, he does sleep in his motorbike's sidecar when necessary. While the destinations range from all over the United States to Europe, Cambodia, and Vietnam, this feel-good travel doc is more about the people we meet along the way. Even though "The Kindness Diaries" only has two seasons behind it, the beautiful souls depicted stay with viewers for the long haul.

You can stream "The Kindness Diaries" on Discovery+ .

28. Gordon's Great Escape

Famous chef and television personality Gordon Ramsay decided to visit the originating countries of some of his favorite cuisines in the British television series "Gordon's Great Escape." In an interview with The Guardian , Ramsay shared his lifelong love of Indian food and chronicled his first trip to India in the show. Beyond his visit to India, Ramsay filmed the second set of interviews exploring other parts of Southeast Asia and its cuisine, including Thailand and Vietnam. Offering Ramsay a chance to escape the limelight he was experiencing in America and the United Kingdom, the show reveals him rediscovering his love of cooking while learning about overseas culinary traditions.

"Gordon's Great Escape" is available to stream through Prime Video , Tubi , Roku , and Fox.

27. Long Way Down

Actors and longtime motorcycle aficionados Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman reunited for another international motorcycle voyage with the British travel series "Long Way Down." A follow-up to their 2004 series "Long Way Round," the 2007 offering has the two bikers travel from Scotland all the way to Cape Town, South Africa. Along the way, the pair rides through 18 countries by motorcycle as they traverse Europe and the length of Africa. Even for those not particularly enamored by motorcycles, "Long Way Down" is a fascinating look at life on the open road across two continents anchored by two charismatic leads.

"Long Way Down" is currently available to stream on Apple TV+ .

26. Globe Trekker

One of the longest-running travel shows from the United Kingdom is "Globe Trekker," originally broadcast from 1994 to 2016. With a rotating set of hosts for each episode, the British series highlights a different region and provides audiences with a thorough guide to the sights and culture. More than simply presenting the major tourist attractions, the hosts examine local traditions, including interviews with local industries beyond tourism and hospitality. With such an impressive breadth of episodes, "Globe Trekker" set an enduring standard for travel programming in the United Kingdom against which all other travel shows are to be judged. 

Unfortunately, "Globe Trekker" is unavailable to stream or purchase in the United States.

25. Man v. Food

Eating challenges can say a lot about a culture, from the type of cuisine competitors consume to the quantity eaten to succeed. Actor and television personality Adam Richman took it upon himself to travel all over the United States to face all manner of eating challenges in the Travel Channel series "Man v. Food." Heading to a different destination each episode, Richman singlehandedly subjects himself to various regional eating challenges, from consuming massive steaks to an entire platter of chili dogs in a limited time. "Man v. Food" gave the Travel Channel its highest-rated debut upon its premiere in 2008 (per the Los Angeles Times ), with the show revived in 2017 and Richman replaced by current host Casey Webb.

An amusing look at different American regions by the eating challenges that help define it, "Man v. Food" is available to purchase and rent through most online retailers and to stream on Discovery+ and Max .

24. Tales by Light

If a vacation isn't documented and shared on Instagram, did it actually take place? Photography in some of Earth's most jaw-droppingly gorgeous places is the central premise behind the Australian travel series "Tales by Light." Each episode follows different professional photographers who tell an immersive story about exotic destinations through their pictures and videos. The perfect travel series for the social media-oriented generation, "Tales by Light" delivers truly breathtaking photographs and videos from the overlooked corners of the world.

All three beautifully rendered "Tales by Light" seasons are currently available to stream on Netflix .

23. Conan Without Borders

As an extension of his popular talk show on TBS, veteran host Conan O'Brien took his series on the road on multiple occasions to experience different cultures around the world. These special episodes were compiled in the online "Conan Without Borders," as O'Brien eschewed his typical talk show format. Traveling everywhere from Cuba to South Korea, O'Brien explores the societal morays of each of these destinations with his usual comedic antics and insight. A welcome change of pace from his usual formula, O'Brien blends biting political commentary with a genuine appreciation for local cultures, with "Conan Without Borders" winning an Emmy for its efforts.

"Conan Without Borders" is currently available to stream on Max .

22. The Moaning of Life

When British comedian and actor Karl Pilkington faced something of a midlife crisis, he decided to examine the lives and cultures of others around the world to gain a better sense of perspective (per Cinema Blend ). The resulting international tour was filmed for the British travel series "The Moaning of Life," as Pilkington contemplated love, life, and mortality on the road. To expand his view on the human condition, Pilkington visits drive-thru weddings in Las Vegas, professional mourners in Taiwan, and fertility clinics in Japan. The Hollywood Reporter's review of "The Moaning of Life" complimented the show's existential subject matter and Pilkington's hilarious perspective on the world to make its messaging less somber.

A good-natured look at life, death, and everything in between with an international scope, "The Moaning of Life" is available for purchase and rent on most major digital retailers, including Prime Video and Vudu .

21. Long Way Round

The first of a trilogy of documentary series, 2004's "Long Way Round" puts Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman in the driver's seat as they ride motorcycles from London to New York City eastward. The 19,000-mile journey is undertaken to promote the international humanitarian causes spearheaded by UNICEF, while McGregor and Boorman endure pitfalls and injuries in their journies around the globe. Inspired by the experience, McGregor and Boorman wrote a book detailing their journey, including McGregor adopting an orphan encountered along the way. The kind of celebrity road trip that doesn't feel overly pretentious or self-indulgent, McGregor and Boorman provide a unique perspective as they embark on a truly epic journey.

"Long Way Round" is currently available to stream on Apple TV+ .

20. Three Sheets

Not all cuisine is solid, which is why the 2008 travel series "Three Sheets" showcased a decidedly liquid diet as it visited drinking cultures around the world. Hosted by comedian Zane Lamprey, the show highlights local alcoholic beverages at a multitude of destinations, learning about their history and cultural impact. Of course, this examination goes beyond a mere history lesson, with Zamprey partaking in the beverages, usually in impressive quantities. Part travel series and part televised pub crawl, Lamprey is often accompanied on his journeys by a group of guests, including his college friend Steve McKenna.

After starting on MOJO HD, "Three Sheets" was broadcast on various platforms before ending its run on Spike in 2011. Most of the series is currently available to buy on Prime Video .

19. Worth It

The popular Buzzfeed series "Worth It" offers three different and simultaneous perspectives on the worldwide dining scene in each episode. The show has the three hosts, Steven Lim, Andrew Ilnyckyj, and Adam Bianchi, order three different dishes from a range of price points at varying destinations. This can entail a cheap cup of coffee or designer espresso costing hundreds of dollars while visiting Tokyo. The underlying question is whether or not the dishes are worth the price. Winning a Streamy Award, "Worth It" has been credited with changing how people approach food criticism online, actively comparing quality with price points worldwide (per SBS ).

Available to stream on Hulu , "Worth It" helps viewers know how best to check out the food scenes and types of cuisine in several countries.

18. Somebody Feed Phil

After getting his start travel hosting on PBS, Phil Rosenthal went bigger and better for the Netflix original series "Somebody Feed Phil" in 2018. While maintaining the broader premise of his previous show, "I'll Have What Phil Is Having," Rosenthal's Netflix series feels like a more personal experience for its host. Occasionally checking in with his brother, parents, and son while he is on the road, Rosenthal continues to sample local cuisine from around the world. As Rosenthal visits major international cities, he spotlights local charities and nonprofit organizations active in the destinations, providing a more community-based scope.

"Somebody Feed Phil" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

17. Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father

Popular British comedian Jack Whitehall and his longtime television producer father, Michael, take their paternal dynamic on the road for the Netflix original series "Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father." With a decided focus on familial comedy, the Whitehalls find themselves in countless awkward and hilarious situations worldwide as they bond together over their international trips. The two men learn about the cultures they visit, from Cambodia to Turkey, with the final season bringing the father-son duo back to the United Kingdom. Though Jack and Michael Whitehall's antics are played for laughs, the societies they visit are largely treated with the utmost respect as they travel through the jungle and desert together.

All five "Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father" seasons are available to stream on Netflix .

16. Extreme Engagement

Journalists and producers PJ Madam and Tim Noonan decided to put their then-recent engagement to the test around the world for the Netflix original series "Extreme Engagement." The miniseries has the happy couple travel around the globe for over a year to see how their relationship endures. While the premise feels relatively scripted, rather than providing an authentically spontaneous show, "Extreme Engagement" offers a romantic twist on the travelog format. Noonan and Madam visit romantic destinations that keep the focus on love and lasting relationships, from observing ancient fertility rituals to meeting cultural practices promoting romantic love.

A love odyssey that spans the islands of Indonesia to remote villages in Africa, "Extreme Engagement" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

15. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Restauranteur and television host Guy Fieri has become something of a cultural icon himself, and Fieri's flagship series is the enormously popular "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives." Premiering in 2006 on the Food Network, the show has Fieri travel across North America, stopping at diners, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and dive bars to sample their signature cuisine. Occasionally joined by an impressive set of celebrity guest stars, Fieri has visited hundreds of locations as part of his cross-country odyssey. Due to the sheer popularity of "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives," many of these spots have seen a noticeable increase in business following episode airings.

As the gold standard among Fieri's travel and food reality shows, "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" is available to rent and purchase via most online retailers and to stream on Discovery+ and Max .

14. Survivorman

Travel isn't just luxury hotels and all-inclusive resorts; for some, vacations involve roughing it in the wild and returning to nature through camping and other immersive experiences. The Canadian travel and wilderness survival series "Survivorman" takes these sensibilities to their extreme as host Les Stroud spends over a week alone in remote locations. With only a handful of tools and the clothes on his back, Stroud has to make do with local flora and fauna to survive these conditions for the allotted time. As a much more stripped-down and extreme approach than "Man vs. Wild," Stroud takes audiences everywhere, from the frozen expanse of Alaska to the predator-filled Amazon rainforest.

For those looking for the ultimate survivalist approach to the world's most unforgiving locations, "Survivorman" is available to stream on Discovery+ and Roku and to rent and purchase through most digital retailers.

13. An Idiot Abroad

When comedian Karl Pilkington's friends and frequent collaborators Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant learned he had no interest in world travel, the two created the series "An Idiot Abroad" in response. Capitalizing on Pilkington's often innocently naive worldview, the British travel show is primarily played for laughs as Pilkington makes wry observations about the destinations he visits. Not content to simply let Pilkington take in the picturesque sights, sounds, and cuisine, Gervais and Merchant have Pilkington endure several challenges, including bungee-jumping in New Zealand and swimming with sharks in Australia. MSN's review of "An Idiot Abroad" praised the mishaps for Pilkington's voyages orchestrated by Gervais and Merchant, with Pilkington's odd perspective and observations elevating the entire show.

A humorous look at the most gorgeous international locales, "An Idiot Abroad" is available to purchase and rent on most digital retailers, including Prime Video and Vudu .

12. Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

After two seasons on the Food Network with "A Cook's Tour," Bourdain made the leap to the Travel Channel to host his popular travel series "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations." Running for nine seasons from 2005-2012, Bourdain upped the scope considerably from his previous series while still retaining its everyman qualities. Backed by a more ambitious production, Bourdain visits a wider range of locales while incorporating his love of pop culture and inviting celebrity guests, including Bill Murray and Sean Penn. One of the more notable episodes sees Bourdain and his film crew trapped in Beirut during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon War. "No Reservations" went on to win two Emmy Awards and multiple nominations as a testament to the show's captivating perspective on the world. 

"Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" is available to purchase from most online retailers and to stream on Discovery+ , Max , and through the Travel Channel website with a linked television provider.

11. Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

After exploring and experiencing culinary traditions in Southeast Asia firsthand in his first travel series, chef Gordon Ramsay expanded the scope of his follow-up show " Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted " to encompass the whole world. Premiering on National Geographic in 2019, "Uncharted" has Ramsay visit different countries to learn about their cuisine and cooking techniques and take advantage of local thrills. From white water rafting through Laos to climbing up Alaskan mountains and glaciers, Ramsay showcases a more outdoorsy side of himself beyond the world of restaurants and kitchens. In Forbes' review of the series, Ramsay's genuine enthusiasm for the subject matter and destinations he visits was praised for elevating the premise and showing a new side to the temperamental chef.

"Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted" is available to stream through Disney+ and Hulu .

10. Chef's Table

After directing the universally acclaimed documentary film "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" in 2011, filmmaker David Gelb teamed up with Netflix for its original documentary series, "Chef's Table." Premiering in 2015, the show focuses on a different cook for each episode, from a Korean monk renowned for her kimchi to Mexican street food in Philadelphia. With its highly detailed and stylized cinematography and in-depth portraits of its subjects, "Chef's Table" is one of the best documentary series currently on the air. "Chef's Table" brings a global scope to cuisine while never losing sight of the very grounded and human story behind each of the cooks that make every dish possible. The show has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards as it shines a light on everything from Michelin-starred restaurants to hole-in-the-wall dining locations. 

The main "Chef's Table" series and its numerous spinoffs are available to stream on Netflix .

9. The Amazing Race

In contrast to "Survivor," which keeps its contestants in a single remote location for an entire season, CBS' long-running reality series "The Amazing Race" takes full advantage of its global scope. Teams of two speed through different legs around the world, following clues and completing challenges to gain an edge. On the air since 2001, "The Amazing Race" has showcased some of the most stunning locales on the planet while pitting its teams in genuinely thrilling competitions each season. With many seasons of "The Amazing Race" offering a journey with contestants circumnavigating the globe, the travel element to the reality competition series is unmistakably at the forefront.

"The Amazing Race" is available to stream on Hulu , Netflix , and Paramount+ .

8. Expedition Unknown

With so many legends and historical mysteries around the world demanding answers, archaeologist Josh Gates sets out to find the truth in the Discovery Channel series "Expedition Unknown." From cryptozoology searches for mythical creatures like Bigfoot to attempting to discover clues linked to the lost city of Atlantis, Gates positions himself as a real-life Indiana Jones. Part globe-trotting history lesson, part debunking widely known myths, "Expedition Unknown" provides a fun twist on international travel off the beaten path. As an immensely popular show, "Expedition Unknown" has spawned several spinoff specials, miniseries, and after shows as Gates widens his worldwide search for truth.

"Expedition Unknown" is currently available to stream on Discovery+ and  Max and is available to purchase or rent through most online retailers.

7. Dark Tourist

Not every tourist is going to check out conventional art museums or major family-friendly attractions in their voyages around the world. The Netflix original series "Dark Tourist" offers travelers a chance to check out the more off-beat elements of local cultures, sometimes venturing into the outright macabre. Hosted by journalist David Farrier, "Dark Tourist" visits the purportedly haunted areas of major cities and tourism sites capitalizing on local tragedies and notorious figures around the world. From exploring irradiated sites to touring museums dedicated to infamous serial killers, "Dark Tourist" certainly isn't every traveler's cup of tea by the way it provides a morbid twist on the genre.

"Dark Tourist" is currently available to stream on Netflix .

6. The National Parks: America's Best Idea

Celebrated documentarian Ken Burns, who has crafted documentary series chronicling numerous elements of American culture and history, turned his attention to the country's national parks. The 2009 six-episode miniseries "The National Parks: America's Best Idea" recounts the history behind the parks and how they each capture the stirring beauty of the United States. From the enduring legacy of John Muir to the evolution of the National Park Service, "The National Parks" is a must-watch for anyone planning to visit the natural wonders nationwide. Universally acclaimed, "The National Parks" won two Emmy Awards, with critics praising how the documentary series presented the parks as a gorgeous extension of the national identity.

Released with a companion book expanding its story, "The National Parks: America's Best Idea" is currently available to stream on PBS with WOSU Passport and Prime Video with PBS Documentaries.

5. The Grand Tour

After being ousted from hosting "Top Gear," Jeremy Clarkson and his co-hosts Richard Hammond and James May took their globe-trotting automobile expertise to Prime Video for "The Grand Tour" (via Variety ). Retaining much of the format from their previous work together on "Top Gear," "The Grand Tour" has participants travel to different destinations using an impressive array of cars. From Cambodia to Madagascar, "The Grand Tour" showcases thrilling routes and cars, backed by the hosts' irascible wit. The Independent's positive review of "The Grand Tour" praised the show as distilling the best elements from "Top Gear" while boasting a significantly larger production budget.

With jaw-dropping destinations and high-octane action, "The Grand Tour" is currently available to stream on Prime Video .

4. Passport with Samantha Brown

Television personality Samantha Brown has built an impressive empire of travel shows on a number of platforms. One of Brown's most enduring lines of programming to date is "Passport," which sees Brown extensively explore different regions around the world for the ultimate experience. Starting with 2004's "Passport to Europe," Brown launched several different shows, taking her informative style to examine Latin America, China, and eco-friendly tourism. Brown's "Passport to Europe" won a Daytime Emmy Award while the subsequent "Passport to Latin America" was nominated for an Emmy, as a testament to Brown's eye for entertainment and educational quality. 

Brown's "Passport" series are currently available to stream on Discovery+ .

3. Anthony Bourdain: The Layover

As someone who hosted travel shows since 2002, Anthony Bourdain has experienced a lot of extended layovers and quick detours between trips to larger destinations. This premise of enjoying a locale on a tight turnaround time drives the core premise behind his Travel Channel series "The Layover." With only 24-48 hours in each location, Bourdain enjoys as much of the tourist-oriented and locally authentic experiences as he can before departing once more. A more tightly paced approach to Bourdain's usual travel fare, "The Layover" still finds the time to provide an informative look at different city cultures all over the globe. 

Invaluable for those looking to make the most of their time on a tight schedule, "Anthony Bourdain: The Layover" is available to stream on Discovery+ , along with purchase and rent options on most digital platforms.

2. Rick Steves' Europe

Perhaps the gold standard in public broadcasting produced travel shows, "Rick Steves' Europe" follows travel author and television personality Rick Steves as he explores cities in Europe. Running from 2000 to 2021, Steves not only shares the biggest cultural landmarks and defining fare in each destination, but he provides audiences with valuable travel tips along the way. More than simply focusing on the biggest tourist spots, like London and Paris, Steves adds plenty of overlooked getaways, including Slovenia and Oslo. With a steady hand and wealth of knowledge, Steves has provided his even-keeled traveler wisdom to those interested in visiting Europe for decades.

"Rick Steves' Europe" is currently available to stream on the show's website , PBS with WOSU Passport, Prime Video , and Tubi .

1. Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Television personality Anthony Bourdain's final travel show was "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown," which ran for 12 seasons on CNN from 2013 to 2018. Though "Parts Unknown" certainly retains the focus on local cuisine prominent in Bourdain's past travel shows, the CNN series weaves in more sociopolitical commentary in examining its locales. The series came to an abrupt end  following Bourdain's tragic death , with the remaining episodes becoming a tribute to the late host and his unique worldview. Led by Bourdain's insightful and incisive perspective on the places he visited around the world, "Parts Unknown” was widely acclaimed and won numerous Emmy Awards across its run. More than just a show about food and culture, "Parts Unknown" examines the overlooked qualities of its destinations and what brings people together on a universal level.

Available to purchase on most digital retailers, "Parts Unknown" is also available to stream on Max and Discovery+ .

Our ranking methodology

Everyone has that one show they're connected to, whether popular or not. "Best" is always subjective, and your all-time favorite series may not even be something someone else knows exists. That doesn't mean it's any less valid, though. We've tried to keep our personal opinions from this list and instead relied on more tangible elements when compiling our rankings. You'll find some of the most beloved, compelling, and critically acclaimed travel shows — and some you may have never heard of.

A travel show's host can be as important as the places traveled. There's a reason why Anthony Bourdain will always appear on lists like this one. His captivating storytelling capabilities and genuinely raw nature make for compelling TV that viewers resonate with. This kind of grab power shows up throughout our list of picks, with the face and voice of a program helping to boost some of the programs in our rankings.

We've considered the likability of the shows chosen here by scouring reviews from multiple sources, like Reddit, Rotten Tomatoes, and IMDb. We've also factored in the number of seasons and any accolades a show may have been given. A lack of awards certainly doesn't dull a hidden gem's luster, though, so don't be surprised that many shows featured here have gone under the award committees' radar.

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The 75+ Best Travel TV Shows Sure To Give You The Travel Bug

TVs Frank

Embarking on a virtual journey through the vast world of television reveals an exciting genre that has been inspiring wanderlust for decades: travel shows. These wondrous shows, spanning from educational documentaries to entertaining reality series, take audiences on a globe-trotting adventure right from their living room. Through vibrant imagery, engaging storytelling, and exuberant hosts, viewers get to experience the thrill of exploration and discovery without leaving their couch.

Travel shows are more than just prime-time escapism; they're a celebration of our diverse planet and its fascinating cultures. The magic of these programs lies in their ability to showcase stunning landscapes unknown to some and present a plethora of unique experiences - from tasting exotic foods to navigating unfamiliar terrains. Whether it's relishing the spice-infused dishes of Southeast Asia or tracing the footsteps of ancient civilizations in Europe, these shows captivate audiences with their rich narrative and visual allure.

Shows like Parts Unknown and Departures stand as paragons of the genre, cleverly blending travelogue and documentary to engage audiences. Parts Unknown , hosted by the late Anthony Bourdain, serves as a culinary compass pointing to remote corners of the world. On the other hand, Departures exhibits the art of backpacking, veering off the beaten path, and embracing serendipity. Other notable mentions like An Idiot Abroad , Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations , and Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern , offer a gamut of perspectives – from humorously honest to culturally sensitive, and are available for viewers eager to embark on these viewing voyages, to be viewed across streaming options across platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Paramount+, and Max.

The best travel television shows offer a passport to the world, opening doors to places both renowned and obscure. They shine a spotlight on the world's diversity and challenge viewers to see beyond their backyard. So, let those engines of curiosities roar and embrace the thrill of discovery as you delve into these travelogues, each one a unique postcard from the farthest reaches of the globe.


Departures is a masterpiece of travel television, immersing viewers in an authentic and raw exploration of various cultures, landscapes, and human connections. The show's hosts, Scott Wilson and Justin Lukach, offer a genuine and relatable portrayal of two friends embarking on a journey around the globe, making viewers feel like they are right there with them. With its brilliant cinematography and engrossing storytelling, Departures  showcases the transformative power of travel, creating an undeniable sense of wanderlust in all who watch. More than just a typical travelogue, this series delves into the heart of cultural experiences, leaving viewers inspired to take their own adventures.

Is Departures Worth Your Time?

Parts Unknown

Parts Unknown

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown remains a trailblazer among travel shows, thanks to its unapologetic and thought-provoking examination of often-overlooked destinations. Bourdain's passion for exploring the world, combined with his innate curiosity and respect for other cultures, truly sets this show apart from its contemporaries. Through intimate conversations with locals and immersive culinary experiences, Parts Unknown  expertly intertwines the themes of food, culture, and travel, revealing the interconnected nature of humanity. With its mesmerizing storytelling and rich cultural insights, this groundbreaking series leaves viewers yearning for a deeper understanding of the world.

Is Anthony Bourdain: Part... Worth Your Time?

best travel shows about france

Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

With Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations , viewers are treated to a unique blend of culinary curiosity, cultural immersion, and a healthy dose of humor. Bourdain's willingness to jump headfirst into any experience, from sharing a meal with a tribal community to facing his fears in a haunted Romanian forest, highlights the transformative nature of travel. No Reservations  artfully showcases how culture and cuisine inform one another, as Bourdain uncovers the hidden stories and flavors of each destination. The show's marriage of culinary delights and globe-trotting adventure will leave viewers hungry for their own epicurean escapades.

Is Anthony Bourdain: No R... Worth Your Time?

The Layover

The Layover

In The Layover , Anthony Bourdain takes viewers on a whirlwind tour of cities around the world, making the most of the limited timeframe a layover provides. By showcasing the best each destination has to offer in just 24 to 48 hours, the show highlights the importance of embracing spontaneity and flexibility in travel. Bourdain's charismatic personality and insider tips make him the ultimate travel companion, proving that meaningful experiences can be had even in the briefest of moments. With its fast-paced adventures and hidden gems, The Layover  inspires viewers to seize every opportunity for exploration, no matter how fleeting.

Is The Layover Worth Your Time?

Travels in Europe with Rick Steves

Travels in Europe with Rick Steves

Travels in Europe with Rick Steves stands out as a quintessential travel show that effortlessly transports viewers to the continent's most iconic destinations. Steves' genuine enthusiasm for European history and culture, paired with his expert guidance, helps demystify foreign travel for beginners while also captivating experienced globetrotters. Through engaging storytelling and valuable travel tips, the show encourages viewers to connect with locals and immerse themselves in authentic experiences. Travels in Europe with Rick Steves  is a must-watch for those looking to explore Europe with both reverence and curiosity.

Is Travels in Europe with... Worth Your Time?

An Idiot Abroad

An Idiot Abroad

An Idiot Abroad offers a refreshingly irreverent take on travel, delivering equal parts humor and cultural insight. Following Karl Pilkington, a reluctant traveler with a penchant for comedic grumbling, the series documents his experiences exploring the world at the insistence of his friends, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. The show cleverly juxtaposes Pilkington's unconventional perspective with the rich tapestry of global cultures, resulting in a truly unique and entertaining travelogue. With its offbeat humor and endearing protagonist, An Idiot Abroad  showcases the transformative potential of travel, even for the most skeptical of sojourners.

Is An Idiot Abroad Worth Your Time?

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  • # 387 of 449 on The 440+ Best Binge Worthy Shows Of All Time
  • # 69 of 203 on The 190 Best British Comedy TV Shows, Ranked

Insomniac with Dave Attell

Insomniac with Dave Attell

Insomniac with Dave Attell dives headfirst into the captivating world of nocturnal exploration, shedding light on the unique experiences and characters that come to life after dark. Hosted by comedian Dave Attell, the show unearths the hidden gems of nightlife around the globe, from bustling city centers to remote rural haunts. In each destination, Attell engages with locals and seeks out the bizarre, the unexpected, and the downright hilarious, highlighting the importance of embracing spontaneity in travel. Insomniac with Dave Attell  reveals a world typically hidden from tourists' eyes, inspiring viewers to embrace the unexpected during their own night-time adventures.

Is Insomniac with Dave At... Worth Your Time?

Globe Trekker

Globe Trekker

Globe Trekker has earned its place among the best travel shows, thanks to its engaging hosts, stunning cinematography, and unrivaled cultural insights. Venturing off the beaten path, the series exposes viewers to lesser-known destinations and traditions, fostering a deeper understanding of the world's diverse cultures. With its rotating cast of enthusiastic hosts, Globe Trekker  highlights the importance of embracing new experiences and remaining open to learning from others. Packed with adventure, heart, and valuable knowledge, this iconic series leaves viewers eager to embark on their own globe-trotting expeditions.

Is Globe Trekker Worth Your Time?

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern is a tantalizing feast for the senses that takes viewers on a culinary journey unlike any other. Host Andrew Zimmern expertly weaves together the worlds of food and travel, exploring fascinating cultures through their most unusual dishes. Encouraging open-mindedness and curiosity, Zimmern demonstrates that seemingly bizarre foods are often integral to a culture's identity and history. With its mouth-watering cuisine and captivating storytelling, Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern  reveals the delicious potential for discovery when travelers venture beyond their comfort zones.

Is Bizarre Foods with And... Worth Your Time?

Michael Palin: Around the World in 80 Days

Michael Palin: Around the World in 80 Days

Taking inspiration from Jules Verne's classic novel, Michael Palin: Around the World in 80 Days  chronicles the host's exhilarating attempt to circumnavigate the globe in just 80 days – without air travel. Palin's charming wit, affable nature, and determination make him an ideal travel companion, as he explores diverse cultures and overcomes numerous challenges. The series ingeniously marries the thrilling adventure of global exploration with the timeless appeal of a literary classic, encapsulating the true spirit of wanderlust. Around the World in 80 Days  captivates viewers with its unforgettable journey, proving that the spirit of adventure is alive and well.

Is Michael Palin: Around ... Worth Your Time?

Full Circle with Michael Palin

Full Circle with Michael Palin

In Full Circle with Michael Palin , viewers are treated to a breathtaking journey around the Pacific Rim, guided by the inimitable charm and wit of the beloved host. Palin immerses himself in the diverse cultures, landscapes, and histories of the region, highlighting the interconnectedness of humanity along the way. The show excels in showcasing the beauty and wonder of travel, inspiring viewers to look beyond their own borders and embrace the spirit of global exploration. With its captivating storytelling and stunning visuals, Full Circle with Michael Palin  provides an unforgettable voyage for all who join the adventure.

Is Full Circle with Micha... Worth Your Time?

Passport to Europe

Passport to Europe

Passport to Europe whisks viewers away on an enchanting tour of the continent's most captivating cities and landscapes, guided by the delightful Samantha Brown. With her infectious enthusiasm, Brown expertly navigates each destination's cultural nuances, blending sightseeing highlights with hidden gems and local experiences. The show strikes a perfect balance between practical travel advice and immersive storytelling, inspiring viewers to embark on their own European adventures. Passport to Europe  is a must-watch for those looking to discover the charm and allure of this storied continent with an engaging and knowledgeable host.

Is Passport to Europe Worth Your Time?

Raw Travel

As the name suggests, Raw Travel  delivers an unfiltered and authentic look at the world, delving deeper into local cultures and their unique stories. With its focus on sustainable tourism and human connections, the show offers a refreshing departure from the typical travelogue, encouraging viewers to travel with a purpose. By showcasing off-the-beaten-path destinations and experiences, Raw Travel  fosters a newfound appreciation for the rich tapestry of human cultures and traditions. This thought-provoking series is sure to ignite the wanderlust in even the most seasoned travelers, inspiring them to seek out more meaningful and transformative journeys.

Is Raw Travel Worth Your Time?

Dark Tourist

Dark Tourist

Dark Tourist delves into the intriguing and often macabre world of dark tourism, as host David Farrier explores destinations with morbid, tragic, or controversial histories. The show offers an unflinching look at the darker side of travel, challenging viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and question their own fascination with the grotesque and macabre. Through immersive storytelling and candid conversations with locals and fellow tourists, Dark Tourist  examines the ethical implications of dark tourism and the complex emotions such experiences evoke. This thought-provoking series will leave viewers contemplating the limits of their curiosity and the true nature of the human experience.

Is Dark Tourist Worth Your Time?

Samantha Brown's Great Weekends

Samantha Brown's Great Weekends

Samantha Brown's Great Weekends offers viewers an engaging and attainable approach to travel, with host Samantha Brown curating the ultimate weekend getaways across North America. Brown's warm personality and keen eye for unique experiences make her the perfect guide, ensuring that each adventure feels both exciting and accessible. The show's focus on shorter trips highlights the importance of seizing opportunities for exploration, no matter how limited one's time may be. With its invigorating mix of exhilarating activities, stunning locales, and valuable travel tips, Samantha Brown's Great Weekends  proves that unforgettable adventures are closer than you think.

Is Samantha Brown's Great... Worth Your Time?

Pole to Pole

Pole to Pole

In Pole to Pole , Michael Palin embarks on yet another extraordinary journey, traveling from the North Pole to the South Pole along the 30-degree East line of longitude. As he traverses an array of countries, cultures, and landscapes, Palin's characteristic wit and warmth shine through, making him an ideal travel companion. The show skillfully demonstrates the diversity and beauty of our planet while highlighting the shared human experiences that bridge geographical divides. With its stirring storytelling and awe-inspiring visuals, Pole to Pole  is a testament to the transformative power and endless wonder of travel.

Is Pole to Pole Worth Your Time?

The Thirsty Traveler

The Thirsty Traveler

The Thirsty Traveler takes viewers on a spirited tour of the world, delving into the history, culture, and production behind various alcoholic beverages. Host Kevin Brauch's engaging personality and passion for libations make for a captivating and informative journey, as he explores the local customs and flavors associated with each drink. Through lively interactions with local experts and immersive experiences, the show highlights the central role beverages play in bringing people together across cultures. The Thirsty Traveler  is a unique and intoxicating blend of travel, history, and culinary exploration, sure to leave viewers thirsting for more.

Is The Thirsty Traveler Worth Your Time?

The Amazing Race

The Amazing Race

As one of the quintessential travel shows, The Amazing Race  delivers an adrenaline-pumping blend of competition, adventure, and global exploration. The Emmy Award-winning series pits teams against each other in a race around the world, challenging them with physical, mental, and cultural obstacles. The show's breakneck pace and high-stakes challenges offer an exciting, albeit unconventional, look at the dizzying array of cultures, languages, and landscapes the world has to offer. The Amazing Race  ultimately celebrates the spirit of adventure and perseverance, inspiring viewers to step outside their comfort zones and embrace the thrill of the unknown.

Is The Amazing Race Worth Your Time?

  • Dig Deeper... The Most Hateful Amazing Race Teams of All Time
  • And Deeper... The Best Amazing Race Winners, Ranked
  • # 266 of 302 on The Best TV Shows Of The Past 20 Years

Travels to the Edge with Art Wolfe

Travels to the Edge with Art Wolfe

Travels to the Edge with Art Wolfe transports viewers to some of the most remote and breathtaking locations on Earth, offering a rare glimpse into the stunning beauty and fragile ecosystems of our planet. Acclaimed photographer Art Wolfe's keen eye and passion for conservation make him an exceptional guide, as he captures the essence of each destination through his lens. The show masterfully intertwines adventure, exploration, and environmental awareness, encouraging viewers to appreciate the natural wonders that lie just beyond the beaten path. With its awe-inspiring images and thought-provoking messages, Travels to the Edge with Art Wolfe  is a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of our world and the importance of protecting it.

Is Travels to the Edge wi... Worth Your Time?

Long Way Round

Long Way Round

In Long Way Round , viewers are taken on an exhilarating and challenging motorcycle journey across continents, as actor Ewan McGregor and his best friend Charley Boorman embark on the adventure of a lifetime. The series intimately documents their trials and triumphs, offering a raw and authentic portrayal of friendship, determination, and the transformative power of travel. As the duo navigates diverse terrains and cultural encounters, the breathtaking scenery and unforgettable experiences serve as reminders of the boundless possibilities for exploration and personal growth. Long Way Round  is essential viewing for those seeking a compelling narrative of adventure, camaraderie, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Is Long Way Round Worth Your Time?

Dhani Tackles the Globe

Dhani Tackles the Globe

Dhani Tackles the Globe combines the worlds of sports, travel, and adventure, as former NFL linebacker Dhani Jones sets out to master various traditional sports around the world. The show offers a fresh and energetic take on global exploration, with Jones' athletic prowess and enthusiasm for new experiences making him an engaging host. Through his immersion in each region's unique sports culture, Jones fosters meaningful connections with local communities and explores the values, traditions, and history that shape these time-honored activities. Dhani Tackles the Globe  is an inspiring celebration of the universal language of sports and the untold stories that unite us all.

Is Dhani Tackles the Glob... Worth Your Time?

Lonely Planet Six Degrees

Lonely Planet Six Degrees

Lonely Planet Six Degrees offers a fresh and engaging approach to travel, as hosts Asha Gill and Toby Amies immerse themselves in the local culture and connect with fascinating individuals at each destination. The show's underlying theme - that we are all connected through a mere six degrees of separation - highlights the shared human experiences that transcend geographical boundaries. Through captivating storytelling and insightful interactions, Lonely Planet Six Degrees  encourages viewers to approach travel with an open mind and a desire to forge meaningful connections. With its unique format and thought-provoking premise, this groundbreaking series is a must-watch for those looking to experience the world in a more personal and profound way.

Is Lonely Planet Six Degr... Worth Your Time?

Booze Traveler

Booze Traveler

Booze Traveler offers viewers an intoxicating blend of travel, history, and culture as host Jack Maxwell embarks on a global quest to uncover the stories behind the world's most iconic drinks. With his affable demeanor and insatiable curiosity, Maxwell expertly showcases the inextricable link between alcoholic beverages and the cultures that produce them. The show skillfully balances immersive experiences, engaging storytelling, and fascinating historical insights, revealing the myriad ways in which alcohol has shaped human civilization throughout history. Booze Traveler  is a spirited journey, sure to delight viewers with its unique perspective on global libations and their storied pasts.

Is Booze Traveler Worth Your Time?

Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure

Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure

Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure follows the beloved British adventurer as he retraces the footsteps of iconic author Ernest Hemingway, exploring the places and experiences that shaped his life and work. Palin's wit, charm, and genuine interest in Hemingway's story make for a fascinating and enjoyable journey, as he delves into the writer's complex psyche and uncovers the locations that inspired some of his most famous literary works. The show elegantly combines travel, literature, and biography, offering viewers a unique look at the world through Hemingway's eyes. With its captivating storytelling and insightful discoveries, Michael Palin's Hemingway Adventure  is a literary pilgrimage that will inspire and enchant viewers in equal measure.

Is Michael Palin's Heming... Worth Your Time?

Expedition Unknown

Expedition Unknown

Expedition Unknown takes audiences on a thrilling and informative journey through history, mystery, and adventure, with host Josh Gates uncovering the world's greatest legends and forgotten stories. Gates' charisma, humor, and expertise make him an ideal companion on this quest for knowledge, as he ventures off the beaten path to unearth fascinating tales and enduring mysteries. The show brilliantly merges history, archaeology, and travel, providing viewers with a unique and engrossing peek into the past while sparking an insatiable curiosity to learn more. Expedition Unknown  is a compelling, thought-provoking, and entertaining exploration of the unknown, proving that the world is still full of untold stories waiting to be discovered.

Is Expedition Unknown Worth Your Time?

  • # 183 of 739 on The 600+ Best Reality TV Shows Of All Time
  • # 24 of 84 on The Best Shows On Wednesday Night In 2024
  • # 7 of 99 on The 95 Best New & Current Discovery Channel Shows, Ranked

Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

In Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted , the world-renowned chef embarks on an exhilarating journey to uncover the globe's most exotic and undiscovered flavors. Ramsay's unparalleled passion for food and bold sense of adventure make him the perfect guide, as he braves remote locations, diverse cultures, and extreme conditions in pursuit of culinary excellence. The show masterfully combines exhilarating adventures, immersive storytelling, and captivating cultural insights, showcasing the transformative power of food as a bridge between people and cultures. With its thrilling escapades and tantalizing tastes, Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted  inspires viewers to broaden their culinary horizons and embrace the vast tapestry of global flavors that await them.

Is Gordon Ramsay: Unchart... Worth Your Time?

  • # 27 of 681 on The Best New Reality TV Shows of the Last Few Years
  • # 20 of 58 on The 45+ Best TV Travel Series
  • # 18 of 89 on The 85+ Best Food & Travel Shows, Ranked

Travel Man: 48 Hours in...

Travel Man: 48 Hours in...

Travel Man: 48 Hours in... offers a unique and entertaining approach to city breaks, as host Richard Ayoade is joined by a celebrity guest to explore exciting destinations around the world. The show's fast-paced format, dry humor, and quirky insights provide a fresh take on traditional travelogues, proving that meaningful experiences can be had in just 48 hours. Ayoade's keen eye for hidden gems and offbeat experiences encourages viewers to step outside the well-trodden tourist path and embrace the unexpected delights that each city has to offer. With its engaging blend of humor, adventure, and unconventional wisdom, Travel Man: 48 Hours in...  is essential viewing for those with limited time and boundless curiosity.

Is Travel Man: 48 Hours i... Worth Your Time?

The Getaway

The Getaway

The Getaway combines the thrill of travel with the allure of celebrity, as famous faces guide viewers on a tour of their favorite global destinations. Each episode features a different celebrity host, offering unique perspectives and experiences tailored to their personal tastes and interests. The show expertly balances cultural insights, local tips, and luxurious recommendations, providing viewers with a distinctive and aspirational look at the world's most desirable locales. With its glamorous spin on travel and insider access to the lives of the rich and famous, The Getaway  is a captivating journey that will leave viewers longing for their next escape.

Is The Getaway Worth Your Time?

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never

In Better Late Than Never , viewers join four iconic personalities - William Shatner, Henry Winkler, Terry Bradshaw, and George Foreman - as they embark on a whirlwind adventure across Asia. The show's unique blend of unscripted humor, genuine camaraderie, and cultural exploration offers a fresh and entertaining twist on the traditional travelogue. As the seasoned celebrities navigate their way through unfamiliar customs, languages, and experiences, they demonstrate that it's never too late to embrace the unknown and embark on new adventures. With its heartwarming friendships, comedic mishaps, and inspiring ethos, Better Late Than Never  proves that the spirit of discovery knows no age limit.

Is Better Late Than Never... Worth Your Time?

Journeys In India

Journeys In India

Journeys in Africa transports viewers to the heart of this vast and diverse continent, showcasing its stunning landscapes, unique wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. Host Bill Ball explores Africa's most remote and fascinating places, sharing his deep knowledge and passion for the region with audiences. The show's captivating visuals, engaging storytelling, and immersive experiences offer an unparalleled glimpse into the beauty, complexity, and resilience of Africa's ecosystems and communities. Journeys in Africa  is a must-watch for nature enthusiasts, adventure-seekers, and anyone yearning to explore the breathtaking wonders of this extraordinary continent.

Is Journeys in Africa Worth Your Time?

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Lists for those with wanderlust.

Why Cruises Are Surprisingly Expensive

The Best Travel Shows Of All Time (TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime & More)

If you are like me and always yearning to travel, then one of the best ways to do this from home is to watch amazing travel shows on TV.

Over the years I have spent way too much of my spare time consuming every travel show under the sun. And, I thought it was high time I shared some of them with you.

So, without further ado, here are some of the best travel shows on TV – whether it be DVD, Netflix or Amazon.

1. Long Way Round

I remember watching the Long Way Round years ago (2004), which is still clear in my memory. The world-famous Ewan McGregor and one of his best friends Charlie Boorman, pursue their passion for BMW motorbikes and adventure travel and head east from London, as far as possible.

The journey was nearly 19 thousand miles (33,000 kms) and took them through Europe, overland through Asia (Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia) to the USA and New York.

Of course, they do take a crew with them, but this is hardcore overland travel at its best. No script, all the hardships are shown. Boy, they had a difficult time in some parts of Asia!

Update: They have the latest episode in this series, Long Way Up, which features the boys riding from Ushuaia in Argentina to Los Angeles. This is more or less the classic Pan-American Highway route that travelers love!

2. Long Way Down

Following on from the 2004 success, Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman set out again in 20017. This time North to South from Scotland to Cape Town in the Long Way Down . This is yet another infamous overland route and also not a simple one.

Many of the roads and countries in Africa are not in the same state as their European counterparts, so they had some challenges with their suspension. They also had quite some adventures and exciting visits, even with presidents!

If you liked the first one of the series, then this is an equally good follow-up.

It’s also available on Amazon.

Below is a quick intro to the show. It’s worth taking a look.

3. Anthony Bourdain (Parts Unknown, No Reservations, A Cook’s Tour & The Layover)

With the sad news of his recent passing, how can I not include one of the food travel show classics from Anthony Bourdain and his team at CNN? This series was still being filmed at the time of this death, and they have since tried to finalise it without being able to use him for voiceovers. However, there is so much material in this series, you won’t be stressed looking for things to watch.

Anthony was actually made famous by his book, Kitchen Confidential , where he revealed how things work in the restaurant business. I actually read this book over 20 years ago, long before I even realised he was on TV.

Parts Unknown is a unique take on travel from Anthony where he visits various countries around the world that interest him and explores all the great food they have on offer. But, he does not go for the classy restaurants and showy food, he looks for the best of what locals enjoy.

And dives right in himself! It’s super-inspiring to see someone so famous get down and dirty and have absolutely zero pretence. He loves food. He loves people. And he loves to travel. What more could you ask for in a TV Show.

Some of the series from Parts Unknown is available on Amazon .

As are some of his older series like No Reservations , A Cook’s Tour , The Layover

And here is a quick preview of season 7 from CNN.

4. Departures – with Scott Wilson and Justin Lukach

Two best friends from Canada decide they need a little excitement in their lives and head off for a year of adventure.  They end up exploring vast areas of the world and looking for as many unique experiences as possible.

The series is quite in-depth, covering 43 episodes , and almost as many countries. And by the time you have finished it, I will be surprised if you don’t just get up and go traveling yourself.

You can grab it on Bluray on Amazon.

Here is a quick intro to the series.

5. Simon Reeve Travels

I absolutely love to watch Louis Theroux on TV. His bumbling, almost nerd-like charm somehow disarms all the crazy nut-jobs that he interviews.

Simon Reeve, at least to me, seems like his equal in the BBC travel world. He is not a gung-ho daring, Tom Cruise look-alike. He is a down-to-earth, easy-to-like, bumbling reporter who takes to the most interesting places on earth. And makes you fall in love with them all as much as he does.

We have started watching some of his earlier shows. We have started with his crazy trip around the Equator. But some of the others are available on the BBC (if you live in the UK) including such trips as: the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Australia, Africa, Colombia and many more.

Here is a quick intro to the Caribbean series.

6. Rick Steves Travel Series

Another prolific traveler and creator of travel-related content both on and offline is Rick Steves. If you type in many European-related travel searches in Google, you will often find his website in the top ten.

He seems to have been everywhere worldwide and made a TV show about most of it. He appeals to an older demographic in my opinion, as his commentary is a little stiffer, but you can certainly learn a lot from this guy.

You can check them out on his website.

And below is an intro to Season 9 of his European series.

7. Michael Palins (Various Adventures around the world)

Michael Palin, a former Monty Python member and Jon Cleese, has been producing top-notch travel series for years and is a little more old-school than Rick Steves. His shows focus on longer adventures, similar to A Long Way Round, although perhaps not as challenging.

They are fun to watch, and you certainly get to see some of the lesser-explored regions of the world. Although some of these series will be a little dated by now – I remember watching some decades ago!

And just as I said that I took a look and saw he has since made some new series on Channel 5 in the UK, including a trip into the forbidden land of North Korea !

Michael Palin’s Around the World in 80 Days

8. An Idiot Abroad

Venturing into a little bit of Travel Comedy, An Idiot Abroad is the brainchild of the creator of the British (original) The Office, along with a few co-creators. The idea is to send someone who has almost never left their town, let alone lifestyle and send them to some very foreign destinations.

Along the way, they experience some extremely challenging destinations and situations all in the name of broadening their horizons. Karl Pilkington will never be the same again, and maybe neither will you.

You can grab Season 1 and Season 2 on Amazon.

Here is a quick Best Of from the China episode to give you a taste of the show.

9. Travel Man with Richard Ayoade

Another long-running comedy travel show from the UK, Travel Man is very short episode focused on 48 hours in various cities, mainly in Europe. Of course, now that he is on about his 10th season, he has started to venture a little further afield. Apart from his sarcasm, one of the best things about the show for me is the wacky things he (or his team) finds in every location. Not your run-of-the-mill tourist attractions.

Each episode is extremely sarcastic and accompanied by another usually British comedian, so people outside the UK may have trouble laughing or even understanding what he is saying. His accent is strong and his vocabulary is broad. You might have seen him as one of the wacky IT experts in t he IT Crowd (which you can see on Netflix ), a little like the British version of Silicon Valley, albeit filmed years before.

There are various seasons up for grabs on Amazon .

If you want to see if it’s up to your alley, here is a quick taste of Richard with some of his fellow comedians on the show.

10. Top Gear

Intended as a bit of a petrolhead’s show about cars, Top Gear has also done a significant amount of travel-related shows over the years too. From the drives down the most dangerous roads in the world to almost killing themselves in places like Switzerland. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May will show you a great time on the road and while traveling.

You can check out Season 1 here on Amazon and other seasons that follow.

11. Joanna Lumley’s Travel Series

Joanna Lumley became famous back in the 70s, but for me, she became even more famous for her role in Absolutely Fabulous. Since then, she has traveled and filmed it all for us. She has also done a “making of” series that I enjoyed. She may seem very posh and British when you first see her shows, but if you love sarcasm and comedy then just wait a bit and she will deliver!

Here is a list of her extensive travel shows you can catch on BBC or other online streaming services:

  • Joanna Lumley’s Hidden Caribbean
  • Joanna Lumley in the Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon
  • Joanna Lumley in the Land of the Northern Lights
  • Joanna Lumley’s Japan
  • Joanna Lumley: The Quest For Noah’s Ark
  • Joanna Lumley’s India
  • Jennifer & Joanna: Absolutely Champers

The Best Travel Shows On Netflix

Netflix is a bit of a special category in this post because they don’t have many of the more famous shows above at the moment.

12. Dark Tourist

One of the more recent and perhaps more infamous trends in travel right now is called Dark Tourism. With the recent airing of the series about Chornobyl, it seems to have accelerated even more.

One wacky New Zealand traveler, David Farrier heads to some quirky and sometimes dangerous locations in eight episodes of Dark Tourist , which sees him head to most continents. From the recent Japanese nuclear disaster to perhaps shooting a cow in Cambodia, he tries it all.

13. Street Food: Asia

If you like to combine mouth-watering food and travel, a popular past-time, then this is a recent addition to Netflix that I am currently devouring. It shows you some amazing chefs who are almost always out on the street and serving the locals with something of an obsession. From Thailand to India, you get to see it all – no-frills cooking from some of the best street food vendors in the world.

14. Tales By Light

Another show I have been checking out lately is Tales By Light , a travel and photography-based series up to season 3. It follows a famous Australian photographer all around the world, delving into the lives of the people he meets and how he experiences travel through the lens.

15. Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father

A show I have not had a chance to see, but it certainly looks like a travel comedy worth checking out. It involves a comedian and his stuffy father taking far-flung adventures to foreign lands and trying to teach each other a thing or two.

16. Somebody Feed Phil

A more modern version of a travel & food show, Somebody Feed Phil , is about exploring the places and food no one talks about. Phil is quite the quirky and loveable character, so you will either love him or loathe him. I watched half the first season and did not fall in love with it. However, given that Netflix has commissioned 6 seasons of the show, there must be a lot of people who love it.

17. Conan Without Borders

Following famous TV night show host Conan O’Brien to some adventurous destinations around the world, this is yet another travel and comedy combination you won’t want to miss. From Haiti and Cuba to K-Pop in South Korea this is as wacky as it is travel.

18. Restaurants on the Edge

“Restaurants on the Edge” is a Canadian reality TV series premiered in 2020. It showcases chef Dennis Prescott, designer Karin Bohn, and restaurateur Nick Liberato assisting struggling restaurants in scenic, remote locations like seashores, lakes, and mountains. This is a little like Gordon Ramsay’s old show Kitchen Nightmares, but more travel related.

The goal of the visits on this show is to rejuvenate these places by integrating them with the local culture. Additionally, the show offers a travel experience, with episodes featuring the experts exploring local areas, meeting artisans, and tasting authentic local foods.

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About the author roger timbrook.

Roger is a little obsessed with travel. He has been to over 40 countries, broken 3 suitcases and owned over 10 backpacks in 12 months. What he doesn't know about travel, ain't worth knowing!

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13 of the best places to visit in France

Mary Novakovich

Nov 25, 2023 • 7 min read

Afro mother and her daughter bonding together outdoors at the lavender field

Have you been to France if you haven't got a shot in the lavender fields of Provence? © iStock / Getty Images

France  consistently tops the list as the world’s most visited destination – and it doesn’t take much imagination to see why.

Its winning formula of captivating cities, awe-inspiring landscapes – including the  Alps and the  Pyrenees – an enviable coastline and some of the world’s best food and wine is hard to resist. Affordable public transportation and a sprawling network of motorways mean you can cover a lot of ground if you want to visit more than one region. But it’s just as tempting to stick to one place and enjoy the country's seductive lifestyle.

Wondering where to go in France? Have a look at these top destinations for some inspiration.

A man performs a trick on a skateboard in a square in Paris

1. Paris has great urban vibes

Much as you’d like to tick the main sights of  Paris off your list – world-class art at the  Louvre and  Musée d’Orsay , the  Eiffel Tower ,  Sacré-Coeur – make time for some of its lesser-known attractions. Wander the atmospheric streets of the  Marais – popping into the free  Musée Carnavalet as well as  Musée Picasso – before checking out the vintage shops of the 10th arrondissement . Make your way over to buzzing Belleville and take in fabulous views of Paris from Parc de Belleville. For full-on greenery in the city, follow the footpaths around the elegant 19th-century  Parc des Buttes-Chaumont .

Local tip : For authentic local dining experiences, avoid restaurants that tout a menu touristique, or display a sample meal of plastic food on the pavement outside.

Read more: Where locals go on vacation in France

2. the loire valley's castles are best explored by bike.

At some point, you’ll want to be on two wheels as you explore the gently rolling landscapes of the  Loire Valley – especially as cycling is made so much easier thanks to the extensive Vélo Verte network of bike routes. Combine visiting vineyards with glimpses into lavish Renaissance life in the 42 sumptuous chateaux, particularly the fantastically elaborate  Chateau de Chenonceau and the more intimate and romantic  Chateau d’Azay-le-Rideau on its own island on the Indre tributary.

Local tip:  Don't leave your bicycle locked up outside on the street overnight if you want to see it (or at least most of its parts) again. Some hotels offer enclosed bicycle parking. 

A cave frames the shoreline at Etretat, Normandy

3. Normandy’s coast is the place to learn about WWII history  

Normandy ’s long coastline is packed with historical landmarks, the D-Day beaches being the most striking. It’s impossible not to be moved by the many poignant memorials, including the  American cemetery at Omaha Beach and the  Juno Beach Centre at Courseulles-sur-Mer. Head further east, and you end up in a 19th-century time capsule in the alluring resorts of Cabourg, Deauville, Trouville and  Honfleur .

4. Strasbourg and Alsace’s wine routes are full of fairy-tale charm

Strasbourg is half-timbered heaven, with an outrageously picturesque old town set on its own island on the  River Ill . Wander round its imposing Cathédrale Notre-Dame before relaxing on one of the cafe terraces in little Place du Marché Gayot just behind. The city is an excellent starting point for a tour of the  Alsace Wine Route, the oldest in France. Beer drinkers aren’t left out: Alsace is the only region in France that makes wine and beer.

People relaxing on a restaurant terrace in a village in France

5. The Luberon in Provence has many lovely hilltop villages

Terracotta rooftops and honey-colored stone cottages tumble down pine-clad hills, while vineyards crisscross the valleys with olive groves and lavender fields. That’s when you know you’re in Provence, specifically the wonderfully mellow  Luberon . Wander from village to hilltop village and lose yourself in the medieval lanes of some of the most gorgeous places in France. Put Bonnieux, Gordes, Ménerbes, Roussillon and Saignon on your list just for starters.

Local tip : Buy a baguette from the boulangerie (bakery) and fill it with Camembert, pâté or charcuterie (cold meats). Finish sweet with macarons, buttery kouign amann (Breton butter cake) or cherries in summer. 

6. Mont-St-Michel is a top destination for medieval history buffs

The 10th-century Benedictine abbey at  Mont-St-Michel casts its spell even before you arrive. The walk to this tidal island takes at least 20 minutes, during which you have this magnificent abbey, monastery and snail-like spiral of village houses in your sights. You certainly won’t tire of that view. Once you’ve explored the gothic interiors, take your pick from one of the panoramic restaurants circling the island.

A paraglider prepares to head out from the top a sand dune

7. Dune du Pilat is France's most scenic place to camp

Soaring more than 100m (328ft) above sea level, the otherworldly Dune du Pilat is Europe’s tallest sand dune. Sheltered by the Arguin sandbank, its waters are much gentler than further up the Atlantic coast on the western side of Cap Ferret. It’s ringed with campsites, giving you not only one of the loveliest views but also utterly mesmerizing sunsets. When you’re not running up the mountain of sand, you’ll be transfixed by the antics of the paragliders who rarely leave this place.

Local tip : There is a large car park about 400 meters (437 yards) from the dune, which charges a small fee for parking. However, you cannot park here overnight without being fined €50. 

8. Lyon is a top food destination

Even Parisians have to admit that  Lyon is gastronomic royalty in France. Bring a big appetite to do justice to eating in Lyon’s trademark bouchons , intimate little bistros that specialize in hearty meat-heavy lyonnaise cuisine. Start your bouchon tour in the UNESCO-listed Renaissance lanes of Vieux Lyon, where you can also spot the old secret passageways known as traboules .

A woman walks carefully along a wall in the village of Saint Emilion in France

9. Bordeaux is the best place to go for wine lovers

Mixing easy elegance with liveliness, France’s wine capital hums with the sounds of people enjoying themselves in  Bordeaux ’s cafe-filled 18th-century lanes of Saint-Pierre and Place du Parlement. Take the pleasant, pedestrianized path along the River Garonne to  La Cité du Vin , whose audacious design holds a thoroughly enjoyable museum celebrating wine from Bordeaux and beyond.

Local tip : Dress up when dining out, even at mid-range restaurants, clubs and bars. Leave the jeans and sneakers in your suitcase (unless you're at the local village bar where a more casual style is fine).

10. Annecy has the best Alpine beauty

On the doorstep of the French Alps,  Annecy is another one of those sigh-inducing gorgeous cities that France does so well. Its medieval heart squeezes into gaps between the Thiou River and Canal, with tall pastel-colored townhouses towering over the quayside cafes. You can’t miss the  Vieille Ville ’s most distinctive landmark,  Palais de l’Île , a medieval castle and former prison that’s now a museum. Your wanderings will inevitably take you to the glorious shores of Lake Annecy, one of France’s most beautiful.

11. Biarritz and Basque Country is packed with boho chic

Royalty has been flocking to  Biarritz for more than two centuries since Napoleon III’s mother, Queen Hortense, fell in love with this fishing village on the Atlantic coast. Then the surfers joined in from the 1950s onward, bringing some laid-back cool to go with Biarritz’s superb beaches. Once you’ve had a swim in the  Grande Plage and  Plage de la Côte des Basques , check out the  Basque Country coastal towns of  Bayonne and  St-Jean-de-Luz before heading into the Pyrenees.

12. Nice is a vibrant taste of life on the Mediterranean

The sun-drenched capital of the Côte d’Azur is everything you want in a Mediterranean city, and then some. Explore the labyrinthine lanes of  Vieux Nice , with an obligatory trawl through the morning food market at  Cours Saleya  before taking in the views from the top of  Colline du Chateau . Chill out on one of  Nice ’s many beaches before getting a culture fix at the  Chagall and  Matisse museums. Hop on one of the most scenic train lines in Europe and pop into the attractive coastal villages of  Villefranche-sur-Mer and  Èze .

Planning tip: If you're heading to the Côte d’Azur in May, book time to get over to star-studded Cannes for Europe's biggest cinema extravaganza. Every evening from 9:30pm, the Cinéma de la Plage provides free open-air screenings on the beachfront.

A woman hikes up a path towards a mountain peak

13. Auvergne has a captivating natural landscape

The lush volcanic landscape of the  Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne is one of the most dramatic in France. Among its four volcanic massifs, the green-covered lava domes, cinder cones and craters of the Chaîne des Puys – more than 80 volcanoes – are a dream to explore on foot, on two wheels or from an exhilarating paraglide flight.

Local tip : If you're traveling with children, head to the surprisingly educative Vulcania theme park and learn about Auvergne's long-extinct volcanoes. 

This article was first published June 2012 and updated November 2023

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Best places to visit in france.

France is home to some of the most lively cities, bucolic villages and renowned wine regions on the globe. U.S. News considered factors like variety of attractions, lodging, weather and culinary scenes to create this ranking of the best places to visit in France. Whether you're seeking an action-packed sightseeing adventure or a relaxing wine retreat, you'll find a fun French vacation here. To influence next year's ranking, vote below for your favorite destinations in France.

Mont Saint-Michel

Montpellier, french alps, chamonix-mont-blanc, aix-en-provence, loire valley.

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As the world's best place to visit , it's no surprise that the electrifying City of Light tops this list. France's capital city is a year-round tourist destination with iconic attractions like the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower and incredible architecture (think: the dazzling Basilique du Sacré-Coeur). Not to mention, Paris offers unparalleled dining and shopping scenes and more museums than you could hope to visit in one trip. Keep in mind, Paris is often flooded with tourists and room rates can be pricey. If you're looking for a deal, travel in winter or early spring.

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The capital of the Alsace region offers the perfect mix of French and German culture thanks to its location on the France-Germany border. While here, travelers should see Strasbourg's Gothic-style cathedral and stroll through the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Petite France quarter with its half-timbered houses and postcard-worthy waterways. Plus, those with an interest in politics can tour several important European institutions during their visit, including the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. For an extra dose of charm, arrive in December to see one of Europe's oldest Christmas markets.

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Rising above the sea like a castle in a fairy tale, Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy is one of France's most-visited sights. Legend says the archangel Michael, the island's namesake, repeatedly appeared to Bishop Aubert of Avranches in dreams, telling him to build a church on top of the island in A.D. 708. Since its completion, it has become an important pilgrimage site for Christians and European intellectuals. Visitors can tour the picturesque abbey and admire its incredible medieval architecture or wander its surrounding streets, which are lined with tiny shops and quaint cafes.

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Dubbed La Ville Rose due to the prominence of distinctive clay bricks in its architecture, Toulouse is a feast for the eyes. Throughout this city, which is located in the South of France, you'll find marvels like the neoclassical Le Capitole on the main square, the stately Basilica of Saint-Sernin (an 11th-century UNESCO site) and the Hôtel d’Assézat, which houses a noteworthy art gallery. What's more, several canals with shady footpaths pass through the city, including the idyllic Canal du Midi. For some of the best views of Toulouse, take a cruise on the River Garonne, or just sunbathe on its banks.

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Sunny Montpellier glows with a combination of old world charm and a trendy university lifestyle. This city in the south of France evokes Parisian appeal with Haussmann architecture and stylish promenades. And like Paris, adornment is everywhere in Montpellier, from fashionable boutiques to street art to France's oldest botanical garden. Plus, since Montpellier is located 7 miles from the coast of the Mediterranean, a beach break is close at hand. Once the sun sets, take part in the city's youthful nightlife scene, which includes everything from music halls to dance clubs.

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It's easy to see why Colmar, located in the heart of Alsace's wine region, is considered one of France's most beautiful cities. Colorful houses that look as if they belong in a fairy tale line the Little Venice district, where you can take a boat tour through Colmar's canals or reach boutiques and eateries on foot. The setting is picturesque regardless of when you vacation here, but for even more charm, visit Colmar at night when lights illuminate the city during annual events like the Colmar International Festival, Alsace's wine fair and Colmar's Christmas market.

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To see some of France's most spectacular art and architecture, head to Avignon. This city in southeastern France is full of stunning structures, including the 14th-century Palais des Papes, the largest Gothic palace in the world, and the arched bridge, Pont d'Avignon. A number of can't-miss museums are spread throughout Avignon as well, such as the Musée Angladon, which houses works by highly regarded artists like Edgar Degas, Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh. Visit in July to attend the Festival d'Avignon, one of the world's largest performing arts festivals.

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If your ideal French vacation involves a little more nature and a little less city, head to the French Alps . Here, you'll find some of the best ski slopes in Europe, as well as beautiful scenery that rivals any work of art or architecture. In summer, the typically snow-covered mountains thaw just enough to create perfect conditions for hiking and biking. Enchanting villages sit at the base of the range, offering several places to unwind when you've had enough fun on the slopes or trails.

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Despite its war-filled past, this region in northern France is also a place of great beauty and culture. Étretat's white cliffs are a great place to take in the area's natural scenery. Then, visit the region's capital city, Rouen, to admire works of art at the Musée des Beaux-Arts and stroll past the quaint half-timbered houses. Be sure to sample some of the city's culinary specialties to see why it is now a UNESCO City of Gastronomy. Or, see some of the remnants of Normandy's heavy history at the D-Day Landing Beaches and The Bayeux Tapestry.

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Glamorous Nice occupies a picturesque spot along the French Riviera. Beach bums and culture hounds alike will enjoy the city's pebbly shores, engaging museums, boutique shops and Baroque-style palaces. Be sure to stroll along the coastline's Promenade des Anglais and pick up some fresh flowers and produce at the vibrant Cours Saleya market, located in old town. You'll likely spend a pretty penny on lodging and beach access, but experiencing Nice is worth it. To save some coin, travel between mid-March and April or from September to October, the area's shoulder seasons.

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Often called "France's Isle of Beauty," Corsica features diverse landscapes and a unique culture that make it seem like a miniature continent. The Mediterranean island's clear blue water and white sand beaches are ideal for sunbathing, snorkeling and kayaking, while its mountainous terrain and dense forests provide ample opportunities to hike trails like the highly regarded (albeit challenging) GR20. Those looking to take in some history can visit the Maison Bonaparte museum to see Napoleon's birthplace. What's more, Corsica offers a one-of-a-kind food scene that showcases various local delicacies, such as lonzu (dry-cured ham) and brocciu (cheese).

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While it may not be as well known as big-name cities like Paris, Lyon competes with the best of them. Despite being the third-largest city in France, Lyon is much calmer and less touristy than other similarly sized destinations. The streets are filled with public art, including the city's famous trompe l'oeil murals, and there are museums that focus on everything from movies to history. Plus, it's surrounded by hundreds of wineries and home to 4,000-plus restaurants, several of which boast Michelin stars, making it especially appealing to oenophiles and foodies.

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If you love to ski, chances are you'll enjoy shredding powder at Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe. In the bustling Chamonix (the main place to stay if you want to ski at Mont Blanc), you'll have easy access to the longest off-piste run in the world (Vallée Blanche) and rugged, challenging slopes. But this destination, which hosted the 1924 Winter Olympics, offers more than just top-notch skiing. Chamonix is also a great place to go hiking, mountain biking and whitewater rafting. For some family-friendly fun, visit the town's adventure park to zip down its Alpine coaster and various slides.

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Quaint, charming Aix-en-Provence is a university city known for its tree-lined boulevards, cute cafes and lively markets. Life moves at a more leisurely pace here than in other French cities, meaning it's the perfect place for travelers to get lost in the scenic streets. Make sure to add Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur and Le Grand Marché – two of the city's top attractions – to your itinerary. You can also see where artist Paul Cézanne (an Aix-en-Provence native) painted some of his masterpieces at Atelier de Cezanne, or venture outside of the city to see the Provencal scenes that inspired him.

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Vincent Van Gogh fans may recognize the streetscapes of Arles: This small city in Provence inspired some of the artist's best-known works with its bright colors and rustic feel. Art aficionados can walk in Van Gogh's footsteps and explore his favorite haunts on a walking tour through this romantic city or visit the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh Arles. Beyond this noteworthy connection, Arles is renowned for its Roman ruins, including a two-tiered amphitheater, the Alyscamps necropolis and the Constantine Baths. And as the gateway to the Camargue region, Arles is a great base for visitors looking to explore this marshy, flamingo-filled area.

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Another popular wine region, Burgundy is home to rolling hills, superior cuisine and an array of vineyards. Those visiting Burgundy must spend time exploring the medieval villages, historical abbeys and museums that call this area home. Dijon, the region's history-rich capital, makes a great home base for touring the area. And, of course, you can't leave without trying the region's wine, which mainly uses the pinot noir and chardonnay grapes, and dining on some of its rich cuisine.

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Northwestern France's Brittany region stands out from the rest of the country in more ways than one. Locals are proud and protective of their Celtic heritage, including their unique language, traditions and festivals. As a result, visitors will find many well-preserved historical sites throughout the area, including prehistoric megaliths and medieval towns like Saint-Malo, a popular port town with a 12th-century citadel. Brittany also features breathtaking coastlines with fantastic beaches that are known for their phenomenal waves for surfing, dive spots and dolphin-spotting opportunities. 

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As the capital of France's Champagne region, Reims is a must-visit destination for both history buffs and those who love bubbly. The city offers many Champagne cellars where visitors can learn about how the popular wine is produced before tasting it. Additionally, Reims features breathtaking Gothic architecture at attractions like the Cathedral of Notre-Dame at Reims, where 25 French monarchs were crowned between 1223 and 1825, and the adjacent Palace of Tau, the former residence of France's archbishops. No visit would be complete without perusing the exhibits in one of Reims' museums, which cover a range of topics from war history to art and automobiles.

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The gateway to the Loire Valley, Tours is perfectly situated for touring the region's wineries. But with Tours' historical elements and prime location along the Loire River, you may just want to stay in town. Place Plumereau, a medieval marketplace that remains one of the city's oldest squares, exudes irresistible charm with half-timbered houses, while churches like the Saint-Gatien Cathedral stun with their stately façades. Visitors will also have their pick of green spaces, from parks like Prébendes d’Oé Garden to riverside guinguettes (open-air cafes) at Tours sur Loire. What's more, several of the region's famed châteaux (including the Château de Villandry) sit just outside the city.

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For a romantic escape, visit the Loire Valley in central France. Situated along the Loire River, the area is peppered with châteaux, bed-and-breakfast accommodations, farms and wineries renowned for their sauvignon blanc. The region itself is even a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its beauty and historical villages. Plan to spend some time in a few of the valley's laid-back cities and towns, such as Orléans and Saumur, and you can't miss the emblematic Château de Chambord.

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This wine-producing hub woos travelers with its riverbank location and surrounding countryside. With nearly 300,000 acres of vineyards, Bordeaux offers ample choices for those looking to sip some of the best (typically bold red) wines in the world. In the city center, marvel at the Gothic-style Basilique Saint Michel, walk across the Pont de Pierre (a beautiful stone bridge), snap a photo of the iconic Place de la Bourse and enjoy the Jardin Public's pathways and flora.

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Located on the French Riviera just 8 miles from Nice, the tiny hilltop village of Èze makes for an excellent daytrip. The best way to spend your time in this medieval town is meandering through its cobbled streets that look as though they've been pulled from a postcard. In doing so, you'll find picturesque views of the coast, as well as luxury hotels and shops from another era. Top sights include the Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption and Jardin Exotique d'Èze, as well as the walking path of Nietzsche, who was inspired to write here. Before leaving town, stop by the Fragonard Parfumeur factory for a fragrant tour.

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Located 35 miles northeast of Montpellier, Nîmes delights history buffs with some of the world's best-preserved Roman treasures like its emblematic arena and La Maison Carrée, a temple dating back to 10 B.C. Museums throughout Nîmes also cover its past. But lest you get the wrong impression, Nîmes is anything but stuffy. The city embraces the joie de vivre of the South of France with countless festivals, from structured events like the concert lineups of the Festival de Nîmes to lively Ferias de Nîmes – multi-day celebrations that occur twice a year at Pentecost and in September, and center around bullfighting, dancing and music.

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France's oldest and second-largest city has become an exciting, up-and-coming tourist destination. Marseille has a number of sights to see, including the Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde and Château d'If, the ominous prison made famous by Alexandre Dumas' "The Count of Monte Cristo." When the weather is nice, the rocky cliffs and secluded beaches of the Calanques are excellent for swimming, boating and hiking. No trip to Marseille would be complete without a stop by the Mucem, a museum dedicated to Mediterranean civilization. Plus, its rooftop terrace makes the perfect vantage point to admire the city.

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Famous for its annual film festival in May, Cannes is just as impressive (and much less congested) other times of the year. Cannes is another French Riviera hot spot that welcomes travelers looking for a little relaxation (think: sun-soaked beaches and meandering walks through the steep streets of Le Suquet, one of the city's oldest neighborhoods). Visitors can sightsee as they stroll along La Croisette, a 2-mile-long promenade, or sit down for an exquisite meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Feeling lucky? Stop by one of Cannes' casinos.

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A New England Traveler’s Guide to Paris, France

What’s left to say about a city that has it all? Turns out, quite a lot in 2024.

From day trips to weekend getaways, our biweekly Traveler newsletter shows you the best of New England and beyond.

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Setting out at sunset on the Seine. / Photo by Prasit Rodphan/Alamy Stock Photo

Few cities in the world instantly entice the senses and inspire the soul like Paris. Montmartre, the Latin Quarter, Saint-Germain, the Marais—this roll call of enchanting neighborhoods conjures images of quaint sidewalk cafés, verdant gardens, exquisite museums, intimate restaurants, and sun-splashed rooftops. With the Olympics beginning later this summer, the cosmopolitan capital has never looked more vibrant and prepared to welcome visitors. Wait, the French…welcoming? Indeed, even the Seine has undergone a massive cleaning and is set to host aquatic events, mon dieu! Whether you want to witness the Games or visit before the crowds start flowing in, there are a wealth of new attractions, restaurants, and hotels at the ready to experience the “City of Light” like never before.

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The Louvre on a sunny day. / Photo by Bruce Beck/Alamy Stock Photo

One of the city’s newest—and most offbeat—attractions is Maison Gainsbourg , a Left Bank museum showcasing the provocative work of famed French singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg (add on a visit to his historic house across the street for the full experience). To admire another lesser-known gem, head for Île Saint-Louis , the smaller of the two islands on the Seine. Here you’ll find narrow streets lined with 17th-century buildings featuring elaborate façades and quiet courtyards that offer a glimpse into the Paris of yesteryear. Stopping at Berthillon , which has been serving delicious ice cream since 1954, is a must. Prefer to actually get on the water? Try water skiing or wakeboarding on the river—yes, that’s really a thing—just outside of the city with the Ski Nautique Club .

If you still need to scratch some of the city’s most iconic sights off your bucket list, fear not. Several legendary spots are reopening their doors this year, including the Grand Palais : An architectural masterpiece originally built for the 1900 Paris Universal Exhibition will once again host the arts, as well as some Olympic competitions. Speaking of comebacks, Notre Dame Cathedral , which tragically burned in 2019, is set to reopen later this year after a painstaking $900 million-plus renovation.

No French sojourn would be complete without a stroll through the legendary Louvre , of course, but we recommend at least a few hours at the Musée d’ Orsay as it celebrates the 150th birthday of impressionism with an immersive new exhibit, “Tonight with the Impressionists.” Don a virtual reality headset to step back in time to 1874 and witness one of the first exhibitions of the movement featuring works by Monet, Renoir, Degas, and Cézanne.

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Strolling the Rue des Francs Bourgeois. / Photo by Lana Rastro/Alamy Stock Photo

On the Right Bank, the Marais is where you can find trendy boutiques lining the Rue des Francs Bourgeois . To seek out the best bargains, peruse the network of stalls, alleys, and showrooms at the Marché aux Puces , open on weekends and Mondays. It covers close to 20 acres and is one of the oldest flea markets in the world.

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A Thai crèpe from Restaurant Thiou in Hôtel Norman. / Photo by Yann Deret

Tempting bistros are seemingly around every corner, but why not sample a bit of everything at the new gastronomic hall Communale Saint-Ouen ? This is no ordinary food court—Parisians gather here to listen to live music; sample street food, pastries, and cheeses; and sip fine wine and craft beers. For a more romantic atmosphere, slide into a booth at Le Christine , where chef Mehdi Bencheikh’s inspiring menu features creative French cuisine. Or take it to the next level at Dans Le Noir , which offers a truly unique experience: dining in almost complete darkness. When it’s time for a nightcap, the elegant Bar Hemingway remains a popular haunt, just as it was for F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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A plush room at Hôtel Norman. / Photo © MrTripper

Just a short stroll from the Arc de Triomphe, the new Hôtel Norman is a boutique property conceived by architect Thomas Vidalenc. Ideal for couples or families, amenities at the intimate 37-room hotel include the Spa by Omnisens and Restaurant Thiou, which serves up sumptuous Thai dishes from the legendary Parisian chef Apiradee Thirakomen. La Fantaisie is another new boutique property, this one with a rooftop bar, café, and 63 tastefully appointed rooms and 10 suites—many offering breathtaking views of the bustling Montmartre and the city beyond.


Nonstop flights from Boston to Paris are available on several carriers, including Air France, Delta, and JetBlue.

First published in the print edition of the May 2024 issue with the headline, “Paris, France.”

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    7. Dune du Pilat is France's most scenic place to camp. Soaring more than 100m (328ft) above sea level, the otherworldly Dune du Pilat is Europe's tallest sand dune. Sheltered by the Arguin sandbank, its waters are much gentler than further up the Atlantic coast on the western side of Cap Ferret.

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    Destinations in France. Paris. Castles including Versailles and the Mont St. Michel abbey make for fairy-tale settings, while a rich café culture and wealth of culinary and wine-related traditions in regions such as Provence and Bordeaux will leave you swooning.

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    Mont Saint-Michel. #3 in Best Places to Visit in France. Rising above the sea like a castle in a fairy tale, Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy is one of France's most-visited sights. Legend says the ...

  23. A New England Traveler's Guide to Paris, France

    From day trips to weekend getaways, our biweekly Traveler newsletter shows you the best of New England and beyond. Setting out at sunset on the Seine. / Photo by Prasit Rodphan/Alamy Stock Photo