Six Ways to Make Fantasy Travel More Interesting

fantasy in travel

As a reader and writer of fantasy, I’ve found the travel aspect can be… tedious. Either it’s pages and pages of scenery with characters walking, walking, walking, or it’s one quick scene where nothing happens. If your story includes travel , try these tips for making it more entertaining.

1. Show Off Your World

fantasy in travel

Having your characters travel from point A to point B is the perfect opportunity to incorporate the unique aspects of your world . Consider sprinkling in some interesting and distinctive landmarks, incorporating the history of the region your characters are traveling through, and really taking the opportunity to show off your setting. Your characters might travel through an ancient forest that was twisted by a curse, so you can weave in the history of magic. Or maybe they travel through some old ruins that one character has read about. Doing so will add depth to your world and characters.

A book that does this beautifully is The Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien. In it, Frodo and Sam go on a long and dangerous journey and find themselves along the way . On each leg of their adventure, they stumble upon new and exciting places: Rivendell, Balin’s Tomb in the mines of Moria, and the Dead Marshes, to name a few. And in each new location, Frodo finds the courage to keep moving forward and make his footprint on the world – small in stature but large in heart. This blending of setting and character introspection makes the journey meaningful to readers.

2. Develop Characters and Relationships

fantasy in travel

Another aspect you can focus on while traveling is expanding on your characters and building (or breaking) their relationships. After all, the characters are stuck with each other during these trips, so something will happen between them – be that a deeper friendship or a falling out. The characters might bond after discussing their past or the reasons why they’re on this adventure. Or perhaps they fight over the best path to take. They could even come into conflict over their dueling morals .

Usually these character-building moments happen around a campfire after a long day of travel, but consider adding in these conversations while they’re walking. If the scenery stays much the same – for example, a rolling grassland or a seaside beach – people will often chat simply to give themselves something to do. As long as they aren’t galloping on horseback , they can carry on a conversation.

In my fantasy novel Sunkissed Feathers & Severed Ties , my main character Misti is on the road with her traveling party. They come across a wagon – a musical troupe – that is being attacked and decide to save them. After, Misti strikes up a conversation with one of the musicians. The musician asks why Misti’s companion animal is sunkissed (orange, red, yellow). None of her traveling party had asked her about it, and after the conversation, I was able to bring in the terrible history of those colors and the overall attitude toward them, and then contrast it with Misti’s point of view. That conversation allowed me to do some important character development.

3. Add a Fight

fantasy in travel

First, your characters could be ambushed! This works only if they’re using well-worn roads where travelers are expected. A known route is the perfect place for thieves, mercenaries, or even the main antagonist’s lackeys to get the jump on your protagonists.

If your characters are off-roading it, maybe taking a dangerous shortcut cross-country, you could also add a dragon fight! And no, this doesn’t have to be an actual dragon, it can be any kind of fantastical beast that you have in your world. Adding an interaction with a beast would give you the opportunity to show off your super cool fantasy creatures. Did you create your own mythical animals ? Add a twist to the classic dragon? Maybe I’m biased, but one amazing element of fantasy is the creatures. So show them off!

No matter who the enemy is, fights are exciting! They force your characters to defend themselves, showing your readers if your protagonists are brave or scared. They also add a sense of urgency . Maybe the road isn’t as safe as the characters thought it would be. Just remember not to treat these fights as isolated incidents with no impact on your characters. Let them think on the moment after it’s over – maybe something significant happened during or after the scuffle. Or you could have another fight later in the story, and show your characters’ growth (or lack thereof).

K. D. Edwards’s The Hanged Man has a good instance of a struggle against a magic beast. His characters are traveling through a very tall tower –  encountering different magical biomes along the way – when suddenly the main character Rune gets swept up by a flying creature called an ifrit. Edwards gives some awesome descriptions of the ifrit’s fleshy wings, furry body, and how it uses air magic. Not only is this a cool fight, but since the ifrit is an ancient, powerful being, the fight also shows just how formidable the antagonist must be if he sent this creature to thwart Rune. Two for one!

4. Make Travel Challenging

fantasy in travel

Traveling might entail a sudden injury, a wagon wheel shattering, horrible weather, or an inn that’s unexpectedly shuttered for the night. These events can show the characters’ reactions to small – or large – things that just happen. If they’re traveling with a group, this can also show how they work together as a team. Does one character stay calm throughout the whole ordeal while another gets really angry? Does a leader emerge ? These annoying moments would add a sense of realism, too, because when you’re traveling in real life, you know at least one thing will go wrong.

In The Priory of the Orange Tree, Loth is traveling through the Spindles, a cold, windy, frozen place. He’s been traveling through this area for a few days. The weather is terrible, with the snow basically falling sideways, but Loth continues on. A lesser character might have turned back, and the fact that he doesn’t shows his determination and loyalty to his mission.

5. Use Unique Methods of Travel

fantasy in travel

You don’t need to have your characters travel by horseback, sail on a boat, or even walk everywhere. Try to think of novel ways your characters could journey through the land. Maybe the characters can fast-travel by magic but it demands a specific and steep price to do so. Maybe they have unique non-horse mounts that you’ve imagined and would like to show off, like a dragon. It all depends on the kind of world you’re building .

In Shadowbridge by Gregory Frost, the characters traverse through the bridges connecting nearly all the cities. The world is basically one big ocean with some smaller islands, so bridges are the way to go! In The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo, the protagonist travels through the otherworld, or spirit realm, trying to achieve her goals. In the story, a paper-horse burning funeral creates a life-size spirit horse for the main character to ride in the otherworld. Make whatever type of travel you choose stand out!

6. Just Summarize or Skip It

fantasy in travel

If nothing important happens during travel, you can skip forward. Just end one chapter or scene with the character starting their trip, and begin the next chapter or scene with them arriving at their destination, adding in a line or two about the journey. Skipping the actual walking part could be useful if what happens on the journey doesn’t move the story forward. So instead of a whole chapter of traveling, simply add a short paragraph about how long the traveling took. This would give the sense of passing time.

If you do use this technique, remember that while readers didn’t see the few days or weeks of travel, the characters lived it – had conversations, conflicts, maybe met some new people on the way. Be sure to reflect that in their attitudes. Perhaps they are really tired and that one character who doesn’t deal with stress well is really pissed. Their friendships might be stronger or cracks that were already there might have widened.

However, if you find your characters reflecting on something particular from the trip, maybe you should add that part of the trip into your story. That way, you can show it happen rather than having your characters just talk or think about it.

There are a ton of books that use this skipping forward idea, like Megan Whalen Turner’s The Thief. During one brief skip, she simply writes, “After a quarter of a mile…” It gives the sense of time passing, but it does so in a succinct way. You can do the same!

Remember, not all who wander are lost. When done well, travel can add layers of worldbuilding, characterization, and quite frankly a unique spin to your story. Enjoy the adventure!

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Oren Ashkenazi

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Comments on Six Ways to Make Fantasy Travel More Interesting

A great companion piece to How to Write a Travel Story, Three Tips for Running a Traveling Campaign, and Water Travel Before Engines and Land Travel Before Engines

Small point, but: “K. D. Edwards’s The Hanged Man has a good instance of a struggle against a magic beast. Her characters”

Edwards uses he/him pronouns, which you can verify from his Twitter profile or the author bio in his books.

Sorry I don’t really have anything to say other than a nitpick. I am glad to see this post here because this is a challenging issue and this seems like good advice, so thank you, Kellie!

Good call, thanks for catching that.

or you could go the Dark Tower route of having people walk in a straight line for seven books. (8 with the midquel)

(I love the Dark Tower books, but they are an absolute mess)

In my story i have two sides i switch back and forth. When one side is traveling, i switch to the other, so the reader feels time passing, but the boring parts are cut off.

This is something I’m working on in my first book.

Its part Hero’s Journey, part world exploration, part character growth, with all the trials and tribulations that my Heroine goes through.

Most of the trials she goes through are reflections of the challenges she has in the real world (she’s a bisexual aspie growing up in late 20s/early 30s America, born to pro-eugenics and hedonistic celebrity parents who gave her up to relatives at first to hide her illegitimacy, and then to totally disowning her after she started showing signs of being on the spectrum. And like Sarah from Labyrinth, the heroine is going throw emotional and personal issues; she denies herself being “not normal” in ableist 20s society, is obsessed with fantasy and folklore, is pinning for the love of her birth parents, giving her Electra and Oedipal issues [which play out in the story, in the form of the villains], and treats her adoptive family like a wicked stepfamily. She’s also treated like an oddball in her home town and school, due to her characteristics and romantic interests in both genders, even though she doesn’t understand why). She has so much going through, she doesn’t know what her place is in the world (she’s also partially based on me, growing up on the spectrum and going through a rough time in society and school).

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fantasy in travel

An Absolutely Serious Guide to Fantasy Transportation

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Alice Nuttall

Alice Nuttall (she/her) is a writer, pet-wrangler and D&D nerd. Her reading has got so out of control that she had to take a job at her local library to avoid bankrupting herself on books - unfortunately, this has just resulted in her TBR pile growing until it resembles Everest. Alice's webcomic, writing and everything else can be found at

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Worldbuilding is one of the most important parts of fantasy, and one of the best parts of worldbuilding is working out how the characters get from A to B. Fantasy transportation doesn’t just add texture to a story; it can be a crucial part of the plot, and can also reveal a lot about character. For example, we learn a new side to the Percy Jackson series’ Thalia Grace when, during a flying chariot ride, we discover that this bold daughter of Jupiter is afraid of heights. Ideally, fantasy transport does all three, as in Neverwhere , where the characters are tested as people and learn about themselves by travelling across Night’s Bridge or on the underground train of Earl’s Court.

What separates the good fantasy transportation from the bad? It’s totally subjective, of course, but personally, I think that the major factors are how imaginative the transport is, whether it elevates the story, and, rather selfishly, how much I’d enjoy travelling that way. Some forms of fantasy or speculative transportation score high on imagination points, but lose out because they sound uncomfortable, unsettling, or downright horrifying. (I would definitely be one of those Star Trek characters who believes that the transporter simply kills you and then 3D-prints an unwitting copy.) Based on this extremely sound criteria, here’s my list of the worst to best modes of fantasy transportation for speculative fiction readers to enjoy.

A steampunk-style airship, with a balloon above and a travel compartment below, flies across a stormy sky full of grey clouds.

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, The Eagles

Don’t get me wrong — I love eagles, and I love the long-established fantasy trope of riding a giant flying beast (I’m still waiting for my Pern dragon). But the eagles of Lord of the Rings , as well as sparking an ongoing discussion that’s as overdone as “could Jack have fit on the door?” (no, their combined weight would have sunk it, don’t @ me), would be a terrible way to travel. Your cloak isn’t going to keep you warm at the height they fly, and a long trip at those altitudes — like the one you need to take to drop the One Ring into Mount Doom — would put you at massive risk of hypoxia. Plus, Middle Earth is not short of creatures that can attack you in mid-air — and the Ring’s magic won’t help you if you’re hurtling towards the ground at terminal velocity. I hate to say it, but Frodo was right to walk.

Murder on the Rockport Limited cover

The Adventure Zone by the McElroys and Carey Pietsch, The Cannonball-Bubbles

Slightly safer than travel by eagle, the quest-beginning travel spheres used by the Bureau of Balance to send our three heroes on their adventures are high-tech, high-concept, and cut down a lot of travel time. Unfortunately, it’s established in canon that if you pull the brake at the wrong time, you’ll either land miles away from your intended destination — or you’ll crash and die.

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The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig book cover

The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig, The Maps

In The Girl From Everywhere , Nix lives on her father’s sailing ship, travelling across the world — and into different times, and even legendary places, through maps. Being able to sail into a map and arrive at a completely different point in history is a brilliant hook for a fantasy story, and opens up a world of wonder to the characters — however, as Nix notes throughout the story, it comes with problems. Maps can only be used once, and the crew’s actions can change the timeline; throughout the story, Nix is constantly afraid that her father’s attempt to change history and save her mother from the illness that killed her will erase Nix herself from reality. While travelling by map sounds wonderful, the potential for unpleasant consequences and the risk of getting stuck stop it from being one of my favourite forms of fantasy transport.

The Marvellers cover

The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton, The Sky-Ferries

So far, I’ve been fairly cold on the subject of airborne travel, but the sky-ferries from Dhonielle Clayton’s brilliant middle grade fantasy are a cut above eagles and glass cannonballs. For one thing, they are much safer (although obviously, in a high-adventure fantasy world, nothing is completely safe). Leaving from the Starlight Docks, these airships are steampunk beauties made of gleaming brass, with luxurious fittings, powered by “stellacity” — Marveller-magic electricity. They’re comfortable and fully-catered, and riding on them gives you the best view you can imagine. The sky-ferries carry both Ella and the reader into the world of the Marvellers, setting the scene for this rich adventure story.


Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend, Hometrain

In the second installment in the Morrigan Crow series, Morrigan begins her studentship at the Wundrous Society, travelling from the magical hotel where she lives into the heart of this mysterious institution. To get there, Morrigan’s class have their own Wunderground train — a comfortable carriage full of soft furnishings, blankets, nooks for reading, and an endless supply of snacks. As well as the convenience of having a commute that you can access through the back of your wardrobe. I love the setup of Hometrain as a kind of clubhouse for the group of mismatched students who eventually become fast friends.

Amari and the Night Brothers cover

Amari and the Night Brothers by B. B. Alston, The Jolly Roger

The first inkling Amari gets that there is hidden magic in her world is when her brother Quinton takes her on a secret expedition by way of a flying boat that he lands on her building’s roof. Whisked away to the sky high above the sea, Amari gets her first glimpse of another fantastic mode of travel, the International Railways of Atlantis. The Jolly Roger is as magical as the sky-ferries of The Marvellers , but is even better for being more personal — the boat is captained by a loving older brother who wants to welcome his younger sister into a brand new world.

howls moving castle book cover

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, The Castle

There are many reasons why Howl’s Moving Castle is such an enduring classic: the brilliantly-written characters, the world that lovingly pokes fun at fantasy rules, and the magical plot. But the Castle belonging to the titular Howl is so much fun that it almost feels like a character in its own right; similar to the TARDIS, the Castle is chock-full of quirks and personality. The Castle trundles across the landscape, but inside, you find a fascinating, magic-filled house with mystic doors that act as portals to yet more locations. Unlike the other forms of fantasy transport on this list, the Castle isn’t just a way to get around — it’s a home.

If you’re interested in a different kind of fantasy travel, try our list of 50+ Must-Read Portal Fantasy Books . To dig deeper into the concept of worldbuilding, check out our in-depth guide at The Art of Worldbuilding .

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Live Out Your Fairy-tale Fantasy in These Enchanting Airbnbs

Posted: November 21, 2023 | Last updated: November 21, 2023

<p>When retreating to a regular vacation rental just won't cut it, Airbnb has thousands of enchanting properties in its catalog that will make you feel like you've fallen into the pages of a whimsical storybook. From lavish castles and turreted villas to hobbit homes, thatched cottages and secluded treehouses, these are the best finds on Airbnb that could help turn your daydreams into reality.</p>

Magical escapes

When retreating to a regular vacation rental just won't cut it, Airbnb has thousands of enchanting properties in its catalog that will make you feel like you've fallen into the pages of a whimsical storybook. From lavish castles and turreted villas to hobbit homes, thatched cottages and secluded treehouses, these are the best finds on Airbnb that could help turn your daydreams into reality.

<p>Guests can feel like royalty at <a href="">this Jacobean Grade I-listed building</a> in East Sussex that's been improved with a swimming pool and a tennis court. There are seven themed bedrooms to choose from, plus two acres of formal gardens and a 100-acre park surrounding the stunning country house to enjoy. Inside, the exquisitely decorated rooms bring a feeling of old-style grandeur while the kitchen has been modernized to suit any occasion.</p>

Elizabethan house in East Sussex, England, UK

Guests can feel like royalty at  this Grade I-listed mansion  in East Sussex that's been improved with a swimming pool and a tennis court. There are seven bedrooms to choose from, plus five acres of gardens and a 100-acre park surrounding the stunning country house to enjoy. Inside, the exquisitely decorated rooms bring a feeling of old-style grandeur while the kitchen has been modernized to suit any occasion.

<p>Located on picturesque farmhouse grounds in the Chianti hills, 12 miles (20km) from Florence, <a href="">this quaint restored hayloft</a> has two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living area. Situated in a typical Tuscan agriturismo (B&B on a farm), this charming Airbnb is surrounded by cypress trees and offers sweeping views of the area. There's also a swimming pool and a private garden surrounded by towering oak trees.</p>

Old hayloft in Chianti hills, Italy

Located on picturesque farmhouse grounds in the Chianti hills, 12 miles (20km) from Florence, this quaint restored hayloft has two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living area. Situated in a typical Tuscan agriturismo (B&B on a farm), this charming Airbnb is surrounded by cypress trees and offers sweeping views of the area. There's also a swimming pool and a private garden surrounded by towering oak trees.

<p>Carefully restored over 25 years, <a href="">this medieval 16th-century towerhouse</a> is set on beautiful and secluded grounds, yet is just a five-minute drive from the town of Kilkenny. To really get away from it all, guests can head up to the four-bedroom tower which doesn't have a TV or Wi-Fi, and enjoy the beautiful countryside that surrounds the property.</p>

Medieval towerhouse in Cuffesgrange, Ireland

Carefully restored over 25 years,  this medieval 16th-century towerhouse  is set on beautiful and secluded grounds, yet is just a five-minute drive from the town of Kilkenny. To really get away from it all, guests can head up to the four-bedroom tower which doesn't have a TV or Wi-Fi, and enjoy the beautiful countryside that surrounds the property.

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<p><a href="">This cozy cottage's</a> undulating roof, wooden balcony and curved windows could come straight from a fairy tale. The property is hand-sculpted from natural materials and surrounded by orchards with grazing sheep. Inside, it’s every bit as charming with stone floors, a wood-burning stove and wood-clad bedroom. </p>

Cottage in British Columbia, Canada

This cozy cottage's undulating roof, wooden balcony and curved windows could come straight from a fairy tale. The property is hand-sculpted from natural materials and surrounded by orchards with grazing sheep. Inside, it’s every bit as charming with stone floors, a wood-burning stove and wood-clad bedroom. 

<p>This <a href=""><em>Lord of the Rings</em>-inspired hobbit home</a> transports guests to the mythical Middle-earth. Nestled into a mountainside in central Washington, the one-bedroom home has a round doorway that opens up to incredible mountain scenery where the only neighbors are local wildlife like deer, rabbits and grouse. Find <a href="">amazing Airbnbs that have been featured in movies and TV shows</a>.</p>

Hobbit home in Washington, USA

This Lord of the Rings -inspired hobbit home  transports guests to the mythical Middle-earth. Nestled into a mountainside in central Washington, the one-bedroom home has a round doorway that opens up to incredible mountain scenery where the only neighbors are local wildlife like deer, rabbits and grouse.

Find amazing Airbnbs that have been featured in movies and TV shows

<p>Set in the idyllic Kent countryside in the south of England, <a href="">this old windmill</a> has been beautifully restored. There's one bedroom with a king-sized bed, a fully-equipped kitchen and a cozy living room with a gas wood-burning stove. It's easy to give into the charm of the area and enjoy relaxing rambles before stopping at one of the charming country pubs for a meal. Due to its remote location, the sunrises and sunsets here are stunning.</p>

Old windmill in Kent, UK

Set in the idyllic Kent countryside in the south of England, this old windmill has been beautifully restored. There's one bedroom with a king-sized bed, a fully-equipped kitchen and a cozy living room with a gas wood-burning stove. It's easy to give into the charm of the area and enjoy relaxing rambles before stopping at one of the charming country pubs for a meal. Due to its remote location, the sunrises and sunsets here are stunning.

<p><a href="">This secluded bamboo home</a> is set on the bank of a shimmering river in a peaceful Balinese village. It may be rustic but there's a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom which sleeps up to four. Guests can relax on the hammock or bean bag and listen to the sound of the water below. There’s limited Wi-Fi here but who needs the internet when there are cute kittens to play with? They often use this jungle hideout as a shelter.</p>

Jungle hideout in Selat, Indonesia

This secluded bamboo home is set on the bank of a shimmering river in a peaceful Balinese village. It may be rustic but there's a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom which sleeps up to four. Guests can relax on the hammock or bean bag and listen to the sound of the water below. There’s limited Wi-Fi here but who needs the internet when there are cute kittens to play with? They often use this jungle hideout as a shelter.

<p>Like something out of a real-life Arabian dream, <a href="">this exquisite Moroccan villa</a> near Marrakech has five bedrooms and is beautifully decorated throughout with lots of North African and Arabic motifs. Built around a covered central riad-style courtyard, it's brilliant for escaping the hubbub of the city. There's also an opportunity to hire a private driver during the stay.</p>

Arabic villa in Marrakech, Morocco

Like something out of a real-life Arabian dream,  this exquisite Moroccan villa near Marrakech has five bedrooms and is beautifully decorated throughout with lots of North African and Arabic motifs. Built around a covered central riad-style courtyard, it's brilliant for escaping the hubbub of the city. There's also an opportunity to hire a private driver during the stay.

<p>Located on the edge of Pilanesberg National Park, <a href="">this luxurious safari lodge</a> is anything but ordinary. A three-hour drive from Pretoria and Johannesburg, the Nkala Safari Lodge is on a black rhino game reserve and there are plenty of wild animals to spot from the private patio or through the floor-to-ceiling windows. There's also a swimming pool, a kitchen and a viewing deck for taking in the surrounding wilderness.</p>

Nkala Safari Lodge in Pilanesberg, South Africa

Located on the edge of Pilanesberg National Park, this luxurious safari lodge is anything but ordinary. A three-hour drive from Pretoria and Johannesburg, the Nkala Safari Lodge is on a black rhino game reserve and there are plenty of wild animals to spot from the private patio or through the floor-to-ceiling windows. There's also a swimming pool, a kitchen and a viewing deck for taking in the surrounding wilderness.

<p>Guests can go full <em>Hansel and Gretel</em> (without the witch) in this unique <a href="">A-frame cabin in the Ohio woods</a>. There's a wood-burning stove, exposed beams throughout and small terraces on both levels. The quaint village of West Farmington is close by and has several local produce shops while the surrounding landscape is fantastic for relaxing nature walks.</p>

Cabin in the woods in Ohio, USA

Guests can go full  Hansel and Gretel  (without the witch) in this unique A-frame cabin in the Ohio woods . There's a wood-burning stove, exposed beams throughout and small terraces on both levels. The quaint village of West Farmington is close by and has several local produce shops while the surrounding landscape is fantastic for relaxing nature walks.

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<p>An authentic Mallorcan finca (a Spanish rural cottage) is ideal for family vacations. <a href="">This charming stone house</a> has three bedrooms, a swimming pool, an ivy-covered terrace with a large gas grill and a fully-equipped kitchen. The nearby Port of Pollença is great for restaurants, shops and the beach during summer while the island capital Palma de Mallorca is less than an hour away. Discover <a href="">Airbnbs with the most beautiful views</a>.</p>

Traditional finca in Mallorca, Spain

An authentic Mallorcan finca (a Spanish rural cottage) is ideal for family vacations.  This charming stone house  has three bedrooms, a swimming pool, an ivy-covered terrace with a large gas grill and a fully-equipped kitchen. The nearby Port of Pollença is great for restaurants, shops and the beach during summer while the island capital Palma de Mallorca is less than an hour away.

These Airbnbs have the most beautiful views

<p>Clinging to a clifftop in the picturesque Italian village of Positano, <a href="">Villa Dorata</a> is a vision in pink. The dreamy four-bedroom villa is surrounded by fragrant citrus trees and overlooks the rugged Mediterranean coastline. The Baroque-style home has ornate fresco ceilings, tiled floors and even a private spa with a Turkish steam bath.</p>

Italian villa in Positano, Italy

Clinging to a clifftop in the picturesque Italian village of Positano,  Villa Dorata is a vision in pink. The dreamy four-bedroom villa is surrounded by fragrant citrus trees and overlooks the rugged Mediterranean coastline. The Baroque-style home has ornate fresco ceilings, tiled floors and even a private spa with a Turkish steam bath.

<p>A two-hour drive from Paris, <a href="">this seven-bedroom storybook château</a> in the Loire Valley offers modern amenities combined with regal interiors, an outdoor pool and great countryside location. There's no need to completely shut the world out if guests do fancy getting out and about – Château de Chenonceau and Beauval Zoo are both nearby.</p>

Castle in Saint-Georges-sur-Cher, France

A two-hour drive from Paris, this seven-bedroom storybook château in the Loire Valley offers modern amenities combined with regal interiors, an outdoor pool and great countryside location. There's no need to completely shut the world out if guests do fancy getting out and about – Château de Chenonceau and Beauval Zoo are both nearby.

<p>The Blessom family have owned <a href="">this charming Norwegian sheep farm</a> since the 17th century and it's one of the oldest in the Gudbrandsdalen valley. In summer, guests can spot sheep grazing in the rolling green hills and in winter, cozy up by the stone fireplace of the wood-paneled house. It's a place to slow down, relax and soak in the fairy-tale surroundings.</p>

Fairy-tale farm in VĂĽgĂĽ, Norway

The Blessom family have owned  this charming Norwegian sheep farm  since the 17th century and it's one of the oldest in the Gudbrandsdalen valley. In summer, guests can spot sheep grazing in the rolling green hills and in winter, cozy up by the stone fireplace of the wood-paneled house. It's a place to slow down, relax and soak in the fairy-tale surroundings.

<p>Guests can sleep nestled among the trees in <a href="">this secluded haven</a> on the outskirts of Hawaii’s Volcanoes National Park. A wraparound veranda gives panoramic views over the rainforest while the shower cascades with naturally caught rainwater. Falling asleep to the sound of coquí frogs chirping away and waking up surrounded by the stunning jungle scenery is a one-of-a-kind experience.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>Discover the best Airbnb under $150 in every state here</strong></a></p>

Tropical treehouse in Hawaii, USA

Guests can sleep nestled among the trees in this secluded haven on the outskirts of Hawaii’s Volcanoes National Park. A wraparound veranda gives panoramic views over the rainforest while the shower cascades with naturally caught rainwater. Falling asleep to the sound of coquí frogs chirping away and waking up surrounded by the stunning jungle scenery is a one-of-a-kind experience.

Discover the best Airbnb under $150 in every state

<p>At <a href="">Hector Cave House</a> guests can soak up the staggering sight of the Santorini caldera from the private plunge pool. The house, which was once a wine cellar, was carved into the cliff face more than 250 years ago. The stylish interior has two bathrooms, a seating area with a flatscreen TV and space to sleep five.</p>

Cave house in Santorini, Greece

At Hector Cave House guests can soak up the staggering sight of the Santorini caldera from the private plunge pool. The house, which was once a wine cellar, was carved into the cliff face more than 250 years ago. The stylish interior has two bathrooms, a seating area with a flatscreen TV and space to sleep five.

<p>Surrounded by picturesque vineyards, <a href="">Casa do Planalto</a> is a stunning three-bedroom villa that occupies one of Algarve's most stunning spots. Although it's in a rural setting, 38 miles (62km) from Faro, the villa has all the amenities of a modern home, from Wi-Fi and air-con to a TV and a fully-equipped kitchen. There's also an infinity pool looking out to the storybook countryside beyond. These are <a href="">the world's most remote hotels</a>.</p>

Rural casa in Silves, Portugal

Surrounded by picturesque vineyards, Casa do Planalto is a stunning three-bedroom villa that occupies one of Algarve's most stunning spots. Although it's in a rural setting, 38 miles (62km) from Faro, the villa has all the amenities of a modern home, from Wi-Fi and air-con to a TV and a fully-equipped kitchen. There's also an infinity pool looking out to the storybook countryside beyond.

These are the world's most remote hotels

<p>Oozing old Hollywood glamor, <a href="">this Beverly Hills mansion</a> is located just five minutes from the legendary Rodeo Drive. Classic luxury and modern amenities come together at this regal, seven-bedroom estate. Marble floors, wood paneling, a seven-car garage, a wine cellar with tasting room and a spiral staircase looking onto a private pool and spa are just some of the property's incredible features. It's perfect for a modern-day queen or king.</p>

Luxury mansion in California, USA

Oozing old Hollywood glamor, this Beverly Hills mansion is located just five minutes from the legendary Rodeo Drive. Classic luxury and modern amenities come together at this regal, seven-bedroom estate. Marble floors, wood paneling, a seven-car garage, a wine cellar with tasting room and a spiral staircase looking onto a private pool and spa are just some of the property's incredible features. It's perfect for a modern-day queen or king.

<p>As if plucked straight out of <em>Frozen</em>, <a href="">this six-bedroom chalet</a> offers panoramic views of the Mont Blanc mountain range and snow-clad Verbier. After a day on the slopes, guests can relax in the steamy hammam or hot tub on the terrace, overlooking the gardens. It's equally as charming in summer when the lush green hills are covered in fragrant wildflowers.</p>

Alpine chalet in Bagnes, Switzerland

As if plucked straight out of  Frozen ,  this six-bedroom chalet  offers panoramic views of the Mont Blanc mountain range and snow-clad Verbier. After a day on the slopes, guests can relax in the steamy hammam or hot tub on the terrace, overlooking the gardens. It's equally as charming in summer when the lush green hills are covered in fragrant wildflowers.

<p>Leaving <a href="">this delightful 15th-century estate</a> in Tuscany can't be easy. Set in 100 acres of woodlands, olive groves and vegetable gardens, the restored farmhouse is surrounded by palm trees, lush lawns and a terraced garden. Inside, state-of-the-art mod-cons sit comfortably with historic details.</p>

Villa Carista in Pieve di Compito, Italy

Leaving  this delightful 15th-century estate in Tuscany can't be easy. Set in 100 acres of woodlands, olive groves and vegetable gardens, the restored farmhouse is surrounded by palm trees, lush lawns and a terraced garden. Inside, state-of-the-art mod-cons sit comfortably with historic details.

<p>Located in the heart of Cape May's historic district, this grand Victorian villa – known as '<a href="">The Empress</a>' – has eight bedroom suites, a wraparound porch, huge hosting spaces and even its own movie theater. It's located just two blocks from the nearest beach and within easy access of nearby restaurants, bars and shops.</p>

Historic villa in Cape May, USA

Located in the heart of Cape May's historic district, this grand Victorian villa – known as ' The Empress ' – has eight bedroom suites, a wraparound porch, huge hosting spaces and even its own movie theater. It's located just two blocks from the nearest beach and within easy access of nearby restaurants, bars and shops.

<p>Sleeping inside a seashell on Isla Mujeres, just off the coast of Cancún couldn't be any closer to a storybook experience. It isn’t just <a href="">The Seashell House's</a> whitewashed exterior that follows the shell theme – inside, there are shell-encrusted mirrors, sinks and bathrooms. The shower water even sprinkles out from a shell. Outside, there’s a private pool or you can hop into a golf buggy for a 15-minute drive to the beach.</p>

The Seashell House in Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Sleeping inside a seashell on Isla Mujeres, just off the coast of Cancún couldn't be any closer to a storybook experience. It isn’t just The Seashell House 's whitewashed exterior that follows the shell theme – inside, there are shell-encrusted mirrors, sinks and bathrooms. The shower water even sprinkles out from a shell. Outside, there’s a private pool or you can hop into a golf buggy for a 15-minute drive to the beach.

<p>With gorgeous views over the South Pacific Ocean, <a href="">Casa Pacifica</a> is a dreamy vacation destination. Built over several levels into a cliffside, the five-bedroom villa has several terraces and an infinity pool to make the most of those ocean views. Inside, terracotta floors, wood and stone details, and colorful tiles give this Costa Rican getaway a Mediterranean feel.</p>  <p><strong><a href="">Now take a look at the world's most stunning clifftop towns</a></strong></p>

Medieval revival casa in Las Catalinas, Costa Rica

With gorgeous views over the South Pacific Ocean, Casa Pacifica is a dreamy vacation destination. Built over several levels into a cliffside, the five-bedroom villa has several terraces and an infinity pool to make the most of those ocean views. Inside, terracotta floors, wood and stone details, and colorful tiles give this Costa Rican getaway a Mediterranean feel.

Now take a look at the world's most stunning clifftop towns

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We worked with Makis, who on very short notice helped us assemble an itinerary for Istanbul... read more

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We used Fantasy Travel for our trip to Greece in September 2023. It was the first time visiting... read more

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the BEST & stress-free vacation!

This review is for my 10-year wedding anniversary vacation in Greece where we found Fantasy Travel to help us with our trip and itinerary since it was our first visit to Greece. Makis as our main point of contact from the estimate to completion. All without any hiccups and everything was thoughtfully planned with the utmost professionalism and curtesy. Since it was our first trip ever to Greece, Makis mindfully built our itinerary with a balanced mix of activities that mirrored our budget and interest. All in all, we visited Athens, Naxos, Santorini and Crete plus a day trip to Mykonos. Perfectly paced and we got to see what we set out to see as first timer. On our last night in Santorini, Makis informed us of our canceled ferry to Crete due to strong winds where all ferries and flights were grounded. Not only did Makis swiftly inform us, he also proactively provided solutions PLUS contingencies due to the unpredictability of mother nature. Of course everything worked out smoothly at the end and we arrived in Crete and back to the States without further incident. We had a BLAST visiting Greece because of Fantasy Travel as they essentially arranged EVERYTHING where we simply showed up to each destination without having to worry about any type of transportation. Everything was delivered as promised and agreed upon. We cannot stress how impressed we were, and I did A TON of research on my own as well. There was zero surprises or mis-aligned budget/cost concerns at all throughout the entire trip! Highly recommend their service! You will not be disappointed.

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Found Fantasy Travel on Santorini Dave site. Emailed Fantasy and heard back from Eleni Paida. Eleni suggested hotels in Athens and islands. All the details of the trip were perfect. Nice hotels in great locations. All the transfers were seamless. Greece was fabulous. The people, food, history, and natural beauty. We had a wonderful time. Thank you Eleni!

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Litsa at Fantasy Travel was amazing at orchestrating the perfect vacation for us. She listened to our needs over a number of years, due to Covid, and attended to all the details. We highly recommend Fantasy Travel for your Greece vacation!

I just booked a trip with this company. I have to give a big shout out to Makis who helped me plan this trip. I asked him a lot of questions and he replied in a timely manner and answered all of my questions. He is very knowledgeable, patient, and respectful. He planned the perfect trip for my friends and me. Thanks Makis. We can’t wait to go!

Fantasy travel organised a three week island hopping experience for me in September 2022; Mykonos, Naxos, Paros and Sifnos. All the hotels were great, the ferries were smooth and I was met at each location and taken to my destination. I would recommend Fantasy Travel and will be using them again in 2023. Absolutely seamless service

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Everyone was really kind. The trip was well organized and we felt like we always had a resource as needed. The tours and activities that were set up for us were perfect. All the hotels were wonderful. It was nice not to have to try to maneuver driving in Athens. From the planning to the airport pick up to airport drop off -it was fantastic! We will definitely use this company again.

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Fiction-Inspired Travel?

Danubemap copy.jpg

Has a novel ever made you desperate to travel somewhere? I’m reading The Historian , and I’m now dying to visit Eastern Europe. I want to see the Danube, visit Istanbul, and spend weeks in Dubrovnik. And, okay, maybe visit the monastery on an island in the middle of Lake Snagov ! (Map of the Danube via wikivoyage .) Anyone else?

  • Elizabeth Kostova
  • The Historian

Discussion   14 comments

Wow, errant Dracula emoji in the wrong place; great work Edith!!!

I have recently been running a tabletop role-playing game called The Lady Afterwards , an occult mystery set in 1920s Alexandria, Egypt. The story is fiction, but thoughtfully written with lots of references to real people, places, and events connected to the city at that time.

I have been doing a lot of my own reading and research, including in the (real!) 1920s travel guide Alexandria: A History and Guide by EM Forster.

All of this has filled me with wanderlust, and a desire to travel both in space and time to experience the city’s renowned cafés, theatres, and historical sites for myself.

Holy smokes, that sounds incredible. How long does a game like that take?

A recent read of Stephen Biesty’s illustrated cross-sections of Ancient Egypt made me also want to travel back in time (but just to be a fly on the wall, I think!).

I distinctly remember this same feeling when I read the Historian.

Currently I’m reading (and watching) Shogun and it really has me wanting to travel to Japan

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I very much wanted to go to Paris while reading The Sun Also Rises. But not to Spain for some reason. 🤷‍♂️

I feel like a significant portion of the economy in Prince Edward Island is based on tourism related to Anne of Green Gables.

Not exactly, but I love to read books set in the destinations when I'm traveling. I'm headed to Ireland in about a month, which has SO many great book options.

What have you picked? Or, what’s on your list??

Yes, this is what I do, as well, though it's not always successful. I read Pachinko on a trip to Korea but then found most of it is set in Japan (though many cultural references were nevertheless enlightening, not least the continuing tension between those two places), and I could get through barely the first 50 pages of Midnight's Children during travel in India (ended up not having so much time for reading on that trip, anyway).

But some high points include Mark Slouka's The Visible World ahead of trip to Prague (HHhH wasn't out yet) and a Tale of Two Cities sandwiched between visits to London and Paris.

This is the long list for Ireland, though I still need to narrow it down since I am only there 9 days and am still a paper book devotee:

Prophet Song - Paul Lynch Skippy Dies - Paul Murray Small Things Like These - Claire Keegan Beautiful World, Where Are You - Sally Rooney The Wren, The Wren - Anne Enright The Rachel Incident - Caroline O'Donoghue We Don't Know Ourselves - Finlan O'Toole

There is a veloroute that follows pretty much the Danube in Eastern Europe. I did that in 2014 and it was fantastic!

Ok I want to do that

Not fiction, but I recently read a book called CafĂŠ Neandertal, and it made me want to go to the Dordogne and visit all the amazing prehistoric sites and markets.

In the mid 00s, I read both Sacred Games (novel by Vikram Chandra) and Maximum City (non-fiction by Suketu Mehta), both set in and very muc about Mumbai. Afterwards, I really wanted to be immersed there for a long while.

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Fantasy Travel is a widely acknowledged, reliable and certified tour operator, licensed by IATA. It is also a member of HATTA and EOT with EOT tour operator license No. 0206E61000103900. Fantasy Travel operates since February 1983 under the same Owner (George Gerassimidis) and under private owned offices in the center of Athens at Syntagma Square. It has acquired a good reputation and good reviews from its travelers and co-operators.

Established in 1983, Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for 36 years. Our staff consists of qualified travel agents with many years of experience in the travel industry, fluent in many languages, with a knowledge of the country that comes with a love for it.

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Red Sox's David Hamilton: Set to travel with Red Sox

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Hamilton is expected to join the Red Sox after Trevor Story injured his left shoulder Friday, Chris Cotillo of The Springfield Republican reports.

Story left Friday's game in the top of the fourth inning after landing on his left shoulder awkwardly while attempting a diving grab. Hamilton started the season with Triple-A Worcester and has gone 3-for-18 with two home runs and two RBI. If Story is placed on injured list, Hamilton would provide depth at shortstop behind Pablo Reyes.

Red Sox's David Hamilton: Summoned from Triple-A

Red sox's david hamilton: headed to worcester, red sox's david hamilton: starts at second base, red sox's david hamilton: undergoes thumb surgery, red sox's david hamilton: sent back to worcester, red sox's david hamilton: brought up by boston, our latest fantasy baseball stories.


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Mamma mia & mainland roadtrip.

Picturesque shot of Pelion

Roadtrip to the Peloponnesian Floating Castles

The Castle of Bourtzi in Nafplion

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Aerial view of Monemvasia

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Bourtzi from the Nafplion waterfront

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Molyvos town panorama, Lesvos island

Athens - Milos - Santorini

Turquoise waters and white rocks at Kleftiko area, Milos island

Athens - Milos - Naxos

Waves crashing on Chora in naxos

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Happy couple splashing by the sea

Athens & Easter in Poros

Small Orthodox Church in Poros

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Ancient ruins of the archaeological site of Olympia, Peloponnese

Peloponnesian Abundance

The Costa Navarino Resort in Peloponnese

Athens - Sifnos - Santorini

View of church dome and the vivid blue Aegean Sea encircling the volcanic caldera, Santorini island

7 Night Cruise "Jewels of the Cyclades" with Galileo

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Athens - Sifnos - Milos

Tsigrado beach with turquoise waters against imposing golden rocks, Milos island

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Woman relaxing and reading a book by the sea

Easter in Poros & Classical Greece

The iconic clock tower in the main port of Poros

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Sunset on Santorini from the small village of Firostefani

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The fishing village of Klima in Milos

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The Temple of Poseidon, God of the seas and father of Percy

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Beautiful sunset in Poros

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    Fantasy travel is a great way to keep your imagination occupied when you're not able to journey around the real world. Of course, reality can be just as interesting (and sometimes more improbable) than fantasy - so if you want to do some armchair travelling that might translate to the real world one day, get some inspiration from our list ...

  3. Fantasy Travel: Travel packages & trip planning in Greece

    Build your itinerary in Greece with our award winning travel agents and enjoy stress free vacations. More than 30 years of experience. Fantasy Travel: Travel packages & trip planning in Greece - The best way to travel to Greece!

  4. Six Ways to Make Fantasy Travel More Interesting

    1. Show Off Your World. Having your characters travel from point A to point B is the perfect opportunity to incorporate the unique aspects of your world. Consider sprinkling in some interesting and distinctive landmarks, incorporating the history of the region your characters are traveling through, and really taking the opportunity to show off ...

  5. An Absolutely Serious Guide to Fantasy Transportation

    So far, I've been fairly cold on the subject of airborne travel, but the sky-ferries from Dhonielle Clayton's brilliant middle grade fantasy are a cut above eagles and glass cannonballs. For one thing, they are much safer (although obviously, in a high-adventure fantasy world, nothing is completely safe). Leaving from the Starlight Docks ...

  6. Transportation in Your Fantasy World

    Elfwood has some good information on what people are capable of, transportation-wise. People, for instance, can walk about 30 miles a day. "But it's hard to keep up that pace for more than a few days," the article states, and "rugged terrain reduces that distance.". With a horse you can get up to 50 miles in a day, but "the biggest ...

  7. Make Your Ultimate Travel Fantasy a Reality with These Planning Tips

    You have spent your time saving up to finance your travel fantasy. Probably you thought this was the hard part until you were left with questions of where and how. Whether you want to fulfill an interest in food, culture, adventure, or a romantic getaway, planning is overly crucial when it comes to travel. Nonetheless, it can feel like a nerve ...

  8. Vacation packages, itineraries & trip planning

    8 Days / 7 Nights. Best Price - Most Wanted Places! SPECIAL OFFER. Experience historic Athens, cosmopolitan Mykonos and volcanic Santorini in one of the best deals! Athens - Mykonos - Santorini. From. 1742€. Package rate per person in double/twin room during low season. 10 Days / 9 Nights.

  9. Fantasy Travel

    Fantasy Travel is a widely acknowledged, reliable and certified tour operator, licensed by IATA. It is also a member of HATTA and EOT. Established in 1983, Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for 41 years.

  10. Crete

    Journey To The Oracle of Delphi, Majestic Meteora and The Greek Islands. An extended adventure to ancient remnants, ageless monasteries and the islands of the Aegean Sea. Athens - Delphi - Meteora - 4 Night Iconic Cruise. 9 Days / 8 Nights. 1673€. Package rate per person in double room during low season.

  11. Live Out Your Fairy-tale Fantasy in These Enchanting Airbnbs

    Live Out Your Fairy-tale Fantasy in These Enchanting Airbnbs. Story by Karlina Valeiko. • 4mo. 1 / 24. Magical escapes ©Airbnb. When retreating to a regular vacation rental just won't cut it ...

  12. the BEST & stress-free vacation!

    Fantasy travel organised a three week island hopping experience for me in September 2022; Mykonos, Naxos, Paros and Sifnos. All the hotels were great, the ferries were smooth and I was met at each location and taken to my destination. I would recommend Fantasy Travel and will be using them again in 2023. Absolutely seamless service

  13. Fiction-Inspired Travel?

    The story is fiction, but thoughtfully written with lots of references to real people, places, and events connected to the city at that time. I have been doing a lot of my own reading and research, including in the (real!) 1920s travel guide Alexandria: A History and Guide by EM Forster.

  14. Home

    Buy your travel insurance here! Travel Type: Destination: or Type In Destination: Departure Date: Travel Length: Detailed Search. Go Sunny Vacation Destinations ... Fantasy Travel 6634 Cortez Rd W, Bradenton, FL 34210 Call: (941) 795-3900 or (800) 741-4390

  15. Fantasy Travel

    About Us. Fantasy Travel. Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for more than 38 years. We have a team that we can honestly say are the best travel agents in Greece, fluent in many languages with deep knowledge of the country that comes with a love for it. Our offices are conveniently located just a block from Syntagma ...

  16. Fantasy Travel

    Fantasy Travel is a widely acknowledged, reliable and certified tour operator, licensed by IATA. It is also a member of HATTA and EOT. Established in 1983, Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for 41 years.

  17. Island hopping

    Athens - Syros - Tinos - Naxos. An alternative island hopping experience to the Greek islands of Syros, Tinos and Naxos. Athens - Syros - Tinos - Naxos. From. 1675€. Package rate per person in double room during low season. 12 days / 11 nights.

  18. Fantasy Travel

    Fantasy Travel operates since February 1983 under the same Owner (George Gerassimidis) and under private owned offices in the center of Athens at Syntagma Square. It has acquired a good reputation and good reviews from its travelers and co-operators. Established in 1983, Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for 36 years.

  19. Fantasy Travel

    Fantasy Travel is a widely acknowledged, reliable and certified tour operator, licensed by IATA. It is also a member of HATTA and EOT. Established in 1983, Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for 41 years.

  20. Book a Family Vacation

    OUR EXPERTISE, YOUR FAMILY'S TREASURE . Why juggle comparing accommodations, activities, and airfares, when you can be dreaming of your family laughter on sunny beaches, magical theme park rides, or adventure trails? book a family vacation with our travel advisors at Fantasyworks Travel, hand-pick family-friendly gems tailored to your crew's ...

  21. Red Sox's David Hamilton: Set to travel with Red Sox

    Hamilton is expected to join the Red Sox after Trevor Story injured his left shoulder Friday, Chris Cotillo of The Springfield Republican reports. Story left Friday's game in the top of the fourth ...

  22. About Us

    Fantasy Travel is a widely acknowledged, reliable and certified tour operator, licensed by IATA. It is also a member of HATTA and EOT with EOT tour operator license No. 0206E60000505801. Fantasy Travel has acquired great reputation and reviews from its travelers and co-operators. Fantasy Travel has also won the "Certificate of Excellence ...

  23. Gloomfall on Steam

    About This Game Gloomfall is an Open World Roguelike Action RPG, where you take the role of a hero, who travels through portals into unique, procedurally-generated worlds and biomes. Travel Move through portals into unique procedurally-generated worlds. It's up to you what you're going to do - Loot abandoned houses, defeat enemies, run to the nearest portal.

  24. Fantasy Travel

    Fantasy Travel is a widely acknowledged, reliable and certified tour operator, licensed by IATA. It is also a member of HATTA and EOT. Established in 1983, Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for 41 years.

  25. Fantasy Travel: Travel packages & trip planning in Greece : Packages

    Build your itinerary in Greece with our award winning travel agents and enjoy stress free vacations. More than 30 years of experience. Fantasy Travel: Travel packages & trip planning in Greece : Packages-Index - English

  26. NASCAR DFS FanDuel Lineup

    NASCAR will travel to Martinsville, Virginia this weekend as we have the Cook Out 400 at Martinsville Speedway! Let's check out our NASCAR DFS FanDuel lineup for today's race that starts at 3 ...

  27. Fantasy Travel

    Fantasy Travel is a widely acknowledged, reliable and certified tour operator, licensed by IATA. It is also a member of HATTA and EOT. Established in 1983, Fantasy Travel has been a trusted name in the travel industry for 41 years.