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Mother, Father

Lyrics submitted by raisedonradio1109 , edited by BAMBAM26

Mother, Father Lyrics as written by Stephen Ray Perry Jonathan Cain

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journey seventh son

it's story of a broken home.....done with beautiful lyrics and beautiful metaphors.....

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Im gonna re-sing this song! its sad to see only one comment! this song is about a divorced family, the son is is asking for help to make this all better. the mother seems sad that the husbands gone 'She sits alone, an empty stare A mother's face she wears Where did she go wrong...'

-'With dreams he tried, lost his pride He drinks his life away One photograph, in broken glass It should not end this way.'

And like many fathers, develops an alcohol problem. Just like my dad... i heard somewhere that the 'seventh son' is from something like Norske mythology or something like that and i think a seventh son is supposed to have powers... i think that the son is saying that he'll be there for both of them when trouble comes '...when lightin' strikes the family ' he will be their defender -'Don't you know that I'm alive for you'

-'Through bitter tears And wounded years, those ties of blood were strong So much to say, those yesterdays So now don't you turn away.' I think this part is saying that when the family was together in the hardships and not facing them alone, they were healthy so they could fight back, but that was in the past. 'So now don't you turn away'

I'm sure there are lotta people like me that are holding the family together, im only 18! its much bigger job than u would think! to all my brothers and sisters,Hang on help is on the way keep fighting! 2012!

I love this song! I first heard it over at a friends house and I watched Deen Castronovo sing it while playing the drums and I was blown away! He sang it with such ease! It was incredible! I listen to this song all the time. It makes me think of my own home that's broken. I love this song!

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My favorite Journey song. I like Castronovo's vocals on it as well, but no one touches Steve Perry's voice in my eyes.

I agree that Steve's vocals can't be matched but I too saw the video of Dean singing and for some reason that is my favorite version.

I think it isn't just for divorce. Any broken home sucks. If a family is ripped apart due to parents or kids actions..... any one of these versus can be a cry for help or a reflection on life. Awesome song. :)

''She sits alone, an empty stare A mother's face she wears Where did she go wrong, The fight is gone Lord help this broken home''

I have always felt it was coming from an outside view of a family with a rebellious, teenage son and controlling yet concerned father and the mother stuck in the middle. As often is the case when there is tensions in the family, the mother is often at the receiving end of fire from both sides and often feels she has failed as a mother and herself, hence the fight being gone, its gone in her.

''Don't you know that I'm alive for you I'm your sevenths son And when lightin' strikes the family Have faith, believe.''

In time the father and son clashed to the breaking point and the son being headstrong, decided to leave home with big ideas of making something of his life on his own with no family to help him. The idea of the 'seventh son' being the parable of The Prodigal Son. The mother has faith and believes if given time the son will come around in his views about his father and vice versa.

'With dreams he tried, lost his pride He drinks his life away One photograph, in broken glass It should not end this way.''

Once out in the real world he saw that life wasnt as easy as he thought it would be and that he yearned for the happy home life he had before his teenage years. But his pride prevented him from trying to set things right with his dad and so he lived his life trying something, anything to fill that void, until one day he comes across a broken photograph of his family he had packed away and there he saw the love he had for his father.

''Through bitter tears And wounded years, those ties Of blood were strong So much to say, those yesterdays So now don't you turn away.''

The son, putting his pride aside then decides that the ties of blood were strong and that he could have a relationship with his dad after all. That he needed to set things right as an adult. He was capable of seeing his fathers point of view on things now as a grown man and realised that his father was just trying to protect him from making bad decisions early on in his life. Instead of turning away as he did as a teen, the grown man decides to return home. He's realised that life was too short to hold onto pride and anger and that he needed to fix this before it was too late, ie. his father dying.

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Mother, Father is a song from the album Escape .

She sits alone, an empty stare A mother's face she wears Where did she go wrong, the fight is gone Lord help this broken home

Hey, mother, father, sister Hey, come back, tryin', believin' Hey, mother, father, dreamer

Don't you know that I'm alive for you I'm your seventh son And when lightin' strikes the family Have faith, believe

With dreams he tried, lost his pride He drinks his life away One photograph, in broken glass It should not end this way

Through bitter tears and wounded years Those ties of blood were strong So much to say, those yesterdays So now don't you turn away

Have faith, believe Believe

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  • Mother, Father Lyrics

Journey - Mother, Father Lyrics

Artist: Journey

Album: Escape

Genre: Rock

journey seventh son

She sits alone, an empty stare A mother's face she wears Where did she go wrong, the fight is gone Lord help this broken home Hey, mother, father, sister Hey, come back, tryin', believin' Hey, mother, father, dreamer Don't you know that I'm alive for you I'm your seventh son And when lightin' strikes the family Have faith, believe With dreams he tried, lost his pride He drinks his life away One photograph, in broken glass It should not end this way Through bitter tears and wounded years Those ties of blood were strong So much to say, those yesterdays So now don't you turn away Hey, mother, father, sister Hey, come back, tryin', believin' Hey, mother, father, dreamer Don't you know that I'm alive for you I'm your seventh son And when lightin' strikes the family Have faith, believe Don't you know that I'm alive for you I'm your seventh son And when lightin' strikes the family Have faith, believe Have faith, believe Believe

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journey seventh son

The Journey of Seventh Son: From Athens to Stardom

Title: The Journey of Seventh Son: From Athens to Stardom Introduction: Seventh Son, an Athens-based band, has been making waves in the music industry with their unique blend of genres and captivating live performances. From their humble beginnings in Athens to their rise towards stardom, this blog post will take you on a journey through the band's evolution and share some insights into their success. 1. Embracing Diversity: One of the key factors that set Seventh Son apart from other bands is their diverse music inspirations. By incorporating elements of indie rock, psychedelic rock, R&B, blues, and punk, they have created a sound that appeals to a wide range of music lovers. This willingness to experiment and push boundaries has helped them gain a loyal and diverse fan base. 2. Creating Engaging Experiences: Seventh Son understands the importance of creating captivating and engaging experiences for their audience. Their performances are not just about the music; they incorporate surprise elements, theatrical bits, poetry, and additional instruments to keep their fans on their toes. By constantly pushing the boundaries of what a live performance can be, they have managed to create a loyal following that eagerly anticipates their next show. 3. Building a Strong Online Presence: In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any artist. Seventh Son recognizes this and has made it a priority to have a user-friendly website that serves as a centralized platform for their fans. Through their website, fans can check out upcoming shows, purchase tickets, buy merchandise, and stay updated with the band's latest news. They also aim to grow their social media following and email newsletter list to further connect with their fans. 4. Marketing as a Top Priority: Seventh Son understands the importance of marketing, especially in the initial phase of their career. They are focused on spreading awareness of their music and attracting new fans. By utilizing social media platforms, collaborating with other musicians, and actively promoting their shows and merchandise, they are able to reach a wider audience and increase their chances of success. 5. Staying True to Their Unique Selling Point: Seventh Son's unique selling point lies in their ability to deliver captivating and engaging experiences for their audience. They have stayed true to this by continuously pushing boundaries and incorporating surprise elements in their performances. By staying true to their unique style and constantly evolving, they have managed to stand out in a crowded music industry. Conclusion: Seventh Son's journey from Athens to stardom is a testament to their passion, dedication, and willingness to push boundaries. By embracing diversity, creating engaging experiences, building a strong online presence, prioritizing marketing, and staying true to their unique selling point, they have managed to capture the hearts of music lovers and pave their way towards success. As they continue to evolve and grow, it will be exciting to see what the future holds for Seventh Son.

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Iron Maiden

Seventh son of a seventh son by iron maiden lyrics meaning – unveiling the mystic aura of ancient prophecy.

by SMF AI · Published January 22, 2024 · Updated April 26, 2024

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The Prophetic Power of Lore: Understanding the Seventh Son

A battle between good and evil: the song’s central conflict, the hidden meaning: a commentary on individual potential, memorable lines: prophetic and poignant, a legacy cast in metal: the song’s enduring influence.

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Here the birth from an unbroken line Born the healer the seventh, his time Unknowingly blessed and as his life unfolds Slowly unveiling the power he holds

Seventh son of a seventh son Seventh son of a seventh son Seventh son of a seventh son

Seventh son of a seventh son Seventh son of a seventh son

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Then they watch the progress he makes The good and the evil, which path will he take? Both of them trying to manipulate The use of his powers before it’s too late

Full Lyrics

Iron Maiden, a band synonymous with the fiery depths of metal, once again bridges the infernal and divine in their song ‘Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.’ This epic track from the eponymous 1988 album serves not merely as a sonic assault but as a narrative plunging into the core of esoteric folklore and human destiny.

Delving into the cryptic lyrics of ‘Seventh Son of a Seventh Son,’ we uncover layers of mythological and cultural significance, shadowed by the heavy overtones characteristic of Iron Maiden’s musical legacy. The song’s complex exploration of the power bestowed upon this mystical figure invites us on a quest for understanding the mystical powers that have long captured human imagination.

At the core of ‘Seventh Son of a Seventh Son’ lies an ancient belief that in folklore, mythology, and even some spiritual doctrines, a boy born as the seventh consecutive son of a seventh son holds remarkable powers. This motif echoes across cultures, often endowing the individual with supernatural abilities such as healing, clairvoyance, and even sorcery.

Iron Maiden masterfully layers their music to reflect this myth, with escalating guitar riffs and thunderous drums backing the unfolding prophecy. The lyrics suggest the anticipation and drama of such a powerful birth, emphasizing its cosmic significance and the magnitude of its potential influence on mankind.

Dichotomy swirls at the heart of ‘Seventh Son of a Seventh Son,’ depicting an eternal struggle between light and darkness. Iron Maiden traverses this battlefield, lyrically portraying the tug-of-war for the soul of the seventh son, highlighting the seduction of both noble and nefarious forces vying for dominance over the powers he possesses.

This central conflict speaks to the broader human condition and our intrinsic battles with morality, free will, and fate. It’s a theme that transcends time and resonates deeply with listeners who can find their own strife mirrored in the music.

Behind the mystical narrative of ‘Seventh Son of a Seventh Son,’ some listeners discern a reflection on personal potential and the significant impact one individual can have on the world. The ‘chosen one’ motif surfaces repeatedly in history and culture, representing the idea that within each of us lies dormant power, awaiting the right circumstances to manifest.

Iron Maiden’s portrayal of the seventh son as blessed and unknowing touches upon the journey of self-discovery and the revelation of one’s inner strength. It’s a song that not only entertains but also empowers, challenging us to contemplate the latent abilities lying within.

One of the track’s most indelible lines, ‘He has the power to heal / He has the gift of the second sight,’ encapsulates the thematic weight of the entire composition. Through these words, Iron Maiden succinctly captures the grandeur and enigma of the seventh son’s legacy while highlighting the duality of his gift, which is both a blessing and a burden.

These lyrics also appeal to the universal longing for visionaries and healers in tumultuous times. The notion of a singular figure emerging with the ability to mend wounds and foresee the course of events speaks to our collective desire for salvation and guidance.

Decades after its release, ‘Seventh Son of a Seventh Son’ continues to haunt the halls of metal music, serving as a testament to Iron Maiden’s profound impact on the genre. The song’s relentless energy, combined with its rich narrative depth, has cemented it as a classic, inspiring legions of fans and musicians alike.

The track endures not just as a staple of Iron Maiden’s discography, but as a cultural artifact that breathes life into ancient myths and ignites the imagination of those who dare to delve into its realms. It’s a powerful reminder of music’s ability to transcend the mundane and touch something deeper within the human spirit.

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Magic in the World of Alvin Maker: Seventh Son

Ancient Origins

The Legendary Powers of a Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

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Today is born the seventh one Born of woman the seventh son And he in turn of a seventh son He has the power to heal He has the gift of the second sight He is the chosen one So it shall be written So it shall be done – Iron Maiden , Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

Seven – A Magical Number

Seven seems to be a magical number in many cultures, and is often imbued with mystical and religious attributes. In the Abrahamic faiths, for instance, it is believed that God created the world in seven days, while in Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters who were the companions of the goddess Artemis .

Other groups of seven include the Seven Wonders of the World , the Seven Sages of Greece, and the Shichi Fukujin (Seven Gods of Fortune) of Japanese mythology . In folklore, seven also has a special role in the order of birth.

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In the Greek myth of the Pleiades, a group of seven sisters were transformed into a cluster of stars, and were chased by a man seen in the Orion stars.

In the Greek myth of the Pleiades, a group of seven sisters were transformed into a cluster of stars, and were chased by a man seen in the Orion stars. ( Public Domain )

Healing Powers of the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

In European folklore, the seventh son of a seventh son is believed to possess special powers. The seventh son must be preceded by six brothers, with no sisters born in between, and whose father is also such a seventh son. Such a child is said to be gifted with the power to heal diseases .

Some doctors in previous centuries even claim that one of their qualities that made them great healers was that they were the seventh son of a seventh son. In Ireland , the seventh son of a seventh son is also believed to have the power to foretell the future, in addition to his healing abilities.

journey seventh son

In Ireland, the seventh son of a seventh son was said to be gifted with the power to heal diseases. ( Maya Kruchancova /Adobe Stock)

Or is it a Curse?

Not all the gifts of the seventh son of a seventh son are so benign, however. According to one superstition , the seventh son in a family of all boys is prone to fall victim to a curse that would turn him into a luison (or lobizon or lobisomen ). This creature exists in the mythology of South America, particularly in the countries of Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay , and Uruguay .

The myth of the luison originates with the Guarani , an indigenous group of people from Paraguay. In Guarani mythology, the luison was the seventh and youngest offspring of Tau, an evil spirit, and Kerana, a mortal woman. In the original story, the luison is said to be the God of Death and had a horrendous figure.

His face was long and pale, and much of his body was covered with long dirty hair. He also had frightening eyes and the stench of death and decay around him. It was perhaps interaction with European colonists that transformed this myth overtime, as the luizon changed from a God of Death into a werewolf .

It is believed that on the night of a full moon , especially if it fell on a Friday, the seventh son in a family of all boys, after he reached the age of 13, would transform into the luison . Like the European werewolf, the luison would terrorize the night by hunting and killing, and spread its curse through its bite.

journey seventh son

On the night of a full moon, the seventh son in a family of all boys would transform into the luison . ( denissimonov /Adobe Stock)

Keeping a Seventh Son Tradition Alive

In 1907, another (possibly associated) custom about the seventh son was created. According to this custom, which originated in Germany, the reigning prince would be the sponsor to a seventh son of any of his subjects. When Enrique Brost and Apolonia Holmann, who were Volga Germans from south eastern Russia, immigrated to Argentina in the early 1900s, they brought the custom along.

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They requested the then Argentinian president, Jose Figueroa Alcorta, be their seventh son’s godfather . The president agreed to their request and this tradition has been kept till today. In 2014, Yair Tawil, a seventh son, became the godson of Argentina’s president , Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

Yair Tawil, the seventh son, becomes the godson of Argentinian president Christina Fernandez de Kirchner

Yair Tawil, the seventh son, becomes the godson of Argentinian president Christina Fernandez de Kirchner . ( Twitter )

The myth of the seventh son of a seven son is still alive today, and has been used variously in films , literature, and music. In an age when superstition is frowned upon by many, our fascination with the number seven and the folklore regarding the seventh son of a seventh son still continues, and will probably persist into the future.

Top Image: A seventh son of a seventh son is believed to possess special powers. Source: venerala /Adobe Stock

Asuncion Christian Academy, 2006. Paraguayan Myths. [Online]

Available at:

Chambers, R., 1869. Chambers' Book of Days, January 26. London: W. & R. Chambers.

King, E. F., 1894. Ten Thousand Wonderful Things. London: George Routledge and Sons.

Nuwer, R., 2014. Argentina Has a Superstition That Seventh Sons Will Turn into Werewolves. [Online] Available at:

tanvir, 2014. Werewolf Legends from Around the World. [Online] Available at:, 2015. Magical Seventh Son. [Online] Available at:

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I am the seventh son of my 10th siblings. When I was born, just months later my mother got pregnant right then but the child died after his 6th months old. According to the doctor, the child who was the 8th of my siblings was actually my twin but the destiny put a space for me to born uncontested as the 7th son.

A year before I was born, a war happened in my country resulted to massive evacuation. The dictatorship risen, the rebellion at peak and my parents moved from 1 place to another to evade the war. They landed to a place named "San Francisco" hoping the place is safe and peaceful but not.. so they run again and hide in the middle of the jungle. I was formed that time and born in the middle of the virgin jungle.. a forest which was not touched that time.. When I was 6th month old, I was kidnap by a dozen of big monkeys while I was crying aloud and my mom was a bit far gathering fresh vegetables in the garden for our breakfast. My older sister who was very young at 7 was told to watch me but she was playing and didn't care that I was crying, The dozen of monkey invaded out small house and took me away for a day hiding at the top of the trees around the house. The Mother monkey took care of me according to my sister. I was fed with her breast milk to stop crying while on top of the tree.. They took me of the whole day and when the sun started to sit, my uncle forced to shot the monkey to save me. I was not harm.

I am a kind of different... it seems like I am not really human.. when someone hurt me, the nature will revenge and hurt back to them.. I have a rare vision, my dreams often tell me what happen tomorrow.. I am always aware what would happen next.. When I will pray to God and talk to them I could feel I am so closed to him. I could ask even material thing and he grant everything...

I am still continue discovering myself because it seems like I am owned by someone. If I fall in love to anyone, they would be driven away from me. I am good looking, and charming but it seems like I am not lovable.. very few became my girlfriend.. seems like the destiny does not want me to be owned by anyone because I am like already owned by unknown. I feel like a super cudgel or a stick of an immortal that being used to change a place I am the 7th son that owned by a supernatural nature. Anyone who loved me would be blessed and anyone who hurt me would suffered... I already avoid my family because more often my sister often hurt me with unpleasant words she is nagger .. and her kids suffered of what she did, I noticed it so I left home... away from them... I dunno me... really.. I already finished my study... I finished information and Technology, BS Accountancy and also finished my Masters post graduate study... but seems I could not see the answer of the questions who really I am... not in the library and not in Scientific theories... now.. what I know I am the seventh son.

Numerology myth.

Also worth noting - 7years old was regarded as he age of reason, when an infant became a child, and could work, or later, the school age (still is in Scandinavia). Fourteen was the church confirmation age, and still is, it was also the school leaving age in some places. And 21 was/is the coming of age, with parties and celebrations, it was the age you could vote (now lowered to 18), and drink alcohol (also now lowered). But interesting - 7, 14, 21. All significant. And lifespan, in the bible, is 3 score and 10 = 70. And the 7 ages of man.....

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Wu Mingren (‘Dhwty’) has a Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History and Archaeology. Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods.... Read More

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“Not even in the territory of prog metal – closer to dyed-in-the-wool prog rock”: Iron Maiden’s Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son remains their best prog album

A good-versus-evil concept story featuring keyboards and a nine-minute title track set the scene for records that would arrive in future decades

Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

In April 1998, Iron Maiden ’s seventh album, appropriately entitled Seventh Son of a Seventh Son , reached the No. 1 spot in the UK charts. In 2010 Prog argued the case that, regardless of public perception and the material to follow, it was clearly a prog album – and clearly their best prog album.

Iron Maiden’s flirtations with progressive music, writ large over their 2010 album The Final Frontier and 2021's Senjutsu , should come as no surprise to longtime followers of the East End metalheads’ career. 

Aside from the fact that both bassist Steve Harris and vocalist Bruce Dickinson are massive prog rock fans, one could point to the band’s 1983 cover of Jethro Tull ’s Cross-Eyed Mary, or the hefty progressive inclinations audible on 1999’s Brave New World album as further proof.

But nothing sits better within Maiden’s prog canon than their 1988 release Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son . A concept work – toying with those fine old adversaries good and evil, and throwing in elements of mysticism, reincarnation and the afterlife by the bucketload – Seventh Son… told the tale of a mythical child (the seventh son of a seventh son, no less) who possessed clairvoyant powers.

It wasn’t just the conceptual nature of the 8-track title that shoved it further into prog territory than they’d yet delved. Seventh Son… was also the first Maiden album to feature keyboards, rather than the guitar synths they”d used on previous albums. Here they were handled by Michael Kenney, Steve Harris’ bass tech and sometime live keys player for the band.

Musically, the album developed sonic themes that Maiden had introduced with 1986’s Somewhere In Time album, although no one could have envisaged quite how prog the band would take their sound.

The immense success of metal-orientated lead singles Can I Play With Madness and The Evil That Men Do (still two of the band’s finest) helped offset possible fan unrest, but one can’t deny the overt progressive flourish of opener Moonchild as it segues into Infinite Dreams .

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Further still, the nine minute-plus title track – all backed up more than ably by the Murray/Harris penned The Prophecy and Harris’s own The Clairvoyant – places Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son not even in the territory of prog metal, but closer to dyed-in-the-wool prog rock.

None of this bothered the band’s fans however, with Seventh Son.. . being the second Maiden album (behind the groundbreaking The Number Of The Beast ) to crash into the national album charts in top spot. And it remains their best album to date by far.

Jerry Ewing

Writer and broadcaster Jerry Ewing is the Editor of Prog Magazine which he founded for Future Publishing in 2009. He grew up in Sydney and began his writing career in London for Metal Forces magazine in 1989. He has since written for Metal Hammer, Maxim, Vox, Stuff and Bizarre magazines, among others. He created and edited Classic Rock Magazine for Dennis Publishing in 1998 and is the author of a variety of books on both music and sport, including Wonderous Stories; A Journey Through The Landscape Of Progressive Rock.

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Yvandy Rigby wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

As he anxiously waits to hear if his name gets called at the NFL Draft this weekend, the hulking 6-foot-2, 230-pound linebacker plans to just “chill with (his) family.”

Amazing when one considers that the kid from a tropical island didn’t even know what a football was, nor did he know the people he now calls family, when he reached the United States a decade ago.

Rigby is projected to be a late-round pick in this weekend’s NFL Draft and, if that doesn’t develop, he would likely be signed as an undrafted free agent by a team.

“It’s been a great journey,” said Rigby, a native of Turks and Caicos, an island group about 230 miles north of the Dominican Republic and 1,300 miles from South Jersey.

“If it’s going to happen, it will happen. This is what I’ve worked for.”

He would become the second player drafted from Turks and Caicos, joining Faion Hicks, who was selected by the Denver Broncos in the 2022 NFL Draft.

Rigby hopes to celebrate with the Stetsers — who took Rigby into their family when he was a junior at Egg Harbor Township High School. Kevin Stetser is a special education teacher and former head football coach at EHT.

“When I came to live with them, that’s when I began to flourish like a flower,” Rigby said. “They sacrificed so much for me. Coach was the father figure in my life and (with his wife Laura), they definitely took on the mom and dad role when I needed it the most.”

Long way from home

Rigby calls his homeland a “beautiful island,” a paradise for tourists and fishermen.

What it doesn’t have, according to Rigby, is a lot of opportunities.

“I had a lot of ambition and it just wasn’t going to happen there,” he said.

His mother, Almonthe, wanted the best for son, a chance to succeed in life. That was going to be a challenge on the British Overseas Territory.

So, at the age of 14, Rigby entered the United States and lived with a family friend. He attended Atlantic City High School as a freshman.

That’s where he was introduced to football.

“Never even grabbed a football in my life, but it was love at first sight,” said Rigby, who was recruited by one of the football players to give the sport a try because of his size.

Love didn’t translate into success right away. It was more like heartache.

“I was terrible,” he said with soft laugh. “They put me on defense, I was playing safety. The running back broke through the hole. I had no idea what I was doing. He juked me and I fell down on the ground. Everybody on the whole field was laughing at me.

“I never wanted to feel that way again. I knew I had to get better.”

So Rigby kept practicing, but he also turned to YouTube.

“I just watched as many videos as I could,” Rigby said. “I became a student of the game. I watched Peyton Manning on how to throw spirals. I watched Jerry Rice on how he worked out. I watched all the greats and how they worked to get better. I needed to sharpen my tools and get better.”

No Friday Night Lights

When he arrived stateside, Rigby joined the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, his guardian’s faith.

The church observes Saturday as the Sabbath, which begins at sunset on Friday.

That meant no Friday Night football for Rigby.

While he was practicing hard throughout the week, not being able to compete in a game with his teammates really tested his faith.

“I just felt like there was this big cloud over my head that I couldn’t shake off,” Rigby said. “I was a true believer in Christ. I was also passionate about the game.

“I went all out at practice. I wanted the guys next to me to get better. It made me feel good as a teammate. But it also took a toll on me not being able to go out there and showcase my talents. I got angry during that time. I was questioning things like why I had this skill, but couldn’t showcase it (in games).”

Before his junior season at EHT, Rigby and Stetser arranged a meeting with the church’s pastor and Rigby’s guardian to talk about playing football on Friday nights.

After getting the OK from his mother, Rigby said the pastor also gave his blessing for him to play. However, his guardian still balked at the idea.

“I thought that meeting was going to go nice and smooth,” Rigby said. “The pastor said I was a young, Black man who came to this country and is trying to better his life. But my guardian got so angry, and said, ‘If he plays in that game on Friday night, I’m going to kick him out of the house.’”

“That’s when I started to get really paranoid. I was worried. I was 16 years old.”

The day of the season opener against Millville, Rigby was thrilled to wear his varsity jersey to school, but was “also losing my mind” about what would happen later that night when he got home.

But he drew some comfort, remembering that Stetser said he would have his back whatever decision he made.

Rigby took the field that night. When he arrived home, all of his clothes were in a black trash bag.

Before moving in with the Stetser family, Rigby remembers meeting Laura for the first time.

When Rigby was a sophomore, Kevin Stetser noticed he kept looking at the sun as he competed in the javelin throw at the Woodbury Relays. The athlete was getting really antsy, the coach realized.

“He tells me he has to be home before that sun goes down and I’m like, 'You couldn’t have told me that earlier?'” Kevin said. “There I am, asking my wife to drive a kid who she’s never met in her life back home.”

The usually quiet Rigby was a “chatterbox” on the one-hour ride, opening up to Laura like she was a best friend.

“We talked the whole ride home,” Rigby said. “She was just so accepting. We talked about a lot of things, but I just remember telling her Coach was wrong, I’m not a linebacker, I should be a safety.”

For eight months after playing in that fateful Friday night game, Rigby bounced around, staying with the Stetsers, offensive coordinator Jim DeBendictis Jr.’s family, and his guardian. On Mother’s Day weekend in 2017, Rigby moved in full-time with the Stetsers.

While he was the newest member of the Stetser household, Rigby was still for responsible for chores, even one he had never experienced before: shoveling snow.

“I’d never seen snow in my life,” Rigby said.

He was even pressed into some babysitting duties, watching the Stetsers’ son Jack and daughter Madeleine, who were 7 and 8 at the time.

Higher learning

Rigby’s dream of playing in the NFL will likely be as a linebacker, something he and his high school football coach still laugh about now.

“As frustrating as it is, I tell him every day that he was right, I’m a linebacker," Rigby said.

Kevin Stetser knew where Rigby’s strength was on the football field, but he also had a good feeling of what type of kid he was bringing home to join his family.

“He attached himself to this crazy train of our family and what a ride it’s been,” Stetser said. “We consider him our son. He has a heart of gold. And we’re extremely proud of what he has become.

“He’s worked for everything that he’s earned. When he first moved in with us, he learned one of our neighbors was a reading specialist. He met with her every single night to help improve his reading level. He wanted to be a better student.”

After graduating from Egg Harbor Township, Rigby played one season at Milford Academy (N.Y.) before landing in North Philadelphia at Temple University.

Rigby was a three-year letter winner with 207 tackles in 35 career games for the Cherry and White and earned a single-digit uniform number, a huge deal in Temple tradition that is awarded to those who lead on and off the field. He was only the second TU player to ever wear No. 0.

Rigby graduated last spring with a bachelor’s degree in Adult Organization Development.

“Getting that degree was the highlight of my career,” Rigby said. “It means a lot because I wasn’t the most studious student in school when I got to the United States. Football came natural for me. School was more challenging than football for me, a lot more challenging.

“I wanted to make my mom proud. She gambled and risked a lot in me (in letting me come to the United States). She would never ask me about football, she always asked me about getting my degree and how that was going.”

Rigby’s mom and two sisters, Johnika and Ashley, have moved to the United States and remain a big part in Yvandy’s life. His two older brothers, John and John Paul, remain in Turks and Caicos.

“My mom has come to some of my games, but she always watches with her hands over eyes. She’s afraid of me getting hurt,” Yvandy said.

If Rigby gets the opportunity to play on Sundays in the fall, he would become the first player from Egg Harbor Township to make the NFL.

A path that began with so much uncertainty has turned into an unbelievable journey.

Tom McGurk is a regional sports reporter for the Courier-Post, The Daily Journal and Burlington County Times, covering South Jersey sports for over 30 years. If you have a sports story that needs to be told, contact him at (856) 486-2420 or email  [email protected] . Follow him on Twitter at @McGurkSports. Help support local journalism with a digital subscription.

The best new TV shows and series in 2024 so far

‘ripley,’ ‘the sympathizer,’ ‘shogun,’ ‘fallout,’ ‘elsbeth,’ ‘constellation’ and ‘the girls on the bus’ all make our evolving critics’ list of 2024’s best tv shows.

It’s the trial of our times: 9 p.m. on a Tuesday night, kids in bed, and you’ve pulled up the daunting menu of streaming services, trying to decide what to watch. Your spouse heard about a new HBO drama, but you’re more in the mood for a shorter run time — and a few laughs.

That’s where we come in. Throughout the year, Washington Post TV critic Lili Loofbourow and other Post writers will update this list with the best TV shows to watch right now.

Our critics’ list of 2023’s top TV shows and where to watch them

Netflix , eight episodes

In Steven Zaillian’s “Ripley,” a gorgeous, witty, cinematic extravaganza chronicling the charlatan’s journey from a bleak existence in New York City to a luxurious one in Italy, Irish actor Andrew Scott (“Sherlock,” “Fleabag”) expunges every trace of his considerable charm to produce a dour, awkward Tom Ripley whose joyless smile is as false as the signatures he fakes. One understands why this man wants to escape his grim surroundings and himself. And why his genial American target, a rich would-be artist named Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn), offers to put him up in Italy: Scott plays the character as so overtly bland and unoffending he’s technically unimpeachable even if he’s a little repellent — as Dickie’s girlfriend, Marge Sherwood (Dakota Fanning), a middling memoirist from Minnesota, discovers while trying to turn Dickie against him. Compensating for Scott’s restraint is the camera, a wildly expressive agent that quickly establishes itself as the show’s biggest character (and only true artist). Zaillian’s adaptation is conceptually as well as visually wry, lushly hyper-referential and packed with winks. — Lili Loofbourow

The Sympathizer

Max , seven episodes

Park Chan-wook and Don McKellar’s stylish and wry seven-episode adaptation of Viet Thanh Nguyen’s 2015 novel follows the misadventures of a Vietnamese double agent loyal to the Viet Cong. Referred to only as “the Captain” (Hoa Xuande), he struggles to keep the North Vietnamese, the South Vietnamese and the CIA happy while working as an operative in the United States. By the time we meet him, he’s imprisoned by his own side. The story begins there, at the end, in a North Vietnamese reeducation camp. In lieu of the hero’s welcome he expected, the Captain is tossed into a sweltering cell where he is ordered to pen the “confession” that structures the show. Like its protagonist, “The Sympathizer” signals from the start a compulsion to rebel against the genre it’s supposed to deliver. — L.L.

Prime Video , eight episodes

An adaptation of the best-selling game series, “Fallout” echoes many stories about the end of the world — including HBO’s “Westworld,” another creation from executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. “Fallout’s” most distinguishing aspect is how it depicts a nuclear-ravaged America in arrested development, obsessed with 1950s culture and norms. The show tracks the journey of two Vault Dwellers: Lucy MacLean (Ella Purnell) who leaves the vault after an invasion by mysterious strangers, and her brother Norm (Moisés Arias), who sticks with the survivors as they search for understanding. Purnell (“Yellowjackets”) shares top billing with Aaron Moten as Maximus, a soldier training with an isolationist group of supersoldiers. The best part about the world of the Fallout games, and now this show, is that it’s among the most relatable science fiction wastelands. Unlike other geek properties, this ain’t about superheroes or Super Mario. The series is about the human experiment as a literal science project. — Gene Park

Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show

Max , eight episodes

In Max’s experimental and frequently unflattering docuseries, the charismatic comedian, actor and director embarks on a quest for something like radical honesty by living his life (largely) on camera. The fact that authenticity isn’t always entertaining — or cathartic — becomes one of the problems the series tries to solve. The first episode picks up in the immediate aftermath of Carmichael’s Emmy-winning special “Rothaniel,” in which he comes out as gay in the course of processing his father’s infidelity and his frustration at his mother’s unwillingness to hold him accountable. He’s famous, rich and joyfully, unapologetically sexual, but he’s also feeling disconnected and lonely. A self-destructive drive to reveal the worst about oneself animates much of “Jerrod Carmichael Reality Show,” and that’s also what makes it compulsively watchable. That said, Carmichael’s buoyancy and openness save the show from feeling dour or hopeless. — L.L.

3 Body Problem

Once news broke that David Benioff and D.G. Weiss, the duo responsible for “Game of Thrones,” were joining Alexander Woo (of “The Terror: Infamy”) to adapt Liu Cixin’s best-selling novel “ The Three-Body Problem ,” reactions online ranged from excitement to dread. I stood with the pessimists. Like most TV critics, I’ve had to write an enormous amount about “Game of Thrones.” My view (summarized) is that the show’s last half pivoted away from the rich dialogue, juicy political intrigue and careful character work that made the series great to favor shocking but underdeveloped twists, baffling character arcs and a whole lot of spectacle for spectacle’s sake. I can report with pleasure and surprise that “3 Body Problem” – which is about five scientists recruited to figure out how to handle a disaster four hundred years in the future – has almost precisely the opposite problem. What the show lacks in style it more than makes up for with exquisite character work that complements its deeper philosophical questions. Rarely does a show with multiple protagonists — and timelines — handle the challenge well. “3 Body Problem” manages it with apparent (and deceptive) ease. — L.L.

CBS, 10 episodes

It was big news when TV power couple Michelle and Robert King announced that their next project would be “ Elsbeth ,” a spinoff starring Carrie Preston as the deceptively daffy redhead who steals the show whenever she guest-stars in “The Good Wife” or “The Good Fight.” The premise of the series is implausible but straightforward: The New York Police Department has been operating under a consent decree issued by the Justice Department requiring an outside observer to confirm that it is, indeed, complying with the law. This task falls to Tascioni. She relocates from Chicago to New York and starts genially nosing around the department, annoying everyone, particularly the guy in charge. This is a fish-out-of-water story whose chief pleasure turns out to be Tascioni’s flair for cheerfully besting insufferable New Yorkers. Skeptics might observe that a spinoff of a spinoff sounds a little unpromising. Viewers may notice that the case-of-the-week format isn’t exactly carving out new ground. Novelty, in short, is not the draw. But Elsbeth Tascioni is a fabulous creation, and she can easily anchor a pleasant detective show in a fantasy world. — L.L.

Hulu , 10 episodes

“Shogun” is the TV equivalent of a page-turner. And if you consider the source text — James Clavell’s 1975 novel clocked in at 1,299 pages — that’s no small feat. Condensing a story of that length, set in 1600s Japan, into 10 hours that will be legible to American audiences? Hopeless. But FX’s new adaptation pulls it off. The series begins with the death of the Taiko, whose sole heir is underage. He set up a Council of Regents made up of bitter rivals to rule in his son’s stead until he comes to maturity, and one of these, Ishido (Takehiro Hira), has recruited three others into an alliance to impeach (and kill) the fifth, Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada). The 1980 miniseries was really Richard Chamberlain’s show as the Englishman out of his element trying to navigate a sophisticated foreign society in which he was seen as the “barbarian.” The FX version, which creators Justin Marks and Rachel Kondo spent 10 years crafting, resists that appealing but somewhat parochial storytelling shortcut. The new series doesn’t exactly decenter John Blackthorne (Cosmo Jarvis), but he shares top billing with Toranaga (who claims him as his vassal), Toranaga’s bitter and honor-bound interpreter Lady Mariko ( Anna Sawai ) and his deputy Yabushige (Tadanobu Asano). In the glut of aimless period dramas, “Shogun” keeps its poker face and hits every target. — L.L.

The Girls on the Bus

Max , 10 episodes

No one wants to relive the 2016 presidential election. That was always the challenge facing “The Girls on the Bus,” Max’s compulsively watchable and startlingly apolitical dramedy about the agony of political reporting. Inspired by former New York Times reporter Amy Chozick’s memoir, “ Chasing Hillary ,” which chronicles her years following Clinton on the campaign trail, the series explores the beat’s grubby compromises, temptations and rewards by fictionalizing almost every aspect of the source material. In so doing, it turns a memoir about a globally significant event — and missteps that contributed to the outcome — into an ensemble show that locates its narrative stakes in epiphanies about writing and friendship. Also female solidarity, political differences be damned. The result is a frequently funny drama following four fictional reporters — played by Melissa Benoist, Carla Gugino, Natasha Behnam and Christina Elmore — as they cover a flawed female candidate in the lead-up to a fictional Democratic National Convention. — L.L.

Disney Plus , 10 episodes

The X-Men keep mutating back into the culture. Characters such as Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Gambit, Jean Grey, their leader Professor X and others — and villains like Magneto and Apocalypse — have become pop-cultural touchstones. The Marvel superheroes, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, debuted in 1963 and have spent the last 60 or so years appearing in thousands of comics, some leather-heavy blockbuster movies, 64-bit video games and the occasional animated show — the latest of which is “X-Men ’97.” The show picks up from “X-Men: The Animated Series,” which ran from 1992 to 1997 on the Fox network’s Fox Kids programming block and dominated millennials’ Saturday mornings for years. True to its title, “X-Men ’97” is more of a throwback affair, one that feels like the 1990s — even though many of the X-Men comic-book stories it’s mining come from the period that many fans consider a creative peak for the franchise: the ’80s . — Herb Scribner


Apple TV Plus , eight episodes

Equal parts family drama, puzzle-box mystery and thriller, this mind-bending series follows astronaut Jo Ericsson (Noomi Rapace) as she tries to get home to her aptly named daughter Alice (played, also aptly, by twins Davita and Rosie Coleman). The show opens with Jo resourcefully navigating a series of disasters after a lethal mishap at the International Space Station. When she finally makes it home, things aren’t quite as she remembers them. And when she tries to explain what she witnessed, her testimony is shut down. Her difficulty reconnecting with Alice has obvious metaphorical overtones but also an in-universe explanation. (Sort of.) The seventh episode is called “Through the Looking Glass” for a reason. — L.L.

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  2. Journey

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    So much to say, those yesterdays. So now don't you turn away. Hey, mother, father, sister. Hey, come back, tryin', believin'. Hey, mother, father, dreamer. Don't you know that I'm alive for you. I'm your seventh son. And when lightin' strikes the family. Have faith, believe.

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  21. The Meaning Behind The Song: Seventh Son by Johnny Rivers

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  22. Seventh Son (film)

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  23. Seventh Son: A Memoir

    His journey starts like that of any normal kid in a Canadian middle-class family living in a one-industry town. However, tragedy struck with the loss of his father in 1977. ... Seventh Son: A Memoir: Authors: James D. Scott, Jim Scott: Publisher: Flanker Press Limited, 2023: ISBN: 1774571285, 9781774571286: Length: 276 pages: Subjects: Self ...

  24. Yvandy Rigby hopes to land spot in NFL after long journey

    His mother, Almonthe, wanted the best for son, a chance to succeed in life. That was going to be a challenge on the British Overseas Territory. So, at the age of 14, Rigby entered the United ...

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    In Steven Zaillian's "Ripley," a gorgeous, witty, cinematic extravaganza chronicling the charlatan's journey from a bleak existence in New York City to a luxurious one in Italy, Irish ...