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Sharm El Sheikh

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Trova la tua vacanza ideale

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Vacanze al Mare

Crea il tuo pacchetto per una vacanza al mare 

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Vacanze al Mare in Puglia

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Viaggi Last Minute

Trova il tuo pacchetto vacanze ideale 

Dove posso andare in vacanza con 200 o 500 euro.

Se vuoi viaggiare senza spendere un patrimonio, sul sito di Expedia troverai tante opzioni che fanno al caso tuo. Filtra le offerte viaggio in base al prezzo per individuare facilmente le soluzioni più economiche. Prenotando un pacchetto vacanza che includa volo più hotel, risparmierai sul costo complessivo. Ti consigliamo di partire in bassa stagione e di scegliere strutture di categoria media, con una posizione non troppo centrale. Pensi di restare nel nostro paese? Le vacanze in Puglia sono la tua opzione ideale se vuoi scoprire borghi incantevoli e spiagge da sogno, senza rinunciare ai piaceri della tavola. Preferisci andare all’estero? Allora le vacanze in Albania sono un’ottima opzione per un viaggio low-cost: troverai siti protetti dall’Unesco, un mare cristallino e paesaggi sorprendentemente vari per un paese così piccolo. 

Dove posso andare in vacanza con 1.000 o 3.000 euro?

Se hai a disposizione un budget da 1.000 a 3.000 euro per le tue vacanze, il sito di Expedia può essere un punto di riferimento ideale. Parti alla scoperta di borghi storici, antichi monumenti e spiagge stupende prenotando un viaggio in Sicilia che includa attività per tutta la famiglia: vivrai un’esperienza indimenticabile. Potresti anche trascorrere le vacanze di Natale al caldo scegliendo opzioni all inclusive alle Canarie : in questo modo risparmierai e potrai cominciare il nuovo anno tra nuotate ed escursioni in un paesaggio naturale unico. 

Dove posso andare in vacanza al mare?

Se non vedi l’ora di organizzare le tue vacanze estive per rilassarti su alcune delle spiagge più belle e incontaminate del Mediterraneo, prenota un pacchetto vacanze in Sardegna : ti aspettano una natura selvaggia, una cultura affascinante e tante ottime specialità enogastronomiche. Se vuoi andare più lontano, scegli di alloggiare in uno dei villaggi vacanze a Zanzibar e potrai goderti un mare stupendo e temperature massime intorno ai 32°C, il clima ideale per visitare tipiche città in stile arabo e coloniale, profumati mercati delle spezie e foreste pluviali. 

Dove posso viaggiare low-cost d’estate?

Le vacanze in Calabria sono sempre un’ottima scelta per godersi il mare e la natura con tutta la famiglia, e puoi anche decidere di alloggiare vicino alle montagne dell’Aspromonte per trovare un clima più fresco. Prenotando una vacanza last minute da queste parti, il risparmio è assicurato. In alternativa, dai un’occhiata alle nostre offerte volo più hotel per la Grecia : sarai a due passi da spiagge da sogno, monumenti antichissimi e ottimi ristoranti tradizionali, il tutto a tariffe convenienti. Cosa volere di più da una vacanza al mare ? 

Dove posso andare in vacanza in coppia?

Che tu voglia organizzare un weekend romantico o la tua luna di miele, le opzioni per partire in coppia sono tantissime. Se scegli un classico viaggio a Parigi , alloggia all’ombra della Tour Eiffel o tra i vicoletti di Montmartre e approfitta delle soluzioni disponibili sul nostro sito per prenotare una romantica crociera sulla Senna. Per la luna di miele, consigliamo fantastici pacchetti vacanze alle Maldive o un viaggio alle Seychelles . Perché vivere esperienze incredibili con la persona che si ama non ha prezzo.  

Dove posso andare in vacanza per 10 giorni?

Cerchi la destinazione ideale per un viaggio con la famiglia o le vacanze di Pasqua? Su Expedia trovi tante opzioni per tutti i gusti. Prenota un soggiorno a Sharm el Sheikh per esplorare con la maschera una barriera corallina spettacolare e rilassarti su spiagge stupende, che faranno la felicità di grandi e piccini. Se invece vuoi partire a fine anno per le tanto desiderate vacanze in America, scopri l’autentica atmosfera natalizia con un pacchetto vacanze a New York : vedendo i grattacieli illuminati e le piste di pattinaggio su ghiaccio della Grande Mela, ti sembrerà di essere in un film. 

Dove posso andare per una breve vacanza?

Hai molta voglia di partire e poco tempo libero? Nessun problema: dai un’occhiata alle nostre offerte viaggio a Lampedusa o agli imperdibili pacchetti vacanze a Barcellona che trovi sul sito di Expedia: la pausa che ti meriti è a portata di clic!  

Dove posso andare in vacanza per una settimana?

Vacanze in montagna, al mare o nelle città d’arte? Sette giorni sono più che sufficienti per rigenerarsi durante un viaggio in Italia , che ti farà apprezzare ancora di più la grande varietà di paesaggi del nostro paese e la sua straordinaria offerta gastronomica. Un’altra opzione consigliatissima è Tenerife , che si rivelerà la cornice ideale per praticare attività acquatiche, esplorare paesini pittoreschi e fare escursioni sul magnifico vulcano. 

Dove posso andare al mare senza spendere molto?

Prenotando una vacanza a Malta potrai goderti spiagge e paesaggi naturali stupendi e visitare tante attrazioni culturali spendendo poco. Se scegli la bassa stagione, anche un viaggio a Marsa Alam può essere conveniente e le tue foto subacquee faranno l’invidia di tutti gli amici che non hai potuto portare con te.  

Dove posso andare in vacanza con la famiglia?

Viaggiare con bambini e anziani può essere impegnativo, ma Expedia può aiutarti a trovare opzioni adatte a tutti. Usa il nostro filtro “Per famiglie” e vedrai con facilità le strutture che includono dotazioni e attività per bambini, o scegli le opzioni di accessibilità come una doccia a pavimento, che può fare comodo agli anziani. I pacchetti vacanze in Trentino sono un’ottima scelta per le famiglie che cercano tante attività in mezzo alla natura, mentre un viaggio a Dubai è perfetto per chi vuole stupire i bimbi con parchi divertimenti avveniristici, centri commerciali incredibili e tanto divertimento sulle dune.  

Dove posso andare in vacanza senza prendere la macchina?

Se prenoti i nostri pacchetti vacanze ad Amsterdam , potrai approfittare di voli convenienti, comode opzioni di alloggio a due passi dal centro e tantissime bici a noleggio, che ti faranno esplorare la città come se fossi del posto. Di sicuro puoi lasciare l’auto a casa se scegli un viaggio a Londra , perché potrai spostarti ovunque con la metropolitana o i famosi autobus a due piani. Puoi anche rendere omaggio alla regina Elisabetta scegliendo l’Elizabeth line, l’ultima arrivata sulla mappa della metro londinese. 

Dove posso andare in vacanza in Italia?

Se viaggi con la famiglia o vai in vacanza con il cane, può essere più semplice rimanere in Italia e scoprire le tante bellezze nostrane. Scegli le vacanze in Toscana per esplorare città d’arte, dolci colline e borghi medievali pittoreschi. Un viaggio in Puglia è sempre un’esperienza da non perdere, soprattutto se puoi alloggiare in uno dei tipici trulli, e le vacanze siciliane sono un’altra opzione adatta a tutti, dai single alle famiglie numerose. 

Dove posso andare in vacanza in Europa spendendo poco?

Se sogni una vacanza all’estero ma senza andare troppo lontano, dai un’occhiata alle nostre offerte viaggio in Europa e troverai tante destinazioni a poche ore di aereo o treno da casa. Una delle opzioni più gettonate è sicuramente la Spagna , perché la penisola iberica offre un’enorme varietà di paesaggi e attrazioni per tutti gusti, un clima simile al nostro e un’atmosfera festosa in tutte le stagioni. 

Dove posso andare per una vacanza di 4 giorni?

Se hai meno di una settimana di ferie, ti consigliamo di prenotare un pacchetto vacanze a Ibiza . Questa famosa isola delle Baleari offre paesaggi naturali stupendi, borghi pittoreschi e una vita notturna incredibile, tutto in uno spazio ridotto. Cosa aspetti a partire? 

Dove posso cercare offerte viaggi?

Il sito di Expedia è un punto di riferimento per le tue esigenze di viaggio. Voli, alloggi, auto, attività… abbiamo tutto ciò che ti serve per offrirti un’esperienza fantastica. Prenota i nostri pacchetti vacanze in Italia o all’estero e preparati a partire! 

Come posso trovare offerte per vacanze all inclusive?

Scegliendo un pacchetto tutto compreso, puoi organizzare ogni aspetto della tua vacanza in anticipo e concederti un soggiorno senza pensieri. Sul nostro sito puoi filtrare le strutture per l’opzione “all inclusive” e visualizzare a colpo d’occhio gli hotel o le case vacanze che fanno al caso tuo. Puoi trovare alcune ottime offerte per il mare se dai un’occhiata ai nostri pacchetti vacanze in Egitto o alle offerte viaggio alle Canarie . Sul nostro sito, hai tutto ciò che ti serve a portata di mano! 

Scopri un mondo di viaggi con Expedia

Offerte volo+hotel in italia.

  • Vacanze in Italia
  • Vacanze in Sardegna
  • Vacanze in Sicilia
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  • Vacanze in Puglia
  • Vacanze a Roma
  • Vacanze a Lampedusa
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  • Vacanze a Vieste
  • Vacanze a Rimini

Viaggi nel mondo

  • Vacanze a New York
  • Vacanze a Parigi
  • Vacanze a Barcellona
  • Vacanze a Londra
  • Vacanze ad Amsterdam
  • Vacanze a Praga
  • Vacanze a Lisbona
  • Vacanze a Budapest
  • Vacanze a Berlino
  • Vacanze a Valencia

Vacanze al mare

  • Vacanze a Santorini
  • Vacanze a Formentera
  • Vacanze a Santo Domingo
  • Vacanze a Corfù
  • Vacanze a Rodi
  • Vacanze a Zanzibar
  • Vacanze a Palma di Maiorca
  • Vacanze a Hurghada
  • Vacanze a Miami

Le destinazioni invernali più popolari

  • Vacanze a Cervinia
  • Vacanze a Cortina d'Ampezzo
  • Vacanze a Madonna di Campiglio
  • Vacanze a Livigno
  • Vacanze a Sestriere
  • Vacanze a Courmayeur
  • Vacanze a Sharm El-Sheikh
  • Vacanze a Marsa Alam
  • Vacanze alle Canarie
  • Vacanze a Dubai
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Scegli la destinazione e scopri perché ti conviene farlo con noi, proposte della settimana.

Ecco le proposte più richieste della settimana

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Consulente di Viaggi

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Offerte speciali

Kibanda Lodge & Beach Club

Kibanda Lodge & Beach Club

  • Corsi subacquei
  • Volo + Soggiorno
  • 9 giorni / 7 notti
  • Come da Programma €1400 Vedi l'offerta

Kiwengwa Beach Resort

Kiwengwa Beach Resort

  • Animazione , Sul mare
  • Aereo con Volo Charter , Volo di Linea
  • All Inclusive €1990 Vedi l'offerta

Samaki Lodge

Samaki Lodge

  • Volo di Linea , Aereo con Volo Charter
  • Soft All Inclusive €1400 Vedi l'offerta

Cosa dicono i viaggiatori? VEDI TUTTE>

tredici giorni di bellezza e di paradiso, in totale assoluto relax, una vacanza programmata con l'ausilio e la professionalità della simpaticissima referente Chantal Carlucci che ha soddisfatto ogni nostra richiesta e desiderio, una vacanza dove tutto ha funzionato alla perfezione senza mai un contrattempo, con l'agenzia locale Creole Travel Service semp... Vedi l'offerta

La vacanza è andata benissimo, ma questo soprattutto per la presenza costante e i consigli della vostra assistente Manuela Bianco. Peccato che dagli uffici non si riceve la stessa attenzione e assistenza

È stato un viaggio veramente emozionante che ci ha permesso di apprezzare il Marocco e i suoi differenti paesaggi Le guide molto preparate ci hanno assistito e guidato in questa esperienza carica di umanità, di colori e di sensazioni uniche ed indimenticabili

Vacanza meravigliosa, organizzata al meglio malgrado i tempi ristretti. Tutto come previsto ...... grazie Manuela! alla prossima...


Consigli per chi viaggia

Informazioni sui bagagli.

Il limite del peso ed il numero delle valigie varia a seconda della compagnia aerea, informati bene prima, in modo da non pagare sovrapprezzi anche molto salati. Inoltre comunica per tempo esigenze particolari per bagagli speciali o trasporto animali.

Aeroporto Check-in

Controlla per tempo la validità della carta identità/passaporto, visti necessari, in modo da non essere bloccato in partenza. Chiedi sempre conferma la tuo Consulente che tutti i tuoi documenti siano validi per viaggiare.

Cose da sapere

Informati su tutto quello che si deve pagare in loco: visti, tasse di uscita, tassa di soggiorno, ecc. Informati anche su usi e costumi locali, abbigliamento adatto, comportamento e quello che serve per essere in sintonia col luogo della tua destinazione

Contatti d'emergenza

Prima di partire scrivi in un posto sicuro i numeri di telefono, email e quanto previsto in caso di emergenza, in modo da essere assistito il più velocemente possibile. Con noi non sarai mai solo, ma sempre in contatto col tuo Consulente.


Tutti ci auguriamo che tutto vada bene, ma l'imprevisto è possibile, quindi oltre alle assicurazioni comprese nel pacchetto, fatti spiegare bene i vantaggi di quelle facoltative. Negli USA, per esempio, i massimali devono essere ben più alti del solito.

Offerte più popolari

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Il viaggio che hai sempre sognato di fare

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Blue Bay Beach Resort & Spa

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Palumbo Reef Beach Resort

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Uno Splendido Hotel affacciato sul mare

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Karafuu Beach Resort & Spa

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Self drive, dalla costa Atlantica al Caribe

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Wadi Lahmy Azur Resort 4 stelle

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Aparthotel Universo vicino alle terme

I prezzi migliori sul mercato.

Paragonare i prezzi di un pacchetto è difficile e porta via molto tempo, ma noi lo facciamo per te. Fa parte del nostro lavoro trovarti la miglior soluzione al miglior prezzo Lo facciamo gratuitamente, infatti se poi non lo compri, non ci devi nulla.

La conoscenza del prodotto evita errori

Per ogni prodotto che vedi abbiamo uno specialista che conosce perfettamente il prodotto e ti consiglia al meglio, evitandoti brutte sorprese.

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Clictravel, offerte di viaggi e vacanze a tariffe scontate

Cerca la migliore offerta di viaggi e vacanze per le più belle destinazioni del mondo.

Destinazioni popolari


  • Viaggi per famiglie
  • Parchi Divertimento
  • Dimora Storica
  • Offerte Borghi d'Italia
  • Offerte mare italia
  • Offerte città e capitali
  • Destinazioni


Emily Di Santo, 27 aprile 2024

Ecco 4 escursioni da non perdere a Sharm El Sheikh

Se stai pianificando una vacanza a Sharm El Sheikh e desideri un'esperienza al di là delle classiche giornate di relax i... leggi tutto


Emily Di Santo, 26 aprile 2024

Guida completa a Formentera: cosa vedere, come arrivare e le migliori attività da svolgere sull'Isola delle Baleari

Formentera, un'isola incantevole che galleggia dolcemente nel Mar Mediterraneo, è spesso oscurata dalla fama della vicin... leggi tutto


Emily Di Santo, 25 aprile 2024

Costa Azzurra: alla scoperta della Riviera Francese

La Costa Azzurra, o Côte d'Azur, è una delle destinazioni più affascinanti e rinomate al mondo. Situata lungo la costa m... leggi tutto


Emily Di Santo, 24 aprile 2024

Scopriamo Creta: una guida completa per vivere al meglio l’isola

Creta, la più grande delle isole greche e un vero tesoro nel cuore del Mar Egeo, offre un'esperienza senza pari per i vi... leggi tutto


Emily Di Santo, 23 aprile 2024

Lampedusa: esplorando la perla nascosta del mar Mediterraneo

Nel cuore del Mediterraneo, circondata dalle acque cristalline dell'arcipelago delle Pelagie, giace un gioiello nascosto... leggi tutto


Emily Di Santo, 22 aprile 2024

Esplorando le Isole Tiwi: tesori culturali e paesaggi incontaminati dell'Australia Settentrionale

Nascoste al largo delle coste settentrionali dell'Australia, le Isole Tiwi offrono un'affascinante fuga dal trambusto de... leggi tutto

Idee per viaggiare

Pubblicato il: 26 aprile 2024

IRLANDA: 8 giorni da Dublino a Kilkenny a soli 1560€ a persona!

Irlanda in 8 giorni: tra castelli antichi e scogliere mozzafiato, scopri il suo fascino senza tempo ad un prez

MEDIO ORIENTE: Giordania e Mar Morto da sogno a partire da soli 939€!

Esplora la magia della Giordania: 8 giorni tra le meraviglie del deserto e le antiche città nabatee ad un pre

FIORDI NORVEGESI: avventurosa esplorazione partire da soli 1365€!

Naviga tra i fiordi Incantati della Norvegia e scopri paesaggi da sogno con questa offerta davvero imperdibile

Pubblicato il: 25 aprile 2024

FINLANDIA, SVEZIA E NORVEGIA: fino a Capo Nord a soli 1639€!

Terre nordiche da Rovaniemi a Capo Nord: un'offerta imperdibile ad un prezzo davvero speciale, prenota ora!

MAURITIUS: resort di lusso in un paradiso tropicale a soli 1505€!

Scopri la magica atmosfera di Mauritius, tra spiagge da cartolina e acque cristalline con un'offerta imperdibi

SUDAFRICA: avventura incredibile a soli 2290€ a persona!

Sudafrica tra safari emozionanti e città incredibili, un'avventura indimenticabile ad un prezzo speciale

Pubblicato il: 24 aprile 2024

CAMMINO DI SANTIAGO: costa portoghese a soli 1284€ a persona!

Cammino di Santiago sulla costa portoghese tra bellezza e storia: viaggia sul sentiero degli antichi pellegrin

NORVEGIA: fiordi e aurore boreali a soli 899€ con questa offerta!

Esplora il Paese dei fiordi in un tour Eco-Friendly di 6 giorni ad un prezzo davvero speciale. Prenota ora!

UGANDA: Safari avventura a soli 4240€ a persona, volo compreso!

Scopri la magia Ugandese : 7 notti tra fauna selvatica e natura incontaminata ad un prezzo speciale!

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Vacanze in Villaggi, Hotel e Crociere

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I migliori Villaggi Vacanze

FV Club Itaca Nausicaa ****

FV Club Itaca Nausicaa

Calabria - Rossano

A partire da € 50.00/pers

Mira Village

Mira Village

Gargano - Peschici

A partire da € 30.00/pers

Futura Style Chiusurelle ****

Futura Style Chiusurelle

Salento - Nardo

A partire da € 47.00/pers

Futura Club La Praya ****

Futura Club La Praya

Calabria - Pizzo

A partire da € 36.00/pers

Hotel Roscianum ****

Hotel Roscianum

A partire da € 60.00/pers

Futura Club Danaide Resort ****

Futura Club Danaide Resort

Basilicata - Scanzano Jonico

A partire da € 62.00/pers

Futura Club Torre Rinalda ****

Futura Club Torre Rinalda

Salento - Lecce

A partire da € 78.00/pers

IGV Le Castella ****

IGV Le Castella

Calabria - Isola Di Capo Rizzuto

A partire da € 65.00/pers

Futura Style EraOra ***S

Futura Style EraOra S

Campania - Paestum

Offerte e Last Minute Crociere

MSC Splendida

MSC Splendida

Italy - Bari

Msc World Europa Civitavecchia

Msc World Europa Civitavecchia

Italy - Civitavecchia

Msc Bellissima

Msc Bellissima

Italy - Partenza Da Napoli

MSC Fantasia

MSC Fantasia

Italy - Partenza Da Civitavecchia

MSC Grandiosa

MSC Grandiosa

Italy - Napoli

MSC Opera

Italy - Partenza Da Bari

MSC Lirica

Costa Deliziosa

Italy - Partenza Di Bari

Costa Diadema

Costa Diadema

Costa Pacifica

Costa Pacifica

Italy - Taranto

Costa Smeralda

Costa Smeralda

Costa Toscana

Costa Toscana

MSC Seaview

MSC Seaview

Lazio - Civitavecchia

Msc World Europa Napoli

Msc World Europa Napoli

Campania - Napoli

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Buongiorno, sono rimasto pienamente soddisfatto per la professionalità mostrata nei confronti del cliente….. Ottima impressione!

Vincenzo Regano



È la seconda volta che prenoto con the travel..mi trovo benissimo prezzi super scontati..e personale gentilissimo..lo consiglio vivamente a tutti

Angela Natale


Ottima esperienza

Ottima esperienza, serietà, disponibilità, cortesia e convenienza

Luisa Chiariello

Prenotato x un gruppo

Prenotato x un gruppo bravi e gentili direi ottimi anche i prezzi

Lorenzo Borrini

Ottimo Servizio

Servizio celere ed efficiente

Giovanna Ruggeri

Agenzia competente e disponibili

agenzia competente e disponibile

Anna Mancuso

Disponibilità e la velocità

Disponibilità e la velocità nel rispondere a qualsiasi domanda

Monia Rampinelli

Miglior prezzo

E la mia prima volta che prenoto con loro,devo dire che sono stati molto professionali nella fase di prenotazione ma la cosa più importante ho trovato il prezzo migliore. Consigliato

Tutti professionali

Ho per caso contattato a questa agenzia e mi hanno trattato veramente a guanti bianchi... Sono tutti professionali e mi hanno veramente messo a mio agio e soprattutto hanno fatto in modo di trovare una soluzione per le miei esigenze...

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Moscow Tours

Our 20 Best Moscow Tours of 2022

Join us on an unforgettable tour to Moscow, the capital of Russia. Imagine visiting Red Square, St. Basil’s the Kremlin and more. Moscow is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities and one of Russia’s most historical. All of our tours to Moscow are fully customizable and can be adjusted to fit any budget. Our most popular tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Moscow tours using the form at the side of the page. You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

Moscow Kremlin, photo by Walkerssk on Pixabay

Classic Moscow

This is our most popular Moscow tour that includes all the most prominent sights. You will become acquainted with ancient Russia in the Kremlin, admire Russian art in the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to street musicians as you stroll along the Old Arbat street, and learn about Soviet times on the Moscow Metro tour.



St. Basiils Cathedral, Moscow, Photo by vierro from Pexels

A Week in Moscow

This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing.

Photo by Andrey Omelyanchuk on Unsplash

Weekend in Moscow

This tour is a great way to get acquainted with the capital of Russia if you are short of time. You will see all the main attractions of the city, the most important of which is the Kremlin - the heart of Russia. The tour starts on Friday and can be combined with a business trip.

travel viaggi offerte

Group Tour Moscow Break by Intourist

Russia's capital has so much to offer, from the Kremlin and the Metro to the Old Arbat street and the Tretyakov Gallery. Besides these sites, you will also visit a fascinating country estate which today is quite off the beaten path, Gorky Estate, where the Soviet leader Lenin spent the last months of his life.

travel viaggi offerte

Kolomenskoye Tour with transport

The history of Kolomenskoye stretches back for centuries. In 1380, Dmitri Donskoi’s army passed through Kolomenskoye on their way to the Kulikovo battlefield, and it was...

Tours by car

travel viaggi offerte

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Armory Tour

The Kremlin is truly a fascinating structure, at the same time it is an ancient tower, the city’s former military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury...

Walking tours

travel viaggi offerte

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals, Armory, Diamond Fund Tour

travel viaggi offerte

Old Arbat walking tour

You will be told of the street’s interesting history and view the street’s artisan culture. You will also have the opportunity to view and purchase souvenirs from the...

travel viaggi offerte

Tour to Sergiev Posad with transport

Considered by some to be the Russian Vatican, Sergiev Posad is the temporary residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Trinity St. Sergius Monastery (Lavra)...

travel viaggi offerte

Tour to Kuskovo with transport

The Kuskovo Estate often called the Moscow Versailles due to its perfectly preserved French park, is an example of an 18th century, luxurious Moscow summer residence. Its history...

travel viaggi offerte

Tour to Tsaritsyno with transport

The Tsaritsyno Estate is located in the southern part of Moscow. The estate was constructed for Catherine the Great by the Russian architects Bazhenov and Kazakov in a romantic...

travel viaggi offerte

Moscow Metro and Old Arbat Tour

The Moscow Metro is one of the largest and most grandly built metro systems in the world. It was meant to be a showcase of the Soviet Union’s achievements for both the Russians...

travel viaggi offerte

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion and vodka tasting)

Vodka is an important component of Russian life, an element of national identity and everyday culture. We invite you to visit the Vodka Museum and feel the atmosphere of long-gone...

travel viaggi offerte

Mikhail Bulgakov Apartment Museum

This apartment museum located close to Patriarch Ponds became the prototype of the "bad apartment" described in the novel "The Master and Margarita." Currently the museum's...

Spasskaya Tower,Moscow Kremlin, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Diamond Fund Tour

Portrait of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin (1887)

The State Museum of Lev Tolstoy Tour

Take this opportunity to learn more about the Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. During the visit to the museum you will see part of a vast collection of exhibits connected to Tolstoy...

Novodevichy convent, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Novodevichy Convent Tour with transport

Tour of the Novodevichy Monastery. Founded in 1524 by Grand Prince VasiliIoanovich, the original convent was enclosed by fortified walls and contained 12 towers. The structure...

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

City Tour with Visit to St. Basils & Red Sq. with transport

Panoramic City Tour. This Moscow tour is a great start to your trip and the best way to get acquainted with many of the city’s major highlights. Our professional guide will...

travel viaggi offerte

City Tour of Moscow

Head to the heart of Moscow with a professional guide on a 4-hour private walk through the city center. See Tverskaya and Old Arbat streets, Theatre Square with the world-famous...

travel viaggi offerte

Moscow Metro walking tour

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Square and Cathedrals Tour

travel viaggi offerte

KGB Tour with transport

This is a very interesting and insightful tour. You will visit places connected with Stalin’s terror - a time of great repression and fear. You will be shown monuments to...

travel viaggi offerte

Soviet and Post-Soviet Moscow Tour

The tour begins with a drive or walk down Tverskaya Street – a Soviet masterpiece. In the years of Soviet power, Tverskaya began to undergo a transformation: it was widened...

Girl with Peaches by Alexander Serov

Tretyakov State Gallery Tour

This world-famous gallery contains masterpieces of Russian art beginning in the 10th century up until today. You will view exquisite Russian icons and paintings from the 18th and...

travel viaggi offerte

Jewish Heritage of Moscow Tour

This tour offers a detailed look into the history and present-day life of the Jewish community of Moscow. On the tour, you will visit sites connected with the cultural and religious...

Vodka, photo by Detonart at Pixabay

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion only)


Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

Tours to Moscow

Our Moscow tours are land only meaning that you arrange your own air travel to Russia and our expert staff meets you at the airport and handles everything else from there. Our online Airline Ticket booking system offers some of the most competitive rates to Russia available on the web so if you need tickets, please visit our Russian air ticket center . Rest assured that you will be taken great care of on one of our Moscow tours. Express to Russia has a fully staffed office in Moscow that will help to make your visit fun, informative and unforgettable. Please remember that of all these tours are private and can be adjusted to your taste. You can add, replace or skip some sights; you can add more days to the package or cut the tour short. Our specialists will be glad to help you create the tour of your dreams!

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow, a City Like No Other

Moscow is Russia’s largest city with a population of between 12 and 13 million. It is also Europe’s largest city and when you visit Moscow, you can feel it. The layout and architecture of the city is eclectic, ranging from crooked, ancient streets and alleyways to wide, bustling boulevards, from medieval churches to Stalin skyscrapers and to modern, glass buildings towering over everything and of course in the center of it all is the Kremlin and the magnificent Red Square. Moscow is also home to a fantastic, efficient and very beautiful metro system – each station having its own special design. In fact, Express to Russia’s Moscow metro tours and excursions are some of our most popular attractions that we offer. On our Moscow tours, you will see this and more.

Moscow Kremlin in the times of Ivan III

Moscow Tours centering on Russian History

Moscow has a long and interesting history and has been the capital of Russia in many of its different iterations – capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow , the Russian Empire and of course the Soviet Union (who could ever forget the Soviet Union?). Moscow, was founded in the 12th century by Prince Yuri Dolgaruki (Yuri of the long arms – he really did have long arms!). From that time on, it was home to the Russian Tsars until Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1703. The city has survived invasions and sieges from the Mongols, the Tartars, the Poles, Lithuanians and Napoleon but has always persevered. Our Moscow tours will enlighten you on this great history and give you insights into Muscovites and their unique culture. Our Moscow tours show you what the city is like today but also brings to life the past. Moscow never seems to sleep and is bursting with energy. A Moscow tour with Express to Russia is truly the best way of getting to know Russia’s largest and most vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

What is the best time to visit moscow.

Any time of year is fine depending on what you plan to do. Summertime is pleasantly warm, ideal for exploring the city and its vibrant atmosphere, but Moscow will be much busier and accommodation is more expensive. Winter can be quite cold but beautiful nonetheless, and this is unproblematic if you intend to spend most of your trip in museums and galleries. There are also various festivals and events organised throughout the year. For more information about the best time to visit, read our guide

How many days are enough in Moscow?

If you plan your itinerary strategically and aren’t averse to a packed schedule, you can cover Moscow’s main sights over a long weekend. Most popular attractions are in the city centre, and the Moscow Metro allows you to cover much ground in a small amount of time. Ensure that your accommodation is fairly central and book tickets in advance, so that you can make the most of your days. For an informative and well-organised day out, check out our Moscow day tours with options to suit all interests.

Do they speak English in Moscow?

As Russia’s capital city, tourists are well accommodated in Moscow. There should be English-speaking staff in restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and attractions in tourist hotspots, and there are also English-speaking tourist police. Transport services have English translations on their maps and English announcements via intercom; alternatively, order taxis from the Yandex Taxi app (Russian Uber), though it’s unlikely that your taxi driver will speak English. If you get stuck and cannot communicate, it’s fine to use Google Translate.

Is it safe to travel to Moscow?

It is no less safe to travel to Moscow than to any European city if you exercise common sense and look after your belongings. As with every city some regions can be more unsavoury than others, but no tourist attractions are located there. The traffic in Moscow is notorious, so exercise caution when crossing roads. Do not take unlicensed taxis; book in advance or take public transport, which is widespread and perfectly safe. If you encounter any problems, look for the special tourist police who can help you. For more information, read our guide about staying safe in Russia .

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Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow: The Best of Moscow!

I just got back from one week in Moscow. And, as you might have already guessed, it was a mind-boggling experience. It was not my first trip to the Russian capital. But I hardly ever got enough time to explore this sprawling city. Visiting places for business rarely leaves enough time for sightseeing. I think that if you’ve got one week in Russia, you can also consider splitting your time between its largest cities (i.e. Saint Petersburg ) to get the most out of your trip. Seven days will let you see the majority of the main sights and go beyond just scratching the surface. In this post, I’m going to share with you my idea of the perfect travel itinerary for one week in Moscow.

Moscow is perhaps both the business and cultural hub of Russia. There is a lot more to see here than just the Kremlin and Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Centuries-old churches with onion-shaped domes dotted around the city are in stark contrast with newly completed impressive skyscrapers of Moscow City dominating the skyline. I spent a lot of time thinking about my Moscow itinerary before I left. And this city lived up to all of my expectations.

7-day Moscow itinerary

Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow

Day 1 – red square and the kremlin.

Metro Station: Okhotny Ryad on Red Line.

No trip to Moscow would be complete without seeing its main attraction. The Red Square is just a stone’s throw away from several metro stations. It is home to some of the most impressive architectural masterpieces in the city. The first thing you’ll probably notice after entering it and passing vendors selling weird fur hats is the fairytale-like looking Saint Basil’s Cathedral. It was built to commemorate one of the major victories of Ivan the Terrible. I once spent 20 minutes gazing at it, trying to find the perfect angle to snap it. It was easier said than done because of the hordes of locals and tourists.

As you continue strolling around Red Square, there’s no way you can miss Gum. It was widely known as the main department store during the Soviet Era. Now this large (yet historic) shopping mall is filled with expensive boutiques, pricey eateries, etc. During my trip to Moscow, I was on a tight budget. So I only took a retro-style stroll in Gum to get a rare glimpse of a place where Soviet leaders used to grocery shop and buy their stuff. In case you want some modern shopping experience, head to the Okhotny Ryad Shopping Center with stores like New Yorker, Zara, and Adidas.

things to do in Moscow in one week

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To continue this Moscow itinerary, next you may want to go inside the Kremlin walls. This is the center of Russian political power and the president’s official residence. If you’re planning to pay Kremlin a visit do your best to visit Ivan the Great Bell Tower as well. Go there as early as possible to avoid crowds and get an incredible bird’s-eye view. There are a couple of museums that are available during designated visiting hours. Make sure to book your ticket online and avoid lines.

Day 2 – Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Tretyakov Gallery, and the Arbat Street

Metro Station: Kropotkinskaya on Red Line

As soon as you start creating a Moscow itinerary for your second day, you’ll discover that there are plenty of metro stations that are much closer to certain sites. Depending on your route, take a closer look at the metro map to pick the closest.

The white marble walls of Christ the Saviour Cathedral are awe-inspiring. As you approach this tallest Orthodox Christian church, you may notice the bronze sculptures, magnificent arches, and cupolas that were created to commemorate Russia’s victory against Napoleon.

travel itinerary for one week in Moscow

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Unfortunately, the current Cathedral is a replica, since original was blown to bits in 1931 by the Soviet government. The new cathedral basically follows the original design, but they have added some new elements such as marble high reliefs.

Home to some precious collection of artworks, in Tretyakov Gallery you can find more than 150,000 of works spanning centuries of artistic endeavor. Originally a privately owned gallery, it now has become one of the largest museums in Russia. The Gallery is often considered essential to visit. But I have encountered a lot of locals who have never been there.

Famous for its souvenirs, musicians, and theaters, Arbat street is among the few in Moscow that were turned into pedestrian zones. Arbat street is usually very busy with tourists and locals alike. My local friend once called it the oldest street in Moscow dating back to 1493. It is a kilometer long walking street filled with fancy gift shops, small cozy restaurants, lots of cute cafes, and street artists. It is closed to any vehicular traffic, so you can easily stroll it with kids.

Day 3 – Moscow River Boat Ride, Poklonnaya Hill Victory Park, the Moscow City

Metro Station: Kievskaya and Park Pobedy on Dark Blue Line / Vystavochnaya on Light Blue Line

Voyaging along the Moscow River is definitely one of the best ways to catch a glimpse of the city and see the attractions from a bit different perspective. Depending on your Moscow itinerary, travel budget and the time of the year, there are various types of boats available. In the summer there is no shortage of boats, and you’ll be spoiled for choice.

exploring Moscow

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If you find yourself in Moscow during the winter months, I’d recommend going with Radisson boat cruise. These are often more expensive (yet comfy). They offer refreshments like tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and, of course, alcoholic drinks. Prices may vary but mostly depend on your food and drink selection. Find their main pier near the opulent Ukraine hotel . The hotel is one of the “Seven Sisters”, so if you’re into the charm of Stalinist architecture don’t miss a chance to stay there.

The area near Poklonnaya Hill has the closest relation to the country’s recent past. The memorial complex was completed in the mid-1990s to commemorate the Victory and WW2 casualties. Also known as the Great Patriotic War Museum, activities here include indoor attractions while the grounds around host an open-air museum with old tanks and other vehicles used on the battlefield.

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The hallmark of the memorial complex and the first thing you see as you exit metro is the statue of Nike mounted to its column. This is a very impressive Obelisk with a statue of Saint George slaying the dragon at its base.

Maybe not as impressive as Shanghai’s Oriental Pearl Tower , the skyscrapers of the Moscow City (otherwise known as Moscow International Business Center) are so drastically different from dull Soviet architecture. With 239 meters and 60 floors, the Empire Tower is the seventh highest building in the business district.

The observation deck occupies 56 floor from where you have some panoramic views of the city. I loved the view in the direction of Moscow State University and Luzhniki stadium as well to the other side with residential quarters. The entrance fee is pricey, but if you’re want to get a bird’s eye view, the skyscraper is one of the best places for doing just that.

Day 4 – VDNKh, Worker and Collective Farm Woman Monument, The Ostankino TV Tower

Metro Station: VDNKh on Orange Line

VDNKh is one of my favorite attractions in Moscow. The weird abbreviation actually stands for Russian vystavka dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva (Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy). With more than 200 buildings and 30 pavilions on the grounds, VDNKh serves as an open-air museum. You can easily spend a full day here since the park occupies a very large area.

Moscow sights

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First, there are pavilions that used to showcase different cultures the USSR was made of. Additionally, there is a number of shopping pavilions, as well as Moskvarium (an Oceanarium) that features a variety of marine species. VDNKh is a popular venue for events and fairs. There is always something going on, so I’d recommend checking their website if you want to see some particular exhibition.

A stone’s throw away from VDNKh there is a very distinctive 25-meters high monument. Originally built in 1937 for the world fair in Paris, the hulking figures of men and women holding a hammer and a sickle represent the Soviet idea of united workers and farmers. It doesn’t take much time to see the monument, but visiting it gives some idea of the Soviet Union’s grandiose aspirations.

I have a thing for tall buildings. So to continue my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow I decided to climb the fourth highest TV tower in the world. This iconic 540m tower is a fixture of the skyline. You can see it virtually from everywhere in Moscow, and this is where you can get the best panoramic views (yep, even better than Empire skyscraper).

top things to do in Moscow

Parts of the floor are made of tempered glass, so it can be quite scary to exit the elevator. But trust me, as you start observing buildings and cars below, you won’t want to leave. There is only a limited number of tickets per day, so you may want to book online. Insider tip: the first tour is cheaper, you can save up to $10 if go there early.

Day 5 – A Tour To Moscow Manor Houses

Metro Station: Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno on Dark Green Line / Kuskovo on Purple Line

I love visiting the manor houses and palaces in Moscow. These opulent buildings were generally built to house Russian aristocratic families and monarchs. Houses tend to be rather grand affairs with impressive architecture. And, depending on the whims of the owners, some form of a landscaped garden.

During the early part of the 20th century though, many of Russia’s aristocratic families (including the family of the last emperor) ended up being killed or moving abroad . Their manor houses were nationalized. Some time later (after the fall of the USSR) these were open to the public. It means that today a great many of Moscow’s finest manor houses and palaces are open for touring.

one week Moscow itinerary

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There are 20 manor houses scattered throughout the city and more than 25 in the area around. But not all of them easily accessible and exploring them often takes a lot of time. I’d recommend focusing on three most popular estates in Moscow that are some 30-minute metro ride away from Kremlin.

Sandwiched between the Moscow River and the Andropov Avenue, Kolomenskoye is a UNESCO site that became a public park in the 1920’s. Once a former royal estate, now it is one of the most tranquil parks in the city with gorgeous views. The Ascension Church, The White Column, and the grounds are a truly grand place to visit.

You could easily spend a full day here, exploring a traditional Russian village (that is, in fact, a market), picnicking by the river, enjoying the Eastern Orthodox church architecture, hiking the grounds as well as and wandering the park and gardens with wildflower meadows, apple orchards, and birch and maple groves. The estate museum showcases Russian nature at its finest year-round.

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If my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow was a family tree, Tsaritsyno Park would probably be the crazy uncle that no-one talks about. It’s a large park in the south of the city of mind-boggling proportions, unbelievable in so many ways, and yet most travelers have never heard of it.

The palace was supposed to be a summer home for Empress Catherine the Great. But since the construction didn’t meet with her approval the palace was abandoned. Since the early 1990’s the palace, the pond, and the grounds have been undergoing renovations. The entire complex is now looking brighter and more elaborately decorated than at possibly any other time during its history. Like most parks in Moscow, you can visit Tsaritsyno free of charge, but there is a small fee if you want to visit the palace.

Moscow itinerary

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Last, but by no means least on my Moscow itinerary is Kuskovo Park . This is definitely an off-the-beaten-path place. While it is not easily accessible, you will be rewarded with a lack of crowds. This 18th-century summer country house of the Sheremetev family was one of the first summer country estates of the Russian nobility. And when you visit you’ll quickly realize why locals love this park.

Like many other estates, Kuskovo has just been renovated. So there are lovely French formal garden, a grotto, and the Dutch house to explore. Make sure to plan your itinerary well because the estate is some way from a metro station.

Day 6 – Explore the Golden Ring

Creating the Moscow itinerary may keep you busy for days with the seemingly endless amount of things to do. Visiting the so-called Golden Ring is like stepping back in time. Golden Ring is a “theme route” devised by promotion-minded journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov.

Having started in Moscow the route will take you through a number of historical cities. It now includes Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Sergiev Posad. All these awe-inspiring towns have their own smaller kremlins and feature dramatic churches with onion-shaped domes, tranquil residential areas, and other architectural landmarks.

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I only visited two out of eight cities included on the route. It is a no-brainer that Sergiev Posad is the nearest and the easiest city to see on a day trip from Moscow. That being said, you can explore its main attractions in just one day. Located some 70 km north-east of the Russian capital, this tiny and overlooked town is home to Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, UNESCO Site.

things to do in Moscow in seven days

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Sergiev Posad is often described as being at the heart of Russian spiritual life. So it is uncommon to see the crowds of Russian pilgrims showing a deep reverence for their religion. If you’re traveling independently and using public transport, you can reach Sergiev Posad by bus (departs from VDNKh) or by suburban commuter train from Yaroslavskaya Railway Station (Bahnhof). It takes about one and a half hours to reach the town.

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is a great place to get a glimpse of filling and warming Russian lunch, specifically at the “ Gostevaya Izba ” restaurant. Try the duck breast, hearty potato and vegetables, and the awesome Napoleon cake.

Day 7 – Gorky Park, Izmailovo Kremlin, Patriarch’s Ponds

Metro Station: Park Kultury or Oktyabrskaya on Circle Line / Partizanskaya on Dark Blue Line / Pushkinskaya on Dark Green Line

Gorky Park is in the heart of Moscow. It offers many different types of outdoor activities, such as dancing, cycling, skateboarding, walking, jogging, and anything else you can do in a park. Named after Maxim Gorky, this sprawling and lovely park is where locals go on a picnic, relax and enjoy free yoga classes. It’s a popular place to bike around, and there is a Muzeon Art Park not far from here. A dynamic location with a younger vibe. There is also a pier, so you can take a cruise along the river too.

Random Russian guy

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The Kremlin in Izmailovo is by no means like the one you can find near the Red Square. Originally built for decorative purposes, it now features the Vernissage flea market and a number of frequent fairs, exhibitions, and conferences. Every weekend, there’s a giant flea market in Izmailovo, where dozens of stalls sell Soviet propaganda crap, Russian nesting dolls, vinyl records, jewelry and just about any object you can imagine. Go early in the morning if you want to beat the crowds.

All the Bulgakov’s fans should pay a visit to Patriarch’s Ponds (yup, that is plural). With a lovely small city park and the only one (!) pond in the middle, the location is where the opening scene of Bulgakov’s novel Master and Margarita was set. The novel is centered around a visit by Devil to the atheistic Soviet Union is considered by many critics to be one of the best novels of the 20th century. I spent great two hours strolling the nearby streets and having lunch in the hipster cafe.

Conclusion and Recommendations

To conclude, Moscow is a safe city to visit. I have never had a problem with getting around and most locals are really friendly once they know you’re a foreigner. Moscow has undergone some serious reconstruction over the last few years. So you can expect some places to be completely different. I hope my one week Moscow itinerary was helpful! If you have less time, say 4 days or 5 days, I would cut out day 6 and day 7. You could save the Golden Ring for a separate trip entirely as there’s lots to see!

What are your thoughts on this one week Moscow itinerary? Are you excited about your first time in the city? Let me know in the comments below!


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10 Dishes You Must Try When Going To Moscow

train trips from moscow

15 Fantastic and Easy Day Trips Close to Moscow

weather in russia in may in celsius

When Is the Best Time To Visit Russia


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Ann Snook-Moreau

Moscow looks so beautiful and historic! Thanks for including public transit information for those of us who don’t like to rent cars.

travel viaggi offerte


Yup, that is me 🙂 Rarely rent + stick to the metro = Full wallet!

travel viaggi offerte

Mariella Blago

Looks like you had loads of fun! Well done. Also great value post for travel lovers.

Thanks, Mariella!

travel viaggi offerte

I have always wanted to go to Russia, especially Moscow. These sights look absolutely beautiful to see and there is so much history there!

Agree! Moscow is a thousand-year-old city and there is definitely something for everyone.

travel viaggi offerte

Tara Pittman

Those are amazing buildings. Looks like a place that would be amazing to visit.

travel viaggi offerte

Adriana Lopez

Never been to Moscow or Russia but my family has. Many great spots and a lot of culture. Your itinerary sounds fantastic and covers a lot despite it is only a short period of time.

What was their favourite thing about Russia?

travel viaggi offerte

Gladys Parker

I know very little about Moscow or Russia for the\at matter. I do know I would have to see the Red Square and all of its exquisite architectural masterpieces. Also the CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE SAVIOUR. Thanks for shedding some light on visiting Moscow.

Thanks for swinging by! The Red Square is a great starting point, but there way too many places and things to discover aside from it!

travel viaggi offerte

Ruthy @ Percolate Kitchen

You are making me so jealous!! I’ve always wanted to see Russia.

travel viaggi offerte

Moscow is in my bucket list, I don’t know when I can visit there, your post is really useful. As a culture rich place we need to spend at least week.

travel viaggi offerte


Looks like you had a great trip! Thanks for all the great info! I’ve never been in to Russia, but this post makes me wanna go now!

travel viaggi offerte

Wow this is amazing! Moscow is on my bucket list – such an amazing place to visit I can imagine! I can’t wait to go there one day!

travel viaggi offerte

The building on the second picture looks familiar. I keep seeing that on TV.

travel viaggi offerte

Reesa Lewandowski

What beautiful moments! I always wish I had the personality to travel more like this!

travel viaggi offerte

Perfect itinerary for spending a week in Moscow! So many places to visit and it looks like you had a wonderful time. I would love to climb that tower. The views I am sure must have been amazing!

I was lucky enough to see the skyline of Moscow from this TV Tower and it is definitely mind-blowing.

travel viaggi offerte

Chelsea Pearl

Moscow is definitely up there on my travel bucket list. So much history and iconic architecture!

Thumbs up! 🙂

travel viaggi offerte

Blair Villanueva

OMG I dream to visit Moscow someday! Hope the visa processing would be okay (and become more affordable) so I could pursue my dream trip!

Yup, visa processing is the major downside! Agree! Time and the money consuming process…

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Sharm el Sheikh

Voli da Milano

8 giorni / 7 notti

Partenza il 4 giu 2024

All Inclusive

50€ sconto Logi dà i numeri

Volo + 7 notti hotel

Partenza il 04/06/2024

Ritorno 11/06/2024

Castillo Beach Bungalows


Partenza il 5 giu 2024

Partenza il 05/06/2024

Ritorno 12/06/2024

Club Hotel Cala Ratjada

Partenza il 1 giu 2024

Partenza il 01/06/2024

Ritorno 08/06/2024

Bellavista Club

Mezza Pensione

Blue Sea Callao Garden

Partenza il 25 giu 2024

Partenza il 25/06/2024

Ritorno 02/07/2024

Hotel Tre Torri

Pernottamento e prima colazione

Lh Pedraladda Resort

Partenza il 2 giu 2024

Partenza il 02/06/2024

Ritorno 09/06/2024

Blue Sea Copacabana

Costa Brava

Hotel Rey Carlos

Gran Canaria

Vista Blanes Apartamentos

Partenza il 13 giu 2024

Alloggio con angolo cottura

Partenza il 13/06/2024

Ritorno 20/06/2024

Opera House Hotel

9 giorni / 7 notti

Partenza il 9 giu 2024

200€ sconto Logi dà i numeri

Partenza il 09/06/2024

Ritorno 16/06/2024

Apraos Bay Hotel

Partenza il 15 giu 2024

Partenza il 15/06/2024

Ritorno 22/06/2024

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L'informazione più completa

Opinioni dei viaggiatori

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Tour con trasferimenti e guide inclusi, Viaggi Combinati con due o più destinazioni, Fly & Drive con voli, hotel e noleggio auto

  • fly and drive

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Gran Canaria, Tenerife e Fuerteventura

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Partenze estive: 50€ di sconto fino al 13 maggio

Vacanze alle Maldive

Vacanze alle Maldive

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Crociere Top

Partenze speciali

Nave MSC Grandiosa - MSC Crociere

Francia, Spagna, Tunisia, Italia

8 giorni da Livorno

Partenze: 05 mag fino al 20 ott (Partenze di Domenica)

Itinerario: Livorno, Marsiglia (Francia), Barcellona, La Goulette (Tunisi), Palermo, Napoli , Livorno

Fino a 400€ di Sconto! Logi dà i numeri

Cambio Data Gratis

Nave Costa Toscana - Costa Crociere

Italia, Francia, Spagna, Isole Baleari

8 giorni da Savona

Partenze: 08 giu fino al 07 set (Partenze di Sabato)

Itinerario: Savona, Baia delle Calanche , Marsiglia (Francia), Barcellona, Ibiza (Spagna), Baia di Formentera , ...

Partenze Privilegio CostaClub

Nave Costa Smeralda - Costa Crociere

Francia, Spagna, Italia

8 giorni da Genova

Partenze: 31 mag fino al 06 set (Partenze di Venerdì)

Itinerario: Genova, Marsiglia (Francia), Barcellona, Mare delle Baleari , Mare delle Baleari , Cagliari, Baia di...

Nave MSC Fantasia - MSC Crociere

Partenze: 01 mag fino al 16 ott (Partenze di Mercoledì)

Itinerario: Genova, Marsiglia (Francia), Valencia (Spagna), Navigazione, Livorno, Civitavecchia, Genova

Nave Explorer of the Seas - Royal Caribbean

Grecia, Croazia

8 giorni da Ravenna

Partenze: 01 giu fino al 07 set (Partenze di Sabato)

Itinerario: Ravenna, Navigazione, Santorini (Grecia), Mykonos (Grecia), Pireo (Atene), Navigazione, Spalato (Cro...

Nave MSC Divina - MSC Crociere

Grecia, Turchia, Italia

8 giorni da Civitavecchia

Partenze: 10 mag fino al 25 ott (Partenze di Venerdì)

Itinerario: Civitavecchia, Mykonos (Grecia), Izmir (Turchia), Santorini (Grecia), Napoli , Civitavecchia

Nave Costa Fascinosa - Costa Crociere

Grecia, Malta, Italia

8 giorni da Taranto

Partenze: 09 giu fino al 15 set (Partenze di Domenica)

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Nave Odyssey of the Seas - Royal Caribbean

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Crociera USA e Bahamas + Hotel a New York - Bevande incluse

11 giorni di viaggio

Partenze: 17 mag fino al 09 ago

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Mance incluse

Nave Costa Diadema - Costa Crociere

Norvegia, Germania

8 giorni da Copenhagen

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Voli e trasferimenti inclusi

Nave MSC Euribia - MSC Crociere

Fiordi Norvegesi

8 giorni da Kiel (Germania)

Partenze: 11 mag fino al 17 ago (Partenze di Sabato)

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Nave MSC Preziosa - MSC Crociere

Regno Unito, Islanda

12 giorni da Amburgo (Germania)

Partenze: 26 mag; 1, 24 lug

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Nave MSC World Europa - MSC Crociere

Italia, Malta, Spagna, Francia

Partenze: 03 nov fino al 29 dic (Partenze di Domenica)

Itinerario: Genova, Civitavecchia, Palermo, La Valletta (Malta), Navigazione, Barcellona, Marsiglia (Francia), G...

Itinerario della crociera Francia, Spagna, Italia - Costa Crociere

Partenza: 22 Marzo 2025

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I migliori viaggi brevi

Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Parigi, Francia

Da 3 giorni / 2 Notti

Colazione inclusa

Ingresso incluso

Aggiungi il trasporto!

Hotel: B&B Hotel Disneyland Paris

Goditi anche questa vacanza senza trasporto & con il treno!

Entrate: Disneyland® Paris - Biglietti di più giorni con data

Immergiti nell'universo di Harry Potter a Londra

Immergiti nell'universo di Harry Potter a Londra

Londra, Regno Unito

Hotel: Oyo Bros Inn Hotel

Entrate: Warner Bros Studio Tour: La Produzione di Harry Potter con trasferimenti

Sharm El Sheikh con Desert Safari e Blue Hole Snorkeling

Sharm El Sheikh con Desert Safari e Blue Hole Snorkeling

Sharm el Sheikh, Egitto

Da 6 giorni / 5 Notti

Hotel: Viking Club Hotel

Safari Blue Hole Dahab

Relax in Umbria con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Relax in Umbria con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Perugia, Italia

Da 2 giorni / 1 notte

Hotel: Relais Il Canalicchio

Goditi anche questa vacanza con volo!

Walt Disney World Florida e Universal Orlando Resort con biglietti inclusi

Walt Disney World Florida e Universal Orlando Resort con biglietti inclusi

Walt Disney World , Stati Uniti

Da 9 giorni / 7 Notti

Hotel: Seralago Hotel & Suites Main Gate East

Entrate: Universal Orlando - Biglietti con data

Entrate: Entrada Disney's Theme Park Base Ticket

Praga per gli innamorati, con crociera notturna

Praga per gli innamorati, con crociera notturna

Praga, Repubblica Ceca

Hotel: Grand Majestic Hotel Prague

Praga di Notte: crociera con cena

Fuga romantica a Siviglia con tour e crociera in coppia

Fuga romantica a Siviglia con tour e crociera in coppia

Siviglia, Spagna

Da 6 giorni / 4 Notti

Hotel: Hotel Duquesa

Tour della città di Siviglia e crociera sul Guadalquivir

Vivi PortAventura e Ferrari Land

Vivi PortAventura e Ferrari Land

Costa Dorada, Spagna

Da 4 giorni / 3 Notti

Hotel: htop Molinos Park

Entrate: PortAventura Park + Ferrari Land

Venezia con visita a Murano, Burano e Torcello

Venezia con visita a Murano, Burano e Torcello

Venezia, Italia

Hotel: Hotel Tre Archi

Goditi anche questa vacanza con volo & con il treno!

Escursione alle isole di Burano e Murano con sosta opzionale a Torcello

Budapest con tour panoramico e giro in barca

Budapest con tour panoramico e giro in barca

Budapest, Ungheria

Hotel: Equity Point Budapest - Hostel

Giro turistico di Budapest in autobus

Parigi con Museo del Louvre

Parigi con Museo del Louvre

Parigi, Francia

Hotel: Hotel Dame Des Arts

Tour guidato del museo Louvre - salta la coda

Parigi e Disneyland Parigi con ingresso incluso

Parigi e Disneyland Parigi con ingresso incluso

Entrate: Disneyland Paris Tickets

Relax in Campania con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Relax in Campania con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Napoli, Italia

Hotel: Grand Hotel Telese

Relax in Sicilia con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Relax in Sicilia con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Sicilia, Italia

Da 8 giorni / 7 Notti

Hotel: Cefalù Sea Palace

Weekend rurale in Toscana

Weekend rurale in Toscana

Litorale Toscano, Italia

Hotel: Valdonica Winery & Vineyard Residence

Viaggio nella natura della Puglia

Viaggio nella natura della Puglia

Puglia, Italia

Hotel: Agriturismo Il Megalite

Weekend sul Lago di Garda

Weekend sul Lago di Garda

Lago di Garda, Italia

Relax in Toscana con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Relax in Toscana con hotel, spa e colazione inclusa

Firenze, Italia

Hotel: Hotel Terme Marine Leopoldo Ii

Fai volare la tua immaginazione a Legoland

Fai volare la tua immaginazione a Legoland

Da 4 giorni / 2 Notti

Hotel: PubLove @ The Green Man - Hostel

Entrate: Legoland Windsor con traslados

Relax in Maiorca con hotel e colazione inclusa

Relax in Maiorca con hotel e colazione inclusa

Maiorca, Spagna

Hotel: Grupotel Farrutx


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    Inoltre, abbiamo offerte di tutti i tipi: offerte di crociere, offerte combinate, offerte di pacchetti, offerte di circuiti, offerte di hotel, offerte di itinerari in auto, offerte di attività e molto altro ancora! Trova occasioni ed offerte last minute per tutte le destinazioni e prenota le tue vacanze di volo+hotel o crociere con grandi ...

  19. Welcome Travel Network

    L'Agenzia Viaggi e Turismo Welcome Travel Network, a Milano, organizza viaggi di nozze, offerte, vacanze, biglietteria, tour e crociere in tutto il mondo!

  20. Russian Tour Agency

    Welcome to Russia! Grand Russia is a Russian Tour Agency based out of the cosmopolitan Moscow city. We are a prominent Russia Travel Agency engaged in providing travel experiences to the people wishing to explore Russia for more than ten years. We specialise in providing guided tours, custom made packages, exclusive excursions, visa facility services, unexplored destinations and lot more.

  21. The 20 Best Moscow Tours for 2022

    This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing. $ 941 From/Per person. Details.

  22. Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow

    Day 6 - Explore the Golden Ring. Creating the Moscow itinerary may keep you busy for days with the seemingly endless amount of things to do. Visiting the so-called Golden Ring is like stepping back in time. Golden Ring is a "theme route" devised by promotion-minded journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov.

  23. Viaggi a buon prezzo| Offerte per le tue vacanze

    Le migliori offerte su tutte le destinazioni per viaggiare al miglior prezzo. Scegli la tua destinazione ideale, prenota ora e goditi le tue vacanze a buon prezzo con Logitravel! ... Le migliori offerte di viaggi e vacanze. Gran Canaria. Gran Canaria è un autentico "continente in miniatura" dalle temperature miti tutto l'anno. È un'isola ...