emocionantes tours

Vive una aventura en, ríos extremos, paisajes inolvidables, bosques nativos, ofertas de temporada.


Antes $125.000


Antes $44.000

huilo 15

Antes $55.000

Trekking y montaña

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  • GoPucon Turismo Aventura

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Turismo Florencia Pucon

Turismo Florencia

¿quienes somos.

Somos una empresa de Turismo Aventura, ubicada en la ciudad de Pucón IX Región – Chile , dedicada a realizar distintos tipos de actividades Turísticas en donde vivirás experiencias inolvidables.

Nuestra misión es entregar un servicio personalizado y de calidad a todos nuestros clientes que prefieran nuestros servicios.

  • Seguridad en cada experiencia.
  • Atención personalizada.
  • Óptimos equipamientos.

agencia travel pucon

Pucón Experiencias

¡ Vive una experiencia única en hermosos destinos como Pucón! Ofrecemos actividades y excursiones para todos los gustos, desde deportes acuáticos hasta senderismo y mucho más. Disfruta de este encantadora zona.

agencia travel pucon

Tours y Actividades​

Asombrate con lugares maravillosos en cada tour y vive una de las mejores aventuras de tu vida con nuestras actividades.​

paquetes turisticos

Paquetes turísticos

¡Tu próxima aventura está en Pucón! Elige el paquete a tu medida y disfrútalo en pareja o con tu familia. Desde 3 dias y 2 noches.​​

Giras de estudios

Gira de estudios

La Gira de estudios que deseas está en Pucón, prepárate para el mejor carrete con noches de disco, turismo aventura, y mucho más!​

Actividades imperdibles en Pucón

Aquí encontrarás todas las actividades imperdibles que debes hacer durante tu viaje. ¡No te pierdas nada! Vive experiencias únicas y descubre todas las maravillas que tenemos preparadas para ti. ¡Aprovecha al máximo tu viaje con nosotros!

agencia travel pucon


Desciende por el río Trancura, si eres un amante de la adrenalina seguro que disfrutarás al máximo esta aventura.

agencia travel pucon


A sólo 30km de Pucón, relájate en 3 piscinas termales y 7 tinas calientes, incluimos el transporte.

agencia travel pucon


Ubicadas en el P. Nacional Villarrica Sur con Fuentes de pura agua termal, que brotan naturalmente hasta 80º de temperatura.

agencia travel pucon


Conoce la belleza de bosque milenarios, Salto el León, La China, laguna Quillelhue y más.

agencia travel pucon


Sin duda una de las experiencias que debes vivir en tu próxima visita a Pucón es conquistar el Volcán Villarrica.

agencia travel pucon


Conoce la belleza natural y distintos lugares cerca de Pucón y obtén fotografías geniales.

Valoración de Nuestros clientes

Kota Thomas Takada

Echa un vistazo a nuestro blog

agencia travel pucon

¿Cómo llegar a Pucón?

Pucon es una de las principales ciudades turísticas de Chile. Está ubicada en la región de La Araucanía, al sur de Chile, y ofrece a sus visitantes una amplia variedad de actividades, alojamiento y paisajes increíbles. Si estás pensando en visitar Pucon, aquí te decimos cómo llegar a esta hermosa...

agencia travel pucon

Volcán Villarrica

El Volcán Villarrica, ubicado en el sur de Chile, es uno de los volcanes más impresionantes de la región. Está ubicado dentro del Parque Nacional Villarrica y es uno de los volcanes más activos de América del Sur. El volcán tiene una altura de 2.860 metros sobre el nivel del...

agencia travel pucon

¿Porqué venir a Pucón?

¡Bienvenidos a Pucón, un destino turístico ubicado en la Región de La Araucanía de Chile! Esta ciudad de montañas es uno de los destinos más populares del país, y con razón. Aquí hay mucho que conocer y hacer. Una de las cosas más destacadas que se pueden hacer en Pucón...

agencia travel pucon

Rafting: Una de las actividades más solicitadas

El Rafting esta dentro de las actividades más solicitadas por las personas que visitan Pucón,sin duda no puedes dejar de vivir esta tremenda experiencia en tu próxima visita.

Estamos aquí

LUNES A DOMINGO 09:30 – 22:00

agencia travel pucon

  • Tour zona + Termas

Tour Etnico

Tour huilo huilo, tour valdivia.

  • Tour Base Volcan

Trekking Lagunas Andinas

Trekking huerquehue, canopy pucon, canyoning pucon.

  • Paintball Pucon

Rafting Alto

Rafting bajo.

  • Experiencia Romántica
  • Experiencia Outdoor
  • Experiencia Extrema
  • Termas Indomito
  • Termas Menetue

Termas Geometricas

  • termas Los Pozones

agencia travel pucon


Programa Solo para 2 en Pucón

Programa Solo para 2 en Pucón

Desconéctate junto a tu pareja o amigo(a) con este programa solo para 2 en Pucón. Con un exquisito baño termal y tour por la zona. Incluye alojamiento.

Tour Zona más Termas

Tour Zona más Termas

Es el paseo ideal para recorrer en familia los lugares más emblemáticos de la zona (Ojos del Caburgua, Mirador de peces, Lago Caburgua)...

Tour 3 Saltos

Tour 3 Saltos

Amante de las cascadas, este tour es ideal para conocer y deleitarte con los mágicos Saltos de agua ubicados en las cercanías de Pucón

Tour Frontera

Tour Frontera

Comenzamos el tour con la salida desde Pucón dirigiéndonos al paso fronterizo con Argentina, durante el recorrido haremos diferentes paradas...

Tour Base Volcán + Clase Gratis

Tour Base Volcán + Clase Gratis

Llegó el momento de disfrutar la nieve con el Tour Base Volcán Villarrica, nuestra aventura comienza a las 11:00 AM. saliendo desde el centro de Pucón (Agencia). La duración del viaje es de aproximadamente 20 min.  …

Sunset base Volcán Villarrica

Sunset base Volcán Villarrica

Disfruta junto a nosotros el mejor atardecer de Pucón desde la falda del  Volcán Villarrica con vistas privilegiadas de la  Zona,  además te deleitaras con un exquisito aperitivo.

Tour Valdivia

Paseo Full-day por una de las ciudades más hermosas de Chile, donde visitaremos el Fuerte de Niebla, Corral, disfrutar de la gastronomía sureña en el mercado fluvial, paseo por el río Calle Calle y una …

Tour Huilo Huilo

Tour Full-Day que se caracteriza por la gran cantidad de lugares a visitar, Conociendo gran parte de la Reserva Biológica Huilo Huilo, partiendo por la costanera de Villarrica y continuar el recorrido por la ruta …

Tour Etnico

El tour étnico nos permitirá recorrer los lugares por esencia Mapuche, en el sector de Quelhue, disfrutar de su gastronomía y conocer un poco más de sus costumbres y cultura.

Termas Pucon Indomito

Termas Pucon Indomito

Termas Pucon Indomito cuanta con tres piscinas termales, dos exteriores y una techada, las cuales se mantienen entre los 30 y

Termas Geometricas

Este bello paseo parte desde Pucón haciendo un alto en la costanera de Villarrica para observar el lago y volcán de Villarrica,

Deporte Aventura

Ascenso al Volcán Villarrica

Ascenso al Volcán Villarrica

Trekking en el Volcán Villarrica hasta llegar a su cráter.

Canopy Pucon

El concepto de seguridad es importante para nuestra empresa asegurándonos que tengas una actividad y sin complicaciones.

Hidrospeed Pucon

Hidrospeed Pucon

Ven y disfruta junto a nosotros de esta experiencia única que te llevará a la adrenalina máxima en el rio trancura, en donde

Canyoning Pucon

Es un descenso caminando sobre el lecho de un rio (cascada) y superar los obstáculos que nos encontramos, estos pueden ser

Rafting Bajo

Rafting bajo clase III Una experiencia tremenda! Te deslizarás por tramos de aguas mansas en la naturaleza resplandeciente del

Rafting Alto

Rafting Trancura Alto, es ideal para los más aventureros ya que los rápidos hacen que la adrenalina suba hasta las nubes.

Trekking Huerquehue

Recorrido por uno de los Parques nacionales más bellos y antiguos del país. Araucarias milenarias y bosques nativos, únicos en

Trekking Lagunas Andinas

Saliendo desde Pucón, nos dirigimos hacia la frontera con Argentina, donde nos adentraremos en el sector Puesco del Parque

agencia travel pucon

+56 9 6500 4016 [email protected]

Así se paga hoy!

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  • Sobre Nosotros
  • Obligaciones
  • Políticas de Trabajo
  • Políticas de Reserva

+56 45 2441373

+569 6846 0264

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Aprovecha los descuentos de temporada

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Ascenso volcán Villarrica

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Cuevas Volcanicas

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Promoción: Tour zona y Huilo Huilo

agencia travel pucon

Tour zona + Termas en Pucón

Nuestros tours.

¿Qué aventura estás buscando?

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Montaña (7)

agencia travel pucon

Canopy en Pucón

agencia travel pucon

City Tour Valdivia

agencia travel pucon

Hiking Lagunas Andinas

agencia travel pucon

Rafting Alto, Pucón

¡súmate a la aventura.

Experiencias, actividades y lugares. Todo en un solo servicio

agencia travel pucon

Más de 35 años de experiencia como agencia de turismo aventura nos respaldan

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En POLITUR estamos listos para orientarte y transformar tu viaje en una aventura

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Tours Destacados

Las actividades más populares

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Vive nuevas experiencias

¿conoces pucón.

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Historia de Pucón

Un 27 de febrero de 1883, una partida del ejército que ocupó la Araucanía y que estaba acantonado en Villarrica avanzó hasta Pucón. Instaló un cuartel al costado oriente de la actual plaza, lugar que Leer más…


Pucón la capital del turismo aventura en Chile

Debido a su entorno natural privilegiado, cercano a volcanes, lagos, parques nacionales y termas, es un destino que permite realizar turismo todo el año. Pucón es una comuna de la Provincia de Cautín, perteneciente a Leer más…

agencia travel pucon

El volcán Villarrica o Rucapillán en la cosmovisión mapuche

El pueblo mapuche, del cual hasta hoy varias comunidades habitan en las inmediaciones del cono, consideraba al Ruka Pillañ («casa del pillán»), tal como indica el nombre, morada de un pillán (poderosa divinidad con dominio sobre Leer más…

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Politur Travel & Adventure - Pucon

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Experiências semelhantes

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Politur Travel & Adventure - O que saber antes de ir (ATUALIZADO 2024)

Politur Travel & Adventure

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Similar Experiences

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Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

scott b

POLITUR TRAVEL & ADVENTURE (Pucon) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

agencia travel pucon

¡Bienvenidos a PucónTours!

Somos tu opción de  aventura  en pucón., ¡no te lo puedes perder, te estamos esperando, conoce nuestro hostal, cabañas, lodge y agencia de turismo en pucón.

En Pucontours ofrecemos Hostal, Cabañas y Agencia de turismo en Pucón, Araucanía, Chile.

Nuestra misión es entregar un servicio completo de alojamiento en nuestro hostal, cabañas y agencia de turismo aventura para que disfrutes al máximo tu estadía en Pucón.

Nuestras opciones de Alojamiento

Revisa y elige tu mejor opción para descansar en pucón, nuestro hostal.

El Pucontours Hostal en el centro de Pucón.


Cabañas Pucontours en una ubicación privilegiada.


El Pucontours Lodge en la naturaleza de Pucón.

Nuestra Agencia de Turismo Aventura

Pucón – chile.

Nuestra Agencia de turismo aventura Pucontours se encuentra operando desde el año 2008 en Pucón Chile por lo tanto conocemos todos los atractivos que la zona te puede ofrecer.

Ofrecemos diferentes servicios de turismo aventura y logística para actividades outdoor en la Región de la Araucanía – Chile.

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Nuestro Blog

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Nota Prueba 04

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Prueba Nota 03

Prueba nota 02.

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Prueba Nota 01

¡síguenos en instagram.

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  • Hotel Cumbres del Sur

3 Días/2 Noches + Termas Huife para 2 Personas

El programa consiste en:

• 2 días y 1 noche de Alojamiento en Habitación Doble o Matrimonial. • 2 Tickets de ingreso a Centro Termal Huife con acceso a todas las piscinas.

agencia travel pucon

Hotel Enjoy Pucon

2 Días/1 Noche + Termas del Huife para 2 Personas

agencia travel pucon

  • Enjoy Pucon
  • Vientos del Sur
  • Cumbres del Sur
  • Hotel Rangi
  • Hotel Martina de Goñi
  • Hotel Geronimo

agencia travel pucon

  • Complejo Turístico Pucón

agencia travel pucon

  • Departamento Demo

agencia travel pucon

  • City Tour Valdivia
  • Huilo Huilo + Tour Zona + Termas
  • Tour Cultural Mapuche
  • Tour Huilo Huilo
  • Tour Lagunas Andinas
  • Tour Zona + Termas en Pucón

agencia travel pucon

  • Ascenso Volcán Villarrica
  • Trekking con Raquetas
  • Trekking con Raquetas en Pucón

agencia travel pucon

  • Cuevas Volcánicas
  • Trekking Parque Nacional Huerquehue

agencia travel pucon

  • Termas Geométricas
  • Termas Huife

agencia travel pucon

  • Canopy en Pucón

agencia travel pucon

  • Rafting Alto, Pucón
  • Rafting Bajo en Río Trancura, Pucón
  • Rafting Invernal, Pucón

agencia travel pucon

Programas de Viajes

Para Operadores

Armamos viajes a su medida. Cotice por WhatsApp

En PUCON TRAVEL somos expertos en armar planificaciones completas de los días de viaje, desde tu llegada y transporte, considerando la estadía, traslados y todas las actividades que quieres realizar.

Solicita ahora tu planificación especializada

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Para Personas

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Traslado de Pasajeros

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Escalada al Volcán Villarrica

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Reservas Naturales en Pucón

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Rafting en Pucón

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Hoteles con Piscina en Pucón

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Kayak en Pucón

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  • Sobre Nosotros
  • Obligaciones
  • Política de Trabajo
  • Política de Reserva
  • 5 de marzo de 2024


Pucón es una pequeña ciudad de Chile insertada en las montañas, al pie del Volcán Villarrica y en el centro del sur de Chile.. Con su entorno natural privilegiado, cerca de volcanes, lagos, cascadas, parques nacionales y aguas termales, Pucón es un destino turístico muy popular en Chile.

  • Promocion 1
  • Promocion 2
  • Promocion 3
  • Promocion 4
  • Departamentos

agencia travel pucon

  • Hotel Pucón Green Park
  • Hotel Enjoy Pucón
  • Hotel Vientos del Sur
  • Hotel Inti Kuyen

Próximos Eventos y Aventuras

Alta montaña, villarrica volcan.

  • 5 marzo, 06:00 - 15:00
  • Pedro de Valdivia 205, Pucon

Ascent to the great Villarrica Volcan, 5 hours to 2.350 Mts of altitude.

Elige una forma de pago

Villarrica volcano ascent.

  • 17 agosto, 06:00 - 15:39

Mountain experience, active volcano!!


Register in

  • 14 diciembre, 11:00 - 13:30

Experience a full broadcast of the eclipse through a live-streaming event, weaving science & story together across three locations in Pucón, Chile

Glaciar Voipir Full day

  • 19 enero, 09:00 - 17:00
  • Pedro de Valdivia 205, Piso 2, Office Zenit

Trek to Voipir glacier - west side of the Villarrica volcano. Araucarias forests. Visit to the Glacier - conversations regarding the importance of these n

Eclipse Elqui Valley 2019

  • 2 julio, 09:00 - 06:30
  • North of Chile

Total Solar Eclipse at premium Campsite Zenit inside Quebrada de Cochiguaz, Elqui Valley, Chile.

Observacion del cielo astronomico en Pucon

  • 19 abril, 20:00 - 22:00
  • Salida desde punto de encuentro

Disfrutemos del Cielo austral desde la teoría y la Cosmovisión Mapuche. A ojo libre, con nuestro Telescopio y binoculares de apoyo! LUNA LLENA TENDREMOS D

Trekking and Mapuche Culture

  • 29 diciembre, 15:23 - 09:00

Visit to a Mapuche Community with ancestral experience and visit to the Puesco area, with a walk through araucaria forests, views of Lanin Volcano next to

Trekking cañon de Huincacara y Bosque Nativo

  • 10 noviembre, 09:00 - 16:00
  • Pucon alrededores

Visita al Suroeste de Pucón. Caminaremos por cañones naturales sorprendentes para luego entrar en Bosque de Araucaria y Coihues con avistamiento de aves

  • 8 noviembre, 21:00 - 23:00
  • Mariman Area

Surprise yourself with the wealth of the Austral Sky and visit the Wenumapu (Sky in Mapudungun*), accompanied by our guides and telescopes and realizing ho

Cata de Vinos

Enjoy the organic & biodynamic wines in pucón.

  • 8 septiembre, 19:00 - 20:15
  • Hosteria ecole!

Have a great organic and wine tasting experience in the Area of Zenit and enjoy the great biodynamic wines!

  • 17 agosto, 08:00
  • Some location

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Mapuche Worldview

  • 6 agosto, 11:25 - 15:00
  • Some Location

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis n

Descubre Los Increíbles alrededores de Pucón

Toma un descanso de la rutina diaria y rodéate de naturaleza al sur de chile., laguna san manuel.

Ubicado en el Parque Huerquehue

Alrededores de Pucon

Cerduo escalada en roca, fondo Volcán Rukapillan

Martín Pescador

También es conocido como Martín del Río.

Viajar & Explorar

Las maravillas naturales.

El viaje que emprendemos con los sonidos de las aves y animales del bosque templado lluvioso, el silencio de las milenarias Araucarias, los contrastes de colores de bosques nativos, lagunas, ríos, saltos de agua, glaciares y cielos azules, más la imponente presencia de tres volcanes sagrados, nos entrega una experiencia integral única que lleva a reconectar con los ciclos de la naturaleza.

Paisajes escénicos

Entornos naturales prístinos, observación de vida salvaje y árboles nativos milenarios en Reservas Naturales. Manifestaciones de la naturaleza en espectaculares y únicos diseños.

aventura outdoor

Diferentes experiencias activas en la naturaleza. Caminatas, escalada, remo y practica de yoga en entornos únicos de belleza escénica. Invitación a conectar con el ritmo de nuestros guías.

cultura ancestral

Interacción con comunidades locales a través de los encuentros, en la apertura de recibir saberes ancestrales y de compartir momentos únicos desde el presente mismo.

Tú decides!

Desde la exploración del entorno diseñamos experiencias en la naturaleza junto a comunidades locales, aumentando el sentido del viaje. Dibujemos tu viaje!


Elige tu Experiencia

Aventuras que activan tu espíritu viajero.

Activémonos en el caminar y en el ascender, en los encuentros, en el respirar consciente del yoga, en la exploración del cielo austral y en el reconocimiento de notables practicas sustentables.

Hikes y Montañas

Naturaleza y Más

Experiencia Ancestral

Yoga y Bienestar

Observación del Cielo

Cata de Vinos Biodinámicos

Santuario de Cañi

Carpintero Negro (Campephilus Magellanicus)

Naturaleza & Más

Entra en la naturaleza prístina.

En las alturas que visitamos, junto a otras especies arbóreas nativas, en medio de lagos y volcanes o en las cumbres rocosas, como espectaculares relictos de selvas más extensas del pasado aparecen los bellísimos e incomparables bosques de Araucaria (Araucaria araucana) “el pehuén de los Mapuches”, con árboles de más de mil años de edad. La imponente imagen del Volcán Rucapillan (Villarrica), espíritu activo portador del fuego y de la memoria ancestral del lugar, inspirará el viaje y así también la presencia de aves como el Majestuoso Cóndor, el Carpintero Negro, el Martin Pescador o el Chucao nos acompañarán en el camino.

Volcán Rukapillan (Villarrica)

Uno de los más activos de Sudamérica

Vistas Magnificas del Cielo Austral

Los cielos obscuros de esta zona entregan las condiciones óptimas para viajar en la observación del Cielo. Nuestro sol es una de las cien mil millones de estrellas de nuestra galaxia y nuestra galaxia es una de las cien mil millones de galaxias en el universo… somos afortunados donde nos encontramos en esta inmensidad, aprovechemos esta instancia para explorar el majestuoso paisaje cercano que nos rodea.

Datos generales de nuestro entorno

Let's keep exploring, lagos naturales.

Descubre azulinos lagos dentro de tupidos bosques nativos

Ríos & Afluentes

Muévete al ritmo de la naturaleza

Experiencia desde cerca los volcanes activos

Reservas Naturales

Explora las áreas naturales preservadas de los alrededores de Pucón

Nuestros Testimonios

Qué cuentan nuestros viajeros de nosotros.

Amamos crear viajeros felices y creemos que las grandes experiencias deben ser compartidas con otros.

Vantanee Pettinati

United kingdom.

Despite the beautiful scenery in Atacama and the incredible experience in Torres del Paine, Pucón is still our favorite.

Cedric Rose

Thank you very much for the specialized and spontaneous Organic and Biodynamic Wine Tasting.

Stefan Klampfer

The mix of activities gives us every day new challenges and pleasant surprises. Congratulations! (Araucania Andina 3 Days)

Georgia Marman

The well-being, energy and happiness achieved through your program will be an experience that I will take with me forever! ( Trekking & Yoga in Nature)

Grant Taylor

Specialist guides, stunning nature, a great adventure with its challenges all ad up to a fantastic experience. (El Cañi Sanctuary-Trekking)

Encuentra tu Aventura en Pucón!

Explora una de las maravillas de chile y encuentra la mejor experiencia de viaje para ti solo llámanos o déjanos unas líneas, estaremos esperando tus consultas.

agencia travel pucon

Que empiece la aventura

Rafting 1.JPG

Con mas de 20 años de experiencia, Turismo Aventur ha ofrecido emocionantes actividades de deporte aventura y tour para turistas que buscan buenas experiencias y emociones en la ciudad de Pucón, Chile .  Trabajando muy duro con nuestro equipo en rafting, canyoning, hidrospeed, ascensión volcán Villarrica, rental de ski y programas de giras de estudios  para asegurarnos de que tenga una experiencia segura, divertida y fantástica de principio a fin.  Todos nuestro equipo, desde el personal de recepción hasta el guía senior, comparten el mismo objetivo: brindarle la mejor aventura de en las diferentes actividades y además de ayudarlos a crear recuerdos que no te olvidarás jamás.  Revise nuestras actividades y tours actuales, siéntase libre de reservar o comunicarse con cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre lo que ofrecemos.

Lo que nos hace especial, guias locales expertos y certificados., diferentes actividades y tour, para todas las edades., seguridad y confianza, con mas de 20 años de experiencia., nuestras actividades.


Actividades de verano

Ya sea que busque una actividad tranquila o algunas con muchas adrenalina, le brindaré servicios profesionales para satisfacer sus necesidades. conozca más sobre nuestros servicios y contácteme si tiene alguna pregunta., actividades de invierno, en esta temporada queremos que estés listo para disfrutar de esta temporada invernal.  ofrecemos una variedad de servicios con nuestra personal con experiencia para que tu vida sea más fácil. mira lo que tenemos para ti y contáctanos si no encuentras lo que necesitas..

Foto nieve


Logo aventur

5 Days in Chile's Adventure Capital: The Perfect Pucón Travel Itinerary

Pucón, Chile is often touted as the adventure capital of the country - and after taking a look at all of the outdoor adventure possibilities it is easy to see why. Explore our perfect 5-day travel itinerary to plan your own epic adventure.

By: Madalyne Staab + Save to a List

agencia travel pucon

Pucón is often touted as one of the adventure capitals of Chile - some even say it is the adventure capital of this very adventure-focused South American country. Either way, it is safe to say that Pucón has a lot to offer travelers. From numerous navigable rivers to tons of hiking trails (or senderos ) to plenty of amazing day trips (including to dozens of hot springs), you can likely spend more than a year in this centrally located town and still not see everything. If you are looking to visit Pucón and are hoping to fill your days with lots of epic outdoor adventures, then this travel itinerary is for you. Jam-packed with lots of amazing things to do, this 5-day travel itinerary for Pucón will hopefully help you plan the perfect trip.

On your first day in Pucón, you should plan to check off one of the most popular activities in town: rafting! Luckily, there are a ton of rafting outfitters in town. To find the one that is right for you, just walk down O'Higgins - the main street in Pucón. While rafting is definitely the most common way to explore the rivers that twist around Pucón, it isn't the only option. If you are instead looking for something a bit tamer, consider booking a kayak trip down the Minetue River, a much calmer river that is located east of town. Once done, head back to town for a quick bite to eat and then prepare yourself for another epic outdoor adventure: canyoneering.


If you are looking for a bit of an adrenaline rush, then definitely consider booking a rafting tour along the nearby Turbio River. For the most part, you can plan to spend a couple of hours on a rafting tour, which includes just over an hour on the actual river. The Turbio River itself is very nice: clear water, great scenery, and some really fun rapids. While most trips will head down only Class III rapids, depending on the time of year you are visiting (and your overall comfort level), you can also choose to ride some Class IV rapids (Class V is the hardest). Now if rafting is too much, you can also book a kayaking tour on the Minetue River, another beautiful waterway close to Pucón. Kayaking, while not as high energy as rafting, is still a great way to spend a couple of hours exploring the nearby landscapes. In our opinion, a kayak tour gives you a better opportunity to learn about the Pucón region - including its bird and plant life. DETAILS FOR RAFTING IN PUCÓN 💸COST: between 25,000 and 40,000 CLP per person ($29 and $46 USD). The price seems to depend on the level of rapids, the put-in and exit points (some agencies have private points on the river), and whether photos and videos are included in your package. 📣TOUR: we booked our rafting tour through Kayak Pucón, which has a shop located right off of O'Higgins. This locally owned tour agency has private entrances and exits on the river, which make it super fast to get in and out. Plus, they are just a super fun group that will make sure you enjoy your time on the river. Check them out . ⭐ OR BOOK YOUR RAFTING TOUR ONLINE ! DETAILS FOR KAYAKING IN PUCÓN 💸COST: around 20,000 CLP ($23 USD) per person, this includes the float, transportation to and from the river, all necessary safety gear and a small snack at the end. 📣TOUR: we highly recommend checking out Aborigenturismo, a locally run operator that is a whole lot of fun (they'll even find you a spot to go cliff jumping if you want). Reach out to them via Instagram .

agencia travel pucon


Once you arrive back in Pucón, immediately head to this locally owned restaurant that serves up super tasty (and cheap!) vegetarian food. Sundar Vegetariano is a bit of a hidden gem. For starters, it is pretty tough to find. Located in the back of a small shopping center, Sundar only offers its customers 2 vegetarian choices for lunch ( and they are only open for lunch). Plus, the space has just a few wooden tables and a small health food market where you can purchase products like tofu, alternative meats and coconut milk. But with all of that being said, the food is absolutely delicious and the owner Gopa is beyond friendly and welcoming. DETAILS 💸COST: a lunch plate costs 4800 CLP ($5.70 USD) and comes with a salad and a fresh juice. 📌LOCATION: the restaurant is easy to miss. Head down Miguel Ansorena road until you see a small fruit stand and cheese shop on the right. Walk to the back of the shopping center and order your food at the counter. Find the exact location here . 🕝HOURS: the restaurant is open from 12:45 PM until they sell out of food.


Even though you might be a bit tired after rafting (and hopefully full after visiting Sundar), we still recommend spending your afternoon out on a canyoneering tour. We booked our canyoneering (or canyoning) trip with Aventur , an operator located right off of O'Higgins near the Pucón Tourism Office, and we cannot recommend them enough. The whole canyoneering tour was absolutely amazing - from the actual rappels down some rushing waterfalls to the opportunity to explore a beautiful river and canyon to just the guides themselves (they were not only very knowledgeable and fun, but they also brought hot tea for us to drink during the really cold parts). A few important things to know about canyoneering in Pucón include making sure you are wearing shoes that can be worn in the water and which have a strong enough grip to handle walking on rough, rocky riverbeds, and also that you make sure to bring an extra set of clothes to change into afterward, for the river can be quite cold. DETAILS 💸COST: it costs 35,000 CLP ($40.50 USD) per person for the 5-hour tour. This includes the wetsuit, neoprene socks, harness and transportation to and from the canyon (plus photos and videos for a bit more). 📣TOUR: we booked our tour the day of, though we would recommend booking a couple of days before during the really busy season (January - February). ► Want to learn more about canyoneering? Check out our Canyoneering 101 guide .

On your second day in Pucón, get up nice and early to catch the bus up to nearby Huerquehue National Park and then spend the whole day exploring the famous Araucaria forests and clear mountain lakes. Then head back to town for an early dinner before ending the day with a drink while watching the sunset.


Huerquehue National Park is an amazing destination for outdoor adventure enthusiasts looking to spend the day hiking around the nearby mountains. This sizeable national park is home to numerous mountain lakes, large and impressive Araucaria forests (also known as Monkey Puzzle trees) and some great viewpoints. The most popular adventure in the national park is to hike the Huerquehue Lakes Trail, a 13-kilometer (8-mile) long lollipop-loop that climbs up from Trinquilo Lake and then circles around numerous clear mountain lakes or lagunas before heading back down the same trail. If you want to do the full loop, then plan to spend at least 4 hours on the trail (more if you want to take your time visiting each lake). ► You can find our full in-depth guide on exploring Huerquehue National Park, including information on how to reach the park and a more comprehensive breakdown of the trail, here .

agencia travel pucon


Once you arrive back in Pucón, head straight to this hip restaurant located near the large Unimarc supermarket. Cilántropos serves up delicious vegan food - including unbelievably good pizzas, seitan and tempeh sandwiches, veggie burgers and desserts. We highly recommend ordering the Circum Terra or Callampas pizzas and the mint lemonade. They also do a daily lunch special that only costs 6,000 CLP ($7.15 USD). Once done eating, we suggest spending a couple of minutes walking around the outdoor market nearby, which includes many vintage and local clothing stores, a bookstore, a vegan bakery and a panaderia that serves up super good homemade loaves of bread. DETAILS 💸COST: the pizzas cost between 9700 CLP and 11000 CLP (~ $12.50 USD), while the sandwiches are around 7000 CLP ($8.33 USD). 📌LOCATION: the restaurant is located in a super cool outdoor market area that includes numerous other shops. There is outdoor and indoor seating available. Find the exact location . 🕝HOURS: Cilántropos is open from 12:30 PM until 8 PM every day of the week.


Pucón can have some truly magical sunsets - especially on evenings when the clouds are just right so that you get bright, vibrant colors and a fluorescent glow on the snowy right side of Villarrica Volcano. Below are some of the top spots to take in the sunset in Pucón: | A Sunset Boat Ride on Villarrica Lake ( Lago Villarrica ): this costs 5,000 CLP per person (~ $6 USD) and lasts just over an hour. You will head out an hour before sunset really peaks and then relax out on the lake while the sky lights up in shades of pink and orange. You can book your tickets ahead of time or right before the boat leaves at the small marina on the west side of town ( exact location ). | Playa Grande: the large expansive beach on Pucón's northern side is another great spot to take in the sunset colors - especially on nights when the snow on Villarrica Volcano turns a pretty shade of gold. We would say the best spot to head to on the beach is the far right side (near the forest). From there you have a relatively unobstructed view of Villarrica.

We also suggest making a point to check out some of Pucón's numerous bars - many of which will serve up local and international beers ( cervezas ) as well as cocktails using the famous pisco, aka the national alcoholic drink of Chile. Some of our favorite bars for drinks are Mamas and Tapas (an upscale bar along O'Higgins), Beerhouse (a laid-back beer spot with outdoor seating), El Camino (the closest thing to a dive bar in Pucón that is always lively), and Selina (a hostel that happens to serve up darn good pisco sours). 💬INSIDER TIP: if you can manage it, try to stay out after dark to catch a glimpse of the red glow from the volcano. While it isn't always a sure thing to see, it is definitely worth seeking out if the opportunity presents itself. Some of the best viewpoints are along La Poza (the beach near the marina) and the Plaza de Armas.

agencia travel pucon

After two full days of adventuring, you are probably looking for something a bit more low-key. And even though Pucón is known as the adventure capital of Chile, it still has some really chill things to do - including just walking around its cute downtown and checking out some local artisan shops. With that being said, do try to end your third day by heading out for an evening soak in one of the many hot springs or termas dotted around the area. Almost all of the hot springs are built up and require an entrance fee and very few of them can be reached via public transportation, therefore you will likely need to book a hot springs tour in town unless you have your own vehicle.


Start your third morning by grabbing a cup of coffee at Madd Goat , a local café that serves up really tasty coffee as well as some homemade treats. Once your caffeine buzz is on, start meandering around town until you see a shop that strikes your fancy. ❔GOOD TO KNOW: most places in Pucón do not open up very early. So if you want to do some morning shopping, don't plan to head out until at least 9:30 AM. While O'Higgins is the busiest street in town, it is not the only road to walk along while shopping. We instead suggest making your way along the quieter streets where you are more likely to find local artisan shops. Some of the coolest places to explore are along Clemente Holzapfel (which runs along the Plaza de Armas), Espacio ECole , a funky spot that is a mix of restaurant, shop and hostel, and the aforementioned outdoor market area where Cilántropos restaurant is located.


Finish your day by journeying out on a hot springs or termas tour. While there are dozens of hot springs located around town - from the super fancy to the more economical and natural - almost all of them are built up and charge an entrance fee. If you have your own vehicle it shouldn't be a problem to find one that piques your fancy, but if you are traveling sans a car, then you will likely have to book a tour - which you can easily do off of O'Higgins in Pucón. Some of the most popular hot springs in and around Pucón are: TERMAS GEOMETRICAS 

This is definitely the most famous hot spring in the Pucón area. Similar in style to a Japanese onsen, this termas is located about 2 hours south of Pucón close to the town of Coñaripe. The hot spring consists of numerous pools and costs 44,000 - 48,000 CLP per person ($51 - $56 USD). This is a popular day trip from Pucón and many agencies offer a package. Find more information here . ⭐ BOOK YOUR HOT SPRINGS TOUR ONLINE! MONTEVIVO 

This more laid-back hot spring is located along the International Road (the one that heads towards Argentina). It is open Wednesday to Sunday in three three-hour increments (11AM - 2PM, 2PM - 5PM and 5PM - 8PM). It costs 25,000 CLP ($29 USD) per adult and 12,000 CLP ($14 USD) for a child. MENETÚE 

Another somewhat popular hot spring is this picturesque and relaxed resort that includes 5 different pools. Located close to Montevivo and roughly 45 minutes from Pucón, this is a great spot to head to if you want to relax in the hot springs and also maybe spend a few nights out of town (cabins are available to rent). Prices depend on whether you want lunch or not, but expect to pay between 25,000 and 35,000 CLP per person ($29 - $41 USD). Find more information here .

Just like on Day 2 in Pucón, you should try to get up nice and early so you can have a full day of exploring nearby Villarrica National Park - one of the most popular parks in the whole country of Chile. Once done hiking around the volcano (or up to the top if that's what you choose to do!), head back to town and spend the afternoon relaxing on the local beach (just make sure to bring sunscreen!). Finally, end your day by grabbing a sweet treat at the always-busy Cassis restaurant, which is located near the Plaza de Armas.


Villarrica National Park is definitely one of the most popular places to explore in Pucón - especially if you are looking to check summiting a volcano off of your bucket list. There are a number of trails available within the park, including of course the uber-popular hike up to the summit of Villarrica (a tour is needed for this, see below), the multi-day Villarrica Traverse (total distance: 92 kilometers or 57 miles), the trail up to the Los Crateres Viewpoint (4.9 miles), Cuevas Volcanicas (1.9 miles) - a loop up to some caves - and Glacier Voipir (7.3 miles) - an out and back hike that is actually located on the much quieter western side of the national park. 💬INSIDER TIP: if you want awesome views of Villarrica without all of the crowds head to the trailhead for Glacier Voipir. Just know that you will need a private vehicle with 4-wheel drive capabilities if you want to drive the whole way up to the trailhead parking lot. If you want to do the iconic hike to the summit of Villarrica Volcano - an adventure often rated as one of the best hikes in the whole country of Chile - then you will need to go with a tour and guide (unless you can prove you have the necessary mountaineering skills). Besides rafting, hiking up Villarrica might just be the most popular tour offered in Pucón. You should have no problems booking a tour from one of the agencies along O'Higgins. ⭐OR BOOK YOUR NATIONAL PARK TOUR ONLINE!

agencia travel pucon


If you have the time after visiting the national park, then another activity you should make sure to do while visiting Pucón - especially during the hot summer months (namely December - February) - is to jump into the very refreshing Villarrica Lake ( Lago Villarrica ). There are two main access points in town: one large beach at the far northern end of town known as Playa Grande, and one closer to downtown known locally as the “pool” or La Poza (this is where the boat dock and small marina are located). Do know that the sun can be super strong in Pucón, especially when you are sitting out on a black sand beach (which is the type of beach Pucón has, thanks to the nearby volcano). Make sure to come to the beach prepared with ample sun protection, a towel or blanket to sit on, some shoes you can wear when walking across the sand (it can get hoooot ), and some water and snacks.

agencia travel pucon


End your day with a sweet treat at Cassis, an uber-popular restaurant in town that specializes in desserts (though their regular lunch and dinner fare is quite good too). During the busy summer season, the restaurant can become quite busy - especially during the early and late afternoon. Stop in here for some homemade chocolate cake, ice cream and other homemade treats. DETAILS 💸COST: most of the treats cost between 2000 and 5000 CLP or $2.40 USD and $6 USD. The larger plates vary, but are usually around American prices (~ $10 each). 📌LOCATION: the restaurant is located on the corner of Fresia and Geronimo de Alderete and two blocks before O'Higgins if walking from the Plaza de Armas. Find the exact location . 🕝HOURS: the restaurant is open from 8AM - 12AM every day of the week. 💬INSIDER TIP: during the busy summer season another location opens up right next to the Plaza de Armas. If the aforementioned restaurant is too full, consider heading up to this one (only a few blocks farther from O'Higgins).

We suggest taking your final day in Pucón pretty slow. Head out for one last walk around town, grab a coffee or a quick empanada and maybe buy that last souvenir before you pack up and either take a bus or car out of town. If time allows, also consider doing one last small adventure up to El Claro Waterfall, a beautiful spot that is only a 5-minute drive from town.


Your final morning in Pucón will likely be pretty chill - especially if you are still looking to purchase your final souvenirs or to spend some more time checking out the town. While most places do not open up very early in Pucón, there are still a couple of options if you are hoping to head out for breakfast or a cup of coffee. Besides Madd Goat, your best bet for food and coffee is going to be La Fabrika , a quaint restaurant that makes really good breakfast foods and coffee (they open at 9AM) and 297 Café Bistro, which offers a few standard Western-style breakfast dishes (they open at 10AM). ❔GOOD TO KNOW: if you are an early bird like us and are used to eating breakfast at around 7 or 8 AM, then really your only option is to grab an empanada from one of the street vendors or the few bakeries ( panaderias ) in town.


El Claro Waterfall (Salto El Claro) is a great option if you want to head out on one final adventure before you pack up and leave Pucón for good. Located just on the outskirts of town, this large, single drop waterfall lies in a stunning green gorge with beautiful flowers and easy access along a well-marked trail. The hike itself is quite short - maybe 2 kilometers at most, but it does include a decent amount of elevation loss and gain due to the fact that the trail drops from the rim of the waterfall all the way to the flowing river below (where there are a few nice viewpoints). DETAILS 💸COST: it costs 2,000 CLP ($2.30 USD) per person to enter the waterfall (though the ticket booth is not always manned). 📌LOCATION: the waterfall is so close to Pucón that if you don't feel like driving to it you can just spend an hour or two and walk to it instead (its roughly 9 kilometers from downtown Pucón). Find the exact location of El Claro Waterfall here .  

agencia travel pucon


There are a couple of ways to head out of Pucón. The most common way is via public bus (there are many bus companies and stations in town), though you can also book a flight out of the nearby airport close to the town of Temuco (roughly 2 hours away from Pucón). BY BUS Due to Pucón's popularity, it is quite easy to reach the town via bus. Below are a few of the most common bus routes (with average time and prices) that leave from Pucón: PUCÓN --> SANTIAGO: 10 hours, ~$31-36 USD PUCÓN --> PUERTO MONTT: 5 hours, ~$7-10 USD PUCÓN --> VALPARAISO: 13 hours, ~$17-79 USD ➳ You can book all of your Chile bus tickets at BusBud . BY CAR If you have a car (either your own or a rental) and are looking to head to other towns in Chile or Argentina after your stay in Pucón, then you should have no trouble getting around. Below are some of the basic driving distances from Pucón: | TO SANTIAGO: 8 hours | TO PUERTO MONTT: 3 hours and 45 minutes | TO VALPARAISO: just over 9 hours | TO PUNTA ARENAS (via Argentina): 26 hours | TO SAN MARTIN DE LOS ANDES, ARGENTINA: just under 3 hours ➳ You can find the cheapest car rentals in Chile, and many other countries around the world, at . Pucón is a great spot to base yourself for a couple of days if you are looking to explore the stunning Chilean Lake District and partake in some epic outdoor adventures. We ended up spending over a month in the town and we still felt like we had only scratched the surface. While we believe you could spend a year in Pucón and never get bored, we understand that for most travelers that is not possible. Hopefully, this perfect 5-day travel itinerary helps you plan your own epic adventure in Pucón. Now, happy adventuring!

agencia travel pucon

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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Todo Pucón en tus manos...

Qué buscas en Pucón?

PeumaLab Transformación Digital en Turismo

Ya estamos en verano; una de las estaciones preferidas por los turistas

Sin duda que es una de las estaciones del año más esperadas por grandes y chicos, es sinónimo muchas veces de vacaciones, sol, playa, relajación y pasar momentos en familia.


Alojamientos en Pucón

Hotel rangi, hotel casa solaria, hostal sonia pucón, buenavista pucon, natural park lodge, hostal raquiferuca, cocurantu hotel boutique pucón, cabañas akubra, hostal klaus, cabañas omilen antu pucon, hotel pucón indómito, hotel geronimo b&b, hotel boutique casa establo, cabañas agua viva, hostal casablanca, hostal graciela, hotel martina de goñi, complejo turístico rañintu epupillan, cabañas alto misimalí, hotel oregon, hostel patacon, cabañas antu, hotel posada plaza pucón, hotel posada del rio, princesa insolente hostel pucon.

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Trekking en Parques Nacionales


Recorriendo los Centros Termales de Pucón

  • La Ruta de las Termas


Disfruta las Rutas Turísticas de Pucón

  • La Ruta Fotográfica


Publica tu negocio GRATIS en

¿qué novedades hay en pucón.

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Tips para disfrutar las vacaciones en Pucón cuando se tiene hijos pequeños

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Fiesta Grado 3 en Pucón promete la mejor música

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En Pucón se realizará nuevamente el colorido Festival de la India

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Sol y Nieve Pucón

Pucón, El Centro del Sur de Chile

Image, un destino...un sitio web es la más completa guía del destino Pucón, en la cual podrás encontrar desde los mejores alojamientos, tours, actividades, restaurantes y atracciones de Pucón, hasta las mejores promociones de temporada para que tengas las mejores vacaciones en Pucón.

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Villarica volcano, Chile

©Arne Tiedemann/500px

Pucón is firmly positioned on the global map as a center for adventure sports; its setting on beautiful Lago Villarrica under the smoldering eye of the volcano of the same name seals its status as a world-class destination for adrenaline junkies. Once a summer playground for the rich, Pucón is now a year-round adventure machine catering to all incomes, especially in February (a time to avoid, if possible), when it is absolutely overrun. The town receives alternating floods of package tourists, Santiago holidaymakers, novice Brazilian snowboarders, adventure-seeking backpackers, new-age spiritualists and mellowed-out ex-activists turned eco-pioneers.

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Experience the real Pucón. Let a local expert handle the planning for you.

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Get to the heart of Pucón with one of our in-depth, award-winning guidebooks, covering maps, itineraries, and expert guidance.

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Empresa turística que ofrece: canyoning, programas invernales, rafting, cuevas volcánicas, caminata base Volcán, canopy, trekking, Parque Nacional Huerquehue, Termas de la Zona, ascensión al Volcán, Cabalgatas.

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Moscow-Saint Petersburg tour package 7 days/6 nights including tank riding and Stalin Bunker visit


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Our guests come in large groups, small private groups, as couples or as single travellers. We take care of and treat our guests with respect in a friendly and warm family environment. We show people our beautiful cities with passion and deep knowledge of their history, culture and traditions.

Our guides are extremely hospitable, helpful and well-informed. They are simply the best because only by providing the best services can we make the world fall in love with Russia. And we are very happy when our guests say that they will definitely come back to Russia and that they will tell all their friends how great Russia is! That is what inspires us to put even more dedication and hard work into our tours, knowing that what we do is positive and meaningful.

Our classic tours include tours of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, two main Russian cities.

Moscow is a big and busy  megalopolis and Russia’s capital city, where more than 12 million people live and work. Our capital city is happening place; it is mysterious, elegant, luxurious, fashionable, clean and bright, with its unique legends, traditions and events. It is with great pride that we show the Red Square and the Kremlin, our Underground and Tretyakovskaya Gallery, among other stunning attractions.

Saint Petersburg is our second capital,  the second largest city in the Russian Federation. This wonderful city has a strong and lively aristocratic spirit, uniquely Russian royal architecture, magnificent museums and theatres. Saint Petersburg bears the royal heritage of Russia, which can be felt in its air, its streets, parks, monuments, museums and citizens.  In Saint Petersburg tours, we will take you to the Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, Faberge Museum and Orthodox Cathedrals. We’re sure you will love it!

If you have a few more days to spare, venture into the dreamy Russian countryside in Suzdal or Sergiev Posad. Suzdal is a small town with a population of about ten thousand people, situated on less than 15 square kilometres. This tiny area is home to 53 historic cathedrals, five monasteries and a kremlin. Church domes are visible like mushrooms from anywhere and everywhere in the town like in a fairy tale. No wonder Suzdal is called the ‘Town Museum”.  It is definitely worth visiting!

Just try any of Visit Moscow Tours’ tour packages or any individual city tour, and we promise that you will want to come back to Russia again.  Russia is huge with countless amazing places to visit. There are so many unique experiences to be had and energies to be felt that one tour is definitely not enough to explore this vast land. It is also a very safe destination to travel, and we have a tradition of warm hospitality. Our people adore and take care of visitors as our own guests, and even if they do not know your language very well, they still try to be helpful and hospitable.

Our guides will show you the most interesting attractions and historical places, taking you on a journey to the past to enjoy stories of medieval times, the Romanov monarchy, the Soviet Era. And of course, we will show you the contemporary life of our country through authentic local experiences.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

8 interesting facts about the Hermitage

Guía turística de Moscow

Planning a trip to Moscow? Our travel guide contains up-to-date, personal information on everything from what to see , to when to visit , where to stay , and what to eat !

  • General Information
  • What to see
  • How to get to Moscow
  • Where to stay
  • Where to eat

Why visit Moscow?

Majestic churches, impressive historic fortresses, and palatial buildings: Moscow is a fascinating city whose emblematic architecture reflects the turbulent history that has defined Russia throughout the centuries.

The traces of the USSR can be found around every corner of the city , side by side with the iconic relics of Imperial Russia , like the mythical Red Square , the imposing Kremlin , and the beautiful  St Basil's Cathedral . 

Discover a fascinating world of Cold War bunkers, golden-domed basilicas, world-class art museums, and the legendary "palace of the people,"  as the Moscow Metro has been nicknamed. Whether you fancy watching a classical Russian ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre , perusing the fine arts at the Pushkin Museum , or marveling at the sheer size of the monuments to the Soviet state's achievements at the  All-Russia Exhibition Centre , this travel guide will help you on your way!

Where to start?

If you're going to travel to Moscow and you don't know much about the city yet, the first thing to do is to dive into its legendary history - understanding the past will help you understand the present. Next, check out our practical hints and tips on traveling to the city before discovering which of its most important museums , monuments , and attractions pique your interest.

Looking for a place to stay?

Booking your accommodation in advance is the best way to get great discounts. Our detailed guide on where to stay in Moscow  will help you decide which neighborhood you'd like to look for hotels or apartments in, and our hotel search engine will find you the best deals!

Why is our Moscow travel guide the best?

Introducing Moscow is a  city guide written by travelers for travelers  and contains personalized advice to help you make the most of your trip to the city.

All the information in this guide is valid as of December 2022. If you find any errors or have any comments, please feel free to contact us .

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  12. Pucón

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    Agencia de turismo aventura. Es un empresa dedicada al turismo y giras de estudio en la ciudad de Pucón, especialmente turismo aventura, como: rafting, hidrospeed, canyoning, ascension al volcán Villarrica, arriendo de equipapiento de ski, programas de giras de estudio, programas de adulto mayor y programas para extrajeros.

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    The Food Tour by Visit Moscow Tours is a perfect chance to sample all the variety of cuisines of the former Soviet Republics and to understand the Russian customs, traditions and ways of life. You will taste Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian food. Meeting time: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meeting point:

  22. Moscow

    Why visit Moscow? Majestic churches, impressive historic fortresses, and palatial buildings: Moscow is a fascinating city whose emblematic architecture reflects the turbulent history that has defined Russia throughout the centuries. The traces of the USSR can be found around every corner of the city, side by side with the iconic relics of Imperial Russia, like the mythical Red Square, the ...

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    It's a scene that captures the essence of Moscow's beauty, making the Moskva River a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the city from a unique angle. A serene view of the Moskva River, seamlessly blending urban life with nature's tranquility. 6. Novospassky Monastery.