round trip train detroit to chicago

Find train tickets from Detroit to Chicago

Good to know, top tips for finding detroit to chicago train tickets.

  • If you are traveling by train from Detroit to Chicago for business, you will be pleased to know that business class seats are available. Amtrak trains from Detroit to Chicago offer business class options with service attendants, access to a lounge, and complimentary drinks.
  • Amtrak trains from Detroit to Chicago allow passengers to bring two carry-on items and two personal items. Personal times should weigh no more than 25 pounds and be no larger than 14x11x7 inches. Carry-on items, which cannot be bigger than 28x22x14 inches, should be stored under the seat in front of you or in overhead compartments—Acela trains have overhead areas with closable doors. Checked baggage has a limit of two per passenger, and bags over 50 pounds will incur extra charges. Amtrak trains require luggage to be checked at least 45min before departure.
  • Taking a train from Detroit to Chicago offers many advantages over taking a flight; not only is it more affordable, but you can also bring more luggage. Unlike flights, trains have no liquid carry-on restrictions, and you can check up to four bags. Train travel means less time waiting; there are no security lines, so you won't have to show up several hours earlier than your departure time. Most Amtrak stations are in the middle of the city, so passengers will also reduce travel time into the city. Long-distance train routes have sleeper cars with doors and beds, which are hard to find on airplanes.
  • Amtrak trains from Detroit to Chicago have three types of travel classes: coach, business, and first class. Coach class, which is available on all trains except Acela, offers ample legroom, one-by-two seating, and extra-large tray tables. In coach, you have the option of reserved or unreserved seating. Trains with reserved seating options include reclining seats, leg rests, curtained windows, and great views of the scenery. Unreserved coach seating has ample legroom, reading lights, and fold-down trays. Business class features extra legroom and complimentary non-alcoholic drinks.
  • 25% of our users found round-trip train tickets from Detroit to Chicago for $75 or less.
  • You will generally catch the best train deals if you travel in the morning.
  • The cheapest train from Detroit to Chicago was found 89 days before departure, on average.

FAQs when traveling from Detroit to Chicago by train

Is wi-fi available on trains from detroit to chicago.

Amtrak trains from Detroit to Chicago offer travelers free Wi-Fi onboard. However, the bandwidth is not high enough to support streaming videos or downloading large files.

Are pets allowed on trains from Detroit to Chicago?

Amtrak allows dogs and cats on trains from Detroit to Chicago, but the pet must be under 20 pounds. Amtrak only allows one pet per passenger, and a train can carry only five pets total. Your pet will be allowed onboard on a first-come, first-served basis. Pets must be confined in carriers that stay under the passenger's seat.

Are there restaurant on trains from Detroit to Chicago?

Most trains from Detroit to Chicago have one or more dining options. For example, Acela has a café onboard, and offers first-class passengers at-seat meals with glassware served by attendants. Cafés are open to all Acela passengers, providing a wide range of snacks, meals, and beverages.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for Acela trains from Detroit to Chicago?

Trains depart from Detroit to Chicago at Detroit Train Station, located three miles north of Detroit's city center. A bus ride from the city center to the train station takes only 10min. The station features ATM services, overnight parking, baggage storage, and amenities for disabled passengers. The arrival station is Chicago Union Station, which is less than half a mile from the city center; a bus ride from the city center will take you to the station within six minutes. Amenities include a shoeshine, phone charging ports, a floral shop, a nursing room for mothers, and wheelchair elevators, in addition to a waiting room, ticket office, and restrooms.

How long is a train journey to Chicago from Detroit?

The train journey from Detroit to Chicago takes 5h 15m on average and covers a distance of 236 miles.

What train companies travel from Detroit to Chicago?

Amtrak is the only train operator serving this route.

Book Amtrak tickets from Detroit to Chicago (round-trip)

Search by stops, search by train company, book amtrak tickets from detroit to chicago (one-way), popular train routes to chicago.

  • Trains from St. Louis to Chicago from $52
  • Trains from Cleveland to Chicago from $98
  • Trains from Indianapolis to Chicago from $75
  • Trains from Memphis to Chicago from $178
  • Trains from New York to Chicago from $189


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  4. How to Get from Chicago to Detroit

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  5. Amtrak Map and Route Guide

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  6. Passenger Train from Detroit To Chicago Stock Photo

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  1. Detroit to Chicago Train

    The average price for a train ticket from Detroit to Chicago is $47.17, Considering the distance of the route, this is an excellent deal. By booking your trip at least 28 days in advance, you increase your chances of scoring even cheaper tickets. But if you wait until the day of your trip to book tickets, expect to pay $38.11 more.

  2. Find train tickets from Detroit to Chicago

    Business class features extra legroom and complimentary non-alcoholic drinks. 25% of our users found round-trip train tickets from Detroit to Chicago for $76 or less. You will generally catch the best train deals if you travel in the morning. The cheapest train from Detroit to Chicago was found 89 days before departure, on average.

  3. Train Detroit Station to Chicago from $11

    Detroit Station to Chicago train times. Trains run four times a day between Detroit Station and Chicago. The earliest departure is at 06:26 in the morning, and the last departure from Detroit Station is at 18:11 which arrives into Chicago at 22:40. All services run direct with no transfers required, and take on average 5h 20m.