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Lagardère Travel Retail France

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Lagardère Travel Retail

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One of the two priority divisions of the Lagardère group, Lagardère Travel Retail is a global leader in the Travel Retail industry, harnessing its pioneering culture to make travel more enjoyable with bespoke offers and experiences. Investing our world-class global expertise and local knowledge to bring tailor-made offers and experiences to life that benefit landlords, brands and travelers alike. We operate 5,120 stores across Travel Essentials, Duty Free & Fashion and Foodservice in airports, railway stations and other concessions in 42 countries. In 2023, we generated €6.6bn in sales (managed 100%).


Division : Lagardère Travel Retail

4-10 avenue André Malraux 92300 Levallois-Perret Cedex

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Société :  542 095 336 Active

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Mentions lagardere travel retail france pour contrat.

LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE , société en nom collectif, au capital social de 18060980,00 EURO , dont le siège social est situé au 4 AV ANDRE MALRAUX , 92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Nanterre sous le numéro 542095336 représentée par M Vincent ROMET agissant et ayant les pouvoirs nécessaires en tant que gérant non associé.

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Présentation de la société LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE

LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE , société en nom collectif, immatriculée sous le SIREN 542095336, est en activité depuis 69 ans. Établie à LEVALLOIS-PERRET (92300), elle est spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité du commerce de détail de journaux et papeterie en magasin spécialisé. Son effectif est compris entre 500 et 999 salariés. Sur l'année 2022 elle réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 895441900,00 EU . Le total du bilan a augmenté de 30,83 % entre 2021 et 2022. Societe.com recense 1730  établissements  ainsi que 7 mandataires depuis le début de son activité, le dernier événement notable de cette entreprise date du 29-10-2021. Vincent ROMET est gérant non associé, l'entreprise AEROBOUTIQUE FRANCE , représentée par Vincent ROMET, et l'entreprise LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL , représentée par Dag RASMUSSEN, sont associés de la société LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE.

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Historique Voir l'historique expand_more

Du 25-07-2017

à aujourd'hui

6 ans, 9 mois et 9 jours

Du 10-02-2017

au 25-07-2017

5 mois et 14 jours

Du 08-04-2008

au 10-02-2017

8 ans, 10 mois et 5 jours

Du 09-12-2003

au 08-04-2008

4 ans, 4 mois et 1 jour

Du 31-12-2016

7 ans, 4 mois et 2 jours

Du 31-12-2015

au 31-12-2016

1 an et 2 jours

Du 01-01-2008

au 31-12-2015

8 ans et 1 jour

Du 25-12-2003

au 01-01-2008

4 ans et 9 jours

Du 26-10-2021

2 ans, 6 mois et 8 jours

Du 01-01-1900

au 26-10-2021

8 mois et 18 jours

20 ans, 4 mois et 24 jours

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Score extra-financier de la société LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE

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Score de 2021

Le score territorial valorise les entreprises implantées dans des territoires économiquement défavorisés.

Le score social représente la capacité de l'entreprise à créer de l'emploi sur le territoire national à partir de sa valeur générée.

Le score fiscal représente la capacité de l'entreprise à reverser de la fiscalité aux territoires à partir de sa valeur générée.

Les 6 dirigeants de la société LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE

Dirigeants mandataires de lagardere travel retail france :, mandataires de type : gérant non associé, mandataires de type : associé.

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Depuis le 05-05-2023

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Cité 13 fois entre 1993 et 2021

Dirigeants et bénéficiaires effectifs  : Dag RASMUSSEN , MAZARS , DAG INGE RASMUSSEN et 12 autres


Cité 13 fois entre 2007 et 2023

Dirigeants : Benoit VERDIER , Pierre-jean CHALVIDAN et 4 autres

Cité 12 fois entre 2008 et 2023


Cité 12 fois entre 2001 et 2021

Dirigeants : Matthieu MERCIER , Matthieu MERCIER et 2 autres

Cité 10 fois entre 2015 et 2023


Cité 9 fois entre 2014 et 2023


Cité 8 fois entre 2009 et 2021

Dirigeants : DELOITTE ASSOCIES , MAZARS ET GUERARD , BEAS , Thierry COLIN , Vincent ROMET et 10 autres


Cité 7 fois entre 2015 et 2019

Dirigeants : Bruno VERGE , Bruno VERGE , Marie BURGUBURU , Jerome DE VIENNE , Thierry DURAND et 34 autres


Cité 6 fois entre 2019 et 2021


Cité 6 fois entre 2002 et 2017


Cité 5 fois entre 2003 et 2009

Dirigeant : Jean-Francois GAUTIER

Cité 4 fois entre 2002 et 2013



Cité 4 fois entre 2008 et 2014

Dirigeant : Edouard HENNEBERT


Cité 3 fois entre 2011 et 2022

Dirigeants : Matthieu DAUBERT , Assia DAHMANI , DELOITTE ASSOCIES , MAZARS , Assia DAHMANI et 10 autres

Cité 3 fois entre 2020 et 2021

Dirigeants : Bruno VERGE , Emmanuelle FILIBERTI , MONTESQUIEU PARTICIPATIONS , Dominique AUBURTIN , Alain BENABENT et 28 autres


Cité 2 fois entre 1997 et 2002

Dirigeant : SA FELIX


Cité 2 fois en 2008

Dirigeants : ERNST YOUNG et Autres , AUDITEX , DEG-LNGE RASMUSSEN , MATTHIEU Joseph Marie MERCIER et 8 autres

Cité 1 fois en 2001


Cité 1 fois en 2009


Cité 1 fois en 2002



Cité 1 fois en 1995


Cité 1 fois en 2008

Dirigeant : Henri CAPLANE

Cité 1 fois en 2016


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Acte du 02/10/2017 MediaPost a été mentionné 4 fois

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Prospectez les entreprises de Commerce de détail de journaux et papeterie en magasin spécialisé de Hauts-de-Seine (92)

Prospectez les entreprises de Commerce de détail, à l'exception des automobiles et des motocycles de Hauts-de-Seine (92)

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Publié le 22/11/2023 à 11:41:55

Vivendi a pris le contrôle de Lagardère : quelles conséquences ?

1730 établissements de la société lagardere travel retail france, cofec - relay, relay store, relay shop, relay web, relay international  - 92300 actif.


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Lagardère Travel Retail records ‘historic’ 23.4% yoy revenue hike to €5bn in 2023

By Faye Bartle | Wednesday, 28 February 2024 14:16

Lagardre Future is Local

Lagardère Travel Retail’s Future is Local concept at Prague Václav Havel Airport.

Lagardère Travel Retail has reported a ‘historic year’ for business performance in 2023, with year-on-year revenue up 23.4% like for like (27.8% as reported) at €5,018 million.

The Full-Year 2023 results highlight the sharp rebound in traffic in EMEA as a key driver that has  helped the division to achieve ‘record-high’ recurring EBIT of €245 million – a €109m uplift versus 2022.

Furthermore, the results mark a record profitability of 4.9%, which is credited to ‘improved activity across all geographies’, among other factors.

Dynamic mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity was also cited as a key contributor, with Lagardère TR’s acquisition of Marché International, Costa Coffee Polska (Poland) and Costa Nation (Latvia) in February 2023.

This is in addition to the acquisition of North American foodservice operator Tastes on the Fly in November 2023.

Duty free and fashion came out on top, however, with the year’s revenue breakdown by activity split as follows: duty free & fashion (38%), travel essentials (35%) and foodservice (27%).

Lagardre TR FY23 results

Source: Lagardère Full-Year 2023 Results, released 27 February 2024.

“I am thrilled to share that 2023 has been a great year for Lagardère Travel Retail, with a remarkable 28% sales increase vs 2022, and all KPIs at all-time record levels. I’d like to warmly thank our fantastic teams for this exceptional achievement,” commented Lagardère TR Chairman & CEO of Dag Rasmussen, in a LinkedIn post.

“Our magic sauce? Being all aligned on our strategy, a strong focus on innovation for enhanced passenger experiences, a reinforced commitment to PEPS – our CSR program – continued investments in our people and communities and a strong focus on operational excellence and efficiency.”

Rasmussen also revealed a positive outlook for 2024, referencing his confidence in the success of the travel retail industry in general, and the company’s continued commitment to “sustainable growth, innovation, and delivering unparalleled experiences for travellers worldwide”.


Dag Rasmussen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lagardère Travel Retail.

Along with Lagardère Publishing, the travel retail division’s achievements were flagged as driving robust growth for the overall Group, which saw record high revenue growth totalling €8,081 million – up 14% yoy on a like-for-like basis.

The group also posted higher recurring EBIT, totalling €520 million – a sharp €82 million improvement on the €438 million achieved in 2022.

Strong traffic rebound in EMEA drives record revenue in 2023

Zooming in further on Lagardère Travel Retail’s slice of the results shows that all the division’s key business indicators exceeded 2019 levels across the majority of geographical regions.

On a like-for-like basis, in France, trading for the division continued to recover, with revenue up 15.9% on the back of robust sales at regional airports.

The EMEA region (excluding France) reported a sharp 26.6% growth, driven by the increase in international tourist traffic, as well as by impressive performances in Italy and Poland and network expansion.

The Americas region continued to grow, with revenue advancing 16.3% against an already high comparison basis, benefiting from a favourable local economic environment (particularly in the United States), and the strong rebound in international traffic in Canada.

Asia-Pacific revenue jumped 52.1% from a low 2022 comparison basis in the region following the delayed reopening of borders in China.

Lagardre TR FY23 results

“Lagardère Travel Retail took full advantage of the growth in domestic, regional and international air traffic across its various locations, particularly in the EMEA region,” commented Arnaud Lagardère, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lagardère SA.

“All of the division’s key performance indicators improved, with revenue exceeding €5 billion and recurring EBIT up by €109 million year on year.”

Lagardre TR FY23 results

The difference between reported and like-for-like data was attributable to a €42 million negative currency effect, which Lagardère says is mainly resulting from the depreciation of the US dollar (€28 million negative impact) and Chinese yuan (€15 million negative impact).

There was also a €183 million positive scope effect relating to the acquisition of Costa Coffee Poland (€36 million), Marché International (€149 million) and Tastes on the Fly (€27 million).

Lagardre TR FY23 results

This performance was attributable to revenue growth combined with disciplined margin control amid high inflation, government aid in the US and the efficiency gains brought about by the ramp-up of the LEaP operational efficiency plan.

Commenting on the FY2023 results, Arnaud Lagardère, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lagardère SA said: “In 2023, we achieved performance levels not seen for 15 years, thanks to the talent and commitment of the Lagardère group’s teams.

“Our two main locomotives are running at full speed and our growth validates the development strategy that we have patiently and meticulously built over these past few years.”

Looking ahead to the rest of 2024, the Group forecasts that with the robust momentum in global air traffic, despite ongoing geopolitical tensions and uncertainties regarding the revival of international Chinese tourism, Lagardère Travel Retail has potential for futher revenue and profitability growth, thanks ‘in particular’ to its optimisation initiatives.

*Alternative performance measure.

Note: On 27 February 2024, the Board of Directors met to approve the 2023 parent company and consolidated financial statements. The Group’s consolidated financial statements have been audited. The audit report will be signed off once the specific verifications have been completed.

READ MORE: Tea for two as Fortnum & Mason partners with Lagardère at DXB

READ MORE: “Growing appetite for sustainable & local products”

READ MORE: VIDEO: Travel Retail Awards winner Lagardère Travel Retail reflects on 2023

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Lagardere CEO Steps Down After Being Accused of ‘Misappropriating Company Funds’

By K.J. Yossman

K.J. Yossman

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CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 24: Arnaud Lagardere attends the "The Beguiled" screening during the 70th annual Cannes Film Festival at Palais des Festivals on May 24, 2017 in Cannes, France

The CEO of French media conglomerate Lagardere – owner of publishing house Hachette – has stepped down from his executive roles as he battles accusations of embezzlement in France.

Arnaud Lagardere, who is Lagardere’s chairman and CEO, has reportedly been accused by French prosecutors of “misappropriating company funds,” according to a report from Reuters. The publication reported Lagardere denies all the allegations.

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Lagardere’s father Jean-Luc was responsible for turning the company into a media powerhouse. Under Lagardere’s stewardship it has sought to focus on publishing and travel retail (including the line of Relay stores ubiquitous in French railway stations), selling off other parts of the business.

Read the full statement from Lagardère below:

Arnaud Lagardère, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, today informed the directors of Lagardère SA of the indictment against him, which he is contesting and against which he will appeal.

This indictment essentially concerns facts relating to personal companies wholly owned by Arnaud Lagardère and not involving any Lagardère group companies.

As regards Lagardère SA, the indictment relates solely to facts dating from 2018 and 2019, qualified as vote buying, abuse of power and dissemination of false or misleading information, which Arnaud Lagardère firmly disputes.

The directors have taken note of this measure and will meet in the near future to take all provisional measures required to ensure the Group’s governance pending Arnaud Lagardère being able to resume the management of the Group.

The directors wish to reiterate that Arnaud Lagardère is presumed innocent, and that an indictment in no way prejudges the outcome of the proceedings.

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French media mogul resigns after getting charged with embezzlement

Arnaud Lagardere

Arnaud Lagardère, the French business scion who heads a publishing group now controlled by Vivendi SE, was charged with alleged embezzlement and has resigned provisionally as chief executive officer of Lagardère SA.

The charges against the 63-year-old executive also include vote buying, abuse of power and breach of trust, disseminating false or misleading information and failure to publish accounts, according to a person familiar with the matter. He has been placed under judicial supervision, banned from holding executive roles and needs to post a bond of €200,000 ($214,000), said the person, who asked not to be named discussing a legal case.

Lagardère, who is chairman and CEO of Lagardère SA, informed the board that he was forced to resign as CEO following the indictment and provisional ban from management activities issued against him on April 29, the listed company said in a  statement . Jean-Christophe Thiery was appointed as chairman and CEO on a provisional basis to ensure business continuity. Lagardère “is contesting these decisions and intends to lodge an appeal against them.”

“This indictment essentially concerns facts relating to personal companies wholly owned by Arnaud Lagardère and not involving any Lagardère group companies,” the company said in a previous statement Tuesday. “As regards Lagardère SA, the indictment relates solely to facts dating from 2018 and 2019.” 

The businessman’s attorney, Sebastien Schapira, declined to comment, while Vivendi, which controls Lagardère SA, reiterated on Monday its “support to the Lagardère group.”

The charges come after the prominent heir was questioned on Monday by a Paris judge. French daily Le Monde  reported  that he’s suspected of using around €80 million in company funds for personal expenses such as home renovations and private jet flights, as well as paying off debt related to inheritance. According to the newspaper, he’s also alleged to have unlawfully secured the support of Qatari shareholders during a 2018 corporate battle with Amber Capital. 

Lagardère’s legal woes are a dramatic twist for the businessman often glossing the pages of gossip magazines and cited in France as being at the center of one of the highest profile succession debacles in the nation’s corporate history. 

His father, Jean-Luc Lagardère, founded a French industrial and media giant whose influence reached deep into the country’s military and political establishment. After his sudden death in 2003, Arnaud took the helm and presided over the once sprawling conglomerate’s steady demise.

The son jettisoned much of the business to focus on publishing and travel retail and fended off takeover attempts that included a tussle between rival French billionaires Vincent Bollore and Bernard Arnault. The former prevailed through a plan to buy out the stake held by Amber Capital, which had attempted to shake up the Lagardère company.

In 2021, just as Vivendi was sealing the deal with Amber, French financial police raided Lagardère’s Paris headquarters searching for evidence of abuse of power, presentation of inaccurate accounts, misuse of corporate assets and vote buying.

The investigation began on April 30 of that year following a complaint from Amber Capital and an alert from France’s stock market regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers, the justice ministry source said. 

Lagardère retains a stake of around 11% in Lagardère SA, which had revenue of €8.1 billion last fiscal year and paid Arnaud Lagardère €3.5 million. At the end of December, Vivendi had a stake of 59.8%, Qatar Holding LLC 11.5% and Arnault’s Financiere Agache had nearly 8%. 

Lagardère SA’s holdings include the Hachette imprint, Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper, Europe 1 radio and the Relay travel retail chain. Luxury giant LVMH, controlled by Arnault, is in talks to buy French glossy magazine Paris Match from Lagardère.

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Lagardère CEO Resigns After Being Charged With Embezzlement

(Bloomberg) -- Arnaud Lagardère, the French business scion who heads a publishing group now controlled by Vivendi SE, was charged with alleged embezzlement and has resigned provisionally as chief executive officer of Lagardère SA.

The charges against the 63-year-old executive also include vote buying, abuse of power and breach of trust, disseminating false or misleading information and failure to publish accounts, according to a person familiar with the matter. He has been placed under judicial supervision, banned from holding executive roles and needs to post a bond of €200,000 ($214,000), said the person, who asked not to be named discussing a legal case.

Lagardère, who is chairman and CEO of Lagardère SA, informed the board that he was forced to resign as CEO following the indictment and provisional ban from management activities issued against him on April 29, the listed company said in a statement . Jean-Christophe Thiery was appointed as chairman and CEO on a provisional basis to ensure business continuity. Lagardère “is contesting these decisions and intends to lodge an appeal against them.”

“This indictment essentially concerns facts relating to personal companies wholly owned by Arnaud Lagardère and not involving any Lagardère group companies,” the company said in a previous statement Tuesday. “As regards Lagardère SA, the indictment relates solely to facts dating from 2018 and 2019.” 

The businessman’s attorney, Sebastien Schapira, declined to comment, while Vivendi, which controls Lagardère SA, reiterated on Monday its “support to the Lagardère group.”

The charges come after the prominent heir was questioned on Monday by a Paris judge. French daily Le Monde reported that he’s suspected of using around €80 million in company funds for personal expenses such as home renovations and private jet flights, as well as paying off debt related to inheritance. According to the newspaper, he’s also alleged to have unlawfully secured the support of Qatari shareholders during a 2018 corporate battle with Amber Capital. 

Lagardère’s legal woes are a dramatic twist for the businessman often glossing the pages of gossip magazines and cited in France as being at the center of one of the highest profile succession debacles in the nation’s corporate history. 

His father, Jean-Luc Lagardère, founded a French industrial and media giant whose influence reached deep into the country’s military and political establishment. After his sudden death in 2003, Arnaud took the helm and presided over the once sprawling conglomerate’s steady demise.

The son jettisoned much of the business to focus on publishing and travel retail and fended off takeover attempts that included a tussle between rival French billionaires Vincent Bollore and Bernard Arnault. The former prevailed through a plan to buy out the stake held by Amber Capital, which had attempted to shake up the Lagardère company.

In 2021, just as Vivendi was sealing the deal with Amber, French financial police raided Lagardère’s Paris headquarters searching for evidence of abuse of power, presentation of inaccurate accounts, misuse of corporate assets and vote buying.

The investigation began on April 30 of that year following a complaint from Amber Capital and an alert from France’s stock market regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers, the justice ministry source said. 

Lagardère retains a stake of around 11% in Lagardère SA, which had revenue of €8.1 billion last fiscal year and paid Arnaud Lagardère €3.5 million. At the end of December, Vivendi had a stake of 59.8%, Qatar Holding LLC 11.5% and Arnault’s Financiere Agache had nearly 8%. 

Lagardère SA’s holdings include the Hachette imprint, Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper, Europe 1 radio and the Relay travel retail chain. Luxury giant LVMH, controlled by Arnault, is in talks to buy French glossy magazine Paris Match from Lagardère.

Read more: LVMH in Exclusive Talks With Lagardère for Paris Match Magazine

--With assistance from Benoit Berthelot and Nayla Razzouk.

(Updates with Lagardere resigning in headline and first paragraph; appointment of provisional CEO in third paragraph.)

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Arnaud Lagardere.


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  1. Accueil

    Lagardère Travel Retail France,le partenaire de référence. Lagardère Travel Retail France est l'entité française de Lagardère Travel Retail, l'une des deux branches du Groupe Lagardère. Nous sommes présents en Travel Essentials, Restauration et Duty Free & Mode dans les gares, aéroports, sites touristiques et autres concessions.

  2. Lagardère Travel Retail France

    Details. 4-10 avenue André Malraux. 92300 Levallois-Perret Cedex. View on map. Created in 1992, Lagardère is an international group with operations in more than 40 countries worldwide. It employs around 31,300 people and generated revenue of €8,081 million in 2023. The Group is structured around two priority divisions. Learn more.

  3. Home

    A Leading Global Travel Retailer. One of the two priority divisions of the Lagardère group, Lagardère Travel Retail is a global leader in the Travel Retail industry, harnessing its pioneering culture to make travel more enjoyable with bespoke offers and experiences. Investing our world-class global expertise and local knowledge to bring ...

  4. Accueil

    Leader global duTravel Retail. Lagardère Travel Retail, l'une des deux branches prioritaires du groupe Lagardère, est un leader mondial de l'industrie du Travel Retail dont l'expertise historique est de répondre aux besoins des voyageurs et de ses partenaires dans les domaines du Travel Essentials, du Duty Free et de la mode, et de la ...

  5. Lagardere Travel Retail France SNC

    Company profile page for Lagardere Travel Retail France SNC including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact information

  6. Lagardère Group

    Lagardère S.A. (French pronunciation: [laɡaʁdɛʁ]) is an international group with operations in over 40 countries.Based in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the group was created in 1992 as Matra, Hachette & Lagardère.. Headed by Arnaud Lagardère, it is focused around two priority divisions: Lagardère Publishing and Lagardère Travel Retail. While its book and e-publishing division ...

  7. Qui sommes-nous?

    Lagardère Travel Retail France au service des voyageurs depuis plus de 170 ans ! Avec un large portefeuille de concepts en propre et en partenariat, sur tous types de plateformes (aéroports, gares, stations de métro, sites touristiques, hôpitaux…), nous proposons chaque jour de nouvelles expériences aux voyageurs.

  8. The Lagardère group

    The Lagardère group. Created in 1992, Lagardère is an international group with operations in more than 40 countries worldwide. It employs some 27,000 people and generated revenue of €6,929 million in 2022. The Group focuses on two priority divisions: Lagardère Travel Retail is a leading global travel retailer, with operations in three ...

  9. About us

    Lagardère Travel Retail aspires to weave moments of enjoyment into every passenger's journey. We transform mundane waiting times into opportunities for discovery, craft spaces that inspire wonder, and curate experiences that resonate with individual preferences. To do so, we invest our world-class global expertise and local knowledge to ...

  10. Lagardère Travel Retail

    Lagardère Travel Retail est une entreprise qui détient des magasins dans les gares et aéroports. Active dans de nombreux pays, elle détient les librairies Relay ainsi que des marques comme Aelia Duty Free, Discover, Hubiz, ou Tech2Go. C'est une filiale du Groupe Lagardère.


    LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE, société en nom collectif, au capital social de 18060980,00 EURO, dont le siège social est situé au 4 AV ANDRE MALRAUX, 92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Nanterre sous le numéro 542095336 représentée par M Vincent ROMET agissant et ayant les pouvoirs ...

  12. Lagardère Travel Retail

    Lagardère Travel Retail | 137 284 abonnés sur LinkedIn. Experience new horizons, every day | We harness our pioneering culture to make travel more enjoyable with bespoke offers and experiences. We invest our world-class global expertise and local knowledge to create value for all our stakeholders: We build and implement value-creating partnerships and environments that perfectly address the ...

  13. Arnaud Lagardère Elated By 'Unbelievable' Growth In Travel Retail As

    Nevertheless, the group sees a bright future and is surfing the wave of Lagardère Travel Retail's success. There, revenue broke the €5 billion barrier, up 23% like-for-like (and 28% reported ...

  14. Overview

    Lagardère Travel Retail is the longest-standing operator to have excelled at developing a comprehensive and world-recognized leadership across multiple business activities (Duty Free, Foodservice, Travel Essentials, Fashion, and Speciality stores). This differentiating model allows us to maximize the operational and commercial value we deliver ...

  15. Locations

    List of our offices around the world

  16. Lagardère TR records 23.4% revenue hike to €5bn in 2023

    Lagardère Travel Retail has reported a 'historic year' for business performance in 2023, with year-on-year revenue up 23.4% like for like (27.8% as reported) at €5,018 million. The Full-Year 2023 results highlight the sharp rebound in traffic in EMEA as a key driver that has helped the division to achieve 'record-high' recurring EBIT ...

  17. Découvrir

    Découvrir | Lagardère Travel Retail France. Un concept de boutique de souvenirs unique. Ce concept propose aux voyageurs de vivre une expérience de shopping bien pensée, et de trouver des cadeaux et souvenirs authentiques, de grande qualité et abordables. L'offre est adaptée en fonction des régions de France et des tendances.

  18. Contact

    Lagardère Travel Retail France snc 4-10 avenue André Malraux 92689 Levallois-Perret Cedex Tél. : +33 1 40 87 26 00. Les informations recueillies à partir de ce formulaire font l'objet d'un traitement informatique, fondé sur votre consentement, destiné à gérer les questions et demandes reçues via le site Lagardere-tr.fr. Les champs ...

  19. RELAY

    Présents dans des centaines d'aéroports et de gares dans le monde, les magasins Relay sont un passage essentiel pour les voyageurs. Quelque soit leur profil, Relay leur offre une sélection adaptée de produits essentiels au voyage qui facilitent et enrichissent leurs déplacements. Le concept Relay repose sur 4 piliers : .

  20. Lagardre Travel Retail France

    Who is Lagardre Travel Retail France. Lagardre Travel Retail France, the French division of Lagardre Travel Retail, has been acting in the concession market for over 160 years, with a b road portfolio of proprietary concepts and partnerships, on all types of platforms (airports, railway and subway stations, touristic sites, hospitals, etc.). The group operates outlets in all the segments of ...

  21. Contact us

    The information collected from this form is subject to a computer treatment, based on your consent, to manage questions and requests received via the website Lagardere-tr.com. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory - their non-intelligence makes it impossible to process the request. The recipient of the data is the Communication ...


    Why Work For LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL FRANCE SNC Why Work For Us. Lagardère Travel Retail exploite près de 350 boutiques duty free où se croisent des clients venus du monde entier, à la recherche de marques de luxe et d'un service de qualité. Nos priorités dans cet environnement aéroportuaire ? Développer nos performances commerciales ...

  23. Arnaud Lagardere Steps Down After Claims He 'Misappropriated' Funds

    Lagardere's father Jean-Luc was responsible for turning the company into a media powerhouse. Under Lagardere's stewardship it has sought to focus on publishing and travel retail (including the ...

  24. Home

    One of the two priority divisions of the Lagardère group, Lagardère Travel Retail is a global leader in the Travel Retail industry, harnessing its pioneering culture to make travel more enjoyable with bespoke offers and experiences. Investing our world-class global expertise and local knowledge to bring tailor-made offers and experiences to ...

  25. French media mogul resigns after getting charged with ...

    Arnaud Lagardere, CEO of the Lagardere group. ... s legal woes are a dramatic twist for the businessman often glossing the pages of gossip magazines and cited in France as being at the center of ...

  26. French Business Scion Arnaud Lagardere Charged With Embezzlement

    Arnaud Lagardere, the French business scion who heads a publishing group now controlled by Vivendi SE, was charged with alleged embezzlement and will resign as chief executive officer of Lagardere SA.