The Metallic Tower of Fourvière

Lyon’s mini eiffel tower rising higher than the basilica of fourvière.

The Metallic tower of Fourvière sits at the top of the Montée Nicolas de Lange in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon.

the metallic tower of fourviere from place bellecour

The tower is visible from almost everywhere in the center of the city, especially Place Bellecour. © Jenna Careri

Rising above the spires of the Basilica of Fourvière , the tower is nearly as iconic as the church , lit up in lights every evening. Visible from most points in the city , the structure brings to mind one particularly iconic monument rising above the city of Paris.

Lyon’s “ little Eiffel Tower ” is a curiosity with seemingly no explanation, privately owned and closed to the public . It currently serves as a radio and television antenna yet was once one of the most popular attractions in Lyon. Where did it come from, why was it built there, and why is it now closed?

Eiffel Tower Fever from Paris to Lyon

Paris’s Eiffel Tower was inaugurated in 1889, during the “ Exposition Universelle ,” or world fair. Swept up in the glamour of these late 19th century international expositions , some people in Lyon saw an opening to build their own world-class attraction, giving a panoramic view of the city .

The perfect spot was found on a section of the affluent Gay family’s property , which was sold to a private company called the Société Anonyme de la Tour de Fourvière to build Lyon’s very own tower.

lyon tour eiffel

View from Tour métallique de Lyon at the beginning of the 20th century. © Archives Municipales de Lyon

Not to be outdone by the religious fervor surrounding the historic basilica , the tower was designed to be the church’s republican, nonreligious counterpart . More importantly, it’s spire would reach higher than those of the basilica, making it the highest point in the city .

Work began in 1893 and the tower was inaugurated during the “ Exposition internationale et coloniale ” at the Parc de la Tête d’Or . The tower itself is 85 meters high, setting its tip at 372 meters above sea level .

The first name suggested for the new icon was Tour Avellan , after the Russian Admiral Avellan because of the favorable Russian-French relations at the time. However, it was officially named the Tour Paufique , in honor of the project’s head architect.

A Tourist Attraction to Rival All Others

The tower was well and truly based off of its big brother in Paris, with its very own restaurant and observation deck .

the metallic tower of fourviere behind the hill in the 9th arrondissement

Like the basilica, the tower is even visible from outlying districts, like the 9th behind Fourvière hill. © Jenna Careri

Visitors were welcomed into a pavilion on the ground floor , before being ushered into elevators that whisked them into the air. The first stop deposited them at shops and a restaurant run by the Gay family , with panoramic views for their dining pleasure.

But the biggest panorama came on the top floor, 357 meters above sea level, on the observation platform . From their perch in the sky, visitors could see the city from all directions , including the world fair pavilions in the park.

From World Attraction to Radio Tower

The restaurant attracted customers until 1940 , when it closed at the start of WWII . Then in 1943, Madame Gay bought the property and the tower back from the Société Anonyme.

During the war, the tower was threatened with destruction and nearly torn down by the Germans, who wanted to use its 2100 tons of metal as a resource . They drew up a plan to dismantle it, but it never went into effect.

The tower officially closed to the public in 1953 and was bought by RTF , the national society of French radio and television, for 15 million francs . Converted into a radio and television antenna , it has remained closed to the public ever since and is impossible to visit .

Today it lights up the sky next to Fourvière every evening, serves as a backdrop for the July 14 fireworks , and provides a funny anecdote for tourists and residents alike as Lyon’s “ mini Eiffel Tower .”

Other Historical Monuments in Lyon

The Basilica Notre Dame de Fourviere in Lyon, France

Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, treasure of Lyon

Fourvière basilica is a speactacular landmark to visit in Lyon, and the view from the esplanade is mind-blowing.


Lyon Saint Jean Cathedral

In Lyon’s 5th district, is St Jean Cathedral in the beating heart of Vieux Lyon, home to the largest Renaissance area in Europe after Venice.

lyon tour eiffel

Place Bellecour

Place Bellecour is the largest pedestrian square in Europe. A landmark to visit in Lyon.

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Tout savoir sur la tour Eiffel (ou tour métallique) de Lyon


Tous les Lyonnais la connaissent et la voient au quotidien : la tour métallique de Lyon Fourvière ! Également connue comme la tour Eiffel ou le Picon, c'est un monument incontournable de la ville, malgré son esthétique qui ne fait pas l'unanimité. Si elle était auparavant un lieu de visite, elle est devenue dans les années 50 un relais de radio et télévision fermé au public. Je vous fais découvrir ici quelques faits intéressants sur la tour métallique lyonnaise.

tout eiffel tour metallique lyon fourviere

La tour Eiffel ou tour métallique de Lyon Fourvière

Inspirée de la dame de fer.

Située dans le 5e arrondissement, sur la fameuse colline de Fourvière , la tour métallique se trouve aussi non loin de la basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière . Culminant sur 372 m en dessus du Vieux Lyon et du cours de la Saône, c'est le point le plus élevé de la ville.

tout eiffel tour metallique lyon fourviere

Un accueil enthousiaste du public

La construction de la tour métallique de Lyon remonte entre 1892 et 1894 et elle est ouverte au public le 3 mai 1894 . Elle est érigée à l'initiative de la Société Anonyme de la Tour de Fourvière, qui décide de l'implanter en face de la Basilique. Elle portait alors le nom de « Tour Paufique », du nom du président du Conseil d'Administration.

Au départ, elle comptait un restaurant avec vue sur Lyon et tenu par la famille Gay. Elle disposait également d'un ascenseur hydraulique à piston pouvant emmener 22 personnes sur un belvédère avec observatoire, se trouvant 80 m plus haut. Malgré son apparence qui fait débat dès sa construction, elle suscite l'enthousiasme du public, qui vient nombreux pour la visiter.

tout eiffel tour metallique lyon fourviere

Un arrêté de destruction pris à l'encontre de la tour de Lyon Fourvière

Elle passe de propriétaire en propriétaire et risque une destruction après un arrêté de réquisition pris par l'Office des fontes, fers et aciers , début juin 1943. L'armée allemande souhaitait en effet l'utiliser pour permettre à l'office de récupérer une grande quantité de métal. Elle est finalement sauvée in extremis après un combat juridique abrogeant l'arrêté le 6 juillet suivant.

Un site désormais fermé au public

Elle est finalement rachetée par la Radiodiffusion-télévision française (RTF) le 1er novembre 1953 pour la diffusion de la seule chaîne de télévision, comprenant la station lyonnaise.

tout eiffel tour metallique lyon fourviere

En 1963, elle ne sera plus accessible au public car elle devient une antenne relais de la RTF supportant de nombreux émetteurs de télévision, de téléphonie ainsi que par d'autres services publics. À partir de ce moment, le pavillon se trouvant à la base de la tour qui recevait du public est remplacé par du béton, la terrasse supérieure est supprimée et l'ancien ascenseur laisse la place à un modèle électrique de 4 places.

tout eiffel tour metallique lyon fourviere

Cartes postales anciennes de la tour métallique de Fourvière

tour eiffel tour metallique lyon fourviere

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The birth of the Eiffel tower

A realized utopia, eiffel tower.

You are at the top of the Eiffel Tower, overlooking Paris at a height of almost 300 m / 1000 feet.

At the opening of the Tower in 1889, this very place was different from what you are seeing.

Le Campanile et le Phare de la tour Eiffel - Les merveilles de l'Exposition 1889 by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

It was used, in particular, as a laboratory to carry out scientific experiments and measurements. Many instruments were installed here such as barometers, anemometers, lightning conductors.

In fact, Gustave Eiffel arranged an office for himself at the very top of the Tower for astronomical and physiological observations. He even installed a weather station.

It was these scientific experiments carried at the Tower which saved it from being destroyed by popular demand. Did you know the Tower should have been pulled down just 20 years after it was erected for the 1889 Exposition Universelle!

Affiche - Chemin de fer Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée - Exposition Universelle 1889 - Paris by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

For the 1889 Universal Exhibition, marking the centenary of the French Revolution, a great competition was announced in the country's Official Gazette.

Universal exhibitions were a technological and industrial showcase for nations, testifying to the achievements made during the industrial revolution.

Le Champ de Mars et l'Ecole Militaire depuis les hauteurs du Trocadéro avant la construction de la tour Eiffel by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

The 1889 competition consisted of "studying the possibility of erecting on the Champ-de-Mars a 300-metre tower with a 125m2 square base". 

The Champ-de-Mars and the Military school as seen from the Trocadéro before the construction of the Eiffel Tower.

Selected from among 107 projects, it was that of Gustave Eiffel, an entrepreneur, Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier, both engineers, and Stephen Sauvestre, an architect, that was accepted.

Gustave Eiffel en pied dans l'escalier de la tour Eiffel by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

A brilliant engineer, Gustave Eiffel founded a company specialising in metal structural work.

In this sense the Eiffel Tower was the very height of his career. He devoted the last thirty years of his life to experimental research.

This enthusiast and true genius was able to transcend his own limits to leave us monuments such as the dome on the Nice Observatory, the metal structure of the Statue of Liberty and the Bordeaux railway bridge.

Bureau des Etudes de Gustave Eiffel - La Tour Soleil de Bourdais, projet concurrent de la tour Eiffel (calque à la plume) by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

The competition held at the time of the 1889 Exposition Universelle received several other entries for 300-metre towers.

A serious component was the project of Jules Bourdais, he was the architect of Palais du Trocadéro. 

He imagined a tower of 300 m based only of stone.

Dessin projet de MM Eiffel, Nouguier et Koechlin by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

In June 1884, Emile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlin, the two chief engineers in Eiffel's company, came up with the idea of building a very tall tower. It was to be designed like a large pylon.

It would have four columns of latticework girders, separated at the base and coming together at the top, and joined to each other by more metal girders at regular intervals.

Pylône de 300m de hauteur pour la ville de Paris - 1889 - Avant Projet de MM Nouguier et Koechlin by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

The company had by this time perfectly mastered the principle of building bridge supports. The tower project was a bold extension of this principle up to a height of 300 metres - equivalent to the symbolic figure of 1,000 feet.

Reproductions des planches originales de Gustave Eiffel by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

On 18 September 1884, Eiffel registered a patent “for a new configuration allowing the construction of metal supports and pylons capable of exceeding a height of 300 metres”.

Sauvestre proposed stonework pedestals to dress the legs, monumental arches to link the four columns and the first level, large glass-walled halls on each level, a bulb-shaped design for the top and various other ornamental features to decorate the whole of the structure.

The first floor - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

The second floor - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

The top - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

Antennas - Copy of Gustave Eiffel's original plates

The first digging work started on 26 January 1887 and marked the beginning of the Tower's construction.

Conception—Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel

The Eiffel Tower in 1900

The eiffel tower's inauguration and first visitors, the construction of the eiffel tower.

View from the Top of the Eiffel Tower

Guided tour to the Top

The most comprehensive tour.

12 people max.

Enjoy a thrilling trip to the Top and visit the entire Eiffel Tower accompanied by a guide

A tour of the Eiffel Tower is a thrilling and emotional experience. Accompanied by a member of the Eiffel Tower family who is enamored with the monument, you will hear about momentous and everyday moments in its history, and learn more about the life of the Tower and the company that operates it, while visiting all three levels of the Tower.

Vue sur le sommet de la tour Eiffel

An unforgettable tour, available in French or English and lasting around 90 minutes, in groups of no more than 12 people! Your Official Eiffel Tower Guide will ensure that everything goes smoothly on your visit while helping you access the different levels, especially the elevators. And to enhance this experience, the Eiffel Tower can offer you outstanding 10% discounts on a selection of products available in the stores (Exclusive Eiffel Tower Collection) and certain restaurants (bistro on the First Floor and the buffet on the esplanade).

Advantages of the guided tour

Easy access to the Top

The tour experience

Plan du parvis

01: See you on the Esplanade

Meet your guide 15 minutes before the start of the tour at the Official Guided Tours meeting point (don't forget the security checks at the site entrances, which may take 10 to 20 minutes). Your guide will take care of you, and you will benefit from easier access to the Top.

02: Discover how the historic elevators work

From an exceptional and perfectly preserved vantage point over the hydraulic elevator shaft dating from 1899, you will gain a complete insight into the workings of this machinery found nowhere else in the world.

03: The magic of the ascent and the Top

You can then savor the thrills of the ascent to the Top. Throughout the visit, your Official Guide will be happy to share tales of momentous and everyday moments in the Tower's history with you, from the monument to the company, and from the past to the present.

04: Back down to the heart of the structure

After regaining the Second Floor (by elevator), you will take the stairs to the First Floor, at the heart of the structure. Your Guide will tell you more about the structure of the monument and the history of its construction.

05: Don't leave us without obtaining your privileges!

Once you reach the First Floor, it will be time to say goodbye to your Guide, but you can extend your visit and explore this floor a little longer, where you can take advantage of the benefits on offer by presenting your guided tour tickets. For a bite to eat, you will receive a 10% discount on a special menu served at the first-floor bistro (located in the Ferrié Pavilion) depending on the time of your visit (breakfast, lunch/snack or afternoon snack). This offer also applies to the buffet on the Esplanade! You will also benefit from an exceptional 10% discount in our official gift shops on all products in the exclusive Eiffel Tower Collection, which promotes French expertise.

Also available

Visite guidée jusqu'au 2ème étage

Guided tour to the Second Floor

Official and exclusive guided tours of the Eiffel Tower. Get an easy access to the Second floor then visit the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower with an Official Eiffel Tower Guide.

Please be on time to meet us on the Esplanade near the Information Point, 15 minutes before the time stated on your ticket.

Before reaching the Esplanade, security checks are carried out at the entrance to the site. But you are authorized to use an entrance specially reserved for "Official Guided Tours". Allow 10 to 20 minutes to complete these checks.

This tour is not accessible for people with reduced mobility and not recommended for people with baby strollers.

Your guided tour ticket entitles you to an exceptional 10% discount on items in the exclusive Eiffel Tower Collection in our gift shops and on special menus at the buffets located on the First Floor and on the Esplanade.

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Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

  Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

lyon tour eiffel

Exceptionally, tickets for visits from June 17 will go on sale later than usual (instead of 60 days before the day of the visit). No tickets for this summer (including during the Olympic Games) are currently on sale, so do not buy tickets from websites promoting such offers. Keep an eye on our official online ticket office.

  • Contact information

When do you want to visit the Eiffel Tower?

How many tickets do you need.

Young (12-24 years)

Children (4-11 years old)

Small children (younger than 4 years old)

Disabled individuals

RSA (earned income supplement) recipients

An order may include a maximum of 9 tickets

An order may only contain a maximum of 5 children’s tickets (4 years or younger)

An order may only contain a maximum of 2 RSA (earned income supplement) tickets

An order containing only children’s tickets (-4 years old and 4-11 years old) is not permitted.

“Adult”: Normal rate for adults 25 years old and over.

“Youth (12-24 years old)”: Rate for youth between 12 and 24 years old. Proof of age required.

“Children” (4-11 years old)”: Rate for children between 4-11 years old. Proof of age required. Mandatory purchase of an adult or youth ticket.

“Small children (younger than 4 years old)”: Free for children younger than 4 years old. Ticket and proof of age required. There is no left luggage office available, in particular for strollers.

“RSA (earned income supplement) recipients”: Rate applied to French RSA (earned income supplement) recipients only, available at the Tower's ticket offices.

“Disabled individuals”: Rate for disabled individuals only applicable upon presentation of valid certificate. Access to the Summit and stairs is not permitted for individuals with reduced mobility.

Online help

How much does it cost to visit the eiffel tower.

To check the prices for the Eiffel Tower, please visit this page on the official Eiffel Tower site . The Eiffel Tower online ticket office provides the official prices. The adult price applies to adults 25 years and over.  There are discount rates for young people (12-24 years old), children (4-11 years old) and for those with disabilities. Admission is free for children under 4 years old. The price of the ticket varies upon how you go up (elevator and/or stairs) and the destination (2nd floor or the upper floor) you select. 

The desired visit date is not available, what should I do?

Certain days (weekends, days during peak season between July and August) are in high demand and we sell out quickly, especially for e-tickets for the top floor, which are the most popular. If you are flexible, select another date that is shown as available. The dates marked in orange indicate that the last tickets are available. Lined out or grayed out dates are no longer available. If there is no more online availability, note that tickets to visit the Eiffel Tower are also sold on site at the ticket offices at the monument. Regardless, we sell our tickets online up to 60 days in advance (for lift tickets) and 14 days in advance (for stairs tickets to second floor). If you can, plan your visit well in advance, so you will have the choice of date, destination and time.  

How many tickets can I buy?

On the online ticket shop, you can buy up to 9 tickets for the same order. Groups who want to buy tickets, regardless of the number, must use the ticket office site reserved for groups.

The Eiffel Tower’s online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual e-tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance. With the e-ticket system, experience no lines! You will directly receive your ticket by e-mail so you can print it at home or store it on your smartphone. If e-tickets are sold out for the date/time or destination that you search, it is always possible to purchase tickets on the spot on the day of your visit.  At the scheduled hour, go directly to the lifts or stairs without having to wait at the ticket stands. There are mandatory security checks at the Eiffel Tower’s entrance and before entering one of the pillars.

Tourism professionals, schools, associations:  professional ticketing website .

Destination to the top

An engrossing experience

« The Eiffel Tower Summit »

lyon tour eiffel

The most marvelous view of Paris

At the top of the Eiffel Tower, enjoy the highest view of Paris and its surroundings. With its 2 floors (one open-air and the other indoor), experience for yourself the majesty of Paris from all angles: witness the most eye-catching architectural beauties, monuments, and the Seine.

lyon tour eiffel

The office of Gustave Eiffel

At the top of the Tower, you will also discover a reconstitution of Gustave Eiffel’s office, the Tower’s creator. With its wax models, this scene depicts Gustave Eiffel and his daughter Claire receiving the famous American inventor, Thomas Edison.

Destination to 2nd floor

At the heart of the Tower :

« The Eiffel Tower’s 2nd floor »

lyon tour eiffel

The most all-encompassing experience

On the 2nd floor, you’ll be transported with amazement: With several monoculars located on both levels, Paris and its monuments will offer a scintillating pleasure to your delighted eyes. Take advantage of the large selection of activities, boutiques and restaurants!

lyon tour eiffel

Be at the forefront of a spectacular lighting show

During evening visits, the 2nd floor is the best spot to be to witness the Tower and its magnificent lit structure. Also don’t forget, Paris is the “City of Lights.” On the 2nd floor, you’ll have a front row seat for an unforgettable moment of scintillation at all hours!

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You might like to have a play on - you'll find it useful for the rest of your trip as well.

HELP? what is the distance from gare de lyon to eiffel tower?

lyon tour eiffel

Bus 87 is a nice ride -- we took it many times, as winds through the 5th- 6th -7th.

Even better, before you go, try It will even give you walking directions from point A to point B.

I don't mean to be rude but asking "How far is it from...?" questions is rather silly when there are online maps at your fingertips. A map can answer the question for you more quickly too! And don't forget... no matter where you go... there you are! LOL

You can also see a map of the metro using google.

If you take line 14 (going int the direction of Saint Lazare), it's a very fast short ride to Madeleine - there, you can switch to line 8 (direction of Balard) - and exit either at Invalides or La Tour Maubourg.

And you can always ask for assistance once you're at Gare de Lyon!

thanks very helpful

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The exhibition Elliott Erwitt. Une rétrospective est terminée. Merci pour votre bonne humeur !

  • The Exhibition

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Experience humor, emotion and humanity with Elliott Erwitt's grandiose photography.

USA. New York, New York. 1954. Metropolitan Museum of Art.Images for use only in connection with direct publicity for the exhibition "Retrospective " by Elliott Erwitt presented at Musée Maillol, Paris, France, from 22 March to 24 September 2023, beginning with the signature of the exhibition lease agreement and until the end of the exhibition. These images are for one time non-exclusive use only and must not be electronically stored in any media asset retrieval database•         Up to 3 Magnum images can be used without licence fees for online or inside print use only. Please contact Magnum to use on any front covers.•         Images must be credited and captioned as outlined by Magnum Photos•         Images must not be reproduced online at more than 1000 pixels without permission from Magnum Photos•         Images must not be overlaid with text, cropped or altered in any way without permission from Magnum Photos.

© Elliott Erwitt / Magnum Photos

lyon tour eiffel

Opening hours

Monday - Closed Tuesday 10 am to 5 pm Wednesday 10 am to 5 pm Thursday 10 am to 5 pm Friday 10 am to 5 pm Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Sunday 10 am to 6 pm OPEN from 10 am to 6 pm on public holidays and from Monday to Sunday during school holidays

Online booking is STRONGLY recommended during weekends and public holidays. Without it, our team will gladly welcome you depending on the exhibition's capacity.

lyon tour eiffel

100th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France, 1989 © Elliott Erwitt / Magnum Photos

I would say that the most important thing about a photograph is to stir emotions, to make people laugh or cry, or both at the same time. – Elliott Erwitt

From 21st October 2023 to 17 March 2024 at  La Sucrière, Lyon.

lyon tour eiffel

PRICES (audio guide included)

from 12 to 25 or student

from 6 to 11

lyon tour eiffel

The exhibition is included in the Pass Culture for individual visitors. Find out more about the Pass Culture and book your ticket on the official website or mobile application!

An exhibition designed and produced by Tempora in close collaboration with Magnum Photos and La Sucrière

lyon tour eiffel

La Sucrière 49-50 Quai Rambaud 69002 Lyon, France

[email protected] +33 4 78 79 23 61

Monday: closed Tuesday: 10 am - 5 pm Wednesday: 10 am - 5 pm Thursday: 10 am - 5 pm Friday: 10 am - 5 pm Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm Sunday: 10 am - 5 pm

Last entry  : 1.5 hours before closing Visiting time:  1.5 to 2 hours Public holidays:  from 10 am to 6 pm. - closed on  25th December  but open on  1st January School holidays (French "A zone")  open daily - including Monday - from 10 am to 6 pm

lyon tour eiffel

Last entry  : 1.5 hours before closing Visiting time:  1.5 to 2 hours Public holidays:  open from 10 am to 6 pm – closed on 25th December and 1st January School holidays (French "A zone")  open daily - including Monday - from 10 am to 6 pm

lyon tour eiffel

Elliott Erwitt. Une rétrospective ® TEMPORA 2023 Terms and Conditions | Privacy policy | Cookies Policy


Paris Olympics: See the venues of the Summer Games

This summer's Olympics will unfold in more than 30 venues throughout Paris and other cities throughout France. This story is best viewed on mobile in the NBC News app .

by Chet Hill, Jiachuan Wu and Nigel Chiwaya

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The Olympics will transform Paris, with dozens of competitions and events expected to draw huge crowds to one of the world’s most iconic cities. Take a tour of some of the Games’ more noteworthy venues.

The River Seine, which flows through the heart of Paris, will be a central location throughout the Games.

The Seine will be the site of the opening ceremony on July 26, when 10,000 athletes aboard more than 160 boats will parade on the water in front of crowds of up to 300,000. In the following weeks, swimming, triathlon, 3-on-3 basketball, skateboarding and gymnastics competitions will also be held at venues along the river.

Beach volleyball will be played at a temporary stadium, currently under construction, in the Champ de Mars near the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower Stadium will offer a spectacular view of one of Paris’ most iconic landmarks.

Judo and wrestling competitions will take place at a temporary arena in the Champ de Mars.

The arena will be dismantled after the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Olympic village lies along the Seine’s northern bank and will house more than 20,000 athletes during the Olympics and Paralympic Games combined.

The village is located about a mile away from Stade de France, which will serve as the main Olympic stadium and host major events such as rugby, shot put and track and field.

The Roland Garros Stadium, built in 1928 in western Paris, is traditionally the home of the annual French Open tennis tournament.

During the Paris Olympics, the Roland Garros will host tennis, boxing, wheelchair tennis and sitting volleyball competitions.

The Olympics are not limited to Paris, as events will take place in other French cities, too. Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes and Nice will host soccer games. Sailing competitions will take place at the Marseille marina, and Villeneuve-d’Ascq in northern France will host basketball and handball competitions.

The farthest event of the Games will take place almost 10,000 miles away, in the French Polynesian island of Tahiti.

Teahupo’o, which is home to some of the biggest waves on the planet, will host surfing competitions.

Visual Credits

3D satellite imagery via Google Earth. Photo rendered images: Seine riverbank, Eiffel Tower Stadium: Paris 2024. Champ de Mars Arena: Paris 2024 /Rmngp/Wilmotte&Associes. Stade de France: Paris2024 / Stade de France © - Macary Zublena et Regembal Costantini - Architectes © ADAGP - Paris. Roland-Garros: Paris 2024 /Cédric Lecocq / FFT. Tahiti: Manea Fabisch/Tahiti Tourisme.

« Je ne sais même pas si je me rends compte… » : l’émotion de Marquinhos après la célébration de son record

Entre la qualification à Barcelone, la victoire contre Lyon et les hommages pour son record du nombre de matchs disputés sous les couleurs parisiennes, le capitaine et défenseur est revenu sur la semaine intense que venait de vivre son équipe. Et se projette déjà sur la suite.

35 minutes d’hommage, une dernière photo de famille et voilà Marquinhos face aux journalistes. Tout sourire et trophée de recordman en forme de tour Eiffel dans les mains, le capitaine est revenu, ce dimanche après la victoire contre Lyon (4-1) , sur la semaine et la soirée que lui et ses partenaires ont vécues.

Malgré les célébrations entourant son record du nombre de matchs disputés sous le maillot parisien, le Brésilien se projette déjà sur la fin de saison exaltante qui attend Paris.

Avec cette victoire contre Lyon, vous concluez une magnifique semaine…

MARQUINHOS. On enchaîne deux très bonnes prestations, deux très bons matchs avec deux bons résultats. On a beaucoup parlé dans le vestiaire et surtout dans la semaine en se disant qu’il ne faut rien lâcher maintenant car c’est le moment important de la saison, le moment décisif. Il était important de donner une bonne réponse aujourd’hui. Souvent après la Ligue des champions, il y a du moins bon et nous, on a essayé de donner une bonne réponse.

Après le succès 🆚 Lyon (4-1), le Parc des Princes a honoré son capitaine @marquinhos_m5 , auteur de son 4️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ème match avec le maillot du Paris Saint-Germain. ❤️💙 #Marqui436 — Paris Saint-Germain (@PSG_inside) April 21, 2024

Contre Lyon, il y a beaucoup de turnover mais les résultats sont encore là…

Cela montre la valeur de l’équipe surtout et des joueurs qui ont joué ce soir. Cela met en valeur la philosophie du coach, tout le monde est prêt. Quand chacun entre sur le terrain, avec les entraînements tactiques qu’il fait, avec l’attention qu’il donne, tout le monde sait ce qu’il doit faire. Peu importe les joueurs qui sont sur le terrain, quand tu as un effectif comme le nôtre quand tu réussis à maintenir le niveau, ça fait vraiment la différence.

Ronaldinho, Thiago Silva, Rai, sa maman… Marquinhos se dévoile comme jamais face aux questions de ses proches ➡️ — Le Parisien | PSG (@le_Parisien_PSG) April 19, 2024

Vous êtes qualifiés en demi de C1 et vous avez vécu une soirée particulière. Qu’est-ce que ça vous fait d’avoir ces trophées à jouer encore et ce record ?

C’est incroyable ! Ce record, je ne sais même pas si je me rends compte aujourd’hui ce que cela représente. Ce n’est que quand je prendrai ma retraite que je réaliserai. C’est une très grande fierté, un honneur, je suis arrivé ici à 19 ans, aujourd’hui j’en ai 29. J’ai vécu des belles choses, des moments difficiles aussi mais je me suis toujours donné à 100 % sur le terrain. J’ai toujours respecté ce club, son maillot et ses couleurs. On a célébré mais il faut continuer le travail, on a des choses très difficiles à aller chercher.

lyon tour eiffel


  1. La "petite" Tour Eiffel de Lyon Annecy, France Travel, Europe Travel

    lyon tour eiffel

  2. Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la tour Eiffel et ses environs

    lyon tour eiffel

  3. Lyon Tower.JPG

    lyon tour eiffel

  4. Tout savoir sur la tour Eiffel (ou tour métallique) de Lyon

    lyon tour eiffel

  5. Tout savoir sur la tour Eiffel (ou tour métallique) de Lyon

    lyon tour eiffel

  6. Lyon bezoeken? Ontdek dé 15 x mooiste bezienswaardigheden in Lyon

    lyon tour eiffel




  1. Metallic tower of Fourvière

    The Tour métallique de Fourvière by day, viewed from the southwest. The Tour métallique de Fourvière ("Metallic tower of Fourvière"), a landmark of Lyon, France, is a steel framework tower which bears a striking resemblance to the Eiffel Tower, which predates it by three years.With a height of 101 m (331 ft), previously 85.9 m (282 ft) before installation of the TV broadcasting antenna ...

  2. Tour Paufique

    Eiffel Tower Fever from Paris to Lyon. Paris's Eiffel Tower was inaugurated in 1889, during the "Exposition Universelle," or world fair. Swept up in the glamour of these late 19th century international expositions, some people in Lyon saw an opening to build their own world-class attraction, giving a panoramic view of the city.

  3. Tout savoir sur la tour Eiffel (ou tour métallique) de Lyon

    La tour Eiffel ou tour métallique de Lyon Fourvière. En 1892, à l'initiative d'une entreprise privée, la Société Anonyme de la Tour de Fourvière, le projet de construction d'une tour métallique avec ascenseur est lancé. Le lieu est choisi est Fourvière, en face de l'imposante Basilique, au sommet de la montée des Anges et juste ...

  4. Tour métallique de Fourvière

    Situation. La tour s'élève sur la colline de Fourvière, montée Nicolas de Lange, dans le 5 e arrondissement.Elle domine le quartier du Vieux Lyon et le cours de la Saône situés en contrebas. Elle culmine à 372 m d'altitude par rapport au niveau de la mer, la tour ne faisant que 210 mètres par rapport au point le plus bas de la commune. Elle demeure le point le plus élevé de Lyon.

  5. Metallic Tower of Fourvière

    133. StephenVincent (Atlas Obscura User) Built between 1892 and 1894, this mini version of the Eiffel Tower is clearly visible from much of the center of Lyon. It stands proudly on the promontory ...

  6. La Tour Metallique

    LA TOUR MÉTALLIQUE. La tour métallique de Fourvière est le monument qui marque le point culminant de Lyon. Si son esthétisme ne fait pas l'unanimité, elle est cependant emblématique du visage de la ville. Construite après l'exposition universelle de Paris qui a vu naître la Tour Eiffel, elle est d'abord un lieu de visite avant de ...

  7. Tour Métallique de Fourvière

    La Tour Metallique de Fourviere is a steel tower located on Fourviere hill, the highest point in Lyon. Built for the World Fair, international Exposition held at the turn of the twentieth century, it bears a close resemblance to the Eiffel tower.

  8. Lyon to Eiffel Tower

    You can take a train from Lyon to Eiffel Tower via Massy-Tgv, Massy - Palaiseau, and Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel in around 3h 42m. Alternatively, FlixBus operates a bus from Lyon, Perrache Bus Station to Paris City Centre - Bercy Seine hourly. Tickets cost €35 - €50 and the journey takes 6h 10m. Two other operators also service this route ...

  9. The birth of the Eiffel tower

    The birth of the Eiffel tower. You are at the top of the Eiffel Tower, overlooking Paris at a height of almost 300 m / 1000 feet. At the opening of the Tower in 1889, this very place was different from what you are seeing. It was used, in particular, as a laboratory to carry out scientific experiments and measurements.

  10. The OFFICIAL Eiffel Tower website: tickets, news, info

    The Eiffel Tower on social media. See more photos. Discover or visit the tower: buy a ticket (10.5 to 26.10 € maximum for adults and 2.6 to 13.10 € for children and young people), news and practical information.

  11. Ticket prices and opening times

    So that your visit goes without a hitch, download and read the Eiffel Tower visitor instructions. Download here. See our terms and conditions of sale. Download here. Home. Prices & Times. Opening times, ticket prices for individual and group visitors. Prices: 10.5 to 26.10 € maximum for adults, 2,6 to 13,10 € for children and young people.

  12. Gare de Lyon (Paris Métro) to Eiffel Tower

    Paris RER operates a train from Paris Gare d'Austerlitz to Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel every 10 minutes. Tickets cost €3 - €5 and the journey takes 14 min. Alternatively, Bus RATP operates a bus from Gare de Lyon to Pont d'Iéna every 15 minutes. Tickets cost €2 - €4 and the journey takes 37 min. Train operators. Paris RER. Bus operators ...

  13. Guided tour to the Top

    An unforgettable tour, available in French or English and lasting around 90 minutes, in groups of no more than 12 people! Your Official Eiffel Tower Guide will ensure that everything goes smoothly on your visit while helping you access the different levels, especially the elevators. And to enhance this experience, the Eiffel Tower can offer you ...

  14. Everything you need to know about visiting the Eiffel Tower

    The closest station to the Eiffel Tower is Champ de Mars/Tour Eiffel. You can take Metro or RER services to this stop. Then, simply hop off and stroll for less than ten minutes along the Seine to get to the monument. ... , Lyon to Paris (1h 55m), Marseille to Paris (3h 12m) Nice to Paris (5h 44m) and Strasbourg to Paris (2h 23m).

  15. Eiffel Tower : purchase a ticket

    The Eiffel Tower's online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual e-tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance. With the e-ticket system, experience no lines! You will directly receive your ticket by e-mail so ...

  16. Eastern France Roadtrip: Paris, Dijon, Beaune, Annecy, Lyon

    Eastern France Roadtrip: Paris, Dijon, Beaune, Annecy, Lyon - 11 Days. Start this eleven-day road trip in Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and big city lights, then hit the road for mustard and art in Dijon. You'll see a 12th-century monastery and taste traditional wine, enjoy a hot air balloon ride over Meursault, discover the medieval streets of ...

  17. Paris Gare de Lyon to Eiffel Tower

    Paris RER operates a train from Paris Gare d'Austerlitz to Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel every 10 minutes. Tickets cost €3 - €5 and the journey takes 13 min. Alternatively, Bus RATP operates a bus from Gare de Lyon to Pont d'Iéna every 15 minutes. Tickets cost €2 - €4 and the journey takes 37 min.

  18. HELP! How To Get to Eiffel Tower from Gare De Lyon??

    How To Get to Eiffel Tower from Gare De Lyon?? 12 years ago. The easiest way is to walk outside the station and catch bus 87 - it will take you straight to the Eiffel Tower (well, the Champs de Mars, which is close enough!). For a quicker but less scenic journey, you could walk across the river to Gare d'Austerlitz and take RER C to Champs de ...

  19. Gare de Lyon to Tour Eiffel, Paris

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Gare de Lyon to Tour Eiffel, Paris easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Gare de Lyon to Tour Eiffel, Paris right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps ...

  20. Exposition Elliott Erwitt. Une rétrospective

    Le 100ème anniversaire de la Tour Eiffel, Paris, France, 1989. Che Guevara, La Havane, Cuba, 1964. ... 69002 Lyon, France. CONTACT. [email protected] +33 4 78 79 23 61. PRESS. OPENING HOURS. Monday: closed Tuesday: 10 am - 5 pm Wednesday:10 am - 5 pm Thursday:10 am - 5 pm

  21. Paris Olympics 2024 event venues preview: Opening ceremony, tennis

    The 2024 Summer Olympics will transform Paris as dozens of events draw crowds to the iconic city. See what the Games' venues will look like ahead of the July 26 opening ceremony.

  22. Gare de Lyon to Auteuil Tour Eiffel, Paris

    What companies run services between Gare de Lyon, France and Auteuil Tour Eiffel, Paris, France? Paris RER operates a train from Paris Gare d'Austerlitz to Javel every 15 minutes. Tickets cost €3 - €5 and the journey takes 15 min. Alternatively, Bus RATP operates a bus from Gare de Lyon to Radio France - Pont de Grenelle every 15 minutes.

  23. « Je ne sais même pas si je me rends compte… » : l'émotion de

    Tout sourire et trophée de recordman en forme de tour Eiffel dans les mains, le capitaine est revenu, ce dimanche après la victoire contre Lyon (4-1), sur la semaine et la soirée que lui et ses ...

  24. Paris. Insulte, crachats... Une influenceuse marocaine raconte avoir

    Une influenceuse marocaine, en vacances à Paris, a raconté avoir été agressée près la tour Eiffel. Selon son récit, un homme lui aurait craché dessus à deux reprises.

  25. Gare de Lyon to Eiffel Tower

    Paris RER operates a train from Paris Gare d'Austerlitz to Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel every 10 minutes. Tickets cost €3 - €5 and the journey takes 14 min. Alternatively, Bus RATP operates a bus from Gare de Lyon to Pont d'Iéna every 15 minutes. Tickets cost €2 - €4 and the journey takes 37 min.

  26. Paris Gare de Lyon to Auteuil Tour Eiffel, Paris

    What companies run services between Paris Gare de Lyon, France and Auteuil Tour Eiffel, Paris, France? Paris RER operates a train from Paris Gare d'Austerlitz to Javel every 15 minutes. Tickets cost €3 - €5 and the journey takes 15 min. Alternatively, Bus RATP operates a bus from Gare de Lyon to Radio France - Pont de Grenelle every 15 minutes.