• Bordeaux-Mérignac
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  • Marseille Provence
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  • Bruxelles-Zaventem
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  • Francfort sur le Main
  • Francfort-Hahn
  • Milan-Malpensa
  • Comment ça marche ?
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  • Voiturier Marseille
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Park & Trip Bordeaux

138 Avenue de l'Argonne Mérignac 33700 France

Park and Trip Bordeaux

Si vous cherchez un parking de confiance et que vous ne souhaitez pas payer votre stationnement à prix d'or, et bien sachez le Park and Trip Bordeaux Mérignac est fait pour vous. Avec plus de 400 000 véhicules pris en charge à travers la France, le service de parking avec navette de Park and Trip est réputé pour sa qualité. Vous pourrez bénéficier d’un prix très attractif pour un parking proche de l’aéroport Mérignac .

Ouvert 24H/24 tous les jours de la semaine, Park and Trip aéroport Bordeaux vous propose une zone de stationnement à ciel ouvert pour la garde votre véhicule. De plus, un service de navette à la demande sera mis à votre disposition pour votre transfert vers l’aéroport. Vous pourrez ainsi rejoindre votre terminal de départ en seulement 4 minutes de trajet.

Sachez que le parking est clôturé, équipé de caméras de surveillance, d’une barrière électrique et régulièrement patrouillé par un gardien. 

Si vous le souhaitez, vous pourrez également bénéficier d’une variété de services optionnels dans ce parking, comme le contrôle technique, le nettoyage de votre véhicule ou encore la vidange. 

Attention : en cas d'arrivée entre minuit de 4 heures du matin un supplément de 9.99 euros vous sera demandé ​(à régler sur place).

Parking image 1

Nous proposons les mêmes prix que les parking eux mêmes, réservez sans frais !

  • Toujours le meilleur prix
  • Réservez en 2 minutes
  • Pas de frais de réservation

Le personnel vous donnera ensuite le numéro à joindre à votre retour.

Vous n'avez plus qu'à monter dans la navette et à partir vers l'aéroport.

Appelez le chauffeur après la récupération de vos bagages et la navette viendra vous chercher.

Récupérez votre véhicule quelques minutes plus tard et rentrez chez vous.

Comment fonctionne Park and Trip Bordeaux

Le Park and Trip Bordeaux aéroport met à votre disposition une navette à la demande ce qui vous permet d’éviter d’avoir à trop attendre. 

Si vous choisissez d’effectuer votre réservation avec le Park and Trip Mérignac, vous pourrez donc bénéficier d’un bon compromis entre la formule voiturier et la navette classique. Néanmoins, pour être pris en charge rapidement après votre arrivée, il est important que vous appeliez le parking 30 minutes avant votre arrivée au numéro figurant sur votre confirmation de réservation. 

À votre retour, contactez le numéro fourni après avoir récupéré vos bagages pour que la navette revienne vous chercher (le point de rendez-vous est devant le hall d’arrivée sur le parking courte durée).

Attention, si vous transportez plus de 3 passagers dans votre véhicule, il est recommandé de les déposer au préalable à l’aéroport pour éviter la congestion de la navette. 

Pourquoi choisir Park and Trip Bordeaux :

  • Profitez d’un transfert vers l’aéroport en 4 minutes
  • Service de navette à la demande
  • Ouvert de 4h00 à minuit
  • Parking sécurisé 24H/24
  • Service additionnel : Nettoyage, entretien du véhicule (vidange, contrôle technique…)

Park and Trip Bordeaux : Avis clients

Park and trip Bordeaux Mérignac vous propose des tarifs attractifs, mais ce n’est pas pour autant que la qualité est vu à la baisse bien au contraire.

La satisfaction client est au cœur des préoccupations de Park & Trip, comme vous pourrez le constater en consultant les avis sur le parking.  En effet, avec une note de 8.9/10 pour plus de 500 avis, Park and Trip Bordeaux se classe comme un des parkings les plus populaires à l’aéroport de Mérignac.

Les avis sur le Park and Trip aéroport Mérignac en témoignent, la prestation est de qualité, la navette est ponctuelle et le personnel est accueillant.

Mesures de sécurité

Bien que le parking soit en extérieur, Park & Trip y assure une sécurité optimale. En effet, une surveillance 24h/24 y est garantie, avec la présence sur les lieux de gardiens qui se relaient en permanence en complément d’un système de télésurveillance.

L’intégralité du parking est également fermée à l’aide d’une clôture et d’une barrière à l’entrée afin d’en contrôler l’accès. L’ensemble de la zone de stationnement est également éclairée la nuit.

Ce que les voyageurs en disent

Prix corrects. Service impeccable. Pas de mauvaises surprises. A recommander.

Depuis une dizaine de fois que je travaille avec eux,jamais le moindre problème . Entreprise tres sérieuse .

Très contents des services rendus

Service très professionnel que je recommande sans hésiter. La bonne formule pour partir en voyage l'esprit tranquille pour un prix raisonnable. 1ere expérience que je n'hésiterai pas à renouveler. Pas d'attente, pas de tracas pour trouver un train, juste un coup de fil, et vous êtes pris en charge dans les 10 min. Merci

Bon accueil, ponctualité, pas d'attente. Très bien

  • Agent Sécurité
  • Etat des lieux
  • Rechargement électrique
  • Salle d'attente
  • Ouvert 24h/24
  • Garder clés
  • Option Couvert
  • Siège-enfant
  • Surdimensionné

Comment se rendre au Park and Trip à Bordeaux

Pour vous rendre au Park & Trip Bordeaux, suivez les indications ci-dessous en fonction de l'endroit depuis lequel vous arrivez.

Depuis le Nord de la Rocade de Bordeaux

Prendre la sortie 11B en direction de l'aéroport, puis prendre à droite vers l'aéroport au premier rond-point. Au 2ème rond-point, prendre à gauche en direction de Beutre. Au 3ème rond-point, continuer tout droit et passer le parking officiel sur votre droite. Au 4ème rond-point, prendre à droite vers Beutre, puis continuer tout droit pour environ 500 mètres. Vous êtes arrivé ! 

Depuis le Sud de la Rocade de Bordeaux

Prendre la sortie 12 vers Saint Jean d'Illac, puis prendre à gauche et traverser la rocade au premier rond point. Continuer tout droit une fois de l'autre côté du pont jusqu'au second rond point et prendre à droite vers l'aéroport. Continuer tout droit après le prochaine rond point, puis prendre à gauche au rond point suivant. Le Park & Trip se trouve 500 mètres plus loin !

Depuis Saint Jean d'Illac ou le bassin d'Arcachon

Prendre la direction de Beurtre et passer la base militaire sur votre gauche. Le parking se trouve tout droit, à environ 300 mètres après les 3 faux de Beutre. 

Avez-vous une question ou un problème avec votre réservation ?


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Park & Trip Bordeaux

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Park and Trip Bordeaux Open-Air Shuttle

  • Airport Parking
  • Ports & Stations

4.2 / 5 (496)

Anti-Covid Measures

Transfer Duration

Transfer frequency.

Park and Trip Bordeaux Open-Air Shuttle is a low-cost car park in Bordeaux and is only 8 minutes away from the airport by FREE shuttle.

Please note that the Shuttle transfer is included for up to 4 passengers. If there are more than 4 passengers, an additional charge of 10 EUR per person will be added at the checkout.

On Departure

1. Call the car park on the number provided in your email confirmation.

2. Park in front of the reception, a driver will park your vehicle for you,

3. leave your keys at the car park reception,

4. The shuttle drops you off at the airport in an average of 15 minutes.

Reminder: Please arrive at the car park at least 2 hours before the flight time specified in your booking.

1. Call the car park when you collect your luggage on the number given on the reservation coupon.

2. The shuttle will give you a meeting point at your arrival terminal.

3. If your return flight is scheduled for the end of the evening, please notify us as soon as possible in the event of a delay, by telephone.

Car park map

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Parking Orly

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Park and Trip Bordeaux

Park and Trip Bordeaux image 1

Park and Trip Bordeaux Mérignac vous propose enfin une solution abordable pour vous garer en toute sécurité près de l'aéroport de Bordeaux . Ce parking extérieur se situe à seulement 3 minutes des terminaux de l'aéroport. Ils vous seront facilement atteignables grâce à la navette gratuite proposée par ce fournisseur. De nombreux services additionnels (parking couvert, entretien, nettoyage) sont par ailleurs disponibles.

  • Parking couvert
  • Gardez vos clés
  • Vidéosurveillance
  • Lavage de voiture
  • État des lieux du véhicule
  • Parking sécurisé
  • Ouvert 24h/24
  • Réservation et paiement en ligne
  • 3 min du hall de départ
  • Parking avec navette
  • Parking avec voiturier
  • Park & Walk
  • Park, Sleep & Fly

Adresse 138 Avenue de l'Argonne, 33700, Bordeaux

Voir sur la carte

Ma place de parking

au - ( Changer les dates )

Changer les dates ci-dessous

  • Lavage véhicule

Un parking proche et ouvert 7j/7, 24h/24

Park and Trip vous garantit une sécurité incontestable avec ses caméras et alarmes de sécurité. Notez qu'avant de quitter le parking, vous devez laisser vos clés de voiture au personnel du parking. Vous serez ensuite amené à l'aéroport avec la navette gratuite mise à votre disposition. Celle-ci vous déposera à votre terminal d'embarquement, vous permettant ainsi de partir en toute sérénité ! Un vol matinal ? Pas d'inquiétude ! Park and Trip est ouvert 7j/7, 24h/24. Néanmoins, une surcharge vous sera taxée pour les départs ou arrivées entre 00:00 et 04:00. À votre retour, il vous suffit de passer un coup de fil rapide au parking pendant que vous récupérez vos bagages. La navette vous attendra une fois que vous serez sortis de l'aéroport. Convaincus? Réservez votre place de parking longue durée proche de l'aéroport de Bordeaux, ParkCare vous présente les meilleurs prestataires, régulièrement contrôlés pour leur qualité.  

Réservez sans surcharges sur notre site

Vous souhaitez réserver une place de parking chez Park and Trip ? Faîtes-le facilement depuis ParkCare ! Notre site vous propose des fournisseurs de confiance aux tarifs les plus bas. Désormais, le stationnement longue durée ne vous coûtera plus une fortune. Ce fournisseur ne vous a pas convaincu ? Examinez nos autres parkings partenaires. Nous sommes certains que nous avons un parking parfait pour vous ! Des questions sur la réservation? La modification/annulation d'un voyage? Nous vous invitons à consulter notre FAQ , elle aura sûrement les informations qu'il vous faut! A bientôt sur ParkCare!

Voir nos autres fournisseurs Afficher plus

Blue Valet Bordeaux image 1

  • Parking clôturé

Ector Parking Bordeaux image 1

  • Aéroport de Nantes
  • Aéroport de Charleroi
  • Tous aéroports

Types de parkings

  • Parking Navette
  • Parking Voiturier
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Numéro d'enregistrement au registre du commerce: 75802171 Numéro de TVA: NL860401212B01

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Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons des alternatives pour vous.

Nos places de stationnement standard à l'aéroport Bordeaux sont actuellement complètes en raison de la forte demande. Heureusement, nous avons beaucoup d'autres offres qui vous conviendront.

park n trip bordeaux

Faro airport

Faro International Airport, officially Faro - Gago Coutinho International Airport, is located four kilometres west of the city of Faro in Portugal. The airport opened in July 1965 being the main gateway to Faro District and southwestern Spain, with nine million passengers using the facility in 2019.

Park and Trip - Lisbon airport

Lisbon airport

Humberto Delgado Airport, Informel Lisbon Airport and Portela airport, is an international airport located seven kilometers north-east of downtown Lisbon, the capital of Portugal.Portugal.

Park and Trip - Amsterdam Schipol airport

Bordeaux Mérignac

Bordeaux - Mérignac airport is Bordeaux International Airport, in the southwest of France. He is located in the town of Mérignac, 12 km west of Bordeaux, in the Gironde flow.

Park and Trip - Brussels South Charleroi airport

Marseille Provence

Marseille Provence Airport is an international airport located 27 km (17 miles) northwest of Marseille, on the territory of Marignane, both communes of the Bouches-du-Rhône département in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region of France. The airport's hinterland goes from Gap to Arles and from Toulon to Avignon.

Park and Trip - Paris Roissy airport

Paris Roissy CDG

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, also known as Roissy Airport, is the largest international airport in France and the second busiest airport in Europe. Open in 1974, it is located in Roissy-en-France, 23 km north-east of Paris. He bears the name of the statesman Charles de Gaulle.

Park and Trip - Madrid airport

Nice Côte d'Azur

Nice Côte d'Azur Airport is an international airport located 3.2 NM southwest of Nice, in the Alpes-Maritimes department of France. It is the third busiest airport in France and serves as a focus city for Air France and an operating base for easyJet. The airport is positioned 7 km west of the city centre, and is the principal port of arrival for passengers to the Côte d'Azur.

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All the ways to get around beautiful Bordeaux

Nicola Williams

Jan 20, 2024 • 6 min read

park n trip bordeaux

Bordeaux might have the most efficient public-transport system in all of France © RossHelen / Shutterstock

Getting around Bordeaux – a compact city that contains a dazzling mosaic of architectural styles – is a feast for the eyes.

This is, after all, the world’s largest urban World Heritage Site , encompassing some 18 sq km (seven sq miles) – or half the city. Since time immemorial, vessels of various shapes and sizes have navigated the mud-brown Garonne River that winds gracefully through the port city, into the Garonne Estuary and beyond into the Atlantic Ocean.

Pedestrians have crisscrossed Bordeaux’ medieval heart for centuries, while neighborhoods are amply served by what might be the sharpest, most efficient public-transport system in France . Perhaps best of all, bike-mad locals are the biggest advocates of carbon-cutting modes of transport.

Here are all the best ways to get around their hometown.

A tram on Place de la Bourse in Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France

Zip from Bordeaux airport into town by tram

With no overhead cables to mar the city’s architectural harmony, Bordeaux’ state-of-the-art tramway is a thing of beauty. Hop aboard at Bordeaux airport, 10km (six miles) west in suburban Mérignac. Tramline A departs every six to 10 minutes, between 5am and midnight, from the tram stop in front of Terminal A; in the city center, alight at the Hôtel de Ville stop (40 minutes), on the southern side of the cathedral . From here, tramline B follows the river north to Chartrons and La Cité du Vin , stopping en route at public-transport company TBM ’s tree-shaded hub Esplanade des Quinconces. To get to Bordeaux train station from the airport (one hour), ride line A to the Porte de Bourgogne stop, then tramline C for a further four stops to Gare St-Jean.

At the airport, when buying your ticket from the machine by the tram stop, consider how many times you’ll use public transport that day and while in town. A two-/10-journey ticket (€3.20/14.50) or a 24-/48-/72-hour ticket (€5/9/12) might be better value than a pricier single fare (€1.80, valid for one hour). The same tickets will work on TBM buses and boats.

Planning tip: To save paper and queue time at ticket machines, download the TBM app (available for iOS and Android ) to buy tickets. Once on board, simply scan your phone at ticket-validator machines.

A boat passes under St-Pierre bridge on the Garonne River, Bordeaux, France

Take the slow and scenic route to La Cité du Vin: by boat 

Since the heritage-proud Bordelais affectionately refer to their city as Port de la Lune (Port of the Moon), it’s only appropriate during your stay that you view the city from a watery perspective. Scenic Bat3 riverboats – cheaper than any organized river cruise – dock at five stops along the Garonne, including right-bank Stalingrad (convenient for exploring La Bastide) and, along the left bank, Quinconces, Les Hangars (the “shoppers’ stop,” directly in front of the Bord’eau Village shopping center) and La Cité du Vin (find the jetty in the small garden hidden behind the curvaceous edifice). Use a regular tram/bus ticket, or buy a pricier €3/4 ticket valid for one/two journeys aboard. Bikes can be taken on board.

Planning tip: Bat3 boats run from 7am to 7:30pm (and from 9am on weekends). Sailings are only every two hours or so – so plan ahead.

Crowd of people on a pedestrian shopping street, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France

For a deep dive into Bordeaux’ sassy street art scene, pound the pavement

Do the literary likes of Balzac, Baudelaire and other celebrated French flâneurs proud – and just walk. Bordeaux is a city that was clearly created with slow, indulgent meandering in mind, and there is no finer means of admiring the elegant symmetry of iconic Place de la Bourse , eyeballing grimacing mascarons (faces) on gold-stone facades or drinking in the city’s contagious cosmopolitan energy than by getting from A to B to Z on foot.

With its web of disheveled alleys and backstage squares peppered with provocative street art by the likes of French aerosol artist Alber or homegrown Monkey Birds Crew , the historic wine-trading district of Chartrons is particularly conducive to explorative walking.

Planning tip: Bordeaux’  tourist office has information on guided, street art-themed urban walks. Alternatively, from March to October, street art center Galerie Magnetic runs tours (€20, 2.5 hrs) on foot, rollerblades and bikes.

People riding bicycles in the mirror fountain in front of Place de la Bourse in Bordeaux, France

Go local and explore by bicycle

With a giddy mix of cycling lanes, shared bus and bike lanes, and bike-only streets, Bordeaux is an insanely bike-friendly city. TBM’s public bike-sharing scheme V3 is cheap (€1.70 to register, 30 mins free, then €2 per hour) and efficient, with 2000-odd bikes – half electric-powered – and 186 docking stations around the city. Download the TBM app to locate stations and available bikes. Alternatively, Cool Bike is one of many small, independent rental shops run by passionate cyclists who are happy to share insider tips and favorite itineraries.

Keep in mind that anyone on foot will invariably curse Bordeaux’ abundance of bicycles at some point during their stay. Indeed, sharing the pedestrian promenade along the river with all manner of speeding wheels – push bikes, cargo bikes, e-bikes, tandems, bike trailers, stand-on scooters, prams and pushchairs – can lead to frequent close calls. (Cyclists take note: on car-free streets and pedestrian areas, the maximum speed is 20kph/12.5mph, and pedestrians always have priority.)

Tip for pedaling through vineyards: Bordeaux’ tourist office offers seasonal guided tours by bicycle around the city and into surrounding vineyards, as does Bordeaux Bike Experience . For e-bike tours, hook up with Rustic Vines .

Grab an e-scooter to speed riverside with skaters

To ensure no one misses out on the riverside fun, free-floating electric trotinettes (stand-up scooters) by Pony and Dott fill the gaps. Again, download the smartphone app to locate, pay and unlock. Officially, users must be at least 18. Stick to one person per vehicle.

Rent a car to road-trip between châteaux and vines

There’s zero need, quite frankly, to have a car in Bordeaux. Traffic is heavy, parking is challenging, and public transport or bicycles are often faster. This said, your own ride is the golden ticket to dreamy road trips ribboned with vineyards in Médoc wine country. Car rental agencies have desks at Bordeaux airport.

A ring of 25 park-and-ride car parks ( parc relais in French) around Bordeaux city center encourages motorists to park and take the bus or tram for the final leg into town. For those that insist, expect to pay around €1.80 to €2.50 per hour for metered street parking (free from 7pm to 7am, all day Sunday and public holidays); download the Easy Park or Flowbird app before arrival to pay by smartphone.

Planning tip: Metpark operates 31 covered and open-air car parks (€0.80/15 minutes or €20/day) in downtown Bordeaux. Many have free charging stations for electric cars.

A man pushes a woman in a wheelchair in front of Place de la Bourse, Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France

Accessible transportation in Bordeaux

Cobbled and stone-paved streets in medieval St-Pierre and St-Paul are difficult for travelers with disabilities to navigate. All four tramlines and city buses are wheelchair accessible, with ramps to board, priority spaces, and audio and visual stop announcements during the ride. For more information on accessible travel, see Lonely Planet’s Accessible Travel Online Resources page.

Transport passes

The cent-saving Bordeaux City Pass (24/48/72 hours €34/44/50), sold online and at the Bordeaux tourist office, includes unlimited use of public transport and a free guided tour as well as admission to major museums.

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Your research

P4 Car Park Shuttle

Thanks to the free shuttle from P4 car park, you can leave your car for the duration of your trip and reach your terminal in no time at all.

P4 Car Park Shuttle

  • The shuttle service between the P4 parking lot and the terminals runs from the first flight to the last, with a rotation every 20 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.
  • Timetables are not fixed, but a rotation is ensured every 20 minutes.

The free shuttle bus for P4 car park users operates frequently and regularly between Hall B’s outside area and the car park waiting area. It connects P4 with Departures and Arrivals in about 10 minutes.

This is an ideal service for passengers who are coming to Bordeaux Airport by car and who want to leave their vehicle there during their travels.

Practical information

  • Access via P4 car park’s waiting area or outside Hall B of Bordeaux Airport.
  • A 5- to 10-minute journey (can take up to 20 minutes at peak times).
  • Free of charge.

The World Was Here First

The Perfect 2 to 3 Days in Bordeaux Itinerary

Last Updated on January 31, 2024

by Audrey Webster

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. That means if you click a link and make a purchase, we may make a small commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. For more information, see our privacy policy.

park n trip bordeaux

More than just a single city in France but an entire region in the southwestern pocket of the country, planning a 2 to 3 days in Bordeaux itinerary is a great way to explore the place known for producing some of the best wine in the world. With a few days in this gorgeous city, you have enough time to see the main highlights as well as venture out to explore the surrounding Bordeaux wine region.

Whether you simply want to go wine tasting in Bordeaux or are interested in exploring what this historic city has to offer, you’re sure to fall in love with this incredible area in the southwest of France.

Table of Contents

How Many Days in Bordeaux?

How many days to spend in Bordeaux depends on how you plan to experience this region of France. If you want to use the city as your home base for exploring the surrounding areas such as the Dordogne region, plan to spend at least 3 days here.

This grants you enough time to wander the neighborhoods in the city itself and maybe even take a wine tasting cruise on the river. You can explore the city at your leisure or use one of the three days as an opportunity for a day trip beyond the city.

If you only have 2 days in Bordeaux, you’ll have to prioritize how you spend your time. You can either spend both days in the city center itself or split your time between the city and the nearby local wine region.

Depending on your level of interest, it could be a great experience to spend a night or two in a small town near the vineyards. This is an excellent option if you have more that 3 days to dedicate to your time in Bordeaux.

Porte Caihau in Bordeaux

Getting To & Around Bordeaux 

By far the quickest and easiest way to reach Bordeaux is by plane. It’s about a short flight to Bordeaux airport from most major cities in France and there are also connections from other cities in Europe. From the airport, you can hop on a shuttle, take a bus or organise a private transfer.

Another option is the TGV high-speed train. There are direct trains from Paris that take around two hours in total. Most moderately-sized cities (such as Toulouse or Montpellier ) will have a train station, so you can easily reach Bordeaux no matter where you’re arriving from. You can view train schedules here.

Once you’ve arrived in Bordeaux, there are a variety of methods to get around the city. Urban buses, tramways, and readily available cabs make it easy to travel longer distances in the city.

Many of the major landmarks are clustered together in the center of town, which is also most likely where you’ll be staying. Walking between these sites is easy.

You can opt to purchase a Bordeaux City Pass that grants unlimited travel on all local buses and trams for a certain number of days. The pass also includes entry into a number of museums along with a complimentary city tour, perfect for giving you more context when exploring Bordeaux.

If you want a slightly more unique way to get around, consider hopping on the Garonne River shuttle. 

Vineyards of Saint Emilion near Bordeaux

2 to 3-Day Bordeaux Itinerary

Filled with historic landmarks and delicious cuisine, here are some of the city’s highlights and recommended day trips to consider adding to your trip agenda. The city itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is an absolute joy to explore.

Day 1 – Central Bordeaux Highlights

Whether you’re seeing Bordeaux in 2 days or 3, you cannot go wrong with spending your first day exploring the center and old town of Bordeaux.

There is a lot to see in this beautiful area so take your time to get lost in the lovely, winding streets. You can opt to take a walking tour or book a bike tour to learn more about the area with a guide.

Place de la Bourse

Here is one of the most iconic sites in all of Bordeaux. The Place de la Bourse is a sprawling palace that curves around a large square. A long and narrow reflecting pool sits in the center of the square.

Water comes and goes from the pool—small fountains slowly fill the pool with water to set the scene for the famous photo of the palace being reflected in the water.

When the water drains and the fountains kick back on, you’ll see local kids splashing through them to cool off on a warm summer day. It’s a beautiful place at dusk when the palace lights up.

The Place de la Bourse is centrally located not far from the other famous square — the Place des Quinconces –, making it a great landmark to see on your first day in Bordeaux. 

Place de la Bourse

Eglise Saint-Pierre

The historic heart of Bordeaux is located behind the Place de la Bourse. Here is where you’ll find the stunning medieval Church of Saint-Pierre.

The church was built on a former port from the Middle Ages. The surrounding area was cleared to make way for this church and the palace. Since then, this area has become one of the most bustling and vibrant sections of Bordeaux.

Between the landmarks are cafes and restaurants with outdoor seating, so you can enjoy the church architecture while sipping on a glass of regional wine from a local wine bar. Inside the church is an ornate and intricately designed space that attracts both visitors and locals.

If you want to spend even more time wandering in the old town, also make sure to make a 10-minute detour to the Bordeaux Cathedral or the Cathédrale Saint-André de Bordeaux. This is a gorgeous Romanesque church that dates back to the 12th Century, entry is free and visiting is one of the best things to do in Bordeaux.

Porte Cailhau

If you only catch a glimpse of Porte Cailhau, you’ll think it was a medieval castle misplaced in the center of a large city. In fact, this castle-like exterior was built in 1495 as the main gate to the city. It’s tucked between buildings along the Palace Square near the riverfront.

Visitors can walk through or climb inside the monument for excellent views of the city. A fun fact for your visit: no one really knows what the word “cailhau” means. Historians have theories, but none have ever proven conclusive. 

Walk Pont de Pierre

Should you climb to the top of Porte Cailhau and look out over the city, one of the first landmarks you’ll notice is a sprawling bridge that connects either side of the river Garonne: the Pont de Pierre. Pont de Pierre or “stone bridge” was completed in 1822 and was the first stone bridge ever built in Bordeaux.

The bridge has 17 spans that support the bridge and make it a comfortable walk across the river. Once you’ve reached the other side, look back on the beautiful and historic center of Bordeaux.

Bear in mind that traffic laws concerning the bridge are underway in an effort to reduce traffic on the bridge. If you’re driving in Bordeaux, don’t plan on crossing the bridge by car.

Pont de Pierre

Place du Parlement

Close out your first day in Bordeaux with a visit to the Place du Parlement. This historic square was named after the nearby parliament building that existed from the 15th century to 1790. Here is one of the most beautiful squares in France that is lined with restaurants and cafes.

At night, the square comes to life with warm lighting and burbling fountains. There is plenty of outdoor seating. Consider ending your first day in Bordeaux with dinner in the Place du Parlement.

It’s located near the main attractions you’ve visited today, so you can kick back and relax after a long day of exploring the city.

Day 2 – Bordeaux Museums & Markets

Day 2 of this itinerary takes you out of the old town and into the Bacalan district. Here, you can visit a number of museums and learn more about the gastronomic scene in the Bordeaux region.

CAPC Musée d’Art Contemporain de Bordeaux

The Bordeaux Museum of Contemporary Art was established in 1973 and has since become the heart of the city’s modern art scene. CAPC showcases the work of modern artists from France and around the world while teaching its visitors about the technical side of modern art.

The building was a former food warehouse that was transformed into a culture space. It’s an easy stop to make as you head away from Bordeaux’s city center and closer to the Bacalan district.

You can treat your second day as the day of museums—experience the art, culture, and history that makes this city unique. 

Bassins des Lumières

This is the largest digital art center in the world and is well worth a visit during your trip to Bordeaux. It’s an immersive digital exhibition that captures the work of artists from impressionism to modernity through digitizing their art on the walls of the museum.

Massive projectors depict moving art on the walls and pools of water in some exhibits. If you want a fresh perspective on classic art from many different creative eras, pay a visit to the Bassins des Lumières.

Les Halles de Bacalan

Foodies flock to Les Halles de Bacalan. This massive food and drink market opened in 2017 and is located right across the street from La Cite du Vin.

Here, you’ll find over 20 different artisans and merchants that were carefully selected based on the quality of their products. Food and drink in Les Halles de Bacalan tend to be on the pricier side, so keep that in mind when visiting.

Most weekends bring cooking workshops, live music, and activities for families. It’s a great place to stop for a glass of wine and tapas before heading to Bordeaux’s famous wine museum. 

La Cite du Vin

This bizarrely shaped building will catch your eye. Its shape is meant to replicate the movement of wine as you swirl it in your glass. This is fitting as La Cite du Vin is the wine museum of Bordeaux, meant to celebrate wine culture from the region and around the globe.

It opened in 2016 but has seen many enhancements and renovations since. The museum is a fascinating look at the history of wine and the science of winemaking. It’s filled with multimedia elements and interactive exhibits that make it enjoyable for everyone.

Though Bordeaux is certainly not the only wine region in France – fantastic wines are grown everywhere from the Loire Valley to the Champagne region to Provence – this museum is a great way to educate yourself about the specific wines from this region.

Round out your visit with a wine-tasting experience from the eighth floor of the museum. Grant yourself a few hours to enjoy the museum and tasting—it’s well worth your time. You can pre-book tickets here.

La Citè du Vin

Day 3 – Saint-Emilion or Arcachon Bay

If you’re seeing Bordeaux in 3 days, then plan to use your final day as an opportunity of a day trip to the surrounding region. Whether you’re going wine tasting or visiting a lovely little village, you’re spoilt for choice here.


If you wish to explore the surrounding wine region, head to Saint-Emilion. This is one of the most popular day trips from Bordeaux. It’s a charming medieval town that is surrounded by some of Bordeaux’s most famous vineyards and go wine tasting at a chateau.

The easiest way to reach Saint-Emilion is by train. There is a direct line from Bordeaux that takes around 35 minutes. This is a good option if you want to explore the town and visit a nearby winery.

If you’re hoping to venture further out into the region on your own, a rental car is helpful. Alternatively, there are a number of guided tour options such as this half-day tour or this full-day tour that will take you to the town and wineries that you might not have the opportunity to visit on your own. 

Arcachon Bay and Dune of Pilat

Maybe you’re looking for a day trip to somewhere other than a vineyard. If that’s the case, head to Arcachon Bay. This is an area of the coastline that is rising in popularity for locals and tourists alike.

These dreamy beaches and delicious seafood make it a nice way to escape from the hustle and bustle of Bordeaux. Because it’s lesser known by tourists, it’s more off-the-beaten-path. Don’t expect languages beyond French to be spoken.

One of the most famous sites is the Dune of Pilat. This massive sand dune is a huge hike to reach the top, but once you do the panoramic views make your efforts well worth it.

There is a local train station at Arcachon, so it’s easy to reach the town from Bordeaux. Alternatively, you can book a half-day tour.

Dune du Pilat

Where to Stay in Bordeaux

Hôtel Madame – This 3-star hotel is an excellent choice for mid-range travelers looking for a great place to stay in Bordeaux. They have a range of rooms to choose from, a great location and breakfast available in the mornings.

Le Boutique Hotel & Spa – This opulent, 5-star hotel is perfect for those who want to splash the cash when visiting Bordeaux. They have a number of plush rooms to choose from, great amenities including a spa/wellness center and an excellent location for exploring the city and region.

Aparthotel Adagio Bordeaux Centre Gambetta – If you’d like your own self-catering accommodation in Bordeaux but also want the convenience of all the amenities a hotel offers, then this aparthotel is an excellent choice. They have a number of flats to choose from along with a great location in central Bordeaux.

Central Hostel – This hostel is a great choice in central Bordeaux if you’re travelling on a budget or are looking for a social atmosphere. They offer both private rooms and dorms, have self-catering facilities, and a great location for exploring the city.

Not quite what you’re looking for? Click here to browse more Bordeaux hotels!

Bordeaux is a city filled with art and culture that offers a little something for every kind of traveler. Take these suggestions as you create your Bordeaux itinerary and soak up everything the city has to offer. 

Are you planning to visit Bordeaux? Have any questions about this itinerary? Let us know in the comments!

park n trip bordeaux

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About Audrey Webster

Audrey Webster is a writer for The World Was Here First. She is an Oregon native who has visited countries across the globe and currently spends her weekends exploring the Pacific Northwest and surrounding states. Her approach to traveling combines exploring famous tourist sites and wandering off the beaten path to discover new destinations.

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Where to park in Bordeaux

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Car Park in Bordeaux

Where to park in Bordeaux

Bordeaux is a French municipality located in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Below you will find all the information you need to know how to park in the center of Bordeaux.

Bordeaux is a French city with numerous attractions, such as its historical heritage, cuisine, and its renown as the world capital of wine. Located in the department of Gironde, where it serves as the prefecture, and at the heart of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, where it also holds the title of capital, Bordeaux is the ninth most populous city in France, with over 260,000 residents and an agglomeration of nearly one million people. Despite its many charms, traffic in the city center can make parking challenging.

If you plan to visit Bordeaux by car, it's important to consider some useful tips and tricks for parking in Bordeaux to make the most of your stay.

Where to Park in Bordeaux?

Bordeaux has regulated parking, dividing the city into four different colored zones: green, orange, red, and black. The green zone is a free and time-unlimited parking area located on the outskirts of the city, while the orange zone is a paid area situated in the city center. Here, the maximum parking time is 4 hours and 15 minutes, with a price of 1.80 euros per hour.

On the other hand, the red zone, located in the hypercenter of Bordeaux, is also a paid area with higher rates, such as 2.50 euros per hour, for example.

Finally, the black zone is strictly prohibited for parking. It's worth noting that the paid zones become free from Monday to Saturday in the evening, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 AM, as well as on Sundays and holidays. Understanding these zones will help you choose the best parking option in Bordeaux according to your needs.

Public Parking Lots in Bordeaux

Despite Bordeaux's parking policy, finding a street parking spot can be a challenging task due to the large number of residents and tourists seeking a parking space. Fortunately, the city offers various options for public parking distributed in different areas, making them an interesting and more secure alternative for parking in Bordeaux . Additionally, some of these parking lots can even be more economical than street parking. Want to ensure you find the perfect parking spot? Compare different parking offers and reserve the one that best suits your needs on the website or mobile app of Parkimeter .

Enjoy your visit to the city and park in Bordeaux with Parkimeter!

Limited traffic zone

Zfe bordeaux, places of interest visit bordeaux by car.

  • Car Park in Bourse Square


  • Park in Saint-Jean Station
  • Parkings in The Wine City

Learn all the tricks and tips for Park in Bordeaux

Where to park for free in bordeaux.

Looking for free parking in Bordeaux? You'll find all the details you need for free parking in this article.

Parkings in Bordeaux

  • Zenpark Gare Saint-Jean - Ténéo Apparthotel 10 Cours Barbey
  • Zenpark Cité du Vin - Study’O Rue des Étrangers
  • Zenpark Hôpital Saint-André - Résidence Grenad'Inn 25 Rue Jean Fleuret
  • Zenpark Gare Saint-Jean - Novotel 36 Rue Tauzia
  • Zenpark Brazza 108 Quai de Brazza
  • Indigo P4 Gare Saint-Jean Belcier Rue des Terres de Borde
  • Indigo Les Bassins Rue Lucien Faure
  • Indigo Ars Belcier 16, Rue des Maraîchers
  • Indigo Camille Jullian 2 Pl. Camille Jullian
  • Indigo P3 - Gare Saint Jean Belcier 137 Rue des Terres de Borde
  • Green Valet Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean - Valet 14, Rue Charles Domercq

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23 Top Things to Do in Bordeaux, France (+ Itinerary & Day Trips)

Things to do in Bordeaux France

Visitors are drawn to Bordeaux, France for the wine since it is the second-largest wine-producing region in the world, but there are also plenty of things to do in Bordeaux that don’t involve wine. Only two hours from Paris by train, Bordeaux has the highest number of preserved historical architectural sites outside of the capital and its historic city center is a UNESCO Heritage Site. Combined with a diverse and youthful population, great food, fewer international tourists, lower prices, and a vibrant city life, there are many reasons to visit the capital of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region in Southwest France .

Bordeaux is often considered a “little Paris” because of its similar 18th-century architecture, but also because of its cosmopolitan appeal. While it has an interesting history as part of the English territory for centuries, today Bordeaux feels 100 percent French. I fell in love with Bordeaux after spending five days in the city and then another week exploring the region on my Bordeaux river cruise with AmaWaterways.

If you are planning a trip to Bordeaux, in this article I will walk you through how to get to Bordeaux , how long to stay , the best things to do in Bordeaux , where to stay in the city, some recommended restaurants , and day trip ideas .

Things to do in Bordeaux - Place du Bourse

Best Things to Do in Bordeaux

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. All opinions are my own.

I’ve highlighted the most important points of interest on the map below to help you plan your visit. In addition, I have grouped these attractions below into a sample itinerary for three days in Bordeaux:

Map courtesy of Google My Maps

Day 1 in Bordeaux

On your first day in Bordeaux, it is great to get a feel of the city through a self-guided walking tour of the following sights and attractions. This list is designed to take you on a somewhat large loop through most of the city center, passing by the main Bordeaux highlights. Alternatively, you could take a bike tour or guided tour by side car if you don’t want to do a lot of walking.

Walk through Grosse Cloche

Grosse Cloche Bordeaux

The Grosse Cloche (which means Big Bell), is one of the most recognizable symbols of Bordeaux. This city gate dates back to medieval times when it welcomed a steady stream of St. James’ Way pilgrims passing through Bordeaux en route to Santiago de Compostela. Today the bell tower houses The Grosse Cloche, which was cast in 1775. The massive bell was once used to signal curfews, warn of fires, and announce important events to the citizens of Bordeaux. Today, the Grosse Cloche continues to chime on special occasions.

On the south side of the gate, you will find a clock and a dial that was originally built between 1756 and 1759 to the designs of the mathematician and astronomer Paul Larroque. On the north side of the gate, you will find a sister clock face that displays the different phases of the moon during the lunar month and two reproductions of the city’s coat of arms. Just inside the gate, be sure to stop for a traditional cannelle, a pastry created in Bordeaux, at Cassonade.

Pass by Porte d’Aquitaine

In 1154, Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry Plantagenet, who later became King Henry II of England, bringing the Duchy of Aquitaine, including Bordeaux, under English control. Eleanor of Aquitaine played a significant role during this time as she was a powerful and influential figure in both English and French courts.

Tensions between the English crown and the French monarchy eventually led to the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453), during which Bordeaux switched allegiances multiple times, which culminated with the French reclaiming Bordeaux from English rule in 1453. Throughout the city, you will see many references to Eleanor of Aquitaine and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, as the region is now called.

The Porte d’Aquitaine, also known as the “Gate of Aquitaine,” is one of the many beautiful city gates and archways that once served as a primary entry point to the city. Constructed in the 18th century, its Neoclassical design and elegant façade are a testament to the architectural trends of the time with intricate detailing and sculptures.

Browse the Marché des Capucins

The Marché des Capuc ins is the main market for the city of Bordeaux, open all year from Tuesday through Sunday. You will find stands offering fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, coffee, seafood, and other delicacies. If you are staying in an Airbnb, this is a great spot to stock up if you are cooking your own meals. However, there are also prepared foods as well as restaurant stalls so that you can enjoy a meal on-site.

Visit Basilique Saint Michel

Basilica Saint Michel Bordeaux

Basilique Saint Michel is a Gothic-style church built between the end of the 14th and 16th centuries and part of the Routes of Santiago de Compostela and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The spire of the Basilica dominates the skyline and you don’t even realize how large the Basilica is until you see the skyline from a distance. In addition to visiting the church, visitors can typically climb the narrow steps of the bell tower (although it was under refurbishment when I visited.)

Take photos by the Bordeaux Sign

Bordeaux sign things to do in Bordeaux

From Saint-Michel, if you walk along the Garonne River, you will soon come to the Bordeaux sign, which makes a good photo memory from your visit. This area is also used by skateboarders and given the smell of weed in the area, I would be careful who you ask to take your photo (maybe stick to a selfie?) That’s probably too judgemental but I’m always a little cautious when it comes to handing my phone to a stranger.

Walk across the Pont de Pierre Bridge

Pont de Pierre Bordeaux

The Pont de Pierre, or “Stone Bridge”, is the oldest bridge in Bordeaux, connecting the left bank of the Garonne River to the right bank Quartier de la Bastide. It is the bridge that you see on many postcards and photos from Bordeaux. It is especially pretty when it is lit up at night.

Take photos of the Porte Cailhau

Porte Cailhau Bordeaux

Porte Cailhau is one of my favorite spots in the city as the area around the gate is so lively and bustling with positive energy. The monument dates back to 1494 and it was built to commemorate Charles VIII’s victory at Fornovo, Italy and his likeness decorates a niche on the riverside and a notice asks visitors to pay attention to the lintel and reminds them that Charles VIII died from walking quickly into just such a lintel.

Visitors can climb the thirty-five meter tall monument and admission is free on the first Sunday of each month.

Window shop along Rue Saint Catherine

Rue Sainte-Catherine is one of the most famous streets in Bordeaux and one of the longest pedestrian shopping avenues in Europe, spanning over 1.2 kilometers in length. It can be a bit touristy, offering a diverse array of shops, boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. If you are looking for more upscale designer shops and boutiques, hold off on your shopping until you hit the Golden Triangle area later.

Visit the Cathedral Saint Andre

Cathedral Saint Andre from the back

Cathédrale Saint-André was built over several centuries, starting in the 12th century, and has a blend of architectural styles that encompasses Romanesque and Flamboyant Gothic elements. The cathedral has witnessed numerous historical events, including the first wedding of Eleanor of Aquitaine to King Louis VII of France. Visitors can walk through the Cathedral to take in its impressive features, such as intricate stained glass windows that bathe the nave in a kaleidoscope of colors, and the “Gates of Paradise,” an ornate entrance adorned with intricate biblical scenes.

The cathedral’s bell tower stands adjacent to the main structure so as not to impact the structural integrity of the Cathedral (much of this area was swampland before the Dutch arrived). For a panoramic view of Bordeaux’s cityscape, you can climb the tower’s spiraling staircase of 231 stairs.

Nearby you will also find the Hotel de Ville city hall of Bordeaux and across the street is a small park where you can also often find a book market.

Walk Past Porte Dijeaux

Porte Dijeaux Bordeaux

From the Cathedral, walk up Rue des Remparts, past galleries and boutiques to Porte Dijeaux. The streets that run parallel are also lined with cute shops. Porte Dijeaux is another elegant archway that once marked the entrance to the medieval town and dates back to the 1700s with a Neoclassical design and intricate carvings. The area surrounding the gate has a vibrant blend of contemporary shops, charming cafes, and boutiques and is filled with locals in the evenings.

Shop in the “Golden Triangle”

Cours de l'Intendance

The “Golden Triangle” in Bordeaux refers to an area that is known for its luxury shopping, upscale boutiques, and elegant surroundings. This district forms a triangle shape, hence the name, and is bounded by three main streets: Cours de l’Intendance, Cours Georges Clémenceau, and Allées de Tourny.

See the Grand Theater

Opera House Grand Theater Bordeaux

Walk down the wide Cours de l’Intendance to the National Opera of Bordeaux at the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux. This architectural masterpiece stands as the cultural heart of the city. Designed by architect Victor Louis and completed in 1780, this neoclassical building has a stunning façade, adorned with Corinthian columns and ornate sculptures.

Inside, the theater showcases an array of operas, ballets, plays, and musical performances, but even if you don’t get tickets to a performance, you can still take a guided tour. The Place de Comedie in front of the theater is a beautiful square and nearby, you can take a ride on the Carousel Palace 1900 or hop on board the Petit Tourist Train.

Visit Place des Quinconces

Place de Quinconces fountain

As you walk from the Opera House to the Place des Quinconces, you will pass by the Bordeaux Tourist office, which is a good spot to stop in to ask questions, pick up a map, or purchase a Bordeaux City Pass . Hop on and hop off busses also leave from here.

Soon you will arrive at Place des Quinconces, a sprawling square in Bordeaux, that is home to outdoor concerts, festivals, and cultural happenings. At its heart lies the Monument aux Girondins, a towering fountain adorned with sculptural representations of characters from the French Revolution. Closer to the river, you will find a towering Ferris wheel that offers panoramic views of Bordeaux.

Walk Along the Garonne River

Once you arrive at the Garonne River, turn right to loop back towards the Pont de Pierre. Be careful when crossing bike lanes because bikers have the right of way and always be sure to look for oncoming trams when crossing the tracks.

See the Miroir d’Eau in Place de la Bourse

Miroir d'Eau Bordeaux

Soon you will arrive at the Miroir d’Eau, the most famous tourist attraction in Bordeaux and portrayed in many pictures of Bordeaux. The Miroir d’Eau, or “Water Mirror,” is a large reflecting pool. Just be aware that the pool gently fills and then recedes and kids love to walk through the cool mist and play in the water, so it is hard to capture a photo of it truly reflecting the Place de la Bourse across the street unless you get there very early in the morning. Otherwise, there are always ripples in the water from people, even if the fountain is not running at the moment. It is still a fun spot for locals and tourists to gather and relax.

By this time of the day, you will have done a lot of walking and probably be eager to get off your feet and relax for a while. But don’t worry, there are many more things to do in Bordeaux over the next couple of days.

Day 2 in Bordeaux

On your second day in Bordeaux, I would suggest diving deeper into the city’s food scene and exploring more of the area north of the city center.

Take a Food Tour

Devour logo with choux pastries

My favorite way to explore a new city is through a food tour. After thoroughly enjoying our food tour with Devour Tours in Paris, I knew that I had to sign up for the Devour Tours Ultimate Food Tour in Bordeaux as well. Over the course of three hours, we tasted cannelles, chocolatines, croissants, Croque Monsieur, local cheeses, hand-crafted chocolates, and cream-filled choux pastries, and finished up with a fantastic wine tasting. My tour guide did an excellent job of mixing in local history and main sights into our food tour as we walked through the city.

Because I am such a foodie, I also took a tour of the best boulangeries and patisseries in Bordeaux , which was surprisingly filling and offered a great perspective on many different neighborhoods throughout the city.

See the Palais Gallien

Palais Gallien Bordeaux

If you want to see evidence of Ancient Roman influence on the area, take a walk around Palais Gallien. Built during the Roman era in the late 2nd century AD, this was once a majestic amphitheater used for gladiatorial contests and other forms of entertainment. As one of the city’s oldest surviving structures, today much of the amphitheater has been dismantled for its stones and materials, leaving only remnants. While the original structure is long gone, you can still stroll through its ruins and appreciate the historical significance of the place.

Walk through the Jardin Public

Bordeaux public garden entrance with jogger

For a lovely spot of green in the middle of Bordeaux, take a stroll through the Public Garden. There are 11 hectares of grass, trees, flowers, and plants to explore, along with a children’s playground if you are visiting with kids. The park is surrounded by beautiful townhomes and is also home to the famous “Guignol Guérin” puppet show.

Explore the Chartrons Neighborhood

Rue de Notre Dame Bordeaux

The Chartrons neighborhood is where what they call the “bo bo” (bohemian bourgeois) live, which to Americans is something like the “yuppies” or young urban professionals. Known as the historic wine merchant district, Chartrons exudes a unique old-world charm, with its cobblestone streets and well-preserved 18th-century architecture. One of the most famous sights here is the Église Saint-Louis-des-Chartrons, an elegant Neo-Gothic church.

Another highlight not to be missed is the Marché des Chartrons, a bustling market that offers a delightful array of fresh produce, gourmet food, antiques, and crafts. At night, sidewalk cafes surround the market and it is a hub of activity. The main thoroughfare, Rue Notre-Dame, is lined with quaint boutiques, vintage shops, and art galleries. For dining, the area around Rue de la Course boasts a diverse selection of restaurants, bistros, and cafes.

Take a Sunset River Cruise

Boat on Garonne river in Bordeaux at night

If you aren’t jumping on a weeklong Bordeaux river cruise like I did, you should at least take a short cruise on the Garonne River and sunset is an ideal time when you can see the city illuminated as the sun goes down. You will also pass by the architectural wonder of the Pont Jacques Chaban Delmas bridge, which rises in the middle to allow large ocean liners access to Bordeaux. You can opt for an evening cruise with an aperitif or go for a full dinner cruise .

Day 3 in Bordeaux

If you are taking a river cruise from Bordeaux, these attractions will likely be part of your official excursion options. On our AmaWaterways river cruise , we had the option of a bike tour or a walking tour of Bordeaux in the morning, both of which ended with a tour and tasting of the Les Halles de Bacalan market. And in the afternoon, we could choose from either the Cité du Vin or the Bassins des Lumiéres.

Since I really wanted to see both, I visited the Bassins des Lumiéres on my own and the Cité du Vin as part of the cruise excursion. To be honest, I liked the Bassins des Lumiéres better but that was very subjective as not everyone I talked to felt the same.

Visit Bassins des Lumiéres

Dali exhibit at Bassins des Lumières

If you enjoy interactive art exhibits (think about Team Lab Planet in Tokyo or the Van Gogh interactive exhibits), you will love the Bassins des Lumiéres ! This remarkable cultural venue breathes new life into a former World War II submarine base. Once a strategic naval facility, it has been transformed into an immersive art and light exhibition space and it serves as a canvas for mesmerizing multimedia shows that fuse art, music, and technology. The interactive art and light exhibits at the Basins des Lumières are nothing short of spectacular.

When I visited, they were putting on a show involving the art of Salvador Dali and Gaudi. There are gigantic digital projections that cover vast surfaces with ever-changing works of art. This was all set to music, which was especially impressive given the acoustics of the venue. Dali was set to the music of Pink Floyd and it was a perfect match for his somewhat bizarre and abstract art. It’s a captivating fusion of history and modernity, where the power of digital art meets the echoes of the past.

The only downside is that it is a bit of a pain to get to using public transportation. There is a bus that stops about 10 minutes away from the venue, or you can take a tram and walk for about 15-20 minutes. I would recommend getting tickets online in advance . The Bordeaux tourism office also sells a combination ticket that includes a shuttle service from the Place des Quinconces. Also, if you get disoriented in the dark, or have issues with flashing lights, this could be a problem for you. It takes a bit to get used to the darkness and follow the pathways around the large water basins that used to be submarine bays. If you walk through to the back though, there are bleachers where you can sit and watch the show for its entire 75-minute loop.

Eat Lunch at Les Halles de Bacalan

oysters with sign at Les Halles de Bacalan

Located in the Bacalan district along the banks of the Garonne River, the Les Halles de Bacalan is a local market and food hall that embodies the city’s gastronomic spirit. Inside, you will find an array of stalls offering fresh seafood, artisanal cheeses, organic vegetables, and a wide range of delectable treats. It’s a place where food lovers can savor the very essence of Bordeaux’s culinary scene, with options to enjoy a meal on-site or purchase ingredients to take home. I definitely recommend trying the local oysters! It is also the perfect spot to have lunch before heading across the street to the Cité du Vin.

Visit Cité du Vin

Cite du Vin wine glass exhibit

Shaped like a giant, modern wine decanter, the Cité du Vin opened in 2016 with a singular purpose—to celebrate the world of wine in all its facets. This avant-garde structure serves as a wine museum and cultural center, focusing on wines of the world, and not just those of Bordeaux. Inside, there are interactive exhibitions that take you on a global journey through the history, culture, and science of winemaking. The museum showcases a somewhat overwhelming blend of multimedia presentations, sensory experiences, and informative displays that invite you to explore wine’s many dimensions.

Beyond the museum, you can also dine at the onsite restaurants, offering a diverse selection of cuisine, or visit the rooftop tasting bar that provides panoramic views of the city and the Garonne River while enjoying a selection of wines. I would suggest that you purchase a timed entry ticket in advance and try to go on a day when there is not a large cruise ship in town (or go early to avoid crowds!) Because the exhibits don’t follow any particular storyline or timeline, I found it all a bit overwhelming with the crowds, and the interactivity, while cool, could be a little distracting.

If you would rather learn more about the wines of the Bordeaux region, you can also visit the Musée du Vin et du Négoce , which is dedicated to the city’s illustrious wine history and its historic role in the wine trade. Housed in an elegant 18th-century townhouse, this museum invites visitors to step back in time and explore Bordeaux’s vinous past. Inside, an extensive collection of wine-related artifacts, including vintage wine labels, cooperage tools, and antique bottles, offers insights into the wine trade’s evolution over the centuries.

Day Trips from Bordeaux

There are many other museums and such to see in Bordeaux, but this is about what you can fit into a three-day visit. If you have longer to stay in Bordeaux, I’d highly recommend taking a few day trips to go wine tasting and explore the region. Here are a few of the most popular day trips from Bordeaux. Of course, another great way to see more of the region without having to worry about transportation logistics or arranging guides is on a Bordeaux river cruise with AmaWaterways.

Town square in Saint Emilion

Saint-Émilion: Located just 40 kilometers east of Bordeaux, Saint-Émilion is a picturesque medieval village nestled in the heart of the Bordeaux wine region. Once in Saint-Émilion, explore its charming cobblestone streets, visit renowned wineries for tastings, and don’t miss the stunning underground catacombs and the awe-inspiring Monolithic Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Book a full-day Bordeaux to Saint Emilion tour with wine tasting and lunch!

Arcachon and the Dune du Pilat: Arcachon, about 55 kilometers southwest of Bordeaux, is a beautiful coastal town known for its sandy beaches and fresh oysters. Here you can visit the nearby Dune du Pilat, Europe’s tallest sand dune, offering panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, and explore the picturesque towns surrounding the Arcachon Bay. Another option is to take a boat trip to Cap Ferret, a charming fishing village, or visit the oyster farms on Île aux Oiseaux. Book a half-day tour to Arcachon with an oyster tasting!

Chateaux Guaurd Larose

Medoc: Explore the wine-growing region of Medoc and get to know the “left bank” red wines, which are more Cabernet Sauvignon-forward. Follow Medoc’s famous Chateau Road, home to over 1,500 vineyards, and taste some of the best red wines in the area. Book a full-day wine tour of Medoc!

Périgord (Dordogne Valley): Approximately 150 kilometers east of Bordeaux, the Dordogne Valley boasts picturesque villages, prehistoric cave art, and lush landscapes. Explore the medieval town of Sarlat-la-Canéda, visit the Lascaux Caves for ancient cave paintings, and savor the local cuisine in one of the region’s charming restaurants.

Getting to Bordeaux

Bordeaux train station inside

Getting to Bordeaux is fairly easy, thanks to France’s train system. However, now that France is moving to eliminate flights shorter than two hours, trains are even more crowded and you should book your ticket in advance. Trains from Paris leave from the Gare Montparnasse train station and it is about two hours to Bordeaux Saint Jean on the TGV INOUI service.

I’d recommend downloading the SNCF app to purchase tickets and easily save your ticket to your mobile wallet. The app also sends alerts if your train is delayed, what platform it is departing from, and when it is ready to board. Plus, since the announcements on the train are in French, it is helpful to track the progress of your route so that you know when your stop is approaching. Just keep in mind that if you book a seat on the top floor of the train, you need to carry your luggage up a narrow staircase.

Luckily, both Gare Montparnasse and Bordeaux Saint Jean have lifts to the platform, but in Bordeaux, you may still need to carry your bag up or down some stairs depending on where you come in. Once you arrive at the Bordeaux Saint Jean train station, you can take a bus, tram, or taxi into the city center. Google Maps is quite helpful in determining the best options.

You can also fly into Bordeaux from outside of the country. Most flights will connect through Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport. I’d recommend leaving at least 1.5 hours as a layover to have time to clear immigration and passport control (longer during busy travel times.) Flights arrive at the Bordeaux-Merignac airport (BOD), which is about 25 minutes outside of the city center.

One thing to keep in mind is that traffic around Bordeaux has gotten quite bad in recent years as many people have moved to Bordeaux from Paris for cheaper housing. You can take a shuttle or taxi from the airport to the city center. I usually use Welcome Pickups to arrange a transfer in advance so I don’t need to worry about waiting for a taxi.

How Long to Stay in Bordeaux

While not everyone can stay a week or longer in the Bordeaux region, I recommend a minimum of two full days to explore the city. If you are taking a river cruise, plan to arrive two days before embarkation as a pre-trip extension. If you can spend five days to a week in Bordeaux, you will have time to take day trips around the region and experience more of the region’s fabulous wine.

Where to Stay in Bordeaux

When choosing where to stay in Bordeaux, I recommend staying within the city center in either the Old Town or Saint-Pierre neighborhood or the Chartrons neighborhood. Saint-Pierre and Saint Paul district is the city’s heart and where you will find some of the most beautiful landmarks, shopping areas, and restaurants. It can get a little touristy, especially along the pedestrian Rue Saint Catherine, but you will also see plenty of locals gathering in squares and outdoor cafes.

The Chartrons district is what locals refer to as “bo bo” or bohemian bourgeois, with an affluent, young demographic. This leafy neighborhood offers tons of restaurants frequented by locals, antique shops, boutiques, and bars. Plus it provides easy access to the port or the historic city center. The Saint Michel quarter is another option if you are looking for something less touristy but still close to the city center. It is a popular neighborhood for recent immigrants from North Africa so you will find some interesting markets, bakeries, and a more diverse community.

Bordeaux airbnb living room

I stayed in a fabulous two-bedroom Airbnb , just off Rue Saint Catherine in the city center, and thought it was perfect. However, if you are looking for a hotel, I would recommend the Intercontinental Bordeaux , for a luxury stay in the heart of the city right across from the Opera House. Also, right around the corner is the Best Western Premier Hotel Bayonne Etche Ona , which was recommended by one of my tour guides. I wouldn’t recommend staying near the train station, as it isn’t in a great neighborhood for exploring.

Find other accommodations in Bordeaux:

Getting Around Bordeaux

Bordeaux tram

As I mentioned before, I was warned by many locals that traffic in and around Bordeaux can be a bit horrendous so it is best if you can avoid Uber or taxis if you can. I found the Bordeaux tram system incredibly easy to use. One ride is only 1.80€ (including any transfers), or you could buy a day pass for only 5€ if you plan on moving around a lot. You purchase the tickets at a kiosk at the tram stops and there is an easy-to-follow English screen option. Once you board the tram, you need to validate your ticket by tapping it against one of the sensors near the doors. The stops are well-marked and it is easy to use, even if you don’t speak French.

Where to Eat in Bordeaux

Since I visited Bordeaux in the middle of my month in France (in between my barge cruise through Burgundy and river cruise with AmaWaterways ), I made a point of seeking out more than just French food and since Bordeaux is such a cosmopolitan city, it wasn’t hard to find a variety of cuisines. Here are a few restaurants that I would recommend in Bordeaux, as well as suggestions I collected from locals:

Chocolatine from Louis Lamour bakery Bordeaux

  • Avant Comptoir du Palais — we had previously eaten at Avant Comptoir in Paris so we knew we were in for delicious food. Avant Comptoir is known for light bites and great wine. With a location in the square in front of Porte Cailhau, it is also a great spot for people-watching and hanging out with locals
  • Echo – also near Porte Cailhau, this was recommended by my Best Boulangerie tour guide for more modern French cuisine.
  • El Nacional – in Chartrons this Argentinian steak house is where to go if you are in the mood for an excellent, wood-grilled cut of meat. Plus it has a great location just off the central square in the Chartrons neighborhood. We had such a good meal here on our last night in Bordeaux.
  • Frida – located near Gros Cloche in the city center, Frida has a charming courtyard and a great selection of cocktails and tapas. Alternatively, you can order the prix fixe menu.
  • Chez Dupont – one of our tour guides on our river cruise lives in the Chartrons neighborhood and he suggested Chez Dupont for a more traditional French meal.
  • Le Bocal de Tatie Josée – makes an excellent croque monsieur with truffle and is perfect for lunch!
  • Fromagerie Chez Delphine – is an amazing cheese shop that also offers a full menu for a good lunch spot or cheese tasting.
  • Boulangerie Louis Lamour – this bakery has the best chocolatine (what they call pain au chocolat in the south) I had during my entire month in France.
  • Cassonade and Le Boulanger de L’Hotel de Ville – make the best homemade cannelles that I had while in Bordeaux. Avoid those places with red awnings that are much more commercial and not as freshly made.
  • A few other places that I made note of that didn’t get to try include: Le Berthus , Gustave Creative Street Food , Umami Ramen Bordeaux, and The Breakfast Club (this was right next to my Airbnb).
  • Some others I tried included Les Moules du Cabanon for Belgian-style mussels with great people watching near the river, Delizia da Bartola for Italian, and Bao Burger for a fun twist on a hamburger.

Traveling to France?

  • Paris trip planning checklist
  • 50 Paris travel tips
  • 5 Day Paris itinerary

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Discover Bordeaux France's top things to do (arranged by day), popular day trips, dining recommendations, accommodations, and city transport tips.

Tamara Gruber is the Founder and Publisher of We3Travel. A former marketing executive and travel advisor, Tamara is an award-winning travel writer and recognized expert in family travel. Tamara is a member of SATW and the Adventure Travel Trade Association, and serves on the Board of the Family Travel Association. She is also the publisher of YourTimetoFly.com and the co-host of the Vacation Mavens travel podcast.

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Publish Date: September 2, 2023



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  • (0.07 mi) La Villa Bocage
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The 15 BEST Day Trips from Bordeaux (Within 2 hours!)

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Looking for an exciting day trip around Bordeaux? You’ve come to the right place!

While 2 or 3 days are enough to explore Bordeaux, you’ll likely want to delve deeper into the region if you have more time – and you’re absolutely right!

Located in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region in the southwestern part of France, Bordeaux boasts a prime location. With the sea just an hour away, charming medieval villages, and bountiful vineyards, the whole region offers a wide range of destinations for a day trip.

I’ve gathered in this post the 15 best day trips from Bordeaux , with helpful info and tips.

Let’s go! 🧳  


The Best Day Trip from Bordeaux for YOU

Nature & beach day trips from bordeaux, wine day trips from bordeaux, city day trips from bordeaux, best day tours from bordeaux, read more about bordeaux.

In a hurry? Here’s a quick sum up for you to find the right day trip suited to your plans:

🏖 Best beach day trip from Bordeaux: Arcachon & Dune du Pilat

🍷 Best wine day trip from Bordeaux: St Emilion

🏙 Best city day trip from Bordeaux: Blaye

🚗 Quickest day trip from Bordeaux by car : St Emilion

🚆 Quickest day trip from Bordeaux by train : Libourne

🎡 Best day tour : Saint-Emilion & Medoc Full-Day Wine Experience

  Keep reading to learn more about each of these places and discover other day trip destinations. I’ve classified them by type and travel time from Bordeaux (from nearest to farthest). 👇  

If you’re a sea and beach lover and you’re visiting Bordeaux during the warmer months, my advice is to embark on an Atlantic coast adventure right away!

You’ve got a variety of options at your fingertips, and here they are:

Disclamer : Keep in mind that some beach activities in the area are only open during the warm season, so be sure to check their availability before deciding on your destination.

1. Arcachon Bay & Dune du Pilat

Full of unique landscapes and sights, Arcachon Bay is definitely one of the must-sees around Bordeaux. The bay is renowned for the Dune du Pilat, Europe’s tallest sand dune, which offers breathtaking views of the entire bay on clear days.  

dune du pilat is a great beach day trip from bordeaux

Dune du Pilat

For a day trip, my recommendation is to explore the dune in the morning and take a relaxing break there. You can even take a dip at the beach located at the foot of the dune… Just be prepared for the climb back up, which can be a real challenge!

The town of Arcachon is only a 15-minute drive (about 25 min by bus) from the Dune du Pilat, so go there for lunch and an afternoon at one of the Arcachon beaches . You can also visit the town’s charming villas and enjoy its nightlife.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 65 kilometers, 1 hour drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 1 hour

💸 Best excursion: Arcachon Bay & Dune du Pilat Tour + Oyster Tasting

🔍 Read more : Get all the details about this day trip here .

2. Landes de Gascogne Regional Nature Park

landes is one of the best day trips from bordeaux by car

Extend your adventure to the Leyre Delta at Le Teich, where a bird sanctuary awaits, one of France ‘s largest and a must for bird watching.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 50 kilometers, 1 hour drive

lacanau is an amazing one day trip from bordeaux

Lacanau Beach is indeed one of the best surfing spots in the region. It hosts the Lacanau Pro every August, the oldest surfing competition in France, which is part of the World Qualifying Series, which gives access to the world surfing championship.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 58 kilometers, 1.15 hour drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 2.2 hours

4. Biscarrosse


If you have the time, don’t miss the chance to enjoy the world’s largest inflatable water park, the AquaPark in Biscarosse. For just 20€, you can have a blast for 2 hours, jumping on trampolines, giant slides, climbing walls, etc. set directly on the ocean.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 74 kilometers, 1.2 hour drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 2.5 hours

5. Cap Ferret

cap ferret is among the best day trips from bordeaux france

In Cap Ferret, sampling oysters in one of the many lovely oyster huts and taking a bucolic stroll to the 53-meter lighthouse overlooking the Arcachon Basin are musts. Seriously, this is one of the most beautiful day trips around Bordeaux you can do.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 74 kilometers, 1.5 hour drive

The Bordeaux terroir is famous for its vineyards and globally celebrated Grands Crus. But you don’t have to love wine to discover it because, behind the wine, there’s a lot of history.

Here are the best destinations for a wine day trip from Bordeaux:  

6. Saint Emilion

saint emilion

But what’s less well known is that Saint-Emilion is also one of France’s most beautiful medieval towns and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Getting lost in its cobbled streets feels like a journey back in time, with wonderful historical sites waiting to be discovered.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 42 kilometers, 50 min drive

💸 Best excursion: Saint Emilion Food & Wine Tour

cognac distillery

But there’s more to the city than Cognac. You can also visit historic sites such as the Maison de la Lieutenance, or enjoy a scenic gabarre boat ride on the Charente River for example.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 120 kilometers, 1.45 hour drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 1.5 hour

💸 Best excursion: Cognac Private Wine Tour

8. Châteaux du Médoc

The Route des Châteaux du Medoc is arguably one of the most beautiful Bordeaux Wine Routes . If you have a car, then this wine road trip is the most complete wine excursion you can do in the region within a day. (If you don’t, check out this 1-day tour ).  

chateau du medoc

Along the way, you’ll be treated to picturesque vistas. The journey unfolds alongside the Garonne River, winding through forests, vineyards, small villages, and exceptional monuments. The wine estates that dot the route are traditionally called “châteaux” and are beautiful old blonde stone mansions open to visitors.

The Medoc vineyards proudly host 8 unique appellations for you to explore and taste: Margaux, Médoc, Haut Médoc, Pauillac, Saint-Estèphe, Saint-Julien, Moulis, and Listrac. Each appellation has its own story to tell and flavors to discover. A remarkable wine-tasting experience and journey through history!

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 80 kilometers from Bordeaux to the Gironde Estuary

💸 Best excursion: Saint-Emilion & Medoc Full-Day Wine Experience

Near Bordeaux, there are lots of cute, picturesque little villages, some dating back to medieval times. Beautiful monuments and castles are hidden away, and there’s plenty of opportunity to sample local delicacies – and some fine wine, of course!

Here are listed the best villages to discover on a day trip from Bordeaux.  

9. Libourne

Just a few kilometers north of Bordeaux in the Bordeaux vineyards, Libourne is a 13th-century bastide town. It’s one of the easiest and fastest day trips from Bordeaux by train or car.  

libourne is one of the best day trips from bordeaux by train

Steve Le Clech / CC BY

The town boasts an exceptional architectural heritage, which you can discover by strolling through the historic center. Make sure not to overlook the Saint-Jean-Baptiste church in Libourne, graced with its splendid stained-glass windows.

One of the best things to do in Libourne is to take a cruise on the Dordogne, which is particularly romantic if you’re with your partner. There are lots of different cruise options: guided tours, gastronomic tastings, or barbecues… the choice is yours!

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 33 kilometers, 50 min drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 35 min

10. Mazères

The little town of Mazères, a quick 45-minute drive from Bordeaux, is a great destination for history lovers.  

mazères is one of the top day trips bordeaux has to offer

Château de Roquetaillade

Mazères is home to the Château de Roquetaillade , an imposing fortified castle entirely renovated in the 19th century. While some vestiges of the old castle remain, it’s the new part that really catches our eye. Inside and out, it’s absolutely magnificent.

Wandering through the charming village, you’ll also discover a number of wine cellars offering the perfect conclusion to your day: a chance to savor the local finest wines!

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 54 kilometers, 45 min drive

10. Saint Macaire

saint macaire is a top day trip bordeaux has to offer

Its historic center, the Mercadiou, is a true marvel to explore. Here, you’ll find an array of arcaded houses, some of which have stood since the 13th century. As you stroll along the town’s ramparts, you’ll come across historical vestiges, and at the very top, you’ll discover the lovely church of Saint-Sauveur.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 52 kilometers, 55 min drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 40 min

The little town of Blaye is home to one of France’s best-preserved citadels. It’s a sight to behold, and exploring it is an adventure in itself!  

blaye is one of the day trips around bordeaux

Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux / CC BY-SA

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the citadel of Blaye takes you back in time with its ramparts, gates, and underground passageways dating back to the Vauban era. From the top of the citadel, you’ll discover a breathtaking view of the Gironde estuary.

As you climb the citadel’s heights, you’ll be rewarded with a truly breathtaking view of the Gironde Estuary. For an up-close encounter with this natural wonder, head to the Blaye pier, where you can embark on a ferry ride. And if you have extra time, you can visit Fort Médoc, a 17th-century military complex on the opposite bank of the Garonne.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 52 kilometers, 1 hour drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 1.2 hour

12. Bergerac

Bergerac is a slightly different visit to your usual wine and castle tours.  

chateau de monbazillac in bergerac

Château de Monbazillac / alain01789 / CC BY-NC-ND

The town features 2 unique museums: the Wine Museum and the Tobacco Museum. Nestled within a 12th-century cloister, the Wine Museum unravels the rich history of local wines, while the Tobacco Museum offers a glimpse into the region’s tobacco cultivation.

Wandering through Bergerac’s charming old town is a delight, with its picturesque, flower-draped lanes and half-timbered houses. And, if you have a car, don’t miss visiting the Château de Monbazillac , a 16th-century chateau surrounded by lush vineyards.

🚗 Distance from Bordeaux by car : 100 kilometers, 1.5 hour drive

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 1.10 hour

13. Sainte-Foy-la-Grande

Sainte-Foy-la-Grande is one of the easiest train trips from Bordeaux, with direct access by train.

Founded in 1253, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande is one of the best-preserved bastides in France. With its narrow streets, the town center is very pleasant to visit, and its church boasts one of the tallest spires in Aquitaine. It’s also one of the few bastide towns crossed by a river (the Dordogne).

This hidden gem remains somewhat off the beaten tourist path, making it a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of Bordeaux. So if you’re seeking a relaxing getaway, there’s no better destination.

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 1.15 hour

paris is one of the top train trips from bordeaux

While, ideally, you’d need to spend at least a week in Paris to get the most out of it, the city is so incredible that it’s better to spend just one day there than none at all. A city to see at least once in your lifetime!

🚆 Distance from Bordeaux by train : 2 hours

💡 Tip : Book your train tickets as early as you can to avoid skyrocketing prices!

🔍 Read more : Get your perfect 1-day itinerary to Paris

Opting for a guided tour is an excellent decision if you’re short on time or don’t want to get bogged down in planning the trip. It’s as easy as picking a tour, booking your spot (in advance please!), and showing up at the meeting point on D-day. The best part is that these tours are led by experienced professionals, so you should have a blast.

There are plenty of guided tours throughout the region departing from Bordeaux. I’ve made it easy for you by selecting the best ones, i.e. those that will give you an unforgettable experience for a full day, with quality service and at a good price. Find them here:

  • Saint Emilion Food & Wine Tour : Explore the medieval town of St Emilion and learn everything about Bordeaux wines thanks to 3 winery visits and wine tastings.
  • Saint-Emilion & Medoc Full-Day Wine Experience : With a wine expert, discover 2 Bordeaux wine regions in a single day and taste no less than 8 local wines. A historical visit to St Emilion is included, of course.
  • Arcachon Bay & Dune du Pilat Tour + Oyster Tasting : This half-day trip will take you to Dune du Pilat and drive you to the scenic Arcachon Bay to try the local specialty, oysters (with a glass of white wine!).
  • Full-Day Private Basque Country Tour : This is your best chance to discover the wonderful Basque Country and Biarritz in a day from Bordeaux. The best part? The day trip is tailored to your own tastes and preferences!
  • Cognac Private Wine Tour : This tour is all about Cognac with a producer, an estate, and a distillery visit! There’s no better way to discover the local savoir-faire.

I’ve crafted several other guides about Bordeaux to help you best prepare for your trip:

➡️ Here are a few pieces to learn more about exploring Bordeaux:

  • Is Bordeaux Worth Visiting?
  • Best Time to Visit Bordeaux
  • Safety in Bordeaux
  • How Many Days to Visit in Bordeaux
  • Fun Facts about Bordeaux

➡️ Here are complete Bordeaux itineraries tailored to the length of your stay:

  • 1 Day in Bordeaux
  • 2 Days in Bordeaux
  • 3 Days in Bordeaux

➡️ And here are other posts to better discover Bordeaux and beyond:

  • Things to Do in Bordeaux in Winter
  • Day Trip to Arcachon from Bordeaux
  • Best Beaches in Arcachon
  • Discover the Dune du Pilat
  • Camping near the Dune du Pilat

I hope you enjoy your trip to Bordeaux and around; if you have any questions, let me know in the comments below.

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Looking for a day trip from Bordeaux? Here are the 15 best day trips from Bordeaux that are less than 2 hours away, either by train or car. bordeaux travel guide | visit bordeaux

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Hey, I'm Kevin

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I'm a professional photographer, with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. I worked with countless travel brands, and my travel advice has been featured in major publications such as CNN, Forbes & the New York Magazine. But the best travel advice is definitely found here on my website! I'm all about adventure travel, hiking and exploring the outdoors - even if I often find myself exploring cities with my wife Nesrine. If you have any questions, leave a comment on this post or reach out by email at: [email protected]

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20 Best Things to Do in Bordeaux in Winter [100% must-do]

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Love at First Adventure

12 Excellent Day Trips from Bordeaux, France You Don’t Want to Miss

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Looking for a day trip from Bordeaux? You’re in luck—the area enveloping the city is quite impressive and offers a plethora of fantastic options for day trips.

The world-renowned French city of Bordeaux is surrounded by some of the best day trips in France— top-notch wineries, captivating villages, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and other natural astonishments are just waiting for you to explore them!

Whether you are looking for a full hands-on wine experience in the highly-rated Saint-Émilion , a taste of a wide variety of French cuisine, or a quiet day meandering around a small town, you’ll quickly see there’s a day trip for any taste!

In this article, we’ll review the best options for day trips from Bordeaux, France .

Short on time? Here are the top three day trips from Bordeaux.

✔ Must-Book Day Trip from Bordeaux : Wine tour of Saint-Émilion

✔ Best Bordeaux Day Trip for Nature Lovers: Arcachon Bay & Dune of Pilat

✔ Best Food Tour Near Bordeaux: Gourmet Food Tour & Market Visit in Sarlat-La-Canéda


12 Best Day Trips from Bordeaux, France

Check out 12 of the best day trips around Bordeaux to help plan your trip!

1. Become a wine connoisseur in Saint-Émilion

stone entrance with open gate into vineyard

In our opinion, a trip to France is never complete without a taste of the wide variety of fine French wines .

Fortunately, the city and surrounding region of Bordeaux is famous for its Grand Cru. While you’re there, your first stop should be a visit to Saint-Émilion .

This prestigious wine village on the banks of the Dordogne River produces some of the finest wine you’ll ever taste . Take a day trip to Saint-Émilion , and explore the cute little village.

In the afternoon winery tour with tasting , you’ll learn all about the history and production of the wine.

Even better, you’ll get to see some of the most beautiful natural sights in France while checking “become a wine connoisseur in France” off your bucket list!

If you only do one day trip in Bordeaux, exploring Saint-Émilion’s vineyards is a must!

This afternoon tour includes:

group touring the sunny vineyard

✔ Visit 2 beautiful châteaux

✔ Learn about wine-making process

✔ 4-5 wine tastings

✔ Traditional French appetizer

✔ Explore the medieval village of Saint-Émilion

Check availability, and book Saint-Émilion day trip now!

2. Visit Arcachon Bay and climb the Dune of Pilat

view of the bay with sandy beach

The nearby Arcachon Bay, known for its mild climate and stunning natural beauty, is an ideal destination for a day trip near Bordeaux. While you’re there, climb the Dune of Pilat ( Grande Dune du Pilat ). The highest sand dune in Europe, it’s situated between a pine forest on one side and the peninsula and sand bank on the other. 

Located in La Teste-de-Buch in the Arcachon Bay area, climbing the Dune of Pilat takes anywhere from 20-35 minutes depending on how in shape you are. It involves a ton of stairs to reach the top, but the views are hands-down worth the effort to get there .

The Dune ridge itself is about 1.6 mi (2.5 km) long, so there’s plenty of time and space to explore, take photos, and awe in amazement.

Tour both the Arcachon Bay and Climb Dune of Pilat on this morning tour from Bordeaux (oysters and white wine included). 

You won’ t want to miss a trip to the stunning Arcachon Bay and a climb on the Dune of Pilat while in Bordeaux!

This fantastic tour includes:

wine and oysters at the vineyard

✔ Drive to the scenic Arcachon Bay via minibus

✔ Climb the tallest sand dune in Europe

✔ Stunning panoramic views of the lagoon and forest

✔ Fresh oyster tasting

✔ Glass of local white wine

Check availability, and book Arcachon & Dune du Pilat tour now!

3. Savor wine at Chateau Margaux

grand old building with porticoe

As mentioned before, a trip to France is never complete without sampling some wine.

Another place to visit near Bordeaux if you love wine is the Chateau Margaux . Dating back to the 16th century, Chateau Margaux has been classified as a top-tier wine since 1855. 

Chateau Margaux wine produces some of the best wine in all of France and is certainly a top Bordeaux wine. Some bottles cost nearly $700, if that says anything about its quality. The estate itself has a long history, so there is an educational opportunity as well with a lot to learn.

Tour the Chateau Margaux , and taste some of the best wine flavors your lips will ever meet.

4. Eat fresh oysters in Gujan-Mestras

oyster platter by the sea

Just 40 minutes southwest of Bordeaux (by car or train ) you’ll find the commune of Gujan-Mestras. This traditional oyster village houses more than seven oyster ports, each with its own ambiance. 

On your visit to this quaint seaside village, stop to taste oysters as you stroll through colorful cabins along each port. Don’t forget to stop at the Maison de l’Huitre Museum and learn all about the history of the villages and their oysters, too. 

Other things to do during your day trip to Gujan-Mestras include walking or biking the 4.3 mi (7 km) coastal path or splashing around at the Bay of Leisure waterpark.

✔ Want to get off the beaten path and explore a little? Rent a car !

To reach some of these lesser known towns and natural areas, consider renting a car for a day or two. We usually go with Discover Cars , which allows you to compare and rent a car, globally .

Book a car in Bordeaux, now!

5. Step into medieval times in Sarlat-La-Canéda

stone walls with pink flower pots hanging

Another excellent place to visit near Bordeaux is the village of Sarlat-La-Canéda. Home to one of the highest densities of historical monuments in France , Sarlat-La-Canéda is well on its way to becoming a UNESCO World Heritage designation.

Yes, this astonishing representation of medieval times in France in the 14th century is the perfect place to spend a day exploring.

This bustling market city was abandoned for nearly 150 years but is now protected by the Malraux Act, which seeks to preserve historic French cities.

After arriving by train (2 hrs, 20 min) or car (2 hrs, 15 minutes), take advantage by wandering around medieval cobblestoned streets , stopping in St. Mary’s church , and snapping photos of the marvelous mansions scattered around the village.

A trip to Sarlat-La-Canéda isn’t complete without exploring the covered market, reminiscent of the days of old. Since the city is known for gastronomy , it’s easy to find a wide variety of delicious treats at the weekly Sarlat Market (Wednesday and Saturday).

To dive even deeper into Sarlat-La-Canéda’s gastronomy, we recommend taking a guided tour. This gourmet food tour and market visit is the perfect way to get to know the tastes of Sarlat!

✔ Want to experience the local cuisine in Sarlat-La-Canéda?

Knowing what to ask for at the markets and shops can be overwhelming! Instead, hop on a Gourmet Food Tour & Market Visit in Sarlat-La-Canéda !

You’ll love this small group walking tour all about about wine and food of the Dordogne. Read reviews, and book tour now!

6. Chomp on veggies in Marmande

ripe red tomatoes

Located less than an hour outside of Bordeaux, you can easily explore the small town of Marmande on foot. Truly, this is a perfect destination for a day trip from Bordeaux by train for tomato lovers—and veggie-lovers of all kinds!

Why veggie-lovers, you ask? Well, the town of Marmande shares its name with a juicy and meaty tomato ! Dating back to the 19th century, these medium-sized tomatoes with wrinkly skin get their name from their destination of origin: Marmande, France.

Take a seat at any one of the many French cafes and restaurants to sample a dish with these famous tomatoes.

But, tomatoes aren’t the only thing Marmande has to offer: adventure through the small winding streets, shop at local boutiques, relax in the park, and check out various historical monuments.

✔ Book your train tickets to Marmande here .

7. Admire street art in Angoulême

street art on building in angouleme

Venturing to the city of Angoulême for a unique day trip from Bordeaux. The city is wonderful for a day of wandering and admiring its interesting mix of architecture, literature, and street art.

Situated along the Charente river, it’s actually the international comic strip capital. (Who knew?!) Although comics are traditionally thought of as “kid stuff,” they are an accepted and respected form of art in France. In fact, the city draws in over 200,000 visitors a year for its annual international comics festival (January).

Further, Angoulême is considered the street art capital of France. Follow the designated trail to see murals, graffiti, and other forms of spectacular street art covering the walls of the city. Don’t forget your camera!

8. Stroll the quays of Libourne

stone building with high clock tower

Spend a day where life is good and streets are narrow in Libourne, France. An old 13th-century bastide (a fortified medieval town), Libourne is a port city on the banks of the Isle and the Dordogne rivers. Head there by car (30 min) or train (22-33 min) to enjoy the scenery before your fairytale stroll along the quays.

Filled with blond stone streets and buildings, we think you’ll fall in love this charming town.

But don’t just stay at waters’ edge: stop at the centuries-old market square in the city center . Surrounded by amazing historical sites such as the Town Hall and the Museum of Fine Arts, the market square is famous for trading, buying, and selling. Try to go there on a Tuesday or Thursday, when the square is filled with local vendors and sellers.

Search for the top day tours from Bordeaux:

9. See the best of Basque in Biarritz

people walking on bridge

Certainly Biarritz is one of the best coastal towns in France! Reached by train or car from Bordeaux, the French Basque Country’s legendary beaches draw in hundreds of surfers and beach goers every year. Biarritz is the best day trip from Bordeaux to the west coast of France, hands-down.

Surrounded by picturesque mountains, there is hardly a better place to relax and immerse yourself in the seaside culture of France. While in Biarritz, hitting the beaches is the top priority, but there are a handful of other colorful attractions to traverse.

For instance, take the cog train up the Rhune, venture into the Iraty Forest, or watch a game of Basque pelota (traditional hand ball).

Plus, you can always wander through the city streets and admire the scenery or join a guided walking tour of the city in order to make the most of your time.

10. Hike at the Médoc Natural Regional Park

If you are a nature lover, you will love this Bordeaux day trip: hiking at Médoc Natural Regional Park.

Located between the city of Bordeaux and the western coast of France, the park boasts some of the most gorgeous coastal hikes in the country . Plus, its diverse landscape contains something for everyone: beaches, forests, vineyards, and agricultural areas. 

Discover the park on foot by choosing one of the dozens of different hiking paths . Fortunately, there is a path for everyone no matter how fit you are and or the level of difficulty you desire. Additionally, keep an eye out for the seven lighthouses located throughout the park, most famously the lighthouse of Cordaun.

Other sites to scout are the Contaut Lagoon, Etang de Cousseau Nature Reserve, and the Gironde Estuary.

11. Visit artisan distilleries in Cognac

glass of brown cognac

A pleasant way to spend an afternoon on a day trip from Bordeaux by car (1 hr, 24 min) is a a visit to Cognac. It’s in this city in Charente where the legendary brandy of the same name is produced.

Visiting an artisan distillery is the best way to learn all about the culture and history of the delightful French liquor.

Exploring this region of France, which is loaded with distilleries, will give you insight into a brandy that is as rich in history as it is in flavor . It is one of the country’s most iconic products, and can only be produced in this region to be considered a true cognac.

Vineyards, distilleries, and maisons de negoces (licensed merchants) all offer tours and tasting for educational purposes. For fun, book a masterclass to learn (and taste!) all about the distinctive flavors, characteristics, vintages, and blends of great cognacs.

Keep in mind, if you visit from November-March , it is possible to see the distilleries in action during the season while on tour.

12. Rejuvenate in Dax

room with four poster bed

After completing all of these day tours from Bordeaux, a day of rejuvenation and relaxation is surely what you will need.

The curious town of Dax (accessed by train , bus , or car ) is widely known for its substantial amounts of thermal spas and health rejuvenating centers. Not only does Dax have many spas, but there are also various historical sights to take in while you’re there.

To expand, Dax is a stunning mix of architecture, cathedrals, and Roman ruins. Lucky for us, thermal spas were very traditional in Roman times and have lingered on to this day .

Firstly, inhale calming steam at Fontaine Chaude , where the waters are a constant 147 F (64 C). Next, bounce around to any of Dax’s numerous spas for your preferred treatments.

Without a doubt, Dax is the perfect location to end a trip to the region of Bordeaux.

Last Words on Day Trips in Bordeaux

Not only is Bordeaux a fabulous city itself, but the surrounding region is also just as amazing. There are countless options for day trips from the Bordeaux from a full day of exploring to an afternoon of relaxation.

It’s not hard to see why so many tourists are skipping the city of love, and opting for the city of art and culture: Bordeaux.

Not ready to book? Bookmark this page to refer to later!

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Blogger & Ex-Spanish Teacher

Tristina Oppliger has traveled to 35+ countries on five continents. Having previously lived in Spain, she loves studying foreign languages and cultures. In fact, she has a Master's in Foreign Language Education and is a former Spanish Teacher! Tristina is passionate about living free—remote work, exploring the world, and finding adventure wherever she goes.

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How about getting lost in the woods of Mysterra?


Bordeaux Entertainment and Nightlife Nature and Outdoor Activities With Family

Parcours Mysterressens, au cœur du parc de loisirs Mysterra, près de Bordeaux.

Reading time: 0 min Published on 20 March 2024, updated on 15 April 2024

In the southwest of France, an hour from Bordeaux, a leisure park unlike any other opened last year in the middle of the woods. The attractions includes labyrinths, surveys and augmented reality.

Finding your way in the mazes

The Mysterra Park has challenged itself to reinvent the age-old concept of the labyrinth: real and virtual at the same time, thanks to the use of augmented reality technology, its 11 paths are full of mystery. Far from the traditional labyrinth walls of shrubs, Mysterra's mazes use the woods without altering them: natural paths have been built by a landscaper to become playful. Each of the 11 labyrinths offers a different experience, focused on the discovery of biodiversity, games, sports, or art.

Discovering art in the heart of nature

One of the paths, entitled “Mysterr'art,” is dedicated to art and contemporary artists who have created works specifically for Mysterra. While following this path, you can discover a new sort of work, made with materials borrowed from nature, like a wooden sculpture. Using a smartphone or tablet, visitors who wish to do so can access all the information about this iconoclastic work.

Immersing yourself in a forest atmosphere

The Mysterressens path immerses visitors in a fascinating discovery of local fauna and flora. Along this labyrinth, you can take your time to discover the rich essences of the area, to touch and feel unforgettable nature, with help from the app will to learn a lot about the present biodiversity.

Going on a treasure hunt

Runic stones (stones engraved with inscriptions) are hidden throughout the 11 hectares of the park. By finding these stones and photographing them, visitors can accumulate points and clues that will lead them to the treasure! According to the creators of the park, it's nearly impossible to find! Ready to take up the challenge?

For more information: • Discover Mysterra • Plan your trip to the Bordeaux region • Also read: Surprise your kids with these six super ideas for days out in Bordeaux

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    Press the entrance button to raise the barrier at the entrance to the park-and-ride. Once you've parked, go to the P+R ticket machine or the machine at the tram station to buy a 1 day or 7 day travelcard, a Nighttime Pass or a short-stay ticket. Validate your ticket on a tram or bus route. To exit, insert your ticket into the reader.

  10. Park and Trip Bordeaux » Avis, Photos & Toutes les infos ici

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    A Guanaco in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. getty. The fierce storm caused tremendous turbulence for even the large commercial airplanes that descended into Bordeaux City in South West ...