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Star Trek: Enterprise

Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Connor Trinneer, and Linda Park in Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)

A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the ... Read all A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation. A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation.

  • Rick Berman
  • Brannon Braga
  • Scott Bakula
  • John Billingsley
  • Jolene Blalock
  • 539 User reviews
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  • 14 wins & 50 nominations total

Episodes 98

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)

  • Capt. Jonathan Archer …

John Billingsley

  • Sub-Cmdr. T'Pol …

Dominic Keating

  • Lt. Malcolm Reed …

Anthony Montgomery

  • Ensign Travis Mayweather …

Linda Park

  • Ensign Hoshi Sato …

Connor Trinneer

  • Cmdr. Charles 'Trip' Tucker III

Solomon Burke Jr.

  • Ensign Billy

Vaughn Armstrong

  • Adm. Maxwell Forrest …
  • Vulcan High Command Member …

Gary Graham

  • Ambassador Soval …

Randy Oglesby

  • Cmdr. Shran …

Rick Worthy

  • Xindi-Primate Councilor …

Duncan K. Fraser

  • Ensign Walsh …

Matt Winston

  • Temporal Agent Daniels …

Scott MacDonald

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Stellar Photos From the "Star Trek" TV Universe

Nichelle Nichols and Sonequa Martin-Green at an event for Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

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Did you know

  • Trivia Admiral Forrest is named after DeForest Kelley , the late Star Trek (1966) actor who played Leonard H. McCoy. Similarly, Commander Williams and Admiral Leonard from the pilot Broken Bow, Part 1 (2001) are named after series stars William Shatner (James T. Kirk) and Leonard Nimoy (Spock). Big Foot (1982) (#2.5) also had a character with a last name Forrest. That show had numerous references & stars from the Star Trek franchise, the most well known of which was William Shatner from the original TV series.
  • Goofs Whenever the video signal is being lost, instead of pixelating, as a digital signal would, the picture shows analog "snow," which would be unheard of by that era.

Commander Tucker : You aren't saying much tonight. Don't tell me you're still upset about me and Amanda.

Subcommander T'Pol : I'm not upset.

Commander Tucker : Sure sounds like it.

Subcommander T'Pol : You're mistaken.

Commander Tucker : Why would a few neuropressure sessions between me and a MACO be such a big deal. Unless...

Subcommander T'Pol : Unless what?

Commander Tucker : Unless you're a little jealous.

Subcommander T'Pol : I don't experience jealousy.

Commander Tucker : You're doing a pretty fair imitation of it.

Subcommander T'Pol : I am not, in any way, jealous of you and Corporal Cole.

Commander Tucker : You know, your voice is tensing up. That's a dead giveaway.

Subcommander T'Pol : I didn't know you were an expert in vocal inflections.

Commander Tucker : I don't need to be an expert to read you. Come on, admit it. You're a little jealous.

Subcommander T'Pol : Are you implying that I'm attracted to you?

Commander Tucker : That kind of goes along with the assumption, doesn't it?

  • Crazy credits The opening credits video footage of the Sojourner rover approaching the "Yogi" rock, taken by the Mars Pathfinder lander, make Star Trek: Enterprise the first television show or movie in history to use footage taken on another planet.
  • Alternate versions The Region 1 DVD release of Season 3 modifies the opening credits of the first three episodes of the season to say "Star Trek: Enterprise" instead of "Enterprise", in order to be consistent with the rest of the season.
  • Connections Featured in How William Shatner Changed the World (2005)

User reviews 539

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  • September 26, 2001 (United States)
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  • Valley of Enchantment, San Bernardino National Forest, California, USA
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  • Runtime 1 hour
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Star Trek: Enterprise (Serie de TV)

  • Mark Correy
  • Anthony Montgomery
  • Connor Trinneer

Vaughn Armstrong

  • Glen Hambly
  • Evan English
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Christopher Pike

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El capitán Christopher Robin Pike es un personaje de Star Trek: The Original Series . Fue un oficial de la Flota Estelar en el Siglo XXIII .

Fue capitán de la nave Enterprise (NCC-1701) de 2251 a 2264 , como sucesor de Robert April y predecesor de James T. Kirk . Pike nació en Mojave en la Tierra .

Biografía [ ]

Pike fue el segundo capitán del USS Enterprise , predecesor del capitán James Tiberius Kirk . Llevó a cabo dos misiones de exploración de cinco años cada una. Durante nueve de esos diez años, el señor Spock estuvo bajo su mando.

Respondiendo a una señal de auxilio, el Enterprise llega al planeta Talos IV , donde una raza de telépatas intenta mantener cautivo a Pike engañándolo con ilusiones mentales de una joven llamada Vina . Finalmente, Pike logra escapar, pero Vina decide quedarse en Talos IV, ya que su juventud y belleza eran también una ilusión creada por los talosianos. La Flota Estelar declara el planeta en cuarentena permanente. (" TOS : " The Cage "")

Pike sufre un grave accidente que lo deja totalmente paralizado. Spock decide arriesgar su carrera secuestrando el Enterprise para llevar a Pike de vuelta a Talos IV, donde puede vivir dignamente el resto de su vida en compañía de Vina, gracias a la ilusión mental creada por los Talosianos . (" TOS : " The Menagerie, Part I ", " The Menagerie, Part II "")

Christopher Pike, 2259

Bruce Greenwood como Pike ( realidad alternativa ). ( Star Trek (2009) ; Star Trek Into Darkness )

Enlaces externos [ ]

  • Christopher Pike en Memory Beta , la wiki para trabajos bajo licencia de Star Trek
  • Christopher Pike en la Wikipedia en Castellano
  • 2 ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
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  • 450) ? Math.round((screen.height / 2) - 225) : 0) + ',width=550,height=450,personalbar=0,toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1');" class="tw">

Star Trek 50: los legendarios capitanes de la Enterprise


William Shatner fue el capitán James Tiberius Kirk en Star Trek (StarTrek.com / NBC)

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FOTOS . Desde que se emitió en 1966 la serie original de Star Trek , incluyendo las otras versiones de televisión y películas de la franquicia, varios han sido los capitanes que han estado al mando de la Enterprise , la nave insignia de la Flota Estelar de la Federación Unida de Planetas y epicentro de la mayoría de sucesos que ocurren en el universo de Viaje a las estrellas.

Con motivo de los 50 años del estreno de Star Trek , que se cumplen este jueves 8 de septiembre, te presentamos en esta nota a los legendarios capitanes que comandaron los destinos de la Enterprise en las diferentes series y películas basados en el viaje interestelar.

James T. Kirk ( William Shatner ), Jean – Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ), Benjamin Sisko ( Avery Brooks ), Kathryn Janeway ( Kate Mulgrew ) y Jonathan Archer ( Scott Bakula ), son considerados por los fans de Star Trek como los capitanes históricos de la nave especial, aunque a ellos podrían también sumarse Mr. Spock ( Leonard Nimoy ) y Christopher Pike ( Jeffrey Hunter ), quienes también ejercieron ese rol en algunas de las películas de la historia.

Star Trek: más sobre la serie original

  • Star Trek: The Original Series ( Viaje a las estrellas en Hispanoamérica) fue una serie creada por Gene Roddenberry que se transmitió desde el 8 de septiembre de 1966 hasta el 2 de septiembre de 1969.
  • La serie está ambientada en el siglo XXIII y cuenta las aventuras espaciales de la nave USS Enterprise y su tripulación, liderada por el capitán James T. Kirk (William Shatner), su primer oficial Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy), el oficial médico Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley) y la oficial de comunicaciones Nyota Uhura (Nichelle Nichols).

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Reparto de Star trek: enterprise

personajes de star trek enterprise

  • PRODUCTORA: Desconocido

personajes de star trek enterprise

  • TÍTULO ORIGINAL: enterprise
  • AÑO: 2001 DURACIÓN: 42 min.
  • GÉNERO: Series
  • GUIÓN: desconocido
  • REPARTO: Scott Bakula , Jolene Blalock , John Billingsley , Dominic Keating , Anthony Montgomery , Linda Park , Connor Trinneer
  • PRODUCTORES: J.p. Farrell , Antoinette Stella , Mike Sussman , Dawn Velazquez
  • MÚSICA: Paul Baillargeon , David Bell , Velton Ray Bunch , kr
  • FOTOGRAFÍA: Marvin V. Rush
  • MONTAJE: desconocido
  • DIRECCIÓN ARTÍSTICA: desconocido
  • FECHA DE ESTRENO: Domingo, 27 de Noviembre del 2005
  • CALIFICACIÓN: Todos los públicos
  • VISITAS: 3,332

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Original ‘Star Trek’ Enterprise Model Resurfaces Decades After It Went Missing

The model used in the original series’ opening credits is now back with Eugene Roddenberry Jr., the son of the show’s creator

Julia Binswanger

Julia Binswanger

Daily Correspondent

First ever model

Nearly 50 years after it went missing, the original model of the  USS Starship Enterprise from the hit show “ Star Trek ” is finally voyaging home. The 33-inch model—the same one that appears in the opening credits of the original series—is now back with Eugene Roddenberry Jr., the son of the show’s creator.

“After five decades, I’m thrilled that someone happened upon this historic model of the USS Enterprise ,” says Roddenberry, who goes by “Rod,” in a Heritage Auctions statement . “I remember how it used to adorn my dad’s desk.”

The tiny model has been missing since Roddenberry’s father, Gene Roddenberry (who died in 1991), lent it to the makers of 1979’s  Star Trek: The Motion Picture , the first Star Trek feature film. Unfortunately, he never got it back. What happened to it at that point is unknown.

close up of the Enterprise

Last fall, the spaceship popped up on  eBay —with a starting bid of $1,000. The listing was titled “Rare Custom Star Trek USS Enterprise Spaceship by Richard Datin .” Datin, a model maker from the Howard Anderson special-effects company, built the original model out of solid wood. The  New York Times ’ Emily Schmall reports that the seller came across the item after discovering it in a storage unit. After receiving many inquiries about the item, the seller contacted Heritage Auctions.

“Once our team of experts concluded it was the real thing, we contacted Rod because we wanted to get the model back to where it belonged,” says Joe Maddalena, executive vice president at Heritage Auctions, in the statement. “We’re thrilled the Enterprise is finally in dry dock.”

The ship’s whereabouts after its disappearance remain a mystery; unfortunately, the missing years aren’t described in a captain’s log. The younger Roddenberry says there had even been rumors that he’d thrown it into a pool as a boy, per Jamie Stengle of the Associated Press (AP).

While the model would “easily” sell for over $1 million at auction, it’s a “priceless” piece of television history, Maddalena tells the AP.

Since Star Trek ’s debut in 1966, the Enterprise has become an instantly recognizable image—and a pioneering design that inspired many other fictional spacecraft.

“We didn’t want the Enterprise to look like something currently planned for our space program,” said Walter Jefferies, the Star Trek art director who designed the fictional craft, in the 1968 book The Making of Star Trek , per the auction house. “We knew that by the time the show got on the air, this type of thing would be old hat. We had to go further than even the most advanced space scientists were thinking.”

Ariel view of the Enterprise Model

The younger Roddenberry rounded up a group of Star Trek production veterans to help authenticate and restore the model. One of them was Gary Kerr, a “Trek x-pert” who worked on the 2016 restoration of an 11-foot model of the Enterprise for the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum . Kerr still had old photos of the model sitting on the elder Roddenberry’s desk.

“We spent at least an hour photographing it, inspecting the paint, inspecting the dirt, looking under the base, the patina on the stem, the grain in the wood,” Roddenberry tells the Times . “It was a unanimous ‘This is 100 percent the one.’”

While other models of the Enterprise exist, the newly discovered ship is the original. Looking ahead, Roddenberry wants to ensure that this one-of-a-kind artifact is accessible to the public.

“This is not going home to adorn my shelves,” he tells the AP. “This is going to get restored and we’re working on ways to get it out so the public can see it, and my hope is that it will land in a museum somewhere.”

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Julia Binswanger

Julia Binswanger | READ MORE

Julia Binswanger is a freelance arts and culture reporter based in Chicago. Her work has been featured in WBEZ,  Chicago magazine,  Rebellious magazine and  PC magazine. 


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Original ‘Star Trek’ Enterprise Model Is Found After Being Missing for Decades

The 33-inch model surfaced on eBay after disappearing around 1979. An auction house is giving it to the son of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of “Star Trek.”

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A model of the U.S.S. Enterprise stands on a wooden base against a black backdrop.

By Emily Schmall

The first model of the U.S.S. Enterprise, the starship that appeared in the opening credits of the original “Star Trek” television series , has been returned to Eugene Roddenberry Jr., the son of the creator of the series, decades after it went missing.

“After a long journey, she’s home,” Mr. Roddenberry wrote on social media on Thursday.

For die-hard Trekkies, the model’s disappearance had become the subject of folklore, so an eBay listing last fall, with a starting bid of $1,000, didn’t go unnoticed.

“Red alert,” someone in an online costume and prop-making forum wrote, linking to the listing.

Mr. Roddenberry’s father, Gene Roddenberry, created the television series, which first aired in 1966 and ran for three seasons. It spawned numerous spinoffs, several films and a franchise that has included conventions and legions of devoted fans with an avid interest in memorabilia.

The seller of the model was bombarded with inquiries and quickly took the listing down.

The seller contacted Heritage Auctions to authenticate it, the auction house’s executive vice president, Joe Maddalena, said on Saturday. As soon as the seller, who said he had found it in a storage unit, brought it to the auction house’s office in Beverly Hills, Calif., Mr. Maddalena said he knew it was real.

“That’s when I reached out to Rod to say, ‘We’ve got this. This is it,’” he said, adding that the model was being transferred to Mr. Roddenberry.

Mr. Roddenberry, who is known as Rod, said on Saturday that he would restore the model and seek to have it displayed in a museum or other institution. He said reclaiming the item had only piqued his interest in the circumstances about its disappearance.

“Whoever borrowed it or misplaced it or lost it, something happened somewhere,” he said. “Where’s it been?”

It was unclear how the model ended up in the storage unit and who had it before its discovery.

The original U.S.S. Enterprise, a 33-inch model, was mostly made of solid wood by Richard C. Datin, a model maker for the Howard Anderson Company, a special-effects company that created the opening credits for some of the 20th century’s biggest TV shows .

An enlarged 11-foot model was used in subsequent “Star Trek” television episodes, and is now part of the permanent collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum , where it was donated by Paramount Studios in 1974.

Mr. Roddenberry, who said he gave the seller a “reward” for its recovery but did not disclose the terms, assembled a group of “Star Trek” production veterans, model makers and restoration specialists in Beverly Hills to authenticate the find.

The group included a “Star Trek” art supervisor, Michael Okuda, and his wife, Denise, an artist on “Star Trek” television series and films, and Gary Kerr, a “Trek x-pert” who served as technical consultant for the Smithsonian during a 2016 restoration of the 11-foot model.

“We spent at least an hour photographing it, inspecting the paint, inspecting the dirt, looking under the base, the patina on the stem, the grain in the wood,” Mr. Roddenberry said.

“It was a unanimous ‘This is 100 percent the one,’” he said.

Gene Roddenberry, who died in 1991 , kept the original model, which appeared in the show’s opening credits and pilot episode, on his desk.

Mr. Kerr compared the model to 1960s photos he had of the model on Mr. Roddenberry’s desk.

“The wood grain matched exactly, so that was it,” he said on Saturday.

The model went missing after Mr. Roddenberry lent it to the makers of “Star Trek: The Motion Picture,” which was released in 1979, Mr. Maddalena said.

“This is a major discovery,” he said, likening the model to the ruby slippers from “The Wizard of Oz,” a prop that was stolen in 2005 and recovered by the F.B.I. in 2018, and that Heritage Auctions is selling.

While the slippers represent hope, he said, the starship Enterprise model “represents dreams.”

“It’s a portal to what could be,” he said.

Emily Schmall covers breaking news and feature stories and is based in Chicago. More about Emily Schmall

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Star Trek: Discoverys Pilot Just Joined Enterprises Legacy

Warning: This Article Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 5 - "Mirrors"

  • Keyla Detmer piloted the ISS Enterprise in Star TrekL Discovery season 5, joining the ranks of Enterprise helmsman in the process.
  • The USS Enterprise has had other notable helmsmen like Sulu and Geordi La Forge across different versions.
  • Discovery provided Detmer with the chance to pilot a version of the Enterprise, filmed on the set of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 enabled the show's pilot, Keyla Detmer (Emily Coutts) to join an important legacy for the USS Enterprise. Detmer has been the helmsman of the USS Discovery since season 1, and an integral part of Discovery 's cast of characters up through season 5 . Although she has largely been a supporting character on Discovery , Detmer has still enjoyed some important moments, including a few memorable subplots in both seasons 1 and 3.

Despite Detmer not appearing in Discovery season 5, episode 5 , the show bestowed an important milestone on her off-screen. Episode 5 saw the retrieval of the Mirror Universe's ISS Enterprise after a clue in the search for the Progenitor's technology led Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) to a heated confrontation with L'ak (Elias Toufexis) and Moll (Eve Harlow) on the abandoned ship. Discovery managed to save the Mirror Enterprise from interdimensional space , and Captain Burham assigned Lieutenant Commander Detmer and Owosekun (Oyin Oladejo) to take it back to Federation Headquarters.

5 Ways Star Trek: Discoverys Mirror Enterprise Is Different From USS Enterprise

Star trek: discoverys pilot commander detmer is the latest enterprise helmsman, detmer flew the iss enterprise in discovery season 5.

Thanks to episode 5, Detmer has joined the ranks of those who had piloted a version of the Enterprise in Star Trek history . Detmer could have had the opportunity to pilot the USS Enterprise during Discovery season 2, especially considering that its Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) , was a main character on the show. Discovery 's time jump to the 32nd century made any further encounters with the Prime Universe's Enterprise impossible, but season 5 finally gave Detmer the chance to be included in the category of legendary Enterprise helmsman.

It seems Discovery has given Detmer the chance to pilot the only Enterprise she will likely ever get to during the rest of the show's run.

Although the ISS Enterprise is different from the Prime Universe's USS Enterprise, the two are similar enough that Discovery filmed episode 5's Enterprise scenes on the set for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , which is set on the USS Enterprise in Discovery 's old time period, the 23rd century. It seems Discovery has given Detmer the chance to pilot the only Enterprise she will likely ever get to during the rest of the show's run. Of course, Detmer piloting any version of the USS Enterprise is still a huge honor, considering which characters she shares the distinction with.

Star Treks Enterprise Helmsmen Explained

The uss enterprise has had some notable helmsmen.

The various versions of the Enterprise have had some incredible helmsmen, and the ship has the interesting distinction of being piloted by two father-daughter teams at different times . The most famous Enterprise Helmsman is, of course, Hikaru Sulu (George Takei) from Star Trek: The Original Series . Sulu and his other versions, including his Mirror Universe counterpart, faithfully piloted the Enterprise for many years of the franchise's timeline, and Sulu's daughter, Demora (Jacqueline Kim) took on the task years later during Star Trek Generations .

Sulu isn't the only famous character to have been an Enterprise helmsman, however. Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) was the initial helmsman for the USS Enterprise-D in Star Trek: The Next Generation , and like Sulu would share the honor with his daughter, Sidney (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut) who took on the role in Star Trek: Picard season 3. More recently, Strange New Worlds introduced Erica Ortegas (Melissa Navia) as the helmsman under Captain Pike. Ortegas has proved to be one of Star Trek 's best pilots and a memorable addition to the Enterprise pilot ranks , similar to Detmer on Star Trek: Discovery .

New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 stream Thursdays on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Release Date September 24, 2017

Genres Drama, Sci-Fi, Adventure

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Directors Jonathan Frakes, Olatunde Osunsanmi

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: Discoverys Pilot Just Joined Enterprises Legacy

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Long-lost first model of the USS Enterprise from ‘Star Trek’ boldly goes home after twisting voyage

The first model of the USS Enterprise is displayed at Heritage Auctions in Los Angeles, April 13, 2024. The model — used in the original “Star Trek” television series — has been returned to Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, the son of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, decades after it went missing in the 1970s. (Josh David Jordan/Heritage Auctions via AP)

The first model of the USS Enterprise is displayed at Heritage Auctions in Los Angeles, April 13, 2024. The model — used in the original “Star Trek” television series — has been returned to Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, the son of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, decades after it went missing in the 1970s. (Josh David Jordan/Heritage Auctions via AP)

Joe Maddalena, executive vice president of Heritage Auctions, left, and Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, the son of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, shake hands over the recently recovered first model of the USS Enterprise at the Heritage Auctions in Los Angeles, April 13, 2024. The model — used in the original “Star Trek” television series — has been returned to Eugene, decades after it went missing in the 1970s. (Josh David Jordan/Heritage Auctions via AP)

Joe Maddalena, executive vice president of Heritage Auctions, left, and Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, the son of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, view the recently recovered first model of the USS Enterprise at Heritage Auctions in Los Angeles, April 13, 2024. The model — used in the original “Star Trek” television series — has been returned to Eugene, decades after it went missing in the 1970s. (Josh David Jordan/Heritage Auctions via AP)

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DALLAS (AP) — The first model of the USS Enterprise — used in the opening credits of the original “Star Trek” television series — has boldly gone back home, returning to creator Gene Roddenberry’s son decades after it went missing.

The model’s disappearance sometime in the 1970s had become the subject of lore, so it caused a stir when it popped up on eBay last fall. The sellers quickly took it down, and then contacted Dallas-based Heritage Auctions to authenticate it. Last weekend, the auction house facilitated the model’s return.

Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry, CEO of Roddenberry Entertainment, said he’s thrilled to have the model that had graced the desk of his father, who died in 1991 at age 70.

“This is not going home to adorn my shelves,” Roddenberry said. “This is going to get restored and we’re working on ways to get it out so the public can see it and my hope is that it will land in a museum somewhere.”

AP AUDIO: Long-lost first model of the USS Enterprise from ‘Star Trek’ boldly goes home after twisting voyage.

AP correspondent Margie Szaroleta reports on the return of the original model of the USS Enterprise from the TV show “Star Trek.”

Heritage’s executive vice president, Joe Maddalena, said the auction house was contacted by people who said they’d discovered it a storage unit, and when it was brought into their Beverly Hills office, he and a colleague “instantly knew that it was the real thing.”

This combination of images fshows promotional art for the Hulu series "The Veil," left, the Hulu series "Welcome to Wrexham," center, and the comedy series "Hacks." (Hulu/Hulu/Max via AP)

They reached out to Roddenberry, who said he appreciates that everyone involved agreed returning the model was the right thing to do. He wouldn’t go into details on the agreement reached but said “I felt it important to reward that and show appreciation for that.”

Maddalena said the model vanished in the 1970s after Gene Roddenberry loaned it to makers of “Star Trek: The Motion Picture,” which was released in 1979.

“No one knew what happened to it,” Rod Roddenberry said.

The 3-foot (0.91-meter) model of the USS Enterprise was used in the show’s original pilot episode as well as the opening credits of the resulting TV series, and was the prototype for the 11-foot (3-meter) version featured in the series’ episodes. The larger model is on display at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.

The original “Star Trek” television series, which aired in the late 1960s, kicked off an ever-expanding multiverse of cultural phenomena, with TV and movie spinoffs and conventions where a fanbase of zealous and devoted Trekkies can’t get enough of memorabilia.

This USS Enterprise model would easily sell for more than $1 million at auction, but really “it’s priceless,” Maddalena said.

“It could sell for any amount and I wouldn’t be surprised because of what it is,” he said. “It is truly a cultural icon.”

Roddenberry, who was just a young boy when the model went missing, said he has spotty memories of it, “almost a deja vu.” He said it wasn’t something he’d thought much about until people began contacting him after it appeared on eBay.

“I don’t think I really, fully comprehended at first that this was the first Enterprise ever created,” he said.

He said he has no idea if there was something nefarious behind the disappearance all those decades ago or if it was just mistakenly lost, but it would be interesting to find out more about what happened.

“This piece is incredibly important and it has its own story and this would be a great piece of the story,” Roddenberry said.

Thankfully, he said, the discovery has cleared up one rumor: That it was destroyed because as a young boy, he’d thrown it into a pool.

“Finally I’m vindicated after all these years,” he said with a laugh.

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5 ways star trek: discovery’s mirror enterprise is different from uss enterprise.

The ISS Enterprise made a surprising return in Star Trek: Discovery, but what makes the Mirror Universe's starship different from the USS Enterprise?

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery, season 5, episode 5, "Mirrors"

  • ISS Enterprise from Mirror Universe makes a surprising return in Star Trek: Discovery, revealing its history and role as a refugee ship.
  • Star Trek: Discovery used sets from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds to recreate the ISS Enterprise, showcasing its damaged state.
  • The ISS Enterprise survived until the 32nd century, becoming a beacon of hope like the USS Enterprise in both the Prime and Mirror Universes.

The Mirror Universe ISS Enterprise made a surprising return in Star Trek: Discovery , and the starship differs from the USS Enterprise of Star Trek 's Prime Timeline in several ways. Previously, the ISS Enterprise made its first and only appearance in the classic Star Trek: The Original Series episode, "Mirror, Mirror," which saw Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and some of his crew members travel to the Mirror Universe. The ISS Enterprise was the Mirror Universe's doppelganger of the Constitution Class USS Enterprise, and Star Trek: The Original Series simply redressed the Enterprise's sets to evoke the darker alternate reality.

In Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 5 , "Mirrors," Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the USS Discovery continue their search for the powerful technology of the Progenitors. Their next clue leads them into a strange wormhole, where they encounter the ISS Enterprise in a pocket of interdimensional space. As Burnham and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) face off against determined couriers Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis), they uncover more about the history of the ISS Enterprise. Directed by Jen McGowan and written by Johanna Lee and Carlos Cisco, "Mirrors" reveals several differences between the USS Enterprise and her Mirror Universe counterpart.

Kirk’s Starship Enterprise Returns In Star Trek: Discovery - With A Big Twist

5 the iss enterprise used star trek: strange new worlds' sets, captain pike's enterprise sets were redressed to be its mirror universe counterpart..

To bring the ISS Enterprise to life, Star Trek: Discovery made use of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' USS Enterprise sets. With different lighting, significant damage, and some logos for the Terran Empire, Captain Christopher Pike's (Anson Mount) Enterprise became the ISS Enterprise first seen in Star Trek: The Original Series' "Mirror, Mirror." Discovery season 5 was filmed in late 2022 during the gap between filming for Strange New Worlds seasons 2 and 3, and they made great use of the bridge, sickbay, transporter room, and hallway sets.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has also filmed on Star Trek: Discovery sets, such as turning Federatiion headquarters into the chambers for Number One's (Rebecca Romijn) trial in Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 2, "Ad Astra Per Aspera."

Throughout Star Trek's long history , the franchise has found different ways to depict old ships and other settings. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's "Trials and Tribble-ations," for example, used footage from the classic TOS episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" combined with new footage of DS9's cast. While parts of the original Enterprise bridge set were recreated for "Trials and Tribble-ations," a full bridge set of a Constitution Class starship was not recreated until the two-part Mirror Universe episode of Star Trek: Enterprise , "In a Mirror, Darkly."

Star Trek: Picard season 3 also completely rebuilt a starship bridge set, this time the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

4 The Plaque On The ISS Enterprise Differs From The USS Enterprise

The passengers on the iss enterprise left a plaque telling their story..

As Captain Burnham and Booker explore the ISS Enterprise, they find a plaque on the wall that details some of the derelict starship's history. While almost every version of the Enterprise has had a plaque of some kind, they have never given a description of the ship's history in this way. Star Trek 's starship plaques are often in the background and thus hard to decipher. They typically give the name of the ship, the date and location where the ship was built, and sometimes a list of names of real-life production people who built the sets.

The plaque on the ISS Enterprise reveals that Mirror Universe Spock made significant reforms in the Terran Empire, but was killed by those who disagreed with him. However, those who believed in his ideals stole the ISS Enterprise and found a way to the Prime Universe, with help from Mirror Universe Saru (Doug Jones) - turns out he's "Action Saru in any universe." The crew and refugees aboard this ship likely left the plaque as a way to share the ship's story with whoever happened to find her.

3 Refugees Used The ISS Enterprise To Flee The Mirror Universe

The iss enterprise became a lifeboat for refugees seeking a better life..

After Spock's reforms changed the way the Terran Empire was run, the Empire was not as well equipped to defend itself from the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance. This Alliance eventually conquered the Empire, forcing the Terrans and Vulcans into slavery, and violently quashing any attempts at rebellion. Some rebels, however, managed to successfully stand against the Empire, at least long enough to gather a ship full of refugees and escape to the Prime Universe.

The Mirror Universe's Spock (Leonard Nimoy) became the High Chancellor who reformed the Terran Empire but was later assasinated.

While the crew of the original USS Enterprise often helped refugees and others in need, this was not the ship's main purpose. The ISS Enterprise was originally a warship used by the Terran Empire, before its crew mutinied and fled the brutal Mirror Universe. For this undoubtedly dangerous journey, the ISS Enterprise became a refugee ship, giving those who had believed in Spock's reforms the chance for a new life in a brighter universe.

What Happened To Mirror Universe Captain Kirk In Star Trek?

2 the iss enterprise survived until the 32nd century, no other enterprise has survived as long as the iss enterprise..

After the ISS Enterprise traveled to the Prime Universe, it ended up inside interdimensional space, where it remained undetected for centuries. Although the ship had sustained significant damage, it was salvageable and able to be sent back to Starfleet after Captain Burnham and Book used it to escape through the wormhole. While the technology on the ISS Enterprise is very outdated, the Federation will likely be interested in a 23rd-century starship from the Mirror Universe, particularly one as important as the Enterprise.

By the 32nd century, travel between the Mirror Universe and the Prime Universe had already "been impossible for centuries," according to Captain Burnham.

As Star Trek has a habit of destroying the Starship Enterprise , the ISS Enterprise is likely the longest-surviving ship of that name . The original USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), as commanded by Captain Pike and Captain Kirk, was destroyed in 2285 when Kirk was forced to initiate self-destruct to thwart a Klingon boarding party in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock . Several different ships have taken the name Enterprise over the years, but none have survived for as long as the ISS Enterprise.

1 One Surprising Thing The Mirror Universe Ship & USS Enterprise Have In Common

The starship enterprise is a beacon of hope in every universe..

The Mirror Universe's ISS Enterprise may have several noticeable differences from its Prime Universe counterpart, but both ships became a beacon of hope for the people aboard. Throughout the journeys of Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , the USS Enterprise has come to represent hope for numerous peoples and civilizations all over the galaxy. Countless lives would have been lost (and the galaxy destroyed multiple times over) if not for ships named Enterprise . While the ISS Enterprise caused a lot of harm during its time as a Terran warship, in the end, it became a lifeboat for the people who wanted to leave the Mirror Universe.

Star Trek: Discovery has proven that, no matter the universe, the Starship Enterprise remains a beacon of hope and a spark of light in the darkness.

Wanting to escape the violence and darkness of their own universe, the refugees risked their lives for a chance at peace and freedom. When Captain Kirk and his crew first visited the ISS Enterprise, most of its crew members were just as ruthless as every other Terran. But Kirk took a chance on Mirror Universe Spock, and while Spock's reforms ultimately failed, he inspired some Terrans to seek out a better life. If nothing else, Star Trek: Discovery has proven that, no matter the universe, the Starship Enterprise remains a beacon of hope and a spark of light in the darkness.

New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery stream Thursdays on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery


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