
How Much Does A PGA Tour Bag Weigh? Factors, Average Weight, And Strategies

Brenda draughn.

October 9, 2023

Learn about the factors that affect the weight of a PGA Tour bag, the average weight range, and to reduce bag weight for a better golfing experience.

Factors Affecting the Weight of a PGA Tour Bag

When it comes to the weight of a PGA Tour bag, several factors come into play. These factors can greatly impact the overall weight of the bag and the golfer’s experience on the course. Let’s take a closer look at these factors:

Material used for the Bag

The material used for the bag is one of the primary factors that affect its weight. PGA Tour bags are commonly made from a variety of materials such as nylon, polyester, and leather. Each material has its own weight properties, with nylon and polyester generally being lighter than leather. Golfers often opt for bags made from lightweight materials to minimize the overall weight they have to carry throughout their round.

Number of Clubs Carried

The number of clubs carried in a PGA Tour bag can significantly impact its weight. Professional golfers are allowed to carry up to 14 clubs in their bags, but not all golfers choose to carry the maximum number. The more clubs a golfer carries, the heavier the bag will be. Some golfers prefer to carry fewer clubs to reduce weight and increase maneuverability on the course.

Additional Equipment and Accessories

In addition to clubs, golfers may carry various additional equipment and accessories in their bags. These can include golf balls, tees, gloves, rain gear, and even snacks or drinks. The weight of these additional items can quickly add up, making the bag heavier overall. Golfers need to consider the necessity of each item and find a balance between having everything they need and keeping the bag’s weight manageable.

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Personal Preferences of the Golfer

Every golfer has their own personal preferences when it comes to the contents of their bag. Some golfers prefer to carry extra equipment or accessories that they feel enhance their performance or provide additional comfort. These personal preferences can impact the weight of the bag, as golfers may choose to carry items that others may consider unnecessary. Ultimately, the golfer’s comfort and confidence on the course play a significant role in their bag’s weight.

Overall, the weight of a PGA Tour bag is influenced by various factors. The material used for the bag, the number of clubs carried, additional equipment and accessories, and the personal preferences of the golfer all contribute to the overall weight. Golfers must strike a balance between having the necessary equipment and keeping the bag lightweight for optimal performance on the course.

Now, let’s move on to the next section to explore the average weight of a PGA Tour bag and the options available for golfers seeking lightweight or heavyweight bag options.

Average Weight of a PGA Tour Bag

Understanding the average weight of a PGA Tour bag is essential for golfers who want to make informed decisions about their own bag choices. Let’s delve into this topic by exploring the range of bag weights and the options available for those looking for lightweight or heavyweight bags.

Range of Bag Weights

The weight of a PGA Tour bag can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned earlier. On average, these bags can weigh anywhere from 20 to 40 pounds. However, it’s important to note that some golfers may prefer heavier bags for added stability and durability, while others may opt for lighter bags to reduce fatigue and increase mobility.

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Lightweight Bag Options

For golfers who prioritize a lighter bag, there are several options available in the market. Manufacturers have recognized the demand for lightweight bags and have developed designs using advanced materials to reduce weight while maintaining durability. These bags typically weigh between 3 to 5 pounds, making them significantly lighter than the average bag. Golfers who choose lightweight bags can benefit from decreased fatigue and increased maneuverability on the course.

Heavyweight Bag Options

On the other end of the spectrum, some golfers prefer heavier bags for various reasons. These bags often provide additional stability and durability, which can be advantageous for players who prioritize these qualities over weight. Heavyweight bags can weigh up to 10 pounds or more, offering a robust and secure option for golfers who value these characteristics.

Continue to the next section: [H2] Importance of Bag Weight on Performance.

When it comes to professional golf, the weight of a PGA Tour bag is an important factor to consider. A golfer’s bag is not just a simple accessory, but rather a crucial piece of equipment that can significantly impact their performance on the course. In this section, we will explore the average weight of a PGA Tour bag, the range of bag weights, as well as the lightweight and heavyweight bag options available to professional golfers.

The weight of a PGA Tour bag can vary depending on various factors, such as the materials used, the number of clubs carried, and additional equipment and accessories. On average, a PGA Tour bag weighs between 25 to 35 pounds. However, it’s important to note that this is just an average range, and the actual weight can differ from player to player.

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In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards lighter golf bags among professional golfers . These lightweight bags offer several advantages, including improved mobility and reduced strain on the golfer’s body. Many golfers prefer lightweight bags as they allow them to move more freely and comfortably around the course.

There are several lightweight bag options available on the market today. These bags are typically made from lightweight materials such as nylon or carbon fiber, which significantly reduce the overall weight of the bag. Additionally, they often feature ergonomic designs and padded straps to enhance comfort during long rounds of golf. Some golfers even opt for carry bags, which are specifically designed to be lightweight and easy to carry.

While lightweight bags are becoming increasingly popular, there are still professional golfers who prefer the durability and stability offered by heavyweight bags. These bags are typically made from heavier materials such as leather or heavy-duty nylon. They provide a sturdy base for the golfer’s clubs and accessories, ensuring that everything stays securely in place during the round.

Heavyweight bags often come with additional storage compartments and pockets, allowing golfers to carry a wide range of equipment and accessories. This can be particularly beneficial for those who like to have a variety of clubs and specialized gear at their disposal during a round.

It’s important to note that the choice between a lightweight or heavyweight bag ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some golfers prioritize mobility and ease of use, while others prefer the stability and storage options provided by a heavier bag. Ultimately, it’s about finding the right balance that suits the individual golfer’s needs and playing style.

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Importance of Bag Weight on Performance

When it comes to the game of golf, every little detail can have a significant impact on a player’s performance. One such factor that often goes overlooked is the weight of the golf bag. Many golfers underestimate the importance of bag weight and how it can affect their stamina, swing mechanics, and overall golfing experience. Let’s delve into each of these aspects to understand just how crucial bag weight is for a golfer’s performance.

Impact on Golfer’s Stamina

Golf is a physically demanding sport that requires players to walk long distances, sometimes across hilly terrains. Carrying a heavy bag throughout the course can quickly drain a golfer’s stamina, affecting their overall endurance and performance. An excessively heavy bag can lead to fatigue and even contribute to muscle strain or injury. Just imagine how difficult it would be to maintain focus and execute precise shots when your energy is depleted due to the burden of a heavy bag.

To avoid this, golfers should prioritize reducing the weight of their bags. By doing so, they can conserve their energy, stay fresh throughout the round, and perform at their best when it matters the most.

Effect on Swing Mechanics

A golfer’s swing mechanics play a crucial role in the accuracy and distance of their shots. The weight of the golf bag can significantly impact these mechanics. When a bag is too heavy, it can throw off the golfer’s balance, making it harder to maintain proper posture and execute a smooth swing. This can result in inconsistent shots and a loss of control over the ball’s trajectory.

On the other hand, a lightweight bag allows golfers to move more freely and maintain better balance throughout their swing. It enables them to generate more power and maintain the correct swing plane, leading to more accurate shots. By reducing the weight of their bags, golfers can optimize their swing mechanics and improve their overall performance on the course.

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Influence on Overall Golfing Experience

The weight of a golf bag can have a profound influence on a golfer’s overall experience on the course. A heavy bag can create unnecessary physical and mental stress, detracting from the enjoyment of the game. It can make the round feel like a tedious chore rather than a leisurely pursuit.

On the other hand, a lighter bag can enhance the golfer’s experience, allowing them to focus more on the game and less on the physical strain of carrying it around. It can contribute to a sense of ease and comfort, enabling golfers to fully immerse themselves in the game and enjoy every swing.

By recognizing the importance of bag weight and its impact on performance, golfers can take proactive steps to optimize this aspect of their game. So, what strategies can golfers employ to reduce the weight of their bags and enhance their performance on the course?

Strategies to Reduce Bag Weight

Minimalist approach to club selection.

One effective strategy to reduce bag weight is by adopting a minimalist approach to club selection. Many golfers tend to carry more clubs than they actually need, which only adds unnecessary weight to their bags. By carefully selecting the essential clubs that cover a wide range of distances and shot types, golfers can significantly lighten their bags without compromising their ability to play different shots.

Cutting Down on Unnecessary Accessories

Golfers often tend to accumulate various accessories that they carry in their bags, such as extra balls, tees, gloves, and even non-essential gadgets. While these items may seem convenient to have on hand, they contribute to the overall weight of the bag. By evaluating which accessories are truly necessary and eliminating the rest, golfers can reduce the weight of their bags and improve their performance on the course.

Choosing Lightweight Bag Materials

The choice of bag material can also make a considerable difference in weight. Golfers should opt for bags made from lightweight materials such as nylon or carbon fiber instead of heavier materials like leather. Technology has advanced significantly in recent years, and there are now lightweight options available that offer durability and functionality without compromising on performance.

By employing these strategies, golfers can achieve a lighter bag that enhances their performance, stamina, and overall golfing experience. However, it’s important to note that professional golfers face additional considerations when it comes to bag weight.

Impact of Bag Weight on Professional Golfers

Pga tour regulations on bag weight.

Professional golfers competing on the PGA Tour must adhere to strict regulations regarding bag weight. According to PGA Tour rules, the maximum weight allowed for a golf bag, including clubs and accessories, is 50 pounds. This limitation ensures fairness and consistency among players, as it prevents any one player from gaining an unfair advantage by carrying extra equipment.

Players’ Preferences and Customizations

Within the confines of the weight limit, professional golfers have the freedom to customize their bags to suit their individual preferences. Some players may choose to carry additional equipment or accessories that others may deem unnecessary . These preferences can vary based on a golfer’s playing style, personal superstitions, or specific needs on different courses.

Strategies to Optimize Bag Weight for Competitive Advantage

While professional golfers have to adhere to the weight limit, they still seek to optimize their bag weight for a competitive advantage. They carefully select their clubs and accessories, ensuring they have the necessary tools to excel on the course without exceeding the weight limit. Every decision they make regarding bag weight is meticulously calculated to give them the best chance of success.

Carrying a heavy golf bag can be both physically and mentally draining, affecting your performance on the course. To optimize your golfing experience, it’s important to explore strategies to reduce the weight of your PGA tour bag. In this section, we will discuss three effective : adopting a minimalist approach to club selection, cutting down on unnecessary accessories, and choosing lightweight bag materials. Let’s dive in!

When it comes to club selection, less is often more. Adopting a minimalist approach can significantly reduce the weight of your bag while still ensuring you have the necessary tools to excel on the course. Instead of carrying a full set of 14 clubs, consider carefully selecting a smaller set that covers the essential shots you commonly encounter during your rounds.

By analyzing your gameplay and identifying the clubs you frequently use, you can create a more tailored set that minimizes redundancy. For example, if you rarely use your 3-iron and find that a hybrid club serves you better in similar situations, consider replacing it. This way, you can trim down the number of clubs in your bag without compromising performance.

Additionally, advancements in club technology have resulted in multi-purpose clubs that can cover a wider range of shots. For instance, a versatile hybrid club can replace both a long iron and a fairway wood, reducing the number of clubs you need to carry. Embracing this minimalist approach not only lightens your bag but also streamlines your decision-making process on the course, allowing you to focus on your game.

While accessories can enhance your golfing experience, they can also contribute to the weight of your bag. It’s crucial to evaluate which accessories are truly essential and which ones you can do without. By cutting down on unnecessary accessories, you can significantly reduce the burden on your shoulders.

Start by decluttering your bag and removing any redundant items. Are you carrying multiple towels or extra gloves that rarely see the light of day? Consider keeping only one towel and a spare glove, eliminating the excess weight. Similarly, assess whether you truly need an extensive range of ball markers, divot repair tools, or other small accessories that can accumulate over time.

Another effective way to reduce the weight of your bag is by opting for lightweight alternatives. For example, instead of carrying a heavy metal rangefinder, consider using a compact and lightweight GPS device or smartphone app that provides accurate yardage measurements. This small change can make a noticeable difference in the overall weight of your bag.

Remember, the goal is to strike a balance between having the necessary accessories to support your game and keeping your bag as light as possible. By streamlining your selection and opting for lightweight options, you can enjoy a more effortless and enjoyable round of golf.

The weight of your golf bag itself plays a significant role in the overall burden you carry on the course. Opting for a bag made from lightweight materials can make a substantial difference in reducing fatigue and enhancing your performance.

When choosing a golf bag, consider options that utilize lightweight materials such as nylon or polyester. These materials provide durability while keeping the weight at a minimum. Additionally, look for bags that incorporate innovative design features such as carbon fiber legs or aluminum frames, which further contribute to weight reduction.

Another aspect to consider is the type of bag you choose. Stand bags, which feature built-in stands, are generally lighter than cart bags. Stand bags are designed to be carried comfortably on your back, distributing the weight evenly and reducing strain. If you prefer using a golf cart or a caddy, consider a lightweight cart bag that can be easily transported and offers additional storage options.

By selecting a golf bag made from lightweight materials and considering the type of bag that suits your needs, you can significantly reduce the weight you carry without compromising on functionality.

In the world of professional golf, every aspect of a player’s equipment is carefully regulated. This includes the weight of their golf bag. The PGA Tour has strict regulations in place to ensure fairness and consistency among players. According to the PGA Tour’s rules, a golfer’s bag, including clubs and accessories, must not exceed a total weight of 50 pounds (22.68 kilograms). This weight limit is put in place to prevent any player from gaining an unfair advantage due to excessive equipment or accessories.

While the PGA Tour has regulations on bag weight, players still have the freedom to customize their bags to suit their personal preferences. Some players may choose to carry a lighter bag with fewer clubs and accessories, while others may prefer a heavier bag with additional equipment. These preferences can vary based on a player’s playing style, physical capabilities, and personal preferences.

In a highly competitive sport like professional golf, every advantage counts. Players and their caddies employ various strategies to optimize the weight of their golf bags for a competitive edge.

One strategy is to carefully select the clubs to be carried. A minimalist approach to club selection can help reduce the overall weight of the bag. Players may choose to carry only the essential clubs they need for a particular course or tournament, leaving behind those they are less likely to use. This not only lightens the bag but also allows for easier maneuverability and quicker club selection during a round.

Another strategy is to cut down on unnecessary accessories. Golfers often have a variety of accessories they carry in their bags, such as extra gloves, towels, and training aids. While these may have their benefits, they also add weight to the bag. By evaluating the necessity of each accessory and eliminating any that are not essential, players can lighten their bags without sacrificing performance.

Choosing lightweight bag materials is also a popular strategy. Golf bag manufacturers have recognized the importance of weight and have developed lightweight options that still provide durability and functionality. Bags made from materials such as carbon fiber or lightweight nylon can significantly reduce the overall weight without compromising the bag’s strength or storage capacity.

By implementing these strategies, professional golfers can optimize the weight of their golf bags to gain a competitive advantage. A lighter bag can lead to increased stamina throughout a round, as players will expend less energy carrying their equipment. It can also have a positive effect on swing mechanics, allowing for a more fluid and efficient motion. Overall, a well-optimized bag weight contributes to a better golfing experience and potentially improved performance on the course.

In conclusion, the impact of bag weight on professional golfers cannot be underestimated. The PGA Tour regulations on bag weight ensure a level playing field among players . However, players still have the freedom to customize their bags to their preferences within the weight limit. By employing strategies such as minimalist club selection, cutting down on unnecessary accessories, and choosing lightweight bag materials, golfers can optimize their bag weight for a competitive advantage. Remember, every ounce counts in the world of professional golf, and finding the perfect balance between equipment and performance is crucial for success on the course.

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average pga tour bag weight

Brenda Draughn is a professional golfer and writer with over 15 years of experience in the sport. Brenda started playing golf at a young age and quickly fell in love with the game, dedicating herself to mastering the intricacies of the swing and improving her technique.

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Measuring Stuff

How Much Does An Average Golf Bag Weigh?

Last updated on May 14th, 2022 at 02:22 pm

If you love to play golf, then you know how important it is to have a good quality, lightweight golf bag.

One of the problems with walking around a 9 or 18 hole golf course is lugging a golf bag around with you.

If you are lucky enough to have a golf cart or pull cart, then it becomes much easier to carry the bag around.

Golf bags can vary in size and weight and once you put a set of clubs and a few other items in it, the bag can become too heavy for many people to carry around the course.

Being able to find a lightweight golf bag will make walking with your clubs easier and more enjoyable.

Let’s look at how much the average golf bag weighs.

how much does the average golf bag weigh?

How much does an empty golf bag weigh?

Golf bags are getting lighter all the time and the lightweight and ultra-lightweight bags are in high demand.

Depending on the size and design of the bag, an empty golf bag will weigh around 7 – 11 pounds. Lightweight and ultra-lightweight bags can weigh as little as 3 -4 pounds. Most golf bags have a stand attached to them, which is included in the weight.

Of course, some bags will weigh more and some will weigh less, they are not all the same. But this is the average weight of a standard-size golf bag.

How much does a golf bag full of clubs weigh?

average pga tour bag weight

With the addition of clubs to the bag, the overall weight of the bag will increase. If you have a full set of clubs including the driver, putter, and other irons, a golf bag will weigh around 25 – 30 pounds.

This weight can change if you have more or fewer clubs in the bag. Also, keep in mind that not all golf clubs weigh the same. Depending on the types of clubs you are carrying, it could change the weight of the full bag.

Examples of golf bag weights

Also read: Golf cart size and weight

Other items that add to the weight of a golf bag include:

  • Ball retriever
  • Water bottle
  • Rangefinder

As you can see, the weight of a golf bag can really add up once you start adding things into it. This weight can be reduced by simply not bringing items with you that you don’t use.

A common weight contributor is having too many spare golf balls. Some people will bring a dozen extra balls but others will bring 2 or 3 dozen which just adds extra weight for no reason. Unless you lose so many balls during play that you need them.

Also having a nice rangefinder is great but if you don’t need it or never use it, don’t bring it with you as it just adds weight to your golf bag.

average pga tour bag weight

Golf bag 20% weight carrying rule

A simple guideline to follow which will help you decide on the proper golf bag weight for you is to keep the weight of the bag less than 20% of your body weight.

This will prevent you from carrying a bag that is too heavy for you which can lead to injury and poor performance.

For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, your golf bag should weigh no more than 36 pounds.

There are many things that go into determining if a golf bag is too heavy for you, but it’s important to not carry a bag that is oversized and overweight.

The 20% rule is just a general guide and rule of thumb that can follow.

More information on the 20% weight rule can be found here.

How much does a golf ball weigh?

As mentioned, the weight of golf balls can add to the overall weight of your golf bag . A single golf ball or a handful of spares won’t be a problem but when you start carrying a few extra dozen, it can make a big difference.

The maximum golf ball weight that can be used by professional players is 45.93 grams or 1.62 ounces.

A dozen golf balls will weigh 551.16 grams or 19.44 ounces.

2 dozen golf balls weigh 1102.32 grams or 38.88 ounces. This is equal to 2.43 pounds.

average pga tour bag weight

How much does a PGA tour bag weigh?

PGA tour golf bags will generally weigh more than your average bag that we would use. On average these bags will weigh between 35 and 40 pounds.

Carrying a bag of this weight can be very difficult over the course of 18 holes . Take into consideration the distance and terrain of a long course and it can be a huge task for PGA tour caddies.

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How Much Does A Golf Bag Weigh? (And How To Reduce Weight)

You’ll know how heavy your golf bag can get if you’re just starting your golfing journey. The weight soon adds up when you include all the gear you need, from clubs, balls, accessories, drinks, etc. So, how much does a golf bag weigh?

A golf bag unloaded can weigh between 3lbs and 11lbs, depending on the type of bag in question. The lighter carry bags can weigh about 3lb, while cart bags and stand bags can weigh between 7lbs and 11lbs without clubs. A fully loaded golf bag can weigh between 30-35lbs.

The weight of a golf bag will vary depending on whether it has a stand, whether it is fully loaded with clubs, and whether it is wet or dry.

Let’s look at this a little more so you can understand why your bag may feel heavy on your shoulders if you are carrying and walking and, what contributes to the weight of the golf bag, better still, how you can reduce the weight of your bag.

A golf bag with clubs. How Much Does A Golf Bag Weigh?

Types Of Golf Bags And How Much They Weigh

The only genuine golf bag in the old golf days was the light carry bag, designed to carry a minimal number of clubs. In most cases, the golfer didn’t have that many and had to use what clubs he had to manufacture the ‘in-between’ shots that weren’t covered by the clubs he carried.

The Carry Or Sunday Bag

Carry bags are still available today and are the lightest of all golf bags. It’s a good option if you plan to walk the course. You can use this lightweight bag loaded only with your clubs, a few balls, and maybe some water.

Weighing in at around 3lbs unloaded, Sunday bags could weigh under 20lbs depending on how many golf clubs you have. Graphite shafted irons would weigh less than steel-shafted clubs, and the driver, woods, and putter would also add weight.

I am a big fan of this bag, and I usually carry about six clubs. I use it when I plan to play a quick 9 holes after work or in winter when courses are sometimes closed to trolleys and carts due to waterlogging.

The carry bag is easy to lift, fits easily into a small car, and mine has even accompanied me on business trips and short family breaks when I know there is a course nearby the hotel.

The Stand Bag

Many modern golf bags have a fold-out stand attached, and while these add some weight to the bag, they are made from very lightweight materials and contribute very little to the overall bag weight.

Stand golf bags typically weigh between three and six pounds dry and unloaded, and most are made from lightweight nylon that is both durable and waterproof.

If you think about a golf bag getting wet, materials that absorb little or no water would be much lighter than the heavier leather or tour bags that can absorb more water and drastically increase weight.

Adding golf clubs, shoes, balls, rangefinders, water, and nutrition will increase the weight, and if you are carrying the bag, you could be hefting around 30lbs-40lbs on your back for 18 holes.

Golfers Carrying Bags

This may not be too much of an exertion for the younger, stronger players, although you could find yourself struggling a little walking up the 18 th on your way home. Again, you could have a lighter or heavier load on your shoulders, depending on your club choices and shafts.

If you are using a cart or pushcart, then the weight won’t be an issue as they are designed to handle weight well above the maximum capacity they can carry.

Should you opt to walk the golf course and carry your golf bag through the round, it would be prudent to choose what accessories would go in your bag carefully as you don’t want to add anything unnecessary that will add weight if not required.

These bags are used extensively in the winter months in the UK and other wet climates due to waterlogging around the course.

Cart Bags And Tour Bags

The cart bags are generally bigger and heavier and are designed to carry more than the stand or carry bags. They will have more pockets for carrying extra golf balls, gloves, food, water, sunscreen, shoes, jerseys, jackets, and any other items the player may need.

Because these aren’t being carried, these bags can weigh up to 50lbs, so they are not something you’d want to carry on your back for 18 holes! Professional caddies on tour carry these bags fully loaded for four rounds (if their player makes the cut) to ensure the player has everything they need during play.

What Contributes To The Weight Of A Golf Bag

Several factors add weight to the golf bag, and the obvious one is the golf clubs. Having a complete set of 14 clubs will be the most significant weight contributor to the golf bag.

Depending on your choice of clubs and shafts, a set of clubs will add around 25-30lbs to the weight of the golf bag. If you want to add a dozen golf balls, clothing, water, and food, that can easily add another 10-15lbs to the weight.

As a rule of thumb, assume that each golf club weighs about a pound, as some clubs will be heavier than others, but the average weight would be around one pound per club. Adding the clubs would give you around 20lbs based on a golf bag weight of six pounds.

Golf Bag

A golf ball weighs around 1.62 ounces, so you add weight to your bag for every ball included. Many golfers would carry approximately 12 golf balls in their bag between practice and playing balls, adding around 1.21 pounds to the weight.

Related: What Are Golf Balls Made Of ?

So with the accumulated weight of the bag and clubs of 20lbs, the bag weight is now over 21lbs with the golf balls.


With the umbrella, clothing, food, water, golf tees, pitch repairers, golf club covers, and GPS devices, all this can quickly add another 7-10lbs to the weight of the golf bag and end up with a final weight of around 30lbs-35lbs.

How Heavy Should My Golf Bag Be?

If you choose to carry your golf bag, you need to apply the 20% rule, which states that your bag’s weight should be no more than 20% of your body weight, as this would be a good load to carry through a round.

So if you weigh 200lbs, your golf bag weight should not be more than 40lbs fully loaded.

This is important as if you are toting a heavy bag, it will tire you out, and you will redirect the energy you should expend on playing the game to carrying the load. You will get tired, which will affect your physical and mental focus.

Let’s Wrap This Up!

When contemplating how much a golf bag weighs, of course, the weight of your golf bag is only essential if you are carrying it yourself. Ensuring that your golf bag weight is at an acceptable and practical level will go a long way to keeping your energy levels up during your round.

As golf bag technology improves and golf club weights decrease, the total golf bag weights will also decrease, making it easier for players to walk and carry. But if you take a fully loaded bag, a pushcart or golf cart may be the best option to bear the load.

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How Much Does A Golf Bag Weigh? — (And How to Weigh Your Golf Bag)

Patrick Corley

It’s crucial to pick a bag that suits your play and your body. 

There are tons of bags to choose from, each with different capabilities when it comes to weight and storage, and picking one can be quite the hassle.

This article will go over which types of bags there are and what they weigh , what golf clubs weigh and why the club’s weight is important, and lastly, which kind of bag you should pick.

how much does a golf bag weigh for tour bags and cart and stand bags for certain accessories

How Much Is a Bag’s Weight Without Clubs?

average pga tour bag weight

The average weight is around 6 pounds.

When it comes to determining the weight of a golf bag, the design is what primarily impacts the weight. There are five types of bags: tour bags, cart bags, stand bags, pencil bags, and travel bags, each suited for different situations.

How Much Does a Pro Golfer’s Bag Weigh? (Tour Bags)

A tour bag weighs about 10 pounds without any clubs.

Tour bags are the bags used by professional golfers on the PGA tour. They are carried by the golfer’s caddie, meaning that they can be heavier than regular bags – which they are. Being the largest type of bag by far, tour bags have space for everything from the clubs to towels. However, this extra space comes with a price.

Cart bags weigh about 6 pounds when empty. 

Cart bags are smaller versions of the tour bag, and are designed to be pushed around in a pull cart (push cart). They also have a lot of room and can fit a complete set of clubs, gloves, plenty of golf balls, and more. Constantly having to use a trolley to push them around can be a bit tedious, especially if you need to rent one, but they are significantly lighter than tour bags.

They are only slightly lighter than cart bags, meaning that stand bags weigh about 5 pounds , but the weight is distributed evenly because of their backpack design, making them quite comfortable to carry around. Stand bags are slightly different than the two previously mentioned, as they have retractable legs that let you place the bag on the ground. These types of bags are designed to be carried as a backpack, meaning that you don’t have to use a trolley.

Pencil Bags

Pencil bags usually weigh about 2 pounds.

Pencil bags also have retractable legs and a backpack design, but they are smaller and lighter than stand bags. While they don’t have space for many golf balls and other equipment, they can carry a complete set of fourteen golf clubs. These bags are straightforward and comfortable to carry around, even for an entire round of golf, but unfortunately, they aren’t waterproof, meaning that rain can significantly add weight.

How Much Does a Golf Travel Bag Weigh?

Travel bags weigh around 2-3 pounds.

Exactly how much they weigh depends on the fabric used, as soft cases are much lighter than hard ones, but expect them to weigh similarly to pencil bags.

Travel bags are some of the lightest bags out there, and there’s a reason for that: With basically no technology, they don’t need the bulky technology needed to “stand up” on regular golf bags.

Travel bags were initially designed for people who traveled a lot and wanted to bring their clubs easily onto airplanes, but they can also be used rarely by people who are sensitive to weight in-a-pinch out on the driving range.


How Much Is a Bag’s Weight With Clubs?

average pga tour bag weight

Most of the golf bag’s weight comes from the clubs and not the bag. Golf clubs can weigh very differently depending on the shafts, among other things.

Many golfers also don’t carry a complete set of fourteen clubs, but generally speaking, a set of golf clubs has an average weight of about 15 pounds. 

However, you can’t just add these 15 pounds to the bag weight as the full bag comes with different weight add-ons. For example, Tour bags weigh about 50 pounds when full because they have so many things in the bag. Pros have plenty of golf balls, towels, gloves, rain gear, and sometimes snacks.

Ordinary bags usually don’t weigh this much, as they would simply be too heavy for people to carry themselves. Expect an average golf bag to weigh about 25-30 pounds when filled with clubs and other miscellaneous things.

This goes for both cart and stand bags. Lighter bags on the other hand only weigh about 15-20 pounds with a full set of clubs, as the bags are lighter and less stuff is carried.

How Much Do Golf Clubs Weigh?

Golf club weight ranges from between 0.5 pounds and 3 pounds . The average weight of a golf club is determined by three factors : the head weight, shaft weight, and grip weight.

As you know, there are various kinds of clubs in the average club set. Each one has its own weight range. In this section, we’ll explore the average weight of each golf club. Let’s get to it, shall we?

Otherwise known as a 1-wood, this is the longest golf club in the set. Despite the length, the driver is a lot lighter than other clubs. It weighs approximately 310 grams (0.68 pounds). To put this into perspective, it has a head weight of 180 grams (0.40 pounds), a shaft weight of 80 grams (0.18 pounds) and a grip weight of 50 grams (0.11 pounds).

Woods can be heavier than the drivers in some circumstances. The average 3-wood weighs approximately 300 grams, or 0.73 pounds. The heaviest, which is the 7-wood, weighs about 350 grams or 0.77 pounds. The head weights of 7-wood, 5-wood, and 3-wood are 210 grams (0.46 pounds), 200 grams (0.44 pounds), and 190 grams (0.42 pounds) respectively. All woods have a shaft weight of 90 grams (0.20 pounds) and a grip weight of 50 grams (0.11 pounds).

 3. Irons

Irons are one of the most important clubs in the golf set. The lightest iron is the 3-iron and it weighs approximately 400 grams (0.88 pounds). The heaviest, the 9-iron, weighs approximately 440 grams (0.97 pounds). The weight variation in the irons is mainly due to the different head weights of each iron. Here are the irons and their respective head weights (from heaviest to lighest):

  • 9-iron: 270 grams (0.60 pounds)
  • 8-iron: 265 grams (0.58 pounds)
  • 7-iron: 258 grams (0.57 pounds)
  • 6-iron: 251 grams (0.55 pounds)
  • 5-iron: 244 grams (0.54 pounds)
  • 4-iron: 237 grams (0.52 pounds)
  • 3-iron: 230 grams (0.51 pounds)

Irons have a uniform grip weight of 50 grams (0.11 pounds) and a shaft weight of 120 grams (0.26 pounds).

Although wedges are typically categorized as irons, they’re just a part of the club’s set. They’re the heaviest part of the iron mainly due to their massive clubhead. On average, a wedge weight about 470 grams or 1.03 pounds. They have a head weight of 300 grams or 0.66 pounds, a shaft weight of 120 grams or 0.26 pounds, and a grip weight of 50 grams 0.11 pounds.

The putters are the heaviest clubs in the club set. They weigh a whopping 510 grams or 1.1 pounds, which is quite impressive. They have a head weight of 340 grams (0.75 pounds), a shaft weight of 120 grams and a grip weight of 50 grams (0.11 pounds).

Can Certain Clubs Make the Bag Heavier? – Factors For Club Weight

The weight of the golf club is based on the following things: the grip weight, the head weight, the shaft weight, and the club length. Grips vary greatly when it comes to weight, with the lowest weighing about 0.06 pounds, and the heaviest weighing about 0.22 pounds. 

The head’s weight is determined based on two things: the brand of the club and the design style.

Different brands use different materials.

Some club makers use patented materials, meaning that their clubs can be quite different from others. The design of the head can also impact the weight, but the difference is usually relatively small.

The shaft’s weight makes the biggest difference out of the bunch, and is entirely determined on the material used. Golf club shafts come in either steel or graphite , with graphite being significantly lighter. However, they are also quite a bit more expensive. To generalize, a golf club with a total lower weight will help most golfers swing faster and hit the ball further.

How to Keep Your Bag Light

1.     take only the clubs you need for your round.

Instead of packing your bag to the brim with every club you own, take a thoughtful approach. Analyze the course layout and your personal playing style. Are you more comfortable with your 7-iron than your 5-iron? Are you likely to need your driver on every hole? Tailoring your club selection to your game can significantly reduce the weight of your bag.

Carrying clubs you rarely use is like adding extra weight for no good reason. By taking only the clubs you need for your round, you’ll not only lighten your load but also streamline your decision-making process on the course. Remember, a leaner bag allows for a more focused and efficient game.

2.     Carry Only the Golf Balls You Need

We all have that friend who seems to carry enough golf balls to last a season. But unless you’re playing a particularly challenging course with water hazards at every turn, you don’t need to carry a dozen balls in your bag. Be realistic about your playing style and skill level.

Carry just enough balls to cover the round, plus a couple of extras in case of unexpected mishaps. This simple adjustment can noticeably reduce the weight of your bag.

3.     Don’t Carry Extra Jackets and Sweaters in Your Bag

While it’s important to be prepared for changes in weather, carrying around extra jackets and sweaters in your bag can quickly weigh you down. Instead, check the weather forecast before heading out and dress accordingly. If you’re expecting colder temperatures or rain, wear your extra layers or keep them in the car to access during breaks.

Weight Difference Between Club Shafts – Does It Matter?

Choosing which shaft you should play with is very individual, but we’ll do our best to give you some insight. There are two kinds of golf shafts: steel shafts and graphite shafts. Graphite shafts are quite a bit lighter, but tend to be more expensive.

Because the weight of the golf club impacts the golf swing, it’s crucial to find out which type of club best suits your game. Some golfers will be better served with a steel-shafted golf club since it’s heavier .

A heavier club can activate more muscles, which creates a higher swing speed and more carry distance. 

However, most golfers out there are better off with lighter clubs and are therefore better served with graphite shafts. If you think of a race car, taking weight out of the vehicle will allow it to move faster, which is why Formula 1 cars weigh next to nothing. The same typically goes for golf clubs and makes graphite shafts a better pick for many.

How to Weigh Your Golf Bag

Weighing a full golf bag isn’t an easy task. You can place it on a standard scale and see precisely what it weighs, although this process can be a bit tedious.

An easier approach will be to google what your bag weighs, which should be easily found on the manufacturer’s website. Then you can use the information found in this article to determine what it approximately weighs.

The Lightest Golf Bags Available

There are plenty of great golf bag alternatives on the market, but to make your decision easier we’ll cover some of the lightest bags to choose from.

  • Titleist Players 4 Carbon Stand Bag

Coming in at just under 3 pounds, the Titleist Players 4 Carbon Stand Bag is an excellent choice. It features a very minimal design with the Titleist logo very apparent. This bag has carbon fiber legs that are strong and sturdy but also very light. There’s also an exterior water bottle pocket and a 4-way top cuff for easy club access.

  • Ping Hoofer Stand Bag

With a sleek design, the Ping Hoofer Stand Bag offers a light bag experience while still having surprisingly good storage. Weighing only 3 pounds, this bag is super light and also water-resistant, making it a treat on rainy days. It has a 4-way top cuff to make clubs easily accessible, while also limiting the clubs from annoyingly clattering around.

There’s more than enough room for a few extra golf balls and other necessary equipment with seven pockets.

  • TaylorMade Cart Lite Bag

Weighing 5.5 pounds, the TaylorMade Cart Lite Bag weighs less than many stand bags. This cart bag is simple but effective in a subtle yet stylish design. All the bag’s pockets are in the front, making them easily accessible at all times.

This bag comes with a 14-way padded divider, meaning that clubs are easily sorted and protected at all times. It also has grab handles on the top and the bottom for easy maneuverability. As a bonus, the bag has a comfortable shoulder strap for when you need to carry it.

Conclusion: Research by Tellmemoregolf.com

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The weight of your golf bag doesn’t really matter that much, but what does matter is that you find it comfortable. 

Whether you carry your bag yourself, push it around in a trolley, or just leave it in the golf cart, carrying your golf bag should never be a problem. If you ever struggle with your bag, then consider investing in a new one to make your time out on the golf course more enjoyable. 

Thank you for reading this article brought by the team at TellMeMoreGolf.com – your golf comparison site. 

Patrick Corley Tell Me More Golf Instructor and Coach

Patrick Corley

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How Much Does a Golf Bag Weigh?

Golf is a fun sport with plenty of health benefits. However, playing an entire 18-hole round isn't easy, especially when carrying a heavy golf bag. Your bag is an essential element in your golfing arsenal. That's why choosing the right golf bag that suits your body and your game is imperative. 

If you've ever searched online, you know there are tons of bags to choose from , each with different features, weight, and storage capacity. In this article, we'll guide you on the different types of golf bags in the market, how much they weigh and what factors can affect the weight of your bag. 

How Much Do Golf Bags Usually Weigh?

Golfing can sometimes lead to  low back pain . Whether it's from improper swing technique or lugging around heavy loads, the last thing you want to do is hurt your back. That's why we encourage golfers to consider the weight of their bags. 

You may be thinking, how much does a golf bag weigh? The weight of a golf bag largely depends on the type of golf bag it is, whether it's a carry bag, stand bag, fully loaded, and whether it's wet or dry. 

An unloaded golf bag typically weighs between three to 11 pounds. Carry and travel bags are on the lighter side at about three pounds, while stand and cart bags can weigh between seven and 11 pounds. A golf bag with clubs can weigh between 25 and 35 pounds.

Tour bags, also called staff bags, are the largest type of bag, meaning they have enough storage for everything from clubs to gloves. Unfortunately, the extra space comes with a price. These bags weigh about 10 pounds unloaded. 

They are often used by PGA tour golfers and carried by their golfer's caddie. While it works well for professional golfers, they aren't ideal for the average golfer, who doesn't have a caddie to carry their belongings. If you decide to use a tour bag, consider using a golf cart or a push-pull or electric trolley. 

Cart bags, otherwise known as trolley bags, are carrying on a trolley or pushed around in a cart. They are unique because they feature a non-slip base to prevent the bag from sliding off the cart. On average, cart bags weigh about 6 to 7 pounds. 

While not as oversized as staff bags, cart bags still offer plenty of storage for carrying balls, valuables, and your clubs. 

However, constantly using a trolley to push cart bags can be tedious, especially if you have to rent them. We recommend cart bags for advanced players who need a lot of equipment and gear to give them an extra edge on the course. 

Stand Bags 

Compared to the previous two, stand bags are unique in that they feature retractable legs allowing them to stand upright without getting dirty. It lets you have access to your clubs while playing a round. They're suitable for golfers who prefer to carry their clubs on their back; however, you can also use them on a push cart or golf cart. 

Stand bags weigh between three and five pounds, significantly lighter than cart or tour bags. Most stand bags achieve lightweight due to the material, with options like lightweight nylon. The fabric is water-resistant and durable. The lightweight water repelling material prevents water absorption, which can add more weight to the bag. 

These bags are perfect for golfers who prefer to walk the course. Many have backpack-style shoulder straps to distribute the weight evenly across both shoulders, making them comfortable to carry. Some bags even feature a hip pad to prevent bruising or pain.

The ability to carry or push these bags while maintaining a relatively light weight makes the stand bags the most versatile option. 

Carry Bags 

Carry bags are incredibly light and convenient to carry around on the course. It's perfect for golfers who plan to walk the course. It weighs in at about three pounds unloaded and even weighs under 20 pounds when loaded, depending on how many golf clubs you have. 

However, these bags have fewer pockets compared to the other types. Many stand and cart bags will have 14-way dividers, while carry bags may have only a couple of dividers. Carry bags are ideal for beginners who may not need a bunch of wedges , woods, and hybrids. Perhaps, they only need the basics, such as a driver, putter, and a couple of irons. 

The bag has fewer pockets compared to other different types of golf bags. Many other bags will have eight pockets and 14-way dividers, while carry bags may offer a few pockets and only six dividers. 

Carry bags are perfect for casual golfers since they easily fit into a small car, so you can take them on short weekend trips where they might have a course nearby the hotel. 

Travel Bags 

Travel bags are either soft or hard-cased and more like a cover. That's because they are used alongside your current golf bag to protect your equipment during transit. 

Many of them have a padded top to ensure the safety of your clubs, bags, and accessories. They are best for traveling and not meant for carrying on the course.

But the MUT - Multi-use Traveler Bag has taken all the benefits of a traditional travel bag and made it even better! It's an everyday roller duffle that converts to a golf travel bag with a single zipper. It even includes a torsion bar for extra club protection when you're on the go. And when you're done, it easily converts back to a roller duffle for other trips. With the MUT - Multi-use Traveler Bag from StitchGolf, you can now travel with your golf clubs in style while still having a practical everyday bag to use when you're not on the course.

If you travel a lot and want to protect your gear, it's good to invest in a high-quality travel bag . However, lugging around a hard-case travel bag isn't fun either. We recommend a soft case for those who are more sensitive to weight. 

How Do Clubs Affect the Weight of a Golf Bag? 

Besides the type of golf bag, having clubs loaded onto the bag will significantly increase its weight. The type of clubs and materials significantly contribute to the overall weight of your golf bag. 

Depending on the clubs and shafts you use, a set of clubs can add an additional 25 to 30 pounds to the weight of your bag. Let's say your golf bag weighs six pounds. With 14 clubs weighing about one pound on average, that'll give you around 20 pounds. It still doesn't include all the accessories you'll want to carry. 

The weight of each club varies depending on the club type. For instance, putters weigh more than irons. And irons are heavier than woods. Expect the weight of a club to weigh between 0.7 to 1.2 pounds. The driver is the lightest club, weighing about 0.73 pounds, and the putter weighs about 1.17 pounds. Generally, irons weigh between 0.88 pounds and 0.95 pounds. 

We recommend going for graphite-made shafts if you're searching for the lightest clubs. Graphite shafts are lighter than steel and easier to swing, increasing your distance and reducing shock and vibration. However, you'll have to pay a little more for graphite clubs than steel. 

What Else Affects the Weight of a Golf Bag? 

While clubs play a major role in the weight of a golf bag, several other factors can increase the load of your carrier or bag. Here are the factors to consider: 

Golf Balls 

A golf ball weighs about 1.62 ounces, which sounds insignificant, but can easily can a pound or two. Many golfers carry 12 or 24 golf balls in their bag between playing on the course and practice. 


Everyone is looking to enhance their game and gain an edge over their competition. Many golfers carry a wide range of accessories to make golf more fun and easier to play. Common accessories include GPS devices, rangefinders, grips, umbrellas , food, water, clothing, pitch repairers, golf tees, towels, and even shoes. 

All these items can easily add another 7 to 10 pounds to the weight of your golf bag. We recommend auditing your golf accessories and limiting them to only the essentials for gameplay. 

Golfers are all too familiar with water. Your equipment is bound to get wet at some point, whether from a light rainfall or torrential downpour. When the bag absorbs water, it'll absorb the water weight, which can add an extra pound or two when exposed to humidity or heavy rain. 

We advise looking for a golf bag with water-resistant material. Water-resistant materials can repel water, helping to keep the bag as lightweight as possible and protect valuables. 

Of course, there are water repelling sprays or a rain hood that you can put over your bag. But investing in a water-resistant bag means you'll benefit from a lighter bag that stands the test of time. 

Golf bags can consist of many materials, which can significantly impact the bag's weight: 

  • Nylons are the lightest material and great for beginners to carry around. 
  • Canvas is relatively lightweight and generally used for stand bags. 
  • Leather is the heaviest material but provides better durability and aesthetic appeal. Many tour bags use leather for their quality, weather resistance, and size. 

They also have plastic or metal frames to help support the bag's weight. Plastic frames are lighter and are more conducive to carrying, while metal frames are much heavier. Tour and stand bags use a metal frame for better protection, especially for golfers who play frequently. 

Golf bags come in all different sizes. The size of the golf bag is contingent on the size and number of pockets for storage space. Many bags will range between six to 15 dividers. 

Generally, larger golf bags are heavier than smaller ones simply because you'll likely put more clubs and equipment into the bag. 

We recommend finding bags with a backpack strap if you're carrying a larger golf bag. One strap won't be enough if you are walking the course. 

Final Thoughts 

While there are many studies and tutorials on  improving performance in golf , many golfers overlook the little things like their accessories, equipment, and even the weight of their golf bag.  

Golf bags can play a critical role in your performance. Depending on your skill level, you'll need to balance the number of clubs, gear, and bag type to suit your needs. It's vital to ensure your golf bag weight is manageable to keep your energy level high during rounds. 

Ready to find some of the lightest golf bags around? Whether you need a staff, cart, stand, or carry bag, our proprietary STITCH Touring Fabric keeps your load light and easy. 

Shop all golf bags today!

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How Much Does A Full Golf Bag Weigh? (Charts, Examples)

When you are looking to carry a set of golf clubs from one part of the golf course to the next, it does become important to consider the golf bag’s dimensions and weight.

The weight of a golf bag is going to be essential when you are attempting to stay fresh and don’t want to get bogged down by the weight of your golf equipment.

The weight of a golf bag with 14 clubs is paramount.

This is why you must ask, how much does a full golf bag weigh?

A full golf bag can weigh between 33 to 35 pounds on average. An additional 3 lbs can be added if the golf bag is wet. The average golf bag (empty) weighs 3 lbs and the average set of golf clubs will weigh 30 lbs.

The weight of a golf bag is going to determine how easy it is to move around on the golf course. Most golfers will want to take their golf equipment with them regardless of where they are going, which is why the golf bag’s weight is key.

With golf bag dimensions and weight, it’s important to know these details in advance.

This guide will look at the best golf bag, the weight of different golf bags, wet golf bags vs dry golf bags, and the weight of golf clubs that are put in a golf bag.

Table of Contents

How Much Does A Full Golf Bag Weigh?

A full golf bag weighs on average between 33-35 lbs. An additional 3 lbs can be added when the golf bag is wet. An empty golf bag will weigh approximately 3 lbs, while a full set of golf clubs weighs on average 30 lbs.

This is key when calculating the golf bag weight and estimating how much it’s going to weigh as you carry it around.

For the most part, you should expect golf bag weights to be around 33-35 lbs.

Golf Bag Weight Chart

You can get a gist of the main golf bag weights and what they entail as soon as you begin using them. It’s recommended to analyze what you are going to be putting in the golf bag and then calculate the golf bag’s weight.

The total weight of a golf bag is going to be determined by the variables in this guide. Take the time to read through them and then see how much a golf bag is going to weigh when full.

These golf bag examples should shed more light on the subject.

Golf Bag: Wet Vs Dry

A wet golf bag is going to weigh an additional 3 lbs on top of its average weight. This means if the golf bag weighs 3 lbs when dry, it’s going to weigh 6 lbs when soaking wet. The weight of the water in the material will bog it down.

How much does a dry golf bag weigh?

A dry golf bag weighs on average 3 lbs. This will vary depending on some brands and can go up to 7 lbs in some cases.

Golf Club Weight

The average golf bag with clubs is going to weigh between 33-35 lbs. This might go higher depending on the weight of the golf bag on its own as some can be up to 7 lbs.

Looking at the golf club weights above, you will get a better read into what each golf club is going to weigh on its own.

You will have the chance to add 14 clubs to a golf bag, which is why you do want to add up these golf club weights one by one to see how much weight you are adding to a golf bag when using it.

Each detail matters including the weight of a putter or the weight of each golf shaft that’s in your golf bag.

Golf Ball Weight

How much does an average golf bag weigh?

The average golf bag weighs around 3 lbs but it can go up to 7 lbs with some golf bag brands. It’s also important to note an empty wet golf bag can add 3 lbs on top of its original weight due to the moisture.

This is why it’s important to keep a golf bag dry. Otherwise, you are going to notice the weight rise and it is also going to expose the golf clubs to moisture.

This is something you want to avoid at all costs.

how much does a full golf bag weigh

Factors That Affect A Golf Bag’s Weight

1. golf clubs.

When the golf bag is too heavy, you have to go to the main source of the problem.

This is going to be the golf clubs.

For the most part, over 90% of the weight of a golf bag is going to come from the weight of the golf clubs.

You will want to pick and choose the golf clubs you are using and use a light golf bag too. However, the weight of the golf clubs is something that can be hard to avoid assuming you want to use that specific set of golf clubs.

In general, the average set of golf clubs is going to be around 30 lbs. It can be more depending on your selection of golf clubs.

2. Golf Balls

When looking at golf bag measurements, you also want to account for the golf balls.

The average golf ball weighs 0.08 lbs but it can go up to 0.1 grams legally. This is why you will want to account for the weight of a golf ball before adding it to the golf bag.

If you are taking a large collection of golf balls with you on the course, you will begin adding up the weight slowly.

This can add up to a pound to the golf bag’s weight depending on how many golf balls you carry with you.

3. Wet Vs Dry

When you look at the standard golf bag weight and standard golf bag dimensions, you will realize some factors can be controlled.

One of those factors is going to be the moisture in the golf bag.

Is it raining?

You should use a cover to keep the golf bag protected in the rain. A wet golf bag is going to add three pounds to the golf bag’s total weight.

For example, if a golf bag weighs 3 lbs when dry, it’s going to weigh 6 lbs when wet. This is when a wet golf bag is too heavy to carry around.

4. Weight Of The Golf Bag

It’s important to account for the weight of a golf bag without clubs.

This is the starting point of the calculation.

It is also something you can control as the lightest golf bag is going to be far lighter than some of the other golf bags on the open market.

You can find golf bags that weigh less than 2 lbs.

Although, the average golf bag weighs 3 lbs with some going up to 7 lbs.

how much does a full golf bag weigh

5. Accessories

You also have to think about accessories in the golf bag.

You might be adding smaller items such as a tee or perhaps a pair of golf gloves to the bag.

These items do have weight even if it is not as substantial as a set of golf clubs.

As a result, you will want to put these items on a scale and see how much they weigh.

How Much Does A Set Of Irons Weight?

An average set of irons weighs 30 lbs. This can vary depending on the specific set of golf irons being used. Some golf iron sets are lighter and some are heavier. This can also vary based on the type of material the golf irons are made of. Graphite golf irons are lighter than steel irons.

If you want to keep the golf bag light, it is best to use graphite golf irons.

This is immediately going to cut a few pounds off of the total weight of a golf bag. Focus on this when it comes to doing things the right way.

Weight Of Golf Clubs For Flying

The weight of golf clubs for flying is similar to standard luggage. The average airline will have a set limit of 50 lbs and that is going to include the weight of the golf clubs or any other golf equipment being taken on the plane.

When flying with golf clubs, it’s recommended to pack them neatly and make sure you do weigh them before flying.

Weighing the golf clubs before flying can save you a lot of trouble at the airport.

How much does it cost to fly with golf clubs?

The average set of golf clubs is 30 lbs, so it will remain under the 50 lb limit most airlines have when boarding. As a result, it is free (included in the ticket) when flying with golf clubs unless your specific set goes over 50 lbs.

how much does a full golf bag weigh

How Much Does A Men’s Golf Bag Weigh?

The average men’s golf bag weighs between 3-5 lbs depending on the golf bag brand. It’s important to note, the men’s golf bag can weigh more when it is wet with an additional 3 pounds being added to the total weight.

How Much Weight Does A PGA Caddy Carry?

The average PGA carries between 30-50 lbs of weight. This includes the full golf bag with golf clubs, golf accessories, and anything else required by the professional golfer when playing.

Final Thoughts

How much does a full golf bag weigh?

A full golf bag weighs between 33-35 lbs depending on the type of golf bag being used. If the golf bag is wet, it can weigh an additional 3 lbs on top of the average weight. This means a 33 lbs bag will weigh 36 lbs.

When buying a set of golf clubs, you do want to look into their weight.

A golf bag’s weight is going to be focused on its build but also on what is being put in the golf bag too.

Whether you are adding broomstick putters to the golf bag or a set of new golf irons , it is important to be vigilant with the amount of weight in the golf bag.

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How Much Does a Golf Bag Weigh? – A Comprehensive Guide

Mark Crossfield

Are you tired of ending your golf rounds feeling more like you’ve completed a heavy lifting session? We understand that carrying a heavy bag can significantly impact your golfing experience.

The weight of a golf bag varies widely, typically ranging from 3 to 35 pounds, depending on its type, contents, and construction. This guide will delve deep into the intricacies of golf bag weights, helping you choose the right one to enhance your game.

Curious about what makes a golf bag heavy or light? Keep reading to discover how various factors like the type of bag, contents, and materials can influence the weight. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your golf bag.

How Much Does a Golf Bag Weigh?

The weight of a golf bag can vary quite a bit, depending on a few factors:

Type of bag:

  • Carry bags:  Designed for walking the course, these are typically the lightest, weighing around  3 pounds  unloaded and under  20 pounds  when filled with clubs.
  • Stand bags:  Offer more pockets and features than carry bags, but weigh a bit more at  7 to 11 pounds  unloaded.
  • Cart bags:  Built for riding in a golf cart, these are the heaviest, coming in at  7 to 11 pounds  unloaded.

Additional factors:

  • Materials:  Lighter materials like nylon or synthetic leather will make the bag weigh less than heavier materials like leather.
  • Features:  Bags with more pockets, cooler compartments, or other features will tend to weigh more.
  • Number of clubs:  The more clubs you carry, the heavier the bag will be. A full set of 14 clubs can weigh around  15 to 20 pounds .

So, to give you a general range:

  • Unloaded:  Golf bags typically weigh between  3 and 11 pounds .
  • Loaded:  With clubs, the weight can range from  25 to 35 pounds .

Understanding the Different Types of Golf Bags and Their Weights

Tour bags: the choice of pga tour golfers.

Tour bags, known for their ample storage and robust construction, are commonly used by professional golfers. Weighing about 10 pounds unloaded, they offer plenty of space for all golfing essentials. However, their size and weight make them less ideal for the average golfer without a caddie. For more details on tour bags, check out Stitch Golf’s comprehensive article .

Cart Bags: Balancing Storage and Mobility

Cart bags are designed to be carried on a trolley or cart, providing a good balance between storage capacity and weight. Weighing between 6 to 7 pounds on average, they are a suitable choice for golfers who prefer using a cart. For an in-depth understanding of cart bags, visit Golf Cart Report .

Stand Bags: The Versatile Choice

Stand bags, usually weighing between three and five pounds, are designed for golfers who like to carry their clubs. Their retractable legs allow for easy access and cleanliness. To learn more about the versatility of stand bags, explore the insights at Tell Me More Golf .

Carry Bags: The Lightweight Companion

For those who prefer to walk the course, the carry bag is a perfect choice. Weighing around three pounds, these bags are designed for convenience and ease of transport. Explore Reddit’s r/golf community for real-world insights on carry bags.

Travel Bags: Protecting Your Gear on the Go

Travel bags come in soft and hard-cased varieties and are used to protect your golf equipment during transit. They are not typically used on the course but are essential for safeguarding your clubs while traveling. Dive into the world of travel bags with SunriseGolf.co .

How Clubs and Contents Affect Your Golf Bag’s Weight

Club selection and weight considerations.

The clubs you choose can significantly impact the total weight of your golf bag. For instance, a full set of clubs can add around 25 to 30 pounds. The weight of individual clubs can vary, with drivers being the lightest and putters the heaviest. For more details on how clubs affect bag weight, visit Quora for expert opinions.

Additional Factors Influencing Bag Weight

  • Golf Balls : Carrying a dozen or more golf balls can add a considerable amount of weight.
  • Accessories : Items like GPS devices, rangefinders, and snacks can quickly add extra pounds.
  • Weather Conditions : Exposure to rain can increase the weight due to water absorption. Choosing a water-resistant bag can mitigate this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the ideal weight for a golf bag to avoid back pain? A: The ideal weight depends on the individual golfer’s strength and endurance. However, a general rule is to ensure the bag weighs no more than 20% of the golfer’s body weight, as suggested by Golf.com .

Q: Can the material of a golf bag affect its overall weight? A: Yes, materials like nylon are lighter, while leather and canvas can add more weight to the bag.

Q: How important is it to consider the weight of a golf bag when buying one? A: It’s very important, especially if you prefer walking the course. A heavier bag can lead to fatigue and impact your game.

Choosing the right golf bag is crucial for your comfort and performance on the course. Understanding the various types and how their weight can impact your game is key. Whether you’re a weekend golfer or a professional, selecting a bag that fits your needs can make a significant difference in your golfing experience.

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How much does the average PGA Tour bag weigh?

 How much does the average PGA Tour bag weigh?

The average PGA Tour golf bag weighs between 9 and 10 pounds. However, there is a wide range of bag weights, depending on the size and style of the bag. For example, a small stand bag may weigh as little as 5 or 6 pounds, while a large cart bag can weigh up to 15 pounds.

How much does a staff golf bag weigh?

However, when the staff golf bag has all items that a player needs during the course for rounds, it will weigh about 35-40 lbs. In addition to having 14 golf clubs, the bag will have tees, balls, rain hood, water bottle, extra socks, wind shirt, and band-aids. So a staff bag is the heaviest bag that weighs about 40 lbs.

How much does a golf ball weigh?

The maximum golf ball weight that can be used by professional players is 45.93 grams or 1.62 ounces. A dozen golf balls will weigh 551.16 grams or 19.44 ounces. 2 dozen golf balls weigh 1102.32 grams or 38.88 ounces. This is equal to 2.43 pounds. How much does a PGA tour bag weigh?

How much does a golf iron weigh?

The weight of a golf iron can also impact the weight of the golf bag. The weight of a golf iron varies depending on the type of iron, but they typically weigh between 0.8 and 1 pound. Driver: A driver is the lightest club in a golfer’s bag and typically weighs about 330 grams.

Flawless Golf

How Much Does a Golf Bag Weigh?

Golf can be a pleasurable experience, especially with the right golfing equipment. Traveling from one hole to the next can be a lot easier with a lightweight golf bag.

If you’re going to carry around a bag; the lighter, the better. How much does a golf bag weigh, though? In this article, let’s explore different types of bags and what factors affect their weight.

Table of Contents

On average, your golf bag should weigh between 25 to 30 pounds, provided that your clubs are inside the bag. When empty, the bag averages from 7 to 11 pounds. This range may be a bit broad, but it’s important to factor in your bag type.

Even with different brands and styles on the market, there are six essential golf bags. As a result, some may be lighter or heavier than others.

Cart bags are generally on the lighter side of golf bags, weighing only six pounds when empty.

These are the ideal golf bags if you don’t like carrying much around. They typically rest on a trolley that you pull around the track.

This golf bag also has pockets where you can place your belongings. You can find these pockets on the bag’s side for easy access.

Although cart bags aren’t the largest ones, they still serve as an excellent choice for those who prefer to free their backs and shoulders from strain.

Tour bags  are one of the heaviest and largest golf bags, even when they’re empty. They’re sometimes called staff bags, and weigh 10 to 50 pounds, depending on their content.

What’s great about this golf bag is the extra space. You can easily stash your gears and clubs as well as other personal items in it. It’s what makes them popular for professional golf players on tour.

As a golden rule, you wouldn’t want to carry this bag alone. Pro golfers use this bag only because they have their own caddies and typically ride on golf carts to get around the track.

Travel Bags

For frequent travelers, you’re better off with travel bags  for your golf clubs. This bag lets you bring your gears wherever you are in the world.

Travel bags come in two types: hard case and soft case. Their weight mainly depends on that element. Some can weigh as light as 3 pounds, while others can weigh up to 18 pounds.

Of course, soft cases will weigh less, while hard cases are heavier. Despite not having straps, these bags do have wheels for pushing around. So, they may be great for traveling but not for carrying around the course.

Other lightweight options include stand bags. Their main feature is their retractable legs that allow the product to stand on the green.

Unlike most golf bags, these stand bags can perch upright on any type of terrain. As such, stand bags are ideal for those who like carrying their bags between holes.

The majority of stand bags come with two shoulder straps, making them easy to carry. You can prop them over one shoulder or use both straps like a backpack. The latter method is better for distributing the weight of your clubs.

Some stand bags also feature a hip pad to prevent your hip from rubbing against the bag.

Pencil Bags

Pencil bags  are slimmer and lighter versions of stand bags. Depending on the brand and style, it can weigh from 2 to 5.5 pounds. Remember: the lighter the bag, the fewer clubs you can fit.

Much like stand bags too, pencil bags have retractable stands that help golfers place their bags on the terrain. Plus, their slim shape makes them easy to stash in a locker.

A downside of this golf bag though, is that you can’t use it on a rainy day. That’s because its material doesn’t offer much protection from the rain.

However, pencil bags may be perfect for you if you’re looking for a lightweight golf bag on a summer day.

What Affects the Weight of a Golf Bag?

When carrying a golf bag, you’ll likely have different equipment inside. These additional items add to the bag’s weight.

Golf balls may seem minor enough to affect the overall weight of your golf bag. That said, an average golfer carries 9 to 24 golf balls. If one weighs over an ounce, carrying many golf balls can easily add at least a pound.

Material of the Bag

Golf bags have different materials depending on the type. For example, the bag itself can be nylon, canvas, or leather.

Nylon golf bags are the lightest kind out of the three. They’re durable and resistant to abrasions. Plus, they can also withstand the sun, which is perfect for golfing.

Most carry bags use nylon for easy carriage. Strapping the bag on your back requires lightweight material, and nylon gets this job done.

If you’re looking for alternative lightweight material, you can purchase a canvas golf bag. It’s light enough to carry around without sacrificing the quality of the material.

The only downside to this material is that it absorbs water. So, when it’s a wet day on the course, expect your bag to be heavier.

Leather is a popular material for pro golfers. Not only is it durable, but it has the highest quality as well. What’s more, it can withstand the harshest weather conditions.

As a result, leather is the heaviest material. You’ll need a golf cart to transport it between holes.

Size of the Bag

Golf bags have different sizes depending on the style and brand. Their size will determine how heavy your golf bag would be.

Larger ones will generally weigh heavier since they can carry more clubs, while smaller ones can only carry a few.

How Much Should Your Golf Bag Weigh?

The general rule is that your golf bag should weigh 20 percent  of your body weight at maximum. That means if you weigh 200 pounds, your golf bag should weigh 40 pounds or less.

Additionally, your fitness level affects how much you can carry. Sticking to the aforementioned rule can be helpful in preventing injuries.

So, how much does a golf bag weigh?

It’s between 7 to 11 pounds when empty, and up to 25 to 30 pounds with clubs. Keep in mind though that different factors affect this range, including golf balls, bag material, and size.

Whichever golf bag you have, make sure that you’re not exceeding more than you can carry. When in doubt, you can always ride a golf cart to carry the bag around the course.

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How Much A Golf Bag Weighs (With 10 Bag Examples)

June 19, 2020 by Brittany Olizarowicz Leave a Comment

A golf bag with clubs standing on the grass on a sunny day

Whether you are carrying your golf bag for a round or just merely looking to lift it in the trunk of your car, you know how heavy these bags can get.

When you put all of your supplies and equipment into a golf bag, the weight adds up fast.

There are some things you can do to help control the weight in your bag.

First, let’s start with how much a bag weighs with clubs, without clubs, etc.

When a golf bag is empty, it weighs much less than when you start filling it with clubs.

By the time you add golf balls and other gear, the weight shoots up fast.  

How Much A Golf Bag Weighs  

empty black golf bag

A golf bag is going to weigh anywhere from seven to eleven pounds.

A stand bag or carry bag is going to weigh anywhere from three to six pounds.

Cart bags tend to have much larger pockets and accommodate more belongings.

Cart bags also have a base on the bottom that helps them stay stable on a golf cart .

Since the base allows a cart bag to stand on its own, it has a good amount of weight to it.

A cart bag is not ideal if you plan on walking the golf course and carrying your golf bag.

Carry bags are designed to be very light and easy to walk and play with.

These bags usually have their weight evenly distributed so that it will be more comfortable to carry.

Some very small golf bags are called Sunday Bags.

These are usually just meant to carry a few clubs.

The concept is that on a Sunday afternoon, you can grab the Sunday bag and get a few holes in.

The weight of a Sunday bag is usually never more than about 3 pounds.

Sunday bags cannot stand on their own; you just lay them on the ground.

This helps to save quite a bit of weight.

How Much Does A Golf Bag Weigh In KG?

empty golf bag with towel

Since we determined that the average golf bag weighs 7 to 11 pounds, this would be about 3-5kgs. 

You may be wondering why it is essential to know the weight of your golf bag.

Where this comes into play is when you travel.

By the time you put your bag, clubs, golf balls, shoes, etc., into the travel bag, you could end up well over the fifty-pound limit.

This is important to consider when traveling.

If you need to buy some golf balls when you reach your destination, that will be the quickest way to lower the weight in your travel bag.

Golf Bag Weight Examples

set of golf bags with clubs

To get a better idea of what some name-brand golf bags weigh, here is a list of ten golf bags and their weights.

These bags are empty golf bags.

Some are cart bags, and some are stand bags.

If you want a golf bag that is very lightweight and easy to walk an eighteen-hole round with, choose something less than four pounds.

By the time you add all of your equipment in, you will be glad you went for the lower weight golf bag.

  • Callaway 2019 X Carry Stand Bag: 4.5 Pounds
  • Callaway 2019 Select Stand Bag: 5 Pounds
  • Ping 2020 Hoofer Lite: 5 Pounds
  • TaylorMade 2018 Supreme Cart Bag: 7 Pounds
  • Ping 2019 Pioneer Cart Bag: 7 Pounds
  • Titleist 2020 Players 4 Carbon Stand: 3 Pounds
  • TaylorMade 2020 Quiver: 3 Pounds
  • Sun Mountain 2019 3.5 LS: 3.5 Pounds
  • Ping 2020 DLX: 7.5 Pounds
  • Ogio Shadow Fuse: 4 Pounds

How Much Does A Golf Bag Weigh With Clubs?  

Golf bag with clubs against a beautiful fairway and a blue sky

Now that you have a general idea of what these bags weigh when they are empty let’s discuss the weight when they are full.

A full golf bag contains golf clubs, golf balls, tees, your windbreaker, a water bottle, and who knows what else.

Depending on how much gear you like to keep in your golf bag, a full golf bag can weigh anywhere from 20 to 50 pounds.

Some golfers carry fewer clubs than others.

Some golfers have three dozen golf balls in their bag for some reason.

Depending on how much stuff you carry, the weight of your golf bag will differ.

On average, a full golf bag weighs about thirty pounds.

You must take into consideration things like the material and design of your golf clubs.

If you happen to have steel shafts, those clubs are going to weigh more than graphite.

Many players type clubs have much heavier shafts than a beginner set of clubs.

At the same time, a player will usually carry a sleeve or two of golf balls, not two dozen.

These variations will affect the weight of your bag.

There are some great tips for keeping your golf bag a bit lighter.

Tips For Making Your Golf Bag Lighter

men walking on golf course carrying golf bags

The most common issue with heavy golf bags is an abundance of unnecessary stuff in your bag.

When was the last time you did a good clean out of your golf bag?

If you found that you have 32 golf balls, 1000 tees, 12 old scorecards, two jackets, and some other random things, that is too much!

If you need to get an organizer for your garage where you can keep your golf belongings, this is a great idea.

Do not try and store all of your golf equipment in your golf bag at all times.

Even something as simple as a rangefinder adds more weight to your golf bag.

If you never walk the golf course and you aren’t that worried about weight, at least think of your back when you try and put your clubs in the car.

When golf bags start getting closer to that forty-fifty pound weight, you may risk injuring yourself.

These tips should help make the bag a bit lighter:

  • Don’t carry more than eight golf balls in your bag; you can refill at the end of the round if needed
  • You only need about seven or eight tees to get through a round of golf, next time you buy tees don’t put the whole bag in your golf bag
  • Check for unnecessary clothing in your bag; chances are it has been in there a while, and you probably don’t need it
  • If you have an umbrella on your golf bag, only bring it if it looks like there might be rain
  • Ball markers, coins, and divot repair tools tend to accumulate in your golf bag, try to clean that out every once in a while, a metal divot repair tool can be heavy
  • If you have golf clubs you never use, why are you carrying them around? Only bring golf clubs that you use each round
  • If you don’t use your rangefinder, don’t bring it
  • Only bring one water bottle and fill up after nine holes

How Much Does A PGA Tour Golf Bag Weigh?

Golfer shooting a golf ball

PGA Tour players have huge golf bags.

These are called players bags or tour bags.

The pockets on these golf bags are large enough that some of the tour players’ families could travel with them in the pockets!

Some of the reason that these bags are so large is because of equipment, and some of it is because of advertising.

The large golf bags give players a great spot to stick the logo of a sponsor.

This helps the sponsor and the player.

The person that has to struggle is the caddy.

Caddies have a difficult job managing the emotions of their player but also managing the size of that bag.

A PGA Tour player’s bag is about fifty pounds.

Carrying a fifty-pound bag for eighteen holes is no easy task.

Especially when you consider the terrain that these caddies are asked to traverse.

PGA Tour players rarely lose a golf ball in the course of the round, so we know they aren’t filling the bag with golf balls.

Some players don’t want their caddies to be dealing with such a heavy bag, and they opt to go with something smaller.

Factors That Affect Weight Of Golf Bag

Professional golf gear on the golf field at sunset.

If you have ever wondered why your golf bag always feels so heavy, you may want to consider the following factors.

Graphite vs. Steel

Graphite clubs are considerably lighter than steel-shafted golf clubs .

When you compare a steel-shafted set of clubs with a graphite shafted, you will see several pounds of difference.

You will not want to change the golf clubs you play with just because of weight, but it is an important fact to have.

Number of Clubs

You can carry fourteen clubs with you during a round, but do you need fourteen?

When you say to your friends that you haven’t hit your four iron in six months, why are you still carrying it?

Chances are if you have not used a club in your last four rounds, you will not use it at all.

Let it stay at home in the garage, and the next time you want to give it a try again, throw it back in the bag.

Some golfers completely ignore the fourteen club rule and store every golf club they have ever owned in their bag.

This is pointless and will only cause you more trouble to lug around unnecessary equipment.

Golf Bag Components

When you purchased your golf bag, it likely came with a few different straps.

These straps are used to help you, depending on how you carry your golf bag.

If you never carry your golf bag, you can take the large X or Backpack strap off the bag.

It will only get in your way, and it is adding extra weight to your golf bag as well.

All you need is a simple shoulder strap if you don’t plan on walking and playing golf.

Some golf bags also have things like cooler compartments and umbrellas attached to them.

If you don’t see yourself using this equipment, don’t put it in your bag.

Just because golf balls are sold in a pack of twelve does not mean you have to keep all twelve in your bag.

Most golfers can get through a round of golf with less than three golf balls.

If you feel the need to keep six golf balls in your bag, that is fine, even nine is ok.

Most golfers would be shocked that if they counted the golf balls in their bag at the moment, it is probably a number higher than twenty.

Twenty golf balls are a significant amount of unnecessary weight in your golf bag.

Training Aids

Training aids are becoming more and more popular.

Golfers use them to try and improve their games.

Practicing with a training aid on the driving range or putting green is great, but you don’t need to keep it in your golf bag.

You would be surprised by the contraptions that golfers find in their golf bag.

These all add up to extra weight in the bag, and you can’t use them on the course anyway.

Keep them in your car or your locker at the club, but don’t fill your bag with this type of equipment.


The weight of a golf bag becomes essential for three reasons.

The first is that if you are walking and carrying your clubs, you must be mindful of the weight you are carrying.

Second is that even if you play cart golf, you don’t want to injure a shoulder by trying to lift and maneuver your clubs.

Last you must have a general idea of what your golf bag weighs when it comes to travel.

Most people have a much larger golf bag than they need and store way more gear than they should.

Get yourself an excellent trunk organizer or garage organizer to keep your extra golf equipment.

There is no need to store everything you own in your golf bag.  

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About Brittany Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz started playing golf at the age of 7. She played Division 1 College golf at St.Johns University, where she won two tournaments at the collegiate level. After college Britt went on to become a Class A PGA Professional. Her love for the game spans almost her entire life. Today Britt loves sharing her knowledge of golf through her writing. After all, to teach the game of golf, you must first have a love for it.

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FAQ: How much does a staff bag weigh with all the gear you need in it?

By the caddie network staff · december 19, 2019.

Rory McIlroy, Harry Diamond

Through our readers and social media followers here at The Caddie Network, we often receive questions related to the caddie profession. We’ve collected the most frequently asked questions from our readers and followers and tasked actual PGA Tour caddies to serve up the answers based on their experiences. Here are the answers — from PGA Tour caddies — to the questions we most often receive from you.

You see those PGA Tour player staff bags every week on TV. And, let us tell you something, they sure aren’t light. Here, our caddie answers just how much they weigh. Next time you see a caddie lugging that thing up hills in 95-degree heat (or wind, rain and cold), maybe you’ll have a newfound appreciation for their jobs.

How much does a staff bag weigh with all the gear you need in it?

The bag ranges from about 25 lbs. all the way up to 50 lbs. But I think a good, weekly average would be around low to mid 30s… high end is 40ish lbs.

Do you have more caddie questions? We have more caddie answers. From “ What’s the hardest part about being a Tour caddie? ” to “ What’s the greatest aspect of being a Tour caddie? ,” our pros have you covered with over 20 FAQs – just click here .

average pga tour bag weight

The Caddie Network Staff

50…pounds? Ok, I’m annn be old amateur, but I do need/want 3 sleeves of balls, maybe rain gear, a range finder, a bottle of water…so, where does 50 lbs come from?

Low to middle 40 lbs is average. No PGA or LPGA tour bag weighs in the 30’s, ever. You carry food, energy bars, rain gear, water bottles, 3 to 4 sleeves of balls, umbrella, 14 clubs, club cover in case of rain. I caddied professionally 30 years. I should have a pretty good idea.

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  • 3.1) Sun Mountain C-130 Golf Bag
  • 3.2) Callaway Golf 2019 Org 14 Cart Bag
  • 3.3) PING 2018 Hoofer 14 Carry Stand Golf Bag
  • 3.4) TaylorMade Flextech Crossover Stand Bag
  • 4) How heavy are golf bags when wet or dry?
  • 5.1) Callaway Golf 2020 Hyperlite Zero Lightweight Standing Bag
  • 5.2) Sun Mountain 2019 2.5+ Golf Stand Bag
  • 6) Weight On The Way

How Much Do Golf Bags Weigh

Of course, it would not be practical to burden yourself with too much weight while you are playing. Moreover, carrying a too heavy golf bag might even lead to a failed shot.

Therefore, let us discuss here how much do golf bags weigh and name some golf bags which are heavy and some that are lightweight!

Have you ever wondered how heavy are the golf bags of professional players in the PGA and LPGA?

If yes, then let us learn about how much do pro golf bags weigh in this section!

Professional players often have their own caddies to carry their bags. I mean, who would not get one? They need all their strength in swinging their golf clubs!

Carrying their own golf bags will just become a hindrance in putting all their efforts to drive a long tee or stroke the putts.

Oftentimes, we put our eyes on the professional golfers, but what about their caddies? They are also behind every golfer’s success!

Therefore, in this section, let us put caddies under the limelight and look at their life inside the tournaments and answer the question “how much do pro golf bags weigh?”.

The Caddies Who Carry

They say that being inside the PGA and LPGA requires a lot of determination- this is true not just for the players but also for the caddies who carry their golf bags.

Basically, the main requirement to become a caddy in the PGA or LPGA is a strong body, especially the back and legs.

The reason why this is the first thing that you will see on the job description is because of how much do pro golf bags weigh.

The bag itself already weighs between three to five pounds but with all the equipment, a professional player’s golf bag weighs between 30 to 50 pounds.

There are not just golf clubs in there, there are also gloves, dozens of balls, a change of clothing, rain gear for the players and the clubs, drinks and snacks, mobile phones and jewelry, and a first-aid kit.

This is how much do pro golf bags weigh and this is how heavy are the golf bags that caddies carry each day during a week-long tournament.

Golf Bags That Pros Use

Now that we know how much do pro golf bags weigh, let us take a look at what golf bags do pros use.

Sun Mountain C-130 Golf Bag

This is one of the golf bags that professional golfers use. The Sun Mountain C-130 golf bag features fourteen full-length dividers so you are sure that your golf clubs will not clash with each other.

It also has a lot of storage as it has ten pockets that are lined with water-resistant material. This model is also a cart type so you don’t have to worry anymore about how much golf bags weigh!

Callaway Golf 2019 Org 14 Cart Bag

This one also features fourteen full-length dividers, but what makes it different is that it has an extra putter well and TPE insert so the shaft of your clubs is well-protected.

It also has a front-facing molded magnetic range pocket finder which is truly a game-changer!

PING 2018 Hoofer 14 Carry Stand Golf Bag

PING really has a thing for innovation as their twelve-pocket golf bag has a cart strap pass-thru channel that slides behind pockets to keep them free and accessible.

Also, the PING 2018 Hoofer 14 Carry Stand golf bag features a Sensor Cool Technology that is placed on the front-adjusting, well-padded shoulder straps.

Also, it’s a stand bag so you do not have to burden yourself any more about how much do golf bags weigh! Such a game-changer, right?

TaylorMade Flextech Crossover Stand Bag

This golf bag features a collapsible base system to make sure that your golf clubs won’t crowd or stick with each other.

It also has good storage for your valuables such as jewelry and gadgets for its pocket is made of micro-suede lining that is water-resistant.

It also has a large internal insulated cooler pocket to keep your drinks refreshing!

How heavy are golf bags when wet or dry?

The aforementioned answer to how much do golf bags weigh has been given under the assumption that a golf bag is completely dry.

However, it is also important to know how heavy are golf bags when wet.

After all, we cannot accurately predict when it will rain or not so it is still a fact that we cannot always play golf under ideal circumstances.

What affects the changes in how heavy are golf bags when raining is the materials that were used to construct it.

Not all are waterproof or water-resistant, there are still some that were made from materials that absorb water. Also, the rate of water absorption of these different materials varies.

So, how heavy are golf bags when soaked in water? We already know that a completely dry golf bag weighs between 3 to 5 pounds .

However, if it is made of extremely absorbent material and it rains, it can have an additional 2 to 4 pounds.

Therefore,  the answer to the question “how heavy are golf bags when soaked in water” ranges from 5 to 9 pounds. Such a significant amount of weight has been added, right?

This is the reason why if you are living in a rainy part of the globe, you must choose golf bags that are made from waterproof materials!

What are the lightest golf bags?

Now that we know the average weight that answers the question of how much do golf bags weigh, then you might wonder about what are the lightest golf bags that you can opt to buy.

After all, the weight really matters when you are playing golf! So, here is a list of the top 2 most lightweight golf bags in the market!

Callaway Golf 2020 Hyperlite Zero Lightweight Standing Bag

The top on our list of what are the lightest golf bags is the Callaway Golf 2020 Hyperlite Zero Lightweight Standing Bag.

This one defies the regular answer to how heavy are golf bags since it weighs only 2.5 pounds! It is also made from durable ripstop material which is waterproof so you can trust that it won’t absorb water when it rains.

Also, it features a padded Opti-fit comfort strap design so you or your caddy can have an increased carry comfort.

Sun Mountain 2019 2.5+ Golf Stand Bag

Weighing 2.8 pounds, next on our list of what are the lightest golf bags is the Sun Mountain 2019 2.5+ Golf Stand Bag.

It features five pockets for your valuables and other golf accessories and has a 4-way divider for your golf clubs.

Also, it has highly-durable carbon fiber legs that are also ultra-lightweight and strong enough to stand on all kinds of terrain.

Weight On The Way

Weight really matters when you are playing golf. It can get in the way of your swings so you might not achieve your wanted birdie.

But, let us also keep in mind that how much do golf bags weigh does not only affect the player but also the caddy that carries it for them.

If it is too heavy, your caddy might suffer from back and leg pain. I’m pretty sure that you do not want him on sick leave during a tournament.

Therefore, to prevent these things from happening, you might want to consider buying lightweight golf bags .

Besides, it is not only the golf bag that you would carry but also all the equipment and necessities that you need to play golf properly and conveniently.

More Information

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Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by Paul Roger Steinberg

Golfing Journey

How Much Does a Full Golf Bag Weigh? Total Weight Wet and Dry!

One of the challenges associated with playing 18 holes of golf involves carrying your bag while on the course. This is why it is important to take its overall weight into account. So, how much does the average golf bag (along with the clubs) weigh? The short answer to this question is that the combined weight is approximately 13.6 kilograms (30 pounds) .

However, we also need to keep in mind that this is merely a rough estimate. Many other factors will come into play. Accessories, the golf balls and whether the apparatus is wet or dry can also play crucial roles. This brings us to an important question. What is a good bag weight and how might you be able to lighten the load in order to enjoy your time on the course? Let’s take a closer look.

Golf bag Total Weight Wet and Dry

Table of Contents

The Approximate Weight of the Golf Bag

The good news is that modern golf bags weight much less when compared to models toted around the course in the past. Experts estimate that the average bag weighs somewhere between 1.4 and 2.3 kilograms (roughly between three and five pounds) . Having said this, there can be other factors that may add weight to the bag.

A typical example involves using a larger staff bag as opposed to a smaller stand model. Other issues such as wheels and any possible metalwork (an example could be the presence of a series of monograms or steel reinforcements within the design) will also impact the weight of the golf bag.

Dealing with Club Weights: The Factors to Take Into Account

Now that we have taken a look at the average weight of a golf bag, what about the clubs? After all, these are the primary contents that will be present on the green. The weight of clubs will vary depending upon the materials utilised as well as the type of club. Assuming that your bag will be loaded with a set of 14 clubs, how will this impact its weight?

Industry experts agree that most clubs weigh an average of 0.33 kilograms (0.73 pounds) . This will equate to a total weight of 10.22 pounds (463 kilograms) . Still, we need to keep in mind that some irons may weight significantly more than a composite model. This is why it is a good idea to assume that the weight of each club is just under half of a kilogram (one pound). This can help to make up for any discrepancies between different club models.

We also need to address the weight of the average golf iron, as this club tends to represent the most commonly used while on the course. The majority of 9 irons weigh roughly 434 grams (0.44 kilograms) . As you may have already imagined, this weight will decrease as we descend through the irons. A 6 iron weighs approximately 0.92 pounds (0.41 kilograms) while a 3 iron weighs in at 0.88 pounds (0.4 kilograms) .

One example of how club weight will come into play can be seen when examining Callaway Golf Men’s Strata set. The combined weight of these ten clubs is 8.72 pounds (3.95 kilograms) . Still, different manufacturers can often be associated with higher or lower weights. For instance, the set of Cobra F-Max One irons weighs a total of ten pounds (4.53 kilograms ). This brings up another point that deserves a closer look.

Golf bag and buggy

A Look at Graphite Versus Steel Shafts

Anyone who has golfed for an extended period of time is likely aware that graphite shafts have become quite popular on the course. This mainly arises from the fact that they are extremely light while still able to exhibit the same flexibility and tensile strength as steel. Those who are looking to lighten the load when walking between holes should therefore consider graphite clubs as a useful alternative. Some of the other benefits associated with graphite models include:

  • They may be able to add as much as five yards to your driving distance.
  • Their lightweight design makes them easier to swing (hence the notable increase in momentum).
  • Graphite is able to absorb the shock of hitting the ball. This leads to less vibration and fewer shoulder issues over time.

The only possible drawback is that graphite clubs and shafts are more expensive than their stainless steel counterparts (sometimes as much as 20 per cent higher). Be sure to take this into account before committing to a purchase. Of course, it is also wise to test out each club in order to get a feel for its swing as well as to determine if you are comfortable with the overall design.

The Weight of Golf Balls (and How Many are Present)

Another interesting factor to address includes the balls that are present within your bag. While their weight might not seem like much, we need to remember that every little bit counts. Most golfers will carry a total of nine balls within their bag. Every ball must weigh in at exactly 45.93 grams . Assuming that you plan on taking along nine, this will lead to a total weight of 4 13.37 grams (just under half of a kilogram) . So, we can see that small additions can very well make a noticeable difference.

Wet Versus Dry Golf Bags: Is There a Difference?

Up until this point, we have provided weights under the assumption that all of the equipment is completely dry. It is still a fact that not all games are played during ideal conditions. What happens if the golf bag becomes wet? This is a rather broad question, as different materials will absorb water at different rates.

Let’s go back to the original assumption that the standard golf bag weighs somewhere between three and five pounds. If the bag is primarily fashioned from canvas or nylon, it will tend to absorb more water when compared to a unit primarily constructed from plastic or composite materials. There can even be times when extremely absorbent materials can add an extra kilogram or two to the total weight of the bag . This is why it could be a good idea to examine what is involved with the manufacturing process if you happen to be playing within a region associated with a significant amount of rain and humidity.

golf cart and buggy

Other Accessories to Possibly Take Into Account

To quickly summarise , we have taken a look at some important variables in terms of the weight of a golf bag. These include:

  • The weight of the bag alone (known as the “dry weight” throughout the industry).
  • The average weight of the clubs.
  • The differences between graphite and steel clubs.
  • The presence of golf balls (assuming that you are carrying a total of nine).
  • How a wet bag could increase its weight.

Still, you might plan to bring along other common equipment. Examples can include an extra pair of shoes with spikes, a full water bottle, golf tees, and an umbrella if rain is predicted. Depending upon these and other objects, it should be obvious that the weight of the bag will naturally increase. You might even want to weight these in advance to determine how much.

golf bag stand open

A Look at Some of the Lightest and Heaviest Golf Bags on the Market

Manufacturers are always looking for ways to lighten your load while on the course. This is why modern bags are extremely lightweight. Some of the most impressive models which are currently on the market include:

  • The Callaway Golf Hyper Lite (2.5 pounds).
  • The Sun Mountain Golf 2.5+ (2.8 pounds).
  • The TaylorMade FlexTech Lite (4.3 pounds).
  • The Cobra Golf 2018 Ultralight (4.5 pounds).

This brings us to the final point. What is a good bag weight? In truth, this is a very subjective question. Players who are younger and fitter might not mind bringing along a bag and its contents which weigh up to 40 pounds. However, golfers who may have smaller frames or mobility issues should always choose a lighter model. Not only will this lead to a greater level of comfort, but we need to keep in mind that carrying an exceptionally heavy bag can cause fatigue and cramping (especially if you happen to be playing on a very warm day).

Although performing online research in order to determine factors such as the design of the bag and professional reviews is important, you still need to get a feel for its ergonomics. This is why it is normally prudent to visit a physical retail centre and ask to see a number of different bags. You will then be able to make a much more informed choice than would otherwise be possible. There are numerous factors which will impact your performance while on the course and the weight of a golf bag should never be taken “lightly”. As always, be sure to refer back to this article for guidance or for reference purposes.

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TPT Golf

The “Magic” Swing Weight and How it helps Increase Distance

At TPT, we believe that no stone should be left unturned in the search for more driver distance, and we continue to see evidence of this with each passing season on the PGA Tour.

Increasing average driving distance by just a few yards over the course of a season can mean a sizeable increase in earnings so long as it doesn’t affect accuracy. And while most golfers don’t lean on their game to provide their income, there’s no question that making every approach shot a little shorter can change the way golfers feel about their games.

Swing weight is one of those factors that is sometimes overlooked when it comes to increasing distance. This is because other variables like choosing the right driver head and driver shaft are more primary factors for increasing distance. Swing weight is a secondary factor, but that doesn’t minimize its importance.

Get swing weight right, and your driver could become your favorite club in the bag. Get swing weight wrong, and it can screw up an otherwise perfect driver. Most golfers are happy to hear that optimizing swing weight is fast and easy. In most cases, it’s as easy as adding a little lead tape or choosing a different golf grip.

P.S. We’re going to assume our readers understand what swing weight is and how it’s measured, but if you need a refreshed make sure to give short this Golf.com article a read before moving on.

How Swing Weight Affects Distance

Jon Sinclair is a PGA Tour Player Coach and Fitter, and he’s also the TPT Head of Performance. He has spent countless hours analyzing golf equipment on the most advanced performance monitoring machines such as Trackman and Gears, and the best players in the world trust him to improve their performance.

This is painstaking work, but there are also a finite number of factors in play. At the moment of impact, there are only four factors that influence performance. The first three factors are talked about frequently in golf instruction and club fitting. But the fourth factor may surprise you.

No. 1: Club Head Speed

How fast is the clubhead moving when it strikes the ball? The faster it’s moving, the better for distance.

No. 2 Impact Location

What part of the clubface strikes the ball? The center of the clubface is typically thought to be the best place for distance, although some golfers do improve performance when they impact the ball slightly above the sweet spot, slightly toward the toe, or a combination of the two depending on the driver head design.

No. 3: Angle Of Attack

Is the clubhead moving up or down when it strikes the ball? The more upward a club is moving at impact, the more distance potential a golfer has.

No. 4. Club Mass

The mass of the club head including the mass of the first 4 inches of shaft attached to the club head is the only mass that will affect the ball at impact. All other things being are equal, the heavier the mass of a clubhead plus the first 4 inches of shaft, the more ball speed (and thus more distance) will be created.

The “Magic” Swing Weight

To optimize distance, golfers should aim to increase the weight of their driver head and the first four inches of shaft as much as possible without compromising the other three factors. And this is exactly Sinclair’s goal during a fitting; he wants to add the maximum amount of weight he can during his fittings.

Sinclair does check to see if a lighter swing weight will provide more speed. Checking both scenarios allows the fitter to maximize distance. But the good news is that a trend around swing weight has developed during Sinclair’s thousands of hours of testing TPT shafts with golfers of all abilities.

More than 80% of the time, he finds that golfers are creating the best results with a swing weight of D5 with Red Range shafts.

Finding Your Best Swing Weight

If you’re being fit by a TPT Authorized fitter , you’re not going to have to worry about finding your best swing weight. Your club fitter is going to make small adjustments to the weights in the driver head during the fitting to ensure that you’re getting the most possible distance.

Many times, this testing is being done simultaneously with adjustments to the center of gravity (CG) of the driver head — i.e. moving weight to different parts of the driver head to move the CG up, down, left, and right depending on your swing and strike tendencies. You may not even notice the changing head weight, because you’ll also be feeling different shafts, different heads, different CGs, etc. A good fitter will keep trying different combinations until the magic happens.

The only time adjusting swing weight can be a bit challenging is with drivers that don’t have adjustable weights, which luckily are becoming fewer and fewer every year. Even still, it’s quite easy to add and remove strips of lead tape to the bottom of the club until the ideal swing weight is found. And when a driver head feels too heavy, it can be mitigated with a heavier grip or a counterweight installed under the grip.

Lastly, you may be wondering about driver length. The informed golfer knows that every 0.5 inches of shaft length removed also removes about 3-5 swing weight points.

In Sinclair’s testing, more than 90% of the drivers that work best for his golfers measure 45 inches, which is also the length of most TPT demo shafts. And when you consider that the average length driver on the PGA Tour is 44.75 inches, it’s clear that 45 inches is an ideal starting point for maximizing both distance and consistency.

So, if your driver isn’t feeling quite right, there are three things we’d like you to try:

  • The Magic Length: Is your driver longer than 45 inches? If so, trim it to 45 inches.
  • The Magic Swing Weight? If your driver is lighter than D5, try adding lead tape to get there. If it feels too heavy at D5, you can remove strips of lead tape one by one until it feels right. If your driver is heavier than D5, ask your club fitter to add a heavier grip or a counterweight to reduce swing weight to D5.
  • Get Fitted By A TPT Authorized Fitter. If your driver is more than two years old, this is probably the way to go.

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Chemin du Closel, 3 CH-1020 Renens, Switzerland

Designed in Switzerland

TrackMan Average Tour Stats

TrackMan Average Tour Stats

Tour stats include:

Club Speed, Attack Angle, Ball Speed, Smash Factor, Launch Angle, Spin Rate, Max Height, Land Angle and Carry.

TrackMan Average Stats Taken From The PGA TOUR

TrackMan PGA Tour Averages Stats

TrackMan LPGA Tour Average Stats

TrackMan LPGA Tour Averages Stats


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So the average male Tour pro hits down on the ball slightly with the driver? Should attack angle vary with clubhead speed?

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The attack angle for the pros varies on woods, but it’s more or less negative when it comes to hybrids and irons. For the average player, the attack angle on drivers varies and in general so should the ball that is hit from the ground always have a negative attack angle in order to get a better margin of error for the impact.

However, in order to get the longest carry possible, the ball should launch high with low spin. The optimal numbers are individual based on club speed – and that type of flight can easier be achieved if the spin loft is low together with a high dynamic loft. The more the attack angle is negative, then the higher the spin loft gets => the attack angle should be closer to 0 if anything IF the goal is to carry as long as possible.

But generally, the attack angle for irons should be from -2 – -5 for almost all players, but for drivers you can hit it further with a positive attack angle, no matter the club speed.

Niklas Bergdahl Support Manager EMEA & Asia

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Can you send me the optimal numbers across the board that players and coaches should be looking for in lessons and trackman sessions

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Strangely enough, with a driver you can achieve a carry of 300 vs 275 with the same clubhead speed of 113. Adam Young tries to get people to convert to this method. Attack angle = +8 degrees Launch angle = 19 degrees Backspin = 2,000 Smash Factor= 1.5

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Hi. I can only confirm. I achieve those positive angles and l can carry the driver (9 degr loft) 245 yards with a club speed of 95mph. Rollout is average 20 yards.

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No, it is 3° and that means the clubhead is movin upwards. – is downwards.

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You are reading the LPGA (ladies) numbers Tim. The PGA (men) average is -1.3.

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Looks like the average LPGA players trackman swing speed is more or less the same as an average 10 hcp male player. Though the ladies are a lot more skilled in hitting it on the right angles and in the right spot on the clubface. Would an average 10 hcp male player have a advantage or disadvantege using graphite shafts?

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Harry, any player of any handicap can benefit from graphite shafts. More often than not, the memory in most players’ minds from graphite stems from a very long time ago when graphite was ONLY graphite. It was whippy, and not very accurate. Material advances and composite technology have nearly rendered steel obsolete. I say nearly, mind you. There are a number of outstanding graphite shafts out there that are super stable and responsive, enabling a lighter club and longer distance without sacrificing accuracy. Fujikura makes some really nice iron shafts that fuse both steel and graphite technologies called MCI. In fact, i have Fuji PRO 95i shafts in my irons and my iron game is better now than it ever was with steel. I’m a 3.5 index and relatively strong but it allows me to play all out without getting tired on the back 9 from heavy clubs. Being a club builder, i can tell you that in golf equipment there’s a trade-off in everything. wether it’s length, weight, or feel so your advantage or disadvantage is dependent on how precisely you build your piece of equipment.

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Hey Chris thanks for the info below i find it very interesting. Curious do you have those same shafts in your wedges or do you have steel in your wedges? I played SteelFiber i95 shafts last year in all my irons including wedges. I liked them in my irons but i felt like it hurt my game in wedges. Do you have any thoughts on this? Thanks

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Agreed. Shallow your angle of attack to match the LPGA players.

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I have had a number of sessions on a Trackman, (the latest on Aug 22, 2015, at “Modern Golf” in Mississauga On.). My clubhead speed and distances are about the same as LPGA averages. I was doing wedge work, and see that for a pitching wedge, (48°), my angle of attack -about 7.5° – is n=much higher than LPGA average. My accuracy is good, (only 3 0f 19 shots more that 20′ away, and all when the face angle was over 4° closed). I’m thinking that I should weaken my left hand a bit, (it’s a little strong on pitch shots), and play the ball farther forward- 2″ ahead of centre. Am I on the right track, or will these changes introduce new problems?

I’m 74 years old, and am a long-time PGA of Canada member. Thanks for any feedback…. love Trackman outings.

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I would recommend that you visit one of our certified coaches, he/she would be able to help you and find what numbers are best for you.

See our TrackMan Locator here.

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I don’t disagree with these stats but I do it;s kinda weird. 87 miles mph with an 8 iron should produce 177 yards of carry not 160 that’s a lot of mph. Iv’e seen high school kids hit 9 iron 165 and they don’t swing 100 mph with a 9 iron. When I swing hard I hit my 8 iron 155 and my legit radar read 72 mph so logic would dictate at 88 mph you would get more like 180 yards carry again that’s a lot of mph.

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Remember that’s a carry number not total distance. Also since the pros produce significant more back spin, their ball flight is higher, landing angle loftier producing minimum roll whereas your total distance might be benefiting from maximum roll. One more thing to check would be launch angle where you might be hitting a low ball flight to maximize distance which in my opinion is “cheating.”

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The PGA Tour 8-iron goes 160 in the air for a couple of reasons. One, they usually hit weaker lofts than high school players (like I) do. Secondly, they spin their 8-iron at 7998 RPM to stop the ball on fast greens. I believe this is the combination that makes the 8-iron go so much shorter.

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I’ve hit thousands of balls on Foresight simulators, and what I’ve found is that backspin significantly influences carry distance. Holding club head speed constant, greater backspin reduces carry distance on all clubs.

For mid-irons, I’d estimate that you lose roughly 5-7 yards of carry per 1,000 RPM in additional backspin. And with the driver it’s easily 10+ yards of carry lost per 1,000 RPM.

This explains why poorly struck balls will often fly as far, if not further, than a well-hit shot. The key to backspin is crispness of contact – a poorly struck shot simply won’t spin as much. Unless the impact is absolutely terrible, the lack of backspin on poorly struck shots will cause those balls to carry further than a well-struck ball. So if you’re flying balls over the green with your irons, the culprit could be too little backspin caused by poor contact, cheap balls, a dirty club face, etc.

I think this is also the key reason why fades don’t carry as far as draws. It’s not that a draw swing is any faster/more powerful – it’s simply that fades have more backspin due to the impact geometry/physics involved with that swing.

Now I may be wrong on some of this, so I’d love to get a true expert’s take.

One thing I forgot to add to my comment above is that you need a minimum of backspin on all golf shots just to get the ball up in the air. That may be 1,500 RPM for woods and maybe 3,000 for irons.

My point is that increasing backspin beyond this base level will generally reduce carry. For example, I can guarantee that increasing the backspin on your 7 iron from 5k to 7.5k will reduce your carry with that club, even if your swinging faster at 7.5k.

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I totally disagree with your premise. Draws carrying further than fades? That makes no sense.

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Bare in mind tour players play with proper golf clubs which are weak lofted so the people you see hitting a 9 iron further than tour average 8 it’s probably because that 9 iron is closer to a 7 iron loft

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Spin determines weather you hit a draw or fade so logic would dictate distance will also be effected. In my experience draws do tend to be further for 2 reasons and both have to do with spin. With a draw you will usually get more roll out as well as flight because of the decrease in spin. This is especially true with a driver.

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Depends what clubs you are using. There can be as much as 7 degrees of variation between a ‘standard’ loft on a 7 iron. If you’re playing the Callaway Mavrik irons, you’ll get 27 degrees of loft on a 7 iron. If you’re playing the Callaway Apex Pro then its 34 degrees. That’s a two club difference.

I was custom fit recently for the Apex 21’s and currently play Apex MBs. With the MBs my 7 iron has 34 degrees of loft and flies 165yds with 89mph average club head speed. Same swing with the Apex 21s (30 degrees of loft) flies between 177 – 180 yds. Big difference.

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Larry , I would highly recommend you see Mark Evershed . Buy him lunch and get the answers your looking for .

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Hi guys this was a recent session with a cobra 3 wood 16 deg loft.my question is my launch angle seems a little low ,interested in your thoughts .thanks Shot # Club Club Speed (mph) Ball Speed (mph) Smash Factor Launch Angle (degrees) Direction Back Spin (rpm) Carry Distance (yards) Total Distance (yards) 1 3 Wood 94 143 1.52 8.80 Straight 3874.00 215.00 232.00 2 3 Wood 98 148 1.51 9.10 Straight 4096.00 223.00 240.00 3 3 Wood 94 142 1.51 9.10 Straight 3904.00 213.00 230.00 4 3 Wood 94 143 1.52 8.80 Straight 3874.00 215.00 232.00 5 3 Wood 96 145 1.51 9.10 Straight 4000.00 219.00 236.00 6 3 Wood 94 143 1.52 8.80 Straight 3874.00 215.00 232.00 7 3 Wood 94 143 1.52 8.80 Straight 3874.00 215.00 232.00 8 3 Wood 93 141 1.52 8.80 Straight 3826.00 212.00 229.00 9 3 Wood 92 129 1.40 12.40 Straight 4138.00 190.00 207.00 10 3 Wood 94 142 1.51 9.10 Straight 3904.00 213.00 230.00 11 3 Wood 94 142 1.51 9.10 Straight 3904.00 213.00 230.00 12 3 Wood 94 143 1.52 8.80 Straight 3874.00 215.00 232.00 13 3 Wood 96 145 1.51 9.10 Straight 4000.00 219.00 236.00 14 3 Wood 93 140 1.51 9.10 Straight 3856.00 210.00 227.00 15 3 Wood 96 146 1.52 8.80 Straight 3970.00 220.00 237.00 16 3 Wood 92 140 1.52 8.80 Straight 3778.00 210.00 227.00 17 3 Wood 95 144 1.52 8.80 Straight 3922.00 216.00 233.00 18 3 Wood 96 145 1.51 9.10 Straight 4000.00 219.00 236.00 19 3 Wood 94 142 1.51 9.10 Straight 3904.00 213.00 230.00 20 3 Wood 91 137 1.51 9.10 Straight 3760.00 204.00 221.00 21 3 Wood 94 143 1.52 8.80 Straight 3874.00 215.00 232.00 22 3 Wood 95 144 1.52 8.80 Straight 3922.00 216.00 233.00 23 3 Wood 95 144 1.52 8.80 Straight 3922.00 216.00 233.00 24 3 Wood 96 146 1.52 8.80 Straight 3970.00 220.00 237.00 25 3 Wood 96 146 1.52 8.80 Straight 3970.00 220.00 237.00 26 3 Wood 96 145 1.51 9.10 Straight 4000.00 219.00 236.00 27 3 Wood 94 137 1.46 10.60 Straight 4054.00 204.00 221.00 28 3 Wood 94 143 1.52 8.80 Straight 3874.00 215.00 232.00 29 3 Wood 98 142 1.45 10.90 Straight 4276.00 213.00 230.00

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What kind of balls were you using?

Brent. This was at a driving range with srixon range balls

Ok the one number that really stood out to me was the smash factor. Usually anything above a 1.50 indicates something is illegal. There’s a reason not even the PGA tour players aren’t averaging 1.50 off the tee. Other than that your numbers look good.

Brent what about the launch angle

Yes the launch is a little on the low side. But seeing how you’re still getting decent distance I wouldn’t worry too much about how it’s coming out. But try hitting down on the ball more to get it up in the air faster.

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I frequently get above 1.5 on trackman with longer irons and my woods (I have raised this with your tech teams already). This is because your machine measures club speed just before impact and doesn’t detect acceleration through impact

Trackman doesn’t detect acceleration through impact on solidly struck shots so you can post smash factors above 1.5. It’s best to just rely on ball speed with Trackman

Brent in one of your comments you said my smash factor was high ,had a session last night at range and some of my smash factors were 1.53 is this something to try and change and if so how do I change it

Like you had said you were using range balls correct? If so the smash factor will be a little off since they aren’t a legal tournament ball. What the smash factor (as explained to me by the Carolinas PGA rules committee chairman) is, is a measurement of how well the ball comes off the face. There’s a specific calculation for it but I’m not positive of it and anything over a 1.50 usually is a tell tale sign that either the club or ball is illegal. What I would recommend doing is using the ball you would normally play a round with and get some readings off that ball.

I read not long ago that Rory Mcilroy had a smash factor of 1.53 as well . If Willie can hit it 380 the way Rory does, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Larry. I’m 55 years old 280 is my distance not 380 Like Rory

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Ball speed divided by club head speed is smash factor

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I’m currently doing my university project on green-side bunker shots, I was wondering if you have any shot data for a short bunker shot or flop shot? Thanks.

Sorry but we do not have any official data we can share, but it would be interesting to see your final research :)

Blair, My assumption would be that the cleaner a ball is picked out of a bunker the more spin it will have and vice versa. The more sand you use to move the ball the less spin.

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Do you have TrackMan data for AoA and DL for greenside bunker shots?

Sorry we do not have any official bunker shot data.

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In looking at the tour pro stats for men – the max height reading for all clubs is about 30 plus or minus 2. I am trying to understand how/why are the heights the same for all clubs? My assumption would be the more lofted the club the greater the height! Is 30ish the optimum figure for best distance? Because in my last stats my longest 9.5 degree driver shot was max height of 56!

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Is there any data available from the Senior tour?

We do not have any official charts for the Senior Tour. But you can login on mytrackman.com and use the combine section and filter, to show only Senior Tour players.

Thanks Christian!

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what month/year is this data from?

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Is there any data on typical club path for a tour pro?

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Can you please post stats for average path, club face, and face to path numbers for PGA tour?

Could you please post average path, club face, and face to path numbers for several top Tour Players?

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Before all the hype about hitting up on the ball came about, I hit down on a driver anywhere from -2 to -4 degrees and swung 1-2 degrees left.

Once I started to try and swing up on it. I lost direction big time. An easy swing for me is 112, swinging hard at it I can get it up to 123. Does Trackman recommend those that have higher swing speeds to hit down on it for straighter direction?

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There is no physics logic backing up that hitting up on the ball will give a decrease in accuracy. However to go from hitting down to hitting up you have made some changes to your impact obviously. The way you made the changes could well be the problem as this could have affected your impact location, swing path, clubface and the way you release the club

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Can pga tour players carry the ball 293 yards.

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A Question: Were some data change on this site? I ask because I’m quite sure to have read other data for the men’s driver trajectory. Am I wrong or can someone confirm this?

kindly zorro

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Is my impression right, that the data for the men driver were changed from

[Daten alt: 112mph 165mph 11,2° 2685 31y 39° 269y] to [Daten neu: 113mph 167mph 10,9° 2686 32y 38° 275y] ?

Why did TM do that?

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For the tour pro stats – mainly carry distance, launch angle and spin rate for the driver, you have the averages, could you supply the max and min (filtered for outliers)? I am going to run an experiment with Trackman at my golf academy and need a starting range for each item. The tour max and min range is a starting point versus having to create this from scratch.

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Anyone know where I can find raw data of clubhead speed? It is for a College project. Thanks!

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You know what would be great to see – average miss from target – left and right – for each club. Of course short and long from target matter as well, but solid contact isn’t really my issue – left and right misses is my challenge

I’m about a half club off of PGA Tour average distance wise. Technically I’m a 1 handicap, but more like 4 or 5 when the tourney pressure is on. I know from playing with better players the difference between me and them is pretty much how much more accurate they are from a left and right perspective.

You can find all this info from Mark Broadie. He has tracked all the shots on the us tour for years and also written a book Every Shot Counts about it

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I have been playing Golf for less than 19 months. I must admit I was damn tired of the same Golf Lesson producing varying results with inconsistent instruction(s) which seemed contradictory to the previous lesson. I take Golf perhaps a little more serious than others and my “approach” to this game may be viewed as extreme due to my focus on Fitness/Strength Training combined with my Yoga and Nutritional regimen.

That notwithstanding I would like to formally THANK the Trackman Developers and Support Staff for FINALLY producing a “Standardized” curriculum eliminating the traditional random quick fixes and circumventing the often inconsistent and contradictory methods being taught today.

I currently own a Trackman 4 and although I DO NOT wish to teach, I am Certified as an Operator and successful in obtaining my Professional Level 1 & 2 Certifications and shortly will be submitting my Thesis to be considered for review. These Certifications have greatly assisted me in understanding Flight/Ball dynamics and greatly assists my Coach and I in our 4-5 hour daily Putting-Wedge-Iron-Wood and Driver Sessions providing the data necessary to produce a more consistent and …. I have a hard time with this next word…… F U N game. (There I said the word “fun” in the same sentence as “Golf.” I’m so proud of myself!!!

Seriously, I simply CANNOT thank Nathan Meyer for coming to my hometown and demonstrating the enormous benefit(s) of purchasing the Trackman 4 product.

Kym Fontana [email protected]

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It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you! Your work ethic, attitude, and kindness are all things that I can look up to. very excited for 2017 and I am looking forward to seeing you again soon!

-Nathan Meyer [email protected]

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Are there numbers posted for an average 5 HCP player or 10 HCP player similar to the charts above for the ave tour player?

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What is the #1 PGA Tour player in “Carry Distance” average carry distance??

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I understand this data is pretty old, released soon after the time when trackman first came out. I’m sure things have changed since then. Any update?

Actually, we haven’t seen any huge changes over the past years, it’s more about roundings. For example, Avg. Club Speed for a driver: 2014: 113.0 mph 2015: 113.3 mph 2016: 112.9 mph And it’s pretty much similar with the other numbers.

We do have a graphical updated version of the Tour Stats here.

Not really. Lee Westwood was interviewed recently and advised that apart from his driver he hits everything else almost the exact same he has his entire career.

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I’m looking for PGA tour averages for dynamic loft for different clubs. Does anyone have this data to share? Thanks!

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Are there tour averages for club path?

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Are all these stats full swings? Example: Would the avg tour pro hit a 6-iron further, if he turns fully and tries to hit it as far as possible (with a natural movement like on a driver – not with an unnatural swing that creates most possible power, but result in very unconsistent ball flight)?

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Currently I practice indoors because of the winter. I do my practice with Trackman and I carry my 7 iron about 177-180 yards and total distance of 188-192 yards with my TaylorMade PSi irons. Lots of my shots with the 7 iron has a smash factor of 1.50-1.51.

This is a example of one of my shots with 7 iron.

Club speed: 80.2 | AoA: 1.3 | Ball speed: 120.5 | Carry: 164 meter | Total: 176 meter | Dyn Loft: 19.6 | Smash Factor: 1.50

Is that normal number for a 7 iron with a that club speed?

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Averages are useful, but knowing them would be more useful if we knew the median and mode, as well as the range.

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Hello, Are there updated PGA Tour Trackman stats?

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On Trackman this week using 7i I noticed the spin rate I had was well below that of a pro by nearly 3,000 rpm but similar club speed and attack angle. How can I get my spin rate up?

It can vary a lot due to the ball and clubs you are using. For example driving range balls are normally very hard and will have much lower spinrates than a quality ball like a Titleist pro v1. Modern day irons are also built to higher the lauch angle and lower the spinrate so that the average golfer will achieve more distance

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It would be great to know the average loft for each club, especially the irons!. I think 21-24-27-30-34-38-42-46 (3-Pw) are reasonable specs. What do you guys think?

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What loft are the irons? A modern 7i is now 30°

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Is this still the original data from 2015 or has it been updated?

I’d be very curious to see if the how the average attack angle has changed over this time in the PGA.

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Please update this data from over the years of more testing.

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Do you have any numbers on tour averages numbers on dynamic loft and spin loft?

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I am a 2 handicapper and I hit my driver 280 yards on an average. What is the attack angle with driver of the best players on the pga tour?

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these yardages are no doubt well below reality.

6 iron only 183yds carry? Most high handicappers hit it equally far.

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What Golf Clubs Really Weigh (Inside A Golf Bag)

weight of golf clubs

At some point you’ll need to take your golf clubs to a place you normally don’t bring them. This is a situation where knowing the total weight of your clubs is useful.

Table of Contents

In short, the average set of golf clubs weighs around 30 pounds (13.6 kilos). This accounts for a complete set of 14 clubs inside your average sized golf bag.   A standard golf bag accounts for 3 to 5 pounds of the figure.

Keep in mind that the figure above is an average weight. There are many factors which can add additional pounds to the overall weight such as:

  • Using a staff bag instead of a carry or stand bag
  • Placing items inside your bag such as umbrellas, bottles, and golf ball finders
  • Packing clubs with large heads

Weight in Kilos and Pounds

Individual golf clubs weigh less than 1 pound. According to golf digest, the average weight of a professional golf club is 0.73 pounds (0.33 kilos) .  A set of 14 clubs gives us a total dry weight of 10.22 lbs (4.64 kilos).

I personally like to be on the safe side, so before packing my golf clubs inside a shipping box, I’ll assume they weigh 1 pound each.

Each type of stick will vary in weight of course. In almost all cases a driver will weigh more than a 7 iron. As a result of this variance, 1 pound (0.45 kilos) is a good average to use across the board.

Quick Tip: What does adding weight to a golf club do?  

Average Weight of Golf Irons

Since golf irons make up a large number of a set of clubs, you should know how much all of the golf irons weight individually. I’ve compiled a table below which outlines the average weight of a steel set of golf irons.

Examples of Golf Club Weight

Here are some examples of weight by golf club type. This will give you a better understanding of how club weight differs between type and brand:

Cobra 2018 F-Max One Length Golf Iron Set

  • 10 pounds – Complete Set

Callaway Golf Men’s Strata Complete Set

  • 0.74 lbs – Driver
  • 0.87 lbs – 3-Wood
  • 0.95 lbs – 5H
  • 0.97 lbs – 6 Iron
  • 0.98 lbs – 7 Iron
  • 0.99 lbs – 8 Iron
  • 1.01 lbs – 9 Iron
  • 1.02 lbs – PW
  • 1.17 lbs – Putter
  • Total Weight – 8.72 lbs

Graphite Vs Steel Shafts

If you’re looking for the lightest club possible, I would go with graphite made shafts. Graphite clubs are significantly lighter than steel in pretty much all cases. However you can expect to pay up to 20% more for graphite irons.

Benefits of graphite club shafts are:

  • Much lighter than steel
  • You can increase your distance at least by 5 yards
  • Easier to swing
  • Shots produce less vibration which decreases shoulder pain

How To Ship Golf Clubs

  • Order a double wall corrugated golf club shipping box
  • Tightly wrap bubble wrap around your club shaft
  • Wrap a separate pace of bubble wrap for the head
  • Use packaging tape to secure the bubble wrap the golf club
  • Place clubs inside the box
  • Secure the contents by using foam chips to fill out any empty areas inside the box. Place 1-2 inches of chips at the bottom of the bag before placing contents. then place more on the top before sealing the box.
  • Finally tape all sides of the box securely. Remember to tape the bottom flap of the box too.

Golf Club Shipping Boxes

If you’ve never sent golf clubs anywhere before I’m here to help you. I remember years ago having no idea where to start. The cheapest way to send clubs is by using golf club shipping boxes.

A golf shipping box is simply a long narrow cardboard box that is designed for packing golf clubs. 

These boxes are made from corrugated cardboard and will keep your clubs secure while being transported.

I bought my own shipping boxes from U-Haul but you can also find them on Amazon and other storage stores.

If you have bought new clubs at any point, you may remember the box they came in. Unfortunately if you’re like the majority of golfers, you may have thrown them out. If you still have these boxes, it’s time to dust them off!

If you aren’t so lucky, you’ll just have to order shipping boxes online or visit your local storage business.

Once you have your box, follow my easy step by step guide below to pack your golf clubs correctly.

golf club shipping box

Use a golf club shipping box to send your clubs safely.

Choose Double Wall Shipping Boxes

Important: I highly recommend spending the extra few cents it costs order some high quality double wall boxes.

In the past I made the unfortunate mistake of ordering single wall boxes. “Single wall” simply means is that the box is made from only one layer of cardboard. 

Double wall cardboard boxes on the other hand offer many times the strength as a single. The extra durability will ensure your clubs arrive in the same condition they left in!

Shipping Weight and Dimensions

Choosing the right golf club shipping boxes will be easier if you know the amount of clubs you need to pack. You can find boxes that will fit 1-4 clubs for less than $6 each.  While you can find boxes for less than $1, I would be wary of their durability. 

The boxes I bought show on the label they can hold up to 60 lbs of weight. This is more than enough to hold your whole set of clubs! 

Remember to order 1-2 more boxes than you think you’ll need. Once clubs are wrapped in bubble wrap, their size will increase quite a lot.

When shopping online, you’ll come across many different sizes of a golf club shipping boxes.

Pay careful attention to the length of the box as you can’t make a box taller!

Remember to measure your driver as it will be your longest club. The standard length of for a driver found at the shops is 45.5 inches long. This is slightly less than the 44 inches used by most professionals on tour.

These are the most common golf shipping box dimensions I have come across:

  • 8″ x 8″ x 30″ (76 cm ) (For kids club sizes)
  • 6″ x 6″ x 40″ (102 cm) (Only suitable For putter and irons, sand wedge and PW)
  • 15” x 15” x 48”  (123 cm) (Ideal for all sizes)

Length Of Callaway Men’s Strata Ultimate Set

  • 45″ – Driver
  • 41.5″ – 3-Wood 
  • 42.5″ – 5-Wood
  • 38.5″ – 4H
  • 37.75″ – 5H
  • 37″ – 6 Iron
  • 36.5″ – 7 Iron
  • 36″ – 8 Iron
  • 35.5″ – 9 Iron
  • 35″ – PW
  • 35″ – SW
  • 35″ – Putter

Golf Weight Glossary – The Terms Explained

When shopping for golfing equipment and storage boxes, no doubt you’ll come across some confusing terms. I remember back in my early days of online shopping being very confused over terms like swing weight. 

Here are the most useful phrases explained:

Dry Weight:  As the name suggests, this is the weight of an item in its bare bones state. For example the dry weight of a golf bag would not include any accessories, or extras the bag comes with.

Swing Weight:  Swing weight often confuses golfers but it’s not that difficult to understand. This measurement has nothing to do with the actual weight of the club. Swing weight simply refers to the clubs distribution of weight from the bottom 66% compared to the top 33%.

Shipping Weight:  The total weight of a boxed item. Manufacturers or online stores will often include this figure so you know the exact postage costs of the product.

How Tall Is A Golf Bag With Clubs

Since golf clubs stand in the middle section of the bag, the overall length of golf clubs inside a golf bag is approximately 50″ tall.

The standard length of a golf stand bag is 36″. The tallest golf club you will be packing is your driver coming in around 45.5″ long. 

Since most bags don’t allow clubs to fit inside all the way to the bottom of the bag, your clubs are likely to be sticking out the top end of the bag. This allows easier access to your clubs, and also creates extra storage space at the bottom of the bag.

To make things easier, I wrote another article which shows you my favorite lightweight golf bags . 

Well there you have it! Everything you could ever want to know about golf club weight, size, height and dimensions!

I hope this guide helps you when it comes time to pack, ship or send your clubs. As long as you measure your clubs weight and size before buying any box or bag, you won’t have any problems. 

To save some time, have a look online for your specific clubs to try and determine their measurements. 

Extra Tip:  I find ordering my boxes online to be the easiest way to ship my golf clubs. Aside from the convenience, I’ve found the prices to be cheaper as well.

If you think you’ll need to pack more than on one occasion, I recommend purchasing in bulk lots. Bulk purchasing tends to offer further discount which is worth it, as you don’t want to pay multiple postage costs.

Good luck, and remember your driver is the longest club you own, so use it as a base to measure everything!

Quick Tip: What does adding weight to a golf club do?

Continue Reading...

  • How to Store your Golf Clubs (10 Amazing Tips)
  • Stop Your Golf Clubs Rattling! – Driver Head, Shaft (Steps)
  • How Long Do Golf Clubs Last? (Average Lifespan Chart)

Ernie loves documenting interesting facts about golf.

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Golfing Focus

What Wedges Do the Pros Use? Top 100 PGA Tour Player Analysis (2023 update)

Graeme Hay

Written by Graeme Hay | Last Updated: 12/03/2024

Golfing Focus infographic of number of different brands of wedges used by the top 100 on the PGA Tour

The march of golf technology has led to ever increasing numbers of specialist and highly customized clubs and when it comes to golf wedges especially that trend has been very clear.

Long gone are the days of golfers simply choosing a standard pitching and sand wedge and in its place have come wedges with seemingly infinite different loft, grind, bounce, and finish options.

The pros are always at the forefront of the latest and best wedges so to see what we can learn from the best players we have taken an in-depth look at the wedge setups of the top 100 players on the PGA Tour.

Titleist wedges are the most used by the top 100 PGA Tour pros with 59 playing at least one of their models. PING wedges are used by 14 pros with Callaway and Cleveland wedges chosen by 13 and 12 respectively. 88% of this group use 4 wedges including a pitching, gap, sand, and lob wedge of varying lofts from 46º to 64º.

That breakdown only gives us part of the picture however when it comes to the wedges being used by the pros and after examining the wedges chosen by the best players on the PGA Tour in detail it is fascinating to see the choices and the trends that emerge such as the rise of the specialist pitching wedge.

Also not only have we analyzed how many and what degree of wedges they carry but we’ve also checked out what bounce and grind of wedges they are using as well as looking at what has changed since we last time we did this in-depth study of the most popular wedges on Tour a couple of years back.

3 Titleist SM9 wedges with different finishes

Most Popular Wedges on Tour? Vokey is Titleist’s Leader

When it comes to the wedge brands used by the best pros there is one clear winner.

Of the 387 different wedges used by the best players on the PGA Tour made by 12 different manufacturers 46% are produced by Titleist with the next most played brand being PING whose wedges account for only 14% of the wedges used by comparison.

Callaway wedges make up 12% of the wedges played with Cleveland’s models making up 10%.

Titleist Vokey’s SM9 is the most used wedge by the top 100 PGA Tour pros with 42 using at least one. It accounts for over 1/4 of all the wedges used by this group. Cleveland’s RTX Zipcore wedge is the next most popular including with Shane Lowry. PING’s Glide 4.0 & Callaway’s Jaws Raw models are those brands most used.

When we did this same in-depth study two years ago Titleist wedges accounted for 44% of all the wedges chosen by this elite group so it appears their dominance is only growing as time passes.

The most popular model back then was the Vokey SM8 and as such all that seems to have changed is that the large bunch of pros using them have simply upgraded to the SM9 version.

Such dominance by Titleist makes it far and away the wedge brand of choice for the best pros on Tour but when looking in detail at their wedges it doesn’t take long to see they have a huge number of unique preferences whether that be with respect to the bounce, loft, grind or finish of the wedges they chose.

We found 71 different wedge models in total being used by this group across all the different wedge types – pitching, gap, sand, and lob wedges – with a number of the wedges being listed as ‘prototypes’ or even having a specific grind attributed to a particular player.

It won’t surprise many to know also for example that Taylor Made’s Milled Grind 3 wedges are available with Tiger Woods’ chosen grind.

Every player is clearly different therefore and although different golfers may have the same model of wedge it is never one size fits all and many of the pros have their own unique requirements when it comes to bounce, grind, loft, and finish on that model.

Golfing Focus infographic of the gap wedges used by the top 100 on the PGA Tour broken down by brand and loft

How Many Wedges Do Pros Carry? Note the Specialists

The pros tend to tinker with their golf club set up a lot depending on where they are playing and the conditions they will be up against in any particular week.

But when we looked in detail at how many wedges the top 100 pros on the PGA Tour carry there were some clear indicators in terms of what they consider to be the best wedge set up.

88% of the top 100 PGA Tour pros carry 4 wedges including Rory McIlroy and Jordan Speith. The other 12% carry 3. The most common wedge set up, chosen by 50%, is a pitching wedge that matches their irons & 3 specialist wedges – a gap wedge ranging from 49º to 53º, a sand wedge from 53º to 59º and a lob wedge from 58º to 64º.

Players such as Phil Mickelson have been known in the past to occasionally carry a 5th wedge to give them more options for shots inside 125 yards, but that is a rare occurrence.

Indeed it is interesting to note that his great rival Tiger Woods carries only 3 wedges – a TaylorMade P7TW pitching wedge and a 56º sand wedge and a 60º lob wedge both of which are TaylorMade’s MG3 Raw TW Grind model.

The increasing trend we noticed when we did this study a couple of years ago is for the top pros to choose a specialty pitching wedge in place of a standard wedge which comes as part of their iron set and this group now stands at 36 strong across the top 100 compared to 28 two years back.

Justin Thomas, Jordan Speith, and Cameron Young are just a selection of some of the top 100 who are opting for the specialty wedge approach across all their wedges.

The arguments for doing this are that the narrower and deeper milled grooves give a more penetrating ball flight and more consistent spin while the increased grind and bounce options allow for increased shot creativity.

Commentators note that this trend is appearing across the younger generation of PGA Tour stars with the older guard sticking with their iron set matching pitching wedge but that also seems to be changing with Rory McIlroy for example now joining the four specialist wedge camp including a 46º MG3 wedge.

Irrespective of age however the trend of using specialty wedges exclusively is one we clearly saw again in our analysis with other notable names such as Hideki Matsuyama and Max Homa also following it.

Golfing Focus infographic of the number of wedges carried by the top 100 on the PGA Tour

Within the clear minority – 12% of the top 100 – opting to put only 3 wedges in their bag there are obviously some of the world’s best players, such as Shane Lowry, Adam Scott as well as the great Tiger Woods, in that group.

But these golfers are definitely among the few in terms of choosing that wedge set up on Tour.

It was interesting to note however that it tended to be the traditional 56º sand wedge that was the club that made way with those players using only 3 wedges typically opting for a gap wedge from between 51 to 54 degrees combined with a very lofted 58º sand or 60º lob wedge.

Within another definite minority also was Sam Burns who was in a group of only two in the top 100, alongside Maverick McNealy, using a non-specialist gap wedge – his Callaway Apex TCB ‘Approach’ wedge – that matched his iron set in addition to a pitching wedge.

Given Burns has been sitting comfortably in the top 20 on Tour for a couple of years now clearly shows however that there is more than one way to go about choosing your wedges and you don’t need a bag full of specialty wedges to be successful.

[Editor’s note – For our purposes we class a ‘specialty wedge’ as a wedge that isn’t sold as part of an iron set. Examples include Titleist’s Vokey range, PING’s Glide, Callaway’s Jaws, & Cleveland’s RTX wedges.]

Golfing Focus infographic of the sand wedges used by the top 100 on the PGA Tour broken down by brand and loft

What Degree Wedges Do the Pros Use on the PGA Tour?

I don’t know about you but one of the main things that strikes me when I watch the pros on TV these days is the ridiculous distances they seem to hit all their irons and especially their wedges.

Sitting about 150 yards out from the green it always amazes me that while I would be thinking 7-iron most likely players like Rory McIlroy we are told by the commentators are reaching for their pitching wedge.

We take a close look at how far the pros hit each club in another one of our articles here , and while they undoubtedly hit the ball a mile, on closer inspection of their wedges the disparity between us and them often becomes a bit clearer.

“What happened was years ago they always said a sand wedge was at 56 degrees, [then] all of a sudden along come irons that keep people for some reason [recognizing] distance so the manufacturers start strengthening all their irons. The next thing you know pitching wedges are all the way down to 43 degrees.” Bob Vokey, one of the world’s foremost wedge designers

For example, Brendan Todd’s ‘gap wedge’ has a degree loft of 49 degrees which is almost the same as my pitching wedge.

While I’m not saying for a minute that the differences in the iron lofts used by the pros explain why they hit the same club so much further than me it is important to bear in mind the degrees of wedges they are using if you are looking at the wedge models they use on Tour.

67% of the top 100 PGA Tour pros use a 46º pitching wedge with just over 10% each using a 47º and 48º model. For gap wedges 40% use 50º models with over 1/3 choosing a 52º loft. The most used sand wedge loft is 56º with nearly 1/2 of the top 100 picking that model while for lob wedges 64% of this group play with 60º models.

Looking at the degrees of wedges the pros use as a whole however doesn’t tell the whole story. One pro’s ‘sand’ wedge for example could be another player’s ‘lob wedge’.

CT Pan for example uses 4 wedges of lofts 46°, 52°, 59° and 64° while the degrees of the four wedges that Rory McIlroy chooses are 46 degrees, 50 degrees, 54 degrees, and 60 degrees.

So looking at a standard loft chart that classifies a ‘traditional’ sand wedge as 56° it would seem CT Pan doesn’t carry a sand wedge at all but instead uses 2 lob wedges given there’s only one degree of difference between his 59º wedge and McIlroy’s 60º lob wedge.

But Pan must use one of his four wedges out of the sand so which one is his ‘sand wedge’?

In reality it doesn’t matter of course and the point is simply that in the world of wedges today it is almost irrelevant what they are called.

The critical factor is that the various lofts of wedges any golfer carries cover a good degree of loft and therefore distances.

When it comes to the top 100 pros on the PGA Tour however they are far more precise than amateurs and can often go down to as much as a 1/4 of a degree when it comes to the shortest clubs in their bag to ensure their wedge distance gapping is as dialed in as possible.

Bob Vokey, one of the world’s foremost wedge designers, says he likes to see anywhere 4 to 6 degrees between the lofts of a golfer’s wedges which will equate to anywhere between 10 and 15 yards of distance for most male golfers.

Female and junior golfers will have 5 to 10-yard gaps by comparison.

A breakdown of the lofts of the lob wedges used by the top 100 PGA Tour golfers is given in the infographic below together with the brands of lob wedges they choose and you can see comparable information for the gap and sand wedges they play with in similar charts above.

Golfing Focus infographic of the lob wedges used by the top 100 on the PGA Tour broken down by brand and loft

What Grind and Bounce Wedges Do Pros Use?

One of the features of the advance of golf tech in recent times when it comes to wedges is the seemingly exponential rise in the options that are available.

And two of the key factors in these options are ‘grind’ and ‘bounce’.

While ‘bounce’ is the angle created between the leading edge of a wedge and the lowest point of the sole or trailing edge, wedge ‘grind’ is the manipulation or removal of material from the sole of the club, helping to improve contact with the turf or sand.

Grinds, in brief, therefore allow for more creativity and consistency around the green – providing the correct contact on the face – giving you the confidence to fly the ball lower, with more spin.

So what are the pros doing when it comes to the bounce and grind of the wedges that they use?

‘10’ bounce pitching wedges are the most used by the top 100 PGA Tour pros with ‘F’ the most chosen grind option. 8, 10, and 12 bounce gap and sand wedges are the most popular with F the most common gap wedge grind option compared to S grind for sand wedges. 8 bounce and T grinds are the most popular in lob wedges.

It should be noted however that bounce and grind data was not available for all the wedges we found used by the best pros on the PGA Tour and also different brands use different categorizations for their grind options which makes direct comparisons more difficult.

What was clear though from our analysis this year, and a couple of years back, is that there is clearly a large variety of grind and bounce options used across the top 100 pros on the Tour and especially when it comes to lob wedges where we found 15 different grinds being used.

average pga tour bag weight

“Bounce if your friend because it provides forgiveness on all types of wedge shots.” Bob Vokey, Master Craftsman and one of the world’s foremost wedge designers

The table below though gives a detailed breakdown of all the various bounce and grind wedges that we found through our research.

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Before you go …

Ever wondered how far the pros hit their wedges compared to amateurs and how your own wedge distances stack up against other amateurs?

Read our next article to find out how far you should hit your wedges and the single best tip to hit your wedges those ‘inbetweener’ distances!

How Far Should You Hit Your Wedges? Be Sure to Fill the Gaps!

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No. 1 junior Miles Russell: What’s in the bag, stock yardages

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Last week, TaylorMade announced a Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) agreement with Miles Russell. It was a natural match for Russell, 15, the world’s top-ranked junior golfer who had been playing TaylorMade equipment for some time.

This news, announced Friday, corresponded with Russell making history as the youngest player to make a cut in Korn Ferry Tour history. He proceeded to finish T20 at the LECOM Suncoast Classic, becoming the youngest player to finish top-25 on either the PGA TOUR or Korn Ferry Tour, on record (since 1983). Last fall, Russell was named the 2023 AJGA Boys Junior Player of the Year, surpassing Tiger Woods’ long-standing record, and Russell’s performance in his TOUR-sanctioned debut further validated that distinction.

Miles Russell, 15, becomes youngest to make cut on Korn Ferry Tour

With a top-25 at the LECOM, Russell earned a spot in this week’s Veritex Bank Championship, where the high school freshman will look to continue his strong play and see how long a top-25 run might last.

“I have had a great relationship with the team at TaylorMade for years now and couldn’t be more excited to continue to work with them in the future,” Russell said in the TaylorMade release. “TaylorMade has a history of developing the top junior talent in the world to help reach their goals of becoming PGA TOUR and major championship winners. I am looking forward to working with the team to reach those and other goals I have laid out for my career.”

Here’s a look at what’s in Russell’s bag and his stock yardages, as the left-handed Floridian has put the golf world on notice in the past week.

What’s in the bag

  • Driver: TaylorMade Qi10 LS, 10.5 degrees
  • 3-wood: TaylorMade Qi10 Tour, 15 degrees
  • 5-wood: TaylorMade Qi10, 18 degrees
  • 4-iron: TaylorMade P770
  • Irons (5-9): TaylorMade P7MC
  • Wedges (46, 50 degrees): TaylorMade Milled Grind 4 SB
  • Wedges (56, 60 degrees): TaylorMade Milled Grind 4 LB
  • Putter: TaylorMade TP Soto
  • Ball: TaylorMade TP5x

Stock yardages

  • Driver: 280 yards
  • 3-wood: 270 yards
  • 5-wood: 248 yards
  • 4-iron: 226 yards
  • 5-iron: 212 yards
  • 6-iron: 195 yards
  • 7-iron: 184 yards
  • 8-iron: 168 yards
  • 9-iron: 157 yards
  • Pitching wedge (46 degrees): 143 yards
  • Gap wedge (50 degrees): 127 yards
  • Sand wedge (56 degrees): 113 yards
  • 60-degree wedge: 94 yards


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Average SwingWeight of Putters on Tour


By CKaneb March 14, 2023 in Putters

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anyone have any insight on this? I know average headweight for most blade heads now is about 330 - 370 grams but does anyone have any insight on what the average swingweight is on the putters most tour pros are using?

Driver:  Titleist TSR3 10° (@ 9.25°, B3 SureFit Setting) w/ Project X Small Batch HZRDUS Smoke Green PVD 60 6.5TX  (45")  I  D3+

3 Wood: Titleist TS2 15° (C4 SureFit Setting) w/ Project X Small Batch HZRDUS Smoke Green PVD 70 6.5TX  (43, tipped 0.5")  I  D4

3 Iron:  TaylorMade P790 18° w/ Graphite Design Tour AD HY 95-X  (40")  I  D4

Irons: Titleist 620 CB (4 - 9) w/ KBS Tour 125 S+ |  D4

Wedges:  Titleist Vokey SM10 (46° @ 45°-10F, 50°-12F, 54°-08M), Vokey SM7 (58°-03A) w/ KBS Tour 125 S+ (46 ° , 50 ° ) KBS Hi-Rev 2.0 125 S Black PVD (54 ° , 58 ° ) |  D4

Putter:  Odyssey Ai-ONE Jailbird Cruiser  (35.5")

Grips:  Golf Pride Tour Velvet BCT Cord Midsize (1 + 1) & Golf Pride Tour Velvet Super Tack Midsize (1 + 1) , Winn Pistol 17"

Ball:  Titleist Pro V1

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March 14, 2023

I find I don’t pay too much attention to putter swingweight.  What I have noticed though is that I putt much better with putters with a lower balance point.  Not everyone is the same though.  There wa



March 15, 2023

I don't think it's so much that putter swingweight doesn't matter as a concept (that is, balance point, or headweight feel throughout the stroke), it's that the normal swingweight measurement scheme d


From what I've seen and read most folks recommend to not pay any attention to putter swingweight.

Coggin Machine Design mentioned on an Instagram story that he has never swingweighted any of the putters he built.

At 9:30 he talks about putter swingweight

I find I don’t pay too much attention to putter swingweight.  What I have noticed though is that I putt much better with putters with a lower balance point.  Not everyone is the same though.  There was a story of a pro that added 50g grip weight to feel the grip more and not the head.  I remember purchasing a 330g putter with a 120g P2 grip and the feeling to me was aweful. 


I don't have tour info but I am eagerly waiting to see if anyone does.

That being said, Guerin Rife in one of the early videos when Evnroll was coming out (Be Better Golf maybe) said that D7 was the magic number that all putter makers knew about. However, his most famous ER2 was well into the E1 to E4 range depending on length. His other mallets were similar. His ER1.2 TourBlade were lower - D9 at 35" and D4 at 34" and 33". Sadly most companies don't list this spec.

I don’t believe anyone swing weights putters.  The putter stroke is so slow that, in putters, total weight is more important than swing weight.  In fact, IMO, total weight is a sorely underused parameter in full swing clubs.

Only ones I've seen mentioned swing weight with putters is Trottie and that was only with guys like Day and Morikawa. 

Lefty - WITB Thread

Driver: 10° Cobra LTDxLS | AD-IZ 6X 

3W: 15° Callaway Paradym X | AD-IZ 7X

3H: 19° Ping G410 | Tensei CK Pro Orange 90TX

Irons: PXG 0311P 4-6 | 0317CB 7-PW | DG 120 X100

Wedges: SM9 50° - 54° - 58° 

Putter(s): Ping PLD Anser 4K | CMD Gauge R | and more. 

Ball: TP5X 2024

Bag: Ghost Katana

I don't think it's so much that putter swingweight doesn't matter as a concept (that is, balance point, or headweight feel throughout the stroke), it's that the normal swingweight measurement scheme doesn't matter due to the length and massive variations in component weight. Not to mention the way it is actually swung.

Essentially, trying to hit "D2" on the swingweight scale because that's what Tiger plays is pointless unless your putter also has a 56 gram grip, 100 gram shaft, 35.5 inch length, and 330 gram headweight. However, if you know that your 535 gram putter feels perfect and has a swingweight of D2, trying to replicate that swingweight in another putter likely does have some worth.

Callaway Rogue ST Max 10.5 deg.

Callaway Rogue ST Max 3L

Srixon ZX 3 hybrid

Ping S55 irons

Ping Glide 3.0 54 & 60 deg.

Odyssey White Hot Versa #1

1 hour ago, MaineMariner said: I don't think it's so much that putter swingweight doesn't matter as a concept (that is, balance point, or headweight feel throughout the stroke), it's that the normal swingweight measurement scheme doesn't matter due to the length and massive variations in component weight. Not to mention the way it is actually swung.   Essentially, trying to hit "D2" on the swingweight scale because that's what Tiger plays is pointless unless your putter also has a 56 gram grip, 100 gram shaft, 35.5 inch length, and 330 gram headweight. However, if you know that your 535 gram putter feels perfect and has a swingweight of D2, trying to replicate that swingweight in another putter likely does have some worth.

But...but...but...if it's good enough for Tiger it's good enough for me right? 

I do think having an preferred setup in your putter(s) is good but being obsessive about SW is going to have people trying putters for life. 

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  2. How Much Does a Professional Golfer Bag Weigh

    The weight of a professional golfer's bag can vary depending on several factors, including the golfer's preferences, the number of clubs carried, and the specific equipment they use. On average, a professional golfer's bag can weigh anywhere from 30 to 40 pounds (13.6 to 18.1 kilograms).

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  8. How Much Does A Golf Bag Weigh?

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  9. How much does the average PGA Tour bag weigh?

    The average PGA Tour golf bag weighs between 9 and 10 pounds. However, there is a wide range of bag weights, depending on the si.. ... The weight of a golf iron can also impact the weight of the golf bag. The weight of a golf iron varies depending on the type of iron, but they typically weigh between 0.8 and 1 pound. Driver: A driver is the ...

  10. How Much Does a Golf Bag Weigh?

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  12. FAQ: How much does a staff bag weigh with all the gear you need in it

    Low to middle 40 lbs is average. No PGA or LPGA tour bag weighs in the 30's, ever. You carry food, energy bars, rain gear, water bottles, 3 to 4 sleeves of balls, umbrella, 14 clubs, club cover in case of rain. I caddied professionally 30 years. I should have a pretty good idea.

  13. What's in the bag? (WITB) -- All Tour Players

    Tom Kim. October 2023. 24. Chris Kirk. January 2024. 25. Sepp Straka. February 2024. Find out what clubs and equipment all the top PGA Tour players have in their bag at PGAClubTracker.com.

  14. How Much Do Golf Bags Weigh • On The Golf Green

    Key Takeaways TL;DR. Summary: The weight of a pro golfer's bag can range from 30 to 50 pounds depending on customizations. It contains essential items like clubs, balls, tees, gloves, and a towel, as well as additional items such as rain gear, snacks, and sunscreen.

  15. How Much Does a Full Golf Bag Weigh? Total Weight Wet and Dry!

    The Approximate Weight of the Golf Bag. The good news is that modern golf bags weight much less when compared to models toted around the course in the past. Experts estimate that the average bag weighs somewhere between 1.4 and 2.3 kilograms (roughly between three and five pounds).Having said this, there can be other factors that may add weight to the bag.

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    Get swing weight right, and your driver could become your favorite club in the bag. Get swing weight wrong, and it can screw up an otherwise perfect driver. Most golfers are happy to hear that optimizing swing weight is fast and easy. ... And when you consider that the average length driver on the PGA Tour is 44.75 inches, it's clear that 45 ...

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  19. What Golf Clubs Really Weigh (Inside A Golf Bag)

    This is a situation where knowing the total weight of your clubs is useful. In short, the average set of golf clubs weighs around 30 pounds (13.6 kilos). This accounts for a complete set of 14 clubs inside your average sized golf bag. A standard golf bag accounts for 3 to 5 pounds of the figure. Keep in mind that the figure above is an average ...

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    In this case I'm very curious to know if there's any info out there regarding detailed swing weight info... Quote. Callaway Paradym 12° - Fujikura Ventus Red 6s. Callaway Paradym 18° - Fujikura Ventus Red 7s. Callaway Paradym 21° - Fujikura Ventus Red 7s. Srixon z785 (4-PW) - Oban CT 115s+. Taylormade Hi-Toe 3 Copper SB 50° - Black KBS Hi ...

  21. What Wedges Do the Pros Use? Top 100 PGA Tour Player Analysis (2023

    88% of the top 100 PGA Tour pros carry 4 wedges including Rory McIlroy and Jordan Speith. The other 12% carry 3. The most common wedge set up, chosen by 50%, is a pitching wedge that matches their irons & 3 specialist wedges - a gap wedge ranging from 49º to 53º, a sand wedge from 53º to 59º and a lob wedge from 58º to 64º.

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    Earlier last season, Tony Finau, at the suggestion of Ping Tour rep Kenton Oates, went from 45.25 inches to 44.75 inches and produced a higher ball speed — 182-183 mph versus 180-182 mph ...

  23. Quora

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  24. No. 1 junior Miles Russell: What's in the bag, stock yardages

    He proceeded to finish T20 at the LECOM Suncoast Classic, becoming the youngest player to finish top-25 on either the PGA TOUR or Korn Ferry Tour, on record (since 1983).

  25. Average SwingWeight of Putters on Tour

    I know average headweight for most blade heads now is about 330 - 370 grams but does anyone have any insight on what the average swingweight is on the putters most tour pros are using? Quote. Driver: Titleist TSR3 10° (@ 9.25°, B3 SureFit Setting) w/ Project X Small Batch HZRDUS Smoke Green PVD 60 6.5TX (45") I D3+.