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Ultimate Guide To The Queen Of Swords | Helpful Tarot Guide

  • Date: 20 January 2023
  • Time to read: 36 min.

Ultimate Guide To The Queen Of Swords | Helpful Tarot Guide

Queen Of Swords – An Overview

The Queen of Swords is a card that speaks to the strength and power of an individual’s spirit and the importance of living with total honesty. This card symbolizes a person who is independent, self-sufficient, and capable of making decisions for themselves. She is a figure of authority who is wise, intuitive and has a great capacity for understanding. Her presence is a reminder to trust yourself, to stand up for what you believe in and to act with integrity. The Queen of Swords encourages us to be true to ourselves and to make decisions based on our intuition, rather than on what others expect from us. She is a reminder that the path to success lies in being honest with ourselves and living our lives the way we want to.

Upright Meanings Of Queen Of Swords

What it means for me.

The Queen of Swords tarot card is a sign that I am a self-sufficient person. I have the strength and courage to stand on my own and make my own decisions. This card also signifies that I am a person of total honesty, meaning I am always truthful and direct in my words and actions. I also strive to be fair and just in my dealings with others. This card implies that I have an independent spirit and the intelligence to make wise decisions. I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in and speak my truth. This card means that I have the capacity to be successful and powerful, as long as I remain true to myself and my own values.

What It Means For The Future

The Queen of Swords in my future indicates that I am likely to become increasingly self-sufficient and independent. I should strive to always be honest with myself and others, and to never shy away from the truth. I should use my independence to make the most of my talents and show the world what I am capable of achieving. The Queen of Swords encourages me to be brave and to never give up on my dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may seem. With hard work and dedication, I can achieve anything.

What It Means For Those Close To You

The Queen of Swords tarot card is a reminder to those close to me to be self-sufficient and to practice total honesty. It indicates that I need to rely on my own strength and not rely on others or expect them to take care of me. This card also suggests that I need to be honest with myself and with those around me, even if it is difficult or not the most pleasant thing to do. It also emphasizes the importance of being open about my feelings and opinions, and to not be afraid of speaking the truth. This can help foster strong and meaningful relationships with those around me, as well as give me the courage to stand up for what I believe in.

Reversed Meanings Of Queen Of Swords

When the Queen of Swords is reversed, it is a sign that I am not being completely honest with myself. I may be trying to deny truths that I know deep down and struggling to accept them. I could be too focused on my own needs and struggling to be considerate of others. I may be stubborn and unyielding in my beliefs, even if they are not based in reality. I may be trying to be too independent and not allowing myself to lean on others for help.

This could lead to feelings of isolation, resentment, and frustration. I could also be too critical of myself and of others, leading to further feelings of negativity and unhappiness. This card could be a reminder to take a step back and take a more balanced approach to life. I need to be honest with myself, accept truths, and be open to help and support from those around me. I must strive to be self-sufficient while also recognizing that I cannot do everything alone.

When the Queen of Swords is reversed, it indicates that it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate your situation. You may be too focused on your own ambitions and goals, and not be considering the thoughts and opinions of those around you. It is important to remember that sometimes it is okay to be vulnerable and open up to others and accept help.

The reversed Queen of Swords could also be warning that you are exhibiting too much pride and self-sufficiency which can lead to unnecessary conflict. It is important to stay humble and not get too caught up in your own ego. It is essential to remember to take the time to listen to others and not be too quick to dismiss their ideas.

In the future, the reversed Queen of Swords may be warning that you need to be more in tune with your feelings and emotions. It is important to take time for yourself to process and express your feelings instead of suppressing them and letting them build up until they become overwhelming. Additionally, it is important to be mindful of how you are treating and speaking to others. Remember to be respectful and remember that you can always learn something from those around you.

The reversed Queen of Swords tarot card indicates that the people closest to me may not be as honest or independent as they first appear. They may have hidden motives or be trying to manipulate the situation in their favor. It is essential to look beneath the surface and consider the underlying intentions of those around me. There may be a tendency to come across as strong and independent and yet be seeking approval or validation from others. It is important to be aware of any potential deception and to remain aware of the potential for manipulation.

The reversed Queen of Swords can also indicate that the people closest to me are struggling with their own insecurities and limitations. They may have a fear of taking risks or of standing out from the crowd, which can lead to a lack of authenticity and an inability to be fully honest with themselves and with others. It is important to be mindful of their doubts and fears, and to be understanding of their needs and limitations. If we are able to do this, then we can help them to move past their insecurities and to become more honest and independent.

Queen Of Swords And Love

In general terms the The meaning of The Queen Of Swords and love can be understood as follows:

The Queen of Swords in your love life means that you will be a confident, independent and honest person. You will be guided by your own intuition and make decisions based on your own values and expectations. You will have clear boundaries in relationships and have a strong sense of self-respect. You will not be afraid to speak your truth and will be honest with your partners. You will be able to assess situations objectively, without emotion or bias, and make decisions that are best for you.

Queen Of Swords And Health

In general terms the The meaning of The Queen Of Swords and your health can be understood as follows:

The Queen Of Swords tarot card speaks to the importance of self-sufficiency and total honesty when it comes to taking care of one’s health. This card encourages us to be honest with ourselves about our health and to take responsibility for our own well-being. This card encourages us to be proactive and independent in our health decisions, to make sure that we are getting the care we need and to not rely on the opinions or advice of others. Taking the time to research and understand our own medical condition can help us make the best choices for our overall health and well-being.

Queen Of Swords And Your Career

In general terms the meaning of The Queen Of Swords and career and finances can be understood as follows:<

The Queen of Swords is a card that speaks to a sense of self-sufficiency and total honesty. It encourages you to look within yourself for the answers you seek and to be honest with yourself about the decisions you make in your career. This card advises that you to take ownership of your life and career and be confident in your own abilities and talents. It also advises that you take stock of any external influences that are impacting your career and be certain that you are making decisions that are honest and true to yourself. Ultimately, this card encourages you to be brave and independent in your career and to trust in your own intuition and talents.

Queen Of Swords And Your Spirituality

The meaning of The Queen Of Swords and spirtuality can be tricky to understand.

The Queen of Swords tarot card indicates a strong spiritual journey for me. It suggests I am a person who is self-sufficient and who values total honesty. My spiritual journey will involve standing up for my beliefs, opinions, and values and communicating my truth clearly and honestly. I will be independent and make decisions based on my own internal compass. I will strive to remain true to myself and my path.

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Queen of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings

By Tina Gong

Published March 30


Queen of Swords Keywords

Queen of Swords Meaning - Original Rider Waite Tarot Depiction

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Description

The Queen of Swords wears a stern look as she sits high on the throne - looking off into the distance. A queen of the air element that the swords represents, her place in the clouds shows that no one can trick or fool her. The sword in her right hand is pointed towards the sky, whereas the left hand is extended like it is offering something. The Queen of Swords gives us the gift of judgment for everyday decisions and having the flexibility to take in knowledge from others.

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Upright Queen of Swords Meaning

The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before making a decision. This queen does have compassion, which is why she has her hand reaching outwards in offering, but she wants to connect to people using an understanding that is intellectual.

This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before making a decision.

This card also means that you will need to become independent with your judgments. You must rely on the unbiased intelligence, which has you researching alternative viewpoints and thinking carefully on your decision. Compassion and empathy in these cases can distract you from your task, so you need you are trying to keep a strong objective view while avoiding getting emotions involved. The Queen of Swords can also be about the way that we speak with others. This queen has the ability to tell people the way it is. This allows her to get her point across, so there is no confusion about what is being said. Above all, truth is important to her, so she feels no need to soften her comments, thoughts, or opinions. She also expects the same frankness from other people, so this means that you need to be clear with everything that is being said, even if it may hurt.

Tarot Love Meaning - Upright Queen of Swords

The person represented by the Queen of Swords can be a loner; she is very discerning about the people she surrounds herself with. Her intellect is sharp and perceptive, and her determination can be rather intimidating to those that do not know her well. Underneath her shell however, she can be loving and loyal, though she may still prefer to avoid grand romantic displays. If this is someone whose heart you’ll like to win, you’ll need patience, as this queen does not easily let down her guard. If this card doesn’t represent a person, the Queen of Swords tarot love meaning can suggest a time when you are looking for both independence and self-sufficiency alongside your partnership. This queen values her own space and identity. You may have to make some adjustments to create clarity and boundaries in your relationship.

Career Meaning - Upright Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords can point to either someone more senior, or yourself in a career tarot reading. This person is wise, honest, and may be a source of constructive criticism. They can offer great advice on how to proceed in your career. If this card represents you, you may be at a period in your life when you are able to get much respect from your colleagues. You are able to effectively communicate your sharp ideas, as well as combine them with a strong place of empathy. You’ll likely have a strong reputation due to your integrity and your fairness.  

Finances Meaning - Upright Queen of Swords

When dealing with financial matters, you’ll need to act with consideration, logic and wisdom right now. Have a clear balance between heart and head. If you’re being asked to help with someone’s financial situation, look at things fairly, from both your perspective and theirs. This can usually mean being able to give assistance, but with boundaries. Put together a contract, or a payment plan; set some rules. This queen is also sharp and perceptive; noticing all details. Make sure you have clarity about your financial situation.

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Queen of Swords Reversal Meaning

The Queen of Swords reversed meaning is that you may be thinking too much with your heart, and you are becoming too emotionally involved with your current situation. You have to start thinking more objectively, because your emotions could lead you astray. Take the time to look at the situation using various facts and use your head to create a clearer picture of what is really going on. Only then, can you decide what your next move should be. When reversed, the Queen of Swords can also be quite bitter, coldhearted, or resentful. You may have started to isolate yourself for a number of reasons, but the outside world could be taking this in the wrong way. You may have some explaining to do, especially if your relationships end up being stressed by your desire for solitude.

Tarot Love Meaning - Reversed Queen of Swords

A reversed Queen of Swords is someone who is bitter, manipulative, overly critical and can be downright cruel. This person can represent you our your partner at this particular time, or alternatively, someone outside of the relationship that is attempting to interfere. Sometimes, this person’s nastiness can be the result of trauma, and because of this, if your partner is demonstrating these traits, it can sometimes be the result of unresolved trauma that is coming to the surface. If you are single, there can be the chance that you have just gone through a break up, one that has left you feeling vengeful and unforgiving. These beliefs can be toxic; learn to use your experiences to overcome them, instead of being consumed by them.

Career Meaning - Reversed Queen of Swords

Is there someone at work who is holding a grudge against you? The Queen of Swords reversed can indicate an overly critical person who uses her words and her intellect to create suffering. She can be harsh, and sometimes downright cruel with how she expresses herself. If this is you, you may need to learn how to communicate better. Can you be honest while also caring for another person’s feelings? Can you address your concerns about a project without blaming someone? These may actually benefit you by helping others better digest your ideas. Avoid being too negative. 

Finances Meaning - Reversed Queen of Swords

If you’ve been communicating about finances poorly, you may be dealing with the consequences right now. Lack of clarity about your own financial situation could also be the culprit. Perhaps you lent money to a friend or a family member, who has failed to pay you back, or you may have given or spent more than you could actually afford. You’ll need to make sure that you’re more clear about your own boundaries and limits next time.

Queen of Swords Tarot Cheat Sheet

Queen of Swords Meaning - Tarot Card Meanings Cheat Sheet. Art from Golden Thread Tarot.

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Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Make your own decisions. Exercise as much independence as you know you can handle.

Knight of Swords Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

What does the Queen of Swords Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the queen of swords tarot card in under a minute, queen of swords upright meaning.

Representing the energy of a Queen, this feminine power was traditionally known as a widow, crone or divorcee. In modern times, she can be viewed as a model of self-sufficiency, independence and intelligence. She often has extremely high standards due to her subtle sensitivities, which can be perceived by those around her as being critical or hard to please. Her true motive is to refine the world, to upgrade peoples' understanding -- so that everyone can have the space they need to become fully themselves.

She is not interested in conforming. She is too intelligent to be confined to the role of housewife or nursemaid, although she is perfectly competent in those areas. She chooses her associations (or her solitude), and is seldom caught up in dependent relationships -- at least not for long. Her intelligence is not always the most comfortable to be around, but she can be counted on to see through superficiality and point to the truth of a situation.

Queen of Swords Reversed Meaning

When the Queen of Swords is reversed, it indicates a propensity for denying your deepest feelings. Somewhere you decided that speaking up for the emotional truth is selfish and unattractive. As a result, you are prejudiced against your own needs.

It is not a flaw to have a heart; it is a flaw to ignore it. Show some compassion for yourself, and in so doing help your loved ones love you better. Don't isolate yourself. Have compassion for yourself. Serving your own feelings and needs is appropriate and necessary.

Queen of Swords Advice Position

The Queen of Swords in this position advises that you refrain from remaining dependent on others at this time. Instead of placing too much confidence in the promises people have made, harbor only those ambitions you know you can accomplish yourself.

The Queen of Swords does not want to wait and see what others would think, say or do. She knows what she wants and how to get it. She doesn't ask permission or even subject herself to much influence. There are times in life when no one can take care of you as well as you can. Leave sentimentality behind and take action. Make important decisions for yourself because it's up to you. You are the final judge.

Queen of Swords Love Position

When the Queen of Swords comes up in this position, it is a time to become more autonomous. This queen has learned through challenging experience that she should be her own best friend. She doesn't need to be rescued, "helped" or patronized. As such, it's time to set boundaries as you move your emotional and psychic centers back to yourself.

In the old tradition, the Queen of Swords was stigmatized as unwanted, a woman who had outlived her usefulness to a man. Nowadays wise and independent people with maturity are better appreciated. Today we celebrate her as a self-defined individual and understand her as a person who owns herself. She fosters no dependencies because she craves none. In this way she is freer to move in the world unencumbered by the entangling expectations of others. When the time arrives, it may be more beneficial to become less available to a new partner's whims. Strike out on your own. Win or lose on your own merits.

Queen of Swords Career Position

When the Queen of Swords is in this position, you are in the process of releasing yourself from a work-related relationship. The overall feeling is one of impersonal detachment. Certain ideas may have surfaced which emphasize differences between you and coworkers. Because the basis for the relationship is in question, naturally there is a change in the quality of interaction. What used to be a river of ideas between you is now a trickle. If this is so, then there is little left to cling to or be sentimental about.

It may be a good time for you to be on your own now. Think of it as you would a change of season: the situation or environment you are in is becoming dormant and the temperature is dropping into frosty zones. You may need to thicken your skin or put on a few more layers of emotional padding. Why allow yourself to be injured during this climactic shift? It is not really about you anyway. It may simply be about change.

Queen of Swords in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Queen of Swords is a card of steadfastness and direct communication. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Queen of Swords, the answer is YES. Say exactly what you mean and trust in your understanding of the situation.


The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Queen of Swords is one of the most important cards of the Minor Arcana.

Below you will learn everything about its meaning both in the upright and reversed position.

In addition to the general interpretation, the topics of love, health, career, finances and destiny are also explained in detail.

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Table of Contents

The Queen of Swords Keywords

Upright : Intelligent, Experienced, Independent, Communicative Reversed : Cold, Arrogant, Influential, Impulsive

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Description

The Queen of Swords sits on a stone thorn with a sword in her right hand. On her head, she wears a crown decorated with butterflies. Butterflies here stand for the independence and freedom of her own thoughts.

Her robe is blue and embroidered with white clouds, showing her ability to think quickly and adapt to changes in life. The queen’s gaze is forward, encouraging the viewer to dedicate themselves to the future and not look back.

Her left hand makes an inviting gesture to come closer to her and exchange ideas with her. At the same time, the queen is experienced enough not to trust everyone blindly and holds her sword in her hand for safety.

The sword also stands for her great experience in finding out the truth with the help of her razor-sharp mind and intuition.

The queen sits on a stone throne that is not too comfortable and keeps her focused and concentrated. On the side of the throne is a cherub, symbolic of the soft and emotional side of the queen.

In the background, a storm is coming up, moving the clouds and trees and symbolizing great change. But the queen remains serenely seated on her throne, radiating steadfastness and calm.

The clouds are mostly in the same shade of gray and stand for new ideas and impulses. A part of the cloud front is in the lower right corner. However, it is a bit darker and symbolizes the looming worries of the queen.

Upright Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Queen of Swords Tarot card encourages you to use your mind and experience to handle emerging decisions in life well.

Let not false hopes or promises deceive you, but always think through the long-term consequences for you and your environment when making upcoming decisions.

Your mind is like a sword here, with which you can dispel the illusions around you and thus get the view of the underlying truth.

Your past experiences will help you to make the best decision for you, saving you from long-term unpleasant consequences.

If the Queen of Swords appears in a tarot session, it means that you should act as independently as possible in your thoughts and actions. Other people may try to influence you and push their own interests instead of yours.

But your mind belongs to you alone and allows you to develop your own ideas and views, based on your needs and life experiences and not those of other people.

The more independent from the outside you live your life and make your decisions, the more self-confident and self-assured you will be on your way.

Another aspect of the Queen of Swords is that you show yourself open to new impulses from outside and invite your fellow men to dialogue. New ideas and thoughts only develop when you question yourself and exchange views with other people about your positions.

By creating a fair basis for discussion, where both parties actively listen to each other and are interested in expanding their knowledge, both you and the person you are talking to will benefit from the discourse.

New ideas and impulses will arise from such dialogues and expand your knowledge about yourself and your environment.

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Upright Queen of Swords Tarot Love Meaning

In a love tarot context, the Queen of Swords reveals that you should draw on your past experiences in love when looking for a partner to be successful.

While there are now many guidebooks that suggest you have found the magic formula for true love, only you know best about your strengths and weaknesses in flirting.

By reflecting on your past dates, you can decide which things helped you and which didn’t. You will be able to create your optimal strategy for meeting someone new.

Another meaning of the Queen of Swords is that you should increasingly use your communicative skills when looking for a partner. That includes the art of small talk as well as active listening.

By training your communication in everyday life, like when shopping or at work, your competence to talk to strangers will grow, positively benefiting you in later dates.


In a partnership, the Queen of Swords stands for the fact that you as a couple strategically coordinate your decisions, consulting both your intellect and your inner feeling.

You complement each other in terms of your cognitive abilities and approaches to problem-solving, giving you immense room to maneuver when it comes to dealing with issues. Use your combined skills to overcome and learn from any hurdle in life, no matter how big.

Furthermore, the Queen of Swords reveals that each partner in the relationship needs a certain amount of independence to develop freely.

In a partnership, you automatically enter into dependencies that help you to master your everyday relationship well.

Nevertheless, each partner must have their own views and interests to realize themselves. That will also benefit your partnership, as you will be more relaxed overall and can give each other new impulses.

Do you want to know how your love life is developing? Draw your Love Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Queen of Swords Health Meaning

For your health, the Queen of Swords means that you should go back to proven healing methods. The knowledge of our mothers and grandmothers still exists today and can help you with the treatment of certain symptoms.

Therefore, you do not have to reach for the medicine cabinet right away but should first try the treatments of your ancestors (calf compresses, herbal teas).

Another aspect of the Queen of Swords is trusting more in your own experience regarding your health.

That will make you independent of current health trends. You know best what is good for your body and act accordingly in the sense of your health.

Do you want to know how your health situation is developing? Draw your Health Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Queen of Swords Career Meaning

At work, the Queen of Swords encourages you to rely on your years of experience on the job. All the training and coaching in the world can never replace your own experience.

Learn from your past mistakes. All the knowledge you need for a successful career is already within you. Use it for yourself!

The Queen of Swords also reveals the importance of open dialog with your colleagues. We can defuse many conflicts in advance if we treat each other with respect.

At the same time, you create an atmosphere of mutual trust and support through sincere and appreciative conversations.

Do you want to know how your professional situation develops? Draw your Career Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Queen of Swords Finances/Money Meaning

In financial matters, the Queen of Swords encourages you to form an independent opinion. Instead of just trusting a financial advisor or friend, you should get different arguments on certain money issues.

On this basis, you will gradually expand your knowledge of finances. As a result, you will be increasingly in control of your money matters and not need to rely on others.

In addition, the Queen of Swords stands for exchanging ideas with other people about financial issues. So you get different perspectives which help you to make your own decisions, like for purchase.

With your knowledge, you can help other people, in turn, to become more confident in dealing with money issues so that everyone benefits from the other.

Do you want to know how your financial situation is developing? Draw your Finance/Money Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Queen of Swords Destiny Meaning

As a destiny card, the Queen of Swords stands for forward-looking action to achieve your goals in life.

Trust in your own strengths and do not make yourself too dependent on others. Well-thought-out planning will save you a lot of trouble in the long run and will get you to your destination quickly and confidently.

Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you? Draw your Destiny Tarot Card now for free!

Upright Queen of Swords Personality

The Queen of Swords symbolizes a highly communicative personality. He is able to listen actively and put himself in the place of his counterpart, thus directing the conversation.

In addition, this is a character to whom own independence is very important. He makes decisions based on his own experiences and not on external opinions.

Upright Queen of Swords Tarot Past/Future

From your past, you have learned to live your life independently. You have managed to go your own way.

Your experiences of the last years are more valuable than you know. Take the time and put yourself back into difficult situations you have successfully mastered.

You will soon have to make a decision that will require all your knowledge. Therefore, take your time and think carefully about which choice you will make.

Your communication skills will open some doors for you in the near future. Besides what you say, what you hear is equally important.

Upright Queen of Swords Tarot Card – Yes or No

The Queen of Swords indicates a yes answer. Based on your experience, you can estimate many details of your question well. Don’t let others talk you into your choice because you can make it on your own.

In this case, all rational reasons and considerations clearly speak for a yes answer.

Reversed Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Reversed Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Queen of Swords Reversed warns you not to be too bold. Although you have already mastered many challenges with the help of your intellect, beware of overconfidence.

Pride comes before a fall and can cause you to lose what you once had and have to start all over again.

Look at every challenge as a new opportunity to learn and open your mind to new ideas and advice. Always be aware of your own limitations and don’t go beyond them recklessly, but expand them bit by bit as you gain experience.

Another meaning of the Queen of Swords Reversed is that you act or judge too impulsively. Impulsiveness often tempts you to perceive things most easily for you. It ignores important details that are a bit off the beaten track.

As a result, you often act hastily and make rash judgments that are difficult to correct later.

Always use your mind and intuition like a double-edged sword to cut the bonds of illusion and thus reveal the truth before making your final judgment.

The Queen of Swords Reversed Tarot card also symbolizes an undercooled as well as begrudging mood in your environment. Often, such a negative mood results from an unsolved conflict.

Instead of punishing the person with disregard and risking your friendship, you should first try to reach out to him to straighten out your relationship.

Otherwise, there is a risk that even more people will turn away from you due to your hypothermic behavior and that you will end up alone.

Reversed Queen of Swords Tarot Love Meaning

The Queen of Swords Reversed shows you as a single that you act selfish and arrogant and therefore miss many chances in your search for a partner.

Because of your arrogance, the person you are talking to quickly feels not appreciated and barely noticed.

By taking yourself back and giving your counterpart your whole attention, the first impression is positively connected with mutual respect and appreciation.

Also, note that everything you present about yourself on the first date should be as close to the truth as possible. Otherwise, your facade will quickly crumble when you get to know each other and the beginning love will quickly disappear.

Furthermore, the Queen of Swords Reversed symbolizes that you seem very undercooled and unapproachable to the people around you. That makes it increasingly difficult for you to get in contact with someone at all, let alone to start a small talk.

Reflect on where your cool aura comes from and practice radiating friendliness and warmth to those around you.

That usually begins with an inner positive attitude with which you start and end the day and expresses itself through small physical gestures such as an open posture or a smile.

The warmer and more empathetic you appear to those around you, the easier it will be for you to get to know a new partner.

In a relationship, the Queen of Swords Reversed signals that small things often lead to serious conflicts. Instead of looking at small discrepancies objectively and calmly clarifying them, you quickly escalate into a larger dispute.

Such impulsive actions create constant tension in your daily lives, and each additional conflict adds fuel to the fire.

Sit down together and discuss how you want to change your argument culture in the future so that a small fire does not become a new conflagration.

Let each other finish and listen to each other. That allows you to gain important time and calm your initial emotions before moving on to a constructive solution to your problems.

In addition, the Queen of Swords Reversed symbolizes that you are very much influenced by your partner in forming your opinions.

Although it is advantageous to have common values and goals in a partnership, each of you should represent your own opinion on various topics.

A sincere partner at eye level does not try to influence you in his sense but accepts your differing points of view and encourages you to have an independent way of thinking.

Reversed Queen of Swords Health Meaning

The Queen of Swords Reversed indicates an emotional coldness that harms your health. To live out feelings is an important part of being human.

Through it, you can let positive and negative energies into the world. If you suppress your emotions, there is a danger that they will eventually make themselves heard in the form of mental illness.

Furthermore, the Queen of Swords Reversed warns you not to follow blindly any health trends.

Many new trends in the health sector are usually very short-lived and offer little added value to proven methods. Therefore, you should rather orientate yourself on long-time and well-tested programs.

Reversed Queen of Swords Career Meaning

The Queen of Swords Reversed stands for impulsive behavior on the job. You often act rashly without considering the consequences of your actions.

That often leads to misunderstandings and arguments between you and other colleagues. Before you act on your first impulse, take a deep breath and carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Another meaning of the Queen of Swords Reversed is that you may come across as arrogant to your colleagues through miscommunication.

Helping or reprimanding someone without being asked can quickly backfire. Instead, use your knowledge and experience in a targeted manner when someone approaches you.

Reversed Queen of Swords Finances/Money Meaning

The Queen of Swords Reversed shows that you are very impressionable in money matters. There is a danger that your financial decisions will serve other people rather than yourself.

Ask yourself which advantages and disadvantages a certain investment has for you? Take your time with your decisions so that there is no rude awakening later.

Another meaning of the Queen of Swords Reversed is that you overestimate your competence in money matters.

You ignore high risks in financial transactions because you are very attached to your decisions. However, it is often worthwhile to reconsider an investment. Changing your mind does not cost much and saves you a lot of money.

Reversed Queen of Swords Destiny Meaning

The Queen of Swords Reversed reveals for your destiny that your arrogance could cause you problems. Confidence in your own abilities is good, but it can turn into arrogance in extreme cases.

As a result, you will not see coming dangers in time and will be thrown far back by them. Learn to assess your abilities realistically and do not be afraid to ask other people for help.

Reversed Queen of Swords Personality

The Queen of Swords Reversed represents a cold-hearted person. She can hardly put herself into the emotional world of her fellow men and often reacts in a rejecting way.

Likewise, this card refers to a strongly impressionable character. The person makes his thoughts and actions dependent on what others tell him without thinking for himself.

Reversed Queen of Swords Tarot Past/Future

Your arrogance has brought you down many times in past situations. Think about where your overconfidence came from in order to control it better.

In the past, people have repeatedly influenced you in their favor. You should realize that you make the best decisions yourself.

Someone will give you the cold shoulder in the near future. Do not get involved in such emotional games, but go your own way.

Impulsive actions can get you into trouble in the near future. Often, it is enough to take three deep breaths to be able to think clearly again.

Reversed Queen of Swords Tarot Card – Yes or No

Many different people try to influence your decision process. That makes you uncertain about which choice is the right one for you.

With a no-answer, you are best advised because it saves you from unpleasant consequences. Let the others think about what they want.

The Swords Tarot Card Meanings

  • Ace of Swords Meaning
  • Two of Swords Meaning
  • Three of Swords Meaning
  • Four of Swords Meaning
  • Five of Swords Meaning
  • Six of Swords Meaning
  • Seven of Swords Meaning
  • Eight of Swords Meaning
  • Nine of Swords Meaning
  • Ten of Swords Meaning 
  • Page of Swords Meaning
  • Knight of Swords Meaning
  • Queen of Swords Meaning READING NOW
  • King of Swords Meaning

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The Queen of Swords Tarot Card, A Complete Guide!

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card

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The Queen of Swords Card is usually presented as part of the suit of Swords in the Minor Arcana of most Tarot Decks.

In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card shows an older woman sitting on a throne, a sword in her right hand, wearing a crown of butterflies. The symbolism in this illustration is pretty blatant and is easily understood.

If you look at the card, the Queen holds her hand out as if reaching out but also holds her sword firmly as if to protect herself from any harm coming her way.

Her throne, decorated with a cherub, depicts her softer, feminine side. Her crown, on close inspection, is made of butterflies. Butterflies have often been used as a symbol of positive transformation.

If you look closely, the clouds are of two different shades. The clouds on the bottom right corner of the card are a slightly darker shade than the clouds on top.

This is thought to symbolize the sorrows she has dealt with in the past; this relates to why she has her sword carefully held upright too.

The white clouds on the top part of the card show that while she has faced darker times, she has a clarity of thought that dominates the present moment.

Table of Contents

What does the Queen of Swords Tarot card mean? 

The Queen of Swords is generally thought to be a positive card, no matter where it shows up in your reading.

The Queen of Sword represents a combination of mental clarity and maturity. It might also signal changes that are to come into your life shortly.

The Queen of Swords represents a growing maturity in you or the person you are seeking the reading for. This person leads from the head while also balancing the matters of the heart. They prefer to get a complete sense of the situation before making any decisions.

This person is honest and often seeks out the truth before declaring their intentions or judgments. They are determined but have an open mind toward any situation.

This card generally means that one must make decisions with a clear head and not allow emotions to get the better of you. The trees in the bottom left corner seem to be blowing in the wind, which symbolizes a change coming your way.

To get the best out of this changing situation, make a decision based on honest facts instead of worrying about the sentiments of the people involved.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Upright

The Queen of Swords, in an upright position, is a positive card.

Upright, the Queen of Swords denotes using your intellect to judge a situation, instead of making a decision based on temporary emotions. It represents truth and honesty. 

The Queen is sitting on a stable throne, and while she has a softer side, she must also take into consideration the past hurt she has experienced. She is empathetic and yet is able to make balanced decisions that are in the best interests of everyone involved.

The Queen of Swords is also often thought to denote an older woman who might enter the situation to help you make the tough decisions you yourself are finding difficult to make. She is wise because of her life experiences and is there to support you through everything.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Keywords Upright

  • Truthfulness
  • Independent
  • Clarity of Mind
  • Open-minded
  • Self-reliant
  • Transformative

What does the Queen of Swords Tarot card mean reversed?

If the Queen of Swords appears in reverse, during your tarot card reading, it does not always have a negative meaning to it.

The Queen of Swords reversed denotes that you are allowing your emotions to get the better of you. It shows that you may not have all the facts in front of you, and you are leading from your heart instead of your mind.

This may be an indication for you to straighten out your mind to get the best out of the situation.

It can also mean that you have not learned from your past mistakes. The sword in reverse becomes a stick to cause harm to the people around you.

If you have not learned from past experiences and are yet to take accountability for your actions, you might be lashing out at others, instead of growing as an individual.

In reverse, the Queen of Swords could also signify an older woman who is malicious towards you and is attempting to drag you down. She might be bitter and resentful and will not do you any good.

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The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Keywords in Reverse

  • Manipulation
  • Emotional dependency
  • Disregarding the Facts
  • Pessimistic
  • Harsh Behavior
  • Unclear Mental State

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You

The Queen of Swords is generally a very positive card to get as to how someone sees you.

The Queen of Swords is placed upright in a position where the person in question sees you as someone who is very balanced and has a strong mind. You are self-reliant, with a strong independent personality.

The Queen is stable and takes rational decisions in the best interests of everyone. This is how you are seen too- Someone who is very clear with what they want and is very discerning in the people you call towards you.

You are generous and have a softer, feminine side, as symbolized by the cherub, but you are also careful to protect yourself from harmful suitors, as symbolized by the upright sword.

You are wise and have learned from your past, whether that is a mistake you have made or something that another person has inflicted on you. Despite the past betrayals you may have experienced, you are willing to give others a chance to earn your trust.

The Queen of Swords Card in Reverse as How Someone (He/She) Sees You

The Queen of Swords, in reverse, is the opposite of everything the card symbolizes in the upright position.

In reverse, the Queen of Swords shows that you are seen as someone who lacks the balance to make sensible decisions. You lead from the heart and are incapable of making wise and intelligent judgments.

You could also be seen as someone who is manipulative and cold. Since you have known trauma and betrayal, you refuse to see the positive in people and use it to be resentful and unforgiving.

You may be seen as someone lacking empathy. Instead, you may be thought of as vengeful and continuously on the lookout for revenge against those who have wronged you.

What Does the Queen of Swords Tarot Mean in Love?

If the Queen of Swords comes up in a love reading, it might mean that either you or the person you are involved with embodies the qualities of the Queen. Whether this is denoting you or your partner, this card talks about intense loyalty and someone who is always going to have your back. 

This person also loves their space in a relationship. However, this does not mean that they do not love or care for you. They might be reserved in public but can be very affectionate when it is just the two of you.

 The Queen of Swords may also refer to an older woman who is somehow involved in the relationship. This may be a mother-in-law or even an older friend who you can turn to for constructive criticism and advice. This woman is mature and has a wealth of experience for you to draw on.

If you are single at the moment, this card might denote that you are self-reliant and are looking for someone who will add to your life. You will not be dependent on them for your happiness. You are very careful as to who you allow to come close to you and to be fair, that isn’t a bad thing at all!

The Queen of Swords Reversed Meaning in Love?

As with most reversed cards, The Queen of Swords in a reversed position is the opposite of all things positive.

The Queen of Swords, in reverse, talks about someone who does not have a balanced state of mind. This may be you or your partner, but either way, it symbolizes someone who is either too dependent on their partner emotionally or is too protective of their personal space and freedom.

No matter who this card is talking about, the Queen of Sword in reverse is a warning to look at your relationship more closely. One person, or perhaps even both partners, in the relationship, is tilting the balance, resulting in a relationship that does not have much harmony in it.

This card in reverse might also point to an older woman who does not have your best interests at heart. She might be a third party in the relationship, meaning one person is cheating.

She might also be someone who is manipulating either partner, because she has faced hurt in the past, and is now vindictive and resentful.

The Queen of Swords Tarot as How Someone Thinks of You

When the Queen of Swords comes up as the answer to what someone thinks of you, the meaning is a pretty positive one.

The Queen of Swords often symbolizes a person who is wise and balanced in their decisions. Hence, you are thought of as someone mature and intelligent. You are worthy of respect because even though you may have been hurt in the past, you have taken that in your stride and grown into a strong individual.

The Queen of Swords is also someone who isn’t always open about what she is thinking. She is a tad mysterious and is very selective of the people she becomes involved with.

Hence, you might be considered as someone very independent. You are intelligent with your choices, and perhaps this is what makes you so attractive.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You

As with most reversed cards, the Queen of Swords in reverse is not very positive.

In reverse, as what someone thinks of you, the Queen of Swords is a mature woman who loves to exact revenge on the world because of how she may have been treated. Thus, you are seen as someone who is manipulative and deceitful, to a certain extent.

The Queen of Swords, in reverse, is also indicative of someone who loves to bring others down, often through gossip and spreading malicious rumors.

You do not have their best interests at heart, because you are too busy serving your own.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as Feelings

The Queen of Swords as a feelings card is often a tricky one to interpret.

In terms of feelings, the Queen of Swords could either mean you or the person you have in mind while doing the reading. You must remember that the cards are only there to point you in the right direction, but that the interpretation of said cards must be made according to the situation.

The Queen of Swords can be interpreted as you being emotionally unavailable because of the past trauma you have experienced. You have reined in your emotions, either because you have been subject to a divorce or heartbreak of some kind.

You are cautious to let others into your life to prevent further emotional pain.

On the flip side, this could also apply to the other person in question. This person does not necessarily have to be a lover or someone in a romantic relationship. They could just as easily be your boss or a co-worker. They may appear to be distant, but it is only because they take their time to trust people.

The appearance of this card could also mean that this person is very clear about their feelings and will not beat about the bush while talking about these emotions. They have a “no-nonsense” kind of attitude but have a softer side too.

They might not tell you how they feel until they know that they can trust you.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as Feelings

The Queen of Swords reversed as a Feelings card, offers you the chance to do some serious introspection.

If this card talks about your feelings, it shows that you aren’t the rational, level-headed person that the Queen of Swords symbolizes in an upright position.

The Queen of Swords reversed denotes feelings of resentment and being overwhelmed by emotions.

You are out of touch with your emotions and feeling lost or exhausted by your feelings. You no longer feel in control and are emotionally unavailable with feelings of bitterness and an unwillingness to forgive and move on.

The Queen of Swords in reverse denotes a lack of positive feelings, and if this is representing how you feel currently, it is a good opportunity to self-analyze the reasons behind why you are unwilling to learn and grow from the past, instead of clinging onto it.

The Queen of Swords Tarot card as A Situation

The Queen of Swords as a situation may perhaps refer to a person or certain emotions.

In the upright position, the Queen of Swords is indicative of a situation involving a mature woman. She is symbolized as a woman who knows her mind and will not sugar-coat her words to save you emotional distress.

She may be divorced or a widow, someone who is alone and single at the moment.

If you are involved in a situation with a woman like the Queen of Swords, prepare yourself because she will not mince her words. She might come across as someone unfeeling, cold, and distant on the outside, but that is only because she is careful and protective of her emotions.

Once she has granted you access to her inner circle, you can expect her to be affectionate and vocal about her feelings.

As a symbol of the situation itself, the card calls on you to make decisions using your head instead of your heart. Do not wear your heart on your sleeve. If faced with a decision to be taken, use logic and intelligence, instead of being emotional.

The Queen of Swords Card Reversed as a Situation

In reverse, a situation involving the Queen of Swords is likely to be a distressful one.

The Queen of Swords, in reverse, situation, involves a mature woman or a person who is not in complete control of her emotions. She has lost touch with what she wants and is reflective of someone who will manipulate you to serve her own interests.

She is a widow or someone going through a divorce and is single. However, she is unable to overcome the betrayal and pain she has faced and is out to get the world, so to speak.

She is unable to accept any accountability and often projects the blame onto others. Be wary of such a person, since there may be deceit and malicious rumors involved.

As a situation, the Queen of Swords is indicative that the situation may involve more than what meets the eye. Do not be ruled by emotion and use your head instead of your heart.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as Intentions / What Someone Wants

A tarot card reading can be beneficial in giving you some indication of what a person intends to do or wants from you.

In the upright position, the Queen of Swords indicates a situation where the person will be very forthcoming with their intentions. The Queen of Swords, while being a ‘head over heart’ card, is also someone who is open about what they want.

If this is for a love reading, you should be assured that the person will not hide what they intend to do. If they are interested in you, you will be told so. The Queen of Swords is not one to mince words when it comes to being honest.

They might have overcome some past trauma and will carefully assess the situation logically before reaching a conclusion.

This person intends to discover who you are, so your best bet would be to be yourself. The Queen of Swords is very intuitive, so any attempt at deception will be seen through.

Be honest and open, and you will gain their respect and trust.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as Intentions / What Someone Wants

In reverse, the Queen of Swords may indicate a couple of things, especially if this card comes up as an intentions card.

To begin with, the person symbolized by the Queen of Swords in reverse does not necessarily know what they want, because they are not in tune with their Higher Self. Hence, be careful in your dealings with this person, because your best interests are not guaranteed.

This person might also be closed to relationships and not intend to get emotionally involved. They might be withdrawn or volatile, both extreme ends of the spectrum, due to past trauma that they have not been able to overcome.

This past pain may have also led them to retaliate and lash out at everyone, so be careful in your dealings with them.

The second alternative is that you are ignoring your feelings in the situation because you have been hurt in the past. You no longer wish to expose yourself to possible pain and hence are unwilling to take a chance on someone, romantic or otherwise.

This is not a sustainable position unless you want to alienate yourself from the world completely.

Is the Queen of Swords Tarot card a Yes or a No?

The Queen of Swords isn’t the easiest card to interpret in a Yes or No reading. Here’s why:

The Queen of Swords upright is someone who guards their emotions carefully. While they have grown from their experiences of past trauma and pain, they can still remember what it felt like.

They would rather stand alone than let the wrong person in. Do not expect them to use their heart while making a decision. They are logical and very intelligent people.

Hence, the Queen of Swords is not a yes or a no, but more a request to you from your Higher Self to be honest and use your intelligence while arriving at a conclusion. At best, this card can be classed as a “Maybe.”

Even in reverse, the card asks you not to go overboard with your emotions. Instead, use logic while deciding what to do. Balancing emotions with rationality is the only way to come out a winner.

The Queen of Swords Card as an Obstacle or Challenge

The Queen of Swords as an obstacle might refer to a person you might be dealing with, or yourself.

The Queen of Swords upright might symbolize an older woman who is emotionally withholding, and distant. She might be someone in your family or a third party, who will somehow intend to influence the situation. She tends to favor logic over emotions, and hence, might not understand the situation correctly.

The obstacle here will be her intense desire to use her mind instead of her heart, even if the situation demands to be dealt with emotionally.

In a more general sense, this might also refer to you being rude and distant while dealing with others. The Queen of Swords may symbolize you and your sharp intellect. You don’t allow others to get too close, and this might be an obstacle to developing a loving relationship with someone else.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as an Obstacle or Challenge

In the reversed position, the Queen of Swords as an obstacle might be internal as well as external.

The Queen of Sword reversed refers to a manipulative older woman who is bitter and resentful of the world.

She has lost touch with her inner self and no longer has your best interests at heart and is capable of spreading vicious lies about you and the situation because she has not let go of the pain she faced in the past.

It could also refer to you being an obstacle to yourself with a lack of control over your emotions. You might appear to others as being bitter and sarcastic.

Because of these qualities, you may be driving others away from you. The appearance of the Queen of Swords reversed is a good opportunity for some self-reflection.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as Action

As a card symbolizing action to be taken, the Queen of Swords upright is pretty straightforward in its meaning.

In an upright position, the Queen of Swords implies head over heart. Thus, as an ‘action’ card, it is asking you to use logic and reasoning, instead of being swayed by your heart and emotions.

For example, if you have recently started dating someone new, the Queen of Swords asks you to look beyond superficial aspects and use your mind instead of being swept away by feelings.

Or if this is a new job or a business opportunity with someone you know, don’t agree just because you are friends with that person.

Evaluate the opportunity with a level-headed approach, instead of giving in to sentimentality.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as Action

The Queen of Swords reversed as an action card can read as a warning.

In reverse, as an action card, the Queen of Swords is telling you that you might lose control of your emotions, but this will not serve you well. It is important that you take accountability for your actions and learn from the opportunity. 

The reversed Queen of Swords is asking you to let go of past hurt and pain and be willing to pick up the pieces and grow as an individual. Instead of refusing to get up and dust yourself, you may be stuck in one place.

This will achieve nothing but make you more malicious toward the world.

Drop the stick you are holding tight onto and look around. The world isn’t as horrible as you make it out to be. In fact, the world only mirrors what you hold inside of you. Let go of the grief and hurt.

Use your intellect to protect yourself, but also remember that there is an equal place for emotions in your life.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as Advice

The Queen of Swords is a great card to get as advice.

Symbolizing someone who is strong and has a very balanced personality, the Queen of Swords is asking you to judge the situation using your heart and mind. Do not get swept up by emotion.

The Queen of Swords asks you to be like her. She is clear-minded and completely honest about what she wants. Although she can be perceived as complex and distant, the truth is that she is careful of who she lets into her inner circle.

Perhaps in your given situation, you would benefit from taking a leaf out of her book.

Do not rush into decisions and guard yourself against reckless and rash behavior. This card advises you to be calm and composed like the Queen, so that you may get the best out of the situation.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as Advice

In reverse, the Queen of Swords as an advice card is telling you to learn from past trauma, but not let it overcome your personality and make you vindictive.

The Queen of Swords, in reverse, is often indicative of someone who is struggling to deal with and process emotional turmoil. Thus, they lash out against the world, instead of confronting their own demons.

If the Queen of Swords shows up in reverse, you might be on the same track, and your Higher Self is gently warning you to get off that path before it is too late.  

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as an Outcome

The Queen of Swords may have multiple indications of a possible outcome in your situation.

The most likely outcome symbolized by the Queen of Swords is that you might very well decide against becoming part of the relationship, whether this is a romantic relationship or something related to work or business.

The Queen of Swords is an analytical person who is wise and intelligent. They aren’t always the warmest and most affectionate, but they will always have your back. Hence this might symbolize a situation where you might seek professional help with a pending situation.

For example, this might be a medical situation where you need to consult a doctor.

The Queen of Swords doesn’t always have to be a woman. They could also be a man with the characteristics of the Queen of Swords- someone who is initially emotionally distant and careful with who they trust.

As an outcome, you may have to deal with or get involved with someone who has these characteristics within themselves.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as an Outcome

As an outcome card in reverse, the Queen of Swords may indicate you are becoming someone who has completely shut off their emotions because you have been hurt. You have not been able to process the pain, or are struggling to do so, and in the process, are alienating the people around you by lashing out.

Again, this is only an indication of the present moment, and you could absolutely change this trajectory by taking accountability and healing from past pain.

Do not shut yourself away and bury these feelings so deep that you cannot reach them anymore.

Alternatively, this could also point to another person who is involved in the situation and will take on characteristics of the Queen of Swords in reverse.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as the Future

 The Queen of Swords upright mostly holds positive connotations for the future.

This is someone who is strong and has a very calm and collected personality. They do not easily open up and are wary of trusting the wrong person. However, once they do give you their trust, they are loyal and affectionate.

As a future card, the Queen of Swords may indicate someone like this coming into your life and becoming an important part of the situation. This might also indicate an older woman, who you may come to rely on for advice and help.

Alternatively, this could also symbolize who you will become. You will be wise but will also have empathy for the people around you. You will be approachable as the person who always takes wise decisions.

This is especially good news if you are starting a new job or have been promoted to a higher position at work.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as the Future

The Queen of Swords reversed can be read as a warning from your Higher Self.

As a card indicating the future, the Queen of Swords in reverse is warning you not to close yourself off entirely because you’ve been hurt in the past. It also warns you not to lose your identity and personality, because that is what the Queen in reverse, symbolizes.

In the reverse position, the Queen of Swords is a person who has lost control over their emotions and is highly dependent on others. Do not become this powerless person who does not know what they want.

Alternatively, this could also mean that a person like this will soon enter your life. Do not allow this person to influence you or manipulate you into doing their bidding. 

This card in reverse might also mean that either you are no longer able to set your boundaries and other people rush in to take advantage of you, or that you have built too high walls around you, which alienate you from the rest of the world. Both are extremes and are a fry cry from the upright Queen of Swords.

However, because this card has appeared in your reading, you can change yourself if it symbolizes the path you are on.

 The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as a Person

The Queen of Swords is the epitome of the modern, independent woman. While she is unafraid to ask for a place at the table, she is also gentle and has a softer side. She is sure of what she wants, and you must earn her trust before she lets you in. She is confident in herself and her abilities to get the job done.

The Queen of Swords is powerful and can be brutally honest about her thoughts and feelings.

This card does not always have to symbolize a woman but often does. This person may have gone through a painful divorce or separation and is now single.

This might also result in them setting up strong boundaries, and they will think twice before giving their heart away.

The Queen of Swords Reversed as a Person

The Queen of Swords reversed, as a person is indicative of someone who is at either extreme of the spectrum. Either they are someone who has built very high walls around themselves, or they are too dependent on their emotions.

Whatever the case may be, they lack the balance of the upright Queen of Swords.

The Queen of Swords, in reverse, might also be someone who prefers to work alone and is a loner. They may often scorn at others offering to help them. They have forgotten that not everything can be tackled alone.

The Queen of Swords upright is witty but respectful. The Queen, in reverse, is exactly the opposite.

This reversed Queen is also deceitful and may have a habit of insulting others with their sarcasm. They would go as far as spreading lies and rumors if it means that they can avoid confronting their own pain and loss.

What zodiac sign is the Queen of Swords?

The Queen of Swords is symbolic of an Air sign. Being a Minor Arcana card, she does not refer to a specific zodiac sign. However, she is often considered to mean an older Libra woman, when this card pops up in a reading.

Nevertheless, all the cards in the suit of Swords denote the Air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These signs are the symbols of equilibrium in the zodiac.

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Queen of Swords Tarot Meanings

The card of perception, clarity, & independence..

Last Updated: April 16, 2024.

The Queen of Swords is the thirteenth card in the Suit of Swords (also known as the suit of blades) and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana . In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Swords is associated with thought, intellect, mental strength, and integrity. They can also represent conflict, hardship, and misfortune.

Divination practices such as cartomancy can help us make decisions, offer guidance, and help us tune into our intuition when we are at a crossroads in our lives. Understanding the meanings of each tarot card can help you sharpen your interpretative skills so you can get the most out of your readings.

Queen of Swords is a Minor Arcana court card that represents a wise person with intellect. She can seem quite cold and without emotions which suggests making decisions without feelings. Queen of Swords also represents freedom and independence. 

In this article, we will discuss the meanings of the Queen of Swords in various tarot reading contexts as well as the different symbols and nuances that can be found within this court card.

Pictorial Symbolism in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck

The artworks from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck contain deeper esoteric meanings that tarotists love to decipher.

The Queen of Swords seated on her throne holds one sword in her right hand. On her head, there is a yellow crown decorated with butterflies. Butterflies mean transformation, independence and freedom of thought. Her clothes are blue with imprinted clouds. This represents her ability to quickly adapt to changes and react. 

Queen of Swords Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck

She looks in front of her and her left hand is open with an inviting gesture to come closer towards her and exchange ideas. At the same time, she holds the sword in her other hand which means that she does not trust everyone blindly. Her throne is made of stone and it is not comfortable, helping her to stay focused and concentrated but there is a cherub on the throne suggesting that she is not without emotion or affection entirely.

In the background, there are clouds which are not covering her sight. She can see clearly in front of her. However, in the background, there is a storm that moves trees and clouds. This represents an upcoming change. One part of the clouds at the lower right bottom is somewhat darker. They represent her concerns that are coming to light.

The Queen of Swords key correspondences

What does the upright queen of swords mean in the tarot.

The Queen is a very proud, wise, and honest woman that has deep emotional awareness. She is not interested in long discussions, she expresses her opinions briefly and clearly. Some may think that she is not a social person or that she is cold, but that is not true. 

Under the mask, there is a dominant but gentle woman and a duality in her personality. On the one hand, she is making a strategy to come towards her goal. On the other hand, she is trying to make sure that those who are innocent are not harmed by her sword. 

The Queen of Swords card represents someone who is too proud to ask for help but might require help. In specific situations, this card signifies that decisions should be brought rationally and calmly. 

Upright Queen of Swords

When pulled in the upright position, the Queen of Swords is associated with communication, independence, experience, wisdom, intelligence, cleverness, strategy, and wit.

What does the upright Queen of Swords mean in a love reading

Queen of Swords is an interesting person for the opposite sex. This card can sometimes indicate that someone’s mother is interfering with the relationship. For singles, the card suggests reflecting on past experiences before making a strategy to meet someone new. 

It is also important to use communication skills more when looking for a partner. Queen of Swords talks about a person who uses their sharp intellect even in relationships. Queen of Swords stays very often rather alone than in a relationship that is not fulfilling.

However, in general, it is a positive card in love readings. In questions related to a relationship, this card suggests that the partner is critical and too cold. Due to the independency of the Queen of Swords, the card is usually interpreted in a bad way. T

his card is actually asking you to look past how emotionally heavy this situation is – in some cases, even if you’re struggling in your relationship and this card comes up for you, it can signify a couple who shares similar life goals and mutual interests, and this isn’t to be overlooked.

What does the upright Queen of Swords mean in a career reading?

In a career reading the Queen of Swords announces empowered opportunities. This card speaks about a confident person who knows how to improve their career. They are sharing their experience with generosity. There is an energy of readiness for knowledge and a correct perception of reality. 

This card represents someone who can see things clearly. This person needs to stay independent in discussions and business negotiations but at the same time flexible. There might be an older person in your life who gives you constructive critics but also supports you. 

Queen of Swords is a respectable person in the work environment and her analytical skills will impress others as she is always goal oriented.

The Queen of Swords as feelings/emotions

The Queen of Swords is a person who processes their emotions by analysing them first. The person is withdrawn and not really open with their emotions. Sometimes they fear intimacy with other people and reject those that show interest.  They know exactly how they feel about their partner but they do not share their emotions always. 

However, it is important to understand that they connect first on the brain level with their partner before they have emotions, and their emotions are as deep and warm as anyone else’s, you just have to take your time to show them you’re happy to be there with them. 

The Queen of Swords as a person

As a personality archetype, the Queen of Swords represents a person who usually works as a lawyer, philosopher, in higher management or doctor/surgeon. They are good at mathematics and very confident people.

Furthermore, they are good at argumentation. The card indicates that the person likes their freedom. However, they are humble, honest, and loyal. They are a quick thinker. However, even though they come across as cold, they are empathic people. 

Sometimes they can be very demanding and have high expectations towards themselves and others. They are honest persons and they value honesty from others. They can be very good mentors. They come across as mature and wise. 

T hey are also chatty, direct people but charming as well. It is never boring with them. They are knowledgeable and can speak about different topics. 

The Queen of Swords as advice

You should be more independent and think freely for yourself. However, you should not become too isolated. Use your logic to process and analyse events and do not take decisions based on your emotions. 

At this time it is more important to listen to your head instead of your heart. Separate how you’re feeling from what is happening, and speak your truth. You can listen to your instincts and your inner voice. It is better to hear the hard truth than to believe in lies. 

You should be careful from whom you take advice too as someone might have been trying to manipulate you with gossip, lies or general manipulation. 

What is the zodiac or astrological sign associated with the Queen of Swords?

Queen of Swords is related to air signs in astrology Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Representatives of these zodiac signs are highly logical and communicative. Queen of Swords does not express her emotions and moves on quickly to whatever demands her attention next. 

Is the Queen of Swords a yes or no card?

This card is supportive but sceptical. This means that as a Maybe card, you should look at what other cards say for you, and really think about what happens next for you.

Below are some of my interpretations, as an experienced tarot practitioner, based on different types of questions:

  • Will I get the job? If the role is into one of more independence where your voice is valued, then yes. However, think about whether this job will be right for you for the long term, and if not, it may be best to seek roles to support your end vision.
  • Is this new person in my life good for me? No. It seems like they are not emotionally invested in this relationship.
  • Will I achieve my current goals? Yes, especially if you plan every step precisely and use your intellectual power then you might have a good chance. 
  • Should I start my own business? Maybe. Make sure that you thought about everything before, made a strategy and maybe even consulted some knowledgeable people. Mentors may be especially beneficial for you to keep you supported and motivated.

What does the reversed Queen of Swords mean in the Tarot?

Queen of Swords reversed represents a woman who can make chaos in your life because she might be unsupportive, careless and a little absent. The reversed card talks about a selfish person. You could be harmed in an area where a woman has power. 

You should not be surprised if you come across conflicts, tricks and intrigues. Maybe you are paying too much attention to the opinions of other people. 

You are focusing too much on your feelings and less on your thoughts. You need to use more your head to process events you are going through. 

Reverse Queen of Swords

When pulled in the reversed position, the Queen of Swords is linked with coldness, impulsiveness, lack of empathy, poor communication, cruelty, emotional, widow, absenteeism, and manipulation.

What does the reversed Queen of Swords mean in a love reading?

This card represents someone who could be guided by their emotions or even the person who is currently not clear about their emotions. This card can also talk about someone who envies your relationship and might cause you harm. This person might be rude and ignorant towards the needs of others. They tend to isolate themselves from others or be overly pessimistic. They come across as nasty and untrustworthy. 

Queen of Swords in a relationship indicates that partners are struggling to reach a compromise. A partner might be immature and not loyal. The relationship might be less enjoyable. The card also indicates that there are misunderstandings between partners in the relationship. 

Even small things are leading to conflicts which are pretty tiring. Impulsive actions create stressful everyday life. Queen of Swords reversed in the relationship indicates also that one partner is needy and under the influence of the other partner.

If you are single someone might be interested in you. However, this person has the character of the Queen of Swords. Be wary of manipulation, or ghosting.

What does the inverted Queen of Swords mean in a career reading?

Queen of Swords reversed in a career reading talks about someone who cannot make decisions easily. In order to be successful you need to be more confident and believe in yourself. In this way, you will also get more respect from others. There might be a lack of communication at the workplace which could create conflicts or alternatively, this card talks about gossip and quarrels at work.

If you are looking for a job you will have to compete with others. Queen of Swords indicates that a bad relationship with some persons could affect your judgement. Hence, you should focus back on your goals.

In conclusion, the Queen of Swords tarot card is a powerful symbol of communication, independence, experience, wisdom, intelligence, cleverness, strategy, and wit. When this card appears in your reading, it is often a sign that you will be able to face your problems in a head-on and direct way. You may find yourself being mentally strong and determined, as the Queen of Swords encourages you to use your intellect and wit to come out on top.

Despite its association with mysticism and occultism, the tarot has grown to become much more than a simple “fortune-telling” tool. For many tarot practitioners, it is a complex system made of symbolic imagery and psychological considerations (Jungian archetypes for example) that can be used for self-exploration, meditation, and personal transformation.

The 56 lesser arcana cards relate to the day-to-day events of our lives, the more mundane aspects of our existence. Even though that part of the tarot is about the “smaller picture”, it symbolizes the constant choices we make that shape our lives, our characters, and ultimately our destinies.

Have you ever had a reading where the Queen Of Swords appeared? What was the outcome? What does that card mean to you personally? How do you interpret this card in your own tarot practice?

Share your thoughts and experiences with me in the comments below.

Additionally, If you want to know more about the different tarot cards, feel free to check out my complete  list of all 78 tarot cards and their meanings .


Written by Lizzie Burgess

I have been reading Tarot for more than 15 years. I have always enjoyed using my intuition to provide clarity and insights to others. Tarot is one of my favorite forms of divination, and I love sharing that passion with like-minded folks.

Learn more about the Suit of Swords

This page is part of our comprehensive list of the 56 minor arcana tarot cards & their meanings . If you enjoyed the read, then you’ll love the following articles.

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The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings (Upright and Reversed)

  • October 25, 2023

Ethan Rivers

Tarot Minor Arcana - Swords - Queen of Swords

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The Queen of Swords Tarot card holds immense power as a symbol of intellect, clarity, and direct communication. In this article, we will delve into the meanings of the Queen of Swords, both in the upright and reversed positions.

Whether she represents a wise and independent individual who values truth and rationality, or warns against emotional involvement and urges objective thinking, the Queen of Swords offers profound insights and guidance.

Join us as we explore the depths of this influential tarot card and unlock its transformative potential.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • The Queen of Swords tarot card represents a regal figure with inner strength and authority , symbolizing clarity , direct communication, and rational decision-making in relationships.
  • In a career context, the Queen of Swords signifies assertiveness , clear decision-making, and a focus on professional growth and goal prioritization.
  • In terms of health, this card suggests a logical approach, seeking professional advice, and finding balance in exercise, rest, and nutrition.
  • In a spiritual context, the Queen of Swords may represent a connection to inner wisdom and truth , clarity of thought and rationality, and a focus on authentic spiritual practices.
“The Queen of Swords embodies the power of truth and clarity , wielding her intellect as her greatest strength.”

Introduction Queen of Swords Tarot Card meaning

The Queen as a Tarot Court card of the suit of Swords, with its regal figure seated on a throne adorned with intricate designs, represents a powerful and authoritative presence. This card holds great significance in the realm of tarot, as it embodies the essence of mental clarity, intellect, and communication.

The Queen of Swords Tarot card meaning is one of independent judgment, unbiased discernment, and clear boundaries. As a person, the Queen of Swords is known for her direct communication style and transformational abilities.

When reversed, this card warns of the potential for distorted perceptions and challenges in relationships. It emphasizes the need to be more assertive and confident while avoiding cold-heartedness and isolation.

The Queen of Swords Tarot card holds immense power and wisdom, making it a symbol of strength and resilience for those who desire to wield authority.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: (Upright and Reversed)

Tarot Guide: Queen of Swords card

The symbolism and meaning of the queen of swords tarot card.

The symbolism and meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot card can be explored through various points.

One aspect to consider is the number and element associated with the card. The Queen of Swords is associated with the number 12 in the Tarot deck, which represents completion and spiritual wisdom. Additionally, the Queen of Swords is associated with the element of air, which signifies intellect, communication, and clarity of thought.

Another aspect to examine is the image and colors depicted on the Queen of Swords card. The card usually portrays a regal woman sitting on a throne, holding a sword and wearing a crown. The colors depicted on the card, such as blue and white, can symbolize intellect, purity, and truth.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the keywords and themes commonly associated with the Queen of Swords. Some keywords often associated with this card include intelligence, logic, objectivity, independence, and discernment. The Queen of Swords often represents a person who is sharp-minded, perceptive, and capable of analyzing situations with clarity.

Understanding these aspects of the Queen of Swords Tarot card provides insight into the deeper significance and interpretation of this card in Tarot readings.

The Number, Numerology and Element

The Queen of Swords Tarot card is associated with the number 12 in numerology , which represents completion, wisdom, and a higher level of spiritual understanding. It signifies the culmination of a cycle and the integration of knowledge and experience.

The element associated with the Queen of Swords is air, which represents intellect, communication, and clarity of thought. This element emphasizes the Queen’s analytical and logical nature, as well as her ability to express herself effectively.

In terms of symbolism and meaning , the card may represent independence, resilience, and the pursuit of truth. She sets clear boundaries and expects honesty and directness from others.

As feelings, the Queen of Swords can indicate a discerning and independent mindset, valuing clarity and self-sufficiency.

Whether upright or reversed, the Queen of Swords guides us toward making unbiased judgments, embracing clear communication, and seeking intellectual growth.

The Image and Colors

RWS Tarot Swords - Tarot Queen of Swords

Frequently observed in tarot readings, the Queen of Swords tarot card portrays a regal figure seated on a throne, exuding authority and intellect. The image of the Queen of Swords is rich in symbolism, reflecting her meaning and significance.

She is depicted as a mature and wise woman, holding a sword upright in her right hand, symbolizing her intellectual prowess and analytical mindset. The colors used in the card further enhance its meaning. The Queen’s robe, flowing and regal, signifies her commanding presence, while the stone throne adorned with intricate designs represents her stability and strength.

The cherub and butterflies on the throne symbolize ongoing change, reminding us that the Queen of Swords is adaptable and open to transformation. Overall, the image and colors of the Queen of Swords tarot card reinforce her meaning of independence, resilience, and rational thinking.

The Cards’ Keywords and Themes

Certainly, let’s explore the keywords and themes associated with the Queen of Swords in more depth:

  • Clarity: The Queen of Swords is a symbol of mental clarity. When this card appears in a reading, it often suggests the need to see situations with a clear and unbiased mind. It encourages you to cut through the fog of confusion and gain a precise understanding of your circumstances.
  • Intellect: This card represents the power of the intellect. It signifies a sharp and analytical mind, one that is capable of solving problems, making rational decisions, and weighing options carefully. It reminds you to trust your intellect and use it to your advantage.
  • Truth: Truth is a central theme of the Queen of Swords. This card emphasizes the importance of honesty, both with yourself and with others. It encourages open and transparent communication, and it may suggest a need to seek the truth in a particular situation.
  • Rationality: Rational thinking and logic are key attributes of the Queen of Swords. It advises you to approach matters objectively, putting emotions aside when necessary. By doing so, you can make sound judgments and avoid being swayed by sentimentality.
  • Fairness: The Queen of Swords is associated with fairness and justice. It reminds you to consider the ethical implications of your actions and decisions. In relationships and conflicts, it encourages impartiality and treating others with equity.
  • Mental Clarity: The overarching theme of the Queen of Swords is mental clarity. It suggests that the time is right for you to think clearly and make well-informed choices. Whether you’re facing a dilemma or making important decisions, this card encourages you to approach them with a sharp and focused mind.
  • Honest Communication: Communication is a significant theme associated with this card. It emphasizes the need for honest and direct dialogue. In relationships, it encourages open discussions that lead to mutual understanding. In professional settings, it suggests effective communication as the key to success.
  • Balancing Emotion and Reason: The Queen of Swords teaches the importance of finding a balance between emotions and reason. While it champions rationality, it doesn’t dismiss emotions entirely. Instead, it advises using emotions as valuable information but making decisions based on logical analysis.
  • Seeking Truth and Justice: This card encourages you to seek truth and justice in all aspects of your life. It’s a reminder that honesty and integrity should guide your actions and decisions. In situations where there’s a moral dilemma, it prompts you to choose the path that aligns with your principles.
  • Independence: The Queen of Swords also highlights the theme of independence. It signifies the ability to stand on your own, make autonomous choices, and rely on your own judgment. It encourages self-sufficiency and self-reliance, especially when facing challenges.
  • Problem-Solving: The card’s association with intellect and clarity makes problem-solving a prevalent theme. It suggests that you have the mental acumen to tackle challenges effectively. When you encounter obstacles, approach them with a problem-solving mindset.

Incorporating these keywords and themes into your Tarot readings with the Queen of Swords can provide deeper insights and guidance, helping you navigate various aspects of life with a clear and balanced perspective.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: (Upright and Reversed)

Upright Queen of Swords Meaning

The Queen of Swords in the upright position carries significant meanings in various aspects of life.

  • In a love tarot reading , it signifies clarity, direct communication, and the value of honesty.
  • As career advice , it represents assertiveness, clear decision-making, and a focus on professional growth.
  • In money and finances , it emphasizes the need for a balanced and logical approach, setting boundaries, and attention to detail.
  • In health tarot and well-being , it highlights the importance of a logical approach, seeking professional advice, and practicing mindfulness.
  • In spirituality and personal growth , it signifies a connection to inner wisdom, clarity of thought, and the pursuit of authentic spiritual practices.

Love and Relationships

Clarity and direct communication are key aspects of love life and relationships when the Queen is upright in a tarot reading. This powerful and commanding card represents a partner who values independence, loyalty, and honesty. The minor arcana tarot card can also encourage open and honest communication, emphasizing the importance of setting clear boundaries and expressing oneself with clarity and assertiveness. In love, this card suggests the potential for meeting someone who has overcome hardships and understands and complements your life. It signifies a partner who offers constructive criticism and supports personal growth. In relationships, the Queen of Swords urges both partners to be truthful and authentic, fostering a strong and healthy connection built on trust and straightforwardness.

Career and Work

When it comes to career tarot reading, the Queen of Swords in the upright position signifies a wise and honest individual in a senior position who offers constructive criticism and guidance to others. This queen possesses a sharp intellect and a logical mindset, allowing her to make clear and confident decisions. She values professionalism and integrity, earning the respect of her colleagues.

The Queen of Swords encourages effective communication and empathy in the workplace, creating a supportive and productive environment. She is known for her unbiased judgment and fair treatment of others. This tarot card represents someone who is highly astute and discerning, capable of providing valuable insights and guidance to help navigate through challenges and achieve success in one’s career.

Money and Finances

Discussing the financial aspect, the Queen of Swords in the upright position signifies the importance of maintaining a balanced approach and making wise decisions. When it comes to money and finances, the Queen of Swords offers guidance and insights that can lead to financial success.

Here are two key points to keep in mind:

  • Clear and Objective Analysis: The Queen of Swords encourages a rational and analytical mindset when it comes to financial matters. She advises you to carefully assess your financial situation, gather all the necessary information, and make decisions based on logic rather than emotions.
  • Setting Boundaries and Making Fair Choices: The Queen of Swords reminds you to set clear boundaries and make fair choices when it comes to money. She encourages you to be honest and transparent in your financial dealings, avoiding any unethical or dishonest practices. By maintaining integrity and making fair decisions, you can attract abundance and financial stability.

Health and Well-Being

Continuing the exploration of the Queen of Swords Tarot card’s meanings, in the realm of health and well-being, the upright position emphasizes the importance of maintaining emotional and psychological balance.

The Queen of Swords reminds us that our mental and emotional states play a crucial role in our overall well-being. She encourages us to approach our health with a logical and rational mindset, seeking professional advice when needed and paying attention to the signals our body gives us.

Practicing mindfulness and healthy stress management techniques can help us find balance in our exercise, rest, and nutrition. The Queen of Swords reminds us to prioritize self-care and to be aware of our emotions, ensuring that we take care of our mental and emotional health just as much as our physical health.

Spirituality and Personal Growth

The Queen of Swords, in her upright position, embodies spirituality and personal growth through her unwavering commitment to seeking inner wisdom, embracing clarity of thought and rationality, and engaging in authentic spiritual practices. She serves as a powerful symbol of spiritual enlightenment and growth, inspiring individuals to embark on their own transformative journeys.

  • Seeking Inner Wisdom:

The Queen of Swords encourages individuals to delve deep within themselves to uncover their inner wisdom and intuition. She reminds them to trust their own insights and make decisions based on their inner knowing.

  • Embracing Clarity of Thought and Rationality:

With her sharp intellect and clear thinking, the Queen of Swords encourages individuals to cultivate clarity of thought and rationality in their spiritual practices. She reminds them to approach their spiritual journey with a discerning mind, separating truth from illusion.

Through her embodiment of spirituality and personal growth, the Queen of Swords empowers individuals to embrace their own inner power and wisdom, leading them to a path of transformation and enlightenment.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: (Upright and Reversed)

Reversed Queen of Swords in a Reading

When exploring the reversed meaning of the Queen of Swords tarot card, it is important to consider the impact on different areas of life:

  • Love and relationships: The Queen of Swords reversed may indicate difficulties in communication and emotional expression, potentially leading to misunderstandings and conflict.
  • Career and work: This card reversal suggests challenges in assertiveness and confidence, as well as the risk of appearing cold or narrow-minded.
  • Money and finances: The Queen of Swords reversed encourages caution and careful analysis, as well as the need to address any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs.
  • Health and well-being: This card reversal highlights the importance of seeking professional advice and avoiding self-criticism.
  • Spirituality and personal growth: The Queen of Swords reversed calls for embracing intuition and emotional intelligence, healing from past wounds, and fostering a compassionate and accepting mindset.

Love and Relationships (Reversed)

In the context of love and relationships, the Queen of Swords in the reversed position signifies the need for caution and self-awareness. This reversed meaning of the Queen of Swords brings to mind images of a relationship where communication has become distorted and emotions have clouded clear vision.

To fully understand the dynamics at play, it is important to consider the following:

  • Emotional Distortion: The Queen of Swords reversed warns against allowing emotions to distort perception. It suggests a need to step back and evaluate the situation objectively, without letting feelings cloud judgment.
  • Lack of Assertiveness: This reversed position highlights the risk of appearing cold-hearted and resentful due to a lack of assertiveness. It calls for individuals to find their voice and express their needs and desires in a healthy and confident manner.

Career and Work (Reversed)

The reversed Queen of Swords in the context of career and work warns against challenges in communication and collaboration, urging caution and self-awareness.

It signifies potential difficulties in expressing oneself clearly and effectively, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in the workplace.

This reversed card also suggests the presence of a difficult coworker or boss who may hinder progress and create a toxic work environment.

It is crucial to approach situations with careful analysis and introspection, making sure to choose words wisely and avoid unnecessary confrontations.

This card serves as a reminder to prioritize effective communication, maintain professional boundaries, and seek resolutions through empathy and understanding.

Money and Finances (Reversed)

Continuing from the previous subtopic on Career and Work (Reversed), the reversed Queen of Swords in terms of money and finances warns against challenges in communication and collaboration, urging caution and self-awareness.

Challenges in Communication:

  • Difficulties in expressing financial needs and concerns
  • Miscommunication leading to misunderstandings in financial transactions

Challenges in Collaboration:

  • Struggles in working with others to achieve financial goals
  • Lack of trust and cooperation hindering financial partnerships

In this reversed position, the Queen of Swords advises individuals to be mindful of their communication style and to choose their words carefully when discussing financial matters. It also serves as a reminder to maintain open lines of communication and to address any conflicts or misunderstandings promptly.

Health and Well-Being (Reversed)

When the Queen of Swords is reversed in a Tarot reading, there may be challenges and obstacles in maintaining optimal health and well-being. This reversal suggests that there may be a lack of clarity and focus when it comes to taking care of oneself. It could indicate a tendency to neglect physical, emotional, and mental health due to external pressures or overwhelming responsibilities.

There may also be a need to address any negative self-talk or critical thoughts that are impacting overall well-being. Seeking professional advice and guidance is important in order to regain balance and prioritize self-care. It is crucial to be mindful of the impact that stress and negative emotions can have on the body, and to take necessary steps to find healing and restoration.

Spirituality and Personal Growth (Reversed)

In the realm of spirituality and personal growth, the reversed Queen of Swords tarot card signifies a need for introspection and embracing emotional intelligence.

To paint a vivid picture in your mind, imagine the following:

  • The Queen of Swords sits on her throne, cloaked in a flowing robe, her regal figure exuding a commanding presence. But in the reversed position, her posture is slouched, indicating a need to turn inward and reflect on one’s emotions.
  • The sword she holds, which in the upright position symbolizes intellectual prowess, is now pointed downwards, representing a shift towards understanding and embracing emotional intelligence.
  • The intricate designs on her throne now appear faded and worn, suggesting the need to explore and heal past emotional wounds.
  • Surrounded by a hazy mist, the Queen of Swords in reverse calls for a compassionate and empathetic approach, replacing judgment and criticism with acceptance.

In embracing these qualities, one can navigate the realm of spirituality and personal growth with greater depth and authenticity.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: (Upright and Reversed)

What does The Queen of Swords card mean as Card of the Day

Today, the Queen of Swords graces us with her presence as the Card of the Day. In the Tarot deck, this card embodies a unique blend of wisdom, clarity, and intellectual prowess. As you navigate the day ahead, her energy encourages you to approach situations with a sharp and discerning mind.

The Queen of Swords is a symbol of truth-seeking and honest communication. She reminds you to value integrity in all your interactions, both with yourself and with others. In your conversations and decisions today, prioritize transparency and clarity. Be open to constructive feedback and engage in thoughtful, rational discussions.

This card also encourages you to embrace your intellectual power. Whether you’re faced with challenges at work, in your relationships, or with personal decisions, rely on your analytical skills and logical thinking to find solutions. Trust your instincts and your ability to cut through any confusion or uncertainty.

However, the Queen of Swords also cautions against becoming too detached or overly critical. While clarity and honesty are essential, remember to balance your intellect with empathy. Approach situations with fairness and an open heart.

In matters of relationships and partnerships, today may call for honest conversations and assessments. Are there truths that need to be spoken, or boundaries that require adjustment? The Queen of Swords guides you to navigate these discussions with respect and candor.

Overall, the Queen of Swords as the Card of the Day invites you to embrace the power of your mind, seek the truth, and communicate with integrity. It’s a day to cut through the noise and focus on the essence of what matters most. Your wisdom and clarity will lead you to make informed choices and navigate the day with grace.

The Queen of Swords as YES or NO Card

The Queen of Swords is often viewed as a card representing a blunt, direct, no-nonsense type of woman. As such, when she appears in a Tarot spread asking a yes or no question, the Queen of Swords tends to indicate a straightforward, honest answer. Her energy cuts through any confusion or vagueness, providing clarity on the matter.

If the Queen of Swords appears upright, her razor-sharp intellect points to a definitive yes. She sees the truth of the situation clearly. Conversely, if she appears reversed, her logic and reason lead to a firm no. The reversed Queen of Swords has no patience for wishful thinking or self-delusion. She demands unvarnished facts.

So when the Queen of Swords responds to a yes or no inquiry in a Tarot reading, her wise discernment can be trusted. Whether delivering a compassionate affirmation or a cutting negation, the Queen’s keen powers of discernment result in a response of great insight and honesty. Her judicious verdict provides the simplicity and lucidity needed to cut through the complexities of the issue at hand.

How to Read The Queen of Swords in a Tarot Reading

Continuing the exploration of the Queen tarot card, understanding how to interpret this card in a tarot reading involves delving into its symbolism and the messages it conveys.

The Queen of Swords represents a powerful and authoritative feminine energy that is characterized by clear boundaries, direct communication, and independent judgment.

When this card appears in a reading, it signals the importance of intellectual prowess, rational decision-making, and the pursuit of truth. It encourages the seeker to embrace a logical and analytical mindset, assertiveness in their career, and a focus on personal growth and self-awareness.

In relationships, the Queen of Swords emphasizes the value of honesty and clarity, while in the spiritual context, it signifies the connection to inner wisdom and the pursuit of authentic spiritual practices.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: (Upright and Reversed)

Tips and Examples on How to Interpret The Queen of Swords card combinations

When interpreting the Queen of Swords in a tarot reading, it is important to consider the card’s meanings in different combinations. The Queen of Swords can have various implications depending on the surrounding cards and the specific context of the reading.

How to interpret the tarot card in different combinations

Interpreting the Queen of Swords tarot card in different combinations requires a nuanced understanding of its abstract qualities and their implications.

Here are some examples of how to interpret the Queen of Swords Tarot card in different combinations within a Tarot reading:

  • Queen of Swords + The Lovers (Upright):    – Interpretation: The Queen of Swords alongside The Lovers suggests a need for clear and honest communication in a romantic relationship. It advises open and rational discussions to strengthen the emotional bond.
  • Queen of Swords + The Tower (Reversed):    – Interpretation: When combined with The Tower in its reversed position , the Queen of Swords signifies a potential crisis or upheaval that can be mitigated through careful planning and logical thinking. It encourages facing the truth, even if it’s difficult.
  • Queen of Swords + The Empress (Upright):    – Interpretation: The Queen of Swords with The Empress indicates a balance between nurturing and assertiveness. It suggests that maternal or caregiving roles can benefit from clear boundaries and honest communication.
  • Queen of Swords + Ace of Pentacles (Upright):    – Interpretation: This combination suggests that a clear and practical approach is needed for financial success. The Queen of Swords advises making well-informed decisions, and the Ace of Pentacles indicates the potential for a new opportunity.
  • Queen of Swords + Three of Cups (Reversed):    – Interpretation: The Queen of Swords alongside the Three of Cups in reverse suggests a need to address conflicts or misunderstandings within a social group. It advises approaching these issues with diplomacy and fairness.
  • Queen of Swords + The High Priestess (Upright):    – Interpretation: When paired with The High Priestess, the Queen of Swords advises seeking inner wisdom and intuition while maintaining a rational and balanced perspective. It suggests that both logic and intuition are essential.
  • Queen of Swords + The Devil (Reversed):    – Interpretation: The Queen of Swords alongside The Devil in reverse signifies breaking free from unhealthy patterns or toxic situations. It encourages using intellectual strength to overcome challenges and regain control.
  • Queen of Swords + Ace of Cups (Upright):    – Interpretation: This combination suggests that emotional clarity and communication are essential in new relationships or the renewal of existing ones. It advises approaching matters of the heart with honesty and authenticity.
  • Queen of Swords + The Hermit (Upright):    – Interpretation: When combined with The Hermit, the Queen of Swords suggests a period of introspection and solitude that will benefit from self-reflection and careful analysis. It advises seeking inner truth.
  • Queen of Swords + The Sun (Upright):     – Interpretation: The Queen of Swords alongside The Sun signifies a time of mental clarity, optimism, and success. It suggests that a positive and straightforward approach will lead to happiness and fulfillment.

Remember that Tarot readings are highly subjective, and interpretations can vary depending on the context of the reading and the reader’s intuition. These interpretations are meant as starting points and can be adapted to fit the specific circumstances of each reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the queen of swords tarot card represent independence and resilience.

The Queen of Swords tarot card represents independence and resilience through her regal presence and sharp intellect. She encourages clear communication, objective decision-making, and the ability to set boundaries, making her a powerful symbol of strength and self-reliance.

What Does It Mean if the Queen of Swords Appears in a Love Reading?

When the Queen of Swords appears in a love reading, it signifies the importance of clarity, direct communication, and setting boundaries. It encourages independence and self-sufficiency, while also highlighting the need for patience and understanding in relationships.

How Can the Queen of Swords Be Applied to Career and Financial Situations?

The Queen of Swords brings clarity and direct communication to career and financial situations. She encourages assertiveness, logical decision-making, and clear expression. Integrity and honesty are key in achieving success and growth.

What Does It Suggest if the Queen of Swords Appears in a Health Reading?

The appearance of the Queen of Swords in a health reading suggests the need for a logical and analytical approach to one’s well-being. It emphasizes seeking professional advice and finding balance in all aspects of physical and mental health.

What Is the Overall Message and Advice of the Queen of Swords Tarot Card?

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card delivers a message of honesty, clarity, and direct communication. It advises maintaining integrity, seeking the truth, and making unbiased judgments based on facts rather than emotions.

In conclusion, the Queen of Swords Tarot card embodies the qualities of intellect, clarity, and direct communication. Whether in the upright or reversed position, this card represents wisdom, independence, and a commitment to truth and rationality.

The Queen of Swords serves as a reminder to set clear boundaries, value independence, and approach situations with logic and balance. Through her guidance, we can navigate relationships, career, and finances with honesty and constructive criticism, ultimately leading to growth and overcoming toxic beliefs.

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The information provided on this website regarding Tarot cards and their interpretations is for entertainment and personal growth purposes only. Tarot cards do not possess the ability to predict the future with certainty, as the future is influenced by numerous factors and individual choices. It is important to understand that the Tarot is a tool for self-reflection, insight, and guidance, but it should not be regarded as an authoritative source or a substitute for professional advice. The ultimate power lies within each individual to shape their own future. The cards simply serve as a guide, offering perspectives and potential outcomes. It is essential to exercise personal responsibility, critical thinking, and free will in making decisions that align with one’s own values and desires. We strongly encourage you to use the information provided here as a source of inspiration and reflection, but always trust your own judgment and seek advice from qualified professionals when needed. Remember, you are the author of your own life, and the Tarot is a tool to support your journey.

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Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Don't you just love it when a tarot card comes up and all it seems to say is, 'Hello, I'm a queen with a big, shiny sword'?

Well, there's a lot more to the Queen of Swords than her love for medieval cutlery. She's a complex character within the tarot, encompassing themes of intellect, communication, and independence.

As you explore her symbolism and how it plays out in your own life, you'll find there's more to her story than meets the eye. But be warned, the Queen of Swords isn't one to reveal her secrets lightly…

The Queen of Swords: Overview

tarot card meaning explained

While you may often see the Queen of Swords as a stern figure in tarot, it's crucial to understand her role as a symbol of intellectual power, clear judgment, and incisive insight. Swords symbolism, deeply embedded in the card's origin, represents air, thought, and the mind. This symbolism, combined with the Queen's persona, embodies clarity of mind, and unfettered truth.

She's a guide, helping you to cut through confusion and see things as they're — not as you wish them to be. The Queen's sword is double-edged, reminding you that truth can be both liberating and painful, yet always necessary.

Embrace her wisdom, allow her sharp insight to clear your path, and you'll navigate life's challenges with grace and intellect.

Historical Background of Queen of Swords

Delving into the historical origins of the Queen of Swords, you'll find her roots in traditional court cards of the tarot deck, which takes us back to the mid-15th century.

The Swords iconography, representing intellect and communication, was often attributed to royalty, amplifying the Queen's influence. This Queen, often depicted as a widow or a woman of sorrow, symbolizes clarity and truth. She embodies the power of the mind, reflecting both the joys and struggles of human intellect.

Her stern image, sword in her right hand, shows her readiness to cut through illusions and reach the truth. As you explore her rich history, you'll see that she's not just a card; she's a mirror reflecting the complexities of thought and the power of discernment.

Symbolic Elements in the Card

symbolism in tarot cards

As you delve deeper into the Queen of Swords, you'll notice a wealth of symbolism that further illuminates her meaning and significance.

The Swords symbolism is particularly significant here. The sword she wields, sharp and double-edged, represents her intellect and mental clarity, while the clouds in the card artwork speak of her capacity for thought and abstraction.

Her throne's butterflies symbolize transformation, signifying her ability to bring change through insightful judgement. Notice the wind in the trees behind her? It suggests the force of her decisions and the influence she wields.

The bird flying above signifies her high ideals. Each element weaves a narrative of wisdom, intellect, and authority, enriching your understanding of this powerful Tarot figure.

The Queen's Position in the Suit of Swords

In the Suit of Swords, the Queen holds a pivotal role, embodying the essence of mental clarity, wisdom, and authority. As you delve deeper into the Swords Suit's Importance, you'll realize the Queen's Representation is much more than a figure of power.

She's the personification of truth, courage, and intellectual freedom. Her position denotes the potential for growth through logical reasoning and keen perception. She's not only the guardian of truth but also a beacon of hope in times of uncertainty.

Her presence in the Suit of Swords is a testament to the power of intellect and rational thought. She challenges you to harness your mental prowess, to cut through illusions, and to stand firm in your convictions.

Embrace her wisdom, and you'll navigate life's challenges with dignity and grace.

Understanding the Queen of Swords Imagery

symbolism in queen of swords

Now that we've explored the Queen's pivotal role within the Suit of Swords, let's turn our attention to the rich symbolism depicted in her imagery.

Look closely at the Sword's symbolism. It represents intellect, clarity, and power – traits clearly mirrored in the Queen's demeanor. Her hand firmly grips the sword, revealing her command over the mind's realm.

Her throne, decorated with cherubim and butterflies, symbolizes transformation and evolution. The wind sweeping through her cape signifies the invisible forces she controls. Her stern expression reflects her discerning nature and unyielding truthfulness.

As you delve deeper into the Queen of Swords imagery, you'll discover that every detail offers a profound insight into her complex character.

Upright Queen of Swords Interpretation

Drawing the Queen of Swords in an upright position during a tarot reading can offer you significant insights into your current situation. This card represents the Queen's Personality, characterized by intellect, independence, and an assertive nature. The Queen isn't one to shy away from the truth, she sees things as they're with clear-sightedness.

The Sword Symbolism signifies her mental clarity and sharp mind. When upright, this card urges you to lead with your head over your heart, make decisions based on facts, and communicate with honesty. Your situation may require you to embody the Queen's assertive and straightforward nature.

Reversed Queen of Swords Meaning

reverse queen of swords

When you encounter the Queen of Swords in a reversed position, it signifies a misuse of one's intellectual power or communication skills in a situation. This reversed impact symbolizes a bitter, cold, and overly rational approach, highlighting the Swords' duality.

While in an upright position, the Queen of Swords embodies clear, unbiased judgement, the reversed stance shows an inclination towards manipulation and deceit. You might be using your sharp wit and intelligence in harmful ways, causing discord rather than harmony.

This card is a call for introspection. Check your intentions and ensure that your communication is honest and compassionate. Embrace the Queen's positive attributes: wisdom, discernment, and fairness. Don't let the reversed Queen of Swords tarnish your potential for intellectual prowess and effective communication.

Queen of Swords in Love and Relationships

Shifting your gaze from the introspective realm of the reversed Queen of Swords, let's consider the influence this card has on love and relationships.

The Queen's influence on communication is profound; she encourages openness, honesty, and clear articulation. In relationships, she fosters emotional intelligence, helping couples navigate their feelings with wisdom and understanding. Her presence in a love reading signifies a need for honest dialogue, possibly suggesting some unresolved issues that require open discussion.

She calls for maturity and emotional intelligence in relationships, promoting understanding and empathy. The Queen can also represent an individual – someone who's emotionally mature, independent, and highly communicative.

Queen of Swords in Career and Finance

tarot card for success

Turning to the realm of career and finance, the Queen of Swords offers valuable insights for professional growth and financial stability. She embodies clarity, objectivity, and a no-nonsense approach, traits that can guide you towards career progression. If she appears in your reading, it might be a sign you're on the brink of achieving financial independence.

She encourages you to make decisions grounded in reason, not emotion. She's a reminder to remain clear-headed, even when faced with complex financial matters or challenging professional situations.

Trust in her wisdom: stay focused, be assertive, and keep your goals in sight. With the Queen of Swords by your side, you're well-equipped to navigate the often daunting world of career and finance.

Queen of Swords in Health and Wellness

In the sphere of health and wellness, the Queen of Swords symbolizes mental clarity and strength, urging you to maintain a balanced mindset for overall wellbeing. This card signals a time for mental resilience, encouraging you to stay strong, clear-headed, and focused. It nudges you to harness the power of your mind, honing your emotional clarity.

When you're dealing with health issues, it's easy to become overwhelmed by emotions. The Queen of Swords reminds you to cut through the fog and keep your emotions in check. It's all about understanding your feelings, not suppressing them. Prioritize mental health as much as physical health, and remember, it's okay to seek help when needed.

This card is a call to action for self-care, emotional wellness, and resilience.

Spiritual Significance of the Queen of Swords

symbolism of the queen

While the Queen of Swords urges you to foster mental resilience in times of health challenges, its spiritual significance lies in its embodiment of truth, intellect, and communication.

The Queen's Intuition speaks to your inner wisdom, urging you to trust your instincts. It signifies clear thinking and an open mind, essential aspects of Swords Spirituality.

This card encourages you to see beyond the superficial, to delve deeper and seek truth. It's a symbol of mental clarity, urging you to cut through illusions and deceit.

In matters of spirit, it asks you to communicate your truths openly, with candor and honesty. So, in your spiritual journey, let the Queen guide you to a space of authenticity and intellectual freedom.

Queen of Swords: Elemental and Astrological Associations

Delving into the Queen of Swords' elemental and astrological associations, you'll uncover a deep connection with the element of air and the zodiac sign of Libra. This air association ties directly to the Swords Suit Symbolism, representing intellect, communication, and thought.

Being ruled by air, the Queen embodies these traits, reflecting clear-mindedness, insight, and sharp wit – the Queen's Elemental Traits at their finest. Astrologically, her connection with Libra enhances her sense of justice, balance, and diplomacy.

The Queen of Swords, therefore, symbolizes intellectual power and authoritative communication, blended with a deep-seated sense of fairness. Through her, you'll gain an intimate understanding of the profound wisdom inherent in the Tarot, specifically in the potent symbolism of the Swords suit.

Queen of Swords in a Tarot Reading

powerful female ruler s influence

When you pull the Queen of Swords in a tarot reading, it's a clear signal to tap into your intellectual power and communicate with authority, ensuring your message is heard with clarity and fairness.

This Queen's influence encourages you to be independent, honest, and objective. She embodies a love for truth and a sharp intellect, qualities you must embrace.

The sword symbolism represents her mental agility, piercing insight, and a clear understanding of complex issues. She encourages you to cut through confusion and see the truth. Embrace her qualities of wisdom and clear communication to overcome any challenges.

The Queen of Swords invites you to listen, think deeply, and speak out with confidence. Don't shy away from this journey of self-discovery.

Common Misconceptions About the Queen of Swords

Despite the clear wisdom and insight associated with the Queen of Swords, there are some common misconceptions that often cloud people's understanding of this powerful tarot figure.

  • Misinterpretation of the Swords : Many assume that the presence of swords indicates conflict or negativity. However, they truly symbolize intellect and mental clarity.
  • Swords Misinterpretation : The Queen's sword isn't a weapon of aggression. It's a tool for cutting through confusion and deception.
  • Misjudging the Queen's Personality : She's often seen as cold or distant. But, she's simply honest, direct, and values intellectual independence.
  • Queen's Personality : Don't mistake her clear-sightedness for ruthlessness. She's not emotionless, but rather chooses to lead with her intellect and truth.

Tips for Reading the Queen of Swords Tarot Card

interpreting the queen of swords

Understanding the Queen of Swords tarot card requires you to tap into your intellect, embracing the clarity and honesty it represents. As you navigate through the Swords Suit Variations, remember that each card's meaning can shift depending on the context of the reading and the cards surrounding it.

When the Queen of Swords appears, ask yourself, 'What truths need to be acknowledged?' She may represent a person in your life or aspects of your own personality. Your Tarot Reading Techniques should include a clear, focused question and an open, receptive mindset.

In conclusion, the Queen of Swords is a complex card, rich in symbolism and history. She's associated with clear thinking, independence, and maturity. Misconceptions about her may arise from her stern appearance, but remember, she's all about truth and intellect.

Understanding her position within the Suit of Swords and her astrological associations can provide deeper insights during readings.

So, keep exploring and expanding your tarot knowledge, and let the Queen of Swords guide you towards clarity and wisdom.

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Sarah Scoop.com is an online destination to give everyone the scoop on their favorite things. To contact Sarah email [email protected].

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Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is in the Minor Arcana and is the 13th tarot card in the suit of Swords. Usually, the queen will represent somebody in your life, most likely a mature woman who is quick to anger. Without even reading the meanings, you might already have an idea of who it may be.

Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The Queen of Swords tarot. But first…

…We would recommend speaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The Queen of Swords tarot in relation to your life. That way, when you read the details that follow, you will be able to fully relate. You can do this with a free tarot reading from our experienced, highly-recommended experts at Keen and Psychic Source .

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Queen of Swords in a sentence

The Queen of Swords card represents a matriarchal energy, independence, and good instincts.

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Find Out What The Queen of Swords Means For YOU!

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Queen of Swords in a time-based position

Past – The Queen of Swords tarot card in the past position can represent you, or someone in your life in a position of authority. Commonly, this can be a female teacher or another female that had a great influence on you, very likely your mother. Use this person as an example when you’re having problems in life; it might sound silly, but what would they do in your situation? Sometimes getting another viewpoint can really change how we perceive situations. visualising somebody much older and wiser can make us feel like we can use their experience and wisdom.

Present – The Queen of Swords tarot in the present position can represent a strong current female influence in your life; you may also think about her romantically even though nothing of the sort could ever happen. Take their advice on board. It may not fit in exactly with your world-view but certain points will be useful. If there is nobody like this in your life, expect someone matching this description to make an appearance soon.

Future – The Queen of Swords in the future can represent what you are going to become. Wise, but not without empathy. You’ll have influence, but be approachable. This does bode well if you are entering work or another area of life where you’ll be a minority. Be prepared to stand out.

The Queen of Swords in regards to life issues

Work / Education – The Queen of Swords tarot card in regards to work or education can remind you to calm down. You might be working on things that you’re finding easy, or even beneath you. You might not feel like you’re working at your limit or pushing yourself but that’s okay, your time will come. If you’re looking for a job, don’t come across too eager or desperate. Do favours for your colleagues if you’re in work, but don’t let them take advantage of you. Many tarot cards can point to specific people.

Romance – The Queen of Swords in romance is a good sign, the strong feminine energy can represent someone (either you, your partner or someone you’re after) that enjoys being their own person; a free spirit with knowledge or skills that others desire. It’s incredibly important not to force your will on anybody, likely a partner with the intent to change them. If you feel something is wrong in your relationship, an informal chat can do wonders. If you’re single and looking, you should hope for a tarot card like this, look for possibly an artist, writer or another creative type. They’ll likely be mature and quick to act, but not reckless.

Friends – This tarot card in regards to friendship means things are going well. To state the obvious, you might make a new, female friend. If you don’t want to take things literally, you might meet someone who is their own person, possibly well known or eccentric in some way. Do you already know somebody like this? It could be a rewarding friendship that you’re currently missing out on.

Money –  The Queen of Swords in regards to finances is another good sign. Are you looking for work or have things taken a bad turn? The Queen of Swords is a good sign; you should be focusing your money and energy into your home life. You can use your energy in new creative ways to enhance your current situation. Redecorate if you’ve been planning to, it might breathe new life and surprises in. If people are coming after your money, let them try. You’ll likely be able to get better deals by looking around. There’s no need to keep buying the same things or going to the same places. Try something new if you see the Queen of Swords.

Health – The Queen of Swords tarot card is a mixed sign in regards to health. Firstly don’t shy away from sharing your issues or concerns with people you can trust. You are an independent person, but sometimes we need some support or a good foundation. If there is anyone older that you’re worried about, check in on them and keep in touch if you draw this tarot card. They might come down with something and it’s best for them to know you’re a reliable source of contact.

Spirituality and Mentality –  This tarot card in spirituality means that now might be a good time to ride your emotions and help other people deal with theirs. Do you have any skills you can teach of a practical nature? There might be some demand. You could really influence and change peoples lives, Don’t shy away from anything. You need to face your problems, especially if something is bothering you from afar. If you’re feeling taunted, then face the problem head-on. The Queen of Swords represents fearlessness. She sits with a scowl, a hand raised in provocation and a sword grasped in the other. Once you face your fears head on, they will very likely back down and diminish.

Queen Of Swords Reversed

The Queen Of Swords Reversed can highlight the negative aspects of being in charge, as well as incompetent leadership. It could be that you, or a powerful woman you have a close relationship to, is stopping things from happening. If you’re holding other people back, then you need to work out why you feel you need to, and then stop. If you’re jealous of others, you need to realise that you’ll never be able to contain their potential. The best thing you can do is to work on your own skills and life when the Queen of Swords Reversed appears.

Keywords for the Queen of Swords

Matriarch, perception, female intuition, first impressions

Other associations of the Queen of Swords

Element: Air

As a Yes or No question: Yes

I – Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords Thumbnail

II – Two of Swords


III – Three of Swords


IV – Four of Swords


V – Five of Swords


VI – Six of Swords


VII – Seven of Swords


VIII – Eight of Swords

8 of Swords

IX – Nine of Swords


X – Ten of Swords

Xi – page of swords, xii – knight of swords.


XIII – Queen of Swords


XIV – King of Swords


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Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords Tarot Upright Meaning by The Tarot Guide, Learn How to Read Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana, General Interpretation, Love, Relationships, Money, Finance, Health, Spirituality, Keywords, Tarot Reading, Tarot Readers, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Reiki, Palm, Online, Skype, Email, In-person Tarot Readings, Dublin, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, How Someone Sees You, Feels About You, Job Offer, Feelings¸ Outcome

Upright Meaning Guide

Queen of swords upright tarot card key meanings:.

Honest, truthful, candid, protective, independent, chatty, communicative, witty, funny, principled, fair, constructive criticism, strong, quirky, realistic, objective, discerning, problem solver, sceptical, intelligent, sharp wit, self-reliant, open-minded, sophisticated, mother, repressed pain or sadness, divorced, hard knocks

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)

In a general context, the Queen of Swords can represent an older woman in your life who will step in when you are vulnerable and protect you or help you to overcome a problem. It represents being intelligent, sharp witted, witty, honest, truthful and candid. This Minor Arcana card signifies being realistic, discerning or sceptical and it can signify that you will receive constructive criticism from someone and you would do well to listen to it. It can also represent open-mindedness and self-reliance. However, this card can also indicate that you may be suppressing some pain or sadness from past events. As a person, the Queen of Swords represents a mature female or feminine person who is chatty, quirky, forthright and supportive. She may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. She is a woman who may have known loss or suffering herself and has gained much inner strength and wisdom from her experiences. She is someone who will always defend those who cannot defend themselves. She has strong empathy and is a great person to have in your corner if you are vulnerable as she will defend you. However, she will not suffer fools gladly and if you are in the wrong, you can expect her to call you out on it without mincing her words! She can have quite a sharp tongue on her at times. She is strong, quick-witted, principled, fair, funny, sophisticated, independent and capable and will not be clingy or needy.

Love & Relationships (Upright)  

In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship the Queen of Swords can indicate that you are in a relationship with someone who embodies the qualities outlined in the above section or you are displaying some of those characteristics yourself in your love life. As a partner, she likes her own space and is extremely discerning about the people she dates or has relationships with. She will not be overly slushy and may not like public displays of affection but she can be very affectionate and loving and she is incredibly loyal, witty and kind. This Minor Arcana card can represent a woman who is in a relationship but misses some of the freedom and independence of being single. It can also indicate that a bluntly honest mature woman may have a lot to say about your relationship. This could be a mature female friend, mother or mother-in-law giving their opinion. Again, they will not mince their words but they may provide constructive criticism that you would do well to take on board. If you are single, the Queen of Swords can indicate that you will meet someone who embodies the qualities outlined in the above section or you are displaying some of those characteristics yourself in your love life. This card can represent a person who has had some hard knocks in life but has come through them stronger and wiser. It can represent being divorced or a single mother so you may meet someone in those circumstances or be in them yourself as you enter the dating world. It can also indicate that you love single life, are fiercely protective of your independence and need a partner who can understand your need for freedom and compliment your life. This card indicates that you would like to meet someone who can enrich your life but you are self-sufficient enough not to need one. This is a great position to be in when dating as you can afford to be selective.

Money & Career  (Upright)

In a career Tarot reading, the Queen of Swords can indicate that you may receive support, assistance or constructive criticism from an older woman in your work environment. This woman is sophisticated, honest, wise and professional. You would do well to follow her example, or you may already be embodying these qualities yourself. This Minor Arcana card is a good communication card so you should find you are able to get your point across when it appears. Your colleagues will respect you for your honesty and integrity when it appears in your Tarot spread. In a financial Tarot spread, again the Queen of Swords can indicate that an older sophisticated woman may give you some solid financial advice so pay attention. She will not stir you into trouble. It can also indicate that your gift of the gab may lead to you getting some good financial opportunities.

Health (Upright)

In a health Tarot spread, the Queen of Swords indicates that repressed emotions may be at the root of any health issues you are experiencing. You may have suppressed sadness or grief. This card in a health context, tells you that you need to find a way to release these emotions and events as the stress of suppressing them may be manifesting in physical or psychological symptoms or ill health. A professional counsellor may be able to help you release them. Reiki would also benefit you to help let go of the negative energy and find your balance. This is a motherhood card and as such, a good omen if you are trying to conceive.

Spirituality  (Upright)

In a spiritual context, the Queen of Swords can indicate that you are trying to rationalise things too much rather than follow your emotions and intuition and this is delaying your progress on your spiritual path as your mind wrestles with your heart. Your emotions and your intuition are just as important as your rational brain, don’t disregard them. Sometimes you need to trust your gut even if your head is telling you otherwise. It can also indicate that past personal struggles have given you wisdom, strength and compassion that allow you to understand and empathise with others and defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Queen of Swords Tarot Reversed Meaning by The Tarot Guide, Learn How to Read Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana, General Interpretation, Love, Relationships, Money, Finance, Health, Spirituality, Keywords, Tarot Reading, Tarot Readers, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Reiki, Palm, Online, Skype, Email, In-person Tarot Readings, Dublin, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, How Someone Sees You, Feels About You, Job Offer, Feelings, Outcome

Reversed Meaning Guide

Queen of swords reversed tarot card key meanings:.

Overly critical, pessimistic, lack of empathy, rude, malicious gossip, manipulative, harsh, bitter, spiteful, vindictive, nasty, cruel, deceitful, cheater, unforgiving, scatter-brain, mental fogginess, poor communication, dysfunctional, obsessive, dependant, not learning from past, absent mother, repressed trauma, infertile

General meaning and interpretation  (Reversed)

In a general context, the Queen of Swords reversed can represent not learning from the past or not forgiving the past and using it as a stick to beat others around you with. This card can signify that an older or mature female in your life may try to drag you down by spreading malicious gossip about you or being overly critical of you. It can also be an indication that you are feeling dependent on others or not getting the freedom and independence you crave. This card also represents being dysfunctional or infertile or having a cold or absent mother or an evil step-mother. As a person, the Queen of Swords reversed represents a mature female or feminine person who generally is not a nice character as she can be bitter, cruel, cold, unforgiving and pessimistic. She may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. She is a woman who may have known loss or trauma herself which she uses as justification to drag others down. She can be spiteful, nasty, vindictive and vengeful. She may lack empathy for others and can be obsessive and controlling. She is someone who may be overly critical or harsh to the people around her and can come across as rude and very negative in reverse. The Queen of Swords reversed may also be a liar, a cheater, disloyal or just generally deceitful.

Love & Relationships  (Reversed)

In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship the Queen of Swords reversed can indicate that you are in a relationship with someone who embodies the qualities outlined in the above section or you are displaying some of those characteristics yourself in your love life. The Queen of Swords can simply represent a woman who is in a relationship but is fearful of being single or alternatively, feels her freedom is far too restricted. However, if this card represents your partner is can be a bad omen of a woman who cheats or lies and manipulates. However, the Queen of Swords reversed can also indicate that a bitter or nasty older woman may try to interfere in your relationship and cause trouble. This Minor Arcana card may also be telling you that you (or your partner) are repressing past pain and it is stopping you from fully opening up and being the loving, loyal and kind partner you are capable of being. You need to deal with these issues in order for your relationship to flourish. This also advises you not to be overly critical of your partner. Nobody is perfect including you, so cut them a break! If you are single, the Queen of Swords reversed can indicate that you will meet someone who embodies the qualities outlined in the above section or you are displaying some of those characteristics yourself in your love life. If this represents a potential partner, steer clear as she will bring you trouble and is not, in her current state, someone you should be in a relationship with. This card can simply be an indication that you dislike being single and want to find someone you can depend on. This card can also indicate that you have come through a trauma or a bitter divorce and are feeling pessimistic, negative and possibly vindictive. You need to give yourself time to grieve and release the pain or anger you are carrying. Don’t take the sorrow you feel at the moment out on innocent people. You have a choice in how you deal with what you’ve been through. You can change what’s happened but you can decide if you are going to learn from it and use to it to become a better person or if you are going to let it change you for the worse.

Money & Career  (Reversed)

In a career Tarot reading, the Queen of Swords reversed can represent an older woman in work environment who is overly critical or harsh with you or may spread malicious gossip about you. However, this Minor Arcana card can also point to communication issues where you may not be getting your point across in the best way. Be careful not to come across as negative, severe, pessimistic or rude when dealing with co-workers or business associates. You’ll catch more flies with honey as they say! In a financial Tarot spread, again the Queen of Swords reversed can indicate that an older deceitful or malicious woman may give you some bad financial advice so be careful. This card can also indicate poor communication or miscommunication which could end up costing you money.

Health (Reversed)

In a health Tarot spread, the Queen of Swords reversed indicates that at the moment you are a bit scatter-brained when it comes to your health. This may take the form of forgetting to go for appointments, not taking medication as instructed or not following through on treatment plans. You need to put your focus back on your health and if you are worried that the mental fogginess you are experiencing may point to more serious issue, go get checked out by your doctor. This card can also represent infertility or fertility issues.

Spirituality (Reversed)

In a spiritual context, the Queen of Swords reversed can indicate that you are completely shutting off your intuition and emotions in favour of your rational thought. On the flip side, it can mean that you have completely switched to going on emotions and gut instincts against any rational thought. You need your mind, heart and spirit to be in balance. Don’t go too far to the extreme as it can leave you ungrounded and vulnerable. It can also indicate that past personal trauma may have left you completely numb and shut off from your emotions. You must allow yourself to grieve and release the pain of your past in order to learn from it and move forward.

Want to keep learning the meaning of the Tarot cards with The Tarot Guide? Continue to the next card…

Learn how to read Tarot, King of Swords Tarot Card Upright and Reversed, King of Swords Tarot, Relationships, Love, Career, Money, Health, Spirit, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, Online Tarot Reading, how someone sees you, feels about you, future, work, single, outcome, personality, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, Kilkenny, Waterford, Belfast, Derry, Lisburn, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Swansea, New York, New Jersey, LA, Florida, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Austin, Houston, Las Vegas, Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Auckland, Christchurch,

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Queen of Swords Meaning: Upright and Reversed

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Upright Keywords

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When the Queen of Swords appears in a reading, it may represent someone you know or characteristics within you. The card represents the qualities of the Suit of Swords alongside the feminine energy of Queens. In this article, I will look at the different ways we can interpret the Queen of Swords and what it might mean for you.

The Queen of Swords Keywords

  • Independence
  • Perceptiveness
  • Communication
  • Solving Problems
  • Over-emotional
  • Manipulative
  • Unforgiving

Before we get deep into the meaning of the Queen of Swords, I thought it might be useful to briefly look at court cards. Court cards refer to the sixteen cards that are divided into each suit. Each suit in a traditional Tarot deck has a King, Queen, Knight, and Page.

Now, court cards can be  pretty confusing.  Even if you have practiced Tarot for a long time, you can sometimes still be stumped when a court card appears in a reading!

This is because the court cards don’t have a more concrete meaning like other cards. Court cards can refer to a person, yourself, or an influence. This means it is up to you to use your intuition in order to work out what the Tarot is trying to tell you.

We can also get a bit thrown off by the gender and ages of the cards. However, when a King appears in a reading, it doesn’t mean that it necessarily represents a man. It may represent a masculine energy that you need to manifest in your life.

Similarly, getting the Page of Cups in a Tarot reading may refer to a young child, but it might also suggest that someone with childlike energy will soon come into your life.

In order to fully understand what the court cards are telling you, try to remove the constraints of age and gender from the cards and understand the energy and symbolism that the court cards might mean.

Imagery and Symbolism of the Queen of Swords Tarot Card

Queen of Swords Meaning

In order to really understand a Tarot card, it is useful to sit with the card and look at its imagery and symbolism. The majority of traditional Tarot decks, such as the Rider-Waite deck, have the meaning of the card reflected in the picture. We can also look at what the symbolism means for us, and what feelings we get when meditating with the card.

In the traditional Rider-Waite depiction of the Queen of Swords, we see a monarch sitting on a grand throne. A sword is in one hand, and the other is raised upwards towards the sky. She is faced towards the right, looking onwards into her future.

On her throne is a cherub, hinting at her tender nature. She holds a sword and is proactive in her search for the truth, but she is also in tune with her emotions.

The Queen of Swords is wearing a cape decorated with clouds, matching her surroundings. This reflects her intellect and her motivation for discovery.

Because the Queen of Swords represents the feminine side of the suit, we should take a look at the qualities of the Suit of Swords.

The Suit of Swords represents the intellect and our pursuit of knowledge. It asks us to use our minds to guide us and to try to understand the world rationally. The Suit of Swords contains quite a few ‘negative’ cards and these reflect the challenges we face throughout our lives. The Tarot asks us to step back, look at things rationally, and work out how we can use our intellect in order to move forward.

The Suit of Swords is represented by the element of air, depicted on the cloak of the Queen of Swords. Like air, our thoughts can transform and change and can be productive and destructive.

In Tarot, the Queens embody femininity and feminine qualities. They have a great sense of care and protection, with a wish to help others with their abilities.

They are mature and understanding, with knowledge of both themselves and the world around them. They are subtle, yet powerful, and know what to do in order to progress their lives.

Queen of Swords Meaning

The Queen of Swords is an extremely powerful card, with the intellectual prowess of the Suit of Swords and the feminine and caring qualities of the Queens. When appearing in a Tarot reading, the Queen of Swords might refer to a person in your life, or as something in your own personality that you need to work on or celebrate.

Let’s look at the different ways we can interpret the upright Queen of Swords and what this card might mean for you.

The Queen of Swords represents an older, wiser, and thoughtful woman. She is ambitious and knows what to do in order to get what she wants, and is often successful in her career. She has experienced a lot in her life, and her ups and downs have shaped who she is as a person.

The Queen of Swords appearing in a Tarot reading might suggest that this kind of person will appear in your life in a positive way. They may help you in your career or love life, giving you thoughtful yet emotional advice. She enjoys helping others see things clearly, especially if they are younger and at the start of their journey in life.

She might sometimes come off as brash, but the Queen of Swords knows the importance of tough love. If she needs to say something, she will.


The Queen of Swords appearing in a Tarot reading doesn’t necessarily refer to a person. It might be asking you to learn from the characteristics of the Queen of Swords and use them in your own life.

The Queen of Swords suggests that you are an intellectual and strong-minded person. It reminds you of the importance of thinking independently and using your mind in order to figure things out. However, the Queen of Swords does not want you to forget about your tender side. You are caring and compassionate, and you must remember to balance your emotions with your intellect.

The Queen of Swords has a powerful message: you are strong and powerful, and your willpower will allow you to progress and be successful in life.

If the Queen of Swords pops up upright in a love meaning, the Tarot might refer to a person in your life who reflects the qualities of the Queen of Swords. This person is strong-willed and loyal, and will have a positive influence on you. Of course, they might be a bit reserved with their emotions, but they will care about you deeply.

The Queen of Swords in a love reading might also serve as a reminder of the importance of having your own independence in a relationship. Like the Queen of Swords, you need to think independently and not let your partner decide things for you. Boundaries are really important in a healthy relationship, and the Tarot is wishing to remind you of this.

If the Queen of Swords appears in a career reading, it will often suggest that a person who embodies the characteristics of the card will appear in your life to help you with your work. This person might be an older woman who wishes to support you with your career, giving you helpful advice.

The Queen of Swords might also reflect you in a career reading. You are at a great point in life right now in regard to work and know how to cooperate with others in order to get ahead. You are sharp-minded, and you must use this at work to carry on with your journey.

When it comes to finances, the upright Queen of Swords reminds you to act thoughtfully in regard to money. Make sure you have clarity before investing in anything and keep track of your outgoings and income.

When it comes to health, the Queen of Swords asks you to address any issues that you have been ignoring. There may be anxiety or sadness that you have been repressing, so it is super important to let it out and accept these emotions!

The Queen of Swords puts her mind and intellect above anything else, and this means that emotions will sometimes take a back seat. But, in order to truly be happy, we must address any emotions that we might be repressing.

Reversed Queen of Swords Meaning

Queen of Swords Reversed

When the Queen of Swords appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it may reflect a negative person that is influencing your life, or something within you that you need to be aware of. It will often suggest that you, or this person, are not using their intellect in a positive way. Instead, they are being over-emotional or cruel.

The reversed Queen of Swords represents a mean-spirited and unkind person. She will lack compassion for those around her, and act quickly and thoughtlessly.

The reversed Queen of Swords doesn’t know how to handle their emotions. They will either be cold-hearted, or over-emotional and will frequently change between the two. They are often unreasonable and lack awareness of how their behavior affects those around them.

If the reversed Queen of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it may serve as a warning to avoid this sort of person in your life.

If the reversed Queen of Swords does not seem to reflect a person, it may be asking you to address the characteristics of her within you.

Do you struggle with balancing emotions? Can you sometimes be cruel to those around you? Do you let your emotions rule, not seeing things in a balanced and rational way?

The reversed Queen of Swords is asking you that you must pay attention to how you balance your emotions with your intellect. You are strong-minded and have the ability to become successful and confident. However, you just need to spend some time working on keeping your emotions in check, whilst allowing yourself to express them in a healthy and productive way.

When the Queen of Swords pops up reversed in a love reading, it may signify an issue with the person you are dating. Is this person treating you fairly, giving you the respect and space that you need?

The reversed Queen of Swords will typically reflect a dysfunctional relationship in a love reading. Either you or the person you are in a relationship with is relying too much on their partner, and it is beginning to be controlling. You or your partner might be manipulative with your emotions, putting too much pressure on the relationship.

It is time to take a step back from your partner and work out what you need to do in order to be healthy and happy with or without them. Work on how you deal with your emotions, and figure out how you might be unhealthily projecting on your partner.


If the reversed Queen of Swords appears in a career reading, it suggests that someone in your workspace is being too critical and unhelpful. Someone seems to be wanting to bring you down constantly, always digging at you. This may be because they are jealous and feel threatened by your skills and ambition.

Stay positive with this person and remind yourself that you can get ahead in your career without them. Soon, they will get bored and move on.

In regard to finances, the reversed Queen of Swords suggests that you lack true understanding and this may run the risk of you losing money. Always be wary if someone asks to borrow money from you, and never throw money at things if you can’t afford to.

When appearing reversed in a health reading, the Queen of Swords suggests that you may be avoiding tackling certain issues. It is time to put some thought into your health and work out if there is anything you need to address.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card: FAQs

Now we have a deep understanding of the Queen of Swords, we can look at some FAQs you might have about this card.

Answer: Because of the general positivity of the Queen of Swords, it normally is understood as being a yes card.

The Queen of Swords is linked to both the zodiac signs Virgo and Libra.

When appearing in a past position, the Queen of Swords suggests that you have come to where you are through logic and intellect. You have made good choices in your life, and have always acted wisely and thoughtfully.

If the Queen of Swords appears in a future position, it suggests that you have the ability to make logical and productive decisions in the future, as long as you keep your emotions in check.

The Queen of Swords is a powerful and beautiful card. It celebrates the intellect and femininity and teaches us the importance of using our minds to help those around us. Whether the Queen of Swords represents you or someone in your life, learn from this Tarot card in order to move forward on your spiritual and emotional journey.

Read the true meaning of more tarot cards below:

The Queen of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed

The Queen of Wands Meaning: Upright and Reversed

Queen of Cups Meaning: Upright and Reversed

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queen of swords travel

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Boundaries & Revenge)

Ash Dobbs

The Queen of Swords tarot card meaning relates to a person, situation, or personality characteristics. The Queen of Swords corresponds to the air element.

When the Queen of Swords appears in a reading, your wit and intellect help you solve problems. Sharpen your mind and be on alert for new insights.

The Queen of Swords has a bad reputation. She is sometimes associated with bad news, loss, or mourning. Yet she is also an omen of power and assertiveness.

When the Queen of Swords appears, you fine-tune your intellectual skills. The Queen of Swords as a person is a wise and courageous woman who seeks truth and justice .

The Queen of Swords brings out your intelligence and powers of discretion and judgment. You may have harsh news to share with others but being honest is more important than being comfortable.

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Common Symbolism

The Queen of Swords symbolism relates to defensiveness, boundaries, and protection. A regal woman sits on a throne facing sideways. The profile view symbolizes a defensive stance.

She holds a sword raised to the sky, her other hand outstretched. Her throne features a cherub, and a vast skyscape is visible behind her. The symbolism of the sky and cherub relates to the air element.

Her crown is a ring of butterflies suggesting transformation, beauty, and flight. She often wears a bracelet of beads on one wrist, which some associate with meditation practice.

Some versions of the Queen of Swords include symbols of travel, worldliness, literacy, and intelligence. The Queen of Swords is associated with mental power and creativity. Sometimes she is surrounded by birds or other creatures corresponding to air.

Other symbols associated with the Queen of Swords include feathers, pens, wings, and flying insects. Her symbolism reminds you to be flexible and resourceful.

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Upright General Meaning

The Queen of Swords portends situations that require wit and intellect. Your cleverness and discernment help you navigate a challenge. When this card appears, you have enough experience to understand life is not always fair.

Yet the Queen of Swords does what she can to ensure justice prevails. The Queen of Swords requires you to take control of a difficult situation. You can succeed because you outsmart others.

Success requires keen observation and focus. Nothing gets past you, and others can’t deceive you. Others may not like your assertiveness because you are no longer easy to control and manipulate.

Follow your instincts and stick to your boundaries. Your objective is to have integrity, not to take an easy way out. Your hard work and effort will pay off, and you protect others.

The Queen of Swords doesn’t compromise. You have a clear goal and shouldn’t waver from it. The Queen of Swords gives you the courage to stick with your plans in the face of adversity.

The Queen of Swords archetype is the wise mentor. She encourages you to build strategies and helps you plan for success. The Queen of Sword’s tarot advice is to be tenacious and intentional.

The Queen of Swords’ zodiac sign is Libra and like those born under this sign, she looks for balance and justice. You may advocate for others when this card appears.

  • Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Betrayal & Insecurities)
  • King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Wisdom & Trickery)
  • Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Acceptance & Instability)
  • Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Compromise & Abandonment)
  • Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Indecision & Impulse)

Upright Love & Relationships

The Queen of Swords in love brings a complicated message. You must strengthen the boundaries in a relationship. Tough love and brutal honesty save your relationship; don’t avoid conflict.

Take time away from a partner or loved one. You need to clear your mind and re-evaluate your priorities in a relationship. You may have troubling news to share with a loved one or learn an upsetting secret about your partner.

Be vigilant but avoid paranoia when the Queen of Swords appears in a love reading. If single, the Queen of Swords encourages you to spend time alone working on yourself.

The Queen of Swords in a relationship reading can indicate a breakup if combined with the Death , Tower , or Ten of Swords cards . You come to a new understanding of your relationship, a breakthrough brings heartbreak or disillusionment.

Are you at a crossroads? A psychic reading can help guide you.

Upright Money & Career

The Queen of Swords in a career or money reading indicates you are sharpening your focus and further developing your career skills. You channel your energy and drive so you can succeed.

You have a position of responsibility and power, and it is up to you to use your resources to help protect others. The Queen of Swords relates to counseling, law, advocacy, and research.

Your work involves analytical skills. You follow the rules and policies by the book and can be inflexible in work when the Queen of Swords appears. You follow your integrity and focus on matters of justice and fairness at work.

You may receive harsh feedback from a boss or supervisor. Be open to criticism, as this person is trying to help you improve your skills.

The Queen of Swords in money matters indicates you need to crack down on impulsive spending. Set firm boundaries with family and friends, spending on others or bailing others out of crises takes a toll on your financial stability.

Upright Health

The Queen of Swords in health indicates a wise advisor who shares news you don’t want to hear. You learn about a challenging prognosis or diagnosis. Be honest with yourself and explore new ways to manage your health.

Dig deeper to get to the source of a health problem. You may need surgery or invasive treatment to bring relief. Your health is impaired because of stress and anxiety. Tension and trauma from the past take a toll on your well-being.

The Queen of Swords appears when you need to advocate for your health. You may feel ignored by medical professionals and need to speak up for yourself. Stick with a plan and continue to make your voice heard.

When the Queen of Swords appears in a reading you must stay focused on your health. Don’t ignore red flags, and be persistent if you don’t get the help you seek.

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Upright Spirituality

The Queen of Swords tarot card brings focus and direction to your spiritual quest. A loss or hardship opens your mind to your spirituality. You seek guidance and are open to learning the truth.

A spiritual guru reveals harsh truths that shatter your fantasies and illusions. You are stronger knowing the truth and become motivated to pursue wisdom and self-improvement.

The Queen of Swords helps you discern fantasy from intuition. Your instincts are on point when this card appears in a reading on spirituality. You may channel higher wisdom.

Reversed General Meaning

The Queen of Swords reversed brings the worst personality traits associated with this archetype. Rather than being judicious, you are prone to acting petty and vengeful.

You become obsessed and inflexible when the Queen of Swords is reversed. You may suffer a loss that makes you bitter and resentful. Rather than justice and fairness, you are motivated by anger.

The Queen of Swords appears reversed to signal distortions in your thinking. You aren’t being fair, and your impractical or extreme beliefs undermine your chances of success.

The Queen of Swords reversed, followed by the Knight of Swords indicates a change of perspective is needed to move forward. You may feel stifled in your career because you are closed off from seeing your options.

Are you at a crossroads? A tarot reading can help guide you.

Reversed Love & Relationships

The Queen of Swords reversed in love brings chaos to your relationships. You hold on to resentments rather than working through problems. Your relationship is a source of frustration, yet you don’t want to let go.

Your love life needs attention when the Queen of Swords is reversed, but you may be in denial about your relationships. You miss opportunities to attract new love or may be bitter and angry from past heartbreak.

The Queen of Swords reversed in love suggests unresolved wounds and traumas that undermine your current relationship. For the reversed Queen of Swords, dates, and romance seem frivolous and silly.

You may settle for an unhappy relationship or become cynical in matters of love. You can be stubborn in love but aren’t solving problems when the Queen of Swords appears reversed.

Reversed Money & Career

The Queen of Swords reversed career indicates self-sabotage. You are closed-minded and doubt your power and abilities. You feel stifled and blocked from advancing in your career.

Your work is unfulfilling, and you may feel bitter because you did not get a job or passed up for a promotion. You are not aligned with your career goals and may be going through the motions rather than using your intellect.

The Queen of Swords reversed indicates burnout and frustration with your work. You may clash with a supervisor or boss who is harsh and demanding. You aren’t motivated to pursue your career goals and may feel your work is stagnant.

The Queen of Swords reversed in money indicates wastefulness and bad judgment. Your finances suffer because of hasty choices or bad investments.

The King of Swords combined with the Queen of Swords reversed can indicate turnover. A critical and harsh supervisor is replaced by someone who offers guidance and insight.

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Reversed Health

The Queen of Swords reversed in health brings news of a health scare. A close call motivates you to take better care of yourself. You make wellness a priority and find focus and motivation.

If you were ignoring red flags in health, the Queen of Swords reversed leads you to pay attention to symptoms and seek root causes. You avoid surgery or intensive interventions.

Asserting your needs helps you overcome a health issue. You can be complacent about your health but a new perspective helps you recover from a minor injury or illness.

Reversed Spirituality

The Queen of Swords reversed in spirituality can indicate jealousy or resentment blocking your spiritual path. Your ego takes control and you focus on petty matters.

Change your focus when the Queen of Swords is reversed in spirituality. Perfectionism and high standards get in the way of higher wisdom and awareness.

You are wandering off course and ignoring signs and symbols. Your spiritual path can be a source of healing and wisdom, but you are not open to new guidance when the Queen of Swords is reversed.

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Sage & Moon

Sage & Moon

Holistic Self-Care & Spirituality ॐ

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

October 24, 2023 by Kaia

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queen of swords upright

Queen of Swords Tarot Card

Belonging to the Suit of Swords of the Minor Arcana , the Queen of Swords tarot card represents clear communication, fair judgment, firm boundaries, honesty, and independence.

The Queen of Swords is the Water of Air card in the Minor Arcana (Queens are Water; the Suit of Swords is Air). She is the mastermind of the Swords suit. The Watery part of Air gives us the ability to communicate with others since Water symbolizes channels and flow (as water flows toward a river’s mouth). The Queen of Swords captures the freedom of thought and expression of oneself.

This card represents one’s thoughts and mental state because it is also the flexibility and dynamic autonomy of the intellect . This card also stands for the ability to develop others’ capacity for innovative thinking, intellectual knowledge, and philosophical perspectives. As a symbol for elocution, the Queen of Swords involves sowing ideas in other people’s minds through concise, impactful remarks or motivational speeches. It also represents the capacity to remove and cut away deception or delusion through communication and the truth in order to clarify one’s own views as well as those of others.

Some questions the Queen of Swords invites you to ponder…

  • How does truth manifest itself in your life?
  • When do you let your truth out, and when do you keep it inside?
  • Can you be truthful about something while remaining kind? How?
  • How do you express your truth and authenticity? How has this impacted others in your life?

In this post, we’ll be going over the Queen of Swords’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Queen of Swords as a person (or significator), the Queen of Swords as feelings , and the Queen of Swords as a yes or no .

Sometimes awareness of a card’s place in the Tarot and your intuition can be all that’s needed to interpret its message, however, understanding the traditional meanings of the Upright/Reversed Queen of Swords card, as well as its emotional and personal elements, will help equip you with deeper insight and more comprehensive, perceptive readings. Let’s get started!

Queen of Swords Keywords

Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Queen of Swords Tarot card!

Queen of Swords Upright

Upright, the Queen of Swords is one who is able to view things for what they truly are instead of how others would want to see them. You can’t wear a mask around this Queen – she will see right through it and cut it off!

The Queen of Swords is rational, critical, and efficient in not only her speech but everything she does. The blending of the receptivity of the Water elemental with the incisiveness of Air makes her exceptionally insightful with excellent clarity of mind. Even in times of high emotion, she is able to see and think clearly. Similar to the King of Swords , she doesn’t let her emotions run away with her. This card also represents facing suffering or a storm with bravery and lucidity.

As an analytical and critical mind, the Queen of Swords is a responsible counselor giving sound advice, even if it is hard to hear or accept. Her appearance in your tarot readings shows that it is a good moment to ask for or offer insightful advice. This card is all about keeping your head above the clouds and being able to perceive the larger picture without having any delusions or irrational expectations.


The guidance of the Queen of Swords is to avoid continuing to rely on other people. Only set goals you know you can achieve on your own, rather than putting too much faith in the promises other people have made.

There are moments in life when no one can care for you as well as you can. It’s time to put emotion aside and act. You are in charge, so make decisions that matter to you. The Queen of Swords doesn’t want to hold out and see what people will say, do, or think. She is aware of what she desires and how to obtain it. You won’t catch this queen seeking approval from anyone or even letting anyone much affect her!

Observe things as they are rather than how you would like them to be. Speak the truth. Eliminate emotion from the situation. Cut out the BS. Take a forward-looking stance on the situation. Set an example for others. Avoid giving in to melancholy or inaction. Be selective in your choices, interactions, and behavior. Apply logic, analysis, and critical thinking to a problem. 

queen of swords reversed

Queen of Swords Reversed

The Queen of Swords Reversed means that you have been focusing too much on the past rather than the future. There may be an overabundance of ego or melancholy.

This reversal signals a strong intellect that has gone astray or is being mean-spirited using reasoning. Someone in your life might first come across as beautiful, yet they are sneaky, untrustworthy, and judgemental. It can also represent using reason as a weapon.


The guidance of the Queen of Swords Reversed is to pause before saying something. Do you intend to injure or heal with your words? Before you speak, think about the possible effects of your words.

Take into account the possibility that you are being excessively harsh, critical, or intolerant. You may need to drop your defense and adjust your attitude. Now is the moment for love, not for judgment. Connect with others. Be friendly rather than distant.

It’s possible for something to seem true but not be. With the Queen of Swords Reversed, your view on a situation might not be dependable or clear right now. Take sound advice from a different source before implementing your goals.

(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)

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Queen of Swords as a Person

The Queen of Swords is a mature, assured individual who can maintain composure in the majority of situations (if not all of them).

This person likely excels in professions and circumstances requiring communication abilities since they are a skilled public speaker and communicator. Additionally, they find joy in educating and guiding others. Their manner of speaking significantly inspires others and influences their perceptions.

On the shadow side, if their ability to communicate and influence others is misused, this can result in spin doctoring or propaganda. Furthermore, if provoked, the Queen of Swords will not back down from a conflict and will be a formidable opponent in any debate. When they talk without stopping to think, they might be harsh without even realizing it. You can trust them to be honest and upfront with you, but sometimes the truth hurts more than being lied to, so if you ask for this person’s opinion be ready for it! Because their intellect is so preoccupied with communicating the facts, they seldom show mercy and occasionally lack warmth and compassion.

The Queen of Swords is a representation of a person who is in touch with their mind and the information they have gained through experience and observation. And because this queen (and the suit of swords as a whole) is connected to the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) of the zodiac , it may represent an Air sign in your life or someone with an Air-dominant astrological birth chart .

Queen of Swords (Reversed) as a Person

A reversed Queen of Swords is someone who may be incredibly nasty, manipulative, and resentful.

When the Queen of Swords is in the reversed position, that individual is portrayed as being particularly stern and bitter. This person is easily put on the defense and might come out as being quite egotistical and intolerant. They may be highly judgmental and untrusting of others and of life in general. They are always ready to condemn and question the intentions of others.

When they believe they have been mistreated, they frequently seek to get retribution. A Queen of Swords personality will not let up until they have exacted their vengeance, however, they choose to do it. To reclaim their self-respect, they feel the urge to demand revenge. This is someone who has trouble forgiving others. It would require divine intervention for them to change their minds and absolve the offender after feeling wronged by their conduct.

In order to protect themselves from harm, this kind of individual has a propensity to distance themselves from those around them. Due to their extreme self-preservation, they would greatly benefit from being given the chance to address their trust difficulties. They would likely have a lot more fun and ease into life as a result.

queen of swords travel

Queen of Swords as Feelings

Emotionally, the Queen of Swords is on guard, cautious, and will stop at nothing to keep their heart safe. At times, it can be challenging for them to be vulnerable with others. Before they will allow themselves to open up, they feel the need to fully trust someone first.

Despite having noble intentions, the Queen of Swords often comes out as indifferent or cold because of their carefulness. This card also frequently denotes becoming more emotionally resilient as a result of having experienced some hardship.

If you ask the tarot how someone feels about you and you get the Queen of Swords, it indicates that they are assured in their position when it comes to you. This individual is considering your connection logically as opposed to emotionally . They are conscious of their limitations and want to make sure that both of you are treated fairly. Although they are loyal and caring at their core, they are not prone to letting their guard down – for anyone! The Queen of Swords suggests that the person in question is feeling incredibly observant, astute, and selective about who they invite into their lives. As your relationship progresses, this person wants to ensure that you are comfortable with the fact that they cherish their own privacy and sense of self.

Alternatively, the Queen of Swords as someone’s feelings for you suggests that they feel devoted to you and genuinely admire you (although they may not be the best at showing it). They feel at ease in your presence because you allow them the room to grow as an individual while simultaneously providing the affection they require in a relationship. This individual is feeling confident about your connection and wishes to treat you with respect, fairness, and honesty.

Queen of Swords (Reversed) as Feelings

Reversed, the Queen of Swords stands for emotions of self-defense and callousness. The person in question is feeling judgmental, resentful, and perhaps even malicious. Vindictive and unforgiving, they perceive some sort of injustice and believe that the world treats them unfairly. They are drowning in their own poisonous emotions, and they never place responsibility for their problems on themselves.

These feelings may occasionally be the consequence of trauma they encountered as children or other unresolved trauma in the past. Lingering feelings of being wounded by a particular incident are indicated here – someone may feel fearful of or hung up on a prior painful situation – and they would stop at nothing to avoid having to go through it again.

When a person experiences the Queen of Swords Reversed as their emotions, they might feel as though they are being targeted and mistreated by others and may even experience intense paranoia. In an effort to shield themselves from suffering, they frequently close themselves off from their feelings or keep them repressed. Portraying themselves to be distant and closed-off, the seeker might feel that they must put on a tough or intimidating front in order to protect themselves from mistreatment by others.

As someone’s feelings for you, the Queen of Swords reversed is a sign of someone feeling scornful and dissatisfied. They demand that you continuously apologize to them because they feel mistreated. It’s possible that the person you’re asking about is projecting their own baggage onto everyone else since they are still carrying it around. If this sounds like your situation, keep in mind that it is probably unrelated to you. Everyone experiences critical feelings occasionally, but keep an eye out to determine whether this is a recurring pattern.

queen of swords starspinner tarot deck

Queen of Swords: Yes or No

You may wonder if the Queen of Swords represents a “yes” or “no” response to your inquiry if you pull it during a “yes or no” tarot reading. Tarot cards like the Queen of Swords are often always “yes” cards.

The Queen of Swords is a symbol of an intellectual, self-assured individual who is powerful and mature. If you pull this card during your Yes or No reading, it means that the insight you’ve been seeking will come to you shortly.

The answer to the query you have chosen is “yes,” according to the Queen of Swords. When this card pops out of your deck, it represents you as a strong woman or as someone in your life who embodies femininity and strength. This card affirms that you possess the necessary skills to deal with any troubles or problems you may be experiencing and lead them to a successful outcome.

Queen of Swords (Reversed) : Yes or No

The Queen of Swords can still be read as a “yes” to your query when it is reversed, but this response comes with caution. The reversed version of this card is a warning to be watchful of your own as well as other people’s motives. They may not be as truthful as they ought to be.

A reversed Queen of Swords can also indicate a “no” to your inquiry. It may suggest that there are numerous obstacles in your path, making it impossible for you to get the intended result. It’s possible that your obsession with having the upper hand prevents you from evaluating your circumstances with objectivity.

Because the reversed Queen of Swords represents the exact opposite of what the upright Queen of Swords signifies (reason and reasoning), you could be making poor judgments and experiencing unfavorable results because you’re allowing your emotions to rule you.

The Queen of Swords reversed can denote mood swings, viciousness, cynicism, manipulations, ineffective communication, dishonesty, and indifference. When this card appears in your Yes or No tarot reading, you are encouraged to take a moment to collect your thoughts and emotions, especially before moving forward with any major decisions.

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As the guiding light behind Sage & Moon, Kaia draws upon 10 years of immersive spiritual exploration and astrological, tarot, and holistic arts expertise. Blending her passion for the wisdom of esoteric worlds with mind-body wellness, she aspires to educate, inspire, and provide a space for spiritual connection + holistic well-being.

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The Simple Tarot

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Queen of Swords tarot card from The Simple Tarot, with keywords and the tarot card meanings printed on the cards.

The Queen of Swords tarot card, like all court cards, often represents an actual person in your life. It can also mean a role you are playing or need to play.

If this is an actual person, it will be a man or woman who is a fierce protector.

Traditionally, this card shows a strong and beautiful woman sitting on a throne. She is holding a sword upright in her right hand and she is gesturing with her left hand. The throne, the crown, and her dress are covered with butterflies.

The Queen of Swords is a perceptive and independent person. She might be a widow, widower, or has otherwise suffered loss, loneliness, and grief. These lessons have taught her to be shrewd, stern, and impartial in her love.

This Queen is logical, intellectual, and never acts rashly. You may not like her – in fact, many people think she’s a cold bitch – but she is always objective and fair. Her heart is in the right place.

This woman calls things as they are and is fearless critic of ignorance, unfairness, and injustice. This is a perfect quote for the Queen of Swords: “If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

While she is often frightening, it is safe to take your mask off around her. She loves the underdog and accept reality, including the weaknesses and failures of herself and others. Do not fear making a mistake in front of her. Just don’t ever make the same mistake twice!

Keywords for the Queen of Swords Tarot Card

  • A self-sufficient, logical person
  • Someone deeply concerned with fairness
  • Someone who has suffered loss, loneliness, or grief
  • Speaking the truth

The reversed Queen of Swords tarot card from The Simple Tarot.

Keywords for the Queen of Swords Reversed

  • Someone who is bitter and negative
  • Cold, heartless logic
  • Acting without compassion

Patterns and Correspondences of the Queen of Swords Card

  • The Swords = rules the mental and intellectual world
  • Suit of cards = spades
  • Timeline = hours to days
  • The Queen = inner wisdom and mastery
  • Element = Air

Keep reading for sample tarot readings using The Queen of Swords card, but first…

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Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings for Love

The Queen of Swords is extremely independent, so this is not always a good card for love. You may be ready to learn a few lessons from her about standing on your own, trusting your judgment, and entertaining yourself in solitude.

However, you might also find yourself falling for a someone who is logical, intellectual, and loyal. This person doesn’t like to be controlled or directed, but if you give them freedom to make up their own mind, they will be incredibly loving and loyal toward you and the people who are important to you.

If you are in a relationship, take advice from this Queen to tell the truth, even when it hurts. Her sword can cut through anything. Be compassionate, honest, and brave. You will learn exactly what you need to know and you will have the strength to act on it.

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings for Work

The Queen of Swords makes a wonderful mentor. She (or he) will help you see through the politics and bullshit at work and will show you the path toward service and success.

If you have someone like this in your professional life, you are very lucky. They may be difficult to work with or for – in fact, you might not like them. But you will respect them and that is more important.

This mentor will not compromise their values. Ever. They will always willingly live with the consequences of their actions, knowing they are just, fair, and true. This doesn’t make them popular, but it does make them a trusted member of the team.

If you are faced with a problem at work, you already know the answer. Call things as they are and take action to correct anything unfair or unjust. Think clearly and then act decisively.

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings for Health

The Queen of Swords wants you to become more self-sufficient. You have been relying on the ideas and efforts of others for too long.

While you do need a support system and professional help, they can’t do the work for you. You must take action, daily, even when you don’t want to.

This Queen is a strong, fierce, independent crusader. When you struggle, imagine you are the Queen of Swords and let her passion and commitment drive you to action. Never back down on your goal, no matter what happens. It doesn’t matter if it takes four months or four years, as long as you never give up.

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings for Money and Finances

This Queen does not make rash or impulsive decisions. She logically and impartially looks through all sides of a choice before making a decision. Once she makes her decision, however, she acts quickly and without regret.

She is also deeply concerned with fairness, so everyone involved (including yourself!) must be treated fairly with any financial decision you make. Your financial security is as valuable as anyone else’s. How do you think she got to be so independent in the first place?

A good place to start is with your own salary. Men commonly earn about 30% more than women, partly because they ask for more money. Set a date to ask for a raise and begin practicing your negotiation skills. If you are self-employed, set a date to raise your prices and begin preparing your clients and audience for the increase.

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings for Spiritual Guidance

The Queen of Swords is as perceptive as she is independent. She follows the beating of her own heart, instead of blindly following the crowd. She is also extremely concerned with treating everyone justly and fairly.

Take a good, hard look at your own life, especially the conversations you have and the daily actions you take (or don’t take). If you are not living your life and creating habits in line with your spiritual values, you are letting yourself and the world down.

The details matter. How you praise your children, thank the mail carrier, celebrate small successes, discipline the dog, congratulate a co-worker, care for your skin, sign off on your emails, and fold the laundry all contribute to who you are and what you add to the world. Your small choices must align with your values and spiritual understanding. Live each moment in alignment.


Understanding The Queens In Tarot

All four Queens in the Tarot represent and embody four different types of women, and are classified by the four elements: the Queen of Wands (Fire), Pentacles (Earth), Swords (Air), and Cups (Water). They represent the doer, the provider, the intellect, and the nurturer, respectively. The Queens embody all sides of the feminine spirit, as they are the manifestation of the element (suit) which they represent. They represent our feelings and emotions, aiming to give energy and sentiments to situations. The ultimate feminine and most powerful card in the Tarot is the Empress. She is the giver and healer of life, beauty, and creation. In order to understand the Queens and Empress on a deeper level, BUST spoke with several Tarot readers to gain deeper knowledge of these cards in the Tarot.

Blue June ( @bluejunetarot ) says:

“All Court cards customarily represent a whole person and their personality traits in a reading, but occasionally they indicate a situation and what personality traits you may need to encompass in order to handle it best. Each of the four suits has a Queen card that possesses very different traits, skill sets, and experiences we all can identify from time to time in our lives. There is a fairly common belief that all of our Queens represent ‘divine feminine energy,’ and I would agree that they do to a certain point, but I also insist that the idea of gender, in energy or otherwise, doesn’t actually exist, so you should never get hung up on any court card ever representing exclusively males or females. As for the ‘ranking’ of Queen vs. the inferior Knight card or the more advanced King card, it’s less about levels in terms of hierarchy and more about evolution of self—emotional, mental, physical, or economic maturity, depending on which suit it comes from. So we can go ahead and smash the patriarchy in two different ways with this court card. Yass Queen!” 

Hope Diamond ( @cultofhope ) says:

  • Tarotscopes: Spring Horoscopes Inspired By The Tarot March 11, 2024
  • Tarotscopes, Your Tarot-Inspired Horoscopes For the Winter December 6, 2023
  • Tarotscopes, Your Tarot-Inspired Horoscopes For the Fall September 13, 2023
  • Five Treats For Springtime Bliss April 18, 2023

“A Queen card Tarot spread helps you to get in touch with the energies of each Tarot Queen and how you can manifest their energy into your own life. Pull the four Queens from the Tarot deck, placing them in a horizontal row. Shuffle the deck, then draw two cards for each of the four Queens. Place one card above each Queen and one card below each Queen. The card below the Queen represents what you already have going for you or what you’d like to release; the card above the Queen represents what you’d like to bring into your life and subconscious guidance from the Universe.” 

The Queen of Wands

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The Queen of Wands is the fiery, independent career woman who can take care of herself and others.

Tatianna Morales ( @tatiannatarot ) says:

“The Queen of Wands is the epitome of being a badass woman. Bold, commanding, alluring, magnetic, powerful and cunning, there is nothing that she won’t do to achieve her goal. Rather than wait for things to happen, she’s aligned with her worth and knows that she has the ability to make anything happen herself, so her ambition and desires run extremely high. When pulled, her energy reminds us to live our best lives, not to fear the opinions of others and never compromise on our own light and leadership abilities. We can feel compelled to exude our sexuality in a way that makes us feel controlled and are not shameful to use it and other innate talents, to manipulate any situation at hand to our will. There is a mystic allure to the Queen of Wands that is hinted at by the Black Cat at her feet in the Rider-Waite illustration, which resonates with other mystic women of power. It’s a tongue-in-cheek way of displaying her fearlessness of exploring the unknown, even if this means her own subconscious world and the ways of the occult. And a woman that knows herself and is fully accepting of that, is one of the most powerful of them all—this is why the Queen of Wands stands out to me above the rest. Her character ignites and initiates, as a fire-starter, she is needed to propel world changing ideas into action.” 

The Queen of Pentacles

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As the Earthy Queen, the Queen of Pentacles represents home life, and physical and material security (money, food, clothes, and sensibilities—all of which are considered to be the material world).

Valeria Ruelas ( @themexicanwitch ) says:

“When I think of the Queen of Pentacles, it’s really hard for me to not immediately think of finances and wealth. I think she epitomizes the modern woman; someone independent, hard-working, and YES, someone who CAN have it all! In the Rider-Waite deck, she is depicted as a sitting queen holding just one Pentacle. She is pensive, and it is obvious she is willing to protect what she has BUILT for herself. One of my other favorite Queens of Pentacles is in the Santa Muerte deck by Fabio Listrani . In this deck, she is not sitting, she is climbing up a ladder, looking up to her opportunities and looking forward to her growth. I like this image because it is more active and forward-thinking than the traditional sitting queen. In a spread, she often represents abundance, both in the material and spiritual world, and the obvious message to protect what you have worked hard to get. I consider all the Queens in the deck equally important, but this one stands out to me most when I need reassurance that my efforts will pay off.”

The Queen of Swords

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The Queen of Swords is the feminine manifestation of Air, a smart and intellectual woman who uses her wits and brain to achieve her goals.

Sarah Potter ( @iamsarahpotter ) says:

“The suit of Swords deals with our mental landscape, and often serves as a reminder to lead with our minds and not our hearts in our current situation. The Queen of Swords is all about mental clarity and the wisdom that comes with age, maturity, and experience. She is analytical, stoic, and blunt with her words, and often seen as what some might say is a ‘cold, icy bitch,’ but it is just because she makes decisions strictly with her brain and does not let her emotions get involved. The Queen of Swords is an excellent communicator and has no problem being direct and saying exactly what she means. She is definitely not going to sugarcoat anything that must be said. She is fiercely independent and knows how to create strong boundaries, and demands that others’ respect them as she respects theirs. I think of the Queen of Swords as an excellent inspiration for women who are entrepreneurs and starting their own businesses. She serves as a reminder to embrace our masculine energies and to be unapologetic in doing so.”  

The Queen of Cups

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The Queen of Cups is depicted as a woman who sits alone by the sea. She is the purest form of Water. She represents raw emotion, love, and intuition.

Michael Cardenas ( @oldeways ) says:

“The Queen of Cups is ultimately about a highly developed emotional intelligence and understanding of love. This type of understanding goes beyond any surface level interpretations of what might be going on in the relationship/situationship and helps us to transcend outward information and reveals the inward interpretations. Once we look deeper the reading starts to reveal more information, and when the Queen shows up, it’s time to look deeper and tap into our innate foresight. This a truly initiatory card.” 

The Empress

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The Empress is perhaps the most powerful feminine archetype in the Tarot deck. She is the ultimate woman, the nurturing and unconditional mother. On a bad day, she can be a tad indulgent and jealous—but ALWAYS endearing, soft, and beautiful. She is the creator of the Tarot deck, the giver of life to all living beings.

Rachel True ( @trueracheltrue ) says:

“The Empress is the lover, the mother, the child, the creator, the goddess, and the destroyer. She expresses her love and interest through creative means, collaborative arts, and sensual delights.” 

Caitlin McGarry ( @tarotgraph ) says:

“To encompass the Empress’s power see yourself with a positive self image, indulge in your ‘me time’, start a new hobby or form of exercise, dance naked in the Forrest, dive into your creative self, and get your hands into the dirt connecting with the ultimate Mother, our Earth.” 

Wolf Marnell ( @tarotwolf ) says:

“The Empress corresponds with Venus and carries many of the same associations like love, art, beauty, and pleasure. In readings, I find that the Venusian theme of nurturing (often in the form of self-care) is frequently the key to interpreting the card. The magic of the Empress exists right here in the material world when you tune in to your physical needs (Forget to eat? Have a snack. Feel better), or when you ‘feed your soul’ with art or nature or love.” – Wolf Marnell

Images:  Rider-Waite Tarot cards, via Wikimedia Commons

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Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Says a Brilliant Idea Is Emerging From the Chaos

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Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance. Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of April 29 to May 5 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

A deck of Tarot consists of 78 cards, each one full of endless possibilities . Between the Tarot’s thought-provoking imagery and the symbolism associated with the Major and Minor Arcana, these cards always have a way of shining a light on something that needed to be brought to your awareness. And believe it or not, Tarot is used by people who come from all walks of life and follow all sorts of different belief systems. Whether you see the Tarot as an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides or as a lighthearted tool for stimulating your intuition and making decisions, this form of divination is always at your disposal. And since you don’t always have the time to pull out your deck and give yourself a full reading , your weekly Tarotscope can be a quick source of insight whenever you need it! And remember, the future is never set in stone, so think of a Tarot card reading as a chance to understand something from a different angle and ponder a unique possibility you hadn’t considered before.

Ace of Swords

Card of the Week

Ace of swords.

While every zodiac sign is receiving its own Tarot card pull, we’ve also pulled a card that will describe the overall energy that is impacting the collective. And for this week, that card is a sign that you’re achieving mental breakthroughs, because it happens to be the Ace of Swords.

A beautiful and genius idea is coming to the surface, and this week, you’re coaxing it into life. A vision is coming into fruition, but first, you need to give yourself permission to dream about making the impossible possible. Meditate on what the highest potential of this idea looks like, then dream about it becoming even bigger than that. After you’ve allowed yourself to feel these emotions, let it all go, knowing the Universe will take care of the rest. Now, all you have to do is accept opportunities that align with your vision and learn all there is to learn about how to amplify this idea.

queen of swords travel

Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign

If you’re searching for answers regarding your past, present and future, your weekly Tarot horoscope has got you covered. Here’s what the universe wants you to know about your current situation, according to your zodiac sign:

Aries: 9 of Wands

9 of Wands

You’re this close to reaching the finish line, but this week, you may be on your last leg. You’ve stretched yourself to the limit and wrung yourself out to dry all in the name of your goal. At this point, you’re so exhausted, that it’s hard to believe you’ll ever get to rest. Don’t lose faith in what you’ve committed to at the very moment you’ll prove how much you’ll deserve it. You become stronger during the moments you wish, with all your heart, you could quit. And yet you don’t. The fact that you’re still here panting and moving is proof that you’re the one who was always meant to win. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Taurus: 7 of Wands

7 of Wands

It’s time to tap into your winner warrior and stand up for yourself. This week, you may find yourself trapped in a conversation with someone who wants to dominate you or diminish you. And by pointing it out with grace and precision, you’ll make damn sure they never try to mess with you ever again. Sometimes, a bully needs to feel embarrassed just once in order for their power to be rendered obsolete. Be the voice of reason this week, but stand firm in your decision to protect your thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Gemini: The Moon

The Moon

This week, your deepest fears and subconscious motivations are presenting themselves. And although you might try with all your might to shove down these uncomfortable emotions, they continue to overwhelm your reality. Instead of running from introspection, embrace it. You are a Gemini, which means you’d rather rely on logic and facts rather than possibilities. And the fact that you’re dealing with so much uncertainty is making your nerves run wild. Quiet down and look inward. Journal, meditate, and speak to a close friend. Something is off, and soon, you’ll understand what that is. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Cancer: The Fool

The Fool

You’re jumping right into the deep-end and embarking on a new adventure this week. However, you’re approaching this next journey as a complete beginner and you may be naive to the challenges that lie ahead. Right now, you should indulge in the optimism of your next venture, but don’t make careless or foolish mistakes because you’re feeling high off of beginner’s luck. As you continue pursuing this new path, you will get things right just as often as you make mistakes. And as long as you remain practical and down-to-earth, you’ll be learning from all of it. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Leo: 3 of Wands

3 of Wands

You’ve got your idea down, you just need to flesh it out. If you’re feeling inspired by something, the 3 of Wands is a sign that you’re gaining momentum and starting the blueprints for how you’ll turn this idea into reality. Take advantage of opportunities to expand even further than what you thought possible; to go down a path you were not expecting to take. Now, the idea is taking on a life of its own, so give it space to develop on its own. You are merely the facilitator for this idea, but the extent of its potential is much bigger than you. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Virgo: Temperance


If you’ve been veering into extremes and overwhelming your life with intensity, it’s time to take a seat. Life can’t be all “go, go, go” all the time, because you’ll burn out your dopamine receptors and make yourself feel exhausted. Calm down on your constant stream of appointments and priorities, because the Temperance card wants you to get centered and rebalanced. Even if you have to reschedule events and postpone certain projects, don’t feel guilty about it. You are not a machine—you are a spirit with a body. And this week, it’s time to focus less on what you do and more on who you are. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Libra: 7 of Cups 

7 of Cups Tarot

With so many interests and options in front of you, it may feel incredibly difficult to actually make a choice this week. You’re already an indecisive Libra, which isn’t helping matters. And because you’re a multifaceted human being, there are so many things you want to experience and accomplish. Your passion for life is something to be proud of. But now, it’s time to discover what you really want to accomplish. Stop chasing pipe dreams and start getting real with yourself. If you could only do one thing in life, what would it be? Don’t waste anymore time. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Scorpio: 10 of Cups

10 of Cups

Blessings are arriving this week, so make sure you appreciate every moment of it. The 10 of Cups is one of the most joyful cards in the deck, as it represents emotional fulfillment, spiritual contentment, and a feeling of being unified and whole. Even if you’ve been looking at life with a “glass is half-full” mentality, you’re beginning to see things differently this week. You’re realizing that you have more than you’ll ever need and that the Universe does, in fact, love you. By taking a moment to have gratitude, you’re letting the Universe that you want more of the good in life and less of the bad. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Sagittarius: The Sun

The Sun

Something in your life is about to shine so bright that it’s blinding. The Sun card means that something you’ve always dreamed of us is finally coming true. It means all the hard-work you’ve been doing behind behind the scenes is finally getting the attention it deserves. This week, you’re the center of attention, so soak up what it feels like to be the biggest source of joy in the room. And remember—The Sun nourishes just as much as it shines, as this celestial body is responsible for all the growth and abundance here on Earth. Share the wealth and it will come back to you ten-fold. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Capricorn: Queen of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

You’re a doer, Capricorn. You’re someone who says they’re gonna do something and then actually follows through. You’re someone who can take practical action toward your goals and actually get your work done on time. However, if you’re forcing yourself to keep up with your priorities without being kind to yourself, you’ll eventually get burnt out. This week, the Queen of Pentacles wants you to take into what it means to be both a leader and a provider without losing your warmth and empathy. Don’t allow the pressure to do something perfectly make the whole process miserable for everyone involved. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Aquarius: 7 of Pentacles

7 of Pentacles

You’ve been working super hard, but you may not be seeing immediate results. What you’re trying to accomplish takes time, patience, and diligence, so you shouldn’t have expected an overnight win. The 7 of Pentacles is a reminder that you’re about to see progress beginning to take shape, so give it a little more time. All your labor is not in vain, and once you’ve reached your next milestone, give yourself time to reflect on what you’ve achieved. Take note of what you can improve on or do differently next time. This is a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t worry if it still feels like you’re sitting in last place. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Pisces: 3 of Swords

3 of Swords

You’re a Pisces, which makes you one of the most emotional zodiac signs. In fact, your heart is as deep as the ocean, which is why so much of it remains unexplored. You may feel disappointed this week, or even betrayed by something that was never as beautiful as it seemed. The truth is, you’re such a deep and magical person that not too many people are going to understand you. There is someone out there who wants to swim to the bottom of your ocean and discover what lies within you. If someone is too scared of open water to appreciate you, that’s not your fault. Don’t let their fear dictate your self-worth. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

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Your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of May 2024

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Pluto has the world going crazy, but on May 2 it goes into Retrograde, slowing everything down and helping us find our feet again.

This month also sees a New Moon in Taurus on May 8, which can help you build your bank balance, a Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23, which promotes independence and holding your own, and Jupiter moving into Gemini on May 25, which brings out the entrepreneur in you.

All in all it seems like a time for growth and serenity. But things could be more chaotic depending on how you handle this cosmic energy.

Ahead, you’ll find your  star sign ’s  tarot  horoscope for the month of May 2024, with three tarot cards drawn for each sign and their meaning for you explained.

March 21 to April 20

aries star sign

Tarot cards for Aries for May: The Sun, Queen of Wands, Knight of Cups

Meaning: Love and adventure ahead

What wonderful cards and what a glorious time for you, Aries! The Sun is the blessings and good fortune card of the tarot, showering your realm with happiness, success, love, friendship, travel, prosperity, and new energy. Be bold, go for the promotion, ask them out, book the trip, start the process.

The Queen of Wands asks you to step up and take ownership for your own success. You control your destiny… don’t leave it to fate, and don’t play a lowball hand. Aim high! Why not? What’s to lose?

The Knight of Cups sees you falling (deeper) in love. If you’re single, look for creative Water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer).

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries

April 21 to May 21

taurus star sign

Tarot cards for Taurus for May: Six of Wands, Strength, Five of Coins

Meaning: You overcome an old wound and prosper

What you thought of as a loss or setback or regret will magically turn around into something you really, truly want this May!

The Five of Coins sees you starting the month with an old wound bothering you, something from the past. You are known for dwelling on things… so talk about it, express it, release it. Others will understand. And Strength shows you’re ready to heal, process it all finally, take a life lesson, and move on free of this burden. Liberation!

Enter the wonderful Six of Wands. A lucky streak is starting! Six weeks of good fortune and opportunity and all you have to do is to build on your successes and past achievements. Carry on the good work, do more of what people want, be confident about your abilities and shine!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus

May 22 to June 21


Tarot cards for Gemini for May: Knight of Swords, The Hermit, Ten of Cups

Meaning : Assertiveness incoming

Deep down, some major insight or revelation is brewing about your relationship landscape. The Hermit and Ten of Cups combine to stir your feelings, desires, emotions, and needs.

Gemini, you can live in your head (more than your heart) and detach a little from earthy base needs. But you’re re-engaging. You’re acknowledging that you do need other people and you need certain things from them (and also boundaries). It’s okay to be okay with needing people! It’s also okay to prefer your own company and space too.

Find your balance… and do so by really tuning in to those instincts and emotions and tracing them to triggers and root causes. The Knight of Swords sees you losing the ‘people pleasing’ mode and becoming more demanding and assertive about your own needs. About time!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini

June 22 to July 23

cancer star sign

Tarot cards for Cancer for May: Five of Wands, Six of Coins, The High Priestess

Meaning: Help someone face a big change

You have the ultimate spidey senses! You can see through people’s outer façade straight through to their heart and soul, and tell exactly what’s going on, no matter what they may say. The High Priestess has your intuition working overtime this May – there is much to dissect and probe (and you love it).

The Five of Wands asks you to zoom in on a squall, a conflict, a scene of tension or stress. Look at it carefully… what’s really going on here? Clue: it’s all about something that needs to change (but someone doesn’t want to).

The Six of Coins shows that kindness and generosity, offers of help and guidance, of ‘doing it with them’ will work wonders. They are just scared really, and are acting out in order to avoid making the necessary steps. Help them do it. They’ll be forever grateful, and this will help you too!   

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer

July 24 to August 23

leo star sign

Tarot cards for Leo for May: Queen of Cups, Six of Cups, Two of Cups

Meaning: Loving vibes

A trio of Cups cards signals a blissful month all about your friendships, family, and love life. You are a major ‘relationship person’ and value your close circle enormously. The Two of Cups has you falling in love (or deeper in love) this May. You truly feel appreciated, connected, and that this is a mutually loving and loyal bond (it is, so celebrate it)!

If you’re single, look out for ‘love at first sight’ attractions! Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) are hot. The Six of Cups hints at reunions, rekindled romances, old friends returning, or a family reunion.   

The Queen of Cups reveals this relationship harmony will make you feel loved, valued, needed, and respected (music to your ears). Leos need an appreciative audience. You’re about to get a big one. Bravo!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo

August 24 to September 23

virgo star sign

Tarot cards for Virgo for May: King of Coins, Death, Eight of Coins

Meaning: Results start happening

You are working on a personal development project – be it educational, emotional, physical, or mental. The King and Eight of Coins shows it’s linked to health, wealth, work and that it requires a lot of effort and consistency (which you are struggling with at times) but you know the rewards will be well worth it. This is a heartfelt goal for you.

This is a journey you’re committed to. And this May will bring you tangible, positive, motivating results. You can see the growth, the change, the progress.

Death shows this process is changing more than just the goal you’re working towards. This is an inside-out transformation. Your outlook and values are shifting too, your identity and self-esteem. One change begets another. Action triggers expansion. Well done and keep going!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo

September 24 to October 23

libra star sign

Tarot cards for Libra for May: Seven of Wands, Eight of Cups, Judgment

Meaning: Withdraw and win

Sometimes we find that losing is actually the right outcome, the long-term gift we didn’t ask for (but got). I say this because the Seven of Wands and Eight of Cups sees you withdrawing (gracefully as ever) from a battle, competition, or rivalry that you know is now a lost cause. It has taken a long time to admit this but you’re ready to admit defeat and move on.

This is not a failure. This is experience. This is hard-won wisdom. Sometimes quitting is the right option. Don’t worry, better opportunities will swiftly emerge and you will rapidly see the true shrewdness of your choice. You didn’t really want what you were ‘fighting’ for anyway!

Judgment shows this all leads to a major wake-up call in your life. Perhaps you’ve spent too long coveting what others have or are doing and neglected your own unique talents and desires. Focus back on you. Focus only on you. Follow your true calling now.  

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

October 24 to November 22

scorpio star sign

Tarot cards for Scorpio for May: Nine of Cups, The World, Three of Swords

Meaning: Envied by others

Feels like there are some jealous people in your circle right now who are envious of your ongoing development and success. And The World alongside Nine of Cups sees you achieving in a major way this May. Good things are coming. You are going to reap the rewards of your efforts and feel like you’ve hit your potential on something important. Well done.

Notice who isn’t congratulating you or whose response to this feels insincere. Notice, Scorpio, and perhaps take a little step back from them. The Three of Swords is a bit of a ‘red flag’ that you might encounter a bit of shade or even backstabbing from someone who just can’t deal with your glow!

Let the haters hate. Let them fade into the distance as you continue your beautiful, deserved, and magical ascent. You are doing great, keep going. Take the envy as a compliment and side-step it.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

sagittarius star sign

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for May: The Moon, The Tower, The Star

Meaning: Powerful positive changed

Wow, a trio of major arcana cards and therefore all of the unseen forces in your life are going to show their hand this May and reveal their true impact on your life. I won’t sugarcoat The Tower. It means something will be revealed that leads to an ending or severance. And you won’t be sorry! This ‘thing’ was fading, false, or negative anyway and you’ve long suspected you’d be better off without it. The Universe steps in and collapses it for you, be grateful.

The Moon emphasises there has been a secret or unknown information that comes to light and causes this seismic shift. Let it unfold. Don’t suppress what you now know… act on it!

The Star reveals this is all for the best, you’ve dodged a bullet, and now the real rewards will kick in! Fresh, glowing opportunities will emerge and a surprise dream-come-true will land in your lap to cheer you up. All in all, a great month ahead!  

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius

December 22 to January 21

capricorn star sign

Tarot cards for Capricorn for May: Page of Swords, Seven of Coins, Knight of Wands

Meaning: Up in the air

Control is very important to you, Cap, but sometimes life is easier and just works better when you release your grip and just let things flow. What’s meant to be with you will stay, what isn’t will go. Let things find their natural position and level. Stop overthinking and controlling stuff. Take a break!

The Page of Swords and Seven of Coins sees you battling this feeling that things are changing. You don’t need to have all of the answers right away my friend. You’ve got to go through this misty phase before you spot a new light to walk towards. Just get comfortable with a bit of uncertainty and not knowing.

Appreciate you’re changing and you’re figuring out a new pathway, it will all become clear in its own time. The Knight of Wands asks you to have fun this May. Distract yourself with adventure, pleasure, socialising, and good times! When you’re not looking, everything will clarify itself!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn

January 22 to February 19

AQUARIUS star sign

Tarot cards for Aquarius for May: The Empress, Four of Wands, Eight of Wands

Meaning: Elevate your relationship energy

Who we surround ourselves with dictates how we feel about ourselves, our social life, our self esteem and even identity. They say you are the sum of the five people you spend most time with. So make them good people and make that time good time, right?

The Empress sees you focused on your relationship realm, looking at who makes you feel loved, inspired, appreciated, comforted. And the Four and Eight of Wands suggest you’re looking to build on the positive, strip out the negatives, and create a ‘higher energy’ in your social and romantic time. Perhaps talking about ideas vs other people. Less gossip, more discussion. More new activity and exploration. Fewer bad habits and unhealthy patterns.

Ask deeper questions of your loved ones and share your own dreams, hopes, fears, and opinions. Get to know each other better. Make exciting plans together. Look out for Fire signs, as well as Taurus and Libra!

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius

February 20 to March 20

pisces star sign

Tarot cards for Pisces for May: Ace of Wands, Two of Swords, Nine of Coins

Meaning: A long-term decision made

Make a firm decision about your long-term future and a robust goal about health, wealth, work or home. Think about where you want to be at in five years’ time. Consider an ideal you can work towards.

The Nine of Coins asks you to invest in your continued self-improvement this May. The Two of Swords reveals an important decision or change can be made that sets you up for success in the long term. It comes from projecting yourself ahead, clarifying a vision, and then realising what is required in the here and now to make that a reality.

The Ace of Wands is that fresh start, new energy or idea. A new hobby, activity, investment, course or training, travel or location shift… something inspiring, something very ‘you’. It starts here and stretches long into your future.   

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring   forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure,  through Etsy  or  join her new Tarot Club  and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

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King Charles' coronation: Guide of crowns, rings, scepters and other shiny royal jewels

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King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla got a major jewelry upgrade during the coronation.  

May 6 marks the first time in nearly 70 years that Britain has crowned a new monarch since Charles' late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, had her coronation in 1953. The headpieces, swords, scepters and rings used decades ago for the queen's coronation reemerged from the royal collection to anoint Charles as the sovereign monarch of Britain. 

The gold, silver and jewel-adorned relics are collectively called the crown jewels, and when it isn't coronation day or any other rare, momentous occasion, they are heavily guarded in the Tower of London. 

 Here are the details of sacred and secular objects at the center of the royal event.  

More: Everything that happened at King Charles III's coronation

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King Charles' coronation crown

Before Charles and Camilla took off in the Gold State Coach back to Buckingham Palace, they were vested with crowns to symbolize their time as the head of the monarchy. 

King Charles wore two crowns during the ceremony: St. Edward's crown and the Imperial State Crown . The former crown is only used for ceremonial purposes and was swapped with the Imperial Crown, or Tudor Crown, for the king's procession back to Buckingham Palace.

St. Edward's Crown is the traditional coronation crown dating back to 1661 for King Charles II;  Queen Elizabeth II also used the headpiece for her coronation ceremony . The crown features four crosses and four fleurs-de-lis with a cross and orb at the top to represent Christianity. The circumference of the crown is made with solid gold and encrusted with rubies, amethysts, sapphires and other jewels. The cap portion is made of purple velvet and the base is made of ermine fur, and was modified for the new king. 

Queen Elizabeth II's coronation Here are all the details about the event nearly 70 years ago

Crown controversy: Imperial State Crown and royal scepter glimmer, but some say on back of colonialism

Charles left the ceremony wearing the Imperial State Crown, which looks similar to St. Edward's Crown but shines with 2,868 diamonds and several famous jewels including the Cullinan II diamond. The Imperial State Crown, made in 1937, gets more wear than St. Edward's as it's worn during the state opening of parliament.

Did Queen Camilla wear a crown?

Queen Consort Camilla also got fancy headgear as she was crowned with Queen Mary's Crown. Camilla chose to be adorned with the headpiece, marking the first time a queen consort will be crowned with an already existing crown. Queen Mary's crown was created in 1911 for Queen Mary's coronation but was customized for Camilla with new diamonds that belonged to Queen Elizabeth. 

Coronation rings have sapphire, diamonds, rubies

With fancy crowns come even fancier rings, rods and scepters that Charles and Camilla held and wore during the ceremony. 

The archbishop put the Sovereign's Ring, nicknamed the wedding ring of England, on Charles' fourth finger before he received St. Edward's crown. The gold ring has a sapphire centerpiece with a ruby cross set in diamonds over the top. Every monarch dating back to King Edward VII has worn the piece of jewelry for their coronation, it was first made in 1831.

Camilla's ring is also made of rubies and has been worn by many of the queen consorts before her, including the Queen Mother. The gold ring was created in 1831 for Queen Adelaide who was married to King William IV. 

Scepters, rods and the soverign orb

Both Charles and Camilla carried scepters and a rod that closely resemble one another with symbols of doves and crosses; the queen consort's dove emblem is held on a rod instead of a scepter.

The king's scepter with a cross "represents the sovereign's temporal power," according to Buckingham Palace, and consists of the Cullinan I diamond set by a heart-shaped gold enamel. Camilla's corresponding cross scepter is pared down with crystals instead of diamonds, with a cross sitting on the top. 

The dove scepter, which is also named "The Rod of Equity and Mercy," is representative of Charles' spiritual duties with the dove signifying the Holy Ghost. Camilla's dove rod is made of ivory with a dove sitting atop a golden globe. 

King Charles' orb, which weighs almost 3 pounds, was made in the 17th century. The crown jewel represents the king's power while representing the Christian world as a cross sits atop the sphere.

Read all our King Charles III coronation coverage:

Biggest moments:   Charles and Camilla crowned, royal family appears on balcony

The balcony: See who greeted the crowd with Charles and Camilla (not Harry)

King Charles III formally crowned:   A recap of the monarch's coronation day

Queen Camilla looks regal:   She is also crowned at King Charles III coronation

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis:   See the royal grandchildren on coronation day

Prince Harry and Prince William:   Look back their complicated relationship

Coronation photos:   See all the best photos from the ceremony and procession

My Met Gala Look Is Giving Corpse Bride

It's an original Gucci by Alessandro Michele, and it captures the fleeting beauty of fashion. That's what makes it precious.

Headshot of Jill Kargman

Every item on this page was chosen by a Town & Country editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

Corpse Bride, if you don't know, is the title character in Tim Burton's 2005 stop-motion film. He's always been an idol of mine, a director whose shadow-kissed aesthetic seems to mirror my inner love of contrasts: leather and lace, sugar and spice, Eros and Thanatos, capturing the purity of life’s best moments through the prism of darkness. We love flowers knowing they wilt and die because they force us to take in the moment, to live in the present.

Some of the gowns in the exhibit, all drawn from Costume Institute's collection, inspire the same admiration. While careful storage at the Met can mitigate the degradation of shattered silk or taffeta or the inevitable deterioration from wear and tear, slow decay is built into the lifespan of clothes. That's what makes them precious.

And that's why Andrew Bolton, who curated the show that justifies the big party known as the Met Ball, explains in the exhibition catalog that some of the clothes are shown at ground level on “ghost mannequins” to allow viewers, including disabled visitors, to take in the piece at close range. The experience will be enhanced with projections and soundscapes piped in.

jill kargman 2024 met gala dress

Some sections of the exhibit feature antique dresses, others are of more recent vintage but made from deadstock, old lace or paillettes that give them a ethereal quality. Obviously, all the gowns are breathtaking, but they also capture the fleeting nature of beauty. These intricate, delicate dresses are too fragile to be mounted traditionally, so in their beds they rest.

If you're tuning in to the livestream from the steps of the Met today, you'll see me wearing a Gucci dress that appears to be two centuries old made from a kind of once-lily-white tulle that has become discolored into beige and yellowed wisps of fabric. Alessandro Michele , the label's former creative director who is now at the helm of Valentino , added my initials to a motif that matches my single-needle tattoos by Mr. K.—a skull and two crossed swords with black drops of beaded blood.

It's everything I could want for this evening: while most people will rock elements of nature in the form of a spring floral awakening, my fit is a death-dipped vibe shift to the essence of nature at its gothic best. And since I’m pale AF, I’m leaning into a lewq I’m calling cadaver chic. And why not?

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride

All living things must die, but my theory is the most morbid people are also the happiest. We are the most aware that we too will all by permanently horizontal one day and don’t sweat the small stuff as much. While the darling buds of May seem intoxicating, I truly think a fully bloomed flower is most breathtaking just before it dies. Ideally I won’t croak the first Tuesday in May, but I know tonight I’ll make a memory I can cherish for however many days I have left. I just hope I don't get run over by a taxi on my way home, but if I do I know what the New York Post will slap on the front page: "Death Becomes Her."

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  1. Queen of Swords (TV Series 2000–2001)

    queen of swords travel

  2. Queen of Swords

    queen of swords travel

  3. King Of Swords, Ace Of Swords, Tarot Card Tattoo, Love Tarot Card

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  4. Why I love the the Queen of Swords

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  5. Wallpaper 03

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  6. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, Feelings & More

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  1. Queen of Swords TheReturn

  2. Collective Check-In

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  4. Queen of Swords 🗡️ Energy:

  5. Queen Of Swords

  6. Queen Of Swords 22nd July 2023


  1. Future Tarot Meanings

    In a positive Tarot reading, the Queen of Swords can indicate someone who is independent. If the Queen of Swords symbolizes you in a positive, strength or advantage position of a Tarot spread, this means that you do not need the approval or company of others. You are a survivor, and you can make it on your own. Your directness is also a benefit.

  2. Ultimate Guide To The Queen Of Swords

    The Queen Of Swords and the Knight Of Swords tarot card together represent a powerful combination. The Queen Of Swords is a symbol of self-sufficiency, total honesty and a need to take responsibility for one's own life. The Knight Of Swords emphasizes the need to be open-minded and prepared for a lifestyle change.

  3. Queen of Swords Meaning

    The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before ...

  4. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

    Queen of Swords Reversed Meaning. When the Queen of Swords is reversed, it indicates a propensity for denying your deepest feelings. Somewhere you decided that speaking up for the emotional truth is selfish and unattractive. As a result, you are prejudiced against your own needs. It is not a flaw to have a heart; it is a flaw to ignore it.

  5. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

    The Queen of Swords sits on a stone throne decorated with a cherub, representing the Queen's softer side, and butterflies representing transformation. She faces towards the future, with her left hand raised as if to receive, and in her right hand, she holds a sword up high and straight, representing her desire to find the truth in all matters

  6. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

    The Queen of Swords Reversed Tarot card also symbolizes an undercooled as well as begrudging mood in your environment. Often, such a negative mood results from an unsolved conflict. Instead of punishing the person with disregard and risking your friendship, you should first try to reach out to him to straighten out your relationship. ...

  7. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card, A Complete Guide!

    The Queen of Swords Card is usually presented as part of the suit of Swords in the Minor Arcana of most Tarot Decks. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card shows an older woman sitting on a throne, a sword in her right hand, wearing a crown of butterflies. The symbolism in this illustration is pretty blatant ...

  8. Queen of Swords Explained

    Queen of Swords stays very often rather alone than in a relationship that is not fulfilling. However, in general, it is a positive card in love readings. In questions related to a relationship, this card suggests that the partner is critical and too cold. Due to the independency of the Queen of Swords, the card is usually interpreted in a bad ...

  9. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings (Upright and Reversed)

    The Queen of Swords Tarot card holds immense power as a symbol of intellect, clarity, and direct communication. In this article, we will delve into the meanings of the Queen of Swords, both in the upright and reversed positions. Whether she represents a wise and independent individual who values truth and rationality, or warns against emotional involvement and urges objective thinking, the ...

  10. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card

    The Queen of Swords is a pleasant card in the way it reveals that you have plenty of experience from which to draw, but are genuinely interested in always learning more. When this card appears in your Tarot reading, the worst that someone could say about you is that you are a bit jaded. But the positive possibilities are overwhelming in a card ...

  11. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

    Queen of Swords in Health and Wellness. In the sphere of health and wellness, the Queen of Swords symbolizes mental clarity and strength, urging you to maintain a balanced mindset for overall wellbeing. This card signals a time for mental resilience, encouraging you to stay strong, clear-headed, and focused.

  12. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

    The Queen of Swords is in the Minor Arcana and is the 13th tarot card in the suit of Swords. Usually, the queen will represent somebody in your life, most likely a mature woman who is quick to anger. Without even reading the meanings, you might already have an idea of who it may be. Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The Queen ...

  13. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

    The Queen of Swords can simply represent a woman who is in a relationship but is fearful of being single or alternatively, feels her freedom is far too restricted. However, if this card represents your partner is can be a bad omen of a woman who cheats or lies and manipulates. However, the Queen of Swords reversed can also indicate that a ...

  14. Queen of Swords Meaning: Upright and Reversed

    The Queen of Swords has a powerful message: you are strong and powerful, and your willpower will allow you to progress and be successful in life. Upright Queen of Swords Love Meaning. If the Queen of Swords pops up upright in a love meaning, the Tarot might refer to a person in your life who reflects the qualities of the Queen of Swords.

  15. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Boundaries & Revenge)

    The Queen of Swords tarot card meaning relates to a person, situation, or personality characteristics. The Queen of Swords corresponds to the air element. When the Queen of Swords appears in a reading, your wit and intellect help you solve problems. Sharpen your mind and be on alert for new insights. The Queen of Swords has a bad reputation.

  16. Queen of swords

    Queen of Swords tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Queen of swords tarot card is Cynicism. Queen of swords often signifies work and career path, often within the legal world. Queen of swords finds work easy and personal life difficult. Learn more about Queen of swords tarot card meanings here. Queen of Swords in the grand tableau…

  17. Queen of Swords as Feelings in Love & Relationships ...

    The Queen of Swords is the card of honesty, fairness, objectiveness, principles, independence, and perception. The card shows a queen, with a stern look on her face, sitting regally on a throne. She looks off into the distance in a profile view, as if she is pronouncing a judgement on someone. She gives off an aura of confidence.

  18. Queen of Swords as Love Outcome (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning

    The Queen of Swords is the card of honesty, fairness, objectiveness, principles, independence, and perception. The card shows a queen, with a stern look on her face, sitting regally on a throne. She looks off into the distance in a profile view, as if she is pronouncing a judgement on someone. She gives off an aura of confidence.

  19. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

    The Queen of Swords is a symbol of an intellectual, self-assured individual who is powerful and mature. If you pull this card during your Yes or No reading, it means that the insight you've been seeking will come to you shortly. The answer to the query you have chosen is "yes," according to the Queen of Swords.

  20. Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

    The Queen of Swords tarot card, like all court cards, often represents an actual person in your life. It can also mean a role you are playing or need to play. If this is an actual person, it will be a man or woman who is a fierce protector. Traditionally, this card shows a strong and beautiful woman sitting on a throne.

  21. Queen of Swords

    The Queen of Swords is a card in the suit of swords, part of the Minor Arcana set of the tarot . Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play tarot card games. [1] In English-speaking countries, where the games are largely unknown, tarot cards came to be utilized primarily for divinatory purposes. [1] [2]

  22. Understanding The Queens In Tarot

    The Queen of Swords . The Queen of Swords is the feminine manifestation of Air, a smart and intellectual woman who uses her wits and brain to achieve her goals. Sarah Potter (@iamsarahpotter) says: "The suit of Swords deals with our mental landscape, and often serves as a reminder to lead with our minds and not our hearts in our current ...

  23. Queen of Swords

    Queen of Swords' botanical goods feature PNW flora and are grown, wildcrafted, processed, and produced by hand in small batches. ... plant-based fragrances, and travel goods to keep you comfortable & stylin' on the road. All subscriptions come with stories, lore, and use tips to deepen your connection to PNW flora and riding adventures. ...

  24. Weekly Tarot Horoscope April 29-May 5, 2024: Genius Ideas

    Your weekly Tarot card reading for April 29 to May 5, 2024 says every zodiac sign is brainstorming like a genius & concocting brilliant ideas, thanks to the Ace of Swords.

  25. Your star sign's tarot horoscope for the month of May 2024

    The Sun is the blessings and good fortune card of the tarot, showering your realm with happiness, success, love, friendship, travel, prosperity, and new energy. Be bold, go for the promotion, ask ...

  26. King Charles' coronation jewels: Guide to crowns, rings, meanings

    King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla got a major jewelry upgrade during the coronation.. May 6 marks the first time in nearly 70 years that Britain has crowned a new monarch since Charles ...

  27. Spellbound by a magical experience on the Sun Princess

    Spellbound envelops guests in an early- to mid-20th-century place, time and mindset with the help of a specialty dinner, creative drinks and magic.

  28. Jill Kargman: My 2024 Met Gala Look Is Giving Corpse Bride

    Alessandro Michele, the label's former creative director who is now at the helm of Valentino, added my initials to a motif that matches my single-needle tattoos by Mr. K.—a skull and two crossed ...