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40+ Must-Buy Baby Travel Essentials

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Cute African-American baby

Travel Car Seats

The question here is: infant car seat vs convertible car seat? Each has advantages. Convertible car seats can be more expensive to buy, but they save money over time because they are “convertible.” Evenflo’s All4One convertible car seat took us from infant through preschool. Some even convert into booster seats. That means they carry your big kid all the way to regular seat belt use. Here’s the downside: They are beasts. They’re heavy. Many don’t fit standard airline seats and transferring them from one car to another is a chore, let alone moving them from plane to rental car. On the other hand, an infant car seat is lightweight and easy to move baby around in. Some even pair with lightweight stroller options , which makes them work great for travel. The downside? You’ll end up buying another seat once they grow out of it.

One we love is the Peg Perego Primo Viaggo. In my opinion, it’s one of the best on the market for under $300. My paramedic husband referred to this as “Fort Knox for babies.” Some of the reasons we love it include its narrow base which helps it fit into a backseat with other car seats and European safety features not yet required in the US.

Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35 – Rear Facing Infant Car Seat

Read More: Learn how to install a car seat with no base, what to look for in a travel car seat and the one car seat safety travel tip most parents overlook.

Travel Strollers We Love

This post is intended to be the quick and easy overview to our favorite travel baby products. Rest assured we’ve done some really in depth articles if you want more information. Here are our picks for strollers in all price ranges for all family types. And here is the quick scoop on our favorites: If you’re bringing an infant in an infant car seat, choose a lightweight stroller with a folding basket base. They are lightweight and easy to use. The infant car seat sits on top. Best of all, you can easily transfer a sleeping baby from car to stroller.

Baby Trend makes one that accepts numerous brands of car seats . If you plan to travel extensively or are out and about a lot, choose the upscale Doona, which sells for $550 on Amazon . It’s an infant car seat that turns into a stroller! Seriously, it’s like magic. The wheels come right out of the car seat. If your baby is slightly older, the Pockit can be a great choice. This is the Swiss Army knife of strollers. It’s easy to get through TSA and folds small enough to fit into an overhead airplane bin.

Must-Have Diaper Change Supplies

While you’re traveling, you won’t have a changing table and diaper pail nearby. But there are ways to make roadside diaper changes easier and more comfy for baby. The first thing you’re going to want is a nice folding changing pad . There are a LOT of choices. In my opinion, there are two key things to look for: a handle and a spot to carry bags. This makes it easy to carry the diaper changing supplies and the baby. Plus, it gives you the ability to wrap up stinky diapers in a bag when you’re in tight spaces (plane, car) without that odor-blocking diaper pail.

Most good changing pads will have a couple of mesh sections or pockets for baby wipes, a change of baby clothes, extra diapers and even butt cream if diaper rash is a concern. These changing pads are great for a quick run into a restroom or an airplane diaper change. To tote all the goods, though, you’ll want to consider a full diaper bag. In my humble opinion there are two things that make a diaper bag worth having: good accessible space and easy portability. We’ve veered towards backpack styles that can be easily carried and large tote bag style travel bags for overnights.

SheBuysTravel Tip: Don’t limit your internet search to “diaper bags” only. Sometimes the best bags have been gym bags or regular backpacks. One of my all time favorites was a Champion gym tote . For $25, it had great straps and enough room for supplies when we were cloth diapering. Learn More: Here’s how to change a diaper on an airplane .

Baby Travel Essentials: Feeding

Keeping baby happy and fed on the road doesn’t have to be a hassle. I look for space-saving items that make my life easier. No SheBuysTravel is going to haul a high chair on the road. Luckily, there are some fun travel ones to make feeding time easier. Some are fabric and some are basically mini versions of high chairs . Personally, I think the fabric ones are more versatile but the mini ones come with trays, so they tend to feel more familiar to little ones. What did we do before the squeezable baby food pouch? Seriously, those things are travel life savers.

One product I promise you will love as much as I do is this pouch with a spoon that screws right onto it . It is perfect for babies who are still being spoon-fed and can’t hold and squeeze the pouch themselves. Pouches are easier to pack and less likely to break. The spoon addition makes them perfect. I also bought reusable food pouches . They’ve been used through one baby/toddler. My older kids use them for yogurt and snacks at school. Two years later, they’re still going strong. It’s a great way to serve applesauce or yogurt for snacks.

How to Keep Baby Bottles Clean When You Travel

For bottles and sippy cups, it’s important to bring what your kiddo is used to. There are disposable sippy cups on the market that can be convenient for travel, but if your toddler has never used that type before, it might not be a success. I strongly recommend giving any new bottles or sippy cups a test run at home before you hit the road. My oldest daughter would only drink from Dr. Brown bottles . They have a bunch of small parts.

I was SO happy to discover microwave sanitizing bags . I tuck the parts into the bag and pop the whole thing into the hotel room microwave. It’s super easy. The bags can be used to sanitize everything from baby bottle parts to pacifiers to breast pump attachments and teethers . If you want to bring a bottle brush, I recommend a silicone one so you can easily dry it off before repacking. We all know that babies are messy. Bring bibs. There are some plastic wipe-clean ones that are great for travel. Baby swaddle blankets and muslin blankets also are great for protecting baby’s outfit. They’re thin and can easily provide a food or breast milk barrier and are great for cleaning up spit up.

Tips and Products Baby Must-Haves: Why You Don't Need a Crib. Buy a playpen instead!

Sleeping Away from Home: Baby Travel Gear You Need

When you’ve got a new baby who has settled into some sort of routine, sleeping away from home can present some challenges. One way to make it easier? Plan for future travel even if you don’t know when it will happen. How? Well, for us it was using a small sound machine every night. At home, it was necessary because of those three older (loud) siblings. It paid off when we traveled, though. Our son associated the white noise with sleep. In Pavlovian fashion, he fell asleep easily in hotel rooms once we turned on the machine.

Vornado FIT Personal Air Circulator Personal Fan

Now, let’s talk about cribs. By the fourth kid, we were done with cribs. In fact, my husband wrote an entire post on why you don’t need a crib. Our youngest slept in a pack-and-play-style bed until he graduated to a tent-style pack-and-play. Most hotels say they have cribs available. Ninety percent of the time those “cribs” turn out to be pack n’ plays. So if kiddo is used to it, they’ll sleep better. Pack an extra pack-and-play sheet and a baby blanket in your luggage. They’ve been missing in many of the places where we’ve stayed. Serious travelers may want to consider a more travel-friendly option like the Lotus travel crib , which folds down into a backpack-sized case.

Traveling with a newborn? A pack-and-play is awkward to use and feels way too big for baby. The Munchkin Brica Baby Travel Pod opens with the push of a button and is lightweight for easy travel.

Munchkin Brica Baby Travel Pod, Grey

Other Baby Travel Essentials for Sleep

Night lights . Although “no one puts Baby in the corner,” we’ve definitely had our baby sleep in a closet. When you’re trying to get one kid to sleep without making everyone else turn in, placing the crib creatively is the answer. Our youngest has slept in a Four Seasons Jackson Hole closet (with the door cracked open) larger than my upstairs bathroom and we were glad we had the nightlight with us to cast that comforting warm glow.

Soother. This is baby’s comfort item. The best baby can go from chill to crying if a loved soother is forgotten. If your kiddo has a favorite stuffed animal, do not forget it. Also, new moms, if there’s an item that your baby loves, please learn from my mistake. Buy two. Inevitably, at some point it will go missing or be left behind and having a substitute is worth its weight in gold.

Sleep swaddle. Hotel rooms can sometimes be chilly, so consider packing a heavier sleeper or even sleep swaddle to bundle up baby. They’re often easier to pack than baby blankets and easier to wash. We used to keep the blanket for the car and use swaddles at night. Also not to age myself but sleep swaddles are amazing! When my oldest was young we didn’t have them and had to baby burrito him by hand. Sleep swaddles are one of my all-time favorite baby products.

Baby Travel Items that Make Bath Time Easier

Bath time can be a little tricky if you’re staying in hotels that don’t have bathtubs. We might have been a bit more casual about baths while traveling and given some baby wipe baths. But a lot of folks use bath time as part of their nighttime routine. Travel bathtubs have gotten way better over the years. Even folded in half, they were huge. Now, plenty exist that pack completely flat.

I highly recommend a lay-flat baby bath over an inflatable tub. There’s room for mildew and trapped water and no one wants to be drying a tub off as they’re trying to get out of a hotel room. The sponge-y material ones can turn any sink into a spot for baby to bathe .

Read More: All the Tips You Need for Taking Baby on a Road Trip

How to Ditch the Baby Bath Tub

Another method is to get baby used to the shower. My oldest daughter had colic and breastfeeding was a struggle for us. One of the ways I calmed her was to take her in to a warm shower with me. The water soothed her. Why am I telling you all this? Well, I obviously didn’t want to hold a slippery baby every time I showered, so I found a baby carrier designed for swimming and water. It changed everything. Now, bathing baby on the road is as simple as putting the baby in the ring sling.

For safety reasons, always choose a sling with metal rings (plastic can degrade). The rings should have no visible seams on them. Pick a pricier option that’s been safety tested. Beachfront Baby has great options in a variety of colors. The slings have been chlorine tested, too. If a ring sling seems hard to use, consider a  Boba Air soft structured carrier (SSC) . The nylon material is quick drying and it folds up tiny. We used it at water parks several times.

A Baby Travel Monitor

Not necessary for hotel stays, but a baby travel monitor is helpful when visiting relatives’ homes or when staying in a multi-room vacation rental. The VTech DM221 Audio Baby Monitor has a soothing night light too – we love products that do double duty!

mom wearing baby in Tula dinosaur print tula baby carrier next to pandora statue

Baby Carriers: The Must-Have Travel Baby Product

Baby carriers are my all-time favorite baby travel essentials. I started with a Baby Bjorn with my almost 18 year old son and have worn every baby since. It is easy for me to fall down a baby product black hole when talking about carriers. So I’m going to mention some of my favorite soft structured carriers that are readily available to the general public.

Tula is a brand name that many new parents know. There are two main types: solid fabric or the Coast, which is a mix of fabric and mesh. Whichever one you buy, add Frogg Toggs to the order if you’ll be wearing it in the summer. These cooling towels absorb cold water and don’t drip. You can use them to make a cool layer between you and your older baby. You will stay cool without getting wet. I prefer the Tula because it is easy to switch so it also fits my larger husband. In addition, it easily went from baby to toddler.

We also had an ergobaby for my daughters but design changes over the years weren’t my favorite. If you have back problems the LILLEbaby can be a good option; it offers additional lumbar support. There are some cheaper entry brands like Infantino . As baby grows, they may not have some of the comfort elements for you that the pricier carriers offer.

Name Brands Do Matter

No matter what you do, look for name brands. Baby carriers are required to be safety tested in the US. No name options shipping on Amazon may not adhere to those requirements. Love hiking with baby? Check out hiking style carriers for added storage room and stability. (And read our tips for hiking with babies!)

There are several ways to change a diaper in the car. When I roadtrip with a baby I utilize the second row minivan floor method. #roadtrip #travelwithbaby

Baby Products that Make Road Trips Easier

If you’re road tripping with baby, you want to be as prepared as humanly possible. I totally get it. Road trips can hold a lot of unknowns (traffic, potty stops, etc) so being ready for anything is essential. The good part? You’re the captain of your destiny. Here are 6 things I always pack for to make road trips easier.

A Silicone Bucket

Puke happens. If baby is tiny, you obviously won’t be able to use a bucket for spit up (and you won’t really need one). But a bucket is useful for other things — dirty clothes, toting toys and even playing with at stops. Silicone buckets are a lifesaver because they collapse. They are space saving until you need them.

It doesn’t have to be fancy. Buy one before your trip. Trust me. I found myself in upstate New York panic buying one at Target. Fun story, they don’t carry the cheap ones in store. I ended up with an expensive one that played music and had a remote control. After dropping $40 on that, I had to go back in and buy scissors to open the package. Don’t make my mistakes. Get a simple cheap baby mirror . If you’re sitting in traffic you’ll be glad you can see baby.

Did you see the story above? Make sure there are scissors in the car. Yes, they’re not a “baby item” but there will be a reason to use them. In fact, get trauma shears . They can cut through practically anything (and can replace those special seat belt cutting safety tools).

First Aid Kit

Seriously, it’s not just because my husband is a paramedic but yes it kind of is. Bring a basic first aid kit when you travel. Even if you do something as simple as getting a minor cut it becomes complicated if you have to go on a band-aid hunt with a baby.

Seat Back Organizer

A seat back organizer , even a super basic one, will come in super handy on road trips with baby. You can fill it with diapers, wipes, bottles of water and more so that everything is easily within reach at stops.

Extra Binkies/Teethers

If your baby likes to chew on things bring extra. For some reason, cars become binkie black holes on road trips. They enter but never come out. Buy in bulk.

The Right Toys

You want Junior to stay entertained in the car but please take this advice to preserve your own sanity: Limit toys that make noise, have parts, or are hard to clean. My secret? Tub toys . They’re sturdy, washable, easily sanitized and are usually bright and popular with babies. Bathtub books are also very easy for another child to read to baby and they double as a chew toy!

Sunscreen and a Sunshade

If you’ll be hitting the road for hours at a time, consider sunscreen for the baby. While sunshades are great and can help block glare, constant car sun exposure can have an impact. We round up our favorite baby and toddler sunscreens in this post. I’m a huge fan of the sunshades that come with both window clips (that go over the window as it rolls up) and suction cups. That way nothing falls off the window. We share way more about road tripping with a baby over here. Check out our full post of tips, tricks and what you need to know.

What other baby travel essentials do you pack when you travel with baby? Have a question or need a recommendation? Drop us a comment and we’ll help you out!

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The Best Baby Travel Essentials for Your Next Family Trip

profile picture of Emma O'Regan-Reidy

All parents know that bringing baby anywhere pretty much guarantees a bag (or two) brimming with gear —and when you’re packing for an extended trip, the prospect of carrying everything around (and remembering it all!) can be daunting. Thankfully, there are plenty of sanity-saving baby travel essentials out there, all designed to lighten your load. From on-the-go changing and feeding accessories to feather-light strollers and packable playards , these trusty products will make any trip more seamless. Below, browse our handy baby travel essentials checklist, then shop our favorites for an array of categories.

Baby Travel Essentials Checklist

Packing for yourself and your little one doesn’t have to be a headache. To make sure you don’t forget any baby travel essentials, keep this checklist handy as you prep:

Travel car seat

Travel stroller

Travel crib

Baby carrier

Portable high chair

Travel diaper bag (and diaper bag essentials , of course!)

Travel changing pad

Wet/dry bag

Portable wipes dispenser (and your favorite wipes )

Diapers (or training pants !)

Travel potty seat (for little ones who are potty training )

Travel white noise machine

Travel nursing pillow (if you’re breastfeeding )

Baby bottles

Insulated food jar

Formula and snack dispenser

Portable baby bathtub (for newborns and younger infants)

Pacifier clip

Travel toys

Baby Travel Essentials To Shop

Missing a few key items, or not sure where to start when it comes to picking out baby travel essentials? We’ve got you covered. Here, check out top-notch travel strollers, portable high chairs, diaper bags, car seat toys and everything else in between so you’re prepped for any and all travel plans.

Best travel car seat

PIPA Lite RX Car Seat with RELX Base

Searching for a top-notch infant travel car seat? You can’t go wrong with this design from Nuna . It’s made from premium materials, has a secure five-point safety harness and can easily be installed with a seatbelt (no base needed!). This car seat is also Aircraft-certified and can be seamlessly connected to any Nuna stroller. Another feature you’ll love: It has a removable, full coverage canopy that’s UPF 50 to keep baby shaded in sunny weather.

Dimensions: 27.25” (L) x 17.5” (W) x 23” (H) | Weighs: 6.9 lbs. | Maximum capacity: 32 pounds

Best travel booster seat

Peg Perego Viaggio Flex 120 Booster Car Seat

Traveling with a tot or a kiddo? Don’t forget to bring along a travel booster seat . Our favorite is this design from Peg Perego . It can be adjusted in four different ways to ensure your little love is comfy and safe while en route to your destination. This booster can be installed using just a seatbelt and folds easily for added convenience. When inevitable messes occur, you’ll also love how the cover is machine-washable.

Dimensions: 26” (L) x 22” (W) x 17.25” (H) | Weighs: 14.8 lbs. | Maximum capacity: 120 lbs.

Best travel stroller

Butterfly Complete Stroller

Talk about on-the-go: This lightweight travel stroller is just 16 lbs. and meets International Air Travel Association (IATA) requirements, meaning it can be stored in a plane’s overhead compartment. When on the ground, unfold it in seconds and enjoy features like the spacious underseat basket, the protective sun canopy and the advanced four-wheel suspension. Better yet, you don’t have to sacrifice sturdiness for the small size—the stroller can be used from 6 months up to around the four-year mark.

Dimensions: 36.42” (L) x 17.72” (W) x 40.31” (H) | Weighs: 16 lbs. | Maximum capacity: 48.50 pounds

Best travel crib

Lotus Travel Crib

Wherever you’re headed, making sure baby has a safe place to sleep is a top priority. Thankfully, the Lotus solves that problem. This lightweight travel crib (13 lbs.) folds into a compact carrying case that fits in the overhead compartment and can be worn as a backpack. Once you’ve reached your destination, it sets up in 15 seconds and is super-sturdy for peace of mind. Plus, it doubles as a playard, with a side zip door so baby can crawl in and out.

Dimensions: 45.5” (L) x 31.5” (W) x 25.5” (H) | Weighs: 15 lbs. | Maximum capacity: No weight limit

Best toddler travel bed

Tent with Carry Bag

Need something a bit more tot-friendly? Then this toddler travel bed will have your (and your kiddo’s) back. Highlights include the sleeping pad, the adjustable sunscreens and the secure anchor straps. This portable bed can be used by little ones between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old, so you can count on it for many outings to come. The best part? It easily folds into the included carry bag when not in use.

Dimensions: 19” (L) x 3.5” (W) x 19” (D) | Weighs: 3.65 lbs. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best baby carrier

Ergobaby Omni 360 Baby Carrier

A carrier will let you walk around with baby without having to work hard—and still have the freedom to use both hands. Pro tip: Wearing baby through the airport will let you wheel along your luggage and sail through security without taking baby in and out. A longtime parent-loved brand, Ergobaby stands out for form and function, giving you the option to wear baby in multiple positions.

Dimensions: 6.2” (L) x 9.1” (W) x 10.4” (H) | Weighs: 2.2 lbs. | Maximum capacity: 45 pounds

Best portable high chair

Inglesina Fast Table Chair

Clip it on, clip it off; this portable high chair creates seating for little ones where there otherwise is none. Suitable for up to 37 pounds, it’s sturdy and durable enough to last through the toddler years. Best of all? It packs flat into the included travel bag. Now comes the hard part: Picking just one of the cute colorways available.

Dimensions: 14” (L) x 17” (W) x 11” (H) | Weighs: 4.96 lbs. | Maximum capacity: 37 lbs.

Best travel diaper bag

Duo Weekender Diaper Bag

Road, train or plane trips with kiddos are what this weekender bag was made for. It weighs only 3 lbs., but don’t let that fool you—there’s plenty of room for your gear, thanks to the convenient mesh packing cubes included and the wipe-open compartment. Need to be hands-free? No problem. Just adjust the strap to turn it into a crossbody. Other highlights include a cushioned changing pad, an insulated bottle pocket and a handy luggage sleeve—score!

Dimensions: 17.5” (L) x 9” (W) x 14” (H) | Weighs: 3 lbs. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best travel changing pad

Baby Changing Pad

Make on-the-go diaper changes a bit less messy with the help of this travel changing pad. No matter where you are, it will offer a hygienic, cushioned surface for baby to lay on while they get cleaned up. We love how this one can be opened with just one hand—plus, it features two storage pockets for diapers and wipes. When you’re all done, fold it flat and tote it in your diaper backpack , your carry-on bag or your suitcase.

Dimensions: 13.8” (L) x 8.4” (W) x 1.6” (H) | Weighs: 7.04 oz. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best wet/dry bag

Grab and Go Wet/Dry Bag

What do you do when you’re nowhere near home and you’ve got a handful of dirty cloth diapers and soiled clothes? Grab one of these totes, which separately store wet and dry items in the same bag. Sealed seams prevent wicking and leaking, and a snap handle makes it a breeze to carry.

Dimensions: 12” (L) x .05” (W) x 15” (H) | Weighs: 3.2 oz. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best portable wipes dispenser

On-the-Go Wipes Dispenser

When it comes to on-the-go diaper changes and post-meal cleanups, you’ll likely have your hands full. This is why OXO designed a dispenser that, with a one-handed push of the button, reveals a large opening for easy access to wipes. The handy strap and slim shape mean you can hang it from your stroller or tuck it neatly into your bag. Dimensions: 1.5” (L) x 6.2” (W) x 11.3” (H) | Weighs: 4.9 oz. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best travel potty seat

Jool Baby Products Folding Travel Potty Toilet Training Seat

Thanks to this cool design, potty training doesn’t have to stop just because you’re out and about. When nature calls, unfold this travel potty seat and place it on any adult-sized toilet to create a smaller, more comfortable seat for your kiddo. Then, simply wipe it clean, fold it back up and place it in the included travel bag.

Dimensions: 13.75” (L) x 11” (W) x 0.75” (H) | Weighs: 12.8 oz. | Maximum capacity: 50 lbs.

Best travel white noise machine

Yogasleep Hushh White Noise Sound Machine

If you’re traveling with a little one who’s still lulled by white noise, this is a must-have. It has all the features you’d want in a sound machine—a variety of white noise and sound options, volume control, long battery life and a lock—all in a compact, highly portable design. There’s even a clip to hang it from baby’s stroller or car seat.

Dimensions: 3.5” (L) x 3.75” (W) x 1.75” (H) | Weighs: 6.72 oz. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best travel nursing pillow

Nurse Sling Nursing Pillow

Nursing pillows are the perfect companion to long breastfeeding sessions—and this one is ideal for on-the-go moms. The unique sling style offers you and baby support, with the distinct advantage of folding into a convenient travel bag, thanks to its slim, lightweight design.

Dimensions: 22” (L) x 3.5” (W) x 5” (H) | Weighs: 1 lb. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best baby bottle

Philips Avent Natural Baby Bottle with Natural Response Nipple

Bottles are essential baby travel gear for families with newborns or infants. Our favorites are these from Phillips Avent, which have natural response nipples that allow baby to control their feeding pace. They also have a no-drip design, making them perfect for taking out and about.

Dimensions: 2.8” (L) x 8.39” (W) x 6.54” (H) | Weighs: 11.04 oz. | Maximum capacity: 9 fl. oz.

Best insulated food jar

Zoo Insulated Little Kid Food Jar

If your little one has moved onto solids , this insulated food jar is the perfect way to keep their food fresh while you’re not at home. The container keeps contents warm for seven hours and cold for five—plus, it even comes with built-in utensils for an on-the-move meal.

Dimensions: 3.5” (L) x 4.7” (W) x 3.5” (H) | Weighs: 8.2 oz. | Maximum capacity: 11 fl. oz.

Best formula and snack dispenser

Milk powder dispenser

Keep snacktime contained with this handy container. It seals shut for ultimate freshness and is complete with removable inner sections that let you pack different snacks all in one place. What’s more, its convenient spout makes formula storage and transfer a breeze.

Dimensions: 3.94” (L) x 3.94” (W) x 6.10” (H) | Weighs: 3.68 oz. | Maximum capacity: 27 fl. oz.

Best portable baby bath

Flexi Bath X-Large Bathtub

Baby is practically guaranteed to make a mess wherever you go—but a portable tub will help you deal with the aftermath. This lightweight one by Stokke folds completely flat, so you can easily fit it in your luggage.

Dimensions: 33” (L) x 10” (W) x 20” (H) | Weighs: 9.5 lbs. | Maximum capacity: 46 pounds

Best pacifier clip

Babygoal Neutral Pacifier Clips

Trying to keep a pacifier in baby’s mouth and off the yucky sidewalk (and all other dirty surfaces) can be next to impossible—that is, without a pacifier clip. This one is a traveling parent’s best friend, thanks to its soft (and washable!) design and easy-to-use plastic clip. This pack of six will have you covered for many adventures with baby to come.

Dimensions: 6.3” (L) x 5.43” (W) x 0.71” (H) | Weighs: 1.58 oz. | Maximum capacity: N/A

Best baby travel toy

Lamaze Mortimer the Moose Toy

Last but certainly not least on our list of baby travel essentials is this best-selling car seat toy. Your little one will love how it’s super-soft and features plenty of engaging textures, patterns and activities to explore. On the other hand, you’ll love the convenient clip-on design that keeps it within baby’s reach—perfect for when you’re driving, or traveling in general. It’s easy to see why it has tens of thousands of glowing Amazon reviews !

Dimensions: 5.3” (L) x 2.8” (W) x 11.5” (H) | Weighs: 15.36 oz. | Maximum capacity: N/A

How We Chose the Best Baby Travel Essentials

We get it—parenting requires a lot of gear, and it can be hard to find the best fit for your family every time. To streamline your shopping (and packing) experience, we browsed baby travel essentials from an array of leading baby brands and trusted online retailers. We considered a list of criteria when sourcing products, such as ease of use, weight, size, portability, quality and durability, value, style and, of course, safety. We also read user reviews to understand how these products have worked for real families on the go, and didn’t consider anything with less than an average four-star rating. What’s more, we also looked for products that meet IATA requirements or have Aircraft Certification where applicable.

Interested in learning more about our editorial process? Read about how our team develops and reviews all articles here .

Plus, more from The Bump:

12 Awesome Car Seat Toys for Families on the Go

The 5 Best Infant Car Seats

30 Tips to Keep in Mind When Traveling With an Infant

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The Best Baby Carriers for Travel (Packable, Comfortable and Lightweight)

Written by Becca

Updated on March 8th, 2024

Woman using a Didymos baby carrier

What are the best baby carrier brands and products for travel, especially for families? Check out this list of the best compact, packable and comfortable slings, carriers and wraps.

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Best Baby Carriers for Travel

  • Some background on baby-wearing during travel
  • My personal favorite baby carriers for travel
  • Best travel baby carriers for newborns (under 10 lbs/4.5 kg)
  • Best travel baby carriers for packability
  • Best travel baby carriers for “long carries” and hiking

Baby-carrying resources

As a new parent who got into “baby-wearing” during our baby’s first month of life, I found out that there was a lot to learn. I started “wearing” my child in a baby wrap and then a more traditional baby carrier. The question was, though, which one should I take with me during a trip?

As my daughter has grown, I have been through several baby carriers (okay, four of them) and I’ve finally landed on which ones I like. Seeing that different parents have many different preferences of what works best, as well as which type of travel they engage in, what are the best baby carriers for travel?

Transparently, I’ve tried four carriers (which is even quite a few), and I have my own opinions about which one is best for packing, which one is best for flying on a trip with a baby and which one is best for comfort. But my friend Rachel is a baby-wearing expert (and hobbyist) who has owned 11 baby carriers to date.

I would’ve been remiss if I didn’t ask her which baby carriers are best for travel, from the ones that are compact enough to pack in a suitcase to the ones that won’t kill your back if you choose to go hiking with your baby, up through toddlerhood .

Rachel was kind enough to provide a ton of the info you’ll see below, about all her baby carrier picks. I think this will help any parent a great deal based on all her incredible knowledge of a variety of baby-wearing products. Also, scroll all the way to the bottom of this article for some cool baby-carrying resources Rachel would like all parents to see!

Let’s get started on seeing which baby carriers are best for your style of travel, starting with a bit of a background.

Woman using the Baby Tula baby carrier lite for travel

Some background on baby-wearing during travel

Rachel says that there is “no single best baby carrier for travel,” but there is for sure an excellent baby carrier out there for any type of traveler and any type of trip.

Depending on your child’s size and developmental stage, and depending on your destination, you may even want to bring multiple baby carriers with you when you pack your backpack or suitcase. Of course, this is easier if you’re taking a road trip with your baby and have the luxury of space to throw things into the car, rather than flying.

Rachel also recommends keeping in mind that (except for some wraps) no baby carrier is “one size fits all.” Certain brands or styles may be much more or less comfortable for you and your baby, based on both of your body types (because babies, as well as adults, come in many shapes and sizes!).

If at all possible, it’s a good idea to find a local baby-wearing group or library, or participate in a “try-before-you-buy” program.

By the way, Rachel has provided her ratings (I’m calling them ”Rachel’s Ratings,” which I think she’s going to get a total kick out of) of all the baby carriers listed below, based on her experience with a bunch of baby-wearing options. I truly don’t know anyone who has more experience across so many brands and styles! Thanks, Rachel — you rock.

Woman using the Ergobaby baby carrier

My personal favorite baby carriers for travel

Before we get into ALL your options for travel-friendly baby carriers, I’ll call out the baby carriers I’m currently using with my child!

I use the Baby Tula Carrier Lite , which I talk about in this in-depth review . It folds up into a fanny pack that you can use as a purse for a few handy essentials and it’s one of the best baby travel accessories .

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It’s packable, lightweight and pretty comfortable, all at a moderate price and in a few fun designs and neutral colors. I’ll be taking it on every trip, and it’s great for the airport. When I’m not traveling, I keep it in the car!

Woman walking in NYC wearing the baby Tula baby carrier

For road trips, when I don’t need to pack down small, I focus on comfort, support and ergonomics with another Baby Tula carrier. I’ve been using the Explore Carrier, which has a forward-facing wear option, and has been great since our child aged past 6-7 months.

It is an incredibly well-built product with cushioned shoulder supports, a wide and strong waist belt and size inclusivity for parents of all sizes. See my review of the Baby Tula Explore Carrier for more photos.

travel bands for babies

Best travel baby carriers for newborns (under 10 lbs/4.5 kg)

Rachel calls out that newborns get their own section of the list of the best baby carriers for travel, because most carriers in the other sections are not ideal for babies as small and fragile as newborns. If your baby is bigger or older, skip this part!

Also, consider that babies born with lower birth weights may be at an average “newborn” weight for longer than babies born at average or above-average birth weights who gain weight quickly after birth.

Stretchy baby carrier wraps

Stretchy wrap carriers are an excellent choice for very small babies. Stretchy baby wraps pack up tiny, are super comfy and are truly “one size fits all,” making them a one-and-done solution for your baby-wearing during a trip.

They come in a variety of weights, patterns and colors, so it’s easy to dress them up or down in every season. The catch is that tying them up and fastening them safely has a bit of a learning curve, though in Rachel’s opinion, “it’s well worth it.”

I can say the same, from my experience in using the Solly wrap as the first baby carrier I ever tried with my newborn!

There are a ton of products in this category of newborn baby carriers for travel, and they differ only in look and fabric weight/composition.

Stretchy baby carrier wraps: Carry options

When talking about “carry options,” this will refer to how your baby will be carried on your body. With stretchy wrap carriers, your baby faces inward, frontward toward your body and against your chest and torso.

Best stretchy baby wrap carrier for travel: Boba Wrap Carrier

The Boba Wrap Carrier is a favorite option for baby-wearing while traveling with newborns because it’s affordable and packs up into a packing cube like clothing would.

It comes in quite a few different designs, from solid colors to polka dots and geometric patterns. What’s great about a wrap carrier, aside from fitting neatly in your suitcase for your trip, is that it can be worn by either parent or any relative. The “wrapping” becomes intuitive after watching a few video tutorials.

Rachel’s Ratings:

  • Weight & packability: 5/5
  • Comfort: 5/5
  • Ease of use: 5/5
  • Style & looks: 5/5

Full buckle newborn carriers

A “full buckle newborn carrier” offers a cuddly, lightweight and adaptable carry solution for parents who don’t want to learn how to tie a wrap carrier (and this is very valid!).

Note that some popular baby carriers in this product category (BabyBjörn Mini, Infantino Swift) do not have a hip-healthy design, and may exacerbate hip dysplasia and other postural issues.

This being said, check out the ideas for your carrier options below, for your next trip.

The back strap of the full buckle Ergobaby baby carrier

Full buckle newborn carriers: Carry options

For “full buckle” baby carriers that work nicely for newborns, the carry style is frontward and inward-facing, just like a wrap carrier.

Best full buckle newborn carrier for travel: Ergobaby Embrace

The Ergobaby Embrace newborn carrier holds a baby between 7-25 lbs and has a safe and supportive design through both a padded waist belt as well as cross straps, and neck support. It comes in a knit version as well as a mesh version .

Rachel’s Ratings: Ergobaby Embrace & full buckle newborn carriers

  • Comfort: 4/5
  • Style & looks: 3/5

Best travel baby carriers for packability

Now that you’re a traveling parent, I know what you’re thinking: “I want to take a baby carrier that packs small into my luggage.”

Packing is one of my biggest challenges when I travel, as I talk about in my (attempted) guide to being a minimalist on the road. Here are some options for easy-to-pack baby carriers that will fit effortlessly into your bags.

Ring sling baby carriers

As the ultimate choice in packable convenience, Rachel describes “ring slings” as “a length of woven fabric with two rings (usually aluminum) sewn into one end.”

With some practice, they can be an extremely quick and convenient way to carry your baby comfortably, for up to around 30 minutes or maybe even longer.

Many parents keep a ring sling carrier folded up in the diaper bag, just in case their independent waddler or toddler gets tired of walking, or just wants to be held.

Ring sling baby carriers: Carry options

Ring sling carriers will have the baby facing inward, and to the front of your body as the baby-wearer. Usually, the baby will also be supported at the hip.

The best ring sling baby carrier products for travel

Here are a few ring sling recommendations from Rachel, to consider for your next trip at home or abroad.

Wildbird Linen Ring Slings

The Wildbird ring slings are made of linen and come at an affordable price point. I had one, and personally decided that it wasn’t for me, so I gave it to another mom. It might be for you, though, and Rachel likes these a lot.

Didymos DidySling

The Didymos ring sling is made of heavyweight cotton and has a precise amount of stretch. The price is on par with the Hope & Plum ring sling mentioned next.

Hope & Plum Hemp Ring Slings (water safe!)

These beautifully-patterned ring slings are made of a hemp blend fabric for a soft feel and full support. The price is about double that of the Wildbird.

Rachel’s Ratings: All packable ring slings for travel

  • Comfort: 3/5
  • Ease of use: 3/5

Apron-style carriers

Rachel describes compact apron-style carriers as full buckle carriers that have less material, structure and padding. They fold down to become very small, and give a sleek look when worn, but can become uncomfortable after a substantial length of time, especially with a larger baby.

Apron-style carriers: Carry options

With an apron-style baby carrier, you’ll have the baby facing front and inward toward you.

For a baby aged 6+ months, you can consider doing a “back carry,” if their neck is strong and supportive.

The best apron-style baby carriers for travel

Happy baby original carrier.

This carrier is fully adjustable, breathable and is made of linen, making it 50% lighter than many other similar options.


This apron-style carrier and is good for petite women because of the short straps. Note that it comes in three sizes, from “baby” to “preschooler.”

Sakura Bloom Scout

This apron-style carrie ruses rings instead of buckles, and is a more luxury type, ranging from the linen carrier to the leather and silk option , among other high-end materials.

Rachel’s Ratings: Apron-style baby carriers for travel

  • Weight & packability: 4/5
  • Ease of use: 3-5/5
  • Style & looks: 4-5/5

Onbuhimos are a traditional Japanese carrier style in which the child sits up high on the back of an adult, and is secured by shoulder straps, but no waist belt.

As it uses very little material, the onbuhimo packs down very small, which is great for taking one on a trip; however, its lack of a waist belt can make it harder to wear comfortably for long periods of time without superior upper back strength.

It’s a favorite of pregnant mothers, as it provides a supportive carry with no waist pressure. This is great to know (thanks, Rachel!). Some models of these baby carriers can be worn on the front with smaller babies.

Onbuhimos for travel: Carry options

Using an Onbuhimo baby carrier on your trip will have your child facing front and inward. For babies older than 6 months, you can try back carrying if they support their head well.

Best Onbuhimos baby carriers for travel

Sakura bloom onbuhimo.

This one uses rings instead of buckles, available in a wide range of fancy textiles, from raw cotton to silk or linen.

Didymos DidyGo

The DidyGo is made from cross twill and is great for toddlers who are constantly going up and down.

Rachel’s Ratings: Onbuhimo baby carriers for travel

Best travel baby carriers for “long carries” and hiking

We’re calling out the types of carriers that are best for carrying your baby for a long time (think all-day sightseeing while traveling) as well as hiking, because the features that make them the ‘best’ are a bit different from the ‘best for packing’ carriers recommended above.

The baby carriers that will be best for wearing your baby for many hours during a travel day or during a hike (aside from hiking-specific baby carrier backpacks, which we’re not getting into in this list) will support you and your baby.

They might not be quite as packable for travel, but they prioritize comfort for longer periods of time. It’s kind of like you have to choose packability versus comfort and figure out which feature you prioritize for your upcoming trip.

Full Buckles

Full buckles are the carriers you probably already know about. They look kind of like backpacks for a baby, with padded shoulder straps and structured waist belts. I have been using the Ergobaby Original carrier and it’s a full buckle one.

The panel for a baby is often padded with canvas or another material, instead of being constructed simply out of fabric, in these types of baby carriers.

Rachel noted that there are a ton of styles and companies in this product space, and you can find something for every price point, fabric and taste. At the end of the day, there is no wrong choice here, except for carriers that are not hip-healthy. This includes many BabyBjörn styles, so keep an eye out for those.

Full buckle baby carriers: Carry options

With full buckle carriers, you’ll have the baby facing inward toward you in the front. At 5+ months, some models of full buckle carriers will have the carrier on your front, with the baby facing outward. Our baby enjoyed this option at 5 months!

Starting at 6 months, you can use a full buckle carrier on your back. Also, some models will let you carry a baby on your hip in these, but it’s rarely comfortable if you see how it looks.

The best full buckle baby carriers for travel

Ergobaby 360 or omni.

I think the ErgoBaby 360 is great! The Omni model offers the option to cross the straps for more petite wearers, like me.

Tula Explore , Tula Standard , or Free to Grow

Baby Tula is one of my new favorite brands. The standard model is for babies 6+ months old, whereas only the Explore faces forward and doesn’t have a hip option. The Free to Grow is for children from 7 to 45 lbs. There’s also the Preschool carrier for bigger kids.

Wildbird Aerial

This full buckle carrier has crossed straps only, and no front-facing or hip option.

Didymos DidyFix

This one offers the option to cross the straps for more petite wearers. Note that there’s no front-facing option.

Rachel’s Ratings: Full buckle baby carriers for travel

  • Weight & packability: 1-3/5
  • Ease of use: 4/5
  • Style & looks: 1-5/5

Woven wraps

Rachel says that woven wraps are simply lengths of fabric that can be used to wrap children of almost any size (yes, even big kids up to four years old!) to your body.

She makes a point that the learning curve is very very steep, but once you’ve got the hang of it, a shorter wrap can be a remarkably packable, comfortable and adaptable option for front and back carry.

Woven baby wraps for travel: carry options

Like many of the other baby carrier choices Rachel recommends, woven wraps are either for front and inward-facing carries, or, for babies 6+ months, back carrying.

Best woven wrap baby carriers for travel

These woven cotton baby wraps are beautiful, and also come in linen, bamboo viscose and cotton-silk blends.

Rainbow Frog Textiles

While this company doesn’t have too many different products in baby carriers, they specialize in ring-spun cotton warp and all products are made by hand. They also do custom requests.

Rachel’s Ratings: Woven wrap carriers for travel

  • Weight & packability: 3-5/5
  • Ease of use: 1-2/5

Half buckles and Meh Dais

Rachel introduced me to half buckle carriers, and Meh Dai carriers ! These types of baby carriers are crosses between woven wraps and more structured carriers.

Meh Dai is a traditional Chinese baby carrier style made of a panel of fabric with four woven straps. Two straps tie around your waist and two over your shoulders.

“Half buckles” are Meh Dais with padded and buckled waists for convenience. They both offer the comfort and compactness of a woven wrap, with a fraction of the learning curve.

Woman holding a baby and wearing a Didymos Didyklick baby carrier

Half buckles and Meh Dais: Carry options

Half buckle baby carriers and Meh Dai baby carriers can have your child facing front and inward by default, or on your back (for older than 6 months). Lastly, hip carrying is also an option.

Best half buckles and Meh Dais for travel

Check out these suggestions of which ones Rachel thinks are the best!

  • Didymos DidyKlick
  • LennyLamb LennyHybrid
  • Hope & Plum Meh Dai
  • Didymos DidyTai

Rachel’s Ratings: Half buckles and Meh Dais

  • Weight & packability: 3-4/5
  • Comfort: 4-5/5

DidyKlick baby carrier from Didymos

For parents looking for a central resource on hip-healthy baby carriers and hip-healthy certified carrier database, along with research partners, check out the International Hip Dysplasia Institute .

Additionally, you can post “baby-wearing fit checks” in r/babywearing on Reddit.

And lastly, the Center for Babywearing has a baby-wearing consultant locator tool so that you can find a babywearing consultant near where you live.

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Our Sweet Adventures

35+ Best Travel Toys for Babies

35+ Best Travel Toys for Babies

Are you flying with a baby for the first time,  road-tripping with a baby , or visiting the grandparents for the weekend? Are you an avid traveler, or soon-to-be parent, trying to figure out what to add to your baby registry? Then you are at the right place because I have over 35 of the best travel toys for babies.

My guide to the best baby travel toys is perfect for newborns through 18 months old. There will be tummy time travel toys to challenging sensory-focused activity toys. 

More importantly, every child develops at their own pace. Therefore, my guide is organized by the type of toy rather than by the baby’s age. 

You will find the best tummy time toys, rattlers, teething toys, toy straps and suction holders, sensory play toys, books, car toys, and more. All perfect travel toys for babies ready for an adventure! 

This post may contain affiliate links. When you click on the link you will have the option to purchase a product at no extra cost to you, but I would receive a small commission. I want to thank everyone for following and supporting us on all of “Our Sweet Adventures.” 

Read next: 20 + Best Travel Toys for Toddlers (18 Months to 3 Years Old)

A baby boy sitting in a hotel room shirtless playing with a cube and textured blocks - one of the best travel toys for babies.

Table of Contents

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Tummy Time

If you are traveling with a baby that is not mobile yet (which is one of the best times to travel with a baby), everyday items such as an activity mat and a tummy time pillow are the perfect travel toys. At this early stage in life, they are trying to develop their brain, learn immense skills, and take in their surroundings.

One of the first essential skills a baby is trying to learn is to hold their head up on their own and roll from tummy to back and back to tummy. So continue their development while you are on the go. Promote growth by showing them the world and continue tummy time with these travel toys.

Boppy Tummy Time Prop

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When we traveled with our twin babies, we brought our Boppy pillows, which were life savers! You might think it’s too bulky to pack for a trip, but it’s not. The Boppy Tummy Time Prop pillow is slightly smaller, making it the PERFECT tummy time pillow for traveling.

It also comes with a plush crinkle toy and rubber teething ring to attach to the patented SlideLine. The SlideLine is not limited to the toys included with the Boppy pillow. You can connect your baby’s favorite toys to make tummy time more fun and active.

Splashin’kids Inflatable Tummy Time Water Mat 

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One of the best ways to promote tummy time is the Splashin’kids Inflatable Tummy Time Water Mat. Babies will have fun splashing on the water without getting wet, which means no mess!

The water mat has fun, brightly colored sea animals that float in the water. Babies can try to touch the sea animals and watch them move along the water.

It is easy to inflate and deflate. You simply blow air into the outer ring and fill the inner mat with water. When you need to pack up and go, deflate the outer ring, empty the water, and then fold it, which fits nicely in a suitcase or a large diaper bag.

Lupantte Baby Activity Mat

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If you still need an activity mat, this one is highly recommended and perfect for traveling. What I like most is the replaceable washable cloth covers, which come with two! So when you need to wash one, your baby can still play on the activity mat.

The Lupantte Baby Play Mat has cute animals, detachable sensory toys, a black and white crinkle book, and a mirror. It is also easy to assemble or disassemble, lightweight, and easy to carry—all great for traveling with a baby.

Pro tip: the arches should fit in a suitcase, but you can also slide them into a pack n play bag or with your car seat bag.

Taf Toys Tummy Time Activity Book

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We love the Taf Toys Tummy Time Activity Book. We have used it for all three boys.

The Taf Toys Tummy Time Activity Book is a great travel toy for babies who need to work on tummy time. It is double-sided with crinkle pages for two developmental stages.

For the first three months, your baby can enjoy the first developmental side with high contrast, black and white single image pages. There is also a baby-safe mirror. The other side is for the second developmental stage, which includes vibrant colors with multi-sensory textures, fun 3D activities, and a tethered baby koala teether.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Toy Straps and Suction Holders

Before we get into ALL the best travel toys for babies, one of the must-have items you need to buy is a toy strap or a suction holder for toys. When traveling with a baby, you want them to avoid dropping toys on dirty surfaces constantly.

Toy straps and suction holders allow you to attach the toys to these devices. So your baby can play freely, and you can be (almost) worry-free of germs and stop the “drop game.”

Silicone Toy Straps

travel bands for babies

A silicone toy strap is a wonderful accessory on the go. You can use it on car seats, strollers, high chairs, and anything else it can wrap around.

Attach the toy strap to a pacifier, teether, rattler, bottle, sippy cup, or any toy with a handle, and you will stop the “drop game” forever. We love it for everything, but especially on planes and car rides.

These toy straps are washable, stretchable, adjustable, and made from BPA-free food-grade silicone.

Grapple, The Baby Suction Cup Toys Holder

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The Grapple is a cute apple-shaped suction toy holder that firmly sticks to flat, smooth surfaces. It also has three adjustable toy straps tethered to keep toys within the baby’s reach and from falling to the floor.  I want to specify the within reach because the toy straps are short. So we attach longer toy straps to the Grapple. 

It works excellent for airplane trays, high chairs, and restaurant tables. Going out to eat and flying is so much easier with the Grapple!

From personal experience, the bottom of the Grapple easily collects dirt. It works best when it is clean and moist. People often use a baby wipe or get the bottom wet with water to help with suctioning.

Otherwise, we love it! It is small, light, made with BPA-free food-grade silicone, and easy to wash.

Sassy Wonder Wheel Activity Center

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The Sassy Wonder Wheel Activity Center is one of the best travel toys for babies because it’s multi-functional. The main component is the spinning Ferris wheel with bright colors, grooved textures, and cascading beads.

The activity toy can also suction to flat surfaces and has “click clack” rings. We like to use the “click clack” rings to hold more toys with a toy strap.

Most importantly, the Sassy Wonder Wheel Activity Center has many benefits for a baby’s development. It has fun sensory elements, strengthens fine motor skills, encourages tactile exploration, and teaches the connection of sound to sight.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Rattle and Teething Toys

When a baby is teething, EVERYTHING goes in the mouth. Honestly, does this stage ever end?

Whether it is a teething toy or not, a baby will chew on it, and they will most likely drop it too. Therefore, I like to pack rattle and teething toys that can attach to a toy strap.

BABY ELEFUN Teething Toy Ring

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I know everyone loves Sophie the Giraffe (I do, too), but the Baby Elefun is one of the best travel toys for babies. You can easily loop a toy strap through the center of the teething elephant. So you can have a piece of mind that your baby won’t drop it.

The Baby Elefun has several soothing textures to help massage those sensitive pressure points in the baby’s mouth. Little fingers will find it easy to hold and maneuver to find the right texture in the right spot.

Manhattan Toy Winkel Rattle & Sensory Teether Toy

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Of ALL the rattle and teething toys, this is by far the favorite for all three of my boys. We can’t ever part ways with it because it’s been a lifesaver as one of the best travel toys for our babies.

The Winkel is a colorful rattle and teething toy. It’s a maze of soft, continuous BPA-free teething tubes connected to a center cube that rattles. The Winkle is easy for tiny fingers to hold and inevitably shake to hear a rattle, providing auditory stimulus.

When your baby is teething, you can refrigerate The Winkle for additional soothing comfort. It is a simple toy, but one of our most effective and used toys.

Itzy Sloth Lovey and Teether

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How can you resist a cute sloth?!? The Itzy Sloth Lovey and Teether is so adorable and snuggly. It will immediately be your baby’s new best friend.

The Itzy Lovey features soft sherpa fabric and a gentle minky plush for delicate baby skin. It’s also more than just a lovey. The sloth arms make crinkle sounds, there are textured ribbons for a baby to touch and explore, and an attached silicone teether to massage sore gums.

It’s the one and all lovey that you must get for your baby! In addition to the sloth lovey, Itzy has other cute animals, such as a bunny, dinosaur, koala, and lion.

Bright Starts Oball Shaker Rattle Toy

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The Bright Starts Oball Shaker Rattle Toy is among the best and most popular rattle toys. It is a simple rattle with an award-winning flexible   Oball at both ends. Between the Oballs is a clear, textured handle with colorful beads inside. 

The Oball finger holes make it easy for little hands to grip, squeeze, and play.   Or a baby can easily grab the textured handle and shake it to hear the rattling sounds of the beads. It is so much fun! Your baby will never put it down, especially if you loop a toy strap through the Oball.

Skip Hop Infant Pineapple Rattle Toy

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How cute is this pineapple rattle toy? It has cool summer vibes! The perfect travel toy for babies heading to a tropical destination.

The Skip Hop Infant Pineapple Rattle Toy has easy-to-grasp openings for little hands to grab, roll, and shake. Colorful rattle beads sit on top of the sweet pineapple to entertain a baby with delightful sounds.

It’s also a multi-sensory teething toy with rubberized leaves with different textures to help soothe the baby’s gums.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Sensory and Play

Sensory toys are crucial for a baby’s development. Yes, sensory toys are fun to play with, but more importantly, it promotes language, cognitive growth, fine motor, and gross motor skills.

So what are sensory toys? Anything that stimulates a baby’s sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch in a safe and natural environment using play. Some elements include bright, contrasting colors, sounds, different textures, and spinning.

Almost every baby toy has a sensory element, but here are the best travel toys for babies that strongly focus on sensory through safe play.

Melissa & Doug Flip Fish Soft Baby Toy

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The Melissa & Dog Flip Fish Baby Toy promotes many development skills through sensory play. It squeaks and crinkles, has bright colors, several textures, a silicone tail for teething, a small mirror, and hidden pictures under the scales. It is the fish that keeps on swimming; I mean giving.

Your baby will have endless fun with this cuddly fish. Yes, it’s a little big, but it fits perfectly in a diaper bag. Trust me. It will be one of the best toys to keep your baby entertained on a flight and at home!

Melissa & Doug Soft Taco Fill & Spill

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A baby’s first taco! This adorable sensory toy is a perfect travel toy for babies because it is light and small. The 12-piece soft taco includes a soft taco shell with smooth fabric, textured crinkles, and food-shaped fabric pieces.

When your baby is young, the pieces are great sensory toys to discover sounds and textures. As they grow, the soft taco toy will continue to engage the baby by developing their fine motor and problem-solving skills.

Show them how to fill their taco shell! And they will be making a delicious taco in no time.

3PCS Suction Cup Spinner Toys

travel bands for babies

Hands down, you must get Suction Cup Spinner Toys. These are the best travel toys for babies. It is the most used travel toy from our one-year-old twins.

The Suction Cup Spinner Toys will stick on any flat surface. From car and plane windows to airplane tray tables, hotel mirrors, and tables – we stick these to anything we can!

The three-piece set has different colorful bugs that promote visual and auditory senses and fine motor skills. Babies can spin the bugs in the center or its large “wings.” Your baby will have endless fun spinning, watching, and hearing the soft jingle bells from Suction Cup Spinner Toys.

Montessori Pull String Activity Toy

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The Montessori Pull String Activity Toy is one of our favorite screen-free airplane activities for kids . It’s a beautiful multi-sensory activity toy for babies around 12 – 18 months old seeking a challenge. There are several ways for babies to have fun and develop skills with this travel toy.

Through sensory play, your baby will learn cause and effect when they pull the textured cords. The textured cords make it easy for babies to grasp a hold while promoting fine motor skills and sensory exploration. It will also stimulate auditory senses because your baby will feel vibrations and hear sounds from the textured cords.

If you feel your baby will just put this toy in their mouth, that is okay! The teething journey never ends! Thankfully, the textured cords are BPA-free food-grade silicone. Our babies would chew this activity toy in between sensory play, which was a win in my book.

teytoy My First Baby Tissue Box

travel bands for babies

The teytoy My first Baby Tissue Box is a fun sensory activity toy that will entertain your baby by pulling out and putting in scarves and crinkle papers. The soft cotton tissue box is great for traveling because it can collapse into a diaper bag and open to its (almost) rectangular form.

It comes with 12 rainbow dance scarves and three crinkle papers. The crinkle paper makes stimulating sounds and is double-sided with vibrant colors, animal patterns, numbers, and the ABCs.

Fat Brain Toys MiniSpinny

travel bands for babies

The Fat Brain Toys MiniSpinny is an exciting sensory toy that will encourage fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination and teach cause-and-effect. The MiniSpinny has three vibrant propellers that spin down the free-standing corkscrew pole.

Like a rainstick, you can flip the MiniSpinny repeatedly to watch the propellers and listen to the sounds it makes while it spins down the corkscrew pole. Little fingers can also hold the MiniSpinny and spin the propellers down the corkscrew pole one by one.

It’s mesmerizing to watch, and it’s fun to play. Your baby’s senses will be spinning with joy when you take the MiniSpinny everywhere you go.

Sassy Fishy Fascination Station 2-in-1 Suction Cup Toy

travel bands for babies

The Sassy Fishy Fascination Station 2-in-1 Suction Cup Toy is among the best sensory toys for high chairs and tables. Moreover, it can suction on any flat surface. It is one of the best travel toys for babies because you can suction it to airplane tray tables.

The Sassy Fishy Fascination Station 2-in-1 Suction Cup Toy is a spinning Ferris wheel with many sensory features. The spinning Ferris wheel encourages the baby to reach, tug, and bat the individual spinning fishy toys. It teaches cause and effect while strengthening hand-eye coordination. Each fishy spinning toy also has colorful beads inside the clear structures to allow the baby to connect the sound to sight.

Again, this is a great travel toy for babies because you can remove the spinning wheel from the base for floor play. Hence, the 2-in-1 toy. Your baby can play with the spinning wheel inside a hotel room while you unpack and get situated.

HABA Rainbow Fabric Ball

travel bands for babies

The HABA Rainbow Fabric Ball is the first and only ball your baby will ever need! It features eight diverse sections with unique textures, contrasting colors, and gentle rattle and crinkle sounds.

The soft, colorful fabric ball is easy for a baby to grasp, toss, and roll. It is a great sensory toy to encourage tummy time, independent play, and crawling.

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Pull-Back Vehicle Set

travel bands for babies

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Pull-Back Vehicle Set includes a plastic storage bag (great for traveling) and four soft vehicles – a school bus, a family car, a fire truck, and a police car.

A baby can effortlessly pull back the vehicle and watch it accelerate at full speed. Bonus, it does not require batteries because it has a rev-up mechanism inside each vehicle.

The pull-back vehicles teach babies cause and effect while promoting independent play and fine and gross motor skills. They are great to play in a hotel room or grandparents’ house.

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Take-Along Shape Sorter

travel bands for babies

The Melissa & Doug K’s Kids Take-Along Shape Sorter is one of the best travel toys for babies 9 months and up. The shape sorter is a padded case with a take-along handle and includes two activity sides.

One side has a shape sorter to fit nine textured shape blocks. The other side has crinkle flaps with pictures and matching shapes beneath the flaps.

Babies developing skills to become toddlers will enjoy learning to identify and match shapes by dropping the textured blocks through the appropriately shaped slot.

Fat Brain Toys InnyBin Baby Toy

travel bands for babies

The Fat Brain Toys InnyBin Baby Toy is a cube with vibrant-colored elastic bands. It includes six fun textured and different-shaped blocks to push through the elastic bands of the cube.

It’s a challenging toy for babies, but it’s manageable. Once they understand the concept, they will stuff the cube with any object they can find.

Although the Fat Brain Toys InnyBin Baby Toy is a 5.5 x 5.5 x 5.5 in. cube, I still enjoy bringing it with us on our trips. It keeps our twin babies entertained in the hotel room as they enjoy putting anything inside the InnyBin cube.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Books

Books play a significant role in a baby’s development. So I recommend packing at least one book when you travel with a baby. Books help cognitive development, increase vocabulary, and reinforce basic reading concepts, such as turning pages and following text from left to right.

Babies are still developing their eyesight for the first few months of life. Therefore, babies should “read” high-contrasting, black-and-white images. As they get older, books with interactive elements such as crinkle pages, different textures, and peek-a-boo flaps will engage and stimulate your baby’s senses.

Here are a few of the best books for babies to pack on your trip!

Hello, Baby Animals Book

travel bands for babies

Hello, Baby Animals  is one of the best and cutest first books for a baby. It has high-contrast black-and-white pictures and patterns with friendly text. 

Hello, Baby Animals  is also one of many in the  Hello,  baby book series by duopress labs with art illustrations by Julissa Mora. Other books in the collection include  Hello, My World , and  Hello, Ocean Friends .

Beiens Visual Quiet Books

travel bands for babies

The Beiens Visual Quiet Books are high contrast, crinkle books with stimulating exercises on the pages. There are flaps, a turning dial, a baby-safe mirror, a squeaky, and more. All designed to help facilitate development in the retina, optic nerve, and brain.

You can choose Beiens Visual Quiet Book Shapes & Color, Animals & Color, or both!

Lamaze Peek-A-Boo Forest Soft Baby Book

travel bands for babies

Peek-a-boo books are a favorite at my house. So the Lamaze Peek-A-Boo Forest Soft Baby Book was an instant hit for us at home and on the go.

The Lamaze Peek-A-Boo Forest Soft Baby Book has soft pages with crinkle flaps and 3D features for your baby to interact with and play peek-a-book with all the cute forest animals. The book helps develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Every page has bright, vibrant colors with friendly animals. When you read this book to your baby and play peek-a-boo, both of you will have smiles and giggles!

Melissa & Doug K’s Kids My First Activity Book

travel bands for babies

You can count on Melissa & Doug to make a fantastic baby activity book. Every page is an activity of learning and fun.

The Melissa & Doug K’s Kids My First Activity Book is a perfect baby travel toy. It has eight interactive pages: learning how to button, buckle, count, match, play peek-a-boo, and more. This activity book can keep a baby engaged for hours, which is great for plane rides.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: Car Travel and Stroller

Road-tripping with a baby  or going to an amusement park might feel daunting, but if you prepare with fun car seat and stroller toys, you will do great! Here are a few baby travel toys perfect for the car and stroller. 

Read next: A Complete Guide to Epcot with a Baby or Toddler

Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Infant Stim Mobile To Go

travel bands for babies

Baby mobile for a car seat?!? What a genius invention! Speaking of a genius invention – the travel mobile is from the award-winning Wimmer-Ferguson infant collection, the original innovator of black and white developmental toys.

The Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Infant Stim Mobile To Go has three reversible discs that display black-and-white graphics on one side and high-contrast color images on the other. So as your baby grows and has the ability to see color, you can change the reversible discs.

The travel mobile is lightweight, easy to pack, and can attach to most car seats, infant carriers, and strollers with the sturdy plastic clamp.

Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony Plush 

travel bands for babies

The Baby Einstein Star Bright Symphony Plush is a cute musical toy at home or on the go because it has velcro straps to wrap around a car seat and stroller. The smiling star has vibrant colors, plays six classical melodies, and has gentle lights that dance around.

It has two settings that caretakers can control. One is a cause and effect, where babies can push the smiling star to turn on the music and lights. The other setting is where the music and lights will play continuously.

Taf Toys Koala in-Car Play Center

travel bands for babies

The Taf Toys Koala in-Car Play Center is a unique combination of a high-quality, baby-safe car mirror and a soft, colorful car toy for rear-facing babies. There are three cute activity toys tethered to the car toy – a crinkle rainbow, a koala that rattles with a chime bell, and a snail with a baby teether.

The car toy is easy to attach and adjust for the baby’s reach and play. The mirror and car toy attach separately, so if you already have a mirror, you can still utilize the car toy. With that said, Taf Toys also has other fun activity car toys for rear-facing babies, such as a stirring wheel, a cool penguin, and safari animals.

BeeSpring Hanging Spiral Car Seat Toy

travel bands for babies

Keep a baby happy and calm on your road trip with this BeeSpring Hanging Spiral Car Seat Toy. You can wrap the spiral car toy around an infant carrier and let your baby enjoy the hanging toys.

The spiral car toy also has contrasting colors and patterns to help stimulate a baby’s sight. Tethered to the spiral toy are a flower teething toy, a flower toy with colorful beads inside a clear center, and a rattling cow. If those toys are not enough for your little one, you can also attach more toys to the spiral with a silicone strap.

Lamaze Freddie The Firefly

travel bands for babies

Lamaze Freddie The Firefly is a fun, interactive travel toy for babies that can easily clip on a car seat and stroller. It has a Soft velour body with multiple textures to explore on the wings, including crinkle wings and a squeaker. There is also a baby-safe mirror for self-discovery.

On the top of the wings are high-contrast black-and-white patterns, while the bottom of the wings has vibrant, colorful patterns. Babies will have so much fun playing with Lamaze Freddie The Firefly while strengthening their tactile processing and auditory and visual development.

Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose

travel bands for babies

A distant cousin to Lamaze Freddie The Firefly, Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose is another interactive travel toy for babies that can clip on a car seat and stroller. The body is snuggly soft with a squeaky tummy while his antlers are textured to soothe teething.

His dangling legs have colorful hooves with fun patterns and make crinkle sounds to the touch. Babies will enjoy exploring Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose to stimulate their tactile senses.

And if you are wondering which one to get, either Lamaze Freddie The Firefly or Tomy Lamaze Mortimer The Moose, get BOTH!

Infantino Hug and Tug Musical Bug

travel bands for babies

The Infantino Hug and Tug Musical Bug is a cute musical toy for road-tripping. Wrap it around an infant carrier and let your baby reach, hug, and tug at the musical bug. Babies can either tug the bug or use their tiny fingers to wrap around the clacker rings and pull.

The musical bug is a great sensory toy to teach babies cause and effect from sight to sound. It only has one tune, which plays for 90 seconds as the bug slowly inches its way back up. It’s fun to watch and pleasant to listen to.

Best Travel Toys for Babies: BONUS Activity Center

Check out this bonus travel toy for babies – a portable activity center!

Summer-Pop ‘N Jump Portable Baby Activity Center

travel bands for babies

The Summer-Pop ‘N Jump Portable Baby Activity Center is a fantastic travel toy for babies. Let your baby get all of their energy out bouncing on the jumping activity center. This portable activity center is a must for active babies whether you are going on a trip with plenty of indoor or outdoor time.

There are three levels of height adjustment to grow with your baby, a floor mat, a removable canopy, and the seat is removable for machine washing. A few fun toys come with the activity center – a spinner ball, rattler, teether, and mirror book.

The Summer Pop ‘N Jump Portable Baby Activity Center is lightweight and unfolds in seconds. So your baby is ready to bounce while you kick back and relax on your trip. It also includes a travel bag with a shoulder strap making it easy to pack and carry.

I hope your cart is full of new, engaging, and sensorial travel toys for your baby. After three babies, I know that having interactive toys is important for a baby’s development on the go, just as much as if you are at home.

travel bands for babies

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23 Best Travel Essentials for Babies in 2024: All You Need to Bring

The whole point of this blog and many other family travel blogs is to show you that you don’t need to stop traveling just because you had a baby. In fact, a baby’s first year is an excellent time to travel (we speak from experience!).

The only daunting factor is the number of items a baby needs. How do you take all the stuff on your baby registry with you on a trip? Obviously, you don’t!

We and some other family travelers have put together a list of travel essentials for babies so that you don’t have to worry about what to bring and what not.

Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom. We’ve added a downloadable baby travel essentials list underneath this article. Oh, and it’s editable so you can remove any things you don’t need – or add them if we missed any baby travel items.

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23 Travel Essentials for Babies

We traveled a lot when my daughter was a baby and the one thing that made things so much easier was keeping my hands free the majority of the time. The thing that helped me with this the most? A backpack-style nappy bag !

The usual, messenger style, the nappy bag was so difficult to carry around, I was constantly having to adjust it and the strain it caused on one shoulder was immense. So, I switched to a backpack-style nappy bag and I’ve never looked back.

As well as keeping both hands free to care for the baby, backpack nappy bags usually have a ton of different shapes and size pockets and compartments so keeping all that baby gear organized is a breeze.

The biggest benefit to me was the fact that the weight is distributed evenly across your back , so there is no shoulder pain or constant moving of the bag to get comfortable!

If you’re traveling with a baby, it’s always a good idea to bring snacks. A whole lot of snacks.

In fact… that’s also a great tip for traveling with toddlers or older kids.

Not only will this keep them occupied, but it can also help avoid tantrums (if your baby is an almost-toddler). Snacks can also help pass the time on long flights or car rides. And let’s be honest, the food on planes is not exactly suitable for babies (or anyone, really).

So save yourself some hassle and pack a few snacks for your little one. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did.

Items that can be carried along while traveling with a baby (include the ones that are appropriate for your baby’s age) :

  • cooked rice/ rice balls
  • pureed fruits/ cooked vegetables like apples, carrots, beetroot, sweet potato, peaches, green peas
  • any kind of porridge/ cereal/ cooked legumes
  • finger foods like cooked potato/ carrot/ cucumber sticks, meatballs, hard-boiled and chopped eggs, chopped ripe fruits like apples, mangoes, strawberries, watermelon, nuts and dry fruits
  • soft whole wheat pancakes in different flavours

Make sure to carry insulated containers to keep the food hot/ frozen until use, and enough serve-ware.

This tip by Ale from Universo Viajero is definitely one we use. A couple of extra onesies are part of our baby travel kit anywhere we go. Ale suggested one extra outfit, but I’m going to up that and propose 3 extra sets, just to be sure (imagine being on a plane and having a couple of poo-splosions!)

When you’re traveling with babies, disasters are imminent, no matter how careful you are at feeding hours or letting them play. They may even find a water pond on the street and decide that crawling on it is the perfect game.

At any minute there may be an explosion of food, diaper, crying and many others. Protecting yourself against any eventuality is practically impossible, but there are always some tips to make the solution more bearable.

One of my favorites is to never leave your accommodation without a complete change of clothes for your baby, it can even be more than a complete change if you are going to be too many hours away without a return option. You will not use much space in your bag and you can leave them in the stroller or backpack diaper bag until it is necessary.

Don’t forget to include a disposable or washable bag to leave the clothes that have been spoiled there, keeping odors and dirt separated from the rest of your belongings.

You might’ve thought about spare clothes for your baby, but parents usually forget to think about themselves. And yes, technically, you could keep on wearing that shirt with baby vomit for the remainder of the journey.

But, trust me, you’ll thank yourself if you threw an extra t-shirt into the hand luggage!

Travel essentials with baby: moving around

This must-have item was contributed by Chelsea from Pack More into Life. For us too, this is the most indispensable piece of travel gear for babies. In fact, when we were only traveling with our Little Elf, it was the only item we brought!

dad with his kid walking with a baby carrier on the back

Traveling with babies can be a bit daunting, but having the right gear to travel with kids can make all the difference. One of my favorite items is a soft structured baby carrier such as an Ergobaby , Tula , or Kinderpack (#AffiliateLinks).

These carriers are easy to roll up and store in a backpack or clipped onto your back when not in use. Then when your little one is ready for a nap or needs a ride , you can easily toss them into the carrier, snuggle them in, and off you go to explore! 

We used our carriers at home as well as when we were traveling. They are perfect for inside airports , on public transportation , and when exploring a city that doesn’t lend well to strollers . The carriers all have multiple adjustment points and can often be shared between two adults when someone needs a break from carrying the little one.

If you are up for a bit more of an adventure, make sure to swap your baby carrier for a more outdoor-sy equivalent! Katalin from Our Life Our Travel did the same.

We are an outdoorsy family and a hiking baby carrier is essential for our travels. Strollers are great for parks and for short walks, but if you want to spend several hours hiking with your baby, the only convenient way to do is using an ergonomic hiking carrier.”

Katalin's husband with their child in the hiking carrier

With a hiking carrier, you have two free hands for taking photos or just holding hands with your partner, and neither rougher terrains nor stairs are a problem to pass. The young ones can observe the surroundings much better from your back than from a stroller, so it is easier to keep them occupied for longer periods of time. They also enjoy being carried and close to you , so it’s a double win!

Contributed by Melissa from My Travel Strollers

A photo of Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Travel System.

If you aren’t familiar, a travel system is an infant car seat and stroller that can click together . The advantage is that if your baby falls asleep in the car or on a flight , you don’t have to remove them to transfer to a separate stroller.

One of our favorite pieces of gear for traveling with a baby was our travel system.

It was perfect for traveling (as well as use around town) because we didn’t have to worry about strict bedtime or time zone changes while on vacation. For example, when we took our son to Hawaii at 3 months old, he would fall asleep on our drive to dinner (6pm locally, but 8pm back home). We could just clip his car seat into the stroller and sit back for a nice quiet dinner!

If your baby is not tiny anymore, you could use a travel stroller instead of a travel system. Chris from More Life in your Days loves bringing a compact stroller on vacations.

A photo of travel stroller.

One of our traveling-with-a-baby essentials is to take a compact travel stroller with us.

Whilst we love our baby carrier, there comes a point when your back needs a rest and your baby has had enough of being cooped up. This is where a travel stroller can be a lifesaver, giving you the chance to explore at your own pace.

A travel stroller will come in handy throughout your trip. From getting through the airport to sightseeing at your destination and even changing a nappy on the go ,  you will definitely appreciate having somewhere to put your baby down that you know is clean, comfy, and portable.

There will be no need to put the holiday on hold while your baby naps. Let them sleep in the stroller and enjoy some fresh air while you explore new places.

When we first traveled with a baby we took a full-size stroller and it was such hard work to have to haul it around with us on and off the buses and trains.

We now know better and have discovered that there are some amazing travel strollers that are as good as full-sized ones, just in a nice tiny package. Many of these have newborn setups so you can take them exploring with you from a very young age!

If you are up for a bit more of an adventure, make sure to swap your travel system or travel stroller for an outdoor-sy equivalent! Mary Beth from A Reluctant Mom will tell you all about one of her favorite travel accessories for babies.

Mary Beth and her family with the off-road stroller

We do a lot of outdoor and national park travels, so bringing the best off-road stroller  is one of our favorite travel essentials for a baby!

Its large rubber tires make it great for hiking, and we’ve been able to use it on a surprising number of park trails. It recently got us through some awesome hikes at Yosemite, Big Sur, and the Grand Canyon.

I’ll be honest, they’re a little bulky to travel with. But if your travel itinerary includes taking baby off-the-beaten-path , an all-terrain stroller is a must.

They can tackle rocky, uneven trails like a breeze, and the suspension keeps the baby comfy while bouncing over all those bumps. They’re also versatile enough for urban exploration, unlike your average travel stroller which probably wouldn’t be sturdy enough to go from city streets to  no  streets.

We promised ourselves that we’d keep traveling to the parks after the baby came along, and our outdoor stroller has made it easy to keep that promise!

Bringing along a car seat is a great idea whether you’re traveling by plane especially if you’ll be renting a car at your destination. Kate from Tear Free Travel thinks so too and always brought one when her kids were smaller.

As much as we can see the benefit of having a car seat on the plane, we don’t see ourselves dragging along such a huge travel gadget for babies.

Kate's kid chilling in the travel car seat

One of the most indispensable travel items for trips with babies is a   portable car seat for travel .

We’ve traveled a lot with our kids when they were young and bringing along the car seat always makes traveling with young babies a breeze.

We typically bring our Maxi Cosi bucket seat as this car seat is super lightweight, easy to buckle in with a regular seatbelt, approved for the airplane, and fits onto our Uppababy Vista stroller .

Although we don’t typically buy a seat for our infants under 2, we have had a few occasions where we were able to score an extra seat on the plane and brought our car seat on with us. Being hands-free while the baby slept quietly on the plane was an amazing feeling indeed! 

If you’re planning on using a car eat in your rental car, but you didn’t book an extra seat for your baby, bring a gate check bag for your car seat to make transport easier.

A travel car seat is not to be missed on a trip with a baby, don’t leave yours at home! 

If you do bring a car seat for your older baby or toddler, it won’t fit into the travel system anymore. If you don’t want to drag a chunky item along, think about bringing a car seat cart. Lauren from My Favorite Jobtitle is Mom will tell you all about it.

Lauren's kid sitting in the car seat which is strapped onto the car seat cart

The car seat cart is the travel item we never leave without when traveling with a baby. 

The cart is made of lightweight plastic and folds into a square that easily fits in carry-on luggage. 

When unfolded it has a buckle similar to an airplane seat belt to secure the car seat to the cart . 

Once the car seat is attached, the child can be strapped in and pulled like roller board luggage. 

This makes it super easy to travel all the way to the gate with the car seat without having to carry it .  It also allows our convertible car seat to replace a big stroller . 

The cart is a basic design that fits all convertible car seats . Therefore, you don’t need to worry about finding one that is specific to your car seat brand.  This cart is definitely an indispensable part of our baby travel gear.

Traveling with baby essentials for sleeping

When you’re used to a co-sleeper on the side of your bed, bringing along a baby nest is a great way to co-sleep without having to put your baby in your bed .

Betty from MomBrite loves using the DockATot . Babies love the comfort of their own bed. When they are traveling and need to sleep in a new, foreign crib or bed, they may feel anxious and therefore not able to sleep as well. She loves that the DockATot provides the comfort and safeness from home.

A photo of baby nest for co-sleeping.

The rounded sides create a barrier between your baby and the parents so that you can sleep with your baby peacefully in your bed.

The DockATot is designed so that the baby feels snug and cuddled while sleeping, which oftentimes allows the baby to sleep better and longer.

For traveling, you can simply get a travel bag for the DockATot and bring it with you as part of your luggage.

This baby travel product can be used from 0 to 8 months and is lightweight and portable.

Having your baby sleep well while traveling can make a huge difference in your experience since you can feel energetic and awake while exploring the sights! Plus, you can also use it as a changing pad and activity gym (with a few extra accessories) in your room, so that’s travel baby items to bring.

As an alternative, you can bring along a travel crib, but if your baby is used to sleeping close to you that might cause some trouble. You can also just put your little one into bed with you, but always (always!) make sure to bedshare safely (especially if you’re not used to doing this regularly).

If you don’t want to bedshare with your baby – be it with or without a baby nest – a travel bassinet is a perfect solution. Another big bonus is the fact that you can take it along for naps when you’re out at a restaurant too.

A photo of Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Bassinet.

Mandi from Big Family Small Adventures loved using a pop-up travel cot when her kids were still small. She found it the most useful travel essential for babies when she went camping with her large family.

“I love the pop up travel cot because it is so light and folds away so small it can easily be stored within your suitcase . When you reach your destination, just take it out of the bag and there you have it: the perfect place for your little one to sleep.” – Mandi

However, if you don’t mind the extra space, it might be more comfortable for your baby to bring along a portable cot . Many places state that a cot is included, but you can never be sure if it will be suitable for your child, therefore taking your own with you guarantees a good night’s sleep for both you and your baby.

Or you can always do what so many parents do: ask your hotel to provide a baby bed. You can save a lot of space by not bringing your own portable crib. When you’re staying at a hotel with your baby , make sure to call ahead and ask for a crib to be set up before you arrive.

Cath from Passports and Adventures has one item which she would class as one of the best travel essentials for baby and that is a white noise item.

Her product of choice was Ewan the Dream Sheep , who became a member of their family when their son was one month old in a bid to help him nap better during the day.

A photo of Ewan the Dream Sheep.

Ewan the Dream Sheep is a cute little sheep that has a built-in white noise machine that can play four different sounds , a built-in night light , and his Velcro tail allows him to be attached to a cot bar or stroller arm .

Because he was a firm part of the family’s nap and bedtime routine, Ewan also became a baby travel essential when they took off with their son.

He has traveled to Slovenia, New York, and Ireland among many places, and they only stopped using him after their son turned four. He ensured their son was able to drift off to sleep in new surroundings without any hassle and soothed him back to sleep if he woke during the night.

Alternatively, you can download an app with white noise sounds – or any other soothing sound. We highly recommend White Noise Baby Sleep Sounds .

It’s an app with 40 different sounds ranging from heartbeats, a plane, or a hairdryer. We originally downloaded the app because we wanted our son to be soothed by the sounds of the ocean (we thought that would come in useful when traveling), but turns out he only wants to sleep with the vacuum cleaner on. So that’s what we have been listening to for the last 10 months *sigh*.

I don’t know if we are the only ones always putting up towels or bags in an attempt to clock out the light, but turns out Emily from Journey of Parenthood has a way better way of doing this: black-out curtains ! So we’ve gone ahead and purchased them and we couldn’t be happier! Little Dragon sleeps so much better when it’s dark in the room!

A photo of Portable Travel Window Blackout Curtain.

If you’re thinking about traveling with an infant or older baby, black-out curtains are a huge help. It’s a must-have for a family vacation that many parents don’t think to pack.

When driving in the car it’s perfect to help to block the sunlight coming in from the windows to allow Baby to sleep.

When staying in a hotel room the curtain can be used to cover the window (suction cups are included!) so Baby can sleep and get the rest they need in order to be happy and content for the family vacation. 

We’re trying to keep things as normal as possible for our little ones, so if you use a sleeping bag at home, bring it along on your trip!

A photo of sleeping bag.

For babies under 4 months, we recommend a swaddling sleeping bag to keep them cozy and comfortable. We are a big fan of the swaddle sacks with arms up since babies like to suck on their hands to soothe themselves.

We’ve been using this sleeping bag for Little Dragon until he was about 6 months and always took it along for overnight trips.

Pay attention to the weather at your destination. If you’re going to a place with a hot climate, think about bringing a sleeping bag in a light fabric such as muslin. For example, this really cute one with hedgehogs

travel bands for babies

Our kids never batted an eye when we didn’t bring their favorite cuddle bear or blanket as a baby ( that did change a lot when our daughter turned 3 though! ). As we usually bedshare, they always just needed their moms close to being able to sleep well.

However, many kids are much more attached to their favorite soft toy and can’t sleep without it. In that case, it becomes one of the must-have baby travel items you should bring as leaving this behind could be disastrous!

When we were travelling with a newborn by car for the first time, my daughter was very unsettled and grizzily but we just thought it was the car trip that was unsettling her. Later that night at our destination she continued being very upset and unsettled, and crying a lot which she doesn’t normally do. We then realised our rookie error, we had forgotten to pack her favourite blankie that she always cuddled when sleeping. Luckily for us my brother was joining us the next day and was able to bring the missing blankie with him ensuring a peaceful night’s sleep for baby, us and our neighbouring holidayers from our second night onwards. We learnt quickly from this mistake and ever since then, the favourite blankie has been the first thing listed on our packing lists! Ingrid from Fabulous and Fun Life

Travel baby essentials: eating

You may be debating whether a travel high chair is really essential baby gear for travel, but if your kids are as messy and wriggly as our youngest, then it definitely is! 

It is hard enough to feed a baby in a new environment, but if they are sitting on your knee, can’t see you, and you’re trying to spoon feed them, it is pretty hard to keep clean, and calm.

Adding a portable high chair is key to a good restaurant experience with a baby but even if you’re just having a picnic, things just get so much easier.

There are many different types of travel high chairs , but both we and Jennifer from Backyard Travel Family went for the so-called ‘hook-on high chair’.

Jennifer's daughter chilling in her portable high chair

The Phil and Teds lobster saves the day when it comes to eating out with babies. 

This travel high chair is super compact . You can keep it under the passenger seat in the car and it is pretty lightweight , so you can bring it along in your suitcase as well.  It has two “claws” that clamp onto any surface that has a decent flat overhang.

You can use it at playgrounds or camping spots, attached to a picnic table, but it will also work in restaurants (with the right tables) and kitchen benches at your Air BnB.

Safety straps will hold them in, but what’s especially great is how deep the sides are .  There is no chance of a baby wriggling out of this high chair. It is easy to clamp on and off, and if you give it a push, it is as solid as a rock. 

#19 Inflatable Nursing Pillow (<6months)

I’m a breastfeeding mom and one of the things I love most is that you always have your baby’s food with you, wherever you go. You don’t need to bring anything else.

But that’s not to say there aren’t any breastfeeding essentials that can make your life easier. For Marta from Backpackers WRO , for example, an inflatable nursing pillow is one of her baby travel must-haves.

A photo of inflatable nursing pillow.

At home, I always use the feeding pillow, and this is one of my favorite baby essentials.

Fortunately, inflatable feeding pillows were invented, which makes me feel even more comfortable when traveling. I am sure that I maintain a proper feeding position , and my little fellow feels safe and cozy as well.

The main benefits of an inflatable feeding pillow are that it is light , compact , and does not take up much space in our backpacks, as it has the size of a small book!

If you’re traveling by car and have enough room, you can always just bring your regular breastfeeding pillow. Especially when your little one is still a newborn, that pillow comes in handy for a lot of things.

Another one of those travel baby accessories when you’re breastfeeding, is a travel pump.

Maybe your partner is used to bottle-feeding your baby regularly? Or you’re planning on using babysitting services offered by your family or by the hotel? In those cases, bringing a travel pump is a necessity!

Whether you choose an electric pump or a manual pump is completely up to you. The former takes up more place, obviously. It all depends on how much you will need to pump and how easy your body gives up the milk if it’s not the baby hanging at your breast.

I’ve always been very happy with my  Medela Maxi Swing  , but it’s a little on the expensive side. So you can check out the ones below for more budget-friendly travel breast pumps.

A photo of travel pump.

Alternatively, you can always express milk manually . Just bring along one bottle that you can use to store it or – if you only want to use it in your baby’s bath or just throw it away – a plastic water bottle will work fine too. Some people have noticed their breasts give milk easier by hand-pumping than by using an electrical or manual pump.

Travel gear baby: bathing & caring

Another one of those indispensable items that should be in your baby travel kit is a first aid kit. Things tend to happen when you’re traveling with a little one – especially when they start crawling and walking.

A photo of first aid kit.

My kids love to play outside and run around, but things happen and someone will trip or run into wild weeds. This is when our first aid kit comes into play. First aid kits can easily be purchased; however, we like to make our own and throw it in our diaper backpack when we travel. In our first aid kit, we typically put general items such as band-aids, vitamin E ointment, thermometer, allergy medication, alcohol wipes and sanitizer, as well as specific items for allergic reactions, fevers, inflammation, and burns.  There will be places that will not have these items readily available or families may find themselves in locations far away from any store or pharmacy. Going out into the wilderness, camping, safaris, boating, and other activities where first aid may not be available. Having your own first aid kit is essential, as a few simple items can make a big difference when traveling with kids.  Diana – The Elusive Family

Contributed by Priyadarshini from Glorious Sunrise

Baby wipes are one of my favorite family travel tips as it’s the most important item I always pack when traveling with kids. They come in super handy especially in buses, trains, or flights to clean the surface before you seat your kids.

A photo of baby wipes.

In airplanes, when you change diapers for the little ones in the bathroom, wipe down the changing table before placing the changing mat.

On road trips, when the kids are done with their snacks, pass them a wipe to clean their hands and their seat . This helps in keeping the mess in the car and sticky car seats and sticky toys at the minimum.

Wipes help clean up the toys and pacifiers that inevitably fall when you are out and about.

Tip: Having baby wipes in a plastic bottle or travel-size pouch makes it easy for dispensing.

This might seem like a little early for a baby’s first year, but as we are big supporters of Elimination Communication , I felt that it did belong on this list. Ever since our daughter was 9 weeks old (and our son was only 10 days old!), we integrated listening to her signs about needing to go to the toilet into our daily lives. It was all about communication, but not having to do ‘regular’ potty training was a big plus! She stopped wearing diapers at the age of 10 months and we were accident-free by 1,5 during the day and 2 at night. We used the Potette for a long time ourselves, both at home and while traveling.

Noelle from Diary of a Travel Family loved using the Potette travel potty as well when her kids were small.

A photo of travel potty.

The Potette folds up really small in its carry sack and comes with little disposable bags . It’s like throwing away a dog poo bag. Ew, I know. But hey, #parentlife. If you’re lucky enough to be by a bathroom when nature calls, the Potette’s sides fold out to fit on a regular toilet seat .

We think back fondly on all the places we used our Potette: near ancient ruins in Tulum, in bushes by the monkeys at the zoo, in the parking lot at Dollywood… so many memories.

Phew, you made it to the end of this list. As I said, you don’t need to bring every item you see here. It’s merely a reminder for you so you can go all “Oh yes, I completely forgot about that!”. Remember, some people travel minimalistic and some like to bring as much as possible ‘just in case’. It’s all up to you – either way is fine.

Happy travels with your baby!

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travel bands for babies


Babs Rodrigus is the co-founder and main writer of Mums on FlipFlops . She is absolutely crazy about traveling – especially together with her wife and kids. Babs loves animals, chocolate (what did you expect from a Belgian?), reading, and writing.

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40 Practical & Encouraging Tips for Traveling with a Baby

Home » Blog » Family Travel » 40 Practical & Encouraging Tips for Traveling with a Baby

Adventuring with a little one can be overwhelming, but these practical tips for traveling with a baby will make it feel much more manageable. After reading this article, you’ll feel encouraged and confident to start planning your dream family vacation.

Travel with a baby tips Akumal Mexico Baby Sunglasses

After taking all types of different trips with our daughter in her first year – from National Parks to European Christmas Markets to traveling Scotland by campervan (and so much more!) – we have learned so much about traveling with a baby. 

Why keep all these tips to ourselves when we can share them with you ?!

We know how overwhelming it can be , especially when other people tell you how hard it is traveling with kids. 

But you know what? It can also be amazing, too. 

Traveling with your little one will full your cup, create lifelong memories, and will open your eyes to a totally different way of looking at taking trips. 

While traveling with a baby certainly looks different and requires more flexibility and planning , we’re still able to do some pretty epic things. And you can too (if that’s what you want).

Traveling with our daughter has truly been life changing, and we can’t wait for you to experience this magic, too. 

Travel with a baby tips Cracker Lake Glacier National Park with a baby

Guide to traveling with a baby

  • Our story: Read about our travel-style and our background so you understand our approach to traveling with a baby.
  • Top tips: Wanna get to the good stuff right away? Jump right down to our top tips for traveling with a baby! 

This article is full of practical tips, gear that is actually worth packing, and encouraging advice that will help you feel prepared and confident about traveling with a baby.

We’ll also be discussing some helpful mindsets about traveling with a baby that can transform how you think about it. 

Whether you’re an experienced parent or you’re dreaming of someday traveling with a baby, we’ve got tips and advice that will help you feel confident to plan the family trip of your dreams!

Cannon Beach Oregon with a stroller tips for traveling with a baby

As full-time travel bloggers , traveling is one of our biggest passions, and it’s also both of our jobs. So when we found out we were expecting, we knew that travel wouldn’t just stop for us once the baby arrived (like many people warned). 

We’ve known for a long time that we’d want to start a family, eventually . So over the years, we (almost subconsciously) took note of all the people we saw traveling with their kids.

  • On our 4-day Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu , there was a family with 4 kids, the youngest of whom was 8 years old.
  • In Thailand , we saw countless families living nomadically or traveling with kids of all ages.
  • We met a family on the west coast USA, living out of their campervan with two little boys (before it was common!).

We stored up all these acquaintances as “evidence” that traveling with a baby is not only possible, but it can still be adventurous .

We saw it as inspiration and started to dream of all the adventures we could take our little one on. Together, we dreamed about how we could open their eyes to the endless beauty and kindness around the world. And we talked about how traveling with a child would create core memories and forge a bond between us that we just couldn’t replicate at home.

Travel with a baby tips Glenfinnan Viaduct Scotland

We were excited about this new chapter, and confident we could forge our own path despite what anyone said.

That mindset came in handy because soon after announcing we were expecting a baby, we got a mixed bag of responses:

  • “Can’t wait to hear all your advice for traveling with kids!”
  • “You’re definitely going to be slowing down and traveling less now.”
  • “Travel while your baby is young, because as soon as they can walk, traveling will be over!”

The good, the bad, the well-meaning… we got it all.

We expected people to say how difficult it would be . And if I’m completely honest, those “you won’t be able to travel anymore” comments encouraged us to prove to ourselves that we could in fact travel with a baby. And thrive while doing it.

The truth is, we were prepared for people to tell us we couldn’t travel with a baby. Remember, we had stored up all that “proof” that we weren’t the only ones with these dreams. 

Thinking about taking an adventure with your little one?

Be sure to download our  complete packing list for traveling with a baby !  It’s packed with good suggestions and advice for what has personally worked for us on our travels with a baby.

Whether you’re getting ready for your first ever trip with a baby, or you’re a parenting pro just looking for a few extra tips, we hope this baby travel packing list will serve you well!

Baby Travel Gear Packing List

Why trust our advice about traveling with a baby?

For years, whenever we saw people traveling with kids, we’d look at each other and say, “Wow, that’s badass. Someday I want that to be us.”

And now we’re doing it which feels both surreal and like we’ve been training for this for years. Because we kind of have.

Prior to having a baby, we traveled to more than 50 countries together and built a business around the travel industry. So travel is something we are not only passionate about, but it’s something we feel very comfortable with.

We made it a point to bring our daughter on some epic trips during her first year of life. And we have so many more family trips planned for the future!

Travel with a baby tips toboggan sled Innsbruck, Austria

In Juniper’s first year of life, she:

  • took 19 flights
  • traveled to 9 countries 
  • visited 14 US states
  • explored 4 US National Parks
  • went on 2 overnight backcountry camping trips
  • lived in a campervan for 4 months

Juniper went on countless hikes, slept in many different places around the world, and made more friends than any other other 1-year-old we know!

She is growing into a very adaptable little human, and we feel so lucky for all of the memories we have already created together.

If you, too, want to travel with a little one, we’re here to share all of the things that have worked for us along the way. 

We hope you take the advice that resonates with you and feel empowered to plan and execute your dream family trips!

Travel with a baby tips campervan

Why are you here?

I imagine you’re here because you want to know more about traveling with a baby. Ding, ding, ding!!!

Okay, that was obvious. But the rest is a little harder to determine…

  • Perhaps you are already a parent , and you want to start adventuring more with your little one but you don’t know where to start.
  • Maybe you already travel with your baby a lot , but you’re constantly seeking new tips and advice. Everything helps, right?! 
  • If you are expecting, be sure to check out our list of the best babymoon destinations !
  • Or perhaps you aren’t even sure you want to be a parent , and you’re trying to figure out how much, exactly, having a baby would impact your lifestyle and dreams.

You might be feeling excited about the prospect of traveling with a baby. Or confused about how to even get started. 

Maybe you’re skeptical about the whole idea of traveling with a little one. Or you’re feeling defeated after being told many times that traveling with a baby is hard, and you’re just looking for some encouragement.

Feel all the feels. They are all valid.

Wherever you’re coming from and whatever you’re feeling, my hope is that you’ll be able to find some nuggets in this article that will speak to you .

Everyone’s journey is different 

European Christmas Markets travel with a baby tips

In this article, we’re sharing tips for traveling with a baby that have worked for us. 

That last part of the sentence is important: These are the things that have worked for us , personally. 

I will say that we have been privileged that we haven’t had to deal with any major health issues. Our daughter is (for the most part) very easygoing and adaptable. Some of this we can attribute to things we have practiced and experiences that we have exposed her to. But I also know that some of this is pure luck.

Everyone’s parenting journey is different. And every child is different. 

You know your child and your comfort level better than anyone. Plus, we all have different priorities and goals and dreams and lifestyles. (Remember, traveling is a big part of our job, so things may look different for you.)

Pick and choose the tips that will work for you. Ignore the ones that won’t.

Psst! After reading through all our tips for traveling with a little one, be sure to read my personal note at the bottom of this article.

Our best tips for traveling with a baby

Let’s dive into the things that have worked for us.

Scroll through them all (there are 40!), or jump to the sections that are most important to you:

  • BUILD CONFIDENCE: Feel confident about traveling with a baby
  • PLANNING: Planning your trip
  • TRAVEL TIPS: Tips for while you’re on your trip

Good to know: Most of these tips are geared toward babies and toddlers (aka under 2 years old). As our daughter grows and our experiences change, we will continue creating resources based on our personal experiences.

1. Start small with “mini adventures”

Snowshoeing Bend, Oregon with a baby

One of my biggest pieces of advice is to start small. And start early.

In my last weeks of pregnancy, we got out a calendar and made “mini goals” for each week after the baby was born.

They went something like this:

  • 1 week old: Go to your favorite coffee shop
  • 2 weeks old: Go on a long(ish) walk (we went snowshoeing because it was winter!)
  • 3 weeks old: Go to a brewery or event in town 
  • 4 weeks old: Spend the night away (we booked a cabin in the woods)

More ideas:

  • Mini road trip
  • Go to a friend’s house for dinner
  • Book a staycation in your own town or a nearby city
  • Find a nearby soaking pool (with water temperatures safe for a baby)
  • Picnic in a nearby park

Everyone will have different comfort levels, but do what feels good to you.

Having these “mini adventures” on our calendar brought some much-needed structure to our weeks after having a baby. And obviously we knew we could cancel if it didn’t feel right at that time. 

These little adventures gave us the confidence to slowly make the excursions bigger , so that we weren’t completely overwhelmed when it came time to board our first international flight.

Note: Even if your little one isn’t a newborn anymore, it’s never too late to schedule some “mini adventures” on your calendar. Base the excursions on the skills you want to practice and the type of trips you want to take.

2. Practice “baby skills” on the go

Diaper change while hiking Osprey Poco Plus

This kind of ties in with the “mini adventures” above, but make sure that you’re practicing some skills on the go:

  • changing diapers in new environments
  • napping on the go
  • feeding (whether nursing or bottle feeding)

Trust me when I say you won’t want the first time you change your baby’s diaper outside of your house to be at the start of a trip. 

Diaper change in public bathroom tips for traveling with a baby

Make a point to breastfeed or bottle feed on a walk near your house.

Change a diaper in the coffee shop bathroom instead of waiting until you get home.

Camping with a baby breastfeeding

It will feel uncomfortable at first. But since you’re close to home, you can always go back and start fresh another day if things don’t go as planned.

Doing this time and time again will make you feel more confident and know what to expect. Plus, it will help your little one get used to environments other than your house.

3. Master the art of napping on the go

Travel with baby Haystack Tock Cannon Beach, Oregon

Black out curtains, a humidifier, and a bassinet that rocks babe to sleep are great, but we personally knew that we’d be in lots of situations where these wouldn’t be available.

So we were proactive about practicing napping in different situations from the time Juniper was very young . 

At home, we had an ideal sleep environment in her room, but we also practiced napping in the living room, in a travel sleeper, and while wearing her in a carrier so she could be adaptable.

Travel with a baby tips napping on the go Glencoe, Scotland

Once we felt comfy with it, we practiced napping around town, and eventually on mini trips.

She quickly mastered sleeping just about anywhere:

  • her stroller
  • in a baby carrier
  • in our arms
  • in quiet places
  • and noisy ones too

Travel with a baby tips napping on the go Innsbruck, Austria

Being able to have her sleep in different environments has been a game-changer for us (especially in the earlier months!). It allowed us to get out of the house and not worry about being home at an exact time.

It also made the prospect of traveling with a baby seem so much more attainable when we were newbie parents.

One item that has been helpful for napping on the go:

  • Travel sound machine (if you forget this, there are apps and Spotify channels with white noise)

4. Refine your diaper bag

These “mini adventures” I keep talking about will help you realize what you need in many different situations, and what items never get used. 

Take note of these things and keep repacking your diaper bag until you have it down.

AKA you have all the essentials (and remember to restock the items that get used up, like diapers and wipes!) and none of the bulk .

Baby Travel Gear Packing List

5. Put the essentials in a fanny pack diaper bag

Diaper bag fanny pack travel with a baby tips

Your full-sized diaper bag will come in handy for bringing all the necessities on your trip, so don’t leave it at home. But there will be many times where you won’t want to lug a big backpack around all day .

Wandering historic cobblestone streets of European cities or walking beach trails on a humid island or a hike in the mountains will all be so much more enjoyable without your full-sized diaper bag.

Pack the essentials – diapers, wipes, diaper cream, a binky, medications, small snacks, etc. – into a fanny pack. You can also include any of your personal necessities for the day (chapstick, credit cards and cash, keys, etc.)

I have this fanny pack that is actually made for this purpose (there’s a wet wipes pocket), but you could use any medium to large size fanny pack ( like this one ). Usually, I just string it over the handle of our stroller so I don’t have to actually wear it. This way, we’re prepared but aren’t bringing the bulk!

Psst! This diaper bag fanny is much cuter than mine, but it’s 3 times the price.

6. Don’t buy all the things

As soon as you get pregnant, it’ll feel like you are constantly being bombarded with ads for all this “essential baby travel gear”. 

Plus, there are all these bloggers and influencers who share all the gear that they use (myself included).

And holy cow, it’s overwhelming.

There is just so much stuff out there and it can feel like you need it all. 

Spoiler alert: You DON’T.

It’s hard to know what will really make your life easier and what isn’t worth the money or space. 

Here’s the best way to really get a feel for what baby gear you need:

  • Take those “mini adventures”! I sound like a broken record at this point, but they are truly a low-risk way to find out what items you really need.
  • Find a handful of voices you resonate with and trust (a friend, a family member, a blogger/influencer). See what items they recommend and see if it sounds like something you definitely need.
Psst! One way to save money is to search for items on Facebook Marketplace or your local Buy Nothing group. Many first-time parents end up with duplicate items or are keen to sell baby gear after it’s lightly used (since many things won’t be necessary as they grow older). We got so many baby items and nursery furniture this way (and we’ve sold/given a bunch of things away on these platforms too!).

7. Create routines that can be recreated anywhere

Travel with a baby tips campervan bedtime

While you’re at home, try to create routines that you can recreate anywhere. 

Maybe there’s a certain book you read to signify bed time. Or a song before naps. Or the routine of brushing hair and teeth.

These routines are simple and don’t require much, so you can give your little one the cues they look for even when you’re far from home.

8. Pick and choose the advice you follow

Hiking with a baby Central Oregon

As a new parent, it can be really scary even thinking about traveling with a baby for the first time. And it’s even scarier when people you know (and trust) tell you how hard it will be, or how that part of your life is over.

First things first: Tune those people out.

Take the advice that resonates with you, and ignore the rest. 

Our personal experience:

I remember when I was pregnant I kept hearing how hard parenting was. The advice came from people who meant well – and who were probably right in many ways – but it made me feel nervous and unequipped. 

In the midst of all the warnings, one of Ben’s cousins talked about how much fun being a parent was. She went on and on about how, “ yes, it’s work, but it is also the best thing ever!”

In that moment, I remember finally feeling excited rather than scared.

So I decided I would focus on the advice that lifted me up rather than the words that brought anxiety.

Now as Juniper is getting older, we get similar well-meaning advice from people who say things like, “Traveling when they’re this age is easy. Just wait until she is walking. Then, your work is cut out for you!”

The “just wait until ” advice doesn’t sit well with me. So now I just ignore it.

Take the advice that makes you feel encouraged, and leave the rest. 

Yes, that applies to this list . 

The tips we’re sharing are things that worked for us . If something doesn’t sit well with you, ignore it and listen to the pieces of advice that feel right.

Everyone’s parenting journey is different. You’re in charge of yours. Nobody else.

9. Work on your mindset

Travel with a baby tips Austria monastery Ettal Abbey

Read the sentence below and internalize it: 

People have kids in every country of the world. 

Unless you’re going to a really remote region or an active war zone, bringing your child on a trip isn’t anything unheard of. Other people have brought their children to the destination you’re dreaming about, so why can’t you?

If traveling with your child is important to you, you can make it happen.

10. Adjust your expectations

Cenote Azul Mexico with a baby

Traveling with our baby has been one of the most empowering and rewarding things we’ve ever done. 

But it has also included moments of exhaustion and frustration .

Like many people, we probably don’t share enough of those moments publicly on social media . (Although I’m trying to work on that!)

travel bands for babies

I truly think that for most people, traveling with a baby will be a wonderful experience as long as you have realistic expectations…

Think about what travel looked like before kids and what it will look like now. Consider what will be the biggest changes. 

This will help ensure your expectations are realistic and set you up for having amazing experiences with less frustration.

These are some of the differences for us:

  • Don’t worry too much though, the flight is just a small part of the journey and we have some tips for flying with a baby that will help a ton!
  • Traveling with a baby means we usually need to move more slowly , and we are able to do less each day than we would without a baby. 
  • Sometimes we need to cancel plans or turn around from a hike early because our daughter just isn’t having a great day. We’ve found we need to be a lot more flexible and be prepared for some plans to just not work out.
  • Good news: We’ve got practical tips for choosing accommodation with a baby ! 
  • We can’t just pop into a bar for a late-night drink if we feel like it. And there are plenty of cool bucket list activities that just don’t allow children . (Aka no more scuba diving together for a while!) Still working through my FOMO with this, but there are still plenty of epic things we can do, so I’m trying to focus on that.

11. Think about your why

Horses and baby in the snow in Garmisch, Germany travel with a baby tips

Between logistics and packing, traveling with a baby requires a whole different level of planning. And it can get overwhelming. Especially when you have family or friends who aren’t all that encouraging. 

When you start to get frustrated or overwhelmed, think about why you want to travel with your baby.

Is it to feel like yourself again and pursue a hobby you love?

Is it to create memories as a family? 

Is it to show your child the world and see it through their eyes?

All of the above?

Focusing on the why will make the process – frustrations and all! – much more bearable. 

Innsbruck Alpine Zoo aquarium with a baby

Here are some examples of why you might want to travel with a baby:

  • It fills your cup.
  • It shows your child to prioritize things that make them happy.
  • It shows them the world is so much bigger than your community.
  • It gives them the opportunity to meet and interact with people different from themselves.
  • It teaches them flexibility.
  • It creates lifelong memories.
  • It may introduce them to a forever hobby or skill.
  • It teaches them to cherish experiences over things.
  • You can grow and bond as a family.
  • You can push your comfort levels together.

And here’s one more that I’ll add to the list:

  • It’s easier than you think. (Hopefully this article helps make it feel more doable!)

Write your “whys” on post-it notes and stick them around your house. Journal about it. Set your phone screen to be a picture that motivates you.

Do whatever it takes to remind yourself of why you want to make traveling with a baby a priority.

12 Talk about what makes you nervous with your travel partner

Travel with a baby tips Cancun, Mexico

Still have some nerves?

That’s totally normal. In fact, I’d be a little worried if you didn’t have anything that you were nervous about.

It can really help to talk out these feelings with your partner. 

Maybe you just need them to listen to you and validate your concerns. Or perhaps walking through the scenarios that you’re most uncomfortable with together and discussing what you’d do in each situation will make you feel more prepared.

Whatever the case, getting your worries out in the open will help ensure you’re both on the same page and there for each other.

13. Don’t stress too much about the flight

Flying with a baby

The flight is just one (tiny) fraction of your trip. And in many cases, it will not be nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be in your head. 

Think of it this way: Most people on flights have headphones in (watching movies or listening to music) and won’t even notice if your baby is being fussy. 

That realization made me feel a lot better before taking our first flight with a baby! (Hopefully it helps you, too.)

We took 19 flights (legs) with our daughter before she turned one, and we gathered all our top advice and created an entire guide full of tips for flying with a baby that should help ease your nerves and make you feel confident about boarding that plane!

In short: Don’t let your nerves about the flight prevent you from going!

14. Start with a trip that’s within your comfort zone

Cozy Cabin with a baby

Just like we recommend starting with “mini adventures” near home so you can build your confidence, make your first trip with a baby one that is within your comfort zone.

Maybe this means you return to a place you’ve already been to.

Baby swimming pool travel with a baby tips

Or maybe this means you travel to a country where English is the native language (or widely spoken), so you don’t have to worry about language barriers.

Make the actual trip one that doesn’t stress you out or push your boundaries too much. This way, you can focus on getting the hang of this whole t raveling with a baby thang so that you can plan bigger, bolder trips for the future.

15. Pack as light as possible

Packing for travel with a baby tips

This is honestly a tough one because I truly think it comes down to finding a balance between packing light and making sure you have all the essentials (many of which are really freaking bulky).

We’ve got lots of advice on the best gear for traveling with a baby , but in general, less is more.  Make sure the items you’re bringing are going to be used and won’t just be dead weight.

And truly, bring as few toys as possible. You will thank me when you’re traveling around with ease because you ditched half the toys you thought you needed.

Psst! Want to know what baby gear we personally recommend? We’ve gotcha covered with our favorite baby travel gear.

16. Remember: you can get diapers everywhere in the world

Personally, I don’t stress too much about diapers because you can buy them everywhere in the world. 

Bring plenty of diapers for the plane and to get you through the first several days of your trip. But if you’re going to be gone for a couple weeks (or more!), don’t stress too much about packing the perfect amount. 

Just about every grocery store or convenience store should have diapers and wipes available.

If you’re having trouble finding them in your destination, ask the hotel staff to point you in the right direction.

17. Choose your accommodation wisely

Airbnb with a baby Garmisch Germany

Something I’ve learned is that the type of accommodation we book with a kid is much more specific than when it was just the two of us .

There are a lot of other factors to consider, and what might have been a perfectly good hotel for you will be a disaster with a babe.

Lemme tell ya, we’ve learned the hard way what doesn’t work well anymore now that we travel with a baby.

Revolution Hotel Boston

There have been a few very uncomfortable stays and even an Airbnb that we left (already paid for) because it just didn’t work with a baby.

Psst! Read our tips for choosing a hotel with baby so you don’t make the same mistakes!

18. Book places with pack ‘n plays when possible

Airbnb pack 'n play travel with baby tips

If it’s an option, try to book hotels and Airbnbs that have a travel crib for your baby. 

Many hotels and many Airbnbs offer this, so keeping it in mind when you’re making your reservations is key. This means you won’t have to travel with your own, which is a huge space saver.

Their booking details will usually disclose if they have a crib available. If you don’t see anything about a crib, it doesn’t hurt to ask. We once asked an Airbnb host if she had a crib available, and she decided to buy one so that she could offer it to future guests.

Airbnb pack 'n play travel with a baby tips

If you’re not finding any good accommodations with cribs available don’t stress too much. It’s definitely possible to bring your own.

The Guava Lotus pack ‘n play is undoubtedly the best travel one on the market. Trust me, I spent a lot of time comparing, and it’s the smallest, most durable, and made without toxic materials. So if you’re looking at buying one for travel, the Guava Lotus is what you want. (This is the one we personally have.)

Even though it is compact, it is still bulky and another item to lug around. So if you can get away with not having to pack it, that’s a big win.

Our personal experience

During our 3-week European Christmas Market Trip, we stayed at 8 different hotels/Airbnbs, and all but one had a crib available, so we decided not to bring our own. We are comfortable with co-sleeping, so we did this on the nights that we did not have a crib available. 

However, there are some destinations where finding accommodation with cribs is much more difficult. For example, we’re currently planning a trip where we’re mostly staying at Airbnbs and none offer pack ‘n play, so we will be bringing our own.

19. You can rent things on vacation… (but you might not want to)

Lately I’ve seen a lot of articles and social media posts about renting baby items on vacation through platforms like BabyQuip .

In theory, it’s a great idea, and can be really useful in some situations . There’s a lot to be said for not having to lug around bulky gear, after all. 

Examples of items you can rent: 

  • high chair if you plan on eating lots of meals at the accommodation
  • bassinet or pack-and-play when your hotel does not offer this option
  • car seat when it is significantly cheaper than going with one through the rental car company
  • hiking baby carrier (if you have a big hike planned for on your trip)
  • beach toys if you are doing an ocean vacation but don’t have or want to pack the gear
  • so much more!

But here’s my word of caution…

These rentals can add up quickly , and before you know it, you might be spending hundreds of dollars. (Especially if you’re on a longer trip.)

The prices vary depending on what products you’re looking for and where you’ll be traveling, so calculate the total cost to help you determine whether this would be worthwhile service for you or not.

20. Invest in a compact stroller

Montreal compact travel stroller travel with a baby tips

One of our most-loved travel items is our compact stroller. It is one of the things we’d strongly suggest buying specifically for travel.

On our first international trip with Juniper, we lugged our normal stroller. This stroller was a hand-me-down from a friend and we love it for at home. But we quickly learned that it was an absolute beast to transport.

It was very heavy and still took up quite a bit of space even when it was collapsed.

After that trip, we bought a stroller that was made for travel . It folds up small to be able to easily fit in the overhead compartment on planes, making it a breeze for travel. 

We personally love our Colugo stroller (and have brought it all over the US and the world!) and would highly recommend it as a durable and affordable travel stroller.

21. …and a solid baby carrier

Boston Chinatown with a baby

Having a solid travel stroller is great, but there are places and activities where a carrier is far superior.

Here are just a couple of things to consider:

Stroller is better when:

  • it’s hot out and you don’t want to baby wear
  • the sidewalks are well-maintained and the streets are flat

Baby carrier travel tips

Carrier is better when:

  • you’re in a crowded place
  • the sidewalks are not well-maintained (or the streets are cobblestone)
  • you’ll be getting in and out of public transportation

We’ve had a lot of baby carriers, and we both agree that the Ergobaby Omni 360 is the best all-around baby carrier. It’s pricy, but lasts for a long time and is good in a variety of situations. Plus, it works for both of us to carry her, even though we have very different bodies!

22. Consider traveling in a campervan

Scotland campervan rental with a baby

We’re biased and this certainly won’t be for everyone, but we’ve found campervan travel to be wonderful with a baby , especially when Juniper was really young.

We had everything we needed with us at all times, and we could pull over at any minute to cook a meal, change a diaper in the comfort of our own van, or just hang out in our own private space.

In Juniper’s first year we:

  • spent 4 months living and traveling in our own campervan that we built from scratch
  • we rented a campervan in Scotland for a 2-week road trip (spoiler alert: it was amazing!)
  • plus, we rented a campervan in Ireland for 1 week too!

If you’re renting, you’ll really want to look at the space to figure out if it will work for your family. Most campervan rental companies will be happy to help you choose. We also have a whole list of USA Campervan Rental Companies you can choose from that we personally recommend.

Traveling in a campervan with a little one certainly requires a different mindset, and I wouldn’t recommend it as your first trip with a baby if you’ve never experienced vanlife before . But I think camping can be very special with a little one and a unique way to see a destination.

VanLife Baby Packing List - Two Wandering Soles

And don’t leave home without our VanLife Baby Gear Checklist . These are the things we always pack in our van that make our lives so much easier and keep our baby happy.

23. Get a baby passport ASAP

Baby Passport airport

If you plan on traveling internationally with your little one in their first year, we’d recommend getting the process rolling shortly after they are born so you are sure it’ll arrive in time. We applied for Juniper’s passport when she was just 3 weeks old, so it really isn’t ever too early.

This is actually very easy to obtain and we have a whole guide to getting a baby passport . 

Good to know: If you have Global Entry and want to continue using it, you will also need to apply for this for your baby. We learned the hard way when we were turned away at Global Entry. “Interview” time slots fill up very quickly, so schedule this as soon as you get the passport.

24. Get travel insurance 

Hopefully I don’t have to explain why here, but we get travel insurance for every trip we take.

Now that we have a baby, it feels even more important to be properly covered.

Need advice on how to go about getting the best policy for your situation? We’ve gotcha covered in this guide to choosing travel insurance .

25. Get an eSIM on international trips

If you are traveling internationally, it’s super helpful to be able to connect to cell service immediately upon landing.

This can be essential if you need to contact your transport or hotel. 

We love eSIMs because you don’t have to search for a physical SIM card (a hassle) and you don’t have to pay crazy international coverage fees from your home phone service.

Our favorite eSIM is Airalo .

Psst! We have an entire guide to how to get an eSIM here . 

26. Renting a car is usually a great idea

Road trip Garmisch, Germany

We love using public transportation on our travels, but having a rental car is a lot more convenient when you’re traveling with a baby.

You won’t need to carry around your car seat or luggage, and you can go at your own pace, making stops as frequently as you need. Plus, you won’t have to run so you don’t miss that train! (We’ve all been there.)

When in doubt, make it a road trip. And be sure to check out our tried and true 5-step plan for making your road trip a success !

Want some road trip ideas?

Here are our favorite road trips in the world:

  • Iceland Road Trip
  • Scotland Road Trip
  • New Zealand Road Trip
  • Australia Road Trip
  • Yucatan Peninsula Road Trip
  • Costa Rica Road Trip
  • Banff to Jasper Road Trip
  • European Christmas Market Road Trip
  • Oregon Road Trip
  • Oregon Coast Road Trip
  • Utah Road Trip
  • Idaho Road Trip
  • Washington Road Trip
  • Colorado Road Trip
  • New England (fall foliage!) Road Trip

27. Include family in your trips

Family travel with a baby Nicols Ledge Vermont hike

Again, this is a tip that may not apply to everyone, but you may want to consider including family in your travel planning.

This could be an opportunity for them to create special memories with your little one, and who knows – maybe they’ll give you the gift of a “date night” while they watch baby !

You could either plan a trip together (hint: book a big Airbnb for the most comfortable stay!), or plan a trip to visit friends or family who live somewhere you’d like to explore.

We’ve been lucky enough to take trips with both Ben’s family and mine, and we’re excited to plan more extended family vacations in the future.

28. Move around less

Baby swimming pool and sunglasses travel with a baby tips

If you’re used to moving around from place to place rather quickly on your trips, you may want to slow it down a bit (or a lot!) when you add a baby into the mix. 

You’ll be able to cover much less in one day, and you’ll need to consider what you’ll do during nap times and when babe needs to go to sleep at night.

You certainly don’t need to stay in one place the entire time (though that’s not a bad idea); but trust me when I say you don’t want to move to a new place every single night .

Our rule of thumb is we aim to stay in places at least 2 nights on trips, but 3-4 nights per place is ideal , in our opinion. 

(An exception to this is when we’re staying at an airport hotel the night before a flight, we only book one night.)

Psst! Read our tips for how to choose the best accommodation for traveling with a baby !

29. Get to major attractions early

Calton Hill Edinburgh with a baby

Take advantage of your little one’s early wake up call (sleeping in on vacation is something I dearly miss!) and when possible, get to those popular sights before the crowds get there .

Not only will you have a better experience without all the people around, but there will be less commotion and sensory overload for babe. Plus, without all sorts of people around you may feel less self-conscious if your kiddo starts to get fussy.

30. Plan on early dinners (sometimes)

Travel with a baby tips Pho Vietnamese restaurant

Not gonna lie, I’m a huge fan of late dinners. I like the buzzy atmosphere and I don’t usually get hungry until later in the evening.

But alas, there are many cases where it makes a lot of sense to do an earlier dinner when you’re traveling with a baby.

Popular restaurants tend to be a lot more family-friendly before the dinner rush really begins. That might mean making a 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. reservation . If you’re like me, you might be rolling your eyes, but getting there earlier means you won’t have to worry about disturbing the late-night dinner crowd with a baby that is overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds.

We don’t always stick to early dinners, but when we know a place is popular or on the fancier side (or if it’s a weekend night), we do like to go before the real dinner rush (aka sensory overload!) begins .

31. Take advantage of room service (or takeout & delivery!)

Takeout pizza hotel with a baby

Pre-baby, this was never something I’d do, but having dinner in your hotel or Airbnb can be really convenient (especially after a long day of exploring!).

We’ve gotten takeout/delivery a handful of times on trips and either have dinner as a family, or eat once our daughter has gone to sleep. It’s can be such a treat.

Money-saving tip: If you book accommodation with a kitchen, plan on cooking at least a couple of nights during your trip.

32. Cook some of your baby’s favorite meals

Baby Led Weaning travel tips

When possible, I like booking accommodation with a kitchen or kitchenette so I have more control over what our daughter is eating.

We love having her try new foods on our travels, and overall she is a pretty great eater. But we’re not always able to get to a restaurant when she starts getting hungry. It’s nice to be able to whip up some easy and wholesome meals we know she likes at our Airbnb so we can carry them with us throughout the day.

Below are a few meals and snacks that have worked well for us. I specifically chose dishes that use few ingredients that are easy to find in most places around the world, as well as dishes that don’t require complex cooking equipment.

If your baby is eating solids, use these ideas or create your own list of their favorite foods that you can easily replicate on your travels. Use this list to determine what items you’ll need to pack from home.

Insider Tip: Bring reusable baggies ( like these or these ) to store food to easy eating on the go. You could even bring a small cooler so you can carry it with you during a day on the road.

Baby Led Weaning Travel Tips

Banana & egg pancakes 

Mash one ripe banana then add one egg. Mix until combined into a batter. Pour this in a skillet with oil (I prefer coconut oil), and cook on both sides, like a pancake.

I like to add a little nut butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon if I have access.

Insider Tip: Pack nut butter packets like these to be able to easily add it to different meals.

Smashed avocado

Super simple! You can add tomatoes too if you want. Serve as is or with rice crackers.


I prefer to bring my own premade mix from home in a large silicone baggie . Then I can cook small amounts at a time on the road. All you need is hot water.

You can make it however you’d like, but this is a combo I like:

Quick-cooking oats + hemp + flax + powdered coconut milk + chia + cinnamon + freeze dried berries.

Once it’s prepared, you can add nut butter as well as fresh berries if you’d like.

Baby Led Weaning travel tips

Chia pudding

This is a nutritious meal that is good to make if you’ll be staying in one spot for a while.

A simple Google search will show you plenty of recipes, but I like chia + milk (almond, coconut, or oat are my preferred milks) + a little maple syrup. I usually add a bit of cinnamon if I have it.

I sometimes pack chia seeds from home if I think they’ll be hard to find.

Scrambled eggs 

This is another go-to as eggs are easy to find just about everywhere. 

Bulk it up by adding other veggies, a sweet potato or avocado.

Rice + beans + corn

This is another easy one using ingredients you can easily find in most places. I’d recommend this one if you’re staying in a place for a longer period of time, as you’ll definitely have a few days worth of leftovers.

Alternatively, order rice and beans as a side at a Mexican restaurant and keep it in a takeaway container to store.

Baby Led Weaning Travel Tips

Pasta, peas, & pesto

Whole grain noodles combined with frozen peas and pesto is a quick and easy meal and it saves well for leftovers. You can add cherry tomatoes too!

Roasted veggies

If your accommodation has an oven, simply bake some veggies. Sweet potato is a favorite of ours!

Insider Tip: When you’re in a pinch, look in the prepared food section of the grocery store. We’ve found premade guacamole, what bulgar and veggie salad, fruit medleys, and lots more that has worked for us no matter where in the world we are. Check the frozen aisle too. We’ve found frozen falafel (or veggie burgers) and frozen veggies with hummus is an easy meal.

33. Find out where you stand on sleep schedules

Hotel pack 'n play travel with a baby tips

One of the most common questions people ask us is, “How do you stick to a sleep schedule while traveling with a baby.”

Our completely honest answer is: We don’t.

This may be somewhat controversial, but we realized early on that we didn’t want to be super rigid about bedtime while traveling. And we didn’t want to always need to go back to our accommodation for naptime.

This is something that has been gradually changing and adapting a bit as our daughter gets older and her needs change. But during her first year, we had a somewhat flexible bedtime and we did a lot of napping on the go. 

This doesn’t mean we were hitting the town until the wee hours, but we often gave ourselves a 1-2 hour window for getting back to the hotel and getting ready for bed. We got to know her cues pretty well and used them to inform our decisions. 

We also had worked on napping on the go so much that if she fell asleep while we were at dinner, we didn’t stress out. We’d enjoy our meal, head back to the hotel and transfer her into her sleeping space.

Important Note: Sleep schedules are one of the more personal topics when it comes to parenting. And we’re not saying our way is right for you. We’re simply sharing what has worked for us so you have somewhere to start.

34. Do your own research about co-sleeping

Hotel with a baby

Personally, once we felt our daughter was old enough, we practiced co-sleeping every once in a while so that we could use it as a tool if needed. This has come in handy several times on trips.

Ideally, Juniper has her own sleeping space in a hotel. However, in the case that she is having a rough night, isn’t feeling well, or we’re staying in a tiny room, we can co-sleep comfortably and with peace of mind.

We’ve also used this as a tool in our campervan on occasion. She has her own crib in our van, but if she wakes up in the middle of the night, we feel comfortable bringing her into bed with us so she is comforted.

Important note: Co-sleeping is another controversial topic. Do your own research and see how you feel so you can make an informed decision for your family.

35. Help your babe adjust to different time zones

Eibsee Lake winter Garmisch Germany with a baby

If you’ll be crossing time zones, here are 5 tips for helping your little one adjust easier:

Start shifting time zones at home

Before you leave for your trip, start to shift bedtime 1-2 hours to get closer to your destination’s time zone.

Start slow. A few weeks before the trip, make their bedtime 15 minutes later. Then 30. And so forth until you’ve shifted as much as you’d like.

This can help cut the adjustment time down once you get to your destination. 

Good to know: If you’re going to be changing time zones more than 2 hours, you likely won’t be able to fully adjust at home. But every little bit will help!

Hallstatt Skywalk winter

Maybe you don’t need to adjust at all

If it’s just 1-3 hours different from your home time zone, you may not even need to adjust at all. 

Let’s say you are traveling from Seattle to NYC. This means you will be 3 hours later than at home. 

Perhaps instead of a 7 p.m. bedtime, you allow your little one to stay on their normal schedule and go to bed at 10 p.m. (which will allow you to have extra time to explore the city in the evening). This will also mean later wake-ups which is always nice on vacation.

If this is just a short trip, this can work really well and will also cut down on the adjustment when you go back home.

While you’ll want to aim for the same amount of sleep they typically get at home, there’s no rule that says you have to abide by their normal bedtime hour.

Use daylight to your advantage

When trying to adjust to a new time zone, use outdoor activity and daylight to your advantage.

Your baby will realize this is daytime, and their body will start to adjust accordingly.

Travel with a baby tips Akumal Mexico

Expect jet lag to last one day per hour time change

There’s kind of a general rule that you should anticipate it takes 1 day per hour that you change time zones. 

So that means if you are going to be changing time zones by 5 hours, it will take roughly 5 days for you to feel “normal” and get over jet lag.

This rule is for both adults and babies, so use it as a gauge for your own travels.

Don’t plan anything big on the first day

If you will be shifting several time zones, we’d recommend keeping your first day (or two) relatively free. 

This will alleviate any pressure and will allow you and your little one to rest up after a long travel day.

Insider Tip: We like these homeopathic “No Jet Lag” pills when we’re traveling through many time zones. These are for parents (not babies), but being adjusted yourself definitely helps deal with helping your little one shift as well!

36. Book a family photo shoot

Hallstatt Family Photo with a baby

This is a fun one I wanted to throw in there just because!

Instead of booking a photoshoot at home (like many people do), connect with a local photographer on a trip for a photo session. 

On our European Christmas Market Trip, we booked this photo walk last minute, and were so happy we did. With a baby, it has become more difficult to get good pictures of ourselves. (If you know, you know!)

The pictures turned out amazing, and it was such a special souvenir from our trip. You will never regret having photos taken , after all!

We’re definitely going to continue this tradition in our future travels.

Want to do it yourself? Look on Airbnb Experiences . This is where we’ve found a lot of local photographers around the world. Some cities have more options than others, but it is becoming more and more common. Alternatively, you can try to find local photographers in the city you’re visiting on Instagram . Reach out to them in a DM or via their website to book a session during your trip.

37. Plan on some personal time

Seattle Hot Air Balloon | Two Wandering Soles

This might not be advice you take on your first trip with a baby or even on your fifth. But eventually, it might be something you and your partner want to consider.

What would it look like for each of you to be able to do one experience on your own while the other spent quality one-on-one time with your child ?

Maybe this would be something you used to do on trips in your pre-baby days, like going scuba diving or another adrenaline-fueled adventure. Or perhaps it would be a massage appointment to unwind.

I once did a hot air balloon flight next to Mount Rainier (babies aren’t allowed) while Ben and Juniper hung out in the campervan.

This might not appeal to everyone, but if you find yourself missing your old travel days, this might be just the thing you need!

38. You don’t need to limit yourself to only baby-centered activities

Zugspitz cable car travel with a baby tips

If you’re not keen on the typical baby-friendly trips or activities, like kiddie pools or zoos or chain restaurants, I’d like to pop in for a minute to remind you that travel with a baby can look however you’d like .

There’s no rule that says all your trips from here on out have to be at Disney or on kiddie-friendly cruises if that’s not your style. I know we didn’t like the idea of being relegated to only taking trips that were focused on babies from here on out.

We’ve found that while there are certainly some activities you just can’t do with a baby on vacation (scuba diving being the biggest thing we miss!), there’s a lot that you can do, even if it’s not marketed toward families.

Afternoon tea with a baby Edinburgh

Sometimes this means you’ll need to do more planning in advance, but in our experience it has been worth it to be able to continue traveling the way that feels best to us.

We usually research activities in our destination to determine which ones we personally really want to do. Then, unless it explicitly says children are not allowed, we think about what we’d need to do to make it work for us.

Cocktail bar with a baby

Here are some examples of what I mean:

  • Some cocktail bars only allow minors until a certain time, so we will plan to go earlier .
  • We pack lots of snacks and a good napping-on-the-go set up for walking tours or food tours (we’ve been on a bunch with her!).
  • Sometimes we might have to take turns at an activity , like snorkeling or snowboarding, while the other watches Juniper.
  • We might alter a hiking route to make it more doable with a little one.
  • Often, we’ll go somewhere with the mindset that we’ll leave if Juniper isn’t doing well . More often than not, she surprises us with doing great.
  • We still take public transport, but we’ll give ourselves plenty of time to get from Point A to Point B.

It kind of becomes a puzzle of: how can we still do this activity?

Travel with a baby tips Edinburgh

Don’t get me wrong – there are times we turn things down because it’s not worth it to us to make it work. But for the most part, we’ve still been able to do most of the things we really want to experience.

And we’ve been able to take some pretty epic trips that are focused on our interests (even though we have a baby):

  • road trip around Scotland
  • backcountry camping at Cracker Lake in Glacier National Park
  • lived in our self-built campervan for 4 months
  • Christmas Market hopping in Europe

Cracker Lake Glacier National Park Backcountry camping

As our daughter gets older and has her own interests, the way we plan trips will likely change, but up until this point, this is what has been working for us.

Overall, I’m honestly surprised by how much our trips now are similar to the things we’d be doing before having a baby.

39. Get ready for some really special interactions

Travel with a baby tips

Something I wasn’t prepared for before having a child is the sweet interactions it would bring to our travels.

We’ve had so many different types of encounters – from servers at restaurants falling in love with Juniper (see pictures below) to people offering to help out when she’s crabby (this has happened multiple times!).

Travel with a baby tips

The last photo in the set above was taken at a Venezuelan bakery in Mexico where I was eating by myself with Juniper while Ben had dental surgery. She was just the slightest bit fussy, and the two sweet women behind the counter insisted that they would cheer her up while I eat my food.

Juniper is quite the conversation starter (she loves waving at strangers!), and has brought a whole new level of sweetness to our travels.

I’m so excited to watch Juniper grow up and experience kindness from different people all over the world.

*Excuse me while I go wipe my tears.*

40. Go ahead and book those damn flights! 

Travel with a baby tips

Here’s my last piece of advice (for now!):

Just book it!

Don’t let the voices in your head (or your well-meaning neighbor!) scare you away. 

If traveling with a baby is something that’s important to you, I know you can do it. And I’ll be your cheerleader rooting you on!

The first big trip with a baby can be daunting, but I have a feeling you’ll realize it’s not as scary as you’re building it up in your head to be. 

And you’ll feel like such a badass for turning your dream into reality. 

You might even find yourself daydreaming about your next big family vacation, which will feel a lot more doable since you’ve already got one trip under your belt.

Personal note from Katie

Europe Christmas Markets travel with a baby tips

I truly hope this article has been helpful to you and leaves you feeling encouraged about traveling with a baby and motivates you to start planning that dream trip. I also hope you’re able to take away some helpful nuggets that you can put into practice! 

I do just want to say that if you want more content on traveling with a baby, please let us know. 

I have been avoiding writing this article for a number of reasons (which I’ll go into below), but it was readers like you who encouraged me to ignore these thoughts and just write it anyway.

So why did I avoid writing this article?

Lemme spill the tea… 

Scottish pub with a baby

1. Giving parenting advice always attracts negative comments. 

Anytime I share things we do as parents, there’s always someone to point out why they would do something differently. Or why traveling with kids in general is just selfish.

I’m only human, and negative messages and comments are not fun to deal with. So avoiding the whole “traveling with kids tips” felt like an easy way to avoid the negativity. 

2. Traveling with a baby is very different for every single person. 

Everyone parents differently and there’s no way I could create an article that would resonate with everyone. 

This was kind of keeping me frozen in place, asking myself, “How do I give all parents advice about traveling with kids?”

And then I realized I didn’t need to. I just needed to share what has worked for us. I hope you’ve read this article with that lens. 

Some of these suggestions may not work for you or your child. You know your situation best, so pick and choose the ideas and advice that feels good for you.

3. This isn’t a family travel blog.

We decided very early on that we didn’t want Two Wandering Soles to become only about traveling with kids as soon as we had a baby.

At its core, TWS will always be about responsible and adventurous travel . And we aim to share the best things to do in locations around the world, regardless of whether or not they’re family-friendly. 

That said, we’ve realized that we can create family travel content without that being the only thing we write about.

4. Honestly, I don’t feel like an expert at parenting.

Beehive Loop hike with a baby Acadia National Park

We traveled to more than 50 countries before getting pregnant. 

We lived out of a backpack for years on end, and called many different countries “home” for an extended period of time.

We have years and years of experience, and very much consider ourselves experts in all things travel-related.

But the whole parenting thing is new to us. We have one daughter. And at the time of writing this article, she is just over a year old.

So there’s a part of me who kept delaying sharing our “baby travel tips” until I felt like more of an “expert” as a parent. 

But I’ve come to realize that parenting is something that we’re likely never going to feel like experts at . It is a continuous learning process, and as soon as we feel like we’re getting the hang of it, things change. 

I finally became okay with the idea of creating content about traveling with kids without feeling like an expert. Because with the exception of people whose profession is related to parenting, we’re all just doing what we feel is best for our children.

And that might be as “expert level” as you can get.

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  • Our top tips for staying at a hotel or Airbnb with a baby
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We want to hear from you!

We hope these tips for traveling with a baby are helpful!

What advice would you add? Any travel hacks that have helped you? What questions or concerns do you still have?

Note: Please be respectful with your comments. Remember, we are sharing tips that have personally worked for us .

Comments (10) on “ 40 Practical & Encouraging Tips for Traveling with a Baby ”

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences in such an engaging and relatable way. You’ve truly inspired me to create unforgettable memories with my baby. Keep the amazing content coming! Greetings!

Insightful travel tips with baby! I loved how you addressed the importance of booster car seats and how they ensure safety while on the road. Your practical advice on traveling with little ones is invaluable, especially for parents like us. As we plan our family adventures, we’ll be sure to consider the booster seat recommendations you shared. Thanks for helping us make our trips safer and more enjoyable for our baby!

Traveling with a baby can be a challenge, but having a reliable travel cot is a game-changer. It provides comfort and security for your little one, ensuring they have a familiar place to sleep and play. Investing in a lightweight and safe travel cot is a must for any parent on the go. Thanks for highlighting its importance in your informative article! -Baby Train-

I feel like I could tear up after reading this – what an invaluable resource! Thank you!

I have been following you both for quite a while & have been trying to implement the tips you’ve shared over the last few months. My baby is 4.5 months old & she is so chill. Maybe it’s her personality, but I also think it’s the way we’ve done things..which has a lot to do with the tips you’ve shared! She can sleep wherever. I’ve practiced changing her & feeding her in different places & she’s been to our local museums & coffee shops more times than I can count. Though I still get nervous about things (like her getting fussy in public, etc), she really makes it pretty dang easy. We’re hoping to spend a couple of months in Europe this summer, so I’ll probably be re-reading it & studying it so I can prepare us as best as possible.

Thank you again. <3

My children are older and I am still terrified of travel, I am so inspired by seeing you travel with Juniper! I am going to start being more brave!

So happy to hear this resonates. I totally get being scared – I am too hehe! Starting with small adventures near home has been so good at building our confidence and hopefully it helps you too. Wishing your family lots of memories and adventures in the years ahead!

As always, you nailed it with your advice and tips…and your honesty. I love what my father-in-law says that parenting is flying by the seat of your pants. So true! And I am a big believer that when you become a parent, you go with your gut because no one knows your kid like you do!

Juniper will grow up with a worldly perspective…what a gift you and Ben are giving her. Travel makes me joyful, too. I like what you wrote about being a better mom when you are happy…so true!

Last year my 21-yr-old daughter was so inspired by my travel blogging that she asked to take some trips with me. So we did and it was special! There is nothing better in this world than when your adult kids want to spend time with you…and in the form of travel!

What a wonderful foundation of love, adventure and joy you are building for your sweet girl.

I know this article will help a lot of traveling parents…and any negative comments you get…tune those right out! YOU are doing it right! Happy travels with your cutie pie baby girl!

Thank you so much for your kind words, Rachel. It means a lot! I bet seeing your kids grow into adults is unlike anything you can describe. And how cool that you get to share a passion with her! Thank you again!

This is amazing and such timely advice! My husband and I are due to have our first baby in May and we have been going back-and-forth about what kind of travel we want to do when he comes. This article has given me so much more confidence about the things that we can do with him and has really helped me see what is possible with a baby. Thank you so much for this! Keep the baby content coming! Your style of travel is so similar to ours and I love to see what you have done with Juniper so far!

Thank you so much, Stef, for the kind words. Truly just brought a smile to my face. So happy to know it resonates with you. And CONGRATULATIONS on this new and beautiful chapter. Wishing your family all the best!

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Best Travel Bassinets

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Folding right down the middle, this bassinet can be set up and packed down in mere seconds. Many parents find it solid enough for home use as well as travel.

Rocking option soothes baby to sleep. Large mesh panels for ventilation. Fabric parts are machine washable. JPMA-certified for safety.

Some buyers don't like the slight dip where the mattress folds.

travel bands for babies

This bassinet-style travel can be moved easily and has a hood for extra protection.

The adjustable canopy keeps pets and other kids from being able to get at your baby. Has a storage sling under the bassinet. Collapses easily. Has tight-fitting sheets. Comes in different color patterns.

Not designed for much weight. Babies will outgrow this travel crib quickly.

travel bands for babies

In terms of versatility and on-the-go convenience, this premium 3-in-1 diaper bag is hard to beat. Great for everyday use, travel, or gifting.

Multipurpose design functions as a diaper bag, bassinet, and changing pad. Features 5 pockets for baby essentials, including an insulated bottle compartment. Includes waterproof mattress and fitted sheet. End panel can be removed for diaper changes. Quick and easy set up.

The bag itself might not hold up well to washing.

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With an innovative design that transforms into a backpack in a matter of seconds, this bassinet is ready to go wherever you do. Cute, comfortable, and easy to carry.

Easy to use and highly portable. Waterproof base is ideal for outdoor use. Comes with a removable canopy to block light. Removable toy bar with 2 toys offer on-the-go entertainment. Cotton cover is machine washable. Backpack straps allow for hands-free carrying.

Little ones may quickly outgrow the smaller dimensions.

travel bands for babies

It doesn’t fold as small as comparable bassinets, but if you’re looking for a portable bassinet with a flat mattress, this is a great option.

Flat, non-folding surface eliminates any bumps and creases that could make fussy babies uncomfortable. Lightweight and easy to move. Vibrate feature is a nice touch. Comes with convenient carrying bag. All-round mesh sides allow for improved breathability and visibility.

Folded dimensions are a little larger than some.

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We recommend these products based on an intensive research process that's designed to cut through the noise and find the top products in this space. Guided by experts, we spend hours looking into the factors that matter, to bring you these selections.

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Table of Contents

Buying guide for best travel bassinets.

Traveling with an infant might sound hard, but you'll find it's usually far easier to take a trip with a small baby than a mobile, opinionated toddler. The one must-have essential? A quality travel bassinet, which will provide a safe and comfortable place for your baby to sleep while she's away from her own crib.

Travel bassinets aren't just for nights away, either. Thanks to their lightweight and portable nature, they're ideal for moving from one room to another at home, so your baby can nap near you while you get on with whatever you need to do. They're also handy for packing up and taking to your parents' house or to your sitter's place, so your little one can sleep in a familiar spot. One of the main factors to consider when buying a travel bassinet is its portability and how easy it is to set up and pack away. Also, think about the thickness of the mattress and whether you need a stand.

Our guide to travel bassinets contains all the facts you need for an informed purchase. When you’re ready to buy, consider one of our recommended models.

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Key considerations

Stand vs. no stand.

Travel bassinet with a stand: Some travel bassinets have a built-in frame or stand with legs. Those with stands are much like pod bassinets and are, therefore, better suited to frequent or long-term use. They allow airflow beneath the mattress and hold your baby at a convenient height for picking her up and putting her down.

  • Travel bassinet without a stand: Some people are drawn to these because they're less expensive and fold down smaller than those with stands. They're great for occasional overnight use or for popping your baby down for 10 minutes, so you can keep her near you while you do the dishes or make a snack. However, you shouldn't use them for extended periods or as alternatives to standard bassinets .


Consider how easy your chosen travel bassinet is to take from one place to another. A highly portable model should be lightweight, fold up into a compact package, and have a carrying case included. The whole point of a travel bassinet is that it should be easy to travel with, so any models that aren't particularly portable should be avoided.

Ease of setup

Some travel bassinets simply fold in and out with the mattress and all the fabric that makes up the sleeping area in place — much like how you'd fold up a basic stroller. If ease of setup is your main concern, look for an easy-fold model, ideally one you can set up and fold away with just one hand, while you hold your baby in the other arm. Those with a slightly more complex setup are often more durable and include thicker mattresses and, therefore, suited to home use, too. Even those that are more tricky to set up, should be ready to use in less than a minute.

Mattresses are generally included with travel bassinets, although they usually aren't particularly thick or comfortable, because they're not designed for long-term use. The two main mattress-related factors to consider are the firmness of the mattress and how well it fits the bassinet. While a soft mattress sounds comfy, firm mattresses are much safer than soft mattresses for babies to sleep on. The mattress should also fit the bassinet exactly with no gaps around the edges; even small gaps can be an entrapment hazard.

Integrated sounds

Does your baby have trouble falling asleep? Some travel bassinets have integrated speakers that either play preloaded soothing sounds or that can connect to devices via Bluetooth to play music or any calming sounds of your choosing.


Ideally, travel bassinets should let you remove and machine wash the fabric parts in case of any accidents. If not, the material should be nonpermeable and easy to wipe clean.

Travel bassinets may have either full canopies, half canopies, or no canopies at all. Full canopies are ideal for outdoor use, and either full or half canopies can help block out light for daytime naps.

Height adjustability

If you choose a travel bassinet on a stand, it may be height adjustable. Adjusting the height can make it easier for you to pick up and put down your baby without stooping too much. Or you can set it at a convenient height so you can easily lift your baby out for feeds while you're in bed.

Travel bassinet prices

Inexpensive: Basic travel bassinets cost between $30 and $50 . At this price point, you'll generally only find bassinets without stands, which are useful for occasional nights away or daytime naps but not much else.

Mid-range: For $50 to $80 , you'll find some durable choices that are suitable for extended trips and more regular use but shouldn’t be used as your primary bassinet.

Expensive: High-end travel bassinets cost roughly $80 to $150 . These are rugged models with extra features and more comfortable mattresses. The majority can be used as home bassinets as well as for travel.

Check that your chosen travel bassinet has adequate ventilation. It should have mesh panels on the sides for airflow to help keep your baby from overheating.

Decide whether you need any storage space. Some travel bassinets have fabric storage shelves built in, which are useful for holding diapers, wipes, pacifiers, or other baby gear you might need easy access to.

Consider how often you'll use a travel bassinet. Will your baby be using her travel bassinet most days for naps or at the sitter's while you work, or is it just for a one-off trip away? The frequency of use may impact how much you're willing to spend.

  • Think about whether you'd like a travel bassinet with a rocking mode. This is extremely useful for babies who like motion to lull them to sleep.

Other products we considered

The Brica Fold N' Go Travel Bassinet is one of the most affordable options out there, so it's great for anyone who only occasionally needs a travel bassinet and doesn't wish to spend too much. It's extremely lightweight and easy to set up and pack down. The MiClassic 2-in-1 Stationary & Rock Mode Bassinet takes just a second to fold and unfold, and you can even set it up one-handed. The rocking mode is ideal for soothing your baby off to sleep, but you can then switch it to stationary mode for stability. The Evenflo Loft Portable Bassinet is more high tech than other options, with a Bluetooth speaker to play music to your little one and an integrated room-temperature monitor. The Mika Micky Bedside Sleeper is a little trickier to set up and pack away than some models, but it can still be done in 30 seconds or so. The bonus is that the quality is high enough to use it as an everyday bassinet. It also doubles as a co-sleeping bassinet.

travel bands for babies

Q. Can my baby sleep in a travel bassinet full time?

A. The majority of travel bassinets are only designed for use when your baby isn't able to sleep in her own regular crib or bassinet. They tend to have thin mattresses and may not be durable enough to stand up to daily use. That said, some high-end travel bassinets are of a high enough quality to use as your baby's main bassinet at home and on the go. Babies aren't in bassinets for long before progressing to full-size cribs, after all, so it can seem extravagant to buy a travel bassinet and a home bassinet.

Q. Will I need to buy bedding for my travel bassinet separately?

A. Some travel bassinets have sheets included, but often you must buy them separately. Bassinet sheets should be fitted and of the correct size for the mattress, otherwise they can be unsafe. It's better to go without a sheet than to use the wrong type or size. Any other bedding is unnecessary (and can be unsafe) for babies. Put an extra layer of clothing on your baby while she sleeps rather than using a blanket, and forgo pillows altogether.

Q. When will my baby grow out of a travel bassinet?

A. Travel bassinets usually have a maximum weight limit of between 15 and 25 pounds. Once your baby can roll over and sit up independently (which may be before she reaches the weight limit), she'll need to move from a travel bassinet to a travel cot.

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Travel Sickness Bands

SKU TB-501 Travel Blue Comfort Bands for Travel Sickness Relief

  • Helps relieve nausea caused by air, sea or land travel
  • No side effects (i.e. drowsiness)
  • 2 comfort bands (one for each wrist) and a handy carry case for storage
  • One size fits all & suitable for adults and children

Made to wear comfort bands that aid those that suffer from travel sickness. Designed to relieve nausea, these can help you to begin to enjoy travelling. Travel with ease and look forward to the journey ahead.

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Measurements (Centimetres/ H, W, D):

H 7 x W 5.5 x D 2

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Band:90% Polyester,10% Elastic, Button material :100% PP

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Care instructions:

Delicate hand wash

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2 Years Global Warranty

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This is by far the best travel bag I've ever had!

Leroy Holloway

This was the best trip I have ever been on thanks to this great product. Really good value for money. Falling asleep while traveling is always something I get nervous about because I worry about injuring my neck. This product saved me from this and I am going to make sure I pack it for every trip. This really is a must-buy for any traveller. I highly recommend it.

I am so pleased that I bought this travel-pillow for myself as I am away on business on a monthly basis. When I travel I find it hard to get into the right position for sleeping or resting. I was really grateful for this pillow as it made this the most comfortable journey that I have had in a long time. It is made out of super-soft materials and it felt really nice to just lay back in it and enjoy the journey. I will never travel again without it! A great value pillow that fits well into any of my cabin bags. The colour is very smart too which is important to me as I am a professional person. I love this pillow. So cozy!

Travel Blue's First Class Service

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We live and breathe travelling, knowing almost every airport on the face of the earth. This is why we design our own line of fantastic and popular travel accessories. This is also why we are on the constant lookout for new materials, new solutions and new products to make your travels even better!

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We stand behind all our products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee If you have any problem with your Travel Blue item purchase, please write to us at [email protected] . You can read more about our Warranty here .

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Claudia Looi

Touring the Top 10 Moscow Metro Stations

By Claudia Looi 2 Comments

Komsomolskaya metro station

Komsomolskaya metro station looks like a museum. It has vaulted ceilings and baroque decor.

Hidden underground, in the heart of Moscow, are historical and architectural treasures of Russia. These are Soviet-era creations – the metro stations of Moscow.

Our guide Maria introduced these elaborate metro stations as “the palaces for the people.” Built between 1937 and 1955, each station holds its own history and stories. Stalin had the idea of building beautiful underground spaces that the masses could enjoy. They would look like museums, art centers, concert halls, palaces and churches. Each would have a different theme. None would be alike.

The two-hour private tour was with a former Intourist tour guide named Maria. Maria lived in Moscow all her life and through the communist era of 60s to 90s. She has been a tour guide for more than 30 years. Being in her 60s, she moved rather quickly for her age. We traveled and crammed with Maria and other Muscovites on the metro to visit 10 different metro stations.

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Moscow subways are very clean

Moscow subways are very clean

To Maria, every street, metro and building told a story. I couldn’t keep up with her stories. I don’t remember most of what she said because I was just thrilled being in Moscow.   Added to that, she spilled out so many Russian words and names, which to one who can’t read Cyrillic, sounded so foreign and could be easily forgotten.

The metro tour was the first part of our all day tour of Moscow with Maria. Here are the stations we visited:

1. Komsomolskaya Metro Station  is the most beautiful of them all. Painted yellow and decorated with chandeliers, gold leaves and semi precious stones, the station looks like a stately museum. And possibly decorated like a palace. I saw Komsomolskaya first, before the rest of the stations upon arrival in Moscow by train from St. Petersburg.

2. Revolution Square Metro Station (Ploshchad Revolyutsii) has marble arches and 72 bronze sculptures designed by Alexey Dushkin. The marble arches are flanked by the bronze sculptures. If you look closely you will see passersby touching the bronze dog's nose. Legend has it that good luck comes to those who touch the dog's nose.

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Revolution Square Metro Station

Revolution Square Metro Station

3. Arbatskaya Metro Station served as a shelter during the Soviet-era. It is one of the largest and the deepest metro stations in Moscow.

Arbatskaya Metro Station

Arbatskaya Metro Station

4. Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station was built in 1935 and named after the Russian State Library. It is located near the library and has a big mosaic portrait of Lenin and yellow ceramic tiles on the track walls.

Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station

Lenin's portrait at the Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station


5. Kievskaya Metro Station was one of the first to be completed in Moscow. Named after the capital city of Ukraine by Kiev-born, Nikita Khruschev, Stalin's successor.


Kievskaya Metro Station

6. Novoslobodskaya Metro Station  was built in 1952. It has 32 stained glass murals with brass borders.

Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 5.17.53 PM

Novoslobodskaya metro station

7. Kurskaya Metro Station was one of the first few to be built in Moscow in 1938. It has ceiling panels and artwork showing Soviet leadership, Soviet lifestyle and political power. It has a dome with patriotic slogans decorated with red stars representing the Soviet's World War II Hall of Fame. Kurskaya Metro Station is a must-visit station in Moscow.

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Ceiling panel and artworks at Kurskaya Metro Station


8. Mayakovskaya Metro Station built in 1938. It was named after Russian poet Vladmir Mayakovsky. This is one of the most beautiful metro stations in the world with 34 mosaics painted by Alexander Deyneka.

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya metro station

One of the over 30 ceiling mosaics in Mayakovskaya metro station

9. Belorusskaya Metro Station is named after the people of Belarus. In the picture below, there are statues of 3 members of the Partisan Resistance in Belarus during World War II. The statues were sculpted by Sergei Orlov, S. Rabinovich and I. Slonim.


10. Teatralnaya Metro Station (Theatre Metro Station) is located near the Bolshoi Theatre.

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Have you visited the Moscow Metro? Leave your comment below.

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January 15, 2017 at 8:17 am

An excellent read! Thanks for much for sharing the Russian metro system with us. We're heading to Moscow in April and exploring the metro stations were on our list and after reading your post, I'm even more excited to go visit them. Thanks again 🙂

' src=

December 6, 2017 at 10:45 pm

Hi, do you remember which tour company you contacted for this tour?

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Electrostal History and Art Museum

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Electrostal History and Art Museum - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

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Tennessee Senate OKs a bill that would make it illegal for adults to help minors seeking abortions

FILE - An abortion-rights demonstrator holds a sign during a rally, May 14, 2022, in Chattanooga, Tenn. On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee advanced legislation making it illegal for adults to help minors get an abortion without parental consent. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)

FILE - An abortion-rights demonstrator holds a sign during a rally, May 14, 2022, in Chattanooga, Tenn. On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee advanced legislation making it illegal for adults to help minors get an abortion without parental consent. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Republican lawmakers in Tennessee on Wednesday advanced legislation making it illegal for adults to help minors get an abortion without parental consent, sparking objections from Democrats who counter that doing so could result in young victims needing approval from their parents who may have raped them in order to terminate the pregnancies.

The GOP-controlled Senate signed off on the proposal 26-3. The bill is still advancing toward the floor in the House.

“There are people who are in situations and circumstances that we cannot fathom,” said Democratic state Sen. Raumesh Akbari. “If someone is a victim of rape or incest and a teenager, and they want to seek these services, their abusers can determine if they can access them. That’s a step too far.”

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion in 2022 , anti-abortion advocates have been pushing states to find a way to block pregnant people from crossing state lines to obtain the procedure.

So far, Idaho has been the only state to enact a so-called “ abortion trafficking ” law, but a federal judge has temporarily blocked the law after reproductive rights groups sued to challenge it.

FILE - Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, listens during a House Criminal Justice Committee meeting, Feb. 20, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. Johnson, now running as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate against Republican incumbent Marsha Blackburn, has joined the growing ranks of progressive candidates choosing to tell their own abortion stories. They are doing so more frequently in states that have banned abortion in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. (AP Photo/George Walker IV, file)

The first-of-its-kind measure made it illegal to obtain abortion pills for a minor or help them leave the state for an abortion without parental knowledge and consent. Legislation has since been introduced this year in Oklahoma, Mississippi and Tennessee.

The Tennessee version would make it illegal for an adult who “recruits, harbors, or transports” a pregnant minor within the state to get an abortion without consent from the minor’s parents or guardians. Supporters have touted the bill as a much needed parental rights protection measure, pointing out that abortion rights groups are increasingly distributing information on how to acquire abortions in states with strict bans.

“We’ve decided abortion is only available to save the life of the mother,” said Republican state Sen. Paul Rose. “Unless the parents approve, you cannot take a minor across state lines to get an abortion.”

However, critics counter that the bill does not contain exemptions for minors who may have been raped by their parents or guardians. Instead, the legislation states that the biological father of the pregnant minor may not pursue a civil action if the pregnancy was caused by rape.

Under the Senate version advanced Wednesday, those convicted of breaking the law would be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, which would require a nearly one year imprisonment sentence. This differs than the proposal being considered in the GOP-controlled House, where supporters want the penalties to be a Class C felony — which can carry up to a 15-year prison sentence and up to $10,000 in fines.

Tennessee bans abortions at all stages of pregnancy but there are exemptions in cases of molar pregnancies, ectopic pregnancies, and to remove a miscarriage or to save the life of the mother. Notably, doctors must use their “reasonable medical” judgment — a term that some say is too vague and can be challenged by fellow medical officials — in deciding whether providing the procedure can save the life of the pregnant patient or prevent major injury.

A group of women is currently suing to clarify the state’s abortion ban. A court decision is expected soon on whether the lawsuit can continue or if the law can be placed on hold as the legal battle continues.

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    Items that can be carried along while traveling with a baby (include the ones that are appropriate for your baby's age) : cooked rice/ rice balls. pureed fruits/ cooked vegetables like apples, carrots, beetroot, sweet potato, peaches, green peas. any kind of porridge/ cereal/ cooked legumes.

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    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  21. Electrostal History and Art Museum

    Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order. Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

  22. Northern Europe and the British Isles

    An Icelandic Town Goes All Out to Save Baby Puffins. TRAVEL. How Scotland Is Reinventing Its Centuries-Old Canals for Paddlers. TRAVEL. Hoyma Is Bringing Music Home in the Faroe Islands.

  23. New Huing Podiatrist Toenail Clippers Sale 2024

    New Huing Podiatrist Toenail Clippers. $9. $13 now 31% off. $9 at Amazon. The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce ...

  24. Elektrostal to Moscow

    Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Elektrostal to Moscow right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can ...

  25. Tennessee Senate OKs a bill that would make it illegal for adults to

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Republican lawmakers in Tennessee on Wednesday advanced legislation making it illegal for adults to help minors get an abortion without parental consent, sparking objections from Democrats who counter that doing so could result in young victims needing approval from their parents who may have raped them in order to terminate the pregnancies.