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Journey into Nyx

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Journey into Nyx is the third and final set in the Theros block . It is the 64th Magic expansion and was released May 2014. [3] [4]

  • 1.1.1 Magic Story
  • 1.2.1 God packs
  • 1.2.2 Prerelease
  • 1.2.3 Launch Weekend
  • 1.2.4 Game Day
  • 1.2.5 Magic online
  • 1.2.6 Promotional Cards
  • 1.2.7 Tokens
  • 2 Themes and mechanics
  • 4.1 Functional reprints
  • 4.2 Creature enchantment functional reprints
  • 4.3 Colorshifted
  • 4.4 Strictly better
  • 4.5 Strictly worse
  • 5 Notable cards
  • 6.1 Intro packs
  • 6.2 Event deck
  • 7 References
  • 8 External links

Set details [ | ]

Like its predecessors, Journey into Nyx has an ancient Greek-themed top-down design, making use of many mythological tropes. The set contains 165 cards (60 Common, 60 Uncommon, 35 Rare, 10 Mythic) and includes randomly inserted premium versions of all cards. Fitting in with the "enchantment matters" theme, 59 of the set's 165 cards carry the enchantment type. The set introduces the Lamia creature type .

Flavor and storyline [ | ]

The plane of Theros is in chaos. Gods and mortals are pitted against each other, and terrifying monsters stalk the land. Heroes strive for glory while new and terrifying constellations take shape in the night sky . Supported by Ajani , Elspeth travels to Nyx and kills Xenagos . Afraid of her power, Heliod kills Elspeth. [5]

Magic Story [ | ]

Marketing [ | ].

Journey into Nyx is sold in 16-card boosters (one card being a marketing card ), five intro packs , one event deck and a fat pack . [6] The boosters feature artwork from Ajani, Mentor of Heroes , Pharika, God of Affliction and Cyclops of Eternal Fury . The set featured the continuation of the Hero's Path .

God packs [ | ]

Random Journey into Nyx boosters were seeded to be literally and figuratively " God Packs ": they contained all 15 Gods of Theros. [7] [8]

Prerelease [ | ]

Forge a Godslayer

Forge a Godslayer

Launch Weekend [ | ]

Journey into Nyx launches May 2–4, 2014 and the month's first Friday Night Magic starts the festivities. Players on the Hero's Path come to their stores to "Journey into Nyx" and solve a puzzle hidden within the poster included in the Journey into Nyx Launch Weekend kit. Players who solve the puzzle receive a copy of the Quest 8 Hero card ( The Destined ).

Game Day [ | ]

On May 24–25, 2014 Journey into Nyx Game Day players can use their Standard decks for the ninth quest on the Hero's Path: Defeat a God , a special Challenge Deck provided to the retailer. By winning against the Challenge deck, players win a ninth Hero card ( The Champion ). Players will be able to use three of the Hero cards they have collected and the Godslayer that they forged at the Prerelease to complete this final quest of the Hero's Path!

Magic online [ | ]

For Magic Online , Journey into Nyx Prerelease Events begin Friday, May 9. The set officially goes on sale in Magic Online and Release Events begin on Monday, May 12. [10]

Promotional Cards [ | ]

  • Prerelease , one of five according to the chosen Godslayer: Dawnbringer Charioteers , Scourge of Fleets , Doomwake Giant , Spawn of Thraxes or Heroes' Bane [11]
  • Launch promo : Dictate of the Twin Gods
  • Game Day : full-art Squelching Leeches
  • Game Day (Top 8): full-art foil Dictate of Kruphix
  • Buy-a-Box : Eidolon of Blossoms
  • Completing the Hero's Path : Hall of Triumph [12]

Tokens [ | ]

A sixteenth card in the boosters can be a token creature card, with advertisements on the back side: [13]

The following named tokens were released with  Born of the Gods :

The following named tokens were released with  Theros :

Themes and mechanics [ | ]

Journey into Nyx has a heavy theme of "enchantments matter", and those cards were "pushed" to a higher power level to ensure that enchantments would be key components of competitive decks. [14] [15] The keywords Bestow , Heroic , Scry , Monstrosity , Inspired and Devotion returned from the previous sets (with monstrosity skipping one set). [16] [17] Two new ability words were added: constellation and strive . Enchantments with constellation abilities represent the divine constellations that fill the night sky . [18] [19] An enchantment's constellation ability triggers every time it or another enchantment enters the battlefield under the player's control. Most of the enchantments with constellation abilities are enchantment creatures , but not all of them. A spell with a strive ability lets you pump more mana into it to increase the number of targets . [20]

Cycles [ | ]

Journey into Nyx has nine cycles . Some cards are part of a Theros block mega cycle .

Pairs [ | ]

Journey into Nyx has one mirrored pair .

Reprinted cards [ | ]

  • Bladetusk Boar was first printed in Zendikar and last seen in Magic 2013
  • Magma Spray was first printed in Shards of Alara and last seen in Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari
  • Reprisal was first printed in Alliances and last seen in Duel Decks: Knights vs. Dragons
  • Riddle of Lightning was first printed in Future Sight

Functional reprints [ | ]

  • Banishing Light is a functional reprint of Oblivion Ring from Lorwyn , except for the use of the new "exile until" template. [22]
  • Brain Maggot is a functional reprint of Mesmeric Fiend from Torment , except for the use of the new "exile until" template and for being an Enchantment Creature.
  • Golden Hind is a functional reprint of Leaf Gilder from Lorwyn , except for creature types.
  • Market Festival is a functional reprint of Dawn's Reflection from Fifth Dawn .
  • Oreskos Swiftclaw is a functional reprint of Blade of the Sixth Pride from Future Sight , except for creature types.
  • Pensive Minotaur is a functional reprint of Minotaur Warrior from Portal .
  • Pharika's Chosen is a functional reprint of Typhoid Rats from Innistrad , except for creature types.
  • Satyr Grovedancer is a functional reprint of Ironshell Beetle from Judgment and Timberland Guide from Avacyn Restored , except for creature types.

Creature enchantment functional reprints [ | ]

  • Eidolon of Rhetoric is a creature enchantment version of Rule of Law
  • Eidolon of the Great Revel is a creature enchantment version of Pyrostatic Pillar
  • Hypnotic Siren is a creature enchantment version of Control Magic and Mind Control
  • Mogis's Warhound is a creature enchantment version of Furor of the Bitten and/or Goblin Brigand
  • Nyx-fleece Ram is a creature enchantment version of Ajani's Mantra

Colorshifted [ | ]

  • Akroan Mastiff , white colorshifted version of Ostiary Thrull ( Guildpact ), except for types.

Strictly better [ | ]

  • Dawnbringer Charioteers is strictly better than Seraph of Dawn .
  • Felhide Petrifier is strictly better than Felhide Minotaur .
  • Lagonna-Band Trailblazer is strictly better than Yoked Ox .
  • Nature's Panoply is strictly better than Battlegrowth .
  • Oppressive Rays is strictly better than Brainwash .
  • Prophetic Flamespeaker is strictly better than Two-Headed Cerberus .
  • Supply-Line Cranes is strictly better than Silent Artisan .
  • Triton Shorestalker is strictly better than Fugitive Wizard , Grayscaled Gharial , Hazy Homunculus , Metathran Soldier and Sneaky Homunculus .

Strictly worse [ | ]

  • Akroan Mastiff is strictly worse than Ballynock Trapper .
  • Starfall is strictly worse than Punish the Enemy .

Notable cards [ | ]

  • Mana Confluence is a staple mana fixing land for color-intensive multicolor decks from Standard back to Legacy
  • Eidolon of the Great Revel is a staple in Burn decks in Modern .
  • Twinflame is one of a few cards that can combo with Dualcaster Mage
  • Eidolon of Rhetoric is a great sideboard card against combo decks that rely on casting multiple spells in the same turn
  • Banishing Light was a staple removal spell in Standard and the first Oblivion Ring style enchantment to use the new templating
  • Worst Fears is among the few cards to give control over an opposing player for a turn, and the first since Sorin Markov

Preconstructed decks [ | ]

Intro packs [ | ].

Journey into Nyx has five bicolored intro packs : [23]

Event deck [ | ]

Journey into Nyx has one event deck . [24]

References [ | ]

  • ↑ Ethan Fleischer (April 07, 2014). " My Journey ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Product info
  • ↑ Trick Jarrett (November 11, 2013). " Announcing Journey into Nyx ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Wizards of the Coast (April, 2014). " Journey into Nyx Credits ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Magic Creative Team (May 26, 2014). " Journey's End ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Trick Jarrett (April 08, 2014). " Journey into Nyx Packaging ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Jason Alt (April 26, 2014) Taking “God Pack” Literally (Reddit)
  • ↑ Wizards of the Coast (April 28, 2014). " A Divine Gift ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Mike McArtor (April 21, 2014). " Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Clayton Kroh (April 21, 2014). " Magic Online Journey into Nyx Prerelease and Release Events ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Trick Jarrett (April 09, 2014). " Journey into Nyx Promos ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Trick Jarrett (April 07, 2014). " Hall of Triumph ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Trick Jarrett (April 22, 2014). " Journey into Nyx Tokens ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Sam Stoddard (April 11, 2014). " A Matter of Structure ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Sam Stoddard (May 02, 2014). " Making Enchantments Matter ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Kelly Digges (April 07, 2014). " Mechanics of Journey into Nyx ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Dave Humpherys (April 14, 2014). " A Developmental Journey ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Mark Rosewater (April 07, 2014). " The Incredible Journey, Part 1 ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Mark Rosewater (April 28, 2014). " Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Mark Rosewater (April 14, 2014). " The Incredible Journey, Part 2 ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Marshall Sutcliffe (April 09, 2014). " Bestow the Line ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Mark Rosewater (April 21, 2014). " Journey to the Center of the Set, Part 1 ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Wizards of the Coast (January 29, 2013). " Journey into Nyx Intro Pack Decklists ". . Wizards of the Coast.
  • ↑ Mike McArtor (May 01, 2014). " Journey into Nyx Event Deck ". . Wizards of the Coast.

External links [ | ]

  • Journey into Nyx product information page — Wizards of the Coast
  • Journey into Nyx trailer
  • Warhammer 40,000 Commander Decks
  • Holiday Release
  • Fallout Commander Decks
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Final Fantasy
  • 1 Eighth Edition/Theme decks
  • 2 Modern Horizons 3/Commander decks
  • 3 Secret Lair Drop Series: Spring Superdrop 2024

Journey into Nyx

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Mechanics of Journey into Nyx

Table of contents, constellation strive nyx and bestow heroic scry monstrosity devotion and gods.

The plane of Theros is in chaos. Gods and mortals are pitted against each other, and terrifying monsters stalk the land. Heroes strive for glory while new and terrifying constellations take shape in the night sky. Where will you stand?


Enchantments with constellation abilities represent the divine constellations that fill the night sky—and now the mortal world—of Theros.

An enchantment's constellation ability triggers every time it or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control. Most of the enchantments with constellation abilities in Journey into Nyx are enchantment creatures, but not all of them.

Any enchantment entering the battlefield under your control causes each constellation ability of an enchantment you control to trigger, whether it's an Aura, an ordinary enchantment, an enchantment creature, or even a token. (This means that creatures with bestow cause constellation abilities to trigger whether you cast them with bestow or not.)

A spell with a strive ability lets you pump more mana into it to increase the number of targets.

As you cast a spell with strive, you can choose any number of targets, paying an additional cost for each target beyond the first. If you want to cast Ajani's Presence targeting one creature, it costs just [mc]W[/mc]. For each creature you target beyond the first, Ajani's Presence costs an additional [mc]2W[/mc] to cast. So it would cost [mc]2WW[/mc] to target two creatures, [mc]4WWW[/mc] to target three creatures, and so on.

Although you can target any number of creatures with Ajani's Presence, you can't target a single creature with it more than once. As with any other spell that targets, any creatures you control with heroic abilities will trigger when you target them with Ajani's Presence.

Nyx and Bestow

The gods of Theros dwell in Nyx, a starry realm visible as the night sky of Theros. The gods and their servants are infused with the power and majesty of Nyx. Enchantment creatures in the Theros block all have a unique card frame that shows the starfield of Nyx.

The Nyx frame doesn't have any rules associated with it. It's just a reminder that these creatures are also enchantments. Other enchantments in Theros block use the regular card frame.

Some enchantment creatures in Journey into Nyx have the bestow keyword.

A creature with bestow gives you the option to cast it as an Aura that enchants a creature, granting that creature its power, toughness, and abilities.

When a card with bestow is in your hand, you have two options: cast it normally for its mana cost, or cast it for its bestow cost. If you cast a bestow card normally, it's an enchantment creature spell that resolves and becomes an enchantment creature on the battlefield. Its bestow ability and its "Enchanted creature gets..." text are ignored.

If you cast a card for its bestow cost, it's not a creature spell. Spells like [autocard]Essence Scatter[/autocard] that can target only a creature spell can't target it. Instead, it's an Aura spell with enchant creature, so you have to target a creature to cast it. It can be countered by spells like [autocard]Negate[/autocard] that target only noncreature spells. If the target creature has a heroic ability, the Aura spell with bestow will trigger it, just as any other Aura spell would. Cards with bestow are always enchantments, whether they're Auras or creatures.

If the target creature leaves the battlefield after you cast a card with bestow as an Aura but before the spell resolves, the Aura spell will resolve as an enchantment creature rather than being countered like a normal Aura spell. If the target creature is still on the battlefield when the Aura spell resolves, it resolves as an Aura enchanting that creature.

While it's enchanting a creature, an Aura with bestow grants the creature the abilities and power/toughness changes listed in its text box. If the creature it's enchanting leaves the battlefield for any reason, the Aura immediately becomes an enchantment creature again rather than being put in the graveyard like other Auras.

Although you'll most often want to target your own creatures with your bestow cards, you can also target your opponent's creatures with them. This might be useful, say, if you want to keep a creature from blocking on a crucial turn by casting Gnarled Scarhide on it. As usual, your bestow Aura will stay on the battlefield as an enchantment creature—under your control, not your opponent's—when the enchanted creature leaves the battlefield.

A creature with a heroic ability gives you powerful benefits every time you cast a spell that targets it.

A heroic ability triggers whenever you cast any spell that targets the heroic creature, including a spell that also targets another creature. If a spell targets multiple creatures with heroic abilities—say, because of the strive ability—all of them trigger. Activated abilities, such as equip, do not cause heroic abilities to trigger, nor do triggered abilities such as the enters-the-battlefield ability of [autocard]Breaching Hippocamp[/autocard].

An instant or sorcery spell has a target if it includes the word "target" in its rules text. Each Aura spell also has a target, indicated by its enchant ability, including Aura spells you cast with bestow . Creature spells and permanent spells other than Auras never have targets.

A heroic ability triggers only when the creature's controller casts a spell that targets it, not when any other player does.

The scry mechanic lets you manipulate your destiny.

Scry is a keyword action that always has a number associated with it. To scry, look at that many cards from the top of your library, put as many of them as you want on the bottom of your library, and leave the rest on top in any order you choose. When you scry 1, that translates to looking at the top card of your library and deciding whether you want it on the top of your library or the bottom. When you scry 2 or more, you have more options.


Monsters roam the wilds of Theros, ferociously punishing all who oppose them.

Monstrosity is an activated ability you can activate any time you can pay for it. When it resolves, it checks whether the creature is already monstrous. If it's not, the ability puts a number of +1/+1 counters on the creature and causes the creature to become monstrous. This means that a monstrosity ability doesn't do anything if it resolves for a second time. If a monstrosity ability is countered somehow, the creature doesn't gain counters or become monstrous, and the monstrosity ability can be used again.

Many creatures with a monstrosity ability, such as [autocard]Stoneshock Giant[/autocard] from Theros , have a triggered ability that triggers when the creature becomes monstrous—in other words, when its monstrosity ability resolves for the first time.

[card]Stoneshock Giant[/card]

[autocard]Stoneshock Giant[/autocard]'s triggered ability triggers when its monstrosity ability resolves for the first time. If [autocard]Stoneshock Giant[/autocard] isn't on the battlefield when its monstrosity ability resolves, its triggered ability doesn't trigger.

There are also some cards with monstrosity that gain abilities as long as they're monstrous, such as [autocard]Hundred-Handed One[/autocard] from Theros .

[card]Hundred-Handed One[/card]

Once a creature becomes monstrous, there's no way it can stop being monstrous other than leaving the battlefield. If [autocard]Hundred-Handed One[/autocard]'s monstrosity ability has resolved, it has reach and can block an additional ninety-nine creatures (assuming it's otherwise allowed to block them), even if the +1/+1 counters from the monstrosity ability have been removed somehow (say, by [autocard]Bioshift[/autocard]).

Devotion and Gods

Five gods appear on cards in Journey into Nyx as legendary enchantment creatures with the creature type God. Each God in Journey into Nyx is two colors, completing the pantheon of fifteen gods. A two-color God manifests as a creature on the battlefield once your devotion to its two colors is high enough.

[card]Ephara, God of the Polis[/card]

Your devotion to two colors is the total number of mana symbols that are either of those colors among the mana costs of permanents you control. You don't need to have any particular number of mana symbols of each color; all that matters is the total.

Hybrid mana symbols such as [mc](r/w)[/mc] count toward both their colors but aren't counted twice. In other words, a hybrid mana symbol can only ever add a maximum of one to your devotion to any color or combination of colors, but it adds one to your devotion to any combination of colors that contains either of its colors.

Like the other Gods in Theros block, each of the Journey into Nyx Gods has indestructible, and each one is a creature only if you have enough devotion to its colors. If a God enters the battlefield while your devotion to its colors is less than the required number, abilities that trigger when a creature enters the battlefield won't trigger. If a God on the battlefield is a creature and your devotion to its colors drops below the required number, it immediately stops being a creature. A God can't attack the turn it enters the battlefield unless it has haste, even if it wasn't a creature as it entered the battlefield.

Gods are always legendary enchantments, and their abilities work whether they're creatures or not.

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Journey into Nyx

Release dates.

May 2, 2014

Set Information

Three-Letter Code: JOU

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Journey into Nyx Set Review: Blue and Green

Conley continues his massive Journey into Nyx Set Review, going over all of the blue cards and the green cards in the set. Find out how he ranks them for Constructed, Draft, and Sealed play inside.

By | Published 2/7/2023 | 38 min read

Welcome back to day three of our week long Journey into Nyx set review. So far we have taken a look at all that red and black have to offer us as well as checking out the artifacts and lands of Nyx, but today we are going to tackle two entire colors head on. Blue has some very exciting text boxes in this set and it will be fun to take a look at them all. Both colors have been stable limited colors thus far, but will one less pack of Theros hurt that too much? Today, we will be trying to answer some of these questions.

To do just that, we will be taking a look at each card individually. This includes giving the card a Constructed rating and then a rating for both Draft and Sealed before explaining why those numbers were chosen.

I am in the process of coming up with a new limited scale, but while I work on the transition, I wanted to add a feature to help some people out. Sometimes, there is a question of whether a card is good only in Draft, or only in Sealed etc. While limited ratings do a pretty good job of summing up both formats for the most part, occasionally there are key differences that make a card bad in Sealed while it is good in Draft, or vice versa. So, to help out with that, each limited rating will consist of both a Sealed and Draft rating and I will tend to call out why big differences exist in the description of any card that does contain them.

With that said, let's move on to the scales that we will be using for today, one for Constructed and then one for limited, as we have already discussed:


5: Fives are ever-present cards that heavily warp a format or see heavy play across multiple formats. Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Deathrite Shaman , and Tarmogoyf are good examples of fives.

4: These cards tend to have support roles across multiple formats or be tier one cards in at least one. Spell Pierce is an example of the former while Thragtusk is an example of the latter. I expect to rate a lot of things as fours that are actually fives and vice versa while I feel out this new system but in both cases, these are going to be highly desired cards.

3: These are the bread and butter cards of a set, usually doing all of the essential things needed for a format, but doing them at a good rate. Cards like Oblivion Ring, Izzet Charm, or Diregraf Ghoul would be found here.

2: These cards are generally much more restrictive in use and application than a three, but they serve a similar purpose. You will see more sideboard or niche cards, like Skullcrack , Heartless Summoning, or Gladecover Scout.

1: These are not going to see much play, but they have an outside chance. These tend to be weak or narrow sideboard options or extremely narrow main deck cards. Most ones will not ever make it into a winning list, but they have potential to do so.

0: These are unplayable in Constructed regardless of context. These tend to be the cards designed to balance limited, like Grizzly Bear or Siege Mastodon or are narrow with a poor output, like Artificer's Hex.

*Any card that gets an X.5 rating just means I can see it falling to either side of the equation given the right metagame or environment. Limited

5.0: I will always play this card. Period.

4.5: I will almost always play this card, regardless of what else I get.

4.0: I will strongly consider playing this as the only card of its color.

3.5: I feel a strong pull into this card's color.

3.0: This card makes me want to play this color. (Given that I'm playing that color, I will play this card 100% of the time.)

2.5: Several cards of this power level start to pull me into this color. If playing that color, I essentially always play these. (Given that I'm playing that color, I will play this card 90% of the time.)

2.0: If I'm playing this color, I usually play these. (70%)

1.5: This card will make the cut into the main deck about half the times I play this color. (50%)

1.0: I feel bad when this card is in my main deck. (30%)

0.5: There are situations where I might sideboard this into my deck, but I'll never start it. (10%)

0.0: I will never put this card into my deck (main deck or after sideboarding). (0%)

And with that, let's move on to the cards! Blue

Aerial Formation

Constructed: 1

As with most of these strive costs that come at one with a three kicker, I just don't think people can justify spending that much mana on strive. There is a chance that a card like Battlefield Thaumaturge makes this particular one more appealing, but I doubt it.

Draft: 2.5 Sealed: 2.5

This seems extremely strong in any type of aggressive heroic deck. Not only are you triggering two to three of your heroic creatures with one spell, but you are likely taking you team to the skies where they will quickly be able to win the game for you. Don't take this over removal, but it is a solid card for sure.

journey into nyx best cards

Battlefield Thaumaturge

Constructed: 2.5

This guy just has combo written all over him. Any unique effect like this, especially one that reduces mana or generates mana in any way, is going to have the chance to just be broken. This card could easily end up being a four when all is said and done as there is just so much you can do with him. I will be interested to see how liked he is in older formats.

Draft: 3 Sealed: 2.5

This guy does not have a heroic trigger that will add up over time like others, but his cost reducing ability is very strong, especially with anything that has strive. Keep in mind that Curse of the Swine and Glimpse the Sun God are two previous instants that cost no additional X mana to hit as many things as you want, which is a neat thing to look out for while you Draft.

Cloaked Siren

Horizon Chimera is a card I have considered on multiple occasions, but much of his power lies in his ability to regain you lost life. Taking away that leaves you with a rather anemic flier which is not very exciting.

Because this has such small back end, most of the time you are picking something off with this, it will be an actual trade. That said, sometimes that is more than fine. Where this shines is as an offensive threat that throws combat math off out of nowhere and maybe picks up an aura or two while he's at it.


We have seen similar cards to this in the past but what gets this into Constructed is not the mill clause, but the cost at which it is at. Broken Ambitions was reasonable because it could catch early spells or late spells alike. This is rather slow and clunky and won't be played.

Draft: 1.5 Sealed: 1.5

I feel like one to two Counterspells in Sealed is a solid thing to have handy as dealing with any bomb whatsoever is really nice. This is worse than cards like Dissolve and Nullify though, so it should play second fiddle to those spells throughout its limited stay.

Crystalline Nautilus

Even though this is an undercosted guy in blue, I feel like the drawback is probably too much to accept in today's world. When people played Phantasmal Bear, they didn't care if you targeted it because it had gotten in four damage already and was going to die to any removal spell anyway! That is not the case for this Nautilus who gives you very little value when he is targeted by a Domri or Chandra activation on the spot.

Draft: 2.5 Sealed: 2

This is still competing with the sad fact that it will likely be killed by something as there are just so many targeting effects in the format. That said, when you bestow this late and sneak in four damage, that might be all you need. You can also take down an opposing fatty with this and some strive card, which is not the worst as it leaves you with a 4/4 on the back end.

journey into nyx best cards

Dakra Mystic

Constructed: 3

Quite the strong addition to the merfolk clan. This does things like interrupt Brainstorm patterns, or set your own up. It can counter Vampiric Tutor or Mystical Tutor for just a blue mana. It can mill cards your opponent chose to leave on top with scry or it can draw you cards with Courser of Kruphix out to ensure land drops. This little thing can do so much that it should be a popular card across multiple formats.

Again, being able to interrupt scry patterns is strong enough in limited that this guy earns his stripes. Whenever an opponent has a land on top and you have a spell, value. Or the opposite, etc. Just an all-around Workhorse that you need to experience in-game to really understand everything he provides you with.

journey into nyx best cards

Daring Thief

Constructed: 2

There are some hijinks you can pull with this by giving your opponent permanents that punish you, such as Master of the Feast, but I think that use is less likely than the more obvious one. That is to simply upgrade your small stuff into big stuff. Elvish Mystic for Desecration Demon? Sounds good!

Draft: 3.5 Sealed: 3.5

This is a 2/3 for three mana that brings the heat. If this gets the chance to untap, you get to just start trading your cheap one and two-drops for their four and five-drops, which is enough to win on its own. Another trick is to trade your already cast auras for opposing enchantment creatures which is just all sorts of value.

journey into nyx best cards

Dictate of Kruphix

Howling Mine is a very Constructed playable card and this pretty much stays in line with what I would expect to pay given the upgrades. Because it is an instant, you get to draw the first card rather than your opponent, making Disenchants much easier to swallow. Also, providing devotion of two blue at instant speed is a really neat trick that I can see some decks take advantage of.

If you have ways to make this gain extra value through things like constellation or devotion, this is worth running. It is probably worth running even if you don't have those synergies, but it will not be a particularly strong card in those spots as drawing both players extra cards is not beneficial unless the match up calls for it to be beneficial.

journey into nyx best cards

Font of Fortunes

Constructed: 1.5

On the surface, this rate is not necessarily strong enough to run on its own, but with any type of synergy bonus, it can easily be good enough. We saw this with Courier's Capsule back in Shards of Alara as it saw some occasion play based on its permanent type.

Card advantage is always welcome. While this might not be as good as Divination on the surface, a couple of constellation triggers or a Pharika's Mender later and you might change your mind.

Godhunter Octopus

If this thing is the only thing we have hunting gods, I think we can all agree that we are in big trouble against the likes of Thassa or Xenagos.

Draft: 1 Sealed: 1.5

Another big blue dude that has a tough time attacking. This is fine if you need one at the top of your curve for a control deck, but any more than that is just overkill. Keep in mind that you can enchant one of their creatures or something to allow this to attack.

Hour of Need

This is a kind of weird card, but because its strive cost is so low and because it has a potentially powerful output, I am going to guess it gets to see some play. You are almost certainly going after your own creatures with this but I am sure occasional use for opposing dudes will be found.

Draft: 3 Sealed: 3

It seems like transforming your small guys into 4/4 fliers at instant speed is a pretty good effect to have. Even if you are only slightly upping the level of one of your 3/3 ground guys or something, the fact that you can Ambush creatures, turning this into removal, is just very strong.

Basically, if a lot of bestow stuff starts to see play or someone wants to combo this with many cantrip auras or something, this has a chance.

Draft: 3-3.5 Sealed: 3-3.5

This feels very powerful in this format to me. I would rate this card as stronger than Voyage's End within the context of this block and you guys know how strong that card is. The tempo loss this creates is just so big.

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Hypnotic Siren

The one niche use I see for this is in Monoblue Devotion. They already play Judge's Familiar and if they have access to four copies of Nykthos, then bestowing this might be a reality. Outside of that, I wouldn't consider it anywhere.

First of all, do not cast this as a 1/1 flier unless you literally absolutely have to. Second of all, this is a Mind Control, but it exists in a format where enchantment removal is rampant, so it is nowhere near as good as Mind Control was in its respective format. Probably still worth picking high, just be warned.

Interpret the Signs

While I do not know if this will make it past the casting cost barrier that is six, but there are some amazing plays you can make with this, including drawing up to 12 cards in Standard alone. Sphinx's Revelation will almost certainly keep this out of the environment, but we shall see post rotation.

Draft: 2.5 Sealed: 3.5

This is the absolute perfect card for a slow control deck or ramp deck to refuel with and then win the game shortly thereafter. Sealed tends to promote this slower pace of play and there are on average higher curves, making this more reliable there. Drawing three cards with this is what you need to feel ok about it, but hopefully four or five happen more often.

Kiora's Dismissal

I can see this being an answer to niche enchantment based decks going back to basically any format, as this is very reasonably costed. I would not expect heavy play of this at any time though.

While this has some heavy targeting restrictions to it, keep in mind that it can hit any enchantments at all. This means it can reset your cantrip enchantments in addition to bouncing bestow creatures. This seems really fun to sort of build around, although it does seem rather fragile.

Pin to the Earth

This is a totally fine Pacifism variant in a color that does not always get them this cheap. This might not ever be needed due to the mana fixing being so good in the format, but if monoblue is looking for answers to things like Prophetic Flamespeaker , this can do the trick.

Draft: 2 Sealed: 2.5

A reasonable removal spell for the most part. Obviously you leave the opponent with any heroic triggers or inspire triggers, so try to only use this on combat oriented guys.

Polymorphous Rush

The last time we had a card like this was Mirrorweave and that card saw some fringe play. This is a little tougher to set up as it costs more for a lot of guys, but it also has flexibility as a result. The big combo here is with Biovisionary and seven mana, so we will have to see if that ever becomes a thing.

This seems like a very strong trick to pull on someone due to the infrequency that it comes up. When you are trying to play around Hour of Need or traditional combat tricks and then they bust this thing out on you, everything can go bad quite quickly. Not the easiest spell to set up, but powerful when it does get cast.

Pull from the Deep

There are certainly worlds where double Regrowth for four mana is playable, but I do not think Standard is one of those right now. I guess Esper might want to retrieve a Sphinx's Revelation and Supreme Verdict or something, but there just seems like better ways to gain card advantage, like Jace at the same mana cost.

This is going to be a card that fluctuates wildly based on how many of each type of card you actually have access to. If the answer is five of each, then this will probably be a late game savior whereas if the answer is two of each, this is going to be an overpriced Regrowth .

Riptide Chimera

I view this card as a cross between Esperzoa and Fettergeist , both of which were Constructed playable cards. There are a lot of cool things you can enable with this and you get an undercosted body on top of all that. Something to experiment with for sure.

You are less likely to have neat combos to set up with this guy in Sealed, so he gets slightly worse remarks there. There will be some awkward times with this, where he is only able to be on defense until you find another enchantment to bounce, but for the most part, he should be a pretty solid beater and synergy enabler.

Rise of Eagles

This is both pretty expensive and a sorcery, which holds it back quite a bit. As is, it would need to make a pair of 3/3s or better to really even enter the discussion and more than likely this would just need to be a blue Broodmate Dragon to actually be legit.

Draft: 1.5 Sealed: 2

A slow card that does not change too much about the board. While generating tokens is usually nice, in this case, a 4/4 is so much better as it can actually attack unimpeded most of the time. Still, this puts multiple flying bodies out and scrys, so its fine some of the time.

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Sage of Hours

Constructed: 2-2.5

Certainly a very niche card as it requires being entirely built around for maximum effectiveness. That said, this is a way to generate multiple free turns, potentially back-to-back, and there are many ways to abuse the input process. People are already discussing Ajani plus cards like Vorel, the Hull Clad as ways to go infinite with this and that is not too far of a stretch for Standard.

I expect this to basically just be a Satyr Hoplite at two mana most of the time, but there will be some decks you Draft that can actually pull this off, but I would imagine if you ever get close, then this guy gets a giant flag that reads, "Kill me please." I am sure people will pull this off, but do not count on it is all.

Scourge of Fleets

This bounces an entire board of creatures and leaves behind a 6/6? Sign me up! Now, granted this comes with all sorts of deck building restrictions, but it is a very powerful effect if you are willing to work for it. I wouldn't count on this being popular, but it should see some niche play.

Draft: 4 Sealed: 4

You need to be willing to go heavy blue or even monoblue before this is worth the four that I gave it, but even with only 6 Islands in your deck, this is still a reasonable card. If you cast this with five Islands in play though, the game is probably over on the spot or if not, then shortly thereafter.

Sigiled Starfish

I give this a two, but I don't know how genuine that is. On the one hand, this effect is pretty nice and is something I would enjoy. On the other hand, Omenspeaker exists and I am not sure the Starfish is justified if you aren't playing Omenspeaker already. Perhaps I am wrong and the Starfish is secretly the nuts though.

This is a pretty solid way to smooth your draws in either format and it is even a two-drop that blocks most of the other two-drops in the format. Buying yourself time means more scrying which means more access to your bombs and removal. Man, this Starfish is a badass!

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Thassa's Devourer

Five mana 2/6's are in fashion this time of year. This is obviously just too slow and awkward for Constructed.

Draft: 1.5 Sealed: 1

I give this a one and a half in Draft because I can see it being a true build around. While it is slow, if you manage to cast two or three more enchantments after this, your opponent might just be dead. More often than not, you are going to get a gigantic blocker though and not much more.

Thassa's Ire

A neat card, but with an activation of four mana, I don't really see this being useful. There is one spot where it might work and that is as an answer to AEtherling, so who knows maybe this pops up in a sideboard or two.

Draft: 2 Sealed: 2

I am probably heavily underrating this, but I don't mean to. I think the card is very good in that it enables your own strategy or acts as a tapper for multiple creatures a turn potentially. My concern comes with the activation cost however. Four mana is a lot to keep up and invest into this, so I am not positive you should be picking this over anything important.

Triton Cavalry

Pillarfield Ox received an upgrade, but I do not expect this to put it into Constructed as this is still a very niche ability that is pretty awkward to actually trigger.

This feels like a very similar card to Wavecrash Triton. Both play defense and then have some way to disrupt an opponent through heroic abilities. Bouncing enchantments is a harder one to pull off, but it is likely more rewarding as well.

Triton Shorestalker

I don't think there is big demand for a one mana unblockable guy, but this might be of use to someone, such as a hexproof list or something. Likely dreaming too big for this guy, but meh!

Draft: 1 Sealed: 1

I can't imagine too many decks wanting to invest in this guy, as he is so fragile. He makes for a reasonable target for some bestow or auras if you can sneak them out early and he is great with Ordeals, but outside of those uses, I would look elsewhere.

War-Wing Siren

This is worse than Wingsteed Rider for Constructed purposes for sure, and Rider is not exactly the most popular card on the block. Three mana in Constructed gives you immediate results whereas this guy asks you to continue to invest in it without giving that big of a payoff.

This feels about as good as Wingsteed Rider to me and maybe better. It does not hit as hard without help, but three toughness dodges a lot of removal that two toughness does not. Blue should love having this card around, regardless of whether it is better or worse than Wingsteed Rider.

Whitewater Naiads

I have run Neurok Invisimancer in the past to sneak large creatures through, but at five mana, most people would rather just play Rogue's Passage and not need to waste a spell slot on this dork.

This feels very strong to me in limited. It is not quite Air Elemental in that you need to work a bit to make it that strong, but the body is still rather big and you do get immediate payoff by sneaking a guy through. This should be a rather high pick. Green

Bassara Tower Archer

Hexproof creatures are innately unfair if they are reasonably costed in any way and this certainly qualifies. Expect any sort of hexproof auras deck to include this guy.

Hexproof is the big reason to look at this guy so highly. Sure, he is double green for devotion too, which is nice, but knowing that any auras you put on this are safe is a big burden lifted off of the active player. Suit this guy up and use him for all sorts of fun things like Time to Feed or Hunter's Prowess.

Colossal Heroics

This seems like it is too expensive to catch anyone off guard with for multiple creatures, which is really its only use as Savage Surge is strictly better should you plan on only casting this on one dude.

Savage Surge is a card that gets people to this day and this one seems like it will do that even more. If you leave this open for two creatures, can you opponent just get fogged while they wait to find a way to play around this? By nature of the spell, you are getting to attack with your creatures, so you are not giving them much time. This also works with heroic and inspire, so snatch it up.

Consign to Dust

I don't see people paying three mana for a Naturalize, even if it can be a six mana double Naturalize. There are better options available at that cost I feel. Then again, because this is an instant, maybe people will deem it good enough.

Draft: 1 Sealed: 2

While I would not be sad to start this card in my deck, I would prefer to have something that paid me out some other bonus, such as scry two, or gaining three life, that way if I find it dead later on, it can provide me with something at least. That said, in Sealed there will basically always be solid targets and this is a clutch sideboard option.

Desecration Plague

I don't think people that want to blow up enchantments often care about lands, but perhaps some obscure deck will surface that makes this versatility matter. Four mana for land destruction is the cheapest we get these days though, so maybe someone will adopt this.

Draft: 0.5 Sealed: 0.5

While blowing up an enchantment obviously has value in this block, blowing up a land really doesn't unless it is Nykthos or something. So, if you Erase that portion of the card, a four mana sorcery that kills just enchantments is pretty bad compared to just about every single other option in the format.

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Dictate of Karametra

I don't really see a symmetrical Mirari's Wake being playable. Five mana is a lot to put into your "ramp" spell, meaning this is almost exclusively for combo decks. The flash is cute, but probably not good enough to have this, or any deck built around it, keeping up with the rest of a competitive environment.

Unless you have an absolutely masterful plan on how to use this and not allow your opponent to Reap the same benefit, just leave it in your sideboard as it can cause a lot more harm than good when left to its own devices.

Eidolon of Blossoms

This is a really exciting card to me partially due to the fact that it is an enchantress that triggers from itself and partially because of the already solid green enchantments that we have access to. Courser of Kruphix and Bow of Nylea are both very sweet cards, meaning that there might be some value enchantment deck were this is very good, but not essential.

You are going to love any card that rewards you with a string of new cards and this one has the potential to do just that. Replacing itself means you will never be sad to cast this, but when you do get to untap and draw two more cards, the game can get out of hand quickly.

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Font of Fertility

Well, if you want Rampant Growth in Standard, this is what you have. I actually think this is a pretty neat card, even if it is a little tough to pull off consistently. Leading with this active on turn two is basically like Rampant Growth , although you probably took two damage from a Shockland, but in the late game, at least this can trigger constellation effects. Maybe...

This is as good as it is within your deck. That sounds awkward, but what I mean is that if you need mana fixing, this will be good. If you need constellation triggers, this will be good. If you need ramp, this will be good. And for each of those things you need on top of another, the card moves up in value, so draft accordingly.

Golden Hind

Sylvan Caryatid basically has this space locked up for the duration of their stay in Standard. Voyaging Satyr is there to play second fiddle too, should his services be required.

Should be a highly sought after common if the format remains even close to what it has been thus far. Voyaging Satyr was the best thing to get in Theros and this even has an extra point of toughness when it comes time to attack. What are elks doing making green mana though?

Goldenhide Ox

Must be blocked? By what? My Detention Sphere ?

This guy is another curve topper but he almost comes with removal built right into him if you can set it up properly. If this ability gets triggered two or three times successfully, that is going to be a worn down set of enemy creatures.

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Heroes' Bane

Not a big fan of this card. It harkens back to Chameleon Colossus, but the changeling was so good due to multiple up front abilities and a very good rate on the initial creature. This making the pump permanent does not outdo all of those other downsides unfortunately.

Draft: 3 Sealed: 3.5

A giant guy that is just going to keep getting bigger. This does get held back by any deathtouch creature and still dies to the likes of Sip of Hemlock, but if left unchecked for a turn or two, at the very least you have The Abyss.

Humbler of Mortals

Another expensive fatty without much utility when it comes to Constructed. Not every Craw Wurm was made to battle, after all.

I actually like this more than the ability to make things must be blocked. Evasion can be what the green deck struggles with late after it takes over with a big monster or two and this allows you to get through more easily. The extra point of toughness is the real prize here though as there are so many four damage spells and removal that this guy ends up being more durable.

Hydra Broodmaster

The last time we had a creature that was this efficient and gave an additional bonus was Cloudthresher and that saw a ton of play, often as the only green card in a deck coming in at four green mana! Being a 7/7 for six is a great place to start and then if you untap, you immediately Threaten putting three 3/3s into play and extending the threat base. A really solid creature.

Draft: 4 Sealed: 4.5

You need to get the chance to untap with this, but if you do, the game should be over. So many removal spells just miss this by a mile meaning that it dying on turn six is actually pretty low. Certainly take this first pick and do whatever you can to play with it.

Kruphix's Insight

I think this is a little too slow to be a role player in decks like Dredge, just because three mana is so much for them. That said this can actually draw you three cards for three mana, which is unheard of, especially in green. I suspect some deck will abuse this to the fullest and it will be fun to watch for.

This is going to vary in power based on the number of enchantments you are running of course. If you have a reason to get things into the graveyard, then the value goes even further up. I think most decks would prefer something like Commune with the Gods due to the reliability, but this is still totally fine.

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Market Festival

I cannot remember if Dawn's Reflection saw any play back when it was printed in Mirrodin, but the concepts are the same of course. Four mana ramping into six or seven mana is a big deal and with land destruction being so absent these days, the risk of this getting you two-for-one'd is very low. There seem to be a lot of different ramp spells being printed in this block, so we will have to see which ones rise to the top

If you are trying to splash some number of colors or have a really high curve, this card is going to be a nice mid-to-late pack pickup. In Sealed, one of those things tends to be true more often than Draft, so the value of this is higher as a result.

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Nature's Panoply

I don't think Battlegrowth was ever up for discussion as being a Constructed playable card. Granted, this has a little extra spice thrown in with the strive cost, but as we have discussed before, a strive of three mana is difficult to abuse in Constructed.

I like this as a minor combat trick but mostly as a great heroic enabler. One issue with heroic comes when you have a Wingsteed Rider and you don't want to waste a Savage Surge for just an extra counter on your guy. This lets you get a permanent bonus from each and not feel bad about when you fired it off.

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Nessian Game Warden

A 4/5 for five mana is not the worst thing in the world, although we would not be talking about this without the card advantage aspect. Digging three to four cards deep for a creature can be a big game for a lot of decks. Imagine a monogreen stompy strategy or ramp strategy for instance. As long as they have something productive to do with a 4/5, this is an interesting option.

A big dude that draws you another dude is always a good dude in my book, dude. Alright, I guess this could be a dudette, I am not really sure. Regardless, take this and play with it in basically any deck with eight or more Forests in it and you should be fine.

Oakheart Dryads

This just suffers from being a common basically. If this same design were rare, it would be a 3/3 and give +2/+2 and we would all be talking about how sweet it is. As is though, the output and body are just too weak.

This seems pretty strong to me, but I did not run into any of these at the prerelease. A 2/3 for three is the standard in this format it seems and this does come with an immediate bonus to take home. I think this is worth playing almost all of the time.

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Pheres-Band Thunderhoof

We have had Centaur Battlemaster in the format for about six months now and not a soul has even looked his way. Battlemaster would see play years before the Thunderhoof.

I actually think this might just be better than Battlemaster. That extra toughness makes dodging red removal that much easier and the difference between a 6/6 and a 5/6 is not that big. From there, either creature is so big that they must be blocked or killed, so this could just be better.

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Pheres-Band Warchief

I can't imagine centaurs being a real tribal deck in standard because they have no synergy outside of this particular lord. No other centaur is making your guys cheaper or giving them haste, so there is not enough incentive to build your entire deck differently.

This guy is a pretty solid body all on his own as vigilance and trample both pair well with auras. You will likely have some number of centaurs in your deck if you are green as they are all over the place, so the extra bonuses are nice too.

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Ravenous Leucrocota

Pillarfield Ox with vigilance! Ok, so this is better than that big dumb Ox, but it's still just a big dumb Leucrocota anyway!

This little doggie seems like quite the Workhorse as a four-drop. He plays offense and defense simultaneously and then can grow to new heights later on in the game. Not the type of high pick that something like Nessian Asp is, but still a card you are always happy to have.

Renowned Weaver

Not unreasonable to think that some deck might want this effect, but I just don't see the end game of a 1/3 spider being worth the inclusion of a 1/1 creature for one mana in your deck.

This can give you constellation triggers at instant speed, which is pretty nifty, but overall, neither half of the card is spectacular. One reason Centaur Herald was good was because a 3/3 actually did something where as a 1/3 is pretty blah.

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Reviving Melody

As I mentioned above with my blue review, a Regrowth that can reliably bring back two cards is probably worth looking into. I am not sure of what decks take advantage of this card best, possibly even Dredge, but it has some Constructed quality things going on.

I am a huge fan of double Raise Dead and I have to imagine this is going to be just that a majority of the time. This seems like the exact kind of card that a green mage would want to pluck off the top in the late game and it should be quite strong.

Satyr Grovedancer

While this guy is certainly not out of the realm of Constructed possibility, there is just too much competition amongst cheap creatures these days for him to sneak in on opportunity cost alone. If you were to skim green two-drops that you want to play, this guy would not be amongst the Top 10.

Two-drops are definitely at a premium in this format and this one is one of the better ones. On the one hand, you have a Traveling Philosopher which has proven to be perfectly viable. However, when you draw this in the late game, it turns into Battlegrowth plus a 1/1 dork, which is a lot more utility than Traveling Philosopher brings you at that point.

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Setessan Tactics

I think this could be a strong option for all of the midrange decks in the format. Imagine casting this at the end of your opponent's turn, then tapping your Reaper of the Wild and Polukranos to take our their Stormbreath Dragon and Fanatic of Mogis or something. That seems reasonable enough for a 75 to me.

Draft: 4.5 Sealed: 4.5

This should just end the game for as cheap as four or five mana most of the time and that is not something most cards can claim. You might lose one creature in the trade, but it will be en route to setting up a lethal attack and casting Plague Wind, so I think you can cope.

Solidarity of Heroes

This is a very unique effect and it contains the word double, so there is a high chance for some abuse case here. This is also an instant, which can matter in whatever niche it fits into. All I am saying is Countryside Crusher...

This is mostly just a heroic card whereas most of the strive cards are just normal combat tricks. That makes this a much riskier pick up in Draft because you cannot be sure it will be good in your deck. That said, if you do end up with a deck that can run it, it should be pretty amazing as it triggers heroic and leaves behind quite the handiwork.

There is a chance this is actually a card due to his drawback not being nearly as bad here. You basically just get a four power creature for three mana with an alternate way to be cast, which might be good enough.

I wanted to get a chance to play with this guy this weekend because he has a very unique play pattern I think. Casting this on turn three into an empty board is really strong if you can back it up with anything, but that is a lot of ifs that need to add up properly. Using this as a pseudo removal spell is risky, but probably worth the five mana investment when you can get it to work.

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Strength from the Fallen

I actually really love this card because it sells big dreams. You can imagine turns in which you play three enchantments and come across the field with a gigantic lethal army. I have actually done this while playing with BG Dredge in Standard. The card is extremely niche though and even when I play it, I cannot do so as a four-of due to the number of creatures you must run to fuel this, so keep that in mind.

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Lifelong best friends complete 600-mile journey in motorized toy cars

KEY WEST, Fla. (Gray News) – Two lifelong best friends have just completed a nearly 600-mile journey in motorized toy cars.

Cassie Aran and Lauren Lee, both 29, drove 596 miles from Jacksonville to Key West, Florida – a trek along the entire east coast of the state.

The women began their record-long journey over three months ago and arrived at their final destination in Key West on Saturday.

In a Facebook post , the City of Key West Government posted photos of Aran and Lee celebrating their arrival.

The best friends chronicled their adventure on social media to support their fundraiser aimed at helping animal shelters.

According to a report from WJXT , Aran and Lee were attempting to set a Guinness World Record for “Longest Distance by Toy Cars.”

However, the two will not officially be certified by Guinness World Records because of a financial dilemma.

During their journey, the women received a notification from Guinness that they were “no longer allowed to raise money towards saving animals unless they paid them $16,000,” according to Aran.

Although they said it was heartbreaking to give up their dream of holding a Guinness World Record, the women said it was far more important to them to donate the money they raised to animals in need.

So, they forfeited the Guinness title.

“We are so incredibly sad that we had to make the decision to choose between the record title and saving animals...but I know we made the right move,” Aran said in a post on her YouTube Channel . “I hope so many animals get saved from kill shelters and get the life they deserve because of this very sad decision. I hope you guys will still stay here for our 600-mile journey to the finish line in Key West. I love you guys and I’m going to go cry now..but I still stand by my decision 1000%.”

Aran and Lee have been best friends since kindergarten. They said the toy car journey was a way to honor their childhood memories, as they used to ride them around the neighborhood growing up together.

The women told WJXT that the adventure was so much fun that they plan on taking another long journey in toy cars again soon.

Copyright 2024 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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  1. Magic The Gathering Journey Into Nyx Single Card Uncommon Nyx-Fleece

    journey into nyx best cards

  2. The wilds and the Deep, Journey into Nyx intro deck unboxing, full

    journey into nyx best cards

  3. Magic The Gathering Journey into Nyx Mortals of Myth Intro Pack Wizards

    journey into nyx best cards

  4. Magic The Gathering Journey Into Nyx Single Card Rare Eidolon of

    journey into nyx best cards

  5. Magic The Gathering Journey Into Nyx Single Card Rare Master of the

    journey into nyx best cards

  6. Magic The Gathering Journey Into Nyx Single Card Uncommon Interpret the

    journey into nyx best cards


  1. Spoiler Spotlight: Journey Into Nyx #6

  2. Jamie Parke's PT Journey into Nyx "Rap" Up


  4. Pro Tour Journey into Nyx

  5. Journey into Nyx Prize Pack Opening & Pre-Release Results!

  6. NYX Professional Makeup


  1. The Top 10 Sleepers of Journey into Nyx

    Maybe you'll see a card in a new light, or discover an application you might not have thought of, and if so, then I consider my work a success. If you're looking for simply a list of the Top 10 Journey into Nyx cards you're in the wrong place. You will find no Athreos, God of Passage, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, or Mana Confluence here. Only some ...

  2. Top 10 Cards in Journey into Nyx

    Black was the winner of Journey—it has the best cards overall of any color. It has three of the cards in my top five, and I also have Thoughtrender Lamia in my #12 spot. Don't forget the aforementioned cards such as Pharika's Chosen and Agent of Erebos, and you have a solid Wrath variant (Extinguish All Hope), a spell version of Mindslaver (Worst Fears), another Nightmare variant (Squelching ...

  3. Top 10 Journey Into Nyx Cards

    6. Deicide. If we're giving full credit for sideboard inclusions, there's a chance this will turn out to be the most played card in the set. Between Gods, Detention Sphere, Banishing Light, Underworld Connections, enchantment creatures of all varieties, and who knows what else, most decks have great targets for this.

  4. Journey into Nyx (JOU) Card Gallery

    Deserter's Quarters. Gold-Forged Sentinel. Hall of Triumph. Mana Confluence. Temple of Epiphany. Temple of Malady. It is the moment of discovery, the triumph of the mind, and the end of these results. A visual spoiler of all 165 cards from Journey into Nyx in Magic: The Gathering.

  5. Journey into Nyx Set Review: White and Multicolor

    First up, I would like to talk about my Top 8 Constructed cards from Journey into Nyx. These are the cards that will leave the biggest impact, be it whatever format, and will leave us to remember Journey into Nyx forever. Top 8 Constructed Cards from Journey into Nyx: 8- Prophetic Flamespeaker 7- Gnarled Scarhide 6- Ajani, Mentor of Heroes

  6. Journey into Nyx

    Journey into Nyx is the third and final set in the Theros block. It is the 64th Magic expansion and was released May 2014.[3][4] Like its predecessors, Journey into Nyx has an ancient Greek-themed top-down design, making use of many mythological tropes. The set contains 165 cards (60 Common, 60 Uncommon, 35 Rare, 10 Mythic) and includes randomly inserted premium versions of all cards. Fitting ...

  7. A Draft Guide for Journey into Nyx

    Bounce spells are at their best in aggressive decks that can gain the most from the tempo gained from a card like Hubris. Pin to the Earth: This card is playable in an aggressive deck, but at its best in a control deck, which makes it basically the opposite of Cast into Darkness. This card is not only solid removal, but it works with constellation.

  8. Journey into Nyx

    In 1494 decks 0% of 1892165 decks. Reprisal. In 994 decks 0% of 1785938 decks. Please consider supporting us on Patreon to remove ads for only $2/month. Riddle of Lightning. In 877 decks 0% of 1892165 decks. Bladetusk Boar. In 247 decks 0% of 1892165 decks. Top EDH / Commander cards from Journey into Nyx.

  9. Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer

    The Journey into Nyx Prerelease presents Quest #7 along the Hero's Path, "Forge a Godslayer." This one is a little involved, so let's walk through it. First, you have to choose how you want you want forge the weapon. You have five choices, which correspond (not coincidentally) with the five colors in Magic.

  10. [Set (P}review] My top 20 Journey Into Nyx cards for the cube!

    Journey Into Nyx was a solid set for the cube, especially considering it was a smaller one. Much better than Born of the Gods was, at any rate. In addition to the cards featured in this top 20 list, there were a handful of honorable mentions that missed the cut. Pretty refreshing to get a set that wasn't too good or too bad in terms of cube ...

  11. Mechanics of Journey into Nyx

    Devotion and Gods. Five gods appear on cards in Journey into Nyx as legendary enchantment creatures with the creature type God. Each God in Journey into Nyx is two colors, completing the pantheon of fifteen gods. A two-color God manifests as a creature on the battlefield once your devotion to its two colors is high enough.

  12. Journey into Nyx

    The Visual Magic the Gathering Spoiler | Browse Journey into Nyx MTG cards by Cycles, Colors, Card Types and more.. Home | MAGIC 2015 ; CONSPIRACY ; BORN OF THE GODS ; THEROS ; MAGIC 2014; MORE SETS; Journey into Nyx 165/165 | Sort by: COLOR | DATE SPOILED; CYCLES; TYPE ...

  13. MTG / Journey Into Nyx

    8 available $2.79. Add to Cart. Ajani, Mentor of Heroes. Journey into Nyx (M) Collector #: 145. Legendary Planeswalker - Ajani. [+1]: Distribute three +1/+1 counters among one, two or three target creatures you control. [+1]: Look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal an Aura, creature, or planeswalker card from among them and ...

  14. MTGNexus

    Journey into Nyx card database. Browse or search the set. View legality, oracle text, pricing, ratings, and more. General Discussion Community Hub Articles Magic Art Gallery Card Database Custom Cards & Sets Collection Tracker MTGNexus Shop Tools & Web Apps. Modern Horizons 3. 7/68 +81 Bonus.

  15. Journey into Nyx Set Information

    Journey into Nyx card list and prices. Search Bar. Cards Modern Horizons 3. Thunder Junction. Fallout. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Decks ... Journey into Nyx Main Set (165) Main Set Foils (165) Sealed (9) All Cards (339) Main Set (165) Tabletop. $ 188. MTGO. 16 tix. Release Dates. May 2, 2014.

  16. Journey into Nyx Set Review: Blue and Green

    Conley continues his massive Journey into Nyx Set Review, going over all of the blue cards and the green cards in the set. Find out how he ranks them for Constructed, Draft, and Sealed play inside. By Conley Woods | @Conley81 | Published 2/7/2023 | 38 min read. Welcome back to day three of our week long Journey into Nyx set review.

  17. Lightning Diadem · Journey into Nyx (JOU) #102

    Its triggered ability won't trigger. (2014-04-26) {5} {R} • Enchantment — Aura • Enchant creature When Lightning Diadem enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to any target. Enchanted creature gets +2/+2. • Journey into Nyx (JOU) #102 • Illustrated by Ryan Alexander Lee • Magic: The Gathering, MTG.

  18. Journey Into Nyx

    Journey Into Nyx. Artist. John Avon. Avg Price $0.20. Buy on TCGPlayer. Nessian Game Warden. When Nessian Game Warden enters the battlefield, look at the top X cards of your library, where X is the number of Forests you control. You may reveal a creature card from among them and put it into your hand.

  19. MTG / Journey Into Nyx

    Journey into Nyx Intro Pack: Mortals of Myth This is a White themed deck. Each intro pack contains: A 60-card preconstructed deck. Two Journey into Nyx booster packs. A strategy and mechanics guide. A learn-to-play insert for new players. $12.99. Add To Cart.

  20. Temple of Epiphany

    Journey into Nyx: Type: Land: Cast: Rarity: R: Collector #: 164: Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield tapped. When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.): Add or to your mana pool. Pro Tip!

  21. 1x Doomwake Giant

    Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1x Doomwake Giant | Mystery Booster | Journey into Nyx | MTG Magic Cards at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

  22. Master of the Feast

    At the beginning of your upkeep, each opponent draws a card. Add To Wishlist Restock Notice Gatherer & Rulings. NM. EX. VG. G. $5.49. Out of stock. Sell your Master of the Feast.

  23. Lifelong best friends complete 600-mile journey in motorized toy cars

    KEY WEST, Fla. (Gray News) - Two lifelong best friends have just completed a nearly 600-mile journey in motorized toy cars. Cassie Aran and Lauren Lee, both 29, drove 596 miles from Jacksonville ...