Campa Tour and Event

Open Trip Lombok 3 Hari 2 Malam

  • 10.30 : Penjemputan di Bandara Lombok
  • 11.00 : Perjalanan menuju Desa Tenun Sukarara dan Desa Adat Sade
  • 12.00 : Tiba di Desa tenun Sukarara & Desa Adat Sade, explore & hunting foto
  • 13.00 : Makan Siang
  • 13.30 : Tiba di Desa Adat Sade, explore dan hunting foto
  • 14.00 : Perjalanan menuju ke Pantai Mawun
  • 14.30 : Tiba di Pantai Mawun, explore dan hunting foto
  • 15.00 : Tiba di Pantai Kuta Mandalika, explore dan hunting foto
  • 16.00 : Perjalanan menuju Bukit Seger/ Sirkuit Internasional Mandalika
  • 16.30 : Tiba di Bukit Seger / Sirkuit Internasional Mandalika
  • 17.00 : Perjalanan menuju Pantai Tanjung Aan
  • 17.30 : Tiba di Pantai Tanjung Aan dan Bukit Merese
  • 18.00 : Makan Malam
  • 19.00 : Check in penginapan
  • 19.30 : Acara bebas dan istirahat

Day 2 (B,L)

  • 06.30 : Sarapan Pagi dan Persiapan check out
  • 07.30 : Perjalanan menuju Pelabuhan Teluk Nare
  • 08.00 : Tiba di Pelabuhan Teluk Nare
  • 08.30 : Perjalanan menuju Bukit Malimbu
  • 09.00 : Tiba di Bukit Malimbu
  • 09.30 : Perjalanan menuju Bukit Setangi
  • 10.00 : Tiba di Bukit Sentangi
  • 10.30 : Perjalanan menuju Gili Trawangan dan persiapan snorkeling
  • 11.00 : Tiba di spot snorkeling 3 Gili Trawangan (Trawangan, Meno, dan Air)
  • 12.00 : Makan siang
  • 13.00 : Perjalanan menuju penginapan
  • 13.30 : Tiba di Penginapan, chek in dan istirahat
  • 17.00 : Perjalanan menuju spot sunset di Gili Trawangan
  • 18.00 : Makan malam
  • 19.00 : Acara bebas dan istirahat

Day 3 (B,L)

  • Menuju ke Tanjung Luar (sekitar 2 jam)
  • Explore Tanjung Luar (Naik boat kayu sekitar 30 menit)
  • Visit Pink Beach (berenang dan snorkeling)
  • Lunch (box)
  • Visit Gili Patelu / Gili pasir / Pulau Gosong
  • Kembali ke Tanjung Luar
  • Perjalanan ke hotel
  • Dinner (Exclude)
  • Kembali ke penginapan dan istirahat

Januari : 20 – 22 Febuari : 17 – 19 Maret : 24 – 26 April : 21 – 23 Mei : 19 – 21 Juni : 23 – 25 Juli : 21 – 23 Agustus : 18 – 20 September : 22 – 24 Oktober : 27 – 29 November : 24 – 26 Desember : 22 – 24

open trip lombok 3d2n

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open trip lombok 3d2n

Open Trip Pulau Lombok 3D2N

Rp 1,800,000.00

Menjelajah dan temukan pengalaman serta teman baru dengan gabung di Grup Open Trip Lombok bersama Alam Indonesia Tour. Mengunjungi dan menjelajah keindahan Pulau Lombok setiap weekend. Kalian siap untuk Explore Pulau Lombok?

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Syarat dan Ketentuan

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Jadwal kegiatan.

Pulau Lombok menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata yang menjadi favorit para traveller. Sebagian yang wisatawan yang mengunjungi Lombok adalah untuk menghilangkan penat. Mengingat suasana yang Pulau Lombok lebih kondusif dan sangat cocok untuk melakukan relaksasi. Pemandangan alamnya yang indah dan juga belum banyak terjamah, membuat ada banyak hal yang membuatmu harus mengunjungi Lombok.

Mengapa Memilih Open Trip Lombok?

Lokasinya yang berdekatan yang pulau Bali nyatanya pulau ini memiliki daya tariknya tersendiri. Sehingga dengan memilih Open Trip Lombok ini, kamu akan mendapatkan pengalaman sekaligus pemandangan yang mempesona. Berada di samudra Hindia membuat perairan di Pulau Lombok menjadi jernih dan sangat memungkinkan untuk dijadikan destinasi wisata. Apalagi Lombok juga belum sepadat Bali, sehingga sangat memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan ketenangan.

Pulau pulaunya yang memukau juga hadir untuk membuat Lombok semakin dikenal di kalangan wisatawan. Pulau Lombok dihuni oleh Suku Sasak yang menyatukan kebudayaan Sumbawa dan Jawa. Sehingga kamu juga bisa belajar akan kebudayaan mereka melalui beberapa desa wisata seperi Desa Adat Sade. Pemandangan alamnya didominasi dengan gunung Rinjani yang kokoh dan juga pantainya yang mempesona. Kamu juga bisa mendapatkan spot snokeling seperti Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno dan Gili Air.

Selain menyaksikan baharinya yang mempesona, kamu juga bisa mengunjungi beberapa wisata alam yang tak kalah menarik. Seperti Air Terjun Benang Kelambu dan juga Air terjun Benang Stokel yang sangat cantik. Kamu tidak akan pernah menyesal mengambil Open Trip Lombok untuk menghabiskan liburanmu. Karena selain melihat pemandangan dan alamnya yang indah, berwisata kuliner juga menjadi aktivitas yang sangat menarik untuk dilakukan ketika mengunjungi Lombok.

Kenapa Harus Alam Indonesia Tour ?

Karena akan sayang jika kamu liburan dengan menggunakan tour and travel yang tidak terpercaya. Alam Indonesia Tour telah berpengalaman di bidangnya terutama untuk melakukan Trip Lombok. Tim lapangannya juga profesional serta berpengalaman dalam melayani semua customernya. Kamu juga tidak perlu khawatir tidak bisa ikut dalam Open Trip Lombok ini. Karena Alam Indonesia Tour tidak memiliki minimal kuota sehingga kamu pasti berangkat ke Lombok.

          *Untuk ketersediaan seat bisa konfirm Admin via WhatsApp terlebih dahulu

*jadwal besifat tidak mengikat dan dapat berubah sewaktu waktu sesuai kondisi saat di lapangan

Start di Bandara Internasional Lombok (LOP), jam 11.30 WITA

Finish di Bandara Internasional Lombok (LOP), jam 15.00 WITA

*Harga di luar high season (hari raya/natal/lahun baru)

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Open Trip Lombok 3D2N Terbaik

Open Trip Lombok Nathan Tour Holidays – Open trip Lombok Lombok, sebuah pulau indah di sebelah timur Bali, Indonesia, menawarkan keindahan alam yang memesona dan kekayaan budaya yang unik. Dengan pantai-pantai berpasir putih, gunung-gunung megah, dan tradisi-tradisi lokal yang kuat, Lombok telah menjadi tujuan wisata yang diminati oleh para pelancong. Open Trip Lombok 3D2N memberikan kesempatan bagi peserta untuk menjelajahi pesona pulau ini dalam waktu singkat dengan pengalaman perjalanan yang terorganisir dengan baik. Open Trip Lombok 3D2N dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman eksplorasi yang menyeluruh selama tiga hari dan dua malam di Pulau Lombok. Peserta akan dapat menikmati keindahan alam, mengenal budaya lokal, dan merasakan keramahan masyarakat setempat.

Jadwal Open Trip Lombok 3D2N :

  • 19 – 21 April 2024
  • 26 – 28 April 2024
  • 03 – 05 Mei 2024
  • 09 – 11 Mei 2024
  • 10 – 12 Mei 2024
  • 17 – 19 Mei 2024
  • 23 – 25 Mei 2024
  • 24 – 26 Mei 2024
  • 31 Mei – 2 Juni 2024
  • 07 – 09 Juni 2024
  • 14 – 16 Juni 2024
  • 15 – 17 Juni 2024
  • 21 – 23 Juni 2024
  • 28 – 30 Juni 2024
  • 05 – 07 Juli 2024
  • 12 – 14 Juli 2024
  • 19 – 21 Juli 2024
  • 26 – 28 Juli 2024


  • 02 – 04 Agustus 2024
  • 09 – 11 Agustus 2024
  • 16 – 18 Agustus 2024
  • 23 – 25 Agustus 2024
  • 30 Agustus – 01 September 2024

September 2024

  • 06 – 08 September 2024
  • 13 – 15 September 2024
  • 20 – 22 September 2024
  • 27 – 29 September 2024


  • 04 – 06 Oktober 2024
  • 11 – 13 Oktober 2024
  • 18 – 20 Oktober 2024
  • 25 – 27 Oktober 2024


  • 01 – 03 November 2024
  • 08 – 10 November 2024
  • 15 – 17 November 2024
  • 22 – 24 November 2024
  • 29 November – 01 Desember 2024


  • 06 – 08 Desember 2024
  • 13 – 15 Desember 2024
  • 20 – 22 Desember 2024 (Add charge 500.000/pax, High season)
  • 21 – 23 Desember 2024 (Add charge 500.000/pax, High season)
  • 22 – 24 Desember 2024 (Add charge 500.000/pax, High season)
  • 25 – 27 Desember 2024 (Add charge 500.000/pax, High season)

Destinasi  Open Trip Lombok 3D2N :

  • Gili Trawangan
  • Desa Rambitan
  • Pantai Kute – Pantai Tanjung AAN
  • Pura Lingsar
  • Desa Sukerare
  • Pantai Setangi
  • Pantai Malimbu
  • Monkey Forest Pusuk Pass
  • Pura Batu Bolong Senggigi
  • Central oleh-oleh Sesela Lombok

Fasilitas  Open Trip Lombok 3D2N :

  • Transportasi Apv/Avanza/Xenia AC selama trip 
  • Akomodasi 2 malam di hotel ** Senggigi
  • Tiket masuk objek wisata
  • Dokumentasi foto 
  • Tour Guide 
  • Air mineral
  • Makan 7 kali
  • BBM, parkir

Tidak termasuk :

  • Tiket pesawat 
  • Obat-obatan pribadi (tolak angin, antimo, dll)
  • Makan dan minum di luar program

Biaya tambahan :

  • Cetak tshirt lengan pendek Rp 65.000 per pcs (minimal 6 pcs)
  • Fun games mulai dari Rp 50.000 per orang (minimal 30 orang)

Itinerary  Open Trip Lombok 3D2N :

  • 08.00 : Penjemputan di Bandara Lombok Pagi
  • 09.00 : Wisata Desa Rambitan (Dusun Sade)
  • 10.00 : Wisata Pantai Kute – Pantai Tanjung AAN
  • 12.00 : Istirahat makan siang di Rm Sate Rembiga Desa Sukerare
  • 14.00 : Menuju Pura Lingsar dan mampir ke Banyumulek desa central kerajinan gerabah
  • 18.00 : Dinner di Rm Rajungan
  • 20.00 : Check in Hotel Senggigi
  • 06.30 : Sarapan pagi di hotel 08.00 : Wisata Pantai Setangi – Pantai Malimbu
  • 10.00 : Penyebrang menuju Gili Trawangan dengan fast boat
  • 12.00 : Makan siang
  • 14.00 : Wisata Monkey Forest (Pusuk Pass)
  • 16.00 : Central Sesela
  • 18.00 : Dinner di Rm Taliwang
  • 20.00 : Kembali ke Hotel dan istirahat
  • 06.30 : Sarapan pagi di Hotel
  • 08.00 : Check out Hotel
  • 09.00 : Kunjungan ke Pura Batu Bolong Senggigi
  • 11.30 : Makan siang di Rm Nasi Balap
  • 14.00 : Drop off di bandara Lombok dan tour selesai.

Perlengkapan yang perlu di bawa :

  • Perlengkapan Sholat
  • Perlengkapan mandi
  • Identitas KTP/SIM
  • Pakaian minimal 3 pasang
  • Jaket Hangat
  • Sandal capit
  • Accesoris kacamata hitam
  • Penutup kepala / topi
  • Obat – obatan pribadi
  • Makanan ringan untuk di perjalanan
  • Uang secukupnya
  • Tidak di perkenankan mengenakan perhiasan yang berlebihan
  • Kantong plastik untuk pakaian kotor
  • Jas hujan plastik
  • Senter kecil
  • Flashdisk minimal 8 GB
  • Tas daypack / tas pinggang / tas kecil

Harga    Open Trip Lombok 3D2N :

  • Harga Dewasa                           : Rp 1.650.000 per pax
  • Harga Anaka Umur 2-5 tahun  : Rp 1.550.000 per pax
  • Minimal 6 Pax
  • Rekomendasi penerbangan kedatangan di Bandara Pukul 07:00 WITA maksimal paling lambat 09:00 WITA
  • Rekomendasi penerbangan pulang  minimal mulai dari pukul 17:00 WITA & seterusnya.
  • Tentukan paket perjalanan yang Anda inginkan dari Nathan Tour Holidays bisa Anda cek di website kami . Layanan kami yaitu : paket open trip, paket tour wisata, sewa bus pariwista.
  • Hubungi kami melalui telepon atau whatsapp di nomor +6281234512177 , email [email protected] , atau kunjungi kantor kami di Ciracas Jakarta Timur. Pastikan Anda mendapatkan semua detail perjalanan yang Anda butuhkan termasuk tanggal perjalanan, tujuan, dan biaya.
  • Diskusikan detail perjalanan Anda dengan kami. Mungkin ada penyesuaian yang perlu dilakukan tergantung pada preferensi Anda, seperti akomodasi tambahan, perubahan atau penambahan tempat wisata, atau permintaan khusus lainnya.
  • Pastikan semua detail perjalanan sudah sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Periksa tanggal, destinasi, akomodasi, dan semua layanan yang termasuk dalam paket perjalanan Anda.
  • Kami memberikan metode pembayaran dengan 2 tahap yaitu Tahap pertama pembayaran uang muka sebesar 50% dari total biaya, tahap kedua pelunasan H-7 sebelum pelaksanaan. Semua pembayaran resmi melalui transfer ke Rekening Bank BCA 1660517827 A/n Yonathan PK Putra.
  • Lakukan pembayaran setelah Anda menerima Invoice dari Admin kami. Pastikan untuk mengecek ulang kembali dengan teliti dan menyimpan nya dengan baik sampai kegiatan selesai.
  • Setelah Anda melakukan pembayaran, konfirmasikan kepada kami untuk memastikan bahwa pembayaran Anda di terima dengan sukses. Simpan bukti pembayaran atau konfirmasi reservasi sebagai bukti transaksi.
  • Setelah semua pembayaran dan dokumen selesai, pastikan untuk mempersiapkan diri Anda untuk perjalanan. Ini termasuk pengaturan bagasi, pengaturan kursi, pengaturan kamar, dll.
  • Dengan semua detail perjalanan terorganisir dan pembayaran sudah selesai, saatnya untuk menikmati perjalanan Anda bersama Nathan Tour Holidays.

Tinggalkan Balasan Batalkan balasan

Alamat email Anda tidak akan dipublikasikan. Ruas yang wajib ditandai *

Simpan nama, email, dan situs web saya pada peramban ini untuk komentar saya berikutnya.

Lombok 3D2N Trip - Private Tours

open trip lombok 3d2n

  • Transport Pick Up & Drop Off Hotel
  • Local Guide in Every Tourist Destination
  • All Destination Entrance Tickets
  • Private Boat ( During Gili Trip )
  • Use of Snorkelling equipment
  • Tiping for Guide
  • Personal expenses
  • Lunch & Dinner
  • Traveler pickup is offered Pick up at Airport or at your hotel at 08.30 am, please put your hotel details, so will be easy for our driver to pick up we do pick up in hotel within this area : Senggigi, Mataram, Kuta & Airport
  • Lombok Intl Airport, Lombok Indonesia
  • Pelabuhan Lembar Lombok, 739F+M7W, Jl. Lintas, Lembar, Kec. Lembar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Bar., Indonesia
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Near public transportation
  • Infant seats available
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Not recommended for travelers with back problems
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • No heart problems or other serious medical conditions
  • Most travelers can participate
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s canceled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund
  • This experience requires a minimum number of travelers. If it’s canceled because the minimum isn’t met, you’ll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.

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open trip lombok 3d2n

  • M7976TPyvonneh 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Awesome day! The trip was amazing!!! IWAN did a superb job starting with being patient while we disembarked from the ship, arriving in a meticulously clean vehicle to ensuring we had an excellent day. IWAN guided us each step of the day to facilitate the most snorkelling time possible. It was a magical day for the 6 of us. Thank you soooo much to IWAN and the team on the day as well as Jonny for making it a fantastic day. I would recommend this company. Read more Written April 14, 2024
  • Qf27 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Good trip to lombok's village We booked lombok's excursion with Rinjani company to discover local culturel to tetebatu. Our driver Kiki Was very gentle, cool and happy minded. Our trip was a pleasure with him. Arrived to the village, we walk cross thé street with Johny, a local guide very friendly and interesting. Our little hike was very gréât and interesting. We have seen lots of things like coconut oil process, coffe and rice process. Waterfall was very impressive et we were sont lucky to see many black monkey thanks to johny ! Thanks You ✌️💯 Read more Written April 12, 2024
  • 104louisas 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Island hopping and snokeling secret gilis We decided to to take another jonny tour since we enjoyed the Tetebatu Tour so much. Our driver Kiki picked us up at the hotel and was on time as always and gave us lots of information. We drove to the port where we met our captain. Kiki joined us on the boat and assisted with our snorkeling equipment and offered coffee and tea and lots of information about the islands we were about to see. We visited Gili Petagan (mangroves), Gili Bidara (lunch and snorkling), a sandbank and Gili Kondo (relaxing at the beach, more snorkling). There was also snokeling between the Island with the most intact reef we have seen so far. Our captain guided us on our snorkeling route and picked up plastic anlong the way. We realley liked that we were close to the reef and all the fish but not to close. It felt more natural and sustainable that way. We even saw turtles. The captain was also an amazing cook and pepared the most delicious lunch with tempeh, chicken, shrimp, fish, salad, vegetables, sambal and more. All freshly cooked and even grilled on Gili Bidara. After a whole day our driver Kiki took as back to the hotel. He was very professional and super nice! We had a great day! Read more Written April 12, 2024
  • F1777NZoscarg 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Five stars, would definitely recommend. My Wife and I took this tour in April. We had the boat to ourselves. The guides were fantastic and we saw 3 turtles up close. Our driver Kiki was brilliant. He was prompt on time and allowed us to stop on the way to take photos. Our guide on the snorkeling was also fantastic and took a good number of photos on his GoPro which he transferred to our phones for us, all without extra charge. Read more Written April 7, 2024
  • Atul B 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Best time with Ahmed and Kiki The entire experience is worth the time. Though we could not do Gili air due to high jellyfish. Ahmed was the perfect guide for us. He took to the right places and we had the most amazing time snorkeling around the islands. Kiki gave so many insights into while driving us around and Ahmed was the perfect guide. We dont know how to swim, and Ahmed guided us for a perfect snorkel experience Read more Written April 7, 2024
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  • scottbC9621JD 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Incredible knowledgable snorkelling trip Our driver Jamil was great and very accommodating to our requests. The diver was fantastic finding us spots and turtles that weren’t crowded by other visitors. We got some unique experiences that we will cherish forever - even got to see a rare turtle! Our diver was very attentive with his underwater GoPro and got lots of videos and pictures for us to remember our experience with Read more Written March 30, 2024
  • karinmN4024HA 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Highly recommend!!! This trip was amazing and absolutely worth the money! Kiki, our driver picked us up on time and brought us safely to the meeting point where we met Eddie, a local guy who was our guide. Eddie was really funny and nice and his English was very good, so he could answer all our questions. We saw and learned a lot about the village life and also about fruits and plants around the rainforest. The waterfalls were amazing too. During the whole trip we could always take as much time as we wanted at all stops so it felt very relaxed all together. We highly recommend doing this trip! It was our favorite day in Lombok so far! Read more Written March 22, 2024
  • amalik565 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Lovely trip with great guides We really loved this trip with many stunning views and tasting possibilities. Eddie was very helpful and caring guide, that can answer all of possible questions about the neighbourhood. Kiki, our driver, started the tour in a nice way and explained us a lot about the local life. We can definetly recommend. Read more Written March 20, 2024
  • Naman33 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great experience! Jamil our driver was very friendly and informative and Ahmed and Ardi our guides on the boat were super good! They took lots of photos and videos on their Go Pro and Ahmed was very helpful in the water as I can't swim. We would highly recommend! All three made it a pleasurable experience! Read more Written March 19, 2024
  • A6633HLleal 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Amazing Tetebatu Walking Tour It was an amazing day! We saw a lot from the culture, nature, fruitplants and also grey and black monkeys😍. Eddie is a very good tour guide! He is so friendly, funny and helpful! The day was very good organized. Thank you so much Eddie and Car for this lovely day! And Thanks Kiki our driver it was so comfortable to drive with you! Read more Written March 16, 2024
  • vanessacQ7552FN 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Snorkeling at gili beautiful trip! we were very well looked after by the driver Jamil and the snorkel guide. They provided us with assistance before and during the tour. Read more Written March 15, 2024
  • A3918XTjayc 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Well organized trip Jamil coordinated everything for us very well. Pick up from Tetebatu, to the snorkeling trip to the islands and then the private speed boat back to Lomkok, everything was on point. He was also punctual with all the pick ups making everything comfortable and seamless. Two thumbs up! 👍 Read more Written March 13, 2024
  • 889ivanaj 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Happy as first timer snorkeling Jonny tour guide is able to make us feel comfortable since we are first timer for snorkeling or swimming at sea. My 8 years old son finally not afraid of the sea because of the best service of the guide team. The PIC Kiki is very warm and friendly and has deep knowledge regarding local culture and community. Keep up the good work and will contact again when we come back to Lombok. Read more Written March 12, 2024

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Erika Afrilia

Lombok 3D2N Trip - Private Tours provided by Jonny Tour Guide

Korina Tour

  • Paket Wisata Jatim

Paket Wisata Pulau Lombok – 3D2N

open trip lombok 3d2n

  • Description
  • Pulau Lombok berada dalam gugusan Pulau di Nusa Tenggara Barat
  • Pantai – pantai yang eksotis dan gili – gili kecil yang tersebar di Utara, Barat dan Timur Pulau Lombok begitu indah
  • Mengeksplorasi keindahan dari Gili Gili yang masih sangat asri
  • Mengunjungi Desa Sasak (Suku Asli Lombok)

Program Wisata

[B] : Breakfast, Makan Pagi  [L] : Lunch, Makan Siang  [D] : Dinner, Makan Malam

  • 08.00 – 08.30 : Meeting point Bandara Lombok
  • 08.30 – 09.30 : Sarapan (include) & persiapan explore lombok
  • 09.30 – 11.30 : Perjalanan & explore pantai selong belanak
  • 11.30 – 13.30 : Perjalanan & explore pantai mawun dilanjutkan makan siang (include)
  • 13.30 – 14.30 : Perjalanan & explore kuta lombok
  • 14.30 – 16.30 : Perjalanan & explore pantai tanjung aan
  • 16.30 – 16.45 : Perjalanan menuju bukit marese hill
  • 16.45 – 17.30 : Explore bukit marese
  • 17.30 – 18.30 : Perjalanan menuju tempat makan di mataram
  • 18.30 – 19.30 : Makan malam (include) & check in hotel
  • 19.30 – 06.00 : Free program / Istirahat
  • 06.00 – 07.30 : Sarapan (include) & persiapan kegiatan
  • 07.30 – 08.30 : Perjalanan menuju dermaga sekoteng
  • 08.30 – 09.00 : Persiapan kegiatan hopping & snorkeling
  • 09.00 – 16.00 : Kegiatan explore gili lombok barat (gili kapal, gili nanggu, gili kedis & gili sudak) & makan siang (include)
  • 16.00 – 17.00 : Perjalanan kembali ke dermaga sekoteng
  • 17.00 – 19.00 : Bersih-bersih,perjalanan menuju tempat makan
  • 19.00 – 20.00 : Makan malam (include)
  • 20.00 – 22.00 : Hunting oleh-oleh khas lombok
  • 22.00 – 22.30 : Perjalanan kembali ke hotel
  • 22.30 – 06.30 : Free program / Istirhat
  • 06.30 – 07.30 : Sarapan (include) & persiapan kegiatan (check out)
  • 07.30 – 09.00 : Perjalanan menuju air terjun benang kelambu & air terjun skotel
  • 09.00 – 12.30 : Explore air terjun benang kelambu, air terjun skotel & makan siang (include)
  • 12.30 – 13.30 : Perjalanan menuju taman narmada
  • 13.30 – 14.30 : Explore taman narmada
  • 14.30 – 15.30 : Perjalanan menuju desa sasak (SADE)
  • 15.30 – 17.00 : Explore desa sasak (SADE)
  • 17.00 – 17.30 : Perjalanan menuju tempat makan malam
  • 17.30 – 18.30 : Makan malam (exclude)
  • 18.30 – 18.50 : Perjalanan menuju bandara lombok
  • 18.50 – 20.30 : Check in pesawat & Trip selesai

NB: Jadwal tidak mengikat, bisa berubah berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi di lapangan.

Jadwal Open Trip:

  • 28 – 30 September 2018
  • 12 – 14 Oktober 2018
  • 17 – 19 November 2018
  • 07 – 09 Desember 2018
  • 30 – 01 Januari 2019
  • Transportasi AC selama kegiatan
  • Hotel ** 3 hari 2 malam (2 orang/room)
  • Kapal hopping & snorkeling
  • Makan 8 kali selama program
  • Guide lokal & driver berpengalaman
  • HTM & Retribusi selama kegiatan
  • Dokumentasi selama kegiatan
  • P3K standart
  • Air Mineral selama trip
  • Asuransi Perjalanan

Tidak Termasuk:

  • Tiket Pesawat Asal – Lombok PP
  • Alat snorkeling full set (50.000/hari)
  • Tips guide dan driver (sukarela)
  • Makan & minum diluar program
  • Obat-obatan pribadi
  • Pengeluaran pribadi


  • Pendaftaran ditutup tanggal H-8
  • Pembayaran wajib dilunasi H-8
  • Harga di atas merupakan harga per orang.
  • Slot open trip 13 orang dan akan digabung dengan peserta lain.
  • Tour bersifat open trip yaitu di gabung dengan peserta lain .
  • Harga dapat berubah sesuai dengan permintaan perubahan program wisata.
  • Pembayaran DP 50% sebagai tanda jadi pemesanan
  • Pembatalan oleh peserta pembayaran tidak dapat dikembalikan
  • Calon peserta yang sudah transfer dan tidak jadi ikut di hari H pembayaran hangus.
  • Pembayaran akan kami kembalikan 100% apabila ada pembatalan dari pihak kami.
  • Apabila ada kejadian FORCE MAJEURE sehingga TRIP tertunda atau batal maka akan dilakukan musyawarah mufakat.

Pesan Sekarang!

  • Pesan dengan menghubungi whatsapp kami  atau isi booking form .   Kami akan konfirmasi tentang pesanan Anda.
  • Anda menerima invoice pesanan melalui whatsapp atau email. Lalu lakukan pembayaran.
  • Setelah pembayaran diterima, kami akan mengirimkan voucher atau tiket sebagai bukti pesanan Anda.
  • Selamat berlibur 🙂

Our Testimonials

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Mantap Djiwa

Good and quick responses, proses pembayaran dan pemesanannya mudah banget. Dan yang paling penting jujur, saya ke double transfer untuk pembelian tiketnya setelah itu pihak travel Korina langsung info dn refund. Keren banget lah pokoknya ga berbelit2. Next pasti transaksi di Korina Tour lagi! Sukses!

Korina tour paling dbest

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Korina tour memang tbaik👍👍harga murah masih dapat diskon lagi👍👍👍

TOP BGT Korina tour

pelayanan yg betul2 sippp

Korina Tour ” Aw Aw Awosome ” ,

open trip lombok 3d2n

The Right Man in The Right Place The Right Tour Agent For The Awasome Holliday is KORINA TOUR ….. thanks a Lot KORINA TOUR

Oke banget korina tour

open trip lombok 3d2n

Mantap korina tour pelayanannya. Saya dan rombongan sangat puas. Pernah saya bertanya diluar jam kerja tp tetap dilayani pertanyaan saya. Drivernya pak gatot jg sangat ramah. Semoga kami bisa memakai layanan korina lg dan memberikan rekomendasi kepada teman-teman kami. Terima ksh telah mengisi liburan kami dengan menyenangkan

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atau isi form di bawah ini

Booking Form

Paket wisata pulau lombok - 3d2n, related products.

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open trip lombok 3d2n merupakan bagian dari CV. Korina Tour Indonesia



Lombok tour package 3 days 2 nights (d).

Start IDR 830.000 Per Person

Lombok Tour Package 3 Days 2 Nights

We’ve put together 3 days 2 nights Lombok tour package for those of you who wish to get a taste of the island in a short amount of time. While on vacation to Lombok Island with us, you will discover the best destinations.

Lombok Tour Package 3 Days 2 Nights Tours Itinerary

Day 1: arrival, kuta mandalika and sasak tour (l & d).

Lombok Tour Package 3 Days 2 Nights

Arrive at Lombok International Airport first thing in the morning on the first day.

We will pick you up from the airport and take you to the following locations:

  • Sukarara Village
  • Sade Traditional Village
  • Kuta Mandalika Beach
  • Tanjung Aan Beach
  • Merese Hill

Lunch is provided in the Kuta Mandalika Area, and dinner is served in Mataram City.

We’ll take you to the hotel to rest after dinner.

Day 2: Pink Beach Snorkeling Trip (L & D)

Lombok Tour 3 Days 2 Nights

At 08.00 WITA, we will pick you up from your hotel. Then we’ll transport you to Tanjung Luar Harbor, the island of Lombok’s major fishing harbor.

It takes 2 hours to travel from Mataram City to Tanjung Luar Harbor. A local boat will also carry you to Pink Beach from this harbor.

You will visit the following places in addition to Pink Lombok Beach:

  • Gili Petelu
  • Segui Beach
  • Tanjung Pasir

Lunch will be provided at Pink Beach with a fresh seafood cuisine, and dinner will be served in Mataram City Area with a Lombok Special Menu.

We’ll take you back to the hotel to rest after dinner.

Day 3: Transfer Out

We will pick you up from your hotel on the last day and transport you to the airport according to your flight schedule.

We will take you shopping for Lombok souvenirs if you have free time. The program is now complete.

Lombok Tour Package 3 Days 2 Nights Tours Price

* For more than 10 participants per group, please contact us!

  • Private car with good AC condition
  • Two nights’ hotel accomodation (1 room for 2 persons, or 3 persons if the participant is odd)
  • Lunch and dinner at day 1 and day 2 (4 times meal)
  • Entrance fee to all site based on itinerary
  • Private Boat to Pink Beach Lombok
  • Equipment for snorkeling
  • During the session, there will be mineral water available
  • Taxes on flights and at the airport
  • Other personal requirements

Customer Testimonials

Term & conditions.

  • The tour package is PRIVATE and will not be shared with other people
  • FLEXIBLE Itinerary and lodging information. You can request your own destination and accommodation, and our specialists will assist you in planning a time and cost-effective schedule
  • The pricing shown above are only valid during the LOW SEASON. Because each hotel has its own High Season Surcharge guidelines, the pricing will vary if you book during the peak season
  • Before making a down payment, prices can change at any time
  • Children under the age of 3 are free
  • Children between the ages of 4 and 9 will be charged 50% (without extra bed)
  • Children over the age of ten will be charged in full
  • 1–4 persons used Toyota Avanza
  • 5–6 persons used Kijang Innova
  • 7–15 persons used Toyota Hiace
  • Flexible tour dates are available upon request
  • Payment of a 30% deposit is required to secure a package reservation
  • The remainder of the payment can be made on the first day of the tour

See also: Other Lombok Tour Package

Lombok Tour Package 3 Days 2 Nights A

Lombok Tour Package 3 Days 2 Nights (A)

Kuta Mandalika & Sasak Tour | Snorkeling Trip Gili Trawangan

Start IDR 890.000 Per Person

PT Langkah Liburan Bersama

© 2024 PT Langkah Liburan Bersama

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Rani Journey

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From: Rp 1.850.000,00

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Setiap weekend Jumat – Minggu dan hari libur nasional

Januari 2024

5-7 Januari

12-14 Januari

19-21 Januari

26-28 Januari

Februari 2024

2-4 Februari

9-11 Februari (8 isra miraj, 9 cuti bersama, dan 10 imlek)

16-18 Februari

23-25 Februari

8-10 Maret (11 nyepi dan 12 cuti bersama)

9-11 Maret (11 nyepi dan 12 cuti bersama)

15-17 Maret

22-24 Maret

29-31 Maret (29 wafat isa almasih & 31 paskah)


  • Gili Trawangan
  • Pantai Kuta
  • Pantai Tanjung An
  • Pantai Mawun
  • Pantai Senggigi
  • Bukit Seger/Sirkuit Mandalika
  • Bukit Merese
  • Bukit Malimbu
  • Bukit Setangi
  • Desa Adat Sade


  • Hotel 1 malam di Senggigi
  • Hotel 1 malam di Gili Trawangan
  • Transportasi AC selama wisata
  • Speed boat Teluk Nare – Gili Trawangan PP
  • Kapal wisata untuk snorkeling dan jelajah 3 Gili
  • Makan 6x selama wisata
  • Tiket wisata seluruh destinasi
  • Pelampung selama wisata
  • Alat snorkeling selama wisata
  • Tour leader yang berpengalaman
  • Guide lokal Desa Sade
  • Dokumentasi wisata
  • Keperluan pribadi
  • Fasilitas tambahan


10.30: Meeting point di Bandara International Lombok atau hotel sekitar Kota Mataram

11.00 – 11.30: Perjalanan menuju Desa Sade

11.30 – 12.30: Wisata Desa Adat Sade yang merupakan desa adat Suku Sasak

13.00 – 16.30: Makan siang, wisata Pantai Mawun, Pantai Kuta dan Bukit Seger/Sirkuit Mandalika

17.00 – 18.30: Hunting sunset di Bukit Merese  dan Pantai Tanjung An yang memiliki pasir seperti merica

19.00 – 20.00: Makan malam dan check in hotel di Senggigi

7.00 – 8.00: Sarapan dan check out hotel

8.30 – 9.30: Wisata Pantai Senggigi, Bukit Malimbu, Bukit Setangi

10.00 – 10.30: Penyeberangan menuju Gili Trawangan

11.00 – 13.30: Snorkeling dan wisata Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno dan Gili Air, makan siang

14.00 – 16.30: Check in hotel dan istirahat

17.00 – 18.00: Hunting sunset di Gili Trawangan

19.00 – 20.00: Makan malam dan acara bebas

8.30 – 9.00: Penyeberangan kembali menuju Pelabuhan Teluk Nare

9.30 – 10.30: Hunting oleh-oleh khas Lombok

10.30 – 12.00: Perjalanan kembali menuju Bandara Internasional Lombok

Let’s Take The Journey!

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Xperience Team

08 Feb 2023 - 2 min read

Rekomendasi Wisata Lombok Backpacker Itinerary 3D2N Budget Rp2 Jutaan

*Belum termasuk penginapan (untuk beberapa tour) & tiket pesawat

Walaupun Lombok dikenal sebagai destinasi honeymoon, kamu juga bisa merasakan wisata Lombok backpacker hemat budget dengan keliling tempat wisata seru. Jika kamu punya budget sekitar Rp2 juta, Traveloka telah merangkum itinerary dari berbagai paket wisata Lombok . Tentunya paket wisata Lombok ini bisa di-booking di Traveloka. Berikut itinerary Lombok 3D2N dengan budget Rp2 juta.

1. Itinerary Lombok 3 Hari 2 Malam - Rinjani & Gili Trawangan

Rasakan pengalaman mengunjungi tempat wisata di Lombok yang seru bersama tour Beracan Lombok Rare Adventures 3D2N. Paket wisata Lombok dengan budget Rp1,7 juta ini akan mengajakmu bertualang di kaki Rinjani hingga menyelami keindahan bawah laut di Gili Trawangan. Adapun itinerary Lombok 3 hari 2 malam dengan tour Lombok (sudah termasuk jemput-antar bandara) ini sebagai berikut:

Hari pertama

open trip lombok 3d2n

Hari ketiga

open trip lombok 3d2n

Beracan Lombok Rare Adventures 3D2N

Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat

2. Itinerary Lombok 3 Hari 2 Malam - Lombok Selatan, Gili Kondo & Eco Tourism Village

Traveloka juga memiliki pilihan tour Lombok 1 hari yang bisa kamu booking tiap harinya untuk mendapatkan pengalaman liburan yang lengkap. Berikut rekomendasi Traveloka paket tour Traveloka dengan budget Rp2 juta. Paket tour Lombok ini akan mengajakmu menyusuri keindahan pantai-pantai di Lombok Selatan, menjelajahi gili yang masih belum banyak diketahui wisatawan, hingga trekking di pedesaan dengan panorama air terjun dan monkey forest. Berikut pilihan itinerary Lombok yang bisa jadi pilihan:

open trip lombok 3d2n

Kuta Mandalika Full Day Tour by Private Car

open trip lombok 3d2n

Eksplore & Snorkeling Gili Kondo,Gili Bidara, Gili Kapal, & Gili Petagan

open trip lombok 3d2n

Eco Tourism Village

3. Itinerary Lombok 3 Hari 2 Malam - Bukit Merese, Gili Kondo & Lombok Selatan

Terakhir, ada paket wisata yang bisa kamu dapatkan dengan budget sekitar Rp1,9 jutaan. Tour Lombok ini akan membawamu bertualang melihat keindahan air terjun, snorkeling di Gili Kondo, dan mengunjungi berbagai pantai pasir putih di Lombok Selatan. Berikut itinerary Lombok 3D2N:

open trip lombok 3d2n

Lombok Tur 1 Hari by FAYN Bali

open trip lombok 3d2n

Hopping & Snorkeling at Gili Kondo Bidara and Gili Petangan

open trip lombok 3d2n

Explore South Beach & Sasak Lombok Trip

Itu dia pilihan paket wisata Lombok yang bisa kamu booking di Traveloka untuk itinerary Lombok 3D2N. Masih banyak paket tour Lombok dan rekomendasi tempat wisata di Lombok yang bisa kamu temukan di Traveloka . Booking sekarang untuk mendapatkan penawaran menariknya. Selamat mencoba wisata Lombok backpacker tanpa harus pusing memikirkan budget!

open trip lombok 3d2n

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Lombok Perfect

Open Trip Komodo 3D/2N

Ayo rasakan liburan berkesan bersama Lombok Perfect dalam paket Open trip Komodo Labuan bajo dengan menggunakan kapal AC. Dalam Open trip pulau Komodo Labuan Bajo anda akan kami bawa ke total up to 13 destinasi terbaik disekitaran kawasan taman nasional komodo selama 3 hari 2 malam trip ini berlangsung. Open trip pulau komodo dimulai dari Labuan Bajo, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Open trip Labuan bajo akan membawa  kamu bertemu Komodo di Pulau komodo secara Wildlife, berenang bersama pari Manta rays, berjalan di indahnya Pink beach, menikmati landscape seperti surga di pulau Padar, Gili laba, kelor dan banyak tempat.

Open Trip pulau Komodo Labuan bajo cocok bagi anda yang mencintai wisata alam. Open trip Labuan Bajo  memiliki durasi 3 hari 2 malam dengan destinasi terlengkap, Sailing komodo merupakan paket wisata yang bersifat Living On Board artinya anda akan menginap dikapal selama 2 malam open trip komodo ini berlangsung. Tenang saja kapten kapal kami yang berpengalaman akan menyandarkan kapal di tepi pulau dan perairan yang tenang, jadi anda akan berasa menginap didarat.

Tunggu apa lagi? Mari daftar Open trip  pulau Komodo Labuan bajo selama 3  hari 2 malam dengan harga 2.5  juta menikmati up to 13 destinasi , tidak heran orang orang menyebut trip kami termurah dan terlengkap!!!

Jadwal Open Trip

Jadwal Open Trip 2017 (private trip bisa request tanggal ):

Januari 2017

  • 6-8, 13-15, 20-22,  27-29 (Libur Imlek)

Februari 2017

  • 3-5, 10-12, 17-19, 24-26

  Maret 2017

  • 3-5, 10-12, 17-19, 24-26,  26-28 (Libur Nyepi)
  • 31-2 April, 7-9,  14-16 (Libur Jumat Agung) , 21-23,  22-24 (Libur Isra Miraj),   28-30
  • 30 April-1 Mei (Libur hari Buruh) , 5-7,  11-13 (Libur Waisak),  12-14, 19-21, 26-28
  • 1-3/2-4 (Libur Hari Kesaktian Pancasila),  9-11, 16-18, 23-25,  26-28 (Libur Idul Fitri)
  • 30-2 Juli, 7-9, 14-16, 21-23, 28-30

Agustus 2017

  • 4-6, 11-13, 17-19, 18-20, 25-27

September 2017

  • 1-3 (Idul Adha) , 8-10, 15-17, 22-24

Oktober 2017

  • 29-1 Oktober, 6-8, 13-15, 20-22, 27-29

November 2017

Desember 2017.

  • 1-3 (Maulid Nabi) , 8-10, 15-17, 22-24,  24-26 (Libur Natal) ,  29-31 (Libur Tahun Baru)

Destinasi :

*Pulau Komodo / Loh Liang *Pulau Rinca / Loh Buaya *Pulau Kelor *Pulau Padar *Gili Laba/Gili Lawa Darat *Manta Point *Pulau Kanawa *Pulau Sembilan/Jelly Fish Point *Pulau Kalong *Pink Beach *Manta Point

• Transportasi dari daerah asal menuju Labuan Bajo ( begitupun sebaliknya )

• Biaya keperluan pribadi

• Living on Board 3D2N/menginap dikapal • Dokumentasi • Air Mineral selama trip • Snack, Teh & Kopi selama trip • Makan 3 kali sehari • Tour Leader • Alat-Alat Snorkelng • Pelampung •Jemputan dari bandara atau hotel disaat trip mulai dan kembali diantar ke bandara/hotel setelah trip selesai •Entrance Fee (Pulau Komodo + Pulau Rinca +pulau lainya)


  • Jl. Ikan Duyung, Gili Indah, Kec. Pemenang, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83352
  • 081999228777
  • [email protected]

Copy [email protected] 2022


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  • Travel Guide

This Is The 3D2N Lombok Itinerary You've Been Looking For


Syaza Amalina  •  Jul 11, 2017

Often, we look forward to holidays, even if it’s just across the border. While longer trips are definitely more exciting, we can always consider a short getaway over the weekends, just to get away from the daily hustle and bustle of life!

Lombok is Bali’s underrated paradise, but definitely worth exploring! Located in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, Lombok consists of 3 islands, offering spectacular view of waterfalls, mountains and rice paddies. So pack your bags, here’s a 3D2N itinerary to Lombok, the island escape you've been yearning for!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @arieritonga on Instagram

  • Start your trip with Gili islands. The Maldives of Indonesia, it consists of 3 paradise islands - Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions due to its stunning view, white-sand beaches and shady coconut palms.

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @sistalukito on Instagram

  • Who can resist those crystal clear waters? While you are there, enjoy the water sport activities - stand up paddling, kite surfing and wakeboarding.
  • The more popular ones are diving and snorkelling at Gili Trawangan! Get to see friendly sea creatures (turtles are the most common sighting) and enjoy swimming with the fishes!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @widyasusanty on Instagram

  • Ever wanted to swing in the middle of the sea? Now you can! Capture once in a lifetime shots while swinging gently and enjoying the ocean breeze. Wait for the sun to set for the most spectacular views you'll ever see ?

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @drgabwong on Instagram

  • The rest of the afternoon can be spent strolling or cycling (there are bike rental shops everywhere), and even island-hopping. You can also ride horses by the seashore!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @datur63 on Instagram

  • Drop by their very own pasar malam or night market called Gili Trawangan Night market within the area. Opened daily from 6pm onwards, the entire stretch of Gili Trawangan Night Market offers a wide range of yummy food, from local Indonesian street fare to fresh seafood!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @yoko.meshi on Instagram

Disclaimer : Do note that the night market is not halal-certified, however, majority of the locals in Lombok are Muslims. We advise that you check with the stall owners before consuming at your own discretion.

[P.S. Don't know where to spend the night? Check out these 9 most unique accommodations in Lombok !]

  • Trek up Mount Rinjani to catch a bird's eye view of the magnificent countryside.

Note:  According to some of our readers, a hike up the mountain might take up to a day. As this itinerary was written with the intention of being used as a reference, we'd encourage you to make the necessary changes when planning your itinerary :)

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @kholilullah16 on Instagram

  • Visit Lombok’s 3 most famous caves – Manik Cave, Milk Cave and Umbrella Cave. However, do check with your local tour guide before visiting any sacred places in Mount Rinjani.

#HHWT Tip:  Mount Rinjani is known to be a sacred place to the locals of Lombok (Sasak and Balinese). They believe that it is the home of the Gods and often place offerings in the water. Hence, it is better to consult a local before visiting any of the sacred places, out of respect.

  • Visit Rinjani’s Geopark and meet the breath-taking wonders of nature in Lombok, the Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep Waterfall! Don't forget to take lots of photos while you are there because the view is simply AMAZING ?

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit:  @neklaseivig  on Instagram

  • Be surrounded by blooming edelweiss flowers when you stop by the Edelweiss Field. This rare and valuable plant can only be admired from afar; strictly no picking!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @ernandaputra on Instagram

  • Trek and camp at Pergasingan Hill to catch a bird's eye view of Mount Rinjani. An altitude of 1700 metres above sea level, you will get to see the overview of rice paddy fields in the form of a patchwork quilt!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @martinye327 on Instagram

  • We'd recommend to stay overnight for some stargazing and to catch the early morning sunrise over Mount Rinjani!

#HHWT Tip:  Spend more than a day at Mount Rinjani! Adjust your schedule and put in one extra day if 24 hours isn't enough to explore everything ?

  • Enrol in a silver making class with ‘ Yin Jewelry ’ at Gili Trawangan and learn the basic skills of silversmithing. Create your own personalised silver ring/pendant and bring it back home as a souvenir!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit:  @celestejanehamilton  on Instagram

  • Stop by Desa Banyumulek village and shop for traditional pottery crafts, selling at affordable prices! The locally made crafts include wall decorations, sand flower vases, jars and egg-shaped pots. One of the popular items sold is kendi (a water pot) which comes in various sizes.

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit:  @patriciapramesvari  on Instagram

  • Drop by Desa Sukarara to see how hand-woven fabrics such as songket (for women) and tenun ikat (for men) are made. Hand weaving is a craft dominated by women in the island. It is believed to be a local custom for all women to learn weaving before they can get married.

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit:  @maderatnadewi  on Instagram

  • Visitors can also try out the traditional fabrics before purchasing them!

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit:  @andotolu  on Instagram

  • Visit the first and oldest mosque in Lombok, Masjid Bayan Beleq. The mosque is made of woven bamboo and clay for its flooring. A popular tourist attraction, the mosque is only used in celebration of special events such as Eid.

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit:  @ikutdongbund  on Instagram

  • Before heading back, don’t forget to bring home Lombok’s famous savoury treat, Surabaya Patata! There are 7 flavours to choose from; Nutella, Banana, Green Tea, and Cheese, to name a few ?

open trip lombok 3d2n

Credit: @surabayapatata  on Instagram

[P.S. Want to expand your itinerary? Here's 10 things you never knew you could do in Lombok! ]

The 3D2N itinerary ends here and hopefully, wonderful Indonesia has helped you to release some stress and tension ? So, goodbye Lombok, till we meet again ?

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Open Trips : 1D - 2D1N - 3D2N - 4D3N

Private Trips : 1D - 2D1N - 3D2N - 4D3N

Longer Private Trips : 5D4N - 6D5N - 7D6N

Phinisi Type : Superior - Deluxe - Luxury Modern -->

Boat Type : Standard - Speed Boat

Open Trips 4D3N : Lombok to Flores

Open Trips 4D3N : Flores to Lombok

Weekdays Open Trips : 2D1N - 3D2N


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Plan your trips to komodo island with us.

  • 1 Full Day Trip
  • 2D1N Weekdays
  • 3D2N Weekdays
  • 4D3N Lombok to Flores
  • 4D3N Flores to Lombok
  • Open Trip Schedule
  • 2 Days 1 Night
  • 3 Days 2 Nights
  • 4 Days 3 Nights
  • 5 Days 4 Nights
  • 6 Days 5 Nights
  • 7 Days 6 Nights
  • Superior Phinisi
  • Deluxe Phinisi
  • Luxury Phinisi

Open Trip 3D2N by Princess Lala Phinisi

Komodo Open Trips

Princess Lala - Boat 2

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open trip lombok 3d2n

Open Trip 3D2N by Gajah Putih Deluxe Phinisi

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Open Trip 2D1N by Sentral Superior Phinisi

Open trip 3d2n by sentral superior phinisi.

open trip lombok 3d2n

Open Trip 3D2N by Marvelous Deluxe Phinisi

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Open Trip 3D2N by Zada Mega Trusmi Deluxe Phinisi

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Open Trip 3D2N by Arimbi Deluxe Phinisi

Princess Lala Phinisi are best for diving, snorkeling, fishing and tracking at Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island.

Boat Specification: Built: 2020 Dimension Length x Width: 23 m x 4m Cabin: – Private Cabin with Private Bathroom, Double Bed, Sea View (2 Pax) – Private Cabin with Share Bathroom, Double Bed, Sea View (2 Pax) – Share Cabin with Private Bathroom, Bunk Bed (4 Pax) Guest Area: Lazy Deck, Sundeck, Dining, Bean Bags Main Engine: Mitsubishi 4ps135 Cruising Speed: 6 -9 knots Dinghy: 4 meters with Yamaha 15HP Safety : Life Jacket Guest Capacity: 8 Pax Total Crew: 5 persons

Day 1: – Pulau Kelor (Trekking) – Manjarite (Snorkeling) – Kalong Island (Enjoy Sunset)

Day 2: – Padar Island (trekking) – Long Pink Beach (Enjoy On the beach) – Komodo Island (meet the komodo Dragon) – Taka Makassar (Snorkeling) – Manta Ray Point (Snorkeling)

Day 3: – Kanawa Island (Snorkeling)

Note: The itinerary is subject to change in the event of a FORCE MAJEURE and is tentative or subject to change at any time.

  • Flores Adventures (5)
  • Komodo Adventures (8)
  • Komodo Boats Charter (48)
  • Komodo Diving (2)
  • Komodo Open Trips (79)
  • Komodo Sailing (2)
  • Sumba Adventures (7)

Komodo Tour Packages

  • Open Trip 3D2N by Putri Anjani Superior Phinisi
  • Open Trip Labuan Bajo 3D2N by Elvano Superior Phinisi
  • Komodo Adventure 3 Days 2 Nights Package
  • Open Trip 3D2N by La Dyana Liveaboard
  • Open trip 3 days 2 nights by Gandiva Luxury Phinisi
  • Ambashi Phinisi
  • Private Trip by Riley Luxury Phinisi
  • Sumba Adventure 3 Days 2 Nights
  • Open trip 3 days 2 nights by Zada Nara Luxury Phinisi
  • Open Trip Labuan Bajo 3D2N by Almadira Superior Phinisi

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About komodo island.

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PT.Balitrips Hospitality Service , Bali - Indonesia

10 Paket Open Trip Lombok, Ada Yang Berangkat Dari Jakarta

open trip lombok 3d2n

Jika bicara soal destinasi wisata sepertinya Pulau Lombok merupakan salah satu tempat yang hampir tidak pernah terlewat dari list liburan siapa saja.

Keelokan alam dan pantai yang dimiliki Lombok memang mampu menyedot minat wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara.

Lombok terkenal sekali dengan pantainya yang menyuguhkan keindahan bawah laut, spot sunrise & sunset time. Tak jarang banyak juga yang menjadikan Lombok sebagai destinasi honeymoon.

Selain honeymoon, para traveler juga banyak yang melakoni liburan ke Lombok secara backpacker ataupun open trip bareng rombongan lain.

Nah kira-kira, untuk mengisi waktu liburan nanti kamu kepengen nggak nih coba liburan dengan ikut open trip? Jika iya, disini kami punya beberapa rekomendasi daftar open trip Lombok paling murah dan terpercaya.

1. Pertiwi Lombok Tour ❤️

Alamat:  Pesongoran, Kuripan Utara, Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83362 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0819 3792 5959 WhatsApp:  0819 3792 5959 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.500.000,-

Sebagai salah satu penyedia jasa biro pariwisata dan perjalanan, Pertiwi Lombok Tour sudah sangat ahli dan terpercaya melayani program open trip nih.

Pertiwi Lombok Tour menawarkan banyak jenis paket yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhanmu nih. Sebagai sedikit gambaran, jika ingin memilih mereka sebagai mitra travelingmu maka kamu harus menyiapkan budget minimal 1,5jutaan.

2. Ladita Tour ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav X2-1, Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  021 2242 1473 WhatsApp:  0812 1822 2292 Harga Mulai: Rp 2.065.000,-

Ladita Tour membuka program open trip Lombok 3 Hari 2 Malam dengan biaya sebesar 2,065jutaan. Dengan harga yang tergolong murah kamu akan diajak explore beberapa tempat wisata kece nan keren.

Diantaranya seperti Pink Beach, Gili Trawangan, Bukit Malimbu, Hutan Lindung Pusuk, Pulau Pasir, Gili Marengkek, Gili Kecil, Desa Sukerare, Desa Banyumelek, Desa Rambitan, Pantai Kuta dan Tanjung Aan.

3. Liburpedia Travel ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Dodokan II Nomor 24, Pagesangan Barat, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83116 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0821 4646 9250 WhatsApp:  0821 4646 9250 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.250.000,-

Pengen ngetrip ke Lombok tapi cuman punya budget pas-pasan? Gausah bingung, kamu hanya perlu ikut open trip bareng Liburpedia Travel ini guys, karena mereka menawarkan harga spesial yaitu hanya dengan 1,250juta saja kamu udah bisa liburan ke Lombok.

Durasi ngetrip ini akan berlangsung selama 3D2N dengan mengunjungi beberapa destinasi seperti Desa Tenun Sukarara, Desa Sade, Bukit Merese, Bukit Malimbu, Villa Hantu, Gili Meno dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.

4. Fun Adventure ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Kesumba Dalam Nomor 27, Jatimulyo, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65141 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0821 3989 9009 WhatsApp:  0821 3989 9009 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.595.000,-

Ingin explore Lombok selama 4D3N dengan harga terjangkau? Fun Adventure adalah salah satu yang wajib kamu hubungi.

Dengan budget mulai dari 1,5jutaan saja kamu bisa mengunjungi pulau-pulau cantik nan exotic di Lombok. Beberapa pilihan destinasi yang bakal dikunjungi adalah Kuta Beach, Gili Trawangan, Pink Beach dan Sekotong.

5. ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Kemang Raya Nomor 15, Bangka, Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12720 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0813 1907 2987 WhatsApp:  0878 8078 7522 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.500.000,-

Ngetrip ke Lombok cuman modal duit 1,5juta aja? Bisa banget asalkan kamu ngetripnya bareng nih. Mereka menyediakan paket opentrip Lombok 3 Hari 2 Malam dengan harga 1,5juta dengan start point Lombok.

Jika kamu berasal dari Jakarta ataupun Surabaya bisa juga ikut program open trip ini tapi bayarnya lebih mahal yaitu sekitar 2,8juta-3,2juta per orangnya. Untuk detail itinerarynya kamu bisa baca di atau tanyakan langsung ke layanan servicenya.

6. Gadiza Tour & Travel ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Dr. Wahidin, Rembiga, Selaparang, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83124 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0823 4044 1119 WhatsApp:  0823 4044 1119 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.100.000,-

Gadiza Tour & Travel pun menyediakan paket open trip Lombok dengan tarif lumayan ekonomis nih yakni 1,1juta untuk durasi ngetrip 3 hari 2 malam. Banyak aktivitas yang bakal kamu lakukan bersama Gadiza Tour & Travel ini.

Mulai dari hari pertama akan ada special beach view, lalu DJ Perfomance & Fire Dance Show dan terakhir ialah Culture Visit.

7. Jelajahnesia ❤️

Alamat:  Perum. Bulan Terang Utama, Blok UJ-27, Madyopuro, Kedungkandang, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65139 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0812 4924 9004 WhatsApp:  0812 4924 9004 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.150.000,-

Tertarik mengunjungi Gili Trawangan, Gili Nanggu, Gili Kedis, Gili Sudak, Desa Sukarara, Desa Sade dan Pink Beach dengan budget minim? Untuk itu segeralah hubungi Jelajahnesia untuk join program open trip Lombok miliknya.

Disini kamu bisa mendapatkan penawaran harga spesial dengan kualitas pelayanan maksimal. Biaya yang perlu disiapkan minimal adalah 1,150juta untuk 50 orang peserta.

8. Gogonesia ❤️

Alamat:  Wisma Barito Pacific Kav. 62-63, Letnan Jenderal S. Parman, Slipi, Palmerah, West Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta 11410 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0858 5000 2010 WhatsApp:  0858 5000 2010 Harga Mulai: Rp 3.299.000,-

Gogonesia juga punya program menarik nih yaitu 4H3M amazing Lombok Gili Open Trip dengan harga 3,3juta include tiket pesawat. Highlight destinasi yang dipilih oleh Gogonesia adalah Pantai Tanjung Aan, Bukit Seger, Pantai Kuta, Pantai Mawun, Pantai Batu Layar, dll.

Ketentuan dari paket opentrip ini adalah kamu hanya perlu membayar down payment (DP) sebesar 500ribu dengan batas pelunasan maksimal 1 bulan sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.

9. Nuartha Tours ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Gegerkalong Girang Baru Nomor 13, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  022 2028 1876 WhatsApp:  0812 8288 0919 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.395.000,-

Open trip Lombok dari Nuartha Tours juga wajib menjadi pilihan kawan setia travelingmu nih. Dengan budget 1,4jutaan saja kamu sudah bisa nge-trip ke Lombok selama 3 hari 2 malam.

Kalau pengen tau seperti apa detail destinasi kunjungan dan itinerarynya, kamu bisa langsung hubungi Nuartha Tours melalui nomor diatas.

10. Campa Tour ❤️

Alamat:  Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar KM 10, Rejodani, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Tambak Rejo, Sleman, DIY 55581 Map: KlikDisini No. Telp:  0812 6594 4664 WhatsApp:  0812 6594 4664 Harga Mulai: Rp 1.595.000,-

Opsi terakhir adalah Campa Tour yang menyediakan paket opentrip Lombok 4D3N dengan biaya sekitar 1,595juta per orangnya.

Untuk jadwal keberangkatan opentrip Lombok dari Campa Tour terdekat yaitu bulan Semptember-Desember 2024. Buat informasi lebih jelasnya kamu bisa mengunjungi atau menghubungi nomor diatas.

Yap, itulah barusan kesepuluh daftar paket open trip Lombok paling murah dan recommended yang siap menemani wacana liburanmu mendatang.


Adelia Irfandi atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Adel (lahir 6 Desember 1991) adalah seorang penulis berasal dari Palembang. Adel salah satu penulis yang aktif mengunggah karya tulisnya di

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Home » Europe » Moscow

EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024)

Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit!

Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city each year! Although the warmer months make exploring Moscow’s attractions more favorable, there’s just something about a fresh snowfall that only enhances the appearance of the city’s iconic sites!

If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or simply wanting to see as much of the city as possible, this Moscow itinerary will help you do just that!

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Best Time To Visit Moscow

Where to stay in moscow, moscow itinerary, day 1 itinerary in moscow, day 2 itinerary in moscow, day 3 and beyond, staying safe in moscow, day trips from moscow, faq on moscow itinerary.

Here is a quick look at the seasons so you can decide when to visit Moscow!

The summer months (June-August) are a great time to travel to Moscow to take advantage of the enjoyable mild temperatures. This is considered peak travel season. Bear in mind that hotel prices rise along with the temperatures!

when to visit moscow

If you’re planning a trip to Moscow during fall (September-November) try to plan for early fall. This way the temperatures will still be pleasant and winter won’t be threatening.

Russian winters (December-February) are not for the faint of heart as Napoleon learned to his peril. Some days the sun will be out for less than an hour, and snow is guaranteed. Although winters are exceptionally cold, this is when you’ll get a true glimpse of the Moscow experience!

The best time to visit Moscow is during spring  (March-May). The temperatures will begin to creep up and the sun begins to shine for significant portions of the day. Hotel rates will also have yet to skyrocket into peak ranges!

open trip lombok 3d2n

With a Moscow City Pass , you can experience the best of Moscow at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

Moscow is a large city with many accommodation options to choose from. Staying in a location that fits with your travel plans will only enhance your Moscow itinerary. Here is a brief introduction to a few great areas of the city we recommend checking out!

The best place to stay in Moscow to be close to all the action is Kitay-Gorod. This charming neighborhood will put you within walking distance to Moscow’s famous Red Square, thus cutting down on travel time. This will allow you to see more of the city in a shorter amount of time!

where to stay in moscow

It’s surrounded by restaurants, cafes, bars, and shops. If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or just planning a quick weekend in Moscow, then this area is perfect for you!

Another great area to consider is the Zamoskvorechye district. This area of the city offers a blend of new and old Moscow. It has an artsy vibe and there are plenty of fun sites you can explore outside of the main touristy areas of Moscow.

Of course, as in all areas of Moscow, it’s close to public transportation that will quickly connect you with the rest of the city and make your Moscow itinerary super accessible!

Best Airbnb in Moscow – Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Modern and cozy, this apartment is in the heart of Old Moscow. Bordering the Basmanny and Kitay-Gorod districts, this two-bedroom flat is walking distance to the Kremlin and Red Square. Safe, quiet, and comfortable, this is the best Airbnb in Moscow, no question!

Best Budget Hotel in Moscow – Izmailovo Alfa Hotel

moscow itinerary

The Izmailovo Alfa Hotel is a very highly rated accommodation that provides all the components necessary for a comfortable trip to Moscow. There is an on-site restaurant, bar, fitness center, and an airport shuttle service. The rooms are modern and spacious and are equipped with a TV, heating/air conditioning, minibar, and more!

Best Luxury Hotel in Moscow – Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre

moscow itinerary

If you’re touring Moscow in luxury, the Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre is the hotel for you! Elegantly furnished rooms are equipped with a minibar, flat-screen TV,  in-room safes, as well as tea and coffee making facilities! Bathrooms come with bathrobes, slippers, and free toiletries. There is also an onsite restaurant, bar, and fitness center.

Best Hostel in Moscow – Godzillas Hostel

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station. Guests will enjoy all the usual hostel perks such as self-catering facilities, 24-hour reception, Free Wi-Fi, and security lockers. This is one of the best hostels in Moscow and its wonderful social atmosphere and will make your vacation in Moscow extra special!

Godzillas Hostel is one of our favourites in Moscow but they’re not taking guests right now. We’re not sure if they’re closed for good but we hope they’ll come back soon.

An important aspect of planning any trip is figuring out the transportation situation. You’re probably wondering how you’re going to get to all of your Moscow points of interest right? Luckily, this sprawling city has an excellent network of public transportation that will make traveling a breeze!

The underground metro system is the quickest and most efficient way to travel around Moscow. Most visitors rely exclusively on this super-efficient transportation system, which allows you to get to pretty much anywhere in the city! It’s also a great option if you’re planning a Moscow itinerary during the colder months, as you’ll be sheltered from the snow and freezing temperatures!

moscow itinerary

If you prefer above-ground transportation, buses, trams, and trolleybuses, run throughout the city and provide a rather comfortable alternative to the metro.

Moscow’s metro, buses, trams, and trolleybuses are all accessible with a ‘Troika’ card. This card can be topped up with any sum of money at a metro cash desk. The ticket is simple, convenient, and even refundable upon return to a cashier!

No matter which method you choose, you’ll never find yourself without an easy means of getting from point A to point B!

Red Square | Moscow Kremlin | Lenin’s Mausoleum | St. Basil’s Cathedral  | GUM Department Store

Spend the first day of your itinerary taking your own self guided Moscow walking tour around the historic Red Square! This is Moscow’s compact city center and every stop on this list is within easy walking distance to the next! Get ready to see all of the top Moscow landmarks!

Day 1 / Stop 1 – The Red Square

  • Why it’s awesome: The Red Square is the most recognizable area in Moscow, it has mesmerizing architecture and centuries worth of history attached to its name.
  • Cost: Free to walk around, individual attractions in the square have separate fees. 
  • Food nearby: Check out Bar BQ Cafe for friendly service and good food in a great location! The atmosphere is upbeat and they’re open 24/7!

The Red Square is Moscow’s historic fortress and the center of the Russian government. The origins of the square date back to the late 15th century, when Ivan the Great decided to expand the Kremlin to reflect Moscow’s growing power and prestige!

During the 20th century, the square became famous as the site for demonstrations designed to showcase Soviet strength. Visiting the Red Square today, you’ll find it teeming with tourists, who come to witness its magical architecture up close!

The Red Square

The square is the picture postcard of Russian tourism, so make sure to bring your camera when you visit! No matter the season, or the time of day, it’s delightfully photogenic! 

It’s also home to some of Russia’s most distinguishing and important landmarks, which we’ve made sure to include further down in this itinerary. It’s an important center of Russia’s cultural life and one of the top places to visit in Moscow!

In 1990, UNESCO designated Russia’s Red Square as a World Heritage site. Visiting this historic site is a true bucket-list event and essential addition to your itinerary for Moscow!

Day 1 / Stop 2 – The Moscow Kremlin

  • Why it’s awesome: The Moscow Kremlin complex includes several palaces and cathedrals and is surrounded by the Kremlin wall. It also houses the principal museum of Russia (the Kremlin Armory).
  • Cost: USD $15.00
  • Food nearby: Bosco Cafe is a charming place to grat a casual bite to eat. They have excellent coffee and wonderful views of the Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin!

The iconic Moscow Kremlin , also known as the Kremlin museum complex, sits on Borovitsky Hill, rising above the Moscow River. It is a fortified complex in the center of the city, overlooking several iconic buildings in the Red Square!

It’s the best known of the Russian Kremlins – citadels or fortress’ protecting and dominating a city. During the early decades of the Soviet era, the Kremlin was a private enclave where the state’s governing elite lived and worked.

The Kremlin is outlined by an irregularly shaped triangular wall that encloses an area of 68 acres! The existing walls and towers were built from 1485 to 1495. Inside the Kremlin museum complex, there are five palaces, four cathedrals, and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.

The Armoury Chamber is a part of the Grand Kremlin Palace’s complex and is one of the oldest museums of Moscow, established in 1851. It showcases Russian history and displays many cherished relics. Definitely make sure to check out this museum while you’re here!

The Moscow Kremlin

The churches inside the Moscow Kremlin are the Cathedral of the Dormition, Church of the Archangel, Church of the Annunciation, and the bell tower of Ivan Veliki (a church tower).

The five-domed Cathedral of the Dormition is considered the most famous. It was built from 1475–1479 by an Italian architect and has served as a wedding and coronation place for great princes, tsars, and emperors of Russia. Church services are given in the Kremlin’s numerous cathedrals on a regular basis.

The Grand Kremlin Palace was the former Tsar’s Moscow residence and today it serves as the official workplace of the President of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Putin seems to have bagged that title for life) .

Insider Tip: The Kremlin is closed every Thursday! Make sure to plan this stop on your Moscow itinerary for any other day of the week!

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Lenin’s Mausoleum

  • Why it’s awesome: The mausoleum displays the preserved body of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin .
  • Cost: Free!
  • Food nearby: Khinkal’naya is a charming Georgian restaurant with vaulted ceilings and exposed brick. It’s a popular place with locals and right next to the Red Square!

Lenin’s Mausoleum, also known as Lenin’s Tomb, is the modernist mausoleum for the revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. It’s located within the Red Square and serves as the resting place for the Soviet leader! His preserved body has been on public display since shortly after his death in 1924.

It’s located just a few steps away from the Kremlin Wall and is one of the most controversial yet popular Moscow attractions!

Admission is free for everyone, you’ll only need to pay if you need to check a bag. Before visitors are allowed to enter the mausoleum, they have to go through a metal detector first. No metal objects, liquids, or large bags are allowed in the mausoleum!

Lenins Mausoleum

Expect a line to enter the building, and while you’re inside the building, you’ll be constantly moving in line with other visitors. This means you won’t be able to spend as long as you’d like viewing the mausoleum, but you’ll still be able to get a good look. Pictures and filming while inside the building are strictly prohibited, and security guards will stop you if they see you breaking this rule.

The mausoleum is only open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday – unless it’s a public holiday or a day scheduled for maintenance. The hours it’s open for each day are limited, make sure to check online before you visit to make sure you can fit this into your Moscow itinerary for that day!

Insider Tip: The Lenin’s Museum is there for people to pay their respect; remember to keep silent and move along quickly, it’s not intended for people to congregate around. Also, men are not allowed to wear hats and everyone must take their hands out of their pockets when inside the building.

Day 1 / Stop 4 – St. Basil’s Cathedral

  • Why it’s awesome: A dazzling designed cathedral that showcases Russia’s unique architecture. This cathedral is one of the most recognizable symbols of the country!
  • Cost: USD $8.00
  • Food nearby: Moskovskiy Chaynyy Klub is a cozy cafe serving food items and pipping hot tea; it’s the perfect place to go if you’re visiting Moscow during the winter months!

Located in the Red Square, the ornate 16th-century St. Basil’s Cathedral is probably the building you picture when you think of Moscow’s unique architecture. Its colorful onion-shaped domes tower over the Moscow skyline!

The cathedral was built from 1555-1561 by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It was designed with an iconic onion dome facade and enchanting colors that captivate all who see it. Fun fact: If you’re wondering why Russian churches have onion domes, they are popularly believed to symbolize burning candles!

This iconic cathedral has become a symbol of Russia due to its distinguishing architecture and prominent position inside the Red Square. It’s one of the most beautiful, wonderful, and mesmerizing historical cathedrals in the world!

St. Basils Cathedral

The interior of the church surprises most people when they visit. In contrast to the large exterior, the inside is not so much one large area, but rather a collection of smaller areas, with many corridors and small rooms. There are 9 small chapels and one mausoleum grouped around a central tower.

Visiting the inside is like walking through a maze, there are even small signs all around the cathedral tracing where to walk, and pointing you in the right direction! The walls are meticulously decorated and painted with intricate floral designs and religious themes.

The church rarely holds service and is instead a museum open for the public to visit.

Insider Tip: During the summer months the line to go inside the cathedral can get quite long! Make sure to arrive early or reserve your tickets online to guarantee quick access into the cathedral!

Day 1 / Stop 5 – GUM Department Store

  • Why it’s awesome: This is Russia’s most famous shopping mall! It’s designed with elegant and opulent architecture and provides a real sense of nostalgia!
  • Cost: Free to enter
  • Food nearby: Stolovaya 57 is a cafeteria-style restaurant with a variety of inexpensive Russian cuisine menu items including soups, salads, meat dishes, and desserts. It’s also located inside the GUM department store, making it very easily accessible when you’re shopping!

The enormous GUM Department Store is located within the historic Red Square. It has a whimsical enchantment to it that sets it apart from your typical department store.

A massive domed glass ceiling lines the top of the building and fills the interior with natural sunlight. There are live plants and flowers placed throughout the mall that give the shopping complex a lively and cheerful feel! A playful fountain sits in the center, further adding to the malls inviting a sense of wonder and amusement!

The GUM department store opened on December 2, 1893. Today, it includes local and luxury stores, including Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Prada, and many more! There are numerous cafes, restaurants, and even a movie theater inside!

GUM Department Store

For a special treat, head into Gastronom 1. This 1950s-style shop sells gourmet food items, like wine, freshly-baked pastries, cheese, Russian chocolate, and of course, vodka! Also, be on the lookout for a bicycle pedaling ice cream truck with an employing selling ice cream!

The ambiance is simply amazing, a trip to this idyllic shopping mall is an absolute must on any Moscow itinerary!

Insider Tip: Make sure to carry some small change on you in case you need to use the restroom, you’ll need to pay 50 rubles – or about USD $0.80 to use the bathroom in GUM.

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Novodevichy Convent | Gorky Park | State Tretyakov Gallery | All-Russian Exhibition Center | Bolshoi Theater

On your 2 day itinerary in Moscow, you’ll have a chance to use the city’s excellent public transportation service! You’ll explore a few more of Moscow’s historic highlight as well as some modern attractions. These sites are a little more spread out, but still very easily accessible thanks to the metro!

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Novodevichy Convent

  • Why it’s awesome: The Novodevichy Convent is rich in imperial Russian history and contains some of Russia’s best examples of classical architecture!
  • Cost: USD $5.00
  • Food nearby: Culinary Shop Karavaevs Brothers is a cozy and simple place to have a quick bite, they also have vegetarian options!

The Novodevichy Convent is the best-known and most popular cloister of Moscow. The convent complex is contained within high walls, and there are many attractions this site is known for! 

The six-pillared five-domed Smolensk Cathedral is the main attraction. It was built to resemble the Kremlin’s Assumption Cathedral and its facade boasts beautiful snowy white walls and a pristine golden onion dome as its centerpiece. It’s the oldest structure in the convent, built from 1524 -1525, and is situated in the center of the complex between the two entrance gates.

There are other churches inside the convent as well, all dating back from many centuries past. The convent is filled with an abundance of 16th and 17th-century religious artworks, including numerous large and extravagant frescos!

Novodevichy Convent

Just outside the convent’s grounds lies the Novodevichy Cemetery. Here, you can visit the graves of famous Russians, including esteemed authors, composers, and politicians. Probably the most intriguing gravestone belongs to Russian politician Nikita Khruschev!

The Novodevichy Convent is located near the Moscow River and offers a peaceful retreat from the busy city. In 2004, it was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The convent remains remarkably well-preserved and is an outstanding example of Moscow Baroque architecture! 

Insider Tip: To enter the cathedrals inside the complex, women are advised to cover their heads and shoulders, while men should wear long pants.

Day 2 / Stop 2 – Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

  • Why it’s awesome: A large amusement area in the heart of the city offering many attractions!
  • Cost: Free! 
  • Food nearby: Check out Mepkato, located inside Gorky Central Park for a casual meal in a cozy setting. There are indoor and outdoor seating options and the restaurant is child-friendly!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure is a large green space in the heart of Moscow. The park opened in 1928, and it stretches along the scenic embankment of the Moskva River. It covers an area of 300-acres and offers a lovely contrast from the compact city center.

You’ll find all sorts of wonderful attractions, from boat rides to bike rentals to tennis courts and ping-pong tables, and much more! there are an open-air cinema and festive events and concerts scheduled in the summer months.  A wide selection of free fitness classes is also offered on a regular basis, including jogging, roller skating, and dancing!

Although many of the options you’ll find here are more suited for outdoor leisure during the summer, you’ll also a selection of winter attractions, including one of Europe’s largest ice rinks for ice-skating!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

If you’re trying to decide what to do in Moscow with kids, the park also offers several venues designed specifically for kids. Check out the year-round Green School which offers hands-on classes in gardening and art! You can also feed the squirrels and birds at the Golitsinsky Ponds!

The park is very well maintained and kept clean and the entrance is free of charge, although most individual attractions cost money. There is also Wi-Fi available throughout the park.

With so many attractions, you could easily spend all day here! If you’re only planning a 2 day itinerary in Moscow, make sure to plan your time accordingly and map out all the areas you want to see beforehand!

Day 2 / Stop 3 – The State Tretyakov Gallery

  • Why it’s awesome: The gallery’s collection consists entirely of Russian art made by Russian artists!
  • Food nearby : Brothers Tretyakovs is located right across the street from the gallery. It’s a wonderfully atmospheric restaurant serving top quality food and drinks!

The State Tretyakov Gallery was founded in 1856 by influential merchant and collector Pavel Tretyakov.  The gallery is a national treasury of Russian fine art and one of the most important museums in Russia!

It houses the world’s best collection of Russian art and contains more than 130, 000 paintings, sculptures, and graphics! These works have been created throughout the centuries by generations of Russia’s most talented artists!

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The exhibits range from mysterious 12th-century images to politically charged canvases. The collection is rich and revealing and offers great insight into the history and attitudes of this long-suffering yet inspired people!

All pictures are also labeled in English. If you plan to take your time and see everything inside the museum it will take a good 3-4 hours, so make sure to plan your Moscow trip itinerary accordingly! This gallery is a must-see stop for art lovers, or anyone wanting to explore the local culture and history of Russia in a creative and insightful manner! 

Insider Tip: When planning your 2 days in Moscow itinerary, keep in mind that most museums in Moscow are closed on Mondays, this includes The State Tretyakov Gallery!

Day 2 / Stop 4 – All-Russian Exhibition Center

  • Why it’s awesome: This large exhibition center showcases the achievements of the Soviet Union in several different spheres. 
  • Food nearby: Varenichnaya No. 1 serves authentic and homestyle Russian cuisine in an intimate and casual setting.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center is a massive park that presents the glory of the Soviet era! It pays homage to the achievements of Soviet Russia with its many different sites found on the property.

The center was officially opened in 1939 to exhibit the achievements of the Soviet Union. It’s a huge complex of buildings and the largest exhibition center in Moscow. There are several exhibition halls dedicated to different achievements and every year there are more than one hundred and fifty specialized exhibitions!

All Russian Exhibition Center

The Peoples Friendship Fountain was constructed in 1954 and is a highlight of the park. The stunning gold fountain features 16 gilded statues of girls, each representing the former Soviet Union republics. 

The Stone Flower Fountain was also built in 1954 and is worth checking out. The centerpiece of this large fountain is a flower carved from stones from the Ural Mountains! Along the side of the fountain are various bronze sculptures.

You will find many people zipping around on rollerblades and bicycles across the large area that the venue covers. It’s also home to amusement rides and carousels, making it the perfect place to stop with kids on your Moscow itinerary! Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and allow a few hours to explore all the areas that interest you!

Day 2 / Stop 5 – Bolshoi Theater

  • Why it’s awesome: The Bolshoi Theater is a historic venue that hosts world-class ballet and opera performances!
  • Cost: Prices vary largely between USD $2.00 –  USD $228.00 based on seat location.
  • Food nearby: Head to the Russian restaurant, Bolshoi for high-quality food and drinks and excellent service!

The Bolshoi Theater is among the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world! It also boasts the world’s biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers!

The theater has been rebuilt and renovated several times during its long history. In 2011 it finished its most recent renovation after an extensive six-year restoration that started in 2005. The renovation included an improvement in acoustics and the restoration of the original Imperial decor.

The Bolshoi Theater has put on many of the world’s most famous ballet acts! Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake premiered at the theater in 1877 and other notable performances of the Bolshoi repertoire include Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker!

Bolshoi Theater

Today, when you visit the theater, you can expect a magical performance from skilled singers, dancers, and musicians with the highest level of technique!

If you don’t have time to see a show, the theater also provides guided tours on select days of the week. Tours are given in both Russian and English and will provide visitors with a more intimate look at the different areas of the theater!

The stage of this iconic Russian theater has seen many outstanding performances. If you’re a fan of the performing arts, the Bolshoi Theater is one of the greatest and oldest ballet and opera companies in the world, making it a must-see attraction on your Moscow itinerary!

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station.

  • Towels Included

Cosmonautics Museum | Alexander Garden | Ostankino Tower | Izmaylovo District | Soviet Arcade Museum

Now that we’ve covered what to do in Moscow in 2 days, if you’re able to spend more time in the city you’re going to need more attractions to fill your time. Here are a few more really cool things to do in Moscow we recommend!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

  • Hear the timeline of the ‘space race’ from the Russian perspective
  • This museum is fun for both adults and children!
  • Admission is USD $4.00

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a museum dedicated to space exploration! The museum explores the history of flight, astronomy, space exploration, space technology, and space in the arts. It houses a large assortment of Soviet and Russian space-related exhibits, and the museum’s collection holds approximately 85,000 different items!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

The museum does an excellent job of telling the full story of the exciting space race between the USSR and the US! It highlights the brightest moments in Russian history and humanity and is very interesting and fun for all ages!

If you’re a fan of space or just curious about gaining insight into Russia’s fascinating history of space exploration, make sure to add this to your 3 day itinerary in Moscow!

The Alexander Garden

  • A tranquil place to relax near the Red Square
  • Green lawns dotted with sculptures and lovely water features
  • The park is open every day and has no entrance fee

The Alexander Garden was one of the first urban public parks in Moscow! The garden premiered in 1821 and was built to celebrate Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s forces in 1812!

The park is beautiful and well maintained with paths to walk on and benches to rest on. The park contains three separate gardens: the upper garden, middle garden, and lower garden.

The Alexander Garden

Located in the upper garden, towards the main entrance to the park is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with its eternal flame. This monument was created in 1967 and contains the body of a soldier who fell during the Great Patriotic War!

The park stretches along all the length of the western Kremlin wall for about half a mile. Due to its central location in the city, it’ll be easily accessible when you’re out exploring The Red Square.

It provides a bit of relief from the city’s high-energy city streets. Bring a picnic lunch, go for a walk, or just sit and people watch, this is one of the best Moscow sites to wind-down and relax!

Ostankino Television Tower

  • Television and radio tower in Moscow
  • Currently the tallest free-standing structure in Europe
  • Make sure you bring your passport when you visit, you can’t go up without it!

For spectacular views of the city, make sure to add the Ostankino Television Tower to your itinerary for Moscow! This impressive free-standing structure provides stunning views of the city in every direction. The glass floor at the top also provides great alternative views of the city!

Ostankino Television Tower

It takes just 58 seconds for visitors to reach the Tower’s observation deck by super fast elevator. The tower is open every day for long hours and is a great site in Moscow to check out! There is even a restaurant at the top where you can enjoy rotating views of the city while you dine on traditional Russian cuisine or European cuisine!

The tower is somewhat of an architectural surprise in a city that is not known for skyscrapers! To see the city from a new perspective, make sure to add this stop to your Moscow itinerary!

Izmaylovo District

  • The most popular attractions in this district are the kremlin and the flea market
  • Outside of the city center and easy to reach via metro
  • Most popular during the summer and on weekends

Travel outside the city center and discover a unique area of the city! The Izmaylovo District is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and one of the coolest places to see in Moscow! The two main attractions we recommend checking out are the Kremlin and the flea market.

The Izmailovo Kremlin was established as a cultural center and molded after traditional Russian architecture. This colorful complex is home to several single-subject museums, including a Russian folk art museum and a vodka museum!

Izmaylovo District

Next to the Kremlin is the Izmailovo open-air market, which dates back to the 17th century! The market is connected to the Izmailovo Kremlin by a wooden bridge. Pick up all your Russian souvenirs here, including traditional handicrafts, paintings, books, retro toys, and Soviet memorabilia!

You will find many hand-made and hand-painted options available at higher prices, as well as mass-produced souvenir options at lower prices!

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

  • Closed on Mondays
  • Filled with old arcade games that visitors get to try out!
  • The museum also includes a small cafe and burger shop

For something a little different, check out the Museum of Soviet Arcade Games! The museum features roughly 60 machines from the Soviet era, including video games, pinball machines, and collaborative hockey foosball! The machines inside the museum were produced in the USSR in the mid-1970s.

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

The best part is, most of the games are still playable! Purchase tickets and try the games out for yourself! The museum also has a neat little screening room that plays old Soviet cartoons and an area with Soviet magazines! This unique attraction is a fun addition to a 3 day itinerary in Moscow, and an attraction that all ages will enjoy! 

Whether you’re spending one day in Moscow, or more, safety is an important thing to keep in mind when traveling to a big city! Overall, Moscow is a very safe place to visit. However, it is always recommended that tourists take certain precautions when traveling to a new destination!

The police in Moscow is extremely effective at making the city a safe place to visit and do their best to patrol all of the top Moscow, Russia tourist attractions. However, tourists can still be a target for pickpockets and scammers.

Moscow has a huge flow of tourists, therefore there is a risk for pickpocketing. Simple precautions will help eliminate your chances of being robbed. Stay vigilant, keep your items close to you at all times, and don’t flash your valuables!

If you’re planning a solo Moscow itinerary, you should have no need to worry, as the city is also considered safe for solo travelers, even women. Stay in the populated areas, try and not travel alone late at night, and never accept rides from strangers or taxis without a meter and correct signage.

The threat of natural disasters in Moscow is low, with the exception of severe winters when the temperature can dip below freezing! Bring a good, warm jacket if you visit in Winter.

However, please note that Russian views on homsexuality are far less accepting than those in Western Europe. Likewise, Non-Caucasian travellers may sadly encounter racism in Russia .

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Moscow

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

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Now that we’ve covered all the top things to see in Moscow, we thought we’d include some exciting day trips to other areas of the country!

Sergiev Posad (Golden Ring)

Sergiev Posad Golden Ring

On this 7-hour guided tour, you’ll visit several scenic and historic areas of Russia. Start your day with hotel pick-up as you’re transferred by a comfortable car or minivan to Sergiev Posad. Admire the charming Russian countryside on your drive and enjoy a quick stop to visit the Russian village, Rudonezh!

You’ll see the majestic Saint Spring and the Church of Sergiev Radonezh. You’ll also visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, one of the most famous Orthodox sites in Russia!

Lastly, you’ll swing by the local Matreshka market and enjoy a break in a nice Russian restaurant before returning to Moscow!

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

On this 13-hour trip, you’ll discover old Russia, with its picturesque landscapes and white-stoned beautiful churches! You’ll visit the main towns of the famous Golden Ring of Russia – the name for several cities and smaller towns north-east of Moscow.

Your first stop will be in the town of Vladimir, the ancient capital of all Russian principalities. The city dates back to the 11th century and is one of the oldest and the most important towns along the Ring! Next, you’ll visit Suzdal, a calm ancient Russian town north of Vladimir with only 13,000 inhabitants!

The old-style architecture and buildings of Suzdal are kept wonderfully intact. If you’re spending three days in Moscow, or more, this is a great option for exploring the charming areas outside the city!

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

On this 9-hour private tour, you’ll explore the ancient town of Zvenigorod, one of the oldest towns in the Moscow region! As you leave Moscow you’ll enjoy the stunning scenery along the Moscow River, and make a few stops at old churches along the way to Zvenigorod.

Upon arrival, you’ll explore the medieval center, including the 14th-century Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery. Next, you’ll take a break for lunch (own expense) where you’ll have the chance to try out the Russian cuisine! Next, you’ll visit the Museum of Russian Dessert and sip on tea at a Russian tea ceremony.

The final stop of the day is at the Ershovo Estate, a gorgeous place to walk around and enjoy nature!

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage & Faberge

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage and Faberge

On this full-day tour, you’ll enjoy a a full round trip to St Petersburg where you’ll spend an exciting day exploring another popular Russian city! You’ll be picked up from your hotel in Moscow and be transferred to the train station where you’ll ride the high-speed train ‘Sapsan’ to St Petersburg.

Upon arrival, you’ll start the day by touring the Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace. Next, you’ll visit the Faberge Museum, where you’ll explore the impressive collection of rare Faberge Eggs! In the afternoon, enjoy a sightseeing boat ride and a traditional 3-course Russian lunch.

If you’re spending 3 days in Moscow, or more, this is an excellent trip to take!

Trip to Kolomna – Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

Trip to Kolomna - Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

On this 10-hour tour, you’ll escape the city and travel to the historic town of Kolomna! First, you’ll visit the 14th-century Kolomna Kremlin, home to the Assumption Cathedral and an abundance of museums!

Next, enjoy lunch at a local cafe (own expense) before embarking on a tour of the Marshmallow Museum – of course, a marshmallow tasting is provided!  Your final stop is the Museum of Forging Settlements, where displays include armor and accessories for fishing and hunting.

Discover this beautiful Russian fairytale city on a private trip, where all of the planning is taken care of for you!

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Find out what people want to know when planning their Moscow itinerary.

How many days you need in Moscow?

We recommend that you spend at least two or three days in Moscow to take it all in.

What’s the best month to visit Moscow?

The best time to visit Moscow is over the spring, from March to May as temperatures are mild, crowds are thin and prices are reasonable.

What are some unusual things to do in Moscow?

I mean, queuing up to see an almost 100 year old corpse is pretty unsual! Check out Lenin’s Mausoleum if you fancy it!

What are some fun things to do in Moscow?

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a fun place to explore the famous space race from the perspective of the ‘other side’!

We hope you enjoyed our Moscow itinerary! We’ve made sure to cover all the Moscow must-sees as well as some unique attractions in the city! Our addition of insider tips, favorite food stops, and day trips from Moscow is an added bonus and will guarantee you make the most out of your exciting Russian vacation!

Immerse yourself in the modern and traditional Russian lifestyle! Get lost in museums, witness awe-inspiring architecture, and indulge in Russian cuisine! Spend the day strolling through all of the charming sites of Moscow, admiring the beautiful scenery and discovering the city’s fairytale-like enchantment!

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And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

Alya and Campbell

Alya and Campbell

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Off the Beaten Track Destinations 2024 Highlights Georgia | Trans-Caucasus | Russia | Trans-Siberia Man behind: @muhsan_mm

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur - Saint petersburg

Departure from Kuala Lumpur to Saint Petersburg, Russia. Arrival at late evening. Night in Saint Petersburg.

Day 2 Saint Petersburg

City tour around Saint Petersburg city centre.

  • Nevsky Prospect (Kazan, St Isaac Cathedral, Church of Savior on spilled blood)
  • Hermitage and Winter Palace (entrance fee excluded)

Night in St Petersburg

Day 3 Moscow

Morning fast train to Moscow. Arrive by noon Sight seeing around city center:

  • Red Square (St Basil’s, Kremlin, GUM Mall)
  • VDNKh Park (You can ice skate the whole park)

Night in Moscow

Day 4 Moscow city

Visit Arbat street and explore Moscow’s Metro stations. ( Walking tour)

Day 5 Moscow - Ekaterinburg

Train departure to Ekaterinburg at noon

Day 6 Ekaterinburg

Evening arrival in capital city of Ural mountain, Ekaterinburg. Transfer to hotel, free and easy.

Night in Ekaterinburg

Day 7 Ekaterinburg city

City sight seeing and visit main obelisk between Europe and Asia. Night train departure to Irkutsk.

From here onward, we are officially entered Siberia region .

Day 8 On board train to Irkutsk

On board train. multiple 1H stops in Mariinsk and Krasnoyarsk

Day 9 On board train

Day 10 lake baikal.

Morning arrival in Irkutsk city. Day trip to Listvyanka, a small town at the southern shore of Lake Baikal. Shopping souvenirs and try few nice activities like husky sled, snow mobile ride, or hovercraft tour.

Night in Irkutsk

Day 11 Train to Ulaan Bator

Morning train departure to Ulaan Bator

Day 12 Ulaan Bator - Terelj National Park

Arrival in Ulaan bator in the morning. Transfer to Terelj national park and Chinggis Khan statue Night in Ger Camp

Day 13 Nomadic Lifestyle experience

Explore nomadic lifestyle on horseback riding. Return to Ulaan Bator.

Day 14 Ulaan Bator city

Free and easy in Ulaan Bator city

Day 15 Ulaan Bator - Kuala Lumpur

Morning flight departure to Kuala Lumpur

** Itinerary is subject to change according to the latest train schedule. Latest current train schedule usually updated 2 months earlier. Finalised confirmed itinerary will be issued 2 months prior trip departure

Trans-Siberia route is one of the most epic journey ones must have put in their wish list. We will start our adventure from St Petersburg, Russia to Ulaan Bator, Mongolia. Given the limited 15 days, it is in our best interest to spend more time and explore this few chosen cities in depth and not just spend our time in the long train ride and just touch and go in any cities.

We will visit Russia’s 3 Capital cities: Saint Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan, and also explore the jewel of Siberia, Lake Baikal while it has frozen. Longest train rides  will be between Kazan and Irkutsk with stops in 3 Ural/Siberia cities: Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk. Last city will be in Ulaan Bator, Mongolia where we will visit the national park and experience a nomadic life style.

This trip is in winter. Expect weather as low as -20 degree Celsius. It will be once in a life time adventure but not for the faint hearted. We assure you will have a nice bed in 4 stars hotel in the cities that we stay overnight. Except for a night in a Ger camp in Mongolia.

Our train ride will be in second class cabin by default. Participants may upgrade or downgrade to first class cabin at extra or discounted fare.

Start Location

Saint Petersburg, Russia

End location

Ulaan Bator, Mongolia

Price Includes

  • Private transport in SPB, Moscow, Kazan & Irkutsk cities
  • 8 Nights 4* Hotel Accomodation
  • 1 night in Ger camp in Mongolia
  • 5 Nights in second class cabin train
  • Lake Baikal national park permits
  • Moscow's metro
  • Malaysian Tour Guide
  • Russian tourist visa
  • Travel insurance
  • Terelj National park permit and horse riding in Mongolia

Price Excludes

  • International air fares
  • Personal expenses and extra activities


  • Russia is safe to travel and currently open for tourism.
  • Lake Baikal is situated in Siberia, Asia region just north to Ulaan bator, Mongolia
  • Due to western sanction on Russia, Visa or Mastercard are not working in Russia. Participants will need to bring enough cash or open an UnionPay Card account with public bank or OCBC bank in Malaysia prior. UnionPay payment system does work in Russia to withdraw money or make cashless payment. Union pay stop working since July 2023
  • You will stay in a 4 stars hotel in in all cities and 1 night in a Ger camp to experience the nomadic lifestyle in Mongolia
  • All transportations during the trip are private transport.
  • Winter in this area can be as low as -20 degree but dry condition.
  • We recommend you to buy your own flights based on our flight recommendation details provided later. Or else, we can assist you to buy the air tickets too.
  • Please allocate RM30-40 for each meal per pax. (This is in higher price range.)
  • We will collect your passport 2 months before departure for Visa application purpose (Malaysian citizen). However, IF Russia resumes its Unified Evisa regime, we will apply for your visa without collecting your hard copy passport.
  • Last but not least, again, RUSSIA IS SAFE TO TRAVEL

Can I make installment

Yes, You can make installment payment. You can make 10% deposit to secure your booking. We allow you to make another 4 installment for the remaining balance. As long as it fit the due date as follow:

60% payment completed 3 months prior departure date

100% payment completed 45 days prior departure date

We now accept credit card payment via Paypal gateway

I'm a solo traveller, is there a single supplement?

Yes. We will gladly arrange for single room for your stay. But, if you prefer to have a room mate, we will match and assign another solo traveler of the same gender.

Which currency is most widely accepted on this tour?

Russia is using their own local currency known as Russian Ruble (RUB)

Should I book pre/post tour accommodation?

In case your flight will be earlier than starting date or later than end date of the tour, you may consider to book pre/post tour accommodation.

What is cancellation policy?

Cancellation & Refunds No refunds will be given if booking is cancelled less than 45 days from date of departure. 50% refunds from what remained will be given if booking is cancelled no less than 45 days from date of departure. The deposit is non-refundable, but shall be contra as deposit for any other trip within the same year only.

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The Present Perspective

Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

· everything to know about visiting moscow, including the best things to do and how to get around. ·.

the red st basils church in moscow on a white winters day

Moscow is Russia’s vibrant capital city, and it also happens to be the largest city in all of Europe. The city’s long and infamous history makes it one of the most unique places we have ever visited.

The architecture ranges from centuries-old palaces to uniform, gray concrete buildings. The people range from cold and private to warm and welcoming. Moscow is a city is strong juxtapositions, and we learned a lot during our time there.

This post will break down all you need to know about visiting Moscow, including the best things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more.

man and woman standing in front of main church in moscow

The Best Things to Do in Moscow

1. explore the red square.

The Red Square is the heart of Moscow. Most of the city’s top attractions can be found here, including just about everything on this list. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Lenin’s Mausoleum are all located here, and the State Historical Museum and GUM are not far from here, either.

The Red Square is a common home for parades, protests, and seasonal celebrations. There are massive Christmas celebrations here, with food vendors and carnival rides set up in numbers.

red orthodox church in moscow russia red square on a winter day

2. Check Out the Ziferblat

The Ziferblat is a café in Moscow that is unlike any café we have ever been to. While most cafes charge you for your drinks and food, the Ziferblat charges you for your time.

Upon arrival, you are given a clock. When you leave, the barista calculates how much time you spent in the café and charges you accordingly. This concept was created to help visitors to be more intentional with their time, and the cafe itself is incredibly charming.

For a detailed look at everything you need to know before you visit, make sure you read my post about visiting the Ziferblat Cafe in Moscow .

white lcocks on a table

3. Marvel at St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil’s Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style. The church is of the Russian Orthodox faith, and the inside is just as wondrous as the outside.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is located on the edge of the Red Square, making it incredibly convenient to visit. Entrance for non-worshippers costs 800 rubles, and tickets can be bought at the church

woman in winter jacket standing in front of St Basils Russian Orthodox in moscow on a winter day

4. Explore the Kremlin

The Kremlin is the largest active fortress in Europe, and it is the site of most of Russia’s government affairs. In addition to government buildings, the Kremlin Complex is filled with courtyards, towers, and museums that are open to the public. If you have the time, you could spend a couple of days fully exploring all that there is to see in the Kremlin.

selfie of man and woman pointing to the Kremlin in Moscow

5. Walk Through Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin is one of the most important figures in Russian history, and his body is located perfectly embalmed in a mausoleum in the Red Square. The Mausoleum is open to the public to visit, and as long as you are willing to go through a few security checks, it is easily one of the best things to do in Moscow. Its convenient location in the Red Square makes it a can’t miss attraction.

There is absolutely no photography allowed inside the Mausoleum. Do not test this rule.

red exterior of lenins mausoleum in moscow russia

6. Wander Along Arbat Street

The Arbat is a very popular street in Moscow that is lined with stores, cafes, and other touristy attractions. It is one of the oldest streets in the city, dating back to the 1400s. This street is both quaint and trendy, and there are many walking tours that introduce tourists to the neighborhood’s wonders and highlights.

man in sinter jacket standing in arbat street moscow at night with glistening white lights strung from the buildings

7. Catch a Show at the Bolshoi Theatre

As a lover of the arts, it is hard to think of Moscow and not think of ballet. Russia has always been a top dog in the world of fine arts, and Bolshoi Theater is one of the best places to catch a performance. We were lucky enough to attend an Opera here, and it is a venue that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy opera, ballet, or orchestral performances.

8. Visit the State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is one of the most respected museums in Moscow. Despite its name, it is not really focused on the history of Russia as a nation. Rather, it contains a collection of artifacts from all throughout Russia’s history.

The museum’s collection is very broad in nature. It houses some items from indigenous tribes that used to occupy the region, pieces collected by the Romanov family, and more.

9. Wander Around GUM

GUM is an absolutely massive mall within walking distance of the Red Square. It isn’t just the size that draws visitors here; it’s the sense of luxury. The mall is so beautiful inside, much like the metro stations.

While visiting a mall might not sound like it belongs on a bucket list, this mall does. You will not want to miss out on visiting GUM while in Moscow.

people walking inside GUM mall in russia with christmas lights

10. Admire the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

While St. Basil’s Cathedral is the most iconic church in Moscow, it isn’t the only one. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is absolutely stunning, with massive golden domes. It is the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and it is the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

It is located just about a mile from the Red Square, just south of the Kremlin Complex. You can walk to it from the Red Square in about 20 minutes.

How to Get to Moscow

Flying to moscow.

Moscow has three major international airports: Sheremetyevo (SVO) , Domodedovo (DMO) , and Vnukovo (VKO) . All three of them are directly connected to downtown Moscow by the Aeroexpress trains, which leave every 30 minutes throughout the day. By Aeroexpress train, you can expect to get to the city center in 25-45 minutes depending on the airport that you fly into.

Sheremetyevo is the biggest and busiest of the three airports, and it is the one you are most likely to fly into – especially if you are coming from outside of Europe or the Caucus region. We flew into Sheremetyevo on a direct flight from New York City.

I usually provide backup airport options, because flying right into the city isn’t always the cheapest way to get where you’re going. Unfortunately, when it comes to Moscow, don’t really have a choice other than to fly right into Moscow. It is a very remote city, and it is usually the cheapest place to fly into in Russia as a whole.

Since Sheremetyevo is so busy, you will probably find a great flight option anyway. I wrote in  my post about finding cheap flights  that using hub airports will lead to more affordable airfare, and the same logic applies here. Even though Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, is no longer a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, Moscow is still a major hub connecting passengers from all over the world.

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Train or Bus to Moscow

Trains and buses are one of the most popular ways to get around Europe. However, they’re of very little use when you’re trying to get to Moscow.

Moscow is hundreds of miles from the nearest major cities. The only major European city that can even be reached within 8 hours on the ground is St. Petersburg, and even the Baltic capitals of Riga, Vilnius, and Tallinn are over 12 hours away.

If you want to get to Moscow, the best option is almost always to fly. While the train routes to Moscow are scenic, they simply take forever.

How to Get Around Moscow


Moscow has one of the most memorable metro systems in the world. Its metro lines are very deep underground, and the stations are absolutely stunning. Each station has its own unique style, but all of them contain escalators that seem to go on forever.

turned-on chandelier on ceiling of moscow metro

The system was built in an effort to showcase the power of the Soviet Union and its bright future. The plans were a form of propaganda, but they resulted in what is still one of the most visually appealing subway systems on earth.

Moscow’s metro system isn’t just pretty. It is also very useful and accessible. The system has 17 lines that connect the city and its surrounding area.

But wait; there’s more!

The Moscow metro system is also incredibly affordable, with each ride costing less than a dollar. The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow, as it is almost impossible to beat the connection times and the low cost to ride.

Tickets can be bought at electronic, English-speaking kiosks in stations, or directly from ticket counters at certain larger stations. There are also day passes available, which are a very solid option if you plan on riding the metro several times per day.

long gray escalator in moscow russia

The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow.

In addition to the metro system, Moscow also has a network of buses, trams, and trolleys. This system is nowhere near as convenient or well-connected as the metro, though, and is likely of little use to you during your trip. There is no Uber in Moscow, but a similar app named Yandex is available if you need a ride in a pinch.

How Many Days Do You Need in Moscow?

Moscow is the biggest city in all of Europe, and it is absolutely loaded with things to do. You could spend weeks in Moscow and still find new things to do. Of course, most travelers don’t have that kind of time to spend in one place!

I recommend spending no less than three full days in Moscow, and ideally closer to five or seven.

Moscow is very spread out, and it can take some time to get from one major point to another. There are also so many places that are nice to just sit back and relax, which is hard to do when you’re in a hurry trying to cram activities into just a few days.

If you only have a week to visit Russia, I’d advise spending all of the time in one city. If you decide to split your time between Moscow and St. Petersburg, I recommend not trying to squeeze in any day trips beyond those two cities.

moscow bridge at night with lights

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Moscow?

There are two different ways to approach this question. Personally, I think the best time to visit Moscow is around Christmas and New Year’s Day. While the weather will be absolutely freezing, Moscow is a surreal winter wonderland in December and January.

We were in Moscow right before Christmas. While it was very cold, you can always bundle up. Exploring the Christmas markets and pop-up ice skating rinks throughout Moscow is one of my favorite memories from anywhere I’ve traveled, and I dream of going back to do it again.

If you aren’t fond of the cold, Moscow is beautiful in the summer. It tends to get pretty cold in the shoulder seasons, so if you want warm weather, you should plan to visit in the summer. Moscow actually gets pretty warm in July and August, and there are a bunch of fantastic places to soak up the sun within the city.

The best time to visit Moscow is either around Christmas or from late May to August.

group of people walking in moscow red square at night with christmas lights everywhere

Is Moscow Safe to Visit?

While Moscow is a truly wonderful city, there’s no denying that visiting Russia comes with risks. As the country is run by an infamous communist dictator, concerns about visiting are valid. While we didn’t experience any sort of threat or negative treatment during our time in Moscow, we visited in a peaceful time.

In our experience, Russia doesn’t seem to detain normal Americans or Westerners to use as pawns. As a regular person, as long as you don’t commit any crimes, there is a slim chance you will run into any issues. However, Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

To make matters worse, Russia has a bad reputation for gang violence. While the Russian mafia has very little interest in normal Western tourists, they won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who ventures into their sphere of influence. If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

Finally, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things are all very different. Russia is currently at war, and there are battles raging within 8 hours of Moscow. While it is still relatively safe to visit, that could change at any time as the war with Ukraine continues.

Is Moscow Worth Visiting?

Without a doubt, Moscow is worth visiting. It is one of the most unique major cities we have ever visited, and we hope to make it back one day. The Russian Orthodox churches are stunning, the city’s history is unlike any other, and the food is to die for.

While many visitors prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow, I think Moscow deserves a lot of hype of its own. Moscow is the beating heart of Russian culture and history, and it’s a place I highly recommend checking out if you have the chance.

woman in head scarf hugging bronze statue of angry bear

That’s all we have for you about Moscow! I hope this post was helpful as you plan your trip to Russia’s capital.

Have you been to Moscow? Or is this your first time visiting? Comment below if you have anything to add to our travel guide!

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

Moscow Travel Guide

  • Guide to Russia
  • Russian Destination Guide

Why travel to Moscow

Contrasts: 12th century monasteries and some of the tallest skyscrapers in Europe can be found side-by-side in this complex and captivating city. The diversity of this mega-city is astounding. Only a few steps away from the solemn red facade of the Kremlin and the sounds of righteous church bells, a buzzing night scene and alternative-fashion boutiques can be found.

Culture: In Moscow only the best goes. Be it a theatre, restaurant or gallery, the standards are certain to be world-class. The Bolshoi ballet company is reputed to be even better than the Mariinsky’s and “MMOMA” (Moscow’s museum of modern art) exhibits works of art as profound as any that could be found in the famed MOMA.

Convenience: Unlike the rest of Russia, it’s easy enough to get by with just English in Moscow and, driving excepted, it is surprisingly safe: the murder rate is lower than in some of America’s major cities.

Top Sights in Moscow


St. Basil’s


Novodevichy Convent


  • Moscow Fact File
  • History of Moscow Russia
  • Arriving in Moscow
  • Getting Around
  • Moscow Museums
  • Nightlife in Moscow
  • Moscow Restaurants
  • Moscow Entertainment
  • Activities in Moscow
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Why visit Moscow

It would take more than two days to walk around the perimeter of the biggest city in Europe, Moscow. Many of its inhabitants barely know what’s beyond the few blocks around their flat and there are so many attractions that it’s almost impossible to know where to start. If there is such a thing as an antidote to boredom, Moscow City is it. The mind-boggling range and diversity of things to do, places to eat, parks, historical monuments and more means that a vacation in Moscow has a wealth of activities to offer for every type of traveler, from young families to retirees.

Reasons to Vacation in Moscow in 2022

The Bolshoi theatre is familiar to almost everyone as Russia’s grandest theatre, but what people don’t know is that there are many more bolshoi (big) sites in Moscow that are worth travelling all the way to Moscow to see. For more than 100 years, the world’s biggest bell has been hidden behind the Kremlin’s walls and inside Moscow’s main park (which is bigger than some countries!) there is the world’s largest outdoor ice-rink. Travelers that visit Moscow can stay at the Izmailovo, Europe’s biggest hotel, then eat at the largest and most historic McDonald’s in Europe and after that have fun at the largest European indoor theme park!

Ancient Past & Stunning Architecture:

As those who travel to Moscow will see, just because Moscow is a city of record-breaking, glitzy high-rises doesn’t mean that there is no history. On the famous Arbat street, time-worn, wooden storehouses and century-old churches are squashed up against grey, soviet blocks which are then towered over by 21st century office-blocks. Unlike its much younger sibling, St Petersburg, Moscow’s roots stretch way back to the 12th century. Within the walls of the Kremlin, the city’s oldest building the Cathedral of Assumption can be admired in all its 500+ years of age.

Culture & Convenience

For a foreigner who has never visited Russia, Moscow is the perfect stepping stone into this great land of mystery. From the country’s best classical ballet troupes to snow-white troikas trotting through the parks, all the highlights of Russian culture can be had in Moscow without any of the complications that would be expected in other, less developed regions of Russia.

Cheap as Caviar

In Moscow, everything is bargain when with the current foreign exchange rates being what they are. Even caviar doesn’t seem so dear when the exchange rate is at 60rub to the dollar, so go on indulge yourself! Take your 2022 vacation in Moscow and have the best of both worlds, with European luxury at very affordable prices.

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Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

We had a great time both in Moscow and St Petersburg. Your travel agency was excellent in coordinating the whole trip. Everything worked like clockwork. The guides assigned to us were very nice and friendly. They had a great knowledge of their subjects. The cars and the drivers were great. The hotels were good and the itinerary was good. All in all, it was a wonderful experience. It was nice dealing with you and your company. Thank you very much for a great Russian experience. Have a great future ahead

  • 31 reviews of Express to Russia Moscow Tours in Moscow

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