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A devoted and loyal servant to The Founders, Weyoun acts as both diplomat and leader for The Dominion, particularly during the war with The Federation.

Portrayed By: Jeffrey Combs

Position/Role: Vorta Ambassador/Leader

Race: Vorta

Duration: Seasons 4-7 (Recurring)


  • Partner: Dukat
  • Nemesis: Benjamin Sisko
  • Mentor: Female Changeling

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  • 1.1 Weyoun 2
  • 1.2 Weyoun 4
  • 1.3 Weyoun 5
  • 1.4 Weyoun 6
  • 1.5 Weyoun 7
  • 1.6 Weyoun 8
  • 1.7.1 Weyoun 9 in the First Splinter timeline
  • 1.7.2 Other alternate realities
  • 2.1 Connections
  • 2.2 Background
  • 2.3.1 Appearances
  • 2.4 External links

Biography [ ]

Weyoun 2 [ ].

The second version of Weyoun once had a romantic relationship with one of Kilana 's clones. ( DS9 - Millennium novel : Inferno )

Weyoun 4 [ ]

This version of Weyoun lead a team of Jem'Hadar , including Omet'iklan , Toman'torax and Virak'kara , to locate a group of rogue Jem'Hadar who had taken over an Iconian Gateway . Weyoun and the Jem'Hadar were rescued by the USS Defiant after they were attacked. The two crews later worked together and were successful in destroying the gateway, although Weyoun was killed by First Omet'iklan for doubting them. ( DS9 episode : " To the Death ")

Weyoun 5 [ ]

The fifth version of Weyoun was assigned to be Gul Skrain Dukat 's Vorta advisor after the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion in 2373 .

Weyoun first met Dukat in the Kamiat Nebula , the first meeting Dukat had with the Dominion . They discussed the proposed rebuilding of the Cardassian fleet with Dominion assistance, as well as the future of the former Maquis colonies. ( DS9 novella : The Badlands, Part IV )

Several months later, Weyoun came with Dukat to Deep Space 9 to persuade Tekeny Ghemor to return home to Cardassia . After Dukat's plan to kill Ghemor with voraxna poison in kanar , Weyoun drank it. His Vorta physiology combated the poison, although he noted it was "quite toxic". ( DS9 episode : " Ties of Blood and Water ")

Weyoun returned to DS9 several weeks later to open negotiations for Bajor to sign a nonaggression pact with the Dominion. He later detected Elias Giger 's cellular regeneration and entertainment chamber and brought the scientist and his possessions aboard his ship. Jake Sisko and Nog were also brought aboard and Weyoun gave them the Willie Mays baseball card they had been seeking. ( DS9 episode : " In the Cards ")

Weyoun made another journey to DS9 several months later, this time to warn Sisko and the Federation to not try and stop the Dominion by constructing a minefield around the Bajoran wormhole . This "diplomacy" failed and Weyoun later participated in the attack on the station. ( DS9 episode : " Call to Arms "; DS9 novelization : Call to Arms... )

During the Dominion's time in control of Terok Nor , Weyoun persuaded Odo to sit on the Ruling Council with himself and Dukat, in return for allowing the Bajoran Militia more influence in security matters. ( DS9 episode : " A Time to Stand ")

The fifth Weyoun was killed in a transporter accident in early 2375 . It is believed that Legate Damar may have had something to do with the accident. ( DS9 episode : " Treachery, Faith, and the Great River ")

Weyoun 6 [ ]

Shortly after the death of Weyoun 5, the sixth incarnation of Weyoun was activated. It soon became apparent that this newest version of Weyoun was not like the previous incarnations - believing that the Dominion War was a terrible mistake. Using the name of one of Odo 's contacts, he got a message to Odo, who would later travel to meet him. When the two began to travel back to the Federation, it was revealed that a new clone, Weyoun 7, had been activated. Weyoun 6 killed himself to keep the Jem'Hadar from destroying the runabout that he and Odo were on by activating his suicide implant . His last moments were happy ones as he received a blessing from Odo. ( DS9 episode : " Treachery, Faith, and the Great River ")

Weyoun 7 [ ]

Weyoun 7 was activated when it became clear that Weyoun 6 was not behaving as expected and expressing feelings that the war was a terrible mistake. Weyoun 6 fled Cardassia and met with Odo, while Weyoun 7 and Damar worked to keep Weyoun 6 from defecting to the Federation. ( DS9 episode : " Treachery, Faith, and the Great River ")

Weyoun 7 was killed by Worf . ( DS9 episode : " Strange Bedfellows ")

Weyoun 8 [ ]

Weyoun 8 was activated shortly after the death of his predecessor, he continued to oversee Dominion activities in the Dominion War until he was killed by Elim Garak in the final hours of the war. His short life was notable for his suggestion of Dominion mass-murder of the Cardassian civilization , and the execution of orders to do so, up to and including the female Changeling 's final order for the genocide of the Cardassians. ( DS9 episode & novelization : What You Leave Behind )

Alternate realities [ ]

Weyoun 9 in the first splinter timeline [ ].

Odo removed the transcorder implant from Weyoun's corpse, hoping the ninth Weyoun would be like the sixth incarnation. ( DS9 novel : The Dominion: Olympus Descending )

Acting on orders from Odo, Weyoun 9 was sent throughout the Dominion to search for Jem'Hadar who were not dependent on Ketracel-white . He personally identified Taran'atar as one such Jem'Hadar. ( DS9 novels : The Dominion: Olympus Descending , Warpath )

Weyoun 9 told Elias Vaughn that Jake Sisko and Opaka Sulan were alive and with him in the Gamma Quadrant in 2376 . ( DS9 novel : Rising Son )

Weyoun remained close to Odo after the Great Link dissolved in 2376 and assisted him in running the Dominion. During this time Odo worked to change Vorta and Jem'Hadar culture for the better, but later focused on individual members of both species, such as Weyoun and Rotan'talag - hoping that both would in turn influence others around them. Due to Odo's influence Weyoun developed considerably as an individual. ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Raise the Dawn )

In 2383 , Weyoun commanded Jem'Hadar Attack Vessel 971 , along with Rotan'talag. In 2386 , they were both among the former Dominion denizens who had taken control of that vessel and taken it through the wormhole to settle in the Alpha Quadrant . ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Raise the Dawn , DS9 novel : The Long Mirage )

In 2386 , Weyoun requested political asylum in the Federation. ( DS9 novel : Original Sin )

Other alternate realities [ ]

In an alternate timeline , one of Weyoun's incarnations had ascended to become the kai of Bajor in the year 2400 . ( DS9 - Millennium novel : The War of the Prophets )

In another timeline, Weyoun was assimilated by the Borg . ( CCG set: Mirror, Mirror , card: "Weyoun of Borg")

Kai Weyoun.

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], background [ ].

Weyoun was played by Jeffrey Combs in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine between 1996 and 1999. Combs reprised the role in 2001 when he voiced the character in the video game Dominion Wars .

Appearances and references [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • DS9 episode : " To the Death "
  • DS9 novella : The Badlands, Part IV
  • DS9 episode : " Ties of Blood and Water "
  • DS9 episode : " In the Cards "
  • DS9 episode : " Call to Arms "
  • DS9 episode : " A Time to Stand "
  • DS9 episode : " Behind the Lines "
  • DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story : " Three Sides to Every Story "
  • DS9 episode : " Favor the Bold "
  • DS9 episode : " Sacrifice of Angels "
  • DS9 - The Dominion War novelization : Call to Arms...
  • DS9 - The Dominion War novelization : ...Sacrifice of Angels
  • DS9 episode : " Statistical Probabilities "
  • DS9 episode : " Waltz "
  • DS9 episode : " Far Beyond the Stars "
  • DS9 episode : " Inquisition "
  • DS9 episode : " In the Pale Moonlight "
  • DS9 episode : " Tears of the Prophets "
  • DS9 episode : " Image in the Sand "
  • DS9 episode : " Shadows and Symbols "
  • DS9 video game : Dominion Wars
  • DS9 episode : " Treachery, Faith, and the Great River "
  • DS9 episode : " Penumbra "
  • DS9 episode : " 'Til Death Do Us Part "
  • DS9 episode : " Strange Bedfellows "
  • DS9 episode : " The Changing Face of Evil "
  • DS9 episode : " Tacking Into the Wind "
  • DS9 episode : " The Dogs of War "
  • DS9 episode & novelization : What You Leave Behind
  • DS9 - Mission Gamma novel : Lesser Evil
  • DS9 novel : Rising Son
  • DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel : The Dominion: Olympus Descending
  • DS9 novel : Warpath
  • ST - Typhon Pact novel : Raise the Dawn
  • DS9 novel : The Long Mirage

External links [ ]

  • Weyoun article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Weyoun article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • 1 Lamarr class
  • 2 Wesley Crusher
  • 3 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
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  • Gamma Quadrant
  • VisualEditor


A female Vorta

The Vorta are a humanoid species genetically engineered by the Founders of the Dominion to act as field commanders, administrators, scientists and diplomats. The Vorta see themselves as those who "serve the Founders."

  • 3 Missions involved
  • 5 Bridge officers
  • 6 Duty officers
  • 7 External links

History [ | ]

According to the Dominion's Masan Research Reports , the Vorta were a race of tree-dwellers, hunted as the Changelings once were. The genetic engineering of that species into the modern Vorta were the Founders' first project and resulted, among other things, of an increase in intelligence of at least a factor of three. They were the first of many loyal subjects and were there to guide other subjects such as the Jem'Hadar .

This was believed by the Vorta, perhaps apocryphally, that this was a reward for a group of the Vorta's ancestors hidding a Changeling from an angry mob. The Changeling they saved promised that one day they would be transformed and placed at the head of a vast interstellar empire. The Founders fulfilled this promise by genetically changing the Vorta into humanoids and employing them at the highest level of the Dominion, second only to the Founders themselves.

Biology [ | ]

Vorta are typically clones of early 'versions' of themselves and serve the Founders in roles of importance such as commanders and diplomats. Vorta are similar to Humans except mainly for their ears and eyes. They have long vented ears which increases their hearing ability above that of regular humanoids. Their eyes are typically poor in terms of sight, and are normally purple in colour. Vorta are commonly seen commanding squads of Jem'Hadar .

Missions involved [ | ]


Bridge officers [ | ]

Vorta bridge officers are available as holograms, or Weyoun 13. See Special bridge officer for more information.

Duty officers [ | ]

External links [ | ].

  • Vorta at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Vorta at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • Star Trek Online Character Creation video at YouTube .
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Phoenix Prize Pack

Weyoun was a series of cloned Vorta diplomats and leaders in the service of the Dominion.

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External Links

  • Weyoun at Memory Alpha
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Published Sep 9, 2023

Every Star Trek Character Played by Jeffrey Combs, Ranked

The character actor is one of the few to play multiple roles across multiple Trek series. From Weyoun to 'holosuite guest', here's how they all stack up.

Jeffrey Combs characters

When Jeffrey Combs first broke out as the electrifying Dr. Herbert West in Stuart Gordon’s classic cult horror movie Re-Animator in 1985, it began a journey that would turn the actor into a staple of genre cinema. After numerous adaptations of H.P. Lovecraft’s work in the late '80s and early '90s, Combs would eventually join the ranks of fellow character actors who took guest roles on Star Trek . For most actors, this was a one-and-done deal; a week’s work on one of the most-beloved franchises of all time.

For Combs, it would become a decade — nine roles across numerous Star Trek -related projects, many of which were under heavy makeup, and several that were much, much more than one-time guest roles. With so many roles (and prosthetics) to choose from, Combs is the perfect subject for a good old-fashioned ranking.

From Weyoun to a background Holosuite Guest, here's how they all stack up.

9. Holosuite Guest

Jeffrey Combs appears as a hologuest in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series finale, 'What You Leave Behind'

"What You Leave Behind"

At the bottom of our list is an appearance so fleeting that most viewers probably don’t realize it’s Combs!

In the series finale of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , our main cast speaks about their plans for the future now that the Dominion War is over, and enjoys one final performance from their favorite holographic lounge singer, Vic Fontaine. Among the many other guests at Vic’s club is one conspicuously placed Combs sans makeup, but looking snazzy in a 1960s style suit and tie. Is he a hologram? Is he another Starfleet officer who felt like dressing up that night? He doesn’t speak and remains in the background, so we’ll never know for sure! Let the fan fiction begin!

Gameplay screencap of Star Trek: Elite Force II video game's Romulan Commander Suldok

Star Trek: Elite Force II

Combs has only had a handful of appearances in Star Trek video games, and usually appears as two characters we’ll see further down this list. In 2003’s Star Trek: Elite Force II , Combs assumed the role of main villain Suldok, a Romulan commander responsible for planning a military coup against the Romulan Star Empire using — what else? — an ancient race of genetically-engineered bugs. It’s unfortunate that the Elite Force games are somewhat lost to time — the original Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force featured some of the most faithful, fun to explore recreations of Star Trek ships.

In Voyager's 'Tsunkatse,' Penk proudly shows off his bloodsport arena as his athletes observe behind him


Combs’ work is so closely associated with Deep Space Nine that it’s easy to forget that he appeared (along with DS9 alum J.G. Hertzler) in the sixth season Star Trek: Voyager episode “Tsunkatse” as Penk, who kidnaps Seven of Nine and forces her to compete in a popular bloodsport.

What makes it even easier to forget that Combs (or anyone else) appeared in this episode is that it also features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson at the height of the WWE’s Attitude Era. He’s the most electrifying man in sports entertainment no matter what quadrant you’re in.

Close-up of Tiron staring intently ahead of him at Quark in 'Meridian'


In the Deep Space Nine episode “Meridian,” Tiron is a super-creep, but it says a lot about Combs as a performer that even when he’s doing something so weird and off-putting, you can’t help but watch just to see what’s going to happen next. Tiron probably has the most in common with Combs’ breakout role in Re-Animator ; he’s myopically focused on one (gross) thing, doesn’t care what he has to do or who he has to run through to achieve his goals, and ultimately falls victim to his own hubris. All the while, Combs gives us a totally dialed in, one-off performance that perfectly captures everything we like about him as an actor. It’s his work in this episode that would lead to him getting called back again, and again, and again.

5. Kevin Mulkahey

NYPD officers Burt Ryan (Dukat) and Kevin Mulkahey (Weyoun) give Benny Russell (Sisko) a hard time in 'Far Beyond the Stars'

"Far Beyond the Stars"

Part of the fun of an episode like “Far Beyond the Stars” is that, along with its still-relevant social commentary and stellar storytelling, it’s one of those classic Star Trek scenarios that allows the entire cast to play completely different characters.

In Benny Russell’s 1953 Harlem, all of Sisko’s friends and enemies have a direct analogue. The DS9 crew are fellow writers and artists at Incredible Tales, while Gul Dukat and Combs’ Weyoun appear as (most definitely racist) detectives Burt Ryan and Kevin Mulkahey, who antagonize Russell about his suit and space station drawings. Things get worse (and the chilling parallels to real life become clearer) after Mulkahey and Ryan shoot and kill Jake Sisko stand-in Jimmy, and then proceed to beat Russell nearly to death in the middle of the street. Mulkahey never appears again in the series, but Ben Sisko carries these events with him all the way to his ascension to the celestial temple.

Close-up of the Ferengi pirate Krem looking over his left shoulder in 'Acquisition'


Just shortly after Deep Space Nine ’s conclusion in 1999, Combs was cast for the Star Trek: Enterprise episode “Acquisition” as the Ferengi Krem, who along with his pirate crew attempt to sabotage and steal the Enterprise .

As part of a standout crew of guest performers including Star Trek vets Ethan Phillips ( Voyager ’s Neelix) and Clint Howard (The Original Series’ Balok), Krem offers a contrasting performance to his previous work as Brunt by showcasing a Ferengi capable of seeing the flaws in his hyper-capitalist culture, especially when he sees how his cousin Ulis has been exploiting his easy-going nature and forcing him to doing menial jobs for less pay on their raids. In many ways, he could possibly be an ancestor to Deep Space Nine ’s future union leader, Rom!

At Quark's, Brunt stands in front of the bar and directs everyone's attention to Leck in 'The Magnificent Ferengi'

"The Magnificent Ferengi"

Of course, the Ferengi we most closely associate with Combs is Liquidator Brunt. Brunt first appears in the third season episode “Family Business,” and for a time, largely serves as an antagonist to Quark, who can’t help but continually fall under the scrutiny the Ferengi version of the SEC.

As the series progresses, Brunt becomes our window into the inner workings of Ferenginar. He is the true believer in the Ferengi way of life, and perhaps the best example of how, even in a future that is striving towards utopia, meddling middle-managers and bureaucrats are still waiting in the shadows to take a cut of your wages and credit for your work.

Weyoun 7 stands with his back to Damar conflicted by the situation at hand in 'Treachery, Faith and the Great River'

"Treachery, Faith and the Great River"

Weyoun is Combs’ own pick for his favorite performance in all of Star Trek , and it’s easy to see why! Weyoun started off as merely the third unique character the actor played in Season 3 of Deep Space Nine , and he even perished at the hands of his own Jem’Hadar soldiers at the end of “To the Death.”

It is soon revealed, however, that that the Vorta was merely the fourth in a line of clones, all created to serve at the discretion of the Founders. Combs would go on to perform as five different variations of Weyoun all the way to the DS9 series finale. Each version was masterfully performed by Combs with their own little quirks and insecurities, giving audiences enough variation that one could easily do a ranking of Weyouns on their own!

Combs plays Weyoun 5 for much of the middle seasons of Deep Space Nine when the Dominion finally takes the stage as the true antagonists for Sisko and the crew. Special attention, however, must be paid to Weyoun 6, who is considered “defective” for daring to question the motivations behind the Dominion War. “Treachery, Faith, and the Great River” is an important episode not just for Weyoun but Deep Space Nine as a whole, as it furthers the idea that not everything can be simply broken down into “good” and “evil.” Even the shades of grey have shades of grey — clones bred for diplomacy included.

When Combs portrayed both Weyoun and Brunt in the episode “Dogs of War,” he became the first Star Trek actor to portray two different, completely unrelated recurring characters in the same episode.

Close-up of Shran's face

It would take nearly 40 years after the end of The Original Series for an Andorian character to appear as anything other than a background extra of a one-off guest appearance, so when Combs first appeared as Thy’lek Shran in Enterprise it was, needless to say, a big deal. Not only was this classic alien race finally getting a true representative in the Star Trek canon, the character of Shran radically reinvented what we had mostly acknowledged as “those blue aliens with the things on their heads.” Enterprise ’s Andorians were pissed off, leather-clad commandos with a serious bone to pick with the Vulcans, setting up a lot of questions about how these people are going to become one of the founding members of the Federation by Enterprise ’s end.

After nearly a decade playing various degrees of villains on Star Trek , it’s with Shran that we get to see Combs in a new light as an honorable anti-hero with a serious chip on his shoulder. He’s passionate, cunning, and tough as nails when it comes to defending his people from harm. He undergoes a lot of growth over four seasons, and, according to producer Manny Coto, had Enterprise gone to a fifth, he likely would have found himself stationed on the bridge of the titular ship with Archer and the crew having come to peace with the Vulcans and opened up himself and his civilization to the idea of the Federation. He is, in many ways, the living example of what Enterprise was all about from the beginning.

Every Star Trek Character Played By Jeffrey Combs, Ranked

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This article was originally published on May 29, 2019.

Andy Webb (he/him) is a social media producer from Brooklyn whose work has been seen on CollegeHumor, Dorkly, Big Think and beyond. His passion for all things pop culture has been channeled into live comedy shows at the Alamo Drafthouse, live music video riffing for New York Comic Con, and placing 7th in the last season of the New York Trivia League on team Otrivia de Havilland. Follow him on Twitter at @Webbslinger for pictures of his cat, Odo.

Graphic illustration of two Cetacean Ops officers against a blue water-textured background

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV Series)

The changing face of evil (1999), jeffrey combs: weyoun, quotes .

Weyoun : I could be the last Weyoun...

Weyoun : There's something... different about you today, Damar, I can't quite put my finger on it. It's almost as if you're only... half-dressed...

Damar : What're you talking about?

Weyoun : [with fake realization]  You don't have a bottle in your hand!

Weyoun : [after the Defiant has been destroyed]  Poor Captain Sisko. I believe he was quite fond of that ship.

Weyoun : All those escape pods - so small... so vulnerable...

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How To Watch All Star Trek TV Shows In Timeline Order

Star trek producers give hopeful update for prodigy season 3 on netflix, star trek calls out spock's "false modesty" as the fatal weakness that defines him.

  • Paramount+ is the go-to spot for almost 60 years of Star Trek content, with 10 shows available for streaming until 2024.
  • The missing Star Trek: Prodigy is exclusively on Netflix, where fans can watch seasons 1 and 2 of the animated series.
  • Fans can now catch all 13 Star Trek movies on Paramount+, with the exclusive Star Trek: Section 31 film, and more, to follow.

Due to the complexities of licensing rights in the streaming age, it can sometimes be difficult to know where you can stream every Star Trek TV show and movie. Spanning almost six decades, eleven different TV shows, and 13 movies, the Star Trek franchise is a veritable goldmine of content for streamers. Indeed, Paramount+ launched itself on the fact that it was the only place to experience the Star Trek timeline in its entirety. While Paramount+'s promise didn't hold up for long, it's still the best place to go for the majority of the Star Trek back catalog .

Paramount+ is continuing to expand its Star Trek catalog, too, with a streaming-exclusive movie, Star Trek: Section 31 , due for release next year, and a YA series, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, set to enter production in the Fall. All of which cements the reputation of Paramount+ as the home of the Star Trek franchise in a heavily populated streaming landscape. However, there are one or two gaps in the collection, meaning that fans will have to turn to other streaming services to get the complete Star Trek experience .

The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

Every Star Trek TV Series (Except Star Trek: Prodigy) Can Be Watched On Paramount+

Subscribers can watch (almost) everything from 1966 to 2024..

Ten out of the eleven existing Star Trek TV shows can be watched with a subscription to Paramount+ . This covers everything from 1966's Star Trek: The Original Series , right up to the final season of Star Trek: Discovery , released earlier in 2024. Next up on Paramount+ is the final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks , set to stream weekly from late summer. The ability to watch almost 60 years of Star Trek in one place means that fans can enjoy the whole rich tapestry, or cherry-pick certain stories that stretch across multiple series and timelines.

Conspicuous by its absence on Paramount+ is the animated series, Star Trek: Prodigy which was canceled and unceremoniously deleted from the service in 2023. As a sequel series to Star Trek: Voyager , it's disappointing that fans have to go elsewhere to find out what happened next to characters like Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and Commander Chakotay (Robert Beltran). It's a minor gap, given that there are still ten other Star Trek shows on Paramount+, but the fate of Prodigy is a sobering warning about the fragility of the streaming bubble.

Star Trek: Prodigy Can Be Watched On Netflix

Prodigy seasons 1 and 2 are streaming now..

Netflix saved Star Trek: Prodigy in October 2023, when it signed a contract to stream seasons 1 and 2 of the animated series. The streaming giant also has the option of commissioning season 3 of Prodigy . This means that, like with season 2, future installments of Star Trek: Prodigy will stream exclusively on Netflix . Therefore, Paramount+ subscribers will have to switch to Netflix to keep up to date with the adventures of Dal R'El (Brett Gray), Gwyndala (Ella Purnell) and the rest of the young crew of Starfleet hopefuls.

Exclusive: Star Trek: Prodigy executive producers Kevin and Dan Hageman share the status of a potential Prodigy season 3 on Netflix.

The benefit of Star Trek: Prodigy being on Netflix is that it's likely to be the streamer that most fans were already signed up to before Paramount+ first launched. This means that there was likely an existing audience, eager to watch the 40 episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy seasons 1 and 2 that are available to stream now on Netflix. While it might be strange that the animated series doesn't sit alongside the other Star Trek shows on Paramount+, the critical acclaim for Prodigy season 2 proves that it's a show that is worth seeking out.

In the UK, Netflix still currently has streaming rights for all Star Trek legacy shows from TOS to Enterprise .

Every Star Trek Movie Can Be Watched On Paramount+

The first 10 star trek movies recently left max..

The first ten Star Trek movies were recently restored to Paramount+ after a temporary spell on Max. This deal between Paramount+ and Max has been in existence for a while, meaning that for a short spell each year, only the Chris Pine Star Trek movies are available on Paramount+. For now though, every Star Trek movie from The Motion Picture to Star Trek Beyond is available to stream on Paramount+.

The 13 existing Star Trek movies will soon be joined by Michelle Yeoh's streaming-exclusive movie, Star Trek: Section 31 , which marks a new direction for the franchise. Depending on how well Section 31 performs, more standalone streaming movies could join Star Trek 's big screen outings on Paramount+ . A brand-new cinematic origin movie is also currently in development, which will likely make its streaming debut on Paramount+ in due course, further bolstering the streamer's Star Trek catalog.

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William Shatner Shares Why He Doesn't Watch 'Star Trek' and If He's Open to a Possible Return (Exclusive)

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William Shatner  recently sat down with ET for the celebrity legends series TV grEaTs t o discuss his remarkable journey from a young TV and film actor to the award-winning megastar, space traveler, and philanthropist he is today at 93. 

In this exclusive interview, Shatner discussed his experiences with Star Trek , why he doesn’t watch the show, and whether he would consider returning to the iconic franchise.

Reflecting on his entry into Star Trek , Shatner shared, "I don't remember ever auditioning for anything. I went to New York in a play, and it got great notices, and agents came after me,” Shatner said. “I got a call from this guy [Gene] Roddenberry who wanted me to play the captain of the space." 

Shatner portrayed James T. Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, from his 1966 debut as the captain of the starship Enterprise in the second pilot of the first Star Trek television series to his final appearance as Captain Kirk in the seventh Star Trek feature film, Star Trek Generations in   1994.

In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Plato's Stepchildren" (season 3, episode 10), first broadcast on Nov. 22, 1968, Captain Kirk (Shatner) and Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) shared what is often cited as the first interracial kiss on television. Shatner commented on this historic moment, saying, "She's a beautiful woman, why wouldn't I kiss her?"

He continued, "Coming from Canada, you know, what's the big deal? So, I didn't really—I mean, I understood the deal, but I didn't get the emotion that's involved in there. I didn't get it until I got it."

Reflecting on his fondest memories of Star Trek, Shatner said, "I loved Leonard, he was a brother to me. Leonard Nimoy. So, I had a great deal of affection for him. I loved some of the acting moments that they put the character into."

When asked about a potential return to Star Trek , Shatner humorously replied, "Yes, I could be tempted for a great deal of money." He laughed, adding, "I'm so busy now. You don't understand how busy I am. I've got a documentary."

Shatner's documentary, You Can Call Me Bill , recounts his personal journey over nine decades on Earth, stripping away all the masks he's worn to embody countless characters.

He added, "I've got an album, I've got more than one album."

Shatner's album, So Fragile, So Blue, was digitally released on April 19, just before Earth Day. The album is a partnership with LSO Live and The Kennedy Center. Shatner performed at The Kennedy Center with Ben Folds and the National Symphony Orchestra in April 2022, and this album features that performance.

Despite his pivotal role in Star Trek, Shatner admitted he hasn't watched much of the series or any other Star Trek shows.

"I’m gonna tell you something that nobody knows," he said. "I've never seen another Star Trek and I’ve seen as few Star Trek s of the show I was on, I’ve seen as few as possible. I don't like to look at myself, and I’ve never seen any other. I love it, I think it's great, I just don’t, you know, I don’t watch television per se. I'm watching documentaries, I’m watching the news, I'm watching sports, I’m watching things that were, documentaries that were made but I don't watch television for some reason. I've been urged to watch certain shows by my family, 'You'll love this,' and I just never get around to it."

As for what he wants his legacy to be, 93-year-old Shatner had a thoughtful answer.

"Well, I gotta tell you there's no such thing," he said. "You put up a statue -- that's my legacy, I’m a statue. I was in the civil war and this is what I did and I'm a hero -- and they tear down the statue. I'm gonna put my name on a building, the building falls down, there's no legacy, there's nothing physical that you ... it'll evaporate eventually. What doesn't go away, what is your legacy and mine is the good deeds you do. If you help somebody it reverberates until the end of time, you will not know it, the butterfly wings you won't see ... but it happens. If you help somebody else, that goes on forever, that's your legacy."


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Jeffrey Combs

Most recently, he voiced AGIMUS in the Star Trek: Lower Decks episodes " Where Pleasant Fountains Lie ", " A Mathematically Perfect Redemption " and " A Few Badgeys More ".

  • 1 Personal life
  • 2.2 Television
  • 3.1.1 Appearances as Brunt
  • 3.1.2 Appearances as Weyoun 5
  • 3.1.3 Appearances as Weyoun 7
  • 3.1.4 Appearances as Weyoun 8
  • 3.1.5 Appearances as Thy'lek Shran
  • 3.2 Video game voice acting credits
  • 3.3 Further reading
  • 4 External links

Personal life [ ]

Born in Oxnard, California, Combs was raised in Lompoc, California along with many older and younger siblings. He graduated from Lompoc High School in 1972, after which he honed his acting talents at the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts in Santa Maria, California and the Professional Actor's Training Program at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.

In 1980, after spending four years performing for regional theater, Combs moved to Los Angeles where he landed roles in the films Whose Life Is It Anyway? and Honky Tonk Freeway , both released in 1981. The latter one starred Terri Garr .

Combs is widely recognized as an actor of science fiction and horror movies. His first experience with both genres came in 1983 when he appeared in The Man with Two Brains , a film which also featured fellow Trek guest stars James Cromwell , David Warner , and Earl Boen . A few months later, he was seen in the horror film Frightmare , co-starring Scott Thomson .

Combs has since starred in many movies in the horror and science fiction genres, specifically those based on the works of writer H. P. Lovecraft . His most well-known Lovecraftian role (and, indeed, his most famous film role in general) is that of Dr. Herbert West in the 1985 classic Re-Animator . He reprised this role in two more films, Bride of Re-Animator in 1990 and Beyond Re-Animator in 2003.

Other Lovecraftian films starring Combs include From Beyond (1986, with Ted Sorel ) and Lurking Fear (1994, with Vincent Schiavelli ). Combs' association with Lovecraft was such that he actually played the author in Necronomicon (1993, which featured Dennis Christopher , Gary Graham , Richard Lynch , and David Warner. His more recent Lovecraftian work was the television horror thriller The Dunwich Horror (2009, with Dean Stockwell ). Combs voiced King Abdul in the animated feature Howard Lovecraft & the Undersea Kingdom (2017) and H.P. Lovecraft himself in the video sequel Howard Lovecraft and the Kingdom of Madness (2018).

Outside of the Lovecraftian universe, Combs portrayed a Catholic Cleric in the 1991 film The Pit and the Pendulum , also starring Stephen Lee . Combs was further notable for playing the title role of Doctor Mordrid in 1992, on which he co-starred with Brian Thompson . Another notable role is that of crazed FBI agent Milton Dammers in The Frighteners (1996, co-starring Julianna McCarthy .

Combs' other non-Lovecraftian sci-fi and horror films include Robot Jox (1989, starring Gary Graham), Guyver (1991, with Michael Berryman , Dennis Madalone , Brian Simpson , and Spice Williams ), Trancers II (1991, with Richard Lynch), Fortress (1992, co-starring Kurtwood Smith and Tom Towles ), I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998, along with Bill Cobbs ), House on Haunted Hill (1999, starring Famke Janssen ), and Contagion (2002, with Megan Gallagher ). More recent horror movie credits include Abominable (2006, in which he co-starred with Matt McCoy and Phil Morris ), The Wizard of Gore (2007, with Brad Dourif ), and Dark House (2009, with Diane Salinger and Don Stark ).

Combs has also appeared in Love and a .45 (1994) and appeared as Gilroy in Dillinger and Capone (1995, co-starred F. Murray Abraham , Stephen Davies , Catherine Hicks , Jeffrey Dean Morgan , Clint Howard , Bert Remsen , and Time Winters ). Combs was also seen in the thriller Felony (1996, co-starring Charles Napier and David Warner), Caught Up (1998, with Tony Todd ), and Edmond (2005). Additionally, in 1997, Combs and his Deep Space Nine co-stars René Auberjonois and Armin Shimerman appeared together in the drama Snide and Prejudice (along with Mick Fleetwood ).

Further film work includes the action film Urgency (2010), Dorothy and the Witches of Oz (2012, with Christopher Lloyd ), Night of the Living Dead 3D: Re-Animation (2012, with Rhonda Aldrich ), Would You Rather (2012, with Larry Cedar and Bobby C. King ), Elf-Man (2012), the thriller Favor (2013), the horror film The Penny Dreadful Picture Show (2013, with Sid Haig and Brandon Stacy ), Suburban Gothic (2014, with Ray Wise ), the family movie Beethoven's Treasure (2014, with Brian George and Patrick Kwok-Choon ), the horror comedy Art School of Horrors (2015), the fantasy film Age of Stone and Sky: The Sorcerer Beast (2018), and the horror film Holiday Hell (2018).

He also appeared in Unbelievable!!!!! in 2018, which features an almost whole Star Trek cast including Chase Masterson , Garrett Wang , Tim Russ , Nichelle Nichols , Robert Picardo , Michael Dorn , Marina Sirtis , Nana Visitor , Walter Koenig , Linda Park , Connor Trinneer , Manu Intiraymi , Dina Meyer , Olivia d'Abo , Julie Warner , Armin Shimerman , John Billingsley , Dominic Keating , Max Grodénchik , Casey Biggs , Brenda Bakke , Patti Yasutake , McKenzie Westmore , Anthony Montgomery , Vaughn Armstrong , Gary Graham , Steve Rankin , Michael Dante , Jack Donner , Michael Forest , Sean Kenney , Gary Lockwood , Barbara Luna , Beverly Washburn , Celeste Yarnall , Bobby Clark , Jasmine Jessica Anthony , Crystal Allen , Menina Fortunato , and Christopher Doohan .

Television [ ]

Outside of Star Trek , Combs has made guest appearances on several other television series. In 1987, he appeared on an episode of Beauty and the Beast , starring Ron Perlman . Also in 1987, he was seen on Houston Knights , working with Madlyn Rhue .

Further expanding his science fiction credits, Combs has worked on The Flash (1991, with Dick Miller ), Babylon 5 (1994, with Andreas Katsulas , Bill Mumy and David L. Crowley ), Perversions of Science (1997, with Jeff Corey , Ron Perlman, and David Warner), and the remake of The Twilight Zone (2003). He also played the recurring role of Kevin Burkhoff on The 4400 (2005-2007).

Other series on which he has appeared include Freddy's Nightmares (1989), Hunter (1991, in an episode with Kenneth Marshall ), Life Goes On (1991, with David Graf and Bill Smitrovich ), The Single Guy (1996, starring Olivia d'Abo and Mark Moses ), Martial Law (2000, with Neal McDonough and T.J. Storm ), CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2003), and Cold Case (2008).

In 1996, Combs had a role in Norma Jean & Marilyn . Also starring in this movie were Ashley Judd , Steven Culp , David Drew Gallagher , Alex Henteloff , and John Rubinstein . In 2005, Combs appeared in two made-for-TV horror movies: Voodoo Moon and Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy .

Combs is also a sought-after voice actor, appearing in numerous animated television shows. He has most prominently worked as a voice actor for animation set in the DC Animated Universe, specifically as The Scarecrow in The New Batman Adventures (1997, working on the same episode as Charles Rocket ) and The Question in several episodes of Justice League (2004-2006, alongside Clancy Brown , Robert Foxworth , Virginia Madsen , and Charles Napier). He also voiced the Scarecrow for the video game Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu (2003), which also featured Cary-Hiroyuki , Loren Lester , and Ron Perlman. Combs voiced the Autobot Ratchet in Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman 's Transformers: Prime (2010-2013), Viceroy in Chadam (2010), The Leader in Avengers: World's Mightiest Heroes (2010-2012), Rat King in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012-2016), and Ratchet in Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2016-2017).

Further television guest work includes episodes of Thundercats (2012, with Kevin Michael Richardson and Corey Burton ), Femme Fatales (2012), Criminal Minds (2014), Ben 10: Omniverse (2014, with Bumper Robinson , Dee Bradley Baker , and Michael Dorn), Gotham (2015, with Becky Ann Baker ), Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. (2015, with Fred Tatasciore and Clancy Brown ), Stan Against Evil (2017), and Togtone (2018).

Star Trek [ ]

Combs auditioned for the role of William T. Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation , but lost the part to Jonathan Frakes . Frakes remembered Combs and cast him as Tiron while directing the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine third season episode " Meridian ". ( "Hidden File 10", DS9 Season 5 DVD special feature )

Combs has since earned himself quite a number of appearances on Star Trek , guest starring in thirty-one episodes of Deep Space Nine , one episode of Star Trek: Voyager , and eleven episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise . In " The Dogs of War ", Combs played both Weyoun and Brunt , becoming one of only a handful of actors ever to play two unrelated characters in the same episode, and the only one credited for playing both characters in that episode. He did it a second time while playing Weyoun and an unnamed holosuite guest in " What You Leave Behind ", the final episode of Deep Space Nine . He has also appeared in two Star Trek series finales: " What You Leave Behind " and " These Are the Voyages... ".

He is one of only six actors to play seven or more different characters in the Star Trek franchise, the others being Randy Oglesby , J.G. Hertzler , Vaughn Armstrong , Thomas Kopache , and Brent Spiner .

The species that he played on Star Trek include three Ferengi , a Vorta , a Norcadian , and an Andorian . He also played an imaginary Human in " Far Beyond the Stars ". The name of Tiron's race was never revealed. Combs has said that out of all the Trek roles he has played, Weyoun is his favorite character. [1]

When interviewed in Star Trek Monthly  issue 43 in 1998 about his two recurring roles on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , Combs said that he preferred Weyoun chiefly because he had much more "freedom" to define the character with each appearance, whereas playing Brunt (or any Ferengi character) was simply a matter of following Armin Shimerman 's example.

Manny Coto has also said, had Star Trek: Enterprise been given a fifth season , the recurring character of Shran may have joined Enterprise as an "auxiliary or an advisor". [2] [3] As of 2018, Combs remarked, he never heard of such a proposal. ( "Behind the Masks" panel at Destination Star Trek Birmingham, 21 October 2018 )

Star Trek appearances [ ]

Tiron DS9: "Meridian"

Appearances as Brunt [ ]

  • " Family Business "
  • " Bar Association "
  • " Body Parts "
  • " Ferengi Love Songs "
  • " The Magnificent Ferengi "
  • " Profit and Lace "
  • " The Dogs of War "

Appearances as Weyoun 5 [ ]

  • " Ties of Blood and Water "
  • " In the Cards "
  • " Call to Arms "
  • " A Time to Stand "
  • " Behind the Lines "
  • " Favor the Bold "
  • " Sacrifice of Angels "
  • " Statistical Probabilities "
  • " Tears of the Prophets "
  • " Image in the Sand "
  • " Shadows and Symbols "

Appearances as Weyoun 7 [ ]

  • " Treachery, Faith and the Great River "
  • " Penumbra "
  • " 'Til Death Do Us Part "
  • " Strange Bedfellows "

Appearances as Weyoun 8 [ ]

  • " The Changing Face of Evil "
  • " Tacking Into the Wind "
  • " What You Leave Behind "

Appearances as Thy'lek Shran [ ]

  • " The Andorian Incident "
  • " Shadows of P'Jem "
  • " Cease Fire "
  • " Proving Ground "
  • " Zero Hour "
  • " Kir'Shara "
  • " Babel One "
  • " The Aenar "
  • " These Are the Voyages... " (hologram)

Video game voice acting credits [ ]

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars as Weyoun
  • Star Trek: Elite Force II as Commander Suldok
  • Star Trek Online as Weyoun and Brunt (also Thykir Shran, a relative of Thylek Shran)

Further reading [ ]

  • "Jeffrey Combs", Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 1, Issue 17 , pp. 14-16, 18-21, September 2000
  • Star Trek's Mr. Everywhere - A Jeffrey Combs interview, Part 1 at
  • Star Trek's Mr. Everywhere - A Jeffrey Combs interview, Part 2 at
  • An Interview with Jeffrey Combs - Part 1 at
  • An Interview with Jeffrey Combs - Part 2 at
  • An Exclusive Interview with Jeffrey Combs (X) at

External links [ ]

  • – official site
  • Jeffrey Combs at the Internet Movie Database
  • Jeffrey Combs at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Jeffrey Combs at Wikipedia
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 2 Star Trek: Prodigy
  • 3 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)


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