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Regular Show » WMG (Fan Theories)

  • In "Prank Callers" the most recent year shown when they travel to the past is 2004, making 2004 the "past year".
  • 2005 is the year in which J. G. Quintel (aka Mordecai) was 23 years old.
  • In "The Best VHS in the World" it is implied that DVD has surpassed VHS in usage, which happened in 2003.
  • Jossed. We've seen both Benson's and Pops's families, they don't seem to be related.
  • Rigby is Beavis and Mordecai is Butt-Head
  • Mordecai is Sam and Rigby is Max. Mordecai has a laidback personality and is tall, Rigby has a hyperactive one and is short, both are co-workers who are almost never seen apart. Despite being the laidback one, Mordecai/Sam is not afraid to be violent to Rigby/Max due to their size, yet Rigby/Max is known to be the more violent one in fights with their enemies. Both star in Subverted Kids' Show s and live in ostensibly normal places that quickly turn into Crapsack Worlds due to their actions. Both live where they work. The premise of each episode of both is them getting given a task by their boss (in Mordecai and Rigbys case, Benson, and in Sam And Max's case, The Commissioner) and finding it doesn't go exactly as they planned. Both have been best friends since childhood and are well known to each others families, and despite occasional fighting, are inseparable and couldn't work apart. Both have TV Show, Comic Book and Videogame equivalents. The Comic book version of Regular Show is significantly crazier than the TV Show, which is true of the Sam And Max comics as well. The main difference in their personalities is that Sam and Max are harder working because they are detectives and a decade or two older, whereas Mordecai And Rigby's job of looking after the park is shown to be the only job they could get, and as such, they don't particularly care about it.

Alternatively, the series tales place in the same universe as Sam & Max Both have anthropomorphic animals and humans coexisting , with a lot of strange villains and monsters turning up to terrorise otherwise mundane settings.

The reason Rigby is so lazy? He's a raccoon. Raccoons are nocturnal. Go figure.

  • YOU KNOW WHO ELSE MIGHT LOOK LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING? THEIR MOM! yeah, so John must've got normal skin from their mom.
  • Jossed, Muscle Man's Mom is green as well. So his brother might well be adopted
  • Well, considering the fact that Gerudos are a subspecies of humans in the Zelda series, you might be on to something.

CJ founded the Cloud Kingdom . She strikes me as a character that would come from Adventure Time.

Mordecai and Rigby have some sort of connection to Reginald and Beartato The adventures of an anthropomorphic Avian and his short brown furry friend that take place in a bizarre world that treads the line between impossibly insane and average. Which pair am I talking about? Now the only question is: Alternate universe or failed prototypes?

  • Mordecai would be like Axel, a balanced character with no significant strengths or weaknesses.
  • Rigby would be like Skate, a short Fragile Speedster who uses rapid fire attacks to make up for his lack of power.
  • Muscle Man would form the equivalent of Adam, Heavy on power but slower than Mordecai.
  • High Five Ghost would be the Roo or Ash of the game, a Lethal Joke Character with terrible range and weak attacks but great speed and a near infinite combo attack.
  • Pops would be our Max equivalent, his age makes him the slowest character of the group but his really real wrestling would do the most damage.
  • I basically think that at the beginning of every episode, Mordecai and Rigby do LSD, and halfway through the episode, it kicks in.
  • Maybe he has a Bag of Holding full of them?
  • Maybe it was Metal Gear Ac!d or a prototype of it inside the candy.
  • Alternatively, everyone on Regular Show are drug-addicted humans who would have appeared in 2 in the AM PM , including Skips, Muscle Man (see a WMG below), Margaret, and especially Rigby, to the point that he sometimes acts like a raccoon. But not Pops. He's the Naïve Man from Lolliland and is normally crazy.
  • Benson got promoted because he never took drugs again after 2 in the AM PM, which is why he has authority over Mordecai and Rigby and why he is uptight while they are chilled-out stoners. We see things from their point of view, which is why he is still a gumball machine.
  • Maybe the show actually takes place in the future Land of Ooo, and the Land of Lollipops was annexed from the Candy Kingdom at some point.
  • Or the REVERSE - The show actually takes place in the distant past, which eventually becomes The Land of Ooo. Benson and Pops are some of the first candy people, and the Land of Lollipops eventually grows into the full-fledged Candy Kingdom.
  • Not likely, as most of the candy people evolved from taffy-like substances as revealed in the Adventure Time episode Simon & Marcy.
  • Supported by the existence of humans in RS.
  • A friend and I actually have a theory that Regular Show is an alternate timeline offshoot from Adventure Time. A timeline where the dog/rainicorn war and the Great Mushroom War didn't happen, or at least not to such an extent that it made humans nearly extinct. The "magic" coming out and possible radiation would explain the talking/humanoid animals and normally inanimate objects, and the wars not happening would explain why civilization is still mostly intact. That sort of makes sense, right?
  • Makes sense, the bombs might be light enough in the Regular Show area that the buildings wouldn't be very much affected and modern life could continue, but heavy enough to cause minor to major mutations.
  • In the original short, Benson hallucinated that he was a gumball machine, while Mordecai hallucinated that he was a blue jay. So really, the fact that Pops is a lollipop isn't really a problem, it's actually more of a supporting fact.
  • Well, that or someone slowly starving to death in an abandoned house .
  • Or someone heading for an unnecessary brain surgery in an asylum.
  • Or one or more characters are Time Lords.
  • Cause the authorities are going to stand up to someone with the Death Punch of Death. The name doesn't just have death in it, it has it twice !
  • Sounds like a spell in F.A.T.A.L. . Which plants some Poison Oak Epileptic Trees about Death Kwan Do's origins.
  • I don't think that was mud...
  • "Ekansssss!" "Coffeeee!"

Regular Show takes place in the Scott Pilgrim universe A universe where out of the ordinary things occur pretty much daily and no one seems to bat an eye at it until someone is in danger. It just so happens that Canada has a higher human population than America in this universe.

  • And he's the true Weirdness Magnet .
  • Actually, it didn't. Either it's coincidence, or the author of that fic got their plot idea from here , because I never read that fic before posting this WMG.
  • Even if it were confirmed, it wouldn't matter because...

"Regular" stands for "consistent". Which means "It's anything but" means the plot is never consistent with itself. So even if anyone died, it wouldn't matter because they would be alive in the next episode anyway.

  • Okay, so Wonderland is in Victorian times, then fast forward to Regular Show in modern day, then huge nuclear/apocolyptic war, then Adventure Time somewhere in the future? Makes sense, actually...
  • The official Regular Show web site implies that Pops owns the park, but because he's out of touch with the outside world, he relies on Benson to run the park for him.
  • All but confirmed by the end of "Rigby's Body" with Mordecai stating that Pops, and only Pops, got free snacks from the snack bar. If he were a regular employee, this would be some serious favoritism that you would think would have been opposed by Mordecai and/or Rigby rather than just accepted. Furthermore, if he were on the same level as Benson, then it would only make sense for Mordecai to have stated that only Pops and Benson got free snacks, which would have made perfect sense in context, as Benson wasn't even in this episode and it would still have been left up to Pops to initiate the misunderstanding and Benson being mentioned as also having this privelege wouldn't have changed things at all, but this is never stated. No, it's said to be limited to Pops, making the idea that Pops is the owner indirectly confirmed via Fridge Brilliance .
  • Either he or his father said Pops was his only son, at least.
  • That would explain Pops' childishness. He's probably lived a sheltered life, never having to work for anything, so he isn't jaded like almost everyone else.
  • What about the episode where Pops threatens to fire Benson if he doesn't stop yelling at Mordecai and Rigby? That right there is irrefutable proof that Pops is at least higher up on the ladder than Benson.
  • In the spanish language, the pronoun you is not neutral as in english. If you use tu means familiarity (a coworker) while if you use usted means subordination (like an employee to his employer). In the Spanish dub, Benson talks to Pops with usted , fitting to Benson’s proper personality and his relationship with Pops. Everyone else talks to Benson with tu , meaning true familiarity (fitting to Skips or Muscle Man) or simply lack of respect (fitting to Mordecai and Rigby’s characters).
  • Well...it might work, if having a hallucination works as "imagining", because Benson technically is the gas station attendant from 2 in the AM PM, just in hallucination form. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends was never really clear on what "imagining" entails, and since Mac truly believed he created Cheese while dreaming, accidental imaginary friends aren't exactly out of the question, so creating one via hallucination doesn't really seem too far-fetched by FHFIF standards.
  • How is that preferable to dying in lava?!
  • And why would Mordecai offer that to Rigby as an option? If Mordecai didn't know what the Death Dump was, that'd be acceptable, but it was clear he had the picture and showed it to Rigby. There is no way, no way in HELL Mordecai thought seppuku with shit exploding out of you was a valid option to get out of a pit of lava.
  • Or rather you crap so much that the lava would've been cooled off?
  • The sentries disagree.
  • they was.Every alternative future in RS its ereased.Like night owl,they ereased that future.And they erease this future too.
  • No. Just, no. They're obviously too much like bros to even be considered a couple. That, and Mordecai is RAGINGLY heterosexual.
  • Because they've shown not a lot of interest in pandering to shippers yet.

Benson, and likely Gumball Machine people in general, are homunculi . Think of them as Pinocchio-like creatures, brought to life by some sort of alchemist or wizard. Though cut from the final product, the storyboard of "Mordecai and the Rigbys" revealed there are other Gumball Machine people besides Benson, and he even dated a female one for some time. This could apply to any other kind of anthropomorphic objects in the show too.

  • Or we could always go with the classic option with just a simple musical and the hero's getting the girl.
  • Well, less musical, more hero getting the girl.
  • Besides, Margaret is implied to be a slut, I doubt she'd settle down with Mordecai.
  • Because dating a lot of guys automatically implies slut.
  • Then again, they did say it was unlikely they'd ever kiss and well... "Bad Kiss" happened.
  • Sort-of confirmed. A movie happened , but it wasn't the series finale.
  • Actually, it could always be due to being run over by Mordecai and Rigby. And considering how long ago that happened, it would make a lot of sense.
  • So that's why they play Genesis and watch Youtube?
  • ...Can I live there?
  • Don't you mean the Master System?
  • Or maybe he's a troll by species?
  • I kind of second that, but RIGBY CAN SUMMON ELDRITCH ABOMINATIONS .
  • Jossed in "Don."
  • Or maybe she keeps an 80's cell phone in her shirt. Those lady pecs? They're actually tumors.

The series coexists with the world of Chick Tracts You're kidding, right?

Rigby is a lucid dreamer. In both of the dream sequences we've seen from Rigby's point of view, he seems to have a surprising amount of control in his dreams. Aside from the nightmare aspects that pop up, he's aware of his actions and can change things.

  • Confirmed in "150 Piece Kit."
  • Steroids do cause breast growth in men.
  • I doubt that was their intention at all. Though he does live entirely for his own means, it is because he is a raccoon. They are notoriously hard to keep as pets because they don't see their owners as their master, but will always come back to them for food. Also, they really do hate being hugged despite being capable of it, though whether they knew this when making "Don" is not known.

Regular Show takes place in the same universe as Aqua Teen Hunger Force The park itself is the one that the leprechauns in season one called home. The park has the same sort of Weirdness Magnet that exists over in the Aqua Teen's neighborhood.

  • Or by the "Bloody Mary" legend.
  • Word of God states otherwise, via Formspring.
  • Probably going to fix it by revealing a male Robin who's colors are SO bright they're blinding.
  • Almost correct. He's not gay or uninterested in romance; Word of God states he has high expectations and expects supermodels like Scarlet Johanson. Also, Mordecai is (just about) Rigby's only true friend, he's concerned about him for a reason.
  • Yeah, he did show a fleeting but enthusiastic interest in a girl when they were picking out people to invite to a party.
  • Who thinks Rigby's gay in the first place?
  • .....You don't go into the RS fandom much, do you?
  • Rigby likes Eileen but mainly because she keeps him company when Mordecai and Margaret are hanging out.
  • Confirmed. As the series progresses and Rigby matures, he realizes he likes Eileen and they begin dating.
  • Jossed , he was an ape in 1776, and I doubt commemorative plates existed in that time.
  • He's probably referring to the fact that, in addition to Simon Kipner's name being an extremely suspicious lengthening of "Skips", the man seems to look a bit like Skips. And that Skips has eternal youth, so who knows how his body would change.
  • Cthulhu is in the public domain, they can use him if they want to without copyrights being a problem.
  • Adventure time already took care of the radar.
  • The creators got in a rock, paper, scissor match with the radar and tied long enough to summon the monster from the pilot, which ate the radar.
  • J.G. Quintel shot them out in the desert.

In the episode "Go Viral" everyone in that internet video universe died. The way everyone got sent to that universe does look dangerous, even deadly. Pops probably got hurled into space and suffocated, the wedgie ninja probably got punched so hard he dies, and we all know how "Road Hog" died and so on. Rigby also saved his life and Mordecai's life by turning on the camera, The reason why Mordecai and Rigby went to that universe is because Rigby tried to make back up footage(another dumb internet video), if Rigby didn't turn on his camera they would of just went up in space and died. Everyone who escaped that internet hell came back to life.

  • That latter part is Jossed as soon as you said 'inflicted'. Autism is not like the flu where you can just catch it.

Mordecai and Rigby are the same person. Maybe they are actually humans, however the reason why they took the form of two creatures that look nothing alike so the truth wouldn't be so obvious. I don't know what this person's real name is but this person is probably a socially akward lonely everyman.So instead of kissing someone else's damn to make a friend, or worse yet making a super lame friend this man did something "regular" as you might say,whether it was something supernatural or sciency, to separate himself into two entities. So now that man is now a set of best friends each possessing similar and opposite qualities. The real reason why they get along no matter what is because they are the same person, In Jinx when Mordecai got mad at Rigby he wasn't really mad at him but at his self because of the stupid thing he did, and in "Over the top" Mordecai didn't grieve over(but still was p'ed) off at Rigby's death because he didn't lose a companion but some of his own personality. This person must have done it at a supposed early age, because Rigby dropped out of high school while this person's more superior side(Mordecai) decided to stick it out and get his diploma.

  • Wait a minute my theory might be obsolete. Because weren't Mordecai best friends ever since they were six, maybe my theory is false or they separated at a super young age.
  • Mordecai and Rigby on drugs?

Every main character in this show are parodies of American stereotypes. Let's see Mordecai is your somewhat nerdy goody two shoes.

Rigby is your typical mischievous immature slacker.

Margaret is that girl that one guy drools over.

Benson is your average adequately over-demanding boss(or at least that's how he's made out). But he is still a good authority figure evidenced by him never abusing his power despite him having the chance to, unlike some authority.

Pops is the ditzy naive person who lightens the mood somewhat(can't deal with all that tension) sometimes.

  • Mordecai is A goody two shoes?
  • The episode with the audit, is one where Benson-bone specifically said,
  • Yeah I have to agree with that, maybe Benson does abuse his power time to time. You can't fire anyone unless they broken a specific work rule and that's not one of them
  • Mordecai is a super good person as I stated earlier but Rigby is always getting him to do bad or mostly stupid things, the signature thing Rigby get's Mordecai to do is slack off. Do you think Mordecai is lazy?

Picking up from hours earlier.

Skips is a wise old man or sage (because he is immortal) young sage at that because he doesn't look like he should be in a retirement home like all other sages.

Muscle Man is your annoying loudmouth fat dude who thinks his weight is power and not excess fat.

High Five Ghost is that "other guy's" best friend.

Eileen is the girl that likes the boy that doesn't give a crap about her, better this way rather than the other way around don't you think guys (dudes)?

  • Think of all the times Rigby stole.
  • Lets not consider that Rigby is a Raccoon. Practically natures Kleptomaniac. Up there with Ferrets.
  • Hell, for all we know, Rigby, Lifty, and Shifty could be friends!
  • In soooo many words WMG point proven.
  • Possibly he operates on D&D logic. and he is a sorcerer and a warrior. Lower level sorcerer though, that's why he can only do learning spells.

Death has something to do with Death Kwon Do He does have a mullet and jeans.

  • It's already been renewed for a FIFTH season... so the validity of this is very much legit
  • Jossed. It ended after eight seasons while SpongeBob is still on the air. While Regular Show got Screwed by the Network in its twilight years due to a change in leadership, it was actually J.G's decision to end the series.

One of the main characters on the show, probably Muscle Man is an alcoholic. Let's see he exhibit traits of your typical alcoholic. Grumpiness, overweight, shamelessness, bloodshot eyes and any other alcoholic characteristics.

  • I have to agree, they also took all of the very subtle profanity too.
  • Confirmed. Apparently a change in leadership wanted to steer the network in a more "kid-friendly" direction so they enforced stricter content guidelines on the series.
  • It probably was not meant as a "children's show" in the first place. It's rated TV-PG, not TV-Y, TV-Y7, etc.
  • The most inappropriate children's show on TV ever would be Escaflowne on Fox Kids, (dear Celestia, when that guy got crushed to death...I don't even think Regular Show can show that...), but right now I would say it's RS.
  • Jossed. Her full name is Eileen Roberts, as revealed in "Video 101".
  • Dude, Not Funny! .
  • Guess that means it won't win a Humanitas award. That's retarded... and queer.

The scene in "Brain Eraser" where Margaret thinks Mordecai is hot because he ignored her was foreshadowing for a future/latefuture important movie or plot point. In that episode it tells us the viewer what kind of guy Margaret is attracted to. In a future episode if Mordecai adopts a "bad boy" persona or looses interest in Margaret or at least appear like it in Brain eraser his chances with Magaret will shoot up significantly.

In "Jinx", J.G Quintel originally intended to use the real "Bloody Mary". But the Radars told him not to, because despite it being really awesome it's still a childrens show and shouldn't be introducing childhood terrors like that. The idea was too good to discard however and J.G Quintel decided to do something heavy brainstorming and recycle his obsolete idea instead.

  • Rigby= Hates it when someone has something or more than he has, covets others fortunes and is jealous of his younger brother.
  • Margaret=Lust- Whore who dates many guys
  • Benson=Wrath- Highly irrataible, threatens Mordecai and Rigby quite frequently
  • Rigby=Sloth- Very lazy individual, hates doing anything productive
  • Muscle Man=Gluttony- Very overweight and likes to eat a whole lot.
  • Rigby=Greed- Likes to steal.
  • Muscle Man=Pride- Apparently overestimates himself, he thinks all the repulsive gross things he does is so great and fails to see how everyone else is disgusted by it.

Additionally everyone is supposed to be similar to South Park characters as well.

  • If that was the case, why hasn't Mordecai barfed on Margaret yet?

Rigby- Kyle Brofloski (immoral negative inverse version)

Benson- Mr. Garrison

Pops- Butters

Muscle Man- Eric Cartman

High Five Ghost- Kenny McCormick (except instead of keep dying HFG stays dead 24/7)

Margaret- Wendy Testaburger

Skips- Chef

  • In "Prank Callers", he got brain damage after Mordecai and Rigby ran him over.
  • He IS a ghost, but the only reason he didn't crossover into the afterlife or ascended to Heaven is because he is linked to Muscle Man. As shown in Muscle Man's story in "Terror Tales of the Park", after Muscle Man died, HFG ascended up to Heaven with him.

Rigby practices Obfuscating Stupidity . This is so obvious it shouldn't even be here but it is anyway. Even though Rigby is depicted to be stupid immature and even irresponsible at times, he can be intelligent when ever he needs to or better yet any time he wants too. Rigby feels like it's best to surpress all of his intelligence so everyone won't expect much out of him, also so he won't have that much responsibility evidenced by Mordecai & Rigby not having as much harder jobs as everyone as shown in the episode "Just set up the chairs" and "Muscle Woman". Instead of trying to impress the boss he tries to dissapoint Benson so he won't expect much out of him. Rigby is shown to have the ability to work hard, however as shown in "Stick Hockey" and in "Caffienated coffee tickets". So is it stupidity or is it really apparent lazyness/surpressed ability.

  • Benson's mother and father were both living gumball machines. Maybe The Wizard did it?

Skips skips so much because he perfomed the spirit dance so many times in his life. It's very likely that Skips has been alive for a lot of years, and he performed the spirit dance once all those years until up to that free cake episode. I don't know much about Skips pact with the guardians of youth but I do know they are real funny about skips not doing the spirit dance correctly,meaning that if he messed up on it he was screwed. So practice makes perfect right, so to avoid messing up on his up and coming spirit dance ritual which requires a ton of skipping by the way, Skips practices on his spirit dance routine non-stop. He became so used to his spirit dance skip that it became the way he walked. His walk might look a little "funny" but at least it was fail proof came time to do the spirit dance on his birthday. The spirit dance is so natrual to Skips that he doesn't even have to try, hence him not caring about missing his birthday to do the spirit dance, or maybe because he couldn't tell anyone about the pact.

  • Jossed in "Diary".

Rephrasing the previous statement about this being the most innappropriate children's cartoon, this is the most radar dodging cartoon to of ever existed.

  • Eh, not really. Animaniacs was probably the master of slipping jokes in. Regular Show has somewhat edgy content, yeah, but it's not hidden. The show is simply aimed at a slightly older audience.
  • But the thing is, their "edgyness" is way more open than any other cartoon. Such as they actually show someone taking a piss(The power) even if they didn't show their genitals, what other show has something as edgy as that.
  • The Ren & Stimpy Show episode "Sven Hoek". Ren very explicitly pisses on Stimpy's board game. That was in 1992. Of course it was eventually cut out from reruns but the original version is still out there and premiered in this form. I agree that Regular Show has a ton of edgy stuff, but that was a poor example. I think the references to alcoholism, sexual jokes/innuendo and realistic violence is a lot more prominent. It's hard to pinpoint the most inappropriate moment because of the sheer amount of them.

HFG is really a physical manifestation of someone who is stoned out of their mind. Hence "High" five ghost. In reality he is so stoned that he is walking on air, literally. He's transparency and all other ghostly characteristics are signs that he is out of touch with reality.

The Wizard from the Halloween special KILLED the Censors

  • Or J.G. Quintel shot them in the desert.

Mordecai's chances with Margaret (and maybe Eileen's with Rigby) will rise to the status of a serious Will They or Won't They? rather than a simple, one-sided crush by Mordecai (or Eileen).

Not saying they'll get together, mind you. I'm just saying that there'll be more episodes like "Camping Can Be Cool" where the crushes are both treated like relationships that could happen, rather than just a source of humor, like in "Do Me a Solid."

  • Possibly confirmed in the ending of "Butt Dial".
  • Confirmed in "Dumped at the Altar", they have dating for months with neither Mordecai nor us (the audience) ever aware of it.

Benson was a "Well Done, Son" Guy as a kid. In the same fashion as Toomy from The Langoliers , Benson also had a father that didn't appreciate his son getting The B Grade . Toomy flipped out at others for that, and Benson probably flips out at Mordecai and Rigby for being lazy because of that reason.

Death isn't a huge deal in this world. In most episodes, someone gets killed and no one seems to worry about the consequences of that death. Just look at the Unicorns. Benson blew them up and didn't really think "oh my god I murdered someone." Same with Starla killing that news reporter and no one seeming to think to much of it. Possibly the biggest indicator of this lack of concern for life was in the episode "Skunked" Mordicae and Rigby kill the were skunk and after wards are excited over the fact that they got a bingo and don't have to keep picking up road kill. Granted it was hilarious but still. When Benson was talking about how he wasted his life playing stick hockey, that was the only thing he seemed to regret. Not the loss of his protegee Dave. Even when Rigby was killed by Skips, everyone was sad but not to the degree that you would think they'd be. Plus they all new Rigby very well so it makes sense that they would react stronger.

  • Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds

"High Five Ghost" isn't really HFG's real name. What parent would actually name there kid that? "Muscle Man" wasn't a real name so why would high five "ghost" be one? Five's brother calls him that but his grandpa doesn't call HFG that, because it isn't his real name.

  • It's just a Twist Ending .
  • That puts the scene in a whole different light.
  • We call that "Funny Animal" here on TV Tropes.
  • A. Standard biology DOESN'T APPLY WITH MORDECAI AND MARGARET. B. That is actually a pretty convincing argument!! But for sake of funny, I may still continue to think of him taking a dump.
  • Well, birds do jizz out of the cloaca... So it seems that the theories over Mordecai's 10th solid could go either way.
  • Debates about Mordecai genital aside, he could have just been taking a dump. Since Rigby was wasting his solids to ruin Mordecai’s life it would be fitting that Rigby made Mordecai made solid waste to ruin his life. Which explains why he made DUMP truck noises.I highly doubt that Jacking off in front of your friends, boss, co-workers and potential love interest is less embarrassing then shitting in front of them. With the idea that the “Honk, Honk” symbolized ejaculation Mordecai can last for approximately 8 seconds which is not impressive to say the least. That’s just my two cents anyway.
  • Then again, "dropping a load" is also slang for masturbating so it really could go either way.
  • Shit is solid. End of discussion.

The events in "Rigby's Body" is the alternate resolution switched to canon to what really happened. In reality he died, by eating himself to death. The creators couldn't have Rigby actually die in such an unexpected and bland way so they decided to add a little twist to the story and came up with an whole entire story plot with just an idea. As for the weight lifter he in reality died, but possibly because of more than just weight lifting, steroid use sounds more plausible than "if you keep pumping iron (all by itself) your body's going to quit on you (die in reality)".

  • Apparently so.
  • On Deviantart, though, there are like hundreds.
  • Yes, but do the creator's of the show feel mutual?
  • Update: As of now, Pops is still the only member of the main cast who has remained single.
  • Semi-confirmed. HFG eventually begins dating Ceila, Skips remains single, and Pops dies.

Mordecai and Rigby have hearing aids After the end of "Think Positive" (Where they lost their hearing), Benson buys Mordecai and Rigby hearing aids (it was HIS fault that they lost their hearing, you know), and they shove it deep in their ears so no one can see them .

  • No, it's not just you. They're just... horrible, with a few good moments sprinkled through the seasons.
  • I HIGHLY beg to differ! S3's actually been pretty good in my opinion!
  • Except Regular Show is probably set in the 2010s (otherwise the nostalgic allusions to the 1980s wouldn't be such a big deal). Adventure Time might be in the same universe, but it is supposed to be the far future.
  • He's also frustrated that he has to work with Mordecai and Rigby whether he likes it or not due to Pops (son of his boss) liking them and wanting them to stay. Pops would probably rather have Benson fired than Mordecai and Rigby and Benson is fully aware of this. In fact this is basically the entire function of Pops' character.

In " The Night Owl " episode the past Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost murdered their future selves after the episode ended. This wasn't show because the creator's couldn't get a big piece of crap like that past the Radar. Fearing for their lives and not understanding the concept of what their future selves said the past/present gang took that practical joke as a death threat and murdered their future selves before even asking them any questions.

  • ...She needs to be more tolerable for dating a few people exactly like tons of male characters in dozens of shows do?
  • Doubt it, he was shown implanting a wooden arm onto Techmo in 1776.

Mordecai and Rigby used to curse a lot But Benson got tired of it and said that if they curse one more time, they'd be fired. I think this happened before the actual series but after the pilot so they took his threat more seriously than they do now. Eventually, they just stopped cursing all together and as a consequence, don't curse in the episodes.

Every character is symbolism for a drug

  • Mordecai is Weed for his chill going nature.
  • Rigby is Caffeine for being mostly energetic
  • Skips is Tobacco for being the clear thinker in the group
  • Benson is Alcohol for being very angry
  • Pops is Cocaine for not making sense and being completely silly
  • H5 Ghost is Ecstasy for feeling like a ghost
  • I think Muscle Man is Steroids, Margaret is Heroin, and Eileen is Nicotine.

Mordecai and Rigby's actions in Think Positive were a Secret Test of Character by Pops M and R were heavily Flanderized in that episode. That's because Pops organized that to see how far Benson's patience can go.

  • Jossed: He's been a gumball machine ever since he was a child, plus his parents and his very younger sibling is a gumball machine as well and if that isn't enough his dead friend was a gumball machine.
  • Audrey split from Benson as of "The Real Thomas" in an off-screen moment.

Skips has Alzheimer's He's old and he forgot how to fix Pops in "Sugar Rush"... so yeah.

The park is a weirdness magnet Paranormal artifacts and creatures are drawn to it and to its inhabatants. Mailerd's employees are the the protectors of this scared ground, but none of them, expect maybe Skips, know of the true signifagance of the place.

  • There's also the implication that Mordecai spent his teenage years listening to glam metal, but stopped doing so because it was no longer trendy (Rigby maintains an interest though). In a similar fashion, Mordecai probably writes off old pop music but secretly enjoys it. The fact that Mordecai is sometimes portrayed as a hipster is backed up by this.
  • Although it will be on DVD instead of VHS. The DVD case will be made to resemble a VHS tape.
  • Confirmed . A recent Regular Show DVD was titled "The Best DVD In The World!"
  • VERY likely to be noncanon.... since A. it would be WAY too dark of an ending and B. Same thing happened towards the end of the Halloween episode with Rigby BECOMING the wizard.
  • Jossed. It's non-canon.

Muscle Man's species evolved from manatees. In "More Smarter", when Mordecai and Rigby saw everyone as primitive versions of themselves, why else would they see Muscle Man as a manatee-like creature? It's pretty obvious that Muscle Man's ancestors are manatees that ( somehow ) climbed up onto land and developed a humanoid body shape.

Muscle Man is always apprehensive towards new co-workers It wasn't until mid season two that Muscle Man saw Mordecai and Rigby as aquantancies and later friends and he treats Thomas like he used to treat said duo.

The future Mordecai from "House Rules" was what would have happened if he stayed in that dimension For all we know Rigby might not die young as OM! said, but he might have if they stayed in the dimension .

  • Jossed. She's still alive and made her debut in "Terror Tales of the Park IV".
  • Jossed. His family finally appears in the Thanksgiving Special, along with the other characters' families.

Regular Show is an alternate universe of Adventure Time , in which magic never went away. Both Regular Show and Adventure Time share very similar character and art designs, both of them are full of weird stuff and both of them have magic. Since the pre-Mushroom War Ooo seems to be as close to the real world as it can, Regular Show can't simply be the past. Rather, it's an alternate universe where the magic never went away, meaning that no-one fought over its discovery and caused the Mushroom War. In this universe, civilization developed in unity with magic, leading to a much more peaceful co-existence with animals or inanimate objects who've been turned humanoid/sentient with magic. It should be noted that it's possible Regular Show came into being when someone met Prismo and tried to wish away the Mushroom War (it is possible that the original universe still exists, hence why Regular Show and Adventure Time co-exist), or the opposite is true-someone, for whatever reason, wished magic never existed. Given the wishes have an ironic twist, magic never existed...until now.

  • Jossed. Mordecai became an artist while Rigby's career is unknown.

The reason there's so many animate objects in the RS universe? A Wizard Did It . For all we know, there's a wizard fratboy tradition of giving life to at least one inanimate object.

  • When the gang is searching for the door back home in Prank Callers, you can see the present is after the year 2004 because that was the last door seen before Benson found the Present door.
  • Exactly !( I'm the creator of the WMG ) Not to mention, the fact that VHS tapes were no longer being sold except for the one place. Gues when the last VHS tape for a new movie was made ?
  • Probably the most likely theory in here about the show's time setting. It makes a lot of sense.
  • Or better yet, he's Death's son in an alternate form. If you recall, Death's son was also named Thomas ...maybe it's more than just a coincidence...
  • Not to mention a goat's similarity and connection with Satan. (Beard and horns.)
  • Jossed. He's a Russian spy.

Muscle Man is a zombie. The green skin, the foul odor, and his best friend is a ghost because they're both undead.

Animal/object species are considered races of human beings. Yeah, I know it might seem obvious, but that's why Mordecai, Rigby, or any other anthromorphic thing is ever called by their actual species, as that would be considered racist there. It's also why Margaret dating human men, they were both considered human/having the qualifications of a human.

Muscle Man's mom is incredibly nice and/or incredibly attractive. It'd be humorous to see that Muscle Man's jokes would be even more ironic.

  • Sort of confirmed. CJ, although she appeared earlier in the series.

There will be an alt-universe episode. In this situation, it will be showing what would have happened if Mordecai actually stayed in Art School instead of dropping out. The reason for his initial dropping out would be the school he was at had a program where he would be tutored under a very famous celebrity animator. Unfortunately, is turned out his tutor was under an Expy of John Kricfalusi , whom, while a very well-respected, talented, and influencial person in the animation biz, treats his pupils and underlings a little above dirt, literally working them like slaves with a Drill Sergeant Nasty attitude to match. We see the Expy as someone even worse than Benson and even Mr. Mallard combined , and the constant pressure finally broke Mordecai.

The split occurs depending on how Mordecai finally quits. The current timeline with him being a park groundskeepers occurs when Mordecai just snaps and punches the guy out before quietly saying he quits. The other path, which leads to the rest of the episode, shows Mordecai going into a heartfelt angry rant and then punching his tutor out . This rant actually catches the attention of two other famous animators, a husband and wife duo - Expies of Craig McCracken (human) and Lauren Faust (alicorn). Seeing potential in Mordecai, they decide to take the blue jay under their wing (with the Lauren expy its sorta literal).

Fast forward, and the episode follows the same formula as the Alpha RS episode: Mordecai and Rigby go to work, something seemingly benign, and then suddenly the fate of the city/world/REALITY hangs in the balance. However, aside from Mordecai and Rigby themselves, many of the details are different:

1) They work at an animation studio now, owned my Mr. Mallard, with the implication that Pops only comes by rarely.

2) Mordecai and Rigby live in the same house or apartment block as Craig and Lauren, with our heroes mentioning some of their adventures involved crazy shenanigans that occurred while taking care of the couple's three kids ,

3) While Mordecai is an animator, Rigby is the main studio janitor and firm gofer. He's also far more consistently competent at this job because the studio is far more willing to fire him than Mordecai. Also the two due voice acting as well, with Rigby being more proficient in it despite not completing high school.

4) An entirely new cast of characters, many of them expies of Cartoon Network animators, Regular Show crew, voice actors, and actual employees even.

5) Mordecai and Rigby's boss. He's stern, but unlike Benson is fairly laid back and actually fairly competent as a manager towards his employees. He only loses his temper a few a times, but these times the targets of his ire knew they did something legitimately wrong.

6) An actual recurring villain. In this case is a rival animator at the same studio our heroes work at who has been their for at least ten or twenty years who started to become bitter, spiteful, and jealous of any promising new animators and his fellow old guard ever since his own show got canceled after to seasons and the possible spin off never got picked up to be its own show. While he says he got shafted like every other animator with a hit show , in truth his show was just a less funny and sensical ripoff of the John K. expy's magnus opus that only survived by riding the coattails of the more successful shows and the main characters better received when outside the source material. Whenever anything bad happens at the studio that either not directly Rigby's fault and/or complete random chance, it will be caused by the Rival (Feiss)'s latest hair-brained scheme to try to get rid of Mordecai, whether by merely getting him fired or by more destructive means. These plans often go horrifically off the rails or work far too well and result in catastrophe .

The same company that makes the super coffee in season one's "Caffeinated Coffey Tickets" made the super slushie in season four's "Cool Cubed" It seems like a reasonable assumption as the bad guys from that episode had basically the same designs as the bad guys from earlier in the series.

  • Jossed. He never appeared again after his debut.

The park is a philanthropy project Owned by pop's father who on the looks of it is very rich, which explains why both there's a house in the middle of the park, and employees are paid despite the park barely making money.

  • He most strongly resembles a crab-eating raccoon, which has significantly shorter fur and more brown looking fur. In actual fact raccoons have two sets of fur, an inner and outer layer. The inner layer is brown and outer layer is gray, the crab-eating ones lack the outer gray layer so you just see the brown. It is not difficult to believe that Rigby is an immigrant, especially as raccoons often travel large distances in search of food.
  • But what about Margaret?
  • ...then Jossed. Mordecai and CJ break up later in the series.
  • Mordecai is Marty Mcfly since they have similar names and have each had a girlfriend.
  • Margaret is Jennifer since they dated the above characters.
  • Pops is Doc Brown since he has a flying car.
  • Muscle Man is Biff Tannen since he acts tough.
  • Benson is Strickland since he hates slackers.

Skips is Luke Skywalker. They are both played by Mark Hamill, so there's Actor Allusion right there. He somehow ended up growing white fur when he was older. At that point, he dropped his first name and shortened his last name, Skywalker, to Walks. You know the rest of the story.

Thomas (the goat) and Thomas (Death's son) will co-star in an episode Most likely battling against each other.

Gene's motive for starting two prank wars against the park. Either of these reasons:

1. He wants to ensure he is the only park in town2. He wants city recreation funds to all go to his park3. A clandestine world domination plot, and he's field-testing his weapons at the park4. For the Evulz

If Mordecai and Rigby get fired, Benson won't let them pack their stuff. In the episodes where Mordecai and/or Rigby are fired, Benson says "Get out", apparently wanting them to go now and not pack their belongings. In a special episode, Mordecai and Rigby will get fired, and Mordecai will say "let us pack our stuff". But Benson will claim their stuff as his property, and threatens to kill them if they ever set foot in the park.

  • That's not gonna happen. Skips said she was too high-maintenance, she needed to be rescued several times. Skips said he wants to meet someone he can spend time with and talk to and he really can't do that with a woman that needs to be rescued constantly. And I doubt that Sheena would go on another date with Skips again after those several traumatizing incidents in Costa Rica.
  • Jossed. Skips remains single by the end of the series.
  • Jossed. Mordecai doesn't end up with Margaret or CJ. He ends up with Stef, the bat girl.

Benson's gumballs represent his brain/life source The gumballs seem to glow and move when Benson becomes especially angry ("Think Positive"). He also hates it whenever someone makes him spill out or eats his gumballs. Perhaps Benson would become weaker as he loses more gumballs and dies when he runs out of them.

They will do a mind-swap episode It will involve Mordecai and Pops switching brains (temporarily, until a solution is found, of course) somehow (however, none of the other characters will be aware of the mind-swap).

  • Gravity Falls doesn't seem to have a noticeable population of anthropomorphic animals and objects (which would be considered paranormal in their world).
  • Or alternatively, Thomas will turn out to be a heroic spy.
  • Confirmed! Thomas is actually Nikolai, a Russian spy. However he pulls a Heel–Face Turn after realizing his friendship with The Park crew.

Eileen does not know that Margaret is back in town. Eileen loves the local news, but her roommate had not allowed her to watch anything on TV. Once she got the flat screen TV installed, she did not try changing the channel or letting her friends know who was on the local news. Therefore, she was not told and will be upset that she was not told.

  • That is after Mordecai settles his awkward love triangle.

The mistletoe disco ball hypnotized Margaret and Mordecai into kissing each other. It would not have happened under normal circumstances because they have platonic feelings now, but they were under its control.

  • However we have nothing to worry about since Mordecai did end up finding the one after all.
  • Jossed. Nothing of the sort happens, and Mordecai ends up with neither girl.
  • Jossed. Mordecai and Rigby quit their jobs at the Park at the end of the series, Mordecai to pursue an art career, and Rigby to start a family with Eileen. Benson continues to run the park after Mr. Maellard's death.

Regular Show is set in an alternate universe. This is probably very obvious, but the reason nobody finds talking animals, objects, and monsters to be unusual is because they've coexisted with humans for all of recorded history.

  • Jossed. They never fought.
  • Having no interest in the Romantic Plot Tumor , I just want this to be quickly resolved and over with already.
  • Confirmed in "Dumped at the Altar".

Jebediah Townhouse was a time traveler. He was a wizard after all, he probably used magic to visit the 1980s. After getting enamored with 20th century pop culture, he returned to his 18th century hometown, where the villagers noticed something strange about him, and tried to have him burned as a witch.

Assuming that Jebediah Townhouse isn't non-canon, Skips knew him. They did live in the same town in the same time period.

  • Itself nearly supported this theory because since when see Mordecal and Rigby care about football as we never see that before in this show as in very few minutes of episode and also 'backstory' to explain why they are so tries that kick the episode's plot, Since most of time that play or doing Immature stuff and Football is popular [american] sport that Hipsters sould be hating, That means Mordecal (Who have some hipster traits in show) sould quickly disliked about, Last seen Benson during of episode after there phone call that seem to be thier last phone call as He planned to fire them on Monday and How even long take an find an nearest airport, That seems model after Canberra's International airport (are one of several Airports of Austrailia that used word "International" for flights into other nations) except seen by couple shot of Austrailia from SPACE that the Two hero were stuck in south part of Northern Terrority Austrailia, It will take some long hours to find nearest airport even they will be fire in what thier city's times zone (As Day time theme episode that be at ether Centeral time or Mountian time zones).
  • Other thing that how that returned back into United States as Later episodes except that still be fired in monday (regarded it will take on any day before or after monday) by thier Boss, And get that need "Aussie" money or Australian Dollars even will take forever to collected money back returning United States and still already be fired by thier [former] boss, Cost the two lose thier jobs very likely.
  • Argument: Why do you think this episode is non-canon? Even if most of the episode was a dream, and they find themselves in Australia, they could've just returned to America the same way anyways.

Benson is the reason Mordecai and Rigby are the way they are. In the episode "Appreciation Day", it is revealed that the Book of Park Records influences events. This means that Benson INTENTIONALLY made Mordecai and Rigby slackers. But why, you may ask? He just really hates them because he harbors unexplained Fantastic Racism against blue jays and raccoons. When Mr. Malleard found out, though, he changed the book in order to make Mordecai and Rigby not as big slackers (but not completely so he could screw with Benson for laughs), and also greatly toned down Benson's temper.

Benson and the magical Book of Park Records are responsible for everything that happens in the show. After becoming the manager of the park, Benson succumbed to the allure of this powerful book, and decided to play God by writing wacky adventures into the lives of the park staff for his own personal entertainment.

Muscle Man's My Mom jokes, are not an insult to his mom. They are an insult to M.O.M.M.

At the end of "Terror Tales of the Park I", Rigby turns into a wizard. It is even creepier when you realize that the wizard Rigby turned into was the same one from "The Power". Now how do I know he is the same wizard? Look at both of their faces: They have pretty much the exact same nose, and wear simmilar wizard hats. Why is he different this time around you may ask? He probably turned evil after finding out who stole his Keyboard. It is even MORE creepier once you find out he may have killed Rigby for revenge.

Skip's will eventually hook up with Mona's reincarnation .

Frank Smith was adopted by Robins Hence why most of the people at his party were Robins

  • Jossed. Mordecai doesn't end up with Margaret or CJ.
  • Mordecai and Margaret will have to kiss again to get her mad enough to snap out of it.
  • It's sort of confirmed, the Park Crew has joined an organization that plans to colonize other planets. Pops does turn out to be " The Chosen One " who must confront an evil version of himself , but what significance his "Favorite Planet" has on the plot has yet to be revealed.
  • Confirmed by Mark Hamill.

The series shares a universe with The Mighty Boosh. There are some pretty clear parallels between the shows. Both feature worlds which seem superficially similar to our own, yet the main characters frequently find themselves having to fight supernatural beings to travel to other worlds. The main characters, one of whom is tall and the other is short, enjoy singing together. Music styles and fashion trends from past decades feature prominently. People with bizarrely alien features can exist (like a pie for a head) and no one is really concerned by it. Immortal beings work mundane jobs along side the protagonists (in Skips' case working in the park, in Naboo's case working in the zoo and later owning the Nabootique). Though most characters in the Mighty Boosh were human, most characters in Regular Show seem to be human as well. Keep in mind that Bollo was a talking ape and let's not forget the Crack Fox and whatever Old Gregg was (half man, half fish, or maybe it's more a 70/30 split) so it's quite possible that characters like Mordecai and Rigby exist in the Mighty Boosh universe. As for Benson being a talking Gumball Machine, keep in mind that Charlie was a living being made of used bubble-gum (with a moustache).

  • Confirmed with Benson.
  • Mordecai, as well, but sadly, not with either Margaret or CJ, but with some vampire-bat girl.
  • Jossed with Skips.
  • Actually, it's not that reason, it's was J.G Quintel's decision to end it on that season.
  • It's also worth mentioning that Anti-Pops was brought into the universe at the same time as Pops was finally perfected, which is likely a metaphor for how Cartoon Network allowed Regular Show to reach its full potential, but at the cost of poor treatment.

After the events of "Rigby's Body," Pops started sneaking Mordecai and Rigby free snacks At the end of "Rigby's Body," it's revealed that the only employee who's allowed to take free snacks is Pops, due to being the park owner's son. It's no stretch to assume that Pops , knowing how excited Mordecai and Rigby were about the snacks, helped himself to some extra snacks to give to his friends.

Pops now has a new best friend Pops died and went to heaven . Presumably, Muscle Dad is also there. Now Pops and Muscle Dad are good pals. And Leon is also in their friend circle, too!

In " Fuzzy Dice ", the real reason Pops wanted the fuzzy dice for his birthday... ...was because he wanted his friends to have fun. He's just such a nice guy that to him, the best present would be knowing that his friends are happy, so he used a little trickery to convince them to get him a present that would require them to have the maximum amount of fun in order to get. He probably didn't anticipate the animatronics turning out to be gangsters, though, or he would have sent them to someplace less dangerous.

The Power originated on Lolliland Throughout Season 8 we find out essentially that "that has happened before, it will happen again". In other words, the universe will be destroyed and recreated as it was, essentially being stuck in an eternal loop. However, it isn't the same. This time, things are different. There must be a point of divergence between the universes. In fact, the universe can't be completely the same each time. In some versions of the universe, Pops and Anti-Pops ended up fighting with pool noodles. History was different this time around. However, Lolliland was apparently the only planet not reset. This suggests the point of divergence must have originated there. Now we know that at least once Mordecai and Rigby had been present before, since a version of Mordecai was recorded on the wall but in that version of the universe everything was still destroyed. My hypothesis is that in the last universe they were sent back to The Power (episode) as in the finale (so the glitch in time still happened) but were unable to get the other characters to listen to them because they messed up and damaged the wall (so were assumed to be lying to distract them). They eventually got a message to Lolliland but it was too late to do anything more to save the universe this time, but they arranged for The Power to end up in Mordecai and Rigby's hands next universe (by giving it to that wizard). It is, after all, a device which lets you convince people of anything by singing brief improvised songs. Singing brief improvised songs is Mordecai and Rigby's speciality, essentially making it custom made for them and their problem (the need to convince people to listen to them).

The title of the show doesn't mean regular in the sense of normal but in the way Pops uses "Good Show" and "Bad Show" When life makes you happy, it's a "Good Show". When life makes you sad, it's a "Bad Show". Life is a mixture of both. It's not all good and it's not all bad. However crazy the world of regular show may be, it's still a mixture of the good and bad just like real life. It's a "Regular Show". This takes on an extra meaning when you realise that Pops almost is God in the Regular Show universe, resetting the universe time and again in battle with his brother (who uses "Bad Show" as Pops uses good). It makes sense that this reality would be named in the terms of its creator(s).

The Hugstables are NOT children's characters Their show is actually of the horror genre , employing seemingly kiddy elements (as opposed to typical horror things like gore and Eldritch Abominations ) and intentionally turning it into Uncanny Valley as well as making the main cast villainous by showing them killing their victims on-screen, with absolutely no remorse for their actions under the guise of "childlike innocence and comprehension". Their victims quite visibly suffer and beg for mercy too before they turn into glitter. The show's main flaw however is that it wasn't executed that well and young children love it despite its darker elements, and as a result can be easily mistaken for a kids' show.

  • As we know, both these characters harbor a lot of similarities, namely their violent, sadistic behavior, as well their rather manipulative skills, all of them being intents to attack everyone who get in their way, as a kind of vengeance upon them, especially to the point they are callous enough to frighten them . They are also pretty prone to rather violent rage-breaking points , leading them to quite all their chaotic deeds, as well to their rather dwarf-like appearances . Plus their childish attitude.
  • Jossed. He can walk fine. He only skips to honor the memory of his love Mona, who died tragically in the crossfire of the first battle between Skips and Klorgbane.

Most of "Grilled Cheese Deluxe" is a made-up story. Standing in line, Rigby and Mordecai had enough time to make up a story like this as part of their lying contest. They later incorporated what happened to Benson's sandwich into the story. In the end, when he accuses them of lying, they actually tell the truth.

Muscle Man is a zombie The green skin, pinkish eyes, gravelly voice, superhuman strength, and the fact that he's best friends with a ghost? It holds up.

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ruining your childhood one cartoon at a time. ⋆i take credit for none of the theories in this story and credit is given at the end of each one⋆

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haven't updated in a while, but here ya go.

p.s. this has some typos Regular Show is a series of acid trips gone wrong. The show is in the point of a view of Mordecai; in reality is a LSD addict. That is why he is in every episode.

Skips is Mordecai's supplier and user. Every solution he gives Mordecai is something that he experienced when he does LSD. When he cannot give him advice, it is because he never comes across it himself. Skips get upset when he cannot help, not because of his pride, but in fear that Mordecai will realize that he has a serious addiction and stop buying al together.

Rigby was Mordecai's best friend who was killed at the age 15. On the night of his death, Mordecai and he has gotten into a huge argument, in which Mordecai told Rigby he never wanted to, see him again. Rigby, upset and angry by this, stormed out of Mordecai's house and walks to the bus stop. While waiting alone for arrival of the bus, he was attacked and stabbed multiple times in the back.

In fear of losing his friend again, Rigby is nearly always by or close to Mordecai's side in his trip. When Rigby is away, he usually is doing something to keep his mind occupied.

In the acid trip, he is the same age as Mordecai, but still has his 15 years old attitude.

Pops is a crime lord that plays native to avoid being a suspect. He has an unusual taste for butterscotch lollipops and considers them valuable. Mr. Maellard, Pop's father, is a senator. Due to his busy schedule, he is always away and oblivious of his son's true identity. Mordecai has never met Pops or his father before; he only knows them through Skips' stories.

Benson is a dirty sheriff that allows Pops to do whatever he happens as long as he gets a cut of the profit. He is Pops' eyes and make sure no one is going behind the crime lord's back. Skips is one of the dealers that Benson is asked to watch due to shortage of profit that comes from him.

Muscleman and High-five Ghost are stoners that neglect hygiene. High-five Ghost is the wingman of Muscleman's. He will do anything that Muscleman tells him to do, and let Muscleman talks on his behalf.

Margaret is Mordecai's former girlfriend. Paranoid due to taking drugs, Mordecai believed that Margaret was cheating on him with multiple men. That is why there was a different guy each time Mordecai saw her in the series. As the show progress, Margaret is not seemed with a guy. He realized she was faithful to him and starting to recreate their relationship in the trips.

Eileen is the best friend of Margaret's. Eileen and Mordecai hate each other which are why the two are never alone in any episode. They get along for the sake of Margaret.

There are times where recalls show up during the trip. For example, Rigby's 6th birthday party is actual memory of Mordecai when Rigby and he were young. This type of memory is trigger when a familiar face appears. It also gives temporarily relief of death of his best friend.

Mordecai, at this state, has reduce the usage of LSD he takes.

~via deviantart.com


  1. Regular Show Started As An Acid Trip!

    regular show acid trip

  2. One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory

    regular show acid trip

  3. Was regular show an acid trip?

    regular show acid trip

  4. Mordecai and Rigby on an acid trip.

    regular show acid trip

  5. One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory Cartoon Conspiracy (Ep. 27

    regular show acid trip

  6. The Origin of Regular Show Acid Trip Theory 😳 #regularshow #cartoons #

    regular show acid trip


  1. ''Acid Trip'' 100% (Demon) by Disp & More

  2. Regular Show Started As An Acid Trip!


  1. Is the show actually an acid trip? : r/regularshow

    No, the show isn't a continuation of an acid trip. I've heard this theory many times and it doesn't make sense or fit the canon. It's a goofy children's show with elements of adult humor and coming of age depicted by extra-unusual events to keep it entertaining. That doesn't mean that "Soda" and "wings" may or may not alter their state of mind ...

  2. original regular show ( 2 in the am pm

    lol regular show is based of a film the creator made about 2 guys (mordecai and benson) who work at a gas station and go on acid. moral of story: dont do drugs

  3. So regular show is just everyone on acid : r/regularshow

    There's another short that you should watch called "The Man From Lolliland". Yeah seen this before awesome one thanks for sharing and letting other people know cheers. yep! 254 votes, 31 comments. 134K subscribers in the regularshow community. The Reddit home of Regular Show fanart, discussion and more.

  4. Regular show acid trip : r/FanTheories

    This is a place for fans of various creative works to share theories, interpretations and speculation related to that particular creative work.

  5. Acid Trip Theory explained

    Acid Trip Theory Explained - Regular ShowLadies and gentlemen, gather around and prepare yourselves for a journey into the realm of ideas and speculation. To...

  6. MORDECAI'S DRUG ADDICTION?!?! Regular show Acid Trip Theory

    Mordecai, Rigby and the rest of the gang aren't as what they appear. Could Regular Show actually be a long and very bad acid trip? Tune into this episode of ...

  7. One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory

    Subscribe to Channel Frederator for more Cartoon Conspiracies:\r \r \r This episode we have our special guest Chad Quandt help us explain this weeks conspiracy theory. We look into the new and very popular childrens cartoon show Regular Show. Is the whole series just one big acid trip of the main character Mordecai? Tune in to find out!\r \r What conspiracy should we cover next?

  8. The Regular Show Theory by Parslet on DeviantArt

    Regular Show is a series of acid trips gone wrong. The show is in the point of a view of Mordecai; in reality is a LSD addict. That is why he is in every episode. ... In the acid trip, he is the same age as Mordecai, but still has his 15 years old attitude. Pops is a crime lord that plays native to avoid being a suspect. He has an unusual taste ...

  9. Anyone ever watch regular show while tripping? : r/LSD

    I'm late but S7 E23 "Gary's Synthesizer" has some amazing audio and it's very visually pleasing. Not too much crazy shit happens, at least for regular show, but the music is absolutely perfect for an acid trip. There's also a nice laser show at the end that's pretty fun to look at. Overall it's a pretty good time. 3.

  10. One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory

    One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory: Directed by Emily Carson. With Emily Carson. This episode we have our special guest Chad Quandt help us explain this week's conspiracy theory. We look into the new and very popular children's cartoon show "Regular Show". Is the whole series just one big acid trip of the main character Mordecai? Tune in to find out.

  11. Regular Show Fan Theories (WMG)

    Alternatively, everyone on Regular Show are drug-addicted humans who would have appeared in 2 in the AM PM, including Skips, Muscle Man (see a WMG below), Margaret, and especially Rigby, to the point that he sometimes acts like a raccoon. But not Pops. He's the Naïve Man from Lolliland and is normally crazy.

  12. One Huge Acid Trip Regular Show Theory

    One Huge Acid Trip Regular Show Theory Addeddate 2016-08-14 04:24:43 Identifier One_Huge_Acid_Trip_Regular_Show_Theory_Cartoon_Conspiracy_Ep._27_ Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.0.5 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the ...

  13. Regular Show Started As An Acid Trip!

    Did You Know This About Cartoon Network's Regular Show?Before this show was released, Series Creator J.G. Quintel, along with Sam Marin, the voice actor for ...

  14. "Cartoon Conspiracy" One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory (TV ...

    "Cartoon Conspiracy" One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory (TV Episode 2014) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight.

  15. Acid Trips all throughout the show? : r/regularshow

    Regular Show is based off a promo video, 2 in the AM PM. They both start tripping on acid and the rest of the video starts becoming weird like every episode in Regular Show does. It's odd to think that a kids television show was based off an acid trip.

  16. "Cartoon Conspiracy" One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory (TV ...

    "Cartoon Conspiracy" One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory (TV Episode 2014) photos, including production stills, premiere photos and other event photos, publicity photos, behind-the-scenes, and more.

  17. One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory Cartoon ...

    One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory Cartoon Conspiracy (Ep. 27) Cartoon Channel. Follow Like Favorite Share. Add to Playlist. Report. 9 years ago; One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory Cartoon Conspiracy (Ep. 27) Show less. Recommended. 5:40. I. Up next.

  18. One Huge Acid Trip? Regular Show Theory

    This episode we have our special guest Chad Quandt help us explain this week's conspiracy theory. We look into the new and very popular children's cartoon s...

  19. Cartoon Theories

    Regular Show is a series of acid trips gone wrong. The show is in the point of a view of Mordecai; in reality is a LSD addict. That is why he is in every episode. ... In the acid trip, he is the same age as Mordecai, but still has his 15 years old attitude. Pops is a crime lord that plays native to avoid being a suspect. He has an unusual taste ...

  20. Close Enough could prove RS is just an acid trip : r/regularshow

    If it's true that he is the same person, then that would confirm that Mordecai is also him, and the whole show would have been an acid trip. There are 5 main ways that this connection could be made: It's openly acknowledged that he is the same person. ... A charactor that strongly resemble's the Sensai in regular show) So there is probably ...

  21. Never forget when Regular Show managed to slip by a literal Acid Trip

    CN wanted a more adult show to begin with. Cartoons use psychedelic imagery all the time, anyway. Regular show got away with way more than just that, but that's what makes it such a jolly good show. Anyone whose done acid knows that's not how acid is. But boy oh boy that's DMT right there.

  22. Is the show ACTUALLY an acid trip? : r/regularshow

    111K subscribers in the regularshow community. The Reddit home of Regular Show fanart, discussion and more.

  23. Regular Show: The Acid Trip For Kids

    Shabalabalabalabalabalabalabababfogneofrog googaroo greg gorilla