lunes - viernes 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Hora estándar del Pacífico

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Paquete de Viajes Cristiano a Tierra Santa Israel de 10 días

Circuito cristiano tierra santa israel y jordania de 13 días, circuito cristiano a tierra santa israel y roma de 13 días, los pasos de moisés egipto, jordania e israel tour de 15 días, paquete de viajes a tierra santa │ tours a israel, jordania, egipto, turquía, grecia, roma, dubai.

Paquete de viaje cristiano a Tierra Santa

Tierra Santa Tour Cristiano a Israel

Recorrido de: 10 días │ Descubre lugares Bíblicos más importantes de la fe Cristiana en Israel.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 1,505


Paquete de viaje a Israel y Jordania

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Jordania

Recorrido de: 14 días │ Un maravilloso tour espiritual a Israel y Jordania.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,515

Paquete de viaje a Israel y el Vaticano en Roma

Tierra Santa Tour a Israel y Roma

Recorrido de: 13 días │ Visita a Tierra Santa y a el Vaticano en Roma y más.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,679

Paquete de viaje a cristiano a Egipto, Jordania e Israel

Los Pasos de Moisés Tour a Egipto, Jordania e Israel

Recorrido de: 15 días │ Siga los pasos de Moisés en la misma ruta del Éxodo.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 3,360

Paquete de viaje cristiano a Israel y Estambul Turquia

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Estambul

Recorrido de: 13 días │ Únete a un viaje biblico maravilloso a Israel y despues Estambul.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,349

Paquete de viaje  a Israel y Dubai

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Dubai

Recorrido de: 14 días │ Increíble viaje a Israel y continuación a Dubai y Abu Dhabi.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,665

Paquete de viaje cristiano a Israel y Atenas Grecia

Circuito Tierra Santa Israel y Atenas

Recorrido de: 14 días │ Extraordinario viaje a Israel y continúa a Atenas Grecia.

  • Tarifas desde: $ 2,283

Peregrinaciones cristianas en grupos de iglesia

Peregrinaciones Cristianas en Grupo

Viaje a Tierra Santa en una peregrinación de grupo acompañado con miembros de su Iglesia, amigos, y familia.

Testimonios de nuestros viajes a Tierra Santa

Lee más testimonios y comentarios .

Faith Travel Association Israel Tierra Santa Tours

Israel Tourism Consultants un DBA de Vacations For Less, Inc.® establecido desde marzo de 1995 es una marca registrada en la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de EE.UU..

Llámenos hoy para viajes a tierra santa desde (¡se habla español!):

Viajes a Tierra Santa llame por Whatsapp

El mundo es hermoso

Tierra santa, testimonios de viajeros, david guerrero.

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Diana Patiño

Beka franco, nuestros servicios, experiencia, calidad y excelencia​, dedicación​, tours delafe wholesaler operator sa de cv.

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  • Horarios de Misa y Confesiones
  • Cursos y Pláticas

tours de la fe

  • Plan Pastoral
  • Plaza Pública

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  • Edición Digital


Tour de la fe 2022: Ofrecerán recorrido turístico por joyas históricas de la diócesis

Julius Maximus

Se trata de una novedosa iniciativa pensada para que los fieles tengan una nueva opción en estas vacaciones de verano…es organizado para beneficio de Periódico Presencia y Radio Guadalupana…

tours de la fe

Diana Adriano

Para seguir apoyando la labor evangelizadora de los medios católicos diocesanos Radio Guadalupana y Periódico Presencia, se organizó una novedosa actividad titulada ‘Tour de la Fe’.

Se trata de un recorrido por algunos templos históricos de la ciudad, con la guía del padre Francisco Galo Sánchez, director espiritual de la etapa configurativa en el Seminario Conciliar Diocesano, quien explicará a los turistas la importancia histórica, así como detalles de estas bellezas católicas.

Claudia Iveth Robles, encargada de promoción y relaciones públicas de Periódico Presencia, compartió que han elegido el mes de julio para realizar este evento, ya que es un tiempo en el que la familia puede tener un espacio libre, gracias a las vacaciones de los estudiantes.

“Queremos que las familias puedan tener un momento de encuentro y convivencia, aprovechando las vacaciones de papás y niños. Sabemos que muchos no tienen la oportunidad de salir fuera de la ciudad, pues este Tour puede ser una actividad que una más a la familia”, resaltó la promotora.

Templos a visitar

De una forma innovadora y entretenida, el padre Galo llevará a los fieles asistentes por un recorrido en el que se visitará la Misión de Guadalupe, pieza de arquitectura que es un emblema de la ciudad y sus habitantes.

La capilla histórica de San José, que ha sido testigo de importantes acontecimientos en la historia de Ciudad Juárez desde el año 1786.

El Santuario de San Lorenzo,  que surgió como un oratorio hace más de 300 años, y la capilla de San Antonio de Padua en Senecú, cuyas paredes guardan montones de historias para contar y hasta cuenta con un pequeño museo.

El Tour de la fe se llevará a cabo los próximos días  8, 9, 15, 16, 22,13, 29 y 30 de julio, en un horario de 5 a 9 pm. Son los viernes y sábados de julio. Se espera que algún viernes, puedan acompañar el recorrido los sacerdotes directores de Presencia y Radio Guadalupana. Eduardo Hayen y Juan Carlos López, respectivamente.

“Es importante conocer lo poquito que tenemos y quererlo. Creo que va a ser un ‘Tour’ más para alimentar la fe, que para alimentar la cabeza de conocimiento. Es importante tener esta experiencia de fe en lugares históricos…”, dijo el padre Galo Sánchez para animar a la participación.

Qué incluye

El recorrido ofrecerá el traslado en Turibús, que partirá de las instalaciones del Seminario Conciliar, así como un Box lunch de “Gordolobo Cocina Mexicana”, además de las interesantes explicaciones y anécdotas de cada lugar, a cargo del querido padre Galo.

Todo esto por un donativo de 250 pesos, por los adultos, mientras que niños de 4 a 10 años podrán adquirir su boleto por 200 pesos. En promoción se manejara un paquete familiar (familia directa) de cuatro personas por 800 pesos, se informó.

Adquiere tus boletos en…

Periódico Presencia y Radio Guadalupana de lunes a viernes de 9am a 2pm.

  • Perú 480 Nte. y Hermanos Escobar (Atrás del CECADE)

Misión de Guadalupe

La misión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es la madre de todas las demás parroquias y templos. De aquí surgió todo el movimiento evangelizador de la zona”

tours de la fe

Misión de San José

“Es importante conocer y entender todo lo que engloba este edificio, pues su historia es algo que nos envuelve, especialmente el misterio de las tumbas que allí se encuentran”

tours de la fe

San Lorenzo

“San Lorenzo es toda una tradición histórica muy fuerte en nuestra ciudad, más de lo que nos imaginamos. Es el primer centro católico, meramente español. Es importante saber también por qué se eligió a San Lorenzo como co-patrono de la diócesis”.

tours de la fe

San Antonio Senecú

“Este templo es más antiguo que san José, aunque el edificio tal cual no es antiguo, pero el nombre y la dedicación sí.  Es el único lugar donde se ha respetado el comulgatorio, es importante conocerlo”

tours de la fe

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Suscripción Digital

tours de la fe

Podcasts Radio Guadalupana

tours de la fe

© 2024 Diócesis de Ciudad Juárez | Perú 480 Nte Cd. Juárez, Chih. Con el apoyo del Centro de Difusión Teológica

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Santa Fe Script_The City Different_2023

Visiting Santa Fe

Santa Fe is one of America’s most historic, artistic, and fascinating cities. Known as “The City Different,” the nation’s oldest state capital city is a place unlike any other in the world. Santa Fe is 400+ years of cultural fusion with echoes of the past alive in the present. While history is an ever-powerful presence, there is also a thriving contemporary and progressive sophistication. Santa Fe is stimulating yet relaxing, playful but educational, centuries old with modern touches.

About Santa Fe

Santa Fe is known as The City Different and within one visit, you will know why. Santa Fe embodies a rich multi-cultural history, whose influences are apparent in everything from the architecture, the food, the art and on. 


Call The City Different home with lodging that suits you. Relax in Santa Fe style at a grand or boutique hotel steeped in history, luxuriate at a resort with a full-service spa, or cozy up at a traditional adobe casita.

Santa Fe's award-winning culinary scene is a food lover's paradise. Put cuisine on the itinerary and plot your tasty adventure with a few advance restaurant reservations.

Family Activities

With tons of family-friendly adventures, there’s every reason to bring the kids with you to The City Different. Choose from outdoor excursions, immersive art experiences, history tours, and performing arts events!

Get the scoop on some essential facts, one being that Santa Fe's elevation in the Southern Rocky Mountains is more than 7,000 feet above sea level, making the air thinner. Stay hydrated and you'll be happy! 

Galleries and Studios

Serious collector? Passionate browser? You are in luck with 250+ galleries in Santa Fe. The array of art includes traditional and contemporary painting, photography, pottery, sculpture, textiles, and more.

Be inspired by the rich blend of history, arts, and cultural heritage at 20 different state and private museums around Santa Fe, one of which is celebrates the region's beloved artist Georgia O'Keeffe.

Must-See Events

The Santa Fe calendar is packed year-round with opportunities to experience exciting music, art markets and festivals, outdoor activities, and more, including some of the largest events of their kind.

Performing Arts

The City Different brings art to life with live music, premier films, and cultural dance. Visit our historic performing arts center or experience world-class operatic works at the Santa Fe Opera's open-air amphitheater.

Santa Fe's History

Occupied for thousands of years by Indigenous peoples, La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asís (Santa Fe) was founded in 1610, 13 years before the Plymouth Colony was settled by the Mayflower Pilgrims.

Discover unique handcrafted treasures on your odyssey into Santa Fe's exquisite boutiques and charming historic buildings. Or browse 250+ galleries and a dozen art festivals in one of the largest US art markets.

Santa Fe's restorative powers are legendary. People have been traveling here for centuries to renew body, mind, and spirit in the area's high, dry climate, natural hot springs, sun-filled days, and starry nights. 

Special Offers

While Santa Fe holds many secrets to be discovered, we want to share all of the Specials, Packages, and Deals our Santa Fe businesses have to offer you throughout the year.

Exchange your vows in The City Different from a scenic rooftop, in a historic wedding chapel, or on the site of ancient ruins. Romantic and picturesque, Santa Fe is a fascinating destination wedding spot, forever memorable for all!  

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Santa Fe Tours

Experience santa fe, new mexico.

Santa Fe, often dubbed the “City of the Holy Faith,” is the oldest capital in the U.S., standing at 7,199 feet. With a rich tradition and captivating charm, it has drawn visitors for over four centuries. Known for its vibrant art scene and unique architecture, Santa Fe’s character is shaped by forested hills, winding roads, and creekside pathways. This enchanting destination holds a special place in our hearts as Santa Fe.

VISIT H.I. santa fe

inside INN & SPA AT LORETTO 211 Old Santa Fe Trail Santa Fe, NM 87501 505.984.7909 GET DIRECTIONS

City Different E-Bike Tour

DIFFICULTY RATING: 3    (1 = Easy  |  3 = Moderate  |  5 = Difficult)

Tour Santa Fe on our City Different E-Bike Tour. Discover the art, architecture, history, and culture of this iconic New Mexican city.

$165 per person + tax*

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Morning Tour only (March and November): 10:00 am - 12:30 pm Morning Tour (April through October): 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Afternoon Tour (April through October): 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm Regular Season: March 1 - November 30 Expanded Hours: April 1 - October 31 MEET AT: H.I. Travel Hub - Inn & Spa at Loretto TOUR REGION(S): Santa Fe, NM

Historic Architectural & Interiors Walking + Wine Tasting Tour

DIFFICULTY RATING: 2    (1 = Easy  |  3 = Moderate  |  5 = Difficult)

Explore Santa Fe’s architecture on our walking tour of the Historic District. After the tour, indulge in a wine tasting at Gruet’s Tasting Room.

$125 per person + tax*

Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Year-Round MEET AT: H.I. Travel Hub - Inn & Spa at Loretto TOUR REGION(S): Santa Fe, NM

Ghost Ranch + Abiquiu Landscapes Day Tour from Santa Fe

Tour New Mexico vistas that inspired artists, filmmakers, and geologists alike. Tours depart from Santa Fe & Taos.

$299 per person + tax*

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Regular Season: March 1 - November 30 Winter Season: December 1 - February 29 MEET AT: H.I. Travel Hub - Inn & Spa at Loretto TOUR REGION(S): Santa Fe, NM

Hiking Tour in Bandelier National Monument

Tour New Mexico’s Ancestral Puebloan Cliff Dwellings in this full-day hiking tour from Santa Fe.

$249 per person + tax*

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Year-Round MEET AT: H.I. Travel Hub - Inn & Spa at Loretto TOUR REGION(S): Santa Fe, NM

HERITAGE INSPIRATIONS | New Mexico's Premier Tour Company

Speak with your inspired travel planner


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H.I. HQ TOUR HUB, TAOS inside EL MONTE SAGRADO RESORT 317 Kit Carson Road | Taos, NM 87571 575.737.9827

NEW MEXICO TOURS Santa Fe Tours Taos Tours Chaco Canyon Tours Albuquerque Tours


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Photographer Credits: Paulina Gwaltney Photography , Amanda Powell · adrift a dream photo . video

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El Rancho de las Golondrinas logo

Museum Closed Contact: (505) 471-2261 | Email: [email protected]

Guided Tours

Plan your guided tour.

El Rancho de Las Golondrinas offers a variety of unique private tours, allowing you to explore the history and culture of New Mexico on an even deeper level. All private tours and school tours must be booked and paid in advance . Tour availability changes throughout the year, so please see the schedule below for availability.

To schedule a tour, please contact the Tour Office at (505) 471-2261 ext. 112 or email [email protected] .


The museum is CLOSED.

Tours offered Monday–Friday

Bookings between 10am and 2pm

Private Tours

  • Fee: $70 per tour guide
  • Maximum: 20 guests per tour guide
  • By reservation only, must be paid in advance

School Tours

  • Fee: $50 per tour guide
  • Maximum: 20 students per tour guide
  • Staff/Chaperone to Student Ratio: 1 to 10
  • By reservation only


Tours offered Wednesday–Sunday

  • Free with museum admission
  • Starts at 10:30am (lasts up to 2 hours)
  • Departs from outside the Museum Store
  • Sign up in the Museum Store
  • Maximum: 20 guests, first-come first-served
  • Not offered on festival weekends

Private Tours Offered


Golondrinas History Tour

This tour takes you on a journey through time to explore the history of New Mexico during the Spanish colonial period, the Mexican period, and the Territorial period. Learn about the daily life of settlers and travelers on El Camino Real. Delve into the diverse cultures and traditions of the area and get hands-on with history.

Josefina American Girl Doll Tour

Josefina Tour

Step into the enchanting world of Josefina, the beloved American Girl character inspired by the rich history and culture at El Rancho de Las Golondrinas. Your tour guide will bring Josefina's story to life against the backdrop of our historic buildings, exploring the traditions, cultures, and landscapes that shaped her world. This tour is appropriate for visitors of all ages.

Womens Tour

Women's History Tour

Explore the stories and legacies of the women of New Mexico. As your tour guide leads you through the historic buildings, you will learn about the resilience, courage, and contributions of women who helped to shape the vibrant culture of New Mexico. Topics include family, law, religion, and everyday life.

Wetland Preserve

Wetland Tour

Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve. Your tour guide will lead you through the wetlands and teach you about the diverse array of plant and animal species that call it home, from migratory birds to native flora. Special focus tours, such as birding or children's tours can be arranged.

A barn swallow flys through the air

Rocky Tucker's Bird Tour

Spend the morning at the Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve and learn about the variety of birds that live in this unique wetland habitat. Volunteer Rocky Tucker leads this popular tour and offers seven Saturday morning tours throughout the year. This tour is limited to 25 guests—reservations required.

Upcoming Tour Dates: April 27, May 25, June 22, July 27, August 24, September 28 & October 26

Where: Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve When: Select Saturdays, 7:30 am–11:00 am Price: Tours are free but a $5/person donation contributes to maintaining the preserve.

New Mexico Heritage Days

Attention teachers! Enliven your students' exploration of history with a field trip to El Rancho de Las Golondrinas during New Mexico Heritage Days! 

On New Mexico Heritage Days, the museum comes to life with costumed interpreters and hands-on activities just for students.

Spring 2024 dates are available—contact for specific dates. Reservations required.

Not available for New Mexico Heritage Days? Private school tours are also available April–October.

For information and to reserve class space, please contact:

Suzan Schaaf, Tour and Vendor Coordinator

(505) 471-2261 ext. 112

[email protected]

Children watching the mill operate during New Mexico Heritage Days at El Rancho de Las Golondrinas

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Galapagos Guides by ChokoTrip | Ecuadorian Travel Blogger


Santa Fe Island Galapagos

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Galapagos travel guide: cruise, tours, last minute deals.

  • Santa Cruz Tours
  • Santa Fe Island

Santa Fe Island | Tour price $140 | Galapagos

Christian Echeverria - ChokoTrip ChokoTours

Christian Echeverria

Santa Fe Island, is one of the most famous tours in Galapagos. You will snorkel with turtles, sharks and with luck the sea lions will swim. I can help you book the tour to Santa Fe Island for *$140

Chokotrip unlike Viator and other websites

Reserves your tour directly with the boat operators when you send your first payment. This is why our prices are not inflated and why when you reserve with us you recieve, the name and information of your tour operator so you can follow up directly with the tour operator and have the security of knowing that the tour is confirmed the moment you pay for it.

Santa Fe Island (Galapagos – Ecuador) is one of my ultimate favorites and you can visit it on an experiential fishing tour or on a land tour. The best part is when you’re snorkeling in the bay and sea lions start to playfully approach you (sea lions’ behavior may change during mating season).

Santa Fe Island in daily tour

Santa Fe Island in daily tour

Santa Fe Island:

  • How to get there

Trip itinerary

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  • ES: Isla Santa Fé


How to get to Santa Fe Island?

There are two ways to get to Santa Fe Island in the Galapagos. The first is on a Galapagos cruise that includes this stop in its itinerary. The second is by taking a day tour from Santa Cruz Island.

Santa Fe Island bay

Santa Fe Island bay

Santa Fe Island Bay

Santa Fe Island Bay

Once on the yacht, you’ll sail for 45 minutes until you reach the bays around Santa Fe Island to do some snorkeling . Since the island is located between San Cristobal, Floreana and Santa Cruz Islands, you’ll observe a variety of marine life, like: tropical fish, rays, Tintonera sharks, and sea turtles. This is a wonderful snorkeling experience!

The sea lions tend to be harmless, they’ll swim alongside you in a playful way. There’s always an alpha sea lion present, and you should keep your distance. Before ending the tour without landing, you’ll observe some sea fishing in action. Get ready to see a 30 lb fish battling the rod.

Stories on Instagram Santa Fe Island

tours de la fe

Stories on Instagram from Santa Fe Island


Included in the itinerary of the tour without landing, you’ll visit Playa Escondida which is located on Santa Cruz Island. It’s surrounded by a volcanic arm, ideal for swimming, hiking, observation of baby Galapagos sharks and colonies of marine iguanas.

Meanwhile, in the itinerary with landing, you’ll visit South Plazas Island , which has an incredible landscape and is home to a mix of marine and land iguanas. The cost for this tour is much higher since it is on a luxury yacht and because it stops on both islands as well as snorkeling on Santa Fe.


Information on Santa Fe Island

› Does not include: Alcoholic drinks, soda, tip, and neoprene suit (I recommend renting this from June-Nov at any local operator).



I can help you reserve a tour to Santa Fe Island with local operators that own the vessels. Instead of wasting time wandering around each island looking for tours, you should be enjoying the places you can visit on your own while at the Galapagos Islands.


Santa Fe Island snorkeling

I can help you reserve a tour to Santa Fe Island with local operators that own the vessels. Instead of wasting time wandering around each island looking for tours, you should be enjoying the places you can visit on your own while at the Galapagos Islands.  


After a lot of research, I found a travel assistance service that really works and helps in difficult moments. Good travel insurance that covers flight cancellations is key and, in purchasing this, travelers that visit my blog also get a 5% discount.



  • Al reservar hospedaje en cada isla, obtendras 10 dolares por isla, es decir si reservas en las 3 islas hospedajes obtendrias 30 dolares de descuento por persona al contratar tours diarios en las 3 islas.
  • Al usar el descuento en los tours contratados con ChokoTrip, las reservas de hospedajes no podran ser canceladas ni se aplicaria ninguna politica de cancelacion ni cambio de fecha de los hoteles.
  • Para acceder al descuento, la compra de los tours debe ser realizar por la misma persona que reservó en el siguiente formulario de la pagina de ChokoTrip
  • Solo para reservas del 2024

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My name is Christian but you came call me Choko. Together with my wife we have created this blog to help all travelers going to Galapagos. I am from Ecuador, born in Guayaquil. Passionate about traveling and everything related to social media. In my free time I travel the americas. I have given conferences and workshops revolving around my work and tourism 2.0 // WRITE ME USING WHATSAPP: +593978990910 - BLOG EN ESPAÑOL ChokoTrip


I only had 3 full days at the Galápagos Islands and booking with Chokotrip ensured that I had a spot on the tours I wanted to do. The process was easy and the prices are similar to what is offered when booking in person on the island.

The Santa Fe tour was incredible! the boat was comfortable and the guide very friendly and knowledgeable. We saw so much amazing sea life including sea turtles, eagle rays, star fish, sea snakes, plenty of colourful fish, and swam with sea lion pups 🙂

Tour to Santa Fe was amazing! Due to limited of time to do research, I simply write to chokotrip what tours I’d like to join! They are also very responsive through email.

The trip we booked included visits both to Santa Fe and South Las Plazas islands. While more expensive than the “traditional” Santa Fe excursion, we wanted the opportunity for both snorkeling and hiking while experiencing the diversity of two different islands. The guide and crew were friendly and helpful. The food was exceptional. I was a bit disappointed with the hike on Santa Fe (very short) and limited, but we were still able to see the Barrington land iguana. Our time snorkeling near Santa Fe was amazing. The sea lions were so playful and our guide showed us how to safely engage with them. Next we went to South las Plazas where we had a great land based experience that allowed us to capture the breadth of the flora and fauna. Christian was great with getting this setup and helping on the day of the excursion with some clarity around meeting times and location when the crew wasn’t immediately there.

My dad and I went to Galapagos at the end of March, and that is definitely the best time to go. Chokotrip made things searching for tours very easy for us to do, and they were very easy to get in contact with to book things. The engine on the tour boat was damaged the day before our tour. Chokotrip gave us another tour that same day and time going to pinzón instead of Santa Fe. We thought that Santa Fe would have been much better. The companies were very accommodating, friendly, and followed all safety rules. The food was also very good.

Christian m’a parfaitement aidé dans l’organisation et la réservation de mes différentes activités aux Galápagos.

Hi Christian,

I very much enjoyed the two tours that you arranged for me. First the 360 around San Cristobal and then the Santa Fe/South Plazas out of Santa Cruz. At my age I don’t snorkel however I enjoyed the landings and treks that came with the tours and watching everyone else be super happy with the interaction they had with the sea lions and turtles. My joy was photography and I took over 900 photos. After arriving back home I prepared a flash drive and commentary of all the animals that I photographs and sent it on to my grandchildren. They receive it today and I know they will be overjoyed. Even though I have traveled the world over I was amazed at the number of families that travel to the Galapagos. Generations better understand what has and is happening by experiencing Galapagos. They go home knowing the change they must be part of in the future. The very best regards and success that you will have in being part of this in the future.

Had an amazing trip!! ChokoTrips was easy to book and communication was great. The trip to Santa Fe was amazing we had the opportunity to swim with sea lions! They were amazing to watch in their natural habitat!

Santa Fe was probably the best snorkeling we encountered while in Galapagos. The water was quite cold though even in late December. I would recommend renting a wetsuit if one is not provided.

I will be there in November and was looking for a Tour of Santa Cruz Island without landing. Will you be offering? thanks

Sure. you can do it here

What a tour. Best snorkeling with sea lions. Two spots and tons of sea lions playing right in your face. And with you. Such an amazing experience. If you want to snorkel with sea lions this is trip to take. Thanks choko and to the guide for a great trip.

My daughter and I had a wonderful day of snorkeling and fishing. While there was no landing on Sante Fe island, we stopped first at “Hidden Beach” on the end on Santa Cruz. Gorgeous beach and much wildlife. Well organized with friendly captain, crew and guide. Well worth the money. A highlight of our trip to the Galapagos.

It was amazing snorkeling on this tour. Thank you, Choko, for making reservations for us and arranging all.

The trip to Santa Fe was amazing. Firstly Christian helped us find a spot on the boat in a time of the year where it soon gets very busy. It can be hard finding spots for the daily trips and whilst no other tour operator seemed to be able to help us, Christian really managed to get us onboard. The boat was amazing and the crew very helpful. The trip itself was fantastic; Visiting Santa Fe from both land and sea is a great opportunity to spot lots of different animals amongst which sea lions, turtles, school of fish. The guide we had was very knowledgeable and could speak both English and Spanish. He really took his time to explain lots of things about wildlife and the interaction with the environment. It was like being in a BBC documentary. I highly recommend this trip and Christian as organiser. He is truly great, always available and super efficient!

All six of us enjoyed the snorkeling trip to Santa Fe on yacht. The tour included deep water snorkeling in a scenic bay and fishing. The trip was very well organized, the boat was fast, food was great, and snorkeling was excellent. First spot with the sea lions had pretty strong currents for our group, and the guide decided to move us to a safer area. On the way back we caught 2 pretty big fish. Just make sure you understand that landing on the island and hiking are not part of this trip.

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tours de la fe

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Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos Explorer

Learn about the centuries old native american pueblo culture in albuquerque and then explore old town. head to santa fe, a treasure trove for art, culture, and cuisine nestled in the foothills of the sangre de cristo mountains…visit the georgia o’keefe museum with its’ exuberant art. admire stunning landscapes on your way to taos, home of the only pueblo designated as a world heritage site. take the turquoise trail through the heart of new mexico with a stop in madrid, a thriving artist community. a visit to bandelier national monument is a highlight. here you will walk in the footsteps of the anasazi that thrived in this remote canyon from the 11th to the 14th centuries., day 1 - arrive albuquerque, nm, day 2 - santa fe, day 3 - taos and chimayo, day 4 - albuquerque & madrid, day 5 - los alamos, day 6 - depart albuquerque, tour details, la fonda on the plaza santa fe, transportation, trip highlights, upcoming departures, if you like this tour, you may also like..., utah's mighty 5 national parks tour, national parks of america's west, toronto & niagara falls featuring the 1000 islands, ready to book.

Custom Tours by Clarice - Santa Fe, NM

"churches of enchantment" tours.

Our "Churches of Enchantment" tour is offered to groups that have a particular interest in the architectural and religious history of the southwestern part of the United States. Santa Fe was founded in 1610, and many of the adobe churches in northern New Mexico are over 300 years old.

Church Tours

In the churches we visit, you will see many santos, which are folk art depictions of saints and religious figures. These figures are uniquely New Mexican and you'll find them in almost all New Mexico chapels and churches.

Today, these statues and painted panels are as likely to appear in museums and galleries as they are inside churches. In fact, one need not be religious to appreciate the beautiful and artistic expression of these santos. The evolution of this folk art is a tradition that thoughtful travelers can incorporate into their journeys around New Mexico, also known as the Land of Enchantment.

Church Tours

In Santa Fe, we visit the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis; the famed Loretto Chapel, with its curved staircase; and the Chapel of San Miguel that was built in the early 17th century and is considered the oldest church in America. Its wooden main altar screen dates from 1798, making it one of the oldest in New Mexico. A depiction of San Miguel, the only known canvas painting (circa 1750s), hangs at the top of the altar screen. This church has frequent re-mudding of the exterior, and the church officials occasionally ask for volunteer help for that project.

Church Tours

Each tour includes an informal tea at an award-winning home in Santa Fe that has been featured on HGTV due to the authentic Spanish antiques in the home as well as an amazing private collection of religious artworks from around the world. If weather permits, the tea will be served on the outside patio that offers a spectacular view of the nearby Sangre de Cristo mountains

Group tours begin at $60. per person. 8 person minimum. Call to schedule a group - 505-438-7116

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La Tour

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The Cave

The restaurant.

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The Appartment

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Immerse yourself in the discovery of this four-hundred-year-old household! Our rich heritage has given birth to today's vibrant and resolutely contemporary history... Four exceptional venues designed to entertain and enchant you any time, day and night.

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The world of Tour d'Argent

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The Bar des Maillets d’Argent is launching its Sunday brunch !

A brand new gourmet experience signed by our chef yannick franques..

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The king’s brioche by the Boulanger de la Tour

To delight everyone, the boulanger de la tour envisions a generous crown of brioche..

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Tour d’Argent & Louis Roederer : a long-standing friendship

In the spring of 2024, we will unveil our rooftop located on the 7th floor of the building: "le toit de la tour.".

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Epiphany by the Boulanger de la Tour

As an homage to la tour d’argent, the boulanger de la tour has crafted a « galette des rois » in its likeness..

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Blue Lobster by Yannick Franques

Indulge in an exquisite gastronomic experience with our blue lobster..

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Parc le Trou de la Fée

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Spectaculaire et grandiose ! Le Parc du Trou de la Fée, offre un environnement typique des plus beaux paysages du Québec. Explorez le canyon, découvrez la tumultueuse rivière Métabetchouane avec ses chutes et ses cascades et vivez notre nouvelle expérience immersive. De la terrasse du pavillon d’accueil, admirez la vue panoramique à couper le souffle.

Plus qu'une caverne... Bonne visite.


Le Québec pour tous - Kéroul

Plusieurs adresses sont disponibles pour cette entreprise. Veuillez sélectionner l'adresse qui vous intéresse à l'aide du sélecteur pour consulter les activités qui y sont offertes.

Chemin du Trou de la Fée, 7e Avenue, Desbiens, , G0W 1N0

Amants de la nature, baladez-vous dans nos sentiers pédestres. Laissez-vous séduire par le panorama et charmer par le sentier des trois chutes aux allures de petit sentier de chasse. Vous serez également enchanté par le sentier de la coulée verte, véritable jardin chinois, avec son ruisseau et ses tapis de mousse. Vous serez étonné, ébloui et fasciné par les parcours de conception originale et diversifiée.

4 km de sentier avec des parcours de conception originale tel que la promenade de la conduite d'amenée d'eau et les passerelles encrées aux caps de roc. Les différents sentiers vous offrent un éventail de possibilités, de facile et large à plus étroit, rustique et accidenté. Le Parc de la caverne du trou de la Fée vous fera découvrir d’étonnant paysage où la nature est luxuriante.

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Les informations affichées peuvent être sujettes à changement. Pour tout questionnement, veuillez vous référer au site Web de l'entreprise ou contacter l'entreprise directement.

Période(s) d'opération

Tableau des sentiers, de la caverne, des 3 chutes, de la coulée verte.

La caverne est l'endroit idéal pour vivre une première expérience en spéléologie. Facile à visiter la caverne est munie d'escalier et d'éclairage.

Formée dans le granit du Bouclier Canadien vieux de plus d’un milliard d’années.

À noter : Il ne fait pas chaud dans la caverne « Trou de la Fée » : la température se maintient à 4.5 degré Celsius. La caverne est composée de trois chambres de dimensions différentes. La première est de forme arrondie, la seconde ressemble davantage à un corridor, et la dernière est de forme allongée et beaucoup plus vaste.

  • Non recommandé aux personnes à autonomie réduite ou ayant une condition physique particulière
  • Non recommandé pour les femmes enceintes

350 mètres de tyroliennes à 50 mètres aux dessus de la rivière. La première fait 150 mètres, la deuxième 200 mètres et les deux sont reliées par un sentier câblé de 100 mètres. Tarifs non inclus dans l’admission générale. Certaines conditions s’appliquent. Âge minimum 12 ans poids minimum 40 kilos poids maximum 100 kilos Les jeunes de 12 à 14 ans doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte. Tyroliennes : De la Saint-Jean à la fête du travail

  • Activité familiale 8+
  • Bonne condition physique recommandée

Sur Réservation

Le spectacle immersif Écho, la mémoire des pierres, vous fera vibré au rythme de l'évolution et de l'occupation du territoire. Une projection en 360 directement sur le roc. Une salle taille dans le granit formant un amphithéâtre de 7 mètres de haut par 50 mètres de diamètres. Impressionnant et génial.

Bon à savoir

  • Accessible à poussette
  • Randonnée pédestre
  • Spéléologie et prospection minière
  • Tyroliennes
  • Spectacles et théâtres d'été

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À proximité

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Domaine d'Oscar

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Camping Plage Blanchet

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H2O Expédition et aventure

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Maison Zacharie

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Parc Octopus (camping)

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Parc Octopus (parc aquatique)

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Centre d'histoire et d'archéologie de la Métabetchouane (CHAM)

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  4. 7 nouvelles tours à La Défense

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  1. Viajes Tierra Santa │ Tours y Paquetes De Viajes a Israel y Tierra Santa

    Llame por Whatsapp: 1-310-600-3151. Paquete de Viajes completos a Tierra Santa │ Israel, Egipto, Jordania, Italia - Roma, Turquía, Grecia, y tambien Dubai con los mejores precios de tours cristianos y más, viaje a la Tierra Santa.

  2. Tours de la Fe

    Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar. Reserva hoy mismo. ... TOURS DELAFE WHOLESALER OPERATOR SA DE CV . OFICINAS Durango 324-401 Col. Roma CDMX 06700 TELÉFONOS 55 5518 1328 / 55 5518 3719 / 55 5938 7851. Facebook ...

  3. Tours De la Fe.

    Tours De la Fe. Agencia de viajes con destino turísticos a diversos países.

  4. TOURISM Santa Fe: Visiting Santa Fe/Things to Do/Tours

    TOURISM Santa Fe Santa Fe Community Convention Center 201 W. Marcy St. Santa Fe, NM 87501 800-777-2489

  5. Tour de la fe 2022: Ofrecerán recorrido turístico por joyas históricas

    El Tour de la fe se llevará a cabo los próximos días 8, 9, 15, 16, 22,13, 29 y 30 de julio, en un horario de 5 a 9 pm. Son los viernes y sábados de julio. Se espera que algún viernes, puedan acompañar el recorrido los sacerdotes directores de Presencia y Radio Guadalupana. Eduardo Hayen y Juan Carlos López, respectivamente.

  6. Visiting Santa Fe

    Choose from outdoor excursions, immersive art experiences, history tours, and performing arts events! Learn More. Fast FAQs. ... La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asís (Santa Fe) was founded in 1610, 13 years before the Plymouth Colony was settled by the Mayflower Pilgrims.

  7. THE TOP 10 Santa Fe Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    The Best of Santa Fe & The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum: Private Tour. 29. With so much to explore, it can be hard to know where to begin in Santa Fe. This private walking tour removes the guesswork for an ideal introduction to the city's historic plaza, charming adobe buildings, parks, and art galleries.

  8. 2024 Day tour to Pinzón Island and La Fé/Palmitas Bay ...

    Pinzon was our second day tour scheduled after visiting Santa Fe. Like Santa Fe, the water is an amazing clear blue like a swimming pool as well as shallow. If you are able to purchase/bring a Go Pro, I captured clear and amazing videos of turtles, white tip sharks, sea lions, and abundant fish.

  9. Tours de la fe

    informes:( 55) 55 18 13 28 / (55) 55 18 37 [email protected]

  10. THE TOP 10 Santa Fe Tours, Sightseeing & Cruises (w/Prices)

    The Best of Santa Fe & The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum: Private Tour. 29. With so much to explore, it can be hard to know where to begin in Santa Fe. This private walking tour removes the guesswork for an ideal introduction to the city's historic plaza, charming adobe buildings, parks, and art galleries.

  11. Santa Fe Tours

    Santa Fe, often dubbed the "City of the Holy Faith," is the oldest capital in the U.S., standing at 7,199 feet. With a rich tradition and captivating charm, it has drawn visitors for over four centuries. Known for its vibrant art scene and unique architecture, Santa Fe's character is shaped by forested hills, winding roads, and creekside pathways. This enchanting destination holds a ...

  12. Santa Fe Revisited Walking Tour 2024

    There are many Santa Fe tours out there, but this is the only one lead by a homegrown historian and author of eight books on the city. Take advantage of the guide's deep knowledge of Santa Fe history and culture to gain a new perspective on landmarks like the Loretto Chapel, Canyon Road, Cross of the Martyrs, Route 66, and more. The tour delves into topics not often covered, including the ...

  13. Tours

    This tour is limited to 25 guests—reservations required. Upcoming Tour Dates: April 27, May 25, June 22, July 27, August 24, September 28 & October 26. Where: Leonora Curtin Wetland Preserve. When: Select Saturdays, 7:30 am-11:00 am. Price: Tours are free but a $5/person donation contributes to maintaining the preserve.

  14. Official website of Tour de France 2024

    Tour de France 2024 - Official site of the famed race from the Tour de France. Includes route, riders, teams, and coverage of past Tours. Club 2024 route 2024 Teams 2023 Edition Rankings Stage winners All the videos. Grands départs Tour Culture ... > Col de la Couillole

  15. Santa Fe Island

    Para acceder al descuento, la compra de los tours debe ser realizar por la misma persona que reservó en el siguiente formulario de la pagina de ChokoTrip; Solo para reservas del 2024; ... The Santa Fe tour was incredible! the boat was comfortable and the guide very friendly and knowledgeable. We saw so much amazing sea life including sea ...

  16. Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos Explorer

    Step into the past and experience the splendor of the American Southwest at La Fonda. The only hotel situated on the historic Santa Fe Plaza. Start your vacation in Santa Fe and experience the allure of old world charm at one of the best Santa Fe hotels, where tasteful, modern conveniences blend with the warmth of authentic New Mexican style.

  17. Tour de France

    The Tour de France (French pronunciation: [tuʁ də fʁɑ̃s]; English: Tour of France) is an annual men's multiple-stage bicycle race held primarily in France. It is the oldest of the three Grand Tours (the Tour, the Giro d'Italia, and the Vuelta a España) and is generally considered the most prestigious.. The race was first organized in 1903 to increase sales for the newspaper L'Auto and ...

  18. @toursdelafe

    The latest tweets from @toursdelafe

  19. Santa Fe, NM: Tours & Activities/Church Tours

    If weather permits, the tea will be served on the outside patio that offers a spectacular view of the nearby Sangre de Cristo mountains. Group tours begin at $60. per person. 8 person minimum. Call to schedule a group - 505-438-7116. We hope you'll join us for our "Churches of Enchantment" tour!

  20. Homepage

    The king's brioche by the Boulanger de la Tour To delight everyone, the Boulanger de la Tour envisions a generous crown of brioche. Experience Tour d'Argent & Louis Roederer : a long-standing friendship In the spring of 2024, we will unveil our rooftop located on the 7th floor of the building: "Le Toit de la Tour."

  21. Official website

    Tour de France Femmes 2024 - Official site of the race from the Tour de France Femmes. Includes route, riders, teams, and coverage of past Tours. Club 2024 route 2023 Edition ... > La Haye Find out more. Stage 2 | 08/13. Dordrecht > Rotterdam ...

  22., Mexico City, Mexico. 262 likes · 1 was here. Public Utility Company

  23. Parc le Trou de la Fée

    Le Parc du Trou de la Fée, offre un environnement typique des plus beaux paysages du Québec. Explorez le canyon, découvrez la tumultueuse rivière Métabetchouane avec ses chutes et ses cascades et vivez notre nouvelle expérience immersive. De la terrasse du pavillon d'accueil, admirez la vue panoramique à couper le souffle.

  24. Cyclisme. Tour de Bretagne 2024 : Favoris, Profil… Tout savoir sur l

    Après un arrêt à Pontivy dans le Morbihan, le Tour de Bretagne sort de Bretagne, samedi 27 avril, pour parcourir une partie de la Bretagne historique. La troisième étape, longue de 180,8 km ...