Tour guide salary

The average wage for a tour guide in the United States is around $11.32 per hour.

Tour guides earn an average hourly wage of $ 11.32 . Salaries typically start from $ 9.87 per hour and go up to $ 16.54 per hour .

61 % below national average ● Updated in 2018

Tour guide earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Tour guide salary by state

How do tour guide salaries compare to similar careers.

Tour guides earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than recreation workers but more than receptionists.

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)

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Tour Guide Salary in The United States

The average Tour Guide Salary in The United States is $33,600 per year . Salaries range from $26,900 to $58,700 . The average Tour Guide Hourly Wage is $10.50 per hour . Hourly wages range from $8.40 to $19.43 . Salaries and wages depend on multiple factors including geographic location, experience, seniority, industry, education etc.

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How to Become a Tour Guide

By Alyciah Beavers

Published: February 28, 2024

If you’ve been wondering how to embark on a fulfilling journey as a tour guide, this article is your roadmap to a career that lets you explore the world while sharing its wonders with others. Here, we discuss the role of a tour guide, how to become one, and some of the tour guide skills you should possess. Plus, we’ll delve into what the tour guide salary is like, helping you make an informed decision about this exciting profession.

Career Summary

Tour guide salary.

Tour Guide Salary

Are you wondering how much a tour guide earns in the United States? Well, the average tour guide salary is $40K per year. However, there is an estimated addition of $18K each year in bonuses, commissions, profit sharing, and tour guide tips from clients.

According to Glassdoor , here is the breakdown per each level:

  • Entry Salary (US$45k)
  • Median Salary (US$59k)
  • Executive Salary (US$79k)

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average wage in the US is $61,900, meaning that tour guide salary falls behind the national average of other occupations.

What does a Tour Guide do?

A tour guide, also called a tour leader or local guide, plays a considerable role in promoting and preserving a town, city, organization, or country’s historical and cultural heritage. These are certified professionals licensed to lead other people on trips and tours while providing an informative, educational, and enjoyable experience.

Tour Guide Career Progression

  • Entry-Level Tour Guide :  Leading basic tours, assisting with logistics, and providing introductory information to tourists.
  • Tour Guide :  Leading a variety of tours, providing in-depth information, and ensuring an enjoyable experience for tourists.
  • Senior Tour Guide : Taking on more complex and specialized tours, training and supervising junior guides, and often acting as a point of contact for clients.
  • Specialized Tour Guide : Specialized tour guides focus on specific niches or interests within the industry, such as history, art, adventure, wildlife, or culinary tours.
  • Tour Manager : They oversee the logistics and operations of multiple tours and ensure that all aspects of a tour, including transportation, accommodations, and activities, run smoothly.
  • Tour Company Owner or CEO : At the highest level, a tour company’s executive director oversees the entire business. They set the company’s vision, strategy, and direction, manage financial aspects, and make critical decisions impacting its growth and success.

Tour Guide Career Progression

The Pros and Cons of Working as a Tour Guide

  • You will live your dream and share your exploration and traveling passion with others.
  • It is an opportunity to interact and relate with people from diverse walks of life and learn about different cultures.
  • You are constantly learning about the history, culture, and geography of the places you guide.
  • It is an opportunity to assist people in having memorable experiences and creating lasting memories.
  • Tour guides may have to give the same tour multiple times daily, leading to repetition and potential monotony.
  • Career growth and advancement opportunities may be limited for tour guides, as it’s often a front-line, customer-facing role.
  • Sometimes, tour guides must work in various weather conditions, which can be uncomfortable and challenging.
  • Guides may need to work with tourists who speak different languages, creating communication challenges.

Useful Tour Guide Skills to Have

  • Communication Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Public speaking Skills
  • Storytelling Skills
  • Multilingual Skills

Popular Tour Guide Specialties

  • Historical and Cultural Tours
  • Culinary Tours
  • Wildlife and Eco-Tours
  • Religious and Spiritual Tours

Tour Guide 3 Steps to Career

Do I Need A Degree To Become A Tour Guide?

You only need a high school diploma to become a tour guide. However, different tour guide jobs need a degree. For example, to become a tour guide in a museum, you might require a degree in history-related fields.

Here are some key points to consider in determining whether to get a degree or not:

  • Location and Regulations : The requirements for becoming a tour guide can vary by country and region. Some places may have specific regulations or licensing requirements for tour guides, which may or may not include the need for a degree. It’s essential to research the rules in your specific area.
  • Type of Tours : The tours you want to guide can also influence the educational requirements. For example, leading historical or cultural tours may require more specialized knowledge and may be more likely to necessitate a degree in history , art, or a related field.
  • Tour Company or Organization : Some tour companies or organizations may have specific requirements. Some may prioritize experience, personality, and local knowledge over formal education, while others may prefer candidates with relevant degrees or certifications.
  • Tourist Demands : Understanding the needs and interests of the tourists you plan to guide is crucial. Some tourists may prefer guides with in-depth knowledge, which a degree can provide, while others may prioritize guides that offer a unique and engaging experience.
  • Language Skills: Fluency in one or more languages can be a valuable asset for a tour guide. Language proficiency may sometimes be more important than a formal degree.
  • Local Knowledge : For tours in a specific location, deep local knowledge, history, and cultural insights are often precious. This kind of expertise doesn’t necessarily require a formal degree.

What are the Benefits of Getting a Degree in Tourism?

Getting a degree in tourism can be important for several reasons, depending on your career goals and the specific context of the tourism industry in your region.

Here are some reasons why obtaining a degree in tourism can be beneficial:

  • Knowledge and Expertise : A degree in tourism provides a comprehensive understanding of the local culture, history, geography, and other relevant information about the destinations you’ll be guiding people through. This knowledge can enhance the quality of your tours and make you a more informative and engaging guide.
  • Professionalism : A degree can help you develop the tour guide skills and professionalism required to excel in the field. You’ll learn about customer service, communication, and safety protocols, which can enhance the overall experience for tourists and ensure their safety.
  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements : Tour guides must be licensed or certified in many places, and a degree in tourism can help you meet these regulatory requirements. It can also provide a strong foundation for passing required exams or assessments.
  • Career Advancement : A degree can open up more career opportunities within the tourism industry. For example, you might qualify for higher-paying positions, such as managing a team of guides or working as a travel consultant or planner.
  • Networking : While pursuing a degree, you’ll have the opportunity to network with other students, professors, and industry professionals.
  • Global Perspective : Some tour guide programs cover international tourism, which can be especially valuable for working in a worldwide or cross-cultural context. It can help you understand the needs and expectations of tourists from diverse backgrounds.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Degree In Tourism?

The time it takes to earn a degree in tourism can vary depending on several factors, including the degree level and whether you’re pursuing the degree full-time or part-time.

Here’s a general overview of the different types of degrees in tourism and their durations:

  • Certificate in Hospitality and Tourism : It takes at least two weeks to complete a certificate in tourism and hospitality, where you will also get on-site training.
  • Associate’s Degree : An associate’s degree in tourism or a related field takes around two years of full-time study. You will find these programs at community colleges or vocational schools.
  • Bachelor’s Degree : A bachelor’s degree in tourism or hospitality management takes about 3 to 4 years of full-time study. The exact duration can vary by country and specific program requirements.
  • Master’s Degree: A master’s degree in tourism or a related field usually takes 1 to 2 years of full-time study after obtaining a bachelor’s degree. Some programs may offer accelerated options, and the duration may also depend on the specific master’s program.

How Much Does It Cost To Study Hospitality And Tourism At University?

The cost of studying Hospitality and Tourism at a university can vary widely depending on several factors, including the region where you choose to study, the specific university or college you attend, your residency status, and the level of the program, whether undergraduate or postgraduate.

On average, public colleges charge $9,300 per year for in-state students, whereas out-of-state students pay $26,400 for a bachelor’s degree . 

Here are factors that can influence the cost:

  • Location : Tuition fees can vary significantly from one state to another. 
  • University : The reputation and ranking of the university can impact tuition costs. More prestigious universities may charge higher tuition fees.
  • Degree Level : Undergraduate programs are typically less expensive than postgraduate programs such as a master’s program.
  • Duration of Program : Longer programs will cost more than shorter ones.
  • Additional Costs : Consider other expenses, such as housing, textbooks, transportation, and living costs, when calculating the total cost of your education.
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid : Many universities offer scholarships and financial aid to help students offset the cost of their education.

Can I Become A Tour Guide Through Online Education?

Are you researching how to become a tour guide and wondering if you can study online? Yes, you can . And, it is cheaper to study online to become a tour guide.

Here’s a general outline of the steps involved in becoming a tour guide and where online education can fit in:

  • Research and Familiarization : Start by gaining in-depth knowledge about the area where you wish to become a tour guide. This may involve online research, reading books, and watching documentaries or online courses related to the region’s history, culture, and geography.
  • Formal Education : Many universities and colleges offer online degrees or certificates in tourism , hospitality, history, or cultural studies, which can provide you with a strong educational foundation. 
  • Customer Service and Soft Skills : Effective communication, people skills, and customer service are crucial for tour guides. You can improve these skills through online courses, workshops, and books on customer service and interpersonal communication.

What Are Some Web Resources To Learn Skills To Become A Tour Guide?

Here are some web resources to help you develop the necessary tour guide skills and knowledge related to tourism and hospitality:

  • National Tour Association (NTA) : The NTA provides resources, education, and networking opportunities for tour professionals. Their website offers webinars, articles, and publications on tour guiding and tourism.
  • International Tour Management Institute (ITMI): ITMI offers online courses and resources for tour guides and directors. They cover various aspects of tour management, from group dynamics to destination knowledge.
  • Tourism e-Lab : This e-learning platform offers a wide range of online courses related to tourism and hospitality. Courses cover tour guiding, travel management, and customer service.
  • World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA) : The WFTGA website provides information about professional tour guiding standards, international tour guiding events, and educational opportunities.
  • Tourism and Hospitality Schools’ Websites : Many universities and colleges with programs in tourism and hospitality offer free resources, such as lecture notes and presentations, on their websites. These resources can help gain a more in-depth understanding of the field.
  • Forums and Online Communities : Joining forums and communities of tour guides can be a great way to learn from experienced guides, exchange tour guide tips, and get advice. Look for platforms like TripAdvisor’s forums forums or dedicated tour guide forums.

Practical Experience

What are internship opportunities for a tour guide.

Internship opportunities for a tour guide can be a great way to gain practical experience and develop the skills necessary for a career in tourism and hospitality.

Here are some internship opportunities that can help you on your path to becoming a tour guide:

  • Tour Companies : Many tour companies offer internships for individuals interested in becoming tour guides. These internships may involve shadowing experienced guides, learning about different tour routes, and assisting with tour logistics.
  • Museums and Cultural Institutions : Museums and cultural institutions often offer internships related to guided tours. These internships may involve researching and developing tour content, leading tours, and interacting with visitors.
  • National and State Parks : If you’re interested in nature and outdoor activities, consider internships at national and state parks. These opportunities can provide you with experience in guiding hikes, wildlife tours, and educational programs.
  • Historical Sites : Historical sites and landmarks often employ tour guides. Interning at such locations can give you hands-on experience sharing historical and cultural information with visitors.
  • Travel Agencies : Some travel agencies offer internships that involve assisting clients with tour bookings, creating itineraries, and learning about various travel destinations.
  • Cruise Lines : If you’re interested in working as a tour guide on cruise ships, consider internships with cruise lines. These internships may involve assisting with onboard tours and excursions.
  • Hospitality Industry : Some internships in the hospitality industry can also be relevant for tour guides. Working at hotels, resorts, or hostels can help you gain customer service and guest interaction skills.

What Skills Will I Learn as a Tour Guide?

Here are some of the critical skills you’ll develop as a tour guide:

  • Knowledge of the Destination : A tour guide must have in-depth knowledge about the location they are guiding in. This includes historical, cultural, and geographical information and up-to-date information on local events and attractions.
  • Communication Skills : Effective communication is crucial. You need to convey information clearly and engagingly to your clients. This includes public speaking, storytelling, and interpersonal communication.
  • Adaptability : Tour guides must be flexible and adapt to unexpected changes or challenges during tours, such as weather, transportation issues, or last-minute schedule changes.
  • Leadership : You will lead a group, manage their behavior, and ensure they follow the tour’s rules and guidelines.
  • Time Management : Tours often have tight schedules, so keeping the group on time and track is crucial.
  • Safety Awareness : Ensuring the safety of your clients is paramount. You need to be trained in first aid and emergency procedures and understand the local safety regulations well.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : Be aware of cultural norms and differences to respect the traditions and customs of your clients, especially in a multicultural environment.
  • Navigation : Familiarity with the area’s layout and understanding of maps and GPS systems are valuable for navigating destinations.
  • Storytelling : Being able to tell engaging and informative stories about the location’s history, culture, and landmarks can make the tour more enjoyable and memorable for your clients.
  • Knowledge of Tour Logistics : Understanding the logistics of organizing and conducting tours, such as transportation, entrance fees, permits, and other administrative tasks.
  • Conflict Resolution : Dealing with client disputes or conflicts within the group diplomatically and effectively is an important skill.
  • Technology: Proficiency with technology, including audio equipment, multimedia presentations, and mobile apps, helps guide the tourists, thus enhancing the tour experience.

What is the Work-Life Balance of a Tour Guide?

A tour guide’s work-life balance can vary depending on several factors, including the type of tours they lead, their company, their experience, and their personal preferences.

Here are some key considerations:

  • Seasonality : Tour guides often work in a seasonal industry. Summer seasons and holidays, for instance, have long, busy workdays with limited time off. In contrast, during the off-season, they may have more flexibility and free time.
  • Hours of Operation : Some tours, like day tours or city tours, have regular working hours, while others, like multi-day or specialized tours, may require irregular or longer hours. Evening and weekend work is common in the industry.
  • Flexibility : Independent tour guides may have more control over their schedules and can better manage their work-life balance. On the other hand, guides employed by larger tour companies may have less flexibility and be subject to fixed plans.
  • Physical Demands : Tour guiding can be physically demanding, as guides often spend long hours on their feet and may need to keep up with a fast-paced itinerary. This can impact their work-life balance and overall well-being.
  • Personal Preferences : Some tour guides may prefer a more flexible, on-the-go lifestyle, while others may value a more structured work schedule. The balance between work and personal life can vary based on individual preferences.
  • Time Off : Tour guides work when others have time off, such as weekends and holidays. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, as it allows them to meet tourists during these high-demand periods but can limit their leisure time.
  • Burnout : The nature of the job, with its long hours, repetitive information delivery, and the need to cater to tourists’ needs, can lead to burnout if not appropriately managed.

What’s the Career Outlook for Tour Guides?

According to BLS, the projected employment outlook for a tour guide will change drastically from 2022 to 2032, with 4,300 new jobs each year and an 8% growth in this industry.

However, the career outlook for tour guides depends on the location, the type of tours offered, and economic conditions. 

Tour Guide Popular Career Specialties

What Are The Job Opportunities Of A Tour Guide?

Job opportunities for tour guides can vary depending on their location, specialization, and skills.

Here are some common job opportunities for tour guides:

  • City Tour Guide : City tour guides lead tourists on tours of urban areas, providing historical, cultural, and architectural information about the city’s landmarks, neighborhoods, and attractions.
  • Museum Tour Guide : Tour guides work in museums and art galleries, offering explanations and insights about the exhibits and artifacts.
  • Nature and Adventure Tour Guide : These guides lead outdoor tours, such as hiking, wildlife safaris, or adventure activities like rafting or zip-lining. They share their knowledge about local flora, fauna, and outdoor experiences.
  • Cultural Tour Guide : Tour guides showcase a region’s local culture, traditions, and customs. They often lead tours to festivals, historical sites, and cultural events.
  • Wine Tour Guide : Wine tour guides work in vineyards and wineries, leading tours that include wine tastings and education about the winemaking process.
  • Food Tour Guide : Food tour guides introduce tourists to local culinary delights, taking them to restaurants, markets, and food-related events to sample regional dishes.
  • Historic Tour Guide : Historic tour guides specialize in providing insights into the history of a particular location or landmark. They may lead tours of historical sites, battlefields, or architectural wonders.
  • Educational Tour Guide : Educational tour guides work with school groups or educational institutions, providing informative tours focused on history, science, or culture.
  • Cruise Ship Tour Guide : Cruise ship tour guides organize and lead shore excursions for cruise passengers at various ports of call.
  • Language-Specific Tour Guide : If you are proficient in a foreign language, you can be a language-specific tour guide for tourists who speak your language. This is especially valuable in regions popular with international tourists.
  • Private Tour Guide: Some tour guides offer private tours tailored to the specific interests of individual or small groups of travelers.
  • Virtual Tour Guide : With the rise of virtual tourism and online experiences, there is a growing demand for virtual tour guides who lead tours via video conferencing or virtual reality platforms.

What Type of Organizations Hire a Tour Guide?

The type of companies or organizations that hire tour guides can vary based on the tours’ nature and the guiding services’ specific focus.

Here are some examples:

  • Tour Operators
  • Travel Agencies
  • Museums and Cultural Institutions
  • National and State Parks
  • Cruise Lines
  • Historical Sites and Landmarks
  • Zoos and Aquariums
  • Adventure and Eco-Tourism Companies
  • Walking and Segway Tour Companies
  • Bus and Trolley Tour Companies
  • Language Schools
  • Event and Conference Organizers
  • Educational Institutions

Should I become a Tour Guide?

Looking at all the information we have discussed above, becoming a tour guide will help you develop new skills such as adaptability and communication skills. There is a chance to grow and move from entry-level to CEO based on your specialty.

However, the annual average wage is relatively lower than other occupations, which might challenge some. Therefore, look at your skills, passion, and lifetime goals to determine if the career works for you.

Careers Related to Tour Guide

  • Customer Service Representative
  • Event Planner
  • Travel Agent

Alyciah Beavers

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Tour Guide salary

Average tour guide salary, how much does a tour guide make.

The average tour guide salary in the United States is $32,323. Tour guide salaries typically range between $18,000 and $55,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for tour guides is $15.54 per hour. Tour guide salary is impacted by location, education, and experience. Tour guides earn the highest average salary in Alaska.

Where can a Tour Guide earn more?

Tour guide salary estimates from across the web, average tour guide salary by state.

The highest-paying states for tour guides are Alaska, California, and Connecticut. The lowest average tour guide salary states are Louisiana, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

  • County View

Highest paying states for tour guides

Highest paying cities for tour guides.

The highest-paying cities for tour guides are San Francisco, CA, Juneau, AK, and Fredericksburg, VA.

Tour Guide salary details

A tour guide's salary ranges from $18,000 a year at the 10th percentile to $55,000 at the 90th percentile.

Average Tour Guide Salary Graph

What is a tour guide's salary?

Highest paying tour guide jobs.

The highest paying types of tour guides are hunting guide, wilderness guide, and fishing guide.

Top companies hiring tour guides now:

  • Gettysburg College Jobs (28)
  • Binghamton University Jobs (29)
  • Albion College Jobs (27)
  • Jelly Belly Jobs (43)
  • University of Rhode Island Jobs (33)

Which companies pay tour guides the most?

Tour guide salaries at Harley-Davidson and Bridgewater State University are the highest-paying according to our most recent salary estimates. In addition, the average tour guide salary at companies like Kohler Co. and Central Lakes College are highly competitive.

Wage gap by gender, race and education

Tour guide salary by industry.

The average tour guide salary varies across industries:

  • The average tour guide salary in the education industry is $37,620, the highest of any industry.
  • The average tour guide salary in the finance industry is $32,465.
  • Tour guides in the professional industry earn an average salary of $28,761, the lowest of any industry.

Highest paying industries for tour guides

High paying tour guide jobs, tour guide salary trends.

The average tour guide salary has risen by $5,940 over the last ten years. In 2014, the average tour guide earned $26,383 annually, but today, they earn $32,323 a year. That works out to a 16% change in pay for tour guides over the last decade.

Compare tour guide salaries for cities or states with the national average over time.

Average tour guide salary over time

Compare tour guide salaries for individual cities or states with the national average.

Tour Guide salary by year

Recently added tour guide salaries, tour guide salary faqs, what state pays tour guides the most, how do i know if i'm being paid fairly as a tour guide.

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Tour Guide Related Salaries

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  • Driver/Guide
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  • United States

$34,810 (USD)/yr

$16.74 (usd) /hr, $498 (usd) /yr.

The average tour guide gross salary in United States is $34,810 or an equivalent hourly rate of $17. In addition, they earn an average bonus of $498. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in United States. An entry level tour guide (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of $26,985. On the other end, a senior level tour guide (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of $41,150.

Data powered by ERI's Salary Expert Database .

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$39,101 (USD)

Based on our compensation data, the estimated salary potential for Tour Guide will increase 12 % over 5 years.

This chart displays the highest level of education for: Tour Guide , the majority at 95% with high schools.

the United States

Cost of living is calculated based on accumulating the cost of food, transportation, health services, rent, utilities, taxes, and miscellaneous.

The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America. It is a federation of 50 states, a federal capital district (Washington, D.C.), and 326 Indian reservations. Outside the union of states, it asserts sovereignty over five major unincorporated island territories and various uninhabited islands. The country has the world's third-largest land area, second-largest exclusive economic zone, and third...

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Every day is a chance to learn something new and turn vacation inspiration into exceptional experiences for millions of travelers worldwide.Sales Tour AmbassadorWhat you'll doWyndham..

Sales Tour Guide

Every day is a chance to learn something new and turn vacation inspiration into exceptional experiences for millions of travelers worldwide.Sales Tour GuideWhat you'll doWyndham Destinations is..


Every day is a chance to learn something new and turn vacation inspiration into exceptional experiences for millions of travelers worldwide. Sales Tour Ambassador What you'll do Wyndham..

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  • Travel Guide

How Much Does A Tour Guide For Globus Make?

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Mallory Manley

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Travel Essentials & Accessories



Being a tour guide for Globus is not only an exciting and fulfilling career option, but it also offers a chance to travel the world and connect with people from diverse backgrounds. If you have a passion for adventure and a knack for storytelling, becoming a tour guide for Globus could be the perfect fit for you.

Globus is a renowned tour operator that offers guided vacations to various destinations around the globe. As a Globus tour guide, you will be responsible for leading groups of travelers, providing them with valuable insights about the destinations, and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable travel experience. In addition to sharing information about historical sites, cultural traditions, and local delicacies, you will also be responsible for managing logistics, coordinating activities, and ensuring the safety and comfort of the group.

Becoming a tour guide for Globus not only allows you to explore different corners of the world but also offers financial stability. While the salary for Globus tour guides may vary based on several factors, including experience, location, and the length of the tours, it is important to understand the potential earning opportunities and benefits that come with this profession.

In this article, we will delve into the salary factors for Globus tour guides, explore the base salary and additional income opportunities, and highlight the benefits and job outlook for those pursuing a career in this field.

Salary Factors for Globus Tour Guides

The salary for Globus tour guides can vary depending on several factors. Here are some key factors that can impact the earnings of a Globus tour guide:

  • Experience: Like any profession, experience plays a significant role in determining the salary of a Globus tour guide. Tour guides with more years of experience and a proven track record of delivering exceptional service may be able to command higher wages.
  • Location: The location of the tours can also influence the salary of a Globus tour guide. Destinations that are in high demand or have a higher cost of living may offer higher compensation.
  • Length of Tours: The duration of the tours can also affect tour guides’ earnings. Longer tours typically come with higher pay due to the extended time commitment and additional responsibilities involved.
  • Specialized Knowledge: Tour guides with specialized knowledge, such as expertise in archaeology, wildlife, or art history, may have a higher earning potential. Their unique insights and ability to provide in-depth information can be highly valued by Globus and its clients.

It is important to note that the salary for Globus tour guides is not solely based on an hourly or monthly wage. Instead, it is typically offered as a daily rate. This daily rate includes compensation for the tour guide’s time spent leading the group, managing logistics, providing commentary and assistance, and ensuring a memorable experience for the travelers.

While the daily rate is a significant component of the salary, it is also important to consider additional income opportunities that Globus tour guides may have.

Base Salary for Globus Tour Guides

The base salary for Globus tour guides can vary depending on various factors, including experience, destination, and the length of the tours. While specific salary information for Globus tour guides may not be publicly available, it is generally understood that tour guides receive a competitive compensation package.

On average, the base salary for Globus tour guides ranges from $35,000 to $50,000 per year. However, it is important to note that this figure can fluctuate based on the aforementioned factors. Tour guides with more experience and expertise may earn towards the higher end of the salary range.

In addition to the base salary, Globus tour guides enjoy several other income benefits. They often receive daily allowances to cover their meals and accommodations during the tours. This ensures that tour guides are well taken care of while they are away from home. Furthermore, tips from satisfied travelers can also contribute to a tour guide’s overall income. Gratuities are voluntary, but many travelers choose to express their appreciation for the exceptional service provided by tour guides through generous tips.

Globus also offers incentives and bonuses based on performance. Tour guides who consistently receive positive feedback from travelers and maintain high customer satisfaction ratings may be eligible for additional bonuses or rewards.

It is important to keep in mind that being a tour guide is not just about the financial aspect. The opportunity to travel the world, explore captivating destinations, and engage with people from different cultures and backgrounds is often considered priceless. The base salary for Globus tour guides, combined with additional income opportunities and benefits, provides a solid foundation for a rewarding and fulfilling career in the travel industry.

Additional Income Opportunities for Globus Tour Guides

While the base salary for Globus tour guides provides a stable income, there are also additional income opportunities that can boost their earnings. These opportunities can vary depending on the specific tours and destinations, but here are some common avenues for additional income:

  • Private Tours: In some cases, tour guides may have the opportunity to lead private tours for individuals or smaller groups. These private tours often command a higher fee, providing tour guides with an additional source of income.
  • Language Skills: Tour guides who are fluent in multiple languages may have an advantage when it comes to earning potential. Speaking additional languages allows them to cater to a broader range of travelers and may result in higher compensation.
  • Specialized Excursions: Globus offers a variety of specialized excursions and optional activities that travelers can choose to participate in during their tour. As a tour guide, you may have the opportunity to earn extra income by organizing and facilitating these excursions.
  • Photography Services: Some Globus tour guides have photography skills and offer professional photography services to the travelers. They capture stunning moments during the tours and offer them as a paid service to participants who want high-quality keepsakes of their travel experiences.
  • Language Interpretation: For tour guides with language proficiency, there may be opportunities to work as interpreters during the tours. This can involve assisting with translations and facilitating communication between travelers and locals for an additional fee.

These additional income opportunities can provide tour guides with the chance to increase their earnings and enhance their overall financial standing. However, it is worth noting that the availability and remuneration for these opportunities can vary depending on the specific tour and location.

It is essential for tour guides to showcase their skills, expertise, and professionalism to attract more opportunities for additional income. Building a strong reputation and consistently delivering exceptional service can lead to higher demand and increased opportunities for supplementary earnings.

Now that we have explored the base salary and additional income opportunities, let’s take a look at the benefits that Globus tour guides enjoy.

Benefits for Globus Tour Guides

Working as a tour guide for Globus comes with a range of benefits beyond just the financial aspect. Here are some of the benefits that Globus tour guides can enjoy:

  • Travel Opportunities: As a tour guide, you will have the incredible opportunity to travel to various destinations around the world. Exploring new cultures, witnessing stunning landscapes, and immersing yourself in different traditions and cuisines are all part of the job.
  • Professional Development: Globus provides ongoing training and support to its tour guides, allowing them to enhance their knowledge and skills in the travel industry. This continuous professional development ensures that tour guides are up-to-date with the latest trends and can deliver exceptional service to their clients.
  • Networking and Connections: Working as a Globus tour guide allows you to build valuable connections and network with fellow professionals in the travel industry. These connections can lead to potential collaborations and future career opportunities.
  • Personal Enrichment: Interacting with travelers from all walks of life and sharing in their travel experiences can be incredibly rewarding. You have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives, create lifelong memories, and forge meaningful connections along the way.
  • Employee Perks: Globus offers several employee perks and benefits, which may include discounted travel opportunities, access to exclusive events, and special rates for accommodations and attractions.
  • Work-Life Balance: Although being a tour guide requires flexibility and dedication, it also offers the potential for a healthy work-life balance. You have the opportunity to work in seasons or on a contract basis, allowing for periods of downtime to recharge and pursue personal interests.
  • Job Satisfaction: For those with a passion for travel and adventure, being a tour guide for Globus can be incredibly fulfilling. The joy of seeing people’s faces light up as they experience new cultures and create lasting memories is unparalleled.

These benefits make working as a Globus tour guide an attractive career choice for those who love to travel, connect with people, and have a genuine passion for the world of adventure.

Now, let’s take a look at the job outlook for Globus tour guides.

Job Outlook for Globus Tour Guides

The job outlook for Globus tour guides is generally positive, as the travel industry continues to grow and evolve. While the specific demand for tour guides can fluctuate based on factors like global events and economic conditions, the overall trend suggests a stable and promising future.

Globus is a well-established and reputable tour operator with a strong presence in the travel industry. The company’s commitment to providing high-quality guided vacations ensures a steady demand for experienced and knowledgeable tour guides.

The increasing interest in experiential travel and the desire for authentic and immersive cultural experiences have contributed to the demand for tour guides who can offer unique insights and personalized experiences.

Furthermore, as global connectivity improves and more people seek to explore new destinations, the demand for guided tours is expected to rise. Tourists often prefer the convenience, knowledge, and safety that a tour guide can provide, especially in unfamiliar territories.

Globus tour guides who demonstrate excellent customer service skills, a wealth of knowledge, and the ability to create memorable experiences for travelers are likely to have a competitive advantage in the job market.

It is important for aspiring tour guides to continuously enhance their skills and stay updated on industry trends. Building a strong professional network and seeking opportunities for continuous learning and development can further improve job prospects.

Additionally, technological advancements have also opened up new avenues for tour guides. With the rise of virtual tours and augmented reality experiences, tour guides may find opportunities to showcase their expertise in different formats beyond traditional in-person guiding.

In summary, the job outlook for Globus tour guides is promising, with a growing demand for knowledgeable and passionate individuals who can provide unique travel experiences. By staying engaged, adaptable, and continually seeking professional growth opportunities, tour guides can position themselves for long-term success in the industry.

Now, let’s wrap up our discussion.

Becoming a tour guide for Globus offers a fantastic opportunity for adventure enthusiasts who are eager to explore the world and share their passion for travel with others. While the salary for Globus tour guides can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and the length of tours, it provides a stable income and numerous additional income opportunities.

In addition to financial benefits, Globus tour guides enjoy a range of perks and benefits, including the chance to travel to breathtaking destinations, ongoing professional development, and the satisfaction of making a positive impact on travelers’ lives.

The job outlook for Globus tour guides is optimistic, with the travel industry evolving and experiencing continued growth. As more people seek immersive and authentic travel experiences, the demand for knowledgeable and skilled tour guides is expected to rise.

It is important for aspiring tour guides to focus on building their expertise, continuously improving their skills, and staying up-to-date with industry trends. By doing so, they can position themselves as valuable assets in the travel industry.

If you have a passion for adventure, a love for storytelling, and a desire to connect with people from around the globe, a career as a Globus tour guide could be the perfect fit for you.

So, pack your bags, prepare your narratives, and get ready to embark on a fulfilling and exciting journey as a Globus tour guide!


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Tour guide for Butterfly Farm

Job posting for tour guide for butterfly farm at the maui butterfly farm.

Overview: We are seeking a knowledgeable and enthusiastic Tour Guide to join our team. As a Tour Guide, you will have the opportunity to showcase your communication skills and share your passion for our organization with visitors. This is an exciting role that allows you to educate and entertain guests while providing an exceptional experience.

Duties: - Conduct guided tours of our facility, providing visitors with interesting and engaging information about our organization, its history, and its offerings - Lead groups of various sizes through designated areas, ensuring their safety and enjoyment throughout the tour - Utilize your public speaking skills to deliver clear and informative presentations - Answer questions from guests and provide additional information as needed - Maintain a professional and friendly demeanor at all times, ensuring a positive experience for all visitors - Assist with crowd management and ensure adherence to tour schedules - Collaborate with other team members to continuously improve the tour experience

- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to effectively engage with diverse audiences - Strong time management skills to ensure tours run smoothly and on schedule - Leadership abilities to guide groups effectively and maintain control in various situations - Exceptional public speaking skills to captivate and entertain guests throughout the tour - Outstanding customer service skills to provide a memorable experience for visitors - Ability to educate guests about our organization's history, mission, and offerings in an engaging manner

Join our team as a Tour Guide and be part of an exciting opportunity to showcase our organization while providing an exceptional experience for our visitors.

Applicant MUST have lived on Maui for a minimum of FOUR years. West Side applicants preferred.

Job Type: Part-time

Pay: $30.00 per hour

Expected hours: No more than 20 per week

  • Morning shift
  • Weekends as needed

Supplemental pay types:

Work Location: In person

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Customer Complaint Resolution Skill

  • Spa Supervisor - Casino Income Estimation: $31,173 - $42,851
  • Retail Third Keyholder Income Estimation: $31,896 - $41,217

Customer Interaction Skill

  • Customer Retention Representative II Income Estimation: $41,706 - $53,969
  • Technical Customer Support Representative II Income Estimation: $43,186 - $55,498

Not the job you're looking for? Here are some other Tour guide for Butterfly Farm jobs in the Lahaina, HI area that may be a better fit.

We don't have any other tour guide for butterfly farm jobs in the lahaina, hi area right now..

Kona Salt Farm Tour Guide (Part Time)

Kona Salt Farm by Sea Salts of Hawaii , Kona, HI

Kualoa , Kaneohe, HI

John Calipari officially becomes new Arkansas coach

Calipari signed a five-year contract with a base annual salary of $7 million through april 2029 with a maximum of two automatic rollover years for ncaa tournament appearances that would extend the contract to 2031..

Former Kentucky coach John Calipari

A day after stepping down at Kentucky, John Calipari was named coach at Arkansas.

James Crisp/AP

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Arkansas hired John Calipari as men's basketball coach on Wednesday, a day after the Hall of Fame coach stepped down from the Kentucky program he led to the 2012 NCAA championship.

Arkansas vice chancellor and director of athletics Hunter Yurachek announced Calipari's hiring in a release. Calipari signed a five-year contract with a base annual salary of $7 million through April 2029 with a maximum of two automatic rollover years for NCAA Tournament appearances that would extend the contract to 2031.

The deal includes a $1 million signing bonus and features retention bonuses of $500,000 each year of the contract along with one-time bonuses for making the NCAA Tournament, reaching the second round, Sweet 16, Final Four and winning a national championship.

An introductory news conference is scheduled for Wednesday evening in Fayetteville.

Calipari, 65, replaces Eric Musselman and inherits a program that went 16-17 last season after three consecutive NCAA Tournament appearances, including the Sweet 16 a year ago.

  • Bulls coach Billy Donovan’s link to Kentucky job doesn’t carry much weight



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  1. Tour guide salary in United States

    The average salary for a tour guide is $22.30 per hour in the United States and $85.00 tips per day. 2.8k salaries reported, updated at March 31, 2024

  2. Salary: Historical Tour Guide (April, 2023)

    The average salary for a Historical Tour Guide is $37,845 per year in US. Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more!

  3. Tour Guide Salary

    The average Tour Guide salary in the United States is $66,750 as of February 26, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $57,594 and $76,162. Toggle navigation. Demo. ... A sincere love of history and the culture of our city is ideal. The Tour Guides may be required to work in a non-air-conditioned vehicle, on busy public streets in ...

  4. Salary: Tour Guide in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Tour Guide is $59,504 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $47,318 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $12,187 per year.

  5. Tour Guide Hourly Pay in 2024

    The average hourly pay for a Tour Guide is $17.50 in 2024. Visit PayScale to research tour guide hourly pay by city, experience, skill, employer and more.

  6. Tour guide salary ‐ CareerExplorer

    The job market for tour guides in the United States. There are currently an estimated 45,800 tour guides in the United States. The tour guide job market is expected to grow by 10.5% between 2016 …. The average pay for tour guides in the United States is around $11.32 per hour. Wages typically start from $9.87 an hour and go up to $16.54 an hour.

  7. Tour Guide Salary (Actual 2024

    The average Tour Guide Salary in The United States is $33,600 per year. Salaries range from $26,900 to $58,700 . The average Tour Guide Hourly Wage is $10.50 per hour. Hourly wages range from $8.40 to $19.43 . Salaries and wages depend on multiple factors including geographic location, experience, seniority, industry, education etc.

  8. How to Become a Tour Guide

    Well, the average tour guide salary is $40K per year. However, there is an estimated addition of $18K each year in bonuses, commissions, profit sharing, and tour guide tips from clients. ... historical or cultural tours may require more specialized knowledge and may be more likely to necessitate a degree in history, art, or a related field ...

  9. Tour Guide Salary (April 2024)

    The average tour guide salary in the United States is $32,323. Tour guide salaries typically range between $18,000 and $55,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for tour guides is $15.54 per hour. Tour guide salary is impacted by location, education, and experience. Tour guides earn the highest average salaryin Alaska.

  10. How To Become a Museum Tour Guide (With Steps and Skills)

    Salary for a museum tour guide Though their pay can vary based on their years of experience, geographic location and employer, the average tour guide in the United States makes $28,044 per year. On top of their base pay, tour guides can make approximately $75 per day in tips.

  11. Tour Guide Salary the United States

    The average tour guide gross salary in United States is $33,165 or an equivalent hourly rate of $16. In addition, they earn an average bonus of $474. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in United States. An entry level tour guide (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary ...

  12. Tour Guide Salary: Hourly Rate March 2024 United States

    As of Mar 6, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Tour Guide in the United States is $18.81 an hour. While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $33.41 and as low as $8.41, the majority of Tour Guide wages currently range between $14.42 (25th percentile) to $21.15 (75th percentile) across the United States.

  13. How Much Does a Tour Guide Make?

    While the salary range for tour guides may not be exceptionally high compared to other professions, it is the love for adventure, travel, and sharing knowledge that often attracts individuals to this line of work. ... Cultural Tour Guides: Cultural tour guides specialize in providing insightful information about the history, art, architecture ...

  14. Tour Guide Salary in USA

    Tour Guides make an average of $34,125 / year in USA, or $17.50 / hr. Try's salary tool and access the data you need. ... The average tour guide salary in the USA is $34,125 per year or $16.41 per hour. ... Our guides strive to create an enjoyable experience while informing guests of the local history and.. $55.00 - $75.00 / trip + tips.

  15. Hourly wage for Tour Guide

    28. 33. 38. $28. $38. $33. These charts show the average hourly wage (core compensation), as well as the average total hourly cash compensation for the job of Tour Guide in the United States. The average hourly rate for Tour Guide ranges from $28 to $37 with the average hourly pay of $32. The total hourly cash compensation, which includes base ...

  16. Haunted History Tour Guide Salary

    The average Haunted History Tour Guide in the US makes $27,993. The average bonus for a Haunted History Tour Guide is $387 which represents 1.4% of their salary, with 41% of people reporting that they receive a bonus each year. Haunted History Tour Guides make the most in San Jose, CA at $55,269 averaging total compensation 97% greater than US ...

  17. Salary: Tour Guide in United States 2024

    The average salary for a Tour Guide is $53,848 per year in United States. Salaries estimates are based on 2151 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Tour Guide employees in United States. What is the highest salary for a Tour Guide in United States?

  18. What Does a Tour Guide Do? Definition, Types and Salary

    Definition, Types and Salary. Working as a tour guide can be a great way to meet new people, travel, share incredible experiences and learn more about a culture or place. Becoming a guide is often an educational and rewarding experience. There are many guiding opportunities available that can suit a variety of interests and skill sets.

  19. How Much Does A Tour Guide For Globus Make?

    On average, the base salary for Globus tour guides ranges from $35,000 to $50,000 per year. However, it is important to note that this figure can fluctuate based on the aforementioned factors. Tour guides with more experience and expertise may earn towards the higher end of the salary range.

  20. Salary: Tour Guide in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Tour Guide is $59,442 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $47,271 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $12,171 per year.

  21. Tour guide for Butterfly Farm

    Apply for the Job in Tour guide for Butterfly Farm at Lahaina, HI. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for Tour guide for Butterfly Farm

  22. 12 Reasons To Become a Tour Guide (Plus Jobs and Salaries)

    Tour guides' primary duty is to lead groups, making it a great position for developing strong leadership skills. Tour guides use leadership skills to organize, facilitate and lead groups. This can help them become strong, effective leaders, which is often a beneficial skill to have in your career. 11. Career exploration.

  23. John Calipari officially becomes new Arkansas coach

    Calipari signed a five-year contract with a base annual salary of $7 million through April 2029 with a maximum of two automatic rollover years for NCAA Tournament appearances that would extend the ...

  24. Salary: Tour Guide in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Tour Guide is $59,349 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $47,201 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $12,148 per year.