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Attenzione sito truffa

Attenzione sito truffa, prenoti per un numero di persone e ti ritrovi meno letti oltre a spese non previste. La spiegazione data dal servizio clienti..."e colpa vostra dovevate verificare che se prenotate per 9 ci siamo effettivamente 9 posti letti"

Data dell'esperienza : 24 aprile 2024

Ho trovato per caso. Mi hanno portato in Giappone!

Ho trovato per caso. Stavo prenotando per il Giappone, una follia, di quelle da prenotarsi all'ultimo: costo super vantaggioso, servizio eccellente: mi hanno fornito l'assistenza telefonica, via e-mail e pec (!!!), mandandomi tutto quanto ciò di cui avevo bisogno, non solo: hanno anche aggiornato la mia pratica col nr. di passaporto, una volta ottenuto in urgenza, direttamente con la Compagnia aerea. Naturalmente, considerati i molteplici commenti negativi che ho letto, non posso che essere sicuro del fatto che l'utente medio - il quale in qualche modo deve sfogare la propria frustrazione - non ha capito che è un mero procuratore di biglietti! C'è anche scritto! In ogni caso mi ritengo completamente soddisfatto e ci tenevo a pubblicare tale commento, affinché, chi davvero capisce, possa essere sicuro di affidarsi ad un'agenzia affidabile e collaborativa. 10/10!

Data dell'esperienza : 10 aprile 2024

Risposta di

Gentile Francesco, grazie per la sua valutazione e per la condivisione della sua esperienza. I nostri team lavorano costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile. Siamo molto felici che lei sia soddisfatto della sua esperienza con noi e del servizio offerto. Speriamo di vederla presto su per il suo prossimo viaggio! Non esiti a contattarci per qualsiasi necessità. Grazie

La più brutta esperienza da quando…

La più brutta esperienza da quando viaggio. assistenza telefonica INESISTENTE. Ho rischiato di non partire. Mi spiace che per poter fare una recensione bisogna mettere almeno una stella, metterla è fargli i complimenti!!! Dire che è sconsigliata e dire poco. Statene alla larga. Hanno avuto anche il coraggio di rispondere a questa recensione dicendomi che hanno risposto tempestivamente al mio problema quando sono stato io a contattare l'altra agenzia affiliata la "Easy market" che hanno poi provveduto.

Data dell'esperienza : 05 aprile 2024

Gentile Giuseppe, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Ci risulta da storico ticket aver ricevuto tempestivamente assistenza da parte dei nostri operatori quando ne ha fatto richiesta. A disposizione, grazie!!

metodo di pagamento limitato

Nel gestire la prenotazione ho avuto difficoltà a procedere con il pagamento, non è previsto il bonifico bancario classico e nonaccettano carte bancomat del circuito maestro

Data dell'esperienza : 16 aprile 2024

Gentile Catia, ci spiace per il suo disappunto, i metodi di pagamento supportati dalla piattaforma al momento sono segnalati sul nostro sito, non esiti a contattarci per ulteriori informazioni. A disposizione, grazie!

Disonesti. Bisogna avvisare l'associazione per i consumatori. Poi se ne vengono con il "ci dispiace". Io per la fretta ho spesso €400 euro in piu. Perche dicono di essere i piu económici. Il bagaglio da stiva te lo fanno pagare letteralmente 3 volte. Non solo, al check out per il pagamento aumentano il prezzo "all'improvviso". Poi andando a vedere altro...dopo aver pagato, ho realizzato di aver avuto "la sola". Avete perso dei clienti. Siete vergognosi, fuorvianti, furbi, truffaldini. 1 stella è troppo.

Gentile cliente, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

Ragazzi , io ho fatto uno sbaglio, prima ho pagato 2000€ di volo per addis ababa in ethiopia e poi ho guardato le recensioni . Leggendo le recensioni ero in paranoia per niente ,tutto è andato alla grande , conferma del volo , arrivata subito, biglietti dopo qualche giorno , ho avuto modo di chattare con loro e mi hanno risposto subito quando chiedevo informazioni, ero in ritardo per fare i check in online, li ho richiesti il giorno prima della partenza ,dopo 20 minuti dalla mia email tutto fatto . Servizio perfetto , nessun problema , ottimo !

Data dell'esperienza : 22 dicembre 2023

Gentile Giuseppe buongiorno, grazie per la sua valutazione, è molto importante per noi! Speriamo di vederla presto su per il suo prossimo viaggio! Cordiali saluti


Pessimi! A distanza di 10 mesi dalla cancellazione dei voli noi non abbiamo mai avuto indietro i soldi! Loro tutto questo tempo ci raccontano che è la colpa di compagnia aerea che trattiene i soldi - bugia, perché i nostri amici hanno prenotato stessi voli direttamente dal sito ufficiale ed entro 3 mesi hanno avuto il rimborso completo. Solo noi che ci siamo affidati ai ladri dopo quasi 1 anno non abbiamo visto nulla indietro. Che non vi venisse in mente di comprare qualsiasi servizio tramite loro! TRUFFA GARANTITA!

Data dell'esperienza : 12 maggio 2023

Gentile cliente, come riferitole dal nostro reparto operativo siamo a riferirle che siamo in attesa di avere istruzioni al riguardo per via della attuale non operatività della compagnia in oggetto. Non appena avremo aggiornamenti riceverà nostra comunicazione. A sua completa disposizione, Grazie!

Non mi sono trovato bene i prezzi cambiano nel momento in cui clicchi l'offerta, sia se lo fai con Sky Scanner sia se lo fai da loro sito! Lasciate stare.

Non mi sono trovato bene, monitoravo un volo da alcuni giorni e volevo prenderlo da loro, alla fine ieri di Martedi sera, (giornata migliore per prendere i biglietti aerei) su Sky Scanner usciva il prezzo del biglietti a 721€ per persona quindi, 1442€ per due persone, alla fine quando ci cliccavi e ti indirizzava sul loro sito magicamente il prezzo diventava 1670, in alcuni casi anche 1720€. Ho provato in incognito cambiando Vpn, le ho provate tutte ma alla fine con loro c'era sempre questo gioco. Cliccavi da Sky Scanner e aumentava subito dopo il prezzo, andavi in incognito sul loro sito senza passare per Sky Scanner e avevi un altro prezzo. Alla fine l'ho preso con un altro partner che mi proponeva il biglietto a 730€ a persona in due 1460€ e cosi è stato! Purtroppo volevo provali nonostante le recensioni poco positive, ma volevo tentare con loro perché mi serviva la fattura, dato che era un viaggio che dovevo fare con la mia azienda e loro sembra la facessero, ma ci ho rinunciato! Non sono seri, andate se potete su altri siti! L'ho prontamente segnalato anche a SkyScanner. Se dovranno rivedermi minimo dovranno propormi uno sconto, altrimenti questa è l'amara verità. Utente con mail registrata sul loro sito! Metto due stelle nel rispetto magari di quelle persone brave che lavoreranno per loro, ma purtroppo la mia esperienza è stata molto negativa. Non è serio cosi!

Data dell'esperienza : 19 marzo 2024

Gentile Tiziano, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

impossibile contattare l'assistenza

impossibile contattare l'assistenza : motivazione Errore Imprevisto per via telefonica: operatori occupati quando finalmente sono riuscito a contattare un operatore (gentilissimo)mi comunica che il cambio data a 130 giorni di distanza costa di più del biglietto.... inutile dire quali sono le conclusioni...

Data dell'esperienza : 21 marzo 2024

Gentile Edoardo, ci scusiamo per il disagio tecnico di queste ore, ne siamo al corrente ed i nostri tecnici stanno lavorando alla risoluzione del problema in area riservata. Intanto le suggerisco di aprire un ticket dal form della pagina contatti: Con riferimento al tema modifiche vengono seguite le regole tariffarie del biglietto acquistato e ricerchiamo sempre la migliore alternativa disponibile, ci spiace se nel suo caso non vi siano disponibilità e tariffe favorevoli. Siamo a sua completa disposizione, grazie!

Disonesti e truffaldini:

Disonesti e truffaldini: Prima il loro prezzo è il migliore, alla fine appena prima di confermare il pagamento, stranamente il prezzo è aumentato! Ma non sugli altri siti! DISONESTI!! E pare proprio che io non sia stato l'unica vittima!! Per fortuna ho bloccato l'acquisto cercato con altri operatori e voilà con solo 1 euro in più ho evitato di spendere al momento del conto 200 euro in più a sorpresa con risparmio di 199 euro! Stavano comprando 3 biglietti ed esattamente alla fine ci hanno aumentato il prezzo, perdendo solo tempo.

Data dell'esperienza : 17 marzo 2024

Ho la mail con conferma di prenotazione…

. RISOLTO CON L'ASSISTENZA LOLTRAVEL BUSINESS TRAMITE FB Trovato I BIGLIETTI, MA IL SITO ANDREBBE RIVISTO COMPLETAMENTE Ho la mail con conferma di prenotazione del 13 Dicembre,ma non è arrivata la mail con i biglietti e nell'area personale non risulta nulla.assistenza non risponde

Data dell'esperienza : 16 gennaio 2024

Gentile Simona, grazie per la sua valutazione, tuttavia la informiamo che una volta effettuato l'acquisto si riceve una prima conferma d'ordine all'indirizzo email inserito in fase di prenotazione. Il nostro sistema invia automaticamente per email il documento del biglietto entro qualche giorno, nel suo caso sono già stati emessi ed inviati all'indirizzo e-mail utilizzato per effettuare la prenotazione. Può accedere alla sua area personale in ogni momento per visualizzare e disporre della sua prenotazione. Siamo a disposizione, grazie!

Cercando su Trivago

Abbiamo trovato un'ottima offerta di soggiorno in villaggio in Calabria a fine agosto con LOL TRAVEL. Prenotare è stato facile e veloce, sito intuitivo, informazioni sulla struttura corrispondenti a quelle di altri operatori e della struttura stessa. A meno che non ci siano sosprese al check-in, è tutto perfetto, anche la tariffa!

Data dell'esperienza : 08 agosto 2023

Gentile Tiziana, ti ringraziamo di aver speso un po' del tuo tempo per condividere la tua esperienza. Siamo molto contenti che tu sia soddisfatta del nostro servizio, lavoriamo costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile fornendo loro le migliori tariffe sul mercato, un sistema di prenotazione facile e veloce e un servizio di assistenza altamente qualificato. Ti auguriamo un buon viaggio e speriamo di rivederti presto su! Grazie,

Ho acquistato una camera d'albergo in Grecia. Al momento è andato tutto bene, prezzo confermato. Mi riservo di rettificare il giudizio dopo la vacanza. Di certo non comprerei un biglietto aereo fuori dal sito del vettore.

Data dell'esperienza : 10 febbraio 2024

Gentile Maurizio, grazie per la tua valutazione, è molto importante per noi! Speriamo di vederti presto su per il tuo prossimo viaggio!

Volo Positivo

Volo Milano-Addis Abeba-Zanzibar. Diversamente da quanto si legga nella maggior parte dei casi ci hanno aggiornati fin da subito e risposto celermente a tutte le richieste. Solo una piccola cosa: nell’acquistare i biglietti A/R abbiamo incluso il check in online (fatto da loro); per l’andata non c’è stato alcun problema, per il ritorno non abbiamo ricevuto le carte di imbarco ma ci siamo arrangiati con la compagnia aerea. Tutto sommato niente male.

Data dell'esperienza : 04 giugno 2023

Gentile Matteo, ti ringraziamo per aver speso un po del tuo tempo per condividere la tua esperienza. Siamo molto contenti che tu sia soddisfatto del nostro servizio, lavoriamo costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile fornendo loro le migliori tariffe sul mercato, un sistema di prenotazione facile e veloce e un servizio di assistenza altamente qualificato. Ci spiace per l'inconviente che si hai segnalato, lo accogliamo ben volentieri per migliorarci ed offrire un servizio sempre migliore. Speriamo di rivederti presto su per pianificare il tuo prossimo viaggio! Grazie,

Ho pagato per il pasto dei bimbi e non…

Il prezzo era 1865 e al momento di pagamento non era più quel prezzo ma di 2000€ e qualcosina in più ,non potevo fare altro che accettare o cancellare il Booking, ingenua io ho continuato a fare il Booking…mia madre nel frattempo ha fatto la stessa cosa però lei è stata furba a tornare indietro e il prezzo era tornato alla norma. Vedo che nel commento precedente avete già commentatoal riguardo e non zecca propio niente ora vorrei spiegazioni… perché sono soldi in più,cioè 230€ dove potevo benissimo aver fatto altro, la cosa puzza un poco.e come me credo sia successo ad altri.

Data dell'esperienza : 16 febbraio 2024

Gentile cliente, durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. A disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore chiarimento necessario,

Pessimi stavano comprando 4 biglietti ed esattamente alla fine ci hanno aumentato il prezzo ... abbiamo perso tempo e ci hanno fatto arrabbiare ... Non ci è mai successo abbiamo acquistato centinaia di biglietti aerei in vita nostra ...

Data dell'esperienza : 08 marzo 2024

Gentile Nadia, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

Affidabili e seri!

Ho prenotato spesso con loro ed ho trovato sempre piena soddisfazione, mai un problema. Ma l'episodio lodevole è stato che avevo un voucher per un rimborso già scaduto, ho scritto e con grande tempestività mi hanno risposto allungando la validità del voucher. Non mi era mai accaduto con nessun loro competitor. Quindi velocità, efficienza, comprensione, e soddisfazione del cliente. Consiglio la piattaforma senza dubbio!

Data dell'esperienza : 19 giugno 2023

Gentile Concetta, ti ringraziamo per aver speso un po del tuo tempo per condividere la tua esperienza. Siamo molto contenti che tu sia soddisfatta del nostro servizio, lavoriamo costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile fornendo loro le migliori tariffe sul mercato, un sistema di prenotazione facile e veloce e un servizio di assistenza altamente qualificato. Siamo a costante disposizione dei nostri clienti e ben felici di andargli incontro trovando soluzioni favorevoli ai nostri clienti. Speriamo di rivederti presto su per pianificare il tuo prossimo viaggio! Grazie,

Confermo le recensioni negative. Sito al limite della truffa

SITO AL LIMITE DELLA TRUFFA. FATE MOLTA ATTENZIONE. Confermo le recensioni negative. Ben due voli su due che cercavo di prenotare passando da Skyscanner. Inserisco i dati, arrivo al momento del pagamento, inserisco i dati della carta e magicamente il prezzo aumenta di oltre 300 €! Da quel momento il prezzo dei voli risulta più alto. Magari è davvero cambiato in tempo reale come dicono loro. Allora cambio browser e voilà, il prezzo originale è tornato. Inserisco nuovamentei dati (compilazione automatica del browser, meno di 1 minuto per arrivare al pagamento) e aumenta di nuovo di 300 € proprio quando si fa click per il pagamento. Rifatta la stessa prova in 3 giorni diversi, sempre lo stesso comportamento. STATENE ALLA LARGA.

Data dell'esperienza : 21 febbraio 2024

Gentile Nicola, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Desideriamo fare necessaria premessa che non vi è alcuna correlazione tra l’inserimento dei dati personali in fase di ricerca e l’aggiornamento della tariffa: infatti durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

esperienza con il sito pessima.

biglietto aereo passato da 1902 euro a 2067 euro all'ultimo step, senza neanche aver fatto alcun upgrade. naturalmente erano i più economici su skyscanner, ma così sono tutti capaci. il tutto dopo aver inserito tutti i miei dati personali, che naturalmente si sono salvati. risposta: ma se si lamentano tutti della stessa cosa. per favore. controllate la tariffa all'atterraggio sul sito, magari.

Data dell'esperienza : 31 gennaio 2024

Gentile Raffaele, ci dispiace per la sua valutazione. Le assicuriamo che lavoriamo con totale onestà, quando si verificano variazioni di prezzo è dovuto all'aggiornamento delle tariffe da parte dei nostri fornitori. In questi casi, la variazione di prezzo viene sempre comunicata nel processo di acquisto. Per qualsiasi dubbio circa le nostre Privacy Policy la invitiamo a consultare la pagina dedicata sul nostro sito. Restiamo a disposizione per qualsiasi domanda o necessità, grazie.

prenotato e pagato hotel a Roma una notte

prenotato e pagato hotel a Roma per una notte per due persone per il 10 febbraio 2024.Sono due giorni che provo ad annullare prenotazione,tramite area personale,ma impossibile procedere a buon fine.Provato a contattare innumerevoli volte il numero telefonico 8958950895(a pagamento)e chiaramente le linee sono sempre occupate.oggi 5 febbraio e' l'ultimo giorno utile per l'annullamento. fatemi sapere Pierangelo Buongiorno, Confermo. Sono riuscito"magicamente "a parlare con il vostro operatore subito dopo che ho scritto la recensione. Faccio notare che soltanto chiamando, a pagamento, è stato possibile annullare. Coincidenza... Quando ho contattato l'operatore si è" magicamente"aperta la parte del programma dove c'era scritto ANNULLARE. Cordiali saluti Pierangelo

Data dell'esperienza : 05 febbraio 2024

Gentile Pierangelo, ci spiace per il suo commento, ci risulta che un nostro operatore le abbia spiegato telefonicamente come procedere alla cancellazione della sua prenotazione dalla sua area riservata e che abbia avuto esito positivo. Rimaniamo a sua disposizione per qualsiasi necessità, grazie!

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lol travel sicuro

Ciao, dovrei prenotare un volo per New York e ho trovato ottime tariffe sul sito LOL TRAVEL, qualcuno l'ha mai usato, è affidabile?

210 risposte su questo argomento

' class=

Non ho mai sentito qs agenzia online e mi sono permessa di fare una simulazione per un volo a caso (MPX-JFK da effettuarsi a febbraio).

In tutta sincerità non ho visto un gran prezzo, anzi. E' il medesimo che si trova sul sito della compagnia aerea, maggiorato delle spese di gestione....

Per cui, come suggeriamo sempre qui sul forum, ti consiglierei di prenotare il volo direttamente sul sito della compagnia aerea, anche per evitare di avere più di un interlocutore (che si palleggia eventuali responsabilità nel caso dovessero sorgere delle problematiche).

Buona programmazione!

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Io ho prenotato e mi sono trovata bene, hanno anche un'assistenza clienti telefonica. È un sito del gruppo

lol travel sicuro

ma come dice giustamente gattina non lavorano gratis! Prenotare direttamente sul sito delle compagnie aeree è sempre più sicuro ed economico anziché usare intermediari

Ciao Riccardo, giusto per capire, quando dici ottime tariffe per New York ci dici quali sono e con quale altro fornitore hai confrontato? Così gli esperti capiscono se ci sono certe date in cui ci sono effettivamente tariffe migliori di quelle delle compagnie aeree e ti possono consigliare ancora meglio

Spesso le agenzie di viaggi online fanno prezzi nettamente più bassi delle compagnie. Ovviamente c'è il rovescio della madaglia. Se vuoi contattarli spendi parecchio in telefonate. I biglietti emessi sono validi anche se costano meno della compagnia. A voi la scelta.

Ho comprato un biglietto e non ho ricevuto alcuna assistenza quando, il giorno dopo l’acquisto ( tipo 8 ore dopo!) l’ho richiesta. Nessuna risposta alle mail per ore, su facebook lo stesso. Avrei volute cancellare il biglietto, prima dell'emissione, ma loro, mi hanno mandato egualmente il ticket nonostante la mia richiesta.

Su un costo totale di 266 euro il rimborso previsto e' di soli 87 euro piu' da pagare ulteriori 30 euro a loro per la cancellazione. Costi elevate del biglietto , comparati con altre agenzie, ma per questo mea culpa, avrei dovuto cercare meglio, perfino per fare il check in e’ richiesto un addebito di ulteriori 15 euro. Senza Parole!

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Ciao a tutti! Mi inserisco nel discorso perché sto guardando dei voli per Zanzibar a luglio: Prenotando direttamente con Oman Air il prezzo risulta di 610 euro, con TUI fly o LOL travel invece poco più di 400 euro...come è possibile? Ovviamente la possibilità di spendere meno mi attira molto ma dall'altra non mi sento così sicuro. Intanto perché con Tui fly danno bagaglio 23 kg invece che 30kg che di norma ha Oman air (perché dovrebbe essere diverso??) e poi perché viaggio con attrezzatura sportiva e non vorrei storie o problemi in caso di assistenza. Consigli?

Non ti fidare. Ho prenotato un volo. Torino lamezia a 150 euro. Ho chiesto il rimborso per motivi di salute.

Mi hanno detto ke mi potevano rimborsare solo 28 euro, ma per farlo loro ne vogliono 30. E quindi meglio ke non lo chieda. Il volo in questione era con alitalia, se l avrei prenotato dal loro sito me l avrebbero rimborsato.

ciao a tutti!! non riesco a trovare in agenzia disponibiltà pacchetto per Sharm, se non a prezzi assurdi. Su Lol travel c'è e anche ad un prezzo più basso. com'è possibile? c'è da fidarsi?

Ciao a tutti,

una curiosità: sento spesso dire, da quasi tutti, che prenotare sul sito della compagnia è più economico ed è più sicuro: sulla sicurezza non vi è dubbio ma sul fatto che sia più economico, non sono particolarmente d'accordo. Mi potete dire in base a quali parametri affermate questo?

Non sono un viaggiatore di primo pelo (sono circa 25 anni che vago per il mondo) ma raramente, ad esclusione di voli Ryanair e simili, mi è capitato di trovare un prezzo minore sul sito della compagnia.

Premetto che, prima di effettuare una qualsiasi prenotazione, tengo sotto controllo il prezzo e faccio comparazioni con tutti i siti possibili.

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  ★★★★ Aprile 2 notti, 2 adulti da 355 €   ★★★★ Aprile 2 notti, 2 adulti da 317 €   ★★★★ Aprile 2 notti,…

Continue reading → Weekend di primavera alle terme?

Valentine’s day

★★★★ 2 people, 3 nights from USD 148 ★★★ 2 people, 3 nights from USD 245 ★★★ 2 people, 3 nights from USD 259 ★★★…

Continue reading → Valentine’s day

San Valentín

★★★ 3 noches, 2 adultos desde 143 € ★★★ 3 noches, 2 adultos desde 177 € ★★★ 3 noches, 2 adultos desde 168 € ★★★…

Continue reading → San Valentín

San Valentino

★★★ 2 notti, 2 adulti da 108 € ★★★ 2 notti, 2 adulti da 132 € ★★★ 2 notti, 2 adulti da 143 € ★★★…

Continue reading → San Valentino

★★★ 3 notti, 2 adulti da 144 € ★★★ 3 notti, 2 adulti da 207 € ★★★ 3 notti, 2 adulti da 229 € ★★★…

Continue reading → Natale

★★★ 3 noches, 2 adultos desde 143 € ★★★ 3 noches, 2 adultos desde 207 € ★★★ 3 noches, 2 adultos desde 237 € ★★★…

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Hidden cost

It offered the cheapest price at Skyscanner. However, when I was booking the tickets and about to pay, there was a sudden 260 euros increase in the price as "management fees". I then aborted the purchase. I hate hidden costs.

Date of experience : April 21, 2024

Good experience, just some items to improve in the customer experiencie

Initially my experience was a but scary because I bought my ticket and the booking reference sent via email didn't match with the airlines but if you actually create your account into's portal you'll find your booking reference that matchs the airline. It's just a matter of improving their UX when sending confirmation emails. Besides that, I could fly and everything was good. The other pain I had is that, I paid for a FLEXIBLE GUARANTEE TICKET but it's kind of useless because when I was trying to use it, I should still pay a lot which was not super clear when buying. My bad experience on that end, is that I followed the steps that were in the terms and conditions and sent 7 different emails through their customer support form and didn't work. But then I could open a different case through their site's customer support (not through the portal) and I could receive a quick response from the team. So I'd say I can trust this company but they just need to improve the user experience and references to make the customers feel safe and understand that normally people pays too much for flights to not feel safe when something is needed. Thanks.

Date of experience : April 18, 2024

Great after sales service

Great after sales service. Very helpful and professional.

Date of experience : April 23, 2024

Reply from

Dear Arturo, Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your experience. Our teams are constantly working to give our customers the best experience possible. We are happy that you are satisfied with your experience with us and the service offered. We hope to see you soon on! Do not hesitate to contact us for any need. Thank you

This is a SCAM or something

This is a SCAM or something. We booked 2 tickets more than a moth ago and they still haven't arrived. Where are they? We paid 600 eye for two tickets for Crete snd we have planned a whole friend trip and this is so disappointing and decussating that this can happen. Its either a refund or something !!

Date of experience : February 14, 2024

Dear customer, we are very sorry for your review. Please let us your booking reference so that we can investigate your specific case further. We remain at your disposal, Thank you.

reservation for a flight

On April 6, I made a reservation for a flight, which was very expensive. However, to this day, I have not received my ticket or any update on the status of my reservation. I have reached out for assistance but have yet to receive a response. I really hope this is not a scam. I am waiting for your prompt reply.

Date of experience : April 06, 2024

Dear customer, we are pleased to inform you that we have received your booking and it is confirmed. Our system will automatically send you the ticket, within few days. Please keep your booking confirmation till the ticket is sent. Feel free to contact us for further information Best regards

Good service and prompt refund

I made a booking for an eight night stay at at a hotel in Alanya, Turkey with price was hundreds of pounds cheaper than their closest competitor. Due to my becoming unwell I had to cancel ahead of leaving England. I had a partial refund per the booking terms and had great support from the customer service department. I had also checked with the hotel that my booking was valid. I would happily book again with lol ....and, hopefully, be able to avail of said booking.

Date of experience : March 19, 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation, we are very sorry that you had to cancel your trip, we hope you will be ok soon and be ready to leave for your trip! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Thank you

Scammers. They will change your trip without notifiying And they have hidden fees

Date of experience : April 20, 2023

I would like to know why the refund of…

I would like to know why the refund of my money is not yet deposited in my account and I requested the reversal on 2nd Apr n today is 8th. What is not happening? Only responding with empty promises then on my bank side they told me they haven't received anything. I need a positive response Catherine

Date of experience : April 02, 2024

Dear Chatherine, we are sorry for your evaluation. Refund has been processed on 2nd April and as said can takes few days to be available on credit card used. At your disposal, thank you

I booked from website was easy

I booked from website was Very easy to book and I hope everything will be fine with my trip.

Date of experience : April 19, 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation and for sharing your experience. Our teams are constantly working to offer our customers the best possible experience. We are very happy that you are satisfied with your experience with us and the service provided. We hope to see you soon on! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any needs. Thank you

Avoid this website

Avoid this website. NEVER process large transactions as it may result into glitching. I booked a ticket from Malta to Shanghai and it costs FORTUNES. The payment didn’t process and I had to contact my bank to stop the card. In my opinion, it’s a scam

Date of experience : April 03, 2024

Dear customer, we are very sorry for your negative evaluation. We are a serious agency with twenty years of experience behind us. From what you report to us, it could be a payment error related to the medium used. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you!

Follow up review

This is my second review of, actually more of a follow up to my original review as I had booked the hotel but had not actually stayed there at the time of writing so didn't really know the outcome. I'm very pleased to say that if I could give ten stars I would! The hotel is amazing and everything was booked and organised exactly as promised, all at an amazing price - far, far cheaper than any other booking agent could offer. Thank you for a job well done

Date of experience : March 16, 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Thank you

Disastrous experience they make you pay 55e of management fees if the company makes any change and they don-t allow you to access your reservation to make any change in order to scam you. Avoid them

Date of experience : March 20, 2024

Dear customer, we are sorry for your evaluation as we work everyday to ensure our customer better experience possible. We would like to clarify that managment fees are noticed in term and conditions accepted when booking and they are appliee when no suitable alternative is given and our flight department search for an alternative for you. If you would like to give us your pnr we would be more than happy to check your specif case deeply. At your disposal, thank you

Crooks! I was booking a flight for 3, as I entered all names and credit card info and click "confirm" button a pop-up appeared: "the price is no longer available, the new price is ..." - over 300€ higher. Of coure I refused to go on. Scammers!

Date of experience : April 05, 2024

Estimado cliente, lamentamos su valoración. Durante el proceso de reserva del vuelo es posible que la tarifa cambie. Dichos cambios son aplicados directamente por el proveedor, por lo que el sistema de reservas le avisa de esta actualización de tarifas en la fase previa al cumplimiento de la obligación de compra. Lamentamos que la tarifa seleccionada en el momento de la búsqueda ya no esté disponible en el momento de la reserva, sin embargo, en aras de la claridad, cualquier cambio de precio se notifica siempre en un momento anterior a la confirmación de la autorización de pago, en la búsqueda de la máxima protección de los consumidores. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para cualquier aclaración necesaria, Gracias.

Great experience.

Booked a hotel in tenerife through trivago as was the cheapest. Looked at reviews the next day and was quite concerned that we had been scammed so double checked with hotel to see if booking was active and it was. Went through to check in and everything was perfect, no issues whatsoever.

Date of experience : February 06, 2024

Dear Paul, thank you for your evaluation it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip!

Avoid this company at all costs

Avoid this company at all costs. They will charge you more than the ticket's price displayed. *The price of the ticket was unchanged *even after hours after purchasing)

Date of experience : March 27, 2024

Dear Irina, we are sorry for your evaluation. The amount charged corresponds exactly to the cost of the tickets shown and accepted at the time of booking. We remain at your complete disposal for any clarification needed, thank you

Still waryNo information about our booking

No information about our booking; must book in to site🙁. Have enough to do without having to down load “another App”. Unless the site turns out to be wonderful. Cannot confirm we have been charged rightfully.

Date of experience : February 26, 2024

Dear customer, we invite you to contact us giving us booking references in order to identify your booking and assist you. At your disposal, thank you

Check your currency before purchasing!!!

Clicked a link to a promotion which took me to When I was satisfied with the offer I moved to purchase the ticket. For some reason, and I'm not saying that it was's mistake, but the currency changed to euro without any request or clear indication! Needless to say I spent money I didn't have... I immediately e-mailed and requested a cancelation and a refund. Explaining my situation in detail. They then replied asking me to explain the situation in detail.... which I did again. I then later received an email which stated that I should confirm my decision and that I have till 7pm Italian time to do so... This was at 11 pm Italian time. I was very emotional and frustrated by how they could feel justified by giving such a small window which they claimed was 24hours for such a weighted decision. After nagging they agreed to: "We inform you that cancellation of your ticket outbound + inbound, before departure*, is possible with a penalty of € 92.00 for every adult passenger (2) + € 55.00 for our management fees) I know to some people this isn't much but my country that's almost a months rent....

Date of experience : March 13, 2024

Dear Customer, we are sorry that you had not a good experience with us. Regarding your request we inform you that on our site it is possible to select the currency with which you want to make the payment. If the preferred currency is not available, payment is made in Euros as showed. The email you received in the afternoon stated that you had to confirm your decision by 19:30pm Italian time, you answered the day after so we had to follow the rules of your ticket as it was written in the e-mail. Once you have confirmed the cancellation we immediately proceed with refund. At your disposal, thank you

I'm still waiting on my booking details…

My original review: I'm still waiting on my booking details from you. For some reasons, beside this rating email, I received nothing yet. Unfortunately I didn't write down the PNR. My name James Sa, just booked ihg hotel in Page AZ from 3/26-3/29 My updated review: I got the response in email in few hours, I got my travel details now. Thanks for the quick response.

Date of experience : February 13, 2023

Dear James, Thanks for contacting us. We will provide a sollecit your request and you will receive a feedback from us as soon as possible. In the meantime, we suggest you to open a ticket through our reserved area and get in touch with our costumer service. In order to proceed, we need to know your booking details. We remain at your disposal. Thanks.

I booked the Central Park West Hostel…

I booked the Central Park West Hostel just because of the very low price and was very surprised about some negative comments. Price/value relationship is excellent. Of course you should not expect luxury for $40!! I had everything I needed, the room was clean, my bathroom did not have a sink, but right next to my room I could use another bathroom. It suited perfectly to my needs. The staff were awesome and extremely helpful, the location with a few Metro lines around the corner, supermarkets very close, a few Restaurants, bus stops ver near. What else would you expect?

Date of experience : February 20, 2023

Dear Pedro, thank you for your positive review! We are glad to hear that your experience with us was pleasant. Your feedback is very important to us, we work costantly to ensure our customers the best experience possible. We look forward to seeing you soon on a new journey on! Thank you,

Don't buy with them

Their form in the website doesn't work. The telephone always says "all of our agents are busy" and then they hung up. Also, they will never give you back the money in case of illness.

Date of experience : March 25, 2024

Dear Sergio, we apologise for the technical inconvenience at this time, we are aware of it and our technicians are working to solve the problem in the reserved area. In the meantime, I suggest you open a ticket from the form on the contact page: If you have opened it and would like to give us a reference we could check your request and understand what type of issue you faced. We are at your complete disposal,

Lol Travel è Affidabile? Recensione e Offerte

Lol Travel è affidabile? ( ) Si tratta di un sito italiano che permette di prenotare viaggi online: voli, hotel, vacanze, con possibilità di trovare offerte speciali e scegliere fra un milione di hotel e 700 compagnie aeree.

Ogni giorno è quello giusto per viaggiare : con questa frase, e lo slogan make it real , Lol.Travel invita le persone a cercare hotel, voli ed auto attraverso un sito che permette di prenotare in maniera semplice e veloce.

Lol Travel Offerte e Promozioni

In occasione delle vacanze di Pasqua propone diverse offerte per festeggiare la Pasqua scoprendo alcune delle più belle città d’Europa!

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Codici Sconto LOL Travel

Sconto del 10% sui voli e sugli hotel in Giordania utilizzando il codice LOLGIORDANIA2023 in fare di prenotazione fino al 31 Dicembre 2023.

Sconto del 10% anche per gli hotel a Dubai utilizzando il codice LOLDUBAI2023 in fase di prenotazione hotel fino al 31 Dicembre 2023.

Sconto del 10% sugli Hotel a Malta fino al 30 Novembre 2023 utilizzando il codice LOLMALTA2023 .

Opinioni Lol.Travel: Conviene?

Quali sono le opinioni di chi ha utilizzato per prenotare un volo, un hotel, oppure una vacanza?

Come sempre siamo andati a cercare online recensioni verificate di persone che hanno utilizzato Lol.Travel, e, fra i vari siti, ci siamo affidati a Trustpilot , dove, a marzo 2023 la pagina di ha ben 1492 recensioni con una valutazione media di 4.2 stelle su 5:

Le recensioni positive di parlano soprattutto della semplicità d’uso del sito, la velocità nell’effettuare le prenotazioni el e proposte di ricerca degli hotel differenti da quelle proposte da altri siti.

Vincenzo racconta: ho effettuato la prenotazione dopo aver effettuato una ricerca su Trivago, tutto è stato rapido ed efficiente con possibilità di ottenere anche un cashback.

Lol.Travel Recensioni Negative

Su Trustpilot si possono leggere però anche molte recensioni negative , tanto che alcuni scrivono addirittura truffa ed in molti si chiedono se lol travel è affidabile…

In realtà, andando a leggere queste recensioni, oltre a notare come il customer care (assistenza clienti) risponde alle recensioni negative, si può capire quali sono le criticità riscontrate da alcuni utenti:

  • Difficoltà in alcuni casi nel contattare l’assistenza clienti (l’assistenza risponde spesso spiegando che a volte le tempistiche di risposta possono allungarsi a causa delle numerose richieste)
  • Il fatto che in fase di acquisto i prezzi possono cambiare più volte, in questo caso l’assistenza ha risposto che la prenotazioen non è stata confermata dalla compagnia aerea e a volte i prezzi possono cambiare in base a vari fattori

Lol Travel è Affidabile?

Di base in molti lamentano le modifiche ai prezzi sui voli sia in fase di prenotazione che nelle ore successive, mentre risponde che spesso i prezzi cambiano in base alle disponibilità e gli aggiornamenti dati dalle compagnie aeree.

Tu cosa ne pensi?

Personalmente non ho mai prenotato un volo o un hotel con, solitamente utilizzo dei motori di ricerca voli come Skyscanner o Google Flights e per le prenotazioni di hotel o B&B Booking ed Airbnb!

Vuoi dire la tua? Raccontare la tua esperienza con Lascia un commento qui di seguito e rendi quest’articolo ancora più utile ed interessante!

Per leggere le recensioin su Trustpilot:

Se quest’articolo ti è piaciuto forse ti piacerà anche il nostro articolo dedicato ad un altro sito per prenotare voli, hotel, viaggi e vacanze: è Affidabile?

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Valerio Novelli

Blogger dal 2006, una delle mie passioni sono i viaggi e su Nerverland condivido insieme a Viviana quelli che sono i nostri viaggi e le informazioni utili per viaggiare e scoprire il mondo.

lol travel sicuro

TRUFFATORI!!! Ho acquistato con LOL TRAVEL a metà Aprile 2023 i voli per tutta la famiglia Milano-Chișinău-Milano che doveva essere effettuato tramite Air Moldova. La compagnia aerea il 2 di Maggio ha cancellato i voli ed indovinate: al giorno d’oggi il rimborso NON È STATO EFFETTUATO! Lol Travel a tutte le richieste risponde che dipende tutto da Air Moldova, mentre da indagine personale contattando il Ministero di Aviazione Civile di Moldova risulta (la risposta ufficiale) che e l’agenzia in questione che deve difendere i diritti dei propri clienti ed assicurarsi di far avere il rimborso. Dal totale del costo dei biglietti €761 loro però subito hanno precisato di trattenere €111 che è il costo della assicurazione e gestione della pratica – tutto ciò per cosa? Per un supporto assente? Praticamente dopo 40 giorni dalla cancellazione il rimborso non si e visto – senza parole. State attenti e non rivolgetevi a questa azienda – SONO TRUFFATORI!

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Recensioni è affidabile e sicuro. Sono molte le recensioni sull’affidabilità del sito di viaggi

recensioni opinioni? è uno tra i maggiori siti di viaggi italiani. Ha fatto parte del gruppo TUI Travel e ad oggi è parte del gruppo hotelbeds, leader europeo nel settore turistico – alberghiero. è una OTA (Online Travel Agency), ovvero un intermediario che, grazie a contatti diretti con centinaia di compagnie aeree e con le maggiori banche dati del settore alberghiero, è in grado di fornire un grande numero di offerte a prezzi competitivi. Affidarsi a un intermediario garantisce una grande varietà di proposte e, spesso, prezzi migliori. Il servizio clienti, che risponde a email e linea telefonica in almeno due lingue, è in grado di risolvere tempestivamente qualunque problema che possa capitare nel complesso ambito della prenotazione online (cambi operativi, errori di sistema, repricing).

La missione di è rendere reali i sogni delle persone, accorciando la distanza tra i clienti e il loro viaggio dei sogni. Sono migliaia i clienti che ogni giorno si affidano a con soddisfazione. Se cerchi recensioni su ecco alcune testimonianze.

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Unsolicited - verified purchase. has a rating of 1.33 stars from 24 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers complaining about most frequently mention customer service problems. ranks 55th among Discount Travel sites.

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Booked a flight this morning and 2 hours later it was already visible in my american airlines app! Very good functioning website and competitive price

“Bait and Switch with Horrible Customer Service”

We booked a hotel room studio suite. The sales cart took us to the payment with no place to confirm the room type. When we paid, the confirmation was for a standard size room at the studio rate. When we called to correct, we were told that it was our fault for not confirming the room before payment. Therefore, we booked the standard room. We then asked to cancel the reservation and they hung up on us. Use at your own risk.

Reviews (24)

Thumbnail of user danielc1829

  • Follow Eugene Terungwa A.

Basically this company need to be short down. It's an organized criminal syndicate stealing from people. First they have the worst customer service and secondly they just steal directly from customers. I called them severely to change my booking and all they could do it to tell me that the FLEX I bought could not be changed 72 hours prior to departure. The reality is they purposely delayed my request just to tell me when it's less than 72 hours they can't change it. I am requesting for their address to sue them and put them out and. End their criminal company.

Products used: Travel ticket

Thumbnail of user kylen15

  • Follow Sophia K.

Absolute worst customer service I've ever experienced. Wont refund my money. I had to do his job for him. We had free cancellation and yet that still won't give us our money back. I booked a couple of different hotels and every single place has successfully given me my refund except this stupid company. Furthermore, when I called in regards to my refund the Operator begins to raise his voice. Every time I call he says ‘I can't do anything to help'. I had to call the hotel myself and get them to write an email stating that they're willing to give us a full refund and even with their support this pathetic excuse of a company won't give us our money back the greedy pieces of $#*!. There is a reason why so many people have given them the worst reviews. Please beware. I now have to take things to fair trade to see if they can help retrieve my money.

Tip for consumers: Don’t use this site

Thumbnail of user shers22

  • Follow Haytham E.

I book my flight and they refused to cancel it or even to change it to other duration or even to refund my money back or even to show any kind of help.i don't advice anyone to book here product 0

  • Follow Anna S.

Absolutely STAY AWAY! From this travel company! They do not answer their phone line, and they refused to assist in any way via email. They are impossible to contact, and Absolutely useless as a travel agency I needed to change my flight and they would not even look up possible new flights for me. They told me to look them up, and then they refused any of my suggestions. Then the airlines told me the date switch was free, and wanted to charge me the full cost of another flight, even though it didn't cost them a cent! In the end it was cheaper for me to book an entirely new ticket through another agency, and trash my ticket with DO NOT BOOK YOUR TICKETS THROUGH! Worst company I have ever dealt with. If I could give them a lower rating, I would. STAY AWAY!

Tip for consumers: Do not use this site!

Products used: I bought a round trip flight from Spain to Cape town

Thumbnail of user janl414

  • Follow Menna N.

Don't buy tickets from them. They will charge extra money. Which is a scam. They charged me an extra AED 153 from the original price they show on their website, even though they have not confirmed with me or made approval for the payments, it is show something on the website and the bank deducts other amounts. Every other booking was simple with other third-party websites. All other websites show the amount they are going to charge you. But showed different prices and added extra. Without telling me. So be very careful, not a trustee website at all. Don't buy through them. I already tried to call them many times and emailed them and later on they answer my email with no appropriate answer.

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2018 Primetime Emmy & James Beard Award Winner

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The R&K Guide To Moscow

The World Cup is upon us, but you could argue that it’s already a relic from another era, a time when Putin was looking for peaceable engagement with the West, before he annexed Crimea and unleashed his trolls on the world. But if ordinary Russians are supposed to play the part of pariah, they haven’t been told. It has been a long time since Moscow was this pleasant to visit. The city center is safe, sanitized, ready for your visit. Yes, the calm is a sign of an increasingly efficient autocracy. But we’ve known Moscow through many iterations, and for the casual visitor, this is one of the best yet. (Visit our St. Petersburg guide here.)

How To Do Moscow

Quick hits what to eat, quick hits what to drink, quick hits what to see, features from moscow, more city guides, r&k insider.

Join our newsletter to get exclusives on where our correspondents travel, what they eat, where they stay. Free to sign up.

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The Present Perspective

Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

· everything to know about visiting moscow, including the best things to do and how to get around. ·.

the red st basils church in moscow on a white winters day

Moscow is Russia’s vibrant capital city, and it also happens to be the largest city in all of Europe. The city’s long and infamous history makes it one of the most unique places we have ever visited.

The architecture ranges from centuries-old palaces to uniform, gray concrete buildings. The people range from cold and private to warm and welcoming. Moscow is a city is strong juxtapositions, and we learned a lot during our time there.

This post will break down all you need to know about visiting Moscow, including the best things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more.

man and woman standing in front of main church in moscow

The Best Things to Do in Moscow

1. explore the red square.

The Red Square is the heart of Moscow. Most of the city’s top attractions can be found here, including just about everything on this list. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Lenin’s Mausoleum are all located here, and the State Historical Museum and GUM are not far from here, either.

The Red Square is a common home for parades, protests, and seasonal celebrations. There are massive Christmas celebrations here, with food vendors and carnival rides set up in numbers.

red orthodox church in moscow russia red square on a winter day

2. Check Out the Ziferblat

The Ziferblat is a café in Moscow that is unlike any café we have ever been to. While most cafes charge you for your drinks and food, the Ziferblat charges you for your time.

Upon arrival, you are given a clock. When you leave, the barista calculates how much time you spent in the café and charges you accordingly. This concept was created to help visitors to be more intentional with their time, and the cafe itself is incredibly charming.

For a detailed look at everything you need to know before you visit, make sure you read my post about visiting the Ziferblat Cafe in Moscow .

white lcocks on a table

3. Marvel at St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil’s Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style. The church is of the Russian Orthodox faith, and the inside is just as wondrous as the outside.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is located on the edge of the Red Square, making it incredibly convenient to visit. Entrance for non-worshippers costs 800 rubles, and tickets can be bought at the church

woman in winter jacket standing in front of St Basils Russian Orthodox in moscow on a winter day

4. Explore the Kremlin

The Kremlin is the largest active fortress in Europe, and it is the site of most of Russia’s government affairs. In addition to government buildings, the Kremlin Complex is filled with courtyards, towers, and museums that are open to the public. If you have the time, you could spend a couple of days fully exploring all that there is to see in the Kremlin.

selfie of man and woman pointing to the Kremlin in Moscow

5. Walk Through Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin is one of the most important figures in Russian history, and his body is located perfectly embalmed in a mausoleum in the Red Square. The Mausoleum is open to the public to visit, and as long as you are willing to go through a few security checks, it is easily one of the best things to do in Moscow. Its convenient location in the Red Square makes it a can’t miss attraction.

There is absolutely no photography allowed inside the Mausoleum. Do not test this rule.

red exterior of lenins mausoleum in moscow russia

6. Wander Along Arbat Street

The Arbat is a very popular street in Moscow that is lined with stores, cafes, and other touristy attractions. It is one of the oldest streets in the city, dating back to the 1400s. This street is both quaint and trendy, and there are many walking tours that introduce tourists to the neighborhood’s wonders and highlights.

man in sinter jacket standing in arbat street moscow at night with glistening white lights strung from the buildings

7. Catch a Show at the Bolshoi Theatre

As a lover of the arts, it is hard to think of Moscow and not think of ballet. Russia has always been a top dog in the world of fine arts, and Bolshoi Theater is one of the best places to catch a performance. We were lucky enough to attend an Opera here, and it is a venue that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy opera, ballet, or orchestral performances.

8. Visit the State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is one of the most respected museums in Moscow. Despite its name, it is not really focused on the history of Russia as a nation. Rather, it contains a collection of artifacts from all throughout Russia’s history.

The museum’s collection is very broad in nature. It houses some items from indigenous tribes that used to occupy the region, pieces collected by the Romanov family, and more.

9. Wander Around GUM

GUM is an absolutely massive mall within walking distance of the Red Square. It isn’t just the size that draws visitors here; it’s the sense of luxury. The mall is so beautiful inside, much like the metro stations.

While visiting a mall might not sound like it belongs on a bucket list, this mall does. You will not want to miss out on visiting GUM while in Moscow.

people walking inside GUM mall in russia with christmas lights

10. Admire the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

While St. Basil’s Cathedral is the most iconic church in Moscow, it isn’t the only one. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is absolutely stunning, with massive golden domes. It is the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and it is the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

It is located just about a mile from the Red Square, just south of the Kremlin Complex. You can walk to it from the Red Square in about 20 minutes.

How to Get to Moscow

Flying to moscow.

Moscow has three major international airports: Sheremetyevo (SVO) , Domodedovo (DMO) , and Vnukovo (VKO) . All three of them are directly connected to downtown Moscow by the Aeroexpress trains, which leave every 30 minutes throughout the day. By Aeroexpress train, you can expect to get to the city center in 25-45 minutes depending on the airport that you fly into.

Sheremetyevo is the biggest and busiest of the three airports, and it is the one you are most likely to fly into – especially if you are coming from outside of Europe or the Caucus region. We flew into Sheremetyevo on a direct flight from New York City.

I usually provide backup airport options, because flying right into the city isn’t always the cheapest way to get where you’re going. Unfortunately, when it comes to Moscow, don’t really have a choice other than to fly right into Moscow. It is a very remote city, and it is usually the cheapest place to fly into in Russia as a whole.

Since Sheremetyevo is so busy, you will probably find a great flight option anyway. I wrote in  my post about finding cheap flights  that using hub airports will lead to more affordable airfare, and the same logic applies here. Even though Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, is no longer a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, Moscow is still a major hub connecting passengers from all over the world.

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Train or Bus to Moscow

Trains and buses are one of the most popular ways to get around Europe. However, they’re of very little use when you’re trying to get to Moscow.

Moscow is hundreds of miles from the nearest major cities. The only major European city that can even be reached within 8 hours on the ground is St. Petersburg, and even the Baltic capitals of Riga, Vilnius, and Tallinn are over 12 hours away.

If you want to get to Moscow, the best option is almost always to fly. While the train routes to Moscow are scenic, they simply take forever.

How to Get Around Moscow


Moscow has one of the most memorable metro systems in the world. Its metro lines are very deep underground, and the stations are absolutely stunning. Each station has its own unique style, but all of them contain escalators that seem to go on forever.

turned-on chandelier on ceiling of moscow metro

The system was built in an effort to showcase the power of the Soviet Union and its bright future. The plans were a form of propaganda, but they resulted in what is still one of the most visually appealing subway systems on earth.

Moscow’s metro system isn’t just pretty. It is also very useful and accessible. The system has 17 lines that connect the city and its surrounding area.

But wait; there’s more!

The Moscow metro system is also incredibly affordable, with each ride costing less than a dollar. The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow, as it is almost impossible to beat the connection times and the low cost to ride.

Tickets can be bought at electronic, English-speaking kiosks in stations, or directly from ticket counters at certain larger stations. There are also day passes available, which are a very solid option if you plan on riding the metro several times per day.

long gray escalator in moscow russia

The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow.

In addition to the metro system, Moscow also has a network of buses, trams, and trolleys. This system is nowhere near as convenient or well-connected as the metro, though, and is likely of little use to you during your trip. There is no Uber in Moscow, but a similar app named Yandex is available if you need a ride in a pinch.

How Many Days Do You Need in Moscow?

Moscow is the biggest city in all of Europe, and it is absolutely loaded with things to do. You could spend weeks in Moscow and still find new things to do. Of course, most travelers don’t have that kind of time to spend in one place!

I recommend spending no less than three full days in Moscow, and ideally closer to five or seven.

Moscow is very spread out, and it can take some time to get from one major point to another. There are also so many places that are nice to just sit back and relax, which is hard to do when you’re in a hurry trying to cram activities into just a few days.

If you only have a week to visit Russia, I’d advise spending all of the time in one city. If you decide to split your time between Moscow and St. Petersburg, I recommend not trying to squeeze in any day trips beyond those two cities.

moscow bridge at night with lights

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Moscow?

There are two different ways to approach this question. Personally, I think the best time to visit Moscow is around Christmas and New Year’s Day. While the weather will be absolutely freezing, Moscow is a surreal winter wonderland in December and January.

We were in Moscow right before Christmas. While it was very cold, you can always bundle up. Exploring the Christmas markets and pop-up ice skating rinks throughout Moscow is one of my favorite memories from anywhere I’ve traveled, and I dream of going back to do it again.

If you aren’t fond of the cold, Moscow is beautiful in the summer. It tends to get pretty cold in the shoulder seasons, so if you want warm weather, you should plan to visit in the summer. Moscow actually gets pretty warm in July and August, and there are a bunch of fantastic places to soak up the sun within the city.

The best time to visit Moscow is either around Christmas or from late May to August.

group of people walking in moscow red square at night with christmas lights everywhere

Is Moscow Safe to Visit?

While Moscow is a truly wonderful city, there’s no denying that visiting Russia comes with risks. As the country is run by an infamous communist dictator, concerns about visiting are valid. While we didn’t experience any sort of threat or negative treatment during our time in Moscow, we visited in a peaceful time.

In our experience, Russia doesn’t seem to detain normal Americans or Westerners to use as pawns. As a regular person, as long as you don’t commit any crimes, there is a slim chance you will run into any issues. However, Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

To make matters worse, Russia has a bad reputation for gang violence. While the Russian mafia has very little interest in normal Western tourists, they won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who ventures into their sphere of influence. If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

Finally, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things are all very different. Russia is currently at war, and there are battles raging within 8 hours of Moscow. While it is still relatively safe to visit, that could change at any time as the war with Ukraine continues.

Is Moscow Worth Visiting?

Without a doubt, Moscow is worth visiting. It is one of the most unique major cities we have ever visited, and we hope to make it back one day. The Russian Orthodox churches are stunning, the city’s history is unlike any other, and the food is to die for.

While many visitors prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow, I think Moscow deserves a lot of hype of its own. Moscow is the beating heart of Russian culture and history, and it’s a place I highly recommend checking out if you have the chance.

woman in head scarf hugging bronze statue of angry bear

That’s all we have for you about Moscow! I hope this post was helpful as you plan your trip to Russia’s capital.

Have you been to Moscow? Or is this your first time visiting? Comment below if you have anything to add to our travel guide!

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

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Hidden cost

It offered the cheapest price at Skyscanner. However, when I was booking the tickets and about to pay, there was a sudden 260 euros increase in the price as "management fees". I then aborted the purchase. I hate hidden costs.

Date of experience : 21 April 2024

Good experience, just some items to improve in the customer experiencie

Initially my experience was a but scary because I bought my ticket and the booking reference sent via email didn't match with the airlines but if you actually create your account into's portal you'll find your booking reference that matchs the airline. It's just a matter of improving their UX when sending confirmation emails. Besides that, I could fly and everything was good. The other pain I had is that, I paid for a FLEXIBLE GUARANTEE TICKET but it's kind of useless because when I was trying to use it, I should still pay a lot which was not super clear when buying. My bad experience on that end, is that I followed the steps that were in the terms and conditions and sent 7 different emails through their customer support form and didn't work. But then I could open a different case through their site's customer support (not through the portal) and I could receive a quick response from the team. So I'd say I can trust this company but they just need to improve the user experience and references to make the customers feel safe and understand that normally people pays too much for flights to not feel safe when something is needed. Thanks.

Date of experience : 18 April 2024

Great after sales service

Great after sales service. Very helpful and professional.

Date of experience : 23 April 2024

Reply from

Dear Arturo, Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your experience. Our teams are constantly working to give our customers the best experience possible. We are happy that you are satisfied with your experience with us and the service offered. We hope to see you soon on! Do not hesitate to contact us for any need. Thank you

This is a SCAM or something

This is a SCAM or something. We booked 2 tickets more than a moth ago and they still haven't arrived. Where are they? We paid 600 eye for two tickets for Crete snd we have planned a whole friend trip and this is so disappointing and decussating that this can happen. Its either a refund or something !!

Date of experience : 14 February 2024

Dear customer, we are very sorry for your review. Please let us your booking reference so that we can investigate your specific case further. We remain at your disposal, Thank you.

reservation for a flight

On April 6, I made a reservation for a flight, which was very expensive. However, to this day, I have not received my ticket or any update on the status of my reservation. I have reached out for assistance but have yet to receive a response. I really hope this is not a scam. I am waiting for your prompt reply.

Date of experience : 06 April 2024

Dear customer, we are pleased to inform you that we have received your booking and it is confirmed. Our system will automatically send you the ticket, within few days. Please keep your booking confirmation till the ticket is sent. Feel free to contact us for further information Best regards

Good service and prompt refund

I made a booking for an eight night stay at at a hotel in Alanya, Turkey with price was hundreds of pounds cheaper than their closest competitor. Due to my becoming unwell I had to cancel ahead of leaving England. I had a partial refund per the booking terms and had great support from the customer service department. I had also checked with the hotel that my booking was valid. I would happily book again with lol ....and, hopefully, be able to avail of said booking.

Date of experience : 19 March 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation, we are very sorry that you had to cancel your trip, we hope you will be ok soon and be ready to leave for your trip! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Thank you

Scammers. They will change your trip without notifiying And they have hidden fees

Date of experience : 20 April 2023

I would like to know why the refund of…

I would like to know why the refund of my money is not yet deposited in my account and I requested the reversal on 2nd Apr n today is 8th. What is not happening? Only responding with empty promises then on my bank side they told me they haven't received anything. I need a positive response Catherine

Date of experience : 02 April 2024

Dear Chatherine, we are sorry for your evaluation. Refund has been processed on 2nd April and as said can takes few days to be available on credit card used. At your disposal, thank you

I booked from website was easy

I booked from website was Very easy to book and I hope everything will be fine with my trip.

Date of experience : 19 April 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation and for sharing your experience. Our teams are constantly working to offer our customers the best possible experience. We are very happy that you are satisfied with your experience with us and the service provided. We hope to see you soon on! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any needs. Thank you

Avoid this website

Avoid this website. NEVER process large transactions as it may result into glitching. I booked a ticket from Malta to Shanghai and it costs FORTUNES. The payment didn’t process and I had to contact my bank to stop the card. In my opinion, it’s a scam

Date of experience : 03 April 2024

Dear customer, we are very sorry for your negative evaluation. We are a serious agency with twenty years of experience behind us. From what you report to us, it could be a payment error related to the medium used. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you!

Follow up review

This is my second review of, actually more of a follow up to my original review as I had booked the hotel but had not actually stayed there at the time of writing so didn't really know the outcome. I'm very pleased to say that if I could give ten stars I would! The hotel is amazing and everything was booked and organised exactly as promised, all at an amazing price - far, far cheaper than any other booking agent could offer. Thank you for a job well done

Date of experience : 16 March 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Thank you

Disastrous experience they make you pay 55e of management fees if the company makes any change and they don-t allow you to access your reservation to make any change in order to scam you. Avoid them

Date of experience : 20 March 2024

Dear customer, we are sorry for your evaluation as we work everyday to ensure our customer better experience possible. We would like to clarify that managment fees are noticed in term and conditions accepted when booking and they are appliee when no suitable alternative is given and our flight department search for an alternative for you. If you would like to give us your pnr we would be more than happy to check your specif case deeply. At your disposal, thank you

Crooks! I was booking a flight for 3, as I entered all names and credit card info and click "confirm" button a pop-up appeared: "the price is no longer available, the new price is ..." - over 300€ higher. Of coure I refused to go on. Scammers!

Date of experience : 05 April 2024

Estimado cliente, lamentamos su valoración. Durante el proceso de reserva del vuelo es posible que la tarifa cambie. Dichos cambios son aplicados directamente por el proveedor, por lo que el sistema de reservas le avisa de esta actualización de tarifas en la fase previa al cumplimiento de la obligación de compra. Lamentamos que la tarifa seleccionada en el momento de la búsqueda ya no esté disponible en el momento de la reserva, sin embargo, en aras de la claridad, cualquier cambio de precio se notifica siempre en un momento anterior a la confirmación de la autorización de pago, en la búsqueda de la máxima protección de los consumidores. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para cualquier aclaración necesaria, Gracias.

Great experience.

Booked a hotel in tenerife through trivago as was the cheapest. Looked at reviews the next day and was quite concerned that we had been scammed so double checked with hotel to see if booking was active and it was. Went through to check in and everything was perfect, no issues whatsoever.

Date of experience : 06 February 2024

Dear Paul, thank you for your evaluation it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip!

Avoid this company at all costs

Avoid this company at all costs. They will charge you more than the ticket's price displayed. *The price of the ticket was unchanged *even after hours after purchasing)

Date of experience : 27 March 2024

Dear Irina, we are sorry for your evaluation. The amount charged corresponds exactly to the cost of the tickets shown and accepted at the time of booking. We remain at your complete disposal for any clarification needed, thank you

Still waryNo information about our booking

No information about our booking; must book in to site🙁. Have enough to do without having to down load “another App”. Unless the site turns out to be wonderful. Cannot confirm we have been charged rightfully.

Date of experience : 26 February 2024

Dear customer, we invite you to contact us giving us booking references in order to identify your booking and assist you. At your disposal, thank you

Check your currency before purchasing!!!

Clicked a link to a promotion which took me to When I was satisfied with the offer I moved to purchase the ticket. For some reason, and I'm not saying that it was's mistake, but the currency changed to euro without any request or clear indication! Needless to say I spent money I didn't have... I immediately e-mailed and requested a cancelation and a refund. Explaining my situation in detail. They then replied asking me to explain the situation in detail.... which I did again. I then later received an email which stated that I should confirm my decision and that I have till 7pm Italian time to do so... This was at 11 pm Italian time. I was very emotional and frustrated by how they could feel justified by giving such a small window which they claimed was 24hours for such a weighted decision. After nagging they agreed to: "We inform you that cancellation of your ticket outbound + inbound, before departure*, is possible with a penalty of € 92.00 for every adult passenger (2) + € 55.00 for our management fees) I know to some people this isn't much but my country that's almost a months rent....

Date of experience : 13 March 2024

Dear Customer, we are sorry that you had not a good experience with us. Regarding your request we inform you that on our site it is possible to select the currency with which you want to make the payment. If the preferred currency is not available, payment is made in Euros as showed. The email you received in the afternoon stated that you had to confirm your decision by 19:30pm Italian time, you answered the day after so we had to follow the rules of your ticket as it was written in the e-mail. Once you have confirmed the cancellation we immediately proceed with refund. At your disposal, thank you

I'm still waiting on my booking details…

My original review: I'm still waiting on my booking details from you. For some reasons, beside this rating email, I received nothing yet. Unfortunately I didn't write down the PNR. My name James Sa, just booked ihg hotel in Page AZ from 3/26-3/29 My updated review: I got the response in email in few hours, I got my travel details now. Thanks for the quick response.

Date of experience : 13 February 2023

Dear James, Thanks for contacting us. We will provide a sollecit your request and you will receive a feedback from us as soon as possible. In the meantime, we suggest you to open a ticket through our reserved area and get in touch with our costumer service. In order to proceed, we need to know your booking details. We remain at your disposal. Thanks.

I booked the Central Park West Hostel…

I booked the Central Park West Hostel just because of the very low price and was very surprised about some negative comments. Price/value relationship is excellent. Of course you should not expect luxury for $40!! I had everything I needed, the room was clean, my bathroom did not have a sink, but right next to my room I could use another bathroom. It suited perfectly to my needs. The staff were awesome and extremely helpful, the location with a few Metro lines around the corner, supermarkets very close, a few Restaurants, bus stops ver near. What else would you expect?

Date of experience : 20 February 2023

Dear Pedro, thank you for your positive review! We are glad to hear that your experience with us was pleasant. Your feedback is very important to us, we work costantly to ensure our customers the best experience possible. We look forward to seeing you soon on a new journey on! Thank you,

Don't buy with them

Their form in the website doesn't work. The telephone always says "all of our agents are busy" and then they hung up. Also, they will never give you back the money in case of illness.

Date of experience : 25 March 2024

Dear Sergio, we apologise for the technical inconvenience at this time, we are aware of it and our technicians are working to solve the problem in the reserved area. In the meantime, I suggest you open a ticket from the form on the contact page: If you have opened it and would like to give us a reference we could check your request and understand what type of issue you faced. We are at your complete disposal,

Never Ending Footsteps

23 Things to Do in Moscow, Russia

lol travel sicuro

Please note: this article was originally written in 2015. I’m updating this in 2022 to state that — for obvious reasons — you should not be travelling to Russia at this time. If you are in Russia, you should leave immediately.

As the capital of the largest country on earth, Moscow is also larger than life. In a city adorned with palaces straight out of a fairytale, you won’t be shocked that even the metro system is full of opulent art.

At the center of Moscow is the iconic Red Square, home to the Kremlin and the spiritual heart of the city. But as you wander, the storied streets guide you to marvelous sites from ancient cathedrals to royal estates, the summer havens of the Tsars.

Wherever you look, you can see the footprints of old Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution and Stalin. Connecting all three is a rich culture, exceptional theater and a vibrant nightlife.  

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Explore the Red Square

There’s so many layers to the story of Moscow that it can feel overwhelming. There’s really only one place to start this adventure, and that’s at the Red Square. Streaming out of the square is each of Moscow’s major streets, like ventricles feeding the rest of the body. It’s easy to see why this is both the historical and cultural centrepiece of the city.

The Red Square is home to several of the top landmarks in Moscow, from Lenin’s Mausoleum and the State Historical Museum to the iconic Kremlin. In times of victory and defeat, this has been the point of congregation for the community even when it lacked its modern day splendor back in the 15 th century. 

On regular days, there remains a fantastic atmosphere in Red Square as locals come and go and tourists explore with wide eyes. Although you’ll find ample stunning sites, you may be surprised to know that there’s only a single statue in the historic square. This statue shows Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, who defeated the Polish invasion in 1612.

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See St. Basil’s Cathedral

One of the most eye-catching sights in Red Square is St. Basil’s Cathedral. Its colorful onion domes stand atop a church of incredible variations. The cathedral was built in the 1500s under the request of Ivan the Terrible. The architects were Barma and Postnik who essentially combined nine different styles of churches, chapels and domes into one spectacular work of art.

As the legend goes, the architects were later made blind by Ivan the Terrible. This was so they couldn’t recreate the sheer magnificence of St. Basil’s. Under the early morning sunlight (or at dusk) the orange colors shine brightly, as if the cathedral was a grand bonfire accented by streaks of green, yellow and blue. 

It’s hard to imagine from the outside that St. Basil’s interior is exceptionally small. There are nine individual chapels that are intimately decorated with frescoes and icons, both of which lead your eyes up to the soaring domes above.

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Go on a River Cruise

After visiting the Red Square, turn your attention to the Moscow River. A great way to take in the city’s sites is from the water, which offers a unique and quiet perspective away from the crowds. Public transport on the river will return in 2022, with the schedule increasing year by year. 

The Moscow River and its surrounding canals feature almost 50 bridges and showcase the city in a way that few can duplicate. A popular station for river transport can be found alongside Gorky Park. From the dock, you’ll head north through the heart of the city with the Red Square and all its highlights floating by on the left bank. Before the river swings and heads south towards the Danilovsky District.

While exploring the city on the Moscow River is a great way to see the sights and get around, it’s easy to turn it into a romantic experience. Moscow is even more spectacular under the evening light, something you can discover on a luxury river cruise.

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Visit the Bolshoi Theatre

Within the illustrious city center, you’ll find grand architecture and history, with one of the best examples being the Neoclassical Bolshoi Theatre. The breathtaking six-tier hall is one of the oldest ballet and opera houses in all of Europe. 

Each renovation has remained faithful to the original design, allowing the grandeur of the Bolshoi Theatre to remain as it has since 1824. Catching a show here is one of the best things to do in Moscow, even if ballet or opera has never been your speed. The rigorous passion on display transcends fandom and will have you on the edge of your seat.

Some of the classic shows at the Bolshoi Theatre include Francesca da Rimini by Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky’s Mazeppa. Both iconic shows premiered right here. After entering the theater, take time to appreciate the opulence on display, from the multi-tiered chandelier to the gilded accents and red velvet walls. It’s grandiosity will have you ready for a night of high culture.

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Spend Time at Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery may have begun as a private collection among the Tretyakov brothers, but it has grown to be the most significant museum of Russian fine art on earth. The gallery is now home to well over 130,000 exhibits, including several iconic paintings known the world over.

Near to Red Square, the Tretyakov Gallery comprises an old and new building. The former is home to works dating back to the 11 th century, with the new building featuring contemporary and modern art. Some of the most renowned pieces include The Trinity, by Andrei Rublev and the Vladimir Mother of God, which is almost 1000 years old. While you could spend a number of hours admiring the worlds of Ilya Repin, a celebrated Russian realist painter.

Surrounding the Tretyakov Gallery are several sculptures to complement the experience. None more striking than the 280-foot (86m) statue of Peter the Great.

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Roam the Moscow Kremlin

The Kremlin is an enormous complex whose sheer scale can only be appreciated from within its ancient walls. It’s the most recognizable landmark in Moscow, as it has been since opening in the 15 th century. Since that day, the Kremlin has gone onto be the home for a series of Tsars before becoming the official residence for the president of the Russian Federation.

Major government leaders may live elsewhere, but if anything, that lowers the red tape and opens up more of the grand palace. The Kremlin covers over 105,000 square miles (275,000 sq. km) and is surrounded by fortress walls. As you wander, it’s easy to place yourself in eras past as you gaze upon several opulent cathedrals, spellbinding palaces, and the ancient Armoury. 

The Armoury produced and stored weapons for centuries until in was converted into a museum in the early 19 th century. You can now explore the history of Russian, Western European and Asian weaponry along with resplendent works by jewelers and goldsmiths, including the museum’s Faberge egg.

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Pay a Visit to Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin was the founder and leader of Soviet Russia and eventually the Soviet Union. He remained in power until the day he died. Shortly after his passing, the mausoleum was created in Red Square. It was only supposed to be for a short period, but such was the popularity of the leader that Lenin has remained on display ever since.

He was removed from his original tomb into a permanent sarcophagus that now holds a central spot in the Red Square. The marble stairs that flank the mausoleum have also taken on a life of their own, as the spot for leaders to watch the many events that take place in the famed square. 

Almost a century removed from his passing, Lenin’s Mausoleum is still a popular attraction with regular lines to enter. But it’s well worth the wait for an eerie experience as you cross paths with the revolutionary leader, who lays peacefully within a bullet proof chamber.   

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Visit the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

A few blocks from the colorful St. Basil’s is a no less opulent, but even more significant cathedral. The first Cathedral of Christ the Savior was demolished under the order of Stalin in the 1930s. He had plans to build the tallest skyscraper on earth, a dream that was later scrapped as the grounds became home to the massive Moscow Pool. This makes the new iteration, built in 2000, the youngest of the city’s many incredible churches.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior has the classic onion domes atop what is the largest Orthodox church on earth. From the front, paved paths lined with lamp posts guide you towards the cathedral. From there you can appreciate the magnificence of its huge facade, featuring golden accents, archways and spires. As you wander inside, you’ll be taken aback by the mosaic floors, grand altar and intricate paintings. 

From the back of the church, admire the impressive Bolshoy Kammeny Bridge along with views of Red Square and Gorky Park.

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Spend a Day at Gorky Park

Speaking of, head across the beautiful bridge and make your way to the city’s top park. Gorky Park is an expansive green area that runs along the banks of the Moscow River. It’s the biggest in the city, with something to offer for solo travelers, couples and families alike.

In the summer months, locals flock to Gorky Park in the evenings and on the weekends, where you’ll find all sorts of entertainment. In the morning hours, stumble upon yoga classes and dance lessons before joggers and cyclists arrive in equal numbers. If you have time, get about on foot to appreciate the manicured gardens along the walking path that guides you to Sparrow Hill. From the top, you can bask in exquisite views of the Moscow skyline.

Gorky Park is also home to the Muzeon Art Park, where you’ll find an unusual collection of over 700 sculptures. At night, Gorky Park plays host to an outdoor movie theater while live music is also a common treat.

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Patriarshiye Prudy

A traditional home for artists and poets, Patriarshiye Prudy is a bohemian neighborhood with an eclectic mix of shops, restaurants and bars. Tucked away from the downtown, Patriarch Ponds is quieter than much of Moscow, yet remains an exciting pace to be. The charming ponds have been referenced in endless poems and depicted in notable pieces of art. You could spend a quaint morning watching the sun rise over the glistening water, which slowly begins the reflect the many beautiful buildings that surround the park. While in winter, the pond freezes, turning into a popular and scenic ice rink.

Along the surrounding streets you’ll discover one of Moscow’s foodie hotspots, with plenty of cozy cafes serving tasty treats and popular Uruguayan steak houses. As primarily a residential neighborhood, you’ll find the tables have turned. Away from the Red Square, visitors will enjoy a look into everyday life, while enjoying some of the best hospitality in town.

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Take the Moscow Metro

It’s not in every city that you’ll want to explore the metro. But as we know by now, very few cities are like Moscow. The local subway system was developed under Stain in the 1930s, making them one of the oldest in the world. In typical Stalin fashion, each station is unique, with its own layer of grandeur.

Akin to underground palaces, each station is an attraction making getting around Moscow on the metro an aesthetically pleasing experience. Some of the top stations include Arbatskaya, which features striking bronze chandeliers and granite slabs. While Park Kutlury, next to Gorky park is laden with marble. The stops immediately surrounding Red Square are also easy on the eyes.

On a metro tour, you’ll visit the best 9 metro stations in the city and discover how and why they’re as beautiful as any famous landmark in Moscow.

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Walk Down Old Arbat Street

After walking out of Arbatskaya metro station, you’ll find yourself in one of the most hip parts of Moscow. Arbat Street began as a prominent trading route on the outer edges of Moscow. But from those days in the 1400s to now, the city has expanded greatly to the point Arbat Street feels like the center of town.

The historic street is lined with lamp posts backed by upscale buildings harboring chic bars and hip cafes. One of the latter being a popular spot for Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov to hang back in the day. But Old Arbat Street isn’t just famous for those two luminaries, it has long been a haven for artists and poets, including Alexander Pushkin and Bulat Okudzhava, whose statue is found along the pedestrianized street.

Once you’ve completed the mile-long walk, cross over the New Arbat Street where tourism and modern culture collide. Wander through antique shops or watch the street artists play live music or draw humorous caricatures.

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Enjoy the Views from the Ostankino TV Tower

For the best views in the city, it’s hard to pass up an experience at the Ostankino TV Tower. The building was completed in 1967 and including the antenna spire it stands at over 1,770 feet (540m) tall. This makes the TV Tower the tallest in Russia and one of the tallest structures in the world.

Visitors can make their way to the observation deck 1,115 feet (340m) above the ground for expansive views of the entirety of Moscow. But to really get your heart racing, sign up for the glass floor experience that will have you feel like you’re flying over a thousand feet above the ground. Turn your trip into date night by reserving a table at the tower’s revolving restaurant. As you eat, the tower rotates 360 degrees, completing a full circle three times every hour.

Make your experience at the Ostankino TV Tower a breeze by getting Moscow’s hop-on hop-off bus pass that not only stops here, but all the top attractions around the city.

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Explore the Tsaritsyno Palace

30 minutes on the train from the center of Moscow, Tsaritsyno Palace was once the home of Catherine the Great. The building first opened in 1775 and its lavish palace is surrounded by expansive grounds covering more than 400 acres.

The palace itself is predictably eye-catching. Its warm velvet bricks make way for towering arches and spires. To the left and right are musical fountains and its interior decor has undergone a complete refurbishment to bring it back to its heyday. As you wander through the palace, you’ll discover embellished staircases that lead to grand halls where royal meetings and parties took place.

Tsaritsyno Palace is now a museum, and alongside the storied halls you’ll find several fascinating exhibits. These explore the life and times of Catherine the Great, along with the history of the building. Other highlights include the palace’s own opera house. Afterwards, take a tour of the lush grounds and historic ruins.

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Wander Through the VDNKh

What began as an exhibition has grown exponentially to become one of the top parks in Moscow. VDNKh opened in the 1930s as the host of an agricultural event. But in the decades since it continues to be improved upon. It’s now home to over 400 structures, from fountains to museums.

The expansive complex blurs the line between a park and open-air exhibit, with beautiful gardens punctuated by intricate architecture. As you wander around, you’ll find pavilions that represent former Soviet nations along with ample space to sit and admire the amazing Friendship of Nations Fountain. 

Two major attractions in VDNKh are the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, which celebrates the Russian space experience along with the city’s aquarium. But perhaps the park’s best feature is its lively atmosphere. As a common meeting point for Moscovians, you’ll find restaurants in abundance, the largest skate park in Europe, horseback riding and even the chance to zipline across the complex.

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Experience the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

As you explore the VDNKh, save plenty of time to visit the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. While we all remember the moon landing in 1969, it’s easy to forget that Russia actually sent the first man into space. While the “Space Race” was an enormous factor in the Cold War between Russia and the U.S.

The museum is unmissable, thanks to its towering titanium pillar, affixed with its own rocket. It celebrates the story of Russian space exploration, from sending Yuri Gagarin into space to developing the sputnik. Visitors will be able to gaze upon the first suits worn in outer space and full sized rockets. 

On this private tour, you can learn more about the Cold War and the Space Race that fueled human ambition and lead to incredible feats. Your personal guide will meet at your hotel, where you’ll learn even more about the historic metro on your way to VDNKh. From there, receive valuable insight into the complex before taking a deep dive into Russia’s space exploration.

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Shop ‘Til You Drop at GUM

After several days of jumping between cathedrals, parks and palaces, you may be seeking a little retail therapy. If you’re ready to take a break from architectural marvels and embark on some browsing, then make a beeline for GUM. The mall stands for main universal store and is your one stop shop for fashion in Moscow.

You’ll have your choice of over 200 shops, from local boutiques to high-end international brands, meaning you can literally shop ‘til you drop. When you do, you’ll find a great selection of upscale restaurants within the mall, so you don’t have to settle for a regular food court. To save time, head to the Soviet-style canteen for authentic local food.

Bored partners can say goodbye to their loved one and explore the historic mall, which opened in 1893. In keep with the times, it’s starkly different to your typical stale mall with its grand facades and overhanging glass roof that features 20,000 panels.

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See the Novodevichy Convent

On the banks of the Moscow River, the Novodevichy Convent is a captivating monastery from the 16 th century. Once a prominent fortress, the convent features five domed cathedrals and a marvelous bell tower. Surrounded by historic walls and a series of guard towers, are lush grounds where former leaders once roamed. 

Thanks to its preservation (its last major renovation was in the 1600s), it’s easy to step back to those hallowed eras when the Novodevichy Convent was a hub of activity. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, visitors can explore the impressive Smolensky Cathedral, whose interior decor rivals any in Moscow.

In the 1600s, more chapels were added and feature distinct Muscovite Baroque architecture. But joining them all together is the 236-foot (72m) bell tower that was the tallest structure is Moscow upon completion. 

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Enjoy a Culinary Walking Tour

Russia may be known more for its vodka than food, but no time in Moscow would be complete without exploring the local cuisine. Russian cuisine differs from much of Europe, owing to the diversity of a country that balances the pull of the West and East at the same time.

Modern Russian cuisine is very much an example of what was available to everyday people throughout the eras. As you explore the city, you’ll discover a range of dough-based dishes such as pies, rolls and blini, not to mention plenty of dumplings. Owing to its Orthodox heritage, there is also a great range of vegetarian dishes.

Meat dishes in Russia are a particular treat and this is because it was often prepared during the holidays. These celebratory recipes have been passed down through the generations and now form a part of everyday cuisine.

You can learn all about Russian cuisine as you sample local flavors on a food tasting tour.

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Explore an Old Royal Estate at Kolomenskoye

From the 1300s to the Bolshevik Revolution, the Tsars and prominent members of Russian society spent their summers at the Kolomenskoye Estate. Covering 300 hectares, several adorned palaces and a 16 th century cathedral, the estate is now an expansive open-air museum.

Just out of downtown Moscow, uncover an abundance of history as you roam the famed grounds with views of the Moscow River. Within Kolomenskoye Estate, there are four significant sites that make up the museum. These include the captivating Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Such was the esteem held by the palace that it was seen as the Eighth Wonder of the World.

From the fairytale-like palace, explore the beautiful Church of the Ascension before making your way to Golosov Ovrag, known to be a portal into another dimension. Around the grounds, there are several spacious lawns to later sit back and take in the incredible sights.

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Visit the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

A Romantic era playwright, poet and author, Alexander Pushkin, is one of the foremost historical figures in Russia. A man who is also known as the father of the modern Russian language. Despite these storied achievements, he has zero connection to the Museum of Fine Arts that carries his name.

However, all art lovers should make their way to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, which hosts an expansive collection of European art. The museum is broken up into eras, including French Impressionism, the Dutch Golden Age and the Renaissance. Highlights include works by iconic luminaries such as Rembrandt, Botticelli and van Gogh. Along with Cezanne’s “Mardi Gras” and the “Young Acrobat on a Ball”, by the one and only Picasso.

After paying a visit to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, wander across the street and find the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

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Join Locals at the Izmailovsky Market

When you think of the Moscow Kremlin, your mind immediately shifts to the landmark within Red Square. However, kremlin simply means fortress. In fact, you’ll visit many kremlins as you explore the city. One that stands out more than most is Izmailovo. 

Its fairytale setting looks like something straight out of a Disney film. Here, old Russian architecture collides with modern culture. The colorful buildings may very well be as captivating as any in Moscow. Beneath the resplendent spires and kaleidoscopic roofs is the best market in town.

Many travelers flock to New Arbat Street to pick up souvenirs, including the famed Russian dolls. But the Izmailovsky Market is less of a tourist trap while remaining kinder to your wallet. Within the kremlin is an enormous bazaar teeming with merchants selling high quality Russian dolls. If you’ve wandered down Arbat, you’ll quickly notice the difference. Among the dolls, you’ll discover a wide range of goods, such as traditional costumes, handcrafted chess sets, and plenty of memorabilia. Finish by wandering down the aisle of delectable street food.

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Experience the Nightlife

Moscow’s nightlife goes into the early hours of the morning. For those seeking a night out on the town, you’ll have an endless list of bars and clubs to choose from. Patriashiye Prudy is one of the top nightlife hubs in Moscow. Here, you’ll find a row of casual bars and cocktail joints along with some smaller nightclubs, including the popular Clava.

Red October is a huge string of red-brick factories that are now home to some of the best and exclusive nightclubs in the city. One not to be missed is Gypsy, a rooftop club with beautiful nighttime views of Moscow skyline.

Keep in mind that most clubs have strict dress codes. Be sure to tick all the boxes before lining up in the cue. 

Lauren Juliff

Lauren Juliff is a published author and travel expert who founded Never Ending Footsteps in 2011. She has spent over 12 years travelling the world, sharing in-depth advice from more than 100 countries across six continents. Lauren's travel advice has been featured in publications like the BBC, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Cosmopolitan, and her work is read by 200,000 readers each month. Her travel memoir can be found in bookstores across the planet.

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I loved Moscow – but then I’ve been obsessed with Russia for years and had a much calmer start to my time there than you! I have to admit that it’s not nearly as nice as the rest of Russia (is it just me or does everything seem a lot greyer in Moscow?), but it was definitely interesting. Apparently they’re considering taking Lenin out soon as his family want him buried, so hopefully you’ll get to go back and see him some day – and have a much better trip!

I’d been to St Petersburg before and I enjoyed it SO much more than Moscow. Awww no, I have to see dead Lenin!

Maybe some Russian vodka would’ve helped?

I find that getting lost is always a bit more entertaining when there is vodka involved…

Hahahaha, I’ll bear that in mind for the next time I get lost :-)

YES ITS JUST YOU!!!Of course moscow isnt for everybody (naive american backpackers)

*naive English backpacker.

hee hee…nice! :)

oh no! Sounds aweful! I am really looking foeward to seeing Russia

I’m sure you’ll have a great time! I LOVED St Petersberg, but just found that Moscow was not for me.

Come on now Lauren! You shouldn’t be judging a destination so quickly! You need to give it a few days to explore, soak up the culture, meet the people. Although, I feel this way about Barcelona. 4 days, and I just don’t see how its everyone’s favourite city in Spain. I think I have to go back and try again to see what’s so magical.

I know… I can’t help it! I decide if I like a place pretty much within a few hours. Maybe one day I’ll go back and give it another chance.

And I LOVE Barcelona!

It’s totally fair to judge a city by your first impression of it! I do it allll the time (both abroad and in my own country).

I do it all the time, too, but know I probably shouldn’t!

I love those Russian hats. What an interesting place to visit.

I love the hats too — I bought one the last time I was in Russia!

Sorry you had a bad time–some days are just like that wherever you are. And the hat’s a keeper anyway.

Feel free to contact me next time you’re going to visit Moscow if you’re looking for an unforgettable journey. )

I loooove Moscow!

I think there are a few reasons why you didn’t enjoy your time there. Well, first, 24 hours is not a whole lot of time to explore Moscow. There’s SO MUCH to see and impossible to see the majority of it in a day. Also, I’m sure you just wanted to relax for a bit and if you’re new to Russia and do not speak Russian… then that’s probably not going to happen.

In my experience, I found very little English speaking Russians and over all, they wern’t very helpful and often glared at me, lol. And yeah, taxis (both official and unofficial taxis) over charge foreigners. You have to basically fight with them to get a good price… but It’s hard to do that if you don’t speak Russian.

So I can see how the trip was super frustrating and not really enjoyed.

If you knew a little Russian or had a friend to help you around, I am POSITIVE you would have enjoyed yourself so much more!

Moscow is certainly my #1 city thus far. I even love it more than Vienna! Then again, I knew a little Russian, spent the weekend there with my Russian friends, and got to see much of the city.

Hmmm, maybe go back again on a relaxed journey?

We spent a week in Moscow back in March of 2013. We found a great apartment on Tverskaya Street just 150 meters from Red Square. People asked us why in the world would we go to Moscow in March (we found an airfare error and jumped on it), but in hindsight I wouldn’t want it any other way. Red Square, the National Historical Museum, St. Basil’s, Novodevichy Convent, etc, were incredibly beautiful in the snow (plus, I imagine all the dirt and grime is covered in the winter also). I probably won’t go back to Moscow, but definitely recommend it to all my friends, but only in the winter. If/when I return to Russia, I think it will be to Saint Petersburg, but that is a city I want to visit in the summer.

Thanks for sharing, Terry!

Your post made me laugh! I have been to both Moscow and St Petersburg and enjoyed both. Much preferred Moscow as we were lucky to stay with friends who’d been living there for a couple of years and they knew good local restaurants to visit and gave us lots of advice. Dead Lenin was also a highlight! St Petersburg, while beautiful, seemed more like a museum than a living city to me. We had a guide and were very carefully steered to all the main attractions and away from “real” Russian life. I find it a fascinating country but it’s not exactly relaxing to travel in. I’ve just discovered your blog, so look forward to reading more.

Thanks, Sandy! Happy you enjoyed my post! I can’t believe it’s been four years since I visited Moscow.

Had the same experience today. 16h connection used for doing a selfie in the red square . the impression from the city is exactly the same as yours. I won’t come back . The red square area is impressing , the snow is nice and there’s kind of Christmas atmosphere , but I felt this city is just a mix of bad things I’ve seen in other cities – big brand empty shops with poor people outside as in Beijing , traffic as Bangkok , prices as London , neglected as East Berlin , Heavy guarded as Jerusalem , cold as Kiev .

Thanks for sharing your perspective, Boten! I’d like to revisit Moscow one day to see if my opinions have changed, but it’s been six years since I was last there, so I guess I’m not making a huge effort right now!

Is it just you? If it’s anything like my experiences there, then yes and no, lol.

I’m a graduate of my uni’s Russian Studies program, and the first two trips I took to Russia, I have to admit I was miserable for the first 3 days or so after I got there. And that’s with knowing the language (and the cyrillic on the metro signs), so without would be understandably harder.

In my experience, Russia (and in particular, Moscow) can feel like a very unwelcoming place to arrive in, especially if you’re alone. People don’t smile at you in shops or on the street, speech and mannerisms can feel startlingly brusque if you’re not used to it, the weather can be harsh, even the smells all around you can be new and disorienting (a mix of indoor-smoking and iron and stone from the ubiquitous stairways). I think all those factors can subconsciously cause your mood to do some swan dives in the first few days, even if in your conscious mind you’re excited to be there.

As you noted with the hostel, there’s also sometimes a weird mix of impossibly complex bureaucracy and surprisingly huge margin of error, which can seriously make anyone visiting (and all the more so people who have to live there with it year-round) feel extremely frustrated and helpless.

On top of all that, there’s a strange mix of affluence and desolation pretty much all around you, both of which can feel hostile and off-putting when you’re looking for somewhere to settle in and combat jet-lag, homesickness, anxieties, or anything else you’re dealing with.

To be fair, a lot of people also simply hate Moscow. People who are from Russia, but from somewhere far away from the capital, often also find it cold and uninteresting. So it could be that you’re just not a fan, which is obviously fine too.

If you do go back though, having a longer time to hang out and explore could help. I sometimes have a hard time recommending what to do and see in Moscow, because honestly my favourite thing to do there is just to exist and spend time. In the summer it’s nice to get a snack from a cafe or grocery store and sit in one of the parks or by the river, or walk down the winding streets and happen upon a walled monastery with a little door in it that takes into into another world of incense and candles. Or use Moscow as a base, and take local electric trains to nearby sites with views of the countryside along the way. In the winter, take shelter in a cafe like Cafe Margarita (my favourite spot in Moscow, if not the world) where you can cuddle a cup of tea and listen to a trio of violins and a piano; or take the glorious metro system to the Izmaylovsky Market, and trudge through the snow among rows upon rows of vendors and old folks gathered around a fire playing chess.

It’s a daunting place, and to some people it’s not necessarily worth it. To me, even though when I first arrived I would have gladly accepted the first ticket someone had offered me out of there, I ended up finding a lot that I liked – but more importantly, I felt like for me it just took time to start feeling okay there.

Thank you so much for leaving such a helpful comment, Emma!

After spending two months studying in Moscow I am so sad you had such a horrible experience in my favorite city. Obviously, like Emma said already, Moscow is not for everyone. I urge you to revisit Moscow, and Russia in general, because they have modernized (and Anglicized) a lot in the past few years.

My favorite spots include Tsaritsyno Park (just a 5 minute walk from the Tsaritsyno station on the green metro line), Zurab Tseretali Musuem (the famous Georgian-Russian artist), and Strelka Bar (which overlooks the Moscow River and has great nighttime views of the city).

As for the metro, I have found the Moscow metro to be the easiest, most efficient metro I have ever used (NYC, Boston, Chicago, DC, and St. Petersburg included). The Moscow trains are typically now labeled both in Russian and in English. Also, most young Russians nowadays speak somewhat rudimentary English if you should ever need any assistance.

Like I said, Moscow may not have left you wanting more, but I encourage you to spend a little more time there if you are looking for a place steeped in history, full of culture, and teeming with amazingly hospitable people.

So sad to hear negative about my country. Your bad experience could happen in any place (I travel a lot, I know), don’t apply it to whole country. I live in beautiful Saint-Petersburg and invite you to show this place if you want. Travel with local friends and you avoid negative situations. Write me on email or instagram @filatov.aleksey (here you can see photos of my city) . Hope to be friends), hope to improve your meaning about Russia.

I love St Petersburg! :-)

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  14. è un'agenzia di viaggi on line di Easy Market Spa Unipersonale con sede in via Consolare 51/C, 47900 Rimini (IT), iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Rimini al n° 03109340400, REA n°278395, Partita Iva 03109340400, Capitale Sociale € 1.440.000,00 iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Rimini al n° 03109340400, REA n°278395, Partita

  15. Come funziona il servizio premium? è un'agenzia di viaggi on line di Easy Market Spa Unipersonale con sede in via Consolare 51/C, 47900 Rimini (IT), iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Rimini al n° 03109340400, REA n°278395, Partita Iva 03109340400, Capitale Sociale € 1.440.000,00 iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Rimini al n° 03109340400, REA n°278395, Partita

  16. Moscow Guide

    Park Zaryadye This rolling green behemoth on the edge of the Moscow river opened for the city's 870th birthday in 2017. It has lush lawns, museums, concert halls, a food court, and a floating bridge for prime photos. The Diorama at Hotel Ukraine This 1:75 scale mini-Kremlin and Moscow was built in 1977 for a Soviet exhibition in New York, where it was an overnight sensation.

  17. Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

    3. Marvel at St. Basil's Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil's Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style.

  18. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    The hotel is amazing and everything was booked and organised exactly as promised, all at an amazing price - far, far cheaper than any other booking agent could offer. Thank you for a job well done Date of experience: 16 March 2024. Useful. Share.


    There are lots to see in the city centre of Moscow, so we decided to start our series of Russia travel videos by showing you around the most historical part ...

  20. 23 Things to Do in Moscow, Russia

    Go on a River Cruise. After visiting the Red Square, turn your attention to the Moscow River. A great way to take in the city's sites is from the water, which offers a unique and quiet perspective away from the crowds. Public transport on the river will return in 2022, with the schedule increasing year by year.

  21. Come devo fare il check-in? quando? è un'agenzia di viaggi on line di Easy Market Spa Unipersonale con sede in via Consolare 51/C, 47900 Rimini (IT), iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Rimini al n° 03109340400, REA n°278395, Partita Iva 03109340400, Capitale Sociale € 1.440.000,00 iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Rimini al n° 03109340400, REA n°278395, Partita

  22. My trip to Moscow, Russia Dec. 2021

    r/travel is a community about exploring the world. Your pictures, questions, stories, or any good content is welcome. Clickbait, spam, memes, ads/selling/buying, brochures, classifieds, surveys or self-promotion will be removed. My trip to Moscow, Russia Dec. 2021 - January 2022. would love to go if russia ever becomes a democracy.

  23. Moscow City

    🎧 Wear headphones for the best experience.For watching on a big screen 4K.In this video, we will take a walk among the skyscrapers of the Moscow City Intern...

  24. How can I check-in online? is an online travel agency from Easy Market Spa Unipersonale, with headquarters in Via Consolare 51/C, 47900 Rimini (IT), registered at "Registro delle imprese di Rimini" with n° 03109340400, REA n°278395, VAT n° 03109340400, Social Capital € 1.440.000,00 registered at "Registro delle imprese di Rimini" with n° 03109340400, REA n