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Home stretch: Learn what the means through example!

What does “home stretch” mean.

"Home stretch" means the final part or last leg of a journey or task.

What context can I use the in?

We're almost there, we're on the home stretch !

After months of hard work, we're finally on the home stretch of the project.

The marathon runners entered the home stretch and sprinted towards the finish line

Is “Home stretch” an expression, an idiom, or a proverb?

“Home stretch” is a proverb. A proverb is a short saying that teaches us something important or gives us advice. Unlike an idiom, it’s easy to understand even if it uses figurative language.

How would I use “Home stretch” effectively in context?

You can use "Home Stretch" to describe the final part or last leg of a journey or task. It implies that you are close to completing something and emphasizes the sense of progress and anticipation. For example, if you're nearing the end of a long road trip, you might say, 'We're almost there, we're on the "home stretch"!'

The marathon runners entered the home stretch and sprinted towards the finish line.

We're almost there, we're on the home stretch ! Just a few more miles to go.

Similar phrases to “Home stretch”:

Finish line

The point marking the end of a race or competition

The runners sprinted towards the finish line to complete the marathon.

End in sight

The point where something is close to being finished or achieved

After years of studying, she finally saw the end in sight as graduation approached.

The last effort or push needed to complete something

With just one week left, they made the final push to finish the project on time.

Good things to know:

Where does the phrase “home stretch” come from.

The origin of the phrase "Home Stretch" is unknown.

Is “Home stretch” common in everyday conversation?

Yes, "Home Stretch" is a common expression in everyday conversation. People often use it to convey the idea of being close to completing a task or reaching a goal.

What tone does “Home stretch” have?

"Home Stretch" conveys a tone of excitement and anticipation. It's often used to express a sense of relief and motivation as the end of a journey or task approaches.

Can “Home stretch” be used in informal and formal settings?

Yes, "Home Stretch" can be used in both informal and formal settings. It's a versatile expression that conveys the idea of nearing the completion of something. You can use it in casual conversations with friends and family, as well as in more formal situations such as work meetings or presentations.

Can it be used by itself, or is it usually part of a sentence?

It's commonly used as part of a sentence to convey its full meaning. For example, 'We're finally on the home stretch of the project.' However, in informal conversations, people might understand the phrase even if used alone, like saying 'We're on the "home stretch"!' to imply that you're close to finishing something.

Synonyms & Antonyms

  • final stretch
  • closing stages
  • almost there
  • starting point
  • opening stages
  • long way to go

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Finishing Line Quotes

50 Encouraging Quotes About Reaching the Finish Line

Meeting our goals is important to our lives and our success. We make a smart decision each time we choose to endure until we reach the finish line. Like a runner or a racecar driver, we must continue even when the going is rough if we expect to accomplish our goals at the finish line.

Like the runner from Tanzania quoted below, we are not just making our way toward the finish line – we intend to finish the race.

These 50 encouraging quotes remind us that meeting our goals is important. Christopher Reeve inspires us to do the impossible, and Duke Ellington tells us “A goal is a dream with a finish line.” Author Steven Pressfield reminds us that “resistance is the greatest just before the finish line.”

For all of us on this complex journey of life, we have selected 50 encouraging quotes about reaching the finish line.

Finishing Line Quotes

“It is not how you start the race or where you are during the race-it is how you cross the finish line that will matter.” Robert D. Hales

“Nice guys finish first. If you don’t know that, then you don’t know where the finish line is.” Garry Shandling

“A goal is a dream with a finish line.” Duke Ellington

“Remember: You’ll be left with an empty feeling if you hit the finish line alone. When you run a race as a team, though, you’ll discover that much of the reward comes from hitting the tape together. You want to be surrounded not just by cheering onlookers but by a crowd of winners, celebrating as one.” Howard Schultz

“The path of true love never ran smooth. More likely you ran out of gas, blew a tire, and hit the wall before you crossed the finish line.” Erin McCarthy

“For everyone who thought I couldn’t do it… for everyone who thought I shouldn’t do it… for everyone who said, ‘It’s impossible’… see you at the finish line!” Christopher Reeve

“In choosing joy, the finish line dissolves into a different matter altogether.” Mary Anne Radmacher

“Resistance is greatest just before the finish line.” Steven Pressfield

“~Don’t forget to cheer for yourself, when you reach the finish line~” Charmaine J Forde

“We didn’t crumble after 9/11. We didn’t falter after the Boston Marathon. But we’re America. Americans will never, ever stand down. We endure. We overcome. We own the finish line.” Joe Biden

“There is no finish line. When you reach one goal, find a new one.” Chuck Norris

“The finish line is the culmination of a journey. As such, we should never pay it so much attention that the culmination of the journey becomes the whole of the journey at the expense of the journey.” Craig D. Lounsbrough

“People who consistently win have a clear and thoughtful strategy. They know what they need to do and when they need to do it. They write it down so they stay on course, and avoid any alternative that does not get them closer to the finish line.” Phil McGraw

“The longer I persist on my journey toward my goal, the closer I come to finish line.” Debasish Mridha

“Sometimes we become so focused on the finish line, that we fail to find joy in the journey. ” Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Life is the only race you’ll run where you don’t know where the finish line is.” Steve Farrar

“In the end, the American dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay. Our families don’t always cross the finish line in the span of one generation. But each generation passes on to the next the fruits of their labor.” Julian Castro

“A horse that doesn’t set foot on the track is certainly never going to cross the finish line, let alone win the race.” Richie Norton

“Suffering produces the very endurance that will enable you to reach the finish line of the race set before you.” Catherine Martin

“You have got to decide, look, this is who I am; this is my best way to present myself, and I’m going to ride that horse to the finish line. Not everybody will like it, but that’s OK.” Phil McGraw

“When it comes to life, I would much rather have run the race well than have run the race fast. For if we understand life, we would realize that the first one to cross the finish line is not necessarily the one who actually won the race.” Craig D. Lounsbrough

“The steeper the mountain the harder the climb the better the view from the finish line” Paula Abdul

“Keep moving in the direction of your dreams. No matter how slows it may seems, stay focus, you will get to the finish line.” Lailah Gifty Akita

“Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.” Sophia Amoruso

“Once you’ve committed yourself to something, pace yourself to the finish line.” Meb Keflezighi

“Crippled and crazy, we hobble toward the finish line, pen in hand.” Siri Hustvedt

“I feel so lucky to have lived the life that I did and to be surrounded by the people I love. I’ve got eight kids, and they’re always laughing all the time. It’s like music to my ears. I think that my frame of mind these days is probably happier than I’ve ever been, which is kind of odd, coming close to the finish line.” Kris Kristofferson

“The race for excellence has no finish line.” Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

“Doesn’t matter how fast you cross the finish line if you’re running the wrong race.” Richie Norton

“At 10 minutes to seven on a dark, cool evening in Mexico City in 1968, John Stephen Akwari of Tanzania painfully hobbled into the Olympic Stadium-the last man to finish the marathon. The winner had already been crowned, and the victory ceremony was long finished. So the stadium was almost empty and Akwari – alone, his leg bloody and bandaged – struggled to circle the track to the finish line. When asked why he had continued the grueling struggle, the young man from Tanzania answered softly: My country did not send me 9,000 miles to start the race. They sent me 9,000 miles to finish the race.” Walter Inglis Anderson

“The race for Quality has no finish line – so technically, it’s more like a death march. Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.” Peter Drucker

“It is not because of setbacks that most entrepreneurs do not reach the finishing line, but because of a lack of willpower and motivation.” Danny Mekić

“It always takes the truth a little bit longer to cross the finish line.” Kim Basinger

“Opportunity to suspend disbelief is often why we watch movies. The stories and images touch us and shift perspectives in ways we may not allow in our daily lives. As readily as you check your “this isn’t real” attitude at the ticket counter – when transformers are defending earth against aliens and 21st century vampires frolic by daylight – on the big screen of your heart and mind train for, run and celebrate finishing your first marathon.” Gina Greenlee

“Conquer your fears, one fear at a time, and eventually you will reach the finish line.” Jeanette Coron

“Your ideas have legs and just as they run through your head, they could be running through someone else’s head and it’s just a matter of who gets to the finish line first. Nothing is new under the sun so act on your ideas.” Sanjo Jendayi

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” John Bingham

“I have great empathy for all the contestants that come on ‘Top Chef,’ whether they go home right away or they make it to the finish line. It’s a very vulnerable position they put themselves in and I feel for them.” Padma Lakshmi

“You have to face a giant to become one.” Johnnie Dent Jr.

“As we make our way toward the finish line that some of us have already crossed, I never thought I’d get a Grammy Award. In fact, I was always touched by the modesty of their interest.” Leonard Cohen

“As your training integrates Mind, Body and Spirit, enjoy the process. Your journey to the marathon finish will last a few hours. Your journey to the start will influence a lifetime.” Gina Greenlee

“Everything ends; you just have to figure out a way to push to the finish line.” Jesse Itzler

“Keep your eyes on the finish line and not on the turmoil around you.” Rihanna

“There are times when you run a marathon and you wonder, Why am I doing this? But you take a drink of water, and around the next bend, you get your wind back, remember the finish line, and keep going.” Steve Jobs

“Crossing the starting line may be an act of courage, but crossing the finish line is an act of faith. Faith is what keeps us going when nothing else will. Faith is the emotion that will give you victory over your past, the demons in your soul, & all of those voices that tell you what you can & cannot do & can & cannot be.” John Bingham

“Your spirit is the duster of any spider web. Behind every finish line, there is a start one. Behind every success, there is another challenge. While you are alive, be alive. If you miss what you once did, do it again. Don’t live in yellow photos… Continue although everyone expects you to give up. Don’t let oxide the iron that is inside you. Do that instead of pity, and they will respect you. When because of years you cannot run, jog. When you cannot jog, walk. When you cannot walk, use a cane. But never stop!” Mother Teresa

“There is no finish line to leadership.” Julia Hartz

“Why is it that the finish line always tends to appear just after the point at which we most want to give up? is it the universe’s way of reserving the best for those who can give the most? What I do know, from nature, is that the dawn only appears after the darkest hour.” Bear Grylls

“Being the first to cross the finish line makes you a winner in only one phase of life. It’s what you do after you cross the line that really counts.” Ralph Boston

“I have been running so sweaty my whole life urgent for a finish line and I have been missing the rapture this whole time of being forever incomplete” Alanis Morissette


This is short but incredibly motivating!

These encouraging quotes remind us that meeting our goals is important, just as the journey there is critical to our success and satisfaction. They also remind us that some fun can be enjoyed along the way.

So reach your goals, but pay attention to the journey!

Alice Judy

I’m Alice Judy and AnQuotes is a fun hobby for me. We know that everyone loves a great quote and our mission here is simple – to be the best and most interesting quote site in the world! If you have quotes you would like us to cover, please contact us.

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last leg of a journey

Air Travel Questions

Can I Skip The Last Leg Of My Flight? What To Know 2023

April 26, 2023

Ethan Harris

Table of Contents

Can I Skip the Last Leg of My Flight?

Can I skip the last leg of my flight? You find a cheap flight, but there’s a catch: it’s a connecting flight with multiple legs. You’re tempted to skip that last leg of the flight, but what about the consequences? Don’t sweat it! We’ll cover everything you need to know about skipping the final leg of your flight and whether it’s a good idea or not.

Overview: Can I Skip The Last Leg Of My Flight?

You might get away with skipping the last leg of your flight once or twice as long as you don’t have checked bags . Remember that your bags will continue to your final destination, which could leave you in a pickle!

Is It a Good Idea to Skip the Final Leg of a Flight?

  • Let’s face it: sometimes, we want to get from point A to point B, without the hassle of long-haul flights and multiple layovers.
  • Skipping the last leg of your flight might seem like a good idea, but it can lead to complications, such as cancellation of the rest of your flights or even your frequent flyer account being flagged.

What Happens If I Miss the First Leg of My Flight?

  • If you miss the first leg of your flight, your entire itinerary may be canceled!
  • Airlines have cancellation policies, so knowing these before booking your trip is important.
  • If you have a valid reason for missing your first flight, like a flat tire or bad weather, contact the airline representatives as soon as possible to avoid further complications.

What About Skipping the Last Leg of My Itinerary?

  • Skipping the last leg of your itinerary might not have as dire consequences as missing the first leg, but it’s still not recommended.
  • Airlines frown upon “hidden-city ticketing,” where passengers book a multi-leg flight and only use it for part of the journey.
  • Some airlines, like American Airlines and British Airways, may even impose a fine or require you to pay the fare difference if they catch you using hidden city ticketing.
  • If you have a round-trip ticket, skipping the last leg of your itinerary could cancel your return trip.

How Can I Get Cheaper Flights Without Skipping a Leg?

  • Look for one-way flights or one-way trips, sometimes cheaper than round-trip tickets.
  • Use travel search engines like Google Flights to find the best flight deals.
  • Sign up for airline credit card promotions to earn miles and perks like elite status or priority boarding.

Tips for Making the Most of a Connecting Flight

  • If you’re stuck with a connecting flight, try to make the most of your layover city.
  • Plan your travel dates and departure times wisely to minimize layovers and optimize your schedule.
  • If you have a layover, ensure enough time to reach the next flight, especially if you have to change airports or airlines.

Skip First Leg Of Flight, Or Skip Last Leg Of Flight. Man Watching Airplane From Terminal

Here’s the lowdown on some key factors to consider:

  • If you have a return flight or a round-trip ticket, skipping the last leg of your journey might cancel your return ticket .
  • If you’re on a direct or one-stop flight and decide to skip the last leg, you might miss out on cheap flights to popular destinations like New York or other international flights .
  • Skipping the last leg might work if you have a one-way ticket and don’t plan to book future flights with the same airline.
  • If you need to catch the next available flight and you’re considering skipping the last leg, consult with a check-in agent or gate agent to discuss your options.
  • Remember that skipping the last leg of your flight might affect your frequent flyer status, especially if it’s a last flight in your itinerary.

Other things to keep in mind:

  • Skipping the last leg can be a gamble, especially if you have a missed flight or need to reschedule.
  • You might find cheaper tickets or better deals by looking for one-way tickets or basic economy fares.
  • If you’re considering skipping the last leg, ensure you have a boarding pass for your next flight and that your departure time and scheduled departure allow for any last-minute changes.
  • Be cautious when booking flights with multiple airlines or connecting tickets ; you might face complications with the second airline or when transferring between legs of the journey .

When it’s not a good idea to skip the last leg:

  • If you have a short check connection, skipping the last leg of the flight could cause issues with your airport change or result in a missed connection.
  • If you have a non-stop flight or a portion of a plane ticket that includes multiple airline carriers , skipping the last leg could lead to complications.
  • For a seamless travel experience, ensure you have a QR code or other necessary documentation for all your flights, including any one-stop flights .

Q: Can I book separate itineraries with different airlines and still skip the last leg of my flight?

A: Booking separate itineraries with different airlines can make skipping the last leg of your flight easier, but it’s not foolproof. If the airlines catch on to your hidden-city ticketing, you could still face the consequences.

Q: Are there any more lenient airlines about skipping the last leg of a flight?

A: Reports from online forums indicate Southwest Airlines is known to be more lenient about this practice, but it’s still not encouraged. If you choose to do so, be aware of the risks involved.

Q: Can I use my reusable travel funds or senior funds to book a new ticket if I skip the last leg of my flight?

A: It depends on the airline and its specific policies. Check with your airline to see if you can use your travel funds or senior discounts to book a new ticket after skipping the last leg of your flight.

Q: Will I still earn frequent flyer miles if I skip the last leg of my flight?

A: If you skip the last leg of your flight, you will not earn frequent flyer miles for that itinerary. Some airlines might even flag your account if they suspect you’re engaging in hidden-city ticketing, which could lead to additional consequences.

Q: Is there any way to change my final destination without incurring a change fee?

A: Change fees vary by airline and fare class. Some airlines may waive change fees for certain circumstances or passengers with elite status. You can try booking a one-way ticket or a flexible fare to avoid changing fees but always read the fine print to understand the airline’s policies.

In a nutshell, skipping the last leg of your flight might be tempting, but it’s not without risks. Airlines take hidden-city ticketing seriously, and you could face the consequences like fines, fare differences, or even account flagging. So, before you decide to skip that final leg, weigh the pros and cons, and consider alternative ways to find cheaper flights or make the most of your connecting flight. Happy travels!

Marilyn R. Gardner

last leg of a journey

The Last Leg of the Journey

It is early morning here in Boston. The sun has not yet shown her face and gas lamps still light the street outside my living room window. It’s quiet and peaceful here inside and my coffee tastes oh so good.

I’ve just returned from a work trip to Thailand for a conference, a trip that I thought I would have to cancel. Instead, I was able to go. There was something about the unexpected gift of going that made it all the more precious. Every minute felt necessary, every conversation important. The connections I made were extraordinary – some with people I met previously online, others with strangers who quickly became friends. While that may be an unoriginal statement, it is still true.

My return trip was over 50 hours long. Three flights, two long layovers, and then the final leg of the journey from Doha, Qatar to Boston – a 13 plus hour flight.

The last leg of the journey is always the most difficult. The excitement on beginning the journey is replaced by a bone-weary tiredness, a longing for home. Muscles cramp, plane food tastes terrible, and nerves are on edge. Books are no longer attention holders, and movie plots blend until you aren’t sure what you watched or why you watched it.

The last leg of the journey feels interminable, a never-ending cycle of eat, sleep, walk to the bathroom, watch a movie, read a few lines of a book, and repeat, repeat, repeat.

As I traveled the other day, my mind was miles away with my mom in Rochester, New York. My mom is on the last leg of a different kind of journey. While the last leg of my journey led me to Boston and a little, red house with a charming garden, my mom’s journey will take her to a home that she never has to leave again – her forever home. She is on hospice, that service dedicated to caring for the dying, giving them the dignity each person deserves as they end their lives on this earth.

I spoke with her the day I arrived back. “How are you?” I asked. “Tired,” she replied. “I think I’m homesick for my forever home.” She is 95 years old, and she is weary. Her body betrays her daily, not allowing her to do things she has always done. Her eyesight and hearing are both fuzzy, disorienting and frustrating for her. This last leg of her journey feels like a long one to me, and I know it is interminable for her. It is an up and down journey of weakness, difficulty breathing, small bites at mealtimes, a bit more strength, bigger bites at mealtimes, less difficulty breathing, repeat, repeat, repeat. It is difficult on those around her, and it is difficult on her.

In truth, I don’t understand God’s ways and why this journey has to be so long. I join a throng of others who have questioned God on matters of death through the centuries, perhaps including Jesus himself. Why is it so interminable? Why is it so hard? Why do I feel she is forsaken by God even as I know she is not?

Why? Why? Why?

The “whys” of our lives will make us crazy. There is no answer. There is only shaky faith, only the valley of the shadow of death. And yet – as a friend recently pointed out to me, shadows always mean that light is somewhere.

Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. How many hours are in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Probably half the questions we ask – half our great theological and metaphysical problems – are like that. CS Lewis in A Grief Observed

So, I beg a God that I don’t always trust to hear my weak prayers for my mom. I beg him to give her strength for what is now and what is to come, I ask him to bear her up, to hold her close and keep her from despondency; to comfort and protect her during this last leg of her journey.

Like the end of C.S. Lewis’ book The Last Battle , all her life and adventures on this earth have been only the cover and title page of her story. The cover and title page will soon be turned, and the last leg of the journey will be over. Though we don’t know when, this is when chapter one of the great story will begin. And with it, she will finally be in her forever home where all journeys, questions, and whys are captured in the love, light, and glory of God.

And all will be well.

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8 thoughts on “ The Last Leg of the Journey ”

Marilyn dear, Any chance that your dear Mother’s memorial Service will be on line?? If not, you all have my LOVE and prayers anyway!! LOVE Auntie Mary

My Mom completed her earthly journey on October 24th and I know, when the dust settles, my life will not be the same. She was calm and peaceful. I wish that for your Mom. And you.

Feel your pain for those long travel legs and understand a bit about the pain & questions that arise when our closest loved ones–the ones who birthed/raised us–are in the struggling twilight end of their long journey here on earth. So thankful that with faith in Christ, their & our security in eternity is safe-guarded & sure.

May your mum be held safe on this final journey-& may you carry your longing with hope 💙🙏🏻

Sent from my iPhone

Beautifully written and this expresses what we felt this past year as we walked with Mom as she traveled the last leg of her journey. It is so hard and there are so many emotions. My heart understands and hurts with you. Love and hugs.

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Onward and upward! Farther up and further in! Praying for you, friend. May God’s unfathomable peace be your constant companion during this stretch of the journey.

Beautifully written, glad you made it home safely.

Hi Marilyn – I am having a similar experience. My father at 103 is in hospice and is ready to go. He is tired of not being able to do the things he always enjoyed. As simple as taking a walk. And he is tired of not remembering things. We all hope he will move on soon for his sake. Whether it is god or the universe, I hope there is peace for your mother.

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Marisa Abela in Back to Black (2024)

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‘A Journey’ Review – A Beautiful Yet Tragic Tale Of Death, Life, And Love

'A Journey' Review - A Beautiful Yet Tragic Tale Of Death, Life, And Love

A Journey is a heartwrenching Filipino drama about a woman with cancer setting out to complete her bucket list together with her husband and childhood friend. It’s a beautiful and compelling piece of filmmaking about what truly matters. 

I must warn you though, this film will make you very sad. 

A Journey opens with cancer survivor Shane, her husband Bryan, and their best friend Kristoff, aka Tupe, celebrating her 39th birthday at a karaoke bar. Kristoff is a famous television actor and Bryan works as his manager while Shane runs a coffee shop. The three have been friends since childhood, while Bryan and Shane have been in love for just as long. 

Not long after her birthday, Shane notices some worrying symptoms and goes to her oncologist. The news is devastating, Shane’s cancer has returned. After having suffered through chemo once before, Shane doesn’t want treatment this time. Instead, she wants to spend whatever time she has left getting through her “magic list” with Bryan and Tupe’s help. The list includes some fun items like seeing penguins, going snorkeling, and recreating her first date with Bryan, but also emotionally heavy goals like reconnecting with her estranged father. 

'A Journey' Review - A Beautiful Yet Tragic Tale Of Death, Life, And Love

A Journey (via Netflix)

A Journey is a heartfelt drama exploring themes of love, friendship, and the things that matter when faced with mortality. It may start with a bad karaoke scene, but this isn’t a feel-good romance where everything is honky dory in the end. The film offers an honest (and depressing) exploration of the often tragic reality of the human condition.

A devastated Bryan seems to accept his wife’s decision and even quits his job to spend time with her. He does, however, have an ulterior motive as he’s hoping Shane will agree to start her cancer treatments once the magic list is complete. Wanting to help, Tupe organizes an all-expenses paid trip to Tasmania for the trio. Shane is apprehensive about allowing her friend to pay for such an expensive trip, but she eventually relents. 

'A Journey' Review - A Beautiful Yet Tragic Tale Of Death, Life, And Love

A Journey | Image via Netflix

As lighthearted as the trio tries to be during their trip, the finality of their actions is never far from our minds. One compelling scene is where Tupe and Bryan debate whether life is about the journey or the destination. For Tupe, it’s about the destination, but Bryan sees the journey as more important. Shane, however, is acutely aware of how important each moment is and wants to spend her time making the most of it. 

The premise of a cancer patient choosing to live to the fullest in their final months has been done before, most notably in the 2007 tearjerker The Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. However, a movie doesn’t need to have a never-before-seen synopsis to be good. And that’s precisely what A Journey is. It’s a touching story about three childhood friends finding meaning in their lives in the face of devastating adversity.

I also broke down A Journey’s ending if you wanted some emotional support after that crushing climax. You can also read more about Penguin, Tasmania , where the movie was filmed. And if you’re interested, here are 5 romantic Filipino movies like A Journey you should also check out.

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Article by Lori Meek

Lori Meek has been a Ready Steady Cut contributing writer since September 2022 and has had over 400 published articles since. She studied Film and Television at Southampton Solent University, where she gained most of her knowledge and passion for the entertainment industry. Lori’s work is also featured on platforms such as TBreak Media and ShowFaves.

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Wisconsin man accused of killing, dismembering woman while on a date

Authorities relied on text messages, witnesses, security video and phone-tracking data to build a case against a man accused of killing and dismembering a Milwaukee woman with whom he was on a date, court records show.

Maxwell Anderson, 33, also of Milwaukee, is charged with first-degree intentional homicide, mutilating a corpse and arson in the slaying of Sade Robinson, 19. The two went on a date April 1, the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office said in a criminal complaint filed last week.

Sade Robinson.

A severed leg found the next day has been preliminary identified as belonging to Robinson, the complaint says. The right leg with painted toes was found near a 100-foot bluff by the water's edge in Warnimont Park.

A woman who identified herself as Robinson’s grandmother said Wednesday afternoon that she was too distraught to talk about the teenager. No one else with Robinson’s family could be reached for comment.

Anderson remains at the Milwaukee County Jail in lieu of $5 million bail, according to jail and court records. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Monday.

Anderson’s lawyer could not immediately be reached for comment Wednesday afternoon. His relatives also could not be reached.

'The toes on the feet had pink nail polish'

According to the complaint, someone reported finding the leg around 5:30 p.m. April 2.

"The leg was severed just below the hip socket and appeared to have been sawn off. The toes on the feet had pink nail polish. The leg did not appear to be decomposing," the complaint says.

One of Robinson’s friends went to Milwaukee police that evening to report that Robinson was not her on phone and did not show up at work. The friend said Robinson’s last known activity was a post on Snapchat the previous night about how she was at a bar, according to the complaint.

The city’s fire department found Robinson’s 2020 Honda Civic the morning of April 2, with heavy interior damage from a fire, the complaint alleges.

Four days later, on April 6, Milwaukee police found a human foot adjacent to train tracks and human flesh in the same area where the car had been discovered. The foot and the right leg found days earlier appeared to belong to the same person because of skin tone, size and "having matching pink nail polish," the complaint said.

'Yes I love seafood'

Investigators also focused on forensic data before Anderson was charged. Evidence included text messages Robinson and Anderson exchanged on April 1.

Using those texts, along with tracking data from Robinson’s phone, investigators pieced together a timeline of what they believe were her final hours.

In text messages, Robinson and Anderson discussed meeting at a seafood restaurant where Anderson used to work. Robinson responded, "Yes I love seafood," the complaint said.

Video from the restaurant showed the pair eating and talking for about an hour before they moved to a bar, officials said. According to the complaint, video from the bar shows Robinson exiting her car while Anderson leaves from the passenger side.

They remained at the bar until about 9:20 p.m., when data from Robinson's phone placed her near Anderson's residence, the complaint says. Her phone remained in that area until about 12:45 a.m., officials said.

Investigators used a location-sharing app on the victim's phone to track its whereabouts for the next four hours, until the battery died.

Robinson's phone appeared to be in the park where the severed leg was found from around 3 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. April 2, the complaint says.

Videos, a car ablaze and bloody bedding

In addition to witnesses, text messages and the phone-tracking data, investigators also collected other video.

Video from the area near where the severed leg was found shows a "human figure" descending the bluff toward the beach just after 3 a.m., the complaint says.

Hours later, around 7:30 a.m., video from a bus and a convenience store captured a man walking away from a burning vehicle, officials said. A witness walking by the area told investigators she saw a man get out of Robinson's car from the driver's side and toss a lit lighter inside, according to the complaint.

Anderson was allegedly seen soon after he boarded another bus heading in the direction of his home, the complaint says. The man on the second bus was wearing the exact clothing and backpack as the man seen walking away from the car fire, officials said.

Anderson was arrested during a traffic stop on April 4. A search of his car turned up a hooded coat that appeared to be the same one he wore on the bus, the complaint alleges. 

Officials say they collected evidence during a search of Anderson’s home.

“[B]lood was located on bedding in one of the bedrooms and on the walls leading towards the basement. Several gasoline containers were located in the garage/storage area,” the complaint reads.

Milwaukee County Sheriff Denita Ball thanked her detectives and Milwaukee police in a statement for their work on the case.

“With little rest and a great deal of pressure, they have remained focused and relentless, 24-hours a day. Their efforts to carefully build this case with a host of other partners to locate and tie together evidence, will go a long way towards bringing justice and, hopefully, peace to the family and loved ones of Sade Robinson.”

If he is convicted on the homicide charge, Anderson could be sentenced to life in prison, according to the criminal complaint.

Antonio Planas is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital. 


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