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Bastide Le Confort Médical Tours

Horaires d'ouverture.

  • 09:00 - 13:00
  • 14:00 - 18:00
  • Prendre rendez-vous

Me faire rappeler

Vente de matériel médical à tours.

L’équipe du magasin Bastide Le Confort Médical de Tours vous accueille du lundi au vendredi : 9h- 13h / 14h – 18h, et le samedi de 9h à 13h. Retrouvez tout le matériel médical nécessaire pour conserver votre autonomie et votre mobilité en toute sécurité à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur de votre domicile. L’équipe de Bastide Le Confort Médical de Tours vous conseille pour l’achat et la location de matériel médical.

Location de matériel médical à Tours

Bastide Le Confort Médical est le spécialiste du maintien à domicile depuis plus de 40 ans. Pour simplifier le retour à domicile d’un patient, Bastide Le Confort Médical met tout en œuvre pour simplifier le travail des aidants et des soignants. Prenez rendez-vous dès maintenant avec l’agence Bastide Le Confort Médical la plus proche de chez vous .

Matériel médical pour professionnels de santé à Tours

Professionnels de santé ? Découvrez notre espace pro dans la boutique de Tours. Notre sélection regroupe tout le matériel médical professionnel nécessaire pour les soins et pansements , l’hygiène et la désinfection , et le matériel de diagnostic . Vous souhaitez vous équiper ou équiper votre cabinet, retrouvez notre sélection de mobilier médical , nos tenues, mallettes et accessoires .

Boutique de matériel médical en ligne

Si vous souhaitez connaitre l’ensemble des produits disponibles dans le réseau Bastide Le Confort Médical, découvrez vite notre boutique en ligne composée d’un espace grand public et d’un espace pour les professionnel(le)s de santé. L’ensemble du matériel médical est disponible 7j/7 et 24h/24 toute l’année et au meilleur prix.

Des conseils pour acheter du matériel médical ?

Besoin de conseil sur les produits Bastide Le Confort Médical ? Découvrez notre actualité rédigée par nos experts du maintien à domicile. Venez partager avec nous sur notre blog, ou sur les différents réseaux sociaux Facebook et Twitter .


Pourquoi choisir Bastide pour le matériel médical ?

Bastide le confort médical, 1er réseau de vente et location de matériel médical en france.

(= selectedStore.title =)

(= selectedStore.address =) (= selectedStore.timetable =)

Les champs marqués d'une * sont obligatoires.

Prendre rendez-vous en agence

Contactez notre service client.

09 69 326 623

Du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 12h et de 13h à 17h. Appel non surtaxé

Trouver l’agence la plus proche de chez-vous

Trouver de l’aide.

Matériel médical pour votre maintien à domicile

Arair assistance, spécialiste, tranquillise votre maintien à domicile.

Reconnue depuis longtemps par les professionnels de santé, ARAIR Assistance vous propose une large gamme de matériels médicaux performants, adaptés à toutes les situations. Véritable partenaire tout au long du parcours de soins du patient, ARAIR Assistance installe et adapte tout le matériel nécessaire pour une prise en charge experte et personnalisée.

Notre offre de matériel médical à domicile

Vous êtes un particulier, vous êtes un établissement de santé.

arair materiel medical tours

Vous ou l’un de vos proches avez plus que jamais besoin de confort et de sécurité dans votre environnement quotidien ? Votre médecin vous a prescrit une ordonnance de matériel médical pour votre maintien ou votre retour à domicile ?

Nos équipes de professionnels vous conseillent et vous proposent le meilleur matériel selon vos besoins quotidiens.

N’hésitez pas à prendre contact avec l’un de nos conseillers au 02 47 25 45 00.

arair materiel medical tours

ARAIR Assistance, intervenant en Centre-Val de Loire et Pays de la Loire,  propose une offre de matériels médicalisés à domicile à la location ou à la vente. Pour découvrir l'ensemble de nos offres de service ou obtenir notre catalogue à destination des structures, nos conseillers se tiennent à votre disposition par téléphone au 02 47 25 45 00 ou via notre formulaire de contact.

Nous vous proposons également : 

  • Une offre de maintenance de votre parc de lits médicalisés
  • Une large gamme de consommables (petits matériels)
  • Une prise en charge respiratoire en oxygénothérapie de vos résidents

Notre prise en charge en 4 étapes

1 : Contactez-nous au 02 47 25 45 00.

2 : Nous effectuons les démarches administratives auprès de la caisse d’assurance maladie pour la prise en charge financière.

3 : Que ce soit lors de l’installation ou pour les visites de suivi, nous prenons rendez-vous avec le patient ou le professionnel de santé, tout en adaptant nos visites à leur emploi du temps et à leurs contraintes.

4 : Nous installons le matériel dans l’environnement souhaité et informons le patient et/ou l’aidant à son utilisation. A la fin du traitement, nous récupérons le matériel au domicile ou en structure.

Les + d’ARAIR Assistance

La location

La vente : essais et maintenance

Les conseils et la formation

Une assistance psychologique et/ou sociale

L’accompagnement, si nécessaire, de nos professionnels pour le matériel « Handicap » (visite à domicile, prises de mesures et essais personnalisés...)

Une équipe pluridisciplinaire dotée d’un ergothérapeute vous conseillant sur les matériels médicaux et leur utilisation

Evaluez vos besoins en matériel médical

L’évaluation des besoins à domicile vous aide à analyser votre degré d’autonomie et ainsi trouver les dispositifs médicaux les plus adaptés à votre situation. 

Mieux vivre à domicile

La mise en place de matériel médical à votre domicile vous permet de vivre de manière autonome et de profiter de votre quotidien.  Il existe un grand nombre d'aides que vous pouvez mettre en place en complément du matériel : associations, aides à domicile, aides financières..   

Annuaire des

Magasins de FRANCE

  • Indre-et-Loire
  • Magasin de matériel médical

Harmonie Médical Service Tours


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Magasin de matériel médical Harmonie Médical Service Tours Tours

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A propos de : Magasin de matériel médical Harmonie Médical Service Tours à Tours

Accessibilité :.

Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant

Paiements :

Cartes de paiement

Services disponibles :

Retrait en magasin

Achats en magasin

Tags: Magasin de matériel médical , Fournisseur de matériel médical et chirurgical , Fournisseur d'équipement pour personnes handicapées , Grossiste en produits chirurgicaux ,

Les derniers avis :


Accueil au top par les conseillères orthopédiques pour l'attelle de ma fille, c'est bien agréable d'être reçu ainsi. Recommandé !

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN1M2ZQSWN3EAE - 0 --------------


Très bonne boutique que j'ai connu en tant que professionnel, j'y vais maintenant comme particulier toujours très bien reçu. Cela fait deux fois que j'y vais hélas une fois un problème de terminal carte bleue j'ai été débité deux fois (petite somme 4.50€) j'ai été rappelé pour que l'on me rembourse, hier je vais faire un nouvel achat plus cher je me suis rendu compte une fois rendu chez moi que le tarif étiqueté et ce que j'ai payé était différent en ma défaveur. Je les recontacte dès le matin et leur explique, pas de soucis monsieur passé on va vous rembourser la différence. En résumé rien a dire beaucoup de magasins pourraient prendre modèle sur cette enseigne. Bon courage a tous et toutes ne changez rien continuez comme çà. A très bientôt.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURPcy1XREF3EAE - 0 --------------


Je suis vraiment très déçu chez Hms beaucoup de changement atelier je n'aime moins les 2 jeunes services ! Parce j'ai un problème mon fauteuil électrique ma roue j'entends des bruits cla cla cla et je n'ai marre ,,, il faut un rendez vous dans 2 ou 3 semaines ! Atelier qu'il vous pouvez rouler documents c'est pas géniale Bref J'ai jamais vu de ma vie !!!!! ,,, Bref 2 étoiles 2021 vdm 😪😪😪😪😪😪 ,,,,,,,, Avant était bien oui 5 étoiles j'aime bien aimer

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQ2bG83ZWp3RRAB - 0 --------------


Tout d'abord, je tiens à remercier pour l'accueil qui fait très plaisir dans ces temps difficiles. Le personnel est très professionnel et prends le temps de bien expliquer l'utilisation du matériel pour lequel nous étions venu. Un grand merci. Je recommande vivement à mon entourage. Très bonne équipe. Mes salutations.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUQ2NXBQN093EAE - 0 --------------


Je vous remercie car grâce à vous mon Valentino a une super brassière vous avez été super car en même pas 24 h.m et livrer a l hôpital. Il a cette nouvelle brassière merci à la professionnelle qui a mis en confiance Valentino. Par sa patience. Un grand merci. Maman de Valentino

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURxenBTV0h3EAE - 0 --------------


Excellent accueil téléphonique et suivi mail , équipe ultra réactive et arrangeante. Livreurs sympas et serviables. Un grand merci.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUR5eExPc0V3EAE - 0 --------------


Un bon accueil et de très bons conseils.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURDdEtmUC1nRRAB - 0 --------------


Renseignements de qualité et bon accueil

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNnckpPVkhREAE - 0 --------------

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  • 11 Av. du Danemark
  • harmonie-medical-service.fr

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Aussi à Tours


The medical travel patient experience starts with you.

arair materiel medical tours

You can get a Certified Medical Travel Professional designation live at our conference on October 15. Attendees will participate on an 8-hour workshop and give an exam at the end of that workshop. Delivering an outstanding patient/guest experience on a consistent basis is not something that can be improvised; it requires in-depth knowledge of your customers’ needs and expectations. There are considerations regarding culture and language, care management, travel coordination, risk mitigation and legal and privacy issues. Whether you work in the healthcare or hospitality fields, as a Certified Medical Travel Professional (CMTP) you will possess the skills and knowledge to facilitate the seamless integration of quality, safety, and service at all touch points along the Medical Travel Care Continuum™. Not available to attend without the certification ticket.

A Certification for:

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Healthcare Management Executives

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Travel Agents

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Hospitality Professionals


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Insurance Agents & Brokers

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Human Resources Executives

Certification benefits:, access to online continuing education resources.

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Provides You with Professional Recognition

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New Career Opportunities

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Offer A Higher Level of Knowledge & Experience to Your Clients & Employer

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Learning Objectives

Understand motivations for medical travel and key stakeholders

Learn about the unique needs and expectations of medical travelers

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Medical Travel Care Continuum

Learn about payment models, risk mitigation and marketing

Learn how to deliver an outstanding patient/guest experience

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MedicalTourism.com is a free, confidential, independent resource for patients and industry providers. Our mission is to provide a central portal where patients, medical tourism providers, hospitals, clinics, employers, and insurance companies can all find the information they need. Our site focuses on patients looking for specific knowledge in the fields of medical tourism, dental tourism, and health tourism.

Our Response to COVID-19 →

Role of Air Medical Transportation in Medical and Wellness Tourism

arair materiel medical tours

Heard the saying? “It isn’t exactly brain surgery.” Well, this time it is. And it is your brain. You fought this battle long enough and now you decided to go ahead and let someone remove the area where the seizures originate. A world-renowned neurosurgeon at a top-rated facility located on another continent is chosen… You have your dates figured out; got your passport and your visa; got the hotel reservations and travel insurance purchased. Now, how are you going to get there when the farthest you’ve traveled was from home to your doctor’s office? Your seizures are quite frequent and unpredictable. What if it happens while flying? The best airline itinerary you found takes more than 16 hours of travel time with a four hour layover! More stress. More fatigue. …Further increasing the risk for seizures. …What are you going to do? …How are you going to get there?

Las Vegas is quickly becoming a global medical tourism destination featuring specialty spinal and back surgery, brain, cancer and infertility centers, obstetric and neo-natal care units, and weight control and plastic and reconstructive surgical facilities. ‍

However, seeking medical care away from home, even in a tourist Mecca like Las Vegas, can be a frightening and daunting process. One element of medical tourism often overlooked is transportation to and from a medical destination. ‍

Private air ambulance is one method. Private air ambulance offers the benefit of convenience, safety, confidentiality and continuous care that cannot be obtained from commercial travel. It also allows patients to return home almost immediately after a procedure, enabling recovery and recuperation among family and friends, rather than in a strange and unfamiliar city. ‍

First and foremost, patients should use air ambulance services that are medically licensed and accredited. Ask to see a license. Ask for accreditation and by whom. Then check. Call the state medical licensing board to find out if the air ambulance is licensed. ‍

CAMTS (Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems) is the primary means of air ambulance accreditation in the United States. CAMTS is an independent, non-profit agency that audits and accredits medical transport services to a set of industry-established criteria. There are approximately 154 air ambulance services worldwide that meet the rigorous standards of CAMTS accreditation. To find ‍

Private air ambulance offers the benefit of convenience, safety, confidentiality and continuous care that cannot be obtained through commercial travel.

out if the air ambulance service under consideration is one of them, visit: www.camts.org/Accredited-Services.html. ‍

Health and safety is worth the extra half-hour it takes to confirm that the people in whom trust is placed are both licensed and accredited. ‍

Licensed and accredited air ambulance in-flight medical teams, usually consisting of a nurse and paramedic, are specially trained and experienced in medical care during flight. They have the education, training and experience to safely care for patients, no matter the condition, and to react to unforeseen circumstances or medical issues. In flight, these professionals are also able to communicate with medical experts on the ground to manage patient care more safely and efficiently. ‍

The aircraft is also important. Ask the company if they use a two-engine pressurized aircraft. Most do. Some don’t. Licensed and accredited companies use aircrafts that are specially modified into flying intensive-care units.

This means the aircraft is equipped with the same medical equipment and supplies found in any hospital intensive-care unit including ventilators, monitors, cardiac equipment, medications and other supplies to ensure transportation is safe and comfortable.

Some unlicensed companies just put a hospital bed aboard a charter airplane and call themselves an air ambulance… until the next charter flight comes around. ‍

Licensed and certified air ambulances also offer the greatest safety and convenience for the medical traveler. For example, patients travelling to Las Vegas for back surgery will need to recuperate for an extended period of time before commercial travel home.

By flying home in an air ambulance, patients can return when they want, no matter where in the world they live. For some destinations, if patients wish, they can have surgery in the morning and sleep in their bed the same night. And they will travel secure in the knowledge that they are receiving the same level of care as they would receive in any hospital. ‍

Patients with elective or non-elective cosmetic surgeries can also benefit. Travel by air ambulance allows the luxury of going home privately without displaying post-procedure conditions for all to see.

In addition, licensed and certified in-flight medical teams are skilled at managing pain and discomfort; along with treating any unforeseen changes in condition that may arise during return trips home. ‍

Leukemia, lymphoma, congenital immunodeficiency or treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy, may compromise immune systems and make commercial air travel impractical. Travel by air ambulance protects these patients by avoiding unnecessary exposure to others while obtaining the required medical care.

The opposite is also true. Some medical travelers may be treated for communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis or meningitis. To minimize public exposure, many of these patients are prohibited from flying commercially. Air ambulance medical crews are trained in transporting these patients while preventing the transmission of diseases to others. ‍

Gastric surgery and specialized weight-loss centers assist patients suffering from health complications due to obesity. These patients are often unable to fly commercially due to size and weight restrictions. Air ambulances are able to transport significantly overweight patients and reduce related complications to air travel. ‍

Transplant tourism is also on the rise. In some areas, the demand for organs far outstrips the supply. Some of these patients travel to other areas of the United States or internationally. Many of these patients are too sick to travel commercially.

In addition, because there is a very small window of time, usually 3-5 hours from the time the organ is available to the moment of transplant, commercial air travel is not feasible. On the other hand, private air ambulances operate 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.

Once a patient is notified an organ is available, they can be airborne in less than an hour and flown almost anywhere in the contiguous United States, Canada, and Mexico within that critical five-hour time frame. ‍

Once the procedure is complete and the patient is released from the transplant facility, an air ambulance can provide transport home from anywhere in the world for recuperation and follow-up care. ‍

Private air medical transportation prices vary, from as little as $7,500.00 for regional transports to more than $100,000 for certain global medical service. Furthermore, most insurance companies only cover air medical transportation deemed medically necessary and only to the nearest higher level of care facility. In other words, they generally do not provide coverage for elective medical tourism travel. ‍

However, health insurance providers, aware of growing medical costs, are beginning to implement “travel benefits” or “global policies” that may provide coverage for international travel for lower-cost treatment.

For those who become ill or injured while traveling for business or pleasure, travel insurance may cover the cost of transportation home for treatment or recuperation. Check with insurance agents for options. ‍

There are also less costly air medical transportation options for some patients depending on medical conditions. Commercial airline stretcher transports are available for bed-ridden, yet stable, patients flying internationally. A medical bed is set up on a commercial aircraft.

Care is overseen by a licensed flight nurse and paramedic who travel with the patient to their final destination. The air ambulance company also provides the medical equipment and medications required for a trip. While this option is less expensive, it is less private and there are limitations to the medical equipment allowed onboard. ‍

Patients able to sit and get on and off commercial aircraft with minimal assistance can be accompanied by medical escorts who monitor health conditions during commercial flights and assist with oxygen or medications, if necessary. This is the least expensive option, but also the most limited. Other than oxygen, there is no medical equipment provided, and the medications available are limited as well. ‍

There are many options available for medical tourists — and others — needing to fly between their home and medical destination. Knowing options and what to look for in choosing an air ambulance service allows both patient and physician to make educated decisions about which company and transport option is best. ‍

About the Author

Life Guard International, also known as Flying ICU, is a fixedwing air medical transport provider based in Las Vegas. Life Guard is licensed in Nevada, Arizona and Utah; and is CAMTSaccredited. Life Guard transports patients in all conditions from the very stable to the most critical, throughout Nevada, the United States, and the world, 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a week. Along with in-flight care and transportation, Life Guard’s bedside-to-bedside service ranges from obtaining authorization from insurance providers; patient ground transportation at origin and destination; and making necessary accommodations for travelling family members. For further information, call (888) 359-6428 or visit www.flyingicu.com.

Exploring the Surge of Cosmetic Tourism: Trends and Considerations in Aesthetic Procedures Abroad

Holistic healing: exploring integrative medicine and wellness retreats, meeting the surge: the growing demand for knee replacement surgeries and advances in the field, innovations in medical technology: how cutting-edge technology drives medical tourism, stem cells have powerful anti-aging properties, breakthrough stem cell treatment for autism, new shift for thailand’s medical travel landscape as mta launches new moves, continue reading, informed decision-making in medical tourism: the significance of clinical outcome reports, avoiding pitfalls: top 5 mistakes medical tourism startups should steer clear of, reshaping cataract surgery with advanced technology, featured reading, dominican republic’s giant strides to becoming a global leader in medical tourism, exploring niche markets in medical tourism, medical tourism magazine.

The Medical Tourism Magazine (MTM), known as the “voice” of the medical tourism industry, provides members and key industry experts with the opportunity to share important developments, initiatives, themes, topics and trends that make the medical tourism industry the booming market it is today.

  • Exorbitant healthcare costs in industrialized nations
  • Long waiting lists for surgery in countries offering socialized healthcare
  • Ease and affordability of international travel
  • Favorable currency exchange rates in foreign countries resulting in low cost surgery
  • Rapidly improving technology and standards of care in many countries
  • Proven safety of healthcare in select foreign nations
  • International accreditation of foreign hospitals
  • U.S., U.K. and Australian board certified surgeons operating in select foreign countries
  • 47 Million Uninsured Americans
  • 250 Million Insured Americans with restricted coverage due to pre-existing conditions, resulting in out-of-pocket expenses
  • 34 Million Canadians receiving socialized medicine and enduring long wait lists for many popular surgeries
  • Potentially, 330 Million North Americans seeking elective cosmetic and/or dental surgery

More and more people are seeking the expertise of  medical tourism companies to travel abroad as an affordable, enjoyable, and safe alternative to having medical, dental, and cosmetic surgical procedures done in their home countries.    Currently medical tourism patients are traveling in large numbers to Argentina , Brazil , Costa Rica , El Salvador , India , Malaysia , Mexico , South Africa , Thailand and Turkey - places where the quality of affordable healthcare is equal to anywhere else in the world and yet the cost is significantly lower. These regions also offer numerous options for touring, sight-seeing, shopping, exploring, and relaxing. Here are the most common terms used to describe this relatively new industry:

Medical Tourism     Medical Outsourcing      Medical Travel      Health Tourism

It has been mentioned that overseas healthcare, sometimes referred to as medical tourism , medical travel , health tourism , or medical outsourcing is expected to become a multi-billion dollar industry by 2012. Whether you call it medical tourism, medical travel, health tourism, or medical outsourcing, the concept is the same. It appears as though this concept of traveling abroad to receive health care is going to become a viable option for many years to come.

Medical Tourism        Medical Outsourcing        Medical Travel        Health Tourism

Although "medical tourism" has been the descriptor for this new emerging industry, it is important to know that MedRetreat has a different philosophy on the concept of traveling abroad to receive your surgery. We understand the seriousness of receiving high quality medical care and then allowing your body to recuperate from the surgery. No gimmicks...no marketing hype. The tourism part of the process is viewed as the least important factor and should only be considered once you are fully recuperated.

Medical Tourism           Medical Outsourcing           Medical Travel           Health Tourism

Many companies are using the term "medical tourism" as a motivator to attract clients into this new emerging concept of overseas medical care, we do not. To effectively become the leader in providing healthcare abroad, our emphasis is placed on the efficacy of our hospital partners regardless of the physical location of their facility. In this respect, we will remain the leader of facilitating global healthcare in a safe and affordable manner.

Medical Tourism             Medical Outsourcing             Medical Travel             Health Tourism



MedRetreat would like to thank you for visiting our medical tourism website. We hope you have found our medical travel services useful in exploring the possibilities of your personal health tourism needs.

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The Ultimate Guide to Know Everything About Medical Tourism

Dec 27, 2023 | Airport Meet and Greet , Guide , Travel


Table of Contents

Medical care in your country is not so good? Looking for alternative options? Why not fly abroad to take care of your health or the health of your loved ones? Medical tourism is a real thing and has become one of the rising sectors in the tourism industry. Traveling for healthcare abroad not only for cosmetic surgeries but for every other kind of surgery has become easier. Today we tell you everything you need to know about Medical tourism and travel health.

What Defines a Medical Tourist?

Medical tourists come from all walks of life. They are individuals who seek healthcare services outside their home country typically due to the costly nature of healthcare in their countries of origin. These individuals may be looking for specialized treatments, advanced medical technologies, shorter waiting times, or more affordable options. Medical tourists can be anyone – from those seeking cosmetic procedures to individuals with complex medical conditions in need of specialized care.

What is Medical Tourism?

as explained by Medical Tourism Association it’s “Where people who live in one country travel to another country to receive medical, dental and surgical care while at the same time receiving equal to or greater care than they would have in their own country.” In simple terms, is traveling for medical care to another country. “Domestic Medical Tourism” is when you travel within your own country for medical, dental, and surgical care.

Why People Choose Medical Tourism?

There are several reasons why people choose medical tourism. Firstly, it offers access to top-notch medical facilities and cutting-edge treatments that may not be available in their home country. Secondly, medical tourism provides an opportunity to combine medical treatments with a vacation, allowing individuals to recover in beautiful destinations. Additionally, cost considerations play a significant role, as medical treatments abroad can often be more affordable compared to their home country.

How Does One Determine the Destination Choice?

Choosing the right destination for medical tourism requires careful consideration. Factors such as the reputation of healthcare providers, quality of medical facilities, expertise of medical professionals, and the destination’s safety and accessibility should be taken into account. It is essential to research and gather information about different countries, their healthcare systems, and the specific treatments or procedures you require. Seeking recommendations from trusted sources and consulting with medical professionals can also help in making an informed decision.

Budget Planning for Medical Tourism?

Budget planning is a crucial aspect of medical tourism. It is essential to evaluate the costs associated with the medical procedure, travel expenses, accommodation, and post-treatment care. Creating a detailed budget will help you determine the feasibility of medical tourism and ensure that you have the necessary funds to cover all aspects of your journey.

1. Acquire Information About the Healthcare System in the Country You Plan to Visit:

The initial step in organizing your medical travel is to gather knowledge about the healthcare system in your chosen destination. It is important to ascertain if the country possesses a reputable healthcare system and if the medical facilities meet established standards. Additionally, researching the required medical procedures and comparing the costs between your home country and the destination country is advisable. In certain cases, treatment in the country you intend to visit may be more cost-effective compared to your home country.

2. Locate a Reliable Medical Tourism Agency:

A trustworthy medical tourism agency can assist you in planning your medical trip within your budget. These agencies can aid in finding affordable medical care, booking flights and accommodations, arranging guides and interpreters, and more. However, it is crucial to ensure that the agency you choose has a reputable standing and a proven track record. You can conduct online research to read reviews about the agency and verify if they are accredited by a recognized medical tourism association.

3. Verify Visa Requirements:

Before embarking on your medical journey, it is important to examine the visa requirements of your destination country. Some countries mandate visas for medical tourists, while others may allow entry without a visa. Additionally, you should inquire about the duration required to obtain a visa and any associated fees involved in the visa application process.

4. Secure Affordable Lodging:

Accommodation expenses can significantly impact your medical trip budget. However, you can save money by opting for economical lodging options. Researching inexpensive hotels, hostels, and rental apartments in your destination is advisable. Moreover, consider the proximity of your accommodations to the medical facility where you will be receiving treatment, as this can help reduce transportation costs.

5. Consider Travel Insurance:

Travel insurance is vital when planning a medical trip, as it provides coverage for unforeseen expenses that may arise during travel, such as medical emergencies and travel-related costs. It is recommended to research various travel insurance policies, compare their coverage and costs, and ensure that they cater to your specific needs. Additionally, pay attention to whether pre-existing conditions are covered by the policies you are considering.

6. Devise an Itinerary:

Creating a well-thought-out itinerary can help you save money and make the most of your medical trip. While planning your itinerary around your medical procedures is essential, it is equally important to allocate time for sightseeing and relaxation. Familiarize yourself with free or affordable activities available in your destination country, such as visiting museums and parks. Additionally, seek out affordable dining options, including local street food, to minimize expenses.

7. Explore Alternative Transportation:

Transportation costs can be a significant portion of your medical trip budget. Nevertheless, you can reduce expenses by considering alternative modes of transportation, such as utilizing public transport or walking whenever feasible. If you need to travel to other cities or locations for treatment, look for cost-effective transportation options such as buses and trains. Additionally, consider carpooling with fellow medical tourists or renting a private vehicle to economize on transportation expenses.

8. Consult Your Doctor:

Before traveling to your chosen destination country, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and inform them about your plans. Your doctor can provide referrals to qualified medical professionals in the destination country or recommend reputable medical tourism agencies. Furthermore, your doctor can supply you with copies of your medical records, which you can carry with you to the country you will be visiting.

9. Take Necessary Precautions:

When traveling to another country for medical treatment, it is important to take precautions to safeguard your health and well-being. Familiarize yourself with the climate and environment of your destination and take appropriate measures, such as packing sunscreen and insect repellent. Educate yourself about food and water safety in the country you are visiting and avoid consuming potentially contaminated tap water or street food. Additionally, consider obtaining immunizations and medications to prevent diseases that may be prevalent in your destination country.

10. Maintain Flexibility:

Lastly, maintaining flexibility is crucial when planning a budget-friendly medical trip. Treatment duration may extend beyond initial expectations, leading to unforeseen costs. It is important to adjust your itinerary and budget accordingly, as well as remain open to new experiences and opportunities that may arise during your medical journey.

Is it Expensive?

If you’re living in the US and you or a loved one need heart surgery, it would cost you a fortune. Cardiac surgery in the US can easily cost up to $50,000. The same surgery in a reputed hospital in India would cost around $5,000- $7,000. Thus, the cost of savings in many cases can be up to 90%. In brief, traveling for medical care is not new. But there has been a substantial rise due to low costs of travel and easier air travel options.

How You Can Minimize Medical Tourism Risks:

While medical tourism can offer incredible opportunities, it is crucial to be aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions. Here are some tips to minimize risks:

Research and choose accredited healthcare providers:

Look for internationally recognized certifications and accreditation to ensure the quality and safety of medical facilities.

Consult with your local healthcare provider:

Before embarking on medical tourism, discuss your plans with your primary healthcare provider to ensure they are aware of your medical history and can provide guidance.

Verify the credentials of medical professionals:

Check the qualifications, experience, and expertise of the medical professionals who will be involved in your treatment.

Understand the risks and potential complications:

Educate yourself about the potential risks and complications associated with the specific treatment or procedure you are considering.

Best Apps for Medical Tourism ?

Here are some apps that can be useful for medical tourism:

1. Medigo ( Android | IOS ):

Medigo is a comprehensive medical travel platform that connects patients with trusted healthcare providers worldwide. The app allows users to search for medical procedures, compare prices, read patient reviews, and book appointments.

2. DocDoc ( Android | IOS ):

DocDoc is an app that helps users find and book appointments with doctors and healthcare providers in various countries. It provides information on doctors’ qualifications, patient reviews, and estimated costs for medical procedures.

3. Air Doctor ( Android | IOS ):

Air Doctor is an app that helps users find and book appointments with trusted doctors and medical specialists in different countries. It provides a network of pre-screened doctors, along with patient reviews and ratings.

4. MyMediTravel ( Website ):

MyMediTravel is an app that offers a range of services for medical tourists, including searching for medical procedures, comparing prices, reading patient reviews, and booking appointments with healthcare providers worldwide.

6. Medscape ( Android | IOS ):

Medscape is a popular medical app that provides a wealth of information for healthcare professionals and patients. It offers medical news, drug information, clinical references, and educational resources that can be helpful for medical tourists seeking information about their condition or treatment options.

Top Destination for Medical Tourism

When it comes to medical tourism, some destinations have gained a reputation for providing excellent healthcare services. Here are some of the top destinations:

Canada, ranked as the top destination in the 2020 Medical Tourism Index, is not surprisingly popular due to its robust tourism industry and close proximity to the United States. It offers high-quality medical treatments, particularly in orthopedic procedures and complex heart surgeries. Canada’s ranking is based on its excellent Destination Environment, strong presence in the Medical Tourism Industry, and quality healthcare facilities, placing it at the forefront among 46 assessed destinations.

Singapore, securing the second spot in the Medical Tourism Index, excels in the Quality of healthcare Facilities and Services category. It attracts over 500,000 foreign tourists annually seeking affordable and quality healthcare services. Singapore has established International Patient Service Centers (IPSCs) to enhance the medical travel experience and collaborates with world-renowned centers of excellence.

Japan, ranking second in the Medical Tourism Industry and Quality of Facilities and Services, and fifth in the Destination Environment, is renowned for its advanced healthcare system and technological advancements. It offers expertise in minimally invasive medicine, tech-driven procedures, plastic surgery, and orthopedic surgery.

Spain, a popular tourist destination, is highly regarded as a medical tourist destination in Europe. It provides excellent healthcare services, particularly in orthopedics, cosmetics, and dental procedures. Accredited hospitals like Hospital Universitario de Madrid and Sanitas Hospitales draw international patients.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, ranked fifth globally, boasts renowned medical institutions such as the London Orthopedic Clinic and Birmingham Children’s Hospital. It offers top-quality healthcare services and is a favored destination for its rich cultural heritage.

Dubai, known for its modern architecture and luxury shopping, is the top medical destination in the Arab region. It houses world-class hospitals and international doctors, attracting medical tourists from Asia, neighboring Arab countries, Europe, and Africa.

Costa Rica is emerging as a leader in the medical tourism market, offering competitive prices and specialized treatments in dentistry, cosmetic surgery, eye surgery, cancer therapy, and bariatric surgery. The CheTica Ranch provides recovery retreats in a tranquil setting.

Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, has developed a strong medical tourism platform. It launched the Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism e-portal and collaborates with reputable healthcare accreditation organizations. The city ensures top-quality care and offers convenient services for medical tourists.

India, a major player in the Asian medical tourism industry, ranks first in the Medical Tourism Industry dimension. It has a visa policy that eases travel for medical tourists, allowing extended stays and medical attendant visas for accompanying family members.

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Medical Kits & Equipment


As first responders, your crewmembers need to provide assistance quickly and accurately.  Having a clinically and logically assembled medical kit to assist saves valuable time when treating any type of medical incident.  MedAire medical kits meet - or exceed - applicable regional regulations.  Every year, medical kit contents are reviewed by an expert panel of aviation medical, regulatory and operational experts to ensure the best solutions for private and corporate aircraft.  

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MedAire’s AAMK contains the supplies first responders need most. The kit contains medications and equipment to stabilise patients in critical situations. Included medications require a doctor’s oversight and MedAire’s MedLink in-flight assistance.

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Advanced Aviation Medical Kit | AAMK

AAMK: Comprehensive In-Flight First Aid Kit for Medical Emergencies 

MedAire's Advanced Aviation Medical Kit (AAMK) - the premium first aid kit and in-flight medical kit specially designed to help manage medical events at 40,000 ft elevation. Equip your crew with the necessary tools and guidance to confidently respond to medical incidents while en route to your destination. Unlike the Aircraft First Aid Kit (AFAK), the AAMK provides prescription medications and essential equipment to help stabilise various types of medical emergencies until you land. With a MedAire AAMK onboard, and 24/7 assistance from MedLink doctors your crew is armed with crucial medical advice and guidance in an emergency. Our industry-leading aviation medical equipment is regularly updated to guarantee the latest medical supplies, conformity with medical kit maintenance standards, and compliance with both FAA guidelines and international aviation requirements. MedAire's dedication to meeting regulations and our thorough understanding of the aviation sector distinguishes us from other providers. Trust MedAire for your aviation medical supply needs, and experience peace of mind knowing your passengers and crew are protected with the highest standards of comprehensive medical care. 

Invest in our AAMK today and be confidently prepared for the most common and critical medical emergencies during air travel: 

With more than 100 crucial medical supplies for in-flight medical emergencies, from minor wounds to allergic reactions and critical cardiac incidents. 

Access to prescription medications facilitated by MedAire's 24/7 MedLink doctors, ensuring vital care for more severe cases. 

An easy annual refurbishment process, keeping your kit consistently up-to-date with the latest medical innovations and regulatory standards. 


Enhanced peace of mind: Confidently knowing that your aircraft is equipped with the necessary supplies to handle medical emergencies brings reassurance for both you and your crew. 

Heightened safety: The AAMK enables you to deliver prompt and effective medical care to passengers and crew members, potentially saving lives in critical situations. 

Compliance with regulations: Meeting all relevant FAA and international aviation medical kit requirements, the AAMK ensures that your aircraft adheres to the highest standards. 


Prescription items to initially stabilise the most serious conditions 

Non-prescription items to begin treatment of common illnesses affecting the traveller 

Colour-coded pouches with clear windows allow contents to be located quickly 

Assessment: digital blood pressure cuff and monitor, digital thermometer, reading glasses 

Survival: signal mirror and guide, blankets, flashlight 

Prescriptions: heart attacks, vomiting and nausea, infections, and allergic reactions 

Non-prescriptions: aches and pains, dehydration, motion sickness, coughs, diarrhoea 

Dental: address toothaches, lost crowns, fillings 

First-aid: dressings, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic scrubs, bandages, splint 

Respiratory: bronchial inhaler, oxygen tubing, CPR pocket mask with oxygen inlet 

Reflective piping and MedAire logo allows for easy identification in the dark 

Bag constructed of flame-resistant fabric 

Assembled under strict ISO 9001 quality assurance standards 


Weight: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)  Height: 7 ½ in. (19.05 cm)  Length: 13 ¾ in. (34.93 cm)  Width: 16 ¾ in. (42.55 cm) 


Meets or exceeds FAR 91.513, FAR 135.177, AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.220, Canada AOHS (Section 9.8) (Sch 2) (Type B) and HKCAD AN101E. 

Discover the MedAire Aircraft First Aid Kit (AFAK), tailored specifically for business jets, and expertly curated to cover in-flight medical emergencies. Set a new standard in in-flight care with our blend of high-quality medical supplies and MedAire's renowned MedLink support, empowering crew members to respond to medical events confidently and effectively for the safety and comfort of all on board.

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Aircraft First Aid Kit | AFAK

The first responder’s toolkit for common in-flight medical events.

The MedAire Aircraft First Aid Kit (AFAK) is more than just a compliance tool; it’s a lifeline in the skies. Designed specifically for Business and General Aviation, this kit empowers pilots, crew, and aviation professionals to respond to in-flight medical events confidently. With a blend of essential medical supplies and MedAire’s renowned support, the AFAK ensures that care is never out of reach, even at 30,000 feet. 

Key Features & Content

  • Tailored for Aviation: Crafted with the unique needs of aviation professionals in mind, the AFAK’s compact design fits seamlessly into aircraft environments. 
  • Expertly Curated Contents: Developed by MedAire’s experienced medical team, the kit’s contents are chosen to address common in-flight medical concerns. 
  • Unmatched Support: With MedAire’s MedLink, the AFAK connects crewmembers with medical experts who know the kit inside and out, providing real-time guidance in emergencies. 
  • Assessment Tools: From digital blood pressure cuffs to thermometers, accurately assess passengers’ vital signs.
  • Survival Aids: Equipped with blankets, flashlights, and more to provide comfort and safety. 
  • Non-Prescription & Dental Care: Comprehensive care for common ailments and dental emergencies. 
  • First Aid & Respiratory Support: Everything needed to administer immediate care, from dressings to oxygen tubing.


Weight: 7 lbs (3.16 kg)

Height: 5.75 in (146 mm) Length: 10.75 in (273 mm) Width: 11.625 in (295 mm)


The AFAK meets or exceeds key regulations, including FAR 91.513, FAR 135.177, AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.220, and more, ensuring your aircraft’s regulatory readiness.

Invest in the best possible protection for your passengers and crew with the MedAire AFAK, setting a new standard in in-flight care and redefining the benchmarks for safety and preparedness in business aviation. Experience the difference of expertly curated medical supplies, seamless integration, and MedAire's dedicated, passionate support.

The Emergency Medical Kit (EMK) is an addition to your aircraft’s medical supplies, designed to provide enhanced treatment options for in-flight medical emergencies. This kit is created with the expertise of MedAire’s MedLink doctors and serves as an extension to the Aircraft First Aid Kit (AFAK). The EMK is not a stand-alone solution for regulatory compliance and requires MedAire's MedLink support and medical oversight by a doctor.

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Emergency Medical Kit | EMK

Emk: enhancing in-flight care and complementing your aircraft first aid kit.

The Emergency Medical Kit (EMK) is a vital component of your aircraft's medical resources, crafted to offer advanced treatment options for in-flight medical emergencies. Designed with MedAire's MedLink doctors' expertise, the kit is created to treat various medical conditions, from heart attacks to gastrointestinal ailments. Complementing the Aircraft First Aid Kit (AFAK), the EMK enables crew members to deliver specialised treatments, guided by MedAire's MedLink in-flight assistance.

Specialised Care in Critical Moments  

The EMK is a vital resource for any aviation professional committed to the highest in-flight care and safety standards. With MedAire’s legacy of innovation and expertise, you can trust that you’re equipped with the best tools for any medical emergency. 


  • Expert-Designed: Developed by MedAire’s experienced medical team. 
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Addresses the most common in-flight medical emergencies. 
  • MedLink Support: Real-time medical advice from MedAire’s MedLink doctors. 
  • Prescriptions: Medications for heart attacks, vomiting and nausea, infections, and allergic reactions. 
  • Non-Prescriptions: Medications for aches and pains, dehydration, motion sickness, coughs, and diarrhoea. 
  • Survival: LED flashlight, emergency blanket, moleskin, insect repellent. 
  • First-Aid: Wound and burn dressings, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic scrubs, bandages, splint. 


Weight: 9 lbs (4.06 kg)

Height: 7.5 in (191 mm) Length: 13.75 in (349 mm) Width: 16.75 in (426 mm)


  Designed as an add-on to the Aircraft First Aid Kit (AFAK). Does not provide regulatory compliance on its own.

The Heartsine samaritan PAD Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is very user friendly, offering on-demand CPR coaching to help first responders recall their training.

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Heartsine samaritan PAD AED

Give crewmembers the power to save a life.

The Heartsine samaritan PAD Automated External Defibrillator (AED)'s on-demand CPR coaching helps first responders to recall their training and respond to an emergency. Calm, clear audio instructions are precisely timed to guide the responder’s actions every step of the way. AEDs and public-access defibrillation enable non-traditional first responders to provide adequate care immediately and dramatically increase the chance of survival. MedAire’s Management of In-Flight Illness and Injury teaches the critical skills of CPR and AED utilization and should be considered for anyone who will be travelling on the aircraft as well as those who will be working with the aircraft.

All of MedAire’s kits come with a convenient annual refurbishment process, including:

  • Replacing batteries
  • Replenishing used items
  • Modifications based on new therapies, new regulations or changes in aviation medical trends.


  • ICG-BASED FEEDBACK Revolutionary CPR Rate Advisor detects the rate of CPR being applied via the defibrillator electrodes.
  • EASY-TO-FOLLOW VISUAL & VERBAL GUIDES Designed for ease of use, prompts guide the first responder through the entire CPR process, with feedback on the rate of compressions.
  • AED PREP KIT with trauma scissors, gloves, wipes, a razor and a CPR pocket mask.
  • DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Housed in a protective hard carrying case MOST COMPACT at 5lbs and with a compact  footprint, the samaritan PAD is the most portable AED on the market.
  • ONE-CHANGE MAINTENANCE due to one expiration on pads and batteries
  • ADULTS & CHILDREN Optional paediatric key add-on reduces the shock used on children.

Weight: 5.4 lbs (2.7 kg) Height: 11.5 in. (292 mm) Length: 11 in. (279 mm) Width: 5 in. (127 mm)

MedAire Paediatric Medical Kit (PMK): Specialised solution for passengers under 12, addressing common paediatric medical conditions. The kit is designed to enhance your required aircraft medical kit, offering a comprehensive medical solution for in-flight emergencies. The PMK contains specialized medical equipment and medications for in-flight emergencies happening to passengers under twelve.

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Paediatric Medical Kit | PMK

The Paediatric Medical Kit (PMK) is MedAire’s dedicated solution for addressing the unique medical needs of passengers under 12. This specialised medical equipment is meticulously designed to assess and manage common paediatric conditions such as allergies, ear infections, teething, rashes, and asthma. The PMK is a supplementary resource to the Aircraft First Aid Kit (AFAK) or Advanced Aviation Medical Kit (AAMK), providing lower-dosage prescription medications to help crew members stabilise medical emergencies for children.

Tailored Care for the Next Generation  

The PMK is more than just medical equipment; it’s a commitment to providing age-specific, specialised medical care in aviation. When you opt for the PMK, you acknowledge the importance of safeguarding the health and well-being of your youngest passengers. 


  • Specialised Paediatric Care: The PMK is uniquely designed to address the medical needs of children under 12 
  • Comprehensive Assessment Tools: Includes a child-sized digital blood pressure cuff and monitor and a digital thermometer for accurate diagnostics 
  • Targeted Medications: Prescription medications to address conditions like asthma, inflammation, and infections, along with non-prescription options such as antihistamines, aspirin, teething gel, and more 
  • Diagnostic Tools: Child-sized digital blood pressure cuff and monitor, digital thermometer 
  • Prescription Medications: Addresses asthma, inflammation, infections, and allergic reactions 
  • Non-Prescription Medications: Includes antihistamines, aspirin, teething gel, nasal spray, lotions, and ointments 
  • First-Aid Supplies: Comprehensive range of dressings, antibiotic ointments, antiseptic scrubs, bandages, splints, and syringes 
  • Respiratory Aids: Bronchial inhaler, oxygen tubing, child-sized CPR pocket mask, and nasal cannula 
  • Personal Protection: Items to protect yourself from infection while treating unwell passengers 

Weight: 7 lbs (3.16 kg) Height: 5.75 in (146 mm) Length: 10.75 in (276 mm) Width: 11.625 in (295 mm)

The PMK is designed to supplement medical kits already onboard your aircraft and does not provide regulatory compliance on its own.  

Oversight from a doctor is required for the medication in this kit and cannot be purchased without MedAire’s MedLink in-flight assistance. 

Equip your crew, protect your youngest passengers, and ensure peace of mind for all aboard.

Tempus IC2 is the market leading vital signs monitor for non-medical experts. A medical emergency in-flight can quickly elevate to a more serious scenario than a similar emergency on the ground. Tempus technology is providing remote medical support and unrivalled telemedicine capability onboard hundreds of aircraft worldwide.

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RDT Tempus IC2

Rdt tempus ic2 fully integrates with medaire’s medlink for ultimate medical assistance.

Should illness or injury strike employees whilst abroad, Tempus IC2 enables you to fulfil your duty of care, delivering protection that meets expectations and reflects your health and safety values. Making correctly informed decisions using the best available technology with a full audit trail of what was done reduces company risk and liability.

Tempus technology has been used for over 20 years by non-medical experts, such as pilots, cabin crew and key staff to transmit the medical data that would routinely be collected in an ER – such as blood pressure, cardiac condition, pulse and respiration – to ground-based doctors from aircraft in flight. This enables doctors to help manage the medical incident and guide decision-making with regards to treatment and any potential diversion decision.

Tempus IC2 maximizes MedLink’s effectiveness by providing clinical-quality vital signs with integrated real-time voice and video. It eliminates guesswork, reduces room for error and operates discretely, relieving stress in a difficult situation.

MedAire’s Management of In-Flight Illness and Injury (MIII) teaches a basic overview of your Tempus IC2 unit. MedAire also offers a full Tempus IC2 training which can be combined with MIII or taught as a standalone course.

This kit requires medical oversight from a doctor and cannot be purchased without MedAire’s MedLink in-flight assistance.

Weight: 6.4 lbs (2.9 kg) Height: 8 in. (20.3 cm) Length: 4 in. (10.1 cm) Width: 11.4 in. (28.9 cm)

MedAire's Universal Precaution Kit (UPK) is a valuable add-on to any MedAire medical kit, ensuring crewmembers and passengers are well-equipped to handle situations involving exposure to communicable diseases. Developed using personal protection best practices and informed by over 30 years of aviation medical assistance data, the UPK meets CDC recommendations and exceeds ICAO's guidelines.

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Universal Precaution Kit | UPK

The Universal Precaution Kit (UPK) is MedAire’s essential safety net for aviation professionals, meticulously designed to offer comprehensive protection while treating unwell passengers. Developed following the best practices from industry and health organisations, the UPK serves as your frontline defence against health risks, backed by MedAire’s global support network and medical expertise.

Your Shield Against Health Risks  

The UPK goes beyond being a mere precautionary kit; it serves as your first line of defence in personal protection during medical events in flight. With the UPK , you’re safeguarding passengers and ensuring the crew’s well-being as the first responders in any medical emergency. This kit embodies MedAire’s dedication to providing comprehensive safety measures, allowing you to focus on your core aviation responsibilities while being prepared for any health-related contingencies. 


  • Comprehensive Protection: The UPK offers a full suite of protective gear, sanitisation products, and clean-up tools.
  • Regulatory Excellence: Exceeds ICAO guidelines and meets CDC recommendations, setting a new standard in aviation safety.
  • Ease of Access: Designed for quick and easy access to all the essential tools you need to protect yourself when assessing a medical event.
  • Protection: Long-sleeved gown, apron, shoe covers, face masks
  • Sanitisation: Hand sanitiser, non-permeable gloves
  • Clean-Up: Absorbent pads, liquid solidifier, scoop/scraper, odour eliminator, disinfectant wipes, Biohazard bags


  • US Dimensions: Length: 8 in, Height: 5 in, Width: 7 in, Weight: 2 lbs. 
  • International Dimensions: Length: 203 mm, Height: 127 mm, Width: 178 mm, Weight: 0.91 kg. 

Meets the U.S. Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for personal protection safety measures onboard an aircraft, and exceeds the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) recommendations for universal precaution equipment needed in times of increased public health risk.

Enhance crewmember safety with MedAire's UPK , the essential add-on for patient assessment.

MedAire VLAK ensures your aircraft meets medical kit regulations worldwide. Passengers can treat minor and serious emergencies with the kit's comprehensive contents. Key features include color-coded pouches, assessment tools, first-aid essentials, and more.

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Very Light Aircraft Kit | VLAK

MedAire VLAK: Essential Kit for Global Aircraft Compliance

The Very Light Aircraft First Aid Kit (VLAK) is MedAire’s specialised solution for light and very light aircraft operators. Designed to be compact yet comprehensive, this kit ensures that you meet global aviation medical regulations while providing essential first-aid supplies. With the VLAK, you’re prepared for in-flight emergencies even in the absence of cabin attendants, empowering passengers to administer care when needed.

Compact Care for Open Skies  

The VLAK is not just a first aid kit; it’s an essential part of your in-flight safety measures in the unique environment of light and very light aircraft. With its customised design and straightforward components, the VLAK ensures you have the essential medical supplies you need, enhancing the well-being of passengers and crew during the flight. 


  • Tailored for Light Aircraft: Designed to fit the limited cabin space of light and very light aircraft. 
  • User-Friendly: Equipped with straightforward supplies and instructions, passengers can manage first aid when necessary. 
  • Versatile Usability: Ideal for aircraft operating in diverse civil airfields, ensuring preparedness for various scenarios. 
  • Enhanced Visibility: Reflective piping and MedAire logo ensure the kit is easily identifiable even in low-light conditions.
  • Durability and Quality: Constructed with flame-resistant fabric and assembled under strict ISO 9001 quality assurance standards for long-lasting reliability.
  • Annual Refurbishment: MedAire offers a convenient annual service that includes updating expired products, replenishing used items, and modifying the kit based on new therapies, regulations, and medical trends, ensuring your VLAK stays compliant and up-to-date.
  • Global Compliance: meets and exceeds global aviation medical regulations, including FAR 91.513, FAR 135.177, AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.220, Canada AOHS (Section 9.8) (Sch 2) (Type B), and HKCAD AN101E.
  • Comprehensive Content: Addresses a wide variety of medical situations, including allergic reactions, chest pain, nausea, motion sickness, and more.
  • Organized and Easy to Access: Features color-coded pouches with clear windows for quick identification and retrieval of essential items.
  • Assessment: Digital blood pressure cuff and monitor, digital thermometer, reading glasses
  • Survival: Signal mirror and guide, blankets, flashlight
  • Non-prescription Medications: Medications for aches and pains, dehydration, motion sickness, coughs, and diarrhea
  • Dental Care Supplies: Items to address toothaches, lost crowns, and fillings
  • First-Aid: Dressings, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic scrubs, bandages, splint
  • Respiratory Support: Oxygen tubing and CPR pocket mask with oxygen inlet

The VLAK meets or exceeds FAR Parts 91, 121, 135, AMC1 CAT.IDE.A.220, Canada AOHS (Section 9.8) (Sch 2) (Type B) and HKCAD AN101E requirements.

Weight: 3 pounds (1.36 kg) Height: 3 inches (7.62 cm) Length 11.5 inches (29.21 cm) Width: 8 inches (20.32 cm)

Equip your aircraft today with first-aid essentials and survival tools.

Improve your in-flight medical emergency response with MedAire's cutting-edge Digital Assessment Kit (DAK). This innovative kit enhances assessment and assistance during an in-flight emergency. It features essential diagnostic tools for crewmembers to tackle medical emergencies efficiently and effectively.

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Digital Assessment Kit | DAK

MedAire’s MedLink doctors have learned from hundreds of thousands of cases that better assessment leads to better assistance. Discover MedAire's Digital Assessment Kit (DAK), an essential solution for effectively handling in-flight medical emergencies. Designed to provide accurate and reliable diagnostic results, the DAK equips crewmembers with the vital tools needed to assess and mitigate various medical situations.

The DAK includes a digital blood pressure monitor, compact digital glucometer, pulse oximeter, and contactless thermometer, ensuring rapid and accurate assessment. This enables MedLink doctors to deliver the best possible care to unwell passengers. The most significant differentiator is the easy to use 12-Lead ECG recorder. Most devices of this size offer1-Lead ECG which cannot supply enough information for a doctor to accurately assess the condition of the heart.

Equip your crew with cutting-edge tools and enhance the safety of your passengers!

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Traveling With Medical Devices: Everything You Need to Know

Follow these essential tips to ensure you make it to your destination with any medical devices or supplies you need.

Traveling with special items like laptops, video game consoles, and other electronics is pretty straightforward.

Typically, all you have to do is take them out of your bag at TSA check-in, run them through the scanner, and you’re good to go.

After that, as long as your carry-on meets the size requirements, there’s nothing standing in the way of you bringing those items on the plane.

But flying with medical equipment is often a different story.

Depending on what you’re carrying with you, airline regulations may get in the way and lead to unwanted fees and complications.

That’s why, today, we’re bringing you an in-depth guide on traveling with medical devices. With this knowledge, you can go with confidence — no matter where your travels take you.


If you’re planning on storing your medical device in a carry-on bag, the first thing to do is check your airline’s carry-on size guidelines.

As long as your bag fits these dimensions and can be comfortably stored in an overhead bin or under the seat in front of you, you should have no issue bringing your device with you.

You can find this information on your airline’s website or by giving them a call.


TSA approved medical devices and equipment such as breathing apparatuses, needles or syringes, and breast pumps are typically allowed on board at no extra charge. 

However, this is only provided that they fit inside your carry-on luggage, and items like needles and syringes are accompanied by medications that have the necessary medical labels. 

If you put your devices in a larger checked bag with non-essentials, then normal baggage fees will apply.

So, to avoid forking over more money, it’s always a good idea to pack any medical devices and supplies you want (or need) to bring with you in your carry-on luggage.

These items can include those listed above, plus medications, hearing aids, glucose monitors, muscle stimulators, and more.


Since the TSA screens all baggage before takeoff, many people think it’s their responsibility to manage the medical devices that come aboard. 

But in reality, they’re only there to ensure that no dangerous or illegal items make it on the plane. They don’t have specific rules to determine which medical devices are acceptable and which aren’t. 

This authority falls to the specific airline you’re flying with, and each airline has different policies concerning what medical devices you can carry on the plane. 

Some may have similar rules and recommendations, but unfortunately, there’s no “one-size fits all” rule for medical devices.


If you’re unsure about your airline’s carry-on guidelines (or other medical device-related policies) and you can’t find the information you’re looking for online, give them a call before your flight.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry.


This tip is a quick side-note, but it will help you save time when going through security.

If you have the extra cash to cover the $85 background check, you can streamline your TSA screening process by using TSA Precheck.  

To apply, you’ll need to visit an enrollment center to provide documentation and fingerprints.

Once approved, you won’t have to remove your shoes, laptops, 3-1-1 liquids, belts, or light jackets at security again. 

That being said, you’ll still be required to go through the screening process, put your luggage through the scanner, and receive a pat-down if necessary.


Don’t sweat it.

If you’re traveling with a BEMER muscle stimulator, you can rest assured that they’re FDA-cleared Class II medical devices.

Plus, for avid travelers, business people, and other frequent flyers, the BEMER Deluxe-Set comes with its very own custom travel-size backpack that easily doubles as a carry-on bag.

Need a quick muscle stimulation session on the flight? The Deluxe-Set makes it quick and easy.

Want to wind down in your hotel room after a long day of travel? Setting up and breaking down your BEMER is refreshingly smooth…

And results like these are possible in only two eight-minute sessions a day:

  • Improved temporary local blood flow
  • Better muscle conditioning
  • Enhanced muscular strength
  • Improved performance
  • Improved muscle recovery

With the BEMER Deluxe-Set, you can enjoy the benefits of better circulation, better health, and better life — wherever you go. 

Talk to a BEMER distributor near you today to learn more! 

*BEMER does not provide any medical advice or services. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be used for any purpose other than as described in the user manual. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.

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Region 2 – AK, CO, HI, ID, MT, MN, ND, NV, NE, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY Region 3 – AL, AR, AZ, KS, LA, MO, MS, OK, TN, TX Region 4 – IA, IL, IN Region 5 – FL, GA, NC, OH, KY, SC, WV Region 6 – CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, MI, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT Region 7 – CA, Canada, International, NM

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B.BOX The B.BOX is a touch screen computer with two plug-in ports allowing for a seamless application.

B.SPOT The B.SPOT is designed for targeted body area application, such as leg, arm and shoulder.

B.PAD The B.PAD can be applied to almost any body area such as the shoulders, waist, back and legs.

Thank you for your in interest BEMER! Connect with an official BEMER distributor to get started today. All BEMER products are only sold by BEMER distributors. If you have been referred to this site by a BEMER distributor, please remember to list their name when prompted.

George & Chris Veronis

National directors, albert c. bosch, chief executive officer of bemer group north america, peter gleim, founder of bemer.

Peter Gleim founded BEMER in 1998. The company was originally named Innomed International AG and in the year 2010 was renamed accordingly. Today, Gleim brings along many years of experience in managing the company as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Dr. Joshua Berka

Bemer medical consultant.

Dr. Joshua Berka has served as a medical consultant for BEMER for the past 12 years. He is a double board certified physician in the fields of both Eastern and Western Medicine. At the 2020 BEMER GO convention, Dr. Berka will deliver a presentation related to BEMER as a lifestyle intervention that can be used to support our health and wellness. In addition, he will lead a medical panel that explores the current chronic health crisis and the important role of BEMER for our home care and clinical applications.

Robert Moll

Ceo bemer ag.

Robert Moll has been with BEMER since 1998 and became COO in 2003. He has been CEO since 2015 and is responsible for Factory Management, General Admin, Finance & Controlling, HR, Regulatory Affairs / QM, and UX / IT.

Kindra Hall

President & chief storytelling officer at steller collective.

Kindra Hall is President and Chief Storytelling Officer at Steller Collective, a consulting firm focused on the strategic application of storytelling to today’s communication challenges. Kindra is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers trusted by global brands to deliver presentations and trainings that inspire teams and individuals to better communicate the value of their company, their products and their individuality through strategic storytelling.

Brooke Burke

Tv host, fitness guru, bemer ambassador.

For the past three decades Brooke has experienced a successful career in the entertainment industry co-hosting shows such as Dancing With the Stars and launching her own Brooke Burke Body fitness app. Brooke’s passion for fitness, health & wellness have been the foundation of balancing her family and a thriving fast-paced career.

Director of Marketing North America

Brad is a classically trained marketer with over 20 years of marketing experience working with some of the world’s most iconic brands including Disney, Pepsi-Cola, Anheuser Busch, American Express, and General Motors to name a few. Brad joined BEMER in 2018 and oversees all North American marketing initiatives including brand strategy, advertising, communications, public relations, social media, ambassadors, and website management. Brad is originally from Los Angeles but now lives in San Diego with his wife and 3 children.

If you are currently working with a BEMER distributor, please provide their FIRST & LAST NAME or BUSINESS NAME

If you are currently working with a BEMER distributor, please provide their FIRST & LAST NAME or BUSINESS NAME

Better Circulation. Better Health. Better Life.

If you have already been in contact with an official BEMER distributor you do NOT need to fill out this form. Please continue working with the distributor that sent you to this page.

To Buy a BEMER Horse-Set

All BEMER products are only sold by BEMER distributors. Please provide the below information and a certified BEMER distributor will contact you only.

Ben Garland

Professional Football Player, San Francisco 49ers

As a professional football player, Ben Garland knows the importance of optimal recovery from training to game day. Garland is currently an offensive guard for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL). He began his professional football career with the Denver Broncos in 2010, and eventually moved to the Atlanta Falcons from 2015-2018. Garland is also known for his valor on and off the field. He was second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force form 2010-2012, and continues to serve our country as a Public Affairs Officer with the Colorado Air National Guard during his offseason from the NFL. For nearly a year Garland has implemented BEMER into his daily routine to keep him in peak condition during the intense NFL season, and we’re proud to have him on our ambassador team.

“Whether I’m practicing on the field or training in the gym, my job is physically demanding every single day and using BEMER helps me be game-ready each week.”

Denise Korenek

Professional Cyclist & 2-time Guinness World Record Holder

Denise Mueller-Korenek is a record-breaking American cyclist. In 2018 she set the world record for paced bicycle land speed (set by any man or woman) and is considered “the fastest cyclist on earth”. What was that record-breaking time? It was a mind-blowing average of 183.932 mph (296.009 km/h), which she achieved using a custom-built carbon KHS bicycle behind a uniquely designed drag race car to minimize air resistance. She accomplished this incredible feat at the age of 45 while using BEMER as part of her training regimen.

“In September 2018, I set the World Record for the fastest human on a bicycle at 183.9mph, using the BEMER as an integral part of my daily preparation. In September 2019, I plan to break another World Record in cycling. I use my BEMER on specific programs during the day to help give me maximum performance, muscle stimulation and rest. The benefits of the BEMER help me go above and beyond in my training.”

Professional Cyclist Team

In 2018 Team BEMER set both the land speed & time record for RAAM (8-Person Category)

RAAM is a cross country cycling race from Oceanside, California to Annapolis, Maryland. The 8-person team races non-stop, day and night, until they reach the east coast. In 2018, Team BEMER broke the record broken the 8-man team record of 24.19 mph previously set by Team Allied Forces in 2013 when they finished in 5 days, 3 hours and 45 minutes on a 2,962-mile course. Team BEMER finished with an overall average speed of 24.91 mph to break the average speed record AND, despite 119 extra miles of the new 3,081-mile course, they also broke the time record with a finish of 5 days, 3 hours and 43 minutes. BEMER was instrumental as they rode across the U.S.

“In daily riding, recovery is [important], but in Race Across America, recovery is everything. Riding with BEMER helped us cycle better. You felt it the next day—you’d get on your bike and you had power in your legs, energy and mental awareness. There’s a big difference when you’re running on BEMER.”

– Chris Demarchi – RAAM Team BEMER Captain

Professional Golfer with 8 wins on the PGA Tour & 9 wins on the PGA Tour Champions

For nearly three decades Fred Funk has competed as an American professional golfer. Now he’s using BEMER to extend his already successful golf career. Fred played on the PGA Tour for almost 20 years before joining the PGA Tour Champions in 2006. Throughout his career he boasts 29 professional wins, including 8 on the PGA Tour and 9 on the PGA Tour Champions. He was introduced to BEMER by a friend and has been using the device ever since.

“I take BEMER on the road with me when I travel to golf tournaments, and it has really helped with overuse of my body and I have more energy the next day. It definitely helps me move through life a little bit better.”

Amy Van Dyken

6-time Olympic Gold Swimming Champion

Amy Van Dyken Rouen is a 6-time Olympic gold swimming champion.  She was born and raised in Colorado and still spends a lot of time there, but resides full-time in Arizona. In addition to winning 4 gold medals at the 1996 Summer Olympics and two more at the 2000 Summer, she was named Swimming World’s Swimmer of the Year in 1995 and 1996 and  Olympics, she is also in the International Swimming Hall of Fame and the United States Olympic Hall of Fame. Since retiring from swimming she has cohosted a sports radio show, been an NFL sideline reporter.  She is also married to former NFL Super Bowl champion, Tom Rouen. In 2014, she was injured in an ATV accident. She currently travels the country giving motivational speeches.

“Since using Bemer, I have been recovering from my CrossFit workouts much faster. I feel refreshed when I wake up, and overall healthier.”

Brittany Bowe

5x Speed Skating World Champion, Olympian, World Record Holder

Brittany Bowe is a legendary world champion speed skater, and we’re excited to welcome her to our team of ambassadors! A native Floridian, Brittany was a natural at many different sports when she was young. She grew up playing basketball, soccer and became an inline skater at the age of 8. Fast forward to 2013, and you’ll find Brittany at the ISU Speed Skating World Cup setting a world record for the 1000m race. Just one year later, she qualified for the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games and took 6th in the Women's Team Pursuit. More recently, at the end of January 2021, Brittany took 1st in both the 1000m and 1500m at the ISU World Cup, a feat that hasn’t been achieved in four years! To fuel her incredible endurance and keep her on the podium, Brittany works incredibly hard off the ice and harnesses the power of BEMER PEMF therapy to recover.

“As an elite athlete, I am always pushing my body to the limit.  We sometimes forget that when we train hard, we must recover hard as well.  BEMER plays a critical role in my recovery process and helps aid quick turnaround time between training and competitions.  By improving blood flow and circulation with BEMER, I am able to recover faster and train harder."

“BEMER has been a true blessing in my life. I’ve been using BEMER every day since 2014 and I am continually amazed by its many health benefits, ease of use and safety."

Stephen Weiss M.D.

Private Practice in Integrative Medicine, Santa Fe, NM, Board Certified Family Physician

"BEMER helps me recover from frequent muscle stress due to the explosive demands of the sport on an older body. My recovery time has been reduced and it enables me to train and compete again. Professionally, I use it on my patients for so many benefits in terms of recovery and post-op management."

Dr. Stephen Chan, DMD, BS, CFT

Functional Whole-body Dentist, Elite masters sprinter

"As a PT and lifelong athlete, I’m always looking for optimal ways to support the best performance of the mind and body. BEMER has been that answer for me as it allows my aging body to feel and function better than it has in years. Integrating BEMER into my daily routine has been a game changer for me and my clinical practice. BEMER allows individuals to access great self care at home daily and support peak performance of their own mind and body."

Elizabeth Pearl, MPT

CEO & Owner Pearl Physical Therapy, 20+ years of clinical practice as a PT

"I have had great success in improving my performance and recovery for all of my workouts. I have seen this in all levels of athletes that I take care of as well. I feel well rested and have more energy every day."

Doug DiOrio, MD

Sports Medicine and Family Medicine

"BEMER has helped me offer a higher level of care and better results to my patients. We’ve seen patients have incredible turnarounds when they combine our care with the benefits of in-home, lifestyle support from BEMER. It has also given me a chance to build a business where I can help people get the care they need at home in a season when people were required to stay home."

Dr. Jonathan Lazar, D.C.

Upper Cervical Chiropractor; Clinic Owner, Professor, Author and Radio Show host

"Even after 7 years of using BEMER therapy, I have been pleasantly surprised to see further benefits in energy and exercise recovery. Thanks to BEMER I’m in better shape now than I was 15 years ago. The restorative rest I have had since starting BEMER therapy allows me to run a busy clinic and keep helping others. I enjoy seeing improved overall health and function in my patients by safely supporting their circulation with BEMER therapy."

Dr. Kevin Shaw ND, EAMP

Triple board certified in Naturopathic Medicine, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

"As a cardiologist, I know the importance of healthy circulation. The patented BEMER signal increases local blood flow within the arterioles which propels the blood into the capillaries, delivering oxygen to our cells while removing carbon dioxide, which is key to maintaining healthy organs in our body."

Judson S. Millhon MD, FACC

Cardiovascular Disease and Interventional Cardiology Specialist

Kolten Wong

Professional Baseball Player, Milwaukee Brewers

Kolten Wong knows the repetitive physical demands that it takes to excel in Major League Baseball. As the second baseman for the Milwaukee Brewers and one of the best defensive gloves in his position, Kolten is no stranger to doing what it takes to stay at the pinnacle of his sport. Over the course of a 162-game season, this 2X Gold Glover leans on BEMER to give him an edge over his competition. 

“Playing in the MLB is a grind when you’re playing every day, so having the BEMER to allow me to decrease my recovery times is crucial. This year I’m trying to use BEMER's special mode more to optimize the times I need rest and relaxation. Our only time for maximum recovery is our off days, and there aren't many. Having BEMER work while I rest means my body gets the blood flow it needs to give me my best results so I can hit it hard the next day! "

NFL Football Player, Wide Receiver, Buffalo Bills

"NFL pre-season training can be both physically and mentally draining. Whether at practice, in the treatment room, or at home, I use my BEMER to recharge. A quick 8-minute BEMER session reduces my muscles' recovery time, giving me the energy and endurance to perform my best.”

Martin Fuchs

Olympic Show Jumping Athlete

Read more about Martin Fuchs and BEMER.

"I had a great experience with Clooney and the BEMER Horse-Set without knowing that he was using it. I was very surprised by how good he was to ride and I told my grooms that he was so nice to ride and that he hadn’t been that light and engaged in a long time. That is when they told me that he was using the BEMER Horse-Set! Usually, I don’t use a lot of additional products, but I really felt a difference enough that I started using it on him and all of our horses."

Simone Blum

Show Jumping World Champion 2018

“The BEMER Horse-Set has become indispensable for us. BEMER therapy helps the horses to always perform at their best and experience a greater quality of life. We wouldn’t want to be without it!”

Juan Matute Guimón

Spanish Junior European Champion 2015 & Grand Prix winner in dressage

“The horses relax very quickly and are more balanced. The BEMER Horse-Set is also very easy to use and significantly lighter than other products. The horses love it, you can see it in their facial expressions.”

Sönke Rothenberger

Olympic champion, world champion & six-time European champion as a member of the all-conquering German dressage team

Jur Vrieling

Dutch Olympian in show jumping

"Whether it’s running barrels for me or just being my freedom, my horses mean the world to me. They deserve to feel healthy, happy, and comfortable. I have loved the results I see with my BEMER Horse-Set. My horses are more relaxed and I can feel their tension release. It’s important to have products you believe in and therapies your horses benefit from. I believe in BEMER and my horses love it too!"

Amberley Snyder

Championship Barrel Racer & Inspirational Speaker

Read more about Amberley Snyder and BEMER.

Boyd Martin

Olympic Eventing Athlete

Read more about Boyd Martin and BEMER.

“Every day we train these horses very hard, and I need them feeling in tip-top shape for their competitions and next day’s training. I can’t begin to tell you how much improvement I’ve found with BEMER. It really helps with their recovery and circulation and it’s really made a difference.”

Tom & Cade McCutcheon

World Champion Million Dollar Reiners

Read more about Tom & Cade McCutcheon and BEMER.

"The BEMER Horse-Set is truly revolutionary. We use it on several of our horses both at home and at competitions, and we are extremely happy with the results. Our horses work hard and BEMER is a valuable tool to help them recover faster with improved endurance to be ready for the next event!"

Jessica Springsteen

Grand Prix Winning Show Jumper

"I am so excited to be working with BEMER. I have seen the BEMER Horse-Set in action and it's truly a unique product that supports our horses' recovery, circulation and relaxation – thus improving their performance in the ring."

Victoria Colvin

USHJA International Hunter Derby Champion

"Horse showing can be hard on horses and having the BEMER Horse-Set available to help them relax and recover is amazing. I am thrilled to be a part of the BEMER team because I truly believe in the product. I have seen what a difference it can make for the horses in helping them be healthier and happier so they are prepared for peak performance!"

Misdee Wrigley Miller

World Equestrian Games Team Gold Medalist for Combined Driving

"Each of my horses works very hard and I believe in providing them with the best care possible. The BEMER Horse-Set is a revolutionary product that increases circulation for faster recovery, better relaxation, and improved performance. My horses give me their best every day, so I use the BEMER to keep them relaxed and ready for the next competition!"

Yvonne Losos de Muniz

Olympic Dressage Athlete

"After over twenty years at the top levels of my discipline, I will only use the best resources for my horses' well-being. The BEMER Horse-Set and the proven PEMF technology it uses is excellent in helping with the recovery and fitness of my equine athletes, allowing for much better results in training and in the competition ring. I am very proud to join Team BEMER as an Ambassador, it's an outstanding company committed to excellence."

Beatrice de Lavalette

Para-Dressage Athlete

Read more about Beatrice de Lavalette and BEMER.

"Since receiving the BEMER Horse-Set, my horses have been having a session every morning before work. The difference has been really amazing. They are more supple, more relaxed, but more importantly, more ready to work in a shorter period of time. They clearly enjoy their BEMER moment every day!"

Brandon Phillips

Professional Polo Player

Read more about Brandon Phillips and BEMER.

"I am very excited about my new partnership with BEMER. It was a new product for me, but after using it on several of my horses for the last month, I have learned a lot and have seen the rapid improvement of my horses. There has been a big improvement in how they are feeling and performing."

Mavis Spencer

Grand Prix Show Jumper

Read more about Mavis Spencer and BEMER.

"I am really excited to join the BEMER team after using the product for the past four years. I bought my BEMER for my horses in 2016 and immediately noticed a big difference. They were all much more relaxed and supple through their bodies and recovered more quickly after big classes. I purchased the human product for myself and immediately noticed a big difference in my own personal health."

Martha Josey

WPRA, AQHA and NBHA World Champion and Cowgirl Hall of Fame Honoree

Read more about Martha Josey and BEMER.

“My husband R.E. and I are thrilled to be part of the BEMER team! We ask a lot from our equine partners, so we want to give them the best. The BEMER Horse-Set is a unique product that helps our horses' circulation and recovery and promotes relaxation after a good workout. Barrel horses train a lot, so we are glad to have our BEMER Horse-Set to help them get ready for their next trip down the alleyway.”

Wellness Advocate & Former World Champion Boxer

“I use BEMER before I work out and it gives me a boost of energy which motivates me to train at a higher intensity.”

Jay Devilliers

Top Pickleball Athlete

“BEMER has the best products when it comes to taking care of your body. BEMER will improve your circulation, stimulate your muscles and maximize your energy!”

Sarah Lockman Tubman

Pan American Games Individual Gold and Team Silver Medalist

“I am very excited to partner with BEMER Group and experience the benefits the Horse-Set has on my horses and the Human-Set for me. My team and I are looking forward to experiencing faster recovery times after lessons and competitions and the relaxation benefits the Horse-Set provides while the horses are traveling away from home. BEMER considers the horse an athlete and I am pleased to be their newest ambassador!”

Attendees must be GL or above. Please arrive on Wednesday, August 23rd for a 5:00 pm Welcome Reception. Light hors d'oeuvre and mingling. Please plan on making your own dinner arrangements. There are many options both on and off the property. There will be a Leaders only meeting on Thursday morning until noon. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. Please book your hotel accordingly. You do not need to make a separate registration for the Leaders Meeting, but all attendees must be registered for the Convention to attend.

Clicking this link will redirect you to the BEMER Event Registration Page


En cliquant sur ce lien, vous serez redirigé vers la page d'inscription à l'événement BEMER.


Les participants doivent être GL ou plus. Veuillez arriver le mercredi 23 août pour une réception de bienvenue à 17 heures. Hor d'œuvres légères et rencontres. Prévoyez de prendre vos propres dispositions pour le dîner. De nombreuses possibilités s'offrent à vous, tant sur place qu'à l'extérieur. Une réunion réservée aux directeurs aura lieu le jeudi matin jusqu'à midi. Le petit-déjeuner et le déjeuner seront offerts. Veuillez réserver votre hôtel en conséquence. Il n'est pas nécessaire de s'inscrire séparément pour la réunion des directeurs, mais tous les participants doivent être inscrits à la convention pour y assister.

Professional Wrangler, Author

“Training Stables has used BEMER products for several years on our horses and ourselves. The benefit is obvious… as soon as you put it on the horses they get relaxed through their body and they lick their lips… it’s like a spa treatment. The BEMER blanket keeps their withers, back, and hips from being sore, and after a physical workout, the boots promote blood circulation and prevent swelling. These BEMER products keep our horses sound and performing at their best.”

Meghan Dizon

“I was introduced to BEMER a little over a year ago at a pickleball tournament. I had recently injured my shoulder while trying out another recovery device. I was feeling anxious and was looking to find a better solution. Not only did BEMER help to release my shoulder discomfort, but it also reduced my stress levels, which allowed me to keep playing.”

Read more about Doug Payne and BEMER.

"When I was first introduced to the BEMER Horse-Set, I immediately knew this was a product I could stand behind. All of my horses use the BEMER Horse-Set to support their training and competition efforts."

Liz Halliday-Sharp

FEI Eventing Athlete

Liz is a strong member of high-performance Eventing. She represented the USA in multiple Nations Cup Teams and was reserve for the recent World Equestrian Games and Pan American Games. Liz was 2020 US Eventing Rider of the Year and was selected for the 2020 Olympic Team.

Hope & Avery Glynn

Top Hunter/Rider Professonial & Top Hunter/Jumper Junior

Meet equestrian superstars Hope and Avery Glynn. This mother-daughter duo is taking over the Hunter / Jumper class by storm. Both Hope and Avery have won numerous awards and championships, including CPHA and PCHA Horseman of the year, USEF Sportsman of the year, USEF Junior Hunter National, and American Tradition of Excellence Equitation Challenge. Hope and Avery both know the importance of quality and safety for their horses. That's why they entrust BEMER to ensure their horses are always at the top of their game and ready to take on any challenge.













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  • Must be at least 17, but has not reached age 42 on the date of enlistment



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SAS ARAIR Association Régionale d'Aide aux Insuffisants Respiratoires du Centre Tours (37000)

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Le Technopole, Quartier des deux Lions, 28 avenue Marcel Dassault 37200 Tours

Localisation SAS ARAIR Association Régionale d'Aide aux Insuffisants Respiratoires du Centre - 37200 - Tours


L’établissement SAS ARAIR Association Régionale d'Aide aux Insuffisants Respiratoires du Centre, situé à Tours (37200) est un établissement de la catégorie Services de Soins A Domicile dans le département Indre-et-Loire, Centre Val de Loire. Cet établissement a un statut privé non lucratif.

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  6. तोता पर निबंध Hindi में // Essay on parrot in hindi // 10 lines on parrot for class 5


  1. Prestataires de santé à domicile : ARAIR, ADEP, ADAIR, APAIR, AEMA

    Un réseau de proximité, expert et solidaire. Notre réseau composé de 4 marques (ARAIR, APAIR, ADEP, ADAIR) assure votre prise en charge à domicile pour votre traitement en respiratoire, diabète, perfusion ou nutrition. Nous proposons également une large gamme de matériel médical que cela soit pour le domicile ou en établissements de ...

  2. ARAIR

    Tours, Centre 590 followers ... Medical Equipment Manufacturing ... ARAIR ASSISTANCE développe et réalise des prises en charge globales et de haute technicité dans les domaines respiratoires ...

  3. Bastide Le Confort Médical Tours

    Vente de matériel médical à Tours. L'équipe du magasin Bastide Le Confort Médical de Tours vous accueille du lundi au vendredi : 9h- 13h / 14h - 18h, et le samedi de 9h à 13h. Retrouvez tout le matériel médical nécessaire pour conserver votre autonomie et votre mobilité en toute sécurité à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur ...

  4. ARAIR, Tours (37200)

    ARAIR à Tours (37200) : présentation de l'établissement, capacité, équipe, spécialités, certifications et équipements. ... Location Vente matériel médical - 37200 - Tours - 37 - Indre-et-Loire. Vous êtes le responsable de cet établissement ? ... Espace Médical Tours à 5 km. Ballan-Miré (37510) Précedent ...

  5. Matériel médical pour votre maintien à domicile

    Votre médecin vous a prescrit une ordonnance de matériel médical pour votre maintien ou votre retour à domicile ? Nos équipes de professionnels vous conseillent et vous proposent le meilleur matériel selon vos besoins quotidiens. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact avec l'un de nos conseillers au 02 47 25 45 00. Consultez notre ...

  6. ARAIR Assistance (Page officielle)

    ARAIR Assistance (Page officielle) | 582 followers on LinkedIn. ARAIR Assistance, filiale de l'activité santé à domicile du groupe Air Liquide, est spécialisée dans le traitement à domicile ...

  7. Arair Assistance S.A Tours

    Arair Assistance S.A à Tours Gaz industriels Soins, hospitalisation à domicile : adresse, photos, retrouvez les coordonnées et informations sur le professionnel ... 18 Juin, nous sommes aujourd'hui le 08 juillet et malgré mes appels répétés pour la plupart sans réponses, tout le matériel est toujours dans la chambre qui est la seule ...

  8. Arair Assistance

    Arair Assistance (Tours, Département d'Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire) est un magasin de matériel médical. Arair Assistance est située à proximité de CEFIM - L'école du web et des réseaux.

  9. Harmonie Médical Service Tours à Tours

    Services disponibles : Magasin de matériel médical Harmonie Médical Service Tours Tours. Découvrez le numéro de téléphone, les avis clients (8), l'adresse, les horaires d'ouverture et les photos du Magasin de matériel médical.

  10. Fournisseur matériel médical à Tours : Trouvez un ...

    Trouvez gratuitement et facilement un spécialiste Fournisseur matériel médical à Tours. Faites le bon choix grâce à toutes les informations financières et juridiques : SIRET, NAF, INSEE, effectif ... et entrez en relation avec le professionnel de votre choix en quelques clics. Confiez votre prospection à PagesPro !

  11. MedicalTourism.com

    Understand motivations for medical travel and key stakeholders. Learn about the unique needs and expectations of medical travelers. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Medical Travel Care Continuum. Learn about payment models, risk mitigation and marketing. Learn how to deliver an outstanding patient/guest experience. Get Certified Live →

  12. Role of Air Medical Transportation in Medical and Wellness Tourism

    Private air medical transportation prices vary, from as little as $7,500.00 for regional transports to more than $100,000 for certain global medical service. Furthermore, most insurance companies only cover air medical transportation deemed medically necessary and only to the nearest higher level of care facility. In other words, they generally ...

  13. Medical Tourism

    Medical Tourism Facilitator MedRetreat is America's most trusted provider of medical tourism services to savvy North Americans seeking safe, highly effective, personalized programs to receive world-class surgery abroad. Affordable Surgery Overseas healthcare saves you up to 80% of the cost here in the U.S. -- especially helpful in these tough economic times -- CLICK HERE FOR PRICING INFO

  14. Ultimate Guide About Medical Tourism

    Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, has developed a strong medical tourism platform. It launched the Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism e-portal and collaborates with reputable healthcare accreditation organizations. The city ensures top-quality care and offers convenient services for medical tourists.

  15. Aircraft First Aid, Medical Kits And Equipment

    MedAire's Advanced Aviation Medical Kit (AAMK) - the premium first aid kit and in-flight medical kit specially designed to help manage medical events at 40,000 ft elevation. Equip your crew with the necessary tools and guidance to confidently respond to medical incidents while en route to your destination.

  16. Traveling With Medical Devices: Everything You Need to Know

    If you're traveling with a BEMER muscle stimulator, you can rest assured that they're FDA-cleared Class II medical devices. Plus, for avid travelers, business people, and other frequent flyers, the BEMER Deluxe-Set comes with its very own custom travel-size backpack that easily doubles as a carry-on bag. Need a quick muscle stimulation ...

  17. Medical Materiel Specialist (4A131)

    It's essential that our medical teams have all of the tools needed to provide proper care and treatment. It's the job of Medical Materiel specialists to ensure that all Air Force medical facilities have the medications, supplies and equipment they need to treat our Airmen and their families. These experts order, receive and store these ...

  18. PDF HQ AFMC/EN 2024 Strategic Plan

    DAF AND CENTERS ALIGNMENT. LOEs and supporting objectives align to the 2023 AFMC Strategic Plan, particularly as it relates to delivering integrated capabilities, revolutionizing our processes, and strengthening our team. This strategy is supported by a strong connection with the centers and SAF/AQ.

  19. SAS ARAIR Association Régionale d'Aide aux Insuffisants Respiratoires

    L'établissement SAS ARAIR Association Régionale d'Aide aux Insuffisants Respiratoires du Centre, situé à Tours (37200) est un établissement de la catégorie Services de Soins A Domicile dans le département Indre-et-Loire, Centre Val de Loire. Cet établissement a un statut privé non lucratif.

  20. 72nd Medical Group conducts Ready Eagle mission readiness exercise

    An Airman goes through decontamination while posing as a simulated mass casualty victim during exercise Ready Eagle at Tinker Air Base, Oklahoma, April 17, 2024. The 72nd MDG cared for patients at the incident scene, provided transport, decontaminated...

  21. 72nd Medical Group conducts Ready Eagle mission readiness exercise

    An Airman assigned to the 72nd Medical Group assess the injuries of a simulated patient during exercise Ready Eagle at Tinker Air Base, Oklahoma, April 17, 2024. The 72nd MDG cared for patients at the incident scene, provided transport, decontaminated simulated casualties, and provided the exercise patients with clinical care.

  22. Carriage of Medical Equipment

    A medical equipment baggage waiver letter is required to carry any medical equipment onboard a Ryanair flight. Passengers with pre - existing medical conditions who need to carry medical equipment in addition to their checked/hand baggage allowance must contact our Special Assistance team in advance.. On provision of a doctor's letter confirming the requirements a medical baggage waiver ...

  23. 72nd Medical Group conducts Ready Eagle mission readiness exercise

    An Airman assigned to the 72nd Medical Group assess the injuries of a simulated patient during exercise Ready Eagle at Tinker Air Base, Oklahoma, April 17, 2024. ... Air Force Materiel Command; AFSC. Air Force Sustainment Center; 448th Supply Chain Management Wing; 72nd Air Base Wing. 72nd Medical Group;