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Quick Trips

‘rock and roll all nite’: kiss delivers a final salute to loyal fans at tokyo dome.

Kiss performs what is expected to be its final performance in Japan at Tokyo Dome, Nov. 30, 2022.

Kiss performs what is expected to be its final performance in Japan at Tokyo Dome, Nov. 30, 2022. (Koichi Kuriyama/Stars and Stripes)

When an urgent email from Stars and Stripes’ Pacific bureau chief fell into my inbox Nov. 30 asking if I could get to the Tokyo Dome quickly for a final Kiss concert that night, I was more than ready.

The “Awesome KISS Mix” folder is always available on the very top of my smartphone playlists. Only the previous day I had grabbed my Les Paul and without a thought started on “Deuce,” my favorite Kiss guitar riff. Ace Frehley, the band’s original lead guitarist, was my model for a cool rock star, the musician on whose playing style I based my own.

“Sure, why not!” I replied via email. No one is a bigger Kiss freak than I, and this, after all, was the band’s End of the Road World Tour.

Excitement grew as I jumped onto the Metro for the Tokyo Dome. Instantly I was drawn back to the last time I was inside the Dome, in 1997, coincidentally, for a Kiss concert. I also saw the band play the prior year in Seattle during the same tour.

Exiting the subway, I could see the band’s legion of fans, the Kiss Army, out in force: in restrooms, restaurants, convenience stores – everywhere I turned.

Kiss performs what is expected to be its final performance in Japan at Tokyo Dome, Nov. 30, 2022.

Outside the Dome, kids and families heading for a nearby roller coaster jostled with middle-aged Kiss fans heading for the arena, a cross-section of humanity passing in the night. Some fans wore Kiss T-shirts from previous tours, some wore the kabuki-style trademark Kiss make-up and others went all out and dressed in handmade old-school Kiss stage costumes.

This was a special occasion, the last tour ever by the band, of whom just two members of the founding lineup remain: rhythm guitarist and singer Paul Stanley and bassist Gene Simmons, now ages 70 and 73, respectively.

An audience at Tokyo Dome watches Kiss perform what is expected to be the Rock and Roll Hall of Famers' farewell performane in Japan, Nov. 30, 2022.

An audience at Tokyo Dome watches Kiss perform what is expected to be the Rock and Roll Hall of Famers' farewell performane in Japan, Nov. 30, 2022. (Koichi Kuriyama/Stars and Stripes)

Inside, Led Zeppelin’s “Rock ‘n’ Roll” issued from the loudspeakers, signaling the show was about to start. The audience was up and screaming. Then came a voice: “All right Tokyo! You wanted the best; you got the best. The hottest band in the world, KISSSSSS!!”

Drummer Eric Singer manned his kit on the riser as Simmons, Stanley and lead guitarist Tommy Thayer descended from the ceiling playing “Detroit Rock City,” a Kiss start-up standard since the 1970s, amid pyrotechnics, flashing lights and a mega-screen backdrop.

Kiss performs what is expected to be its final show  in Japan at Tokyo Dome, Nov. 30, 2022.

Kiss performs what is expected to be its final show in Japan at Tokyo Dome, Nov. 30, 2022. (Koichi Kuriyama/Stars and Stripes)

I almost cried thinking this may be the very last Kiss visit to Tokyo. The make-up hides their actual “un-masked” appearance, but it was hard to believe KISS is retiring from the stage at the end of the tour.

Simmons still sparked fire with “I Love it Loud” and spit blood during “God of Thunder.”

Stanley in his thigh-high black platform boots flew via an overhead cable to a platform in mid-arena to play “Love Gun.” It was good to hear their announcer shout, “Anatawa saikou!” (you’re the best!)

The two “freshmen” in their 60s are only slightly younger than their bandmates and have been with Kiss for decades.

Paul Stanley soars over the crowd at Tokyo Dome during Kiss' farewell performance in Japan, Nov. 30, 2022.

Paul Stanley soars over the crowd at Tokyo Dome during Kiss' farewell performance in Japan, Nov. 30, 2022. (Koichi Kuriyama/Stars and Stripes)

Thayer blasted rocket fire from his Les Paul during “Cold Gin” as ably as Ace Frehley in earlier days. Singer delivered a melancholy “Beth,” the band’s signature ballad and ode to broken hearts and burgeoning rock stars. In tribute the Tokyo audience lifted their lit smartphone screens, an echo of Bic lighters held aloft a generation ago.

Japanese society continued a mask-up policy at the concert venue as a COVID-19 prevention measure. It might be weird for people in the U.S. or European countries with no more mask policies to see masked-up KISS play for a masked-up audience.

In fact, Kiss had already played a “final show” in Tokyo in 2019, right before the pandemic started. So, you might think, what, a final show, again? For the money?

The answer is that like many other bands, Kiss canceled the remainder of its tour due to the pandemic, and because Simmons and Stanley experienced health issues.

Gene Simmons spews fake blood during Kiss' farewell performance at Tokyo Dome, Nov. 30, 2022.

Gene Simmons spews fake blood during Kiss' farewell performance at Tokyo Dome, Nov. 30, 2022. (Koichi Kuriyama/Stars and Stripes)

The band rescheduled the final world tour after the pandemic eased a bit, but revisiting Japan was already a possibility. Many popular rock bands of the 1970s, including Queen, Cheap Trick and, later, Bon Jovi, were “discovered” while on tour in Japan and became quite popular here.

And of course, Kiss was definitely one of those bands. Hit-making performances in New York and Detroit made them popular in Japan before the band even hit these shores. I believe Kiss returned for one more night to pay back their Japanese fans’ loyalty.

Then came the finale, the final song in Tokyo, and the last Kiss performance in Japan, “Rock and Roll All Nite,” their monster 1975 hit. Balloons fell from the ceiling and confetti cannons showered the crowd; Stanley finished up 50 years on stage by smashing his guitar.

Then this huge rock-and-roll party was over, but the next party was only getting started. At home I took my collection of Kiss vinyl from the closet and spent the weekend spinning them on the turntable, a rock ‘n roll party, ‘70s style!

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一夜限り、まさかのアンコール来日公演! THE FINAL TOUR EVER KISS END OF THE ROAD WORLD TOUR 11.30(水)19:00 東京ドーム


11/30(水)東京ドーム公演のSSバルコニー席ご購入のお客様には、ご入場時に「1ドリンク&1軽食引換券」をお渡しいたします。 SSバルコニー席のゲートのみの対応になりますので、必ずチケット券面に表記されているゲートからご入場お願い致します。 (バルコニー席のゲート以外では引換券をお渡しできません) 引換券の有効期間は、公演当日、開場時間〜開演30分後までです。 1ドリンク&1軽食の引換はバルコニー席売店のみとなります。(場内の他の売店での引換はできません)

11/30(水)東京ドーム公演の当日券は、会場のチケットブース(22番ゲート前)にて16:30より販売致します。 席種:S席 ¥20,000 

東京ドーム 場内売店におけるキャッシュレス化について

<東京ドーム内 飲食売店利用時のお願い> 東京ドームは新型コロナウィルス感染予防の対策として、お客様の時間短縮と接触機会減少を目的に、東京ドーム内の完全キャッシュレス化を実施しております。 現金はご利用いただけません。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※場外グッズ売場は現金をお使い頂けます。

kiss tour japan








1977年の初来日から45年、過去12回の来日公演の記録を網羅した「 HISTORY 」を公開しました! 皆さんの思い出に残っている来日公演をぜひチェックしてみてください。

11月30日一夜限りの来日公演のチケットは先行予約を受付中です! お見逃しなく!


一夜限り、まさかのアンコール来日公演が大反響! 本日よりウドー・メンバーズの受付がスタート!

受付対象席種:S席(先着) 受付期間:8月8日(月)12:00~9月9日(金)18:00


地獄の軍団、奇跡の帰還! 2022年11月30日、東京一夜限りの来日公演が決定! チケットは明日8/3(水)正午より「ウドー・プレミアムメンバーズ」にて受付スタート!


  • チケットを予約・購入する方法・種類について
  • クーリングオフ対象商品ではございませんので、ご購入手続き後のお客様都合によるキャンセル・変更・解約・返金はできません
  • ウドー音楽事務所でご購入頂いたチケットを、営利を目的として第三者に転売したり、転売を目的としている第三者に提供する行為を禁止させていただきます
  • 車椅子でのご来場の方はS席相当のスペースへのご案内になりますので、チケットはあらかじめS席をご購入ください。(同伴者の方もチケットは必要です。)
  • 6歳未満(未就学児童)の方のご入場は、お断りさせて頂きます。





ウドー・プレミアムメンバーズ 受付対象席種:SS席/SSバルコニー席(抽選) 受付期間: 8月3日(水)12:00~ 8月12日(金)10:00 受付終了

  • エントリー受付期間後に行なわれる抽選に当選した方のみチケットの購入ができる先行抽選方式での予約受付となります。
  • エントリーにはウドー・プレミアムメンバーズ会員登録【有料(年会費4,900円)】が必要となります。抽選の結果、落選となった場合でも年会費はお返しできませんので、予めご了承の上お申込みください。
  • 当選・落選および座席位置は先着順ではなく、受付期間内にお申し込み頂いた全応募者の中から厳正なる抽選で決定致します。当選された場合は自動的に購入となり、購入のキャンセルは出来ません。
  • 抽選結果の発表は、8月12日(金)18時以降を予定しております。抽選結果はメールにて配信いたしますが、電子メールの特性上、遅延・未着となる場合もございますので、そのような場合は抽選申込履歴画面にて抽選結果の確認をお願い致します。
  • 1IDにつき1回のみエントリー可能です(1公演毎に最大2枚まで、複数回に分けて申し込むことは出来ません)。当選したチケットはすべてご購入いただきます。

受付対象席種:S席(先着) 受付期間: 8月3日(水)12:00~ 8月14日(日)23:59 受付終了

  • この先行予約はS席のみの受付となります。お座席の位置は申し込まれた券種の全エリアから抽選で決定とさせていただきます。
  • お申し込みは最大2枚までとさせていただきます。


ウドー・メンバーズ 受付対象席種:S席(先着) 受付期間: 8月8日(月)12:00~ 9月9日(金)18:00 受付終了

  • お申し込みは最大4枚までご予約いただけます。





ウドー音楽事務所 03-3402-5999 (月・水・金:12:00~15:00)

2022年、KISSはもういちど日本を選んだ。 地獄の軍団、奇跡の帰還!

「日本のファンのみんなにサヨナラを言いに来た」 2019年の師走、KISSは史上12回目となるジャパン・ツアーを実施。仙台、東京、盛岡、大阪、名古屋を巡演しながら、ポール・スタンレーは各会場のステージ上からそう呼び掛けていた。このツアーは2019年1月31日にカナダのヴァンクーヴァーで開幕した『END OF THE ROAD WORLD TOUR』の一環としてのものであり、同ツアーの終了は文字通りKISSのツアー活動の幕切れを意味する。実際、詳細までは明かされずにいたものの、一時は2021年7月のニューヨーク公演が“最後の最後”になるとの情報も公式に発信されていた。だが、世界的パンデミックがすべてを変え、彼らの物語の流れにまで変化を生じさせることになった。


そうした日常の中で、彼ら自身の意識のあり方にも少なからず変化が生じてきたのかもしれない。KISSは前述の配信ライヴや、『OFF THE SOUNDBOARD』と銘打たれたライヴ・アーカイヴ・シリーズ作品の発売に際して、パンデミックが続く状況下においてもプレス対応の機会を設けてきたが、そうした際に彼らが匂わせていたのは日本再上陸の可能性だった。しかも彼らの発言の端々には「日本に行きたい」というシンプルな願望ではなく「もう一度行かねばならない」といった使命感に近いニュアンスが感じられたものだ。


2022年11月、KISSが改めて日本のオーディエンスに「サヨナラ」を告げにやって来る。再会の場所として選ばれたのは東京ドームであり、彼らにとっては同会場での史上5回目の公演ということになる。ただ、誤解して欲しくないのは、これがいわゆる引退宣言撤回のような性質のものではないということだ。あくまでコロナ禍の影響により『END OF THE ROAD WORLD TOUR』が途中から仕切り直しになったからこそ組まれた、いわば奇跡的ともいえる機会だということを忘れずにおきたい。過去にはフェアウェル・ツアーを経たうえで継続を決めたこともあるKISSではあるが、その当時とは彼ら自身の年齢も違えば今後に向けてのヴィジョンも違う。かつて70歳でのステージ引退を仄めかしていたジーン・シモンズはすでにその年齢を超え、この8月25日には73歳になるが、最近では「バンドが50周年を過ぎても続くことはない」と断言していたりもする。KISSが結成されたのは1973年、デビュー・アルバムが世に出たのは1974年2月のことだ。タイムリミットが間近に迫りつつあることは間違いない。





KISS 日本公演の軌跡

独特のメイクと派手な衣装、ハードな音で衝撃的なデビューを飾ったKISSが初来日。 火を吹き、血を流し、花火が打ち上がる驚愕のステージは噂以上だった。

  • 03/24(木) 大阪 大阪厚生年金会館
  • 03/25(金) 大阪 大阪厚生年金会館
  • 03/26(土) 京都 京都会館第一ホール
  • 03/28(月) 名古屋 愛知県体育館
  • 03/29(火) 大阪 フェスティバルホール
  • 03/30(水) 福岡 九電記念体育館
  • 04/01(金) 東京 日本武道館
  • 04/02(土) 東京 日本武道館<15時>
  • 04/02(土) 東京 日本武道館<19時>
  • 04/04(月) 東京 日本武道館

kiss tour japan


  • 03/28(火) 東京 日本武道館
  • 03/29(水) 東京 日本武道館
  • 03/31(金) 東京 日本武道館
  • 04/01(土) 東京 日本武道館
  • 04/02(日) 東京 日本武道館

kiss tour japan


  • 04/16(土) 名古屋 名古屋市公会堂
  • 04/18(月) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 04/20(水) 横浜 横浜文化体育館
  • 04/21(水) 東京 日本武道館
  • 04/22(金) 東京 日本武道館
  • 04/24(日) 東京 代々木オリンピックプール<追加>

kiss tour japan


  • 01/24(火) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 01/26(木) 福岡 九州厚生年金会館
  • 01/28(土) 名古屋 センチュリーホール
  • 01/30(月) 東京 日本武道館
  • 01/31(火) 東京 日本武道館

kiss tour japan

世界中が狂喜乱舞した“メイクアップKISS”の復活。 日本では東京ドームが超満員となり、その活動は現在も続いている。

  • 01/18(土) 東京 東京ドーム
  • 01/20(月) 名古屋 名古屋レインボーホール
  • 01/21(火) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 01/22(水) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 01/24(金) 福岡 福岡国際センター
  • 01/25(土) 広島 広島サンプラザ

kiss tour japan

オリジナルメンバーだったピーター・クリス(Ds)が2000年に電撃的に脱退。 一時は解散を余儀なくされたKISSだったが、元メンバーのエリック・シンガー(Ds)が加入しての来日ツアーとなった。

  • 03/09(金) 横浜 横浜アリーナ
  • 03/10(土) 横浜 横浜アリーナ
  • 03/13(火) 東京 東京ドーム
  • 03/16(金) 福岡 福岡国際センター
  • 03/18(日) 名古屋 レインボーホール
  • 03/21(水) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 03/22(木) 大阪 大阪城ホール

kiss tour japan

2年ぶりのKISSの来日ライブは武道館3デイズと横浜アリーナの計4公演を開催。 新たなギタリストのトミー・セイヤーとともに、パワフルなステージを披露した。

  • 03/11(火) 東京 日本武道館
  • 03/12(水) 東京 日本武道館
  • 03/13(木) 東京 日本武道館
  • 03/15(土) 横浜 横浜アリーナ<追加>

kiss tour japan

前年に続き、KISSが来日。8回目となるジャパンツアーは武道館3デイズを含む6公演。 ドラムスはピーター・クリスが3度目の脱退をし、エリック・シンガーが3度目の復帰加入となった。

  • 05/27(木) 東京 日本武道館
  • 05/28(金) 東京 日本武道館
  • 05/29(土) 東京 日本武道館
  • 05/31(月) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 06/02(水) 名古屋 レインボーホール
  • 06/03(木) 金沢 石川県産業展示館4号館

kiss tour japan

ウドー音楽主催によるロックフェスティバルを、富士スピードウェイと泉大津フェニックスの2ヵ所で開催。 KISS、サンタナ、ジェフ・ベック、プリテンダーズ、ドゥービー・ブラザーズ、ポール・ロジャースなど、スタジアム級のアーティストを多数招聘した。

  • 07/18(火) 名古屋 レインボーホール
  • 07/20(木) 福岡 福岡国際センター


  • 07/22(土) 大阪 泉大津フェニックス
  • 07/23(日) 静岡 富士スピードウェイ

kiss tour japan

アルバム『モンスター』のワールドツアーで7年ぶりに日本に上陸。 10月24日の武道館公演はWOWOWで生放送されると同時に映画館でも上映され、収益金は東日本大震災の被災地支援団体に寄付された。

  • 10/19(土) 千葉 幕張メッセ
  • 10/21(月) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 10/23(水) 東京 日本武道館(追加)
  • 10/24(木) 東京 日本武道館(追加)

kiss tour japan

同年1月にももいろクローバーZとのシングル「夢の浮世に咲いてみな」をリリースしたKISSがジャパンツアーを敢行。 3月3日の東京ドーム公演ではももいろクローバーZがゲスト出演し話題を呼んだ。

  • 02/23(月) 名古屋 日本ガイシホール
  • 02/25(水) 大阪 大阪城ホール
  • 02/26(木) 広島 広島サンプラザ
  • 02/28(土) 仙台 セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ
  • 03/03(火) 東京 東京ドーム

※東京公演のみ特別参戦:ももいろクローバーZ 計5回

kiss tour japan

同年1月よりスタートしたワールド・ツアー『END OF THE ROAD』は、約1年かけて欧米での100公演余りを終えての日本上陸。全公演追っかけるファンも多数続出。

  • 12/08(日) 仙台 ゼビオアリーナ仙台
  • 12/11(水) 東京 東京ドーム
  • 12/14(土) 盛岡 盛岡タカヤアリーナ(盛岡市総合アリーナ)
  • 12/17(火) 大阪 京セラドーム大阪
  • 12/19(木) 名古屋 ドルフィンズアリーナ(愛知県体育館)



SS Reserved seat ¥25,000 (tax incl.)

SS Balcony seat ¥25,000 (tax incl.)

※ Includes 1 Drink & Snack / Exclusive Restroom / Exclusive Entrance

S Reserved seat ¥20,000 (tax incl.)

A Reserved seat ¥15,000 (tax incl.)

※Please note children at the age of 5 and under are not allowed to enter the venue.

Info: Udo Artists Inc. 03-3402-5999 12:00PM to 15:00PM (Only Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

Roppongi Rocks

Gig review: KISS bid farewell to Japan

KISS served up a fabulous rock’n’roll party as a thank you and goodbye to the Japanese fans.

KISS at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan on 30 th November 2022

Three years ago, just before the Covid pandemic broke out, KISS did a five-show tour of Japan as part of their multi-year End of the Road World Tour. Those Japan gigs were billed as the band’s final Japan gigs. But when the pandemic hit, the band had to take a break from touring for a bit and extend the tour beyond the intended final July 2021 show. As the band successfully restarted the tour, a special encore performance in Tokyo was announced. Technically, the band broke its earlier promise, but I guess no one who attended this “final-final-really” show minded that one bit. A chance to see our favourite rock band once more? Hell yeah. As expected, the show was full of pyrotechnics, lasers, moving platforms, zip lines, fake blood, fire breathing, confetti, balloons and much more in an over-the-top production. This was a fabulous rock’n’roll party for the ears and the eyes and, most importantly, the heart. This being a thank-you-and-farewell show to its loyal Japanese fans, the focus was fully on KISS and its most-loved songs. Unlike the last two KISS tours of Japan, when Japanese artists Momoiro Clover Z and Yoshiki respectively guested the band’s encores, this time there were no special guests. This was KISS’ final Japan show and no one was going to steal their thunder this evening. This was all about the band’s co-founders Paul Stanley (vocals and guitar) and Gene Simmons (vocals and bass) together with their bandmates Eric Singer (drums and vocals) and Tommy Thayer (lead guitar) saying thank you for Japan’s loyal support throughout the band’s long career. The show opened with a trio of the band’s best songs from the 1970s – “Detroit Rock City”, “Shout It Out Loud” and “Deuce”. The strong opening was followed by a trio of songs from the 1980s – “War Machine”, “Heaven’s on Fire” and “I Love It Loud” (as well as 1983’s “Lick It Up” later on in the set). Some people may not know or remember it, but KISS had a strong 80s with several terrific albums. The setlist was, as one would expect for a final show, mainly focused on the band’s most-loved songs. We got 70s classics such as “Cold Gin”, “Calling Dr. Love”, “God of Thunder” (with a flying and blood-drooling Gene Simmons), “Love Gun” (with Paul taking a zip line trip above the heads of the audience) and “I Was Made for Lovin’ You” (with Paul making the return trip from the audience back to the stage). An obvious highlight of the show was “Black Diamond” with Eric Singer singing lead. From the band’s later recording period, there was “Psycho Circus” (1998) and “Say Yeah” (2009). There were no major surprises in the setlist, but we did get somewhat of a deep cut in the form of “Makin’ Love” from the 1976 album “Rock and Roll Over”. Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer both got to shine throughout the show. They are reliable complements to Gene and Paul and this evening they also got to show us their skills with their own excellent solo appearances. The show’s encore consisted of two classics from the album “Destroyer” from 1976, ’“Beth” (a solo performance by Eric on vocals and piano) and “Do You Love Me”. The final song of the final Japan show was, of course, the anthem “Rock and Roll All Nite”. And with that, it was all over. The band has been performing music for 49 years now. By the time they hang up their platform boots, they will have passed the 50 th- anniversary mark. Thank you for the music and the rock’n’roll parties. There is no other band quite like KISS. KISS will live on in some form or another, but the big tours will come to an end.



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Kiss / tokyo dome 2022 / 2cdr.

in 2020s , KISS , Shades 2022/12/13 479 Views

Kiss / Tokyo Dome 2022 / 2CDR / Shades Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 30th November 2022

kiss tour japan

Finally… or should I say, I didn’t expect it to really come true. An encore visit to Japan for the “END OF THE ROAD World Tour” that crosses such thoughts. An original recording that allows you to fully experience the scene will be released urgently! Of course, “November 30, 2022: Tokyo Dome performance” is imbued in this work. It is a masterpiece audience recording that vacuum packed the whole story. 45 years since the legendary first visit to Japan, KISS has carried out 13 Japan tours. The encore visit to Japan this time is the last scene that will be the “great finale”. Since it is too memorial, let’s look back on their entire history of coming to Japan this time.

● 70’s original ・ March-April 1977 (9 performances) / March-April 1978 (5 performances) The no-makeup era ・April 1988 (6 performances) / January 1995 (5 performances) ●Original reunion ・January 1997 (6 performances) ●Member transition period ・March 2001 (7 performances) / March 2003 (4 performances) Current member era ・May-June 2004 (6 performances) / July 2006 (4 performances) / October 2013 (4 performances) / February-March 2015 (5 performances) / December 2019 (5 performances) / November 2022 (1 performance) ← Coco *Note: Regular performances only. Excludes TV appearances and VIP special stages.

A total of 67 performances. The previous visit to Japan was also part of the final tour “END OF THE ROAD”, but the tour was suspended due to the new corona pandemic. A return to Japan is realized in a form that benefits from the reorganization. It was also the fifth Tokyo Dome performance in 45 years since the first visit to Japan. This work, which conveys such a final scene, is an excellent audience recording. It is an original recording by Mr. “West Japan’s Strongest Taper” who is familiar with our shop, and the on-core is strong and the details are vivid. As expected, you can feel the ringing only in Tokyo Dome, and it can not be said that it is the usual “rounded sound board”, but it is a story with a pillow word “for the “strongest” Mr. collection”. In terms of general standards, it sounds like Nippon Budokan or the International Forum, and the thick feeling of the core that breaks through it is “as expected of the “strongest” Mr. Collection”. Moreover, not only is the recording skill good, but the position seems to be “front seat of A block”, and the direct feeling that is close to it, and the three-dimensional effect that enthusiasm does not enter between the stage is deliciously recorded. To put it the other way around, it has the dynamism / spectacle that seems to be Tokyo Dome, and the ease of listening to the hall class is also there. It has a mysterious charm to it. A full show that is similar to the previous (2019) but different from the sound of the special seat by such a master. Let’s organize the set that will be the “new final answer” here.

70’s Classics (13 songs + α) ・Emissary from Hell: Deuce / Cold Gin / 100,000 Years (Partial) / Black Diamond ・Hell Corps: Detroit Rock City/Shout It Out Loud/God Of Thunder/Beth/Do You Love Me (★) ・Others: Rock And Roll All Night / Calling Dr. Love / Makin’ Love (★★) / Love Gun / I Was Made For Lovin’ You ● Others (6 songs) ・80s: War Machine/I Love It Loud/Lick It Up/Heaven’s On Fire ・After the 90s: Psycho Circus/Say Yeah! * Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard on the previous edition “TOKYO DOME 2019”. In particular, the “★★” marks are songs that were not played at any venues in Japan last time.

… and it looks like this. “Do You Love Me” and “Makin’ Love” are newly set in compared to the last Tokyo Dome decision board “TOKYO DOME 2019 (Shades 1129)”. The former was performed in Morioka, Osaka and Nagoya, but “Makin ‘Love” has been a long time coming. In recent years, it felt like KISS Kruise’s exclusive song, and in particular, it was the first time in 18 years since 2004 when the current members were solidified. With Paul Stanley doing well, KISS has already been asked, “Is this really the last time?” The final performance of the whole world is said to be “New York in 2024”, and if you think calmly, it will be the last. Anyway, he showed me a fulfilling show that made me wonder about the end. A live album where you can quickly grasp the whole picture with a special seat sound. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★ “November 30, 2022: Tokyo Dome performance” masterpiece audience recording. It is an original recording by Mr. “West Japan’s Strongest Taper” who is familiar with our shop, and the core is strong and the details are vivid. As it was caught from the special seat “front of A block”, there was plenty of direct feeling up close, and the enthusiasm did not enter between the stage and the stage. It is a memorial album where you can bite the last one of all 67 performances held in 45 years from the first visit to Japan with a special seat sound.

遂に……と言いますか、まさか本当に実現するとは。そんな思いもよぎる“END OF THE ROAD World Tour”のアンコール来日。その現場をフル体験できるオリジナル録音が緊急リリース決定です! そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは、もちろん「2022年11月30日:東京ドーム公演」。その一部始終を真空パックした大傑作オーディエンス録音です。伝説の初来日から45年、KISSは13回に及ぶジャパン・ツアーを実施してきました。この度のアンコール来日は、その「大千秋楽」となる最後の現場。あまりにもメモリアルですので、今回は彼らの来日全史を振り返ってみましょう。

●70年代オリジナル ・1977年3ー4月(9公演)/1978年3ー4月(5公演) ●ノーメイク時代 ・1988年4月(6公演)/1995年1月(5公演) ●オリジナル再結成 ・1997年1月(6公演) ●メンバー移行時代 ・2001年3月(7公演)/2003年3月(4公演) ●現行メンバー時代 ・2004年5ー6月(6公演)/2006年7月(4公演) /2013年10月(4公演)/2015年2ー3月(5公演) /2019年12月(5公演) /2022年11月(1公演) ←★ココ★ ※注;通常公演のみ。TV出演やVIP特別ステージ等は除く。

以上、全67公演。前回来日もファイナル・ツアー“END OF THE ROAD”の一環でしたが、その後に新型コロナ・パンデミックでツアーは中断。仕切り直しの恩恵を受けるカタチで再来日が実現。初来日から45年にして5度目の東京ドーム公演でもありました。 そんな最後の現場を伝える本作は、絶品のオーディエンス録音。当店ではお馴染み“西日本最強テーパー”氏によるオリジナル録音でして、オンな芯がグイグイと力強く、ディテールも細部まで鮮やか。さすがに東京ドームだけに鳴りも感じられ、いつものような「丸っきりサウンドボード」というわけには行きませんが、それは「“最強”氏コレクションにしては」の枕詞が付く話。一般基準で言えば、日本武道館や国際フォーラムくらいの鳴りであり、それを食い破ってくる芯の極太感は「さすが“最強”氏コレクション」。しかも単に録音の腕が良いだけでなく、ポジションも素晴らしかった「Aブロックの前方席」らしく、その間近なダイレクト感、ステージとの間に熱狂が入り込んでこない立体感が美味しく記録されている。逆に言いますと、東京ドームらしいダイナミズム/スペクタクルを漂わせつつ、ホール級の聴きやすさも同居している。何とも不思議な魅力を放っているのです。 そんな達人による特等席サウンドで画かれるのは、前回(2019年)とも似て非なるフルショウ。ここで「新たな最終回答」となるセットを整理しておきましょう。

●70年代クラシックス(13曲+α) ・地獄からの使者:Deuce/Cold Gin/100,000 Years (Partial)/Black Diamond ・地獄の軍団:Detroit Rock City/Shout It Out Loud/God Of Thunder/Beth/Do You Love Me(★) ・その他:Rock And Roll All Night/Calling Dr. Love/Makin’ Love(★★)/Love Gun/I Was Made For Lovin’ You ●その他(6曲) ・80年代:War Machine/I Love It Loud/Lick It Up/Heaven’s On Fire ・90年代以降:Psycho Circus/Say Yeah! ※注:「★」印は前回盤『TOKYO DOME 2019』で聴けなかった曲。特に「★★」印は前回来日のどの会場でも演奏しなかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。前回東京ドームの決定盤『TOKYO DOME 2019(Shades 1129)』と比較すると「Do You Love Me」「Makin’ Love」が新たにセットイン。前者は盛岡・大阪・名古屋で演奏していましたが、「Makin’ Love」は実に久しぶり。近年KISS Kruise専用曲という感じでしたし、特に日本披露は現行メンバーが固まった2004年以来、18年ぶりです。 ポール・スタンレーの好調ぶりもあり、早くも「本当に最後なんだろうな?」との声も聞かれるKISS。全世界の最終公演は「2024年のニューヨーク」とも言われており、冷静に考えればやはり最後でしょう。ともあれ、最後をいぶかしむのも分かるほど充実したショウを見せてくれました。その全貌をいち早く特等席サウンドで噛みしめられるライヴアルバム。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください!


Disc 1 (62:25) 1. Introduction 2. Detroit Rock City 3. Shout It Out Loud 4. Deuce 5. War Machine 6. Heaven’s on Fire 7. I Love It Loud 8. Say Yeah 9. Cold Gin 10. Guitar Solo 11. Lick It Up 12. Calling Dr. Love

Disc 2 (64:01) 1. Makin’ Love 2. Psycho Circus 3. Drum Solo 4. 100,000 Years (Partial) 5. Bass Solo 6. God of Thunder 7. Love Gun 8. I Was Made for Lovin’ You 9. Black Diamond 10. Beth 11. Do You Love Me 12. Rock and Roll All Nite

Shades 1656

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Kiss Announce Final Concert, Map Out More ‘End of the Road’ Tour Dates

By Daniel Kreps

Daniel Kreps

Kiss ‘ End of the Road farewell tour has scheduled its final stop: July 17th, 2021 in the band’s native New York City. Before that, however, Kiss has added a ton of new 2020 dates to their final trek, including two lengthy North American legs.

“We’ve been on the End of the Road tour, and people have said, ‘When is the last show?'” Paul Stanley recently told the audience aboard the Kiss Kruise ( via Ultimate Classic Rock ). “So, we’re here to tell you that the end of the road comes to an end on July 17, 2021 in New York City.”

Following a tour of Australia ( where the band will play a concert for great white sharks ) and Japan to close out 2019, Kiss will return to the road in 2020 with a 29-date U.S. tour that begins February 1st in Manchester, New Hampshire, and ends March 15th in Biloxi, Mississippi. Kiss will then return overseas to South America, Europe and Africa before a second North American leg opens August 28th in Mansfield, Massachusetts.

Tickets for the new North American shows will go on sale November 22nd at 10 a.m. local time, while tickets for a meet and greet with the Kiss will be available starting November 19th at 10 a.m. local time via the band’s website . Kiss Army fan club members will have access to presales starting November 20th at 10 a.m. local time, while Citi cardholders will be able to purchase tickets on the 20th starting at 12 p.m. local time.

“We can’t be running around for that much longer in 40 pounds of gear,” Paul Stanley recently told Rolling Stone of the farewell tour. “There’s nothing maudlin about it. It’s a celebration with our fans around the world. We wanted to raise the bar again as to what a band can do live. That’s really what we’ve always done: we’ve always wanted to be the band we never saw. There are a lot of shows out there that have Kiss DNA in them because they really weren’t shows of any magnitude before us.”

Kiss Tour Dates

February 1 – Manchester, NH @ SNHU Arena February 4 – Allentown, PA @ PPL Center February 5 – Buffalo, NY @ KeyBank Center February 7 – Charlottesville, VA @ John Paul Jones Arena February 8 – Greensboro, NC @ Greensboro Coliseum Complex* February 11 – Columbia, SC @ Colonial Life Arena* February 13 – Lexington, KY @ Rupp Arena February 15 – Peoria, IL @ Peoria Civic Center February 16 – Fort Wayne, IN @ Allen County War Memorial Coliseum February 18 – Springfield, MO @ JQH Arena February 19 – Wichita, KS @ INTRUST Bank Arena February 21 – Sioux City, IA @ Tyson Events Center February 22 – Grand Forks, ND @ Alerus Center February 24 – St. Paul, MN @ Xcel Energy Center+ February 25 – Lincoln, NE @ Pinnacle Bank Arena+ February 29 – Laughlin, NV @ Laughlin Event Center March 2 – Bakersfield, CA @ Mechanics Bank Arena (formerly Rabobank Arena) March 4 – Los Angeles, CA @ Staples Center March 6 – Oakland, CA @ Oracle Arena March 9 – El Paso, TX @ UTEP Don Haskins Center March 10 – Lubbock, TX @ United Supermarkets Arena March 12 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center March 14 – Lafayette, LA @ Lafayette Cajundome March 15 – Biloxi, MS @ Mississippi Coast Coliseum August 28 – Burgettstown, PA @ KeyBank Pavilion August 29 – Atlantic City, NJ @ Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall August 31 – Canandaigua, NY @ Constellation Brands – Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center September 3 – Bangor, ME @ Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion September 4 – Mansfield, MA @ Xfinity Center September 5 – Hartford, CT @ XFINITY Theatre September 8 – Atlanta, GA @ Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood September 9 – Raleigh, NC @ Coastal Credit Union Music Park* September 11 – Clarkston, MI @ DTE Energy Music Theatre September 12 – Tinley Park, IL @ Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre – Chicago, IL September 14 – Dayton, OH @ Wright State University Nutter Center September 15 – Milwaukee, WI @ American Family Insurance Amphitheater September 19 – George, WA @ Gorge Amphitheatre September 20 – Ridgefield, WA @ Sunlight Supply Amphitheater September 22 – Boise, ID @ ExtraMile Arena September 24 – Salt Lake City, UT @ USANA Amphitheatre September 27 – Chula Vista, CA @ North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre September 29 – Phoenix, AZ @ Ak-Chin Pavilion October 1 – Austin, TX @ Austin360 Amphitheater October 2 – Fort Worth, TX @ Dickies Arena

July 17, 2021 – New York, NY @ Venue TBD

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As they prepare to take their final curtain in New York, we revisit some of KISS’ most memorable performances.

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best kiss live shows header image of gene simmons

In terms of sheer spectacle, few bands can hold a candle to KISS . Renowned for its extravagant light shows, revolutionary use of pyrotechnics, and mounds of makeup, the band has taken showmanship in rock ‘n’ roll to a whole new level and it’s paid enormous dividends. The legendary New York quartet’s tours have regularly ranked among rock’s highest-grossing draws for the best part of five decades.

Yet, for all the pizzazz, it’s important to remember KISS initially achieved success through grit and graft. The band’s first-ever live show, at a club called Popcorn in Queens, New York, on January 30, 1973, attracted an audience of less than 10 people and KISS took some hard knocks before fame and fortune came their way. However, they’ve gone on to enjoy stratospheric levels of success and they’re going out in a blaze of glory, with their gargantuan final “End Of The Road” world tour stretching across four years. Indeed, as they prepare to take their final curtain at New York’s Madison Square Garden, this is the perfect time to revisit some of KISS’ best live shows.

Listen to the best of live KISS now.

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Early legend-building triumphs, cobo arena, detroit, may 16, 1975.

KISS’ initial five-song demo tape with producer Eddie Kramer (Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin) eventually landed the band a deal with Neil Bogart’s Casablanca imprint, but success initially remained elusive. The band’s initial albums, KISS and Hotter Than Hell , barely scraped the Top 100 of the Billboard 200 and its underrated third, Dressed To Kill , also initially sold slowly.

On the plus side, KISS’ live reputation was in the ascendency. The band’s outrageous, heavily made-up image and over-the-top live performances began to attract mainstream attention, with Gene Simmons and company appearing live on NBC TV’s Midnight Special on April 1, 1975.

Even so, Casablanca was close to bankruptcy when KISS kicked off its four-night stand at Detroit’s Cobo Arena on May 16. Yet the adversity translated into some utterly transcendent rock ‘n’ roll music, much of which was captured for the band’s make-or-break double live album, Alive! First released in September 1975, Alive! rewarded KISS with its first U.S. Top 10 success and effectively saved the band’s career. The record has since become one of rock’s landmark live albums, attracting praise from rock fans of all persuasions. In 1992, Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil told Guitar World “ Alive! was the first album I ever bought. And I wasn’t alone: you can hear KISS’ influence all over metal and punk.”

Deuce (Live/1975)

Cadillac High School, Cadillac, Michigan, October 9, 1975

In 1974, the Cadillac Vikings had inexplicably lost the first two games of the season. The previous year, they’d gone undefeated. Seeking to change things up, the football team’s coaches tried playing music before practices and games to hype the team up. On the Cadillac KISStory website, Coach Jim Neff takes up the story: “I chose a new and outrageous band – KISS. They were wild, bold, and loud. It was a match that was meant to be. The 1974 team won its final seven games with KISS as an inspiration. The band heard about what we were doing and instantly adopted the Vikings as their team. Then, in October 1975, the unbelievable happened – KISS came to Cadillac High School and played a homecoming concert in the high school gym.” Music aside, it’s hard not to love the pictures that emerged from this event .


Nippon budokan, tokyo, japan, april 2, 1977.

Cementing the band’s post- Alive! popularity with platinum-selling studio sets Destroyer and Rock And Roll Over , KISS arrived in Japan for the first time in March 1977 on their “Sneak Attack” tour. By this time mingling with rock’s elite, KISS touched down in Tokyo on a Pan Am flight christened the “KISS Clipper,” with the name painted on the side of the Boeing 747. But even this grand entrance didn’t prepare them for the level of fandom they would encounter. The group performed nine concerts in all, including several nights at Tokyo’s world-famous Nippon Budokan.

Playing to approximately 22,000 fans in all, KISS performed two legendary Budokan shows on April 2, a matinee at 3 PM and a second show at 7 PM local time, with television station NHK filming both for domestic broadcast. Eddie Kramer also recorded the shows for an aborted Japanese live album, though the audio was later used for the TV broadcasts on NHK’s “Young Music Special,” while spectacular video footage from the two shows was later released as part of the KISStory Vol. 1 DVD package. The footage also suggests that KISS mania was rife in Japan and the box office receipts later proved it, as KISS’ tour of Japan broke attendance records previously held by The Beatles.

Richfield Coliseum, Cleveland, Ohio, January 8, 1978

KISS had already played Richfield Coliseum in September 1976, but the band returned to Cleveland as conquering heroes in January 1978 on the “Alive II” tour, promoting the best-selling live album of the same name. The group came with an even bigger live show than usual, stuffed with pyrotechnics, fire, smoke bombs, and platform risers.

However, while KISS may have seemed invincible, the weather had other ideas, unleashing a snowstorm with a blizzard that would easily have dissuaded lesser bands. KISS, though, refused to bow to the elements. The weather led to the band arriving late, and some of the stage effects were rendered useless, but still, fans packed the venue.

Ken Sharp, co-author of KISS: Behind The Mask , recalled, “It was the height of KISS mania. It was something that lived up to the greatest spectacle, almost like a Broadway show in terms of the choreography and the various things that were done. There’s a DNA that exists in pretty much every rock show today where you can point the dial back to KISS.”

KISS – and its loyal KISS army of fans – undoubtedly triumphed against the elements at Richfield Coliseum, yet the event still could have ended in tragedy after the show finished, when fans were scrambling to find a way out and found many of their cars buried under snow in the parking lot. Some were even forced to spend the night at the venue along with their heroes.

“They didn’t have enough trucks to clear things because they were busy in the city,” Gene Simmons recalled in an interview with Cleveland.com . “We slept in the arena, but we made sure tons of food came in, pizza, all kinds of stuff for the folks who were trapped.”

Perth Entertainment Centre, Perth, Australia, November 8, 1980

KISS finally made their Australian debut in 1980, and it was a set of show for the ages. With the lead single “Shandi” from the Unmasked album going Top 5 in the country, KISS – now with Eric Carr on drums – received a welcome akin to Beatlemania when the Australian leg of the “Unmasked” tour opened in Perth early in November 1980.

“When people were saying you’re as big as The Beatles were, that’s kind of hard to comprehend until you get off a plane and there’s thousands at the airport and thousands more camping outside, so you couldn’t leave the hotels,” Paul Stanley recalled in KISS’ “End Of The Road” tour program in 2019. “We were the front headline of the papers for virtually three or four weeks. It reached a point where I was asking that we not have any more parties because literally every night the promoter threw a party for us.”

Maracana Stadium, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, June 18, 1983

After the disco and power pop experiments of Dynasty and Unmasked , KISS returned to its hard rock roots for 1982’s Creatures Of The Night . As part of the tour for the album, the band embarked on a huge 50-date North American tour across the winter of 1982-83. The band’s first three shows in South America – all in Brazil – were tacked onto the end and KISS again experienced a whole new level of fandom when they performed shows in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Sao Paolo in June 1983. At the biggest, the Maracana Stadium in Rio, KISS – now with guitarist Vinnie Vincent replacing Ace Frehley – performed a rapturously-received 14-song set concluding with the inevitable “Rock And Roll All Nite” to an audience of around 137,000 fans. A truly epic denouement to the tour, these pioneering Brazilian shows were also significant as they became KISS’ final dates where the band performed in their trademark makeup until 1996.


Cobo arena, detroit, december 8, 1984.

It should be unsurprising to see a show from the group’s first tour without makeup on this list. But this tour – and the album Animalize – was full of firsts. Animalize was the first (and only) studio album to feature guitarist Mark St. John; the up-and-coming Bon Jovi supported KISS in Europe and played its first U.K. gigs in the process, and new lead guitarist Bruce Kulick joined KISS full-time during the U.S. leg. Kulick actually deputized for St. John (who was dogged by an arthritic condition) during the European leg, but then joined full-time after KISS felt he was a better fit for the band than St. John.

Shortly after Kulick joined full-time, MTV filmed and recorded KISS’ triumphant show at its old stamping ground, Detroit’s Cobo Arena, and as the subsequent Animalize Live Uncensored video footage reveals, Bruce Kulick was indeed a good fit for the band. In the tour program, Gene Simmons confirmed, “the band are alive and well and playing better than we ever have.”

The Marquee, London, U.K, August 16, 1988

With 1987’s Crazy Nights doing good business, KISS were again set to embark on a major world tour with the European leg including a huge festival appearance at the annual “Monsters Of Rock” Festival (now Download) at Castle Donington in the U.K, alongside Guns N’ Roses, David Lee Roth, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden.

“Monsters Of Rock” provided a highly enticing bill for heavy rock fans, but hardcore KISS supporters really wanted in at the band’s secret warm-up show at London’s Marquee Club. Having housed legendary early shows by legendary acts such as The Who, The Rolling Stones, and Jimi Hendrix, The Marquee had a capacity of around only 500 people, but it was still the place every band wanted to play in London. At the time of KISS’ “secret” soiree, the club had moved to a new base in Charing Cross Road from its previous home in Wardour Street and those who made it to this now legendary show had to keep their ear to the ground.

One lucky fan who attended recalled The Marquee gig to be almost the holy grail of KISS shows. Writing anonymously on the Kissin UK fan site, he wrote, “This show was the hardest rockin’, most sweaty KISS show I have ever been to. I queued from 6.30 am having been tipped off there may be a secret KISS show. There were five of us down from Nottingham and there was surprisingly nobody queuing so we thought we’d find somewhere to eat as we thought we’d been had and [KISS] weren’t playing. But, as we started walking, a familiar jet black Trans-Am truck passed us and pulled up outside the Marquee. It was happening after all.”

Madison Square Garden, New York City, November 9, 1990

Homecoming shows were always emotional affairs for KISS, but – with hindsight – their show at Madison Square Garden in November 1990 was especially poignant as it became the band’s final appearance with drummer Eric Carr, who died of cancer the following year.

Another humungous undertaking in support of KISS’ Hot In The Shade album, the band’s World Tour of the same name featured a whopping 123 shows, though it concentrated solely on the U.S. and Canada. Once again, KISS spared no expense with a light show featuring lasers and an enormous Sphinx-style prop (dubbed “Leon”) forming the central part of their stage set. At the end of each performance, Leon would disappear and KISS’ lighted band logo would roll up from the bottom of the stage during the closing “Detroit Rock City.”

Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan, January 30, 1995

KISS played alongside Slayer and Black Sabbath on 1994’s “Monster Of Rock” tour, after which they toured Japan under their own steam, discovering their long-term popularity in the region remained intact. Keen to present something truly spectacular, the band pulled out all the stops, with their stage show featuring fireworks, lasers, strippers (!), and even the return of “Leon,” the giant Sphinx from 1990’s “Hot In The Shade” tour. What made this leg of the tour even special was the group’s philanthropic efforts, which saw the establishment of “KISS Save The City Fund,” to raise money for the survivors of the then-recent Great Hanshin earthquake, close to the Japanese city of Kobe which killed over 6,000 people.


Tiger stadium, detroit, michigan, june 28, 1996.

Proving that rock fans should never say never, the seemingly impossible came to pass in 1996, when KISS’ classic lineup of Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss put on their makeup and Love Gun -era stage costumes and set foot onstage for the first time since the “Dynasty” tour of 1979.

It’s fair to say the reunited band’s first show together at the Tiger Stadium in Detroit was one of rock ‘n’ roll’s most hotly-anticipated events of the year, and KISS didn’t disappoint. Performing to a sold-out crowd of over 40,000 people, the iconic New York quartet performed a rapturously-received set which also saw the return of vintage KISS stunts, including Simmons’ blood-spitting and fire-breathing, Frehley’s smoking and shooting guitar, pyrotechnics and platform risers. Indeed, the Tiger Stadium triumph set the tone for the whole of the “Alive World Reunion Tour” which eventually lasted for over 12 months and took in 192 shows, with Paul Stanley later saying, “At that time, it was the ultimate KISS show in the sense that we looked at the show, which we thought was our best, and said, ‘Top this.’”

Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, California, October 31, 1998

KISS had to go some ways to beat the success of the “Alive World Reunion Tour,” but they certainly gave it their best shot with the “Psycho Circus Tour” of 1998. The band was promoting their first studio album in nearly two decades, and the tour kicked off with a special Halloween show in Los Angeles, with The Smashing Pumpkins in support and simulcast on FM radio across the U.S. What made the tour (and show) so historic, though, was that it was the allegedly the first to ever incorporate 3D visuals into a stage show. (Concertgoers were encouraged to wear glasses during specific songs.)

It being Halloween, there were plenty of costumes in both the crowd and onstage. (Billy Corgan dressed up as a Beatle.) And, according to the LA Times , “At the end of the show, the quartet slipped away in a van while fans were cheering but got stuck in traffic on the way to their hotel.” Stanley said that the band got out of “the van to walk the rest of the way, still in make-up. ‘People were going, ‘Great costumes!’”


Anhembi convention center, sao paolo, brazil, april 26, 2015.

After the twin peaks of the “Alive World Reunion” and “Psycho Circus” tours, KISS’ classic lineup took a final bow with its self-explanatory North American “Farewell Tour” running from March 2000 through April 2001. However, Peter Criss didn’t stay the course (he was replaced by a returning Eric Singer for the Japanese and Australian legs), while Ace Frehley made his final appearance as a full-time member of KISS at the closing ceremony of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Since then, KISS has settled into a lineup featuring original members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley augmented by Eric Singer and lead guitarist Tommy Thayer. Well-received albums such as Sonic Boom (2009) and Monster (2012) have added music of real value to the band’s already formidable catalog, while supporting tours “The Hottest Show On Earth” (2010-11) and the “Monster Tour” (2012-13) have revealed that KISS can still fill arenas in the 21st Century.

However, when KISS set out on its “40th Anniversary World Tour” – initially supported by Def Leppard – the air of anticipation surrounding the group recalled the buzz prior to the “Alive World Reunion” of 1996, and the band responded by playing some of the best shows of its long and labyrinthine career. On this tour, Paul Stanley believed KISS was “playing better than ever” as KISS touched down to receive the equivalent of royal welcomes in South American territories such as Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina, in addition to returning to Brazil’s Sao Paolo to perform for an audience that topped well over 70,000 people.

The Royal Beach @ Atlantis The Palm, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 31, 2020

True to form, KISS will not be discreetly walking off into the sunset as their remarkable career finally draws to a close. Instead, the band has chosen to bow out with the monster “End Of The Road” tour – a whopping four-year extravaganza.

KISS’ now long-established foursome of Simmons, Stanley, Singer, and Thayer first embarked on the tour in Vancouver on January 31, 2019, though the dates have been extended partially due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Inevitably, the disruption forced some of KISS’ touring plans to change, but it also provoked one of the band’s most historic shows – a pay-per-view performance live-streamed New Year’s Eve show in Dubai which was filmed and directed by filmmaker Daniel Catullo (Rage Against The Machine, Creed, Mariah Carey) using over fifty 4K cameras with 360-degree views on a 250-foot stage.

Dubbed “KISS Goodbye To 2020,” the performance broke two Guinness World Records: one for the most flame projections launched simultaneously in a music concert (73 in total) and one for the highest flame projection in a music concert (35 meters). Director Catullo later told Music Mayhem that the event was “a highlight of my career,” while in an interview with The Oakland Press , Gene Simmons also admitted the Dubai show was a highlight of KISS’ incredible story. “The folks in Dubai, which is a fascinating place, suggested something crazy and said, ‘You can do anything you want here, no restrictions,’” he revealed. “And we said, ‘Wait a minute – you mean we can put on the biggest pyro show of all time, since Krakatoa and the Big Bang? They said ‘yeah,’ so there you are.”

KISS Dubai Pyro Highlights

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KISS Setlist at Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan

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  • Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll Play Video
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  • Firehouse Play Video
  • Makin' Love Play Video
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  • Cold Gin Play Video
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  • Do You Love Me Play Video
  • Nothin' to Lose Play Video
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  • God of Thunder Play Video
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  • Rock and Roll All Nite Play Video
  • Shout It Out Loud Play Video
  • Beth Play Video
  • Black Diamond Play Video

Note: Second Show - 7pm

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19 activities (last edit by sicko , 18 Jul 2020, 20:58 Etc/UTC )

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  • Detroit Rock City
  • Do You Love Me
  • God of Thunder
  • Shout It Out Loud
  • Black Diamond
  • Nothin' to Lose
  • Ladies Room
  • Makin' Love
  • Guitar Solo
  • Rock and Roll All Nite
  • Let Me Go, Rock 'n' Roll

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Nippon budokan.

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KISS Gig Timeline

  • Mar 30 1977 Kyuuden Kinen Taiikukan Fukuoka, Japan Add time Add time
  • Apr 01 1977 Nippon Budokan Tokyo, Japan Add time Add time
  • Apr 02 1977 Nippon Budokan This Setlist Tokyo, Japan Add time Add time
  • Apr 02 1977 Nippon Budokan Tokyo, Japan Add time Add time
  • Apr 04 1977 Nippon Budokan Tokyo, Japan Add time Add time
  • Jul 08 1977 Halifax Forum Halifax, NS, Canada Add time Add time

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Kiss say farewell to live touring, become first US band to go virtual, become digital avatars

December 3, 2023 (Mainichi Japan)

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(AP) -- On Saturday night, Kiss closed out the final performance of their "The End of the Road" farewell tour at New York City's famed Madison Square Garden.

But as dedicated fans surely know -- they were never going to call it quits. Not really.

During their encore, the band's current lineup -- founders Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons as well as guitarist Tommy Thayer and drummer Eric Singer -- left the stage to reveal digital avatars of themselves. After the transformation, the virtual Kiss launched into a performance of "God Gave Rock and Roll to You."

The cutting-edge technology was used to tease a new chapter of the rock band: after 50 years of Kiss, the band is now interested in a kind of digital immortality.

The avatars were created by George Lucas' special-effects company, Industrial Light & Magic, in partnership with Pophouse Entertainment Group, the latter of which was co-founded by ABBA's Bjorn Ulvaeus. The two companies recently teamed up for the "ABBA Voyage" show in London, in which fans could attend a full concert by the Swedish band -- as performed by their digital avatars.

Per Sundin, CEO of Pophouse Entertainment, says this new technology allows Kiss to continue their legacy for "eternity." He says the band wasn't on stage during virtual performance because "that's the key thing," of the future-seeking technology. "Kiss could have a concert in three cities in the same night across three different continents. That's what you could do with this."

In order to create their digital avatars, who are depicted as a kind of superhero version of the band, Kiss performed in motion capture suits.

Experimentation with this kind of technology has become increasingly common in certain sections of the music industry. In October K-pop star Mark Tuan partnered with Soul Machines to create an autonomously automated "digital twin" called "Digital Mark." In doing so, Tuan became the first celebrity to attach their likeness to OpenAI's GPT integration, artificial intelligence technology that allows fans to engage in one-on-one conversations with Tuan's avatar.

Aespa, the K-pop girl group, frequently perform alongside their digital avatars -- the quartet is meant to be viewed as an octet with digital twins. Another girl group, Eternity, is made up entirely of virtual characters -- no humans necessary.

"What we've accomplished has been amazing, but it's not enough. The band deserves to live on because the band is bigger than we are," Kiss frontman Paul Stanley said in a roundtable interview. "It's exciting for us to go the next step and see Kiss immortalized."

"We can be forever young and forever iconic by taking us to places we've never dreamed of before," Kiss bassist Gene Simmons added. "The technology is going to make Paul jump higher than he's ever done before."

And for those who couldn't make the Madison Square Garden show -- stay tuned, because a Kiss avatar concert may very well be on the way.

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