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BEAUTY PAGEANT: Tourism/ Environment Questions and Answers

NOTE:  The series of answers in this post included samples from pageant book reviewers and online pageant articles. Erika Bianca Lasay also wrote some of them in preparation for her previous pageants.

tourism questions and answers pageant

Can you give me three reasons why we have to stay here (province)? First is that, Daet, Camarines Norte has a very affordable way of life. The food, the transportation fares and the cost of merchandise are very affordable. The second reason would be its warm and welcoming atmosphere that I always feel. The third reason is that, it is really hard to resist loving this place, you really learn to adore and look for the unique feeling that you experience in our town. It just feels like home.

If given the chance, what part of Bicol (Daet) would you like to improve? If ever I gain that rare opportunity, I would like to improve our town’s public market. The reason behind is that, the market is the main source of our existence, which is food. I would like it to be more sanitary and more organized. This improvement will not only benefit the buyers but as well as the vendors themselves. And in return, this will entice more suppliers and potential investors to come and do business here in Bicolandia.

What makes Daet, Camarines Norte better than the other municipalities of the province? As a Daeteña, there are a lot of things that I can be very proud of. First, Daet is the home of the sweetest pineapple in the world. Second, Daet, for the record, was awarded to be the most competitive municipality in the country, we are number one in the entire Philippines. But above all, there is one simple reason that stands out: the very privilege to be a citizen of Daet itself. I am proud to say that it is nice to see how much Daet has grown, how much it has developed. And with this, it is easy to see that not only our government officials are doing a great work, but also my fellow citizens worked hard too, for the prosperity and development of our town. (That is why we are here together and united for as we stand as Daeteños.) That is why I am here with the support of my fellows, as we unitedly stand as proud Daeteños.

How would you promote tourism in your province (Daet)? As a beauty pageant contestant with a convincing aura of beauty, I could promote my province by describing it to tourists and entrepreneurs as a place where peace and security harmoniously go side-by-side. A place where the historical site and its natural resources are maintained rich and undisturbed; a place where beautiful people live in peace, in love and in harmony, helping one another to achieve community project, goals and endeavors under the good and internationally outstanding leadership of the officials; a place where people revere and fear God. That is the home of sages and the birthplace of the country’s notable nationalists, the home of the sweetest pineapple in the world, Daet, Camarines Norte, my home.

How would you promote tourism in our country? As a beauty pageant contestant with confidence and a convincing aura of beauty, I could promote the Philippines, our country, (Bicolandia) by proudly announcing to the world about the beautiful atmosphere of its location, the pristine bodies of water surrounding it, bio-diversified landmarks, beautiful beaches and most importantly, the warm, welcoming people, the Filipinos (Bicolanos). I would use my social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like, to tell the whole world what our country (region) has to offer. In that way, we can reach almost everyone in the world regardless of gender, age, and culture.

What do you think is the main obstacle that our country faces when it comes to tourism, and how do you think can you help solve the problem? I think that the most evident problem that we have when it comes to tourism in our country is the tainted image of the Philippine security system, the bad publicity that brands our security system as fallible. As a beauty, I would like to send out my message to everyone in the world, most especially to the foreigners, our beloved tourists, that the Philippines is still your home here in Asia, and we, Filipinos, love you.

In what particular product of Camarines Norte, can you compare yourself and why? Definitely, it would be the sweetest pineapple in the world, the Queen Formosa. Aside from it grows abundantly in our province, it has its roots in the history, geography, and culture of the land. And just like the Queen Formosa that stands tall, wears a crown and is sweet on the inside, I will firmly stand with my faith and principles, wear my crown, not only on my head, but over my heart, and I will be the sweetest person who accompanies tourists to show them what our place has to offer. Sure, an effective way in promoting both the culture and people of Camarines Norte.

Catastrophic phenomenon like global warming is an overdue issue. What will you do to reverse the effects of Global Warming? Global warming is when the earth heats up, temperature rises and so to speak. It hurts many people, animals and plants. Many cannot take the change so they die. So I am very conscious about conserving electricity. It does not only reduce our bill, it also helps reduce heat emission. Plus, I make sure to take part in school and community activities such as cleaning drives and tree planting. I also try to reduce waste and dispose of it properly because I believe that if every Filipino will practice the 4 R’s which are to reduce, re-use, recycle, and recover, our country would definitely be a better place.

What will be your contribution to mitigate global warming? I should be more than willing to join any green movement seminars in educating the public on caring and saving the environment. With the advancement of technology, I would use my social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like, to tell the whole world what our country (region) has to offer. In that way, we can reach almost everyone in the world regardless of gender, age, and culture.

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40 Most Common Pageant Questions With Answers

Pageants are not just about beauty and grace; they also test a contestant’s intelligence, opinions, and ability to think on their feet. The Q&A segment is crucial, where participants face some of the most common pageant questions. In this guide, we provide examples of these questions along with strategic answers to help contestants prepare effectively. Whether the topic is personal interests, social issues, or light-hearted scenarios, these responses will guide you in presenting yourself eloquently and confidently.

tourism questions and answers pageant

Most Common Pageant Questions With Answers

Pageants often include a Q&A segment designed to assess contestants’ poise, articulation, and opinions on various topics. Here are some of the most common pageant questions along with thoughtful answers:

1. What qualities do you think make a great leader?

Answer: A great leader is someone who embodies integrity, empathy, and resilience. Integrity ensures they are trustworthy and ethical; empathy allows them to understand and relate to others; and resilience helps them to overcome challenges and inspire others to persevere through difficulties.

2. How would you use your title to benefit others?

Answer: If I were fortunate enough to win this title, I would focus on [insert specific cause you are passionate about, e.g., mental health awareness, education for underprivileged children, etc.]. I believe in using the platform to educate and mobilize the community, organize supportive events, and partner with local organizations to make a tangible impact.

3. What is the most significant issue your generation faces?

Answer: Our generation faces many significant issues, but I believe one of the most pressing is climate change. It affects economic, health, and social structures. I advocate for more robust education on sustainable practices and believe that small consistent actions by everyone can lead to significant environmental benefits.

4. Who is the most influential person in your life?

Answer: The most influential person in my life is [mention a parent, mentor, or public figure]. Their resilience and dedication to [describe what they do that inspires you] have inspired me to pursue my goals and commit to serving my community.

5. What are your career aspirations?

Answer: I aspire to [describe your career goal, e.g., become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.]. I am passionate about [describe what motivates you in this career, such as helping others, solving complex problems, educating the young minds], and I am committed to working hard to achieve this goal while making a positive impact on those around me.

6. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Answer: If I could change one thing, it would be to eliminate inequality. Access to education, healthcare, and opportunity should not be dictated by where a person is born or their economic status. I believe in creating a world where everyone has a fair chance to succeed.

7. What is one life lesson you’ve learned that you think everyone should know?

Answer: One life lesson that I hold dear is the importance of resilience. Challenges and failures are inevitable, but the ability to get back up and push forward is what truly defines us. I’ve learned that perseverance in the face of adversity is often the path to true achievement.

8. How do you handle pressure or stressful situations?

Answer: I handle pressure by staying organized and focusing on one task at a time. When faced with stress, I take a moment to breathe and prioritize my actions. This method helps me respond effectively rather than react impulsively.

These answers are designed to provide a solid foundation and can be customized further based on personal experiences and convictions. Remember, the key to successful answers in pageant interviews is sincerity, thoughtfulness, and a clear communication style.

9. What is your greatest strength and weakness?

Answer: My greatest strength is my determination. When I commit to a goal, I give it my all, which has led me to achieve many of my personal and professional objectives. As for my weakness, I can be overly critical of myself. I’ve learned to balance this by seeking constructive feedback and using it to improve while acknowledging my successes.

tourism questions and answers pageant

10. Why do you want to win this pageant?

Answer: I want to win this pageant because it provides a significant platform to advocate for issues close to my heart, such as [insert specific cause, e.g., women’s education, mental health]. Winning would not only validate my efforts in these areas but also expand my ability to make a greater impact through increased visibility and resources.

11. What makes you unique?

Answer: What makes me unique is my background in [mention any unique experience or skill, such as a particular field of study, a unique hobby, or life experience]. This experience has given me a unique perspective on [related topic], and I bring this viewpoint to all my endeavors, aiming to introduce new ideas and inspire innovation.

12. How do you define success?

Answer: I define success as the ability to achieve personal goals while making a positive impact on the lives of others. True success comes from personal growth, overcoming challenges, and the satisfaction of knowing you’ve contributed positively to the community.

13. What role should beauty play in society?

Answer: Beauty should be seen as a form of expression and diversity, rather than a standard to be met. In society, we should celebrate beauty in all its forms and understand that true beauty comes from confidence, kindness, and how we positively impact the world around us.

14. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be and why?

Answer: If I could meet any historical figure, it would be [choose a figure, e.g., Nelson Mandela]. His resilience in the face of adversity and his dedication to peace and equality are profoundly inspiring. I would love to learn from his experiences and understand his perspective on leadership and change.

15. What advice would you give to young women looking up to you?

Answer: To young women looking up to me, I would advise them to stay true to themselves and follow their passions relentlessly. It’s important to be kind and supportive to others along your journey and remember that real strength is found in compassion and cooperation, not competition.

Top 20 Funny Questions and Answers for Pageants

Here are 20 funny questions along with clever answers that could lighten the mood during a pageant Q&A session:

tourism questions and answers pageant

1. If you could be any flavor of ice cream, what would you be and why?

Answer: I’d be mint chocolate chip because I’m cool but still have those surprising chunks of sweetness!

2. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

Answer: I’d choose the power of invisibility, so I could sneak into the kitchen and not be judged for my midnight snack raids!

3. If you could keep any animal as a pet, what would you choose?

Answer: A dinosaur, so I could skip the morning traffic on my way to work!

4. What would you do if you were the mayor of a small town for the day?

Answer: Declare a mandatory spa day. Because let’s face it, everyone could use a day off to relax!

5. How would you describe the color yellow to someone who can’t see?

Answer: Yellow feels like the warmth of the sun on your face on a chilly morning, or like the taste of lemonade at a summer picnic.

6. If you could be a kitchen appliance, what one would you be and why?

Answer: A blender, because I love mixing things up!

7. If you were to write a book, what would the title be?

Answer: “How to Walk in Heels Without Falling Over” – a struggle that’s very real for many of us!

8. What’s your strategy for a zombie apocalypse?

Answer: Team up with other pageant queens – imagine how stunning and unstoppable a crown-wearing, sash-flashing zombie-fighting team would be!

9. What’s the funniest way you’ve ever been misunderstood?

Answer: Someone once thought I said I trained dolphins, but I had actually said I was into “dolphin kick” in swimming. Close enough!

10. If you had a warning label, what would it say?

Answer: Warning: Prone to spontaneous dance breaks and singing out loud. Viewer discretion is advised.

11. Which movie title best describes your life?

Answer: “Mission Impossible” – especially when trying to fit into my jeans after the holidays!

12. What would you do if you found a penguin in your freezer?

Answer: Apologize for not having any fish and direct him to the nearest igloo!

13. If laughter is the best medicine, what’s the second best?

Answer: Chocolate. Definitely, chocolate.

14. If you could only bring three things to a deserted island, what would they be?

Answer: Sunscreen, my smartphone, and a boat… just in case the island life isn’t for me.

15. How would you solve world hunger?

Answer: Start with an enormous group chat with all world leaders and maybe send them some inspiring cooking shows to get the ideas flowing.

16. What’s the best advice you’ve ever ignored?

Answer: “Don’t try to cut your own bangs.” And now, we all know why.

17. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

Answer: Harry Potter, to finally learn some proper spells and maybe get a chance to ride a broomstick!

18. What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?

Answer: If brains were dynamite, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.

19. If you were a type of jeans, what type would you be?

Answer: Stretch jeans, because I’m always stretching myself to the limits!

20. What’s your secret talent?

Answer: I can sing the alphabet backward – a totally unnecessary skill that surprisingly impresses at parties!

Frequently Asked Questions

What do beauty pageant winners get.

Beauty pageant winners may receive various rewards including titles, tiaras, crowns, sashes, bouquets, scepters, along with non-material benefits like savings bonds, scholarships, and monetary prizes.

How do you introduce yourself in a pageant?

A standard introduction in a pageant may sound something like, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is [Your Name], and I am representing [Your City or Region]. It’s an honor to be here tonight.”

Why should you win this pageant best answer?

The best response to “why should you win” revolves around your achievements and your commitment to your goals. Discuss your accomplishments inside or outside of school, your work with your pageant platform, or other accomplishments showcasing your dedication to achieving objectives.

What is the hardest question in Miss Universe?

One of the toughest questions in Miss Universe is often related to the role of beauty pageants in modern society. This question requires contestants to express their thoughts on the significance and impact of beauty pageants today.

How do you start answering pageant questions?

When answering pageant questions, ensure you understand the question, stay calm, and keep your response focused. Using examples makes your answer more concrete and credible. Listening carefully, remaining composed, keeping your answer concise, and using illustrative examples are key elements.

tourism questions and answers pageant

I’m Ellis Philip, a writer who loves fashion. I often write for beauty magazines, sharing my thoughts on how fashion can make women feel powerful. Traveling is my passion, as it lets me discover new beauty products and trends. I enjoy bringing these finds into my writing, hoping to inspire others.

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Three Mrs. Face of Tourism 2023 bets answer MUPh final question

At a glance.

During a meet-and-greet event held in Quezon City recently, the three moms talked about joining a national pageant and answered the final question in the Miss Universe Philippines 2023 pageant.


FROM LEFT: Mrs. Baguio City Susan Villanueva, Mrs. Quezon Province Jannith Lauce Romantico, and Mrs. Bulacan Province Rowena C. Almocera

Mrs. Bulacan Province Rowena C. Almocera, Mrs. Quezon Province Jannith Lauce Romantico, and Mrs. Baguio City Susan Villanueva are three official candidates in the Mrs. Face of Tourism 2023 pageant.

"I have a supportive partner. Kahit saan kami pumunta parang adventure na rin ito sa amin," said Villanueva, when asked about the support she got from her family when she joined the contest.

Almocera, a former actress, said that she asked permission from her children before she joined the contest. "I'm a single mom so sa mga anak ko na lang ako nagpa-alam. They are proud of me."

Romantico said that her mom didn't initially approve of her decision to join the competition for financial reasons.

"At first ayaw ng mother ko kasi gastos na naman daw. You know how expensive it is to join pageants. Sabi ko 'mama, sasali ako to develop my confidence' and my clients in real estate will trust me because of my crown. Later on na-realize nila na okay naman pala," she said.

(At first my mother didn't want it because she said it would be expensive. You know how costly it is to join pageants. I said 'mom, I will join to develop my confidence' and my clients in real estate will trust me because of my crown. Later then they realized that it was okay.)

The three candidates were also asked about their thoughts on the recent  Miss Universe Philippines 2023 finals where Michelle Dee emerged as the winner.   They also gave their best shot at answering the final question in MUPh: "Recently, the Department of Tourism has adopted a new branding campaign: 'We give the world our best.' For you, what is the best that we could offer to the rest of the world? Why do you consider it so?"

"Kung ano ang kaya kong gawin na makatulong sa mga bata, for them to educate and mould them bilang mga pag-asa ng bayan. So yung passion ko to help ang ibibigay ko sa kanila," said Villanueva, a real estate broker.

(What I can do to help children, for them to educate and mold them as the hope of our country. So I will give them my passion to help.)

Almocera answered: "Self-improvement, self-motivation, a strong mind, and of course humanity."

"Sa akin first-hand experience. Ako kasi pag nag-offer, ibig sabihin, na experience ko siya. Yun ang ibibigay ko. Kaya yung mga tao kapag sinabi ko na maganda ito, naniniwala sila kasi nga first-hand experience 'yun. Kaya kami sa tourism, iniikot namin ang Pilipinas to experience kung ano ang meron sa iba't ibang bahagi ng bansa. Madaling magsabi pero paano mo sasabihin kung hindi mo pa na-experience? Sana maging open din tayo sa improvement," said Romantico, a realtor.

(I have first-hand experience. When I make an offer, it means that I have experienced it. That is what I will give. So when people say that it is good, they believe that it is first-hand experience. So we are in tourism, we tour the Philippines to experience what is available in different parts of the country. It's easy to say but how can you say it if you haven't experienced it yet? I hope we will also be open to improvement.)

The three moms also shared their favorite candidates during the MUPh 2023 competition.

Villanueva, 52, said that they were rooting for Misses Baguio and Bohol. "Magaling talaga sila sa pagrampa."

"Sumisigaw talaga kami ng Bohol! I like the way she walks and the way she answered her question. Makikita mo sa kanya yung sincerity," said Almocera, 50.

Romantico, 36, added: "Gusto ko rin si Bohol pero hindi naman tayo judge so irespeto na lang natin ang decision nila. Bigyan natin ng chance na mapatunayan ni Michelle (Dee) na she deserves the crown. Magkakaiba tayo ng preference pero let's support Michelle."

(I also like Bohol but we are not judges so let's just respect their decision. Let's give Michelle (Dee) a chance to prove that she deserves the crown. We have different preferences but let's support Michelle.)

Almocera clarified that they were not bashing Michelle. "Maybe the judges saw something in Michelle na hindi natin nakita kaya ganun. Taga Bulacan ako pero nakulangan talaga ako kay Miss Bulacan. Sabi nga namin baka she's not feeling well. Pero ang galing rumampa ni Miss Zambales." She also admires Melanie Marquez, the mom of Michelle.

The three mothers said that they became friends when they joined the pageant. They vowed to remain friends even after the competition. The date for the grand coronation of Mrs. Face of Tourism 2023 will be announced soon.

Annie Refrea, the founder of the pageant, said that the Mrs. Face of Tourism is an annual beauty search that aims to bring the beauty, excitement, and wonder of the Philippines to either audience by putting the focus on the Philippine tourism industry and all its allied services and aspects.

"Its chief objective is to design beauty pageants that would instill a stronger awareness and a wider understanding of the Philippine tourism industry through the showcase of skills, talents, and love for culture by modern women of marital stature. It aims to provide a venue for married, separated, single moms and widowed to develop themselves to their fullest potential," Refrea also said.

226: The Best Of Pageant Interview Questions and Answers

Get ready to step up your pageant game! This video showcases the best moments from our pageant interview question and answer videos. From tips on answering tough questions to my top tips for pageant interview, these clips are packed with valuable advice and inspiration. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or just starting out, you won’t want to miss this collection of expert insights. So sit back, relax, and get ready to elevate your pageant interview skills to the next level and Win a Pageant!

Clips taken from the following videos :

Pageant Interview Practice Questions and Sample Answers | Episode 121

Pageant Interview Tips: What Not to SAY | Episode 126

Answer Pageant Questions in Interview and On Stage | Episode 122

What to Expect During Pageant Interview | Episode 125

Watch it on YouTube:

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10 Common Pageant Questions to Practice (2021)

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Get Pageant Questions Written By A Miss Universe Judge

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Pageantology explores all topics related to pageants. Whether it’s Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International, Miss Earth, Miss Supranational, Miss Grand International, Miss Globe, or even local pageants like Binibining Pilipinas or Miss Universe Thailand- We follow them all.

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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21 Pageant Interview Questions That Will Make You a More Eloquent Woman

  • Pageant Girl

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Ask any seasoned pageant girl and they’ll tell you — the hardest part of any competition is the pageant interview question and answer segment. 

Be it the on-stage question and answer or the private one-on-one interview with the judges, this is oftentimes where the highly-coveted crown is lost or won.

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The pageant interview or question and answer segment, on stage and off, is where you get to charm the judges and show your personality. The pageant interview also gives you a platform to speak your mind and advocate for a cause you hold dear and showcase what you’re about. 

If you’ve never competed in a beauty pageant, know nothing about beauty pageants, or think pageants are overrated or dumb… what I’m about to say may sound a little crazy… but hear me out. 

Training for a beauty pageant is one of the best experiences a young woman can have to improve herself.

Every woman who has prepared for a beauty pageant (or any type of pageant competition for that matter) can also tell you — training for a beauty pageant is really like training for life (more on that in an upcoming article). 

RELATED: 12 Pageant Tips To Win Your Competition (For Beginners Too)

Practicing for a beauty pageant interview specifically will help you reflect seriously on some insightful questions, develop a point of view, and practice portraying your thoughts articulately.

Being quick on your feet to answer eloquently is a life skill you can use in work life (like job interviews, or presentations) and even ordinary everyday conversation too.

Who knows — maybe you’re on your way to being the next Oprah Winfrey or Halle Berry ( both former pageant girls ). 

Whether you’re training for an upcoming pageant or training for life in general (our motto here), knowing how to answer interview questions like a beauty pageant boss will certainly make you a more eloquent, articulate, and poised woman. 

(A Quick Interjection) What to Wear for Pageant Interview

pageant interview outfit

Before we jump into the pageant interview questions… if you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance that you are perhaps training for an upcoming beauty pageant competition — how exciting!

RELATED: Fashion Pass Review — Revamp Your Wardrobe With This Monthly Clothing Subscription

I remember when I was preparing to compete for Miss Universe Jamaica and Miss Grand International how nervous I was (especially so over what I was going to wear for the pageant interview with the judges). I’ll soon be doing a post on what to wear for your pageant interview, but for now, I wanted to recommend to you my absolute favorite resource throughout my pageant experience for wardrobe and outfits.

Rent the Runway allows you to have access to high-end designer dresses and outfits at a minimal cost. Choose your outfit and select a delivery date 1-2 days before your event. When your 4 or 8-day rental period is up, place your items back in the garment bag they came in and ship it right back. Get 40% OFF your first month with Rent The Runway when you use  THIS LINK  to sign up. 

I also recently discovered  Fashion Pass , a similar clothing rental subscription service that may be worth checking out as well. Take $15 OFF when you use the Fashion Pass promo code  BOMBSHELL  to sign up.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming 😊.

How do you prepare for pageant interview questions?

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The key to nailing pageant interview questions is understanding that one particular question is often asked in many different variations. Once you’ve honed in on a certain viewpoint, listen closely because one answer really fits with the many different variations of the same questions. 

For example — one of the most common pageant interview questions is:

  • What makes you different from the other girls competing today?

That same question may be phrased is the following variations.

  • Why are you the best candidate to win Miss X?
  • What makes you different from the other contestants?
  • What makes you unique?

If you listen closely and understand what is really being asked, you’ll realize that the answer to one question is the same answer for all the questions. 

How do you win at the pageant interview questions?

tourism questions and answers pageant

You win at answering the pageant interview question and answer segment by portraying your point of view in an eloquent and diplomatic way. 

Here are some of the most common sample beauty pageant interview questions (on stage and off-stage) to practice (even if you’re not in a pageant). 

  • Tell me about yourself. 
  • What do you like most about yourself?
  • If you could meet (have lunch with) any famous person in history who would it be, and why?
  • What has been a challenge you’ve experienced in life, and how did you overcome it?

RELATED: 101 Things That Happen When You Become a Well Dressed Woman

  • If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?
  • How do you define success?
  • For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

Common Pageant Interview Questions

tourism questions and answers pageant

  • Why do you deserve to win this title?
  • Why did you decide to compete in this pageant? Why do you want to win this pageant?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
  • What do you think is the biggest problem facing young people today?
  • Do you think that pageantry objectifies women?
  • Why is your platform important to you?
  • Is social media bringing people together or causing separation?
  • What is your biggest fear?

Famous On Stage Pageant Questions

tourism questions and answers pageant

  • Which have it easier in life — men or women? | Dayana Mendoza, Venezuela —Miss Universe 2008
  • What is The Essense of Being A Woman? | Sushmita Sen, India – Miss Universe 1994
  • To a woman who has been asleep for 20 years, what would you say she has missed? | Wendy Fitzgerald, Trinidad and Tobago – Miss Universe 1998

Controversial Pageant Interview Questions

pageant interview

  • What are your thoughts on LGBT and anti-LGBT legislation? 
  • Do you think men and women have/are given the same opportunities in life?
  • What are your thought on abortion and a woman’s right to choose? 
  • How do you think the government should handle immigration and illegal immigration? 
  • What are your thoughts on the separation of church and state?
  • What are your thoughts on the legalization of Marijuana?
  • Should the government be responsible for providing citizens with access to healthcare?
  • What are your thoughts on the growing number of corporations that are based in X but outsource work to other countries?
  • If you became president what would be the first thing you would do in office?
  • What are your thoughts on homelessness in X and what would be your solution for fixing this? 
  • What problems do you see in your current city or state? How would you solve them?
  • Where do you see areas of improvement in our country as a whole?
  • Do you think the government should do more to help slow down climate change?
  • If you could teach a new class in school, what would it be?

Other Pageant Interview Questions

tourism questions and answers pageant

RELATED: How to Be an Elegant, Sophisticated, and Classy Woman


pageant interview questions

Are you training for an upcoming pageant? Did we leave out any really good pageant interview questions? Drop down in the comments and share!


Yeah thankyou so much!

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So welcome doll!

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This website has really been a great help to me & an eye opener . I now have a better understanding in pagentary & it’s purpose … Thank you so much for providing me this wonderful experience of your website ,thank you once again to you!

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Do you beileve that social meidia has made in impact on young girls and boy and if so is it a good impact or a negative impact and why ?

This is a good one!

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Thanks this article has helped me in preparing for my parents interview

*pageant interview. Which pageant are you competing in?

What is a parents interview?

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I’m so happy to have read this article. Thank you for giving me a better understanding about pageantry. I will definitely be reading this article again so I can be better prepared when I compete in this year’s MISS PENNSYLVANIA USA PAGEANT !!!! So Thank you again.

Yayy, good look in your pageant Samira!

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Thank uuuu soooo muchhh!! this rly helped my sister in her miss missouri pageant. :))

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Thank you for this! I’m from the Philippines and a first timer in joining pageants. I hope I can do it 🥺

I competed at Miss Earth in the Philippines. Lovely country. Good luck in your competition!

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Thank you so much this helped a lot! I will be competing in the Miss Universe Honduras pageant! So, if I win I will go to miss universe! Also I am actually half Jamaican !!

Fabulous Jaanay! Goog luck girlie 🥰

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Thank you very much so happy I got to read this . Much love xx

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thank you so very much! i’m running for miss victoria, texas, and this is helping tremendously!

Soo welcome doll, good luck!

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Thank you so much This website is an eye opener Am contesting for a pangentry and I believe with this I would go home with the grand prize

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These were super helpful. Much appreciated.

Sure thing, good luck!

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TRANSCRIPT: Miss Philippines Earth 2021 Top 20 Q and A

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TRANSCRIPT: Miss Philippines Earth 2021 Top 20 Q and A

Q&A. Candidate Ameera Almamari answers a question at the pageant's Q&A round.

Miss Philippines Earth's Facebook

The Top 20 candidates of Miss Earth Philippines put their public speaking skills to the test as they competed in a Q&A round at the pageant’s coronation on Sunday, August 8.

Joining in from their own towns and cities, each candidate chose between 3 colors corresponding to a question. They then had 30 seconds to give a spontaneous answer to the question they selected. 

Here’s how they responded:

Gail Ventic, Angeles City

What gives you the greatest sense of fulfillment?

Whenever I wake up, I actually was able to do something, not only for my country, but also for the environment. And as an eco-preneur myself, that is what I’m doing today. I try my very best to change our current economy to become a greener economy little by little, step by step by contacting all of the microbusinesses to be able to change their ways. In my own little way, I could be a change.

Ameera Almamari, Atimonan, Quezon

What makes you feel most seen and understood?

I feel most seen and understood simply when others listen to me. I feel like when someone lends me a helping ear or a helping hand or even a shoulder to cry on, I feel like they see my story, they see my experience, and they see that I am not what I’ve been through, but rather the product of the lesson I’ve learned of what I’ve been through. And I feel like I am seen if they just listen to me and know that I am who I am because I’ve learned from all of my experiences.

Verna Abby Catusalem, Baler, Aurora

What makes me feel most seen and understood is the opportunity that I was given to become part of the local government unit of Baler. Because of this, I am given the great platform to encourage people to become part of the KKB advocacy, or the Kanya Kanyang Bag advocacy. With the platform that I have, I am given the opportunity to be seen by people, not only in my hometown but now that I am part of Miss Philippines Earth, I know that I will be able to make a change.

Louise Theunis, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur

What gives me the greatest sense of fulfillment is being able to pursue my passion in life. And that passion right now is to help save the  environment. On this Miss Philippines Earth platform, I am doing my best to do my advocacy which is to reduce plastic pollution. And I hope to be the voice to lead and inspire the people in transforming the Philippines to become a cleaner and greener and bluer community. I know together we can work wonders for a brighter future. 

Zeneth Khan, Cordon, Isabela

For me what makes me feel seen and understood is when people listen to me and my whims as well as my ideals in life. That is where I feel most seen and understood because I believe that when people listen to me and of course listen to me speak with what’s on my mind, then I feel like I am given importance. And that importance is something that makes a difference in me because that is where my self-confidence and my belief in myself roots from.

Alexandra Salazar, Cotabato City

What qualities about yourself are you most grateful for?

I am most grateful for 3 qualities: I am family-oriented, God-fearing, and passionate. Family-oriented because I’ve always loved my family, they’ve always got my back in whatever I do, whatever achievements or downfalls that I have, I know I’ve got my family. God-fearing, despite being judged in this pageant, I know that God knows what’s in my heart, and to me that’s  what matters most. 

Amira Alisha Qamhawe, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat

I am a phenomenal woman and as a phenomenal woman, the qualities that I am most grateful for is me being passionate, me being committed, and me being able to inspire others. Being passionate means that I am motivated to the causes that I advocate for, and being committed means that I am able to pursue the things that I want, to be able to work hard for it no matter the obstacles or challenges that come along my way.

Rocel Angelah Songano, Iloilo City

What gives me the greatest sense of fulfillment is inspiring, empowering, and educating the youth. I can do this through environmental education, through the arts and through this I gain a sense of fulfillment because I know that through this we can save humanity and bring balance back to our ecosystems.

Fatima Kate Bisan, Malungon, Sarangani

I am grateful because I have these 3 qualities with me that I will always bring with me: the head, heart, and hands. A head who has visions in protecting the mother earth, a heart who have compassion to give care to the mother earth, and a hands who will not only speak for her advocacy but who will also do it and do it to an action. I have the head, heart, and hand protecting the environment, thank you.

Roni Meneses, Mandaluyong City

Out of all the qualities that I have, I truly give much importance and value to my core values. I am a very compassionate person and to me living life with compassion entails me to have a great amount of respect, love, and kindness to myself, to other people, and to the environment, and I truly believe that these are the core values that we need for us to have a very healthy and happy life. 

Charissa Rama, Moalboal, Cebu

My character as a woman. Not just my beautiful face or my physical appearance, but my character. And people can understand me through my attitude, for what I have acted towards them. I believe that character is everything.

Xyra Ballesteros, Nagtipunan, Quirino

I personally believe that what makes me grateful about myself is my imperfections. I too believe that everyone is not aware of their imperfections, but as for me, my imperfections is what makes me more beautiful. And I embrace it even more. With my imperfection, it is room for me for improvement. With my imperfection, I am willing to adopt more experiences for me to able to use it as inspiration to other people.

Naelah Alshorbaji, Paranaque City

I’m most grateful about the fact that I can keep my head straight no matter what. I’m there for myself when I’m feeling the worst, and that’s what’s most important – when you are dealing with problems in life. I know I can get through it, because I’ve been wearing shoes that are way too big for my feet. I’ve been handling life as good as I can, and that’s the greatest quality I have.

Riah De Ocampo, Silay City

The qualities that I am most grateful for are compassion, empathy, a big heart, a serviceable heart, and humble spirit that has the passion to take care of our environment. I would like to take these qualities to Miss Philippines Earth, in order for me to share love and spread awareness about the importance of protecting our Mother Earth. Because we only have one planet and only one life, so let us not waste it.

Yllana Marie Aduana, Siniloan, Laguna

What make you feel most seen and understood? 

When I get to educate people and reach out to them, as well as to use my voice, because right now, I have realized the value of my words, and that is to speak the kindest words there are. And I am utilizing my voice because I know that my words are my greatest weapons, and that is how I feel the most seen and understood. Right now I’m here today standing, trying to protect, promote, and preserve our one and only home: our Earth.

Aubrey Asuncion, Sto. Domingo, Albay

I feel most seen and understood when people start to stop and genuinely listen to my message. Afterwards, if I see the effects of my message, which is their actions, and of course, its effect, not only for them, not only for me, but of course, for everyone in the community and everyone in the environment and anything in the envirinment. Thank you.

Katheryn Guipetacio, Sugbongcogon, Misamis Oriental

In this time of a pandemic, I am also grateful that I learned to be contemplative. It is very important that in this time, we realize that this pandemic is actually a gift to humans, for us to become renewed and change our personal values and lifestyles, so as we move forward in the future, we will always include the environment in the equation when we make decisions and actions. Thank you very much.

Mia Jane Salisbury, Talisay City

What gives you the greatest sense of fulfillment ?

For me, what gives me the biggest sense of fulfillment is being who I am. It’s staying true to my character and knowing that at the end of the day, no matter what is at the exterior, that I am staying true to my purpose. That I am continuing to lead by the example I want to see in the world. I am being an eco-angel and continuing a beauty with a cause.

Sofia Lopez Galve, Tanay, Rizal

It is being able to provide help to the indigenous people of Rizal, the Dumagats. Through my advocacy of eco-preneurship, I am able to give them a dignified livelihood because of our eco-tourism. And that really gives me a big sense of fulfillment, and hopefully I can bring this sense of fulfillment into my duty as your next Miss Philippines Earth.

Myrizza Borja, Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay

When I’m feeling down, when I’m feeling anxious, I get all support from my family and loved ones. They understand me the most and they give me all  the support I need, especially with this pageant I’m joining right now. I’m so grateful and thankful that they’ve been giving me all the support and love that I need since day one of the pageant.


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50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Published on march 3, 2017 at 7:22 am by amber hewitt in lists.

Beauty pageants aren’t just about putting on a pretty dress and smiling, as evidenced by these 50 common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers .

I’ve never been in any kind of pageant situation, so I can’t really speak from personal experience on this topic, but I imagine it requires a lot of grace that I really don’t have. I can hardly walk in a straight line most of the time. I’m proud of anyone who does pageants and is really good at them because they’re beautiful people with a lot more patience and they can tolerate having a group of people judge them, which would likely make me cry.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Face of Denmark/

Pageants vary according to the theme and there are a lot of different types of pageants. The major beauty pageants most of us are familiar with are Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International, Miss Earth, and, of course, Miss America. Candidates come from different places, but they’re brought together aiming for one vision or common goal. The general vision is to make the world a better place somehow. We’ve also created a list of the 11 Best Countries in Beauty Pageants if you’re interested in learning more about these events.

Before moving on into those big-name pageants, though, one generally gains experience from smaller pageants during younger and teen years. Teenage beauty pageants are inspired by the bigger ones from theme to sequence of events. They’re like practice rounds. Aside from looking beautiful and being graceful, it’s important to be witty and intelligent during the question and answer section. The topics for questions range anywhere from sports, politics, education, environment, tourism, culture, balance of academic and extracurricular activities, and personal.

Our list of the   common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers will obviously be full of those mentioned topics. We gathered them from sources like The Pageant Planet , Miss Greater Dothan Forestry , Own that Crown , Miss Teen Pageants , and Storify . There may be some that are extremely easy to answer and others that are a bit more challenging and require more thought. They’ll be great practice if you’re looking to enter the pageant world. Just don’t go all Toddlers & Tiaras mom on us. If you have suggestions for better answers, let us know in the comments.

Without further ado, here are the questions and answers.

50. Tell me about a recent goal you accomplished.

Answer:  As I stand here in front of you, with this huge audience watching over me, I am proud to say that this is my recently achieved goal, and there are many more in store for me.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


49. What made you decide to enter this pageant?

Answer:  I always knew this was my calling.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Andrey Bayda /

48. What brings you the most happiness in life?

Answer: What brings me the most happiness in life is achieving my goals.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

lev radin /

47. Who, aside from your family, has the biggest influence on you?

Answer: That would be my teachers, for we spend most of our younger years in a classroom with them educating us.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo

46. If you could get one message out to the world, what would it be?

Answer: Live your dreams!

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: antonioguillem / 123RF Stock Photo

45. If you were to win this title, how would you balance school, social life, and extracurricular activities?

Answer: Planning and time management are the perfect tools to balance school, social life, and extracurricular activities.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


44. Why should you be the next titleholder?

Answer:  You should select me to be the titleholder because I promise to fulfill my responsibility to perfection. While doing so, I will strive to be a mirror to all the aspirants and those around me.

43. What would your response be to a person who believes that pageants aren’t a good influence for young women?

Answer:  Beauty pageants have given women a platform to acknowledge their beauty, knowledge, and skills in front of the world. It is an opportunity to seek the better in you. Beauty contests have also given nations the ability to be prideful with a new accolade.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Jerry’n LV/

42. What makes you unique compared to all of the other contestants in this competition?

Answer: I believe that each and every one of us is unique, but what makes me unique is my personality and positive attitude toward everything that I do.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Halay Alex/

41. What is your opinion on social media? Do you think it helps or hurts our society?

Answer: Social media has become a tool to let people know what’s not shown on other popular forms of media and people from around the world may have a healthy exchange of opinions.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Quka /

40. Who is your role model?

Answer : My role model is me because for me every day is an endeavor to do better than yesterday.

39. Should you win this pageant, how will you promote it?

Answer: In fulfilling my responsibility as titleholder I will be able to perform my platform and in the course of my reign we will be able to let the people see our achievements through social media. Almost everyone in the world is connected online. I would also promote it through word of mouth, the most effective promotion throughout time.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Bart Sadowski/

38. Do you have any unique family traditions, and if so, what are they?

Answer: We kiss the hands of elders to show respect.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

wong sze yuen/

37. How would you make your school more environmentally friendly?

Answer: We have always promoted being green in schools, but to make it more environmentally friendly we must strictly implement proper garbage segregation and, through this, we will be able to apply recycling where the output can be used among the students or even donated to the communities who need it more.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


36. How did you prepare for this pageant?

Answer: I prepared myself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


35. If you were judging this pageant, which characteristics would you look for in the young women when choosing a winner?

Answer: I will choose a winner who has focus, is responsible, and has confidence that she can fulfill her duties.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

34. Why did you choose your platform for this pageant?

Your answer may vary on your platform.

33. Tell me something about yourself.

Answer:  I am an embodiment of a new meaning of life. My purpose here is to find the true calling of life and fulfill it. This platform is one of my steps towards reaching my goal for this destiny, which I will decide.

32. What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why?

Answer:  The biggest problem faced by our educational system is that it believes it’s a system. A system is a set arrangement of things. However, education means to impart knowledge by giving and taking in order to empower the uneducated. This has been forgotten in the process of being a system, which needs to be reevaluated and learned once again.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo

31. Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Why?

Answer:  By the virtue of being a woman, I consider myself to be a giver as well as a taker. As a woman, I am bestowed with the power to create a part of nature by taking a part of it. This is the beauty of femininity.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

30. What is your definition of success?

Answer:  My definition of success is when my conscience agrees with the time, effort, money, and emotions spent on achieving the goal till the end of it and allows to me sleep peacefully at night.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: nesharm / 123RF Stock Photo

29. What is your biggest fear?

Answer: My biggest fear is not reaching my goals when I know I can.

28. Do you think it’s necessary to hire a pageant coach if you’re serious about winning a pageant?

Answer: I think it is necessary to hire a pageant coach. We may know how to walk and have ideas on answering the questions but having a coach would mean improvement for a candidate.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

27. If you don’t end up winning this pageant who would you like to see win?

Answer: All these girls who are on this stage have worked hard to reach this far and so I believe whoever among them wins deserves it.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Jade ThaiCatwalk/

26. Do beauty pageants help or hurt how society views women?

Answer: I believe pageants helps our society for the causes that benefits education, environment, and other issues that need to be addressed.

25. What are your views on girls that get plastic surgery to do a pageant?

Answer: I will always be a person’s choice to get a surgery to improve her looks.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: mykeyruna / 123RF Stock Photo

24. Do you think a titleholder should be single or in a relationship?

Answer: As long as the titleholder can fulfill her responsibility and does not break any rules during her reign, then it will not matter if she is single or in a relationship.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

George Rudy/

23. If you were to win this pageant, how would you handle all the attention that you will receive?

Answer: I will still be me, no pretensions. I will fulfill my responsibility to the best of my ability.

22. How important is it to look good at all times?

Answer:  It is very important for me to look my best all the time. I sincerely believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and I am the beholder of my beauty in my eyes. So, if I am not looking my best on the outside, I feel no one will make an effort to see what lies within me.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: robertprzybysz / 123RF Stock Photo

21. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Answer:  Home because that is the place where I’ve been the happiest.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


20. What is the importance of beauty pageants in today’s world?

Answer:  Beauty pageants have given women a platform to acknowledge their beauty, knowledge, and skills in front of the world. It is an opportunity to seek the better in you.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Debby Wong /

19. What is your greatest obstacle? Why?

Answer:  My greatest obstacle would be my own myopic view. I would overcome it with a change of perspective.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Vladimir Gjorgiev/

18. Do you think that the youth of today faces more pressure of performance than the previous generation?

Answer: The present generation is something we can be proud of for the use of technology they can easily bring output to their ideas.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: lenetstan / 123RF Stock Photo

17. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose and why?

Answer:  I would choose Vogue, as it has been for me, a celebration of womanhood, a trendsetter, a style guru, an example of top-notch reporting, a personification of high standards of living, and above all, perfection.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


16. What do you expect to gain by participating in pageants? Why?

Answer:  By being a part of these beauty pageants, I expect to gain an opportunity to discover my strengths and perfect them, realize my weaknesses and transform them into strengths, and take home the crown tonight.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


15. What message would you give to the world about beauty pageants and the girls who compete in them?

Answer: You are awesome to be on that stage and continue to inspire others.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

14. Do you think the swimsuit round is derogatory?

Answer: I believe celebrating the beauty of our bodies is not derogatory.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

13. Can students make a difference in politics even before they can vote?

Answer: The most unexpected piece of advice comes from young minds and I believe that students can participate by sharing their opinions about politics.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

12. Do you think sports are an important part of school?

Answer: Sports promote camaraderie, which I believe is essential in every aspect of our lives

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Leonard Zhukovsky /

11. What can be your greatest contribution to the community?

Answer: My greatest contribution is being a law-abiding citizen.

10. If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?

Your answer may vary on the thing or event that you want to change in your life.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: racorn / 123RF Stock Photo

9. Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?

Answer: I’d like to be famous because there’s the opportunity to become a role model and spread a good influence among the youth.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


8. How can schools better leverage social media to teach their students?

Answer: Social media can be a tool to teach students creativity and show output through social media as well.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: rvlsoft / 123RF Stock Photo

7. If money were no object describe to me your dream vacation.

Answer: As long as I am with my loved ones, especially my family, spending time with them is the best vacation I will ever have.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


6. How are you a role model for your underclassmen?

Answer: I promote kindness and try to stop bullying and discrimination, which are quite common nowadays.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

5. What is the most important extracurricular activity that you are involved in and why?

Answer: The most important extracurricular activity that I am in is sports because it does not only mold me physically, but it also promotes mental and emotional health.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: 123mn / 123RF Stock Photo

4.  Why should you win this pageant?

Answer:  The reason I should win is because I will make a great titleholder. To me, a great titleholder understands that that being a queen is a job and part of my job description is to actively and creatively promote this pageant. So if I were to be chosen, I would bring more awareness to this pageant by actively recruiting girls to try to win my crown next year.

3. What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do in [your hometown]?

Your answer may vary on the things you do in your hometown.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Antonio Guillem/

2. If you could meet any person in history who would it be?

Answer: I would want to meet the late Pope John Paul II for up to this day his wisdom lives in the hearts of many.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

1. What is your most embarrassing moment?

Your answer may vary on your embarrassing moment experience.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Here are our 50 common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers . Of course, your answers will definitely vary, and we’ve chosen a few placeholder answers as recommendations for starting points. Go get that crown!

tourism questions and answers pageant

WHO Slideshow List XFinance Who is your role model? What is your biggest fear? miss of the world questions Why should you win this pageant? Interesting beauty pageant answers What is your definition of success? 11 Best Countries in Beauty Pageants What is your greatest obstacle? Why? If you could go anywhere in the world What is your most embarrassing moment? Why should you be the next titleholder? Do you have any unique family traditions Pageant questions and answers about sports What made you decide to enter this pageant? What brings you the most happiness in life? Pageant questions and answers about culture Pageant questions and answers about tourism Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? Pageant questions and answers about politics If you could be on the cover of any magazine If you could get one message out to the world Pageant questions and answers about education How important is it to look good at all times? Pageant questions and answers about environment Why did you choose your platform for this pageant? Do you think sports are an important part of school? Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Why? What are your favorite things to do in your hometown? What can be your greatest contribution to the community? If you could meet any person in history who would it be? Do beauty pageants help or hurt how society views women? What is the importance of beauty pageants in today's world? If money were no object describe to me your dream vacation. 50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers How would you make your school more environmentally friendly? If you could change one thing about your life what would it be? How can schools better leverage social media to teach their students? Can students make a difference in politics even before they can vote? What are your views on girls that get plastic surgery to do a pageant? What is your opinion on social media? Do you think it helps or hurts our society? What makes you unique compared to all of the other contestants in this competition? which characteristics would you look for in the young women when choosing a winner? What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why? What is the most important extracurricular activity that you are involved in and why? What message would you give to the world about beauty pageants and the girls who compete in them? Do you think it’s necessary to hire a pageant coach if you’re serious about winning a pageant? Do you think that the youth of today faces more pressure of performance than the previous generation? What would your response be to a person who believes that pageants aren’t a good influence for young women? Show more... Show less


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  4. Top 25 Pageant Questions Asked by Judges (in Every Pageant)

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  5. 10 Common Pageant Questions to Practice (2021) 🥇 Own That Crown

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  1. Top 125 Pageant Questions Asked by Judges (in Every Pageant)

    Pageant Answer Tip: This question allows you to show your dedication, work ethic, and mentality when life gets busy and/or stressful by answering with your journey to the pageant. Example Pageant Answer: "I have found that honesty is the best policy when it comes to communicating with people in my life.

  2. Steady and Faithful

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  3. 40 Most Common Pageant Questions With Answers

    In this guide, we provide examples of these questions along with strategic answers to help contestants prepare effectively. Whether the topic is personal interests, social issues, or light-hearted scenarios, these responses will guide you in presenting yourself eloquently and confidently. Most Common Pageant Questions With Answers

  4. 121: Pageant Interview Practice Questions and Sample Answers

    1 - Tell me about yourself. This is the most common request. The goal is to get a snapshot understanding of the highlights of your life and values. To answer this question, think about the highlights that relate to the situation. If you're in a job interview, you'll want to share your education and experience.

  5. Three Mrs. Face of Tourism 2023 bets answer MUPh final question

    At a glance. During a meet-and-greet event held in Quezon City recently, the three moms talked about joining a national pageant and answered the final question in the Miss Universe Philippines 2023 pageant. Mrs. Bulacan Province Rowena C. Almocera, Mrs. Quezon Province Jannith Lauce Romantico, and Mrs. Baguio City Susan Villanueva are three ...

  6. Pageant Questions For 2023 by Miss Universe Pageant Coach

    378 practice beauty pageant questions for 2023 written by former Miss Universe coaches to ensure you do your best in the interview and on-stage questions. Hard pageant questions range from current events, political, and environmental questions, to Miss and Teen interview questions. For the price of a coffee, you will be getting a huge list of ...

  7. 26 Sample Teen Pageant Questions (and Answers)

    26 Sample Teen Pageant Questions (and Answers) 11, November 2012. Teen pageant questions are similar to those asked to the Miss girls with one exception, they will not be asked political questions. If you are competing in Miss America's Outstanding Teen you may get asked some light political questions on the local level and a little more ...

  8. Questions On Tourism

    Questions on Tourism - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Pageant answers

  9. Top 10 On Stage Pageant Questions (and Answers)

    Her answer, "I am an ambassador for child prostitution and I want child prostitution to stop. So that's what I want for the next generation." (Read: Top 25 Pageant Questions Asked by Judges in Every Pageant) 2) Last year CEOs in the US made around 300 times the average workers' salaries. Should the government impose boundaries on ...

  10. 100 Thoughtful Questions Judges Ask at Beauty Pageants

    How to Answer Questions Cleverly and Tactfully at Beauty Pageants. The questions judges ask at beauty pageants often test contestants' ability to react spontaneously. While most girls fare well in other rounds, the question-and-answer round becomes the stumbling block for many. Contestants get nervous when a judge asks a question, and rightly so.

  11. 10 Essential Pageant Questions And Sample Answers

    Get Pageant Questions Written By A Miss Universe Judge. These are samples of how to handle the 10 essential questions you need to know how to answer. The chances of you being asked at least one of these questions in your pageant interview are high. Obviously don't feel like you need to use my answers - yours are going to come across much ...

  12. TRANSCRIPT: Miss World Philippines 2022 Top 11 Q and A

    MANILA, Philippines - The top 11 candidates of Miss World Philippines 2022 participated in the final question and answer portion on coronation night Sunday, June 5. Each candidate weighed in on ...

  13. 510 questions with answers in TOURISM

    3. Lack of empathy. Lack of empathy limits AI's ability to interact and understand people's emotional needs. In situations that require greater understanding, such as mental health care or ...

  14. 31 High School Pageant Questions (and Answers)

    Create a contestant profile and download (for free) our 233 pageant questions. The interview questions are age specific so they will be perfect for your High School pageant. In fact, many pageant judges download our questions, print them off and ask you directly from our list.

  15. 226: The Best Of Pageant Interview Questions and Answers

    Get ready to step up your pageant game! This video showcases the best moments from our pageant interview question and answer videos. From tips on answering tough questions to my top tips for pageant interview, these clips are packed with valuable advice and inspiration. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or just starting out, you won't ...

  16. TRANSCRIPT: Miss International 2023 Top 7 Q&A segment

    MANILA, Philippines - The Top 7 Miss International 2023 candidates took center stage for the question and answer portion on the pageant's finals night on Thursday, October 26, at the Yoyogi ...

  17. 10 Common Pageant Questions to Practice (2021)

    Win Your Next Pageant. Get Pageant Questions Written By A Miss Universe Judge. Answering questions is an essential part of life. Being able to answer concisely is a great skill to have for just about any career. ... In pageantry, not only do you have to answer questions, but you must answer them within a certain amount of time, and usually in ...

  18. 21 Pageant Interview Questions That Will Make You a ...

    Ask any seasoned pageant girl and they'll tell you — the hardest part of any competition is the pageant interview question and answer segment. Be it the on-stage question and answer or the private one-on-one interview with the judges, this is oftentimes where the highly-coveted crown is lost or won. RELATED: 7 Best Beauty Pageant […]

  19. Miss World Philippines 2021 Question & Answer Complete Transcript

    The Complete Transcript of the Miss World Philippines 2021 Q&A. See our new queens' winning answers, here. PHOTO: Ryan Agustin via Instagram/msworldphil. Last night, the Miss World Philippines 2021 pageant's final 15 contenders battled it out at the question and answer portion. Each of them proved their claim for the crowns one last time, and ...

  20. TRANSCRIPT: Miss Philippines Earth 2021 Top 20 Q and A

    The Top 20 candidates of Miss Earth Philippines put their public speaking skills to the test as they competed in a Q&A round at the pageant's coronation on Sunday, August 8. Joining in from ...

  21. How Miss PH Earth pageant winners answered during Q&A

    Here's how Miss PH Earth pageant winners answered during Q&A. ABS-CBN News. Published Aug 08, 2021 01:35 PM PHT. ADVERTISEMENT. Read More: Miss Philippines Earth | pageant | question and answer | beauty pageant | Miss Philippines Earth 2021 | Miss PH Earth | Miss PH Earth 2021 | beauty queens | Philippines beauty queens. Advertise with Us ...

  22. 50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

    Without further ado, here are the questions and answers. 50. Tell me about a recent goal you accomplished. Answer: As I stand here in front of you, with this huge audience watching over me, I am ...

  23. 67 questions with answers in HOSPITALITY & TOURISM

    Physical, sexual and psychological violence against women travellers. Sexual harassment in the hospitality/tourism workplace (formal and informal work) Tourism/hospitality workers' experiences ...