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Alta Guajira

Portada » Planes » Alta Guajira

Este es un lugar paradisíaco ubicado en la península de la Guajira, el punto más al norte de América del Sur. Su maravillosa cultura y paisajes naturales hacen de este lugar una de las atracciones naturales más espectaculares del mundo. Es ideal si desea una inmersión completa en una cultura indígena aquí los Wayuu viven su cultura, lejos de la sociedad en medio de un maravilloso desierto que enfrenta el Mar Caribe y muestra la grandeza de este mundo.

Igualmente se realiza un recorrido único entre manglares donde tendrán la oportunidad de apreciar diferentes especies de aves nativas y migratorias como los flamingos rosados

si la temporada lo permite además de disfrutar del paisaje y el mar.

Nuestros recorridos

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ALTA GUAJIRA: 3 dias y 2 Dos noches Punta Gallinas

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ALTA GUAJIRA: 2 días y 1 noche - Cabo de la Vela

Valoración de los clientes, nuestros testimonios son una muestra de nuestra calidad y experiencia..

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Destinos de paz

“Turismo para una cultura de paz”

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Kai Ecotravel


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KAÍ ECOTRAVEL – Responsible Tourism in the Guajira’s region

Kai – the sun, is one of the most important natural divinities for the American cultures, and the Wayuu are not the exception, Kaí became for the Guajiros, one of the symbols that identify this arid region and the image that we have selected for invite ecotourists to visit us. Kaí Ecotravel, is a tourism operator with a community organization, formed by a network of indigenous families providing tourism services, which are located in the most spectacular natural settings of the Alta Guajira, some of them with a tradition of attention to the traveler of more than 20 years.

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Learn about ancestral cultures and heritage of La Guajira in Colombia. Enjoy one of the most beautiful regions of the country.

Our Emblematic destinations

See know the biophysical and sociocultural characteristics, as well as our most relevant destinations.

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Enjoy incredible ecotourism activities in the Colombian Guajira. Choose the tour of your interest for your visit to the region.

Tours únicos en su clase

Learn know about our most important destinations: Cabo de la Vela, Flamencos Sanctuary, Punta Gallinas, Macuira and Alta Guajira.

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Discover our services for your trip. See all opportunities to make a tailored journey for your next travel to La Guajira - Colombia.


See all options of transportation, guide services and accommodations; Kaí Ecotravel offers you all kinds services for your trip.

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Reserve now the trip of your life with Kaí Ecotravel and live an experience without equal in the Colombian Guajira. One of our consultants waits for your call.

We are excited to launch our new company and product Ooooh. After being featured in too many magazines to mention and having created an online stir, we know that Ooooh is going to be big.

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Eco Hotel Finca La Jorará

Tour Punta Gallinas – 3 días/2 noches

Punta Gallinas es el extremo norte de Colombia y Sur América, un maravilloso escenario natural de mesetas, dunas y acantilados rocosos, que brotan del mar color turquesa y conforman hermosas bahías como Bahía Honda y Bahía hondita. Sus alucinantes playas rodeadas de manglar, conservan el encanto de un escenario virgen y solitario en el que se revela la esencia del espíritu.

Por su parte, el Cabo de la Vela un lugar mitológico considerado la casa de Maleiwa, el Dios de los Wayuu. Este es un destino mágico, donde podrá disfrutar múltiples escenarios de espectacular belleza. Explore y experimente el desierto, con sus días cálidos y sus noches frías. El Faro para ver la increíble panorámica de las arenas doradas y las aguas verdes del mar Caribe y conocer el cerro Kamaichi ó Pilón de Azúcar, una roca en forma piramidal que se levanta desde las profundidades del mar y en cuya cima tiene una escultura de la Virgen de Fátima, o para conocer el Ojo de Agua, una piscina natural donde, según la mitología, los Wayuu se comunican con sus antepasados.

En este tour se podrá disfrutar una experiencia autentica que le revelará secretos de la cultura Wayuu, tejida de sueños, faenas de pesca y pastoreo de rebaños.

Pregunta por nuestros tours de una o varias noches en el Cabo de la Vela, Punta Gallinas, PNN Macuira.


El tour a Punta Gallinas inicia en Riohacha a las:

– 8:00 a.m. (Horario en tour compartido) – Si el tour es privado se puede iniciar más tarde pero lo ideal es que no sea más tarde de las 10 a.m.

•Transporte en 4×4 con disponibilidad completa durante todo el programa • Servicio de Guía local – Conductor • Alojamiento, una noche en Punta Gallinas, en chinchorro (hamaca típica tejida en hilo) Una noche en el Cabo de la Vela en chinchorro. • Alimentación típica completa (Pescados, camarones, Chivo y Pollo Criollo), desde el Almuerzo del primer día hasta el almuerzo del tercer día

No incluidos:

• Transporte hacia y desde Riohacha • Guianza en inglés o servicio de traductor


Para tener un viaje más cómodo se recomienda llevar:

  • Termo o cantimplora
  • Objetos de aseo (cepillo y toalla, jabón y crema dental; estos dos últimos preferiblemente biodegradables)
  • Zapatos deportivos y sandalias o zapatos para playa
  • 3 a 4 mudas de ropa para clima cálido, vestido de baño y pantaloneta
  • Linterna con pilas de repuesto
  • Protector solar y bronceador
  • Repelente de insectos
  • Gafas de sol con filtro para rayos UV
  • Sombrero o cachucha para el sol
  • Documentos de identidad
  • Botiquín personal
  • Manta ligera

Para quien es la experiencia?

Para este recorrido el viajero debe estar en condiciones físicas optimas. El Tour a Punta Gallinas No es apto para discapacitados por no contar con los servicios requeridos para ellos. Por las condiciones del viaje no se recomienda para niños menores de 3 años, ni adultos mayores con problemas crónicos de salud.  El destino cuenta con servicios de salud (hospitales) en Uribía, Manaure y Maicao y puestos de salud en Puerto Bolívar, Paraíso y Cabo de la Vela.

Vestimenta e Indumentaria

Zapatos deportivos y sandalias o zapatos para playa Ropa cómoda para clima cálido Vestido de baño y pantalonetas Pantalones de algodón y camisas de manga larga para mayor protección contra el sol y los insectos en la noche

Condiciones y Exigencia Física

Esta experiencia de aventura esta enmarcada en un entorno natural y agreste. Tenga en cuenta que las comunidades locales tienen limitado acceso al agua portable. Así mismo, la poca energía eléctrica se obtiene de generadores a gasolina y paneles solares. Durante la época de verano las carreteras son destapadas y polvorientas. El sol es constante y la temperatura ambiente es cálida en el día y fría durante la noche. En las temporadas de lluvia a mediados de marzo y mediados de Octubre convierte los senderos y carreteras de difícil acceso por el barro. El servicio de alojamiento es en Rancherias Wayuu creadas de manera artesanal y se lleva a cabo en chinchorros o cabañas con camas. En el destino no hay hoteles convencionales.

Responsabilidades del viajero

  • Respetar la privacidad de los indígenas Wayuu y los campesinos. No entrar a sus casas ni tomar fotografías de ellos o sus pertenencias sin antes pedirles permiso.
  • Empacar sólo lo esencial, ya que el peso es un factor importante
  • Asegurarse de estar en buen estado de salud
  • Devolver toda la basura hasta Riohacha o depositarla en los lugares asiganados para este fin
  • Cuidar y respetar la naturaleza y la cultura local
  • No dañar los bienes naturales o culturales
  • Durante el recorrido No siempre hay señal de teléfono móvil. Le recomendamos que avise a sus familiares y amigos que sólo se podrá comunicar con ellos una vez vuelva a Riohacha.

MANAURE Y EL CABO DE LA VELA • Salida desde Riohacha entre 8 – 8:30 AM • Visita a las salinas de Manaure • Paso por Uribia, la capital indígena de Colombia • Llegada al hospedaje en el Cabo de la Vela • Almuerzo • Visita a la playa y mirador Pilón de azúcar • Visita a la playa ojo de agua • Vista del atardecer • Cena y alojamiento en hamacas

BAHIA HONDA • Desayuno, 7:00 AM • Salida para Punta Gallinas, pasando por Bahía Portete, Bahía Honda • Almuerzo en Bahía Honda • Se continúa la ruta, visita a las dunas de Taroa, Faro de Punta Gallinas • Llegada al hospedaje • Cena y alojamiento en hamacas

URIBIA Y RIOHACHA • Desayuno • Salida retorno a la ciudad pasando por el mirador de casares. • Trayecto Bahia Hondita – Uribia • Almuerzo en Uribia • Retorno a Riohacha • Fin del programa, 3:30 PM


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$1.435.000 c/u

$1.265.000 c/u

$1.125.000 c/u

$910.000 c/u

$830.000 c/u

¿Cual es la mejor época para visitar Punta Gallinas en la Guajira?

Nuestra recomendación es visitar la Guajira justo después de las temporadas de lluvia, pero en época de verano. Los meses Ideales para visitar son: Mayo, Junio, Noviembre y Diciembre. Es posible encontrar la vegetación del bosque tropical seca en todo su furor, así como gran variedad de aves exóticas de la región.


eco tour guajira

Importancia de conservación del destino

El Destino de Punta Gallinas hace parte de un ecosistema frágil y de alta valoración para el Pueblo Wayuu. No se deben hacer fogatas, arrojar colillas de cigarrillos, quemar basura, realizar talas de arboles y cazar animales silvestres.

Invitamos a nuestros viajeros a aportar positivamente durante la visita. Promueva acciones en pro de resaltar los valores culturales y la concientización ambiental. Es importante propender la reconstrucción del tejido social, y la conservación ambiental y la paz en La Guajira. Existe el impulso que se origina en la necesidad Wayuu de un cambio cultural que busca hacer posible el desarrollo de una sociedad sostenible.

Consejos para la conservación de la cultura y la naturaleza

  • Ayuda en el proceso de reducir, reciclar y reutilizar
  • Viaja con tu termo, para rellenar tu botella en nuestra estación de agua
  • No promuevas la compra de plásticos de un solo uso.
  • Evita salirte del senderos principales
  • No retires tejido natural y vegetal del destino
  • Aprende y conoce la importancia de la cultura Wayuu
  • Conviértete en un actor de conservación natural y cultural
  • Si es posible apoya a una artesana con la compra de una mochila o manilla Wayuu
  • Si quieres aportar al lugar busca la forma de llevar agua potable

Aportes de sostenibilidad con la visita al destino

  • No dejes basura en los senderos ni en las Rancherias
  • Aprende sobre la cultura Indigena Wayuu
  • Respeta y entiende las tradiciones y cosmo vision Wayuu
  • Pide permiso para entrar a las rancherias o para tomar fotos directamente
  • Se un viajero de concientización en el manejo del agua
  • Haz un uso racional del agua y de la energía
  • Aprende sobre flora y fauna de la Guajira.
  • Apoyo a la economía local
  • Evita el uso de plásticos de un solo uso.


Cabo de la vela.

Viajes en la Guajira Colombia Cabo de la Vela

Taller Mochilas Arhuaco

Taller mochilas arhuaco sierra nevada santa marta

Pasadia Sierra Nevada

Miradores con vista al mar y huespedes de Finca La Jorara hotel Palomino

La Sierrita Ecotours

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What travellers are saying.


Neil Young reunites with Crazy Horse after a decade, performs double encore

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On Thursday night, magic happened in Tennesseee.

Singer-songwriter Neil Young and rock band Crazy Horse came together to perform their hits over a two-hour show at FirstBank Amphitheater on their first tour together in a decade.

The 2024 "Love Earth Tour" features the now 78-year-old singer alongside the Los Angeles rock band yet again.

Canadian singer-songwriter Young, best known for songs "Heart of Gold," "Harvest Moon" and "Old Man," released the album "Fu##in' Up" with Crazy Horse on April 25, featuring nine rock 'n' roll tracks. The two have released 15 studio albums together.

Young and Crazy Horse kicked off their brief 16-stop tour on April 24 in San Diego and will continue with upcoming stops in Virginia, New Jersey, New York and more.

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Thursday's concert in Franklin was originally slated for Wednesday evening, but was postponed by a day due to  inclement weather .

But Thursday night brought the calm after the storm; the evening was serene.

Neil Young returns to Spotify after 2-year hiatus following Joe Rogan controversy

After opener Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping , a musical performance art experience that draws from religion, Young hit the stage.

The set-up featured a backdrop with a galloping horse and giant speaker cabinets and road cases, the same ones Young took on the road with him for his "Rust Never Sleeps" tour in 1978.

Young appeared in a striped cap, a denim work shirt that featured paint splatters and a Spartan Truck Equipment patch, black pants, black shoes and of course, his guitar, Old Black .

He mentioned the venue's beauty multiple times — a stage nestled in the woods of Graystone Quarry in Thompson’s Station.

"How you doin out there? Nice to see you," Young said to the Franklin crowd.

"What a beautiful place. You guys are very lucky to have this place."

Alongside Young was the band, comprised of 80-year-old Billy Talbot on bass and 80-year-old Ralph Molina on drums. They also have a new member, Micah Nelson on guitar.

Nelson, Willie Nelson 's 33-year-old son, took over for the band's previous guitarist Nils Lofgren earlier this year.

Throughout the show, Neil Young and the band played a 17-song set, full with jam sessions and occasional harmonies. Young was energized and playful, captivating the crowd with his trademark nasally, emotional voice.

The set list was mostly comprised of older hits, like 1969's "Cinnamon Girl" and 1972's "Heart of Gold."

The band didn't play any songs from their recent album; the most recent song was 1996's "Scattered (Let's Think About Livin')." Nelson's big moment came during the tune; he traded his guitar to play a swinging keyboard that descended from the ceiling.

Young's guitar playing—both electric and acoustic—was adept and agile. Though Young shared in January he has been playing guitar with arthritis in his hand for years, audience members wouldn't have guessed.

He played the blues on song "Vampire Blues," hitting guitar licks with a precision like Stevie Ray Vaughan's. He also performed drawn-out, warping guitar solos on songs like "Like a Hurricane" and "Powderfinger."

Between songs, Young would hand his guitar off to his techs (who all wore white lab coats), but was audibly uncomfortable until he had a guitar in his arms yet again.

The night's concert walked the line between a Young that leaned into classic, grunge rock 'n' roll with Crazy Horse and a Young that gently cooed with Crosby, Stills & Nash in '69, strumming an acoustic.

Young pulled off the balancing act.

Here are some of the top moments from the night.

Neil Young opens with 'Cortez the Killer,' sings newly released verse

On a purple-lit stage, Neil Young and Crazy Horse kicked off the show with the 1975 song "Cortez the Killer."

The first lyrics from Young brought cheers from the audience as he sang, "He came dancing across the water / With his galleons and guns."

Young surprised fans at the first concert of the tour by singing unreleased lyrics to the song, ones he said did not record due to a power outage on the recording console in 1975.

Young found the lyric manuscript, he said in an interview mid-April this year.

The verse was lost for nearly 50 years. Young sang the verse again in Franklin.

“I floated on the water / I ate that ocean wave / Two weeks after the slaughter/ I was living in a cave / They came too late to get me / But there’s no one here to set me free / From this rocky grave / To that snowed-out ocean wave.”

Neil Young calls on local non-profits to support his eco-friendly mission

Neil Young has been vocal about his environmental efforts throughout his career .

In 1985, Young helped establish the annual Farm Aid concerts . In 2022, he released album "World Record," an album that focuses on climate change. Later that year, Young said he refused to play venues that are supported by factory farms .

The environmentalism was felt at his Franklin show.

Upon entering the concert, fans saw a series of tents and tables from local environmental organizations all hand picked by Young, including Tennessee Local Food . The organizations attended the concert and chatted with fans about their missions.

Young calls it the "LOVE EARTH Village."

At different stops on the tour, hundreds of non-profits working for sustainability and social equity will join to chat about issues like organic farming, wildlife protection, Native American rights and climate change solutions.

According to a venue employee, Young also changed the menu for the venue's offerings on Thursday, opting for more eco-friendly options (Coke products were nowhere to be seen).

On a handout at the venue, Young wrote, "Support your friends, support your land, and support the people that want to care for the land.

"The revolution starts with us. The revolution starts with you."

Neil Young goes acoustic mid-show, takes stage alone

At one point, Young took an empty stage, traded Old Black for an acoustic, and donned the harmonica around his neck.

He sang songs, "Comes a Time," "Heart of Gold" and "Human Highway" onstage alone, leaning into his folk singer-songwriter roots.

Despite the occasional hoot or holler in the audience, a hush crept over the amphitheater as Young sang, played plucky guitar and showcased his harmonica skills between verses.

It was a gentler, softer and more intimate side to the evening.

"Heart of Gold" stood out among the acoustic section.

Young sang his biggest hit: "Keep me searching / For a heart of gold / I've been a miner / For a heart of gold."

An encore and...another encore

Before the encore, Young ended his set with song "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)," leaving the audience with the classic and singing, "Hey hey, my my / Rock and roll can never die."

And it didn't die just then, Young and the band returned to the stage to play "Roll Another Number (For the Road)" as their encore.

After the song finished, the audience didn't stop cheering. Young and company came back to deliver a second encore, this time three songs long.

For encore two, they performed "Danger Bird," "Don't Cry No Tears" and "Sedan Delivery," ending the night on a grungy rock 'n' roll note that included pink lights and plenty of reverb.

Afterwards, the band and Young gathered arm-in-arm in a single spotlight and gave their final bow.

Neil Young's Set List

  • Cortez the Killer
  • Cinnamon Girl
  • Scattered (Let's Think About Livin')
  • Like a Hurricane
  • Vampire Blues
  • The Losing End (When You're On)
  • Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
  • Powderfinger
  • Love and Only Love
  • Comes a Time
  • Heart of Gold
  • Human Highway
  • Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)
  • Encore: Roll Another Number (For the Road)
  • Encore II: Danger Bird, Don't Cry No Tears, Sedan Delivery

For more information on Neil Young's tour, head to  neilyoungarchives.com .

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Dude, Where Are My Cylinders?! Can a Turbo 2.3-Liter EcoBoost Four-Banger 2024 Mustang Still Be a Fun Hot Rod?

We hit the hot rod power tour west in ford’s ecoboost 2.3-liter four-cylinder turbo mustang to see if less can actually be more—or, at least, enough..

A s hot-rodders, our go-to engines are typically V-8s. Why? Well, because the eight-cylinder layout has been the winning formula for performance-level power for the last 70-plus years. But it’s also because the sweet, deep bass sound of a V-8 is really hard to beat. Now, for reasons that make questionable sense, V-8s are slowly vanishing from new cars and being replaced by smaller engines with power-adders such as turbos.

We love a good boosted engine as much as anyone, and there isn’t a hot-rodder out there who doesn’t dig something like a 1980s Grand National with its turbo V-6. But what if the engine was smaller? How about four cylinders? Well, we were wondering the same thing, so when Ford offered to loan us a 2024 Mustang EcoBoost with a 2.3-liter turbocharged four-banger we thought we would try it on for size. Hey, we were just happy it wasn’t electric.

The hookup from Ford sure looked sweet. The 2024 drop-top had all the right bells and whistles, such as the 2.3-liter High Performance Package , big Brembo brakes, MagneRide suspension, and silky-smooth 10-speed transmission. The Grabber Blue paint was an added bonus.

When we hear 2.3-liter we start feeling queasy, as we think back to the 88-hp 2.3-liter four-banger that was stuffed in the old Mustang II. But that was then, and this is now. Thirty years later, this 2.3-liter wears a turbo and spits out 315 hp and 350 lb-ft of twist! To put that in perspective, that power level is about what an LS1 V-8-powered fourth-gen Camaro put out. With a twin-scroll turbo (to lessen lag), direct port injection, and an electronic wastegate, this boosted four-banger uses all the latest tricks to put out a decent amount of horsepower. There is no manual transmission option, so our car had a 10-speed automatic instead. An eight-speed auto would have been more than sufficient, since the ECU couldn’t seem to decide what gear it wanted to be in. Changing to manual mode with the flappy paddles solved that issue on the track, but a manual would be fun once you learned how to stay in the snappy engine’s tighter torque zone.

The High-Performance Package, a must-get in our opinion, nets you 19-inch Pirelli P Zero tires, 3.55 limited-slip rear, and a performance-tuned suspension. It also gets you large Brembo six-piston front calipers and four-piston rears along with a slick electronic pull-up parking brake activator (drift brake) that will help you impress your friends, so long as you don’t side-slide into a tree. However, the High-Performance Package doesn’t add any horsepower, go figure. The EcoBoost 'Stang runs the quarter in just over 13 seconds and can nab around 0.95g on the skidpad, according to testing by Motor Trend. Not too shabby on paper.

On the highway to Vegas for the first leg of the HOT ROD Power Tour West, the Mustang felt like it had plenty of power. Yeah, the downside was 315 hp, which by modern V-8 standards is on the lower side. On the plus side, the EcoBoost turbo 2.3-liter knocks quite a bit of weight off the nose of the Mustang. It can also get a touch over 30 mpg on the highway if you stay out of boost, but who does that? Our biggest gripe? That would be that it doesn’t sound like a V-8. It doesn’t sound bad, and Ford did a good job on the exhaust, but in terms of sound, you won’t accidentally think you’re rocking a V-8 when you mash the throttle. Its only comparable competition would be the four-cylinder Camaro 1LE ... oh, wait, never mind.

On the autocross track in Vegas, the EcoBoost Mustang was a blast to drive. The suspension felt great, and that weight off the nose gave the Ford excellent turn-in. We generally hate the term “momentum car” but even with a healthy 350 ft-lbs of torque, the car was a bit sluggish to get back up to speed if you screwed up a turn (pro tip: don’t screw up a turn). The steering was responsive, but there wasn’t a ton of feedback. Overall, the handling was great, and once you learned how to live with the 2.3-liter turbo's power curve, it turned in some respectable lap times. We also loved the car’s Recaro seats, even if they are manual. Most of all, the 2024 EcoBoost Mustang was more fun to toss through the cones than we thought it would be. A couple of guys have worked over EcoBoost Mustangs in the Optima driving series, and they easily hang with, and often beat, the V-8-powered competition.

Styling-wise, we like the new 2024 Mustang and actually really loved the Dark Horse V-8 version we were allowed to pilot around Charlotte Motor Speedway. The dash screens can get a bit busy, but if you mess with the various layouts, you can find one that gives you the info you need when busy trying not to hit cones or K-rails. It’s a good-looking modern muscle car, and we’re suckers for colors like Grabber Blue.

On the highway, the Mustang was good to go, with plenty of grunt for passing, but again, our biggest downside would be that it sounds like what it is, a turbo four-cylinder. Power-wise, it was fine, nothing spectacular, but had enough power to be fun. With less weight, it felt faster than we expected it to feel.

So, could a V-8 hot-rodder find love and happiness in this four-cylinder turbocharged 2.3-liter Mustang? Yeah, so long as they could live without the deep rumble of a thumping V-8 under the hood. For someone who needs the better mileage and lower insurance rates of the turbo four-cylinder, this 2024 EcoBoost Mustang still delivers a lot of fun, crisp handling, killer looks, and above-average brakes. And, again, we must give it up to Ford for continuing to give us gas-fed muscle cars, even if some of them are missing a cylinder or four.

Additional images by William Estrada


Dude, Where Are My Cylinders?! Can a Turbo 2.3-Liter EcoBoost Four-Banger 2024 Mustang Still Be a Fun Hot Rod?

Expotur: The Best Lost City Tour

Taroa Dunes in the Guajira Desert

The Taroa Dunes are a majestic place located in the largest desert of Colombia. Its beautiful golden sand is covered, on one side, by the characteristic vegetation of the area and, on the other side by the Caribbean Sea.

Where are the Taroa Dunes?

These beautiful dunes are located in Punta Gallinas, Guajira, the northernmost point in Colombia and South America.

How to get to the Taroa Dunes?

Cómo llegar a las Dunas de Taroa Expotur

The best way to get to the Taroa Dunes is to book a tour with a legal tourism agency, as this way you avoid endangering your health / life by transporting yourself in vehicles or boats that do not meet the minimum safety requirements.

In Expotur we offer you 2 tours in which you can enjoy this tourist destination and also practice sandboarding:

Punta Gallinas 3 days Tour

Punta Gallinas 4 days Tour

Remember, both tours will depart from Riohacha and we will pass through places such as: Manaure, the largest salt complex in Colombia; Uribia, the indigenous capital of Colombia; Cabo de la Vela, Pilón de Azúcar and the lighthouse; we will also pass through the Wind Park; Bahia Hondita; Punta Gallinas and its lighthouse, Punta Agujas beach; among other destinations.

These tours include transportation, food, lodging, guiding, sandboarding, travel insurance and contribution to the communities.

What should I bring to Taroa Dunes?

Sandboarding en las Dunas de Taroa con Expotur

Our recommendation on what to bring to Taroa Dunes is as follows:

It is important to stay hydrated.

You cannot visit this place without a camera to have memories of your adventure.

Sunglasses, Hats and Sunscreen

It is important to protect yourself from the sun. You will be in the desert, therefore, the temperature is very high.

Comfortable clothing

That allows you to get on and off the Dune easily.

To enjoy the beach.

Sport shoes and sandals

Sandals will be useful for after swimming. That way you won’t get your sneakers wet.

Sandboarding in the Taroa Dunes

If you are in Colombia and you are wondering where can I practice sandboarding, the Taroa Dunes Colombia is the perfect place.

Our agency was a pioneer in this activity. We were the first to acquire sandboards to offer our travelers an even more incredible and unforgettable experience.

How to do Sandboarding?

To practice Sandboarding in Colombia or anywhere in the world, you only need a board and a beautiful Dune or other sloping surface of fine sand.

If you want to read more about sandboarding and what it takes to practice it, you can read this our blog about sandboarding in Colombia.

Are there accommodations near the Dunes?

alojamientos u hospedaje en las Dunas de Taroa Expotur

If you take the Expotur Tour to the Taroa Dunes, you don’t have to worry about lodging, since our tours to Punta Gallinas and Cabo de la Vela include it.

We hope you are encouraged to live one of the most incredible experiences in one of the most beautiful places in the Colombian Caribbean.

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Complete guide to go to Punta Gallinas and Cabo de la Vela Colombia


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Entra a nuestras redes sociales para imágenes y vídeos de las Dunas de Taroa , Cabo de la Vela , Punta Gallinas y otros lugares de la Guajira.

icono facebook expotur. la ciudad perdida

Ciudad Perdida: El renacer de una profecía ancestral

Minca tour sierra nevada de santa marta, tour parque tayrona playa cristal, tour parque tayrona cabo san juan, punta gallinas tour 4 days, punta gallinas tour 3 days, cabo de la vela 2 days tour, lost city trek 5 days tour, lost city trek 4 days tour.

eco tour guajira

C.I. Expotur S.A.S.

RNT No . 11360

Santa Marta

  • Carrera 3 # 17-27 Edificio Rex, Local 3 Centro Histórico
  • [email protected]
  • (+57) 605 420 7739
  • (+57) 320 511 1458
  • Carrera 5 # 3A-02
  • (+57) 605 728 8232

eco tour guajira

Who’s King of Going Green? These 10 Cities Boast the Most Eco-Friendly Home Listings in the Nation

( Getty Images )

Who’s King of Going Green? These 10 Cities Boast the Most Eco-Friendly Home Listings in the Nation

Our homes are all getting a bit greener these days—and not just because it’s spring.

While eco-conscious features are gaining popularity across the country, certain areas are doing a better job at protecting the environment than others. And new research by Realtor.com® suggests that we can all tip our hats to California—particularly Yuba City , located just 40 miles north of Sacramento.

This city, along with five more in the Golden State, topped our list of the 10 metropolitan areas with the nation’s most eco-friendly real estate listings.

Cities in the West and Southwest (in states such as Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico) lead the way, taking all 10 slots with their green offerings.

This analysis culled Realtor.com listing descriptions for eco-friendly keywords—such as “eco-conscious,” “zero-energy,” and “solar panels”—then divided that figure by the total listings for these metropolitan areas.

The reason certain states shine in the environmental arena might have to do in part with state and local policies making it a priority.

“It’s worth noting that there are both carrots and sticks nudging homeowners to adopt more eco-friendly features,” says Realtor.com Chief Economist  Danielle Hale .

For instance, the Inflation Reduction Act included at least two provisions to rebate households for making electric and energy-efficient improvements.

“There are many state and local-area incentives,” she adds. “Local governments are not just relying on incentives to change behavior. California—already a leader in solar panels in homes—mandated solar panels for new residential construction several years ago.”

Recent research at WalletHub confirms that California is indeed the king of the greenest states, citing its low overall energy consumption per capita and its second-highest number of alternative fuel stations per capita.

And while making these green changes isn’t always cheap, folks are finally coming around to the idea that installing them makes sense over time.

“Instead of seeing sustainable homebuilding as a barrier or cost to overcome, it’s now a lever to maintain affordability,” says Dan Bridleman , senior vice president of sustainability for  KB Home .

Here are the top 10 metro areas in the U.S. with the greenest listings, plus some homes for sale offering earth-friendly features.

1. Yuba City, CA

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms: 12.3%

This Northern California city has the highest share of green listings—but not all eco-friendly features are as flashy as solar panels. For instance, the property below for sale for $499,000 boasts dual-paned windows . This upgrade improves energy efficiency via a layer of argon gas that acts as insulation between the panes. It also works as soundproofing.

eco tour guajira


2. Vallejo, CA

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms: 10.6%

In Vallejo, a San Francisco Bay Area city, this pretty pink house is on the market for $765,000 and has a paid-in-full solar system, plus a Tesla battery that can store solar energy for later use.

eco tour guajira

3. Tucson, AZ

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms: 8.3%

The Southwest has tons of sun, which is why home listings in the area tend to tout their solar capacity. The property below asking for $477,000 features leased solar, which means you don’t own the units outright but pay a monthly fee for them. But you can still benefit by using this energy source to slash your electric bill.

eco tour guajira

4. Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms: 8.2%

This metro trifecta in Southern California features loads of green listings, including this architectural dream home in Thousand Oaks for $1,585,000. The property used sustainable marble from Vermont on the kitchen counters—which is green because sourcing natural, long-lasting stone reduces the level of volatile organic compounds in the home.

eco tour guajira

5. San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms : 8.1%

Thick green lawns are becoming a thing of the past as the excess water and pesticides required to keep them looking nice aren’t good for the environment. Instead, hardscaping can be a smart solution, as shown in this San Diego listing below , up for grabs for $2,249,900.

eco tour guajira

6. Fort Collins, CO

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms : 8.0%

If you’re looking for the ultimate green home, this beauty below for $859,256 takes the cake. The structure is both LEED- and Energy Star-certified. Plus, it’s a Zero Energy Ready Home—a term that promises the highest quality building materials and energy-efficient systems. A ZERH is so well insulated, you’ll be living in your own carbon-free zone and enjoying a net-zero energy bill.

eco tour guajira

7. Stockton, CA

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms: 7.9%

Stockton is a sunny clime in Northern California with rays for days—and this home for $639,000 takes full advantage. The listing touts a Tesla solar system that’s completely paid for, allowing you an energy-efficient life and low carbon footprint.

eco tour guajira

8. Greeley, CO

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms: 7.6%

Sure, there’s lots of room for solar panels or an edible garden near this house asking for $511,608, but Colorado also has lots of cold days. Fortunately, this property was built with a 95% energy-efficient furnace, which means it uses sealed combustion when heating. The result: You’ll use less natural gas and see a smaller monthly bill.

eco tour guajira

9. Los Alamos, NM

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms: 7.5%

Desert living comes with extreme temperatures on both ends of the thermometer. This house for $869,000 has you covered, however, as the listing boasts energy-efficient mechanicals (heat, ventilation, and air conditioning).

eco tour guajira

10. San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA

Share of listings with eco-friendly terms : 7.4%

Newly renovated with the environment in mind, this eco-friendly home for sale for $2,180,000 features dual-pane windows, energy-saving recessed lighting, and an artificial lawn so you can save on your water bill.

eco tour guajira

Jennifer Kelly Geddes creates content for WhatToExpect.com, American Airlines Vacations, Oxo, Livestrong, and Parade.

Twitter Follow @jkgeddes

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