Jambo Group

Siamo il passaporto per le tue vacanze!

Sei alla ricerca di una vacanza indimenticabile? I nostri “Travel Coach” con oltre 30 anni di esperienza sono a disposizione di chi sogna di vivere esperienze indimenticabili!

tour operator jambo


Prepara le valigie ed esploralo.

Antichità e presente, piramidi e grattacieli, deserto e foresta tropicale, spiagge bianche ed alte montagne… tutto questo e molto altro è Jambo Group! Nei nostri viaggi, mare, storia e cultura vi coinvolgeranno in un’atmosfera unica, visiterete luoghi incantevoli il cui fascino è rimasto immutato per migliaia di anni che amano offrire tutto se stessi ai propri visitatori. Ed al vostro ritorno sarete arricchiti da un’esperienza senza pari!


Parti con Jambo, viaggi comodo e sicuro


Scopri le ultime offerte, contattaci e prenota


Escursioni e viaggi di gruppo su più giorni


Per una luna di miele indimenticabile

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Un grande negozio online per la vendita di prodotti alimentari tipici greci. altissima qualità garantita e consegna rapida con corriere espresso clicca qui ed acquista ora.

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Con le nostre gift card, regala la gioia del viaggio e la scoperta di nuovi orizzonti. Sorprendi una persona speciale con un regalo indimenticabile, per vivere un’esperienza che rimarrà nel cuore per sempre.

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Esplora il mondo con jambo group, non te ne pentirai.



Sei alla ricerca di un viaggio fuori dagli schemi che ti permetta di vivere avventure uniche i nostri “travel coach” si occuperanno dell’organizzazione del tuo viaggio sotto ogni aspetto., clicca qui ed invia la tua richiesta.

tour operator jambo


💖🌟 Partite con Jambo Group per il viaggio di nozze dei vostri sogni e vivrete ricordi indimenticabili! 🌟💖  👰🤵‍♀️ Con Jambo Group, il vostro viaggio di nozze diventa un'esperienza unica, da fare una volta nella vita. L'occasione migliore per realizzare un sogno, accompagnati dalla vostra dolce metà per costruire ricordi e vivere emozioni indimenticabili che porterete per sempre con voi. 🌹  🏝️🥂 Itinerari esclusivi per la vostra luna di miele, pensati per regalarvi momenti di assoluto romanticismo in destinazioni paradisiache.   🌍🌴 Ma non solo! Con Jambo Group potrete anche organizzare cerimonie indimenticabili in Grecia, immergendovi in un'atmosfera romantica, affascinante e unica. 💍✨  💌 Non lasciate che il vostro viaggio di nozze sia solo un sogno: trasformatelo in realtà con Jambo Group! Contattateci oggi stesso per iniziare a pianificare il vostro viaggio di nozze perfetto. 💑🌟  #JamboGroup #ViaggioDiNozze #LunaDiMiele


Per ricevere prima di tutti le nostre offerte, potrai prenotare la tua vacanza al miglior prezzo.

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I started JAMBO because...

I believe we have something unique to offer, helping folks travel to destinations that aren’t always easy to navigate, and in a way that is experiential and culturally immersive.

I love how the novelty of travel brings like-minded people together and that the shared memories from trips continue to get retold through the years — everything from the inside jokes, sights that took your breath away, belly laughter moments, amazing dishes that you continue to crave from miles away, the list just goes on.

Why travel with JAMBO? 

We bring you to epic destinations where we believe a carefully curated itinerary – crafted together with locals – will make for an incredible experience. These are places where self-travel isn’t always very accessible. Not all of us get to travel full-time, so we’re on a mission to make those precious days truly count!  


I sta rted JAMBO because...

of the amazing people we've met on our travels.   Our guides and partners  are really one-in-a-million, full of loca l se crets and always ready to show you the best time!

JAMBO is special to me because it lets us support great local partners and get to experience things that  most tourists don't.

I travel a lot for work, so to be honest, I'm very hard to impress. For an experience to make it into a JAMBO trip, it needs to be truly epic, beautiful, and genuine — nothing gimmicky or easily replicated.


We grew up watching National Geographic and dreaming of being in the world's craziest destinations. But since working in the travel industry, we realised why these dream destinations often stay as just dreams:  

🏕 Some regions such as Central Asia are vast and wild, making it difficult to plan your own trip. Travel options tend to be backpacker-style, which means roughing it out and maybe even not bathing (!) for multiple days. This is traditional adventure travel, which tends to sacrifice safety and comfort.

🚎 Other destinations like Africa have a bustling tourism industry, with a lot of standard, packaged tours. Travel routes aren't always the most efficient (meaning lots of hours on the road), and the experiences aren't always well-curated. When we're putting together a JAMBO itinerary, sometimes we spend hours on the road on recce trips, only to reach a location that's underwhelming (and we strike it off the list)! 

We believe that adventure travel can be better than this. Travelling to epic destinations should be easy, safe, and stress-free. Our team carefully tests every activity to curate the best itinerary for each destination — with bucket-list locations, hidden gem experiences, and every part of your journey in complete comfort and ease.

It's also important for us to work with the local community, finding trusted partners who know their country like the back of their hand. That's a huge inspiration behind our name, JAMBO (meaning Hello in Swahili), a simple yet powerful word that can make any stranger smile! ​It's how we want to experience the world — diving headfirst into new cultures with fellow travellers and guides-turned-friends.  

Join a JAMBO trip and let us show you adventure travel at its best!




Our guides are true locals of the country, who don't just know everything about their home, but are also extremely passionate about sharing their country with you.

We believe this is the best way to experience a place, with hidden gem activities and accommodations that are owned and run by trusted local hosts.


Adventure travel doesn't have to be difficult or uncomfortable. 

When you travel with JAMBO, you can immerse in extraordinary experiences while being comfortable, safe, and stress-free, even in the world's wildest destinations.


We're travellers like you, and we try out every experience to curate the most epic, all-rounded itinerary.  Our JAMBO tours are lovingly crafted from the best tried-and-tested activities, put together into a dream trip!

Never mediocre or forgettable.

Always filled with magic moments that make you feel alive.



Let's plan a journey you'll never forget. [email protected] +65 8837 4125

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Protetto: Giappone – Come organizzare al meglio le tue giornate

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  • AGOSTO - Tanzania e Zanzibar da 4.590€
  • AGOSTO - Zanzibar da 1.800€
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Buono regalo 100 €

Buono regalo 200 €, buono regalo 50 €, buono regalo 500 €.

100,00  €

200,00  €

50,00  €

500,00  €

></center></p><h2>Dal 2009 organizziamo viaggi con amore e passione</h2><p>Jambo! Tour Operator e Agenzia Viaggi</p><h2>“Un viaggio di mille miglia inizia sempre con un singolo passo.”</h2><p>Se ti stai chiedendo chi siamo, sei nel posto giusto! Dal 2009 organizziamo viaggi con amore e passione. Siamo un team di entuiasti viaggiatori, ognuno specializzato in una parte diversa del mondo, pronti a offrire ai nostri clienti una consulenza personalizzata e a creare itinerari su misura.</p><p>Siamo convinti che un viaggio sia molto più di una serie di tappe da percorrere e punti di interesse da visitare. È una vera e propria avventura intorno al mondo che deve essere modellata sui gusti, i desideri e le aspettative di ogni viaggiatore. Ecco perché offriamo un servizio di consulenza per personalizzare ogni aspetto del viaggio e renderlo unico e memorabile.</p><p>Ci impegniamo a curare ogni dettaglio, dal momento della prenotazione fino alla partenza, e saremo sempre a disposizione per qualsiasi esigenza durante la vacanza. Con noi, non sarai mai solo!</p><p>Grazie alla nostra esperienza diretta e ai preziosi consigli dei nostri corrispondenti locali, siamo in grado di offrire consigli utili per scegliere le migliori destinazioni e le attività più adatte ai tuoi gusti.</p><p>Non vogliamo proporti soluzioni preconfezionate, ma creare insieme a te il viaggio perfetto, plasmato sui tuoi desideri e le tue aspettative.</p><p>E per garantirti il massimo supporto, offriamo un servizio di assistenza telefonica in italiano attivo 24 ore su 24, 365 giorni all’anno. Jambo! non va mai in vacanza!</p><p>Siamo pronti a essere al tuo fianco in qualsiasi momento per rendere la tua vacanza un’esperienza unica e indimenticabile. È la nostra promessa!</p><h2>Il team JAMBO</h2><p>Sono Alessandro e sono la parte razionale del gruppo.</p><p>Quando c’è da organizzare, pianificare e ottimizzare sono in prima linea.</p><p>Insomma, sono lo scienziato di Jambo! </p><p>Ma quando mi immergo la mia mente si lascia cullare e trasportare dalle emozioni:  l’oceano è il mio luogo del cuore e catturare le splendide immagini dei fondali è la mia passione .</p><p>Amo organizzare e pianificare al meglio itinerari da sogno senza tralasciare alcun dettaglio.</p><p>Le destinazioni che hanno conquistato il mio cuore? Raja Ampat, la Polinesia Francese e l’Islanda.</p><p>Per me viaggio fa rima con mare.</p><p>Svegliarsi con la sabbia sotto i piedi e il sottofondo delle onde sono una sensazione a cui non potrei rinunciare, soprattutto quando viaggio con la mia famiglia.</p><p>Trovare luoghi che mi diano l’opportunità di vivere a contatto con la popolazione locale è ciò che per me rende l’esperienza unica.</p><p>In ogni gruppo è necessario un leader e quando c’è da prendere una decisione importante non mi tiro indietro.</p><p>Alcuni dicono che sono testarda, ma io preferisco definirmi caparbia!</p><p>Tra i miei timbri preferiti sul passaporto Madagascar, Sudafrica e Kenya.</p><p>Sono un caleidoscopio di idee, ogni viaggio che creo non è mai uguale ad un altro.</p><p>Colori, sapori, profumi, sensazioni… tutti ingredienti che rendono la ricetta di un viaggio speciale! Il cibo locale?</p><p>Il miglior modo per fare conoscere la cultura e le tradizioni del paese che si visita e attore fondamentale della mia condivisione social.</p><p>Il buon umore e la positività sono le caratteristiche che mi contraddistinguono in Jambo… bisognerà pur farsela una risata, no?!</p><p>Mi ha fatto innamorare il Sud Est asiatico, il Perù e l’Iran.</p><p>Toglietemi dal cemento e sarò felice.</p><p>Ritrovo me stessa connettendomi con la natura e l’alta quota che è il mio habitat naturale.</p><p>Scalare, cavalcare, camminare: queste sono le basi del mio viaggio ideale.</p><p>Abbandono volentieri i confort della città per contemplare la natura nella sua massima potenza… anche senza acqua corrente se necessario.</p><p>L’empatia e la sensibilità fanno di me il lato green di Jambo!</p><p>Dove ho trovato la pace dei sensi? In Alaska, in Nepal e in Canada.</p><p>Sono un lupo solitario che ama scoprire il mondo con attenzione e cura, senza ritmi frenetici e pressanti.</p><p>Mi piace ritagliare ampi spazi per me stessa per viaggiare, scoprire e scoprirmi assaporando ogni momento traendo insegnamenti e spunti di riflessione.</p><p>L’Asia è il continente che mi rappresenta maggiormente e in egual modo ho più anime, quella spirituale e quella eccentrica che sfoggio solo con una piccola cerchia.</p><p>Mi ha conquistato il Giappone che resta il mio viaggio del cuore.</p><p>Le mie destinazioni preferite? Giappone e Indonesia</p><p>Sono l’agenda di Jambo e per esserlo sfodero tutta la mia pacatezza, calma e precisione.</p><p>Affrontare una frenetica giornata di impegni e pianificazione necessita di molta pazienza, come quando mi cimento in opere di modellismo che sono la mia grande passione.</p><p>La poliedricità di Jambo è come incastrare tessere di puzzle e io mi assicuro che tutti i pezzi siano incastrati alla perfezione.</p><p>Le mie destinazioni preferite? Giordania e Marocco.</p><h2>Vieni a trovarci in agenzia!</h2><ul><li>Telefono: +39 0243117337</li><li>Mail: jambo@jambotour.it</li><li>WhatsApp: +39 320 1888357</li><li>Riceviamo su appuntamento nei seguenti orari:</li><li>Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10:00 alle 18:00 con orario continuato</li><li>Sabato dalle 9:00 alle 13:00</li><li>Via Ripamonti 137, 20141 Milano</li></ul><h2>Esplora il mondo con la nostra newsletter</h2><ul><li>Tel: +39 02 43117337</li><li>E-mail: jambo@jambotour.it</li><li>Riceviamo solo su appuntamento:</li><li>Lunedì / Venerdì – dalle 10 alle 18</li><li>Sabato - dalle 9 alle 13</li></ul><h2>Destinazioni</h2><p>Ultime offerte, informazioni utili.</p><p>Scrivici su WhatsApp</p><p>JamboTravel House</p><p><center><img style=

Understand why we are your best tour operator in East Africa

Jambo Travelhouse Safaris is a tour company registered under the laws of Kenya (East Africa). At the inception of Jambo Travelhouse Safaris, we committed ourselves to build a company based on ecotourism enhanced by quality service, integrity and sound business ethics, thus enabling us to become one of the leading African – inbound Internet-based Tour Operators. Services offered to the individual traveller, groups, conferences and incentives include:

  • Tailor Made /Customizable Tours and safaris
  • Wild Life Lodges, Accommodation & National Parks
  • Land & Sea Transportation (motor vehicle, rail, coach, boat)
  • Air Transportation
  • Outbound tours

We also offer clients a “meet and greet” service on their arrival at every main entry point.

tour operator jambo

Delving Further Into How We Operate

Over the years we have sidestepped the lure of operating only popular tourist routes, encompassing unique ecological areas of East Africa, adventure (river rafting, mounting climbing, hiking, sailing, cycling, etc); special interest and cultural / historical tours incorporating experiences of East Africa.

Include wild game; bird watching; game fishing; photographic safaris; adventure excursions in search of insects, fossils, rare mammals and plant life; over-landers & trails.

Picking Your Tour

A – Self-driven customizable tours with detailed personal itineraries with optional side excursions. B – Tourist Guided Tours / Safaris in custom built safari minivans with carefully selected KPSG (Kenya Professional Safaris Guides) registered guides to provide professional skills and knowledge of the areas within which we operate. Behind the scenes Our dynamic team consists of 17 highly trained and well-traveled permanent staff members, who are committed to sustainable tourism. Annual inspection trips to accommodation and areas represented are undertaken to ensure a high standard of hygiene and service


Vehicles are driven by experienced drivers /guides. All our drivers/guides have extensive knowledge of the regions and wildlife, which you will encounter whilst on safari. All our drivers speak English and for the special needs of our clients other language-speaking driver /guides are available with prior arrangement. Our fleet of safari vehicles are maintained to he highest standards by the Mechanical Service Department. Vehicles are driven by experienced drivers/guides. The vehicles consist of 9 seater minibuses and 7 seater land cruisers. They have game viewing hatches and are equipped with cool boxes to store your drinks. They also have space for the minimum luggage on safari. They are also equipped with binoculars, and first aid kits.

Unsurpassed Personal Services

Our clients are met at the Airport by our representative, and similarly seen off on departure. At the Hotel a knowledgeable host or hostess will assist with their check-in and safari briefing. He/She will be available for them whenever they are in cities to help with shopping, appointment and packing. Should you wish us to protect your identity, this can easily be arranged. Airport representative and host/hostess will wear your badge or uniform, itineraries will be typed on your headed paper, and we will place your stickers on our minivans.

Medical/Emergency Services

With offices in the important centers of Nairobi, Mombasa and Arusha, we are able to provide a smooth operation. Our Nairobi offices can be contacted from anywhere in Kenya on a 24-hour basis in case of an emergency. In case of any problem while on safari, always contact the driver/guide so that he can communicate with our offices back. In case of health emergencies, flying doctor services are available to rescue you from anywhere in East Africa to well equipped modern hospitals.

Operations Division

1. FITS (Teaching & educating people to tour East Africa and its neighbors, and providing them with detailed information about places, excursions, costs, what to see and do etc.) FIT stands for Fully Inclusive Tours for the Free Independent Traveler. Groups, Conferences and Incentives Department. 2. East Africa National Parks and Game Lodges/ Camps for fly-ins and self-drive. 3. Brokering representing other operators tours & safaris throughout East Africa and its neighbors. Quality transportation with guaranteed window seats On safari window seat is guaranteed for each client. Each minivan or 4×4 cruiser has a mobile HF radio, cool box, reference books, and binoculars, First-Aid Kit. Our cost for minibus or 4×4 cruiser includes the services of driver-guide. All vehicles are always maintained and kept at excellent standards.

Our Philosophy

Apart from our enthusiasm to offer clients an experience of a lifetime within our culturally diverse Flora, Fauna and beautiful land, we are also passionate about the preservation of our natural environment. We believe that as we wrestle with the demands of poor and exploding populations, the responsibility lies with all mankind. Jambo Travelhouse Safaris believes that correct education will help develop an understanding of the vital importance of preserving our fragile and beautiful world for future generations. Therefore as part of the travel industry, we must play a leading part in the protection and education of our environment and the involvement in community projects. We are here to help tourism become the engine for economic development by facilitating responsible and sustainable tourism. This is handled by our own CSR department and charity organization Compassion Africa.

  • Company Overview

About Jambo Travelhouse Safaris

Jambo Travel House is a tour company registered under the laws of Kenya (East Africa). At the inception of Jambo Travel House, we committed ourselves to build a company based on ecotourism enhanced by quality service, integrity and sound business ethics, thus enabling us to become one of the leading African - inbound Internet-based Tour Operator's.

Jambo Travel house Safaris Ltd is a fully in co-operated company with the head office in Nairobi and a Marketing office in Oslo. We have been in operation for 20 years offering tourism related services. From humble beginnings we have grown to be a reputable company not only in Kenya but also East Africa. Jambo Travel house is owned by 3 directors. Two are Norwegian Nationals and a Kenyan who oversees operations in Africa. All the directors posses an extensive background in the tour industry and therefore you can be assured of a professional Services. We do have two offices in Kenya at the moment, In Nairobi and Mombasa. In Tanzania we have branch office in Arusha. This has enabled us to offer our services effectively all over east Africa with ease.

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Size : 50 Member(s)

Jambo Tours Experience we are the tour operator/company, operating in Tanzania located in Moshi-Kilimanjaro and Arusha specialized on Tanzania wildlife safaris including, Tanzania Serengeti wildebeest More >>

  • Safarisource /
  • jambo tours experience

Jambo Tours Experience we are the tour operator/company, operating in Tanzania located in Moshi-Kilimanjaro and Arusha specialized on Tanzania wildlife safaris including, Tanzania Serengeti wildebeest migration, Tanzania Serengeti big five, Ngorongoro crater tours, Lake manyara national park safari, Tarangire national park safari and Arusha national park safari. Kilimanjaro climbing/hiking/trekking via Machame route 6 days, Machame route 7 days, Marangu route 5 days, Marangu route 6 days, Lemosho route 7 days, Lemosho route 8 days, Rongai route 5 days, Rongai route 6 days, Umbwe route 8 days. Meru hiking 3 days, Meru hiking 3 days. Zanzibar beach holiday tour 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, 7 days up to 8 days. Tanzania day trip including Marangu day trip, Materuni waterfalls day trip, Kilimanjaro bike tour day trip, Chemka/Kikuletwa hot spring day trip and Lake chala day trip. Jambo Tours Experience, we value on Quality services, professionalism, Client briefing, Transparency and honesty.

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Welcome to Jambo Tour And Travel

Group tours, solo travel, tailor-made tours, short day trip.

sof omer cave

Our goal is to exceed your expectations in every encouter with us!

tour operator jambo

About Ethiopia

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is located in the north-eastern part of Africa commonly known as the Horn of Africa. It is strategically proximate to the Middle East and Europe, together with its easy access to the major ports of the region, enhances its international trade. It is bordered by the Sudan in the west, Somalia and Djibouti in the east, Eritrea in the north and Kenya in the south. The country covers 1,112,000 square kilometres (472,000 sq. miles) making it roughly as large as France and Spain combined and is five times the size of the UK.

From the north and running down the center are the Abyssinian highlands. To the west of the chain the land drops to the grasslands of Sudan, to the east to the deserts of the Afar. South of Addis Ababa, the land is dominated by the Rift Valley Lakes.

Ethiopia’s central plateau varies in height between 2,000 and 3,000 meters. In the north and center of the country there are some 25 mountains whose peaks rise over 4,000 meters (13,200ft), the highest being Ras Dashen at 4,543 meters (14,538ft).


With a population of about 110.14 million, Ethiopia represents a melting pot of ancient cultures with Middle Eastern and African cultures evident in the religious, ethnic and language composition of its Semitic, Cushitic, Omotic and Nilotic peoples. The Ethiopian peoples comprise about eighty nationalities of which the Amhara and the Oromo constitute the majority, with about 60 percent of the total population. Approximately 85 percent of the population live in the rural areas. The annual population growth rate is about 3.09 percent, and the economically active segment, between ages 14 and 60, is about 50 percent of the total population. Ethiopia is a Federal Democratic Republic composed of 9 National Regional States (NRS) – Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somali, Benishangul-Gumuz, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR), Gambella and Harari – and two administrative councils – Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa. The NRS and the Administrative councils are further divided into 62 zones and 523 woredas.

Travelling to Ethiopia means returning to the origin of Mankind.


Tigray Rock-hewn Churches


Lower Omo Valley




Borena Singing Wells and El Sod


Wildlife- Mammal Tours


Bale Mountains National Park


Semien Mountains


Chebera Churchura National Park


Awash National Park


The Danakil Depression


Allideghe-Assebot National Park


Nature Tours


Awash National Parks


Short Day Tours


Rift Valley Lakes


Melka Kunture, Adadi Mariam and Tiya


Lake Wonchi


Debre Libanos Monastery, Portuguese Bridge & the Blue Nile Gorge


Addis Ababa


Great Ethiopian Run


Fichee-Chambalaalla, New Year festival of the Sidama people




Dire Sheikh Hussein


Festivals and Events


Danakil Depression with Mekele


Danakil Depression with Semera


Danakill Depression Surface


Bale Trekking Package Jambo 4 Days


Bale Mountains 7 days Jambo Tour


Bale with Rift Valley Lakes 5 days


Coffe and Wildlife Tour


Coffe tour 2 days


Coffe tour 4 days


Coffe tour 5 days


Classic Hisoric Route Itinerary


Expedition to Historic route


Lalibela Community Trekking


Classic Omo Valley


Omo and Rift Valley


Addis -Ababa


Awash and Alideghe Parks




Bishoftu Excursion


Harar and Addis Ababa


Jemma River Gorge and Debre Libanos Monastery


Melka Kunture , Adadi Mariam and Tiya itinerary


Rift Valley Lakes Itinerary


JamboTour 8 Days Simein Trekking


JamboTour Simein 4 Days


JamboTour Simein 5 Days

The most popular historic sites of ethiopia.



lower omo valley

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to visit ethiopia, is it safe to travel in ethiopia, how flexible are the itineraries, what currency is used in ethiopia, where can i exchange money in ethiopia, can i travel alone, do i need a visa and passport to travel to ethiopia, what kind of accommodation do you recommend in ethiopia, do i need to tip, what to pack, contact us to the widest choices of a well-designed tour packages..

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Jambo Safari Club   Reviews

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Reviews 4.9.

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Jambo.... simply the best!

From the moment we arrived in Nairobi, we were charmed with the professionalism, friendliness and warm attitude of the Jambo members. We felt welcome! Especially, our guide, Joshua. He was our best friend from the first minute we met, and he will always stay in our minds as a very witty, intelligent, clever and warm person. We never felt unsafe or abaned to our fate.It would not have been such a wonderful holiday with Joshua and the Jambo organisation. Please don’t ever change….. stay exactly the way your are! So a big thank you, Jambo will always be in our minds and in our hearts! If you ever need references, send your clients to me and I will take a few hours to tell them everything! We’ll meet again, don’t know when, don’t know where… but I hope it is in a Jeep somewhere in Africa! Ron & Chris.

Date of experience : September 19, 2023

Reply from Jambo Safari Club

Beste Ron, Jullie hebben herinneringen voor het leven gemaakt! Nu is het tijd om lekker na te genieten en uiteraard hopen we u in de toekomst nog eens als klant te mogen begroeten. Groet, Berry

We enjoyed our trip very much

We enjoyed our trip very much! No bad surprise, food was good, the parks were great. I think the park we enjoyed the least was Lake Manyara but was still nice! The lodges/ camps were all top quality, with a very good service. No negative points at all. Our driver was very professional, he made every possible effort to make the trip enjoyable. He was also patient when the children were a bit noisy… What l didn't Like very much was the visit of the Masaï village. We did it for our children so they could see that certain people live a very different life (to say the least!), but it really lacks spontaneity. I’m afraid it cannot be otherwise though…

Date of experience : December 27, 2021

Dear Ms Richard, Thank you for your kind words. We hope you will have long memories of this great trip! Best Regards, Joyce

Safari Tanzania

I only have high praise for Jambo. The communication by phone or e-mail was always pleasant. They saw to our every wish and were so helpful. Nothing was too much for them and I always had a good feeling about them. Everything ran as clock work from being met at Kilimanjaro airport to the transfer to Zanzibar and the flight home. Our private Safari was fantastic and everything was perfect. All the accommodations were excellent and the service in each was of the highest standard. Our guide/driver from Leopard Tours was very informative and always discussed the days program with us beforehand. The balloon Safari on the Serengeti was one of the many high points and not to be missed. After the Safari it was great to be able to relax for 5 days on Zanzibar. I highly recommend Jambo!!

Date of experience : August 06, 2022

Dear Brian, I’m glad that everything went smooth and you had a fantastic trip. Your appreciation for our communication is mutual. Thank you so much for your kind words, Joyce


Jambo Expedition

Travel far enough you meet yourself.

Jambo expedition ltd   is based in Tanzania with its headquarters in Arusha. Have been in operation for tourism activities for years and developed a great experience and art of tourist guiding.

         We started small as guides and learned a lot about tourism in East Africa, including experience that one taking a step in exploration of wildlife and other tour expects. We've already taken a number of tourists beyond their expectation and the chance we can amazing is having higher possibilities.

We have a great deal of experience over years, both in good and bad ways and have learnt from our past experiences. This has led our team to know the best ways of handling the clients directly on our ways. We offer services are significantly low prices with excellent quality of services without any compromise as we do not believe in overcharging the clients in order to make more profit but have similar margin with big volumes of the clients. In order to know more, get in touch with us and plan you trip to Africa with Jambo expedition.

Jambo expedition help you travel to dream destination within your own budget or offer.

Budget packages

Group Packages

Honeymoon Packages

luxury packages

We also offer fantastic customer services like expert guides, cheap transport, best hotels.

We've been in the field for years now, hence we know all corners that hold truly amazing experience. Africa is our home and know it's scenery, weather, wildlife, beaches, culture and much more. We've got enough experience to amaze you with wonders hidden in Tanzania. Be it wildlife safari, mountain trekk, beach holidays and more. Let us plan your next adventure that you can see it through .

Wildlife & Nature


Tanzania contains about 20% of the species of Africa's large mammal population, found across its reserves, conservation areas, marine parks, and 17 national parks, spread over an area of more than 42,000 square kilometres (16,000 sq miles) and forming approx. 38% of the country's territory.

Culture & Tradition


African Tradition is expressed through many different art forms, such as music, dance, art, sculpture and beadwork. These traditions are deeply ingrained into the whole African culture. Many African languages are “tone languages,” meaning that pitch level determines meaning.

Scenery & More


The physical geography of East Africa is dominated by the Great Rift Valley, which extends through the middle of the region from north to south. Associated with the rift valleys are vast savannas such as the Serengeti Plain, large lakes, high mountains, and the highlands of Ethiopia

Community service

tour operator jambo

             We are speeking about the process where community members are supported by agencies to identify and take collective action on issues which are important to them. Community development empowers community members and creates stronger and more connected communities. Its key purpose is to build communities based on justice, equality and mutual respect. Community development involves changing the relationships between ordinary people and people in positions of power, so that everyone can take part in the issues that affect their lives.

Jambo expedition we takes part of our profit to donate student at sammena school and orphanage who they need our support to push them into the education and make the to feel comfortable

Let us be your guide to the wonders of Africa

Jambo expedition is a destination management company headquartered in Arusha with over 6 years of impeccable service and reputation. We organize epic safaris and hiking adventures in Tanzania's vibrant heartland, where African adventure is most authentic. 

Our operations are powered by a robust team of over 250 local specialists in Tanzania. It is complemented by our global, multilingual team of expert consultants in various time zones to provide seamless service.

We use only new Land Cruisers produced in 2016-2023 and fitted with a fridge, Wi-Fi and sockets

Our team of qualified safari experts knows how to tailor your adventure to your individual travel style

Annually approved for tour operating activities by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism

We personally inspect every lodge and park before they land on your travel itinerary

What we care?


Learning healthier

Healthier mind yields open mindset hence makes one eager to learning. We feed our children with what they need for mind, health and behavior so as they will be blessing to the society they ever belong

Great dining hall

We care what we give, how we give , where we give because we know who we give. We have great love for children and we know they will grow and we are responsible to what they become

Great team of staff

All staff members are carefully selected to fit purpose we are after. They is constant watch to make sure staff serves happier while providing the most for our children. They are better in their look and doings hence giving the best for children

Great teaching

What is taught to children will make them and their adulthood. Knowing that, we feed minds of our children with great teachings as accepted in our community and Godly. We are quite selective to foreign teachings avoiding any that might erode our community values.

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The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square. Explore the metropolis with a tourHQ guide.

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Moscow Tour Guides

Jorge De Reval

Jorge De Reval

I am a happy, enthusiastic, amusing Spanish guy. Lively and hyperactive. Recently became qualified ...

Tanya Neyman

Tanya Neyman

I became a local tour guide 6 years ago in Moscow and now we are a team of passionate guides ...

Julia Koval

Ekaterina Smirnova

Please note: I'm away from Moscow June 11-26, 2021. I am a native Muscovite but traveled ...

Vasil Valiev

Vasil Valiev

Occupation: Senior guide-translator. Guiding since 2012 in Altai mountains, North of Russia ...

Marina Spasskaya

Marina Spasskaya

Hi there! My name is Marina and I'm a licensed Moscow city guide.Moscow is like ...

Ali Haider

Greetings from Saint Petersburg. This is your private tour guide Ali in Saint Petersburg. I was ...

Maria Deulina

Maria Deulina

Dear friends,My name is Maria, I am a licensed guide about Moscow. Being a native Muscovite I have ...

Ashraf Rabei

Ashraf Rabei

My name is Ashraf ...I'm graduated from faculty of tourism and hotel guidance department, in Egypt ...

Hengameh Ghanavati

Hengameh Ghanavati

My name is Hengameh Ghanavati. Im a licenced international tour guide since 2014 and I have ...

Todd Passey

Todd Passey

We are a cooperative of highly experienced, certified, professional guides. Each guide takes ...

Tim Brinley

Tim Brinley

Young at heart, adventurous, organized, good people skills, a good speaker, entertaining, ...

Nikolay Borkovoy

Nikolay Borkovoy

Hace 32 años nací en la ciudad de Moscú. Tengo experiencia trabajando como guía turístico en ...

Anika Socotra-International

Anika Socotra-International

Our mission is to provide you with the kind of holiday you want: where you can relax in wonderful ...

Al'bina Andreeva

Al'bina Andreeva

Moscow guide&photo! Feel Putin vibes and explore the enigmatic Russian soul through history ...

The sprawling, mind-boggling metropolis of Russian Moscow has long been one of the theatrical stages on which the great dramas of Europe and Asia have been played out in grand style. Burned by Napoleon in 1812, immortalised by Tolstoy, utilised by the Bolsheviks and championed as a bastion of heroic defiance by the post-war communists, it’s almost hard to believe just how defining the historical events that found their home on Moscow’s streets have been. Moscow tour guides will easily be able to mark the major must-see landmarks on the map, from the onion-domed orthodox Saint Basil's Cathedral, to the political powerhouse of Red Square just next door, while others will be quick to recommend a ride on Moscow’s famous subterranean metro system, or a visit to the UNESCO-attested Novodevichy Convent on the city’s southern side. But Moscow is a city also in the throes of a cultural wrangling between the old and the new. Creative energies abound here: Boho bars and pumping super clubs now occupy the iconic mega structures of the old USSR; high-fashion outlets, trendy shopping malls and luxurious residential districts stand as testimony to a city that’s now the undisputed playground of the world’s super-rich, while sprawling modern art museums dominate the cultural offering of the downtown districts north of the Moskva River.  

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We are glad to offer you our Magic Kaleidoscope of Tours and everything for travelling to Russia — and have a variety of choice for your individual trip to Russian Federation.

We are ready and happy to help you to organize your trip to Russia and arrange everything so as to make your stay in Russia pleasant and unforgettable!

tour operator jambo

This Iconic Tour Operator Now Offers Private Jet Trips With Exclusive Tours — Here's What It's Like

Once you get a taste of the private jet life, it’s hard to go back to flying commercial.

“Yahoo!” yelled Jason, our safari guide from Manchester.

The sound echoed back to us. We had climbed onto a precipice overlooking a deep gorge in the mountains. We weren’t on safari in Africa, though — we were in Crete, the largest island in Greece.

Jason and two other guides had picked up our group of 11 (including our resident tour director, Kapi) at Daios Cove , the luxe resort on a secluded bay where we were staying, and after just a few minutes, we were driving on rocky unpaved roads up into the mountains. Now and then, we would stop on the side of the road, and Jason would grab some wild sage or thyme and give it to us to smell.

It’s especially fitting that we were doing a safari on Crete because that’s how Abercrombie & Kent originated: Geoffrey Kent was born on safari, raised on a farm in Kenya, and founded Abercrombie & Kent with his parents in 1962.

Over the years, A&K grew from a pioneering safari operator into one of the world’s leading travel companies that brings people worldwide. I was lucky enough to embark on a whirlwind tour of India with A&K a few years ago and was impressed by how seamless the trip was as well as the quality of the knowledgeable guides, so when I got the chance to join them for a tour of Rome and Crete via private jet, I didn’t hesitate to accept.

But back to Crete. As we rode up into the mountains, passing through little villages, we peppered Jason with questions, and he overloaded us with information about the island, its history, landscape, wildlife, and inhabitants, who identify as Cretan first and Greek second. He told us how Hitler sent his stormtroopers to capture the island in 1943 but was met with fierce resistance from pitchfork-wielding farmers who refused to back down. He showed us the bomb bells on the churches that Cretans made after the war using the tops of undetonated bombs since the Nazis had melted down many of the island’s church bells to make bullets. Fascinating didn't even begin to describe it.

We had arrived in Crete the day prior and went straight from the airport to Lyrarakis Winery , where we learned how the owners revived nearly extinct varietals and tasted four of their wines with lunch. We then visited the ancient Knossos Palace — home of King Minos and the Minotaur — with a wonderful guide named Marinella, who explained how the ancient Greeks had plumbing and flush toilets at the palace. We gawked at the reconstructed frescoes depicting men, women, and animals.

The trip had started in Rome, where an incredibly knowledgeable guide named Eva — who also had a wonderfully dry sense of humor — brought us to the off-limits Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda. Inside the nave, we watched as she and the church’s guardian unbolted and opened a heavy wooden door, revealing breathtaking views of the Roman Forum just below. In the basement, we saw centuries-old pharmacists’ tools and canisters that once held natural remedies. Eva then brought us down into the Forum, led us along a less-trod path to the Curia Iulia (the ancient senate house), and brought us right to the base of Trajan’s Column, regaling us with tales along the way.

The following day, Eva met us bright and early for a tour of Castel Sant’Angelo , known as the pope’s fortress. Originally built as the emperor Hadrian’s tomb, it became a fortress in the 6th century and was the hiding place for Pope Clement VII when Rome was sacked in 1527. Nowadays, you can see models of what it looked like in its previous iterations and climb up to the rooftop terrace for panoramic views of Rome.

After that, we were off to Trastevere — one of Rome’s most charming neighborhoods — for a food tour with Toni and Walter, our guides from Eating Europe . We stopped at la Norcineria di Iacozzilli , where they explained the difference between Parmigiano Reggiano and pecorino romano and gave us a taste of porchetta , the slow-roasted pork that’s a specialty of the hill towns outside of Rome. From there, they led us across the Tiber to Campo de’ Fiori, Rome’s most famous open-air market, where we watched a vendor clean artichokes and got a taste of mozzarella di bufala with fresh tomatoes. Finally, we walked around the corner to a restaurant for a pasta-making class. After eating our homemade ravioli filled with lemon-scented ricotta and tagliatelle all’amatriciana , we walked a few more blocks to the Gelateria Alberto Pica for a sweet end to the tour.

Our next activity brought us to one of Rome’s most incredible hidden gems. A&K had arranged for us to have private access to the Villa Farnesina , a Renaissance villa with frescoes by Raphael. As we stood outside the villa, Eva explained that it should have been called Villa Chigi because the man who commissioned it was the wealthy banker Agostino Chigi, who made a fortune lending money to the popes. On the occasion of his wedding, he commissioned Raphael to paint frescoes depicting the marriage of Cupid and Psyche. I had been there before, but every time I visit, I can’t help but stare up in awe at the figures, knowing that Raphael was in his late twenties when he created this masterpiece.

Dinner that evening was at another one of Rome’s most beautiful places: Le Jardin de Russie restaurant at the Hotel de Russie , which T+L readers consistently rank among the best hotels in the world in our annual World’s Best Awards survey. Our group had a private table in the secret garden, originally designed by Giuseppe Valadier and recently refreshed. It was the perfect setting to enjoy fresh burrata with tomatoes, risotto with pesto trapanese , and sea bream with artichokes served by the hotel’s charming staff. Walking back to the Hotel de la Ville , de Russie’s sister hotel also run by Rocco Forte, we made a little detour to Via Margutta to see where famed filmmaker Federico Fellini lived and the building where some scenes of "Roman Holiday" were filmed.

The next morning, we were whisked off to the executive terminal at Ciampino Airport to board the private jet to Crete. After a brief wait, we put our things through the X-ray scanner, walked through a metal detector, and were bused onto the tarmac to board the jet, which welcomed us onboard with Champagne and snacks. The whole experience couldn’t have been smoother.

Travelers interested in traveling around Europe by private jet can book one of A&K’s Wings Over the World trips, which offer the chance to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations and enjoy exclusive experiences like these in Europe’s most alluring cities. The European itineraries are limited to a maximum of 13 guests and start at $37,995 per person for a 13-day journey, which includes private jet charters and transfers between destinations, accommodations at luxury hotels, a resident tour director, and local guides, most meals, luggage handling, and entrance fees for scheduled visits to museums and archeological sites. A&K also offers Wings Over the World journeys in Africa, Australia, India, and South America.

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Read the original article on Travel & Leisure .

Laura Itzkowitz/Travel + Leisure



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  1. Jambo Group

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  2. Tour operator a Milano specializzato in viaggi diving

    Sei alla ricerca di un'agenzia viaggi affidabile e seria a Milano? Scegli Jambo Tour, siamo specializzati in VIAGGI DIVING e siamo il punto di riferimento per tutti coloro che amano il mare, i suoi segreti e le sue meraviglie sommerse. Scopri le nostre proposte e servizi, possiamo aiutarti anche se non sei a Milano


    JAMBO TOUR. 16,246 likes · 60 talking about this. Agenzia viaggi e Diving Tour Operator - CHIEDI IL TUO PREVENTIVO A [email protected] o via Whatsapp a

  4. About Us

    That's a huge inspiration behind our name, JAMBO (meaning Hello in Swahili), a simple yet powerful word that can make any stranger smile! It's how we want to experience the world — diving headfirst into new cultures with fellow travellers and guides-turned-friends. Join a JAMBO trip and let us show you adventure travel at its best!

  5. Agenzia Jambo Tour

    E per garantirti il massimo supporto, offriamo un servizio di assistenza telefonica in italiano attivo 24 ore su 24, 365 giorni all'anno. Jambo! non va mai in vacanza! Siamo pronti a essere al tuo fianco in qualsiasi momento per rendere la tua vacanza un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile. È la nostra promessa!

  6. About us

    Jambo Travelhouse Safaris is a tour company registered under the laws of Kenya (East Africa). At the inception of Jambo Travelhouse Safaris, we committed ourselves to build a company based on ecotourism enhanced by quality service, integrity and sound business ethics, thus enabling us to become one of the leading African - inbound Internet-based Tour Operators.

  7. Jambo Group Tour Operator

    Jambo Group Tour Operator, Roma. 3,125 likes · 8 talking about this. Oltre il Sogno....Il Vostro passaporto per le vacanze


    Jambo - l'ebbrezza di viaggiare è un Tour Operator e agenzia viaggi specializzato nelle vacanze per... Via Conca del Naviglio 5, 20123 Milan, Lombardia,...

  9. Jambo Tanzania Safari

    With the Wildlife tour Jambo Tanzania Safari - 5 Days, 4 Nights Safari, you have a 5 days tour package taking you through Arusha, Tanzania and 4 other destinations in Tanzania. Jambo Tanzania Safari - 5 Days, 4 Nights Safari includes accommodation, an expert guide, meals, transport and more. ... Tour Operator Sed Adventures Tours and Safaris 4. ...

  10. Company Profile

    Company Profile. Jambo Travel House is a tour company registered under the laws of Kenya (East Africa). At the inception of Jambo Travel House, we committed ourselves to build a company based on ecotourism enhanced by quality service, integrity and sound business ethics, thus enabling us to become one of the leading African - inbound Internet-based Tour Operator's.

  11. Company Overview

    About Jambo Travelhouse Safaris. Jambo Travel House is a tour company registered under the laws of Kenya (East Africa). At the inception of Jambo Travel House, we committed ourselves to build a company based on ecotourism enhanced by quality service, integrity and sound business ethics, thus enabling us to become one of the leading African - inbound Internet-based Tour Operator's.

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  13. Jambo Group Tour Operator

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  15. Jambo Tour and Travel

    Jambo Tours & travel is an exclusive private tour company based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. With a squad of experienced professionals , we afford the best vacation holidays in Ethiopia. We have the widest choices of well designed tour packages for groups and individuals throughout Ethiopia. Our package tours include: cultural tours, historical tours, festival tours, adventure tours, wildlife ...

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  17. Home

    Jumbo Tours employs more than 500 highly-qualified and committed professionals to ensure you succeed. We have offices and a specialised team in the world's most popular tourist destinations: Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Andorra, Morocco, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Mauritius, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Cuba, USA, Argentina, Brasil and Peru ...

  18. Jambo Expedition

    Tour operator specializing exclusively in Tanzania adventures Jambo expedition is a destination management company headquartered in Arusha with over 6 years of impeccable service and reputation. We organize epic safaris and hiking adventures in Tanzania's vibrant heartland, where African adventure is most authentic.

  19. Jambo Group Tour Operator Reels

    Jambo Group Tour Operator Reels, Roma. 3,122 likes · 6 talking about this. Oltre il Sogno....Il Vostro passaporto per le vacanze. Watch the latest reel from Jambo Group Tour Operator (jambogroup)

  20. Aba Travel

    Aba Travel - International Travel Agency and DMC. +998 91 1327806. +7 705 8734695. [email protected]. Aba Travel is a new generation travel company specializing in providing custom-made tours and holidays to individual and group travelers in several destinations of Central Asia and Russia.

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    Tell us your destination, date, and group size. Our team of travel experts and guides will design a tailored itinerary just for you. Enjoy your trip with peace of mind knowing everything is taken care of. The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square.

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    Over the years, A&K grew from a pioneering safari operator into one of the world's leading travel companies that brings people worldwide. I was lucky enough to embark on a whirlwind tour of ...

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