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The Federal Republic of Germany with its 16 states can be considered the geographical center of Europe.  It’s surrounded by France, Luxembourg and the BeNeLux states in the West, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, and Austria in the South and Poland, Czechia in the East. According to the Spartacus Gay Travel Index, Germany ranks among the top 15 LGBT-friendly countries in the world and is known as a very welcoming and gay-friendly country, particularly in the bigger cities. LGBTQ+ visitors looking for welcoming destinations should visit Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Cologne, as these are considered to be the biggest and gay-friendliest cities of Germany. In fact, the cities, towns and municipalities of Germany organize more than 60 annual gay pride and LGBTQ+ events all around the country.

Why Visit & When to Go?

The best time to visit Germany will depend on what places and activities you’d like to experience. Although, given the cold winters, the spring, summer and autumn months are going to the better times to explore the nature of Germany. From May to September, visitors have the best chances to catch longer dry, warm and sunny episodes to go hiking in the Central German Uplands, to go camping and swimming in the North Sea or Baltic Sea or plan a city trip to the German cities with their rich cultural heritage and gay pride festivals. In winter, when most parts of the country are regularly covered in snow, several central German ski resorts and the winter sports areas of the German Alps are open to enjoy skiing, snowboarding and other winter-related activities. Besides winter sports, many German cities and towns know how to brighten up the dark time of the year with their world-famous Christmas markets located across the country.

Interesting Attractions to Visit in Germany

Neuschwanstein castle.

Undoubtedly, one of Germany's and Europe's best-known tourist attractions is the castle Schloss Neuschwanstein in the southwest of the German state Bavaria. The symbol of Romanticism served as an inspiration for structures all around the globe like the famous Disney castle in California. Hiking around the castle provides great opportunities for impressive photos.


Located just about one hour south of Frankfurt is Germany's oldest and one of Europe's most reputable university towns. Heidelberg, with its Heidelberg Castle on the hill and the Old Bridge over the river Neckar, dates back to the 5th century AD. Heidelberg offers just about everything a visitor might seek in a small town to experience culture and traditions of Germany. Churches, museums, and centuries-old architecture characterize the cityscape. Heidelberg organizes an annual gay pride together with the nearby cities of Mannheim and Ludwigshafen.


Germany is the home country of countless fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm. Their history lies in the incredible diverse countryside of the Upper Midlands and the great number of castles, fortresses and preserved old town city centers. If you are planning to extend your stay in Germany with some road trip days, check out the forests and national parks of the German states of Hesse, Lower Saxony, Thuringia or Saxony.


The geography of Germany ranges from the Alps over the Alpine foreland, the Upper Midlands, the North German Plain to the coast as well as beaches of the North and Baltic Sea. The sandy beaches in the north of Germany are for many Germans the annual summer holiday destinations and definitely worth a visit. While the North Sea is famous for its Wadden Sea and the North Frisian Islands, the Baltic Sea is less affected by the tides and is an easily accessible destination from Berlin.


Germany has a great number of theme parks all around the country. One of the bigger parks in Germany and widely respected by fans all around Europe is the theme park resort Europa Park. Located in the southwest of the country, Europa Park features multiple European country-themed areas including Germany, Grimm's Enchanted Forest and an astounding 13 roller coasters. Since 2016, fans and locals have organized an annual LGBTQ+ day called GayRedDay to enjoy Europa Park as one community.

Experiencing German Food

When visiting Germany, the first thing visitors might try is the famous German beer. For centuries Germany has preserved the traditional way of brewing beer in all variations protecting the purity by law. German beer is often considered to be the best in the world. But the influence of the culinary heritage of the former German kingdoms who merged into the federal republic of today is very diverse and definitely not only about potatoes and sausages. Having said that, the sausages are another food visitors should try at least once, like the (Bavarian) veal sausage “Weißwurst,” the Thuringian bratwurst or the Frankfurt sausage. Starting in the northern part of Germany, put some of the traditional fish and seafood dishes like sour herring on your list. Traveling to the center of Germany, potato, kraut and cabbage dishes are part of the German food experience. Larger cities like Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin are incorporating multiple international trends and expanding the vegetarian and vegan food scene as well. It is recommended to make a reservation, particularly during the peak dinner times from Thursday to Sunday. After dinner it is custom to put your wallet on the table and ask the waiter for the check. Card payment is commonly accepted in cities but be sure to check because the preferred payment method is often cash, even in the major cities.

LGBTQ+ History of Germany

Most people today think the movement for LGBTQ+ rights started with the Stonewall riots in 1969.  But actually, the first public LGBTQ+ rights protest took place in Germany, over a century earlier, in 1867—one year before the term ‘homosexuality’ was coined, in German!  The first LGBTQ+ rights organization was founded in Germany in 1897; the first sex change operation (made famous by The Danish Girl) took place in Germany in 1930.  And as we all know from Cabaret (1972) Germany, and especially Berlin, was the world center of LGBTQ+ life in the roaring 20s.

For all the triumphs, though, there have also been tragedies.  In 1871, Germany passed the ultimate anti-gay law, Paragraph 175.  The Nazis made it more severe and imprisoned 10,000 gay men (and some lesbians, although they were not covered by Paragraph 175) in concentration camps, where they were marked with the pink triangle—and a majority died.

But there is plenty to see today to remember the highs and lows of German LGBTQ+ history, from the Monument to Homosexuals Persecuted under National Socialism and the Schwules Museum (Gay Museum), both in Berlin, to the Deutsche Eiche bar and bathhouse in Munich, where Freddie Mercury hung out in the 1970s.  And let’s not forget Bavaria’s gay (and/or queer) king, Mad Ludwig, and his Wagnerian fantasy castle, Neuschwanstein—the inspiration for Disney’s Snow White’s Castle.  

Safety Considerations for LGBTQ+ visitors to Germany

Traditionally, Germany is known to be a gay-friendly but relatively conservative European country. In 2017, the majority of the German government voted in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. Germany ranks among the top gay-friendly vacation destinations according to the Spartacus Gay Travel Index 2018 due to the gay-friendly environment in the major cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Cologne. Although, Germans living in the countryside might have some prejudices against LGBTQ+ people, they will generally remain polite, offering you respectful services. Unfortunately, there are still conservative people especially in the eastern part of the country, so it is recommended to exercise caution with regards to public displays of affection.  

LGBTQ+ Travel Tips for Germany

The major German cities and metropolises are considered to be the centers of the LGBTQ+ scene. Therefore, numerous gay bars in various areas around the city centers offer the opportunity to meet locals and other visitors from all over the world. Popular events include the 60 annual pride parades all over the country. In addition to prides, there are various LGBTQ+ film festivals that attract locals and global visitors, and The Teddy Award (for best LGBTQ+ film) is an official part of the Berlin International Film Festival (the Berlinale).

About the Author

We are Karl and Daan, a German-Dutch gay couple happily living the nomadic life. Karl was born and raised in Dresden and lived the past years in Berlin before we started our life together. As you can imagine we are eager to explore the world around us, from our favorite neighborhood restaurant that serves the perfect pasta, to exciting undiscovered hiking trails across the globe. Distant natural wonders, famous metropolises, theme parks, gay-sports events and far-away-friends are great reasons to travel. As openly gay travelers, we are proud of who we are. With our travel blog, we hope to inspire and invite everybody to travel the world like we do: open-minded, respectful and with a happy heart.

Spartacus Gay Travel Index 2024

GAY TRAVEL INDEX: Rekord an der Spitze

von Redaktion

29. Februar 2024

Der aktualisierte SPARTACUS GAY TRAVEL INDEX gibt einen Überblick über die Situation von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen, trans- und intergeschlechtlichen Menschen (LGBT+) in insgesamt 213 Ländern und Regionen. Neben Malta, das bereits 2023 den ersten Platz belegte, rücken nun auch Kanada, Neuseeland, Spanien und Portugal an die Spitze. In einem separaten Ranking der US-Bundesstaaten behauptet New York State den ersten Platz.

Erstmals in der Geschichte des seit 2012 erscheinenden SPARTACUS GAY TRAVEL INDEX stehen fünf Länder gleichzeitig an der Spitze der LGBT+-freundlichsten Reiseländer. Kanada, Neuseeland, Spanien und Portugal rücken zur in 2023 führenden Destination Malta auf. Unmittelbar dahinter folgen die Schweiz und Australien. Deutschland folgt auf Platz 8 - gemeinsam mit Ländern wie Dänemark, Island, Norwegen und Uruguay.

Neue Kategorie, mehr Länder

Der Index für 2024 wurde um die neue Kategorie „Zensur“ ergänzt und berücksichtigt nun auch Gesetze, die etwa ein Verbot für das Zeigen von Regenbogenflaggen oder die Verbreitung von Büchern mit LGBT+-Inhalten regeln. Zudem wurde der Index um elf Länder erweitert: Guinea, Kiribati, Mashallinseln, Micronesien, Palau, São Tomé und Príncipe, Südsudan, Tuvalu, Saint Kitts und Nevis, Saint Lucia sowie Saint Vincent und die Grenadinen.

Estland ist großer Gewinner

Mit der Verabschiedung eines Gesetzes zur Einführung der Ehe für alle im Jahr 2023 macht Estland einen großen Sprung nach vorne und verbessert sich von Platz 47 auf Platz 32. Der baltische Staat ist das erste Land Osteuropas, das damit gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehepartnern die gleichen Rechte einräumt wie der heterosexuellen Bevölkerung. Dank des Verbotes der Konversionstherapie gehört auch Norwegen zu den Aufsteigern des Jahres verbesserte sich von Platz 17 auf Platz 8.

Absteiger und Schlusslichter: Russland, Afghanistan, Tschetschenien, Iran und Saudi Arabien

Der Absteiger des Jahres ist Russland, das seine Gesetzgebung gegenüber der LGBT+-Bevölkerung noch einmal deutlich verschärft hat und die LGBT+-Bewegung mit extremistischen Organisationen gleichsetzt. Stand das Land im SPARTACUS GAY TRAVEL INDEX 2023 noch auf Platz 177, rutscht es nun auf den 205. Platz ab und ist damit nur noch wenige Plätze von den Schlusslichtern Afghanistan, Tschetschenien, Iran und Saudi Arabien entfernt, die sich den 210. Platz teilen.

Unter Beobachtung: Thailand, Lateinamerika und USA

Unter Beobachtung für das Jahr 2024 stehen die Länder Thailand, die USA sowie einige Länder Lateinamerikas. Mit einer Gesetzesvorlage zur Einführung der Ehe für alle hat Thailand 2024 als asiatisches Land die besten Chance, im kommenden Index zu dem auf diesem Kontinent führenden Taiwan (Platz 13) aufzuholen. Nach einem bereits 2018 gefällten Urteil des Interamerikanischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte in Costa Rica zur Einführung der Ehe für alle, das für 20 Staaten der Region bindend ist, stehen Staaten wie Peru, Bolivien, Ecuador, Honduras oder Panama unter Druck, das Urteil umzusetzen. Dank der Verabschiedung eines Gesetzes zur Einführung der Ehe für alle durch das griechische Parlament im Februar 2024 gilt ein Aufstieg Griechenlands im Index für 2025 bereits als sicher.

Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt auch den Vereinigten Staaten, in denen im November Präsidentschaftswahlen anstehen und bei einem Sieg der Republikaner weitere Verschärfungen gegenüber der LGBT+-Bevölkerung zu befürchten sind. In einen separaten Index der US-Bundesstaaten steht New York an der Spitze, gefolgt von Kalifornien, Colorado, Nevada und Oregon. Am Ende finden sich die Bundesstaaten Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Montana und Oklahoma. Im regulären Index rangieren die USA auf Platz 41.

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  1. GAY TRAVEL INDEX: Rekord an der Spitze

    Der aktualisierte SPARTACUS GAY TRAVEL INDEX gibt einen Überblick über die Situation von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen, trans- und intergeschlechtlichen Menschen (LGBT+) in insgesamt 213 Ländern und Regionen. Neben Malta, das bereits 2023 den ersten Platz belegte, rücken nun auch Kanada, Neuseeland, Spanien und Portugal an die Spitze.