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Québec  :         418-780-1919 Montréal :       438-488-7572 Sans frais :  1 866-783-1919

Conditions d’acceptation sur les vols internationaux à destination du maroc.

entrée au maroc, pcr

A compter du 17 Mai 2022, à 23 :00, conformément à l’information communiquée par la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile Marocaine, les voyageurs dont la destination finale est le Maroc peuvent être acceptés sur un vol international Royal Air Maroc s'ils disposent : • Pour tout voyageur de 12 ans et plus : - Du pass vaccinal OU du résultat négatif d’un test PCR de moins de 72H, - De la fiche sanitaire du passager à renseigner en ligne sur le lien suivant : à imprimer, et à signer avant enregistrement. • Pour tout voyageur de moins de 12 ans : - De la fiche sanitaire du passager à renseigner en ligne sur le lien suivant : à imprimer, et à signer avant enregistrement. Les conditions ci-haut ne sont pas applicables aux voyageurs en transit au Maroc. Ces derniers sont tenus de se conformer aux exigences sanitaires de leur pays de destination finale. Il est de la responsabilité exclusive des voyageurs de s’informer et de se conformer aux exigences sanitaires des pays de départ, de transit et de destination. Les exigences sanitaires des pays de départ, de transit et de destination peuvent être consultées via le lien : ***IMPORTANT****Pour sortir du Maroc , il faudrait avoir le pass Vaccinal et respecter les exigences du pays de destination. Abonnez-vous [👍] [👍] à notre page

Omra 2022: les conditions d’entrée en Arabie Saoudite ont été assouplies.

omra 2022

Le Ministère du Hajj et de la Omra a annoncé de nouvelles conditions pour l'omra:

1.Les tests PCR ou antigéniques négatifs ne sont plus exigés pour entrer sur le territoire saoudien.

2.Les mesures de quarantaine à l’arrivée dans le royaume ne sont plus requises. Les compagnies aériennes doivent rembourser les voyageurs s’étant acquittés auprès de ces dernières des frais hôteliers de quarantaine.

3.Tous les voyageurs doivent être en mesure de présenter une preuve de vaccination (certificat de vaccination) avec l’un des vaccins suivants : • Deux doses de Pfizer BioNTech ou Comirnaty ou Oxford AstraZeneca ou Covishield ou SK Bioscience ou Vaxzevria ouModerna ou Spikevax ; • 1 dose de Johnson & Johnson • Attention : Les voyageurs dont la deuxième dose a été administrée il y a plus de 8 mois doivent recevoir une dose de rappel pour être autorisés à entrer en Arabie Saoudite

• La guérison du COVID 19 n’exempte pas les voyageurs guéris de justifier d’une 3e dose de vaccin dans les 8 mois suivants la 2e injection.

4. Les certificats de vaccination doivent être certifiés par les autorités sanitaires officielles du pays qui a administré le vaccin aux passagers entrants. Les voyageurs doivent détenir sur eux leur certificat de vaccination durant l’intégralité de leur séjour dans le royaume (ou prouver leur état de santé par le biais d’applications et de programmes agréés dans le royaume).

5.Les voyageurs qui ont reçu deux doses du vaccin Sinopharme ou du vaccin Sinovac, devront, pour entrer sur le territoire, avoir reçu une dose supplémentaire de l’un des vaccins approuvés dans le Royaume (mentionnés dans le paragraphe 3).

6.Les voyageurs de court séjour ou les résidents primo-entrants doivent impérativement enregistrer leur certificat de vaccination avant de se rendre en Arabie Saoudite, via le site Web dédié : L’enregistrement de leur vaccination leur permettra d’utiliser l’application TAWAKKALNA à leur arrivée dans le pays. Il est impératif de présenter un certificat de vaccination, traduit en anglais ou en arabe, émis par le ministère de la Santé ou par la Sécurité Sociale (téléchargeable sur et d’enregistrer cette vaccination sur cette page : maximum 72 heures avant leur arrivée sur le territoire.

7.Les visiteurs doivent impérativement télécharger et s’inscrire sur l’application Tawakkalna dans les 8 heures suivant leur arrivée en Arabie saoudite.

8.Tous les voyageurs, à l’exception des ressortissants saoudiens, des résidents (titulaires d’une iqama) et des ressortissants des pays du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe (GCC), doivent souscrire impérativement une assurance médicale couvrant les frais médicaux liés à la COVID-19.

9.En cas d’apparition de symptômes, il convient de contacter le 937, de se rendre dans un centre de santé à proximité ou aux urgences si nécessaire.

10.Certaines compagnies aériennes peuvent néanmoins exiger la présentation d’un test PCR négatif de moins de 48h. Il conviendra de vérifier auprès de la compagnie aérienne quelles règles s’appliquent.

De plus de ces nouvelles conditions, le ministére a annoncé la levée de plusieurs restrictions sanitaires : • Aucune limite d'âge pour pouvoir faire la Omra • Pas de test PCR pour voyager en Arabie Saoudite • Pas de quarantaine • L'Arabie Saoudite ouvre ses frontières à tous les pays du monde entier • Aucune distanciation entre les fidèles • Le port du masque n'est plus obligatoire dans les lieux ouverts

Maroc : un nouveau protocole sanitaire pour les voyageurs

pass vaccinal maroc

Les passagers de 18 ans et plus devront présenter un pass vaccinal en plus d’un résultat négatif du PCR de moins de 48 H (à compter du moment du prélèvement jusqu’à l’enregistrement).

Ils doivent également remplir une fiche sanitaire à télécharger en ligne sur le site de l’Office national des aéroports ONDA à imprimer, à renseigner et à signer avant check-in, précise la RAM dans son communiqué.

Les voyageurs âgés entre six et 18 ans sont uniquement tenus par la présentation du test PCR négatif de 48 h, selon les mêmes modalités que les adultes en plus de la fiche sanitaire.

Les enfants de moins de six ans sont exemptés du dépistage et ne sont concernés que par la fiche sanitaire.

À l’arrivée au Maroc, les passagers âgés de six ans et plus seront soumis à un test antigénique rapide. Un test PCR aléatoire peut également être effectué sur les passagers, ajoute la RAM.

Il faut noter que ce protocole sanitaire concerne tous les voyageurs à destination du Maroc, quel que soit leur pays de provenance.

RAM : le Maroc suspend les vols de rapatriement dès le 23 décembre

rapatriement marocains bloqués à l étranger

Le gouvernement Marocain a autorisé cette semaine les Marocains à voyager mais sans garantie de retour.

En effet, les rares vols de rapatriement de la Royal Air Maroc (RAM), autorisés depuis ce mercredi dans le sens étranger-Maroc , ne concernent que trois pays : les Emirats arabes unis, la Turquie et le Portugal. Ils sont toutefois ouverts à tous les Marocains qui ont voyagé récemment quel que soit le pays d’origine.

Alors que la RAM détaillait ce mercredi matin les conditions d’accès à ses vols de rapatriement, le gouvernement marocain a annoncé dans l’après-midi que ces vols spéciaux vers le Maroc seront à nouveau interdits dès le 23 décembre prochain.

Cette décision des autorités marocaines intervient après la découverte du premier cas du variant Omicron dans le royaume, malgré la fermeture des frontières.

Scénario catastrophe: fini les voyages non essentiels

voyages non essentiels, casablanca, royal air maroc

Le ministre de la Santé, Jean-Yves Duclos, a annoncé cet après-midi que le gouvernement fédéral rétablissait l’avertissement aux voyageurs contre tous les déplacements non essentiels.

L’avis général aux voyageurs sera en place pour le mois prochain et sera ensuite réévalué.


Lors du briefing un journaliste a posé la fameuse question: que faire si on a déjà réservé un voyage ?

Le ministre de la santé n’a pas répondu clairement à la question.

“A ceux qui prévoyaient de voyager, je dis très clairement, ce n’est pas le moment de voyager“, a déclaré Duclos.

« Ces mesures seront en place pendant quatre semaines, puis seront réévaluées. »


” Nous continuons de considérer toutes les options, nous allons continuer de surveiller la situation” a répondu le gouvernement.

Le Canada étend également sa capacité de test pour les voyageurs de retour. “Nous aurons plus à dire à ce sujet dans un avenir très proche”, a-t-il déclaré.

RAM : les passagers éligibles pour les vols spéciaux

vol montréal vers casablanca avec la RAM, casablanca, tunis,

Royal air Maroc : les passagers éligibles pour les vols spéciaux

On apprend que ces vols sont ouverts à tous les Marocains bloqués à l’étranger indépendamment du pays d’origine. Concrètement, un Marocain bloqué en France peut se rendre dans l’un des trois pays d’où partent les vols spéciaux vers le Maroc pour voyager.

Chaque passager doit toutefois remplir les conditions suivantes, précise la RAM :

Être résident au Maroc et avoir quitté le royaume depuis le 1er octobre 2021 ; Leurs conjoints et enfants les accompagnant sont également éligibles ; Présenter à l’enregistrement un passeport ou une carte d’identité nationale avec une adresse au Maroc ; Présenter un test PCR négatif datant de moins de 48h avant le vol.

© 2021 Safari Voyage Inc. - Titulaire d'un permis du Québec 

La Valise à Fleurs, blog de voyage

10 jours de safari en Tanzanie

  • par LaValiseaFleurs
  • Posted on 1 janvier 2022 26 avril 2023

Jambo, On termine l’année avec un article sur nos 10 jours de safari en Tanzanie , notre plus beau voyage de 2021 !

Dans cet article nous vous présenterons le pays et ses particularités , notre organisation, le budget et l’ itinéraire .  Vous pourrez également trouver le détail de chaque étape dans des articles dédiés, ainsi qu’un article sur nos 6 jours à Zanzibar où nous sommes allés après le safari.


A propos de la Tanzanie

La Tanzanie est située en Afrique de l’Est , au bord de l’ océan Indien . En arrivant, on la comparait beaucoup à la Namibie où nous avions passé Noël il y a quelques années, pourtant ces pays sont très différents. On nous demande souvent lequel on a préféré, et bien que notre coup de coeur soit pour la Namibie, si vous souhaitez faire un safari et observer de nombreux animaux, on vous recommande la Tanzanie. Cependant pour un roadtrip à la découverte de paysages spectaculaires et variés (dunes, canyons, déserts, villages fantômes, villes…) la Namibie vous comblera davantage. Dans les deux cas l’ambiance est géniale, les habitants sont très accueillants et vous pouvez également découvrir la culture des tribus.

Concernant le climat, il fait chaud toute l’année , cependant on vous conseille de privilégier la saison sèche de mai à octobre qui est plus favorable pour voir les animaux et pour se baigner. Nous y étions en septembre / octobre et c’était parfait !

Les langues principales sont le swahili et l’ anglais , mais il existe plus de 120 langues et dialectes qui sont parlés dans le pays. En ce qui concerne la religions, 45% des habitants sont chrétiens et 35% sont musulmans (notamment à Zanzibar).

Itinéraire roadtrip Tanzanie

Organisation et budget de 10 jours de safari en Tanzanie

Nous avons pris nos billets d’avion 3 mois à l’avance avec KLM , cependant on vous recommande de vous y prendre un peu plus tôt. On a retardé le moment car on n’était pas sûrs que les frontières restent ouvertes à cause du covid. Malheureusement les prix continuaient d’augmenter… Au total nous en avons eu pour 760€ par personne (Paris-Kilimanjaro à l’aller et Zanzibar-Paris au retour avec une escale par Amsterdam à chaque fois).

Pour les 10 jours de safari nous sommes passés par l’agence Trace Directe . Sarah nous a organisé un safari sur-mesure avec un guide local , Rick ( Wildlands Safaris ). Nous en avons eu pour 3100€ pour la prestation de chauffeur-guide de Rick, le véhicule , l’ essence , les entrées des parcs , les activités , les logements , les repas et l’ eau .

Nous avons ajouté 6 jours à Zanzibar . On avait réservé le vol interne et les hôtels par nous même. Pour les restaurants et activités nous avons tout réservé sur place. Le vol a coûté 110€ par personne , 5 nuits d’hôtels 350€ chacun, et nous avons dépensé environ 500€ sur place par personne pour les restaurants, les activités et les transports. Nous hésitions à louer une voiture pour nous déplacer mais beaucoup nous le déconseillaient. Finalement nous n’avons pas regretté. Nous avons payé quelques trajets en taxi via nos hébergements. Ce n’était pas donné (40€ du nord au sud de l’île) mais cela évitait de chercher son chemin car c’était compliqué à certains endroits de l’île et aussi de se garer en ville.

Comment préparer un voyage en Tanzanie ?

Itinéraire de 10 jours de safari en Tanzanie

Pour l’itinéraire nous avions demandé à voir un maximum d’animaux variés mais aussi de pouvoir rencontrer des Maasaïs (hors zone touristique). Trace directe nous a préparé un itinéraire à notre demande . Nous avons parcouru les grands parcs nationaux, mais aussi de plus petits et plus à l’écart.

On a commencé par le Parc National de Arusha , unique endroit où voir les colobes noirs. Nous avons enchainé sur le Parc National de Tarangire , aussi grand que magnifique. On a fait un détour pour voir le Lac Manyara . Puis nous sommes allés au fameux Cratère Ngorongoro où l’on trouve les Big 5. Nous avons ensuite visité le Parc de Serengeti , aussi impressionnant que Tarangire mais aux paysages très différents. Enfin nous avons fait un détour jusqu’au Lac Natron , pour découvrir son lac salé et les tribus Maasaïs.

itinéraire safari 10 jours en Tanzanie

Photos de notre safari en Tanzanie

10 jour de safari

Vous avez aimé notre article sur 10 jours de safari en Tanzanie ? Partagez le sur Pinterest !

Itinéraire de 10 jours de safari en Tanzanie


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19 commentaires

Un véritable rêve comme voyage, j’aimerais avoir la possibilité de partir comme vous deux un jour et de vivre cette expérience unique ! Merci pour ce bel article

Vos photos sont vraiment à couper le souffle merci pour le partage

Merci !! Ravis que l’article te plaise 🙂

Les photos sont super ! Quel appareil photo vous utilisez ?

Bonjour, Nous avons un Nikon D750 avec un téléobjectif 150-600 de chez sigma.

Bonjour, je suis tombée par hasard sur votre blog car j’organise notre voyage en famille pour cet été… Nous avons 15 jours à disposition et nous aimerions faire au moins une semaine compète à zanzibar… Il nous reste donc 4 jours pour les safaris, pouvez-vous me conseiller? Je pensais aussi demander un devis à trace directe.

Bonjour, 4 jours c’est sûr que c’est un peu court, mais vous pouvez faire 1-2 parcs 🙂 Les parcs de Tarangire et Serengeti sont ceux où l’on voit le plus d’animaux, on vous conseille de faire un des 2 sur 2-3 jours et éventuellement un autre plus petit parc. On a aimé notre expérience avec Trace Directe, ils sauront vous conseiller en fonction de vos envie de safari !

Bonjour, pourquoi avez vous fait appel à Trace directe et n’êtes vous pas partis directement avec wildlands safari? Je souhaite partir l’été prochain faire un safari et je me renseigne sur las agences proposées. Je vous remercie.

Bonjour, Nous préférions payer en ligne et non en cash sur place, c’est la principale raison. Trace directe nous avait également été recommandée donc nous étions sûrs qu’il n’y aurait pas de souci avec eux. Bon voyage !

Le budget indiqué pour le safari est le tarif par personne ?

Merci de votre réponse 🙂

Bonjour, Oui c’est bien ça !

Bonjour, Nous sommes en pleine organisation de notre voyage en Tanzanie avec mon mari, et je viens de découvrir votre blog qui est top, vos photos sont magnifiques! Nous avons fait plusieurs devis dans différentes agences pour 7 jours de safari mais ce n’est pas du tout le même budget que celui décrit dans votre article (environ 4000$ par personne) , puis-je vous demander si vous êtes partis à plusieurs couples ou si l’agence Trace Directe bénéficie de tarifs plus abordables? Votre itinéraire semble parfait nous sommes déçus de devoir faire des concessions… Merci par avance 🙂

Bonjour, Merci, ça vous fait super plaisir !! Pour le budget, 4000$ par personne ça ne m’étonne pas plus que ça, nous en avions eu pour 3100€ mais pour avions chercher des hôtels moins chers que ceux proposés dans le devis pour baisser un peu. Nous étions 4 participants et partagions le même véhicule, cela peut aussi expliquer la différence de prix. Profitez bien du voyage !

J’aimerais savoir; Trace Directe pour l’organisation du voyage vous a satisfait? Vous avez eu le même guide local Rick tout le long de votre séjour en Tanzanie? Qu’elle était la qualité des hôtels? Merci

Bonjour, Nous étions satisfaits par la prestation de Trace Directe et de Rick qui ont été à notre écoute et on organisé un voyage qui nous correspond. Concernant les hôtels, nous en avons choisi dans les propositions de Trace Directe + quelques autres que nous avions repéré. On a globalement apprécié nos choix en terme de rapport qualité/prix, avec quelques coups de coeur dont nous parlons dans les articles dédiés à chaque étape. Nous souhaitions de petits hôtels de charme bien placés, mais il y a d’autres types d’hôtel en fonction de ce que vous recherchez et du budget dont vous disposez. Bonne organisation !

Bonjour Nathalie,

Peux-tu préciser quels sont les choix qui vous ont motivé à choisir la Tanzanie et non un autre pays (Afrique du Sud, Botswana…) ? La Tanzanie, avec le Kenya, sont réputés être parmi les plus onéreux…

De plus, as-tu ressenti une réelle différence de qualité des safaris avec la Namibie ? Est-ce que tu as aussi ressenti que c’est en Tanzanie que tu as fait les plus beaux safaris ?

Au plaisir de suivre tes conseils ! 🙂

Bonjour, Nous hésitions entre la Tanzanie ou le Kenya, pour faire un safari car ce sont les pays où il est le plus facile de voir des animaux à cette période. L’Afrique du sud nous tente beaucoup, mais pas uniquement pour faire des safaris, il y a plein de beaux paysages à voir, mais qui nécessiterait de partir plutôt 3 semaines pour faire quelque chose de complet.

Comme on le disait, la Namibie est un vrai coup de coeur, notamment pour les paysages. Cependant pour la partie safari on a vraiment vu beaucoup plus d’animaux en Tanzanie. Cela peut varier en fonction de la période et c’est aussi une question de chance, on ne peut jamais prévoir la météo ni le comportement des animaux. De plus nous avions un guide en Tanzanie et pas en Namibie, cela peut aussi impacter car les guides communiquent entre eux alors qu’en solo on doit chercher par soi même.

Côté prix, la différence n’est si importante que ça entre la Tanzanie et la Namibie aujourd’hui, cela dépend surtout de la période choisie, du type de logement et pus vous réservez à l’avance plus les prix sont intéressant.

On espère avoir pu répondre à vos questions ! Bonne organisation de safari 🙂

Très joli photos que de beau paysages et toit les animaux super de les voir en liberté merci de partager

Nous sommes ravis que l’article te plaise !

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Escape the every day with our vacation deals in the dusty African haze, admiring wondrous animals freely roaming in their natural habitat. Our best African safari adventure packages put you centre stage in your own Attenborough documentary.

Best African safari tours based on 7,704 reviews

Big Five Luxury Safari in Tanzania **Sustainable Approach to Travel Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Big Five Luxury Safari in Tanzania **Sustainable Approach to Travel

Wir wurden sehr positiv überrascht von der Safari, da wir nie damit gerechnet hätten, die Tiere zufällig so nahe sehen zu dürfen. Kessy war ein super Guide und fahrer, auch über Stock und Stein haben wir uns immer sehr sicher gefühlt. Dass ein Rad mal eine Platte hat, ist normal, aber er hat das Rad innerhalb kürzester Zeit gewechselt als wäre es sein Alltag. Die Unterkünfte waren alle perfekt. Der einzige Verbesserungsvorschlag von unserer Seite ist, der letzte Tag im Lake Manyara National Parks auf den ersten Tag zu welchseln, damit eine Steigerung der National Parks vorhanden ist.

Kenya Wildlife Safari Tour

Kenya Wildlife Safari

It was well organized and our tour guide John was really knowledgeable about everything! Would do another trip with them again!

14-day Kruger to the Delta, Chobe & Victoria Falls (Accommodated) Tour

14-day Kruger to the Delta, Chobe & Victoria Falls (Accommodated)

Extremely emotional experience, full of colors and rich impressions. Our guide was very radiant and responsive, able to cope with difficult situations, responsible and at the same time entertaining throughout the journey. Overall, the organization was on the right level, but the small issues and inconveniences do not frighten me.

8 days: Best of Zambia, Botswana (Chobe) and Zimbabwe (Zambezi) Wildlife Safari Tour Tour

8 days: Best of Zambia, Botswana (Chobe) and Zimbabwe (Zambezi) Wildlife Safari Tour

We enjoyed the experience. The only negative place was the lodge in Hwange, totally substandard, we were supposed to be there 2 nights but moved out after the first night. Must mention Mark, Fines, Peace and the other 2 guides that went over and above their duties to satisfy our needs.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Victoria Falls & Serengeti Overland: Lakes & Landos Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Victoria Falls & Serengeti Overland: Lakes & Landos

Cape Town to the Serengeti: Deserts & Wilderness Tour

Cape Town to the Serengeti: Deserts & Wilderness

Enjoyed the trip, saw lots of different animals, history and culture. Spent a lot of the time driving but the variety of game drives and optional activities created a good balance. The 2 groups I was a part of were great people and good company. The meals however were poor, felt our guide didn't try his best, majority of meals were cheap and our meal allowances were equivalent to $2-3 when given to eat on our long drives. He definitely could of done better with options especially after several comments and suggestions from our group. I didn't feel the food we got was anywhere the price I paid for the trip. Breakfasts consisted of cornflakes, weetabix, fruit and occasional yoghurt which was hidden and rationed along with museli. There were some days closer to the end where we got eggs, sausage and pancakes. Some individuals didn't even eat much overall because there wasn't much selection. Lunches consisted of processed meat sandwiches, apples and bananas for the most part. Dinners were rice, pasta, some vegetables and bread. The meat options were fine and more catered to I found. Unfortunately I felt that our guide wasn't organized with activities either, left everything to the last minute. He became more involved and active on the 2nd half of our journey with the group, for the first half he was a little reserved. Our driver was amazing and very accommodating and friendly. I would definetely do another G trip but would like to have a more outgoing and accommodating guide.

12-day Delta, Chobe & Victoria Falls (Accommodated) Tour

12-day Delta, Chobe & Victoria Falls (Accommodated)

With much sadness we have just finished our 12 day Delta Chobe Waterways tour in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana. The trip was our belated honeymoon and we couldn't have picked a better option. The places we visited and people we met were fascinating, beautiful, friendly and unforgetable. The constant throughout our trip however was our wonderful guide Simon Tawanira. From the very start he was welcoming, helpful and made the trip entirely worry-free. He generously shared so much information about the countries we visited and animals we were fortunate enough to see. We shared many stories and laughs. We will very much miss our fabulous guide and are a little concerned about how we will organise ourselves without him! This was always going to be an amazing trip but Simon made it truly memorable. Any one lucky enough to book a trip with him with have a fantastic time and learn so much. Thank you.

Premium Kenya & Southern Africa Highlights Tour

Premium Kenya & Southern Africa Highlights

The Absolute Safari Tour

  • Gorilla Trekking

The Absolute Safari

What an absolute adventure 77 days from Kenya to South Africa! Safaris, lakes, lions, beaches, historical sites, village visits, camping, long drives with windows down, gorillas, family style cooking, washing dishes, early mornings, hippos, boat safaris, peeing on the side of the road, cold showers, card games, photos, are some of the words that instantly come to mind from thinking about the last 3 months. Originally I was booked from just Nairobi to Zanzibar and I’m so glad I ended up extending all the way to South Africa! Our group was on the larger side as it was during the busy season July-Oct and we had about 20-25 people on the bus during the 3 months. The amount of people can vary as there are smaller sections of the absolute overland trips where people will be with you for different legs of the trip. (Ex: some people started and finished Zanzibar or started Vic Falls to Cape town, etc.) The best thing I can recommend for an enjoyable trip is having the right expectations & mindset as these overland trips are definitely not for everyone. After the 3 months I believe I met around 40 different people on the safari who had stayed for a section or the whole safari and I could tell that most absolutely loved the overland trip, however, there were a few people that struggled as they did not have the right expectations. As I already mentioned, flexibility is key for this trip. I believe they make this very clear on their website but somehow some people still show up with a very rigid mindset. Some days go as planned, some days go better, and some go worse. But that is all part of the African experience. People on these trips are from all different backgrounds, with different personalities, work ethics, and ways of doing things. Just roll with it. FOOD. Please be flexible for the sake of everyone. You must remember that if there is a group of 20-25 everyone has to be catered to for their dietary needs. Most lunches you are on your own. There will be a supermarket stop and you can get as you wish. But for dinner there will be a cooking team for that specific night so depending on the dietary restrictions there might have to be 3 different meals if you have vegetarians, vegans, and meat eaters. So I would definitely recommend being flexible when it comes to preferences. I wouldn’t recommend this trip for strict dietary restrictions (vegetarian ok but vegan, etc. not so much). Remember you are in Africa and there are weeks where the food options and supermarkets are limited. Staff. We had the same guide for the 77 days and 1 driver for the first 3/4 of the trip and then last 1/4 a different driver. Our guide and both drivers were from different parts of Africa and all had 10+ experience doing these tours. They are all very knowledgable & such helpful resources. They all speak multiple languages and handled the borders crossings and logistics professionally. They are the first people you see up in the morning and last people to bed making sure everything is in order. Our guide did a really good job at balancing all the different preferences of food, itinerary, etc. We had some unique characters in our group which made it pretty difficult for him to handle but he did a great job at balancing it for everyone. A great sense of humor and always had a positive outlook & willing to help. Truck. A bit older but honestly fit the 77 day across Africa vibe. The seats were comfy and there were plenty of outlets to charge electronics. The fridge wasn’t ideal as it was smaller especially after group food was in there. Facilities. Most camps we stayed were great and had what you needed. Wifi was kind of a joke, don't plan on much. Most campsites there "was" wifi but it rarely worked, especially when you have 25 people rolling up and wanting to get on. So a sim is a must if you care to be online, etc. 95% campsites had showers probably about 50-50 with hot water. Tents were surprisingly very comfortable. Plenty of space and sleeping pads were nice. Money. Plan to spend more than you think. You can do this trip with just doing the minimums but when everyone is going on an extra safari or an extra activity, you are going to want to do it as well. So many unique once in a lifestime opportunities, its hard to pass when in person. Maintain a positive attitude & energy. Although you don’t need to be “physically fit” this trip is demanding especially if you are doing the 77 days. There aren’t any necessary physically fit needs, but there are many early wake up calls, tearing down & setting up your tent everyday, and some nights you will be on cooking / cleaning duty, etc. It all adds up and you’re constantly on the move for months. That is all part of the adventure. You are going to meet tons of different people so you can imagine positive attitude is key. If you want a vacation to sit and chill on the beach this isn’t the trip for you. If you are ready to have an adventure of a lifetime and a unique experience meeting people from all around the world, seeing so many aspects of Africa from wildlife, villages, and hearing about the history and local customs you won’t be disappointed! Best advice have a flexible and positive outlook and you will have a great time! So glad I did it! Hindsight I would still recommend Absolute Africa especially knowing what I know now. Rushing down to South Africa or rushing the itinerary like some of the other tour companies isn’t something I wanted to do & I am glad I chose AA. Hope this helps!

Botswana Family Safari with Teenagers Tour

Botswana Family Safari with Teenagers

Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire (with Materuni waterfalls, coffee tour) - 6 Days Tour

Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire (with Materuni waterfalls, coffee tour) - 6 Days

Good The guides, food, and accommodations were amazing! Thank you very much our guide Abu and our chef Richard. In advance thank you very much Serengeti African Tours for making this experience the best of all moments I have ever had in this world. I am really happy also with the company coming at the Hotel to get feedbacks from the customers thank you very much Lucas for coming by the hotel for the feedbacks I appreciate.

6 Days Kenya Budget Tours (with FREE NIGHT at Nairobi Hotel) Tour

6 Days Kenya Budget Tours (with FREE NIGHT at Nairobi Hotel)

"AMAZING SAFARI" Bon Voyage Safari provided an unforgettable 6-day journey to Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, and Mt. Longonot. From start to finish, their professionalism and attention to detail were exceptional. The personalized itinerary perfectly catered to my interests, showcasing their expertise and knowledge of the region. The knowledgeable guide made me feel welcome and at ease from the moment I arrived. Their passion for wildlife was evident, and their ability to spot elusive creatures was remarkable. Lake Nakuru's thousands of flamingos and diverse wildlife made every game drive an exhilarating experience. Lake Naivasha's tranquil beauty and boat ride allowed for up-close encounters with hippos and stunning bird species. The landscapes surrounding the lake provided a serene backdrop for relaxation and reflection. The pinnacle of the safari was the awe-inspiring Mt. Longonot. The hike to the summit was challenging but rewarding, with breathtaking panoramic views of the Rift Valley. The guide's support ensured a safe and unforgettable experience for everyone. Bon Voyage Safari delivered a dream-like experience in Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, and Mt. Longonot. Their dedication, professionalism, and expertise surpassed expectations. I highly recommend Bon Voyage Safari for an extraordinary adventure in Kenya's natural wonders. I highly recommend Bon Voyage Safari's.

Premium East Africa in Depth Tour

Premium East Africa in Depth

16 Days of Intensive Adventurous Safari through Magical Uganda and Rwanda ( Private tour) Tour

16 Days of Intensive Adventurous Safari through Magical Uganda and Rwanda ( Private tour)

I had the most incredible experience with Mukisa Safaris. This was a solo adventure 23 day slightly customized tour of Uganda and Rwanda, where I wanted to spend a few extra days driving around Rwanda on top of an all-encompassing tour of Uganda. From first contact with Richard, everything was handled completely professionally and seamlessly, and responses and tour modifications were sent over almost immediately, as I fine tuned my trip, which really help plan (they can do economy / premium accommodation options, as well as customizing your tour exactly how you want) After being picked up from the airport, everything was handled to such perfection, and I felt completely safe the entire time, while we toured the most remote parts of the countries, exploring wildlife, rural villagers, and much more. All hotel bookings and transportation was handled by Mukisa, and I didn’t have to do a thing. We had a tour of Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Kidepo Valley, Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, Chimpanzee trekking in Kibale, Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi, village tours, a 8 day hike in the Rwenzori mountains, and a few days in Rwanda to relax at the Lake Kivu and explore a bit more. My main goal was wildlife photography, and the vehicle was perfectly equipped having an open top for safaris. I captured some amazing shots of lions in trees, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees, and local culture. They say Uganda has the Big 7 :) - add Gorillas and Chimpanzees My guides were Giraffe and Solomon. They were an absolute pleasure to have as companions for 23 days, having vast knowledge of the countries, national parks, culture, where to eat, and always providing insightful commentary as we traversed the lands. We always stopped over at great places to eat that accommodated an international diet, instead of packed lunches, however you can eat anywhere if you like. Any personal requests I had were always remembered, such as getting photos of certain subjects or areas, or searching for certain foods (Samosas are my favorite). Water always in the car, and they even a travel adapter for the Rwanda power plugs, which I didn’t think about. So much appreciated was having 4G internet the whole time via hot spot. You can drive up to 8 hours some days and the internet was always reliable and fast! I cannot recommend Mukisa Safaris enough, they can completely customize any kind of trip you would like, are so hospitable, and I left Uganda with some of my favorite travel memories ever. And on top of that I now consider them as friends and family. I will definitely return! Uganda, as they say, The Pearl of Africa, is the most beautiful country to explore, and Mukisa Safaris made it the most enjoyable experience!

10 Days Uganda\'s Gorillas Encounter, Wildlife & Kigali City Tour ( Private tour) Tour

10 Days Uganda's Gorillas Encounter, Wildlife & Kigali City Tour ( Private tour)

Mukisa Safari Tour scheduled an amazing trip and Richard our contact was very quick with responses and helpful but our guide Veronica and our driver Sam were what made the trip all what we could hope it could be. Sam got us from place to place safely, had a good sense of humor, and gave us some tidbits along the way. He also introduced me to the chili oil there which was perfect to add to our food. Veronica was so knowledgable, caring, and you can tell loves her country and job. We met another couple at one of the lodges that said all companies are the same but we have to disagree. This company, the people , and the activities made it a trip of a lifetime. Starting off seeing rhinos the first day was just the beginning. Make sure you get to the top of Murchison Falls because that is breathtaking. The weather was hot but up there with the mist helped cool things off. By the end of day two the only thing we didn't see in the big five was the lion which was fine as you do the lion trekking in Queen Elizabeth's National Park. I would recommend everyone spend the extra money for the lion trekking as we went off the road and got to see things no one else got to see such as lion cubs and a leopard that used the car to get some shade. You go on two river boats but honestly the second one was so much better seeing animals. So many babies, and variety. The chimpanzee and gorilla trekking is why we went but the whole trip was truly noteworthy. The drives are long and bumpy but enjoy the people and the time to reflect. When we had a health issue everyone was helpful and responsive. Veronica was very communicative every step of the way and if things got changed or needed taken care of she was there explaining what and why. Out of all the companies out there I think you will be very happy with Mukisa.

African Safari Tour Reviews

The tour was very well organized. Everything worked up quite well and everyone took good care of us. It was a magnificent time in Tanzania's wild nature. Also the tour company took care of all changes online (one day early arrival and extra shira tour booking) in a flexible and timely manner. Our Safari guide and driver Israel did really a great job. He worked hard to find all the animals for us as good as possible. This wasn't an easy job as we were there during rain season. He kept us safe and well informed all the time. We saw many wild animals such as cheetahs, lions, giraffes, buffalos, elephants, hippos, hyenas and of course tons of Gnus, zebras and all kinds of antilopes, monkeys and birds. We could even see some of the big five like the lion from eye to eye, roaming around less than 1m from our vehicle! Of course there's no guaranty of which wild animals you'll see as we're talking about natural parks, but you can rest assured the guides are doing their best to show you what nature is offering during your visit. All the staff in the hotels, parks and people in general were very kind and very welcoming! The food was always good and safe. FYI, the actual safari is 5 days + 2 days arrival and departure. Nevertheless within these 5 days we saw so many places and had a unique nature experience. "Luxury" as mentioned in the title is a bit too much said, especially when it comes to accommodation. On the other hand all the hotel names/ratings and the exact itinerary were mentioned clearly so no surprises. The luxurious part was actually that we were only on our own since it's low season :) Our guide Israel was flexible and fulfilled every possible wish we had. The Maasai village tour in the way to Serengeti costs an extra 50$ which is a fair price but they will also offer you some overpriced hand-made souvenirs to buy. The tour itself was very interesting and nice including a welcome song and dance basically from the whole village :) The Serengeti Safari lounge was quite spacious and had a big balcony to enjoy the endless view of the Serengeti. That was definitely the best accommodation of the trip. We woke up to a great show of a huge group of Gnus and Zebras directly in front of our balcony. The very ones who were singing for us all night :) Last but not least: if you're wondering about the prices even for a day tour, you should know that the park fees including conservation fees are quite high. So you're basically contributing to the well-being of these parks as well as the many wonderful people protecting them.
Everything was Amazing
A bit late with the review... The trip was November 2019 and it was the best trip ever!!! Simon best guide, stunning places, welcoming locals and amazing experiences! the flight over the Okavango Delta is highly recommended.

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Kenya Safari – The Masai Mara Experience

Written By: The Planet D

Updated On: March 11, 2021

The final stop of our Kenya Safari was three glorious days in the Masai Mara. It is here that you will see all the big 5 animals of Africa and you’ll witness some of the most beautiful sunsets on the planet.

Kenya Safari – The Masai Mara

kenya safari masai mara sunset

The drive is a long and bumpy road from Nairobi to the Masai Mara and if you have the opportunity to fly there, we recommend you do so. We suffered through a very rocky ride that seemed to last forever. Our guide Makau told us that the road is much better these days as the Chinese are working on fixing up transportation all around the country. Who knows, maybe by next year it will all be smooth sailing.

Keekorok Lodge

kenya safari keeorok lodge

We arrived at Keekorok lodge early enough to have some lunch and take a break before our first sunset safari in the Mara.

Keekorok is the first resort in the Masai Mara and it is located right in the heart of it all. The airport is only a few short km away and back in the day when celebrities went on their own Kenya Safari, this was their place of choice. The likes of Prince Charles, Paul Simon and Carrie Fisher have stayed here.

masai mara safari prince charles

In its day, it was the place to stay in the Masai Mara. The mara was the first great place in Africa to go on a wildlife safari and dignitaries and celebrities flew to Kenya to catch a glimpse of the big 5.

Today Keekorok attracts package tourists where they serve buffet dinners and Nescafe coffee on the outside terrace at tea time. The entire feel is that it is trying to be a luxury lodge, but it hasn’t quite moved on with the times.

safari kenya paul simon and carrie fisher

That’s not to say we didn’t like Keekorok, but I had visions of staying in a tented camp surrounded by wildlife rather than a concrete complex sorely in need of an update. Keekorok isn’t hurting for business though, every package tourist from the emerging Asian market seems to book their tours at this hotel.

The Kenya Safari on Masai Mara

Game drive – day 1.

safari elephant

It doesn’t really matter where you stay in the Masai Mara because you spend most of your time out on game drives. We spent early morning sunrises and late evening sunsets out on the African Savanna searching for all the wild game we could find in the heart of Kenya.

We hopped into our safari van and spent hours keeping our eyes peeled for wildlife. It’s all out there, you just have to pay attention. These animals are made to blend in with their surroundings and if you blink, you may miss an amazing opportunity.

Cheetah on a Hill

kenya cheetah

Our first outing on the Masai Mara brought us to a cheetah sleeping on a mound of dirt. It didn’t seem to have a care in the world as the safari vans pulled up beside it. The Masai Mara has strict rules not to go off the path so vehicles can’t get too close to the animals.

Between Dave’s ultra zoom 500 mm lens and the close proximity of this mound of dirt, we managed to capture some pretty amazing shots of this cheetah. “Having the camera right lens is essential”

He looked back at us in a relaxed manner and then continued to ignore us. Another vehicle came along and refused to turn off his engine. I was so angry. That loud engine was really disrupting the cheetah, I can only imagine the anxiety it was causing. The driver told our guide (after I complained) that he had a battery problem and couldn’t turn off his truck so we all suffered, including the cheetah. Within a few minutes, the cheetah had enough and was up and walking away.

masai mara safari cheetah

We followed it for a bit, but soon we decided to move on as he went further and further from the road.

Lions on Safari

masai mara safari lion

On our way back to our camp, we ran into another driver who told us that some lions were sleeping close by. We made it just in time to catch a glimpse of them before the sun started to set and we were feeling pretty stoked about the days ahead. We’d only been in the Masai Mara for a few hours and we already saw a cheetah and a pride of lions.

masai mara safari lions

We couldn’t stay with the lions for too long because we had to get back to camp before the sun completely set as park rangers check tourists in as they return from safari. It’s a dangerous world out there on the Mara and if someone has a breakdown or doesn’t make it back to the lodge by dark the search parties are sent out. You are in big trouble if you return late from your game drive.

Elephants at Sunset

safari elephants

On our way back to camp, we witnessed the most spectacular sunset we had ever seen. We’ve had the privilege of watching many beautiful sunsets in our life, but nothing compares to an African sunset and this one took our breath away.

As the sky lit up like a burning flame, a herd of elephants walked towards our vehicle. We were directly in their path and as they glided silently through the long grass, I felt my heart well up with emotion. This was the most beautiful moment I had ever experienced in my life.

masai mara safari sunset kenya

The elephants drew closer and the sky exploded into even more vibrant hues of reds, orange and yellow. We had to get back to camp or they’d send out the park rangers, but even our guide Makau couldn’t pull himself away.

The elephants continued to walk towards us and the entire herd passed within a few metres of our truck. They seemed to be in a trance, walking deliberately yet relaxed. They moved as if gliding over water. It was silent, it was magical, it was Africa.

For a safari in Kenya visit Wilderness Zones Safaris owned and operated by our guide James Makau

  • Get your  Lonely Planet Travel Guide  to Kenya on Amazon
  • Get your  pocket guide to wildlife  including the Big 5 of Kenya on Amazon
  • Birds may not be a part of the Big 5 but people love them and there are a lot of bird species in Africa,  get your guide on Amazon. 
  • On Safari in Tanzania – The Ultimate Wildlife Experience
  • Hot Air Balloon and Champagne over the Masai Mara
  • What to Wear on Safari – Everything You Need to Know to Be Prepared
  • 20 Not to Be Missed Animal Encounters
  • African Big 5 Safari – A video is way better than a stupid trophy

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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35 thoughts on “Kenya Safari – The Masai Mara Experience”

Kenya is the most beautiful and amazing place.

yeah, it is I wish to travel to Kenya one day.

I miss being out in the wilderness guiding safari after seeing your amazing images from safari in Kenya. Its therapeutic. Hopefully soon we will get to start traveling again. Karanja

Masai Mara offers the best sunset. I love your experiences, they are very enticing and well described. Thank you Dave and Deb for sharing this incredible experiences.

Kenya is the most amazing place.

I love everything about masai mara. Planning to visit in august

Wow, such an amazing post. I like to visit these types locations.

Great Post.Nice pictures especially Cheetah thanks for sharing

Thank you! We love Cheetahs too!

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. These Kenya safari photos say it all. Masai Mara is still the place to visit while on a Kenya Safari. Thanks for sharing.

Beautiful pictures! I have been to the Maasai Mara myself last month and it was absolutely amazing!! It is so incredible seeing all those animals in their natural habitat.

Amazing photos! Planning on a visit out there myself next year.

What I find highly DISTURBING though, is you mention that the CHINESE are paving roads?!! These are the culprits behind mass slaughter of elephants, not to mention other African species that have been pushed to the brink of extinction. I can only assume that their presence in Africa, be it under the guise of “construction”, is absolutely NOT a good thing.

The more roads “they” pave, the more destruction of African wildlife will follow. Give me a bumpy ride any time of the day.

That’s an interesting point. I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks for sharing.

This is a memorable experience. beautiful Kenya.

The most amazing place to be,It’s just lovely.

Wow! These photos are amazing thanks for sharing! I’m so interested in safari holiday, I think I’ve read every single blog about it. I’ve heard a lot about positive experiences with Porini Camp safari. This article actually convinced me to try this kind of safari – What do you think?

debndave, your are relay lucky to have experienced this amazing scenery. A picture is worth a thousand words as they say, all the sunset and cheetah shots are exceptional, and reflect an outstanding Kenya safari holiday. Thanks for sharing.

This is a memorable experience. It really captures it all

This is just amazing and the photos are so adorable…thumbs up

and why does Mara always give people that…indescribable feeling even for return travelers. Who can talk about the magic behind this?

I actually loved kenya.3nights at sopa lodges was just kids enjoyed the company of our designated driver guide from mystique safaris which trades as wild wild mara(brand).I’m looking foward to travel there this season.The sunset is just expensive and to sum it up we managed to spot the big cats.truly an unforgettable experience.We love kenya for real.

This really captures it all. Every time I visit the Mara (Masai mara) it is as if for the first time. As you say, my heart always well up in emotions. You feel in touch with nature and earth. Everything else seems insignificant. Thanks for sharing and ‘Karibuni Kenya’…Welcome to Kenya

I am so glad that we could capture it the way you remember. It is an emotional experience to see the Mara and the animals of it. one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Ok African Safari is now ALSO on my list of places to go. Since I’ve started reading travel blogs my list is getting longer and longer! But I love warmth, and animals, and the outdoors so something like this seems perfect!

Beautiful photos.

I know exactly how you feel. Since we started traveling, our list of places to see is getting longer and longer. The more we see, the more we realize how much we still have yet to experience. I think every time we go on a trip, we add two or three more destinations to the places we must go in the future. I hope you get to go on an African Safari one day soon. it is amazing.

Yeah! I was actually considering doing one of those “volunteer” safaris where you pay $1000 for the week and then you work/ride peoples horses and go on the elephant walks. That just seems expensive for a stay though. I think I’m going to compare. Have you ever been on a horse one? I LOVE horses so that’s how I schedule most of my adventures.

Hi Cat, we were actually just on a horse safari in South Africa. It was only a day tour, but what an amazing experience to have zebras run around us.

Amazing shots of chilling cheetah, sunsets and elephants.

Thank you! We were so lucky to see that cheetah. We never saw another one again after that first day. it goes to show, that safaris are unpredictable. What you see one day, will be gone the next.

Spectacular! It really does look as if you were right up close to the animals – glad you managed to get a shot of the cheetah before he was spooked off.

Though I can’t imagine a more amazing moment than elephants at sunset! I hope I get to experience something like that in my life. Wow.

Thanks! Yes, the elephants at sunset was spectacular. They moved so effortlessly. It felt as if we were in the middle of an epic movie. I think my jaw was dropped the entire time. The colours of the sky, the herd of elephants, the long grass… It was a perfect moment.

wow! i cant wait to do this trip some day. unreal photos!!

Truly spectacular sunset, Deb and Dave. Thanks for sharing it with us!

I’ve long been an animal lover ever since I was a child and my dad worked for the Pennsylvania Game Commission. I was always so excited when we fostered an abandoned baby or nursed an injured one back to health. Going to Africa on safari is my dream.

I am this is pretty much the most amazing trip EVER! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! That sunset pic, that elephant pic, that cheetah pic…AMAZING!

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Africa Safari Tours & Vacations

  • Africa Safari Tours & Holidays

Take a walk on the wild side on an African safari.

The word “safari” means “journey” in Swahili. And a safari in Africa is all about the journey. While seeing a leopard munch on a freshly caught gazelle or spying a curious lion cub venture away from its mother’s protective embrace will be highlights of your trip, you’ll discover the journey is as much a part of your trip as the destination.

The road-trip games you play with your new travel mates, the feeling of the wind (and maybe a little dust) in your hair when you’re travelling down long, winding roads, and the young Maasai boy who waved at you as you passed him along the road will stay with you long after you return.

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Okavango & Beyond

9 days from 2300.

Travel from Zimbabwe to South Africa via Botswana. The Okavango and Beyond trip is the...

Vic Falls to Stone Town

17 days from 2023.

See East Africa in 17 days including Victoria Falls, Matobo, South Luwanga, Lake Malawi...

Southern Africa Adventure

30 days from 4320.

Take a month long southern African adventure from Cape Town into Namibia, Botswana and...

Essential East Africa

10 days from 1790.

Hit the (dirt) road through Kenya and Tanzania. Safari in the Serengeti, Ngorongoro...

Africa Encompassed Northbound

64 days from 11646.

This epic journey with explores Southern Africa in detail including Botswana, Kenya,...

Johannesburg to Kenya

37 days from 6341.

Travel the waterways of Botswana, the beaches of Zanzibar and the savannahs of the...

Cape Town to Kenya

49 days from 7407.

Experience the ultimate African adventure on this epic trip including Kenya, Botswana,...

Kruger & Coast

9 days from 1140.

Explore diverse southern Africa on this nine-day adventure, including Kruger National...

Gorillas to Vic Falls

42 days from 8757.

Explore Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe on this epic trip that included a...

Safari to Kilimanjaro - Machame Route

16 days from 6125.

Explore the wonders of Tanzania and Kenya including a trek to the summit of Mt...

Africa Encompassed Southbound

63 days from 10288.

Set out on a mighty African adventure through Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe...

Vic Falls to Kenya

28 days from 4476.

Discover East African wilderness and the animals that call it home on an adventure...

Zanzibar to Cape Town

40 days from 4676.

Explore Africa on an epic wildlife-rich adventure from Tanzania to South Africa while...

Kenya to Cape Town

48 days from 6764.

Tour Africa's best from Kenya to Cape Town through Tanzania, Zanzibar, Malawi, Zimbabwe...

Stone Town to Nairobi

9 days from 2012.

Explore Tanzania on this trip travelling to Nairobi via the Serengeti and the Usambara...

Stone Town to Vic Falls

16 days from 1972.

Track rhinos on foot and embrace the sights and sounds of Eastern Africa on this unique...

Johannesburg to Gorillas

52 days from 10602.

Experience the waterways of Botswana, the beaches of Zanzibar, the savannahs of the...

Kenya to Vic Falls

27 days from 4544.

Explore the wilds of East Africa on a trip from Nairobi to the Serengeti, Usambara...

Kilimanjaro & Serengeti Adventure

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Spend 27 days exploring the wonders, wildlife and tribal cultures of East Africa to...

Zanzibar to Vic Falls

19 days from 2324.

Explore East Africa from Zanzibar's beaches to the roar of Victoria Falls, seeing...

Johannesburg to Zanzibar

29 days from 4307.

From Johannesburg to Botswana, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Lake Malawi and...

Zanzibar to Nairobi

12 days from 2360.

Get a true taste of eastern Africa on a 12-day trip to Zanzibar, the Serengeti,...

Vic Falls to Zanzibar

20 days from 2402.

Travel from the thundering Victoria Falls to the spice plantations of Zanzibar via...

Vic Falls to Gorillas

43 days from 8690.

Take an epic trip through eastern Africa, via Victoria Falls, the Serengeti and...

Africa safari h ighlights

Elephants in Kruger National Park

Spot the Big 5 in South Africa

Go on safari through Kruger National Park, one of the largest game reserves in Southern Africa . This massive park is one of the premier safari spots in all of Africa and for good reason; it’s home to over 500 bird species, 100 species of reptile and 150 mammal species, including the Big Five and the endangered African wild dog.

Gorillas in Uganda

Go gorilla trekking in Uganda

Venture deep into the steamy jungles of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in search of the rare mountain gorilla. With a local guide to lead you, you’ll trek into the forest to spend one unforgettable hour watching and hanging out with a family of gorillas. A close encounter with these gentle giants is an extraordinary African experience that will always stay with you.

giraffes on the Serengeti in Tanzania

Float over the Serengeti

The only thing more magical than witnessing the great wildebeest migration across the Serengeti? Seeing it from the sky in a hot air balloon. As the herds of wildebeest and thousands of other animals travel from Serengeti National Park to the greener pastures of the Masai Mara National Reserve, you can watch their journey and enjoy incredible views from a unique perspective.

Okavango Delta

Canoe in the Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta has a unique system of waterways that are home to an immense array of wildlife. The best way to explore it is in a mokoro, a traditional dugout canoe. Visit in May to September, when animals are confined to small islands created by the annual flood, making it easy to spot great herds of elephant and antelope, hippos, crocodiles, lions, cheetahs and more. 

Popular safari destinations

A group of cheetahs lying in the African sun

Kruger National Park

A lone lion blends in with the brown grasses of the Serengeti

Serengeti National Park

A safari guide rowing a boat through a swap at sunset in Okavango Delta, Botswana

The Okavango Delta

Two travellers looking at an elephant on a Serengeti safari in Tanzania

Region comparisons

The waterways and greenery of the Okavango Delta from up high

Chobe or Okavango?

A herd of zebra walking along the grassy plains of the Serengeti in Tanzania

Serengeti or Masai Mara?

Gorilla in the forest

View our range of gorilla treks

Where we stay on safari.

Camping in Africa

On our safari trips you’ll stay in billion-star accommodation. That’s our way of saying you’re sleeping under the night sky, camping in the great outdoors. On our Basix and sections of Original trips, you’ll stay in two-person canvas tents that our crew will help you set up. And on our Comfort trips, you’ll be staying in permanent tented camps and lodges (think glamping instead of camping).

Campsite facilities can sometimes be basic, but wherever possible, we make sure there are Western-style toilets and warm water available. But you’ll find it’s worth sacrificing a warm shower or two when you’re waking up to sunrise over the Masai Mara.

How we get around

Africa overland truck

On our safari trips, your main mode of transport is an overland truck, a purpose-built vehicle made for driving through Africa’s winding, and sometimes bumpy, country roads. While the trucks don’t have air conditioning, they do have sliding windows which let in the breeze and make it even easier to take spectacular snaps of the local wildlife. The trucks are also equipped with power outlets to charge your camera, phone and other devices on the go.

For more info on our overland trucks, see our Africa overland page .

African Safari FAQs

When is the best time to go on safari.

Generally speaking, January, February and June to October are the best times to go on safari in Africa. This is the dry season, so animals tend to come out into more open spaces in search of water, making them easier to spot. However, you’ll be able to spot animals all year round and you’ll enjoy fewer crowds if you travel outside peak season.

Read more about the best time to go on safari .

Where is the best place to go on safari?

The best place to go on safari depends on what kind of animals you’d like to see and what other activities you’d like to do in destination. We offer safaris to some of the best safari destinations in eastern and southern Africa, like Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia and more.

Read more about how to choose your ideal African safari . 

Am I guaranteed to see animals on safari?

While we can’t guarantee you’ll spot the Big 5, you’d have to be profoundly unlucky to see no animals at all. On our trips, you’ll explore some of the best game parks and national reserves in the world. These protected areas are filled with a huge variety of different species and your expert driver and local leader will help you spot animals.

What are the “Big 5”?

The “Big 5” used to refer to the five big game animals that were the most difficult to hunt. Now that most shooting is done on a camera, the Big 5 are the most exciting animals to spot while on safari: the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo.

What should I pack for safari?

Loose, light clothing in neutral colours is the best attire for a safari (dark colours will get hot in the sun and can attract the Tsetse fly). You’ll also want a sun hat, some good walking shoes, a camera, sunscreen and bug spray. For more details, check out our ultimate Africa packing guide . 

What type of food will be served on safari?

On our Basix trips you’ll have a cook travelling with you while you are on safari who will whip up a variety of local flavours and Western-style dishes. Along your route, your cook will stop to purchase fresh, locally sourced food for your meals. You can expect a variety of things for breakfast like fruit, eggs, toast and cereal; lunch is often sandwiches and salads; and dinner is usually a hearty meal like pasta, curry or a BBQ.

On our Original and Comfort trips there will be more meals at camps and lodges along the way. No matter what you’re craving, you definitely will not be going hungry on safari.

What are the toilets and showers like on safari?

Most of the permanent tented camps will have a private bathroom with flushing toilets and showers with warm water. 

Many of the campsites we stay at have communal facilities with flushing toilets and showers with warm water. However, in some of the more remote areas, there may only be basic facilities (toilets and cold running water). 

Can you accommodate accessibility requirements on your safari tours?

We are committed to making travel accessible to everyone, so we will work with you to assess whether you will be able to complete an existing itinerary, or whether we will be able to make reasonable adjustments to meet your needs before you book. Please see our accessible travel page for more information. 

What is internet and phone access like on safari?

Some of our hotels and campsites will have Wi-Fi, however Internet and phone access may be limited in more remote areas. But you won’t miss it when you’re watching a pride of lions prowl through long grass or enjoying a drink around the campfire with your group. 

Responsible travel

safari voyage blog

Our stance on Animal Welfare

This world and the animals that call it home are precious, and we believe it’s our responsibility to help preserve them. We do not include or condone any activities that exploit animals on our safari trips, including hunting, feeding or interacting with animals in any way. We believe that wild animals should be observed in the wild, from a respectful distance. 

Some tips for being a wildlife-friendly traveller include never buying animal products, not participating in activities that include contact with the animals, and not including location tags on social media posts (some poachers have gone high-tech and use social media to track rare animals’ locations).

Read more about our Animal Welfare Policy here . 

Read more about African safaris

safari voyage blog

Apr 18, 2023

Tanzania or south africa which....

So you've got your eye on the Big Five...

safari voyage blog

May 24, 2023

Chobe vs okavango: which one should....

We’ve put these Chobe and Okavango head to head in an epic ‘safari battle’. Who's...

safari voyage blog

May 03, 2022

When’s the best time to go on safari....

You’ll probably want to pack your bags as soon as you start imaging the African...

Wanderlust Storytellers – An Inspirational Family Travel Blog

Complete Africa Travel Blog: To Help You Plan Your First Trip

Africa is a continent that offers something for everyone.

Whether you’re looking to explore bustling city centers, immerse yourself in safaris, explore deserts, or take in the stunning coastline, there’s no shortage of options.

South Africa, Namibia, and Morocco are some of the most popular destinations for first-time visitors to Africa.

Travel Namibia with Kids Ultimate Guide

Africa is also a great country to visit with kids. Our kids especially loved visiting South Africa and Namibia. We are big fans of Safaris.

Quick side story: Jolene happens to be from South Africa. She lived there until she was 21 and then she immigrated to Australia.

Africa is one of the best destinations to visit in the world , so let’s get into everything you should know before you plan your first trip.

What is the Best Time of Year to Travel to Africa?

The best time to visit Africa depends on the region and activities you’re interested in.

Generally, the warmest months are from December to March, making it a popular time for beach holidays.

Autumn (March-May) is the best time for mountain trekking, as days are warm and dry.

In East Africa, this is also a great time to witness the wildebeest migration in the Serengeti.

What Month is Best for a Safari in Africa?

safari in namiba

June to October is considered the best time for safari in Africa.

It is the dry season of the year, which means that animals will have to congregate around the bigger water damns.

The weather is also less hot and humid, with cooler mornings and evenings providing more comfortable game drives.

No matter what time of year you choose to visit Africa, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience.

From stunning landscapes to vibrant cultures, there’s something for everyone!

How Many Days In Africa Is Enough?

morocco desert

Africa is an immense continent of diverse cultures and landscapes, so it’s hard to answer this question with one definitive answer.

If your goal is to visit only one country, then it’s best to allow a minimum of two weeks or more.

Every country in Africa is unique, so it is recommended that you research your destination and plan accordingly.

For example, if you are visiting South Africa, then 10 days should be enough to explore the attractions around Cape Town, together with a visit to Kruger National Park.

However, if you want to travel further afield and explore the stunning African wilderness, then it is recommended to allocate at least three or more weeks for your trip.

No matter how much time you have in Africa, you will be sure to experience something truly unforgettable.

What is the Safest Country in Africa to Visit?


According to the Global Peace Index, Mauritius is currently the safest country in Africa and the 28th safest country in the world.

Mauritius offers up a wonderful combination of cultures, friendly people, varied cuisine, and a diverse ethnic community.

There are activities for all types of travelers in this beautiful tourist paradise – from relaxing on the beaches and lagoons, coral diving, and water activities, to exploring the “Seven Colored Earth” of Chamarel and beautiful forests full of wildlife.

The overall crime rate in Mauritius is quite low and the crimes that do occur are mostly non-violent such as petty thefts.

So if you’re looking for the safest destination in Africa, Mauritius should be at the top of your list!

In second place is Botswana, which has moved down from its 1st place ranking in 2021.

Botswana still offers a very safe environment with a Global Peace Index score of 1.676 – higher than the UK or Spain!

With stunning views and rich wildlife, it’s the perfect destination for adventure seekers looking to explore the beauty of Africa.

Which African Country Should You Visit First

Africa is an expansive continent with a wealth of cultural, historical, and natural beauty to explore.

No matter what type of experience you are looking for, there is sure to be something here that will excite you.

1. South Africa


If you’re looking for a truly unforgettable experience, then South Africa should be your go-to destination.

With its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and diverse culture, this country has something to offer everyone.

Make sure to visit the iconic Table Mountain in Cape Town – it’s one of the most beautiful spots in all of Africa!

You can also take a wildlife safari to see some of the country’s unique species like lions, elephants, and rhinos.

Traveling around South Africa is also relatively easy and safe. The locals are friendly and welcoming, making it a great place to explore.

Is South Africa baby-friendly ? South Africa is perfect for kids of all ages! And we found it really easy to explore with our toddler and two older children.

Make sure to check out our South Africa travel guide for more information on where to go in South Africa and the 10 best airlines in Africa to help you choose the best airline carrier!

Spitzkoppe Natural Bridge in Namibia

This beautiful country is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in Africa.

From the Namib Desert and its vast red dunes to the Okavango Delta and its wide open plains filled with wildlife – there’s plenty here to keep you entertained.

Namibia is a great place to take a road trip – the roads are well-maintained and provide an amazing way to explore the country’s unique landscapes.

Traveling around Namibia is easy, although it can be quite expensive compared to other countries in Africa.

However, if you’re looking for a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience, then Namibia is an excellent choice.

Make sure to check out our Namibia travel guide for more information on where to go and what to do.

best holidays for tweens to marrakech, morocco

Morocco is one of the most vibrant and exotic countries in Africa. From its bustling markets and stunning architecture to its rich culture and delicious cuisine – there’s something here that everyone will enjoy.

This country is also incredibly safe and easy to explore, making it a great choice for first-time visitors to Africa.

Make sure to visit the ancient city of Marrakech – it’s filled with bustling souks and incredible architecture that will take your breath away.

You can also explore the Sahara Desert on a camel ride, or take a boat trip down the Nile River.

No matter where you go in Morocco, you’re sure to have a truly unforgettable experience.

Make sure to check out our Morocco travel guide for more information on where to go and what to do.

safari voyage blog

Egypt is a land of mystery and marvel.

From the ancient pyramids and sphinx of Giza, to the stunning temples of Luxor – there’s something here that will capture your imagination.

You can also explore some of the country’s incredible cities like Cairo and Alexandria.

Here you’ll find bustling markets and vibrant nightlife, as well as a wealth of cultural attractions.

Egypt is also a relatively safe and easy country to explore.

Traveling around the country can be done by train, car, or even boat – giving you plenty of options for getting from place to place.

No matter what type of experience you’re looking for, Egypt has something to offer everyone.

5. Seychelles

safari voyage blog

Seychelles is a group of over 100 islands scattered in the Indian Ocean.

With its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush jungle vegetation – this archipelago is truly paradise on Earth.

Seychelles is also a great place to get away from it all and relax.

There’s no shortage of luxurious resorts here, so you can spend your days lounging on the beach and soaking up the sun.

For those looking for a bit more adventure, there are plenty of activities to choose from – such as snorkeling, fishing, sailing, and kayaking.

No matter what type of experience you’re looking for in Seychelles, you’re sure to find something here that will suit your needs.

6. Tanzania

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Tanzania is one of Africa’s most popular and diverse countries.

From its stunning national parks and wildlife reserves, to its vibrant culture and traditions – there’s something here that everyone will enjoy.

Make sure to visit the Serengeti National Park, where you’ll find some of the world’s most incredible wildlife.

You can also explore the Ngorongoro Crater and its incredible array of animals, or head to Zanzibar and soak up the sun on its white-sand beaches.

No matter where you go in Tanzania, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience.

Start your research for your trip with our Tanzania travel blog posts .

African Safaris For First-Timers

Are you ready to explore the wild African continent?

An African safari is a great way for first-timers to get up close and personal with some of the world’s most incredible creatures and scenery.

Before booking that trip, there are a few things you should know about planning an African safari.

Are African Safaris Safe?

Giraffe crossing the dirt road in Etosha National Park in Namibia right in front of a car full of tourists

Yes, African safaris are generally safe if you take the proper precautions.

If you are planning on doing Game Drives with a guide: As long as you follow your guide’s instructions when it comes to camp, game drives, and bush walks, you should never feel like your safety is at risk.

Be sure to research the safari company you choose and read reviews from past customers.

During the drive make sure you follow all the guide directions – they know how to keep you safe.

If you are planning on doing self-drive safaris: Make sure to follow all the park rules (as well as any local laws).

Do not leave the car unless it is in a fenced area with signs saying it is safe to do so.

Also best to keep your windows up – I have had a few instances where a cheetah walked right past my window from the back of the car – only realized it was there till it was right next to me!

Another important tip is to always make sure you have enough petrol and a charged phone.

Safety should always be a priority when traveling, but if you follow these tips and stay cautious, you and your family can enjoy an unforgettable African safari experience!

Best time for safaris in Africa

The best time for safaris in Africa depends on which country or region you are visiting.

Generally, the dry season (June to September) is best for game-viewing as animals will congregate around permanent water sources and it’s easier to spot wildlife.

In East Africa, the main game viewing season is from July to October, when animals are most plentiful.

In Southern Africa, the peak game-viewing season is from May to September.

Of course, safaris can be enjoyed year-round in Africa and some parks offer special attractions during the wet season (December to March).

How many days on safari is enough?

Zebras during the sunset in Etosha National Park in Namibia

The length of your safari really depends on what you want to see and experience, but we recommend at least 4-5 days for an African safari.

This will give you plenty of time to explore different parks, go on game drives, and enjoy the incredible wildlife that Africa has to offer.

Where do most people go on safari in Africa?

self drive safari through Kruger National Park

The most popular African safari destination is South Africa, home to the famous Kruger National Park.

Kruger is one of the few parks in the world where you can go on a self-drive safari and it offers some of the best game-viewing opportunities in all of Africa.

Other great safari destinations include Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, and Namibia.

Should you Visit Africa with Kids?

On Table Mountain, Cape Town South Africa with a toddler

Absolutely! Africa is one of the most exciting and diverse continents in the world, offering a range of experiences to suit children of all ages.

It is a perfect destination to visit with kids (of all ages).

South Africa offers safari trips that are sure to be unforgettable experiences for your kids. South Africa is also a great destination to visit with a toddler (our little one loved it!).

You can also explore vast national parks and game reserves, see incredible wildlife, and visit stunning cities like Cape Town.

Namibia is a great destination for a family adventure, with its extraordinary landscapes and opportunities to explore the desert and enjoy some game drives.

Morocco is a wonderful place to visit with kids, offering an exciting mix of culture, history, and sightseeing.

You can explore the hustle and bustle of Marrakesh’s medina or visit the Sahara Desert for a unique desert experience.

No matter where you choose to go in Africa, your family is sure to have an amazing and unforgettable experience!

Visit the post below to find some great articles full of helpful info for those who want to visit Africa with kids:

  • Travel South Africa with Kids – Your Ultimate Guide
  • Travel Namibia with Kids – Your Ultimate Guide
  • Pros and Cons of Visiting Namibia with a Baby/Toddler
  • Should you Travel to South Africa with a Baby/Toddler?

African Countries Travel Guides

Click on the links below to read an African travel guide on each of these African countries:

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Africa Travel Blog Posts

Click on the links below to read an African travel post about some of the best places to visit in Africa, travel tips for Africa as well as African itineraries. 

South African Airlines

10 Best Airlines in Africa in 2024 (Ranked from Best)

Have you been wondering about the top airlines in Africa? I’ve got you covered! Exploring the African continent by air is an incredibly exciting and … CONTINUE READING

Uganda Tours - Encounter Gorillas and Wildlife on a Uganda Tour

Encounter Gorillas and Wildlife on an Amazing Uganda Tour

Are you looking to experience an unusual wildlife safari experience? Uganda is quite a charming destination that early visitors often referred to as “the pearl … CONTINUE READING

Best Beaches in Mauritius

The Absolute Best Beaches in Mauritius to See on Your Next Trip!

It was Mark Twain who once wrote: “Mauritius was made first and then heaven. Heaven being copied after Mauritius”. With this recommendation, it’s no big … CONTINUE READING

  • After travel guides on destinations other than Africa? A good place to start is on our  Wanderlust Storytellers homepage .

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Other Tour Features

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  • Itinerary can be customized (307)

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African Fly-in Safaris

Imagine an African fly-in safari - flying in a small bush plane over the Serengeti or Kruger National Park, or wilder places like the Luangwa Valley. Way below you’ll spot wildlife such as elephant, hippo and giraffe. All the while you’ll watch the patterns of clouds on expansive savannah plains, and follow the twisting, turning course of great rivers like the Zambezi. Fly-in safaris can really enhance your holiday. They offer a convenient, comfortable means of travel to different destinations, either within one country or between different countries. Most safari destinations have a well-run network of routes that can land right in the heart of the bush. Some lodges even have their own private airstrip.

5-Day Fly in Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater & Lake Manyara

5-Day Fly in Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater & Lake Manyara

$3,135 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Zanzibar (End)

Safari Soles

5.0 /5  –  246 Reviews

5-Day Masai Mara Fly-in Luxury Tour

5-Day Masai Mara Fly-in Luxury Tour

$4,851 to $5,071 pp (USD)

Kenya: Private tour Luxury Tented Camp

You Visit: Nairobi (Start) , Masai Mara NR, Nairobi (End)

Nashibe Adventures

5.0 /5  –  13 Reviews

5-Day Botswana Luxury Tour

5-Day Botswana Luxury Tour

$3,346 to $5,317 pp (USD)

Botswana: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Kasane (Start) , Chobe NP, Okavango Delta, Maun Airport (End)

Wayfairer Travel

4.9 /5  –  149 Reviews

4-Day Unwrapped Luxury Kenya Safari

4-Day Unwrapped Luxury Kenya Safari

$2,552 to $3,640 pp (USD)

Kenya: Private tour Luxury+ Tented Camp

Kameraz of Afrika

4.8 /5  –  98 Reviews

safari voyage blog

6-Day Fly-in and Drive-out Luxury Safari

$4,070 to $4,400 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire NP, Arusha (End)

African Big Cats Safaris

5.0 /5  –  359 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day Luxury Fly in Tour to Serengeti and Ngorongoro

$2,512 to $2,981 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Central Serengeti, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Arusha (End)

EATL Tour Company

5.0 /5  –  9 Reviews

safari voyage blog

10-Day Extraordinary Expedition

$5,495 to $9,568 pp (USD)

Botswana & Zimbabwe: Private tour Luxury Lodge

You Visit: Maun (Start) , Makgadikgadi Pans NP, Okavango Delta, Savuti (Chobe NP) , Chobe NP, Victoria Falls (End)

Safari Online

5.0 /5  –  115 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day Little Governors' Camp Flying Package

$1,716 to $3,234 pp (USD)

Kenya: Shared tour (max 8 people per vehicle) Luxury Tented Camp

Kenya Tulia Safari Holiday Arcade

5.0 /5  –  48 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day Zanzibar to Tarangire, Ngorongoro & Lake Manyara

$1,573 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Lodge

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Tarangire NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Zanzibar (End)

Serengeti Wakanda Tours and Safaris

5.0 /5  –  474 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day Serengeti Fly-in with Ngorongoro Crater

$1,584 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Central Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Serengeti Mystery Adventures

4.8 /5  –  22 Reviews

safari voyage blog

7-Day Affordable Botswana & Victoria Falls

$3,255 to $4,480 pp (USD)

Botswana & Zimbabwe: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Victoria Falls (Start) , Kasane (Town) , Okavango Delta, Maun (End)

Gondwana Tours & Safaris

5.0 /5  –  78 Reviews

safari voyage blog

4-Day Kapama Buffalo Camp Fly-in Safari from Cape Town

$2,687 pp (USD)

South Africa: Shared tour (max 10 people per vehicle) Luxury Tented Camp

You Visit: Cape Town (Start) , Kapama GR (Greater Kruger) , Cape Town (End)

MoAfrika Tours

4.9 /5  –  1166 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day Luxury Fly in, Fly out Adventure

$2,360 pp (USD)

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Central Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Zanzibar (End)

Berngo Safaris

5.0 /5  –  1 Reviews

safari voyage blog

9-Day Fly-in & Drive Safari Northern Tanzania

$3,666 pp (USD)

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Central Serengeti, Serengeti NP, Northern Serengeti NP, Ndutu (Southern Serengeti) , Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Natron, Arusha (End)

Paradise & Wilderness

4.9 /5  –  132 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day Tarangire Ngorongoro, Manyara Safari from Zanzibar

$1,350 pp (USD)

Professional Safaris

5.0 /5  –  55 Reviews

safari voyage blog

4-Day Marvelous Tour Northern Zone & Zanzibar Fly In

$1,784 pp (USD)

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire NP, Zanzibar (End)

Ace Tanzania Tours

5.0 /5  –  4 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day Serengeti and Ngorongoro Fly-in Safari

$1,694 pp (USD)

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Zanzibar (End)

Go Serengeti African Tours

5.0 /5  –  121 Reviews

safari voyage blog

4-Day Comfort Lodge Fly in from Zanzibar Wildlife Safari

$1,502 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Tented Camp

You Visit: Zanzibar (Start) , Lake Manyara NP, Tarangire NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Materuni (Highlight) , Zanzibar (End)

Key2Africa Tours & Safaris

5.0 /5  –  30 Reviews

safari voyage blog

3-Day 2 Nights Flying Safari to Maasai Mara from Nairobi

$1,760 pp (USD)

African Beast Tours and Safaris

4.3 /5  –  6 Reviews

safari voyage blog

11-Day Very Best of Zimbabwe Luxury Safari

$6,648 to $8,162 pp (USD)

Zimbabwe: Private tour Luxury Tented Camp & Hotel

You Visit: Victoria Falls (Start) , Hwange NP, Lake Kariba, Mana Pools NP, Victoria Falls Airport (End)

Off2Africa Travel

5.0 /5  –  96 Reviews

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6 Questions About Fly-in Safaris

Sue Watt

Answered by

safari voyage blog

Why should I choose a fly-in trip?

“A fly-in safari can be the ideal way to make the most of your holiday in Africa. Many of the most popular countries for safari destinations are vast, countries such as Namibia, South Africa or Tanzania. Hopping from one place to another by air allows you more time to explore the places you really want to see. Domestic airlines and bush-flight companies have been offering these services for years, and most are very smooth operators. But it’s more than a convenience. There’s the comfort factor in avoiding long, tiring journeys by road, particularly when the infrastructure might be poor. There are enough bumpy drives on safari itself. There’s a real romance and excitement about flying in too. Feeling that sensation of flying over spectacular scenery, and getting a sense of the topography and the scale of where you’re staying. Descending over wide-open savannah. Doing a quick flypast to clear elephant, zebra or impala off the airstrip. Then landing to be greeted by your guide, ready to take you on safari. It’s the perfect start to a trip in the bush!”

Which countries are mostly geared to fly-in safaris?

“Most safari destinations will offer fly-in safaris, either with scheduled flights to main national parks, or private charter flights if your destination is less visited. Botswana is prime fly-in country. Short flights are offered between vastly different environments, from the Okavango Delta’s floods to the dry Kalahari plains, avoiding drives on difficult terrain. Zimbabwe too is a great fly-in option. It has the mighty Zambezi in Mana Pools NP, and the mesmerizing, sea-like Lake Kariba. There’s also the raw, remote Gonarezhou NP in the south, and the majestic Victoria Falls (Vic Falls). Zambia has good options too, covering South and North Luangwa national parks, the Lower Zambezi NP, and Livingstone for Vic Falls. Or combine a fly-in tour to the wilds of Zambia’s Luangwa Valley, with some island time – pop over Lake Malawi to Likoma Island for beachside respite. South Africa also combines well with other countries. You can include Kruger NP and Cape Town with Vic Falls, Chobe NP and other destinations. Kenya is an excellent fly-in destination with its popular national parks and the Indian Ocean coastline. Similarly, in Tanzania, fly-in safaris can take you to the famous Serengeti on the Northern Circuit, and remote Ruaha NP in the south. Then it’s a short hop to Zanzibar.”

What types of aircraft can be used and are they safe?

“The aircraft vary depending on your destination and whether you’re flying by private charter. Many bush airstrips are quite ‘rustic’ (often dirt or gravel) and unsuitable for landing larger planes. My soul sings when I get to an airstrip and there’s a tiny Cessna 206 waiting for me, with just enough room for the pilot and four passengers. They’re my very favorite type of bush flight! Cessna Caravans are good workhorses and a popular choice for flight companies, taking about 12 passengers. Then there are bigger planes like the De Havilland Dash that seat between 35 to 52 passengers. Whichever plane is waiting on the runway/airstrip, you’ll get a full safety briefing from the pilot and all have seatbelts you must wear. This is a very safe way of traveling. Incidents are extremely rare.”

What luggage restrictions are there on an African fly-in trips?

“Luggage space can be severely limited on bush flights. The Cessna 206 has just a small compartment under the seats, for example, and bags are often squashed in to fit inside. The rule of thumb is to take soft duffle bags rather than hard-framed bags with wheels. Some services are very strict about the weight limits they impose and will include your hand luggage and even jackets in the total. As a rough guide, most companies allow around 15kg per person. But check with your tour company and watch out for caveats (e.g. non-fee-paying children may have no baggage allowance). Don’t be surprised if an airline asks your personal weight either. This is often done so that they can balance the smaller planes safely. If you have excess luggage, you can sometimes pay for a freight seat on safari routes. This is cheaper than a second seat, but you’ll need to do this in advance. Bearing in mind that most lodges and camps on safari offer a laundry service, the trick is to pack light and wash often.”

How much will this safari cost?

“Most tour operators offer packages that include your bush flights. Fly-in safaris aren’t limited to luxury holidays and it’s difficult to generalize about the price of a fly-in safari. So much depends on the country you’re visiting, whether the parks are on a scheduled route or whether you need a private charter. Other factors are the distances involved, your level of accommodation and how many ‘hops’ you’ll be taking by air. In Botswana, prices might range from US$450 per person per day for a budget fly-in safari to around US$1350 per person a day for a luxury option. In comparison, prices for midrange fly-in holidays in Kenya start from around US$300 per person per day. In Namibia you’re looking at around US$600 per person per day. This is for a safari in your own private plane for between two and six guests, with an amazing view over Namibia’s spectacular landscapes.”

What should I consider when choosing a fly-in safari?

“The first factors to consider are your budget and the time you have available for your trip. Fly-in safaris are great for travelers who are short on time. It’s also worth deciding whether you want to experience more of a country than just the specific destinations you would be flying into. Driving from place to place gives a better sense of a country, its people and culture than flying over it. This is particularly so in somewhere like Rwanda, with its spectacular scenery, good roads and lively local scene as you pass by. If you suffer badly from motion sickness or are a nervous flyer, a fly-in safari might not be the most suitable option for you. Bush planes can be small and bumpy, and aren’t always conducive to a smooth flying experience. They also often stop at other bush airstrips on the way to yours, meaning several take-offs and landings. Having said all that, they are also an exciting experience and can really add to your safari adventure. On some of the smaller planes, you can even sit alongside the pilot.”

safari voyage blog

Safari holidays to match your interests

Dreaming of a remarkable tanzania safari.

There is nothing like planning your first safari -there are so many opportunities for exploration and relaxation, so many ideas to consider. With a map of Africa laid out before you, the possibilities play like a movie in your mind: Rolling along a golden landscape, your eyes plying the plains for a spectacular sight.

We are Tanzanian

Based in Arusha, our team of experts are all born and raised in Tanzania. We spend our own holidays on safari, and understand what goes into making every trip a once in a life-time experience.

We are Safari Experts

We have first-hand knowledge of every single destination, lodge and activity we recommend. Collectively, Our time spent exceeds a year on safari to ensure you get the best, unbiased advice.

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Tanzania Private & Custom Safaris

Uniquely designed safaris for your private group.

Explore the stunning wilderness of Tanzania with tailor-made safari adventures. Enjoy the serenity of the African savannah and experience breathtaking landscapes.

6 Day Taste of Tanzania Safari Ngorongoro Crater & Tarangire

  • 6 Days / 5 Nights
  • Private Tanzania Safari

2 Days Private Safari to Tarangire Northern Circuit Destinations

  • 2 Days / 1 Nights

6 Day Best of Tanzania Safari Northern Circuit Destinations

6 day tanzania safari tarangire, ngorongoro, serengeti & manyara, 6 day tanzania safari with sunset walking on the crater rim and maasai, 3 days private safari to arusha northern circuit destnations.

  • 3 Days / 2 Nights

Why Travel With Us

Book your safari with kale voyage.

We love Tanzania. Our passion for this country, has us understanding what goes into making each and every trip to Tanzania a once in a lifetime experience. Our team of experts are all born and raised in Tanzania. We have first hand experience with safaris and mountain climbs.

Tanzania Budget & Camping Safaris

Budget and basic camping tanzania safaris.

Travelers choose a Tanzania budget safari or camping safari for a variety of reasons. Some people choose this option because they want to feel closer to nature. Some, because it is less expensive than staying in lodges and tented camps.

4 Days Safari 3 Night - lake Manyara & Ngorongoro Crater

  • 4 Days / 3 Nights
  • Budget Tanzania Safari

5 Days Safari 4 Night: Gombe Stream Park Western Circuit

  • 5 Days / 4 Nights

5 Days Safari 4 Nights: Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti

6 days 5 nights safari: tarangire, serengeti (2 nights), ngorongoro crater, 6 days 5 nights safari: tarangire, serengeti (2 nights), ngorongoro, lake manyara.

  • 7 Days / 6 Nights

4 Days 3 Nights Safari:Lake Mayara National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area

We’ll give you the tanzania safari you really want.

The journeys you can see on this website are some of the very best ways to experience Tanzania. However, these journeys can be tailored to your particular needs.

100% Safari Customisation

tell us about your trip requirement & we’ll work together to tailor your trip to meet your exact requirement so you have a trip of your dreams.

Flexible Payment Options

we accept all forms your payment method, from credit cards, bank transfers to cash, we also have favorable cancellation policy for both parties.

Where to Go in Tanzania | Best Tanzania Safari Destinations

Top destinations for safari, mountain climbing and beach holidays.

Tanzania offers something for everyone. Spectacular wildlife and landscapes; opportunities for climbing the ‘Roof of Africa’; rich cultural history, tropical paradise islands with turquoise waters, and some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.

The Serengeti National Park

Ngorongoro conservation area, the tarangire national park.

  • Lake Manyara National Park

Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing

Zanzibar & pemba islands.

herd of deer on brown grass field during daytime

Travel with Confidence

Affordable safari in the northern circuit destinations.

The most affordable way to visit the Serengeti is to book a holiday package which includes transport from Arusha, lodging, meals, park fees, as well as game drives, and other activities

Trek Kilimanjaro with The Exploration Travel DMC

One of our principal goals is to see our clients reach the summit.

Take as many days as you can afford to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, on a route with a high success rate. Treks typically last 5-8 days, though we consider five days to be too short – and dangerous! – and so should you.

the best route to climb Kilimanjaro

Mountain climbing and trekking.

Our affordable and carefully planned  Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro Packages  outperform all other  trip  Kilimanjaro  packages  available on the internet.

7 Days Machame Route Mount Kilimanjaro Climb

  • Kilimanjaro Trek Tour

8 Days Lemosho Route Mount Kilimanjaro Climb

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The Lemosho route approaching from the West wins hands down for the best views with spectacular vistas in all directions.

  • Machame Route Climb
  • Climb Marangu Route
  • Trek Lemosho Route
  • Rongai Route Climb
  • Umbwe Route Climb
  • Northern Circuit Route

Best Seller & Popular Destinations

  • Serengeti National Park
  • Tarangire National Park
  • Ngorongoro Crater
  • Arusha National Park
  • Gombe Stream national park

Tanzania Travel Tips

  • Gombe stream national park
  • Best Time to Visit Tanzania
  • Zanzibar Planning Guide
  • Tipping Guideline
  • Use of Drones in Tanzania
  • Entry Requirements(Visa & Yellow fever)

Our Top Trip Ideas & Experiences

  • Serengeti Migration Safaris
  • Tanzania Family Safaris
  • Tanzania Camping Safaris
  • Photographic Safaris
  • Bird Watching Safaris
  • Wedding & Honeymoon Safaris

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safari voyage blog

Safari Voyages started as one of leading tour operator in Tunisia and north Africa. The Group now has ( Safari voyages, Salinas, Professional Voyages) a significant portfolio gathered by Mr Hatem Tlili, Founder and CEO, under the Group umbrella leaded by consists of strong tour operators and DMC, 164 travel agencies and leading online portals from all around the world, and many incoming agencies in all major holiday destinations around the globe.

Our Objective is to cover the entire tourism value chain under one roof.

This integrated offering enables us to provide our 7000 customers per year with an unmatched holiday experience in 82 different regions on 5 continents .

A key feature of our Outgoing culture is our global responsibility for economic, environmental and social sustainability. This is reflected in more than 14 years of commitment to sustainable tourism.

Safari Voyages all rights reserved 2022

DMC / Tour Operator Tunisia

Turkey / UAE

  • CruiseMapper
  • UnCruise Adventures

Safari Voyager

Former names: sea voyager, temtress voyager.

Safari Voyager cruise ship

Cruise line UnCruise Adventures

  • San Jose del Cabo (Baja California Mexico)
  • Seattle (Washington)
  • Belize City (Belize)
  • Cartagena Colombia (Colombia)
  • Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica)

Safari Voyager current position

Safari Voyager current location is at North America West Coast (coordinates 24.16176 N / -110.31960 W) cruising en route to LA PAZ. The AIS position was reported 5 minutes ago.

Current itinerary of Safari Voyager

Safari Voyager current cruise is 7 days, round-trip 7 Night Bajas Bounty Cruise . Prices start from USD 5900 (double occupancy rates). The itinerary starts on 18 May, 2024 and ends on 25 May, 2024 .

Specifications of Safari Voyager

  •   Itineraries
  •   Review
  •   Wiki

Safari Voyager Itineraries

Safari voyager review, review of safari voyager.

The 1982-built MV Safari Voyager cruise ship is currently owned and operated by UnCruise Adventures USA . The ship was built in 1982 by “Chesapeake Shipbuilding” and was last refurbished in 2015. In July 2016, AdventureSmith Explorations announced adding the renovated Safari Voyager to its fleet under time-charter from UnCruise Adventures.

Like all UnCruise ships, Safari Voyager (IMO number 8963753) is USA- flagged (MMSI 334558000) and all American-crewed.

History - construction and ownership

The 66-passenger ship Safari Voyager has a navy blue hull and offers refined atmosphere, just like all other Un-Cruise Adventures ships – the expedition-style cruising is combined with luxury. Safari Voyager cruise ship is the perfect size to explore Baja California and Mexico’s Sea of Cortes (“the aquarium of the world”).

UnCruise Adventures (formerly American Safari Cruises) is a USA-based, wholly-owned cruise company, a subsidiary of InnerSea Discoveries Alaska. In 2013, the American Safari Cruises line was renamed to "Un-Cruise Adventures". Currently, the company has 2 headquarters - main headquarters in Seattle WA  and second in  Juneau AK .

Safari Voyager cruise ship

Decks and Cabins

MS Safari Voyager has only 33 staterooms, all of which are outside/oceanview, and have private heated bathrooms. The cabin grades number is 6.

The boat has 4 decks , all of which are passenger-accessible and 3 have cabins.

Shipboard facilities and amenities

Safari Voyager has an intimate salon, Wine Library, and inviting dining room that encourages mingling among guests. All meals are included, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are complimentary in the main dining room and Voyager’s Lounge.

Safari Voyager cruise ship

The UnCruise Voyager ship easily visits areas that bigger ships cannot and offers adventure equipment including paddleboards, kayaks, inflatable skiffs, hydrophone and an underwater camera (linked to the yacht’s lounge and all cabin TVs). Entertainment options also include a Sun Deck, Lounge, Bar, Library, Fitness equipment, massages.


MS Safari Voyager schedule calendar includes Mexico’s Sea of Cortes round-trip cruises departing from San Jose del Cabo . In 2016-2017 the cruise ship explores the shorelines of Panama and Costa Rica.

In 2020, the company introduced the new "Belize and Guatemala Wonders - Rivers, Reefs and Cultures" itinerary (roundtrip from Belize City ). Operated by Safari Voyager in the period October-December 2020 (a total of 6 departures), the voyage visited Belize Barrier Reef (world's second-largest coral reef - after Great Barrier Reef in Queensland Australia), Ranguana Caye (private island, west of Placencia), Carrie Bow Cay, and Laughing Bird Caye (an island off Placencia's coast). Cruise prices started from USD 4550 pp (Master Stateroom with double occupancy) inclusive of meals, beverages (including alcoholic), watersports activities (snorkeling, seakyaking, beach BBQs) and all transfers. Early bookings received USD 800 ticket price discounts.

In 2023, UnCruise Safari Voyager's schedule featured the "Belize Eclipse Cruise 2023". Departing on October 13th (2023), the 7-night/8-day roundtrip from Belize City visits Belize Barrier Reef (DAY 2/Solar Eclipse Day, Ranguana Caye, Laughing Bird Caye NP), Guatemala's Tapon Creek Nature Reserve/Las Escobas Rainforest Park (DAY 3), Guatemala's Rio Sarstun/Rio Dulce/Livingston (DAY 4), Belize's Punta Gorda (DAY 5/Mayan ruins tour), Payne's Creek NP (DAY 6/Lime Caye), Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary (DAY 7). Prices started from US$5845 per person with double occupancy.

In 2024, UnCruise scheduled for Safari Voyager the "Baja California Eclipse Cruise 2024”. Departing on April 6th (2024), The special voyage offers a perfect viewing of the total Solar Eclipse (April 8th) off Mazatlan's coast. The 7-night/8-day itinerary visits San Jose del Cabo (DAY 1/flight to Los Cabos Airport, embarkation in La Paz ), sea day (DAY 2/Gulf of California), Solar Eclipse Day (DAY 3/Northwest of Mazatlan), sea day (DAY 4/Sea of Cortes), Isla San Francisco (DAY 5), Los Islotes/Isla Partida (DAY 6), La Paz (DAYS 7-8/overnight), San Jose del Cabo (DAY 8/home flight). Prices started from US$ 7150 per person (additional $495 for port taxes and fees). Single-occupancy cabin rates started at $9200.

Safari Voyager - user reviews and comments

Photos of safari voyager.

Safari Voyager cruise ship

Safari Voyager ship related cruise news

UnCruise Adventures opens bookings for “Baja California Eclipse Cruise 2024” (ship Safari Voyager)

UnCruise Adventures opens bookings for “Baja California Eclipse Cruise 2024” (ship Safari Voyager)

UnCruise Adventures announced it had opened bookings for a dedicated “Baja California Eclipse Cruise” setting sail on April 6th, 2024...

  •   show more news

Other UnCruise Adventures cruise ships

  • La Pinta Galapagos
  • Safari Endeavour
  • Safari Explorer
  • Safari Quest
  • SS Wilderness Legacy
  • Wilderness Adventurer
  • Wilderness Discoverer
  • Wilderness Explorer

Safari Voyager Wiki

Safari Voyager cruise ship is an expedition type vessel. Its adventure equipment includes stand-up paddle boards and kayaks; inflatable skiffs; hiking poles; hydrophone (for listening to sounds below the surface). The bow-mounted underwater camera is linked to the ship's lounge and also to all the cabin TVs.

This ship is the best choice for those who like expedition-style cruising and activities, combined with luxury on board. All meals are included in the fares, as well as the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks - complimentary in both main dining room and in the Lounge. All Un-Cruise ships feature navy blue hulls.

The other Un-Cruise "Safari" ships are  Endeavour ,  Explorer  and  Quest .

Safari Voyager cruises in the regions of Baja California and Sea of Cortes (often called "the aquarium of the world").

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UnCruise Adventures

Small Ship Safari Voyager

Discreet, classy, and stealth, the Safari Voyager is comfortable in warm water regions.

Our 66-guest Safari Voyager boasts spacious decks and big windows with 270-degree views in the lounge that showcase the natural surroundings. Enjoy the casual atmosphere, colorful art, nautical décor, and full menu of amenities.

The Safari Voyager is a favorite, comfortable option for our Gulf of California, Baja Sur, and Norte Mexico options as she is built to handle humidity and heat. With her ease of navigating the tropical waters, adventure, wilderness access, and the natural landscape are always at the forefront. A seamless extension of the places she sails, the boat and her mostly local crew exude pura vida (pure life). Handcrafted artwork throughout the vessel and in each cabin pays homage to the cultures of Latin America. Casual in nature, the Safari Voyager is a bit of a show-off, too—take in 270 degrees of view from the top deck or window-to-window in the air-conditioned lounge.

Onboard features include, EZ Dock kayak launch platform; bow-mounted underwater camera; kayaks, paddleboards, inflatable skiffs, hiking poles, snorkel gear; fitness equipment and yoga mats; and DVD and book library.

Cabin Features include, TV/DVD player, hairdryer, bathrobes, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and reusable water bottles.

Size & Year

174' Length | 54' Beam | 9 knots | 10.3 mph | Decks 3 | Gross Tonnage 354 | Built 1982 | Registry: St Kitts & Nevis

66 Guests | 34 Cabins

100% Outside Cabins | 0 Balcony Cabins | 7 Triple Occupancy Cabins

2.2:1 Guest-to-crew ratio

Crew: U.S. and Mexico


Northern Gulf of California: Whales, Birds & Sealife Adventure

Ship Amenities

Four decks for your exploration and relaxation. The Sun deck houses fitness equipment and the kayaks and skiffs. The Bridge deck offers a shaded sitting area aft and the air conditioned lounge, as well as Pathfinder and Admiral cabins and the Bridge. The Cabin deck offers the bow viewing area, another covered area aft, and most of the cabins, including the luxurious Commodore Suite. The Main Deck hosts the Navigator cabins and brings the underwater camera to see marine life from the lounge and the launch platform when you are ready to see the marine life yourself!

The window-lined, air conditioned lounge provides refuge from tropical heat while offering a 270 degree view with seating for all 66 guests. The DVD and book library on the cabin deck offers a beautiful spot to read, with plush furniture and floor to ceiling windows. The elegant dining room hosts all 66 guests in one seating for lunch and dinner, with a breakfast buffet in the morning. Some meals may be served al fresco on the Sun deck. All beverages, alcoholic and non, are included in your cruise fare. Vegetarian entrees are offered at each meal. Dietary restrictions are happily accommodated with advanced notice.

Onboard Features: EZ Dock kayak launch platform; bow-mounted underwater camera; kayaks, paddleboards, inflatable skiffs, hiking poles, snorkel gear; fitness equipment and yoga mats; DVD and book library.

See a PDF version of the deck plan.

safari voyage blog

Main Deck - Underwater camera, crew quarters, Navigator cabins, Galley, Dining Room, and Swim Step / Kayak Launch Platform

safari voyage blog

Cabin Deck - Bow viewing area, Trailblazer and Single cabins as well as Jr Commodores and the Commodore Suite,

safari voyage blog

Bridge Deck - Covered area aft for shaded outdoor sitting, Lounge for air conditioned indoor sitting, Admiral and Pathfinder cabins, along with crew quarters and the Bridge.

safari voyage blog

Sun Deck - As advertised! Fitness equipment, and sometimes used to dine al fresco buffet style.

safari voyage blog

Cabin Features

Cabin Features: TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles

Navigator Cabin

Cabins 103 - 110. Queen or twin beds (cabin 105 fixed twin beds), view window. You room comes complete with TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles.

safari voyage blog

Trailblazer Cabin

Cabins 205, 206, 209 - 222. Queen or twin beds, view window. Your room comes complete with TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles.

safari voyage blog

Single Cabin

Cabins 207 and 208. One Twin bed. Your room comes complete with TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles.

safari voyage blog

Pathfinder Cabin

Cabins 308, 310, and 312. Fixed twin beds, view window. Your room comes complete with TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles.

safari voyage blog

Admiral Cabin

Cabins 307 and 309. Queen or twin beds, view window. Your room comes complete with TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles.

safari voyage blog

Jr Commodore

Cabins 201 - 204. Queen or twin beds, view window. Your room comes complete with TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles.

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Commodore Suite

Fixed queen bed, sitting area with wet bar, refrigerator, media center, large bow-facing windows, jetted whirlpool tub. Your room comes complete with TV/DVD player; hairdryer, bathrobes, conditioning shampoo, body wash; reusable water bottles.

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Let’s Your Journey Begins With Smart Voyage and Safaris

We are the ultimate luxury planner in Africa. We curate unique and personalised services that suit all your luxury travel needs.

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Book your next experience, smart voyage and safaris limited.

Welcome to Smart Voyage and Safaris Limited, your premier partner in crafting unforgettable luxury travel experiences in the heart of enchanting Kenya. We are a dynamic and passionate travel agency based in Nairobi, Kenya, dedicated to curating exceptional journeys that capture the essence of the magnificent world.

Our team is committed to professionalism, great service, integrity, and excellence

Popular Packages

Diani Beach

Luxury Experience in Diani Beach

Nairobi National Park Wildlife

Nairobi National Park Wildlife Encounter in Just Half a Day during your Layover

Nairobi National Park Wildlife Safari with Giraffe Centre Delight

Nairobi National Park Wildlife Safari with Giraffe Centre Delight

Luxury Safari Retreat Amboseli and Tsavo Adventure

A luxury Safari Retreat Amboseli and Tsavo Adventure

Embark on the Ultimate 11-Day Great Migration A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

Embark on the Ultimate 11-Day Great Migration A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara

4-Day Mid-Range Road Trip to Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara

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The land of un-paralleled diversity of fauna and flora.

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South Africa

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Helping You to Find a More Exciting Better Value Safari

To start planning your tour with us, you can create an itinerary from scratch, or modify one of our suggested itineraries.Want to visit the beautiful destination, or start an adventure to reach to the top? We will make it happen.

Why Choose Us

If you are planning a trip anywhere else in East Africa in the near future, you are in luck. Smart voyage safari will help you build the ultimate safari experience.

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Bush experiences.

What comes to mind when you think of traveling to Kenya? The white sandy beaches of the coast and the seeing the big five animals. But Smart Voyage and Safaris prides at curating intimate and private safaris for you and your loved ones. This gives you a chance to customize it to you budget and to your liking and move at your desired pace without having the thought of inconveniencing anyone. Some people will opt to join a group of people which is good for networking and reducing your cost.

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Beach Experiences

Our travelers review.

We are greatful to smart voyage &safaris for making our dream vaccination beautiful. Our trip organizer madam *Kimberly* You’re wonderful and the patience you have with people like me who are not sure of what they want It was a good choice Chef Simon feed us better than we expected Baya the driver was a fantastic driver. I would recommend those 2 anynytime

I had the best time of my life at the Sopa Lodge. Smart Voyage and Safari ensured that my weekend getaway was unforgettable. From the booking process to the actual travel, everything was seamless and exceeded expectation

Thank you Smart Voyage. Looking forward to my next booking with you.

Kim was patient, did an excellent job with planning. No hush hush anywhere, quite a seamless trip. Went ahead and suggested activities i would engage in and organized everything with no extra fee attached to it. She is consistent with ensuring everything works even when on trip. Definitely returning for all my trips!

Smart Voyage and Safaris have constantly been out doing themselves when it comes to giving me and my people a good vacation. Really, thank you for knowing exactly what we need even when we don’t.

Everything was value for money, Smart voyage Safari were superb despite of the short notice, they organises everything and made sure we had an amazing stay in Diani

Smart voyage team was excellent in communicating with us, providing prompt responses to inquiries, and giving detailed information about our honeymoon itinerary and any other relevant details. The team’s communication was also friendly and professional, making us feel valued and appreciated. In addition to this Smart voyage provided excellent value for money, with a well-planned itinerary that included all the romantic stops and activities. The team also organized comfortable accommodations at seven islands, transportation to and from all the romantic sites we visited, and meals, all at a reasonable price.

The trip was value for money! Smart voyage planning is so well detailed that she planned for us the activities for each single day. The fact that you just have to appear and enjoy the activities was so worth it. If you’re planning a trip Smart voyage is the best option. I’ve already started planning my next trip with her.

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Safari Packages Available

African safari vacations, extraordinary african safari experiences..

From a bucket list safari to whale watching on the Cape to the splendor of a river cruise, we offer the ultimate in African travel expertise across your choice of travel styles, all with special member value. Customize your own independent package with the premier destination specialists from Lion World Travel. Or choose a perfectly planned guided vacation from award winning brands Luxury Gold, Trafalgar and Contiki.

Featured Vacations

Lion world travel: botswana experience vacation of a lifetime.

Meerkat Experience, Kalahari Desert, Okavango Delta and More Luxury Suite or Tent

Lion World Travel

Lion World Travel's independent safari packages feature exclusive member prices, deluxe accommodations, "meet and greet" upon arrival and spectacular game drives with local experts, rangers and/or trackers. Select itineraries have airfare included.

Africa Guided Vacations

All details are taken care of from start to finish as you travel like a local with the experts on unforgettable African adventures from Luxury Gold, Trafalgar and Contiki.

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Great reasons to choose us.

Your Safari Experts, ‘The Indian Voyage’ is a group of wildlifers and offbeat travellers who build itineraries based on personal travel experiences. Engage with local communities, experience different shades of mother nature, feel the joy of travel with ‘The Indian Voyage’.

What We Offer

Explore india, india tours.

Indian forests are vibrant, rich in wildlife and full of surprises. Beauty of indian forests lies in its diversity of forests and its residents. Enjoy our tailor made Indian wildlife safari tours to cherish the treasures in the wild.

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Africa Tours

Africa without a doubt is the world’s foremost safari destination. Live your african safari moments and feel the majestsy of african grasslands with our custom made itineraries of African wildlife safari.

Incredible India Tours

‘recommended for travelers visiting india’.

India – the land of diversities, cultures and colors. Come and join us in the journey to explore the beauty of India, that lies in its forests, people, culture and heritage. We have tailor made itineraries to explore wildlife, culture and heritage of magical land, India.

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Group departure tours.

Let us find a beautiful place to get lost, where we have nothing to lose and a world to see. Listen to nature’s song by exploring such off beat destinations hand picked by us to create memories for you.

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What Our Client Says About Us

Wish to know more about the destinations, how to find right trip for you, go through our blogs to find a possible answer.

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African Wildlife : Kenya vs Tanzania

Confused which one to choose for your maiden Africa visit? know the differences here.

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How to Select Destinations for My India Trip

India is a unique amalgam of diverse cultures, traditions, and beliefs, making it a country, unlike any other. With its spectacular pristine forest

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Best Wildlife Destination in India

Best Wildlife Destinations in India  India’s land homes some of the most astonishingly unique and diverse species of flora and fauna, making it a gold


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Teaching STEM from the Top of The Voyage

What is your favorite part of riding a rollercoaster?

Is it the feeling of the wind against your face as you whoosh around a curve? Is it the sensation in your stomach as you go over the drop?

It turns out the height of the drops is really important in wooden roller coasters like The Voyage .

This is because it provides the kinetic energy (moving energy) for the ride.

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As the cars are pulled up the hill, they gain potential energy. The higher they get off the ground, the greater their potential energy. At the very top of the first hill of The Voyage is the moment when you have the greatest potential energy on the ride. When the cars begin to go down the drop, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

The video shows the relationship between the two!

Some roller coasters at other theme parks rely on other energy sources to speed things up, but The Voyage gets all of its kinetic energy from that first gain in height.

But how high is it?

I had the opportunity to take the EarlyBird Tour to experience it for myself – but from a different perspective. Not from the rollercoaster seat but from the track!

A group of us were escorted up to the top of the lift hill. And good gravy were we high up! You can see the whole park, especially Splashin’ Safari from up there!

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And you can really see the potential for the energy if something were to be dropped from that high, such as a roller coaster train going down that drop. The difference between the highest point and the lowest point on The Voyage is 173 feet. Convert that to kinetic energy and that is a lot of movement!

Head to Holiday World for your next STEM lesson in action!

Want to try Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy out yourself at home? K’nex makes roller coaster sets where you can make your own rollercoasters powered by potential energy!

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There are several ways you can enter to win. Click any option below to get more details on how to gain those entries. There are some options you can enter with daily!

Entries accepted through Wednesday, May 1 at 8pm Central.

Reminder: Holiday World will never comment on a social media post telling you that you’ve won our giveaway. When the giveaway is over, the winner’s first name and last initial will be displayed in the giveaway above. Winners will be contacted at the email address they provided while signing up to earn entries.

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    Welcome to Smart Voyage and Safaris Limited, your premier partner in crafting unforgettable luxury travel experiences in the heart of enchanting Kenya. We are a dynamic and passionate travel agency based in Nairobi, Kenya, dedicated to curating exceptional journeys that capture the essence of the magnificent world.

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  19. African Safari Tours

    South Africa. Compare safari holidays from local tour operators in Africa and book direct with the supplier for the best price. Your Prepayments will be protected to prevent unscrupulous operators from cheating your Prepayments. Only guests who have contacted the operator on safarigo and made a deal can write a review.

  20. African Safari Vacations

    From a bucket list safari to whale watching on the Cape to the splendor of a river cruise, we offer the ultimate in African travel expertise across your choice of travel styles, all with special member value. Customize your own independent package with the premier destination specialists from Lion World Travel. Or choose a perfectly planned ...

  21. Safari voyages

    Safari voyages, Oujda. 66,383 likes · 326 talking about this · 45 were here. Chez Safari voyages vos envies et désirs sont traduits en voyage sur mesure... Chez Safari voyages vos envies et désirs sont traduits en voyage sur mesure qui nous tâchons d'adapter à vos besoins et...

  22. Home

    Great Reasons To Choose Us. Your Safari Experts, 'The Indian Voyage' is a group of wildlifers and offbeat travellers who build itineraries based on personal travel experiences. Engage with local communities, experience different shades of mother nature, feel the joy of travel with 'The Indian Voyage'. Learn More.

  23. Teaching STEM from the Top of The Voyage

    As the cars are pulled up the hill, they gain potential energy. The higher they get off the ground, the greater their potential energy. At the very top of the first hill of The Voyage is the moment when you have the greatest potential energy on the ride. When the cars begin to go down the drop, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.